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The main objective of this Project Report is to acquire an understanding of human
resource management – Functions & Practices. Within the organizations, human
resources are regarded to render a significant contribution in the implementation of
various tasks and functions. It is the human resources, who need to manage financial as
well as technical resources in an efficient manner. In order to carry out their tasks and
activities in an efficient manner, they generate awareness in terms of their job duties
and need to up-grade their knowledge, skills and abilities. They need to conduct
research, get enrolled in training and development programs within as well as outside
the organization and establish effective communication terms with others within as well
as outside the organization to carry out their tasks and activities in a well-organized
manner and generate the desired outcomes. The main areas that have been taken into
account in this project report include, Design of Organization and Job, Human Resource
Planning, Compensation and Benefits & Union-Management Relations in Parle Agro
Private Limited Company, whereas Staffing, Training & Development, HR
Compliance & Payroll in United Spirits Limited Company

The Human Resource Management Functions which are studies in this project report
are as follows:

A) Parle Agro Private Limited

1. Design of Organization and Job
2. Human Resource Planning
3. Compensation and Benefits
4. Union-Management Relations
B) United Spirits Limited
1. Staffing
2. Training & Development
3. HR Compliance
4. Payroll


It is a great pleasure to me in acknowledging my deep sense of gratitude to

all those who have helped me in completing this project successfully. First of all, I
would like to thank Savitribai Phule Pune University for providing me an opportunity
to undertake a project as a partial fulfilment of BBA degree. In addition providing
guidance in developing in my project.

I greatly appreciate the staff of the surveyed business unit, who responded
promptly and enthusiastically to my requests for frank comments despite their
congested schedules. I am indebted to all of them, who did their bestirring
improvements through their suggestions.

I would like to thanks Dr. Vasant Wagh (Principal), Mr. Sudam Bhabad
(HOD, & Project Guide) Ms. Neeta Sangale (Project Guide), whose valuable guidance
and encouragement at every phase of the project has helped to prepare this project

All the faculties, office staff and library staff of Kr. V.N. NAIK College Nasik
and friends who helped me in some or other way in making this project.

PLACE: NASHIK Name of the student

DATE: / /2022. Yogesh Namdeo Ghuge.


I hereby declare that the project report entitled “HRM FUNCTIONS” for the
organizations of “Parle Agro Private Limited” & “United Spirits Limited” has been
carried out by own efforts & fact arrived at my observation under the guidance &
motivation of subject teacher “MS. NEETA SANGALE”.

PLACE: NASHIK Name of the student

DATE: / /2022. Yogesh Namdeo Ghuge.

(T.Y B.B.A)



1.1 Overview of HRM 6
1.2 Objectives of study 10
1.3 Limitations of study 11


2.1 Company History 14
2.2 Vision & Mission 18
2.3 Products of Company 19
2.4 Organization Chart 22


3.1 Primary Data 24
3.2 Secondary Data 24




1.1) Overview Of HRM

The main objective of this research paper is to acquire an understanding of human

Resource management – structure and roles. Within the organizations, human resources
are regarded to render a significant contribution in the implementation of various tasks
and Functions. It is the human resources, who need to manage financial as well as
technical Resources in an efficient manner. In order to carry out their tasks and activities
in an efficient Manner, they generate awareness in terms of their job duties and need to
up-grade their Knowledge, skills and abilities. They need to conduct research, get
enrolled in training and Development programs within as well as outside the
organization and establish effective Communication terms with others within as well
as outside the organization to carry out their Tasks and activities in a well-organized
manner and generate the desired outcomes. The main Areas that have been taken into
account in this research paper include, the development of the HRM concept, nature of
human resource management, structure of human resource Management, role of human
resource management and classification of HR roles. The main objective of this
research paper is to acquire an understanding of human Resource management –
structure and roles. Within the organizations, human resources are regarded to render a
significant contribution in the implementation of various tasks and Functions. It is the
human resources, who need to manage financial as well as technical Resources in an
efficient manner. In order to carry out their tasks and activities in an efficient Manner,
they generate awareness in terms of their job duties and need to up-grade their
Knowledge, skills and abilities. They need to conduct research, get enrolled in training
and development programs within as well as outside the organization and establish
effective communication terms with others within as well as outside the organization
to carry out their tasks and activities in a well-organized manner and generate the
desired outcomes. The main areas that have been taken into account in this research
paper include, the development of the HRM concept, nature of human resource
management, structure of human resource management, role of human resource
management and classification of HR roles.
The main objective of this research paper is to acquire an understanding of human
resource management – structure and roles. Within the organizations, human resources
are regarded to render a significant contribution in the implementation of various tasks
and functions. It is the human resources, who need to manage financial as well as
technical resources in an efficient manner. In order to carry out their tasks and activities
in an efficient manner, they generate awareness in terms of their job duties and need to
up-grade their knowledge, skills and abilities. They need to conduct research, get

enrolled in training and development programs within as well as outside the
organization and establish effective communication terms with others within as well as
outside the organization to carry out their tasks and activities in a well-organized
manner and generate the desired outcomes. The main areas that have been taken into
account in this research paper include, the development of the HRM concept, nature of
human resource management, structure of human resource management, role of human
resource management and classification of HR roles.
The Development of the HRM Concept
The complete concept of HRM emerged in the middle of 1980s against the
background of the prominent researchers and writers on management. These included
Pascale and Athos (1981) and Peters and Waterman (1982), who produced list of
attributes that led to the development of the concept of HRM. The concept of HRM has
undergone through three stages. The initial concepts of HRM have been developed by
American writers during the 1980s. During the late 1980s, the British writers also began
to conduct research in this field. Third aspect is, the assimilation of HRM into the
traditional personnel management. One of the first explicit statements of the HRM
concept was made by the Michigan School. They held that HR systems and the
organization structure should be managed in a manner that is congruent with the
organizational strategy. Furthermore, there is explanation of the human resources cycle.

In the human resources cycle, there are four generic processes or functions that
are performed in various types of organizations. These are, selection of the workforce,
appraisal, i.e. performance management, rewards and development. When there are
vacancies within the organization, analysis is conducted in terms of the areas that when
recruitment and selection of the individuals will take place, what educational
qualifications, competencies and aptitude they should possess to generate the desired
outcomes. Within the course of performance of job duties, it is vital on the part of the
supervisors and managers to implement the performance appraisal methods. These
methods render an important contribution in identifying the limitations and bringing
about improvements. Therefore, it is necessary to implement these methods on regular
basis. Rewarding of the employees is one of the important ways of motivating the
employees. Within the organization, apart from salaries, it is necessary to make
provision of benefits and incentives to the individuals and reward them for good

Development of the workforce is a comprehensive concept. When the concept

of development is taken into consideration, there are number of factors that are
identified. These include, development of knowledge and competencies among them,
which are necessary to achieve professional and personal goals. The development of
conflict resolution, time management, decision making and communication skills are
considered indispensable. These skills are necessary to retain one’s jobs, incur job
satisfaction and maintain good terms and relationships with others. Apart from these
aspects, it is necessary to ensure that the workforce are well-equipped in terms of
modern, scientific and innovative methods. Whether the organization is engaged in

production of goods or services, it is essential to generate information in terms of
modern and technical methods. Changes are an integral part of the organization, which
takes place in all spheres, i.e. managerial, administrative, clerical, technical, financial,
and so forth. Hence, the human resources need to be well-trained to cope with changes.

Nature of Human Resource Management

The emergence of human resource management can be attributed to the writings of the
human relationists who attached great significance to the human factor. Lawrence
Appley remarked, Management is personnel administration‖. This view is partially true
as management is concerned with the efficient and effective use of both human as well
as non-human resources. Thus human resource management is only a part of the
management process. At the same time, it must be recognized that human resource
management is inherent in the process of management. This function is performed by
all the managers. A manager to get the best of his people, must undertake the basic
responsibility of selecting people who will work under him and to help develop,
motivate and guide them. However, he can take the help of the specialized services of
the personnel department in discharging this responsibility.

The nature of the human resource management has been highlighted in its following

1. Inherent Part of Management: Human resource management is inherent in the

process of management. This function is performed by all the managers throughout the
organization rather that by the personnel department only. If a manager is to get the
best of his people, he must undertake the basic responsibility of selecting people who
will work under him.
2. Pervasive Function: Human Resource Management is a pervasive function of
management. It is performed by all managers at various levels in the organization. It is
not a responsibility that a manager can leave completely to someone else. However, he
may secure advice and help in managing people from experts who have special
competence in personnel management and industrial relations.
3. Basic to all Functional Areas: Human Resource Management permeates all the
functional area of management such as production management, financial management,
and marketing management. That is every manager from top to bottom, working in any
department has to perform the personnel functions.
4. People Centered: Human Resource Management is people centered and is relevant in
all types of organizations. It is concerned with all categories of personnel from top to
the bottom of the organization. The broad classification of personnel in an industrial
enterprise may be as follows: (i) Blue-collar workers (i.e. those working on machines
and engaged in loading, unloading etc.) and white-collar workers (i.e. clerical
employees), (ii) Managerial and non-managerial personnel, (iii) Professionals (such as
Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary, Lawyer, etc.) and non- professional

5. Personnel Activities or Functions: Human Resource Management involves several
functions concerned with the management of people at work. It includes manpower
planning, employment, placement, training, appraisal and compensation of employees.
For the performance of these activities efficiently, a separate department known as
Personnel Department is created in most of the organizations.
6. Continuous Process: Human Resource Management is not a ‗one shot ‘function. It
must be performed continuously if the organizational objectives are to be achieved
7. Based on Human Relations: Human Resource Management is concerned with the
motivation of human resources in the organization. The human beings can‘t be dealt
with like physical factors of production. Every person has different needs, perceptions
and expectations. The managers should give due attention to these factors. They require
human relations skills to deal with the people at work. Human relations skills are also
required in training performance appraisal, transfer and promotion of subordinates.

Importance of HR managers in organizations

 Strategy management: This is an important aspect of any organization and plays a

vital role in human resource management. HR managers manage strategies to ensure
the organization reaches its business goals, as well as contributing significantly to the
corporate decision-making process, which includes assessments for current employees
and predictions for future ones based on business demands.
 Benefits analysis: HR managers work towards reducing costs, such as with recruitment
and retention. HR professionals are trained to conduct efficient negotiations with
potential and existing employees, as well as being well-versed with employee benefits
that are likely to attract quality candidates and retaining the existing workforce.
 Training and development: Since HR managers contribute significantly to training
and development programmers, they also play a pivotal role in strengthening employer-
employee relationships. This contributes to the growth of employees within the
company, hence enhancing employee satisfaction and productivity.
 Interactivity within employees: HR managers are responsible for conducting
activities, events and celebrations in the organization which gives way to team building
opportunities. Moreover, it enhances interactivity within employees and instils a sense
of trust and respect among peers.
 Conflict management: The department to go to when any kind of professional conflict
arises between employees is HR. They ensure that issues and conflicts are resolved
effectively, approaching the problem with an unbiased attitude and encouraging
effective communication to reach a solution. In addition, they help employees
understand various ways of developing effective work relationships and the importance
of not letting personal judgment affect their behaviour.
 Establishing a healthy work culture: A healthy work culture is pivotal in bringing
out the best in employees. HR managers contribute significantly in setting up a healthy
and friendly work culture, which further translates into better productivity among

1.2) Objectives Of Study

The objectives of the project report are as follows:

 To identify real HRM practice in Parle Agro Private Limited & United Spirits
 To analyze how Design of Organization of Job, Human Resource Planning,
Compensation Benefits and Union Management Relations functions are to be
done in Parle Agro Private Limited.
 To analyze how Staffing, Training & Development, HR Compliance and
Payroll functions are to be done in United Spirits Limited.
 To perform in depth analysis of the above functions in both of organizations.

1.3) Limitations Of Study

Some of the Limitations of my Project Report are as follows:

 Due to increasing COVID Cases Company management didn't gave permission

for actual company visit.
 I have done analysis on HRM functions which are given in this project report
by taking two organizations into consideration.
 Data collected was limited Due to busy schedule of HR manager

A) Parle Agro Private Limited
Parle Agro Private Limited
Type Private
Traded As Unlisted
Industry Consumer Goods
Founded 1984
Headquarters Mumbai, India
Area Served Worldwide
Key People Prakash Jayantilal Chauhan (Chairman &
Schauna Chauhan (CEO)
Alisha Chauhan (Director)
Nadia Chauhan (Director)
Products Frooti
Frio Cola
Frio Orange
Frio Lemmon
Revenue 2800 Crore (2017)
Number Of Employees 5000

B) United Spirits Limited
United Spirits Limited
Type Public
Traded As BSE: 532432
Industry Beverages
Founded 1826
Headquarters UB Tower, No 24, Vittal Mallya Road,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Area Served Worldwide
Key People Hina Nagarajan (MD & CEO)
Products Alcoholic Beverages: Spirits, Beer &
Revenue 9347 Crore (2020)
Number Of Employees 3382 (2020)

A) Parle Agro Private Limited
PARLE AGRO is a trusted name in the Indian beverage industry and has been
refreshing India since more than two decades with leading brands like Frooti, Apply
Classic, Apply Fizz, Bailley, Saint Juice, and LMN & recently launched Grappo Fizz.
Parle Agro Pvt., Ltd. manufactures, distributes, sells, and exports fruit drinks in India
and internationally. The company offers fruit and milk drinks, packaged water, and
apple and mango drinks in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles and containers, and
tetra packs. The company also operates a health and fitness studio for woman. The
company distributes its products through franchisees. Parle Agro Pvt., Ltd. was founded
in 1985 and is based in Mumbai, India. Parle Agro has been a trusted name in the
beverage industry providing wholesome and healthy agro-based drink brands. It has
successfully launched some of India’s leading beverages like Frooti, Appy and N-Joi,
and packaged drinking water, Bailey, over the last two decades. In a country where
health consciousness is growing at a rapid pace, Parle Agro, with its numerous fruit-
based drinks, has struck a chord with the masses. It brings to the consumers the magic
of premium quality fresh fruit drinks conveniently packed and available all through the
year. Fruit beverages are whole some, easy to digest, highly refreshing with natural
nutritional values as compared to synthetic and aerated drinks. Parle Argo’s Frooti is
India's first national mango drink. The mango segment is 95% of the Indian fruit drink
market and Frooti has 85% market share in the tetra pack segment. Made from fresh
and premium Indian mangoes, Frooti has grown to be one of India's top 50 most trusted
brands. When Parle Agro launched N-Joi with real fruits and fresh milk, it not only
launched a new healthy beverage, but also created a whole new category in India. The
milk shake claims to contain no preservatives and is full of nutritional goodness. It's a
delicious filler and an apt quick refreshing nourishment for today'shecticstressfullife.
Parle Agro is an offshoot of Parle Products, which was founded in 1929 in British India.
It was owned by the Chauhan family of Vile Parle, Mumbai. The original Parle
Company was split into three separate companies owned by the different factions of the
original Chauhan family:
 Parle Products, led by Vijay, Sharad and Raj Chauhan (owner of the brands Parle-G,
Melody, Mango Bite, Poppins, Kismi Toffee Bar, Monaco and Krack Jack)
 Parle Agro, led by Prakash Chauhan and his daughters (owner of the brands such
as Frooti and Appy)
 Parle Bisleri, led by Ramesh Chauhan
All three companies continue to use the family trademark name "Parle".

Parle Agro commenced operations in 1984. It started with beverages, and later
diversified into bottled water (1993), plastic packaging (1996) and confectionery
(2007). Frooti, the first product rolled out of Parle Agro in 1985, became the largest
selling mango drink in India.

The original Parle group was amicably segregated into three non-competing businesses.
But a dispute over the use of "Parle" brand arose, when Parle Agro diversified into the
confectionery business, thus becoming a competitor to Parle Products. In February
2008, Parle Products sued Parle Agro for using the brand Parle for competing
confectionery products. Later, Parle Agro launched its confectionery products under a
new design which did not include the Parle brand name. In 2009, the Bombay High
Court ruled that Parle Agro can sell its confectionery brands under the brand name
"Parle" or "Parle Confi" on condition that it clearly specifies that its products belong to
a separate company, which has no relationship with Parle Products.
Parle Agro brands
Parle Agro Pvt. Ltd operates under three major business verticals:
 Beverages – fruit drinks, nectars, juice, sparkling drinks
 Water – packaged drinking water
 Foods – confectionery, snacks
Parle Agro also diversified into production of PET preforms (semi-finished bottles) in
1996. Its customers include companies in the beverages, edible oil, confectionery and
pharmaceutical segments.
Parle Agro, a pioneer in the Indian beverage industry, has been creating innovative
products and iconic brands since 1985
Headquartered in Mumbai, with over 4000 employees, Parle Agro is the largest Indian
beverage company.
Our strength lies in establishing new categories, building brands and capturing market
share within those categories. Our bevy of brands include Frooti, Appy, Appy Fizz,
Bailley, Bailley Soda, Dhishoom and Frio.
Being the fastest-growing beverage company, we continue to aggressively adopt new
strategies and innovative initiatives in order to connect with our consumers. A large
part of our growth strategy is driven by sales and distribution and our manufacturing
capabilities. Today we are a network of 84 state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and
we retail our products across 1.8 million outlets through a network of 5000+ Channel
Partners along with an international presence in over 50 countries
We have always been passionate about building our own brands. We like to create, and
we like to nurture what we create. Fueled by innovation that is engrained in the business
DNA, our focus and vision is making Parle Agro, the No.1 beverage company in India.


B) United Spirits Limited
United Spirits Limited, abbreviated to USL, is an Indian alcoholic
beverages company, and the world's second-largest spirits company by volume. It is a
subsidiary of Diageo, and headquartered at UB Tower in Bangalore, Karnataka. USL
exports its products to over 37 countries.
According to the official website of the company, as of March 2013, USL has more
than 140 liquor brands, of which 15 brands each sell more than one million cases
annually while 3 brands each sell more than 10 million cases annually.


A) Parle Agro Private Limited

We like to create, and we like to nurture what we create. Fueled by innovation that
is engrained in the business DNA, our focus and vision is making Parle Agro, the No.
1 beverage company in India.

Marketing philosophy that reflects the needs of the Indian masses with value-for-money
Vision: To be the leaders in their business domain.

Mission: Maintaining high quality, introducing new and innovative products, reaching
every part of India, remaining customer-centric, constantly upgrading our knowledge
and skills.

B) United Spirits Limited

“To be the most admired global leader in the spirits industry by creating unique high-
quality brands for consumers, driven by highly motivated employees and supported by
best-in-class processes and continued innovations. United Spirits is and will continue
to be responsible towards its stakeholders and the society”

To empower the communities in their own development through a collaborative, and

sustainable approach, underscored by responsible utilization of resource in partnership
with community-based institutions, civil society organizations, value chain partners and
industry peers.

To undertake responsible business practices and ensure safety and well-being of

communities around our operational areas to ensure their socio-economic upliftment.

A) Parle Agro Private Limited
Parle Agro Pvt. Ltd operates under three major business verticals:

 Beverages – fruit drinks, nectars, juice, sparkling drinks

 Water – packaged drinking water
 Foods – confectionery, snacks
Parle Agro also diversified into production of PET preforms (semi-finished bottles) in
1996. Its customers include companies in the beverages, edible oil, confectionery and
pharmaceutical segments.
 Beverages
 Frooti
Launched in 1985, Frooti was India's only beverage sold in a Tetra
Pak packaging at the time. It went on to become the largest selling Mango drink
in the country. Frooti's website has some Frooti mocktail recipes on their

 Appy
Appy Classic was launched in 1986 as an apple nectar and originally available
in a white Tetra Pak packaging with an apple and leaf graphic. As of 2011, it
comes in black Tetra Pak packaging. It was the first apple nectar to be launched in India.
 Appy Fizz
Launched in 2005, Appy Fizz is India's first sparkling apple drink available in a
champagne shaped PET bottle.

 Saint Juice
Launched in 2008, Saint Juice is available in three variants – Orange, Mixed fruit,
Grape and Apple. At the time of its launch, its USP was "100% juice with no added
color, sugar or preservatives".
LMN was launched in March 2009, as non-carbonated lemon drink (nimbu paani or
 Grappo Fizz
Launched in 2008, Grappo Fizz is a sparkling grape juice drink. Grappo Fizz is along
the lines of Parle Agro's existing product Appy Fizz.
 Dhishoom
In 2012, Parle Agro launched India's first Jeera Masala Soda,

 Frio
Frio is a range of flavored carbonated drinks. It is currently available in 3 flavours -
Lemon, Orange, and Cola.

 Cafe Cuba
Launched on 19 May 2013, it is a new product and first of its kind; Cafe Cuba is a
carbonated Cuban coffee, more of a bottled Espresso.
Flavour: Strong Coffee with little sugar.
 Bailley Soda
Launched in 2010. Bailley Soda has its packaging theme inspired by military colours
and also the bottles are shaped like grenade.
 Frooti Fizz
Launched in March 2017, Frooti Fizz is a sparkling mango juice
drink. Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt has signed a deal with Parle Agro to endorse the
product. Frooti Fizz is available in 250ml PET bottle, 500ml PET bottle and 250ml

 Water
 Parle Agro have launched Bailley packaged drinking water.
 It has also introduced pouches of drinking water.

 Food
 Mintrox mints (launched in 2008), hard mint sweets available in 2
 Buttercup sweets (launched in 2008), hard boiled sweets.
 Buttercup Softease, a toffee available in 4 flavours.
 Softease Mithai, a toffee available in 3 flavours.
 Kaccha Aam, a toffee.

 Snacks
 Hippo (launched in 2008), baked snack available in six flavours.
 Hippo Namkeens, is an assortment of traditional snacks from various parts of India.
Hippo Namkeens is now available in a range of seven traditional Indian snacks: Aloo
Bhujia, Chana Dal, Moong Dal, Sev Bhujia, Masala Peanuts, Khatta Meetha, and
Navratan Mixture.

B) United Spirits Limited
USL manufactures Scotch whisky, Indian whisky, brandy, rum, vodka, gin and wine.

Indian whisky

 Antiquity
 Bagpiper
 McDowell's No.1
 McDowell's No.1 Platinum
 McDowell's Single Malt
 Royal Challenge
 Signature
Scotch whisky

 Black Dog

 Bouvet Ladubay
 Four Seasons

 Pinky
 Romanov
 Vladivar
 White Mischief

 Honey Bee
 McDowell's VSOP

 McDowell's No.1 Celebration


 Blue Riband

 Kingfisher


A) Parle Agro Private Limited

An organizational structure is a mainly hierarchical concept of subordination of

entities that collaborate and contribute to serve one common aim.

Organizations are a variant of clustered entities. An organization can be structured in

many different ways and styles, depending on their objectives and ambience. The
structure of an organization will determine the modes in which it operates and performs.
Organizational structure allows the expressed allocation of responsibilities for different
functions and processes to different entities such as the branch, department, workgroup
and individual. Individuals in an organizational structure are normally hired under time-
limited work contracts or work orders, or under permanent employment contracts or
program orders.

B) United Spirits Limited

Mr. Mahendra Kumar

Sharma (Chairman)

Mr. Rajeev Mr. Vinod

Gupta Ms. Hina Nagarajan Rao (Non-
(Independent (MD & CEO) Executive
Director) Director)

Mr. Sanjeev
Mr. Avinash Ganesh
Deoskar (Executive
(Vice President) Vice



3.1) Primary Data

A primary data source is an original data source, that is, one in which
the data are collected firsthand by the researcher for a specific research purpose or
project. Primary data can be collected in a number of ways. Primary data collection is
quite expensive and time consuming compared to secondary data collection.

After visiting Parle Agro private limited for 2-3 days, I visited this
company to get primary data but I could not get much data due to increasing corona
virus infection.

I also visited the United Spirits Limited Company for the purpose of
collecting Primary data on the search of Human Resource Management Functions in
the respective Organization from the Human Resource Department. I visited this
company to get primary data but I could not get much data due to increasing corona
virus infection.

3.2) Secondary Data

Secondary data can be obtained from different sources: information
collected through censuses or government departments like housing, social security,
electoral statistics, and tax records. Internet searches or libraries. GPS, remote.

I have collect this data from various sites on internet related to Human
Resource Management Functions in Parle Agro Pvt Ltd. Collect this secondary data
from their official website,

I have also collect this data from various sites on internet related to Human Resource
Management Functions in United Spirits Limited. Collect this secondary data from
their official website,



The HRM functions are not only limited to business organizations but all other types
of organizations. These may include, service, manufacturing, financial, charitable and
so forth. This is comprehensively understood that when the human resources, employed
in various types of organizations will make use of their skills and abilities, they will be
able to render a significant contribution in performing all tasks and activities in a well-
organized manner and generating the desired outcomes. It is entirely on the part of the
human resources to augment their knowledge and abilities, so they can contribute
diligently and conscientiously towards the attainment of organizational goals.


Designing of the organization and job is an important task of laying down the
organization structure, authority, relationships and responsibilities. The design of the
organization and job takes into consideration the aspects of job specification, which
identifies the attributes of the individuals, who will be most suitable for the jobs. Within
the organization, the members are employed in various positions. The individuals, who
are in leadership positions are vested with rights and have the authority of controlling
the functioning of the organization and managing the workforce. It is essential for the
members of the organization to form good terms and relationships with each other. As
establishment of amiable terms will help them in the performance of their job duties in
a well-organized manner. All the members of the organization are assigned various job
duties, hence, they have certain job responsibilities, which they need to implement
appropriately. Therefore, it can be stated that the designing of the organization and job
helps in recruitment and training of suitable candidates to achieve organizational goals.

Features of Good Job Design

Good job design accommodates employees’ mental and physical characteristics by

paying attention to:

 muscular energy such as work/rest schedules or pace of work, and

 Mental energy such as boring versus complicated tasks.
 allows for employee input, this means employees should have the option to vary
activities according to personal needs, work habits, and the circumstances in the
 gives an employee a sense of accomplishment,
 includes training, so the employee knows what tasks to do and how to do them properly,
 provides good work/rest schedules,
 allows for an adjustment period for physically demanding jobs,

 provides feedback to the employees about their performance,
 minimizes energy expenditure and force requirements,
 Balances static and dynamic work.

Job design is an ongoing process. The goal is to make adjustments as conditions or tasks
change within the workplace.

Factors Affecting Job Design

A well-defined job will make the job interesting and satisfying for the employee.

The result is increased performance and productivity. If a job fails to appear compelling
or interesting and leads to employee dissatisfaction, it means the job has to be
redesigned based upon the feedback from the employees.

Broadly speaking, the various factors that affect a job design can be classified under
three heads.

They are:

1. Organizational Factors

Organizational factors that affect job

design can be work nature or
characteristics, workflow, organizational
practices, and ergonomics.

 Work Nature: There are various

job elements, and job design is required
to classify various tasks into a job or a
coherent set of jobs. The various tasks
may be planning, executing, monitoring,
controlling, etc., and all these are to be
considered while designing a job.
 Ergonomics: Ergonomics aims to design jobs so that the physical abilities and
individual traits of employees are taken into consideration to ensure efficiency and
 Workflow: Product and service type often determines the sequence of a workflow. A
balance is required between the various product or service processes, and a job design
ensures this.
 Culture: Organizational culture determines the way tasks are carried out at the
workplace. Practices are methods or standards laid out for carrying out a certain task.
These practices often affect the job design, especially when the practices are not aligned
to the interests of the unions.

2. Environmental Factors

Environmental factors affect job design to a considerable extent. These factors

include both internal as well as external factors.

They include factors like employee skills and abilities, their availability, and their
socio-economic and cultural prospects.

 Employee availability and abilities: Employee skills, abilities, and availability play
a crucial role in designing jobs. The above-mentioned factors of employees who will
perform the job are taken into consideration. Designing a more demanding job and
above their skill set will lead to decreased productivity and employee satisfaction.
 Socio-economic and cultural expectations: Jobs are nowadays becoming more
employee-centered rather than process-centered. They are, therefore, designed to keep
the employees into consideration. In addition, the literacy level among the employees
is also on the rise. They now demand jobs that are to their liking and competency and
which they can perform the best.

3. Behavioral Factors

Behavioral factors or human factors pertain to human needs and need to be satisfied to
ensure productivity at the workplace.


The objective of HR planning is to ensure that the organization has the

right types of persons in the right place at the right time. When there are vacancies
within the organizations and they need to be filled, the candidates should possess the
essential qualifications that are suitable for the job. The HR planning prepares the
human resources inventory with the viewpoint to assess present and future needs,
availability and the areas of deficiencies in human resources. The HR planning forecast
the demand and supply and identify the sources of selection. It is essential to formulate
the strategies and approaches that may be both long-term as well as short-term, to meet
the needs and requirements of human resources. In other words, it is necessary to
develop the conditions within the working environment in such a manner that may
stimulate the mind-sets of the employees and motivate them towards rendering an
efficacious job performance.

Human Resource Planning Strategy and Implementation

A. Planning Stage
After reviewing the existent gaps between the demand and supply, it is time to
create a sound plan of action that determines to fill the needs and meet the
forecasts. Determine whether to hire, train or outsource manpower to meet the

requirement and also create a buffer. To manage surplus, you can consider
voluntary retirement, internal transfers, relocation or redeployment.

Training and up-gradation can also be used as an additional strategy to build

internal capability resource. Training is not only an effective retention
strategy but also serves your purpose to create a future-ready workforce with
the required skill set.

B. Implementation Stage
Implementing any strategy from paper to practice is the most challenging and
daunting task. Many organizations fail to deliver when it comes to execution.
Take your managers into confidence to make the implementation process smooth.
Follow one step at a time to absorb and handle any unexpected resistance or
challenge that you may face from employees. Give gradual conditioning to the
execution plan so that your employees get to acclimate to the changes.

Also, ensure that all necessary legal compliances and regulations are taken into
consideration while implementing the Human Resource planning strategy to
avoid any glitches.


Compensation and benefits refers to the compensation, salary or other

monetary and non-monetary benefits passed on by the organization to the employees.
Compensation and benefits is an important aspect of HRM as it helps in motivating the
workforce towards the performance of their job duties. Compensation refers to the pay
or the exchange in monetary terms of the work performed by the employees and paid
by the employers. This can be in the form of salary, wages and incentives. When the
employees suffer from injuries or experience accidents at the workplace, then too
compensation is paid to them by their employers. The four types of compensation for
the employees are hourly compensation, salaries, commissions and bonuses. On the
other hand, benefits refer to the exchange in value to the employees as part of their
packages for the performance of job duties. Compensation and benefits are tangible,
but there are intangible rewards, such as, recognition, work-life and development.

In each and every organization people work for to get something in return or they expect
something after completion of their work form employers. We must have heard a
common phrase: give and take. We must always things to people in exchange for what
you give them. Compensation refers to this Exchange, but in monetary terms.
Compensation from the employer an employee feedback for work. It’s just the
monetary value that employers exchange for their employees with the services that
employees provided.

Human Resource Management defines compensation in these words “employee
compensation refers to all forms of remuneration to workers and arising from their
employment.” The expression ‘all forms of remuneration “in the definition does not
include any non-financial benefits, but all the direct and indirect financial
compensation. (Gary Dessler, 1976)

Workers today are not prepared to work just for the money apart from money they
expect some other benefits. This is known as extra employee benefits. Also known as
fringe benefits, employee benefits are non-financial form of compensation offered in
addition to cash salary to employees to enrich life.

What benefits would the company offer to its employees? Problem arises when you
begin to decide what to give to whom and on what basis? Employee benefits are not
performance-based, they are membership-based. Workers receive benefits regardless
of their performances. Employee benefits as a whole have no direct influence on the
performance of employee, however, insufficient benefits contribute to the satisfaction
of the low level and absenteeism and turnover in workers increase. (DeCenzo and
Robbins; 2007). So would you must carefully design your benefit package. Your
package contains a cell phone to each employee, with them to a training workshop or
seminar, giving them a day or two off every month and so on. While the decision on
the package of benefits, the associated costs.

A well-designed compensation and benefits plan helps attract motivate and retain talent
in the company. A well-designed compensation & benefits plan will benefit in the
following ways.

1. Job satisfaction: your staff would be happy with their work and would like to work
for you if they honestly rewards in exchange for their services.

2. Motivation: We all have different types of needs. Some of us want money, so they
work for the company making them higher wages. Some value reach more than money,
she would join companies that have greater chances of promotion, learning and
development. A compensation plan that affects workers needs is more likely to give
them the way you want to act to motivate.

3. Low absenteeism: why would anyone want to skip the day and watch favorite TV
program at the home, if someone really enjoy the work at the office or company’s
environment and satisfied with their salaries and get what they want and need?

4. Low turnover: would someone or any staff want to work for other organization if
your company offers them fair rewards. The rewards which they thought they deserved.


In order to lead to effective growth and development of the

organization, it is of utmost significance for the union and management to maintain
amiable terms and relationships with each other. The management is vested with the
authority and power to make decisions, direct and guide the employees in the right
direction, implement leadership skills, formulate measures and programs and control
the functioning of the organization. When they are carrying out these functions, they
need to ensure their decisions, programs, measures and laws are beneficial to the
employees and organization as a whole. On the other hand, on the part of the union, it
is necessary to inculcate the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness.
They need to develop interest and enthusiasm towards the performance of job duties to
achieve professional and personal goals. In order to reinforce union-management
relations, they need to inculcate the traits of morality and ethics and depict honesty,
righteousness and truthfulness. The reinforcement of union-management relations
renders a significant contribution in the achievement of organizational goals.

Union Management Relations is very important function In Every Organization

because it directly deals with the Production & Profitability of that given Organization.
In Union Management Relations HR Department plays a very important role.



United Spirits Ltd (USL), majority owned by British liquor major Diageo, will do away
with 300 jobs by making these roles redundant and by removing under-performers as
part of a restructuring exercise in the company.

USL, India’s largest spirits maker, has around 5,000 people on its rolls and an equal
number with its partners across the country. The job rationalization was announced by
chief executive officer Anand Kripalu at a town hall meeting with employees on

USL stated that the restructuring was aimed at aligning resources to meet its goals of
becoming a trusted and respected consumer goods company.

“They are making changes to their structure and the way they work, which will simplify
their business in pursuit of becoming the best-performing, most-trusted and respected
consumer goods company in the world. Wherever possible, resources and decision-
making will be closer to customers and consumers enhancing our responsiveness and
agility,” a USL spokesperson stated. “Any saving that occurs from these changes will
be re-invested in growth opportunities for our business and brands.”

“They have added 160 new posts that were not there previously. They have also shed
roles that are irrelevant in today's environment,” said Steve Correa, executive vice-
president and head of human resources at Diageo United Spirits, in an interview last

To staff the HR function strategically, an organization needs to be aware of the essential

elements of a strategic HR department in order to select an appropriate department
structure and to determine which HR responsibilities are to be sourced internally or


Training and Development is one of the most important functions of Human Resource
management in any of the organization. The objective of this Training is to enhance
employees’ skills behavior and expertise by putting them into learning new techniques
of doing work.
Employee Training and Development helps in updating employees’ skills and
knowledge for performing a Job which at the end results in increasing their work
efficiency and increase the productivity of an organization. It ensures that Employees

oddness or eccentricity is reduced and learning or behavioral change should take place
in a very structured format. Training development or learning and development are
official ongoing educational activities designed for goal fulfillment and enhance the
performance of employees. In United Spirits Limited training & development Program
conducted by HR team once in a weak. 15-20 members training program conducted at
a time due Increasing Covid Patients in Maharashtra. The activities linked with
employee Training & Development is created to convey the employee to perform better
in assigned job which also motivate employee to give his/her best so that at the time
of performance appraisal, employee can show the eligibility
for promotion and salary increment.

CSR Policy
The Company will undertake CSR activities through targeted interventions in the
following key areas:
• Ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and
fauna, animal welfare, agroforestry, conservation of natural resources and maintaining
of quality of soil, air and water.
• Enhancing capacity of communities, especially the vulnerable sections, to undertake
productive economic activities, by way of vocational skilling and building life skills.
• Education and awareness initiatives focusing on life skills development.
• Any other activity, in alignment with Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013 and
the CSR Rules, as may be decided from time to time.
• The Company will also ensure compliance with all other provisions of the applicable
laws with respect to selection of area of CSR activity.
Remuneration & Reward Policy
Applicability & Exclusions
a) Applicable from April 1, 2014.
b) All executive employees on the payroll of the Company and its subsidiaries from
Grade O02/ S02 and above (including ‘key managerial personnel’, such as the chief
executive officer, chief financial officer, manager and other personnel as defined under
the Companies Act, 2013), all secretary cadre of employees on the payroll of the
Company and its subsidiaries from the Grade P02 to P06 and all staff cadre employees
on the payroll of the Company and its subsidiaries of Grades A, B, C and H or such
other grade of employees as may be prescribed from time to time.
c) Managing/ Executive/ Whole Time Director remuneration though governed by the
same principles and compensation components as applicable to their grade,

remuneration change approval by way of salary, perquisites, benefits etc. will be
decided in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Listing
Agreement by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee
d) In case of remuneration to non-executive directors by way of commission etc., the
same shall comply with the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and the
Listing Agreement.
e) The remuneration to the Managing Committee members and employees directly
reporting to the Managing Committee and other employees shall be approved by the
Executive Committee/Managing Director in terms of this Reward Policy.

The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

Employers provide bonuses to their employees under the Payment of Bonus Act.
Mostly the establishments and factories with 20 or more employees provide the bonus
which gets calculated based on the profits of the establishment and the employee’s
salary. If an employee completes 30 working days and draws ₹21,000 or less per
month, he/she is eligible for the bonus payment in the on-going financial year. The
minimum rate of paying a bonus is 8.33% while the maximum rate is 20%. If any
employee gets caught in any misconduct or fraud, he/she can get disqualified from
bonus payments.

Pf (Provident Funds)
Both Provident Funds and HR compliance are significant parts of each other. Provident
Fund consists of the money saved throughout the working years of an employee.
Provision of the Provident Fund ensures income when the employee retires from his
job. If the employee, unfortunately, meets early death, the PF gets passed on to his/her
 Employee Contribution - 12% of salary
 Employer Contribution - The contributions are segregated into:
o 3.67% into Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme (EPF)
o 8.33% into Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS)
o 0.5% into Employees’ Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme (EDLIS)
o 0.5% for EPF Administrative Charges (w.e.f 01/06/2018)
Total: - 13%

Professional Tax
Due date for PT is last Date for the Next Month
PT of Nov-2021 we paid it in Dec-2021 (Till 31st Dec)

 PT Slab

Monthly Salary Monthly Tax Rate

Less than Rs.7500 Nil

Rs.7,501 to Rs.175

Rs.10,001 and Rs.300 for the month of February

above Rs.200 for the rest of the year


Payroll is a list of employees who get paid by the company. Payroll also refers to the
total amount of money employer pays to the employees. As a business function, it

1. Developing organization pay policy including flexible benefits, leave

encashment policy, etc.
2. Defining pay slip components like basic, variable pay, HRA, and LTA
3. Gathering other payroll inputs (e.g., organization’s food vendor may supply
information about the amount to be recovered from the employees for meals
4. The actual calculation of gross salary, statutory as well as non-statutory
deductions, and arriving at the net pay
5. Releasing employee salary

6. Depositing dues like TDS, PF, etc. with appropriate authorities and filing

In short, we can say that payroll process involves arriving at what is due to the
employees also called as ‘net pay’ after adjusting necessary taxes and other deductions.

The equation for calculating the net pay

Net pay = Gross income- gross deduction


Gross income or salary = All types of regular income + allowances + any one-time
payment or benefit

Gross deduction = All types of regular deductions + statutory deductions + any one-
time deductions

In the above way Payroll Process is to be done in the United Spirits Limited Company
of the Workmen.



When acquiring an understanding of human resource management, structure and roles

are important aspects, which needs to be taken into consideration. In the nature of
human resource management, the main areas, which are taken into account are, HRM
involves the application of management functions and principles, decisions related to
employees must be integrated, decisions made influence the effectiveness of the
organizations and HRM functions are not limited to only business organizations.
Structure of human resource management is comprehensive, which takes into account
number of factors, these are, Design of organization of job, Human Resource Planning,
Compensation & Benefits and Union Management Relations in Parle Agro Private
Limited whereas, the Other functions that are, Staffing, Training & Development, HR
Compliance and Payroll in United Spirits Limited. In order to carry out these functions
in an appropriate manner, the members need to conduct proper analysis, especially of
the areas, which need to be improved and generate awareness in terms of the factors
needed to enrich the structure of the organization.

In the role of human resource management, the members need to work

effectively towards honing their skills and abilities, so they are able to carry out their
roles satisfactorily. The role of HRM is to design, develop and manage the strategies,
procedures and programs to make optimum use of human resources. The members of
the organization are assigned various types of job duties in accordance to their
educational qualifications, competencies and abilities. When they are assigned job
duties, they need to ensure they work efficiently and develop interest and enthusiasm.
Apart from inculcation of the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness,
the employees need to develop effective communication skills with other members. As
effective communication not only helps them to provide solutions to problems and
challenges, but they are able to incur job satisfaction as well. Finally, it can be stated
that in order to enhance the structure of the organization, the members need to carry out
their roles satisfactorily.





 HRM Specializations books of SY BBA, TY BBA for reference






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