Job Safety Analysis: Gas Powered Chainsaw

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Job Safety Analysis

Safety Information for The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Title Work Task Hazards Controls

Standard Operating Initial assessment before each use. Chainsaw blade may cut hands during Wear proper hand protection (gloves) during the
(i.e. – Check fluids, chain, loose parts) inspection. initial inspection of the chainsaw.
Make sure the chainsaw is in ‘OFF’ mode
before inspecting.

Employee dons the proper Personal Improper Donning The employee must have the following PPE on
Protective Equipment before the job before operating the edger:
begins. - Eye Protection
- Hand Protection
- Ear Protection
- Steel Toed Shoes
- Chaps/Long Pants

Employee uses the chainsaw to cut limbs, Tensioning the chain. (Making sure Gloves should be worn when tensioning the chain.
trees, etc. the chain is not too loose.)
Make sure the blade is disengaged. The “Lock
Cutting the chainsaw “ON”. Bar” should be pushed forward to disengage the
Flying debris.
Eye protection should be worn along with chaps
due to flying debris.

Work Task Hazards Controls
Employee uses the chainsaw to cut limbs, Pedestrians walking by when working in When using the chainsaw, be aware of your
trees, etc. (Continued…) particular areas. surroundings at all times, and the position you
are cutting in. When pedestrians are
approaching within close proximity of the work
Fatigue from the weight of the tool. area, cut the machine off until they pass by to
prevent any debris from flying in their direction,
and to avoid hitting them with the chainsaw.
Have a spotter to alert the employee of a possible
hazard or of pedestrians that may be

The employee should take breaks as needed to

help prevent fatigue, and possible injury. Breaks
should also be taken to help the employee be
aware of their surroundings and others.

Working on hills and steep slopes. Slips/Trips/Falls. The employee needs to be aware of whether the
surface of the area they are working around is
Avoid working with trees on power lines. Electrocution Hazards flat, on a gradual slope, or a steep incline. Slip
resistant shoes should be worn if the working
Working with trees that are bowed/bent Spring Pole Limbs area is on a slope, and/or if the area is wet.
with potential energy
Do not attempt to work with trees laying on
power lines. Contact electric distribution or the
local power company depending on the location
of the work.

If a tree is bowed or bent and looks like it may

snap to an unexpected position when cut follow
DOT SOP 11B-84 (tree felling)

Replacing the chain. Poses a hand/finger hazard (cuts) when Hand protection must be worn while performing
performing maintenance. (i.e. – The chain maintenance and replacing the chain on the
may cut the hand or finger when being chainsaw.
taken off or put back on.)

Another shop area that is designated to sharpen

chains/blades should be contacted to perform the
work on the chainsaw.
Work Task Hazards Controls
Guard should be placed on the chainsaw Hand hazards (cuts) are present since the Gloves should be worn when removing the
before and after use. employee will have their hands close to chainsaw guard or placing the guard back on the
the blade. chainsaw.

Clean and store PPE properly Improper PPE storage Store PPE in a cool, dry location

Training Employees must have hands on training in the Supervisor is to fill out the ‘Supervisor Led Training Form’ and
proper use of this piece of equipment. turn in the form to UNC-CH Environment, Health and Safety for
documentation of proper training.

Joseph Sutton
Workplace Safety Officer
Created by UNC-CH Environment, Health & Safety
August 21, 2008
Cory Kirkland
Workplace Safety Officer
Updated by
UNC-CH Environment, Health & Safety
November 19, 2018

Referenced Material Refer to Manufactures Owner’s Manual for more information.

For more information about this JSA and other JSAs, contact:
Department of Environment, Health and Safety
Contact Info UNC-CH, 1120 Estes Drive Extension, Chapel Hill NC 27599 CB# 1650
(919) 962-5507 

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