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File Test 8

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A


1 Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase.

Example: ‘Did you enjoy the party?’ ‘Yes, we did.’
did enjoy enjoyed did
1 Yesterday _____ Tuesday. Today is Wednesday.
is did was was
2 Stella _____ go out last night.
didn’t can couldn’t can’t
3 I _____ my phone last week.
lose lost losed
4 What time _____ Greg leave?
was is did
5 We _____ to Madrid last year.
were went go
6 We _____ a terrible film on TV last Friday.
saw see ’re seeing
7 _____ the football match at the weekend?
Did you watch Watched you You watched
8 Andy _____ a magazine on the train.
read red readed

2 Use the words to write positive (+) and negative (–) sentences and questions
(?) with there is / there are. Add some, any, a where necessary.
Example: dishwasher in the kitchen (?)
Is there a dishwasher in the kitchen?
1 TV in the bedroom (–)
2 swimming pool in the garden (+)
3 ghosts in the house (–)
4 school in the village (?)
5 fireplace in the living room (?)
6 shops near our new house (+)

English File fourth edition Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 8
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

3 Underline the correct word.

Example: There were / was a lot of people at the party.

1 Was there any / a photo on the desk?

2 There was / were a good programme on TV last night.
3 Were there any / a people on the beach?
4 There wasn’t / weren’t any food in the kitchen.
5 Were / Was there a good restaurant near the hotel?
6 ‘Was there a ghost in your room?’ ‘No, there wasn’t / weren’t.’
Grammar total 20


4 Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: He flew to / from London to Rio de Janeiro.

1 Don’t stand behind / in front of the TV. I’m trying to watch this film.
2 There’s a mirror above / under the fireplace.
3 I opened the door and walked into / on the room.
4 Their flat is in front / opposite the café.
5 Joanna put her phone out of / into her bag.
6 There’s a cupboard between / under the cooker.
7 Don’t run into / down the stairs!
8 Three women came up / out of the door.

5 Find the odd word out.

Example: lamp mirror kitchen plant
1 study hall balcony bedroom
2 washing machine microwave armchair fridge
3 living room dining room shelf garage
4 sofa wall floor ceiling
5 bedroom garden living room kitchen
6 study ceiling library bathroom

English File fourth edition Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 8
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation A

6 Write the past simple form of the verbs.

Example: have had
1 fall __________ 7 find __________
2 take __________ 8 eat __________
3 say __________ 9 think __________
4 buy __________ 10 get __________
5 read __________ 11 speak __________
6 wear __________ 12 write __________
Vocabulary total 20


7 Find the word with a different sound.

Example: arrived wanted closed loved
1 stairs there near wear
2 bought could thought taught
3 gave saw make became
4 left said died read
5 got was lost had

8 Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: ward|robe
1 bath|room
2 ga|rage
3 un|der
4 be|hind
5 o|ppo|site
Pronunciation total 10
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

English File fourth edition Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 8
Reading and Writing A


1 Read the adverts and tick () A, B, or C.


202b Blossom Tower is a modern flat for a family. There are five bedrooms, two
bathrooms and a balcony. It also has a living room and a very big kitchen with a new fridge,
cooker and dishwasher. This flat is on the second floor of Blossom Tower which is opposite
the park. The area is quite quiet and it’s just a short walk to schools, shops and a

Riverview is a beautiful old house with parking space for two cars. There are two
bedrooms, a bathroom and a small study upstairs. Downstairs there’s a living room, a dining
room and a lovely old kitchen. The house is over 150 years old and there are fireplaces in all
the rooms but there is also a new central heating system. There aren’t any neighbours but
the house is just outside a small village and from the kitchen window there is a fantastic view
of the river. It is a 20-minute drive to the town of Belmont or you can get a bus from the bus
stop in front of the house.

25 The Crofts is a town house with three floors, built in the 1980s. It is in a popular area of
Belmont, near the river. People often choose The Crofts because the houses are very large
and comfortable. Also, the house is a 5-minute walk from the train station and there are
trains to London every hour. There are two bedrooms and a bathroom on the first floor and
there are two more bedrooms on the top floor with another small bathroom. The house has 3
rooms downstairs: a living room, a kitchen and a dining room. Behind the house there is a
long garden and there is also a garage to park your car in.

Example: 202b Blossom Tower is a town house.

A True 
1 You can walk to school from 202b Blossom Tower.

2 The flat is on the third floor.

3 Riverview has three bedrooms.

4 Riverview doesn’t have central heating.

5 From Riverview, there are a lot of buses to Belmont.

6 There are some nice neighbours next to Riverview.

7 It is easy to get to London from 25 The Crofts.

8 25 The Crofts is near the park.

English File fourth edition Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 8
Reading and Writing A

2 Read the adverts again. Write 202b Blossom Tower, Riverview, or 25 The
Crofts next to each sentence.
Example: It isn’t in a town. Riverview
1 You can park in the garage. _____________
2 It has a new cooker and dishwasher. _____________
3 There is one bathroom. _____________
4 You can hear trains. _____________
5 It has new central heating. _____________
6 It’s easy to get the bus. _____________
7 It’s a good place for a family to live. _____________
Reading total 15


Describe your house / flat. Answer these questions, then write a text. (75–
100 words)
1 Do you live in a city / town / village?
2 Do you have a house or a flat?
3 Who lives with you?
4 How many rooms are there in your house / flat? What are they?
5 Is there a big garden?
6 Are the neighbours nice / friendly / noisy...?
7 What is there near your house?

I live in a …

Writing total 10
Reading and Writing total 25

English File fourth edition Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 8
Listening and Speaking A


1 Listen to part of a TV programme about haunted houses. Tick () A, B, or C.

1 Wolfsegg Castle _________.
A is very noisy
2 The bedroom has _________.

3 The mirror is _________ the fireplace.

4 Shelbourne hotel is _________.

5 Finn went to room __________.

2 Listen to five people talking about where they live. Underline the correct
1 The flat has 4 bedrooms / a study.
2 Hayley was sad / happy to move house.
3 The flat has a balcony / garden.
4 The cleaners don’t like the house because it doesn’t have central heating / is big.
5 Their friend, Priya, lives at number 14 / 40.
Listening total 10


1 Ask your partner about his / her home.

1 Do you live in a flat?
2 Is your house / flat in a nice part of town?
3 Why do you like living there?
4 Which is your favourite room?
5 What colour is your kitchen?
6 Do you want to live in a different place? Why?
Now answer your partner’s questions about your home.

2 Ask your partner about his / her famous house.

• What / address? • How old?
• Where? • How many / rooms
• Who / live there? • Can / visit / garden?

English File fourth edition Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 8
Listening and Speaking A

3 Read the information about a famous house and answer your partner’s

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

where – centre of Washington
home of – President of the USA
how old – about 210 years old
rooms – 132
visit garden – yes

Speaking total 15
Listening and Speaking total 25

English File fourth edition Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019

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