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02 14 25 34
Overview HR Retail Supply Chain

04 16 27 36
Accountancy & Finance Insurance Sales Technology - Permanent

06 18 29 41
Construction & Property Languages Engineering Technology - Contract

08 20 31 43
Financial Services Marketing Life Sciences Executive Search

12 23 33
All salaries are per annum, based on current
market rates working in Ireland. Salaries are
subject to variances based on the individual, the
Legal Office Support Life Sciences - company size and other external factors.

Executive Search
professionals have been intrinsic in maintaining 2021 demand for contract
a sense of community amongst workers and
introducing company culture to new hires as There has been an increase in contract
organisations relocated home. opportunities in sectors such as technology,
marketing, finance, sales, and pharma. Contract
Retail has had a remarkable year with grocery work offers benefits to both employer and

workers fast becoming essential, front-line employee – for the employee, there is an
workers. The demand for reliable retail assistants opportunity to gain work on varied projects and
and managers has been huge, with an emphasis salaries tend to be higher, while for employers

Salary Guide
on hyper-local hiring due to travel restrictions. contract roles make the hiring process quicker
and opens up the opportunity to scale with
Financial services has also weathered the storm minimised risk.

extremely well, with healthy activity maintained
throughout the year. In fact, 56 financial firms What about salaries?
either entered the Irish market or expanded
existing operations in 2020. Growth has been
most apparent in funds and asset management,
Overall, in 2020 salaries remained consistent and Anne Heraty
this trend looks set to continue through 2021 Chief Executive Officer
As we enter 2021, it is impossible not to remark risk and compliance, and fintech. with just 41% of employees expecting a salary
on the unprecedented nature of Covid-19 increase. People across Ireland are most
pandemic, and the exceptional challenges it has Moreover, Brexit has been beneficial in concerned about salary and benefits, with 31%
forced upon industries. What has been most attracting UK-based firms who wish to sustain concerned over not earning enough money and
apparent however, is the resilience of the Irish their European operations following the UK's 42% citing it as the most important thing when
workforce and their ability to continue serving exit from the EU. choosing a new role.
their clients. From the rapid mobilisation of
teams to work from home, to the innovative “Security” and “agility” are the new The demand for benefits with a focus on
ways in which companies now reach their must-haves financial security and continuous learning is also
customers online, the dedication of our people palpable, with a sense of people wanting to
should be our key takeway from 2020. We are Due to economic volatility, there is a new sense secure their career prospects into the future.
optimistic that mass vaccination will be a crucial of nervousness amongst candidates. Those in
step towards a return to normality and a jobs are more cautious when offered a new There is also a growing emphasis on authentic
brighter future for the people of Ireland. opportunity and want to understand the company culture and meaningful diversity and
company and position in detail before inclusion policies.
The impact of Covid-19 & remote working committing to a move. As a result, we are
finding that candidates now more than ever Optimism for 2021
Covid-19 has positively widened the talent pool, want to engage with a consultant that has a
thanks to remote interviewing and the deep understanding of the market and Looking towards the future, our teams have
country-wide ability to work from home. This in their clients. cautious optimism industry-wide supported by
turn, has put a renewed emphasis on technical multinational's continued interest in Ireland, the
ability, confidence in skill level, and the need for Workers have also been forced to focus their high level of skill within the country, an increase
strong internet even in the most rural attention on job security and tangible benefits, in start-ups looking to hire, and Ireland’s
of locations. such as pension schemes, health insurance, and position as the only native English speaking
clear career trajectories. country in the EU post-Brexit.
Key sectors that have prospered include
technology, life sciences, and areas relating From an employee and employer’s point of view, 2020 also introduced a shift in location
to data protection and privacy, for example, agility is also key. For professionals, a level of preference for candidates. The ability to remote
privacy and employment law specialists. The flexibility is expected while from the employer's work has led to many people moving outside of
technology sector has been leading the way in point of view, agility and strategic thinking are Ireland’s main cities and relocating to more rural
keeping workforces connected remotely, now essential skills for navigating challenging locations. This has widened Ireland’s talent pool
ensuring protection against data breaches and times. Many employers are also looking for and brings great opportunities for employers
attacks, and bringing operations online evidence of strong leadership, innovation, and a and employees alike with 59% of workers willing
effectively - all of which has resulted in a willingness to work multi-faceted roles. to relocate for the right role.
demand for specialised skill sets. Similarly, HR

What is your overall feeling on
Are you considering changing jobs in 2021?
remote working?

55% Would like a mix of home

Key 30% Yes

and office working
23% Would work remotely

34% Uncertain
15% Not applicable to their
36% No
7% Would prefer a traditional

Takeaways work setting

Would you be willing to relocate for the What is the biggest challenge you are
What is your employment status?
right role/company? facing your career right now?

31% Not earning enough

20% Other
61% Full-time 19% Lack of fulfilling work
4% Part-time 8% My industry has been
59% Yes
25% Contract impacted by Covid-19
41% No
8% Unemployed 8% Poor team dynamic
2% Self-employed 8% Balancing work &
5% I’ve lost my job and am
unable to find work

What is the most important thing to you

Do you expect a salary increase in 2021?
when choosing a role?

In November 2020, the Cpl Employment Outlook

Survey was completed by 1,129 professionals in
42% Salary & Benefits Ireland across a number of industries.
20% Career Progression
42% Yes 17% Fulfilling & Rewarding
35% Uncertain Work
23% No 10% Good Company Culture
8% Location
3% Aligned Values

Accountancy & Finance 2021 Salary Guide

Hiring trends Benefits

While the unprecedented nature of Covid-19 has impacted movement in the Benefits have shifted from being less financial and more motivational since the onset
accountancy and finance sector, there has been notable growth in some areas. We of the pandemic. Remote working is the most sought-after benefit at all levels and
have experienced an increased demand for finance professionals within start-ups, the option to remain a remote worker post Covid-19.
particularly at senior level for financial controllers and directors. Start-ups that may
have been presented with unique opportunities by the pandemic are looking for Other prevalent requests include the opportunity to grow and be a part of the
strong financial talent to help them navigate the current market. organisation’s growth (particularly within start-ups), a good company culture and a
well aligned manager and team. Financial rewards remain a key motivator for those
Tax is also an extremely busy area. Roles we are seeing increased demand for include looking passively. However, active candidates are more open to the full spectrum of
tax accountants, tax analysts, tax specialists and indirect tax professionals. benefits and what makes a company enjoyable to work for.

Technology, pharma and retail are also remarkably active, recruiting talent at all
levels, from financial analysts to CFO’s. Clients in these areas are looking for Most in demand titles:
professionals that not only have the required skill set, but also the industry
background and knowledge to bring their businesses forward. • Internal audit
• Tax professional
We anticipate a continued trend towards contracting in 2021. This will initially be met • Financial accountant
with the job market becoming more client led and a natural decrease or levelling off
in daily rates. However, we expect this to be a short-term trend.

Virtual hiring & remote working

Clients and candidates are adapting well to the new normal of interviewing and
of accountancy & finance talent are
onboarding virtually. Larger companies are being proactive to ensure their new hires
are confidently set up to work remotely, providing them with the required
equipment and onboarding. The shift to at home working has also widened the
working remotely
talent pool, enabling companies to engage with higher skilled talent with a capacity

to work autonomously. Clients are also expecting stronger technical skills from
remote candidates.

Some SMEs and practices are experiencing more technical limitations in working
remotely which will need to be resolved as candidates now see it as a must when
pursuing a new opportunity.
of accountancy & finance talent would
The seismic shift to remote working is also creating huge flexibility. Several
candidates that we have worked with before, have since moved out of the larger not apply for a role that did not offer
cities and are relocating home. This aligns with the experience of our Cork team
who have seen a substantial increase in the number of applications since March at
remote working
all levels.
Employment Outlook Survey, 2020
Companies want office spaces to create a sense of community and belonging, so we
anticipate there will need to be a hybrid model of work that incorporates both home
and office working into the future.
Browse Accounting

Accountancy & Finance 2021 Salary Guide

Permanent ROI €k P/A Permanent (continued) ROI €k P/A

Audit & Practice Low High Qualified Low High
Audit Partner 135 275 Systems Accountant (Qualified) 55 70
Audit Director 95 125 Systems Accountant (Part-Qualified) 38 47
Senior Manager Audit 70 90 Treasury Accountant 45 75
Audit Manager (2 yrs PQE) 65 75 Senior Financial Analyst 60 75
Assistant Manager (1 yr PQE) 58 65 Financial Analyst 45 60
Audit Senior Big 4 45 55 Newly Qualified Accountant 50 58
Audit Senior General Practice 42 52
Audit Semi-Senior 28 38 Part Qualified Low High
Audit Junior 23 29 Part-Qualified - Level 3 Finalist (3+ years exp) 38 50
Graduate ACA 20 23 Part-Qualified - Level 2 (2-3 years exp) 32 40
Part-Qualified - Level 1 (1 years exp) 28 32
Tax Low High Assistant Accountant 35 42
Head of Tax 155 275 Trainee Accountant 22 26
Tax Partner 150 275
Tax Director 100 180 Temporary/Contract ROI €P/Hour
Tax Senior Manager 90 135 Qualified Low High
Tax Manager 80 110 Financial Controller 36 48
Tax Assistant Manager 65 80 Finance Manager 35 43
Tax Accountant 50 75 Senior Accountant/Group Accountant (3-5 yrs PQE) 32 37
Financial Accountant (2 yrs PQE) 28 35
Accounts Payable Low High Management Accountant (2 yrs PQE) 27 33
Accounts Payable Manager 50 70 Cost Accountant (2 yrs PQE) 27 33
Team Leader 45 50 Project Accountant 29 34
Senior Accounts Payable 38 50 Treasury Accountant 25 30
Accounts Payable 30 35 Senior Financial Analyst 29 36
Financial Analyst 26 31
Accounts Receivable/Credit Control/Payroll Low High Newly Qualified Accountant 26.5 29
Credit Control Manager 50 70
Credit Control Team Leader 40 48 Part Qualified Low High
Senior Accounts Receivable 35 40 Part-Qualified - Level 3 Finalist (3+ years exp) 20 25
Accounts Receivable 30 35 Part-Qualified - Level 2 (2-3 years exp) 17 20
Senior Accounts Assistant 35 40 Part-Qualified - Level 1 (1 years exp) 16 18
Junior Accounts Assistant 28 35 Assistant Accountant 17 20
Senior Credit Control (3 yrs + exp) 35 40 Accounts Assistant 15 18
Payroll Specialist (2 yrs +) 38 50 Accounts Payable 16 20
Payroll Admin 28 35 Senior Accounts Payable 20 25
Accounts Payable Manager 25 35
Finance Low High Accounts Receivable 16 20
Chief Financial Officer 150 330 Credit Controller 17 21
Financial Director 110 160 Credit Control Manager 25 35
Group Financial Controller 80 100 Payroll Administrator 15 18
Financial Controller 70 90 Payroll Specialist 19 24
Finance Manager 65 80 Senior Payroll Analyst 23 31
Senior Accountant/Group Accountant (3-5 yrs PQE) 55 75 Payroll Manager 26 41
Financial Accountant (2 yrs PQE) 50 70
Management Accountant (2 yrs PQE) 55 65
Cost Accountant (2 yrs PQE) 55 70
Project Accountant 55 75

Construction & Property 2021 Salary Guide

New ways of working & evolvement The new generation of young construction professionals are increasingly
demanding more diverse workplaces, where their work has purpose and offers
of the industry genuine collaboration opportunities.
While companies have had many organisational challenges in adjusting to the ‘new
normal’, people's ability to adapt to new ways of working has been the most critical.
Alongside investment in digital tools and new technologies, investing in the right Skills shortage
talent and in educating that talent to work effectively on a modern-day construction
site is imperative. As the industry moves forward into its fourth industrial revolution, The skills shortage prevails in the market, with steep competition for quantity
modern-day sites are continually evolving as more companies start to realise the surveyors, engineers, health and safety professionals, project managers, and trades.
potential of digital technology, with workflows and processes being transformed. While there are significant, flagship developments underway, smaller-scale projects
are consistent throughout the country, presenting candidates with greater choice in
By providing training and collaboration with experts across the industry, we can how and where they want to work.
ensure professionals have the knowledge and skills needed to work with the latest
technologies and construction methods. This has been driven by the housing crisis, with demand for new builds nationwide.
The ‘Catch 22’ problem that construction firms face however is the need to bring in
This movement towards education and the digitisation of our industry shouldn’t end talent to build houses, but not having existing housing to offer new hires. This has
because we’re getting back on site; upskilling must remain at the heart of every proven to be an obstacle when trying to recruit expats or international talent
business’s strategy to ensure we don’t lose the progress that has been made towards to relocate.
a more efficient future.

The pandemic has and will continue to have negative impacts on the industry,
however. Covid-19 resulted in a 20% decrease in construction related activity levels
in the first half of 2020. Project viability, access to credit, and limited cash flow are the
main barriers to growth.
of construction professionals surveyed stated that
The skills shortage is also likely to have worsened, as overseas workers based in the biggest challenge they are facing in their career
Ireland may have been prompted to return home. While it is still too early to say is the effect of Covid-19 on the industry.
when this situation will improve, the continuous adjustment to modern-day sites and
technology will be critical to its recovery. Employment Outlook Survey, 2020

Most in demand titles and specialties:

Salary & benefits
• Site engineer
Salaries have remained consistent over the last year as construction firms experience • Site administrator
increased competition to attract talent, particularly quantity surveyors, engineers, • Health & safety professional
and project managers. The pay gap between Dublin and the rest of Ireland, • Quantity surveyor
particularly Munster, has also narrowed. • Construction & project manager -
Rapid career progression is another tactic employed to support talent attraction. We
have witnessed senior hires being offered benefits such as potential profit-sharing, Most buoyant areas in construction:
and even a position on the company board if they meet immediate project targets.
As a result, the industry is now competing in talent pools that other industries have • Water/ treatment/
traditionally dominated. environmental
• Social housing projects
In the current climate, there is considerable demand for real, tangible benefits with a • Education, hospital builds
focus on financial security including pension schemes, life assurance, health or fit-outs
insurance, and income protection. The shortage of skilled professionals in the market • Infrastructure
forces employers to think outside the box when attracting and retaining talent. • Energy-wind farms
Browse Construction
However, benefits and compensation are still the most important consideration
when deciding whether to join a company.
• Utilities Opportunities

Construction & Property 2021 Salary Guide

Permanent Dublin €k P/A ROI €k P/A Permanent Dublin €k P/A ROI €k P/A
Audit & Practice Low High Low High Property Services-Commercial Low High Low High
Design Director 95 120 85 105 Chartered/Associate Surveyor 50 80 45 70
Design Manager 65 80 55 70 Property Surveyor 30 60 25 55
Structural Engineer 35 80 30 70 Valuations Surveyor 30 55 25 50
Civil Engineer 35 80 30 70 Commercial Property Manager 40 60 35 55
Building Services Engineer 35 65 30 55 Senior Asset Manager 75 120 65 105
Architect 35 70 30 65 Asset Manager 45 75 40 65
Architectural Technologist 35 60 30 55
Cad Technician 35 55 30 50 Property Services-Residential Low High Low High
Senior Property Manager 55 70 50 60
Commercial Low High Low High Property Manager 30 55 25 50
Commercial Director 140 200 120 180 Senior Sales & Letting Negotiator 33 55 25 50
Commercial Manager 100 120 80 120 Junior Sales & Letting Negotiator 25 33 20 30

Quantity Surveying Low High Low High Other Low High Low High
Senior QS 70 90 60 80 Site Clerk 26 38 22 35
Project QS 45 65 45 65 Site Administrator 26 38 22 35
Intermediate QS 35 45 35 45 BIM 28 50 28 50
Junior QS 28 35 28 35 CAD 28 50 28 50
Office Administrator 26 40 20 35
Estimating Low High Low High Planner 30 70 30 70
Purchaser/Buyer 30 60 30 60 Plant Manager 40 55 35 40
Estimating Manager 80 100 70 90 Business Development Manager 50 75 45 75
Senior Estimator 60 80 50 70 Business Development Coordinator 27 45 25 40
Estimator 35 55 35 45 Bid Manager 65 75 55 75
Junior Estimator 28 35 30 35 Bid Writer 30 45 25 45

Site Operations Low High Low High

Construction Director 150 300 110 200
Construction Manager 100 120 60 90
Contracts Manager 90 110 80 100
Senior Project Manager 75 100 75 100
Project Manager 70 85 50 70
Senior Site Manager 65 75 55 65
Site Manager 50 60 45 55
Finishing Foreman 50 65 45 60
Foreman 50 65 45 55

Engineering Low High Low High

Senior Engineer 55 70 50 70
Setting Out Engineer 38 50 35 50
Junior Engineer 28 35 28 35

Safety Low High Low High

Health & Safety Director 80 100 70 85
Health & Safety Manager 65 80 55 70
Senior Health & Safety Officer 50 65 45 55
Health & Safety Officer 28 45 28 40

Financial Services 2021 Salary Guide

Payment & Fintech Retail Banking

We are experiencing a payment and fintech revolution, with demand increasing, especially for risk and The Irish banking market experienced a challenging period at the onset of the pandemic and continues
compliance professionals. There is a constant flow of new entrants to the market, particularly in Dublin, to experience job cuts as we enter 2021. At the lower level and typically in the contract and temporary
however, we have seen an increase across the regions also. The industry experienced a record period of space, there have been several redundancies, contracts not being renewed, and some job offers
activity in the first half of 2020, with €328.6m recorded in venture capital, private equity and merger and rescinded in a significant cost-cutting drive. Fortunately, a lot of progress has been made since Q2, with
acquisition transactions. large financial institutions ramping up temp and contract recruitment.

As the sector continues to expand, we expect to see more financial services professionals pursuing The retail and commercial arrears sector is set to be a significant area for recruitment in 2021. The
careers in fintech. economic impact on both personal and business credit, coupled with the number of loan book sales put
on hold in 2020, creates potential for the area as we enter 2021.
We also predict an uplift in international candidates willing to relocate to Ireland and Irish abroad looking
to repatriate to benefit from the sector's growth.
The success of the work from home (WFH) model
Funds and Asset Management The shift to full WFH was almost instantaneous within the financial services sector. Many firms ran trials
with staff working from home while maintaining reduced capacity offices. Overall it has been a relatively
Despite the disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the funds and asset management space smooth transition and welcomed by nearly all candidates. It is extremely positive to see the industry
sustained healthy activity throughout 2020 and as we enter 2021, with this sector now employing 16,000 embracing change and developing methods to support increased flexibility.
people across the country. Standard operational functions such as fund accounting and transfer agency
have remained steady. Remote onboarding and training have similarly been implemented with little disruption. It has even
been noted by our candidates that the support they have received is superior to that experienced in a
We have experienced a significant rise in demand for private equity experience in recent years which traditional office environment.
remained throughout the year. There has been significant growth in the private equity market with a

considerable number of new entrants to further support the already buoyant sector.

Recent developments from the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) coupled with the implications of Brexit has
induced a steady flow of activity within Mangement Companies (mancos). The direct ramifications of the
CBI’s findings are yet to be felt over the coming year, but recruitment is expected to become livelier due
to increased requirements on employee levels. Moreover, Brexit has been incredibly beneficial in
of financial services professionals would prefer a hybrid of
attracting reputable global brands to Ireland to sustain their European operations following the UK’s exit office and home working, with 24% saying they would work
from the EU.
remotely indefinitely.
Employment Outlook Survey, 2020
In fact, 56 financial firms either entered the Irish market or expanded existing operations in 2020
according to the Irish Funds Industry Association.
Benefits remained relatively consistent throughout 2020. The main change evoked by the pandemic and
Risk & Compliance economic downturn is the disruption to salary increases. Large rises are not as easily attained at present
in comparison to pre-pandemic times.
Risk remained a buoyant area for recruitment in 2020, with ample opportunities in banking, funds and
asset management, and professional services. We expect this to continue into 2021.
However, candidates’ priorities have changed because of the seismic shift to at home working. The
increased flexibility and work life balance has become much more valuable to talent seeking new
International banks continue to hire proactively for their risk and analytics teams while Irish pillar banks
opportunities. Similarly, the ability to relocate outside of major cities has seen financial talent become
are hiring but at a more cautious rate. We expect professional services firms to maintain hiring across
much more widely dispersed geographically.
their risk advisory practices, with an emphasis on financial, regulatory, operational, and IT/ cyber risk.

Compliance continues to be the most competitive area in the market with compliance professionals
commanding a premium rate. This is relevant to payments, funds and asset management, and banking.
Browse Financial Services

Financial Services 2021 Salary Guide
Fund Administration ROI € P/A ROI € P/A
Exec-Level Funds Services Low High Middle Office Low High
EMEA Head of, Board level 220 350 Head of Middle Office 120 160
Managing Director, Funds 190 260 Director, Middle Office 90 130
Director, Operations 180 220 Senior Manager 75 90
Head of Sales EMEA 120 160 Manager, Middle Office 55 75
Chief Technology Officer 150 220 Supervisor 48 55
Chief Financial Officer 120 160 Senior Middle Office 34 46
Chief Compliance Officer 150 220 Middle Office Administrator 28 34
MD, Trustee/Depositary 180 240 Custody Low High
Chief Risk Officer 140 220 Head of Custody 110 140
Head of Product 140 180 Custody VP 85 100
Head of Operations Start-Up 120 150 Custody Manager 60 75
Fund Accounting Low High Custody Administration 28 38
Managing Director, Fund Accounting (Multi-Jurisdictions) 160 250 Custody Senior Analyst 38 48
Managing Director Fund Accounting 130 160 Custody Supervisor 50 60
Director, Fund Accounting 120 150 Relationship Management Low High
Group Manager, VP 90 120 Head of Relationship Management 115 140
Senior Fund Accounting Manager 75 90 Senior Relationship Manager 90 110
Fund Accounting Manager 55 75 Client Relationship Manager 60 85
Fund Accounting Supervisor 48 55 Financial Reporting Low High
Senior Fund Accountant 35 48 MD, Financial Reporting 140 180
Fund Accountant 28 32 Head of Financial Reporting 110 140
Graduate Fund Accountant 24 26 Senior Manager Financial Reporting 85 100
Transfer Agency Low High Financial Reporting Manager 65 80
Managing Director, TA 140 180 Financial Reporting Accountant 50 60
Head of Transfer Agency 110 150 Financial Reporting Senior Associate 35 50
Director TA 90 120 Financial Reporting Associate 28 35
Senior Transfer Agency Manager 75 95 BA/PM/Onboarding Low High
Transfer Agency Manager 60 75 Chief Data Officer 150 250
Transfer Agency Assistant Manager 50 60 Director, Client Onboarding 120 140
Transfer Agency Supervisor 45 58 Business Transformation Programme Manager 100 125
Senior Transfer Agency Administrator 35 46 Senior Programme Manager 90 120
Transfer Agency Administrator 25 32 Programme Manager 80 100
Compliance Low High Project Manager 70 90
Chief Compliance Officer 150 240 Senior Business Analyst 70 85
Head of Compliance 120 160 Business Analyst 45 70
Senior Compliance Manager 75 100 Client Onboarding 40 55+
Compliance Manager 60 85 Risk and Control Low High
Compliance Officer 35 55 Head of Risk and Control (Multi-Jurisdictions) 140 200
Trustee Low High Senior Manager Risk and Control 95 125
Managing Director, Trustee/Depositary 180 240 Risk and Control Manager 75 90
Head of Trustee 120 180 Senior Risk and Control Executive 60 75
VP Trustee 90 135 Risk and Control Executive 45 55
Senior Trustee Manager 75 90 Management Companies (Mancos) Low High
Trustee Manager 60 75 Head of Management Company 140 170
Trustee Supervisor 45 58 Senior Product Manager 90 110
Senior Trustee Administrator 35 48 Product Manager 70 90
Trustee Administrator 25 32 Senior Relationship Manager 90 120
Relationship Manager 70 90
Senior Compliance Manager 90 110
Compliance Manager 80 100
Senior Product Manager 90 110

Financial Services 2021 Salary Guide
ROI € P/A Corporate/Commercial/Investment Banking ROI € P/A
Risk Low High Retail Banking (Continued) Low High
Head of Enterprise Risk 140 200 Case Manager 40 70
Senior Enterprise Risk Manager 90 110 Asset Manager 40 60
Enterprise Risk Specialist 50 70 Portfolio Manager 60 75
Reporting and Governance Manager 80 100 Residential Delivery Manager 80 100
Regulatory Risk Manager 80 100 Business Development Manager (Residential) 80 100
Operational Risk Manager 65 100 AML/KYC Officer 30 40
Operational Risk Analyst 40 60 Operations Manager 65 90
Market Risk Manager 70 100 Credit Risk Analyst 40 60
Market Risk Analyst 40 65 Credit Risk Officer 30 45
Liquidity Risk Manager 70 100 Financial Crimes Officer 50 60
Liquidity Risk Analyst 40 65 Regulatory Compliance Manager 70 90
Quantitative Retail Credit Risk 45 100 Regulatory Compliance Officer 45 65
Senior Quantitative Analyst 70 100 Personal Insolvency Executive 35 50
Quantitative Analyst 40 70 Collections Team Lead 45 60
Junior Risk Analyst 30 40 Collections Officer 30 35
Compliance Low High Arrears Support Executive 35 45
Chief Compliance Officer 140 250 Arrears Support Team Lead 55 70
Head of Compliance 100 160 ASU Manager 70 85
Deputy Head of Compliance 85 130 Wealth Management/Brokerage Low High
Senior Manager Compliance & AML 80 100 Financial Consultant 50 80
Compliance Manager 55 80 Financial Planning Manager 60 90
Compliance Officer 38 50 Assistant Private Client Advisor 55 65
AML/KYC Analyst 35 50 Tied Agent 40 100
Compliance Administrator 25 38 Paraplanner 40 55
Senior Paraplanner 55 70
Corporate/Commercial/Investment Banking ROI € P/A Customer Services Administrator 28 40
Retail Banking Low High Investment Analyst 40 80
Head of Function 100 150 Pension Administrator 35 45
Area Manager 90 130 Investment Banking Low High
Data Protection Manager 80 100 Senior Private Banking Manager 110 150
Data Protection Officer 40 80 Private Banking Manager 75 105
Control Manager 60 80 Senior Wealth Manager 100 160
Branch Manager 75 120 Wealth Manager 70 100
Assistant Branch Manager 50 70 Senior Trader 80 140
Business Manager 70 90 Junior Trader 45 65
Financial Planning Consultant 45 70 Investment Banking Analyst 35 45
Customer Service Officer 28 35 Corporate Banking Low High
Mortgage Manager 55 80 Head of Relationship Management 180 250
Mortgage Consultant 30 50 Senior Corporate Banking Manager 100 130
Mortgage Underwriter 30 60 Corporate Banking Manager 75 120
Mortgage Customer Services 28 35 Corporate Finance Manager 70 90
Mortgage Arrears 35 45 Corporate Finance Executive 40 55
Restructuring Manager 50 90 Corporate Banking Analyst 40 50
Restructuring Officer 35 50 Senior Corporate Banking Analyst 60 80
Direct Sales 29 40 Credit Risk Manager 70 85
Junior Underwriter 35 45 Senior Credit Risk Manager 90 120
Senior Underwriter 45 60
Mortgage Resolutions Analyst 35 45
Credit Analyst 35 45

Financial Services 2021 Salary Guide
Corporate/Commercial/Investment Banking ROI € P/A
Commercial Banking Low High
Commercial Banking Manager 60 80
Commercial Credit Analyst 45 65
Senior Commercial Credit Analyst 50 70
Commercial Lending Manager 80 100
Senior Commercial Lending Manager 100 130
Head of Commercial Lending 130 160
Compliance Low High
Chief Compliance Officer 140 250
Head of Compliance 100 160
Deputy Head of Compliance 85 130
Senior Manager Compliance & AML 80 100
Compliance Manager 55 80
Compliance Officer 38 50
AML/KYC Analyst 30 50
Compliance Administrator 25 38
Treasury Low High
Head of Treasury 150 180
Treasury Director 110 140
Treasury Manager 75 95
Treasury Administration 30 40
Senior Treasury Sales Manager 75 130
Treasury Sales Manager 60 70
Treasury and Banking Ops Lead 55 75
Senior Appointments Low High
Head of Costumer Management 120 180
Head of Retail Debt Recovery 100 150
Head of MLRO 120 180
Head of Asset Management 120 180
Head of Personal Insolvency 120 180
Head of Partner Services 120 180
Head of Retail Resolutions 120 180
Head of Contact Centre 100 160
Head of Home Mortgage Business 100 170
Head of Private Banking 160 250
Head of Credit Review, Retail and Business Banking 100 175
Head of Product Management 120 160
Head of Corporate & Institutional Treasury Sales 140 200
Head of First Line Anti-Money Laundering 140 180
Legal 2021 Salary Guide

Privacy & data protection in high demand Most Sought after benefits
The fastest growing legal areas in Ireland are data protection and fintech, heightened • Working from home flexibility
by the monumental shift to online services in 2020. There is a high demand for legal • Continuous learning opportunities
professionals in both areas, but the sudden nature of these requirements means • Strong pension plans
there is a severe shortage of talent available in Ireland. • Stock/equity options

The pandemic has also created a high demand in Employment Law as companies
required support navigating ‘the new normal’ from temporary layoffs to work from
home requirements.

While many firms did make temporary salary reductions, this has been removed in
Pension contribution,
most cases and overall packages remain unaffected across the country.
flexible working options and
The evolvement of a traditional industry health insurance are the benefits
Law has always been considered an ‘old-fashioned’ industry, but the pandemic has most valued by legal
seen law firms change tactics and effectively adapt to the work from home model.
Candidates are now seeing work from home as a long-term trend, with most looking
for a mix of home and office working for the future.
professionals surveyed.
Cpl Employment Outlook Survey 2020
Law firms are interviewing virtually for the first time, creating opportunities for
international candidates to apply before arriving in the country. Similarly, remote
onboarding has been extremely effective with great efforts made by leadership
teams to engage with new hires virtually.

Demand prevails
Newly-qualified solicitors were faced with more competition than in previous years
as firms were forced to hire more strategically than ever before. At the mid-level
however, top-performing associates continue to be paid favourably as we enter 2021
to reduce movement. High demand also remains for solicitors at the 2-6 PQE level.

The rise in partner movement over recent years has put pressure on senior associate
salaries and candidates moving at this level are seeking clear career progression.

Optimism for 2021

Our outlook for the legal market in 2021 is confident. Many clients have hiring
strategies in place to employ talent in Q1. UK and US law firms continue to arrive in
Ireland also, creating increasing demand across the industry. The most in demand
titles are solicitors in privacy or data protection, fintech, employment and tax.
Browse Legal

Legal 2021 Salary Guide

Permanent ROI €k P/A

In-House Low High
Head of Legal (Large/Multinational) 120 175+
Head of Legal (Small/Medium Organisation) 110 150
Senior Legal Counsel (6-8 years PQE) 90 140
Legal Counsel (3-5 years PQE) 75 120
Legal Advisor (1-3 years PQE) 55 80
Legal Executive 30 45*

Legal-Practice-Top Tier Low High

Salaried Partner 125 200+
Solicitor (5 years+ PQE) 85 130
Solicitor (4 years PQE) 85 95
Solicitor (3 years PQE) 80 87
Solicitor (2 years PQE) 75 82
Solicitor (1 years PQE) 70 75
Newly Qualified Solicitor 65 70
Legal Executive/Paralegal 35 45

Legal-Practice-Mid Tier-Outside of Dublin Low High

Salaried Partner 120 180
Solicitor (5 years+ PQE) 75 110
Solicitor (4 years PQE) 70 85
Solicitor (3 years PQE) 67 78
Solicitor (2 years PQE) 60 75
Solicitor (1 years PQE) 55 68
Newly Qualified Solicitor 50 64
Legal Executive/Paralegal 30 40

Legal - Company Secretarial Low High

Senior Company Secretary 80 100
Company Secretary (2-6 years) 50 75
Company Secretary (1-2 years) 45 60
Company Secretary (Trainee) 30 45
HR 2021 Salary Guide

Remote working
While Covid-19 has presented challenges for the HR market, the impact has been less
adverse than anticipated. From March to July 2020 there was a significant reduction
in HR vacancies with organisations temporarily pausing their hiring processes.
However, since July, there has been a gradual increase in roles on the market. of HR professionals surveyed
In conversations with the HR professionals we work with, it has been inspiring to see
how effectively they adapted to the new work practices and the remote
expect a pay rise in 2021.
working environment.
Employment Outlook Survey 2020
The HR community has demonstrated a phenomenal ability to move processes
remotely. We now see virtual interviews with a far more efficient and faster process,
virtual onboarding and digitised administration including e-contracts. They have also Learning & development in demand
managed to introduce company culture and values to new hires while maintaining
engagement with existing colleagues through online initiatives including virtual Throughout 2020, there was significant demand for general HR professionals who are
wellness programmes. This has been instrumental in providing support and a sense adaptable and agile, have strong stakeholder management experience, and who are
of community amongst workers. analytical with acute HRIS knowledge. We anticipate this to continue as we enter
2021 as companies need resilient and skilled talent.
This compelling response illustrates how intrinsic HR professionals are to the
ultimate success of a business and their ability to keep people motivated and The need for strong learning and development professionals has also persisted as
engaged to propel their business forward. companies continue to make significant investment in virtual training methods and
the development of wellness and engagement programmes online.

In a sharp contrast to previous years, we have experienced a decrease in the level of

Salaries & benefits talent acquisition vacancies available. This has improved since September and as we
enter 2021, as clients need TA specialists to assist with their short-term hiring
The pandemic hasn't affected salaries with larger, multinational organisations who
strategies with the possibility of extensions.
continue to offer higher than market renumeration along with enticing benefits.
While monetary rewards continue to influence candidate’s decision making, if a
For 2021 we hope to see the market to continue to gradually improve and recover.
candidate feels their role could be less secure long term, compensation has less of
We are optimistic that businesses which continue to adapt, will flourish and maintain
an influence.
hiring plans.
Similarly, the ability to work remotely has made candidates more flexible when it
comes to salary. The option to live outside of Dublin and avoid high rents and
commuting expenses has lowered minimum salary expectations. This is particularly
evident with graduates looking to secure their first HR position, who are putting a
greater focus on gaining industry experience than salary.

For employees who have faced redundancy or have not had contract extensions,
there is an increased willingness to consider temporary contracts, where benefits are
not included. We have also found many will consider short-term projects while
continuing their search for permanent opportunities.
Browse HR

HR 2021 Salary Guide

Permanent Dublin €k P/A ROI €k P/A

General Low High Low High
HR Director 110 180 100 160
Senior HR Manager 80 120 80 100
HR Manager 55 80 55 100
Strategic HR Business Partner 80 105 55 80
HR Business Partner 55 75 45 70
Industrial Relations/Employee Relations Manager 60 90 55 80
HR Generalist 35 60 30 50
HR Administrator 24 35 24 35

Recruitment Low High Low High

Head of Recruitment 90 130 80 100
Recruitment Manager (In-House) 70 100 50 80
Recruitment Specialist (In-House) 45 75 35 55
Technical Recruiter 50 80 35 65
Recruitment Administrator 24 35 24 30

Learning & Development /Organisational

Low High Low High
Head of Talent & OD 90 130 85 120+
Head of Learning & Development 80 110 75 120+
Learning & Development Manager 60 80 35 65
Organisational Development Manager 70 100 50 70
Learning & Development Specialist 45 65 50 65
Organisational Development Specialist 55 70 40 65
Training Coordinator 24 35 24 35

Reward/Compensation & Benefits Low High Low High

Head of Compensation & Benefits 100 160 90 150
Compensation & Benefits Manager 80 120 70 120
Compensation & Benefits Specialist 50 70 50 70
Compensation & Benefits Analyst 35 50 30 45
Head of Global Mobility 65 95 60 90
Global Mobility Specialist 45 65 40 60

HRIS Low High Low High

HRIS Manager 50 80 50 80
HRIS Analyst 30 55 30 45
Insurance 2021 Salary Guide

Hiring trends Virtual hiring

At the beginning of the pandemic, brokers were downsizing or reducing headcount Both clients and candidates have adapted comfortably and enthusiastically to virtual
significantly due to the sudden decrease in workload. Since September however, hiring processes. Interviews can now be carried out remotely during lunch breaks or
business picked up considerably in the areas of personal and commercial lines, and after work, leading to an overall quicker and more efficient ‘interview to
life and pensions. There has also been an increase in the number of fixed term offer’ process.
contracts in the areas of compliance, pensions and claims.
The only negative feedback we have received from our candidates is that they are
Clients are still cautious however, typically hiring on a temporary or contract basis to often left wondering if an interview has been a success. Typically, in a face to face
deal with the demand. setting there is more time for casual conversation. Virtually however, it is more
difficult to convey personality which has been the main concern of our candidates.

Remote working This has also been a concern for clients, who are finding it more difficult to get a feel
for a candidate and whether they are the right fit culturally in a video setting.
While salaries are unlikely to increase significantly in 2021, employers are starting to
utilise remote or flexible working as a benefit to attract talent. The pandemic has Clients and candidates are no longer inhibited by geographical boundaries when it
changed the way we work, and managers are seeing firsthand that their people can comes to talent or job search. The mutual benefits achieved will make this a
work as, if not more effectively from their own home. long-term trend, well beyond the pandemic.

Flexi-days are also a common benefit provided by several of our clients which allows
employees to work overtime and accrue extra annual leave days. Top recruitment challenges:
While we predict this will continue as we enter 2021, many of our clients are eager to • Companies downsizing or reducing headcount in certain areas
get their teams back to an office environment, specifically in the banking industry. • The cautious shift to temporary over permanent contracts
• Candidates hesitation to move from a permanent position
The seismic shift to virtual hiring and remote working, has also broadened the talent
pool geographically. Clients are now open to candidates working remotely full time,
especially at the senior level. They are now confident that candidates at this level can
deliver, regardless of where they are. This bodes well for candidates who are looking
to relocate out of the cities while maintaining positions with big-name,
1/3 of insurance professionals
city-based employers.
surveyed say the option of
remote working has broadened
Flexible working is the most
the geographical scope of their
valued benefit along with health
job search.
insurance amongst insurance Cpl Employment Outlook Survey 2020
professionals surveyed.
Browse Insurance

Insurance 2021 Salary Guide
Permanent ROI €k P/A
Personal Lines Low High
Life Underwriter (5+ years) 40 85
Operations Manager 60 85
Client Services Executive 40 60
Client Services Administrator 25 35
Pensions Administrator (1-3 years) 25 40
Senior Pensions Administrator (5+ years) 38 55
Pensions Consultant 40 80
Claims Team Manager 45 75
Claims Handler/Assessor (1-4 years) 30 50
Claims Handler (5+ years) 45 55
Financial Advisor (1-3 years) 30 50
Financial Advisor (3+ years) 40 85
Sales Manager 65 90
Area Manager 75 110
Mobile Mortgage Broker* 35 80
Wealth Manager 45 90
Life Insurance Administrator 25 38
Contact Centre 25 30
*Roles have a commission element in addition to basic salary

Risk Low High

Chief Risk Officer 120 250
Head of Risk 100 175
Senior Risk Manager 90 120
Risk Manager 70 95
Risk Specialist 43 65
Risk Officer/ Analyst 30 45
Risk Associate 25 35
Operational Risk Manager 65 85
Operational Risk Analyst 30 55
Quantitative Risk Manager 70 110
Quantitative Risk Analyst 40 75
Compliance Low High
Chief Compliance Officer 120 200
Head of Compliance 90 130
Compliance Manager 70 95
Compliance Specialist 45 65
Compliance Officer 30 50
Compliance Associate 25 35
Underwriting Low High
Head of Underwriting 90 135
Commercial Underwriting Manager 80 100
Commercial Underwriter (5-10 years) 50 80
Commercial Underwriter (1-5 years) 35 55
Assistant Underwriter (1-3 years) 25 32
Actuarial Low High
Chief Actuary 170 320
Qualified Actuary (3-8 years PQE) 85 135
Nearly/Newly Qualified Actuary 65 85
Part-Qualified Actuary 45 70
Trainee Actuary (Grad Level) 30 45
Policy Administrator 30 35
Languages 2021 Salary Guide

Multilingual talent remains in demand Similarly, many clients have had to adapt to remote hiring and managing, with many
companies especially in tech, not returning to an office until mid 2021 at the earliest.
The demand for multilingual talent remains high as many tech companies have
established HQs or international hubs in Ireland. These global companies require While companies have adapted to video interviews and remote onboarding, most
skilled, multilingual professionals to support customer demands in several still require staff to be based in their country of employment.
international markets. Despite the pandemic, Ireland has welcomed many

international brands in the last 12 months. In fact, the IDA recorded 246 new
investments in 2020.

With language requirements from Albanian to Zulu, bespoke talent strategies are
required to help match a candidate's cultural identity, and skill set with each client’s
individual needs. It is not just the tech sector experiencing a growing demand for
language skills: from large multinationals to the education sector, multilingual
professionals are proving to be invaluable to employers. of language professionals
Professionals from across Europe and worldwide are moving to Ireland to advance would like a mix of office and
their English language skills in the only English-speaking country in the European
Union following Brexit. Candidates are still eager to relocate despite the current home working while 31% would
like to work remotely all of
climate, as most employers are keen to have their staff based locally and available if
offices are to reopen.

Moreover, many of the multinationals operating here have offices across the globe,
creating an opportunity for these professionals to relocate in the future and grow
the time.
their international experience. Employment Outlook Survey 2020

of language professionals said
Most in-demand job titles:
• Quality analyst/assurance
• Account executive
• Customer care expert

they would be willing to relocate

for the right role/company.

Remote working & adaptability

The working environment remains unpredictable as we enter 2021. As a result,
clients are only interested in candidates that can demonstrate their ability to rise to
the challenge. Candidates need to be increasingly agile and adaptable.
Browse Language

Languages 2021 Salary Guide

Permanent Dublin €k P/A ROI €k P/A

Call Centres-Customer Service Low High Low High
Call Centre Operation Manager 60 90 50 80
Customer Service Manager 40 65 40 55
Customer Service Team Leader 30 48 28 40
Customer Service Team Leader & Language 35 45 30 45
Customer Service Agent 22 30 20 28
Customer Service Agent & Language 24 32 20 32
Account Manager 25 35 28 35
Account Manager & Language 30 45 28 36

Languages Low High Low High

Technical Support 1st level no Language 22 26 21 24
Technical Support 1st level with Language 24 30 24 25
Technical Support 2nd level with Language 30 32 28 30
Call Centre Team Leader no Language 30 45 28 40
Call Centre Team Leader with Language 35 48 34 45
Collection Analyst with Language 32 40 24 30
Customer Service no Language 22 25 22 25
Customer Service with Language 24 32 24 32
Account Manager with Language 30 45 28 36
IT Account/Agent Support with Language 27 30 29 35
Telesales Agent with Language 28 36 26 33
Business Development with Language 41 60 30 58
Technical Editor with Language 36 40 34 38
Order Management with Language 26 35 23 30
Editorial Compliance Specialist with Language 28 35 26 30
Data Entry with Language 26 26 24 26
Quality Analyst with Language 28 32 28 30
Team Manager with Language/Sales Operation 45 75 35 65
Inside Sales with Language 40 85 24 45
Lead Generation with Language 28 36 23 28
Content Analyst with Language 25 32 24 28
Procurement Coordinator 25 35 25 30
Cloud Sales with Language 40 65 34 65
Sales Manager with Language 55 80 50 70
Accounts Receivable with Language 30 40 24 30
Accounts Payable with Language 30 40 24 30
Customer Success Manager with no Language 32 37 28 35
Customer Success Manager with Language 35 45 32 38
Online Media no Language 26 28 24 26
Online Media with Language 28 30 26 28
Technical Engineer with Language 43 52 40 45
Marketing 2021 Salary Guide

Digital marketing growth in certain disciplines. For candidates, it increases the opportunities available and
means they don’t have to live in Dublin to pursue a marketing career.
Digital marketing and the experienced professionals in this area have never been so
intrinsic to a company’s success. This is especially pertinent when we consider the
traditional businesses who have had to move their operations online. 1/3 of marketing professionals say the option to
As consumers in all demographics become more open to online shopping, SMEs are work remotely has broadened the geographical
beginning to realise the power of online and are making increased efforts to direct scope of their job search.
shoppers to their websites. Digital marketing positions at both junior and mid-level
have increased, along with e-commerce vacancies as our clients focus attention Employment Outlook Survey, 2020
online while their physical doors remained shut.

Content, e-commerce, and analytics professionals have experienced continued

employment growth. Salaries in these areas have remained relatively consistent with Caution in the market
increases in PPC and SEO disciplines as employers are seeing increased value in
being discovered online. With unemployment at such a high level, jumping to 20.2% in October 2020, there
has been a perception that talent is plentiful and readily available for new
There has also been a sharp demand for PR or communications professionals, as opportunities. In the marketing industry however, the talent pool has been very
companies moved to position their response to Covid-19. cautious before committing to a new position. Candidates want to be overinformed
and understand a company in detail to ensure they are the right cultural fit and, that
they are in a strong position to keep on new hires beyond their probation period. As
a result, we are finding that candidates now more than ever want to engage with a
Ahead of the curve on remote working recruitment consultant who understand the market and their clients deeply.

The marketing industry was somewhat ahead of the curve when it came to flexible
working options including remote working. As a result, the seismic shift to at home
working has been less of a learning curve for many marketers, especially amongst Most in-demand disciplines
agency, content, and PR. Marketers are accustomed to adopting new technologies
and also benefit from the freedom of working from home to foster their creative • Digital marketing
thinking. • E-commerce
• Communications
However, many of our professional services or FMCG clients who favoured more • Demand generation
traditional office-based working, had to adapt suddenly to accommodate mass
remote working and hiring. Our team has been working closely with clients
throughout the year to facilitate effective remote interviews and onboarding, placing Top recruitment challenges
candidates in new roles without ever having met their new employers face to face.
• Skills shortage in SEO and PPC disciplines
• Caution to move in the market, especially to contract roles
Working remotely has enabled over ½ of marketing
professionals surveyed to relocate either all or some
of the time.
Employment Outlook Survey, 2020

Forced remote working has also created opportunities for employers and candidates
regardless of their geographical location. In our experience, clients have become
much more receptive to interviewing candidates from across the country. For
employers, remote working widens the talent pool and alleviates the skills shortage Browse Marketing

Marketing 2021 Salary Guide

Permanent Dublin €k P/A ROI €k P/A Permanent (continued) Dublin €k P/A ROI €k P/A
General Marketing Low High Low High FMCG Low High Low High
CMO 95 160 85 150 Marketing Director 90 140 80 120
Marketing Director 95 150 85 130 Marketing Manager 65 90 55 80
Head of Marketing 80 125 70 115 Head of Brands 90 110 80 100
Senior Marketing Manager 60 90 50 80 Senior Brand Manager 55 75 50 65
Marketing Manager 40 70 35 65 Brand Manager 45 65 40 60
Assistant Marketing Manager 35 55 35 50 Assistant Brand Manager 35 50 35 45
Marketing & Communications Manager 55 65 50 65 Category Manager 45 65 50 60
Events Manager 35 55 35 55 Category Executive 35 45 35 40
Marketing & Business Development Manager 45 60 42 55 Category Analyst 35 45 30 35
Senior Marketing Executive 35 45 30 40 Channel Marketing Manager 55 80 50 60
Marketing Executive 30 47 28 40 Consumer/Insights Manager 60 90 50 70
Brand Activation Manager 40 55 35 45
Online/Digital Marketing Low High Low High Marketing Specialist 40 55 35 45
Head of CRM 90 125 75 110 Visual Comms Specialist/Graphic design 30 40 25 35
Head of Online 90 140 80 130
Head of Acquisition 85 120 75 110 Research Low High Low High
Head of PPC 70 95 60 75 Research Director 70 95 70 85
Head of SEO 70 95 60 70 Account Director 60 90 70 85
Head of Display 90 120 75 90 Associate Director 50 65 60 65
Head of Social Media 70 85 60 75 Research Project Manager 55 65 45 55
PPC Manager 40 65 35 45 Research Executive 35 40 32 35
PPC Executive 30 45 30 35 Senior Research Executive 40 45 40 42
SEO Executive 30 45 30 35 Quantitative Expert 50 75 45 60
SEO Specialist 45 55 40 50 Qualitative Expert 50 60 45 50
Digital Marketing Manager 40 75 35 60
Digital/Online Marketing Executive 28 45 28 40 Telcos/Banking/Finance/Professional Services Low High Low High
Demand Generation Marketing Manager 50 90 50 75 Head of Marketing 95 150 75 120
Lead Generation Marketing Executive 35 50 30 40 Head of Brand Communications 95 130 80 100
Affiliate Marketing Manager 45 70 40 60 Head of Consumer 90 140 70 100
E-Commerce Manager/ Executive 40 70 35 50 Head of Retention 90 120 80 100
Online Marketing Manager 45 70 35 50 Head of Product 80 120 70 100
CRM Manager 45 65 35 45 Head of Base 80 120 70 100
CRM Executive 30 45 30 40 Director of Consumer Insights 90 140 70 100
Social Media Manager 35 55 28 45 Product Development Manager 55 85 40 65
Content Manager/ Strategist/ Web Content Editor 35 55 35 50 Base Manager 55 70 45 65
Social Media Executive 28 45 25 40 Propositions Manager 60 85 45 65
E-mail Marketing Manager 40 60 35 50 Segments Manager 60 75 45 65
E-mail Marketing Executive 30 45 28 40 Propositions Specialist 45 70 30 55
Digital Marketing Analyst 35 45 30 40 Insights Specialist 40 55 30 45
Web Analytics Specialist 35 45 30 32 Trade Marketing Executive 35 50 30 40
Mobile Product Manager 60 85 50 70
PR Agency Low High Low High Product Manager 55 80 50 65
Account Director 55 90 50 75 Marketing Campaign Manager 40 65 30 55
Senior Account Manager 40 60 40 50 Go-To-Market Specialist 45 65 30 55
Senior Account Executive 35 45 30 40
Account Executive 28 35 25 32

Marketing 2021 Salary Guide

Permanent (continued) Dublin €k P/A ROI €k P/A

Online Agency-Specific Roles Low High Low High
Director of Digital Marketing 90 130 80 120
Head of Search & Analytics 85 120 70 85
Head of Digital Media 80 110 60 85
Client Director 75 90 60 75
Senior Client Manager 50 70 40 65
Client Manager 37 45 35 45
Client Associate 28 40 28 35

Pharma/Healthcare Low High Low High

Global Head of Marketing 90 160 80 130
Product Marketing Manager 65 90 50 85
Senior Brand Manager 60 90 50 85
Product Manager 55 75 50 70
Brand Manager 55 75 50 70
Sales & Marketing Executive 30 45 27 50
Brand Executive 30 45 27 45
Product Executive 40 70 32 60

Communications & Public Relations Low High Low High

Head of Communications 75 130 75 120
Communications Manager 50 80 50 70
Head of PR 75 120 70 100
Head of External Affairs 85 120 70 100
Public Affairs Specialist 45 75 40 60
Sponsorship Manager 50 70 45 55
CSR Manager 45 70 40 55
PR Manager 40 70 35 60
PR Executive 28 45 22 35
Communication Executive 28 45 30 35
Office Support 2021 Salary Guide

Temporary & contract hiring
Temporary and contract positions have grown significantly throughout 2020 in the
public sector and healthcare industries. The most in demand roles in healthcare have
varied between clerical grade III and VII, junior admin, senior admin, PA, operations,
and management. of office support professionals
The pandemic also brought about a huge increase in requests for call centre agents
within the healthcare and customer service industry to assist with companies surge
are considering changing jobs
in online activity.
in 2021.
Employers are opting for short-term hiring as the market remains unpredictable. This
also gives both employer and candidate the opportunity to see if there is a good
cultural fit before committing to a permanent role. Legal secretarial market
In the past 12 months, temporary contract placements occupied the majority As Irish-based law firms implement hiring freezes and disperse work amongst current
of our activity followed by permanent placements and temporary to head count, the number of new opportunities for legal secretaries have been
permanent placements. impacted. However, as international law firms continue to enter the Irish market,
they expect the best talent and will continue to hire. This is where we have seen
Majority of our placements for the year have been administrators, customer service some vacancies for legal secretaries increase since summer and predict further
representatives and sales administrators (43%) followed by clerical officers (41%) and growth as we enter the new year.
receptionists or front of house (9%).

Most in-demand job titles:
• Clerical officer
• Admin assistant
• Customer service representative

of office support professionals are

Paid annual leave, flexible working options &
looking to upskill in 2021. continuous learning opportunities are the
most valued benefits by office support
Activity returning to the market professionals surveyed.
After a challenging start to the year and some reluctance to move, activity is Cpl Employment Outlook Survey 2020
returning to the market. Since September, the number of office support
opportunities have increased significantly. We are also seeing a welcome increase in
flexibility for support staff regarding work from home options. PAs and other support
staff never had the option to work from home previously, with many of these roles
perceived as needing face to face interaction. The last few months have proven this
doesn’t have to be the case.

In fact, the responsibilities of office managers, EAs and PAs are expanding with many
taking on the management of social distancing and safety protocols in the office.
Browse Office Support

Office Support 2021 Salary Guide

Permanent Dublin €k P/A ROI €k P/A

Call Centres-Customer Service Low High Low High
Executive Assistant to C-Level Appointments 45 70 38 70
Personal Assistant 35 60 28 50
Secretary 30 52 25 40
Team Secretary 28 45 25 40
Medical Secretary 30 45 25 45
Office Manager 34 60 30 60
Office Junior 24 25 20 25
Executive Assistant 35 60 28 50
Receptionist 24 40 20 30
Administrator 25 42 20 30
Sales Administrator 25 35 23 32
Accounts Clerk 27 30 20 25
Data Entry 23 30 19 25
Telesales Reps 24 35 20 27
Customer Service Reps 23 35 20 32
Dictaphone Typist 27 38 20 32
Legal Secretary 30 48 25 42
Legal Executive 32 50 24 42

Temporary/Contract ROI € P/Hour

Qualified Low High
Office Manager 15 20
Office Junior 11 13
PA/Executive Assistant 15 20
Receptionist 12 17
Administrator 12 16
Secretary/Team Secretary 14 17
Accounts Clerk 13 16
Data Entry 11 13
Telesales Reps 12 13
Customer Service Reps 12 13
Dictaphone Typist 15 17
Medical Secretary 14 17
Legal Secretary 15 18
Legal Executive 15 20
Retail 2021 Salary Guide

A challenging year for retail A competitive market for talent

Retail has understandably been one of the most severely impacted sectors by the The surplus of talent resulting from other service sectors such as hospitality meant
Covid-19 pandemic. However, retailers have also been quick to adapt to health and the retail market was very competitive in 2020, especially for sales assistants and
safety requirements and have demonstrated exceptional agility in their efforts to supervisors. However, we still experienced an increase in job requirements from
reach their customers. retailers seeking experienced store and department managers, especially within the
grocery sector.
Many responded to the challenge by offering a click and collect service while also
expanding their online offering and enhancing their social media presence. The The increasing demand for managers resulted in a steep rise in counteroffers, with
retailers who have survived the pandemic have had to be very creative in trying to strong candidates often having multiple offers at any one time.
attract and retain their customer base.
Another notable trend in 2020 was the movement within the retail sector. Many
While grocery and other retailers deemed to be essential experienced incredible candidates experienced within non-essential retailers shifted to essential retailers to
buoyancy in 2020, the rest of the industry suffered reduced footfall as recurring help narrow the talent gap.
lockdowns forced them to shut their doors. This combined with an impending
Brexit has caused many leading brands to close for good, especially within the The landscape of retail significantly shifted in 2020 and is likely to continue into 2021.
fashion industry. The attraction and retention of talent will be critical for the lifeline of the industry
and its continued ability to reach customers. As we enter 2021, the market will
remain highly competitive for retail talent and we predict a more flexible workforce
Hiring in a pandemic to dominate in the year ahead.

The pandemic has drastically changed hiring practices and trends within the retail
sector. Online or virtual interviews have become commonplace, while interviews Most in demand benefits:
held in-store must adhere to social distancing requirements.
• Flexible annual leave entitlements
Hiring has become hyper-local, with retailers selecting candidates that live locally to • Pension
prevent the spread of the virus. This comes in sharp contrast to other industries, • Healthcare
where remote working has widely broadened the geographical scope of the talent • Competitive bonus structure
pool. • Health and safety compliance
• Flexible working hours
Hiring has been incredibly favourable for staff in essential retail outlets throughout • Job security
2020, especially amongst grocery and pharmacy. • Clear career progression path

Hardest to find titles:
• Deli manager and fresh food manager
• Scratch bakers and scratch bakery manager
• Craft butchers and craft butcher manager
of retail candidates are • Senior site managers – forecourt and convenience site manager

considering changing jobs

in 2021.
Employment Outlook Survey 2020
Browse Retail

Retail 2021 Salary Guide

Permanent Dublin €k P/A ROI €k P/A

Food Multiples Low High Low High
Area Manager 60 110 60 100
Store Manager (100+ Staff) 55 100 50 90
Store Manager (50+ Staff) 42 70 42 60
Store Manager (10+ Staff) 30 45 30 40
Assistant Manager 30 42 28 40
Dept/Section Manager 28 38 26 35
Supervisor/Trainee Manager 22 30 20 28

Convenience/Forecourt Low High Low High

Area Manager 65 80 60 75
Site Manager 45 60 40 55
Assistant Site Manager 40 50 35 45
Store Manager 30 45 28 40

Non-Food Multiples Low High Low High

Area Manager 65 85 60 75
Store Manager 35 55 35 50
Assistant Manager 30 45 30 45
Deputy Manager 30 40 28 35
Dept/Section Manager 28 32 25 32
Trainee Managers 22 28 22 28

Telecoms Low High Low High

Area Manager 60 85 55 75
Store Manager 28 45 28 40
Assistant Manager 25 34 25 32

Pharmacy Low High Low High

Area Manager 55 80 55 70
Store Manager 30 50 28 45
Assistant Manager 25 30 25 30

Fashion-High Street Low High Low High

Area Manager 50 85 50 85
Regional Visual Merchandiser 45 60 30 50
Store Manager (100+ Staff)* 55 90 50 80
Store Manager* 35 60 35 50
Assistant Manager 30 45 28 45
Deputy Manager 28 40 24 40
Department Managers 26 35 25 35
Supervisor/Trainee Managers 22 28 21 28

*Depends on staff and square footage/turnover

Please note that all salaries are dependent on turnover, staff and square footage rather than locations.
Sales 2021 Salary Guide

Hiring persisted but limited to specific industries Ireland remains a key destination for EMEA HQs
Sales recruitment continued to flourish in 2020 but was limited to specific industries, Throughout 2020, international companies continued to establish their EMEA sales
namely FMCG, technology, medical, healthcare and foodservice where activity divisions in Dublin where they are expanding their teams at a fast pace. To adapt to
continued to be buoyant. the uncertain environment, companies changed their recruitment strategies,
favouring contract placements over permanent offerings. The shift to a more
Other sectors, specifically non-tech, experienced a more challenging Q2 and Q3 due contingent workforce allows these companies to scale while maintaining their
to the impact of the pandemic slowing down activity. flexibility as the unpredictability of the market persists.

Towards the end of 2020 and as we enter 2021, we have witnessed positive signs of However, we remain optimistic about the growth of the Irish sales industry as we
recovery, with recruitment increasing at all levels and in the majority of industries. enter 2021. We predict the market will return to being candidate-driven throughout
and vying for top talent will remain a challenge for employers and advantageous
for candidates.
Client-driven market at the entry to mid-level
The pool of available talent grew significantly amongst the junior to Most in Demand Sales Areas:
mid-level market, meaning salaries for these professionals have unfortunately
stagnated slightly. • Inside sales/telesales - all verticals
• SaaS sales - all levels
However, the majority of sales candidates are becoming increasingly open-minded • Foodservice sales - junior to mid-level
with their applications and offers, weighing up long-term stability and growth over • FMCG territory sales - junior to mid-level
initial salary levels. However, culture and overall packages (including pension and • Medical/healthcare sales - junior or mid-level
healthcare) are in equal measure when deciding which positions to progress with.

Salaries have remained encouraging in the mid to senior-level market. Moreover, How to attract top talent?
sales professionals with a language, specifically those who speak German, Dutch or
CEE and Nordic languages can command generous salaries due to the extensive • Competitive base and bonus
demand for these skill sets. This is especially true within the tech industry. • Attainable commission structures
• Flexibility and hybrid/WFH options

• Pension and healthcare
• Wellbeing initiatives
• Diverse and inclusive culture/brand

of sales professionals would not

apply for a role that did not offer
remote working.
Employment Outlook Survey 2020
Browse Sales

Sales 2021 Salary Guide

Permanent Dublin €k P/A ROI €k P/A Permanent Dublin €k P/A ROI €k P/A
Service & Utility Sales Low High Low High Service & Utility Sales Low High Low High
Commercial Director 95 150 80 140 Country / General Manager 120 180 110 160
Sales Director 80 120 70 120 Sales Director 90 120 85 110
Business Development Director 80 120 75 110 National Sales Manager 75 100 70 90
Sales Manager 60 90 55 80 National Account Manager 55 90 50 75
Business Development Manager 55 90 50 80 Category Manager 55 80 55 75
Corporate Account Manager 45 65 35 60 Field Sales Manager 55 80 55 75
Account Manager 35 55 30 45 Area Sales Manager 45 65 40 60
Business Development Executive 30 40 28 35 Key Account Manager 40 65 40 65
Sales Executive 30 40 28 35 Field Sales Representative 32 45 28 42
Telesales Executive 22 35 22 32 Van Sales 24 30 22 28
Residential Sales 22 28 20 25 Telesales 24 30 22 28
Property Sales 25 35 20 30 Merchandisers 23 28 22 26

Tech & ICT Sales Low High Low High

VP / SVP Sales 150 250 130 220
Sales Director 80 120 70 120
Service Delivery Director 90 110 80 110
Sales Operations Manager 70 90 65 85
Inside Sales Manager & Language 60 80 55 75
National Account Manager 60 90 60 80
Pre-Sales Consultants 60 80 60 80
Product Sales Specialist 60 80 55 75
Inside Sales Manager 55 80 50 75
Field Sales Manager 55 85 50 75
Channel Sales Manager 55 70 50 70
Senior Account Manager 50 65 45 55
Corporate Account Manager 45 70 45 60
Sales Team Leader 40 50 32 45
Account Executive 35 50 35 50
Inside Sales Executive & Language 32 55 28 50
Field Sales Representative 30 42 25 40
Inside Sales Executive 30 45 25 40
Lead Generation Executive 25 35 20 30

Construction & Engineering Sales Low High Low High

Sales Director 80 100 75 90
Technical Sales Manager 60 75 50 70
Business Development Manager 60 80 55 75
Sales Engineer 45 65 40 60
Technical Sales Rep 35 50 30 50
Sales Executive 28 35 26 30
Telesales Executive 25 30 22 28

Medical/Pharma Sales Low High Low High

Country Manager 115 150 90 130
Sales Director 85 120 75 110
Sales Manager 65 85 60 75
Product Manager 55 80 45 70
Territory Manager 45 60 40 55
Sales Rep 30 45 28 40

Engineering 2021 Salary Guide

A candidate-driven market Senior or leadership roles would have always been limited to a corporate
environment in Dublin, requiring candidates to live within an hour travel radius. Now,
The biggest challenge for employers continues to be the skills shortage amongst these positions can be filled by individuals regardless of their physical location,
jobseekers. The engineering market remains candidate-driven, with the most in broadening the geographical scope for both clients and candidates. This bodes well
demand candidates often being passive, and need to be proactively engaged with if for tackling the skills shortage and will hopefully enable us as recruiters, to find the
they are to consider moving. best talent, uninhibited by location.

At Cpl, the pandemic has given us the opportunity to deep dive into our professional
networks and source these more experienced candidates. They require a detailed
understanding of the company that is hiring and want to feel confident that the
position is secure before moving. Our consultants have deep relationships with our
clients and a unique understanding of their business, meaning we can offer this of engineering professionals stated they
assurance to our candidates.
would like a mix of workplace & home working.
The same is true for our clients, who now more than ever, value our in-depth Employment Outlook Survey, 2020
knowledge of the market and our longstanding relationships with candidates when
making strategic hires.
Applications rising but not in key areas
Another common tactic in the fight to retain talent, is the rise in counter offers.
Employers are doing whatever they can to retain key hires as they become Following a reluctance to move at the onset of the pandemic, interest returned in the
increasingly difficult to replace. summer and remains buoyant as we enter 2021. However, majority of the
applications are in the junior market, particularly at graduate level, doing little to

appease the skills shortage felt in process, validation, tech services, calibration,
and automation.

Operations and manufacturing are other areas where there is an openness to move
of engineering professionals are considering however, there is less demand here also.

changing jobs in 2021. Contracting remained an appealing model for both clients and candidates in 2020,
with no significant pivot to permanent roles despite the presumed desire for greater
job security during the pandemic.
The benefits of remote working
Salaries have remained relatively stable over the last 12 months; however flexible Most in demand titles:
working has become an assumed benefit amongst candidates. Remote working has
in many situations been enforced by the pandemic, but many employers are • Electrician, fitter and mechanically trade qualified professional
allowing increased flexibility in working hours to accommodate for candidates’ • Field service engineer
personal circumstances while working remotely. • Process engineer
• Validation engineer
For high value and professional level engineering roles, if there is the option to work • Electrical and electronic engineer
remotely either full time or partially, 99% of our clients have embraced it. They realise • Mechanical engineer
how important it has become to candidates in trying to achieve a better work life • Manufacturing engineer
balance now and beyond the pandemic and are using it as a key offer when • Chemical (especially process safety engineer)
enticing candidates.
Browse Engineering

Engineering 2021 Salary Guide

Permanent ROI €k P/A Contract ROI € P/Hour

Engineering Low High Engineering Low High
Automation Engineer 55 100 Automation Engineer 45 85
CAD Technician 27 45 CAD Technician 15 45
Calibration Engineer 50 75 Calibration Engineer 25 60
Chemical Engineer 70 90+ Chemical Engineer 25 80
Commissioning Engineer 45 80+ Commissioning Engineer 35 75
Debug Technician 30 40 Debug Technician 15 20
Design Engineer 40 70 Design Engineer 20 50
Design Manager 60 80+ Design Manager 45 100
Electrical Engineer 50 90 Electrical Engineer 35 60
Electronic Engineer 50 80 Electronic Engineer 35 40
Electronic Technician 40 50 Electronic Technican 20 30
Engineering Manager 75 90+ Engineering Manager 60 80
Energy Engineer 50 65 Energy Engineer 20 65
EHS Engineer 50 70 EHS Engineer 30 60
Facilities Engineer 50 80 Facilities Engineer 30 50
Facilities Manager 60 100 Facilities Manager 45 60
Facilities Technician 40 50 Facilities Technician 18 30
Field Service Engineer 40 50 Field Service Engineer 20 25
General Manager 80 160 General Manager 30 60
H&S Engineer 45 65+ H&S Engineer 40 55
H&S Manager 60 80+ H&S Manager 40 55
Instrumentation Engineer 40 60 Instrumentation Engineer 25 60
Instrumentation Technician 40 45 Instrumentation Technician 20 30
Lean Engineer 50 80 Lean Engineer 40 60
Maintenance Engineer 45 60 Maintenance Engineer 40 50
Maintenance Manager 50 80+ Maintenance Manager 50 60
Maintenance Technician 40 55 Maintenance Technician 17 30
Mechanical Engineer 50 75 Mechanical Engineer 40 75
Manufacturing Engineer 50 70 Manufacturing Engineer 40 55
Manufacturing Technician 25 40 Manufacturing Technician 17 30
NPD Technologist 35 45 NPD Technologist 15 30
NPD Manager 50 65+ NPD Manager 50 65
Operations Manager 60 90+ Operations Manager 50 65
Process Engineer 55 90 Process Engineer 35 80
Process Improvement Engineer 50 70+ Process Improvement Engineer 40 50
Process Improvement Manager 60 80+ Process Improvement Manager 50 70
Process Technician 35 40 Process Technician 15 25
Production Engineer 30 45 Production Engineer 40 50
Production Manager 55 65 Production Manager 55 65
Project Engineer 50 80 Project Engineer 40 65
Project Manager 60 65+ Project Manager 55 100
QA/QC Technician 30 45 QA/QC Technician 17 25
Quality Engineer 45 75 Quality Engineer 30 65
Quality Manager 60 80+ Quality Manager 45 70
Quality Technician 28 35+ Quality Technician 17 25
Technical Manager 55 75+ Technical Manager 40 60
Test Engineer 45 65+ Test Engineer 25 35
Validation Engineer 45 70+ Validation Engineer 35 80

Life Sciences 2021 Salary Guide

'Business as usual’ in life sciences sector As recruitment professionals, we can offer candidates peace of mind that they are
entering a new role, armed with all of the required information. Our consultants have
The life sciences industry continues to thrive, remaining one of the most ‘business as deep relationships with our clients and a unique understanding of their business
usual’ sectors throughout the pandemic. Life sciences in Ireland employs over 50,000 which we can use to assist candidates in their decision-making.
people directly and exports more than €45 billion annually.
Moreover, as widespread vaccination looms as we enter 2021, we’re seeing an uplift
Pfizer announced in late 2020 that they would create 300 jobs at three sites across in candidates willing to relocate to Ireland and also, Irish-abroad looking
Ireland including a €300 million investment and a new facility in Ringaskiddy, an to repatriate.
investment which will aid the pharma company’s manufacturing of Covid-19

vaccines. Gilead Sciences is also bringing a clinical operations site to Ireland
resulting in up to 140 hires in Dublin.

With the current climate there has been a considerable slowdown in new Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI), as investors have logistically been unable to view potential
sites and facilities. We are hopeful FDI will start to increase again in 2021 as
international travel resumes. Fortunately, a number of existing sites have been able
to secure CapEx investments. of science professionals stated
There are many encouraging news stories from across the country with Harmac that they would be willing to
Medical creating 60 jobs in Roscommon, IQVIA creating 170 remote roles and MSD
announcing 140 jobs at their Dunboyne facility. relocate for the right role.
While the pandemic has naturally disrupted normal activity, and impacted drug
development in other areas outside of Covid-19, the pharma companies operating in Lucrative packages & remote working
Ireland have demonstrated incredible agility and adaptability. Irish sites in many
instances have been ahead of the curve in re-evaluating how their people work from Our clients continue to put an emphasis on unique, tangible benefits when
remote working to early adoption of digital manufacturing practices. attracting and retaining talent. Full private healthcare for both staff and their families
is common with many employers offering long-term future planning and paying
favourable pension contributions.
Applications soaring but the skills shortage remains
Flexible working is another benefit which has understandably become a necessity
Applications remain on the rise but unfortunately, they tend to be amongst the more amongst candidates. Remote working has in many situations been enforced by the
junior, entry-level market. The skills shortage remains a key challenge in areas such as pandemic, but employers are also allowing increased flexibility in working hours to
MSAT, quality, process development, and chemistry R&D. accommodate for individuals’ personal circumstances.

In these disciplines, experienced candidates tend to be more passive, and require

proactive engagement and talent attraction to consider moving. Moreover,
employers need to offer lucrative compensation packages, long-term growth
Science professionals cited that salary & benefits,
opportunities and a clear career trajectory. career progression, and fulfilling work are the most
Pre-pandemic, this skills shortage could have been supported by sourcing talent
important things when considering a new role.
internationally. However, this has been more challenging in 2020 with travel
Employment Outlook Survey, 2020
restrictions, delays with visa applications and a hesitance from candidates to relocate
in such uncertain times.

Fortunately, we successfully relocated a number of candidates throughout the year

who were willing to make the move for the right role, and the right company.
Browse Life Sciences

Life Sciences 2021 Salary Guide
Permanent Dublin €k P/A ROI €k P/A Permanent Dublin €k P/A ROI €k P/A
Quality Low High Low High Research & Development Low High Low High
VP of Quality Dublin 180 275 180 210 R&D Director 90 125 100 110
Director of Quality Control 110 125 90 110 Process Development Manager 70 90 65 85
Manufacturing Director 120 170 120 150 PhD Development Chemist 42 65 45 70
QA/QC Supervisor 50 75 50 60 Senior Scientist/Chemist 42 57 40 55
QA/QC Analyst 32 48 28 45 Process Development Chemist 40 55 35 55
QA Technician/Specialist 30 45 30 45 R&D Engineer 40 60 40 60
Lab Technician 26 32 25 32 R&D Scientist 40 55 35 55
Lab Assistant 28 34 26 35 R&D Specialist 40 55 45 60
Director of Quality 90 180 90 137 Formulation Scientist 40 60 40 60
Qualified Person 75 150 65 100
Quality Engineer 44 65 40 60 Clinical Low High Low High
Director of Pharmacovigilance 110 160 85 110
Analytical Low High Low High Clinical Operations Manager 65 95 60 90
Microbiology Analyst 32 42 28 38 Biostatistics Manager 60 75+ 55 75+
Biochemist /Chemist 32 45 28 43 Clinical Research Officer 30 50 30 50
Analytical Chemist 34 50 30 45 Clinical Data Manager 45 70 40 70
Biotechnologist 35 55 33 40
Food QA Technologist 28 40 26 40 Statistician Low High Low High
Clinical Data Manager 45 70 40 70
Regulatory Affairs Low High Low High Clinical Data Coordinator 28 35 28 35
Director of Regulatory Affairs 80 120 80 110 Clinical Project Manager 40 80 50 90
Regulatory Affairs Manager 66 85+ 60 80+ Clinical Research Associate 35 70 35 65
Regulatory Affairs/Registration Officer 30 50 30 50 Clinical Trials Assistant 28 35 25 35
Regulatory Affairs Officer 30 60 30 45
Drug Safety Associate 28 55 30 55 Pharmaceutical Low High Low High
Pharmaceutical Engineer 40 70 37 65
Compliance Low High Low High
Compliance Manager 65 85 55 85 Training Low High Low High
Compliance Auditor 50 70 50 55 Training & Development Manager 55 80 50 65+
Compliance Analyst 35 45 30 40 Quality & GMP Trainers 47 60 45 60

Documentation Low High Low High Tech Services Low High Low High
Documentation Officer 30 60 25 50 Director of Technical Services 90 125 90 110
Documentation Control Administrator 28 37 25 35
Contract Dublin €P/Hour ROI €P/Hour
Validation Low High Low High Quality Low High Low High
Validation Manager 75 90 65 90 QA/QC Manager 33 40 17 28
Validation Engineer 45 75 45 65 QA/QC Supervisor 27 35 15 22
Validation Analyst 30 45 30 45 QA/QC Analyst 15 25 15 20
QA Technician/Specialist 15 30 10 15
Health/Safety & Environment Low High Low High Lab Technician 14 18 10 15
Health & Safety Officer 45 60 40 55 Lab Assistant 13 17 10 13
Environmental Officer 40 50 30 45
Analytical Low High Low High
Operations Manufacturing Low High Low High Microbiology Analyst 15 25 13 17
Site Director/General Manager 180 275 180 275 Biochemist/Chemist 15 25 13 20
QA/QC Manager 75 90 55 75 Analytical Chemist 17 30 13 16
Biotechnologist 15 25 14 25
Food QA Technologist 13 17 10 22
Microbiology Analyst 15 25 13 17

Life Sciences 2021 Salary Guide
Contract Dublin €P/Hour ROI €P/Hour Life Sciences Executive Search ROI €k P/A
Regulatory Affairs Low High Low High Senior Appointments - Commercial Low High
Regulatory Affairs/Registration Officer 25 45 18 25 GM & SVP in Global Structure 250 300
Regulatory Affairs Manager 35 49 30 45 Site Director 210 280
Drug Safety Associate 19 24 18 25 VP Finance 220 240
IT Director 130 150
Compliance Low High Low High Finance Director - Manufacturing 120 140
Compliance Manager 35 45 30 40
Compliance Specialist 27 33 20 35 Senior Appointments - Quality & Regulatory Low High
Compliance Auditor 33 38 18 25 VP QA 220 280
Executive Director, External QA 155 180
Documentation Low High Low High VP of Pharmacovigilance 180 280
Documentation Officer 18 33 18 25 Senior Director of QC Chemistry 130 150
Documentation Control Administrator 16 20 18 25 Director of QC Chemistry 120 145
Director, Quality Risk Management 110 140
Validation Low High Low High Director, Product Quality Disposition 110 140
Validation Manager 55 100 40 50 Director, Regulatory Affairs 90 140
Validation Engineer 40 80 30 40
Validation Analyst 30 40 20 30 Senior Appointments - R&D and Clinical Low High
VP of Process Development 180k 240k
Health/Safety & Environment Low High Low High Director of Process Development 120k 150k
Health & Safety Officer 20 50 18 25 Associate Director of R&D Chemistry/Process
100k 115k
Environmental Officer 15 23 18 25 Development
Lab Technician 13 17 18 25 VP of Product Development 180k 240k
Director of Product Development 120k 150k
Research & Development Low High Low High Associate Director of Product Development 90k 115k
Director of Clinical Research 120k 150k
Process Development Manager 40 50 30 40
Associate Director Clinical Research 90k 115k
PhD Development Chemist 20 33 18 30
Senior Scientist/Chemist 22 33 25 35
Senior Appointments - Procurement & Supply Chain Low High
R&D Engineer 22 30 20 30
VP of Supply Chain 190k 240k
R&D Scientist 22 30 20 30
Director External Supply Operations 120k 150k
Formulation Scientist 20 33 20 30
Director of Indirect Procurement 125k 140k
Director, CMO Business Management 120k 150k
Clinical Low High Low High
Associate Director, CMO Business Management 95k 120k
Medical Scientific Liaison 35 60 20 30
Director of Logistics 135k 150k
Biostatistics Manager 35 46 25 30

Senior Appointments - Engineering Low High

Statistician Low High Low High
Executive Director of Technical Services 150k 180k
Clinical Data Manager 27 37 20 30
Director of Technical Services 120k 150k
Clinical Data Coordinator 16 21 18 25
Associate Director of Technical Services 95k 115k
Clinical Project Manager 27 40 20 35
Director of Validation 120k 150k
Clinical Research Associate 23 37 18 25
Associate Director of Validation 95k 115k
Clinical Trials Assistant 15 19 18 25
Director of Engineering 120k 150k
Associate Director of Facilities 95k 110k
Pharmaceutical Low High Low High
Associate Director of Plant Engineering 100k 120k
Pharmaceutical Engineer 42 60 25 25
Senior Appointments - Manufacturing Low High
Training Low High Low High
VP of Manufacturing & CMC 200k 240k
Training & Development Manager 27 32 30 40 Executive Director of Manufacturing 150k 180k
Quality & GMP Trainers 21 31 18 30 Director of Manufacturing/MSAT 120k 150k
Associate Director of Manufacturing/MSAT 95k 120k
Director of Manufacturing and Commercialisation 100k 120k
Director Cell Culture Operations 120k 150k

Supply Chain 2021 Salary Guide

A period of adjustment The industry has experienced an unprecedented and challenging 12 months but the
ability to adapt collectively, creates a positive outlook for 2021.
The supply chain & procurement market has faced new and unprecedented
challenges over the last 12 months with both Covid-19 and Brexit.
Salary and benefits and fulfilling and rewarding
Brexit remains a major disruptor to supply chains with shifting deadlines and unclear
outcomes. While clients have wanted to increase hires to improve their supply chain work are the most important factors when choosing
analytics, the need to prepare for Brexit has forced businesses to reallocate a role for supply chain professionals.
significant time and resources. As a result, businesses have been slower to innovate
or grow their businesses. Employment Outlook Survey, 2020

Procurement leaders are becoming more innovative in their drive to add value to
business and align procurement activities with overall company objectives .
The most in demand roles are;
• Supply chain manager

• Procurement manager
• Buyer
• Warehousing
• Logistics coordinator
• Category manager - raw materials
• Planner
of supply chain professionals are
looking to upskill in 2021. However, we have experienced new
roles emerging with an increased focus
on sustainability and green ways of
working including;
Between March and September, retail and distribution clients rapidly increased their
contingent hiring to meet greater consumer demand due to the pandemic. While • Sustainability consultant
hiring rose, salaries remained relatively stable. The immediacy and urgent nature of • Responsible sourcing manager
this ramp up meant there was little time for negotiating pay rises which will likely • Sustainability programme manager
remain for 2021. • Environmental consultant
• Ecologist
More strategic hires took a backseat, as clients and candidates were concerned about
the unpredictability of the market. There was a period of adaptation as everyone
became more comfortable with the concept of virtual hiring and onboarding.

Since September, hiring activity has strengthened as people have accepted this as
the ‘new normal’ and the need for business to continue. Strategic hires we have
recruited include sourcing managers, supply chain analysts, supply chain project
managers, and logistics analysts.

Clients and candidates have demonstrated remarkable adaptability to remote

working, with many seeing it as a long-term trend. A key element in negotiations in
2020 has been the need for flexibility beyond the pandemic. The world of work has
changed, with flexibility and hybrid home and office working being expected
by candidates.
Browse Supply Chain

Supply Chain 2021 Salary Guide

Permanent Dublin €k P/A ROI €k P/A Contract ROI €P/Hour

Low High Low High Low High
Production Planner 45 55 45 55 Plant/Operations Manager 45 55
Procurement Director 100 160 95 135 Production Manager 45 55
Procurement Manager 70 120 70 90 Production Planner 35 45
Procurement Officer 45 60 35 58 Production Operatives 10 20
VP Procurement / CPO 190 260 180 260 Purchasing Director 55 65
Buyer 35 55 35 60 Purchasing Manager 40 50
Supply Chain Manager 65 85 65 75 Purchasing Officer 30 40
Supply Chain Coordinator 35 45 32 42 Supply Chain Manager 50 60
Supply Chain Director 110 150 110 150 Supply Chain Coordinator 30 40
VP Supply Chain 180 220 180 220 Logistics Manager 40 55
Logistics Manager 55 75 55 75 Logistics Analyst 25 35
Logistics Analyst 35 45+ 32 45+ Logistics Coordinator 20 25
Logistics Coordinator 33 45 30 45 Warehouse Manager 30 40
Order Management Team Lead 40 55 38 50 Warehouse Supervisor 25 35
Order Management Rep 28 35 28 33 Master Scheduler 40 55
Warehouse Manager 50 70 45 60 Demand Planner 30 45
Warehouse Supervisor 40 55 35 50+ Procurement Manager 40 60
Production Operatives 25* 40* 25* 38* Procurement Officer 25 30
Inventory Analyst 35 45 32 42
Inventory Coordinator 35 45+ 35 45+
Master Scheduler 70 80 50 65
Demand Planner 45 65 45 55
Remote Plant Operations Manager 65 75 65 70
Vendor Coordinator 35 45 35 45
Supply Chain Customer Manager 60 70 50 65
Stock Control Manager 40 55 30 50+
Stock Control Officer 27 38+ 26 38+
Materials Handler 32 40+ 25 40+
Shipping Manager 55 70 60 65
Shipping Clerk 25 40 28 40

Technology - Permanent 2021 Salary Guide

Covid-19: The resilience of the tech market The same is true for our clients, who now more than ever, value our in-depth
knowledge of the market and our longstanding relationships with candidates when
Covid-19 has left few industries unscathed, but the technology sector has remained making strategic hires.
incredibly resilient. Despite the challenges of 2020, technology has been one of the
least impacted sectors in terms of growth and activity.
As Ireland began to feel the full effects of the pandemic in early 2020, many
organisations faced the challenge of moving their workforce remotely and looking
for creative and effective solutions to maintain activity, including hiring. Infrastructure

Technology has been fundamental to helping a dispersed workforce connect, Infrastructure has been one of the most resilient areas of tech in 2020. Salary levels
collaborate, and interact. Moreover, tech has been instrumental in supporting have also remained favourable, driven in large part by the growth in demand for
remote hiring. Virtual interviews have been embraced by both candidates and cyber security, risk, cloud, and tech support professionals as a direct result of the
clients, bringing increased flexibility and convenience to the hiring process. universal shift to remote working in early March.

Remote onboarding has been more of a learning curve, but organisations have This new work environment has highlighted the rising vulnerabilities of companies
effectively responded to the challenge and are now better equipped. Organisations to cyber-attacks, data breaches and other threats to their company systems and
who have been fastest to adopt effective remote hiring and onboarding, are winning information resulting in this demand.
top tech talent.
There has also been a significant demand for cloud engineers and DevOps engineers
due to the widespread adoption of cloud technologies. Several of our large
enterprise clients have had a rolling requirement for skills in this area as they work
The rise of flexible talent with customers on cloud migration projects.

Over the last 12 months, there has been a continuous rise in demand for flexible
talent solutions and contract and temporary staff. Flexible talent offers a more
dynamic workforce and gives flexibility to both employer and employee during these Data & Business Intelligence (BI)
uncertain times.
The data market was severely disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic, and for the first
Organisations are getting access to exceptional talent, often within a very short time in many years there was a surplus of available candidates and a shortage of
period. Remote working also means geographic boundaries have been eliminated, positions on the market. Fortunately, we have seen significant recovery, with an
broadening the talent pool of qualified, skilled jobseekers. influx of opportunities across data science and engineering as we enter 2021.

The most significant demand we are seeing is for candidates with experience across
cloud platforms and associated tools, with AWS and Azure being the market leaders.
Market challenges There is also an increased requirement for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) skilled
We are experiencing a new nervousness in the market, with passive jobseekers
concerned about leaving a secure position for a new opportunity in the current The biggest skills shortage remains amongst highly advanced data scientists with
climate of uncertainty. This is especially evident when the individual is the sole expertise across ML, AI and NLP. Demand for traditional database and ETL
income earner. development positions continues to dissipate.

This heightened complexity means both our candidates and clients are more reliant While there has been little movement in salaries, there continues to be a rise in
on our services than ever, knowing we have the industry expertise to fit the right demand for data science courses, with many IT professionals choosing to upskill in
talent to the right role. this area.

Candidates require a detailed understanding of the company that is hiring and want
to feel confident that the position is secure before moving. Our consultants have
deep relationships with our clients and a unique understanding of their business,
meaning we can offer this assurance to our candidates.

Technology - Permanent 2021 Salary Guide

Software Engineering & Development Buoyancy has returned to the market with those previously affected now actively on
the market. However there remains a reluctance amongst passive candidates to
As in many other areas of tech, the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated activity in the move during this time.
software engineering and development space, with digital transformations
advancing across a multitude of industries.
eCommerce, SaaS platforms and general web applications still require new feature
development and modernising, breaking down existing monolithic applications to a The SAP Market is an area with continued growth over the past 12 months with a
more scalable microservices approach. The market continues to be strong and number of clients preparing to make the move from legacy on-premise ERP Systems
competitive across all tech stacks. to SAP S/4 Hana, its next generation ERP.

Covid-19 has brought about another type of digital transformation, solely based on From March, many of these projects were put on hold due to the pandemic.
remote working and dispersed teams. Many engineers are becoming more Fortunately, there has been a significant uplift since Q3 with the move to remote
and more comfortable with working from home and the associated lifestyle. This has working proving beneficial in progressing these projects.
led to many new requirements around remote working from our candidates.
The most significant demand we are experiencing is the continued need for
functional consultants to help drive these S/4 Hana implementations and also to
Digital & Design work on enhancements and upgrades to existing ECC6 Systems.

The digital and design space has experienced exponential growth in the last number The biggest skills shortage we are seeing are in transportation management and
of years and 2020 was on a path to continue this upward trajectory, with most extended warehouse management.
organisations expecting to grow their design function by 20-25%. Unfortunately, the
Covid-19 pandemic severely derailed this, with less opportunities available
throughout 2020 as design was cut back. Senior Appointments
As we enter 2021 however, we expect to see considerable growth in this area, as Our technology division work closely with our executive search team regarding
organisational strategies continue to shift to a strong, digital business model. More c-suite and head of function assignments within technology. 2020 has been an
organisations are continuing to move online for the long term, including schools and incredibly mixed year due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, with many
universities, creating exceptional opportunities for digital and design talent. recruitment processes suddenly put on hold in Q2.

Fortunately, Q3 saw a resurgence in activity with our team placing senior leadership
PMO roles across the financial services, pharmaceuticals, energy, and public sectors. There
have also been several start-ups who successfully secured funding pre-pandemic
The PMO market, traditionally a buoyant sector, experienced a strong start to 2020 and have appointed CTO and CIO positions.
across contract and permanent appointments. However, from March, the PMO space
was impacted more seriously by Covid-19, as organisations put much of their There is a strong pool of available talent at the c-suite level, but many clients are
investment and planned projects on hold. seeking exposure to certain IT verticals, new technologies and strategic projects
which reduces the number of suitable senior level candidates. These areas have
Fortunately, there was a significant uplift in opportunities for the latter part of 2020 included cloud migration projects, post-acquisition integration experience, vendor
and as we enter 2021, as organisations shifted their focus and looked to implement management, cyber security, data management and automation projects.
transformation objectives and strategic goals.

The growing trend towards agile and digital transformation has been accelerated by
the pandemic, as more organisations look to improve efficiencies, automate
processes, and develop their online presence. As a result, we are experiencing high
demand for scrum masters, agile coaches, agile project managers, product owners,
and product managers across all levels, as organisations look to implement an agile
delivery model.
Browse Technology

Technology 2021 Salary Guide

Permanent ROI €k P/A Permanent ROI €k P/A

Software Engineering & Development Low High Years’ Experience QA/ Automation/ RPA/ Localisation/ Technical Writing
Low High Years’ Experience
Java Developer 38 60 0-3yrs (Continued)
60 75 3-5yrs Localisation Engineer 30 35 0-3yrs
75 110 5+ yrs 50 55 3-5yrs
C/C++ Developer 35 55 0-3yrs 55 60 5+ yrs
55 70 3-5yrs Technical Writer 30 35 0-3yrs
70 100 5+ yrs 40 45 3-5yrs
C#/VB.Net/Asp.Net/.Net 35 50 0-3yrs 45 50 5+ yrs
50 75 3-5yrs
75 95 5+ yrs Database, Data Warehousing & Data Engineering Low High Years’ Experience
Mobile (iOS/Android) Developer 35 55 0-3yrs Data Engineer 40 65 0-3yrs
55 75 3-5yrs 65 85 3-5yrs
75 100 5+ yrs 85 110 5+ yrs
UX Designer 40 55 0-3yrs Big Data Developer 40 65 0-3yrs
55 70 3-5yrs 65 85 3-5yrs
70 90 5+ yrs 85 110 5+ yrs
Front-End/UI Developer 35 50 0-3yrs Data Visualization Engineer 40 55 0-3yrs
55 65 3-5yrs 55 70 3-5yrs
70 90 5+ yrs 70 85 5+ yrs
PHP/Web Developer 30 50 0-3yrs Database Developer 30 50 0-3yrs
50 65 3-5yrs 50 65 3-5yrs
65 85 5+ yrs 65 80 5+ yrs
JavaScript/UX Developer 50 55 0-3yrs Data Warehouse Developer 40 60 0-3yrs
55 80 3-5yrs 60 70 3-5yrs
80 100 5+ yrs 70 90 5+ yrs
Web Designer/Graphic Designer 35 50 0-3yrs ETL Developer 35 50 0-3yrs
50 55 3-5yrs 50 65 3-5yrs
55 65 5+ yrs 65 80 5+ yrs
Ruby On Rails 35 50 0-3yrs BI Developer 35 55 0-3yrs
50 75 3-5yrs 50 70 3-5yrs
75 100 5+ yrs 70 80 5+ yrs
Sharepoint Developer 35 50 0-3yrs Data Architect 60 75 0-3yrs
50 75 3-5yrs 75 80 3-5yrs
75 100 5+ yrs 80 100 5+ yrs
Python Developer 35 50 0-3yrs Database Administrator 35 55 0-3yrs
50 75 3-5yrs 55 70 3-5yrs
75 110 5+ yrs 70 80 5+ yrs
Solution Architect 65 72 0-3yrs
72 85 3-5yrs Data Analytics, Data Science and BI Low High Years’ Experience
80 110 5+ yrs Data Analyst 30 50 0-3yrs
Technical Architect 68 75 0-3yrs 50 65 3-5yrs
75 85 3-5yrs 65 90 5+ yrs
100 120 5+ yrs BI Analyst 30 45 0-3yrs
50 65 3-5yrs
QA/ Automation/ RPA/ Localisation/ Technical Writing Low High Years’ Experience 65 75 5+ yrs
Test Manager 60 65 0-3yrs Insights Analyst 30 45 0-3yrs
70 85 3-5yrs 45 60 3-5yrs
90 120 5+ yrs 60 75 5+ yrs
QA Engineer 40 45 0-3yrs Data Scientist 40 60 0-3yrs
50 55 3-5yrs 60 80 3-5yrs
60 70 5+ yrs 80 100 5+ yrs

Technology 2021 Salary Guide

Permanent ROI €k P/A Permanent ROI €k P/A

Data Analytics, Data Science and BI (continued) Low High Years’ Experience Senior IT/ Professional Services (continued) Low High Years’ Experience
Machine Learning Engineer 50 65 0-3yrs Process Improvement Specialist 35 45 0-3yrs
65 80 3-5yrs 45 55 3-5yrs
80 110 5+ yrs 55 70 5+ yrs
Analytics Consultant 30 55 0-3yrs Business Process Manager 50 60 0-3yrs
55 65 3-5yrs 60 80 3-5yrs
65 80 5+ yrs 75 105 5+ yrs
AI Specialist 50 70 0-3yrs Change Manager 45 55 0-3yrs
70 90 3-5yrs 55 75 3-5yrs
90 120 5+ yrs 75 105 5+ yrs
Analytics Manager n/a n/a 0-3yrs Management Consultant 35 50 0-3yrs
60 90 3-5yrs 50 65 3-5yrs
90 120 5+ yrs 65 100 5+ yrs
System Analyst 40 50 0-3yrs
Senior IT/ Professional Services Low High Years’ Experience 50 70 3-5yrs
Programme Manager 70 90 0-3yrs 70 80 5+ yrs
90 110 3-5yrs Business Analyst 45 55 0-3yrs
110 140 5+ yrs 55 65 3-5yrs
Project Manager 45 55 0-3yrs 65 85 5+ yrs
55 80 3-5yrs Project Support/Administrator 30 40 0-3yrs
80 95 5+ yrs 40 50 3-5yrs
Infrastructure Project Manager 45 55 0-3yrs 50 60 5+ yrs
55 60 3-5yrs
60 85 5+ yrs ERP SAP Low High Years’ Experience
Development Project Manager 50 65 0-3yrs SAP Functional Analyst 40 50 0-3yrs
65 80 3-5yrs 50 70 3-5yrs
80 110 5+ yrs 70 90 5+ yrs
Product Owner 50 65 0-3yrs SAP Technical Analyst 40 55 0-3yrs
65 75 3-5yrs 55 75 3-5yrs
75 85 5+ yrs 75 95 5+ yrs
Product Manager 55 70 0-3yrs SAP Project Manager/Lead 40 55 0-3yrs
70 85 3-5yrs 55 80 3-5yrs
85 100 5+ yrs 80 110 5+ yrs
Scrum Master 50 65 0-3yrs SAP Developer 45 55 0-3yrs
65 75 3-5yrs 55 80 3-5yrs
75 100 5+ yrs 80 95 5+ yrs
Agile Coach 60 75 0-3yrs
75 85 3-5yrs Infrastructure & Support Low High Years’ Experience
85 105 5+ yrs Cloud Engineer 45 60 0-3yrs
PMO Analyst 35 45 0-3yrs 60 75 3-5yrs
45 60 3-5yrs 70 90 5+ yrs
60 70 5+ yrs Cyber Security Analyst 40 55 0-3yrs
PMO Manager 60 70 0-3yrs 55 70 3-5yrs
70 90 3-5yrs 70 90 5+ yrs
90 110 5+ yrs IT Security Engineer 45 55 0-3yrs
Portfolio Manager 70 90 0-3yrs 55 65 3-5yrs
90 110 3-5yrs 65 100 5+ yrs
110 140 5+ yrs Information Security Architect 60 75 0-3yrs
Project Director 90 110 0-3yrs 75 85 3-5yrs
110 140 3-5yrs 85 120 5+ yrs
140+ 5+ yrs

Technology 2021 Salary Guide

Permanent ROI €k P/A

Infrastructure & Support (continued) Low High Years’ Experience
DevOps Engineer 55 65 0-3yrs
65 80 3-5yrs
80 100 5+ yrs
Linux Systems Engineer 40 45 0-3yrs
45 60 3-5yrs
60 85 5+ yrs
Unix System Administrator 40 45 0-3yrs
45 60 3-5yrs
60 85 5+ yrs
Network Support Engineer 33 45 0-3yrs
45 60 3-5yrs
60 90 5+ yrs
Systems Administrator 40 55 0-3yrs
55 70 3-5yrs
70 80 5+ yrs
Application Support Engineer 30 35 0-3yrs
35 50 3-5yrs
50 70 5+ yrs
IT Manager 50 65 0-3yrs
65 75 3-5yrs
75 90 5+ yrs
Systems and Network Manager 45 55 0-3yrs
55 60 3-5yrs
60 85 5+ yrs
Data Centre Infrastructure Operations Manager 45 50 0-3yrs
50 70 3-5yrs
70 95 5+ yrs
Service Delivery Manager 40 55 0-3yrs
55 70 3-5yrs
70 85 5+ yrs
Application Support Manager 40 50 0-3yrs
50 65 3-5yrs
65 80 5+ yrs
Helpdesk Support 28 35 0-3yrs
35 40 3-5yrs
40 55 5+ yrs

Senior Technology Appointments Low High

CTO (Strategic Leadership-focused) 200 280
CTO (Hands-on Architect, Start-up Specific) 120 150
CIO 125 175
Head of DevOps/Site Reliability Engineering 120 140
VP of Engineering/Site Lead 140 200
Head of Solutions/Software Architecture 120 140
Director of Engineering 125 150
Software Development Manager 110 125
IT Manager or Head of IT 90 125
Head of Engineering 110 130
Head of Analytics/Data Science 100 150
Technology - Contract 2021 Salary Guide

Contract There has also been an increased demand in areas including financial services, medtech, fintech, security
and ecommerce.
Infrastructure Within the contract space, we are also experiencing quicker adoption of emerging technologies
including AI and ML.
At the onset of the pandemic in March and the resulting shift to a remote workforce, there was high
demand for contingent infrastructure support. Flexible technical support was also essential as many
organisations looked to tools including Microsoft Teams, Zoom and other online communication Digital and Design
platforms to maintain collaboration.
Like the permanent market, contract digital and design was equally impacted by the pandemic and
Employers are looking for candidates with specific qualifications in cyber security and information associated cutbacks. The market has turned again with increased demand for UX designers, graphic
security with many also seeking previous experience in Identity and Access Management (IAM). Remote designers and in particular designers who can bring a mix of both UX, UI and front-end skills.
working has introduced new threats and highlighted existing vulnerabilities to the information and
cyber security landscape, creating continuous demand for creating continuous demand to combat Companies have had to adapt quickly to ensure their website and mobile presence is strong and fit for
these risks. purpose, with the pandemic forcing organisations to shift their operations online in a very short period.

Data & Business Intelligence (BI) PMO

Now more than ever, organisations are adapting a data-driven approach, creating a spike in demand for PMO is viewed as being critical for an organisation in how work gets delivered, especially in a remote
data and reporting analysts. The demand for data engineers with experience working on Cloud platforms environment. Contract project managers have become increasingly adaptable in their approaches, with
grew throughout 2020, compared to the previous 12 months when database developers, ETL developers some merging different methodologies into fusion processes. We continue to see a demand for project
and BI developers were more prominent. Contractors with experience in creating real business insights managers, change managers, program managers, hybrid business analysts, scrum, or agile coaches and
and designing data solutions will continue to be in demand as we enter 2021. PMO analysts across professional services, medtech, technology and fintech industries.

Experienced project managers with an agile tech capability coupled with strong ‘soft skills’ such as
Software Engineering & Development business and stakeholder management are also in demand. These professionals are needed to lead
digital transformation programmes and niche projects such as system implementations. The PMO
Pre-pandemic, there was a high demand for contract software developers. While this area experienced an contract market looks buoyant as we enter 2021.
initial pause in the early part of 2020, it was one of the first areas to resurge with a significant rise in
contract hires in the latter half of the year.

Key skills/titles in demand

Infrastructure Development PMO
• DevOps and DevSecOps • Full Stack JavaScript – Node/Express, React, AWS Serverless • Agile business analyst
• Kubernetes and Docker framework Lambda • Agile project manager
• Cybersecurity • Python – backend or full stack web applications with Flask • Senior project manager (agile, business & compliance)
• Cloud, AWS and Azure based microservices • Programme manager – GDPR
• Identity and Access Management expertise • Go-Lang/Rust/C++ – • Programme manager – financial services & risk
• Cyber Security - CISSP, ISC2 or the Information • C# - .Net Core framework and Azure infrastructure • Project coordinator/PMO analyst
Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) • Ruby on Rails – usually coupled with Ember or Vue.js • Scrum master
and AWS cloud • Product owner
Data • Java – Spring Boot based microservices
• UX research What candidates are looking for:
• Machine learning & AI • UX/UI designer
• Data visualization – Tableau, Qlik, Power BI • Smooth interview processes
• Programming – SQL & Python, R • Improved onboarding procedures
• Cloud – AWS, Azure, GCP • Clarity around post-Covid WFH policies
• ETL / data pipelines • Upskilling and training support
• Hybrid working

Technology 2021 Salary Guide

Contract ROI € P/Day Contract ROI € P/Day

Software Engineering & Development Low High Senior/IT Professional Services Low High
Java Developer 400 550 PMO Manager 475 600
C/C++ Developer 400 550 PMO Analyst 275 500
C#/VB.Net/Asp.Net/.Net 350 550 Product Owner 300 500
Mobile (iOS/Android) Developer 400 550 Product Manager 350 550
PHP/Web Developer 350 550 Scrum Master 350 550
JavaScript/UX Developer 400 550 Agile Coach 450 750
UI/UX Designer 300 550 Programme Manager 600 750
Web Designer/Graphic Designer 200 350 Project Manager 450 650
Ruby On Rails 300 500 Change Manager 475 650
Sharepoint Developer 400 500 Management Consultant 450 750
Python Developer 400 600 Systems Analyst 350 550
Solution Architect 600 700 Business Analyst 350 550
RPA Developer 400 600 Reporting Analyst 275 400
Cloud Developer 450 600 Project Support/Administrator 250 350
Angular 400 550
React 400 550 ERP (SAP) Low High
DevOps 500 700 SAP Finance Consultant 500 650
Scala 500 700 SAP Logistics Consultant 500 650
SAP Supply Chain Consultant 500 650
QA / Automation / RPA / Localisation / Technical Writing Low High SAP Technical Consultant 550 700
Test Manager 450 550 DevOps EngSAP Security Consultant 550 700
Manual QA Engineers 300 400 SAP Delivery Lead 600 800
Automation QA Engineer 350 450
Technical Writers 250 400 Infrastructure & Support Low High
Cloud Engineer 350 650
Database, Data Warehouse and Data Engineering Low High Cyber Security Analyst 300 650
Database Developer 300 450 IT Security Engineer 400 700
Data Warehouse Developer 400 500 Information Security Architect 500 850
ETL Developer 400 500 DevOps Engineer 450 700
Data Architect 500 650 Linux Systems Engineer 400 600
Database Administrator 350 500 Network Support Engineer 300 600
Data Engineer 400 550 Systems Administrator 250 550
Big Data Developer 450 600 Application Support Engineer 300 500
Service Delivery Manager 300 450
Data Analytics, Data Science and Business Intelligence (BI) Low High Helpdesk Support 150 250
BI Analyst 300 450 Desk Side Support 180 300
BI Developer 350 500 Field Services 180 250
Reporting Analyst 250 400
Data Analyst 300 500
Insights Analyst 250 400
Data Scientist 400 600

Executive Search 2021 Salary Guide

The need for resilient leadership Diversity and inclusion

In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, activity remained strong in 2020 and continues The need for meaningful diversity and inclusion initiatives has become increasingly
into 2021. Companies are looking for strong leadership teams who can navigate their apparent in recent years. Many of last year’s ‘World’s Best Workplaces’ had one
businesses through the current climate. The required skill sets have altered with an common defining factor, an emphasis on culture, diversity and inclusion. We have
increased need for resilience, and innovative and strategic thinking. Covid-19 has witnessed an increased demand for women executives, particularly in the
illustrated the need for organisations to be more agile. technology and life sciences sector.

As a result, companies require leaders with proven ability in risk and crisis Diversity and inclusion is high priority for organisations and will continue to be so in
management along with a focus on adaptability and sustainability. 2021. Executive recruiters play a fundamental role in eliminating bias and ensuring
inclusive representation during the recruitment process.
The need for strong remote leadership will continue into 2021 as remote working will
continue to be a key component shaping the future of work.
Remote working & the wider talent pool Over the past year, there has been little change in salaries at C- and D-level. Benefits
have also remained the same. Companies are however investing in new technology
Since the move to remote working across many industries, we are seeing to facilitate seamless remote working for their people. As a result of the pandemic,
Dublin-based companies looking at talent in any location to fill their positions. numerous companies have announced compensation restructuring for senior
Candidates are also more flexible on location as they anticipate remote working will management, and are focusing on motivational rewards to boost morale.
be a long-term trend into the future.

The main challenge for companies trying to hire in this market, is the slight In demand
reluctance of individuals at this level to pursue new opportunities. There is an
understandable caution amongst senior level candidates. However, there is increased Financial services:
movement in industries that have benefitted from the pandemic including Dublin remains a very popular choice for financial services companies post Brexit.
pharmaceutical and supply chain.
Dublin is still a hot spot for technology, R&D and innovation remains very strong.

Permanent ROI €k P/A

Roles Low High
CEO 180 400
CFO 120 300
COO 150 280
CTO / CIO 120 280
CMO 140 200
Site Lead (FDI) 150 280
General Counsel 140 300
Chief Product Officer 140 250
Chief People Officer 140 200
Strategy Director 120 200
Finance Director 110 200
Operations Director 120 200
Engineering Director 100 180
Manufacturing Director 120 200
Business Development / Sales Director 120 200
Marketing / PR / Public Affairs Director 120 170
HR Director 120 200

Locations 2021 Salary Guide
3 Main Street, 10/11 Steamboat Quay,
Blanchardstown, Cpl Resources plc Dock Road, Limerick, Cpl Jobs Sp. z o.o.
Dublin Belfast Prague Boston
Dublin 15, D15 KAV6 Ground Floor, V94 V1KX ul. Szyperska 14,
T: +353 1 829 5800 11 Anglesea Street, T: +353 61 317 377 61-754 Poznan, Poland
Cpl Resources plc – HQ E: [email protected] E: [email protected] Cpl Resources plc Cpl Jobs s.r.o. T: +48 61 626 8800 Cpl Physicians
83 Merrion Square Cork, T12 CYR8 4th Floor Craig Plaza, Jindrisska 16, 110 00 Prague 1, 745 Atlantic Ave,
W: T: +353 21 494 4860 W: E: [email protected]
Dublin 2, D02 R299 51 Fountain Street, Czech Republic W: Boston,
T: +353 614 6000 E: [email protected] BT1 5EA T: +420 221 77 3631 MA 02111, USA
Private Home Care W: Galway T: +44 289 072 5600 E: [email protected] T: + 1 617 844 1434
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2 Newcastle Road, Lucan, E: [email protected] W: Kraków E: [email protected]
Co. Dublin, K78 NY56 Kenny Whelan & W: W:
Cpl Resources plc
T: +353 1 621 9101 Associates Buma Square
Kate Cowhig E: [email protected]
Unit 19, Dockgate, Brno
Unit 1 Joyce House, Merchants Road, ENGLAND ul. Wadowicka 6
International Healthcare W: 30-415 Kraków
Barrack Square, Ballincollig, Galway, H91 P6CF Cpl Jobs s.r.o.
Recruitment T: +48 12 379 08 00
Cork, T12 CYR8 T: +353 91 509 740 Uzka 488/8,
83 Merrion Square, The Cpl Institute T: + 353 21 466 5400
Reading E: [email protected]
Dublin 2, D02 R299 E: [email protected] 60200 Brno,
5 St Fintan’s, North Street, W:
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Flexsource E: [email protected] SLOVAKIA
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Servisource Unit 19, Dockgate, RG1 1PW
W: Ground Floor,
Servisource Merchants Road, T: +44 118 959 4990 Bratislava
83 Merrion Square,
11 Anglesea Street, Galway, H91 P6CF E: HUNGARY
Thornshaw Cork, T12 CYR8 T: +353 91 509 740 [email protected]
Dublin 2, D02 R299 Barton House, Cpl Jobs S.r.o
T: +353 21 427 9916 E: [email protected] W: Vysoka 14, 811 06 Bratislava,
T: +353 42 935 2723 6 Old Dublin Road, E: [email protected] Budapest
E: [email protected] W: Slovakia
Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, A94 W:
W: T: +421 232 191 200
The Cpl Institute Cpl Resources plc Cpl Jobs Kft. E: [email protected]
T: +353 1 278 4671 The Cpl Institute First Floor, 33 Blagrave Street, Terez krt. 55. W:
Cpl Healthcare Unit 19, Dockgate, A building 2nd floor,
E: [email protected] Ground Floor, Reading, Berkshire, England,
83 Merrion Square, Merchants Road, 1062 Budapest,
W: 11 Anglesea Street, RG1 1PW
Dublin 2, D02 R299 Galway, H91 P6CF T: +44 118 952 2796 Hungary TUNISIA
Cork, T12 CYR8 T: +353 91 507 517 T: +36 1 501 5460
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E: [email protected] Limited Tunis
E: [email protected] W: W:
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Dublin, K32 DD40 Kate Cowhig
Kent Occipital Sarl
Flexsource T: +353 1 8410481 POLAND Delta Center Chargtiia Ii,
Flexsource International Healthcare
5 St Fintan’s, North Street, E: [email protected] RIG Healthcare Recruit BP 210
Ground Floor, Recruitment
Swords, Co. Dublin, K67 F9P6 W: 4th Floor, Northside House, Warsaw Tunis Cedex – Tunisie
11 Anglesea Street, Unit 16A,
T: +353 1 895 5700 69 Tweedy Road, Bromley, Phone +216 71 941 588 / 882
Cork, T12 CYR8 Sandyford Business Centre,
E: [email protected] England, BR1 3WA,
Kildare T: +353 21 462 6100 Bohermore, Galway, H91 Cpl Jobs Sp. z o.o.
W: T: +44 345 363 1187 Al. Jerozolimskie 81, Cpl Jobs Tunisie Sarl
E: [email protected] WC1P E: [email protected] 02-001 Warszawa, Poland Boulevard de la Terre,
Flexsource W: T: +353 1 6715557 W: Sana Business Center,
Covalen T: +48 22 488 6500
Trigon House, Arena Road, Unit F & G Naas Town Centre, E: [email protected] E: [email protected] Centre Urbain Nord ,
Wolfe Tone Street, Naas, Servisource W: Cpl Specialist Talent Bureau A7, Tunis, Tunisie.
Sandyford, Dublin 18, D18 W:
Co. Kildare Unit 18, 4th Floor, Northside House, T: + 216 29 33 70 24
W91 A2YV South Ring Business Park, 69 Tweedy Road, Bromley,
T: +353 1 255 2090
Kinsale Road, Cork, T12 E22A Dundalk England, BR1 3WA, Wroclaw
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W: E: [email protected] Cpl Jobs Sp. z o.o.
W: Block 3, 2nd Floor, W: Sw. Mikolaja 7, Munich
Tech Skills Quayside Business Park, 50-125 Wroclaw, Poland
25 Merrion Square North, The Cpl Institute
Mill Street, Dundalk, North Yorkshire T: +48 717 356 6200 Cpl Jobs GmbH
Dublin 2, D02 E392 Unit F & G, Wolfe Tone Street, Limerick Co. Louth, A91 WNH1 E: [email protected]
Naas Town Centre, Naas, Munich Regus, Laim GmbH,
T: +353 1 639 0390 T: +353 42 935 2723 W: Landsberger Straße 302,
E: [email protected] Co. Kildare, W91A2YV Cpl Resources plc RIG Healthcare 80867 Munchen, Deutschland,
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E: [email protected] Dock Road, Limerick, V94 E: [email protected]
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