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Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 1 of 22 PageID 674






v. Case No. 8:21-cv-1693-KKM-AEP

JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR., in his official

capacity as President of the United
States; XAVIER BECERRA, in his
official capacity as Secretary of Health
and Human Services; THE
MPH, in her official capacity as
Director of the CDC; MARTIN S.
CETRON, MD, in his official capacity
as Director of the CDC’s Division of
Global Migration and Quarantine; and



Defendants (Joseph R. Biden, Jr., in his official capacity as President of the

United States; Xavier Becerra, in his official capacity as Secretary of Health and

Human Services; the Department of Health and Human Services; the Centers for
Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 2 of 22 PageID 675

Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, MPH, in her

official capacity as Director of the CDC; Martin S. Cetron; in his official capacity as

Director of the CDC’s Division of Global Migration and Quarantine; and the United

States of America) hereby answer Plaintiffs’ Amended Complaint as follows:

Defendants answer the individually numbered paragraphs of the Amended

Complaint, using the same numbering contained in the Amended Complaint, as


1. Paragraph 1 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of this lawsuit, to

which no response is required.

2. Paragraph 2 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of Defendant Joseph

R. Biden Jr.’s January 21, 2021 Executive Order on Promoting COVID-19 Safety in

Domestic and International Travel (the “Executive Order”), to which no response is

required. To the extent that a response is deemed required, Defendants deny any

characterization of the Executive Order, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer

the Court to the Executive Order for a full and accurate statement of its contents.

3. Defendants admit that, on January 29, 2021, Defendant CDC issued a

Notice and Order entitled “Requirement for Persons to Wear Masks While on

Conveyances and at Transportation Hubs” (the “Transportation Mask Order”)

without notice and comment under the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”).

4. Paragraph 4 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the Transportation

Mask Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a response is deemed

required, Defendants deny any characterization of the Transportation Mask Order,

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 3 of 22 PageID 676

which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to the Transportation Mask

Order for a full and accurate statement of its contents.

5. Paragraph 5 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of this lawsuit and

legal conclusions, to which no response is required; but to the extent a response is

deemed necessary, denied.

6. Paragraph 6 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of this lawsuit and

legal conclusions, to which no response is required; but to the extent a response is

deemed necessary, denied.

7. Paragraph 7 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of this lawsuit and

legal conclusions, to which no response is required; but to the extent a response is

deemed necessary, denied.

8. Defendants lack knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 8.

9. Defendants lack knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 9.

10. Defendants lack knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 10.

11. Paragraph 11 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the Amended

Complaint, to which no response is required. To the extent that a response is required,

Defendants admit that Plaintiffs’ Amended Complaint purports to refer to Plaintiffs

Daza and Pope as the “Individual Plaintiffs.”

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 4 of 22 PageID 677

12. Paragraph 12 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the Amended

Complaint, to which no response is required. To the extent that a response is required,

Defendants admit that Plaintiffs’ Amended Complaint purports to use the term

“Plaintiffs” to include Plaintiffs Daza and Pope and Plaintiff Health Freedom Defense


13. Defendants admit that Joseph R. Biden, Jr., is President of the United

States. The remainder of this paragraph consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of this

lawsuit, to which no response is required.

14. Paragraph 14 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of this lawsuit, to

which no response is required.

15. Defendants admit that the CDC issued and is implementing the

Transportation Mask Order. Defendants further admit that the CDC is a component

of HHS.

16. Defendants admit that Xavier Becerra is the Secretary of Health and

Human Services. The remainder of this paragraph consists of Plaintiffs’

characterization of this lawsuit, to which no response is required.

17. Defendants admit that Rochelle Walensky is the Director of the CDC.

The remainder of this paragraph consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of this lawsuit,

to which no response is required.

18. Defendants admit that Martin Cetron is Director of the CDC’s Division

of Global Migration and Quarantine. The remainder of this paragraph consists of

Plaintiffs’ characterization of this lawsuit, to which no response is required.

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 5 of 22 PageID 678

19. Paragraph 19 consists of legal conclusions regarding jurisdiction, to

which no response is required.

20. Paragraph 20 consists of legal conclusions regarding venue, to which no

response is required.

21. Paragraph 21 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is


22. Admitted.

23. Paragraph 23 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the Executive

Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a response is deemed

required, Defendants admit that the Executive Order contains the quoted text, but

deny any characterization of the Executive Order, which speaks for itself, and

respectfully refer the Court to the Executive Order for a full and accurate statement of

its contents.

24. Paragraph 24 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the Executive

Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a response is deemed

required, Defendants but deny any characterization of the Executive Order, which

speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to the Executive Order for a full and

accurate statement of its contents.

25. Defendants admit that the CDC issued the Transportation Mask Order

on January 29, 2021, that the Transportation Mask Order was signed by Martin

Cetron, and that the Transportation Mask Order took effect at 11:59 p.m. on February

1, 2021. Defendants deny any remaining allegations in Paragraph 25.

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26. Paragraph 26 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the Transportation

Mask Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a response is deemed

required, Defendants deny any characterization of the Transportation Mask Order,

which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to the Transportation Mask

Order for a full and accurate statement of its contents.

27. Denied.

28. The first sentence of Paragraph 28 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization

of the Transportation Mask Order, to which no response is required. To the extent

that a response is deemed required, Defendants deny any characterization of the

Transportation Mask Order, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to

the Transportation Mask Order for a full and accurate statement of its contents. The

second sentence of Paragraph 28 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is

required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied.

29. Denied.

30. Paragraph 30 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the Transportation

Mask Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a response is deemed

required, Defendants deny any characterization of the Transportation Mask Order,

which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to the Transportation Mask

Order for a full and accurate statement of its contents.

31. Paragraph 31 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the Transportation

Mask Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a response is deemed

required, Defendants admit that the Transportation Mask Order contains the quoted
Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 7 of 22 PageID 680

text, but deny any characterization of the Transportation Mask Order, which speaks

for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to the Transportation Mask Order for a full

and accurate statement of its contents.

32. Paragraph 32 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the Transportation

Mask Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a response is deemed

required, Defendants deny any characterization of the Transportation Mask Order,

which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to the Transportation Mask

Order for a full and accurate statement of its contents. Defendants deny any remaining

allegations in Paragraph 32.

33. Paragraph 33 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the Transportation

Mask Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a response is deemed

required, Defendants deny any characterization of the Transportation Mask Order,

which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to the Transportation Mask

Order for a full and accurate statement of its contents. Defendants deny any remaining

allegations in Paragraph 33.

34. The first sentence of Paragraph 34 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization

of the Transportation Mask Order, to which no response is required. To the extent a

response is deemed required, Defendants deny any characterization of the

Transportation Mask Order, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to

the Transportation Mask Order for a full and accurate statement of its contents. As to

the second sentence of Paragraph 34, Defendants admit that a direct transcontinental

U.S. flight may last 5 hours or more, that travelers generally spend additional time in
Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 8 of 22 PageID 681

airports during check-in, security screening, and luggage retrieval, and that

connections generally increase travel time. Defendants lack knowledge or information

sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining allegations in Paragraph 34.

35. The first sentence of Paragraph 35 consists of argument and legal

conclusions to which no response is required. As for the remainder of Paragraph 35

(and footnote 1), Defendants admit that the cited article contains the quoted material,

but deny any characterization of that article, which speaks for itself, and respectfully

refer the Court to that article for a full and accurate statement of its contents.

36. Paragraph 36 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the Transportation

Mask Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a response is deemed

required, Defendants deny any characterization of the Transportation Mask Order,

which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to the Transportation Mask

Order for a full and accurate statement of its contents.

37. As to the first sentence of Paragraph 37 (and footnote 2), Defendants

deny any characterization of the cited material, which speaks for itself, and respectfully

refer the Court to that material for a full and accurate statement of its contents. As to

the second sentence of Paragraph 37 (and footnote 3), Defendants deny any

characterization of the cited material, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the

Court to the cited material for a full and accurate statement of its contents; Defendants

deny the remainder of the second sentence of Paragraph 37. Defendants deny the third

sentence of Paragraph 37.

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 9 of 22 PageID 682

38. Defendants deny the first sentence of Paragraph 38. As to the second

sentence of Paragraph 38 (and footnote 4), Defendants deny any characterization of

the cited webpage, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to that

webpage for a full and accurate statement of its contents.

39. Defendants admit that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s April

24, 2020 Emergency Use Authorization, attached by the Plaintiffs as Exhibit C to the

Amended Complaint, contains the quoted text, but deny any characterization of that

document, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to that document

for a full and accurate statement of its contents.

40. As to the first sentence of Paragraph 40 (and footnote 6), Defendants

deny any characterization of the cited material, which speaks for itself, and

respectfully refer the Court to that material for a full and accurate statement of its

contents; Defendants deny any remaining allegations in the first sentence of

Paragraph 40. The second sentence of Paragraph 40 consists of argument, to which

no response is required; but to the extent a response is deemed required, denied. The

third sentence of Paragraph 40 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the

Transportation Mask Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a

response is deemed required, Defendants deny any characterization of the

Transportation Mask Order, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court

to the Transportation Mask Order for a full and accurate statement of its contents.

41. Defendants deny the first sentence of Paragraph 41. As to the second

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 10 of 22 PageID 683

sentence of Paragraph 41 (and footnote 7), Defendants deny any characterization of

the cited material, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to that

material for a full and accurate statement of its contents; Defendants deny the

remainder of the second sentence of Paragraph 41.

42. Defendants deny any characterization of the material cited in Paragraph

42 (and footnote 8), which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to that

material for a full and accurate statement of its contents.

43. Defendants admit that the material cited in Paragraph 43 (and footnote

9) contains the quoted text, but deny any characterization of that material, which

speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to that material for a full and accurate

statement of its contents.

44. Defendants deny any characterization of the material cited in

Paragraph 44 (and footnote 10), which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the

Court to that material for a full and accurate statement of its contents; Defendants

deny any remaining allegations in Paragraph 44.

45. Denied.

46. Denied.

47. Defendants lack knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the allegations in the first sentence of Paragraph 47. As to the second

sentence of Paragraph 47, the declarations referred to by Plaintiffs, and attached as

Exhibit D to the Amended Complaint, speak for themselves, and Defendants

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 11 of 22 PageID 684

respectfully refer the Court to those declarations for a full and accurate statement of

their contents; Defendants lack knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief

as to the truth of any remaining allegations in the second sentence of Paragraph 47.

The third sentence of Paragraph 47 consists of legal conclusions, to which no

response is required; but to the extent a response is deemed required, denied.

48. Paragraph 48 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is

required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied.

49. Defendants lack knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 49.

50. Defendants lack knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 50.

51. As to the first and third sentences of Paragraph 51, Defendants admit

that, as of the date of this Answer, there have been no enforcement actions brought

by the Federal Government against aircraft passengers solely as a result of violations

of the CDC’s Transportation Mask Order. As to the second sentence of Paragraph

51, Defendants admit that, among other government enforcement actions relating to

violations of other statutory and/or regulatory requirements (including actions by the

Transportation Security Administration and Department of Transportation),

enforcement action has been taken and is being taken by the Federal Aviation

Administration, pursuant to 49 U.S.C. § 46318 and 14 C.F.R. §§ 91.11, 121.580,

125.328, 135.210, arising out of incidents relating to passengers’ failure to wear a

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 12 of 22 PageID 685

mask on public transportation conveyances or at public transportation hubs.

52. As to the first sentence of Paragraph 52, Defendants admit that, as of

the date of this Answer, there have been no enforcement actions brought by the

Federal Government against aircraft passengers solely as a result of violations of the

CDC’s Transportation Mask Order, but deny the remainder of that sentence. The

second sentence of Paragraph 52 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the

Transportation Mask Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a

response is deemed required, Defendants admit that the Transportation Mask Order

contains the quoted text, but deny any characterization of the Transportation Mask

Order, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to the Transportation

Mask Order for a full and accurate statement of its contents. Defendants lack

knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remaining

allegations in Paragraph 52 (and footnote 11).

53. Defendants lack knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the allegations in Paragraph 53.

54. Paragraph 54 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is

required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied.

55. Paragraph 55 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is

required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied.

56. Paragraph 56 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is

required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied.

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 13 of 22 PageID 686

57. Paragraph 57 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is

required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied.

58. Defendants repeat and incorporate by reference their responses to

Paragraph 1 through 57 of the Amended Complaint, as if fully set forth herein.

59. Paragraph 59 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of a statute, to

which no response is required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary,

Defendants admit that the cited statute contains the quoted text, but deny any

characterization of that statute, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the

Court to that statute for a full and accurate statement of its contents.

60. Paragraph 60 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the

Transportation Mask Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a

response is deemed required, Defendants deny any characterization of the

Transportation Mask Order, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court

to the Transportation Mask Order for a full and accurate statement of its contents.

61. Denied.

62. Paragraph 62 consists of argument and legal conclusions, to which no

response is required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied.

63. The first sentence of Paragraph 63 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization

of a statute and regulation, to which no response is required. To the extent a response

is deemed necessary, Defendants admit that the cited regulation contains the quoted

text, but deny any characterization of those provisions, which speak for themselves,

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 14 of 22 PageID 687

and respectfully refer the Court to those provisions for a full and accurate statement

of their contents. Defendants deny the second sentence of Paragraph 63. The third

sentence of Paragraph 63 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of, and legal

conclusions regarding, the Transportation Mask Order, to which no response is

required. To the extent that a response is deemed required, Defendants admit that

the Transportation Mask Order contains the quoted text, but deny any

characterization of the Transportation Mask Order, which speaks for itself, and

respectfully refer the Court to the Transportation Mask Order for a full and accurate

statement of its contents.

64. Denied.

65. The first and last sentences of Paragraph 65 are denied. The remainder

of Paragraph 65 consists of argument and legal conclusions, to which no response is

required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, Defendants admit that the

cited authorities contain the quoted text, but deny any characterization of the cited

authorities, which speak for themselves, and respectfully refer the Court to those

authorities for a full and complete statement of their contents.

66. The first sentence of Paragraph 66 consists of argument and legal

conclusions, to which no response is required; but to the extent a response is deemed

necessary, denied. The remainder of Paragraph 66 consists of Plaintiffs’

characterization of a regulation, to which no response is required; but to the extent a

response is deemed necessary, Defendants admit that the cited regulation contains

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 15 of 22 PageID 688

the quoted text, but deny any characterization of that regulation, which speaks for

itself, and respectfully refer the Court to the cited regulation for a complete and

accurate statement of its contents.

67. Paragraph 67 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is

required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied except to admit

that the cited regulations contain the quoted text. Defendants respectfully refer the

Court to those regulations for a full and accurate statement of their contents.

68. The first sentence of Paragraph 68 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization

of a regulation, to which no response is required; but to the extent a response is

deemed necessary, denied. Defendants respectfully refer the Court to the cited

regulation for a full and accurate statement of its contents. The second and third

sentences of Paragraph 68 consist of legal conclusions, to which no response is

required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied.

69. Defendants repeat and incorporate by reference their responses to

Paragraph 1 through 68 of the Amended Complaint, as if fully set forth herein.

70. Paragraph 70 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is

required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied.

71. The first sentence of Paragraph 71 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization

of the Transportation Mask Order, to which no response is required. To the extent

that a response is deemed required, Defendants deny any characterization of the

Transportation Mask Order, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 16 of 22 PageID 689

to the Transportation Mask Order for a full and accurate statement of its contents,

and deny the allegation the Transportation Mask Order did not cite the “good cause”

exception, see 86 Fed. Reg. at 8030 (“In the event that a court determines this Order

qualifies as a rule under the APA, notice and comment and a delay in effective date

are not required because there is good cause to dispense with prior public notice and

comment and the opportunity to comment on this Order and the delay in effective

date.”). With respect to the second sentence, Defendants admit that the

Transportation Mask Order was issued without notice and comment.

72. Paragraph 72 consists of argument and legal conclusions, to which no

response is required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied.

73. Paragraph 73 consists of argument and legal conclusions, to which no

response is required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied.

Defendants separately aver that the Transportation Mask Order explicitly invoked

the “good cause” exception. See 86 Fed. Reg. at 8030 (“In the event that a court

determines this Order qualifies as a rule under the APA, notice and comment and a

delay in effective date are not required because there is good cause to dispense with

prior public notice and comment and the opportunity to comment on this Order and

the delay in effective date.”)

74. The first sentence of Paragraph 74 consists of argument and legal

conclusions, to which no response is required; but to the extent a response is deemed

necessary, denied. As to the second sentence of Paragraph 74, Defendants admit that

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 17 of 22 PageID 690

Defendant HHS first declared in January 2020 that a public health emergency existed

as a result of COVID-19; Defendants further admit that the Transportation Mask

Order was issued on January 29, 2021. Defendants deny any remaining allegations

in the second sentence of Paragraph 74. Defendants deny the third sentence of

Paragraph 74. The fourth sentence of Paragraph 74 consists of argument and legal

conclusions, to which no response is required; but to the extent a response is deemed

necessary, denied.

75. Defendants repeat and incorporate by reference their responses to

Paragraph 1 through 74 of the Amended Complaint, as if fully set forth herein.

76. Paragraph 76 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of a statute, to

which no response is required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary,

Defendants admit that the cited statute contains the quoted text, but deny any

characterization of that statute, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the

Court to that statute for a full and accurate statement of its contents.

77. Paragraph 77 consists of argument and legal conclusions, to which no

response is required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied.

78. The first sentence of Paragraph 78 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization

of a judicial decision, to which no response is required. To the extent a response is

deemed necessary, Defendants admit that the cited decision contains the quoted text,

but deny any characterization of that decision, which speaks for itself, and

respectfully refer the Court to that decision for a full and complete statement of its

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 18 of 22 PageID 691

contents. The second sentence of Paragraph 78 consists of argument and legal

conclusions, to which no response is required; but to the extent a response is deemed

necessary, denied.

79. Paragraph 79 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the

Transportation Mask Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a

response is deemed required, Defendants admit that the Transportation Mask Order

contains the quoted text, but deny any characterization of the Transportation Mask

Order, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to the Transportation

Mask Order for a full and accurate statement of its contents, and deny any remaining


80. Paragraph 80 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the

Transportation Mask Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a

response is deemed required, Defendants deny any characterization of the

Transportation Mask Order, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court

to the Transportation Mask Order for a full and accurate statement of its contents,

and deny any remaining allegations.

81. The first sentence of Paragraph 81 consists of argument and legal

conclusions, to which no response is required; but to the extent a response is deemed

necessary, denied. The second sentence of Paragraph 81 consists of Plaintiffs’

characterization of regulations, to which no response is required; but to the extent a

response is deemed necessary, denied except to admit that the cited regulations

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 19 of 22 PageID 692

contain the quoted phrase. Defendants respectfully refer the Court to the cited

regulations for a full and accurate statement of their contents.

82. Defendants repeat and incorporate by reference their responses to

Paragraph 1 through 81 of the Amended Complaint, as if fully set forth herein.

83. Paragraph 83 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of Article I, Section

1 of the U.S. Constitution, to which no response is required; but to the extent a

response is deemed necessary, Defendants admit that Article I, Section 1 of the U.S.

Constitution contains the quoted text, but deny any characterization of that

provision, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to that provision

for a full and accurate statement of its contents.

84. Paragraph 84 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is

required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied.

85. Defendants repeat and incorporate by reference their responses to

Paragraph 1 through 84 of the Amended Complaint, as if fully set forth herein.

86. Paragraph 86 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is

required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied.

87. The first sentence of Paragraph 87 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization

of the Executive Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a

response is deemed required, Defendants deny any characterization of the Executive

Order, which speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to the Executive Order

for a full and accurate statement of its contents, and deny the remaining allegations

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 20 of 22 PageID 693

in the first sentence of Paragraph 87. Defendants deny the second sentence of

Paragraph 87. As to the third sentence of Paragraph 87, Defendants admit that the

COVID-19 pandemic has been a declared public health emergency in the United

States since January 2020, and deny any remaining allegations.

88. Defendants admit that Congress did not enact legislation requiring the

wearing of masks on public conveyances during the year that preceded January 21,

2021. The remainder of Paragraph 88 consists of argument and legal conclusions, to

which no response is required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary,


89. The first sentence of Paragraph 89 consists of argument and legal

conclusions, to which no response is required; but to the extent a response is deemed

necessary, denied. Defendants lack knowledge or information sufficient to form a

belief as to the truth of the allegations in the second sentence of Paragraph 89.

90. Paragraph 90 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the Executive

Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a response is deemed

required, Defendants deny any characterization of the Executive Order, which speaks

for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to the Executive Order for a full and accurate

statement of its contents.

91. Defendants repeat and incorporate by reference its responses to

Paragraph 1 through 90 of the Amended Complaint, as if fully set forth herein.

92. Paragraph 92 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the Tenth

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 21 of 22 PageID 694

Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, to which no response is required; but to the

extent a response is deemed necessary, Defendants admit the Tenth Amendment

contains the quoted text, but deny any characterization of that provision, which

speaks for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to that provision for a complete and

accurate statement of its contents.

93. Paragraph 93 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is

required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied.

94. Paragraph 94 consists of Plaintiffs’ characterization of the Executive

Order, to which no response is required. To the extent that a response is deemed

required, Defendants deny any characterization of the Executive Order, which speaks

for itself, and respectfully refer the Court to the Executive Order for a full and accurate

statement of its contents, and deny the remaining allegations.

95. Paragraph 95 consists of legal conclusions, to which no response is

required; but to the extent a response is deemed necessary, denied.

The remainder of the Amended Complaint sets forth Plaintiffs’ prayer for

relief, to which no answer is required, but to the extent a response is deemed

necessary, denied.

Defendants hereby deny all allegations in Plaintiffs’ Amended Complaint not

expressly admitted or denied.

Case 8:21-cv-01693-KKM-AEP Document 41 Filed 01/06/22 Page 22 of 22 PageID 695

Dated: January 6, 2022 Respectfully submitted,

Acting Assistant Attorney General

Acting United States Attorney

Assistant Branch Director

By: /s/ Andrew F. Freidah

Trial Attorneys
United States Department of Justice
Civil Division
Federal Programs Branch
1100 L Street NW
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: 202-305-0879
Email: [email protected]

Counsel for Defendants


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