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Sustainable Development as Freedom: Trends and
Opportunities for the Circular Economy in the Human
Development Literature
Pedro A. B. Lima 1, * , Gessica M. K. Jesus 1 , Camila R. Ortiz 1 , Fernanda C. O. Frascareli 1,2 , Fernando B. Souza 1
and Enzo B. Mariano 1

1 Department of Production Engineering, School of Engineering of Bauru, Campus Bauru, São Paulo State
University (UNESP), Bauru 17033-360, Brazil; [email protected] (G.M.K.J.); [email protected] (C.R.O.);
[email protected] (F.C.O.F.); [email protected] (F.B.S.);
[email protected] (E.B.M.)
2 Exact Department, Sacred Heart University Center (UNISAGRADO), Rua Irmã Arminda, 10-50 Jardim Brasil,
Bauru 17011-160, Brazil
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: This paper identifies, through a literature review, how 53 circular economy (CE) practices
are related to the capability approach (CA) proposed by Sen. The main goal was to identify how a
virtuous cycle between CE and CA can be developed. Five instrumental freedoms (IF) were analysed:

 economic facilities, social opportunities, protective security, political freedoms, and transparency
Citation: Lima, P.A.B.; Jesus, G.M.K.; guarantees. These relationships were analysed in three flows: CE practices positively impacting
Ortiz, C.R.; Frascareli, F.C.O.; Souza, IF, CE practices negatively impacting IF, and the feedback influence of IF on CE practices. The
F.B.; Mariano, E.B. Sustainable results show that 32 of the 53 practices previously mentioned have not yet been studied from the CA
Development as Freedom: Trends context, which indicates that there are several research opportunities. From the practices considered,
and Opportunities for the Circular 72 articles were analysed in the final sample. The results suggest that several CE practices are
Economy in the Human aligned with the CA, considering that all five IF were identified as positive outcomes of CE practices.
Development Literature. However, in some contexts, certain practices can have negative outcomes, which indicates that CE, at
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407.
least in some cases, may not be considered as sustainable, as it decreases IF and, therefore, the social
aspect of sustainability. The results also highlight that there is a feedback from IF to CE, in such a
way that investing in the expansion of IF can facilitate the development of CE practices. Therefore,
Academic Editors: Marina De Pádua
this study concludes that CE is indeed a way to fully operationalize sustainable development.
Pieroni, Mariia Kravchenko, Daniela
C. A. Pigosso and Tim C. McAloone
Keywords: sustainable development; circular economy; instrumental freedoms; capability approach;
Received: 22 September 2021 human development; virtuous cycle
Accepted: 4 November 2021
Published: 3 December 2021

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral 1. Introduction

with regard to jurisdictional claims in The current understanding of development is grounded in the idea that it should
published maps and institutional affil- be seen as promoting a better quality of life for individuals, rather than only monetary
iations. gains [1]. This notion has its roots in the capability approach, developed by Amartya
Sen [2], which proposes development as a means of increasing individuals’ freedoms and
opportunities, in order to be and to have whatever they want. The natural environment is
an important supporting aspect for achieving these freedoms [3,4].
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Although there has been an increasing number of studies jointly analysing human
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. development and environmental issues [5,6], there is still a lack of such research in the
This article is an open access article literature, as, according to Sauvé et al. [7] and Schröder et al. [4], many environmental
distributed under the terms and studies do not incorporate social approaches in their analyses.
conditions of the Creative Commons A clear example of this are studies in the circular economy (CE) domain. The CE
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// aims to be a restorative and regenerative system, increasing value through the life cycle of
products, reducing waste, and improving energy and material efficiency [8,9]. The CE is an

Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407.

Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 2 of 26

umbrella term composed of several practices [10] and can be analysed at three different
levels: micro level (products, companies, consumers), meso level (eco-industrial parks),
and macro level (city, region, nation and beyond) [11,12]. Even though the CE can be
considered as a way to operationalize sustainable development, studies on it have not
adequately addressed social aspects, in such a way that one of the pillars of sustainable
development is not yet well covered by the literature [4,7,13–15].
We believe that the capability approach (CA) perspective can be used to analyse these
social aspects and that by performing an analysis grounded on the CA, a better understanding
of how CE practices work with regards to the social aspects of sustainable development can
be ascertained [16]. This is because CA is considered to be a framework through which the
increase in individuals’ freedoms and opportunities can be measured [2,17,18].
Freedom is a fundamental aspect of the CA [17]. Sen [2] proposes five instrumental
freedoms (IF): (1) political freedoms—being able to choose and participate in the political
environment; (2) economic facilities—possessing economic resources for consumption and
production; (3) social opportunities—access to social related opportunities such as educa-
tion, health and leisure; (4) protective security—having a guarantee from the government
to avoid privation; and (5) transparency guarantees—the possibility to trust in ethical
behaviours. These freedoms can be applied to evaluate environmental issues, such as
climate justice [5,6] and sustainable development [19]. According to Sen, a country should
look to increase these freedoms in order to become more developed [19].
Based on the context of the foregoing, the following research questions have emerged,
questions that have guided this study: (1) How can circular economy practices reinforce
individual freedoms, and vice versa, generating a virtuous cycle? (2) How might these same
practices, depending on how they are implemented, restrict freedom, disrupting this cycle?
Thus, this research aims to integrate the CE and the CA in order to identify how,
depending on the way they were implemented, the CE practices can contribute positively
or negatively to the IF previously mentioned, and how these freedoms can feed back into
CE practices, creating a virtuous cycle. To this end, we performed a literature review
analysing how each of several CE practices can be related to the IF dimensions. Our study
complements the initial research carried out by Schröder et al. [4] on this topic, and supplies
avenues for future research.
After this introduction (Section 1), we present, in Section 2, a theoretical background
regarding CE, CA, and the interaction between them. Then, in Section 3, we describe the
method detailing the process used for the search, selection and analysis of the articles found
in the literature aligned with our research goal. Next, in Section 4, we present the results
regarding the positive and negative relationships identified between the CE practices and
the five IF, and also propose some research opportunities arising from it. Next, in Section 5,
we discuss the results, and finally present the research conclusions in Section 6. Throughout
the text, the following abbreviations are used (Table 1).

Table 1. List of abbreviations.

Abbreviation Meaning
CE Circular Economy
CA Capability Approach
IF Instrumental Freedoms
HDI Human Development Index
IHDI Inequality Human Development Index
GDP Gross Domestic Product
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
LCA Life Cycle Analysis
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 3 of 26

2. Theoretical Background
2.1. Circular Economy
Although there are an increasing number of studies about the CE, there is still no
consensus regarding its definition. This may be due to the different concepts and areas of
knowledge that preceded it [10]. After reviewing 114 definitions, Kirchherr et al. [12] (p. 224)
proposed that the EC is “an economic system based on business models which replace
the ‘end-of-life’ concept with reducing, alternatively reusing, recycling and recovering
materials in production/distribution and consumption processes, thus operating at micro
level (products, companies, consumers), meso level (eco-industrial parks), and macro level
(city, region, nation and beyond), with the aim to accomplish sustainable development,
which implies creating environmental quality, economic prosperity and social equity, to the
benefit of current and future generations”. The following three main points can be noted
from this definition.
1. The change from a linear to a circular flow: the linear flow follows the steps of
extraction, production, consumption and discard, without properly caring about
pollution in each step; the main focus is on the economic aspect, rather than on the
environmental or social ones [7]. The circular flow, on the other hand, aims to recover
material and energy at every step, minimizing the environmental degradation as
much as possible [12,14]. In order to be achieved, this transition from a linear to a
circular flow needs the participation of different stakeholders, including industries,
suppliers, retailers, consumers and governments, to create an environment with
proper conditions and demands [20].
2. CE might be a way to operationalize sustainability: this idea is defended by several
authors [7,13–15,21]. The sustainable aspects presented by the CE can be obtained
through material optimization and energy efficiency (economic), employee generation
(social) and resource allocation (environmental) [20]. Therefore, the CE has both
present and future generations in its scope [13], which is aligned with the notion
of not forgetting that there is no sense in the awareness of the well-being of future
generations while the present generation is passing through numerous privations [22].
3. CE can be analysed at micro, meso and macro levels: the micro level presents aspects
related to products, processes and consumers [12]. Although there are several prod-
ucts environmentally related to CE, its social benefits are not yet clear [4]. Consumers,
on the other hand, are already renowned because of the importance they give to
closing product cycles [23]. The meso level aspects include eco-parks and industrial
symbiosis [11,12], and community involvement [24,25]. Finally, the macro level deals
with initiatives that involve cities, regions, and nations [11,12]. They cover broader
issues, such as macroeconomic policies, roadmaps for sustainable resource usage,
infrastructure development, and even social cultural aspects.

2.2. Capability Approach

The CA proposes that development should be understood as the opportunities and
freedoms individuals possess to be and have whatever they want. In this approach,
“functionings” are defined as an individual’s being and doing; “capabilities”, on the other
hand, are the opportunities and freedoms to accomplish these functionings [2]. According
to Robeyns [17] (p. 96), the CA can be seen as a “framework of thought, a mode of thinking
about normative issues”, which can be used in a variety of fields and with different
purposes, such as assessing individual well-being, developmental research and welfare
economics, in an opposite way to the utilitarian and other resource-based visions [17,18].
Therefore, the CA can be used to analyse social justice issues in fields lacking this kind of
approach, such as CE [26].
As explained by [17], resources (means) can be transformed into capabilities (ends)
through conversion factors, which are classified into three groups: personal conversion
factors (e.g., physical conditions, age); social conversion factors (e.g., public policies, social
norms); and environmental conversion factors (e.g., climate, infrastructure).
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 4 of 26

As emphasized by Reitinger et al. [27], capabilities and freedoms are attributed to

individuals, they can be analysed at the micro level [28]. As mentioned by Robeyns [17],
the CA can also be applied to groups, considered here in the meso level domain. Moreover,
Lessmann and Masson [29] have pointed to some studies that analysed capabilities at the
macro level. The macro level can also count on development measurement approaches,
such as the human development index (HDI) [28].
Alves and Mariano [5] analysed the five IF proposed by Sen in the climate justice
context. According to them [5], the literature is mainly disposed for each freedom, as
follows: (1) economic facilities, creation of jobs in the sustainable energy field; (2) social
opportunities, access to water, housing, information, healthcare, energy and education;
(3) protective security, the support that national governments offer their populations in
order to supply basic needs; (4) political freedoms, related to political rights and repre-
sentativity during the development of action to mitigate or adapt to climate change; and
(5) transparency guarantees, concerned with the transparency between governments, the
United Nations Organization and individuals.
Therefore, although there are relationships between freedoms and sustainability, they
have not yet been identified in the literature, especially in terms of the CE practices. A
better understanding of this could lead to the fulfilment of one of humanities’ greatest
challenges: achieving higher IF while preserving the environment [30–32]. Next, we present
the conceptual integration between CE and CA that guided this research.

2.3. Conceptual Integration between the Circular Economy and the Capability Approach
Considering the connection between CA and sustainable development, Sen [3] pro-
posed an adaptation to the famous sustainable development definition of the Brundtland
Report [33] (WCDE, 1987), by replacing the term “needs” with “capabilities”, creating
the idea that sustainable development should be seen “as development that prompts the
capabilities of present people without compromising the capabilities of future genera-
tions” [3] (p. 11). The inclusion of the freedom approach in the sustainability domain is
supported by the CA and environmental literature [29,34–36].
When considering the CA from a sustainability context, Lessmann and Masson [29] (p. 64)
propose that “the capability approach specifically looks at how sustainability influences individ-
ual freedom and well-being, and at the freedom of individuals to contribute to sustainability”.
In this respect, CE should be a way to operationalize the idea of sustainable devel-
opment as freedom. In order to accomplish this, the social domain, which is already
incorporated in the sustainability concept, should emphasize the increase in individual
freedoms and be significantly applied in the CE practices. The three levels of CE are com-
plementary, and can proportionate benefits toward improving IF, by considering producers,
processes, consumers, industries, and policies [4].
In this respect, Schröder et al. [4] (p. 5) proposed a new definition of CE, based on
the one stated by Geissdoerfer et al. [13] and incorporating the notion of IF (capabilities).
For Schröder et al. [4], CE can be defined as: “ . . . a human-centred regenerative and
restorative socio-economic system which increases human choices and builds human
capabilities by recapturing the value of materials and waste for people through slowing,
closing, and narrowing material and energy loops that minimise resource inputs and waste,
emissions, and energy leakage. This can be achieved by empowering workers, enabling
social inclusion and fostering sustainable lifestyles through applying practices and policies
for long-lasting human-centred design, maintenance, ensuring rights to repair, reusing
and sharing, remanufacturing, refurbishing and recycling”. In Figure 1, we summarize the
main concepts of this research in a theoretical framework.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 5 of 26

Figure 1. Conceptual integration between CE practices and IF. In the framework, we present three possible scenarios:
(A) There is a perfect virtuous cycle between CE practices and IF, so that the CE practices have a positive effect on the IF
(flow I), which, in turns, has a feedback effect, straightening the CE practices (flow III). This is the hypothetical best scenario;
(B) There is a less optimistic scenario, where the two previous flows (flow I and III) coexist with a possible negative effect of
the CE practices on the IF (flow II). In this scenario, the virtuous cycle becomes less intense; and (C) Then we have the last
scenario, which is the hypothetical worst scenario, where there are only the negative relationships (flow II) and the virtuous
cycle does not exist anymore.

In an analogy of Rannis et al. [37] that proposed a virtuous and vicious cycle between
economic development and human development according to the emphasis given to them,
we believe that an emphasis on IF while developing CE practices would equally create
a virtuous cycle between them. Considering that the “ends of well-being and development”
in Sen’s views are considered more important than the means to achieve them [17] (p. 95),
in this paper we posit that CE practices would be a means to achieve the end of IF. We have
detailed this interplay in the results and discussions sections.

3. Materials and Methods

We performed a literature review in order to accomplish this research aim. Review
papers are important, as they synthesize the current knowledge on a subject and provide
avenues for future studies [38]. There are different ways to conduct a literature review; the
one provided in this paper can be understood as a framework-based review [39,40].
First, we selected the Scopus database as our main source of documents, as it supplies a
broad range of recent literature [41]. It also includes papers with and without Journal Citation
Reports. For such reasons, it has been used as the main database in other review papers [40,42].
Considering the theme’s novelty, which is not an impediment to the realization of a
literature review [43], relying solely on a traditional database, such as Scopus, would likely
be insufficient to return an adequate number of papers. Therefore, we relied on another
strategy. Literature reviews can also be performed in emerging areas. Klein et al. [44] found
few articles for their systematic review of the CE, applied in the public sector, due to the
newness of the theme. Therefore, they increased their sources in a non-systematic way.
Applying this reasoning, we opted to include articles located on Google Scholar, a resource
which has been applied in several review papers in the CE domain [4,10,45,46].
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 6 of 26

Our research strategy proceeded by searching for CE review papers, in order to find
practices related to CE. The following papers were used for this purpose: [10,15,43]. Other
papers were also read but did not provide new information, which was a requirement for
this stage of the review.
We read these review papers and extracted all the CE practices indicated within them.
In this way, we amassed a total of 53 practices that were then categorized into nine groups
of practices, hereafter called: design group, servitization group, tax group, consumer
behaviours group, circular production Group, 6R’s group, corporate social responsibility
group, resources group, and closed loop supply chain group.
The nine groups were devised, as some of the practices were similar and would
not have a lot of correspondence with CA (e.g., design for disassembly/recycling and
design for modularity) and we felt that it would prove easier to achieve satisfactory
results, if generalised. The categorization was made by observing our results relating to
IF and adapting the categorizations provided by Kalmykiva et al. [10] and the ReSOLVE
framework [47]. This approach is commonly used in CE papers [42,48].
We then searched Scopus and Google Scholar for these practices, using the following
string “‘Practice name’ AND ‘Human Development’ OR ‘Capabilit* Approach’”. In order
to increase the number of documents located, we included conferences, articles and review
papers. The search included only documents written in English. We used the terms
“Human Development” and “Capability Approach”, as they are more appropriate terms to
search for articles in the CA literature, rather than Freedoms, which is a word common to
other research areas.
Some practices (e.g., reduction, restoration, separation, stewardship, and upgrading,
maintenance and repair) are also too generic, in that they have a variety of meanings in
different contexts. Therefore, for these cases, we included terms associated with each CE
level [12] as indicated in the following search string: “‘Practice Name’ AND ‘Product’ OR
‘Compan*’ OR ‘Consumer’ OR ‘Eco-industrial parks’ OR ‘City’ OR ‘Region’ OR ‘Nation’
AND ‘Human development’ OR ‘Capabilit* Approach’”. At the end of the review process,
we had accumulated 72 papers related to the focus of this study (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Research flowchart.

Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 7 of 26

Similar to the method performed by Bisaga et al. [49] and Nerini et al. [50], we did
not intend to map the whole literature, but rather to find possible positive and negative
relationships between the CE practices and CA. For this reason, we did not present the
total number of documents, having rejected those that did not match the research criteria,
from each search. This has already been done elsewhere [45].
Next, for the data analysis, we divided the results into each of the nine groups,
presenting a correspondent table with the following information: Flow orientation (CE→IF
(+); CE→IF (−); IF→CE); Related IF (considering the five freedoms proposed by Sen [2]);
Explanation; Main CE level studied (micro, meso, and macro); References. It was not the
aim to provide a summary of each study, but rather to highlight the main points of how
the CE practice can be related to IF; this matched our intention to provide guidelines to
develop a virtuous cycle between CE practices and IF.
Finally, considering that the identification of gaps in the literature is one of the main
contributions of review papers [40,51], we prepared a research agenda based on the gaps
related to the previous steps. Similar to Ferraz et al. [52], we divided the research gaps into
groups; we created four groups for this: further analysis, missing CE practices, treat on
virtuosity, and missing IF benefits for CE practices. These gaps related to a lack of studies
considering certain CE practices, to research opportunities that emerged from the already
performed research, to a better understanding and mitigation of negative outcomes from
the application of some CE practices to IF, and to some IF that were not clearly investigated
in terms of their benefits for CE practices.

4. Results
In this section we present the results that we found in the literature regarding the three
flows that we are analysing in this research, which are summarised in Figure 3. Considering
the flows:

Figure 3. CE practices and IF. Note I: CE→IF (+); II: CE→IF (−); and III: IF→CE.

(I) Represents the context where the CE practices have a positive outcome, increasing
the IF: CE→IF (+);
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 8 of 26

(II) Represents the context where the CE practices have a negative outcome, decreasing
the IF: CE→IF (−); and
(III) Represents the feedback effect from the IF straightening the CE practices: IF→CE.
Next, in each subsection we detail how the literature has analysed each group of CE
practices considering the IF, which are the CE levels that have been considered, and the
research opportunities that we identified.

4.1. Design
We placed all the practices related to the design of products, processes and services
in the design group (circular design*, design for disassembly/recycling, design for modu-
larity*, ecodesign, functional design*, and customization/made to order*). Asterisk sign
(*) is used to indicate that no article was found in the literature regarding this specific CE
practice applied to CA. We identified five studies on this theme [28,53–56], all of them
being more related to the CE micro level of products (Table 2).

Table 2. Design group.

Related Individual Main CE Level

Flow Orientation Explanation References
Freedoms Studied
Considering features in the
product/service design in order to
support the expansion of user’s
(I) CE→IF (+) Social opportunity freedoms while keeping the Micro (product) [28,53,55,56]
sustainable appeal, aspects of
diversity, accessibility and local
context should be considered.
An increase in individual
freedoms, especially human
(III) DH→IF Social opportunity Micro (product) [54]
capital, can support the
development of these practices.
Note: NA = not applied (we did not find any research analysing this flow).

Sustainable design strategies used for the production of goods can be improved by
incorporating the sufficiency of basic needs. The design concept can also be incremented
to consider environmental aspects. It is also important to consider local and community
specifications in this stage [56]. Applying the CA to design allows an individual’s life, and
personal, social and environmental conversion factors, to be contextualized. This is done
in order to expand current capabilities by shaping products to the situation. Therefore,
it is also important to consider human diversity, keeping in mind the freedom to choose
while promoting empowerment opportunities [28,53,55]. The CA can also be incorpo-
rated into the educational aspect of sustainable design practices, which would improve
student development [54].
Considering that some specific practices have not yet been investigated in the design
group, such as certain design approaches and production policies, the following gaps (G1,
G2, and G3) can be presented as research opportunities:
G1: Better analyse if there are different IF related to the design practices of the CE.
G2: Investigate whether different design practices related to the CE have different
relationships/implications for IF.
G3: Better understand how the production policies (e.g., make to stock, make to order,
engineering to order), are related with the CE and what the implications for IF.

4.2. Servitization
We allocated the practices related to circular business models that offer a solution
to need satisfaction rather than possession of a product to the servitization group (leas-
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 9 of 26

ing*, product as a service/pay-per-use*, product-service system, servitization*, sharing*,

redistribute and resell*, and virtualization). We identified four papers that analysed this
group [28,55,57,58], all being more related to the micro level of the CE, regarding companies
and products and services (Table 3).

Table 3. Servitization group.

Related Individual Main CE Level

Flow Orientation Explanation References
Freedoms Studied
Sharing economy and
product-service systems can offer
opportunities for increasing
Economic facilities, individuals’ opportunities, such as Micro (companies,
(I) CE→IF (+) [28,55,57,58]
Social opportunity for transport. Virtualization products)
technologies can support the
improvement of business in
developing countries.
There may be leakage of personal
Transparency data in virtualization technologies, Micro (companies,
(II) CE →IF (−) [58]
guarantee which may reduce products)
individuals’ privacy.
An increase in IF, especially human
Micro (companies,
(III) IF→CE Social opportunity capital, can support the [58]
development of these practices.

New design approaches are important for the development of products and services
that fit better in emergent business models and that can be related to CE, such as sharing
economy, remanufacturing and product-service system, to name a few. Sherriff et al. [57]
rely on the CA to investigate how personal, social and environmental conversion factors
influence cycling behaviour in a bicycle sharing business model. The authors conclude
that this business model, when compared to the traditional cycling model, can improve
the environmental conversion factor by facilitating access to the product. However, some
personal conversion factors—such as gender, age and income—should be better managed in
these business models, in order to facilitate consumer adherence. Product-service systems
can deliver a more complete experience to a client, which, if it incorporates the CA during
the design process, is able to improve external conditions and personal resources [28,55].
In the CA, the focus is not on the goods, but on the increase in the capability provided by it.
Regarding new technologies such as virtualization (cloud computing), just transferring
technology to developing countries is not enough, as they require individuals with proper
knowledge and skills. These technologies are important for these countries, as they can
improve business operations and enhance profit while increasing individuals’ capabilities,
thereby contributing to an increase in IF in such regions. However, these technologies can
also cause transparency risks, related to personal data leaks [58].
Considering this context, it is important to better understand how different types
of conversion factors work in the sharing economy—which is a significant and growing
business model in the CE. It is also important to search for ways to improve the negative
relationship found between virtualization and IF, and investigate which benefits IF may
offer for these groups of CE practices. Therefore, the following research opportunities
are presented:
G4: Investigate whether practices related to the sharing economy in the CE context
have different relationships/implications for IF, for a different set of conversion factors.
G5: Investigate the development of better virtualization and sharing technologies to
work on data preservation in the CE context, in order to increase transparency guarantees.
G6: Investigate how improvements in IF aspects can lead to better sharing economy
and product-service systems practices.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 10 of 26

4.3. Corporate Social Responsibility

In the corporate social responsibility (CSR) group, we placed all practices related to
management strategies that position a company in a sustainable way (corporate social
responsibility, green procurement*, extended producer responsibility*, eco labelling*, prod-
uct labelling*, stewardship*). In this group, we only found 1 study [59] that is closely
related to the micro level of CE in companies (Table 4).

Table 4. Corporate social responsibility group.

Related Individual Main CE Level

Flow Orientation Explanation References
Freedoms Studied
By incorporating the CA in these
(I) CE→IF (+) Social opportunity kinds of practices, organizations can Micro (companies) [59]
better increase stakeholder well-being.
Note: NA = not applied (we did not find any research analysing this flow).

It is fundamental that the previously mentioned business models are developed with
an appropriate CSR, which can be expanded to incorporate the CA domain through all
stakeholders [59]. Companies can also play an important role by paying their taxes correctly,
ensuring that this resource is appropriately used for the purpose of increasing IF [59].
Considering that the literature is still not well developed in this domain, there are
several research opportunities, for example:
G7: Investigate how different strategic practices (green procurement, extended pro-
ducer responsibility and eco labelling) performed by companies in the CE context can
contribute to IF.
G8: Analyse how an increase in IF can support the development of the CE practices
related to CSR.

4.4. Circular Production

For the circular production group, we allocated the practices related to materials, pro-
ductive processes, and cleaner production (cleaner production*, life cycle assessment (LCA),
material substitution*, material productivity, optimizing packaging*, reproducible and adapt-
able manufacturing*, upgrading, maintenance and repair). We identified 10 papers on this
theme [27,60–67] that are distributed over the three levels of the CE (Table 5).

Table 5. Cleaner production group.

Flow Orientation Related Individual Explanation Main CE Nivel Studied References

Improvement of workers’ quality of life
Economic facilities, and preservation of the local environment.
Micro (companies,
Social opportunity, Provides consumers with sustainable
(I) CE→IF (+) Protective security, options that are also more transparent, consumers) [27,60–67]
Transparency Meso (community)
and can increase the participation of
guarantees Macro (countries)
developing countries in the international
supply chain of manufacturing goods.
Economic facilities,
Social opportunity, The adoption of top-down practices for Micro (companies,
(II) CE →IF (−) Protective security, international standardization can reduce consumers) [64]
Transparency local habits and cultural behaviours. Macro (countries)
An increase in human capital can support
Social opportunity, the development of these practices. More Micro (companies,
(III) IF→CE Transparency quality information (transparency) about consumers) [27,62,63,67]
guarantees product greenness can support Macro (countries)
consumers’ choices.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 11 of 26

Considering the micro perspective of companies and workers, process upgrading,

implemented in order to achieve sustainable consumption requirements, can result in
improvements such as better working conditions, universal rights and individual freedoms.
However, several unintended consequences can result, such as low overall income for
employees, and the loss of local rights and benefits due to the need to allocate resources
for standardization achievement [64]. Productivity is an important goal for low-income
producers; it can be advanced through skill and infrastructure improvements, which can
lead to better living conditions [67]. Product upgrading may have a better impact on IF,
at least when considering the consumer perspective, such as in the case of sustainable
concrete for building [60].
According to Reitinger et al. [27], LCA should be used in a complete format (sustain-
able life cycle assessment—sLCA), which incorporates the three sustainability pillars. This
concept can be improved by considering the CA as a support framework, which includes
analysing the impacts on workers, local communities and consumer freedoms in such a
way that it also has a meso connotation for communities and supply chains. The social
aspect present in the sLCA can be associated with all the dimensions of HDI [66] and can
also be operationalized with the CA through the whole value chain [65].
As highlighted by Sonneman and De Leeuw [61], LCA implementation in small- and
medium-sized enterprises in developing countries, in order to facilitate their insertion in
the global supply chain, might foster the development of such countries. When combined
with better environmental practices, such as those related to water conservation and waste
minimization, it could also support regional IF.
From a more macro perspective, while the domestic material consumption of middle-
low HDI (HDI is a proxy for freedoms) countries tends to be relatively low, for high HDI
countries this relationship is more varied: with some countries with low domestic material
consumption and others high [62]. The resource efficiency index proposed by Koh et al. [63]
demonstrates this usefulness by combining socio, economic and environmental indicators.
Considering that LCA was the main research practice in the circular production group,
there are some research opportunities regarding the other practices:
G9: Increase research on the CE practices, such as cleaner production and optimizing
packaging level, regarding the CA context.
G10: Investigate the impacts of, and how to avoid, the restriction of IF that can happen
when applying top-down approaches in a local context.

4.5. The 6 R’s

We placed all the practices related to reduce, redesign, reuse, recover, remanufacture,
and recycle in the 6 R’s group (by-products utilization*, cascading materials*, downcycling*,
element/substance recovery*, extraction of bio-chemicals*, recycling, reduction, refurbish-
ment and remanufacture*, restoration, reuse*, separation*, upcycling*, waste management
and innovative waste management systems). We found 15 studies in this group [4,68–81].
This section covers all the three CE levels, the macro level is more related to HDI analysis,
and can be considered a proxy for CA (freedoms) (Table 6).
From the micro and meso perspectives of the CE practices, the literature shows that
business models can also incentivize local entrepreneurship to operationalize regional
waste in businesses that can improve community life. Diehl et al. [74], through a design
approach that incorporates the CA, showed how a community can transform plastic waste
into devices for improving local water management and sanitation, improving individuals’
quality of life.
One important limitation of CE is the employees’ work environment. As pointed out
by Gutberlet and Baeder [68] and Annamalai [70], workers’ wellbeing can be negatively
affected in non-appropriate recycling environments due to the presence of dangerous
materials. Gutberlet [69] highlights how recycling ‘cooperatives’ are important as a work-
place opportunity, especially in developing countries such as Brazil, which increases an
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 12 of 26

individual’s sense of belonging to society while contributing to the environment and to

increasing IF.

Table 6. 6R’s Group.

Related Individual Main CE Nivel

Flow Orientation Explanation References
Freedoms Studied
Economic facilities, These practices can promote
Social opportunities, inclusion and income generation
Micro (companies)
Protective security, while providing a better condition
(I) CE→IF (+) Meso (communities) [4,69,72,74,75]
Political freedoms, for the environment. They can also
Macro (countries)
Transparency generate social and political rights
guarantees. and participation
Unsafe working environment,
especially when dealing with toxic
(II) CE →IF (−) Social opportunities materials in recycling and Micro (companies) [68,70]
waste-treatment activities can be
harmful to workers’ well-being
An increase in human capital can
support the development of these
Economic facilities, Micro (companies)
(III) IF→CE practices. Higher levels of HDI, for [4,71,73,76–81]
Social opportunities Macro (countries)
example, are related to better waste
management practices.

In order to be operationalized, with proper results, these practices will require

knowledge in the form of human capital, which can also be related to IF. According
to Schröder et al. [4], training practices, aiming to improve employee skills and knowledge,
can be seen in a complementary way to the educational aspect presented in HDI.
In the last context regarding the micro and meso application, there is the case of the restora-
tion of agro-ecological practices that can reverse local degradation associated with the possible
trade-off between natural capital and IF in some locations due to unsustainable practices [72].
Considering the macro perspective, the studies usually analysed the relationship
between certain national indicators related to CE practice within the HDI. In the Chemical
Element Sustainability Index developed by Smith et al. [80], recycling rate, HDI, global
warming potential and national economic importance were the chosen indicators, demon-
strating the relationship between recycling and macro aspects. This relationship is also
demonstrated by Cerqueira et al. [79], who found positive relationships between HDI,
recycling rate, renewable energy and pollution in OECD countries. The authors also explain
that higher education values are necessary to develop well-structured recycling practices
and renewable energy production, which generates positive results such as economic
growth and better environmental conditions, thereby increasing IF. They also propose that
there is a point of development (near to 90 in the HDI) at which countries start to decrease
their environmental impact.
Related to this are the waste management systems in the municipal domain, which
should not be seen as a mere environmental issue, but must include the social aspect, for
example, by including elements of the CA [75].
Caniato et al. [71] showed how HDI relates to health-care waste management. Coun-
tries scoring low on the index had worse waste-management practices than countries
with a higher HDI score. The authors pointed out that there may be a threshold point
of development where countries can have better practices though possessing sufficient
resources and human capital. On the other hand, waste generation is positively correlated
to HDI [76]. HDI is positively related to an increase in health-care waste, which may be
related to higher investments in health [77]. Therefore, although countries with a higher
HDI (freedoms) produce more waste, they have better methods of dealing with it.
A similar case relates to CO2 emissions. According to Asongu and Odhiambo [78], an
improvement in the Inequality HDI (IHDI) in sub-Saharan African countries is positively
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 13 of 26

related to a reduction in CO2 emissions, which might happen after passing the threshold of
0.496 in the IHDI. In the same line, Yumashev et al. [81] pointed out that 81.64 may be the
threshold point in the HDI for reducing CO2 emissions. However, this is not absolutely
true worldwide. Some high HDI countries indeed have a “scope for reduction without
loss of quality of life”, but instil the belief that it is necessary to improve environmental
footprints, such as water and carbon [73] (p. 179).
Although some papers analysed the interaction between R’s strategy and IF, more
research on the subject is necessary. Therefore, the following opportunities may be considered.
G11: Investigate the relationship of specific aspects, such as downcycling and upcy-
cling, and even recycling in the micro perspective, with the IF approach.
G12: Because there is an R hierarchy in the CE perspective, how this hierarchy works
for the IF should be analysed.
G13: Better analyse the possible impacts of unsafe recycling environments for the IF,
and how to solve the issue.

4.6. Resources and Tax

Considering that the Resources (bio-based materials*, energy efficiency, energy pro-
duction/energy autonomy, energy recovery*, renewable sources) and Tax (tax credits and
subsidies, taxation) practices had a strong synergy, we decided to merge their results into
one subsection. We found 19 papers in the resources group [49,81–98] and 5 in the Tax
group [59,99–102]. The studies mainly have a macro perspective. However, some of them
suggest micro implications considering CE practices (Tables 7 and 8).

Table 7. Resources groups.

Related Individual Main CE Nivel

Flow Orientation Explanation References
Freedoms Studied
Increase environmental
Economic facilities, quality and societal Micro (products)
(I) CE→IF (+) [31,49,50,84,90–92,94,99,105]
Social opportunities well-being, and the costs Macro (country)
may be lower.
If energy efficiency in
product manufacturing
and design reflects on
Economic facilities, higher prices for Micro (companies and
(II) CE →IF (−) [49,50,104,106]
Social opportunities products and services, products)
low-income individuals
may have their
freedoms decreased.
Higher levels of
development can be
associated with the
Micro (products,
Economic facilities, greater use of renewable
(III) DH→IF companies) [88,93–98,103,106]
Social opportunities sources. Human capital
Macro (country)
is important for
better technologies.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 14 of 26

Table 8. Tax groups.

Related Individual Main CE Nivel

Flow Orientation Explanation References
Freedoms Studied
Subsidies in renewable sources
Economic facilities,
(I) CE→IF (Positive can make it more affordable
Social opportunities, Macro (country) [85,100]
relationship) for low-income individuals,
Protective security
increasing their freedoms.
Depending on how they are
(II) CE →IF (Negative Economic facilities, developed, taxation and
Macro (country) [101]
relationship) Social opportunities subsidies can negatively affect
low-income populations.
(III) IF→CE (Positive
Note: NA = not applied (we did not find any research analysing this flow).

Regarding tax related practices, environmental taxes, such as carbon pricing, might be
a way to discourage environmental degradation practices while increasing government
revenue, the latter which can be designated for IF programs [100]. Balali et al. [85] pointed
out that tax rate is a significant predictor of renewable energy generation (wind and
solar) in their model; the authors also found relationships with other variables related
to freedoms, such as population, available water resources, average salary and home
ownership. Pan [101] highlighted that a progressive tax on emissions might be applied to
reduce carbon emissions. However, this should be done in a way that does not treat CA,
and in such a manner that tax is not levied from those people at the basic needs level.
As posited by Wu et al. [103], including the CA perspective in the engineering educa-
tional curriculum can be important for improving environmental technologies that produce
energy. For Sasmaz et al. [94], investment in renewable sources of energy should be encour-
aged, because it positively affects the IF. However, for Bisaga et al. [49] and Nerini et al. [50],
it can indicate positive or negative relationships, depending on the context.
A way to reduce CO2 emissions is by using renewable energy, which can mitigate
the negative effects of fossil-fuel consumption while contributing to economic growth and
IF, at least in transitional countries. However, there is also a threshold point at which
these results happen [98]. This threshold point is in accordance with Ergun et al. [88],
who found a negative relationship between HDI and renewable energy. However, the
countries selected for their sample have low HDIs. The position might be different for high
HDI countries, as this initial increase in the HDI in their sample is probably related to an
increase in automobiles and other demands on fossil fuels.
Kraemer et al. [92] criticize the low dimensionality of the HDI and suggest that energy
production should be an indicator to measure a country’s socio-economic development.
Ribeiro and Rode [90] and Szewrański et al. [91] propose the use of the HDI to guide the
installations of renewable energy plants; according to the authors, the energy availability
for regions with low HDI could lead to better quality of life conditions. For example,
Sadath et al. [84] showed, in the Indian context, that energy poverty coincides with other
forms of privation, such as income, social and health. An increase in access to energy could
also lead to better life-standard conditions and job opportunities for women.
The actions of decision makers have been highlighted in the promotion of environ-
mental policies that encourage renewable and less polluted sources of energy, as well
as investments in more efficient technologies [93,94,97]. One way to assist the decision-
making process is by using multidimensional indicators. Shen et al. [95] propose an index
tested in Chinese provinces that integrates environmental (ecological footprint), social
(HDI) and energy efficient dimensions. Torchio et al. [96] used energy (total supply and
energy losses), environmental (greenhouse gases and particulates), economics (GDP) and
social (HDI) data to analyse the sustainable development of countries.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 15 of 26

A practice closely linked to renewable energy is subsidies. Solarin [102] found that
fossil fuel subsidies are related to an increase in environmental pollution in developing
countries. The authors suggest that this practice can also diminish renewable energy
investment, as carbon becomes even more attractive for industry. The challenge is to make
this transition carefully, as removing subsidies can generate an initial social problem due to
higher prices and a lack of access to important resources. Damgaard et al. [99] demonstrate
how subsidies can be important for renewable energy in expanding the capabilities and
agency of low-income individuals. Another aspect to be considered is that, in the short term,
the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is environmentally demanding,
as new installations require energy and material inputs [104].
Considering a micro perspective, energy saving intention in the production process
is of paramount importance for mitigating climate change, which can drastically reduce
IF, especially in developing countries [31]. Energy efficiency should also be thought of
beyond manufacturing processes, being incorporated into product development to create
appliances that are more efficient for consumers. In this way, besides mitigating climate
change, it can also increase the capabilities of individuals with low incomes, as several of
these products are related to basic human needs, such as temperature regulation and food
conservation [105]. However, to accomplish this, the increase in energy efficiency should
not be translated into purchase prices, which would make such capabilities unattainable for
low-income individuals. IF is related to energy usage which, in order to be more sustain-
able, should rely on educational policies, as individuals need to understand fundamental
concepts such as appliance energy efficiency at the point of sale [106].
Despite the amount of research in both groups, there is still room for studies on these
topics. This may include an approach addressing different CE levels and ways to better
measure and solve negative relationships between certain practices and IF. So, the following
research opportunities are presented:
G14: Investigate the use of renewable resources and their relationship with IF at the
company (micro) level of the CE.
G15: Investigate the development of studies analysing energy recovery and IF.
G16: Further develop measurements regarding the possible negative aspects of taxa-
tion and subsidies on IF.
G17: Investigate whether higher levels of IF can lead to better taxation and subsidy practices.

4.7. Behaviour
We placed the practices related to individual or collective behaviours that foster the
CE in the behaviour group (community involvement, socially responsible consumption).
We found eleven studies in this group [3,34,61,107–109]. The literature mainly analysed
these groups from the micro (consumers) and meso (communities) perspectives (Table 9).
At the micro level, the literature focused on consumer behaviour. Sustainable con-
sumption aims to satisfy human needs while preserving the environment [107]. According
to Comim et al. [34], the CA can complement the sustainable consumption debate, by
positing the idea of autonomy, quality of life and environmental preservation. They em-
phasize that the fundamental aspect of sustainable consumption is balancing CA with
environmental preservation, being that it is important to distinguish means and ends in
the sustainable development domain. An individual must be free to act and be seen as
part of the solution to a problem [3,29]. As mentioned by Schröder et al. [4] (p. 7), the
CE encourages individuals to “adapt their own consumer behaviour by being actors of
change”. Sustainable consumption behaviour benefits from higher levels of IF, such as
the freedom to choose, education levels and income [29]. However, the unsustainable
consumption patterns of high-income individuals might be harder to change; thus, it is
important to emphasize that solely monetary and economic factors are not enough to fulfil
life necessities [107].
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 16 of 26

Table 9. Behaviour group.

Related Individual Main CE Level

Flow Orientation Explanation References
Freedoms Studied
Sustainable consumption tends
Economic facilities, to be better for individuals’
Social opportunities, quality of life—both consumers
Protective security, and stakeholders—and also for Micro (consumers)
(I) CE→IF (+) [16,107,108,111]
Political freedoms, increasing environmental quality. Meso (communities)
Transparency When there is the involvement of
guarantees a community, it can generate
several social benefits.
Some individuals may face
difficulties in adapting to
(II) CE →IF (−) Economic facilities Micro (consumers) [107]
consumption patterns.
Economic facilities,
Social opportunities,
Individuals with more IF may
Protective security,
(III) IF→CE choose more Micro (consumers) [3,29,34,109,110]
Political freedoms,
sustainable behaviours.

It is important to mention that, sometimes, sustainable consumption is not dependent

on personal conversion factors but, as exemplified by Middha [110], requires environmental
conversion factors, such as in the case of students who need adequate appliances and
facilities to warm up their meals, rather than buying less healthy and environmentally-
friendly food.
At the meso level, the literature highlights the role of communities. The lack of a sense
of community, marked by an increase in individualism, might be detrimental to sustainable
behaviours; community is also related to sustainable consumption patterns, through local
production, which is more sustainable in that it mitigates transportation pollution [107].
However, as pointed out by Dong et al. [109], according to the CA, people should be free
to engage, or not, in community activities. Therefore, the goal of IF is to provide the
opportunities for an individual to freely choose whether to participate or not.
As shown by Lillo et al. [16], community involvement can be promoted by partner-
ships between non-governmental organizations and public institutions. These three groups
can work together to develop renewable energy sources for rural citizens, which expand
their freedoms by providing greater opportunities—such as improving schools and cre-
ating businesses. However, the initiatives analysed explore several other improvement
opportunities, such as improving women’s participation.
Community involvement can also be sponsored by private companies. Katamba et al. [111]
analysed how CSR practices can be aligned to initiatives that promote freedoms locally.
According to Armanios [109], community involvement can be implemented from a top-
down or bottom-up perspective, depending on the way in which the goal is proposed:
by an external stakeholder, an international fund or the federal government, or by the
community itself. The initiative can also be considered according to which agent is actually
implementing the project.
Therefore, community involvement can be a private, public, or civic initiative, or even
a partnership among them. It aims to improve education and health conditions, promote
infrastructure and entrepreneurship, strengthen social security by being aligned to public
policies and regulations, and demonstrate transparency through certifications.
Although these practices have already been studied in the literature, there are still
opportunities to expand specific aspects of knowledge and to find ways of mitigating
possible negative relationships as suggested in the gaps below.
G18: Investigate the role of the five IF in terms of the process of sustainable behaviour.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 17 of 26

G19: Develop studies considering a macro perspective of sustainable consumption.

G20: Better understand the barriers that may prevent individuals from choosing
sustainable behaviours, which may reduce their freedoms.

4.8. Closed-Loop Supply Chain

The closed-loop group involves practices related to closing material and product cycles
(closed-loop supply chain*, diversity and cross-sector linkages*, industrial symbiosis, eco-
industrial parks and eco-parks*, logistics (green/sustainable) and reverse logistics, take
back and trade-in systems). We only found two papers in this group [46,112]. Both studies
analyse closed-loop supply chains more from a macro perspective (Table 10).

Table 10. Closed-loop supply chain group.

Related Individual Main CE Level

Flow Orientation Explanation References
Freedoms Studied
Economic facilities,
Pressures from the international
Social opportunities,
supply chain may lead to the
(I) CE→IF (+) Protective security, Macro (countries) [46]
development of better practices
in developing countries
Higher levels of IF are more
(III) IF→CE Social opportunities related to higher adherence to Macro (countries) [112]
take-back initiatives.
Note: NA = not applied (we did not find any research analysing this flow).

As outlined by Alnahas et al. [46], take-back systems for collecting unused medi-
cations are positively related to higher HDI levels. This suggests that individuals with
greater capabilities can contribute to systems aiming to close product cycles. Macro level
sustainable indicators are not dissociated from micro and meso practices, in the sense
that they can contribute toward policy and decision-making regarding supply chains and
firms aligned to macro strategies. Green logistics performance, for example, is related to
importing and exporting aspects, as developed countries may have stronger environmental
regulations, which influence how developing countries achieve these requirements [112].
The following research opportunities are considered, given that these important topics
are not well covered in the literature:
G21: Develop studies about eco-parks and industrial symbiosis and its relationship
with IF.
G22: Further the investigation of reverse logistic and closed loop supply chains, from
an IF perspective.

5. Discussion
In this section, first we discuss the CE practices identified according to their level and
then, in the following subtopics, we discuss the three flows analysed in this research.
The majority of the CE level groups (design, servitization, corporate social responsi-
bility, circular production, R’s, energy, behaviours) can be considered at the micro level.
However, some of them have been considered at different levels, as they can vary according
to the scope of analysis. Recycling, for example, can be seen as part of an industrial process,
a product component, a consumer behaviour, a community of recycling workers, or even
in a macro dimension, represented by indicators. As pointed out by Alaerts et al. [24], even
with a stratification of the levels, they are not completely isolated from each other.
Although some studies highlight micro level industrial practices, such as the R’s
strategy and clean production, as the most common practices in the CE [13,14], we did
not find, with the exception of the waste management practice, a significant number of
studies linking these ideas to CA. This might be due to research on the theme being in the
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 18 of 26

initial stages, and that CA is more studied at the macro level—although it is possible to
analyse it at the micro level—while these are practices more related to the micro level of
CE. Therefore, practices closely related to the CE micro level should be studied: such as,
bio-based materials, eco labelling, extended producer responsibility, green procurement,
optimizing packaging, remanufacturing, cleaner production, and servitization.
At the meso level, the following initiatives were included: R’s, behaviour and closed-
loop supply chain. Although the main aspect in the CE literature at this level is regarding
eco-parks and industrial symbiosis, we did not find any paper analysing these concepts in
the CA domain; this might be an interesting research opportunity, therefore.
Considering the macro level, the following groups were located: R’s, circular production,
resources and tax. The majority of papers compared the IDH with certain CE practices.

5.1. Positive Relationships between CE Practices and Instrumental Freedoms

At the micro level, and from a consumer perspective, we can infer that products and
services that incorporate CE aspects as a means for being energy efficient and having a
sustainability appeal, for example, can increase individuals’ capabilities while simultane-
ously preserving environmental resources. Considering that regular products may also
improve IF, the main advantage of circular models would be to also indirectly increase
individuals’ freedoms through environmental preservation. However, this should not
reflect on premium prices, which would exclude low-income consumers and therefore
increase inequality.
From the producer perspective, by incorporating circular practices into their processes,
employees would have a safer work environment, impacting their health, and would
receive proper training, improving their knowledge. There is also the expectation that CE
practices foster economic development, increasing job opportunities and income generation,
which would increase individuals’ progression towards a decent life.
At the meso level, the practices that stood out relate to recycling and community
involvement. Such practices express a special synergy when aspects such as the Brazilian
‘cooperatives’ are considered (a fundamental source of income and inclusion for many
individuals, who are responsible for recycling a significant amount of material). Therefore,
the main synergy provided at this level is related to better life standards for individuals
through job creation, which also supports social opportunities and labour rights.
At the macro level, studies usually analyse the implementation of tax and subsidies,
which, in the positive flow, can be related to an increase in renewable and cleaner energies
sources. This in turn increases environmental quality, leading to better individual quality
of life and well-being, which increases IF.
Several of the benefits of IF relate to generating jobs, providing new products and
services, and promoting the development of innovative business models. There are also
benefits related to the improvement of the environment, such as in the case of waste
management and energy production; or by expanding individuals’ capabilities, such as in
the case of the sharing economy, where a product or service acts as a conversion factor.
It is also important to highlight increasing workers’ rights, which is associated with
the implementation of practices such as LCA and sustainable consumption. For exam-
ple, choosing products and services from companies committed to sustainability, which
includes the social domain, can be considered a sustainable practice. Other synergies
involving freedoms associated with employees, such as an increase in income, new knowl-
edge and rights, can be highlighted. Finally, there are initiatives, such as LCA, that provide
consumers with reliable information about the product or service that they are buying,
increasing their freedom of choice.

5.2. Negative Relationships between CE Practices and Instrumental Freedoms

From the micro perspective, one of the greatest concerns relates to unsafe work
environments, due to the presence of dangerous materials in recycling or similar CE
practices. In this context, workers who are not principally responsible for the amount of
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 19 of 26

waste generated have their capabilities decreased due to health problems (this can also
be a problem at the meso level, considering communities of recyclers). Another negative
outcome of sustainable consumption relates to the difficulty that some individuals might
find in changing their consumption patterns. There is also the case of personal data being
exposed during virtualization processes, which decreases freedoms related to transparency.
There is a macro and micro application related to upgrading that can be negatively
related when there is a top-down implementation due to international standards. For
example, the prohibition of extra working hours can be intended to preserve workers’ well-
being. However, it can lead to a reduction of income, which can be a top-down rule not
supported by the workers themselves. This aspect, incidentally, can also promote similar
trade-offs related to social opportunities, protective security and transparency guarantees,
which highlights the importance of balancing universal rights with the local context. This
is something that has already been discussed in the CA literature [113] and deserves the
same attention within the CE domain.
The application of tax and subsidies can have a negative outcome when they are applied
to sources of higher pollution, which decrease both environmental quality and individuals’
capabilities. It is important to consider that some pollutants, such as fossil fuel, may be the
main source of energy for transportation and heating for several low-income populations.
Levying taxes on these pollutants to preserve the environment should be carefully considered,
respecting the intra and the intergenerational aspects of sustainable development.

5.3. Feedback between Instrumental Freedoms and CE Practices

From the micro perspective, an increase in individuals’ capabilities could lead to an
increase in choosing circular products, as individuals would have more resources to spend
on better products and more knowledge about environmental issues. One result of this
might be that individuals have better access to company processes and practices. Such
transparency would improve the ability of consumers to choose.
Increasing individuals’ knowledge is another important aspect. For example, in
order to achieve higher material productivity and to efficiently implement LCA practices,
employees should receive proper training, which would likely expand their capabilities.
An increase in political participation and public protests may increase community practices
and also increase sustainable consumption behaviour.
From a macro perspective, higher development levels are related to better CE practices,
supporting the environmental Kuznet curve, a threshold point where a country would be
able to reduce its negative environmental impact. This aspect was found for recycling rate,
renewable source use and better waste management activities.

5.4. Gap Analysis

Considering that certain practices have barely been studied, and that 32 individual
practices under the CE have not yet been analysed from the context of freedoms, we
identified 22 main research opportunities to be further investigated. In Table 11 we present
these 22 gaps, divided into four categories: (a) further analysis (new analysis possibilities
regarding CA-CE integration); (b) missing CE practices (CE practices in which the impacts
on IF were little explored; (c) threat on virtuosity (possible negative effects of CE practices
on IF); and (d) missing IF benefit for CE practices (IF that were little related to CE practices).
Generally speaking, all the 53 CE practices identified have avenues which could
be further studied under the CA (freedoms) approach. However, we believe that the
22 gaps identified in the literature review are the main research opportunities for this
topic. Considering the novelty of the theme, even the topics that have already been studied
merit further analysis, especially from the different perspective of the CE level or a deeper
analysis based on each of the five IF. Important CE practices, such as industrial symbiosis,
closed-loop supply chain, and remanufacturing, among others, have not been investigated
from a CA perspective, and could therefore provide important research opportunities.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 20 of 26

Table 11. Research opportunities.

Category Gap
G1: Better analyse if there are different IF related to the design practices of the CE.
G4: Investigate whether practices related to the sharing economy in the CE context
have different relationships/implications for IF, for a different set of
conversion factors.
Further analysis G12: Since there is an R hierarchy in the CE perspective, how this hierarchy works for
the IF should be analysed.
G14: Investigate the use of renewable resources and their relationship with IF at the
company (micro) level of the CE.
G18: Investigate the role of the five IF in terms of the process of sustainable behaviour.
G19: Develop studies considering a macro perspective of sustainable consumption.
G2: Investigate whether different design practices related to the CE have different
relationships/implications for IF.
G3: Better understand how the production policies (e.g., make to stock, make to order,
engineering to order), are related with the CE and what the implications for IF.
G7: Investigate how different strategic practices (green procurement, extended
producer responsibility and eco labelling) performed by companies in the CE context
can contribute to IF.
G9: Increase research on the CE practices, such as cleaner production and optimizing
Missing CE practices packaging level, regarding the CA context.
G11: Investigate the relationship of specific aspects, such as downcycling and
upcycling, and even recycling in the micro perspective, with the IF approach.
G15: Investigate the development of studies analysing energy recovery and IF.
G21: Develop studies about eco-parks and industrial symbiosis and its relationship
with IF.
G22: Further the investigation of reverse logistic and closed loop supply chains, from
an IF perspective.
G5: Investigate the development of better virtualization and sharing technologies to
work on data preservation in the CE context, in order to increase
transparency guarantees.
G10: Investigate the impacts of, and how to avoid, the restriction of IF that can happen
when applying top-down approaches in a local context.
Treat on virtuosity G13: Better analyse the possible impacts of unsafe recycling environments for the IF,
and how to solve the issue.
G16: Further develop measurements regarding the possible negative aspects of
taxation and subsidies on IF.
G20: Better understand the barriers that may prevent individuals from choosing
sustainable behaviours, which may reduce their freedoms.
G6: Investigate how improvements in IF aspects can lead to better sharing economy
and product-service systems practices.

Missing IF benefit for CE practices G8: Analyse how an increase in IF can support the development of the CE practices
related to CSR.
G17: Investigate whether higher levels of IF can lead to better taxation and
subsidy practices.

As some research has identified negative outcomes to IF from certain CE practices, it is

important to understand ways to mitigate the issue, in order to protect social aspects while
searching for economic and environmental benefits. Finally, it is clear that an increase in
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 21 of 26

IF would benefit certain CE practices, such as sharing economy, product-service systems,

CSR, and taxation and subsidies; therefore, they offer another important research avenue.

6. Conclusions
In this study we analysed possible positive and negative relationships between CE
practices and the CA, focusing on how these practices may be related to IF and how these
freedoms may contribute to an increase in such CE practices. We argue that a virtuous
cycle can be developed between them, which would support the achievement of sustainable
development equally considering its three dimensions (economics, environmental, and social).
Our study identified 53 practices that can be aligned with the CE. This is the first
contribution of the paper. We then analysed how each of these practices can be related to the
five IF proposed by Sen. To do this, we considered three flows: (1) CE practices positively
affecting IF; (2) CE practices negatively affecting IF; (3) and IF having feedback on CE
practices. As we agree with Sen that increasing IF is the means and goals of development,
we did not consider that it would have any negative relationship with CE practices. Indeed,
the literature investigated as part of our study did not indicate any such relationship.
The principal IF positively affected by CE practices are economic facilities, social
opportunities, and protective security. These are mainly related to job and market oppor-
tunities, and the increase in quality of life due to better work environment conditions,
expansion in opportunities due to new products and services and a better natural local
environment that does not harm human health. Political freedoms and transparency guar-
antee freedoms were less identified in the literature. These findings show that CE can
indeed contribute to the increase of social aspects—which is sometimes disregarded in the
literature—therefore being able to operationalize sustainable development.
Considering the negative relationships between CE practices and IF, we highlighted
those relating to unsafe workplace environments, which might be common in practices such
as recycling. Another important topic to mention is the top-down approach (that may be
used during the implementation of international standards in local environments), which
can have several negative implications for IF, such as a reduction in social opportunities.
This is an important implication of our study, as it shows that some CE practices, depending
on how they are implemented, cannot be considered sustainable because they decrease
individuals’ quality of life, affecting the social aspect of sustainability.
The positive relationships between IF and the CE practices are mainly related to
the increase in economic facilities and social opportunities. These can develop better
opportunities for entrepreneurship and human capital: new innovation and practices that
can improve the quality of life of society and the environment. This demonstrates that
increasing people’s freedoms helps to foster CE.
Considering that this integration between CE practices and the CA is still something
new in the literature, there are several research opportunities. With this in mind, we
identified and proposed a research agenda composed of 22 research gaps, divided into
four groups: Further analysis, missing CE practices, threat to virtuosity, and missing IF
benefit for CE practices. Considering that 32 CE practices of the 53 that we identified had
not yet been investigated in the CA domain, several research opportunities arose from
their analysis. Other important gaps that were identified relate to investigating ways to
better understand and solve specific negative relationships that we found between CE
practices and IF, possible positive relationships of IF toward CE practices that are not clearly
described and increasing the scope of analysis regarding relationships of IF less studied.
As the main limitation of this work, we concede that the subjective screening and
classification process of studies selected for our review may have resulted in some studies
being overlooked. In order to address this limitation, we performed about 200 hundred
searches, including all the terms in Scopus and Google Scholar. Furthermore, the entire
review and classification procedure underwent an internal peer-review process among
study authors, in all cases of doubt. We believe that our work has important implications
for those involved with the CE—consumers, companies, governments—and with the
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13407 22 of 26

development of a virtuous cycle between CE practices and IF, in order to truly achieve
sustainable development.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, P.A.B.L., G.M.K.J., C.R.O. and F.C.O.F.; methodology,

P.A.B.L., G.M.K.J. and F.C.O.F.; validation, P.A.B.L., F.C.O.F. and E.B.M.; formal analysis, P.A.B.L. and
G.M.K.J.; investigation, P.A.B.L., G.M.K.J., C.R.O., F.C.O.F., F.B.S. and E.B.M.; data curation, P.A.B.L.
and G.M.K.J.; writing—original draft preparation, P.A.B.L., G.M.K.J. and C.R.O.; writing—review and
editing, F.C.O.F., F.B.S. and E.B.M.; supervision, F.B.S. and E.B.M.; project administration, E.B.M. and
F.B.S.; funding acquisition, P.A.B.L. and G.M.K.J. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível
Superior—Brasil (CAPES)—Finance Code 001 and by São Paulo State University—Brazil (UNESP).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or
in the decision to publish the results.

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