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Measles (Rubeola)

Prof. Dr. Saad S Al Ani

Senior Pediatric Consultant
Head of Pediatric Department
Khorfakkan Hospital
Sharjah ,UAE
[email protected]
Measles (Rubeola)

It is an acute viral infection

characterized by a final stage with
a maculopapular rash erupting
successively over the neck and
face, trunk, arms, and legs, and
accompanied by a high fever.

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 Measles virus, the cause of measles,
is an RNA virus of the genus
Morbillivirus in the family
 Only one serotype is known

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 Measles is endemic throughout the
 In the past, epidemics tended to occur
irregularly, appearing in the spring in
large cities at 2-4-yr intervals as new
groups of susceptible children were

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Epidemiology (Cont.)

 It is rarely subclinical.
 Prior to the use of measles
vaccine, the peak incidence
was among children 5-10 yr of

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Epidemiology (Cont.)

 Individuals born before 1957 are

considered to have had natural
infection and to be immune

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 Measles is highly contagious;

approximately 90% of susceptible
household contacts acquire the disease.
 Maximal dissemination of virus occurs
by droplet spray during the prodromal
period (catarrhal stage).

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 Transmission to susceptible contacts

often occurs prior to diagnosis of the index
 Infants acquire immunity transplacentally
from mothers who have had measles or
measles immunization.

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 This immunity is usually complete for

the first 4-6 mo of life and wanes at a
variable rate.
 Some protection persists that may
interfere with immunization
administered before 12 mo of age.

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 Most women of childbearing age in

the United States now have measles
immunity by means of immunization
rather than disease

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 infants of mothers with measles

vaccine-induced immunity lose
passive antibody at a younger age
than infants of mothers who had
measles infection.

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 Infants of mothers who are susceptible

to measles have no measles immunity
and may contract the disease
simultaneously with the mother before or
after delivery

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Incidence and percentage of import-associated measles

cases, by year – United States, 1985 to 2003

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Epidemiology of Measles – United States, 2001–2003.
MMWR 2004;53:713–716.)

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Number of measles cases, by import status and week of

rash onset – United States, 2004

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Measles – United States. MMWR 2005;54:1229–1231

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Number of confirmed measles cases and percentage of
routine infant measles vaccination coverage – the

Americas, 1980–2000.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Progress toward interrupting indigenous measles
transmission – region of the Americas, January 1999–September 2000. MMWR 2000;40:986–990

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 The essential lesion of measles is found
in the skin, conjunctivae, and the
mucous membranes of the
nasopharynx, bronchi, and intestinal
 Serous exudate and proliferation of
mononuclear cells and a few
polymorphonuclear cells occur around
the capillaries.

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Pathogenesis (cont.)

 Hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue usually

occurs, particularly in the appendix,
where multinucleated giant cells of up
to 100 μm in diameter (Warthin-
Finkeldey reticuloendothelial giant
cells) may be found.
 In the skin, the reaction is
particularly notable about the
sebaceous glands and hair follicles.
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Pathogenesis (cont.)

 Koplik spots consist of serous exudate

and proliferation of endothelial cells
similar to those in the skin lesions.
 A general inflammatory reaction of the
buccal and pharyngeal mucosa extends
into the lymphoid tissue and the
tracheobronchial mucous membrane.

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Pathogenesis (cont.)

 Interstitial pneumonitis resulting

from measles virus takes the form of
Hecht giant cell pneumonia.
 Bronchopneumonia may occur from
secondary bacterial infection.

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Pathogenesis (cont.)

 In fatal cases of encephalomyelitis,

perivascular demyelinization occurs in
areas of the brain and spinal cord.
 In subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
(SSPE), there may be degeneration of
the cortex and white matter with
intranuclear and intracytoplasmic
inclusion bodies
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Clinical Manifestations

 Measles has three clinical stages:

1. an incubation stage
2. a prodromal stage with an enanthem
(Koplik spots) and mild symptoms
3. a final stage with a maculopapular
rash accompanied by high fever.

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The incubation period
 lasts approximately 10-12 days to the first
prodromal symptoms and another 2-4 days to
the appearance of the rash; rarely, it may be
as short as 6-10 days.
 Body temperature may increase slightly 9-10
days from the date of infection and then
subside for 24 hr or so.
 The patient may transmit the virus by the
9th-10th day after exposure and occasionally
as early as the 7th day, before the illness can
be diagnosed
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The prodromal phase
 usually lasts 3-5 days and is characterized by:
* low-grade to moderate fever
* dry cough
* coryza
* conjunctivitis.
 These symptoms nearly always precede the
appearance of Koplik spots, the
pathognomonic sign of measles, by 2-3 days.

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The prodromal phase (cont.)
 The conjunctival inflammation and
photophobia may suggest measles before
Koplik spots appear.
 In particular, a transverse line of conjunctival
inflammation, sharply demarcated along the
eyelid margin, may be of diagnostic
assistance in the prodromal stage. As the
entire conjunctiva becomes involved, the line
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Koplik spots
 An enanthem or red mottling is
usually present on the hard and
soft palates
 the pathognomonic sign of

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Koplik spots (cont.)
 are grayish white dots, usually as
small as grains of sand, that have
slight, reddish areolae; occasionally
they are hemorrhagic.
 tend to occur opposite the lower
molars but may spread irregularly over
the rest of the buccal mucosa.

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Koplik spots (cont.)
 Rarely they are found within the
midportion of the lower lip, on the
palate, and on the lacrimal caruncle.
 They appear and disappear rapidly,
usually within 12-18 hr.
 As they fade, a red, spotty
discoloration of the mucosa may

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The prodromal phase (cont.)
 Occasionally, the prodromal phase may be
severe, being ushered in by a sudden high
fever, sometimes with convulsions and even
 Usually the coryza, fever, and cough are
increasingly severe up to the time the rash
has covered the body.
 The temperature rises abruptly as the rash
appears and often reaches 40°C (104°F) or

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The prodromal phase (cont.)

 In uncomplicated cases, as the rash appears

on the legs and feet, the symptoms subside
rapidly within about 2 days, usually with an
abrupt drop in temperature to normal.
 Patients up to this point may appear
desperately ill, but within 24 hr after the
temperature drops, they appear well.

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The rash
 usually starts as faint macules on the:
* upper lateral parts of the neck
* behind the ears
* along the hairline
* posterior parts of the cheek.

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The rash (cont.)

 The individual lesions become increasingly

maculopapular as the rash spreads rapidly
over the:
* entire face
* neck
* upper arms
* upper part of the chest
within approximately the first 24 hr

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Maculopapular rash of measles

Korting GW: Hautkrankheiten bei Kindern und Jugendlichen, 3rd ed. Stuttgart, FK
Schattauer Verlag, 1982

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The rash (cont.)

 During the succeeding 24 hr the rash

spreads over the back, abdomen, entire
arm, and thighs.
 As it finally reaches the feet on the
2nd-3rd day, it begins to fade on the

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Typical rash on day 2–3 of measles

(Courtesy of J.H. Brien.)

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Rash on day 5 of measles showing typical confluence and density

on head with scattered lesions on the trunk. (Courtesy of J.H. Brien.)

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The rash (cont.)

 The rash fades downward in the same

sequence in which it appeared.
 The severity of the disease is directly related
to the extent and confluence of the rash.
 In mild measles the rash tends not to be
confluent, and in very mild cases there are
few, if any, lesions on the legs.

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The rash (cont.)

 In severe cases the rash is confluent,

the skin is completely covered,
including the palms and soles, and the
face is swollen and disfigured.
 The rash is often slightly hemorrhagic;
in severe cases with a confluent rash,
petechiae may be present in large
numbers, and there may be extensive
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The rash (cont.)

 The appearance of the rash may vary

 Infrequently a slight urticarial, faint
macular, or scarlatiniform rash may
appear during the early prodromal
stage, disappearing in advance of the
typical rash.

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The rash (cont.)

 Complete absence of rash is rare except :

1. in patients who have received
immunoglobulin (Ig) during the incubation
2. in some patients with HIV infection
3. occasionally in infants younger than 9 mo of
age who have appreciable levels of maternal

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The rash (cont.)

 In the hemorrhagic type of measles

(black measles), bleeding may occur
from the mouth, nose, or bowel.
 In mild cases the rash may be less
macular and more nearly pinpoint,
somewhat resembling that of scarlet fever
or rubella

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The rash (cont.)

 Itching is generally slight.

 As the rash fades, branny desquamation
and brownish discoloration occur and
then disappear within 7-10 days.

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The prodromal phase (cont.)

 Otitis media
 bronchopneumonia

 gastrointestinal symptoms such as

diarrhea and vomiting

Are more common in infants and small
children (especially if they are
malnourished) than in older children.

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 The diagnosis is usually apparent from the
characteristic clinical picture; laboratory
confirmation is rarely needed
 Testing for measles IgM antibodies is
recommended in some situations
 Measles IgM is detectable for 1 mo after
illness, but sensitivity of IgM assays may be
limited in the first 72 hr of the rash illness.

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Diagnosis (cont.)

 Isolation of measles virus from clinical samples is also

useful in identifying the genotype of the strain to
track transmission patterns.
 All suspected measles cases should be reported
immediately to local or health departments.
 During the prodromal stage multinucleated giant
cells can be demonstrated in smears of the nasal

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Diagnosis (cont.)

 Antibodies become detectable when the rash

 testing of acute and convalescent sera
demonstrates the diagnostic seroconversion
or fourfold increase in titer.
 Measles virus can be isolated by tissue
culture in human embryonic or rhesus
monkey kidney cells.

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Diagnosis (cont.)

 Cytopathic changes, visible in 5-10 days,

consist of multinucleated giant cells with
intranuclear inclusions.
 The white blood cell count tends to be low
with a relative lymphocytosis
 Cerebrospinal fluid in patients with measles
encephalitis usually shows an increase in
protein and a small increase in lymphocytes.
The glucose level is normal.

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The rash of rubeola must be
differentiated from that of:
 Rubella
 Roseola infantum (human herpesvirus 6)
 Infections resulting from:
* echovirus * coxsackievirus * adenovirus
 Infectious mononucleosis
 Toxoplasmosis
 Meningococcemia
 Scarlet fever
 Rickettsial diseases
 Kawasaki disease
 Serum sickness
 Drug rashes

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 There is no specific antiviral therapy;
 treatment is entirely supportive.
 Antipyretics (acetaminophen or
ibuprofen) for fever
 bed rest
 maintenance of an adequate fluid
are indicated.
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Treatment (cont.)

 Humidification may alleviate symptoms of laryngitis

or an excessively irritating cough; it is best to keep
the room comfortably warm rather than cool.
 Patients with photophobia should be protected from
exposure to strong light.
 Bacterial complications of otitis media and
bronchopneumonia require appropriate antimicrobial

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Treatment (cont.)

 Complications such as encephalitis, subacute

sclerosing panencephalitis, giant cell pneumonia, and
disseminated intravascular coagulation must be
assessed individually.
 Good supportive care is essential.
 Immunoglobulin and corticosteroids are of limited
 Currently available antiviral compounds are not

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Treatment (cont.)

 the American Academy of Pediatrics

recommends consideration of vitamin A
supplementation for:
 children 6 mo to 2 yr of age who are
hospitalized for measles and its
 children older than 6 mo of age with
measles and immunodeficiency;

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Treatment (cont.)

 The recommended regimen is a single dose of:

 100,000 IU orally for children 6 mo to 1 yr
 200,000 IU for children 1 yr of age or older
 Children with ophthalmologic evidence of
vitamin A deficiency should be given additional
doses the next day and 4 wk later.

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 The chief complications of measles
 otitis media
 pneumonia
 encephalitis.

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Respiratory tract complications

 Interstitial pneumonia may be caused by the

measles virus (giant cell pneumonia).
 Bacterial superinfection and bronchopneumonia are
more frequent, however, usually with
pneumococcus, group A Streptococcus,
Staphylococcus aureus, and Haemophilus influenzae
type b.
 Laryngitis, tracheitis, and bronchitis are common
and may be due to the virus alone

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Respiratory tract complications

 Measles may exacerbate underlying

Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
 There may also be a temporary loss
of hypersensitivity reaction to
tuberculin skin testing.
 Measles pneumonia in HIV-infected
patients is often fatal and is not
always accompanied by rash

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Cardiovascular complications
 Noma of the cheeks may occur in rare instances
 Gangrene elsewhere appears to be secondary to :
3. purpura fulminans
4. disseminated intravascular coagulation
following measles

 Myocarditis is an infrequent serious complication,

although transient electrocardiographic changes may
be relatively common.

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Neurologic complications
 Are more common in measles than in any of the other
exanthematous diseases.
 The incidence is estimated to be 1-2/1,000 cases of
 There is no correlation between the severity of the :
* Rash illness and that of the neurologic involvement
* Initial encephalitic process and the prognosis.

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Neurologic complications (cont.)

 Infrequently, encephalitic involvement is manifest in the

pre-eruptive period, but more often its onset occurs 2-5
days after the appearance of the rash.
 The cause of measles encephalitis remains
1.Encephalitis early in the course of the disease :
direct viral invasion may be operative for
2. Encephalitis that occurs later is predominantly
demyelinating and may reflect an immunologic reaction.
 Fatal encephalitis has occurred in children receiving
immunosuppressive treatment.

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Neurologic complications (cont.)

 Other central nervous system complications,

 Guillain-Barré syndrome

 Hemiplegia

 Cerebral thrombophlebitis

 Retrobulbar neuritis

occur rarely.
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 Case fatality rates in the United States have
decreased in recent years to low levels for all
age groups, largely because of:
 Improved socioeconomic conditions

 Effective antibacterial therapy for the

treatment of secondary bacterial infections.
 Despite the decline in measles cases and
fatalities in the United States, the case fatality
rate is still 1-3/1,000 cases.

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Prognosis (cont.)

 Deaths are primarily due to pneumonia or

secondary bacterial infections.
 In developing countries measles frequently
occurs in infants; possibly because of
concomitant malnutrition, the disease is very
severe in these locations and has a high
 When measles is introduced into a highly
susceptible population, the results may be
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 Isolation precautions, especially in
hospitals and other institutions, should
be maintained from the 7th day after
exposure until 5 days after the rash has

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 The initial measles immunization, usually as

measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, is
recommended at 12-15 mo of age
 MMR vaccine may be given for:
1. Measles postexposure
2. Outbreak prophylaxis as early as 6 mo
of age.

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VACCINE (cont.)

 A second immunization, also as MMR, is

recommended routinely at 4-6 yr of age
 MMR may be administered at any time during
childhood provided at least 4 wk have elapsed since
the first dose.
 Second measles immunization should be given to :
1. Children who have not previously received the
second dose should be immunized by 11-12 yr of
2.Adolescents entering college or the workforce

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VACCINE (cont.)

 A tuberculin test prior to or concurrent

with active immunization against measles
is desirable if tuberculosis is under

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VACCINE (cont.)

* Measles vaccine is not recommended for:

1. Pregnant women
2. Children with primary immunodeficiency
3. Untreated tuberculosis, cancer, or organ
4. Those receiving long-term immunosuppressive
5. severely immunocompromised HIV-infected

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VACCINE (cont.)

 HIV-infected children without:

1. Severe immunosuppression
2. Evidence of measles immunity
may receive measles vaccine.

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 Passive immunization with immune globulin is
effective for prevention and attenuation of measles
within 6 days of exposure.
 Susceptible household and hospital contacts who
1. younger than 12 mo of age
2. pregnant
should receive immune globulin (0.25 mL/kg;
maximum: 15 mL) intramuscularly as soon as
possible after exposure, but within 5 days.

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 Immunocompromised persons should
receive immune globulin (0.5 mL/kg;
maximum: 15 mL) intramuscularly regardless
of immunization status.
 Infants 6 mo of age or younger born to
nonimmune mothers should receive immune
 infants 6 mo of age or younger born to
immune mothers are considered protected by
maternal antibody.

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 Susceptible children 6-12 mo of age should
also be vaccinated; this vaccination does not
count as one of the two required measles
 Susceptible children 12 mo of age or older
should receive vaccine alone within 72 hr.
 Pregnant women and immunocompromised
persons should receive immune globulin but
not vaccine
09/18/10 Prof. saad s al ani measles khorfakkan hospital 70
 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. : Epidemiology of measles –
United States, 2001–2003. MMWR 2004; 53:713-716
 Progress towards measles elimination, western hemisphere, 2002–
2003 : Wkly Epidemiol Rec. 2004; 79:149-151
 Yeung LF, Lurie P, Dayan G, et al: A limited measles outbreak in a highly
vaccinated US boarding school. Pediatrics 2005; 116:1287.
 Parker AA, Staggs W, Dayan GH, et al: Implications of a 2005 measles
outbreak in Indiana for sustained elimination of measles in the United States.
N Engl J Med 2006; 355:447-455
 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. : Licensure of a combined live
attenuated measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccine. MMWR 2005;
 Bellini WJ, Rota JS, Lowe LE, et al: Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis: more
cases of this fatal disease are prevented by measles immunization than was
previously recognized. J Infect Dis 2005; 192:1686-1693.

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