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A Punters Guide to Betting Bots

 Packed with practical

recommendations to help
you win money using
betting bots
 Written for a new
generation of online
This Guide was created by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd
© Copyright protected 2012

All rights are protected. You can use this document for your own reference, but you must not copy, alter, sell or
distribute the information contained within the book in any way. Copyright law will uphold any infringement of
these rights.

Disclaimer notice: The author of this work takes no responsibility for any possible consequences or any
action taken from following the information in this book. Always check the local laws in your country before
gambling, as it is actually illegal in some countries. Never bet more than you can afford to lose. Always use a
betting bank, and be responsible for your own actions. For further information regarding responsible gambling
refer to the Gamble aware website.

Acknowledgements: We would like to thank BetBotPro, Betsender, Greyhorse bot, Racing Traders, BF bot
Manager, LayBotPro and Staking machine for permission to use copyright material, included in this manual

If you would like to receive our newsletter and access - videos, information, tutorials and FREE betting tips,
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We sincerely promise you ...Absolutely no SCAM or HYPE systems promoted EVER!

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 1

What Are Bots?
The word ‘bot’ is short for robot.

There are many software bots available that are configured to carry out many different
types of repetitive tasks on the internet.

Their automated functions are achieved with a speed and consistency that we humans
could never match.

Uses are wide ranging. There are bots that automatically scan for bargains on eBay
listings. Search-engine spiders index websites. Bots can trade shares or invest in forex

Other bots act as automated online assistants, handle automated voting on Youtube,
scrape data from websites, and automatically gamble for their owners. The list goes

Those on the dark side use bots for malicious purposes. Harvesting email addresses
for spam, spreading viruses, and linking PCs to collectively attack websites by
overloading them, are just a few examples of many more uses of harmful bots.

Poker, roulette and Betfair racing bots are very popular.

Betting Bots Can Help You

Our focus here will be on bots for betting on all sports such as horseracing and
football on the betting exchanges, with particular emphasis on Betfair – not because
it’s necessarily the best but it is the biggest with more users.

The more users there are, the greater the range of markets on offer, and the greater the
volatility of those same markets. (It’s the volatility that offers the best price-trading

Not surprisingly, therefore, most racing bots are made to work on Betfair only. Some
are configured to work on Betdaq only. A few others offer both options.

As Betdaq gains traction and gains more adherents looking for an alternative to
Betfair, we can expect more dual-exchange bots.

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 2

A betting bot will place bets consistently, accurately, fearlessly,
tirelessly and automatically, according to the precise instructions
the punter has previously typed into the bot’s settings.

For example, you might have a relatively successful system that works on race
distance, track and number of horses.

According to your system you bet the favourite only if it is in a certain price range at a
particular time either before or during the race.

Rather than sit there all day monitoring each race for betting opportunities you can
use a bot to do it all for you whilst you get on with your life and do other things.

Enter the appropriate settings into the bot. Run the bot and it will accurately,
consistently and tirelessly place the appropriate bets for you on each race that fits the
profile you have determined in the settings.

You can then leave the bot running, knowing it will handle the qualifying bets for you
whilst you are at work, during your time off work, and even whilst you eat or sleep.


Unlike human punters a betting bot never gets tired. Or suffers doubts and keeps
changing its mind.

Because it feels no fear about losing money it never suffers from the ‘second thoughts

Human punters tend to be influenced by price movements near start time. They either
become over-confident or lack confidence in their selections. Then they chop and
change at the last minute. Sound familiar?

The betting bot won’t do any of that. It is completely unaffected by fatigue, boredom
or doubt. That’s because it’s completely free of emotions.

The bot will operate according to configuration instructions given to it in the user
settings. In other words, you can control exactly what the bot will do, exactly how it
will do it, and exactly when it will do it.

But the settings you specify are crucial, of course. Their accuracy will determine if the
bot will operate profitably or not for you.

WARNING: One incorrect setting in your bot and your money could
disappear faster than a politician’s promise.

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 3

At the risk of stating the obvious you will need to spend enough time reading and
understanding the User Guide so as to know exactly what you are doing.

If you don’t know what you are doing then the bot will never meet your expectations.

So RTBM (Read The B****** Manual) because, if you think about it, the bot can
only act on the information you give it.

I know…I know…We don’t like reading manuals and that’s why the video recorder
probably never works properly.

An incorrectly configured video won’t lose you money. But an incorrectly

configured bot definitely will.

…And Downsides

All that now neatly leads us to looking at some other downsides of running a betting

(What’s that? You thought a bot is going to give you limitless cash cascading from
every orifice, without any hazards along the way? If yes, then change your tablets!
Life’s not like that…)

In case you missed it the first time: if you don’t configure and set up your bot
carefully and accurately, then it will steadily lose your money.

Other occupational hazards for betting bot users include:

 Power outages
 Connection dropouts
 Faulty computers
 …and so on…

Any of those will, of course, prevent or stop the bot from working.

According to Sod’s Law, power or connection cuts usually happen right at the most
inconvenient point, that can result in taking a loss.

If you let them, most bots will easily calculate and place bets below the Betfair

But beware – that violates Betfair user rules

So, if you are using a bot that places bets below the minimum, and you have a betting
dispute, then it’s probably better to say nothing to Betfair. Just let it go.

Why? Because the minute you contact them, the consultant will have your account
open on the screen with all your below-the-minimum-bets clearly listed. Then, look
out -- you’re no longer below their radar.

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 4

Some bots will warn you if a bet is below the Betfair minimum. So just check with the
bot vendor about this. However, if you are going to take your putting seriously and
would like to make a healthy primary or secondary income from betting you're not
going to achieve that aim betting less than £2 per bet.

Types of Bots
Bots fall into either of two main groups:

 Transactional Betting Bots

 Non-Transactional Betting Bots

Transactional Betting Bots allow users to place bets, generated by pre-set, user-
defined parameters, straight into the betting exchanges.
To do this, they use the betting exchanges’ Application Programming Interface (API).

Non-Transactional Betting Bots don’t normally use an API as their main job is to
gather, analyse and use information to calculate such things as

 Staking plans’ profit and loss figures

 Cumulative profits
 Long-term return on investment
 …and so on

Within these two groups, bots can be categorised as:

 Trading Bots
 Read-only, Non-Transactional Bots
 Fully automated, Transactional Bots
 Or part of a smaller, restricted sub-category for mobile phones

Let’s look at each in turn.

Trading Bots are used for Betfair price trading, especially during in-play when prices
are extremely volatile. It would be impossible to trade manually. The bot can trade for
you in micro-seconds. Once again – it will only be as good as the settings you specify.

Such bots are usually semi-automated so you can’t just set’n’forget, and come back
hours later to buy the new car.

You’ll need to keep an overall eye on the bot whilst it greens up for a risk-free profit,
responds to a stop-loss or target profit trigger, fills or kills a bet, displays advanced
graphs, moves up and down a ladder interface.

A couple of examples, Market Monitor and Bet Trader, are classed as full

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 5

Transactional Betting bots. That’s because they both allow users to bet directly into
the betting exchanges via direct API access.

Read-Only, Non-Transactional Bots collect and analyse Betfair data without ever
placing bets.

Some can pop up alerts or various market indicators. Others are basically calculators
to help you spot betting opportunities.

They can save and store betting history, price movements and other useful data for
subsequent retrieval and display to spot trends and plan future strategies.

As an example, The Staking Machine is classed as a Non-Transactional Betting bot


Fully Automated, Transactional Bots need carefully considered, one-time setup.

The bot then works automatically to identify selections either

 pre-defined manually
 or, according to a pre-defined formula

Such bots commonly carry out a nominated betting system, or bet according to a
particular staking plan. Two examples (of several) are The Grey Horse Bot and

Some tipping services provide a bot to download and bet on their selections for the

Some Betfair, or web bots, run on a private server. They often offer a web interface so
you can access the bot from wherever and whenever you like on any PC with an
internet connection. Ideal for betting on holiday or when travelling.

Because it’s running on a private server, the bot can place your bets even when your
own PC is off. That is an excellent way to save on your ever-increasing electricity
bill, of course.

Betfair Bots For Mobiles have restricted features when compared with their desktop
cousins, but are useful when away from your computer.

Android users could take a look at:

iPhone users could take a look at Minibet:

Have a quick word with Google and you’ll find others.

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 6

Factors To Consider

Betting bots vary considerably in price and complexity. Some are free. Some are
relatively cheap. Some require you pay a monthly subscription.

Take advantage of trials to compare features. After all, it’s your money so why spend
more than you might need to?

Are you buying the bot outright? Or are you simply buying a monthly, renewable

Does the bot offer a fully-functioning trial period? It should. Or does it offer a
‘crippled’ trial? Or, even worse, no trial at all?

You might decide to pass by if it offers no trial. What are they trying to hide? Poor
performance? Or is an indication of potentially poor customer service…or of

Buying a bot is a bit like buying underwear, where it’s definitely not a case of one
size fits all. You must find one that fits you.

That means carefully taking into account exactly what you want the bot to do. So time
spent planning your campaign won’t be wasted.

If it’s a relatively simple system -- as we saw in our earlier example about the
favourite -- then you won’t need a bot with multiple bells’n’whistles.

On the other hand, the more complicated your system/betting activities are then the
more-functions and settings your bot will need to offer.

Multi-Licence: For those who work full-time, it could be a good idea to look for a
bot with a licence to install on your other computer for no extra cost. These days
many folk have a portable PC as well, so they can use the on holiday or perhaps set it
running whilst at work.

Look for upgrade information. Are you eligible for free upgrades, or will you be
expected to pay for each upgrade? And if you are expected to pay then will that be the
full price? Or will you get a decent discount for being an existing customer?

Online support that responds to your queries promptly and efficiently is vital. So
test the quality of the support before you buy with a question or two.

Depending on your strategies and systems look for useful ‘extras’ such as:
 Offering both back and laying options
 Offering trading functions
 Offering in-built staking plans
 Offering a dutch-book staking option

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 7

What Essential Features and Functions?

Your intended bot should offer most, if not all of the following 5 very basic,
minimum features and functions:

1 Expect to find easy to follow set up and instructions in a well written,

illustrated User Guide and/or video(s) tutorial(s).
The Guide should be easy-to-read on-screen, with plenty of white space to break
up the text.

2 A risk-free, test and/or simulation mode will help check if the bot will
actually do what you want it to do or not.

If there is no test mode then don’t buy it. There are other fish in the sea.

3 There must be provision for user-defined stop loss and profit triggers.
Running a bot without either of these is a recipe for disaster because the bot is free
to drain your account without any automatic restraints in place.

4 Expect to find a choice of single or multiple runners per race

5 The bot should export records of bets (with other useful data) in an easily
read format such as text or spreadsheet format.

Formal approval for the bot to use Betfair’s API (Application Programming
Interface) is a bonus but is not strictly necessary.

Betsender’s Mike Smith very promptly emailed a very helpful clarification and
explanation about API approval, in response to a general query. (A prompt, helpful
reply to a potential customer is always a good sign of a vendor interested in providing
a good service.)

He wrote:

“The only advantage of being approved is that software will be listed in

Betfair directory.

Also you can make two times more data requests without being charged, but it
is really needed only for trading software like BetAngel where more requests
means better speed.

For our purpose speed is not significant and we need only 2-3 data requests
per second. From other sides it does not impact on functionality.”

Betfair’s API

All Betfair bots use either Betfair API (free or commercial) or screen scraping.

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 8

Free API is free of costs but limited to number of requests you can send to Betfair.

Many Betfair bots use commercial API. It’s subscription based, and the vendor has to
pay monthly subscription fee £200-£250. Bear in mind that cost is, of course, taken
into account in the bot’s purchase price.

Commercial API allows virtually unlimited number of requests per second. But
naturally, too many requests according to Betfair’s terms will incur transaction and
data charges. No such thing as a free lunch.

If you’re unsure about the status of the bot’s API then contact the vendor.

Always read the fine print. (Yes, it’s fine because ‘they’ don’t ever want you to read

Now we’ll move on to an overview of some of the leading betting bots on the market.
We have provided you with detailed information about each one, which will save the
masses of time and help you to compare the features and functionality of each bot all
in one place making it much easier.

There are also lots of free trials available and some exclusive betting books,
including a very profitable lay system to download (Refer to page 38 for more

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 9

Betsender [One-Off Fee ₤83] [Transactional Bot]50% aff
Includes a FREE 7 Day Trial
The fee is good value because it includes a licence for two computers. And it includes
all future updates.

Betsender has easy-to-use interface connecting you to exchange markets at Betfair.

The bot makes possible to select races and runners you want to bet on in two clicks.

After you have set up your staking plan and selections the bot will handle all stakes
calculations and betting.

Included in Betsender’s 19 backing and 19 laying staking plans are the following:

Backing Staking Plans: Level Stakes, 1326, Fixed Profit, Percentage,

Dalembert, Fibonacci, Sqrt, Parlay, Progressive, Pro, Retirement, Secure, Up
Down, LP28, Labouchere, Recovery, Martin, Bookies Bank, Kelly’s.

Laying Staking Plans: Level Stakes, 1326, Lay Percentage, Dalembert,

Fibonacci, Fixed, Parlay, Progressive, Secure, Sqrt, Up Down, LP28,
Labouchere, HiPro86, Recovery, Martin, Maria, Lay 1-4, Kelly’s.

This product certainly meets our list of minimum requirements of:

 Good Video/User Guide
 Test mode
 Stop loss/target triggers
 Single/multiple runners
 Export records

…with much more besides

Here is a summary of some Features and Functions offered:

 The site offers FIVE comprehensive Video Tutorials
 Full PDF guide with all instructions
 Betsender offers simulation mode to test your betting systems with virtual bets
 Allows you to see and save all your betting results and profits from Betfair
 Exports bets to Excel (.csv) files
 Has profit/loss and stop after winner/loser triggers. These can be set as an
absolute amount or as a percentage of your betting bank.

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 10


 A BIG PLUS: One license is valid for TWO computers. You could install the
bot at home, and at work or on your holiday computer.
 A BIG PLUS: All future updates for the software are included in the
purchase price
 This fully automatic betting bot works on all Betfair and Betdaq markets
 It offers 19 backing and 19 laying staking plans
 Its automatic markets and selections search across all sports events
 You can load multiple UK, AUS, US races, greyhounds and other markets
 Offers conditional betting, according to the number of horses, minimum and
maximum odds
 Imports selections from Excel (.csv) files
 Advanced betting criteria based on the first six favourites’ odds
 Betting on unnamed favourites (1-6 Favs)
 The bot can have multiple betting profiles
 Advanced test feature that allows to run the staking plans against yours or
random bets
 Takes into account your rate of commission (Betfair and Betdaq)
 Ability to run multiple instances of the software on the same computer
 Scheduled actions. Restart your staking plan or shutdown your computer when
your target profit is reached or after last race.
 Betting statistics for all staking plans
 It offers fast access to UK horse racing markets
 Integrated with top tipsters from the Racing-Index
 Allows to bet less than the minimum Betfair stake, as small as one penny, but
not available for the Betdaq version (Remember our earlier warning, though!)
 Easy-to-use user interface, connecting you directly to Betfair or Betdaq
 Run virtually UNLIMITED number of instances with ANY number of
Betfair/Betdaq accounts!

Reading about all the features Betsender has to offer will help to give you a clear
overview of this fantastic software. However, in order to make an informed decision
on whether this betting bot is right for you…Try the generous 7-day free trial that’s

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 11

Clicking the link above will provide you with the Betsender.exe down load file.
Simply click on the saved file button to download a full working version of the
software to your computer.

That’s a very sensible trial period because it gives you long enough to make a
carefully considered buying decision.

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 12

At least 5 tutorial videos on the site will give you a clear understanding of Betsender’s
features and functions. To watch those, simply visit the Betsender website and click
on the “video tab” on the main navigation bar.

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 13

Try a Free 7 day trial of Betsender within the next 48 hours and we will give you 3
fantastic bonus E-books worth (£40)
These exclusive betting books are NOT available anywhere else and packed with practical
recommendations to help you win money. (Refer to page 38) for more details of this limited
time offer.
Even if you decide the software is not you. These exclusive bonuses are yours to keep
completely free of charge!

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 14

LayBotPro [One-Off Fee ₤40] [Transactional Bot]
Includes a free 48-hour trial
This package is from the same stable as BetBotPro. It’s intended for those who just
want a simple, automated laying bot, without the raft of advanced features offer by its

Many punters find LayBotPro is particularly suited to laying dogs in UK greyhound

races, as well as laying horses.

This product meets our list of minimum requirements of:

 Good Video/User Guide
 Test mode
 Stop loss/target triggers
 Single/multiple runners
 Export records
…with much more besides

Here is a summary of some Features and Functions offered:

 Video tutorials
 17 page User Guide is well written with clear, illustrated instructions
 Set your own Stop Loss and Profit Targets to limit losses and lock in profits
 Test betting systems in Simulation Mode
 Saves a log of betting activity
 Multiple runner option
 A BIG PLUS: The package includes software updates for life.
 Place your lay bets on UK/US Horses and Greyhounds automatically
 Choose your selections and set up the software in just 5-10 minutes a day
 Select the favourite or choose your own horse or greyhound to lose in the race
 Set the software to place your bets from 10 seconds to 10 minutes before the
race starts
 Choose your own staking plan – fixed stake, % of bank, max liability, or loss
 Control your bets by choosing your own minimum and maximum odds
 It’s simple to use and operate, so you can get started in minutes, not days
 Free up your time and spend less time at your PC with fully automatic betting

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 15

Try the 48-hour free trial of a full working version.

To see more screenshots, simply visit the LayBotPro website here. Scroll down to the
first testimonial and click on the red text which says…More Screenshots.

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 16

Try the 2 DAY Free trial of LayBotPro within the next 48 hours and we will give you 3
exclusive bonus betting books worth (£40)
These betting books are NOT available anywhere else and are packed with practical
recommendations to help you win money. (Refer to page 38) for more details of this limited
time offer.
Even if you decide the software is not you. These profitable bonuses are yours to keep
completely free of charge!

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 17

BetBotPro [One-Off Fee ₤99.97] [Transactional Bot]
Includes a free 48-hour trial
NB: After the 6 months is up you can carry on using your version of the software for
as long as you like.

But if you want to continue having access to updates or enhancements then a support
subscription can be taken out for a further 6 months for £20.

Additional options are also available to ensure lifetime updates, licenses for two PCs
are as well as a bundle for Betfair and Betdaq versions.

This product meets our list of minimum requirements of:

 Good Video/User Guide
 Test mode
 Stop loss/target triggers
 Single/multiple runners
 Export records

…with much more besides

Here is a summary of some Features and Functions offered:

 Introductory video and PDF guide
 Fully approved Betfair API solution for high performance and reliability,
better odds than free API software
 Run multiple bot instances per PC for multiple strategies.
 Simulation Mode - Allows you to test strategies, tipsters’ services or your own
ideas without risking real money
 Stop loss & profit target - ensures you limit losses for the day and stops when
your profit target has hit
 Trailing stop feature to protect profits already won.
 Stop at a number consecutive of losing/winning bets
 Choose the 1st/2nd/3rd etc. unnamed favourite OR Individual and Multiple
selections. Choose multiple favs automatically i.e. 1st and 2nd favourite
 Export your results as a .CSV file for easy importing into spreadsheet
 Automatically place Back OR Lay bets on UK, IRE, FRA, US, AUS, RSA,

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 18

NZ, UAE Horse & UK, AUS Greyhound races depending on certain criteria.
Win markets, place markets and Starting Price.
 Min - Max odds range filter - only places bets if within your limits
 Place bets 1sec - 24hr before the race starts
 Quick Results - get race results instantly for UK horses, no more waiting Min
- Max number of runners and bets filter
 Extra Scenarios - bet on 1st fav if 2nd fav < 7.00 odds etc.
 Multiple staking plans - level stakes, % bank stake, fixed liability, % bank
liability, powerful % recovery staking, Fibonacci, Maria staking, target profit,
lay 1-4, 2 dutch stakes, accumulator & custom multiplier plus more on the way
 Greyhound Strategies - bet on trap sequence, last winning trap, last two
winning traps, bet on any trap/s on each race.
 Percentage Back/Lay ratio filter - stops betting if the back/lay spread is too big
 Unsettled bets allowed filter - stops betting until last x bets have been settled -
ideal for accurate staking
 Strategies - save or reload your different strategies
 Tipsters can send selections to customers, customers can load selections
 Adjust final bet by x-ticks up or down to get value or guarantee a match, can
be used with Keep unmatched bets in play
 Scheduler to load races at specific time and run bot, shutdown PC when profit
target hit, shutdown PC after last race, reset after profit/loss target hit
 Timezone selection - display races in your own world time
 Allow unmatched bets, placed before the off, to go in play
 Takes just 5-10min to select your daily selections
 Date log - auto logging allows you to check any previous days action
 Maximum stake liability option

Not sure?

Try the 2 DAY Free trial of a Full working version of BetBotPro within the next 48
hours and we will give you 3 fantastic bonus E-books worth (£40)
These exclusive betting books are NOT available anywhere else and packed with practical
recommendations to help you win money. (Refer to page 38) for more details of this limited
time offer.
Even if you decide the software is not you. These exclusive bonuses are yours to keep
completely free of charge!

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 19

BetTrader [Two subscription options ] [Transactional
Includes a free 7 day trial
To use all the features, you can purchase:

 a recurring subscription for constant access

 you can purchase usage by-the-day,. in packs of 3, 10 or 30 days. These are
valid for use one at a time, any time in the six months after you purchase them.
 Download BetTrader FREE and use it for a full 7-Days (Trial of full version)

Either choice gives part time traders flexibility to use the very fast Turbo Mode
especially suited to fast, volatile markets (rather then the slower Standard Mode))
whenever it suits.

BetTrader Evolution displays live, Betfair prices updating in a choice of intuitive,

feature-packed trading interfaces offering very fast bet submission and a full range of
trading tools.

The recently added Sports Mode is designed specifically for non horse racing

You can trade efficiently across a set of markets on the one screen with live updates.

NB: The free Standard Mode lets you trade using the ladder grid and all the
bet placement tools.

In this mode, Market Prices update once every five seconds, which is suitable
for betting and laying most markets and for trading on slower moving games.

This product certainly meets our list of minimum requirements of:

 Good Video/User Guide
 Test mode
 Stop loss/target triggers
 Single/multiple runners
 Export records

…with much more besides

One notable feature highlight is that BetTrader Evolution is the first mainstream
Betfair API Solution which allows you to trade on Betfair in training mode.

This means that you can learn to trade on Betfair or test out a new system without any

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 20

The application uses the live Betfair data which means that you can get a feel for the
market without putting any cash at risk.

By dipping into the very comprehensive and well set out User Guide you will gain an
overview of the program’s many other powerful features

Evolution Overview

 Evolution Free Mode — What you can and can’t do in the Free Mode
 Evolution Paid Mode — The incredible speed of Evolution Paid Mode
 Free versus Paid Mode Video Comparison
 BetTrader Evolution 3 — Training Mode

Quick Start Guide

 Placing Your First Bet — using the grid layout

 Placing Your First Bet — using the ladder layout


 Betfair — Betfair as user market

 Betting — laying, backing, hedging, stop-loss, etc


 Stop-Loss — safeguard against a trade moving the wrong way

 Tick Offset — placing a counter bet automatically
 Back Tool — place a bet of a specific size at a specific price at an exact time
 Lay Tool — place a bet of a specific size at a specific price at an exact time
 Fill Or Kill — cancel a bet after a per-determined period
 Drip Feed — drip feed a bet into the market
 OCO–Order Cancels Order — place a bet, tell Evo under what conditions to
place a second bet
 Stop Entry — allows a trade when a certain price is met
 Chaser — chases a price until matched
 Floating Graphs — getting a more detailed view of the market

As a sort of ‘continuous trial’ BetTrader offers a free to use, Standard Mode 365 days
a year, for trading with the ladder grid.

Upgrading to Turbo Mode or buying day access is built into BetTrader Evo.

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 21

You can watch racingtraders comprehensive video guides here

Download BetTrader FREE Use it for a full 7-Days and we will give you 3 fantastic
bonus betting books worth (£40)

These profitable betting books are NOT available anywhere else and packed with practical
recommendations to help you win money. (Refer to page 38) for more details of this limited
time offer.
Even if you decide the software is not you. These exclusive bonuses are yours to keep
completely free of charge!

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 22

Bf Bot Manager [One-Off Fee Options] [Transactional
Includes a FREE 3 DAY Free trial
As BfBM uses Betfair’s Free API there is no subscription for either Bf Bot Manager
Version 1 (still available) or Version 2.

You simply pay once for a licence for either of the Bf Bot Manager versions.

Version 2 payment depends on the number of licences you are buying, and the manner
of payment.

NB: At the time of writing this overview, payment in Euros via Skrill’s Moneybookers
earns a 20% discount.

Bf Bot Manager allows you to load the bot of your choice into its management
structure, and then start betting on any preferred market, such as horses, greyhounds,
soccer, rugby, tennis, darts...and so on.

You can load one of several bots available to bet or trade by pre defined rules, or you
can load Ladder Control and start betting by yourself.

This product meets our list of minimum requirements of:

 Good Video/User Guide
 Test mode
 Stop loss/target triggers
 Single/multiple runners
 Export records
…with much more besides

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 23

Here is a summary of some Features and Functions offered:

A full (non-trial) licence includes the following:

 Bf Bot Manager v2 and license key

Plus 3 bots and a Trading Ladder:

 Back/Lay Multiple Favorites Bot available with Bf Bot Manager V2 is able to
o bet on multiple favourites at same market
o recover loss for each favourite
o bet on user bets
 Ladder/Grid Control is ideal for manual trading or betting on any Betfair
live events, like horse races, soccer matches, tennis, snooker, darts...
 Horse Races Trader Bot will trade on UK horse races during a whole day
 Dutching Bot will, with single click, automatically place bets at your target
overround on all markets, or you can use its dutching calculator manually.

And also:
 Bet on any market on both UK and Australian Betfair exchanges
 Lay multiple selections in the same races
 Lay multiple selections in different markets
 Specify back and lay overrounds
 Play the place markets
 Test strategies in simulation mode
 All updates for Bf Bot Manager V2 are free for life
 Unlimited email support
 Manuals for each bot
 Access to private members section of forum
 Any of the bots can be modified by request

As an aside, the seller can create new custom bot for you for a fee. Details are on the

A 3-day trial is available. You simply request a Trial Licence Key from this page.

Click here for an excellent slideshow of 34 screenshots, showing BF Bet Managers


Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 24

Here’s a sample of three of the slides:

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 25

Try a 3 DAY Free trial of BF Bet Manger within the next 48 hours and we will give you
3 fantastic bonus E-books worth (£40)
These exclusive betting books are NOT available anywhere else and packed with practical
recommendations to help you win money. (Refer to page 38) for more details of this limited
time offer.
Even if you decide the software is not you. These exclusive bonuses are yours to keep
completely free of charge!

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 26

GreyHorseBot V4.2 [ Monthly Subscription]
[Transactional Bot]
The first month's subscription to the Grey Horse bot is £17 (around 55p a day) for a

Thereafter it’s £27 every 30 days for as long as you subscribe.

According to site information, subscribers are apparently entitled to, and will receive,
regular updates to the Grey Horse Bot or manual.

As one of the first bots in 2006 GHB has evolved into a very feature-rich and
advanced, automated betting bot for Betfair and Betdaq.

It also offers manual mode, of course.

This is definitely not a package for beginners. There are cheaper options such as:
LayBotPro and Betsender which both have plenty of features to get your feet
comfortably wet whilst you gain knowledge and experience.

But it’s ideal for experienced and professional users who want a wide range of
betting options and tweaks, and are happy to pay for them.

This product meets our list of minimum requirements of:

 Good Video/User Guide
 Test mode
 Stop loss/target triggers
 Single/multiple runners
 Export records
…with much more besides

Here is a summary of some Features and Functions offered:

 Detailed User Guide
 Training videos
 Powerful stop loss and stop profit controls
 Test your betting systems in paper trading mode before going live
 Choose single or multiple selections
 Bet on horse racing, greyhounds, football, tennis, cricket or snooker

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 27

 Enter your selections manually, or automatically based on your own rules
 Choose selections by price, form, favourite or not, and more
 Configure the bot to place your bets in an almost infinite number of ways
 Lock in guaranteed profits automatically using sophisticated trading features
 Fine-tune your bets by only betting when the disparity of odds meet your
 Monitor the market for steamers or drifters, then back/lay them automatically
 Stake by odds, stake, liability, % of bank, liability % of bank, or target profit
 Trade for free bets, equalise profits and trade out based on your own criteria
 Dutch lay or back multiple selections in a single race or event on autopilot
 Bet in-play and/or carry over unmatched bets to the in-play betting market
 Plus, you can automatically select horses based on form criteria like the age of
the horse, days since last run, claiming jockey, weight, draw, LTO position, or
whether they’re wearing cheek pieces, blinkers, visor, tongue strap or eye
shields — perfect for system betting!

Buyers also receive:

 GHB-Lite version for Australian markets

 A Manual of bot settings
 A GHB Betdaq version
 …and more

No trial is available. Instead, the first month is discounted to £17.

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 28

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 29
Take out a 1 month subscription to Grey horse Bot for just £17 in the next 48 hours
and we will give you 3 fantastic betting E-books worth (£40)
These exclusive betting books are NOT available anywhere else and packed with practical
recommendations to help you win money. (Refer to page 38) for more details of this limited
time offer.
Even if you decide the software is not you. These exclusive bonuses are yours to keep
completely free of charge!

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 30

Market Monitor All Sports[One-Off Fee ₤99.97]
[Transactional Bot]
The price includes lifetime updates, and a licence for 2 computers.

Presented as “High Performance Visual Trading Software” this product is from the
prolific Mark Baker -- the brains behind LayBotPro and BetBotPro.

The site claims that Market Monitor All Sports Pro is a revolutionary new Betfair API
Software Application that gives you the power
 to use Killer In-Play Trading Strategies
 trade out of existing bets
 place bets before the start
 bet on all Betfair Markets
 …and much more…

…all through a simple point-and-click, visual interface.

MMAS meets our minimum requirements:

 Good Video/User Guide
 Test mode
 Stop loss/target triggers
 Single/multiple runners
 Export records

Here is a summary of some Features and Functions offered:

 A BIG PLUS: 2 licences for use with your desktop PC and your laptop/VPS
 A warning if the bet is below the Betfair Minimum (with an option to ignore)
 Can be used on all Betfair Markets – horse racing, cricket, tennis, football,
formula 1 etc.
 Place bets before the event or during the event in-play
 Green/Red Up visual hedging
 Target/Liability auto staking for bets
 In Running elapsed time stopwatch

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 31

 Pre-set back/lay prices and stakes
 Intuitive visual interface with fast speed and ease of use
 Float multiple market charts – i.e. monitor place and win markets
 Alarms for market going in-play and suspended
 Adjustable row heights
 Show and trade external bets placed using Betfair site or 3rd party software
 Show Betfair odds history graphs
 Monitor your tipsters recommendations to ensure you always come out on top
 Fully approved and security authorised by Betfair
 Free Built-In Auto Lay Bot worth £97.00, to lay-bet horses at In-Play or for
In-Play Trading!
 Future plug-in capability for customised In-Play auto bot strategies
 Compatible with most computer platforms – PC, or Mac with Windows

A free trial is available. To test this program at no cost, simply visit the market
monitor website and click on free trial link.

Here’s just a small taste of what you’ll get when you take the free trial…

 Watch us TRADE LIVE on Betfair and show you how you can profit with
Market Monitor All Sports Pro Software!
ever available!
 How to use Market Monitor on ALL Betfair In-Play Markets such as Horse
Racing, Tennis, Football, Cricket, Formula 1 etc.
 How YOU can quickly and easily become an In-Play Expert and Master
Betfair once and for all

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 32

The Bar Graph is central to MM’s functionality. It represents the relative market
Strengths all Runners in an event at any moment in time.

The Runner’s bar lengthens to the right as its Market Price drops. It shortens as the
Runner’s price rises.

The Graph is clickable, with one Mouse Button submitting Back Bets, and the other
submitting Lays (You select which Mouse Button is ‘Back’ and which is ‘Lay’).

The Scheduled Horse Racing Mode, the Defaults Tab looks like this:

The AllSports Mode Defaults Tab looks like this:

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 33

To watch the market monitor video and view other screenshots, click here

Take Free trial of Marketmonitor within the next 48 hours and we will give you 3
fantastic bonus E-books worth (£40)
These exclusive betting books are NOT available anywhere else and packed with practical
recommendations to help you win money. (Refer to page 38) for more details of this limited
time offer.
Even if you decide the software is not you. These exclusive bonuses are yours to keep
completely free of charge!

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 34

The Staking Machine [Two, one-off fee options] [Non-
Transactional Bot]

Advanced Version: [One-Off Fee: £29.99] Unlimited bets. Bet size limited to 2 units.

Pro Version: [One-Off Fee: £59.99] Unlimited bets and stake size.

The Staking Macine (TSM) is an advanced system analysis and bet tracking tool.

With it, you track your betting systems and selection methods, to see which staking
plan of the 39 available would be the most suitable and most profitable.

The latest version of The Staking Machine now ties in directly with the low-cost
Betting Assistant trading application from Gruss Software.

This enables you to automatically back or lay your selections according to any of the
supported staking plans in TSM.

TSM meets our list of minimum requirements of:

 Good Video/User Guide
 Test mode
 Single/multiple runners
 Export records

…with much more besides

Here is a summary of some Features and Functions offered:

 A BIG PLUS - Purchase entitles you to 2 licenses of TSM so that you could
run TSM on a PC and a Laptop.
 Support - Within TSM there is a detailed, richly-illustrated Help File. If you
get stuck there is online individual support through the site contact form. A
forum covers many topics.
 Staking Plans - In total there are currently 39 staking plans:
22 Back Staking
15 Lay Staking Plans
2 Each Way Staking Plans.
 Data Entry - There are 4 ways to enter data into TSM:

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 35

1. Manual Entry of data through the easy to use interface via
2. Import bet results from Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Works
instantly by simply copy/pasting using the specially designed
TSM interface.
3. Load CSV / TEXT files directly into the software. This means
TSM is compatible with virtually all spreadsheet programs that
you may be using.
4. Load a previously saved TSM file. A TSM file is essentially a
text file given the extension TSM to increase security.
 Data Output - There are 3 ways to save data.
1. Save as a text .TSM file.
2. Save as a CSV file, easily viewed in any spreadsheet application.
3. Save as a TXT file.
 Thousands of bets - TSM is limited by your computer memory. Today's
computers should be able to handle at least 100,000 bets. (Trial Version
Limited to 10).
 Next Stake - If you are going to use TSM on a day to day basis the next Stake
is calculated for you automatically in all staking plans.
 Bankruptcy Warning - When back-testing there is simple bankruptcy test
warning telling you instantly whether the selected staking plan is actually
 Minimum and Maximum Setting - Minimum and Maximum Stake Settings
can be set so that all staking plans can be strictly adhered to.
 Commission Feature - Set the commission level to match your own
bookmaker or betting exchange
 Adjust Global Odds - Adjust global odds to reflect SP – Exchange Price
 Odds Converter - Allows you to convert decimals into fractions and vice
 Random Bet Generator - Generate 4000 Random Bets to simulate your own
bet selection systems
 Dutch Calculator - Use Dutch Mode to record or analyse all your dutch bets
 Filter Bets - Filter bets in odds ranges or even add your own text based filters
 Automated Betting - TSM now also includes a simple automated betting add-
on that works in conjunction with Gruss Betting Assistant.
 Data Analysis – An in-depth analysis screen compares all staking plans side
by side. The analysis includes ROI, Profit, Drawdown, Sequences confidence
test, graphs, Odds Frequency and more.
 Test Mode – Data Analysis can be used with the random bet generator to fully

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 36

test strike rates and staking plans.
 Internet Access is required for automatic updates guaranteed for 1 year.
Unregistered Trial Version Available: Limited to 10 bets at any one time, for no
more than 2 betting units.

The main screen:

Graphical analysis:

Download the trial version of the Staking Machine to see firsthand how powerful this
software is. Please bear in mind the trial version is restricted to using a maximum of 10 bets
at any one time. To put more than 10 bets into the software at any one time you need to
purchase the software, having said that you can use the random data generator to load up
to 4000 bets.

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 37

Take a Free trial, or subscribe to any of the
betting bots from the links in this manual
within the next 48 hours. And we`ll give you 2
very profitable betting books worth (£40)
absolutely free!
These exclusive books are NOT available anywhere else and
packed with practical recommendations to help you win money.
Even if you decide the software is not you. These exclusive bonuses are yours to keep
completely free of charge!

Bonus 2: Cash From The Sand Laying System this micro-niche All Weather Racing
laying system is...

 Easy to follow,
 Completely FREE!
 Highly profitable,
 Low risk

and more importantly...

makes a level stakes profit which can be improved upon significantly using the included
percentage staking plan , which increases profits whilst keeping risk manageable.

Bonus: 3 National Hunt Primer (PDF) Is a complete guide to National Hunt racing

 Entire National Hunt racing code explained, from Hurdles to Chases. Contrary to
popular belief they aren’t all the same.
 Complete N/H course guide. Not all courses are the same, some are far easier to
negotiate than others. Learn how to profit from profiling a horses course preferences.
 N/H long term statistics analysed To help you make informed decisions about which
races to lay in and which to back in.

To qualify for the bonuses above -follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Take a free trial to any of the betting bots, or subscribe to any of the software

Step 2: Email us your transaction ID (confirmation of taking out a trial or

subscription) and we will send the above bonuses to YOU within 24hrs, via email.

Even if you decide a particular bots or service is not for you after the trial period. All the
exclusive bonuses above are yours to keep, no questions asked. Please note: The bonuses
(worth £40) above, are only available to customers who take a free Trial, or subscribe to a
service from one of the links in this book!

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 38

Essential Betting Resources
If you’re interested in other aspects of betting and would like to receive our FREE
weekly racing tips, you will definitely learn something of value from the false-
favourites blog, whatever your level of know-how... from Beginner to more advanced.

In a nutshell: The core aim of our blog is to help punters make

informed decisions about betting through education.
Visitors to the blog can access tons of professional betting tools and resources
completely FREE! Including...

 FREE weekly betting tips, statistics and trends. Providing you with profitable
angles for the televised races on CH 4 each Saturday. This also includes
strategic bet placement advice.

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 39

 Access to FREE lay tips posted on our forum. These are based around the
False-favourites & Race-Specialist way of betting

 Weekly Blog posts containing exclusive betting content

Tutorials and videos on...

 How to create steady, realistic monthly profits
 Essential money management
 How to avoid being scammed online by dishonest betting system marketers!
 Access to totally free betting software/trading applications
 Form reading tutorials for - RACINGPOST.COM, SPORTING LIFE.COM
 FREE downloads and PDF manuals, including an exclusive 54 page guide to
 14 part e-course "The Real Truth About Betting" Delivered straight to your
 Betfair video`s

And so much more

To get your hands on all these essential betting tools and tutorials visit the false-
favourites blog NOW!

Wishing you every success

Jonathan Burgess

Punters Guide To Betting Bots. Copyright protected by Knowledge 4 Success Ltd 40


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