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Onit 3 t\mxw &Mmcw

You are going to read a newspaper article on the negative effects that computers
can have on people's health. Choose the best heading from A to I below for each
paragraph of the article (1-7) There is an extra heading that you do not need.
The first one (0) has been done as an example.




For many, it's the greatest invention of Being slumped overthe computer in the
the last century, and some people can't same position all day can cause serious spin<
even imagine living w itho u t it. The personal and muscle problems. In particular, the neck
computer has undeniably brought many muscles, which h$ve to support the head,
benefits, such as the ability to work from the can become tig h t and extremely painful.
com fort of one's own home. However, the This can spread and cause headache. But it's
human body wasn't meant to sit in front o f a not just the upper part of the spine that's
screen all day, and the results o f doing so can affected, as the base can also be damaged b]
be rather painful. adopting the same seated position for long

White collar workers are more likely to

have spine problems than manual workers Repetitive strain injury is another risk
who have to lift and carry heavy objects as faced by the PC user. This is a consequence o
part of their work. A survey for the British repeatedly carrying out actions over months
Chiropracticfassociation revealec^that 59 and years. Hands, arms and shoulders can
percent o f the UK working population sits all be affected. At first, this m ight only be
down all day, and o f these, half don't even a slight discomfort, but may eventually
leave their seat for lunch. develop into a more painful problem.
Keyboards and mouses are usually to blame.


Health & Medicine. fieadfrg

*3ct, non-stop typing or clicking a/nouse also try to keep our feet level on the floor. If
r also damage nerves in the wrist and lead this is not possible, we should get ourselves
; i oss o f sensation in the fingers. a footrest.

-nd then there are our eyes. Focusing To reduce strain on the eyes, keep the
3T - nute characters on a tiny screen puts screen at arm's length. The top o f your
i 3T2 n on our eyesight. Tension caused by m onitor should also be at the same height
m~>z nes for work or school only make the as your eyes for greater comfort. The screen
jure: em worse. The final result is tired eye should also be positioned so that it reflects
iujsc es, which make it harder for us to focus as little light as possible, as the glare can be
.vhich can ultim ately lead to lasting another source o f strain on our sight.
age to our sight.

Other advice would include using a

However, we are not helpless and there headset for phone calls so that the telephone
e ~ ings that we can do to avoid some of doesn't end up between your ear and
-ealth problems. First o f all, we can shoulder, thus increasing the pressure on
_rr our seats so that we are in an upright your neck muscles. However, the easiest
in the on with our knees level w ith our hips. advice to follow is to simply rest every hour
s spine m . ' chair doesn't give us enough support, or so, walk around for five minutes and focus
2 neck a n use a cushion or pillow. We should your eyes on something different.
Jut it's Part 2
-'ou are going to read a magazine article.
ged by
Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 8-14.

;nce of

Unit 3 Health & Medicine, heading

Open Wide
Sally Ormond talks about her fear o f the you are overpowered by the smell of
dentist's chair. disinfectant mixed w ith a m int smell. It's as
if someone has been cleaning the floor with
It's been a couple o f years now since my
chewing gum. You lie back in the big, black
last visit. I kid m yselfthat everything's fine.
leather chair, but before you even open your
It's typical me, really. I just don't seem to be
mouth, you hear m um bling about how it's
able to persuade m yselfthat maybe it really ^
been a while since your last check-up, which
is tim e that I went again and that I'm bound
doesn't exactly make you feel relaxed.
to need something done. Why is that the
mere thought o f going there is enough to As far as the check-up itself is concerned,
make my stomach churn and for me to break even the most routine examination is far
o u fin a cold sweat? from pleasant. Firstly, there is the digging of
all those sharp metal things into your teeth
As a child, I had sound teeth and
to try and find those soft areas o f the teeth
regularly visited my dentist. Even the
that indicate the presence o f decay.'After
occasional filling was not enough to put me
this, there is the scraping o f the gums. And
off?After each check-up, we would be given
this is only the check-up.
lolly pops to suck on, which were hardly the
best things for our teeth, though this never Treatment always begins w ith an
occurred to us at the time, or to the dentist injection, but not just any old injection. It's
for that matter. In fact, I used to really look usually the biggest needle you can imagine.
forward to my appointments. So what has And then there's the gas. Supposing I
changed since then? never wake up? And what about all those
instruments? They look like the kind of
line 22 |'m unable to put my finger on i t but
things that you would exppct to find inside a
since becoming an adult, I really can't stand
medieval torture chamber
anything to do w ith the dentist's. First of all,
there's the dreadful wait beforehand. The Of course, none o f this is remotely true.
atmosphere is that o f the condemnecfas This is not why I'm scared to see my dentist.
they await their executions. The expression So what is the reason? If I look deep down
on everyone's face is deadly serious, for the inside myself, I realise that I'm not afraid of
dentist's is no laughing matter. And while pain. Nor is it the criminally high rates that I
you wait, there is the constant screech o f the get charged that puts me off. To be brutally
drill next door. honest, I'm afraid that I'm going to be told
-Sf- o ff for having let so much tim e pass since my
And then there is the unique odour. As
last check-up, on top o f which there w on't be
you finally make your way into the surgery,
any lolly pops.

Health & Medicine. fseadiry O flit 3
3 What do we find out about the w riter in paragraph one?
A She gets scared very easily.
B She likes to look at both sides o f a problem.
C She often postpones things.
D She's decisive.

.'. hat do we find out about the writer's childhood experiences at the dentist's?
A It affected how she felt later on in life.
B She actually enjoyed going.
C She didn't let it bother her.
D She would get a bit worried.

10 .Vhat does 'it' in line 22 refer to?

A Disliking going to the dentist.
B Growing up.
C How the writer's attitude has changed.
D Waiting for an appointment.

The smell o f the surgery

A is too strong for the writer.
B makes the w riter want to go home.
C makes the w riter unable to relax.
D reminds the writer of hospitals.

12 According to the writer, the check-up

A hurts but is necessary.
B is not the worst part.
C is simply a normal procedure.
D is the most painful thing.

13 The writer's description o f being treated is

A concerned!^
B exaggerated?
C fa c tu a l/
D sarcastic.

' 4 In the final paragraph, the w riter says that she

A is unable to find out the cause o f her fear of pain.
B is unwilling to pay dentists' high prices any more.
C knows why she is afraid to go to the dentist's.
D needs to be more honest about her fears.
Onft 3 Health %c Medicine. Keadmg

■ READING Part 3
You are gong to read a magazine article on vegetarianism. Seven sentences have
been taken out of the interview. Choose the sentence from A-H which bests suits
each gap (16-21). An example (0) has been done for you at the beginning. There is
an extra sentence that you do not need.

Meat is Murder?
A vegetarian is a person who doesn't Another health reason for being a
eat meat. This also includes fish. A vegan, vegetarian is the number of recent diseases
on the other hand, does not eat any kind of connected w ith animals killed for food.
animal produce, such as butter, eggs, milk Vegetarians point to modern-day
or even honey. O C About five percent food scares such as 'mad cow's disease' or
o f the British population is believed to be bird flu to support this view.
vegetarian, while only one in four hundred is
For instance, vegetarianism is one
o f the central beliefs o f Hinduism. In fact,
People become vegetarians for many most of the planet's vegetarians are Hindus
reasons. Some people simply dislike the and live in India.
taste o f meat. 16 They point to the
Of course, there are also strong
overcrowded conditions that chickens, for
arguments against vegetarianism. 20
example, are kept in.
addition, many animals are killed in the
It is also argued that vegetarianism is production o f food other than meat.
healthier. 17 One o f the main reasons For example, small animals like mice are
for this is that they consume less animal fat. frequently killed during the harvesting of
crops such as corn. Does this mean that we
shouldn't eat bread?
However, if you are going to become
a vegetarian, there are one or tw o
issues that you need to consider
beforehand. In particular, it is
potentially unhealthy to
stop eating meat. 21
Therefore it is im portant
that you eat other types
o f food which can replace
meat in this respect, such
as nuts, beans and lentils.

Health & Medicine, fseadiry O flft 3

A few also say that meat just tastes great.

First o f all, humans have evolved to eat meat, so it can be seen as a natural
B part o f our behaviour.
^ In addition, they also avoid using other animal products like leather.

D Not eating meat, so the argument goes, reduces such risks.

se' or
E Others believe that keeping and killing animals for food is cruel.

m is one
F People who follow a vegetarian diet are often fitter, have lower cholesterol
levels and are less likely to have w eight problems.

G Some people, though, are vegetarians for religious reasons.

H This is because it is rich in protein, which is a vital part o f a balanced diet.

he IK A D IN G Part 4
ou are going to read an article on alternative health treatments. For questions
22-35, choose the appropriate parts of the text (A-F). You may use any section more
g of
* nan once. If you need to write more than one answer, you can put them in any
lat we
order. An example has been given at the beginning (0).

i_ecome Which parts of the article refer to a treatment that

'O 3 n be used to help people lose weight 0 C
-as been used by people in the entertainm ent industry 22
is *y—
to a n be used to treat irrational fears 23
-as been used to help people recover after operations 24
rtant -as been used on sportsmen 25 26
ypes ~as been used to try and break undesirable habits 27 28
rculd result in patients being hurt if treated by the untrained 29
:t, such
i lentils. can involve the use o f water 30
s named after its founder 31 32
can be used for treating psychological problems 33 34
s oased on ancient techniques 35

O n K 3 Health & Medicine, leading

A Q uestion o f Health
More and more people are turning to alternative or complementary forms o f treatment
for health problems. Here are some o f the more popular ones.
Acupuncture has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine and its origins can
A be traced bacl< thousands o f years. It involves inserting needles into various
parts o f the body. It is used in the treatm ent of injury, pain and drug and alcohol
dependence. It is estimated that there were over 3 million acupuncture treatments
in the UK in 2005 alone. The theory behind acupuncture is that it regulates energy
flows in the body and that the needles can be used to release blocksin this system
and thus aid healing. Doctors are skeptical about such claims but recognise that it
can be effective against pain.
v v
Aromatherapy involves the use o f oils extracted from flowers, trees, shrubs and
B roots. These oils are applied to th ^skin through massage or you can take a bath
in them.They can also be inhaled. Essential oils are particularly recommended
for treating stress, sleeping problems and pain.They are being increasingly used
in therapy for sports injuries, but also in^areas such as cancer care, as it has been
demonstrated that they can help relieve stress and depression in patients suffering
from serious illnesses.
Hypnotherapy can be used to introduce suggestions when patients are in a
state o f extreme relaxation. The aim o f the method is to gain mental control over
problem issues. For instance, a hypnotherapist m ight suggest to a patient that they
do not need to smoke. Therapy can be used to combat anxiety, sleep problems,
pain and obesit^. It has also been used to help people with phobias such as
being scared of flying. The theory goes that the mind is more receptive when the
patient is relaxed. However, evidence concerning the success o f hypnotherapy is
Osteopathy is the manipulation o f the body to diagnose and treat health
problems. In particular, it is used for muscles, joints and nerves. Therapy typically
involves manipulation and massage o f the affected area. Practitioners claim that
osteopathy can be an effective way to treat not only back pain and jo in t problems,
but also asthma, headaches and stomach problems. The approach is based on the
theory that body tension and the positions we adopt when standing and sitting
can affect our health. Doctors recognise that osteopathy can be used to treat back,
jo in t and muscular problems, but remain skeptical about its application in treating
internal organs. Trained practitioners are safe but there is a danger of injury if
patients allow themselves to be treated by the unqualified.
Health & Medicine, fseadmg O n ft 3

Pilates is the use of non-contact exercises for strength, balance and inner awarenessT
Pilates was a German prisoner of war in Britain during World War II, an|l it was there
that he developed a series o f exercises to help disabled war casualties improve their
mobility. After the war Pilates went to America and successfully used his techniques
w ith dancers, actors and athletes. In particular, Pilates' exercises work on the stomach
and back muscles to improve circulation and flexibility. There are over five hundred
such exercises that can be done by anyone.
Alexander Technique was invented by an Australian actor of the same name. It is
used to combat back and neck pain, stress and breathing problems, though there
is no scientific evidence to support this last claim. The technique involves adopting
healthy positions for the back. It also emphasises adopting sensible positions for
lifting objects, claiming that bad posture and lifting methods are behind a number
of health problems. The technique has been used in the rehabilitation o f patients
following surgery.
Health & Medicine. OseoffryUsh

I Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, usii
the word given. Do not change the word given.
You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1 PC users often have spine problems and suffer from headaches,

N o t_______________________ spine problems, but they also suffer from headache

2 Milk is rich in proteins. This makes it vital for a balanced diet,

Milk is rich in proteins,_______________________________________ a balanced die

3 My dentist gave me an injection so I feel dizzy now.

If my dentist hadn't given me an injection,___________________________dizzy nov

4 Sandra prefers going jogging to taking pills because of her high cholesterol level,
Sandra prefers___________________________________ take pills because o f her higl
cholesterol level.

5 The doctor advised me to rest for a few days before returning to work,
What th e _________________________________________ to rest for a few days before
returning to work.

6 The procedure acquired its name from its founder,

The procedure_____________________________________________ its founder.

7 Chinese physicians used acupuncture more than 2,000 years ago.

Chinese physicians____________________________________ more than 2,000 years.

8 It's a pity I caught the flu.

I w is h ___________________ the flu.

9 Of course I didn't smoke on the school premises." Peter said,

Peter_____________________________________________ on the school premises.
Health & Medicine. Oseoffrytfsh O n ft 3
10 Some people think that alternative medicine has provided answers to certain health
jne, using
Alternative m edicine____________________________________________ answers to
certain health problems.

I Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Effects o f C o m p u te r Use on Children

inced diet.
Ai computers have become (1) expensive, more and more families purchase
r~ for their homes. (2 )________
_______ of this, many children begin to use computers at an
«i >age. Even if computers are not (3 )________ in their home, children almost certainly
dizzy now. re -ito (4 )__________ with computers in schools.

level, Some adults are amazed how easily young children use computers. For many children
an - : uter use gives them a sense o f (5 )__________ and accom plishm ent Unlike many
f her high i c - ts, whose first contact w ith computers is work (6 )__________ , most children first use
•nrrrouters for entertainm ent (7 )__________ .This is by no means the only use children have
m :: "puters.They also use them to get information. In addition, children use a variety of
Hbt - ng programmes, which either teach or (8 )__________ basic skills in maths, languages
m a re r subjects.
ys before Hot everyone, (9)__________ , is comfortable with the great deal o f exposure young
i c e nave to computers. Groups such as Happy Childhood, (1 0 )__________ has branches
m ; ; countries, claim that the true impact that early computer use m ight have on children is
ncertainland further research is necessary. Therefore, they have called {1 1 )_________ a
i : Eao the use o f computers by young children.
* dren are to use computers, they should be supervised appropriately and taught to
T e \r computer use to reasonable (12 ) ____ o f time.

)00 years. 1 A least B fewer C less D lesser

2 A For B Since C As D Because
3 A available B handy C accessible D securable
4 A contact B link C touch D connection
5 A strength B force C energy D power
6 A related B associated C relevant D corresponding
smises. 7 A intentions B purposes C aims D objectives
a A enlarge B enrich C improve D advance

0 n K 3 Health & Medicine. Oseo f En g lish
9 A although B however C but D even so
10 A who B where C which D that
11 A on B up C in D for
_ "A
12 A distances B lengths C extents D parts

III Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a
word which fits in the space in the same line.

Fizzy Drinks
Fizzy drinks are (1 )_____ the most popular soft drinks among DOUBT
teenagers. However, recent studies have (2) _ _ shown that CLEAR
soft drinks w ith caffeine can affect children's (3 )______ . A study of
almost 200 teenagers revealed that their sleep patterns are disrupted
and they are (4 )________ to get a good night's sleep. Results show that LIKE
the average daily (5) _ of caffeine is 63 mg - the equivalent of TAKE
half a cup of coffee, which is entirely (6 )______ . Suggestions have ACCEPT
been given to the (7 )_____ _to reduce caffeine levels in fizzy drinks.
These (8 )__________have raised questions over whether fizzy drinks
should be banned in schools. Where bans have been imposed, the
situation has (9 )_______ changed. Students' concentration is better DRAMA
and their academic (1 0 )_____________ has greatly improved. PERFORM

However, a (11) _ number of doctors consider the body of SIGNIFY

evidence collected in the research (12 )______ and flimsy. CONCLUDE

IV There are 12 words or phrases hidden in the grid. Look at the definitions and find
the words in the grid. The first letter of the word or phrase has been given to you.

1 not a severe pain (D A )

2 qet better after illness, recover (R )
3 say what medicine or treatment a sick person should have (P )
4 impossible to heal (1 )
5 not very serious wounds (M 1 )
6 qet sick (F 1 )
7 a medical condition like a bad cold that is caused by breathing in pollen (H
F )
8 an illness that is not very serious (A )

Healfh & Med \ox\t. Oseof O n it 3
9 using a lot o f energy and strength (V .
10 a room or set of rooms in a hospital where people who need medical treatm ent stay
(W ______ )
11 a pill (T ______ )
12 a room where a doctor or a dentist sees and examines patients (S______ )

J A B G 0 A H F L 0 1 U Z T R
A 1 V E A C A W A R T X u M E
o L 1 D K Y Y S Q L E R T V C
■ M G F L X F D A R L C W X U
L E 0 X N C E F Y F B 1 T H P
L N R Y V V V G X V N D L 0 E
A T 0 C N B E 1 C B M F W L R
A U B P R E S C R 1 B E 0 A
J S N P W Q R T Z 1 W F M T
N F D K 1 P L K L P N M R V
M 1 N 0 R 1 N J U R 1 E S X
1 0 G N N A S D F G H J L P M
T B T 0 S U R G E R Y Q W E
UnK3 Health & Medicine. Wrftmg


You have noticed that the number of students eating junk food during the breaks in your
school is increasing. You have spoken to some members o f the Students' Council. They have
decided to launch a campaign called "Teenagers for Healthy Food". You have been asked to
contribute by w riting a report w ith suggestions for a more balanced diet.

Write a report and make sure you include the following information:
• the harmful effects o f junk food on students' health
• alternative healthier diets
• how to start changing their eating habits
• how this change will have beneficial effects on their health

Write 200-250 words.

• use clear headings to help the reader follow your report easily (introduction,
recommendations, conclusion)
• divide your report into short sections (paragraphs)
• state your ideas clearly and directly
• use transitional words/phrases (stating aims, giving reasons, making recommendation

a. check if the task is completed
b. check if the layout/organisation is appropriate for the task
c. re-read your report and check for mistakes (grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation)
d. check the number of words

A few weeks ago a new fitness centre was opened near the place where you live. You think
it would be a good idea for your best friend Alex and you to start working out. Ask him /her to
go there and check the place.

Write him/her an email and include the following information:

• when and where to meet
• how to get to the fitness centre
• how you find out about it
• why the tw o o f you should start working out
Health & Mcdlcfne. Wrftmq 0 n ft3
Write 50-60 words.
• nclude all the points from the instructions
• use only relevant sentences
iks in your • jse informal language
hey have • jse only commonly known abbreviations
asked to
a check if the task is completed
: re-read your email and check for mistakes (grammar, vocabulary, spelling,
: check the number of words



.You think
lim /h e rto
O n rt 3 Health & Medicine. Speaking

Your best friend has decided to become a vegan. You are not really sure if this is a good
idea. You've decided to discuss it w ith your friend.

Ask your friend:

• why he/she has decided to become a vegan
• how this decision m ight change his/her lifestyle
• what potential health risks there are
• if his/her parents agree w ith this decision

You and your partner have been asked to recommend the most effective way to tackle th
problem o f smoking among secondary school students.

Discuss these options, and choose the one you both consider to be the most
• increasing cigarette prices
• banning cigarette advertising in all media
• including health education (especially the health effects of smoking) in the curriculum
• running anti-smoking campaigns (posters, lectures, etc)
• imposing heavy fines for underage tobacco sales


a. try to avoid "closed" questions, and ask "open" questions because they generate
b. if you have no opinion about the subject, think what other people m ight say about it
and express it
c. if you don't know what to say about one thing in the list, try to compare it with
another one in the list
d. if you don't know the exact word for something, try to explain what you mean and
give examples
e. listen carefully to your partner and try to respond to what he/she has said
f. use transitional words/phrases (asking for/expressing opinions, agreeing/disagreein
giving examples, summarising)
H c & lX h %r M c d tC ftC . Usteninq O f lf t 3

.STENING P a r ti
•ou will hear people speaking in eight different situations.
: noose the most suitable answer (A, B or C) for questions 1-8.
s a good
1 You hear a man talking to a friend about the level o f cholesterol in his blood. How has
the man decided to try and reduce it?
A changing his eating habits
B exercising
C taking medication
2 /ou hear a radio broadcast about life expectancy. What does the speaker predict
about life expectancy in the future?
A it will rise dramatically
B it will stay more or less the same
C there will be a slight increase
d tackle the 3 <ou hear a woman talking about what kind of exercise to do. What does she decide to do?
A go running
B go swimming
C w o rk o u t in a fitness centre
* /ou hear an expert commenting on something said by a famous person. What is he
A criticising her opinion
:urriculum B making fun of her opinion
C supporting her opinion
5 7ou overhear a man talking on his mobile phone. Who's he talking to?
A a dentist
B a surgeon
C a pharmacist
f ■'ou hear someone talking about the gym where she works. What kind o f people are
~iost of the clients?
ay about it
A actors
B business people
with C young people
T •'ou hear a talk on the radio. What is the man talking about?
ean and
A a book
B a documentary film
C an exhibition

D r if t s Health & Medicine. Ustenmq
8 You hear a nurse talking about the emergency departm ent in the hospital where s
works. What time o f the day is she talking about?
A morning
B afternoon
C evening

You will hear an interview with Dr Timothy Prior about the common cold.
Complete the sentences for questions 9-18 with no more than two words.
You will hear the words that you need.

Colds are normally spread b y ______________ 9 contact between people.

The people who most frequently spread colds are ______________ 10.
Things like ____ 11 are a common factor in the spread o f colds.
Adults normally have______________ t o _______________12 colds each year.
Colds can be dangerous t o ______________ 13 or the elderly.
You can't get a cold just from g e ttin g ______________ 14 or being cold.
We can pick up the virus fro m ______________ 15 and other surfaces.
People who suffer fro m ______________ 16 are also at greater risk of getting a cold.
Places like modern ____________ 17 are particularly good for cold viruses.
Dr Prior believes that it is ______________ 18 that we will find a cure for colds in the n>

You will hear a conversation between two friends about what can be done about
the health situation in their country. For questions 19-24, you must decide if the
opinions are expressed by Anthony, Janet or both of them.
Write: A for Anthony; J for Janet or B for both.
19 Smoking should not be allowed in public places.
20 Alcohol should be more expensive to buy.
21 The law should be very hard on those that buy or sell drugs.
22 'Buy one, get one free' offers for unhealthy food should be banned.
23 Schools should not offer junk food to pupils.
24 Pupils should not be allowed to buy soft fizzy drinks in school.
HealXh & Medicin c. Listenmcj O f lf t 3

ING Part 4
■ou are going to listen to a radio programme about chance discoveries in medicine.
C-oose the most suitable answer (A, B or C) for questions 25-30.
25 The discovery of Charles Goodyear was later used in
A factories.
B kitchens.
C laboratories.
16 Dr Harvey made his discovery while he was
A doing an experiment.
B talking to a colleague.
C watching something.
27 The gas in Chicago was investigated to see
A if it could be useful.
B if it could harm people.
C why the flowers were not growing.
IS How well did the drug Viagra treat the illness it was originally designed for?
A It had little effect on treating chest pain.
B It helped reduce chest pain.
C It actually increased chest pain.
29 .Vhat did the biochemist: find out about the substances on the frog?
A Some o f them could not be explained.
B Some o f them were dangerous.
C They were all very useful.
10 According to the presenter, most medical discoveries are a result of
A an equal am ount of hard work and chance.
B largely luck.
C mainly hard work.

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