Teste de Inglês: 7º Ano (Nível 3) Ano Letivo

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Teste de Inglês: 7º Ano (Nível 3)

Ano Letivo
Nome: __________________________________ Nº: ____ Turma: ____
Data: ____/____/____
Professora: Avaliação:

_________________________________ _________________________________
Tomei conhecimento Enc.º de Educação:

Data: ___ / ___ / ___ _________________________________

Test B
Use of Language

1. Look at Bridgette’s family tree.

Carrie Tom

Brian Melissa Brad Charlene

Fred Christine Bridgette Dean

a) In each line write the relationship between Bridgette and her family. (8%)

b) Now write sentences with the relationship each person has with Bridgette.(8%)

1. Carrie is Bridgette’s_______________________________________________

2. Match the jobs to the correct meaning (12%)

a. A person who helps children learn things. _____ 1. Doctor

b. a person who fixes broken pipes _____ 2. Teacher

c.a person who fixes electrical problems ______ 3. baker

d. a person who looks after sick people ___ 4. Plumber

e. a person who bakes cakes and bread____ 5. Electrician

f. a person who treats sick people____ 6. Nurse

3. Look at Mary’s daily rotine. Write the correct words under the pictures. (9%)

a. _________________ b. _____________________ c.__________________

d.______________ e.______________ f.___________________

g.________________ h.____________________ i. ______________________


1. Complete the gaps with the correct possessive determiners. (8%)

a. – Hi! What’s _______________ name? – My name is William.

b. – What’s _______________ name? – He is John.

c. – _______________ name is Miley Cyrus. She’s an actress.

d. – What do they do? – I don’t know what _______________ job is.

2. Fill in the blanks with the right reflexive pronoun. (10%)

1. The puppy nearly killed __________________ when it ran across the road.
2. I enjoyed ______________ at the beach.
3. He always looks at_____________________ in the mirror.
4. We helped_______________ to the orange juice.
5. The girl accidentally hurt____________________ with the stapler.

3. Order the words and write sentences using the Possessive case (10%)

1. bike/ Robert_ It’s ______________________________________________

2.eyes/ the dog____________________________________________________

3.daughter/ James __________________________________________

4.toys/ the children_______________________________________________

5. name/your mother________________________________________________

4. Fill in the blanks with the verb to be or have got. (7%)

1. They ______________ lots of friends because they ______________ very nice teens.

2. Ann and Eric ______________ thirteen years old.

3. Alicia ______________ a new computer, so she ______________ very happy.

4. Jessica ______________ tall and slim. She ______________ blue eyes.

5. Complete the email. Use the present simple in the correct form. (10%)
Hi there!
Hi Beth,
I’m your new penfriend. I 1.____________ (live) in Braga. In my free time,
I usually 2.____________ (meet) my friends, but we 3.____________ (not
usually play) games. We 4.____________ (go) to the cinema.
5.____________ (you/go) to the cinema a lot?
I’ve got one brother called Pedro. He 6.____________ (be) eighteen, but
6. Put the following
he 7. sentences
____________ (notinlive)
the negative
with me. or
Heinterrogative form.(study)
8.____________ (12%)
1. Robert at university.
lives I livecity
in a flat in the with my mum
centre (neg).and my stepdad. She
9.____________ (work) as a florist, but he 10._____________ (not work)
2. Melissa
because andheI watch TV after dinner ( int). ___________________________________________
is retired.
Write soon!
3. Martha goes to school at half past nine ( neg.). ________________________________________
4. Robert
Sara has three sisters. ( inter)______________________________________________________

7. Insert the adverb of frequency into the correct place.(6%)

a. My students arrive early at school. (always)


b. My husband cleans the house. (usually)


c. I am stressed at the end of the day. (sometimes)


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