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Data and Information

Definition of Data

Data are raw facts. They are figures, words and symbols that have not been processed or put into
meaningful form. Data can be referred to as raw material from which information is produced.

Types of Data

1.      Quantitative Data

2.      Qualitative Data

Quantitative Data

 Quantitative data are data that can be counted or measured, and given a numerical value

Examples of quantitative data:

Scores of tests and exams e.g. 74.5, 67, 98, etc.

The weight of a person.

The temperature in a room.

There are two general types of quantitative data:

a.       Discrete data: Data that can be counted and has finite values is known as discrete data. Examples:
1, 2, 50, 89

b.      Continuous data: Continuous data are data which can take any values, Continuous data has finite
values. Examples: 1.33, 0.222, 45.11111

Qualitative Data

Qualitative data can’t be expressed as a number, so it can’t be measured. It mainly consists of words,
pictures, and symbols, but not numbers. It is also known as Categorical Data as the information can be
sorted by category, not by number.

Examples of qualitative data:

Colors e.g. the color of the sea

Popular holiday destinations such as Switzerland, New Zealand, South Africa, etc.

Ethnicity such as American Indian, Asian, etc.

In general, there are 2 types of qualitative data: 

Nominal data

Ordinal data.
a.       Nominal Data: This data type is used just for labeling variables, without having any quantitative
value. The term ‘nominal’ comes from the Latin word “nomen” which means ‘name’

Examples of Nominal Data:

Gender (Women, Men)

Hair color (Blonde, Brown, Brunette, Red, etc.)

Marital status (Married, Single, Widowed)

b.      Ordinal Data: “Ordinal” means “order”. This type of qualitative data places variable in rank or
order.Examples of Ordinal Data: First, second, and third, etc, low, medium, and high.

Sources of data

Data could be gathered or collected from various sources. Some of the sources include the following:

i.       Federal Office of Statistics

ii.    National Population Commission

iii. Independent Electoral Commission

iv. Examination Bodies

v.    School attendance Register

vi. Bank Statement

Definition of Information

Information is processed data.

Sources of information

Information could be gathered from different sources. Some of the sources of information include the

i.       Radio

ii.    Television

iii. Newspaper

iv. Computer

Qualities of good information

1.    Relevance: It must be suitable for the purpose it is required for.  

2.    Accurate: It be free from errors   

3.    Availability: It should be easy to obtain or access   

4.    Timely: It should be available at the right time   

5.    Comprehensive/Completeness: It should contain all necessary details 

6.    Reliability: It should come from a reliable source.

Processing of Data into Information

The processing of data into information consist a combination of activities and procedures. Some of the
ways in which raw data can be converted into information are:

i.       Collecting: Data to be processed need to be gathered from various sources

ii.    Classifying: This is the process of identifying certain characteristics in an items of data and putting
them into categories or groups according to those characteristics

iii. Sorting: Sorting takes the form of arranging data into a predefined order of sequence.

iv. Editing: This takes the form of correcting mistakes from the body of data.

v.    Calculating: This is by performing arithmetic manipulation such as adding, subtracting, dividing and

vi. Translating: This is the process of changing the language form of a data into another.

Difference between Data and Information

Data Information

1.    Raw facts 1.    Processed data

2.    Unorganized array of 2.    Arranged element


3.    Unanalyzed sets of element 3.    Analyzed element

4.    It makes no meaning 4.    It is meaningful


1. List 10 sources of information and 10 source of data

Communication System

ICT is an acronym that stands for Information and Communication Technology.

Information is refers to knowledge obtained from reading, investigating, study and research.

Communication is an act of transmitting message.

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purpose especially in industry.

ICT can therefore be defined as the use of diverse set of technological tools and resources to
communicate, create, disseminate, store and manage information. ICT also refers to technologies
that provide access to information through telecommunications.

Communication strategies in ICT

There are two types of communication strategies in ICT:

1.      Synchronous communication

This is a communication strategy where all parties involved in the communication involved are present
and available at the same time. E.g. online chat, video conferencing, etc.

2.      Asynchronous communication

Asynchronous communication does not require that all parties involved need to be present and
available at the same time. E.g. Discussion forum, Blogs e-group, etc.

Types of ICT

The following are types of ICT:

1.      Broadcasting

2.      Telecommunication

3.      Data network

4.      Information system

5.      Satellite communication


Broadcasting is the distribution of audio and video content to a dispersed audience via any
electronic mass communication medium. Types of broadcasting include Radio broadcasting,
Television broadcasting, Satellite TV system broadcasting and Webcasting.

Telecommunication is the transmission of information over significant distance, for the purpose of
communication. A basic telecommunication system consist of three primary units; a transmitter,
transmitting medium and the receiver. Types of telecommunication system include:

o   Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) – land line.

o   Mobile phone (GSM)

o   Circuit Switched Packet Telephone (CSPT)

o   Satellite Telephone

o   Fixed wireless Telephone

Data Network

Data network is an electronic communication process that allows for orderly transmission and
receptive of data only.

Types of data networks network include:

·         Personal Area Network (PAN). It refers to interconnection of information technology devices or

gadgets within the environment of an individual user (typically within 10 meters).  PAN may be wired
with computer such as USB and Fire wire. A wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) can be made
possible with network technology such as infrared Data Association (irDA) and Bluetooth.

·         Local Area Network (LAN). A local area network is a computer network covering a small local area,
like a home, office, or school.

·         Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). MANs are large computer network usually spanning a large

·         Wide Area Network (WAN). WAN is a computer network covering a broad geographical area.

·         Internet. The internet is a worldwide network of computers that share information

Information Systems

Information system is an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, processing and
communicating information. Types of informative system include Data processing system and Global
positioning system (GPS) a satellite based navigating system.

Satellite communication

A satellite is an object that moves around a larger object. Satellite communication, in

telecommunication is the use of artificial satellites to provide communication links between various
points on Earth. Approximately 2,000 artificial satellites orbiting Earth relay analogue and digital
signals carrying voice, video and data from one or many location worldwide.


Application Areas of ICT

ICT has different types of applications for different fields. These fields are explained below:


The word tele means distance. The word conference means discussion, consultation. It be simply
defined as the process of holding conference via telephone or network connection. Teleconferencing is
the live exchange and mass circulation of information among several person and machine remote from
one another but linked by telecommunication system

Video conferencing

With videoconferencing people can interact as if they were talking face to face with both images and
sound relay in real time. Thus far video conferencing has been used in the following fields; Business,
Distance learning, Home offices, Legal environment and Telemedicine.


Telepresence is also called virtual presence, is a technique to create a sense of physical presence at a
remote location using multimedia such as sound, vision and touch.

Telecommunication and Networking

Telecommunication is the process of sending and receiving electrical signal over a large distance by
electronic means. A single telecommunications circuit consist of two stations, each equipped with a
transmitter and a receiver. There are certain mediums of telecommunication systems such as coaxial
cables, fiber optics, radio frequency and air etc. a telecommunication network is a network of nodes and
links and the communication signal passes through one link to another.


It is a generic (common) term referring to the use of computers for communication. The term includes
communication using computers linked either one-to-one or in networks of interlinked computers. The
most common use of interlinked computers now is by the way of the internet and Intranet. Intranet is a
private network which serves a single organization, such as a corporation.


The most common forms of messaging are emails, paging, Short Message Service (SMS), Enhanced
Message Service (EMS), Multimedia Message (MMS) and instant Messaging.

Information Search, Retrieval and archival

Information Retrieval is the science of searching for documents, information within documents, and
metadata about document, as well as that of searching relational databases and the World Wide
Web. An Archival Information System consists of an organization of people and systems that has
accepted the responsibility to preserve information and make it available for a designated community


A gadget is a small technological device or an appliance that has a particular function. Examples of ICT
gadgets include Computer, Automated teller machine (ATM), Dispensing machine, Radio sets, Television
set, Fax machine, Telephone, GSM, etc.

Mobile Phone

Cell phones, also known as mobile phones or wireless phones, are hand-held phones with built-in
antennas. Unlike home phones, cell phones can be carried from place to place with minimum fuss.


A computer is a programmable machine that inputs, processes and outputs data. A computer system
refers to the computer and all its equipment.

Fax Machine

Fax machine is a short form for facsimile machine. It is a device that can send or receives text and
pictures (graphics) over a radio broadcast or a telephone line.

Automated Teller Machine (ATM).

Automated Teller Machine is also known as automated banking machine (ABM) or cash machine is a
computerized telecommunication device that provides the client of financial institution with access to
financial transactions in public space without the need for a cashier, human clerk or a bank teller.

Dispensing machine

A dispensing machine is a machine that gives items to customers automatically, after the customer

inserts currency or credit into the machine.

Point of sale machine

Electronic retail payment device which reads a customer's bank's name and account number when

a bank card or credit card is swiped through a magnetic stripe reader, contacts the bank and if funds are
available transfers the customer approved amount to the seller's account, and prints a receipt.

 Radio Set

A radio receiver (commonly also called a radio) is an electronic device that receives radio wave and
converts the information carried by them to a useable form. It is used with an antenna. The antenna
intercepts radio waves (electro-magnetic) and converts them to tiny alternating current which are
applied to the receiver, and the receiver extracts the desired information

Television or TV is a telecommunication medium used for transmitting sound with moving images
in monochrome (black and white), or in color, and in two or three dimensions



Programming Language

Definition of Terms

Program: A computer program is a sequence of related instruction (command) that tell the computer
how to accomplish a specific task. A program can also be defined as a set of instruction that is executed
by the CPU.

Programming: Programming is the act of writing computer program. A computer program are written by
trained and qualify people called programmer.

Computer language: Computer language is a language used by, or associated with the computer.

Programming Language: A computer programming language is an artificial language that can be used to
control the behavior of a machine particularly a computer. Programming language is a means through
which programmer communicate with the computer in solving different categories of problems. A set of
rules governing how the words in the language are written is called syntax and the meaning associated
with each word is called semantic. Markup languages like HTML are generally not regarded as
programming languages, but they are computer language. Programming language foster the
communication of programs among programmers and computer; markup language communicate the
formatting or structure of document among human and computer.

Levels of Programming Language

There are three levels of programming language

1.   Machine Language

2.   Low Level Language (Assembly Language)

3.   High Level Language

Machine Language

This was the first generation programming language. A computer will only understand one language,
which is the machine language. There are two symbols in machine language; these are 1 and 0 generally
called binary digits or bits.

1.   Machine language makes fast and efficient use of the computer.  

2.   It requires no translator to translate the code. It is directly understood by the computer.  


1.   All operation codes have to be remembered

2.   It is machine dependent

3.   It is hard to amend or find errors in a program written in the machine language.

Low Level Language

A low Level programming Language is a programming that provides little or no abstraction from a
computer’s microprocessor. The word low does not imply that the language is inferior to high level
programming languages but rather refers to the small or nonexistent amount of abstraction between
the language and machine: because of this, low level languages are sometimes described as being “close
to the hardware. The example of low-level language is the assembly language, and it was the second
generation programming language, or 2GL. It was developed to overcome some of the many
inconveniences of machine language. Assembly language is a mnemonic representation of machine
language.  It is one level above machine language. A program for translating low assembly language is
called assembler.

Advantages of Assembly Language

1.   It is easier to understand and use as compared to machine language.

2.   It is easy to locate and correct error as compared to machine language

3.   Program written in assembly language executes faster than that of high level language.

Disadvantages of Assembly Language

1.   Assembly language, like machine code is also machine dependent

2.   Difficult to remember the syntax.

High Level Programming Language

These are programming languages that allow for programs to be written in forms that are readable to
human beings. A high level language is a programming language that, in comparison to low level
programming languages, may be more abstract, easier to use, or more portable across platforms.

Examples of High Level Language include

a.    PASCAL

b.   BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)

c.    C ++

d.   Java

e.    FORTRAN (Formula Translation)

f.     COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language)


h.   ALGOL (Algorithmic language)

i.      APL (A Programming Language)

j.      RPG (Report Program Generator)

k.   Python

Advantages of High Level Language

1.   It is easier to learn and use

2.   It user friendly

3.   Programs in high level language requires less time to write

4.   It is easier to maintain

5.   It is machine independent

6.   It does not require programmer to have knowledge of the computer hardware architecture

Disadvantages of High Level Languages

1.   It takes time to execute or run because it must first be translated into machine code by a translator
before it can be executed.

2.       Programmers need to remember a large set of syntax and semantics

Comparison of Machine Language, Low Level Language (assembly language) and High Level language

Language Characteristics

1.   Machine Language 1.   Machine dependent

2.   Uses special code and the assignment of storage location

2.      Low Level Language (Assembly 1.   Machine dependent

2.   Uses mnemonics(symbolic operation code) and operand (symbolic storage

3.   1 to 1 language
3.      High Level Language 1.   Machine independent

2.   Uses instructions that seem English like

3.   1 to many language, i.e. for one high level instruction, many machine leve
statement may be generated.




BASIC Programming Language

BASIC stands for Beginners All-purposed Symbolic Instruction Code. It was developed in 1964 by
Professor John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz to teach students at Dartmouth College. It has undergone
series of historical development, which has resulted in several forms of the language.

Versions of BASIC



3. Torbo BASIC

4. Quick BASIC


1. Alphabetic Characters – A to Z

2. Numeric Character – 0 to 9

3. Special Characters – 0 + % ^ # = ( ) etc


A variable is a quantity that changes during the execution of a program. It can also be defined as a
name that is used to represent some storage location.

Types of Variable

1. Numeric Variables: These are used to store numeric values such as 23, 98, etc. There are two
major types of numeric variables, which are; Integer variable and real variable

a. Integers are whole numbers without decimal places.

b. Real numbers are numbers with decimal places

Hence Integer variable are names which the computer can assign integer values or constants to and
real variable are name which the computer can assign real numbers or constant to. Integer variable
name are written with a “%” sign as the last character. E.g. . When a numeric variable name is
written without the % sign, it can take both integer and real numbers.

2. String Variables: These are used to store alphabetic and alpha-numeric values. A string variable
name is always written with a dollar sign ($) as the last character. E.g. Name$=”John”
Rules for coding variable

1. In BASIC combining alphabets, numbers and decimal point (a maximum length of 40 characters)
may for variable.

2. No reserve word can be used as a variable name.

3. Special characters cannot be used for naming variable.

4. A string variable corresponds to string data whereas a numeric variable corresponds to numeric

5. In a program, each variable is referred throughout the program by its name.


A constant is data that remains the same as the program runs (executes).

BASIC allows two types of constants:

1. Numeric constant: Numeric constant in BASIC is any signed or unsigned number.

2. Alpha-Numeric or string constant: It consists of the combination of letters, digits, and other
symbols that is treated in a manner completely analogous to numeric constant. They are enclosed
within inverted comma

Rules for numeric constants

1. A number can have maximum of 8 digits

2. No comma is allowed

3. A decimal point can appear anywhere

4. If the value is quite larger it is expressed in exponent form

5. No blank space, special characters or any other letter is allowed in the number.

Expressions and Operators

In programming, an expression can be defined as the combination of operand and operator which is
to be evaluated to produce answer. Operands are the data items involved in an expression.
Operators determine the action to be carried out on the operand in the expression. For instance in
the statement: LET C = A + B, A and B are the operands while “+” is the operator.

There are three major types of expression in BASIC. They are:

i. Arithmetic expression

ii. Relational Expression

iii. Logical expression

Arithmetic Expression and Arithmetical Operator

BASIC arithmetic expression is used to represent mathematical formulae in BASIC programming.
Below is a list of BASIC arithmetic operators:

Arithmetic Operator




Upper caret










Arithmetic Expression

Mathematical formulae

BASIC Expression




2(lb + bh + lh)




Relational Expression

Relational Expression is used for comparison of two or more data items. BASIC relational operators
are listed below:




Less than


Greater than

Equal to


Not equal to


Less than or equal to


Greater than or equal to

Logical Expression

Logical expression involve is an expression involving two or more relational repression joined by
logical expression. BASIC logical operators are:

i. AND

ii. NOT

iii. OR


To evaluate arithmetic expression, the following order is followed:




Parenthesis I.e. ( and )




Multiplication and Division


Mod and Inter Division


Addition and Subtraction

Example: evaluate 4*A*B^2+ (A^2*B+C)/(A+B) if A=2; B=4 and c=2


Step 1 Substituting we have 4*2*4^2+ (2^2*4+2)/ (2+4)

Step 2 evaluate terms in the parenthesis 4*2*4^2+18/6

Step 3 evaluate 4^2 4*2*16+18/6

Step 4 evaluate 4*2*18 128+18/6

Step 5 evaluate 18/6 128 + 3

Step 6 evaluate 131


1. LET Statement

The let statement is used to assign a numeric or string value to a variable.


LET [variable] = [constant] for numeric value

LET [variable]$ = [“value”] for string value

LET X = 12

LET B$ = “Clementina”


2. INPUT Statement

The INPUT statement is uses to enter data into the computer with a user prompt or a group of
variable during program execution.

Syntax for numeric value

INPUT “[prompt]”; [variable]

Syntax for string value

INPUT “[prompt]”; [variable$]


INPUT “type in the number”; A

INPUT “Type in your name”; N$

3. READ-DATA statement
READ and Data are two statement concerned with each other which are used to put data in a line of
the program and to read the data when it is needed.



DATA 5, 6, 7




4. REM (Remark) Statement

The REM statement is used to insert comments or remarks into a BASIC program. The use of remark
statements improves the readability of the program. REM is a non-executable statement.


REM [remark]


REM program to add six numbers

5. PRINT statement
This statement is used to transmit data from the computer memory to the output device.



PRINT “I Like Writing Program”

Program Terminators (END and STOP)

6. STOP and END statement

The STOP statement is used to terminate the execution of a program at any point in the program.
The END statement indicates the actual end of a program. The STOP statement may appear many
times and anywhere, whereas an END statement can only appear at the end of a program and only


REM END statement

PRINT “Good morning”


Looping is used to have the computer do repetitive tasks in a fraction of the time that would be
otherwise be required. The most common type of loop used in QBASIC programming is the
FOR...NEXT and WHILE WEND loop that repeats a series of instructions a specified number of times.


FOR variable=x TO y [STEP z]

NEXT [variable][,variable...]

x,y, and z are numeric expressions.

STEP z specifies the counter increment for each loop.

Example 1

FOR I = 1 TO 5

PRINT “the dullest pencil is better than the sharpest memory”




REM program to print odd numbers from 1 to 20

PRINT “odd numbers from 1 to 20 are”






Example 1: Program to find the sum and difference two number

10 REM this program accepts two numbers and finds their sum and difference

20 INPUT “Type the first number and press ENTER”; NUM1

30 INPUT “Type the second number and press ENTER”; NUM2

40 LET SUM = NUM1 + NUM2


60 PRINT “first number is “; NUM1

70 PRINT “second number is “; NUM2

80 PRINT “================”

90 PRINT NUM1; “+”; NUM1 “=” ; SUM

100 PRINT NUM1; “-“ ; NUM2 “=” DIFF

110 END

Example 2: program to calculate the area and perimeter of a rectangle

10 REM program to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle

20 INPUT “Type the length of the rectangle”; L

30 INPUT “Type the in the breadth of the rectangle”; B


50 LET PERI = 2 * (L + B)

60 PRINT “The area of the rectangle is “ ; AREA

70 PRINT “The perimeter of the rectangle is” ; PERI

80 END



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