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Based in Houston, Texas, Gulf Interstate Engineering Company (Gulf)

has served the energy industry since 1953, providing quality project
management services to the oil and gas industry worldwide.

Gulf specializes in the management and engineering of pipeline systems,

a focus that covers onshore and offshore pipelines, gathering systems,
production facilities, pump and compressor stations, storage terminals and
loading facilities. Gulf’s experience and capabilities encompass all aspects
of oil and gas production from the wellhead to the export terminal.

Gulf also performs turnkey services in partnership with U.S. and

international construction firms. Through corporate divisions and affiliates,
Gulf provides field inspection services and contract operations and
maintenance for oil and gas transportation and storage systems. Gulf is certified to ISO 9001:2008

Gulf has completed projects all over the world under some of the harshest
conditions that nature offers, from the icy expanse of Alaska to the searing
desert heat of the Middle East. On land or sea, in mountainous terrain
or pristine valleys that must be returned to their original condition, the
Company has successfully executed and participated in oil and gas
projects characterized by the most complex logistics.
It is the policy of Gulf Interstate Engineering
to provide quality engineering services to our
clients, meeting or exceeding contract goals.
Gulf recognizes the fundamental importance of
an effective Quality Assurance Program as an
integral part of the Company’s scope of work.
Gulf is committed to a process of continuous
quality improvement in the production of
engineering work products and management

In the past ten years, Gulf has managed the implementation of projects
having a combined capital cost in excess of $6.0 billion. During the same
period, Gulf procured and delivered, on behalf of clients, more than $2.0
billion dollars of project materials and equipment.

With hundreds of specialists on staff, Gulf offers a flexible and adaptive

approach for project execution. The Company is large enough to handle
the most complex assignments, yet small enough to tailor solutions to
individual problems, whether it’s a need for special care in a sensitive
ecological habitat or the requirement for remote data sharing with clients
through a Web-based interface.

Gulf has achieved a reputation for producing designs that transform

concepts into easily managed facilities which operate smoothly and
efficiently, today and tomorrow. Whether it’s a feasibility study involving
a single expert or technical consulting team, or complete EPCM services
requiring a management and engineering task force, Gulf Interstate
Engineering provides a quality and cost effective solution.

engineering for oil and gas production, transportation and storage systems

feasibility and system optimization  capital and operating cost estimates  tariff and cost of service
analysis  financial studies  risk and sensitivity analysis  facility appraisals
economic studies

project execution plan and procedures  budget development and cost control  planning
and scheduling  contract administration  quality assurance
 project execution

right–of–way and regulatory and ownership research  permit applications and acquisition  route
selection  alignment and topographical control surveys  land acquisition and
land acquisition support  aerial photography  geotechnical and oceanographic investigation

engineering and conceptual design  preliminary engineering  detailed engineering  design basis
documentation  hydraulics and surge analysis  civil/structural design  stress
design analysis  process, mechanical and piping design  electrical and instrumentation
design  SCADA and communications design  mapping & GIS  3D Modeling 
pipeline risk assessment/risk management  pipeline rehabilitation  HAZOPS and
HSE analysis  material and equipment specifications  engineering and design
quality control

procurement technical and commercial specifications  bid solicitation and evaluation  purchase
order and contract development  expediting and material control  logistics,
transport and field materials handling  vendor surveillance and inspection

construction construction planning and scheduling  contractor pre-qualification  contracting

strategy and bid packages  bid solicitation, evaluation and award negotiation
management  field supervision, engineering and inspection  contract administration and change
control  quality assurance and quality control certification and commissioning

operations and start-up assistance  personnel training  operations and maintenance manuals
 engineering support of operations  contract operations and maintenance

pipeline integrity project management  program development  procedure development  risk

assessment support  baseline assessment  field services  data gathering &
integration  mapping & GIS  evaluation of preventive and mitigative measures
types of projects and cumulative design experience

gathering systems oil & gas production onshore and offshore

facilities pipelines

pump and storage and export export loading

compressor stations terminals facilities

field power corrosion protection infrastructure facilities

generation, systems; scada and
transmission and communications
distribution systems

pipeline systems 100,000 miles

production and processing facilities 2,000,000 bpd
pump stations 400,000 hp
compressor stations 5,000,000 hp
export, storage and loading systems 1,000,000,000 bbls

engineering for oil and gas production, transportation and storage systems
corporate organization

Gulf International

Gulf Interstate Gulf Interstate

Engineering Company International Corporation

project management, for international project

engineering, procurement, execution services
and construction
management services

Gulf Interstate
Gulf Interstate Gulf Interstate Gulf Interstate Antares Offshore Post Oak Engineering L&T-Gulf
Engineering Field Services Engineering Peru L.L.C. Graphics Company Branch Private Limited
Canada, Inc. S.A.C. Office in Russian

wholly owned subsidiary wholly owned subsidiary wholly owned subsidiary partially owned company wholly owned subsidiary wholly owned subsidiary joint venture company
providing project providing construction providing project providing subsea, providing providing project with Larsen & Toubro
management and management management and pipeline, and offshore complete in-house management and providing engineering
engineering services in and construction engineering services in engineering services reprographic services engineering services in and design services
Canada inspection services Peru and other Latin the Russian Federation
American countries & other FSU countries

management organization

President & CEO

Doug Evans

Vice President Vice President

Senior Vice President Post Oak Gulf Interstate
Business Development Operations
Criss Shipman Graphics Field Services
Bob Sprick Rick Barnard

Vice President Director - Projects &

Chief Financial Officer Pipeline Integrity Director Director
International Development
Ben Smith Spike Jones Blair Miller
Boris Taksa Bill Hoff

Director of Human Manager of Project Control

Sr. Corporate Counsel
Resources Clarence Philpot
Jerry Hoover
Tom Terry

Manager of MIS Manager of Procurement

Paul Heffernan David Gray

Manager of
Quality Manager
Engineering & Design
Jennifer Abram
JD Balch

Health & Safety

Manager Manager of Design/ Drafting
Jack Voigt
Vance Hutchison
office locations
Calgary Gulf Interstate Engineering (UK) Limited
Gulf Interstate Engineering Canada, Inc.
Houston Gulf Interstate Engineering Company
Gulf Interstate Engineering Branch Office in Russian Federation
Coordination Office

Coordination Office
Gulf International de Mexico,
S. de R.L. de C.V.

Gulf Interstate Engineering Peru S.A.C.

L&T-Gulf Private Limited
Abu Dhabi
Coordination Office

In addition to the offices shown here, Gulf also has a number of project, alliance partner and joint venture offices worldwide.

The staff of Gulf Interstate Engineering, Antares Offshore, Gulf Interstate Field Services, and L&T-Gulf Private
Limited includes project management, engineering, design, procurement, construction management, operations and
maintenance personnel possessing a wide range of management and engineering talents, comprising a worldwide
staff of over 800 specialists, distributed as shown below.

Project Management
Engineering and Design and Project Control
45% 10%
MIS and Other

Management and Administration Construction Management/

5% Field Services

engineering for oil and gas production, transportation and storage systems
project management systems
Gulf utilizes a comprehensive Project Man- Using the System’s generic templates, Gulf
agement System that addresses project plan- develops and customizes a cost database for
ning, budgeting, cost accounting, scheduling, projects. The cost database is used to define
progress measurement, risk management and commitments and cash flow, record actual
forecasting. This System takes advantage of a project costs incurred and forecast remaining
combination of in-house developed and third expenditures. The project budget is maintained
party software applications to streamline the as a separate module, or table, within the cost
management of project data and generate re- database.
ports that allow us to effectively analyze and
track a project’s schedule, costs and progress. Gulf’s Project Management System is a state-
of-the-art, web-based application that allows
We develop logic-based Critical Path Method clients as well as our management team to work
(CPM) schedules utilizing Primavera or MS collaboratively on projects regardless of their
Project software. These schedules are used work location. The System allows for accurate,
to monitor schedule performance and are de- timely reporting of project progress, whether in
signed to provide summarization at various the design phase or during construction.
levels of detail to support project execution
analysis and project management reporting re-
quirements, including the activities of subcon-
tractors and third party participants.
progress measurement and tracking

Gulf uses the earned value method for measuring and tracking project progress. A Work Breakdown Struc-
ture (WBS) is developed during the planning phase to organize the components of the project. For each
WBS component, activities and deliverables are assigned a weighted value in proportion to that item’s
relationship to the overall project budget. Our database application, LOGS, accommodates the line item
entry for each activity and deliverable required, defining the engineering and procurement documentation
for the project. Periodic production milestones for each item are defined and a date for each milestone is
scheduled. As the work progresses and milestones are achieved, the cumulative value of the work prog-
ress is calculated and compared to the plan. This physical percent complete information produced by the
LOGS program correlates with the actual man hours and schedule time expended to yield an earned value
with respect to the plan. Comparative analysis of this result indicates productivity achievements, supports
predictions of future progress and directs project management attention to items that are lagging. Results
are displayed in graphic and tabular formats for reporting and analysis purposes. Similar earned value
techniques are used for monitoring the progress of Gulf’s subcontractors or other contractors for who we
have reporting responsibility.

engineering for oil and gas production, transportation and storage systems
technology and innovation

In each area of the company’s operations, Gulf stays at the forefront of technology and
proactively invests in the hardware, software, systems, tools and training that will add value to
all the projects we complete. Using an array of industry standard and proprietary software, Gulf
addresses computing requirements for all functions related to project management, financial
analysis, engineering, design and construction management. These investments pay off for
our clients in greater efficiencies from reduced costs and improved schedules.

Web-based solutions developed by Gulf support remote officing capabilities. These include
corporate and project Intranets for project and construction management reporting. Document
control, remote drawing reviews, file transfer and information sharing are other features of
Gulf’s virtual office approach. All project reporting, from engineering progress through daily
field inspection reports is Web-enabled, allowing project personnel, corporate management
and clients to review and comment via a browser interface.

Gulf has obtained licenses for the lead CAD software products in general use today: AutoCAD
and MicroStation. In addition, Gulf has obtained licenses for several CAD third-party software
programs that tailor the generic CAD drawing environment to a particular design discipline; i.e.,
Mapping, Piping or Electrical. These software programs offer additional tools and capabilities
not available in the standard AutoCAD or MicroStation environment.

Gulf uses 3D CAD models and “smart” software for its facilities design. Benefits of Gulf’s
engineering approach are automated interference detection, accurate Bills of Materials,
reduction in checking time and minimal construction delays. Specific software applications for
engineering and design solutions include commercial and proprietary applications to address
hydraulic modeling, flow analysis, stress analysis, process simulations and other multi-
disciplinary requirements of oil and gas facilities design. Gulf’s engineers are accomplished in
the use of these programs for problem solving and to enhance their work products.

Gulf’s offices contain hundreds of engineering and business workstations fully networked for
complete sharing of information and system resources. A collection of peripheral devices provides
Gulf with an extensive capability to process and print large format, full-color graphic images
for mapping applications and management presentations. E-mail, electronic conferencing and
knowledge management are supported by round-the-clock high-speed Internet connections.
clients a partial listing

AGL Resources Ozark Gas Transmission

Algonquin Gas Transmission Pacific Gas & Electric
AK Transneft (Russia) Pacific Gas Transmission
Amerada Hess Oil Company PanHandle Energy
Amoco Gas Company PEMEX Refinacion
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Peru LNG S.R.L.
Aramco Services Company Perusahaan Gas Negara (Indonesia)
Bay State Gas Petromin (Saudi Arabia)
Bechtel Corporation PetroPeru
Benton Oil & Gas Petrozuata (Maraven/Conoco, Venezuela)
BP Development Polar Gas Company
British Petroleum Promigas, S.A. (Colombia)
Buckeye Pipeline Ralph M. Parsons Company
Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd. Ranger Plant Constructional Company, Inc.
Caspian Pipeline Consortium Reliance Industries Limited
CenterPoint Energy Rockies Express Pipeline LLC
Chevron Nigeria Limited Santa Fe Pacific
Chevron Texaco Saudi Aramco
China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corp. Saudi Kuwaiti Cement Manufacturing Company
Colonial Pipeline Company Shell Companies
Columbia Gas Transmission Corp. SINOPEC
Conoco Phillips Sonoco Logistics
Dakota Gasification Company Southern Natural Gas Company
DNO Yemen AS Southern Union Oil Products Company
Dominion Spectra Energy
El Paso Energy Company State Committee of Oil & Gas (Ukraine)
Enbridge (U.S.) Inc. Sui Gas Transmission Company, Ltd. (Pakistan)
EnCana Surgutneftegas
Energia Mayakan Suriname Crude Oil Pipeline
Enterprise Products Techint (Argentina)
ExxonMobil Teppco
Florida Gas Transmission Company Terasen Pipelines
Gas Authority of India Limited Texas Oil and Gas Corporation
Gasoductos de Chihuahua c/o El Paso Mexico Mgmnt. Texas Pipeline Company
Gazprom (Russia) TNK-BP
Gulf Interstate California Pipeline Total Austral (Argentina)
Harken International TransCanada PipeLines
Hocol (South America) U.S. Department of the Interior
Hunt Oil Company U.S. Navy
INGAA Foundation Unocal
Iroquois Gas Transmission System Urengoil (Russia)
Jilin Oilfield Company (China) USAID
Kern River Gas Transmission USTDA
Kinder Morgan, Inc. Valero
Koch Valero Hydrocarbons Company
Korea Petroleum Development Corporation Varyeganneft (Russia)
Kuwait Oil Company Williams Field Services
Litwin Management Services, LLC Williams Gas Pipeline
Lucky Development (Korea) Wisconsin Gas Company
Mojave Pipeline Operating Company Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos
National Gas Company of Trinidad & Tobago Yemen Exploration & Production Company
Nisource Yemen Hunt LNG Company LLC
Northern Border Pipeline Company Yukos/Yuganskneftegas (Russia)
Northwest Alaskan Pipeline Company
Northwest Pipeline Corporation
Occidental Companies
OJSC Surgutneftegas
Orgenergogas (Russia)

engineering for oil and gas production, transportation and storage systems
project schedule
major projects–pipeline systems Gulf scope of work
projects including a pipeline system which may also include station facilities

PREPA Via Verde Pipeline Project

Ray Architects & Engineers
Gulf provided advisory services to Ray Architects & Engineers to select a suitable route and contract award–2010
configuration for the PREPA Via Verde Pipeline Project. The Project starts near the EcoElectrica completion–2012
LNG Terminal, traverses the island in a northerly direction and then proceeds eastward to project management
PREPA’s Palo Seco and San Juan Power Plants near San Juan, with the goal of transporting advisory services
gas from the south coast to the north coast of Puerto Rico. Specifically, Gulf’s scope included
providing advice for routing and constructability through densely populated areas, river and road
crossings, pipeline and facility studies, and other pipeline issues. Gulf also advised during the
development of detailed engineering and design deliverables to achieve Issue for Construction
quality documents and drawings.

White Kitchen to Yoakum Project

EPCO, Inc.
Phase I of the White Kitchen to Yoakum Project consists of approximately 80-miles of 30-inch contract award–2010
gas pipeline from White Kitchen Compressor Station to Falls City Compressor Station. Phase II completion–2011
consists of approximately 67-miles of 36-inch gas pipeline from Falls City Compressor Station project management
to Yoakum Compressor Station. In addition, each pipeline will have a launcher and receiver engineering
at each end, a launcher and receiver at the midpoint, a meter station at the beginning of each design/drafting
segment, a slug catcher, and condensate tanks at the termination of each section. The design procurement
will also include approximately 5-miles of 36-inch loop line that terminates at a receiver located
at the Eagle Ford Tie-In Site. There will also be a 12-inch hot tap on an existing 20-inch pipeline
located at the Falls City Compressor Station suction side; feeding a bidirectional meter station.
Gulf’s scope of work on the White Kitchen to Yoakum Project consists of project management
and progress reporting, engineering, design/ drafting and material procurement. Gulf is preparing
class location studies with GIS to support the gas pipeline expansion.

Acadian Haynesville Extension & Metering Project

EPCO, Inc.
Gulf is providing project management, engineering, design, procurement, geotechnical contract award–2009
engineering, HDD design, and construction support services for EPCO Inc.’s Acadian completion–2011
Haynesville Extension Project. Gulf is preparing class location studies with GIS to support project management
the gas pipeline expansion. This telescoping 42-inch, 36-inch and 20-inch 250-mile natural engineering
gas pipeline traverses through the state of Louisiana, starting south of Bossier City, LA and design/drafting
continuing southeast to Napoleonville, LA. As designed, the pipeline is expected to transport procurement
from 1.8 Bcfd to as much as 2.1 Bcfd of natural gas from interconnects with interstate natural construction support
gas transmission systems through central Louisiana. This extension project will provide critically
needed natural gas take-away from the Haynesville Shale area and will provide producers
with access to additional markets. Gulf is also providing the project management, engineering,
design, procurement, surveying, no-rise certification, geotechnical engineering, and project
support for the 26 metering stations and a pressure regulating station associated with the
Acadian Haynesville Extension Project. The metering stations consist of both receipt and delivery
stations, intrastate and interstate stations, and vary in size and flow rates. Laterals from the
Acadian Haynesville pipeline to the meter stations are included in the scope of supply.

CPC Expansion Front End Engineering and Design

Caspian Pipeline Consortium – R&K
Gulf has resumed work on the Caspian Pipeline Consortium Expansion Project – FEED contract award–2004
Continuation. Gulf’s scope of work on the CPC Expansion Project includes revising the completion–2011
Technical and Economic Substantiation of Construction (TEOC), project management, risk project management
analysis, expert reviews, engineering, preparing Final Investment Decision (FID) package, feasibility/economic study
obtaining permits and approvals, reviewing existing technical specifications and requirements, engineering
submitting estimates for updating and revising the land management files, reviewing current design/drafting
plans and procedures, and preparing bidding documentation. This 1,500-km, large diameter procurement
crude oil system with multiple pumping stations runs from Tengiz, Kazakhstan to an export
terminal on the Black Sea at Novorossisk, Russia.

Alberta Clipper/ Southern Lights Projects

Enbridge Energy Company, Inc.
The Alberta Clipper Project included 326-miles of 36-inch diameter crude oil pipeline from the contract award–2007
US/ Canadian border to Superior, WI and three new 12,000 hp pump stations. The Southern completion–2009
Lights Project consisted of 136-miles of 20-inch diameter crude oil pipeline and 190-miles of preliminary engineering
20-inch diameter diluent pipeline. The Southern Lights Project also included four new 6,500 project management
hp pump stations, one new 6,000 hp pump station, the reversal of flow at one existing pump engineering
station, conversion of two existing pump stations and seven new 250,000 bbl storage tanks. design/drafting
PLNG Pipeline Transportation Project
Peru LNG S.R.L.
Gulf Interstate Engineering Peru SAC provided detailed engineering, design, and procurement contract award–2006
services on the Peru LNG Pipeline Project. The project included the installation of a 34- completion–2009
inch diameter pipeline for the transportation of natural gas from Chiquintirca in the Andes project management
Mountains, east of Ayacucho, to a LNG Plant at Pampa Melchorita, located in the coast area. engineering
The pipeline system is approximately 400 kilometers in length and includes metering facilities design/drafting
and SCADA system. procurement
project schedule
major projects–pipeline systems Gulf scope of work
projects including a pipeline system which may also include station facilities

East-West Gas Pipeline Project

Reliance Industries Limited
This major project included the installation of a 1,385-km, 48-inch diameter natural gas pipeline contract award–2005
and associated spur pipelines. The East-West Gas Pipeline Project traverses across the country completion–2008
of India from the Onshore Gas Processing Terminal (OGPT) at Gadimoga near Kakinada on project management
the east coast of India to Bharuch on the west coast of India. The pipeline system included engineering
mainline block valves, pigging stations, compressor stations, metering and regulating (M&R) design/drafting
stations, cathodic protection system, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, procurement
process measurement and control instrumentation, fire alarm and fire protection system, control
room and other buildings, and other associated facilities. Gulf’s scope of work included process
design and other engineering works required for the preparation of RFQ packages through
successful completion of purchase/work orders for the long lead, critical items, construction
work packages and related project management services. The pipeline system is designed to
initially transport 60 MMSCMD and is forecasted to grow to 80 MMSCMD.

Rockies Express Pipeline LLP Project

Rockies Express Pipeline LLC
The 1,679 mile, 42-inch diameter natural gas pipeline system originates in Rio Blanco County, contract award–2005
Colorado and stretches east to Monroe County, Ohio. REX traverses eight (8) states including completion–2009
Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, and transports 1.8 feasibility/economic study
billion cubic feet per day of capacity. Gulf provided Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) project management
services, including a detailed route selection, constructability analysis and the development engineering
of a project schedule. After successful completion of the front-end engineering activities, Gulf design/drafting
was subsequently awarded the detailed engineering and design, procurement, and project procurement
management and construction management support services. construction management

Escravos Gas Project (EGP) 3B Pipeline

Chevron Nigeria Limited
Gulf provided Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) to perform the required studies and contract award–2005
develop the recommended alternative for gathering, compressing and delivering associated completion–2006
gas from EGP 3B to the tie-in point on the EGP 3A pipeline to shore. EGP 3B gathers the project management
associated gas produced from the North Offshore Area, as well as Delta PP and Tapa PP engineering
in the South Offshore Area, compresses the gas and delivers it to the EGP 3A tie-in point. design/drafting
The EGP 3B project gathers associated gas from nine production platforms and consists of procurement
a gathering pipeline network of nine pipelines. In May 2005, Gulf was additionally awarded
basic engineering that included MTO’s, engineered equipment and long lead items, Class 3
cost estimate schedule, EPCI contracting strategy, preliminary and final FEED report, and a
lessons learned report.

Cypress Pipeline Project

Southern Natural Gas Company
The Cypress Project will be constructed in three phases. Phase I will include the initial pipeline contract award–2005
of 167-miles of 24-inch pipe. Phase II and III will add compression at three locations and 10- completion–2006
miles of 30-inch loop pipeline. Specifically on Phase I, Gulf provided project management, project management
FERC filing support, field engineering support, detailed engineering and design, right-of-way engineering
and environmental support, and engineering support services during construction of the project. design/drafting
During the FERC application phase, Gulf managed all field activities and supervised Southern’s FERC application support
direct contractors, including the environmental and right-of-way specialists, along with its own
subcontractors performing alignment and geotechnical surveys.

Mier-Monterrey Pipeline Project

Kinder Morgan Inc.
Gulf provided full EPC services for the Mier-Monterrey Pipeline in partnership with a U.S. and contract award–2002
Mexican construction firm. This major project involved installation of 90-miles of 30-inch pipeline completion–2003
and three meter stations in Mexico, as well as an additional 9-miles of 30-inch pipeline and one project management
meter station in the United States. The project supplies up to 375 MMscf/day from southeast engineering
Texas to an existing power plant near Monterrey. right-of-way services
construction management

Camisea Natural Gas Transmission System

Transportadora de Gas del Peru SA
Gulf acted as Project Manager/Owner’s Engineer for this state-of-the-art natural gas and NGL contract award–2001
transportation system in Peru. Running from the Malvinas compression and pumping station completion–2004
located near the Camisea field, this telescoping 26-, 24-, and 18-inch, system transits the Andes project management
from Malvinas to Lima, for a distance of approximately 697-km. The NGL pipeline (14-, 8-, 10- engineering
inch) parallels the gas pipeline for approximately 575-km, terminating at a fractionation facility construction management
on the coast at Pampa La Clarita. The gas system required an additional pressure reducing
station and the NGL system contains three additional pumping stations and two pressure
reducing stations. The pipeline system traverses approximately 195-km of Peruvian rainforest,
250-km across the Andes and 250-km across the Peruvian Coastal Plain.

engineering for oil and gas production, transportation and storage systems
project schedule
major projects–pipeline systems Gulf scope of work
projects including a pipeline system which may also include station facilities

Kern River Gas Transmission

Williams Gas Pipeline Company
contract award–2001
Gulf provided project management, engineering, design and procurement services for the
2003 Kern River Expansion Project. This major expansion project involved the looping of
project management
approximately 717-miles of the existing Kern River System, increasing system capacity by 1
BCFD. The pipeline loops occurred in the states of Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and California.
The pipeline traversed through environmentally sensitive areas and approximately 30 miles of
densely populated land requiring the use of Class 2 and 3 pipe. In addition to pipeline looping,
FERC application support
there were five-meter station additions and modifications at existing meter stations.

OCP Integrated Management Team

Oleoducto de Crudos Pesados (OCP) Consortium
The OCP Project consists of 313-miles (504-km) of pipeline with four pumping stations, two contract award–1999 & 2001
pressure reducing stations, terminal facilities and an initiating pump station at Lago Agrio, completion–1999 & 2003
onshore storage terminal facilities and offshore tanker loading facilities at Esmeraldas, in the project management
Republic of Ecuador. Gulf provided the project management and construction management feasibility/economic study
for the project and also performed incidental technical services in support of the project. Gulf engineering
previously was responsible for the development of the preliminary engineering for the pipeline, design/drafting
including preparation of engineering studies, calculations, hydraulic analyses and equipment procurement
specifications. construction management

Pipeline Construction Management Program

TransCanada PipeLines
TransCanada’s Winter and Summer Pipeline Construction Program, Spreads 99B and 98E contract award–1999
included approximately 61-km of 42-inch diameter pipeline, located between Longlac, Ontario completion–1999
and Matawa, Ontario and 87-km of 42-inch mainline loops located in the North Bay and construction management
Toronto areas. Gulf prepared project procedures, inspection guidelines, quality plans and
other documents necessary to support construction management. The project team ensured
contractor compliance with all applicable regulations, specifications and quality standards
throughout the construction of the pipeline facilities. Construction progress was reported to
TCPL over the Internet from Gulf’s online website.

WGC Lateral Line Project

Wisconsin Gas Company
Wisconsin Gas Company filed a FERC application for approximately 37-miles of a natural gas contract award–1999
pipeline lateral for its proposed Guardian Pipeline Project. The pipeline is located 30-miles completion–2002
to the northwest of Milwaukee. Gulf’s scope of work consisted of four phases; each divided project management
into four separate years. In 1999, Gulf established a field office in Wisconsin to coordinate feasibility/economic study
activities of subcontractors who provided information from the field that was incorporated into engineering
the technical sections of the FERC filing. Gulf also prepared a FERC level project cost estimate. right-of-way services
In 2000, Gulf provided technical support for the FERC application. In 2001, Gulf provided all design/drafting
detail engineering design and procurement of equipment and material. Finally in 2002, Gulf procurement
provided all aspects of construction management including inspection, commissioning and construction management
start-up of the system. FERC application support

Hawiyah Gas Development

Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) and Parsons International
This project includes various pipelines: 218-km, 56–inch diameter; 155-km, 48–inch diameter; contract award–1996
57-km, 30–inch diameter; and, 20-km, 24–inch diameter gas distribution pipelines. Also included completion–2001
are four 20-km, 22–inch diameter and three 40-km, 26–inch diameter gas transmission pipelines; project management
and, 20-km of condensate pipelines. Additionally, an existing 150-km, 48–inch diameter crude detailed cost estimate
oil pipeline was converted to gas service. Scraper launchers and receivers, a pressure control basic engineering
and releasing station, gas cleaning and sales gas metering facilities supported with power LSTK bid package preparation
and utilities were also included. The pipelines have SCADA and communications systems. All
pipelines are cathodically protected and equipped with a leak detection system via pressure/
temperature transmitters.

Venezuelan Extra–Heavy Oil Project (VEHOP)

Petrozuata a joint venture between Conoco and Maraven
This project included two parallel pipelines running between the Jose industrial complex on the contract award–1996
north–central Caribbean coast and the Petrozuata heavy oil (bitumen) field in the Orinoco belt, completion–1998
approximately 200-km south of Jose. One pipeline carries diluent to the production field and engineering management
the other pipeline carries a diluent–bitumen blend to Jose for refining and export. Each pipeline preliminary design
had an initial pump station using electric motor–driven centrifugal pumps ranging from 2,000 detail design
to 4,000 hp. Initial capacity of the blend pipeline was 160,000 BPD at 190°F. Initial capacity of major material procurement
the diluent pipeline was 40,000 BPD. EPC bid packages
detailed cost estimate
project schedule
major projects–pipeline systems Gulf scope of work
projects including a pipeline system which may also include station facilities

Gas Transmission and Distribution System

Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN)
For PGN in Indonesia, this project included a 544-km, 28–inch diameter onshore natural gas contract award–1995
pipeline from Gersik to Duri on the island of Sumatra and a 280-km, 20–inch diameter offshore completion–1999
natural gas pipeline between Sumatra and Bataam Island. A low pressure distribution system project management
for Bataam Island is included as well as a SCADA and communications network for the entire detail design
pipeline system. This project was financed by the Asian Development Bank. procurement
construction bid packages
engineering during construction

Shaybah Pipeline and Terminal Facilities

Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco) and Parsons International
This project included a 638-km, 46–inch diameter crude oil pipeline from the Shaybah Central contract award–1995
Producing Facilities in the Rub’ Al Khali to Abqaiq Plants with scraper launching and receiving completion–1998
facilities; instrumentation for pipeline leak detection; an impressed current cathodic protection project management
system and remote area accommodations for pipeline operations and maintenance personnel. basic engineering
The pipeline was designed to transport 660 MBOD of Arabian Extra–Light crude oil to Abqaiq detailed cost estimate
Plants for stabilization. LSTK bid package preparation

Seaway Pipeline Conversion–Stage 1

ARCO Pipeline Company
An existing 500-mile, 30–inch diameter natural gas pipeline was converted to crude oil service. contract award–1994
The pipeline system originates in Freeport, Texas and terminates at a refinery in Cushing, completion–1996
Oklahoma. The project included: internal inspection, decommissioning and rehabilitation of the project management
existing pipeline; installation of 7-miles of new 42–inch diameter pipeline; dredging operations engineering
and meter installation at the existing dock facility in Freeport, Texas; piping modifications and detail design
pump installation at the existing storage terminal located adjacent to the dock facility and procurement
installation of three new mainline pump stations on the converted pipeline. construction bid packages
field engineering

Chad–Cameroon Pipeline System

Exxon Corporation International
This pipeline system included a 1,054-km, 32–inch diameter crude oil pipeline system from an contract award–1993
oil field in the Doba Basin area of Chad through Cameroon to a new offshore export terminal. completion–1996
The scope also included four pump stations and a marine export terminal. This system is the feasibility study
largest heated crude oil pipeline in the world. preliminary engineering
infrastructure survey
logistics plan
EPC bid packages

CO2 Pipeline System

Dakota Gasification Company
This system consisted of a compression, pumping and metering facility located in the Great contract award–1993
Plains Synfuels Plant near Beulah, North Dakota, as well as approximately 205-miles of pipeline, completion–1999
to deliver CO2 to PanCanadian’s Weyburn oil field in southern Saskatchewan. The CO2 will be preliminary engineering
used for enhanced oil recovery in this 40-year old field. Project scope also included the initial engineering
route selection and preliminary engineering studies associated with the proposed pipeline. detail design
construction management

PGT–PG&E Pipeline Expansion

Pacific Gas Transmission–Pacific Gas & Electric
The natural gas pipeline system running from the Canadian border through Washington, Oregon contract award–1990
and into California was expanded by the addition of 745-miles of 42–inch diameter and 100- completion–1992
miles of 36–inch diameter pipeline designed to accommodate 755 MMSCFD of additional gas preliminary engineering
supply. This project included modifications to 12 existing turbine compressor stations which engineering
added 350,000 extra horsepower for the expanded pipeline system. Two metering facilities detail design
were modified for the increased flow rates. procurement

Alyeska Pipeline System

United States Department of the Interior
The Alyeska Pipeline System is a 798-mile, 48–inch diameter above ground and buried crude contract award–1974
oil pipeline running from the North Slope to Valdez, Alaska. The pipeline system included eight completion–1977
pump stations rated at 25,000 HP each. Gulf provided expert assistance to the U.S. Dept. design audit
of the Interior during the four year engineering and construction period. Gulf reviewed and field engineering audit
provided recommendations on all engineering and design aspects of the pipeline portion of start–up and commissioning
the project and reviewed, from a technical perspective, all construction permit applications. assistance
Gulf’s resident field engineering audit staff on–site in Alaska monitored and reported on all
construction activities for the pipeline. Gulf’s resident staff averaged some thirty personnel
from the beginning of haul road construction in 1974 through start–up and commissioning of
the system in 1977.

engineering for oil and gas production, transportation and storage systems
project schedule
major projects–station facilities Gulf scope of work
pump, compressor, metering and other facilities

Apex Expansion-Compression Detailed Engineering

Kern River Gas Transmission
Gulf will be providing detailed engineering services on the compression facilities associated contract award–2009
with the Apex Expansion Project. The project entails adding 75,000 incremental horsepower of completion–2011
compression at one new and three existing compressor stations, and replacing a compressor project management
unit at one existing station. Specifically, the facilities include one new Solar Titan 250 and three engineering
Solar Mars 100 turbine-driven compressor and ancillary equipment at a grass-roots site, Milford design/drafting
Compressor Station, in Utah; installing additional compression at Coyote Creek Compressor procurement
Station in Wyoming, Elberta Compressor Station in Utah and Dry Lake Compressor Station in
Nevada; and replacing a compressor unit at Fillmore Compressor Station in Utah.

Ruby Pipeline Compressor Stations

Ruby Pipeline, LLC
Gulf’s scope of work on the project includes engineering and design/ drafting services required contract award–2009
for the following: - Roberson Creek - Three Siemens 23,000 hp electrical drive centrifugal completion–2011
compressor units. - Wildcat Hills - Two Solar Turbines Mars 100 C65 natural gas driven project management
centrifugal compressor units. - Wieland Flat - Two Solar Turbines Titan 130 C65 natural gas engineering
driven centrifugal compressor units. - Desert Valley Compressor Stations - One Solar Turbine design/drafting
Titan 130 C65 natural gas driven centrifugal compressor units. Along with associated piping,
buildings and ancillary equipment for all stations.

PG&E Delevan K1 & K2 Replacement Project

Pacific Gas And Electric Company
Gulf, in association with a U.S. construction company, is providing engineering, procurement contract award–2008
and construction services on the Delevan Compressor Station – Units K1 & K2 Replacement completion–2011
Project. Specifically, Gulf’s scope of work on the project includes project management, engi- project management
neering, procurement and commissioning services in addition to the supply of equipment and engineering
materials. The project includes the demolition of certain existing equipment and facilities and design/drafting
the installation of two new 13,000 HP Variable Frequency Electric Motor Driven Gas Compres- procurement
sors to replace the existing K1 and K2 units. Gulf will also perform various station upgrades construction management
to improve the operability of the Delevan Compressor Station.

CenterPoint Stations - Cove, Beirne, Poteau

CenterPoint Energy
Gulf provided scope development, project management, detailed engineering, design / draft- contract award–2007
ing, procurement services and construction support for three grass roots compressor station completion–2008
projects in Oklahoma and Arkansas. Gulf also provided the engineering support for the Poteau feasibility/ economic study
FERC application. The project included the installation of 15,000 HP Solar Mars, 6,100 HP project management
Solar Centaur and 10,300 HP Solar Taurus turbine units. engineering

Los Algodones Compressor Station Project

Gasoducto Bajanorte S.R.L.
Gulf, together with a U.S. and Mexican construction firm, provided EPC services for the con- contract award–2006
struction and installation of the Los Algodones Compressor Station Project. This major cross completion–2008
border compressor station project is located in Baja California, Mexico near the border town project management
of Los Algodones. The project included the installation of two Solar Mars 100 gas turbine/ engineering
compressor unit packages, including gas discharge after-coolers, control systems, unit auxil- design/drafting
iaries, buildings, station piping and a water system. The compressors are arranged to operate procurement
in a 1 X 1 configuration so that one unit is on standby as a 100% backup unit. In addition, the construction management
station is able to operate in the Series and Bi-Directional mode as needed. Since the facility commissioning and start-up
was constructed adjacent to farmland, special consideration was given to the local environ-
ment; the final design and construction ensured containment within the facility for all process
water and storm water runoff.

Vector Pipeline Compressor Station Expansion

Enbridge (U.S.) Inc.
Gulf provided FEED services including permitting assistance, basic engineering, engineering contract award–2005
surveys, cost estimates, and schedule estimate for three compressor stations. The project completion–2007
included initial installation of one 15,000 HP gas turbine / compressor unit at two stations, and project management
2 units with gas aftercoolers at the third. Gulf was subsequently awarded the project manage- engineering
ment, detailed engineering and design and procurement activities for the installation of the design/drafting
first two compressor stations.

Spearhead Project
Enbridge (U.S.) Inc.
Gulf provided project management and engineering services for the refurbishment of seven contract award–2005
existing pump stations, installation of one new pump station, and installation of the Hartsdale completion–2005
Lateral to achieve reverse flow for the Spearhead Pipeline. The pipeline consists of 655-miles project management
of 22-inch to 24-inch refurbishment pipeline from Hartsdale, IN to Cushing, OK. The pump engineering
stations are as follows: Hartsdale (new) and seven existing: Flanagan, Forest, Quincy, Key, design/drafting
Gunn, Caney and Cushing.
project schedule
major projects–station facilities Gulf scope of work
pump, compressor, metering and other facilities

The Mayakan Project

Energia Mayakan
Gulf, in association with a Mexican construction company, provided engineering, procurement contract award–2004
and construction services on the Mayakan Project for the installation of one compressor station completion–2005
(CS#2) with two turbo compressors, associated facilities and delivery station. Gulf’s scope of project management
work included project management, engineering, design, and procurement services. engineering

Express Expansion Casper Terminal

Terasen Pipelines
Gulf provided engineering and procurement services for the installation of two new 150,000 contract award–2004
BBL oil storage tanks and support facilities located at the Casper Terminal located in Casper, completion–2005
Wyoming. The scope of the project included the addition of pump stations between the existing project management
stations, as well as construction of storage tanks at multiple locations. Gulf’s role on the project engineering
was to provide the detail engineering, design and procurement services for the expansion of design/drafting
the facilities at the Casper Terminal. procurement

Kern River Gas Transmission

Williams Gas Pipeline Company
Gulf carried out the preliminary engineering and prepared the EPC bid documents for the three contract award–2001
(grass roots) and five add-on compressor stations. In addition, Gulf provided, in conjunction completion–2003
with a U.S. construction company, the detail engineering, design, procurement and construction project management
services (EPC) for one (grass roots) and three add-on compressor stations. The stations preliminary and detail engineering
included a total of 12 Solar Mars 100 units providing an addition of 180,000 HP, increasing design/drafting
system capacity by 1 BCFD. procurement
EPC bid packages

Clean Air Program

Williams Gas Pipeline Company
The Clean Air Program (CAP) Project scope consisted of providing the infrastructure engineering contract award–2000
and design to support the installation of high-pressure fuel injection (HPFI) on selected completion–2007
reciprocating engines in order to reduce exhaust emission. Activities included the engineering engineering
and design of new high-pressure fuel gas systems at the stations, which typically consisted design/drafting
of HP fuel gas yard piping from existing pipeline taps to the compressor building, including a procurement
new HP fuel gas header. Initial work began in Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana and additional
work continued for stations in Texas, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia. Over 60
units have been modified.

FGT Phase IV & V - Compressor Stations

Florida Gas Transmission Company
These projects’ facilities included the installation of four 15,700 HP, two 10,350 HP, five contract award–1999 & 2000
7,200 HP natural gas turbine driven centrifugal compressors, two 12,000 HP electric driven completion–2000 & 2002
compressors and two 3,500 HP reciprocating compressors. The project included adding project management
facilities at 14 existing and four grass roots compressor stations. The FGT stations are located engineering
in Alabama and Florida. detail design

The Chicago Project

Northern Border Pipeline Company–Enron Engineering & Construction Co.
This project was an expansion and extension of Northern Border’s existing 42–inch diameter contract award–1996
natural gas pipeline system that begins at the Canadian border in Montana to Harper, Iowa. completion–1998
The pipeline extends to a point near Chicago in Manhattan, Illinois. The compressor station project management
modifications associated with this project included the addition of six new 35,000 HP gas preliminary engineering
turbine stations; one new 12,000 HP and one new 6,000 HP electric motor–driven stations. engineering
Retrofitting five existing gas turbine stations included removing the existing 20,000 HP gas detail design
turbine compressor packages and installing new 35,000 HP gas turbine compressor packages. procurement
Other station facility work included unit and station control system upgrades, re–aero and dry construction management
seal conversions and the relocation of gas scrubber units. commissioning and start–up

PGT–PG&E Pipeline Expansion

Pacific Gas Transmission–Pacific Gas & Electric
This project included modifications to 12 existing turbine compressor stations which added contract award–1990
350,000 extra horsepower to the expanded pipeline system. These modifications included completion–1992
additional turbine compressor packages and/or piping modifications to handle the additional preliminary engineering
flow. Two metering facilities were modified for the increased flow rates. engineering
detail design

engineering for oil and gas production, transportation and storage systems
project schedule
major projects–field development Gulf scope of work
oil and gas field development projects

1.8 MMBOPD Phase - 1 Development Project

Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO)
Gulf provided conceptual engineering and Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) services contract award–2007
for the 1.8 MMBOPD Phase - 1 Development Project. Specifically, Gulf’s scope of work includes completion–2008
performing the engineering and design services on the pipelines and associated facilities, includ- project management
ing scraper traps and intermediate block valves. The project includes over 770-kilometers of engineering
crude oil, natural gas and water pipelines. The Qusahwira and Bab fields are being developed design / drafting
first and additional fields may be added to the project at a later date.

Yemen LNG Upstream Project

Yemen Hunt LNG Company LLC
Gulf provided Owner’s Engineer (OE) services to adapt and expand Yemen LNG’s upstream contract award–2006
field facilities to support the Yemen LNG Export Project. This project includes the modification completion–2008
of three existing facilities and addition of a new cryogenic plant designed to process an project management
additional 420 MMSCFD of field gas. Gulf will prepare technical bid packages, perform detailed FEED
engineering for the facilities modifications and provide expediting and inspection services. Gulf engineering
will also provide on-site construction management and quality assurance services in addition design/drafting
to commissioning assistance. procurement
construction management

Nabrajah Field Development

DNO Yemen AS
This oil field development project is located in the Sayun-Masila basin, in the Republic of contract award–2005
Yemen. Gulf’s scope of work included FEED services to determine the technical basis for completion–2005
gathering, processing and export facilities, determine equipment needs, optimize the process project management
facilities, prepare cost estimates, perform an HSES review and HAZOPS, prepare long lead engineering
item requisitions and deliver final documents at an Approved for Design (AFD) status. detail design

Alcaravan Field Development

Harken International
This oil field development project was located in the Llanos Basin of Colombia. The field contract award–1997
development included crude oil gathering systems, production facilities and pipelines to export completion–1999
up to 50,000 BPD of heavy crude oil. preliminary engineering
detail design
construction management

Aguada Pichana Gas Field Development

Total Austral S.A.
This gas field development in Argentina’s Nuequen Basin included a gathering system for 51 contract award–1994
wells and four production clusters with natural gas and NGL product delivery facilities. The field completion–1995
development included 144-km of gathering pipelines, 120-km of gas and condensate export preliminary engineering
pipelines, metering stations, a power transmission network and a communications system. procurement of long–lead
EPC bid packages

Yemen–Masila Export Project

Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd.
In the Hadramaut region of the Republic of Yemen this grass roots oil field development contract award–1991
included: 31 well gathering system; 120,000 BOPD central production facility; 36 MW central completion–1994
power plant with power transmission and distribution system; 5,100 HP pump station; 140- preliminary engineering
km, 24–inch diameter crude oil export pipeline; marine export terminal with 2,500,000 bbls project management
onshore storage; 5-km, 36–inch diameter offshore loading line and single point mooring buoy engineering
for 300,000 DWT tanker capacity. detail design
construction management

Payamino Field Development

Oryx Ecuador Energy Company and BP Development Ltd.
This oil field development project was located in the Amazon region of Ecuador. The scope contract award–1988
included a 10,000 BPD production unit with manifold; two separators and one test separator; completion–1992
one 10,000 bbl wash tank, one 10,000 bbl surge tank and two 11,000 bbl storage tanks; project management
circulating pumps, storage pumps and booster pumps; a power oil system; utilities and a 32-km, preliminary engineering
8–inch diameter crude oil export pipeline with 30,000 BPD capacity. In 1990, BP Development engineering
transferred its concession rights to Oryx Ecuador Energy Company which awarded Gulf an detail design
EPCM contract for the installation of the facilities. procurement
construction management
project schedule
major projects–field development Gulf scope of work
oil and gas field development projects

Badin Gas Development

Union Texas Pakistan, Inc.
A 135 MMCFPD gas production facility was installed in the Badin gas field of Pakistan that contract award–1987
produced 1,700 BPD condensate from five separate fields. The installation included flow lines, completion–1988
inlet manifolds, production and test separators, glycol dehydrators, condensate stabilizer, project management
fuel gas scrubbers, compressors, condensate storage, loading facilities, evaporation ponds, engineering
firewater system, power generators, utility systems, emergency shutdown systems, flares, detail design
industrial buildings and sewer system. procurement
construction management

Cano Limon Production Facilities No.1 and No. 2

Occidental de Colombia, Inc.
A gathering system and production facilities consisting of heaters, treaters, storage, pumps, contract award–1985
power generation and associated infrastructure was installed to process 200,000 BPD of completion–1986
crude oil. field engineering
construction inspection

Export Facilities Project

Yemen Exploration and Production Company
This (grass roots) oil field development project in the Marib region of the Republic of Yemen contract award–1985
included: 50+ well gathering system; 200,000 BPD central production facility; pentanes plus completion–1988
recovery plant; 40 MW central power plant with power transmission and distribution system; project management
420-km, 24–inch and 26–inch diameter crude oil export pipeline with multiple pump and pressure engineering
reducing stations; 8-km, 24–inch diameter offshore loading line; turret-type single point mooring detail design
buoy and a captive floating storage offshore tanker with 3,000,000 bbls capacity. procurement
construction management

Waterflood Secondary Recovery and Crude Oil Gathering System

Occidental Peruano, Inc.
A 68-mile, 10-inch secondary recovery and crude oil gathering system was installed to collect contract award–1978
74,000 BPD from 1,500 oil wells. The system included 23 production batteries, treating/desalting completion–1984
facilities, gas lift compressors, metering systems, pump stations, power generation and oil project management
field electrification. engineering
detail design
construction management

Amazon Production
Occidental Peruano, Inc.
Installed in the Amazon Basin of Peru, this gathering system included a treating/desalting plant, contract award–1975
a production processing unit, flow lines, metering, well manifolds, gas/oil/water separators, completion–1984
heater treaters, wash tanks, storage tanks, electric power generation equipment, pumps, gas project management
lift, compression equipment and camp facilities. engineering
detail design
construction management
commissioning and start–up

engineering for oil and gas production, transportation and storage systems
project schedule
major projects–consulting engineering Gulf scope of work
feasibility studies, cost estimates and pipeline integrity assessments

Kamennoi Field Development - Concept Select Stage

The Kamennoi Field Development Project consisted of seven oil and gas fields in Russia. contract award–2007
Phase one of the project anticipates the recovery of 30 million tons of oil, with an estimated completion–2008
330 wells being drilled with infrastructure and facilities that are to include up to 14 pads, an feasibility/ economic study
export pipeline, and an additional oil processing facility. Pending the successful completion of project management
Phase one, Phase two will consist of the long term development of the most reliable reserves. engineering
Gulf assisted TNK-BP in the early planning stages of this major oil and gas producing field. design / drafting
Specifically, Gulf’s scope of work on the project included comparing development alternatives
to determine the optimum configuration and recommended sequence of field development,
provided and contributed to the development of deliverables, providing technical, commercial
and a planning basis for subsequent stages, and developed the technical specifications and
quality requirements for the long-lead items.

Texas Access Pipeline

Enbridge (U.S.) Inc. & ExxonMobil Pipeline Company
Gulf provided engineering and design services to complete the necessary studies and develop contract award–2007
an overall cost/schedule estimate for the Texas Access Pipeline. The proposed 770-mile, 30- completion–2008
inch diameter pipeline will originate in Patoka, Illinois and extend to Nederland, Texas. Also project management
included is an 84-mile, 24-inch lateral pipeline traversing from Nederland to Channelview, TX. engineering
The 30-inch pipeline is designed to transport 468,000 barrels per day of heavy Canadian crude design / drafting
oil, while the 24-inch lateral pipeline is designed to transport 178,000 barrels per day. The
project also includes 1.8 million barrels of tankage at Patoka and 360,000 barrels of tankage
at Nederland. There will be 13 new pump stations for the 30-inch mainline and 1 pump station
for the 24-inch lateral.

Tuapse LPG Export Terminal

Litwin Management Services, LLC
For this project Gulf performed basic engineering services for the Tuapse Export Terminal contract award–2005
Project, including the preparation of drawings, studies, key piping plans, Western design completion–2006
standards, environmental assessment and technical documentation to meet the approval project management
requirements of local and statutory bodies. Gulf also prepared a conceptual 3D model of the engineering
proposed LPG terminal facilities that will be suitable for marketing the project. design/drafting

Oil Pipeline in East Siberia

OJSC Surgutneftegas
Gulf managed the development of the preliminary economic feasibility study (TEO) for a contract award–2005
(grass roots) crude oil pipeline system in eastern Siberia. The proposed route of the 500-km completion–2005
pipeline system traversed areas of permafrost and discontinuous permafrost requiring special feasibility/economic study
ditching and construction methodologies to preserve the integrity of the arctic environment engineering
while ensuring a sound pipeline installation. The pipeline system configuration consisted of design/drafting
an initial pump station including operational tankage, booster pump stations, delivery terminal
with 3-days storage, and railcar loading facility. The system was designed to be constructed in
stages to accommodate a multiphase increase in flow volume. Deliverables included a series
of studies addressing route selection, alternate fuel / power sources, options for mainline
pump drivers, steady-state hydraulic analysis, SCADA and telecommunications systems
options, leak detection methodology, transportation / logistics and O&M organization plan.
Other deliverables included PFDs, P&IDs, plot plans, route maps, and risk assessed CAPEX
and OPEX estimates and project schedule.

Burgos-Monterrey LPG Pipeline Project

Gasoductos de Chihuahua c/o El Paso Mexico Mgmnt.
Gulf developed a Front End Engineering Design (FEED) and EPC bid package for the Burgos- contract award–2004
Monterrey LPG Pipeline Project suitable for bidding purposes to potential EPC contractors and completion–2004
suppliers, a detailed cost estimate and schedule for the project and in conjunction with the project management
client, or one of its subsidiaries, development of an implementation strategy that optimized cost engineering
and timing consideration for the project. The project consisted of an NPSI 12-inch pipeline design/drafting
capable of transporting LPG using API-5L line pipe, which was approximately 175-km long
with a MAOP of 1200 psi.

Southwest Product Pipeline System

China Petro Chemical International Co. Ltd. (SINOPEC)
The Southwest Product Oil Pipeline Project consisted of a 1,557-km trunkline including several contract award–2001
lateral lines. The pipeline system included 18 pumping stations. The system was designed to completion–2002
transport #90, #95 gasoline, #0 diesel and jet fuel. Gulf provided the basic design and other feasibility/economic study
technical documentation, including construction specifications, start-up and commissioning project management
procedures, O&M manuals, etc. Gulf also provided technical assistance and technical training preliminary engineering
to SINOPEC. design/drafting
project schedule
major projects–consulting engineering Gulf scope of work
feasibility studies, cost estimates and pipeline integrity assessments

Baltic Pipeline System Investment Feasibility Study

Joint Stock Company Transneft
The Investment Feasibility Study of the Baltic Pipeline System was executed in compliance contract award–1998
with the most stringent Russian & Western standards and the requirements of the international completion–1999
financial and technical institutions supporting the project. The existing 2,100-km crude oil feasibility/economic study
pipeline system will be expanded to deliver an ultimate future capacity of 30 MTA (650,000 project management
BPD). Approximately 775-km of new pipelines were added to the system to deliver the product engineering
to Primorsk, Russia and, if economically justified, to Porvoo, Finland. Existing pump stations market analysis
were expanded and four new pump stations were installed. Two marine terminals with crude oil rate structure
storage were constructed to provide facilities to load tankers for exporting the crude oil to world EPC packages
markets. The scope of work also included an on-site audit of the existing facilities, analysis of
the historical operation and maintenance records, and preparation of the report on the present
condition of the system. A separate analysis of batching operations for new and existing sections
of the pipeline (2800-km), including cost estimates, was also provided.

Langzhou to Chengdu Product Pipeline

China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering & Construction
The 960-km pipeline was the first major products pipeline system developed in China. The contract award–1998
pipeline begins at the Beitan tank farm near the Langzhou Refinery and ends at a receiving completion–1999
station at Chengdu. The pipeline system was designed to transport refined products in feasibility/economic study
batches with a flow rate of 5 million tons per year. A pump station was proposed at Linyao and engineering
distribution stations along the pipeline are located at Longxi, Tianshui, Chengxian, Guangyuan, design/drafting
Jiangyou, Mianyang and Deyang. A SCADA system was used for supervising and controlling
the entire pipeline system. Satellite communication systems was used for pipeline operations
and networking both data and voice communications.

Yuzhny-Brody-Plock Pipeline & Terminal

State Committee of Oil and Gas
This feasibility study included a technical analysis of engineering plans and cost estimates contract award–1998
for construction and operation of a proposed new Black Sea oil terminal, a 670-km pipeline completion–1999
from Yuzhny to Brody in Ukraine, and a 430-km extension to Plock in Poland. Expansion of project management
the existing Druzhba oil pipeline system to service markets in Poland, Austria and Germany feasibility/economic study
was also evaluated. The general objective of the study was to: 1) assess the financial and engineering
technical feasibility of the construction and operation of the port and pipeline system, 2) provide market analysis
potential shippers and crude oil marketers with provisional tariff structures which would apply rate structure
to various destinations and capacity utilization factors and 3) provide potential investors with
project reference documents to acquaint them with the anticipated technical features, economic
parameters, financial characterizations, legal structures, operating structure and environmental
features of the proposed port and pipeline project.

Sakhalin Oil Transport and Export Alternatives Screening Study

Exxon Ventures CIS Incorporated
The Arktun–Dagi oil field lies approximately 60-km off the northeast coast of Sakhalin Island, contract award–1997
Russia, in 60 meters of water; a location which experiences some of the worst ice and storm completion–1997
conditions in the world. This feasibility study included seven alternative pipeline routes up project management
to 500-km in length and various arrangements of terminal locations capable of transporting feasibility study
125,000 to 235,000 BPD of crude oil to a loading facility. Gulf suggested several options with cost estimate
the potential to reduce the estimated cost. The scope of work also included an on-site audit risk assessment
and a risk assessment of the existing facilities.

Offshore Gas Pipeline

El Paso Energy Company
This project included a 240-km, 36–inch diameter gas pipeline running from an LNG receiving contract award–1996
terminal on the southwest coast of Taiwan to a storage field in the northwest region of the island. completion–1997
The maximum water depth was 107 meters. Gulf prepared a variety of engineering studies feasibility study
along with the detailed design of the pipeline which included: buckling propagation analysis; engineering
soil liquefaction evaluation; active fault crossings and sand waves crossings; directional drilling detail design
for shore approaches; pipe lay stress analysis and cathodic protection design. EPC packages

Oil Field Rehabilitation and Expansion

Varyeganneft of Russia
The evaluation of existing oil field production facilities in the Tyumen region of Russia included contract award–1996
a gathering system, central production facility, gas reinjection system and pipeline. Gulf completion–1996
performed field inspections, developed preliminary engineering and a cost estimate to support field engineering evaluation
loan applications to implement rehabilitation of the field. Gulf also developed a conceptual preliminary engineering
design and cost estimate for installation of a gas–fired power plant as a solution for reducing cost estimate
flaring of produced gas.

engineering for oil and gas production, transportation and storage systems
major projects–consulting engineering project schedule
Gulf scope of work
feasibility studies, cost estimates and pipeline integrity assessments

Priobskoye and Salym Oil & Gas Fields

Amoco Eurasia Petroleum Company, et. al.
Route selections for a 160-km crude oil pipeline with pump stations, storage facilities and custody contract award–1995
transfer metering facilities, and for a 160-km gas pipeline with compressor station facilities were completion–1995
performed in the Tyumen region of Russia. Gulf, in concert with a Russian engineering firm, feasibility study
performed a joint Russian and North American practices engineering evaluation of alternative preliminary engineering
routes, developed design basis definition and prepared capital cost estimates for selected cost estimate
alternative routes. route selection

Caspian Crude Oil Pipeline System

Oil Capital Ltd., Inc.
Oil Capital Ltd., Inc. (OCL) and other operators in the Caspian Sea area required an evaluation contract award–1994
of the transportation system to deliver recovered oil to world markets. This project included completion–1995
pipeline and related facilities to gather and move regional crude oil production to the ports of field engineering evaluation
Ceyhan in Turkey and/or Poti in Georgia. Gulf performed a study of alternative routes, prepared preliminary engineering
preliminary engineering and developed comprehensive estimates for capital and operating costs. cost estimate
Activities included inspection visits to the site and FSU line pipe and equipment manufacturers,
presentations and participation in executive meetings of OCL and partners and a presentation
to the International Finance Corporation in Washington, DC.

Monterrey–Gomez Palacio Products Pipelines

PEMEX Refinacion
Evaluation and recommendations were provided for the complete rehabilitation and contract award–1994
modernization of approximately 640-km of existing 10-inch and 14-inch diameter product completion–1994
pipelines and two associated pump stations. All facilities are located in northern Mexico. The project management
10-inch pipeline was originally installed in 1960 and the 14-inch line in 1979. The products risk assessment
transported through the system included various grades of gasoline and diesel fuel. engineering
field inspection
EPC bid packages

Technical Audit of National Pipeline System

A technical audit report on the condition of the existing 1,100-km national pipeline system contract award–1994
included the evaluation of both the pipeline system and the operations of ten pump stations. completion–1994
Leak histories and cathodic protection logs were reviewed, safety procedures and operation project management
and maintenance practices were also studied to determine system conditions. Environmental risk assessment
impacts identified during the above review were also reported. The report identifying the steps engineering
to bring the system into conformance with international standards was an important final field inspection
product of this project. data book preparation

Gas Pipeline
Shell International
This feasibility study evaluated a 550-km gas pipeline with a 100 MM BTU/hour intermediate contract award–1993
heating station to maintain the integrity of the buried pipeline traversing permafrost, discontinuous completion–1994
permafrost and non-permafrost soils in northern Russia. Gulf performed pipeline optimization feasibility study
and configuration studies and developed a capital cost estimate. The feasibility study included a preliminary engineering
set of hydraulic analyses with operating temperature ranges to protect the varying soil thermal cost estimate
conditions along with construction cost estimates based on arctic installation.

Yamal–Center Pipeline
This project included a 415-km, 56-inch diameter natural gas pipeline with three compressor contract award–1993
stations and one gas chilling station located in the Yamal Peninsula region of Russia. The gas completion–1994
chilling was required to lower the gas temperature below freezing to prevent thaw of the frozen feasibility study
soil around the pipeline. This section is the northernmost segment of a proposed 2,400-km gas preliminary engineering
export pipeline system. Gulf’s feasibility study included development of detailed specifications for cost estimate
a compressor station’s major materials and equipment and the preliminary design of buildings,
foundations and structures for installation in frozen soils.

Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System

Northwest Alaskan Gas Pipeline Company
Gulf’s scope included the design of a 746-mile, 48-inch diameter pipeline designed to transport contract award–1976
2.5 BCFD of natural gas at an operation pressure of 1,260 psig. This project was indefinitely completion–deferred
deferred in 1981. preliminary engineering
field studies
thermal analysis

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