QUESTION BANK-Post Harvest Management: (D) All of These

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QUESTION BANK- Post Harvest Management

1. Example of non-Climacteric fruit

(A) Pineapple (B) Litchi

(C) Grape (D) All of these

2. Packaging material for cut flowers

(A) Wooden boxes (B) Plastic boxes

(C) Cardboard boxes (D) Caretes

3. Emission of Ethylene during transportation of cut flowers cause a disorder which called as:

(A) Bud opening (B) Sleepiness

(C) Bent neck (D) Calyx splitting

4. First commodity for which grading and marketing rules were framed is

(A) Tomato (B) Mango

(C) Grape (D) Onion

5. Precursor of Ethylene is

(A) Tryptophane (B) Methionine


6. Cauliflower curds can be stored for a month at -

(A) O°C with 85-90% RH (B) 15°C with 60-80% RH

(C) 15 °C with 60-65% RH (D) 20 °C with 50-70% RH

7. For curing, sweet potato are kept for 10 days at:

(A) 25 °C and 85% RH (B) 40°C and 70% RH

(C) 80 "C and 30% RH (D) 30 °C and 80% RH

8. "Elephant's Foot Yam" is rich source of Vitamin :

(A) A and B (B) B and C

(C) C and D (D) Only B

9. Tomato fruits for canning are harvested at:

(A) Mature green stage (B) Red ripe stage

(C) Immature green stage (D) Half-ripe/pink stage

10. Which chemical is used for controlling sprouting of onions in storage ?

(A) Maleic Hydrazide (MH) (B) Ethylene (C2H4)

(C) GA, (D) All of these

11. Melons for distant marketing arc picked at:

(A) Half-slip stage (B) Full-slip stage

(C) Green mature stage (D) None of these

12. For distant marketing, tomato fruits are harvested at:

(A) Immature green stage (B) Mature green stage

(C) Turning stage (D) Red ripe stage

13. For Low Sugar content, potato tubers are stored at:

(A) 5°C (B) 10 °C

(C) 15°C (D) 20°C

14. For long-term storage, potato should be stored at:

(A) 0-5°C (B) 5-10°C

(C) 10-15°C (D) 15-20°C

15. Tomato fruits for processing, are picked at:

(A) Pink stage (B) Hard ripe stage

(C) Over ripe stage (D) Mature stage

16. For longer storage of cucumber fruits, the temperature should be

(A) 5°C (B) 10°C

(C) 20°C (D) 25°C

17. The Limiting Amino acid in green vegetables is :

(A) Arginine (B) Lysine

(C) Methionine (D) Tryptophan

18. Staple vegetable in Indian diet

(A) Tomato (B) Cauliflower

(C) Potato (D) Chilli

19. Potato content Carbohydrate:

(A) 12% (B) 22%

(C) 32% (D) 42%

20. Common refrigerant used in cold storage in our country

(A) Ethylene (B) Carbide
(C) Ammonia (D) Sodium Bcnzoatc
21. Mango variety with strong flavour is

(A) Dashart (B) Sindhu

(C) Langra (D) Fazli

22. Pineapple variety for canning

(A) Queen (B) Kew

(C) Mauritius (D) Cayenne

23. Richest source of Riboflavin

(A) Papaya (B) Mango

(C) Bael (D) Karonda

24. Richest source of iron

(A) Mango (B) Bael

(C) Pomegranate (D) Dry Karonda

25. Example of Climacteric fruit

(A) Banana (B) Citrus

(C) Litchi (D) Grape

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