A Comparison of Dividend Cash Flow and Earnings Approaches To Equity Valuation

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Stephen H. Penman
Walter A. Haas School of Business
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720
(510) 642-2588


Theodore Sougiannis
College of Commerce and Business Administration
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 244-0555

January, 1995
Revision: April, 1996

We thank Pat O'Brien, Jim Ohlson, Mike Oleson, Morton

Pincus, Stephen Ryan, Jacob Thomas and Dave Ziebart for

Standard formulas for valuing equities require prediction of

payoffs "to infinity" for going concerns but a practical analysis

requires that they be predicted over finite horizons. This truncation

inevitably involves (often troublesome) "terminal value" calculations.

This paper contrasts dividend discount techniques, discounted cash flow

analysis, and techniques based on accrual earnings when applied to a

finite-horizon valuation. Valuations based on average ex post payoffs

over various horizons, with and without terminal value calculations, are

compared with (ex ante) market prices to give an indication of the error

introduced by each technique in truncating the horizon. Comparisons of

these errors show that accrual earnings techniques dominate free cash

flow and dividend discounting approaches. Further, the relevant

accounting features of each technique are identified and the source of

the accounting that makes it less than ideal for finite horizon analysis

(and for which it requires a correction) are discovered. Conditions

where a given technique requires particularly long forecasting horizons

are identified and the performance of the alternative techniques under

those conditions is examined.


The calculation of equity value is typically characterized as a

projection of future payoffs and a transformation of those payoffs into

a present value (price). A good deal of research on pricing models has

focused on the specification of risk for the reduction of the payoffs to

present value but little attention has been given to the specification

of payoffs. It is noncontroversial that equity price is based on future

dividends to shareholders but it is well-recognized that dividend

discounting techniques have practical problems. A popular alternative--

discounted cash flow analysis--targets future "free cash flows" instead.

Analysts also discuss equity values in terms of forecasted earnings and

the classical "residual income" formula directs how to calculate price

from forecasted earnings and book values. It is surprising that, given

the many prescriptions in valuation books and their common use in

practice, there is little empirical evaluation of these alternatives.1

This paper conducts an empirical examination of valuation

techniques with a focus on a practical issue. Dividend, cash flow and

earnings approaches are equivalent when the respective payoffs are

predicted "to infinity," but practical analysis requires prediction over

finite horizons. The problems this presents for going concerns are well

known. In the dividend discount approach, forecasted dividends over the

immediate future are often not related to value so the forecast period

has to be long or an (often questionable) terminal value calculation

made at some shorter horizon. Alternative techniques forecast "more

fundamental" attributes within the firm instead of distributions from


the firm. However this substitution solves the practical problem only

if it brings the future forward in time relative to predicted dividends,

and these techniques frequently require terminal value corrections also.

In discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis the terminal value often has

considerable weight in the calculation but its determination is

sometimes ad hoc or requires assumptions regarding free cash flows

beyond the horizon. Techniques based on forecasted earnings make the

claim (implicitly) that accrual adjustments to cash flows bring the

future forward relative to cash flow analysis, but this claim has not

been substantiated in a valuation context.

The paper assesses how the various techniques perform in finite

horizon analysis. What techniques work best for projections over one,

two, five, eight year horizons and under what circumstances? A

particular focus is the question of whether the projection of accounting

earnings facilitates finite horizon analysis better than DCF analysis.

Analysts typically forecast earnings but, for valuation purposes, should

these be transformed to free cash flows? In classroom exercises

students are instructed to adjust forecasted earnings for the accruals

to "get back to the cash flows." This is rationalized by ideas that

cash flows are "real" and the accounting introduces distortions, but is

the exercise warranted?

The valuation techniques are evaluated by comparing actual traded

prices with intrinsic values calculated, as prescribed by the

techniques, from subsequent payoff realizations. Ideally one would

calculate intrinsic values from unbiased ex ante payoffs but, as

forecasts are not observable for all payoffs, intrinsic values are

calculated from average ex post payoffs.2 Firm realizations are

averaged in portfolios and portfolio values are then pooled over time to

average out the unpredictable component of ex post realizations.

Intrinsic values calculated from these realizations are compared with

actual prices to yield ex post valuation errors and, if average

realizations represent ex ante expectations, estimates of ex ante errors

on which the techniques are compared. Both mean errors and the

variation of errors are considered as performance metrics. This

comparison is made under the assumption that, on average, actual market

prices with which calculated intrinsic values are compared are efficient

at the portfolio level with respect to information that projects the


Valuation techniques are characterized as pro forma accounting

methods with different rules for recognizing payoffs, and their relevant

features are identified within a framework that expresses them as

special cases of a generic accounting model. This framework refers to

the reconciliation of the infinite horizon cash flow and accrual

accounting models in Feltham and Ohlson (1995) and the finite-horizon

synthesis in Penman (1996). It establishes conditions where each

technique provides a valuation without error, with and without terminal

values, and identifies when (seemingly different) calculations yield the

same valuation. In particular, it demonstrates that DCF techniques with

"operating income" specified in the terminal value are identical to

models that specify accrual earnings as the payoff. Hence the

comparison of DCF techniques with accrual accounting residual income

techniques amounts to comparing different calculations of the terminal


value in DCF analysis. This brings the focus to the critical practical

problem, the determination of terminal values.

This framework dictates the construction of the empirical tests.

Conditions where a particular technique is ideal (for a finite-horizon

analysis) are identified and the error metrics for the techniques are

calculated over departures from this ideal. Thus the aspect of the

technique's accounting that produces error is identified. Then error

metrics for alternative techniques are calculated over the same

conditions to assess improvement (or otherwise) that can be identified

with the different accounting. In this way we develop an appreciation

of how alternative accounting works for valuation purposes.

The analysis quickly dismisses dividend discounting techniques as

inappropriate for finite horizons. It shows that techniques based on

GAAP earnings dominate those based on cash flows. It demonstrates

explicitly that the accrual accounting involved in earnings techniques

provides a correction to the discounted cash flow valuation. This

involves the accounting for anticipated investment and the recognition

of non-cash value changes. It also compares discounted residual

earnings approaches and capitalized earnings approaches under a variety

of conditions. Finally, it identifies conditions where earnings

approaches, while dominating discounted cash flow techniques, do not

perform particularly well over five to eight year horizons. These are

associated with high price-to-earnings and extreme price-to-book firms.

Section I describes the accounting involved in various valuation

approaches. Section II outlines valuation over finite-horizons,

identifies conditions where the techniques yield valuations without


error, and demonstrates some equivalences between techniques.

Section III outlines the research design and the data sources, and

Section IV presents the results.


A. The Dividend Discount Approach

The theory of finance describes equity valuation in terms of

expected future dividends. Formally,

Pt = ∑ ρ E( ~d )

t+τ (DDM) (1)
τ =1

where Pt is the price of equity at time t, dt+ τ is net dividends paid at

t+τ, ρ is one plus the discount rate (equity cost of capital), indicated

as a constant, and E is an expectation conditional on information at

time t. Firm subscripts are understood.3 This dividend discount model

(DDM) targets the actual distributions to shareholders but, despite this

appeal, its application in practice (over finite horizons) is viewed as

problematic. The formula requires the prediction of dividends to

infinity or to a liquidating dividend but the Miller and Modigliani

(1961) dividend irrelevance proposition states that price is unrelated

to the timing of expected payout prior to or after any finite horizon.

So, for going concerns, targeted dividends to a finite horizon are

uninformative about price unless policy ties the dividend to value-

generating attributes. This calls for the targeting of something "more

fundamental" than dividends.


B. Generic Accounting Approaches

In recognition of this so-called dividend conundrum, alternative

valuation approaches target attributes within the firm which are

conjectured to capture value creating activities rather than the value-

irrelevant payout activities. The identification and tracking of

additions to value is an accounting system. An accounting system that

periodically recognizes additions to value that are distinguished from

distributions of value is expressed as:

Bt+τ = Bt+τ -1 + Xt+τ - d t+τ , (CSR) (2)

for all τ. In this "clean surplus relation," Bt+ τ is the measured stock

of value ("book value") at t+τ, Xt+ τ is the measured flow of added value

("earnings") from t+τ-1 to t+τ (calculated independently of dividends),

and the dividends are negative for equity contributions. It is well-

recognized (in Preinreich (1938), Edwards and Bell (1961) and Peasnell

(1982), for example) that, solving for dt+ τ in the CSR equation and

substituting into (1),

PTt ≡ B t + ∑ ρ E[ X~ - (ρ -1) ~B ]

t+τ t+τ -1 (3)
τ =1

approaches Pt in (1) at T→∞, given a convergence condition similar to

that for the dividend discount formula. The expression over which the

expectation is taken compares future flows to those projected by

applying the discount rate to beginning-of-period stocks. This equation

holds for all clean-surplus accounting principles and alternative


valuation techniques are distinguished by the identification of B and X

and the rules for their measurement. In this respect, a valuation

technique and a (pro forma) accounting system (for equity valuation) are

the same thing.

C. Accounting for Financial Activities

and Discounted Cash Flow Analysis

A common approach substitutes "free cash flows" for dividends as

the target of analysis (for example, in Rappaport (1986), Copeland,

Koller, and Murrin (1990), Hackel and Livnat (1992) and Cornell (1993)).

The standard derivation begins with the cash conservation equation

Ct+τ - I t+τ ≡ d t+τ - F t+τ , all τ , (CCE) (4)

where C is cash flow from operations, F is cash flow from non-equity

financing activities, I is cash investment, and d is dividends net of

equity contributions (as before). Let FAt denote the present value of

future cash flows with respect to financing activities (net financial

assets). Then, solving CCE for dt+ τ and substituting into (1),

Pt = ∑ ρ E(~C -

w t+τ
~I )
t+τ + FA t , (5)
τ =1

where Ct+ τ - It+ τ is called "free cash flow" and FAt is usually indicated

as negative (net debt) to reflect net borrowing rather than lending.

The discount rate, ρw , is the weighted-average (unlevered) cost of

capital, recognizing (as in Modigliani and Miller (1958)) that the


operation's cost of capital is independent of financing.

Feltham and Ohlson (1995) demonstrate that this expression can

also be derived from the stocks and flows equation (CSR). Thus (5) is a

special case of (3) with a particular accounting. This accounting

identifies Bt+ τ ≡ FAt+ τ and Xt+ τ ≡ Ct+ τ - It+ τ + it+ τ , all τ, where it+ τ is cash

interest on financial assets which, with principal flows, is part of Ft+ τ

and which is negative for net debt. Thus the clean surplus equation,

FAt+ τ = FAt+ τ -1 + Ct+ τ - It+ τ + it+ τ - dt+ τ , describes an accounting system

that tracks financial assets (or debt). Free cash flows are invested in

financial assets (or reduce debt) and dividends are paid out of

financial assets. This merely places the CCE flow equation on a stocks

and flows basis as the net addition to financial assets (net of

interest) is equal to Ft+ τ , by CCE. The calculation in (3) becomes

~ ~ ~
∑ ρ E (C- I+ i ) - (ρ -1)~FA 

PTt = FA t + t+τ t+τ -1 (6)
τ =1

Replacing it+ τ with i t+τ such that

∑ ρ E(i )= ∑ ρ ( ρ -1)E(~FA ),
~ -τ * -τ
t+τ t+τ -1 (7)
τ =1 τ =1

∑ ρ E(~C - ),
-τ ~I
PTt = FA t + w t+τ t+τ (DCFM) (8)
τ =1

approaches Pt in (5) and (1) as T→∞. Condition (7) requires that

interest be accounted for on accrual basis independent of the cash

coupon (the "effective interest" method) and correspondingly FAt+ τ is, in


expectation, at present value (market value) for all τ≥0. We refer to

(8) as the discounted cash flow model, DCFM.

This is an accounting system that tracks financial activities.

The book value of equity is the value of the bonds and the technique for

the valuation of bonds is appropriated for the valuation of equity.

Correspondingly, the targeted flow reflects financing flows. For a firm

with no financial assets or debt (an "all equity" firm, for example),

free cash flow, Ct+ τ - It+ τ ≡ dt+ τ , by CCE, and hence the target is the

same as in the dividend discount formula with the same problems induced

by dividend irrelevance. The clean-surplus system that is nominated to

distinguish value added activities from dividend activities degenerates

to tracking dividends. For a firm with debt financing, Ct+ τ - It+ τ ≡

dt+ τ - Ft+ τ , but the adjustment to dividends for financing flows

introduces a zero net present value attribute which is irrelevant to

value (Modigliani and Miller (1958)). Value is deemed to be created by

operational activities but this technique targets financing stocks and

flows rather than operating stocks and flows. As Ct+ τ applies to

operations, it is the negative treatment of investment in the free cash

flow measure of value added that produces this.


D. Accounting for Financial and Operating Activities

and Earnings Approaches to Valuation

Feltham and Ohlson (1995) characterize clean-surplus accounting

systems that incorporate operating activities. Identify Bt+ τ ≡

FAt+ τ + OAt+ τ . OAt+ τ is a measure of operating assets (net of operating

liabilities) which are accounted for as OAt+ τ = OAt+ τ -1 + It+ τ + oat+ τ where

oat+ τ is measured operating accruals. By CSR, Xt+ τ = ∆(FAt+ τ + OAt+ τ ) + dt+ τ

(where ∆ indicates changes) and thus, as ∆FAt+ τ = Ct+ τ - It+ τ + i t+τ - dt+ τ ,
as before, Xt+ τ = Ct+ τ + i t+τ + oat+ τ , where Ct+ τ + oat+ τ ≡ OIt+ τ is commonly

referred to as operating income. Financial assets are booked at present

value, as before, and thus interest is accrued into i t+τ . Investments

are booked as part of operating assets rather than part of the value

added flow and, in addition, other non-cash flow values (like

receivables) are recognized as value added in the accruals. Current

U.S. GAAP bears a strong resemblance to this accounting. Accordingly,

from (3),

τ =1
(RIM) (9)

- (ρ -1)( ~
FA t+τ -1 + ~
OA t+τ -1

and, given the financial accrual condition in (7),

∑ ρ E[OI - (ρ -1)OA ],
~ -τ ~
PTt = FA t + OA t + w t+τ t+τ -1 (10)
τ =1

The target in (9) is referred to as (accrual accounting) "residual

income" and we refer to (9) as the residual income model (RIM).


Equation (10) reflects that financing is at zero net present value and

therefore drops out. The target, operating income less a charge against

operating assets, has been popularized as "Economic Value Added" by

Stewart (1991). The Coca Cola Co. refers to it as "economic profit."

E. Accounting Approaches Involving Capitalization

Ohlson (1995) shows that by iterating out flows from sequential

book values in (3) (with no further assumptions),

 ~ 
VTt ≡ ( ρ T -1 ) -1E ∑ X + ∑(ρ -1) ~
T- τ
t+τ d t+τ  (CM) (11)
 τ =1 τ =1 

approaches Pt in (1) and (3) as T→∞. This involves adjusting expected

earnings within the firm for earnings from reinvesting the dividends

paid out and capitalizing the aggregated cum-dividend flow at the cost

of capital. It can be shown that

VTt = Bt + (ρ T -1 )-1 ∑ ρ T-τ E Xt+τ
τ =1
( - (ρ -1)~B t+τ -1 )
so, for all T, V t is current book value plus the capitalized terminal

value of the expected residual income in (3) rather than its present

value. Like (3) it holds for all clean-surplus specifications of

X and B and the free cash flow and accrual accounting specifications are

special cases. Easton, Harris and Ohlson (1992) show that the

cum-dividend earnings (within the square parentheses), measured

according to GAAP, are highly correlated with stock returns over five to

ten year periods.



Clearly all specifications of X and B and both the discounting and

capitalization approaches produce the same valuation when attributes are

projected "to infinity," and this equals the valuation for the infinite-

horizon dividend discount formula. The practical issue is what

specifications are appropriate for finite horizon forecasting and under

what conditions.

By iterating out dividends from successive X and B (by CSR), the

generic calculation in (3) can be stated as

∑ ρ E(d )+ ( ),
PTt = -τ
t+τ ρ -T E ~
Bt+T (12)
τ =1

that is, the present value of forecasted dividends to t+T plus the

present value of the expected t+T stock. As, for DCF analysis,

Bt+T ≡ FAt+T and for RIM, Bt+T ≡ FAt+T + OAt+T , the two valuations differ for

a given horizon, t+T, by the present value of expected t+T operating

assets, and are the same only when operating assets are projected to be

liquidated (into financial assets).

Further, the DDM in (1) for a finite t+T is expressed as

∑ ρ E(d )+ ( )
Pt = -τ
t+τ ρ -T E ~
Pt+T (13)
τ =1

by the no-arbitrage condition. Thus, for any specification of X and B,

valuation is made without error (P t = Pt ) if E(~ ~ ) = 0 (by
Pt+T - Bt+T

comparing (12) and (13)), and the error of P t is ρ -T E (~ Bt+T).
Pt+T - ~

Accordingly, the DCF analysis will yield the correct valuation only if

operating assets are to be liquidated into financial assets (measured at

market value), and RIM will yield the correct valuation if expected t+T

operating assets are at market value. For the CM approach in (11),

valuation without error (Vt = Pt ) occurs if E(~ ~ )-
Pt+T - Bt+T (Pt - Bt) = 0,

that is when there is no expected change in the calculated premium to the

horizon, and the error is given by the present value of the expected

change in premium (Ohlson (1995)). The zero error conditions for both T
and Vt have the feature that the accounting brings the future forward

in time such that forecasting to the horizon is sufficient for

forecasting "to infinity." For P t the forecasted book value at t+T is

sufficient for subsequent flows (and for expected price at t+T) and for V

aggregated (cum-dividend) flows to t+T are sufficient for projecting

subsequent flows at the cost of capital.

These zero error conditions are restrictive. DCF analysis cannot

be used for firms with continuing operations and Ou and Penman (1995)

show that neither condition is representative in the cross section with

GAAP accounting over any "reasonable" horizon. "Terminal value"

corrections are typically required, as recognized in practice.

Penman (1996) provides a general model of finite-horizon valuation

which includes P t and V t as special cases. If, for a horizon t+T, E(

t+T+NS - t+T+NS ) = Ks E(t+T - t+T ) τ for

all N>0 and a given S>0, then
  S  
( ) ( )

+ρ (ρS -Ks) -1 E  ∑ X~ t+T+ τ + ∑ ρS-τ -1 ~dt+T+τ - (Ks -1) B~t+T  -E ~Bt+T 

 τ =1 τ =1 

provides the valuation, Pt , without error, and this valuation can be

restated as τ =1

 S  S   (14a)
( )

+ρ ( ρ - Ks ) E ∑ X~ t+T+τ + ∑ ρS-τ -1 ~d t+T+τ -( ρs -1) ~Bt+T  .

-T -1

 τ =1 τ =1

The expected changes in premiums that Ks projects are differences in

cum-dividend flows relative to cum-dividend changes in value, by CSR,

and thus (the constant) Ks captures projected errors in measuring value

added, consistently applied. This constant measurement error is

manifest in forecasted S-period expected residual income growing

subsequent to t+T at the rate Ks -1, and accordingly can be inferred.

The standard terminal value calculation based on perpetual growth

of some attribute is of course consistent with this. It sets S = 1 and

capitalizes at the rate ρ-K1 where K1 is the one period growth rate.

The formulation here gives this an accounting measurement error

interpretation, generalizes it as an S-period calculation, and points

out that it is the forecasted growth in residual earnings rather than

earnings that indicates Ks , the measurement error on which the terminal

T* T T
value is based. P t combines P t and V t into a general valuation
formula and P t = Pt is a special case when the last term in (14) is
zero and V t = Pt (another special case) when Ks = 1 and T = 0.

This formulation yields the generalized terminal value for the

DDM. As the last term in (14) gives the error, E(~ ~ ), then E(t+T )
Pt+T - Bt+T

in (13) is supplied:

 ~ 
( ) E ∑ X~ + ∑ (ρ )~
+ ρ -T  ρ S -Ks t+T+τ
-1 d t+T+τ - (Ks -1) Bt+T  
 τ =1 τ =1

= PT*

(Penman (1996)). This provides an umbrella over all other calculations:

the specification of X and B and the calculation of price according to

(14) reduces to the question of the appropriate specification of the

terminal value for the dividend discount model. The specification of

attributes to be forecasted to the horizon is not important. All

valuations can be expressed in terms of a cum-dividend terminal value

for the DDM and it is this calculation that is the determining one.

This umbrella identifies calculations that look different but are

in fact the same. To be less cumbersome, set S = Ks = 1 and so (15)


Pt = ∑ ρ E(d
τ =1
~ -τ
t+τ ) + ρ [(ρ -1)
-T -1
E(X~ t+T+1 )] (15a)

(which equals PT*

t in (14)). With the DCF specification, this is stated

as ∑
τ =1
( ) [ ]

[ )],

= ∑ ρ E( ) + ρ (ρ w -1) E (C- I )t+T+1 + E(

-τ ~ -T ~ ~ -1 ~
d t+τ FA t+T
τ =1

and for the accrual accounting specification,


τ =1
( ) [ ]

[(ρ -1) )]

= ∑ ρ E( ) +
τ =1
-τ ~
d t+τ ρ -T
E( ~
OIt+T+1 )+( ~
FA t+T

and so for S > 1 and Ks > 1. Thus, given the premium (error) condition

under which (14) yields the price for the accrual accounting model, the

DCF valuation will also yield the same price for the same horizon (only)

E (C- I )t+T+1 = E(OI

~ ~
t+T+1) , and vice versa.
if ~ Further, Penman (1996) shows

that the practice of specifying capitalized operating income as the

terminal value calculation in DCF analysis such that,

Pt = FA t + ∑ ρ E (C-
τ =1
~ ~
wI) +

ρ -Tw [( ρ -1) E(OI~ )]
t+T+1 (15d)

is equivalent to (15c), the accrual accounting calculation. In effect,

this is not cash flow analysis at all, but rather accrual accounting,

and contrasts to the pure DCF analysis in (15b) which, stated in the

form of (14a) for Ks = S = 1 (as is usual), is

[( ρ -1) E (C-~ ~I+ ~i ) - E(~FA )]

+ ρ -T -1 *
t+T+1 t (16)

+ ∑ ρ E(~C- ~I) + ρ [(ρ -1) E (C- I ) ],

~ ~
= FA t -τ
w t+τ
τ +1

with the accommodation for S > 1 and Ks > 1. As Ct+T+1 - It+T+1 ≡ dt+T+1 -

Ft+T+1 , this amounts to capitalizing financing flows that are forecasted


to be a constant in perpetuity. Accordingly we examine accrual

accounting against the pure DCF analysis with the understanding that

this can be stated as a comparison of the terminal value calculation for

DCF analysis in (15d) with that in (16).4


The empirical analysis compares valuations based on the DDM, DCFM,

RIM and CM over various horizons, with and without the terminal value

calculations in (14). Valuations at time t are calculated from

subsequent realizations of the X and B specified by the alternative

models up to various t+T+1 and these are then compared with actual

traded price at t.

This design relies on assumptions required to infer ex-ante values

from ex-post data. We assume that (a) average realizations are equal to

their ex-ante rational expectations, and (b) observable market prices to

which calculated intrinsic values are compared are efficient.

Accordingly, the analysis is on portfolios of stocks observed over time

with the aim of averaging out unexpected realizations and any market

inefficiencies over firms and over time.

We first evaluate the valuation methods over all conditions and

then under various circumstances where the accounting may affect the

horizon over which analysis is done. The analysis over all conditions

is implemented by random assignment of firms to portfolios. The

conditional tests assign firms to portfolios on the basis of

conditioning circumstances.

For the unconditional tests, firms are randomly assigned to

20 portfolios at the end of each year of the sample period,

t = 1973-1990. Arithmetic average portfolio values of the respective

accounting realizations are then calculated for each subsequent ten

years (t+T, T=1,2,…,10) and ex post intrinsic values of common equity

are calculated at the end of year t from these mean realizations

according to the prescription of the relevant formula for each horizon,

t+T. The respective techniques are evaluated on (ex post) errors of

these values relative to observed price at the end of year t. Mean

errors and the variation in errors are then calculated over all 18


The data used in this study are taken from the COMPUSTAT Annual

and Research files which cover NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ firms. The

combined files include non-surviving firms to the year of their

termination. The files cover the period 1973 to 1992. Financial firms

(industry codes 6000-6499) are not included in the analysis. The number

of firms available for each year (with prices, dividends, and accounting

data for that year) range from 3544 in 1973 to 5642 in 1987, with an

average of 4192 per year. As there are no data after 1992, the number

of years in the calculations declines as the horizon increases. For

ten-year horizons (T=10), there are 10 years (1973-82) and for T=1,

there are 18 years (1973-90).

The exercise raises a number of issues about the accounting for

the attributes and these are addressed in Appendix A. The cost of

capital determination is elusive and we applied a number of

calculations. For the equity cost of capital we used, alternatively:


the risk free rate (the 3-year T-Bill rate p.a.) for the relevant year

plus an equity risk premium of 6% p.a. for all firms (approximately the

historical equity premium reported in Ibbotson and Sinquefield (1983) at

the beginning of the sample period); the cost of capital given by the

CAPM using the same risk free rate and risk premium with betas estimated

for each firm; and the cost of capital for the firm's industry based on

the Fama and French (1994) three factor (beta, size and book-to-price)

model.6 These all were updated each year. Finally, we used a 10% rate

for all firms in all years. We report results with CAPM estimates (and

the notation, ρ, will imply this) but little difference in results was

observed with the calculations, and it will become apparent that

reasonable risk adjustment cannot explain the results. For discounting

or capitalizing operational flows, an unlevered cost of capital was

calculated using standard techniques.7

The study is concerned with ex ante going-concern valuation but

firms terminate ex post. Appendix B describes how the calculations deal

with this to accommodate questions of survivorship.



A. Unconditional Analysis

The unconditional analysis evaluates the techniques at the average

over all conditions. Twenty replications are provided by random

assignment of firms to 20 equal-size portfolios in each year without

replacement. The mean number of firms in portfolios (over all years)

was 210, and the mean (over the 20 portfolios) of the (arithmetic) mean

portfolio per-share market prices (over years) was $14.29, with a range

over the 20 portfolios of $13.79 to $14.65. The corresponding mean of

the market value of equity was $212.41M (with a range of $192.53M to

$230.16M), of carrying value of debt plus preferred stock to the market

value of common equity, .90 (with a range of .817 to 1.078), and of

estimated beta, 1.13 (with a range of 1.12 to 1.14). The mean ex ante

CAPM required return on equity was 12.8% (with a range of 12.7% to

12.9%). Thus the randomization produced portfolios with similar average

characteristics with little variation, including risk attributes.

Panel A of Table 1 presents means of portfolio ex post

cum-dividend prices, dividends, free cash flows and GAAP cum-dividend

earnings (available for common), for selected t+T, all in units of

portfolio price at t. Standard deviations of the means over portfolios

are given in parentheses to give an indication of the similarity of

results over the twenty replications. Cum-dividend prices in the first

row are calculated as Pct+T = P t+T + ∑ρ T-τ

d t+τ and thus, with the
τ =1
deflation, the reported values are one plus the stock return. The

dividends in the table include cash from stock repurchases. Cum-dividend


earnings are calculated as Xt+T + ( ρ -1) ∑ ρ T- τ -1 dt+τ which, when aggregated

τ =1
from t to t+T, gives the target in CM (11). With the deflation, these

give, for each t+T, the cum-dividend earnings yield per dollar of price

at t. All numbers include liquidating amounts for non-survivors (as

described in Appendix B).

It is clear that, on average, ex post cum-dividend prices

increased more than at the calculated average ex ante rate of 12.8% per

year indicated at the bottom of the panel. This could indicate a

misspecification of this rate but also reflects the bull market of the

sample period. In other words, the data period is not long enough to

average out deviations of realizations from expectations. Accordingly,

systematic errors that cannot be diversified away by the averaging will

be observed for any valid valuation technique. For the conditional

analysis, valuation errors will be evaluated relative to each other so

this is only a concern if portfolios reflect different sensitivities to

the systematic departure from expectation.

The t+1 figures for dividends, free cash flows, and earnings

indicate that the average annual yield of these payoffs was less than

the 12.8% rate during the period, but each increased at the average over

t+T at a rate greater than 12.8%, consistent with the growth in

cum-dividend prices. However, the increase was less than that of the

ex post prices, consistent with the standard observation that "prices

lead" payoffs. The yields of ex post dividends and free cash flows were

less than that of GAAP earnings. As free cash flows are returns to

debt, preferred and common equity (whereas earnings are "available to

common") it appears that GAAP earnings are closer to the expectation of


payoff in the time t price (by which these realizations are initialized)

than dividends or free cash flows.

Panel B of Table 1 demonstrates this more explicitly. It gives

mean valuation errors for various valuation techniques for selected

horizons. These valuation errors are per unit of price at t, calculated


[ ]
Error T (•) = P pt - PTpt (• ) / P pt (17)

where P pt (⋅) is the portfolio intrinsic value at t calculated from

ex post realizations to horizon t+T, and Ppt is the observed portfolio

price at that date. Portfolio intrinsic values were calculated

alternatively from means of individual firm's values and by applying the

technique to portfolio realizations at each t+T. The former permits an

examination of firm deviations from means but the mean is sensitive to

outliers. The results here and elsewhere are based on the latter

approach and are similar to the former.

The first line in Panel B calculates valuation errors by

T c
specifying P pt (⋅) = ρ-T (P pt+T ). These are errors to forecasting horizon

cum-dividend price at ρT Ppt , that is, by applying the cost of capital to

actual price at t. They are thus the market's forecasting errors, and

we refer to them as price model forecasts. The negative errors reflect

on-average market inefficiencies at t, misspecification of ρ, or

systematic (undiversifiable) ex post deviations from expectation in the

period. Accordingly, they are presented as benchmark errors that arise

for any of these reasons and which one would expect to observe for a

perfect valuation technique. They serve to rescale the calculated

errors for the various techniques. They may reflect market

inefficiencies (at the portfolio level) at t+T also and these are not

anticipated by the valuation techniques.

Rows two through five of the panel give valuation errors for the

dividend discount model (DDM), the discounted cash flow model (DCFM),

the residual income model using GAAP earnings and book values (RIM), and

the capitalized GAAP cum-dividend earnings model (CM). These are

calculated according to equations (1), (8), (9), and (11), respectively,

with the target projected to the relevant t+T without a terminal value.

The DCF calculation follows the conventional one of specifying FAt as

negative and equal to debt plus preferred equity (measured at their

carrying values).8 Free cash flow is after income taxes so the tax

benefit of debt is included. Errors for the DCFM and RIM with terminal

values are given lower in the panel. These are calculated according to

(14a) with S = 1 and K1 , the annual "growth rate," set to 1.0 and 1.04

for the DCF model (for going concerns) and 1.00 and 1.02 for the RIM

model, as indicated.9 Finally, the results for a dividend discount

∑ ρ E(d ) + ρ [(ρ - K ) ]
model calculated with a terminal value as
~-τ -T -1 ~
Pt = t+τ 1 E( d t+T+1) (DDMA) (18)
τ =1

are also reported (with K1 = 1.00 and K1 = 1.04).

The errors for the dividend discount models are large and positive

for short horizons but decline over t+T towards the benchmark errors as

more dividends (including liquidating dividends) are "pulled in" to the


calculation.10 The errors for the DCF calculation are also positive and

large over all horizons, indeed greater than 150% of actual price.

These errors reflect the missing accounting for operations. With the

terminal value calculations, the errors are still large for all t+T,

though declining with higher values of K1 . (When K1 was set to 1.06 the

mean error for t+8 was -0.076.) In contrast, the errors based on GAAP

accounting in RIM and CM are lower for all horizons and much closer to

the benchmark errors, reflecting the accounting for operating assets.

Interpreted differently, a DCF calculation with capitalized GAAP

operating income as a terminal value performs better than one based on

capitalized free cash flow (calculation (15d) versus (16)).

The performance rankings are similar with the different

calculations of the cost of capital. Mean absolute deviation of

portfolio errors from these means were also calculated and the rankings

over techniques were similar to that for means. In no case did earnings

methods yield lower bias with higher variation in errors.

B. Conditional Analysis

The results in Table 1 pertain to the market portfolio and the

reported errors are systematic errors. Valuation also involves

distinguishing firms from the market and we now examine how errors

differ over firms (for varying horizons) when the alternative techniques

are applied. The analysis proceeds as before except that firms are

assigned to 20 portfolios each year from a ranking on a conditioning

variable that captures the accounting of the various techniques.


The use of the accounting models is justified by the difficulty of

applying the DDM over finite horizons. This difficulty is acute when a

firm has no or low payout. So, first, we assigned firms to portfolios

based on payout to price at time t. Detailed results are available upon

request. Predictably, the DDM and DDMA valuations varied over payout

and this is demonstrative of the problem: variations in payout (over

finite horizons) that produce different calculations are irrelevant to

ex ante values. Errors for short horizons were typically large. Those

for the DCF techniques were also large for all horizons, though

declining in payout. In contrast the RIM and CM methods produced

considerably lower errors over all levels of payout.

The main focus, however, is on the horizons that the alternative

accounting techniques typically require. That is determined by their

accounting and so we group firms on features of the accounting. We

identify conditions where a particular technique performs poorly or well

and how competing techniques perform under the same conditions. The

accounting is defined by measurement rules for the stocks and flows so

our analysis examines valuations for groups with different measures of

the stocks and flows.


B.1 Conditioning on the Current Stock Accounting

We first group firms on the current stock variables (Bt ) of the

respective techniques. A special case of the generic accounting model

in (3) (and of the finite horizon model in (14)) arises when the

accounting system accounts for Bt such that Pt = Bt (and the other terms

in (3) and (14) are zero). Here the horizon is T=0, all the future is

brought forward into the current book value, and current book value is

sufficient for all expected future payoffs (by applying the cost of

capital to the book value). Clearly this "market value accounting" is

an ideal case for practical valuation analysis. To the extent this is

not satisfied, there is missing value in the current stock and one has

to project the future to discover this value, and thus T>0. The ratio

of the time-t stock to price captures the missing value, so we rank

firms on this ratio for DCF accounting and GAAP accounting and examine

the implied horizons (to capture the missing value) over deviations from

the ideal.

Table 2 gives mean errors of the various techniques for 20

portfolios formed from ranking firms on FAt /Pt . FAt is the DCF stock and

is again measured as (minus) the carrying value of debt plus preferred

stock (PS). Only results for horizons t+1, t+5 and t+8 are reported;

those for intervening horizons are approximated by rough interpolation.

The layout of the table is a template for subsequent tables. Panels of

valuation errors for six models are given as indicated. Results with

alternative calculations of terminal values are available upon request.

The table also reports the mean of the ranking variable,


(Debtt + PSt )/Pt for each portfolio, the GAAP B/P ratio at t and free
e e *
cash flow to equity, FCF t/Pt where FCF t ≡ Ct - It + i t (with i

negative and equal to the after-tax interest on debt plus preferred

dividends), and the GAAP E/P ratio at t. These are ranking variables in

subsequent tables and this table displays their relationship to the

ranking variable here.

The errors from predicting cum-dividend price by applying ρT to

current price (the price model in the first panel) are negative and

reflect the systematic unexpected value appreciations documented

earlier. Differences in relative performance is indicated across

portfolios with very high leverage firms performing better than average,

demonstrating the effect of (favorable) leverage in good times. These

errors provide the benchmarks for each portfolio.

The ranking variable compares the stock variable in the DCF

calculation to price. Clearly, price cannot be equal to debt plus

preferred stock, but, as price equals the value of operating assets

minus the value of debt plus preferred stock, the ranking ratio captures

the value of the omitted operating assets in the DCF stock. Over all

levels of this condition the DCFM errors are positive and large for all

horizons and are positively related to the level of omitted operating

assets to price. They are also negatively related to the benchmark

errors. The payoff in free cash flow is too low to justify the price

at t. The low FCF after debt service is of course due to high

investment relative to cash from operations, and this is extreme in the

case of the high debt firms. The "terminal value correction" with

K1 = 1.04 reduces these errors but they are still large and the

relationship to omitted operating assets remains.11 The results for

portfolio 1 are similar to those for dividend discounting (not reported)

as these are pure equity firms where free cash flow equals dividends.

The valuation for portfolios 2 to 20 implicitly involves adjusting

forecasted dividends for forecasted financing, by CCE, but the ex post

errors are larger with this adjustment.

As the zero-horizon ideal of Pt = Bt is not possible with DCF

accounting, one has to forecast future free cash flows but the results

indicate that this calculation does not bring the future forward within

horizons less than nine years. GAAP book values include a measure of

operating assets. Correspondingly, the errors of the RIM calculation

are much closer to the benchmarks. They are in the order of the

benchmarks but still higher, indicating value payoffs are not entirely

captured by the accounting. The terminal value calculation

(RIM(TV:1.0)) reduces the errors for the lower portfolio numbers, but

increases them for the higher ones (as explained with the next table).

The CM errors also are lower than DCFM but are typically higher in the

extremes. Mean square and mean absolute deviation of errors are

calculated for each portfolio (overtime) and these are also considerably

larger for the DCF calculation than the GAAP ones.

While the GAAP calculations are an improvement over DCFM in

Table 2, their errors relative to the benchmarks are not perfect. In

Table 3, firms are ranked on GAAP B/P (the GAAP stock to price) and this

gives a spread relative to the ideal of Pt = Bt . This ideal is

identified with portfolio 13 in the table. The negative correlation

between B/P and the price model errors describes the positive

correlation between B/P and subsequent beta-adjusted returns documented

in Fama and French (1992), among others. This could indicate superior

ex post performance for high B/P firms or higher risk, but also may

reflect the often-claimed market inefficiency in pricing book values; we

just take them as benchmark errors that reflect any of these


The valuation errors for RIM are positively related to the

deviation of B/P from unity in portfolio 13. However, those for high

B/P are close to their benchmark errors for t+5 and t+8. It is the low

B/P firms for which the errors are relatively high and, as the ex ante

error for RIM is given by E(t+T - t+T ), these are firms for which the B/P

is persistently low up to t+8. The RIM (TV:1.0) calculation in part

supplies the missing value for the low B/P firms (and of course more so

with a growth rate), but its errors for high B/P are actually higher

than those for RIM. These are portfolios which on average had negative

residual income and capitalizing a negative amount in the terminal value

calculation reduces the valuation. This is of course a legitimate

calculation as firms can have negative residual income (return on equity

less than the cost of capital) perpetually and accordingly trade

persistently at a discount to book value.13 However, the results

indicate that the horizons for the firms are too short and that the

negative residual incomes expected at t will ultimately be higher.14

The errors for CM are also ordered on the benchmarks except they

are higher for both low and extremely high B/P firms. The error of this

model is explained by changes in premiums and it is indeed the extreme

B/P that are associated with the biggest changes in premiums (Ou and

Penman (1995)). The errors for DCFM without a terminal value are very

large (and positive) and we don't report them in this or subsequent

tables. It is clear from the DCFM (TV:1.04) results reported that DCF

analysis, even with a growth rate of .04 for the horizon correction,

produces no remedy under these conditions. This is expected given the

positive correlation between (Debt + PS)/P and B/P, because the table

also indicates that FCF tends to be negative for low B/P firms.

The results for portfolio 13 (where book value approximates price)

provide a particular point of reference. Here one expects cum-dividend

price and book value to grow at the cost of capital and accordingly

firms to earn cum-dividend earnings at the cost of capital (zero

residual income). Thus portfolio 13's RIM valuation errors, just like

those for the price model, represent systematic unexpected errors due to

ex post rather than ex ante phenomena. Accordingly its RIM errors

provide an alternative benchmark that reflects the unexpected ex post

errors due to unexpected value appreciation. The errors for t+5 and t+8

are higher than those for the price model and this is consistent with

the phenomenon that "price leads earnings": unanticipated value changes

are incorporated into price before being recognized in earnings and book

value. Errors for other portfolios reflect the phenomenon and thus

should be scaled for it.


B.2 Conditioning on the Current Flow Accounting

Rather than the current stock being sufficient for valuation, the

current flow, Xt , might be sufficient such that all expected future

flows are projected by applying the cost of capital to the current flow.

Adding dt to both sides of (11) and substituting ∑ρ τ

Xt for the
τ =1
expected cum-dividend earnings in that expression (to give the projection

from current earnings), (11) reduces to

Pt + d t = X, (19)
( ρ -1) t

that is, cum-dividend price is the capitalized current flow and the

(Pt + dt )/Xt ratio is determined solely by the cost of capital. Under

this ideal all the future is pulled into the current flow calculation

and the horizon is zero.15

In Table 4 firms are ranked on FCFe /P and in Table 5 on the GAAP

E/P at t, both with cum-dividend prices in the denominator. The ranking

maximizes the dispersion from the ideal (for Xt ≡ FCFt to equity and Xt =

GAAP earnings to common at t in the two tables). Portfolios 15 and 16

in Table 4 have FCFe /P closest to the ideal in (19) ((ρ-1)/ρ =

.128/1.128 = .113) given the sample's average cost of capital of 12.8%.

The errors for DCFM (TV:1.04) are indeed relatively small for these

portfolios but increase over portfolios as FCFe /P deviates from this

value, and in a direction opposite to those for the price benchmark

errors. They are particularly high for negative FCF firms where the

problem of using DCF analysis is acute. The errors for RIM, with and

without the terminal value, are much lower but, as with those for CM,

they are higher for portfolios where the reported B/P are low.

In the results based on GAAP E/P rankings in Table 5, the CM(GAAP)

model provides a benchmark reference. Portfolios 14 and 15 have mean

E/P closest to .113 and thus represent the ideal in (19). By the same

logic that P/B = 1 provided a benchmark in Table 3, the CM errors for

these portfolios provide a benchmark that reflects ex post errors

adjusted for errors expected given the systematic unpredictable value

appreciation. Indeed the errors for portfolios 14 and 15 for CM are

quite similar to those for RIM in benchmark portfolio 13 in Table 3.

The CM errors increase from this benchmark as the spread from the ideal

increases, and in a direction consistent with the price model errors.16

However, they are higher for low E/P portfolios. This is so for the

RIM calculations with and without terminal values. The DCFM errors are

again large.

B.3 Conditioning on Accruals

The difference between free cash flows and GAAP earnings is the

GAAP accruals for operating activities. Referring to Section I.D., GAAP

earnings, Xt = Ct + i t + oat (where oat are operating accruals). As
equity FCFt = Ct - It + i t, the difference between the two flow measures

is It + oat . The FCF calculation treats investment as an immediate

diminution of value by signing it negative. This is commonly claimed as

the reason DCF analysis requires long horizons: as investment enters

negatively into the calculation, a long horizon is required to capture

the subsequent cash (in flows) from the investment. This is apparent in

Table 4. For extreme FCF portfolios, where investment or disinvestment

is large relative to cash flow from operations, the DCF valuation errors

are particularly high. Accrual accounting (in general) treats

investment as an operating asset that does not immediately affect

earnings17 and, in addition, brings other future cash flows forward in

time through operating accruals (oa) like receivables and pension

liabilities. The results above indicate that this accounting reduces

the error in DCF valuation. However, accruals are by fiat and may

themselves introduce error.

Table 6 ranks firms on GAAP E/P minus FCFe /P. This difference is

equal to (I + oa)/P which is also the change in operating assets to

price. The greater the absolute difference between FCF and GAAP

earnings, the worse the DCF calculations perform. In contrast the

calculations made from GAAP attributes produce errors considerably

closer to the benchmarks. Significantly, the accrual accounting


produces the largest correction to DCF analysis when free cash flows are

extreme and when the difference between earnings and free cash flows is

the highest. The treatment of investment and additional accruals in

GAAP accounting serve to correct the FCF calculation to facilitate

finite horizon analysis. The results suggest that rather than adjusting

earnings forecasts to get back to cash flows, one is better served (for

valuation purposes) to preserve the accrual accounting.

B.4 Conditioning on GAAP B/P and E/P

The evidence indicates that GAAP accounting facilitates practical

(finite horizon) valuation better than DCF calculations. However, the

results also indicate conditions where GAAP models do not perform well

relative to benchmarks. These are cases of high and (particularly) low

B/P (Table 3) and low E/P (Table 5). These conditions are associated

with the central portfolios in Table 6 where again the RIM errors are

the highest. Given that these findings are not due to market

inefficiencies, misspecification of discount rates or GAAP violations of

clean surplus accounting, then the zero error conditions for (3), (11)

and (14) are not satisfied in these circumstances for the horizons


The results for B/P and E/P involve conditions where the

accounting produces extremes relative to the ideals. The results for

high B/P were explained by ex post negative residual income. As the

other conditions involve low book values and earnings to price, one

suspects that conservatism in the accounting might be affecting the


calculations. Conservative accounting that writes down book values is

reputably present in the prescription and practice of GAAP accounting.

Median B/P ratios are less than unity in the sample, reinforcing this

impression. The low B/P are cases where the conservatism is likely to

be extreme, and indeed the expensing of R&D expenditures under SFAS

No. 2, for example, is associated with low B/P. However, conservative

accounting for book values of assets is not sufficient to violate the

horizon conditions in (14) from RIM (TV:1.0) as conservatism,

consistently applied, will in this case produce the constant premiums on

which the calculation is predicated. The no-change-in-premium-condition

implies expected cum-dividend earnings equal to expected cum-dividend

price change (return) at the horizon, that is, the conservatism does not

affect earnings relative to price. Standard textbook accounting

describes this: rapid amortization does not affect earnings if there is

no change in the asset base because depreciation expense is the same

whether one expenses an investment immediately or capitalizes and

amortizes it. However, if amortizable assets are expected to be

changing at the horizon, expected earnings will be affected by

conservative accounting (downwards for growing assets), and the constant

premium condition for K1 = 1.0 will not be satisfied. This has a formal

representation in Feltham and Ohlson (1995).

If low earnings relative to price at t and low book value relative

to price at t are indicative of low values of the two accounting numbers

to price at the horizon,18 then one expects these effects to be

identified by current B/P and E/P, as indicated. As the effect is

induced by the accounting in both measures, the conditioning


circumstance involves joint values of the two ratios. Accordingly,

Table 7 displays mean valuation errors for various joint values of B/P

and E/P. In each year firms are ranked on B/P and those with

.95 ≤ B/P < 1.05 assigned to portfolio 12. Then firms with B/P < .95

are ranked on E/P and assigned to portfolios 1-11 from this ranking, and

those with B/P ≥ 1.05 are also ranked on E/P and assigned to portfolios

13-20. Portfolio 12 has a mean B/P of .996, close to unity by

construction. However it also has a mean E/P of .108 (and a similar

book return on equity by implication), closest to the assumed cost of

capital. Thus this portfolio describes results for both a normal book

value and a (close to) normal P/E ratio in (19) and the errors for the

RIM and CM calculations (highlighted in the table) are again the

benchmark errors given the systematic ex post price errors. For low B/P

(portfolios 1-11), the errors for RIM and CM are increasing in

decreasing E/P: the mispricing of these models is identified with both

low B/P and low E/P. The GAAP models do not perform well in conditions

that are associated with conservatism in the accounting for book values

and its spillover to earnings when assets are growing.

This deficiency is also apparent for RIM (TV:1.0) where

capitalized terminal residual income is too low for these conditions.

The K1 captures the measurement error in earnings induced by the

accounting and expected growth in residual income at the horizon is

determined by it. Accordingly, the specification of K1 > 1.0 provides

an accommodation. Table 7 reports results for RIM (TV:1.04) and its

errors for low B/P and E/P portfolios are considerably lower than those

of RIM (TV:1.0) for the longer horizons. However, even with this

adjustment, the errors are higher than the benchmarks. If one considers

a perpetual growth in residual income higher than 4% to be unreasonable,

then longer forecasting horizons are required for these firms. In any

case, it is clear that DCFM (TV:1.04) provides no remedy in these



The paper documents that equity valuation methods based on

forecasting GAAP (accrual) earnings and book values have practical

advantages over dividend discounting and discounted cash flow analysis.

GAAP accounting has the feature of bringing the future forward in time

in accruals and, by an accounting for operating assets, excluding

investment expenditures as a charge against cash flow from operations in

the accounting for the payoff. This facilitates valuing firms from

forecasts of payoffs over relatively short horizons.

The analysis of valuation errors of the relevant techniques over

different conditions provides a practical guide to when a particular

technique will work well (or otherwise). The analysis is couched within

a framework that reveals the accounting at work in the contrasting

techniques, so errors can be identified with the missing accounting in a

particular technique. Thus the results indicate that GAAP accounting

supplies some of the missing accounting (for operations) in DCF

analysis, but they also indicate conditions (associated with high P/E

and high P/B firms) when the GAAP accounting is unsatisfactory. GAAP

accounting is of course only one form of accrual accounting and one


might investigate other rules that provide a remedy. Indeed the

analysis suggests a utilitarian criterion for normative accounting

principles: they should facilitate finite-horizon valuation.

In this respect the analysis that compares pure cash flow

accounting with GAAP accrual accounting is quite narrow and further

research might compare alternative accrual accounting systems. This

might promote better techniques and better accounting. Also, the paper

takes a macro view by looking at average results in the cross section.

One might continue the analysis in micro settings (for industries or

firms) and, as the accounting for operations is an important feature,

these might be identified by characteristics of firms' operations.

DCF techniques are the most common in practice and in teaching in

business schools. The typical valuation book "backs out" accruals from

financial statements to get to the cash flows. In Copeland, Koller and

Murrin (1990), for example, "cash is king" and the accounting is

suspect. The results here modify that view. However, the paper shows

that DCF techniques that involve (accrual) operating income in the

terminal value calculation are equivalent to residual income accrual

accounting techniques. In effect, this terminal value calculation

corrects the errors from forecasting free cash flow to the horizon to

get back the accruals. One questions the efficiency of going through

this exercise (of taking out accruals and then adding them back in) when

forecasting the accrual numbers produces the same result, and indeed

whether this can really be called a DCF technique.



Appendix A

Calculation of Target Attributes

This appendix provides details of calculations in the

implementation of the alternative valuation approaches.


Dividends are defined as common dividends per share ex date

(COMPUSTAT item 26) adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends over

time. For the dividend discount model, per-share cash distributions

from stock repurchases were added to these dividends at each t+τ to

capture all cash payments to shareholders. Since information about

stock repurchases is not available in our data bases we followed Ackert

and Smith (1993) and Shoven (1986) to discover them. We searched the

CRSP monthly returns file for information on shares outstanding and each

decrease in shares outstanding (adjusted for stock splits and reverse

splits) was treated as a stock repurchase. The amount of cash

distributed was determined by multiplying the decrease in shares by the

price at the end of the month preceding the decrease. This amount was

divided by the number of shares outstanding before the decrease to

arrive at a per-share cash distribution.

For the period 1973 to 1992 we detected 7,659 share decreases

(6,117 for NYSE and AMEX firms and 1,542 for NASDAQ firms). This number

seems plausible for our sample period given that Comment and Jarrell

(1991) report 1,303 stock repurchases for the 4-year period 1985-1988.

The mean per-share distribution was $0.99 with a standard deviation of

3.82 over the 20-year sample period.

Free Cash Flows

Two free cash flow calculations were made. Results are similar

for the two calculations, but those reported are based on the second.

a) Calculations Based on GAAP Free Cash Flow

Accounting regulation for the reporting of cash flow information

first appeared in 1971 when APB Opinion No. 19 mandated the preparation

of the "Statement of Changes in Financial Position." Under this

regulation firms reported a working capital statement (COMPUSTAT format

code = 1.000), a cash by source and use of funds statement (COMPUSTAT

format code = 2.000), or a cash statement by activity (COMPUSTAT format

code = 3). In 1987 the FASB issued Standard No. 95, "Statement of Cash

Flows" mandating the reporting of cash receipts, cash payments, and net

change in cash resulting from operating, investing, and financing

activities during a period (COMPUSTAT format code = 7.000).

For firms with format code = 7.000 in a given year, cash from

operations (Ct+ τ ) was calculated as

Ct+ τ = Operating Activities-Net Cash Flow (item 308)
+ Interest Paid-Net (item 315).

When Interest Paid-Net was not available, then Interest Expense

(item 15), if available, was substituted for Interest Paid-Net.

Cash Investment (It+ τ ) was calculated as

It+ τ = Investing Activities-Net Cash Flow (item 311)

+ Capitalized Interest (item 147).

Investments in financial assets are included in investing activities

under GAAP. We did not exclude them as, for the DCF calculation, we

identified only debt and preferred stock as financial items.

For format codes 1, 2 and 3,

Ct+ τ - It+ τ = the change in Cash and Cash Equivalents (item 274)
- Sale of Common and Preferred Stock (item 108)
- Long-Term Debt-Issuance (item 111)
+ Long-Term Debt-Reduction (item 114)
- Change in Current Debt (301)
+ Purchase of Common and Preferred Stock (item 115)
+ Cash Dividends (item 127)
+ Interest Expense (item 15)
+ Capitalized Interest (item 147).

When data were not available for this calculation,

Ct+ τ = Funds from Operations (item 110)
+ Interest Expense (item 15)
- Working Capital Changes-Other (item 236).

It+ τ was calculated by one of the following:

I t+τ = Increase in Investments (item 113)
+ Capital Expenditures (item 128)
+ Acquisitions (item 129)
- Sale of Investments (item 109)
- Capitalized Interest (item 147).

I t+τ = Change in Property, Plant and Equipment-Total
(Net) (change in item 8)
+ Depreciation and Amortization (item 14)
+ Change in Investments and Advances-Other
(change in item 32)
+ Change in Intangibles (item 33)
- Capitalized Interest (item 147).

When a format code was not available,

Ct+ τ = Income Before Extraordinary Items (item 18)
+ Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations
(item 48)
+ Depreciation and Amortization (item 14)
+ Interest Expense (item 15)
+ Change in Deferred Taxes (item 74)
- Change in Working Capital (item 179)

The change in working capital was modified for the change in Debt in

Current Liabilities (item 34) when available. Cash Investment was

calculated by I t+τ above.

In all calculations, items not available were set to zero.

b) Calculation Based on Articulation of Balance Sheet

and Income Statement

The above calculations are complicated and fraught with

difficulties due to nonavailability of some line items. From Section

I.D, ∆OAt+ τ = It+ τ + oat+ τ and oat+ τ = OIt+ τ - Ct+ τ . Thus Ct+ τ - It+ τ = OIt+ τ -

∆OAt+ τ and free cash flow is calculated by identifying operating income

in the income statement and net operating assets in consecutive balance

sheets (Feltham and Ohlson (1995)). Thus we calculated

Ct+ τ - It+ τ = Income Before Extraordinary Items (item 18)
+ Interest Expense (item 15)
- Change in Total Assets (change in item 6)
+ Change in Total Liabilities (change in item 181)
- Change in Total Long-Term Debt (change in item 9)
- Change in Debt in Current Liabilities (change in
item 34)

The exclusion of extraordinary items excludes gains and losses on

debt repurchases (financing activities) but also may exclude some

operating activities. This is a problem only if these are not mean zero

in portfolios. By this calculation (as in the first), financial assets

(FAt ) are identified as (minus) the sum of debt and preferred stock at

time t measured at their carrying values, as designed. The book value

of debt is the book value of long-term debt (COMPUSTAT item 9) plus the

debt in current liabilities (COMPUSTAT item 34). For preferred stock

COMPUSTAT item 130 is used.


These calculations of free cash flow are after tax but include tax

benefits of interest on debt. Accordingly the "value of the tax shield"

is included in the present value calculation rather than being

calculated separately (as in the "compressed adjusted present value

technique" employed by Kaplan and Ruback (1995)).

The calculation of free cash flow and financial assets is on a

total dollar basis and the total dollar intrinsic price at t was placed

on a per-share basis by dividing by shares outstanding at t (item 25).

GAAP Accounting

GAAP earnings and book value were calculated on a per-share basis.

Earnings at time t+τ were identified as primary earnings per share

(COMPUSTAT item 53), adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends over

time. Book value per share is influenced by share issues so its value

at each t+τ (for determining residual income) was calculated as book

value per share at t plus accumulated earnings net of cash dividends per

share from t to t+τ (split-adjusted). In calculating the payoff for the

CM in (11), dt+ τ is specified as common dividends per share ex date,

adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends over time. That is, dt+ τ

does not include cash distributions from stock repurchases as these are

reflected in the per-share calculation of earnings per share.


Appendix B

The Treatment of Terminations

Firms may delist for various reasons including mergers,

liquidations, acquisitions, insufficient reporting, etc. and the

analysis incorporates corrections for ex post terminations in each of

the valuation models. The information needed for such corrections is

obtained from the CRSP monthly returns files and the COMPUSTAT files.

The CRSP files provide delisting codes indicating the reason for

delisting. We detected 3,355 delistings for our sample in the period

1973-1992 (1,792 delistings for NYSE and AMEX firms and 1,563 for NASDAQ

firms). Out of this total, 1,851 delistings were due to mergers, 261

due to acquisitions, 124 due to liquidations and the remaining 1,119 due

to other reasons. In addition, the CRSP files provide per-share amounts

for any cash or non-cash distributions at the time of termination. We

detected 1,736 cash and 1,013 non-cash terminal distributions for our

sample (some firms had both cash and non-cash distributions). The mean

terminal distribution was $19.85 per-share with a standard deviation of

$20.62. A total of 402 NYSE and AMEX firms and 797 NASDAQ firms did not

have any cash or non-cash terminal distributions. In this case the

terminal (non-cash) distribution was assumed to be equal to the last

price of the delisting firm in the CRSP files. The mean terminal price

for these firms was $3.55 with a standard deviation of $8.50.

The corrections for terminations incorporated in each valuation

model are given below.


Dividend Discount Model (DDM)

In this model the dividend in the termination year was measured as

the sum of dividends per share, cash distribution per share from stock

repurchases and cash and/or non-cash terminal distribution per share,

all adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends. Tracking subsequent

dividends on non-cash distributions is difficult so the assumption is

that securities received are liquidated.

Discounted Cash Flow Model (DCFM)

For terminating firms, intrinsic values were calculated as the

present value of dividends (including terminal dividends) as this equals

the present value of cash flows.

Earnings Models (RIM and CM)

To estimate earnings in the terminal year we followed Bernard

(1994) and estimated terminal gains or losses as the difference between

the last market value on CRSP and the last book value on COMPUSTAT. The

mean per share terminal gain for the 3,355 delistings in our sample was

$6.46 with a standard deviation of 16.68. Earnings Xit+ τ in the

termination year was calculated as the sum of reported earnings per

share and the terminal gain or loss per share.



An exception is Kaplan and Ruback (1995).

This contrasts with Kaplan and Ruback (1995) and Abarbanell and Bernard (1995) where prices
are compared to values calculated from forecasts of cash flows or earnings. That approach is
limited by the availability of dividend and cash flow forecasts and of earnings forecasts for
longer horizons. Further, it assumes that the analyst forecasts identified are unbiased. On
this point see Frankel and Lee (1995).

Rubinstein (1976) derives the model under no-arbitrage conditions. In that derivation the
discount for risk is in the numerator which is then discounted to present value at the risk-
free rate. The common textbook form is stated here as this is usually how the model is applied
in practice.

DCF analysis is sometimes applied with adjustments (distinguishing "discretionary" capital

investments, for example). These amount to additional accounting of which GAAP accrual
accounting for operational activities is one form, and the aim here is to compare this
accounting with the strict cash accounting case.

Firms with different fiscal year ends in the same calendar year were assigned to portfolios
together and portfolio prices were based on firm prices of fiscal year end.

The Fama and French estimates are based on risk premiums estimated on data after our
portfolio formation dates. For CAPM rates, we also used an 8% equity premium which was the
historical rate at the end of the sample period. (This of course produced lower errors as we
define them.)

Precisely, those used in Kaplan and Ruback (1995) with unlevered betas calculated from
estimated equity betas and debt and preferred stock betas assumed to be 0.25. The income tax
rate was set at the prevailing top federal corporate rate in the relevant year plus 4% for state
and other taxes.

Financial assets are not netted out as one has difficulty distinguishing them from operating
cash in cash and cash equivalents. Accordingly interest income (but not expense) is included in
free cash flows.

The analysis was also repeated with growth rates of 1.02 and 1.06, with similar results. A
rate of 1.04 or 1.06 applied to RIM, though reducing errors towards the benchmark might be
considered excessive: they imply a relatively rapid perpetual growth in book return on equity.

For companies that terminated, the liquidating dividend was calculated as the price at
liquidation (see Appendix B). To the extent that distributions in liquidation were stock rather
than cash, calculated values for the DDM are overstated.

The occasional large negative value in this panel arises from capitalizing relatively high
free cash flow in the terminal value calculation with the small capitalization rate that
K1 = 1.04 can produce.

The results in Table 3 were similar when the cost of capital was based on the Fama and French

(1994) risk model which includes B/P as a risk factor.

Ou and Penman (1995) document persistent discounts. In the DCF terminal value calculations
we capitalized only positive free cash flows as a perpetual negative free cash flow is not

The ex post negative residual earnings could also be due to our specification of the cost of
capital on which the residual earnings calculation is based. The negative amounts were
particularly associated with periods of high interest rates.

This is what Fischer Black had in mind when he advocated calculating earnings as a sufficient
number (with a multiplier) for value. See Black (1980).

Note, however, that the price model errors might reflect the so-called "P/E effect" pricing

An exception is the accounting for investment in research & development under SFAS No. 2.

Beaver and Morse (1978) document that differences in P/E ratios from the median persist over
time and Ou and Penman (1992) provide similar documentation for premiums.


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Table 1

Mean Portfolio Values of Realized Valuation Attributes

(Panel A) and Ex post Valuation Errors for
Valuation Techniques (Panel B), for Selected Horizons
(Standard Deviation of Portfolio Means in Parentheses)

Horizon (t+T)
t+1 t+2 t+4 t+6 t+8 t+10

Panel A: Future Attributes

Cum-div. price 1.155 1.371 1.934 2.769 3.814 5.298

(.006) (.018) (.048) (.081) (.112) (.228)

Dividends .088 .100 .140 .181 .235 .285

(.007) (.008) (.013) (.018) (.036) (.053)

Free cash flows .076 .108 .104 .147 .206 .233

(.030) (.038) (.051) (.059) (.109) (.105)

Cum-div. GAAP earnings .100 .115 .174 .236 .308 .422

(.005) (.006) (.010) (.013) (.026) (.037)

(1.128)T 1.128 1.272 1.619 2.060 2.621 3.335

Table 1 (continued)

Horizon (t+T)
t+1 t+2 t+4 t+6 t+8 t+10

Panel B: Valuation Errors

Price model -.031 -.085 -.177 -.294 -.381 -.538

(.006) (.014) (.027) (.035) (.046) (.073)

DDM .923 .845 .663 .478 .283 .069

(.006) (.008) (.016) (.021) (.036) (.045)

DCFM 1.937 1.868 1.762 1.670 1.552 1.450

(.057) (.058) (.066) (.078) (.086) (.099)

RIM .175 .176 .103 .038 -.028 -.120

(.013) (.013) (.019) (.021) (.027) (.039)

CM .199 .189 .074 .022 -.031 -.113

(.035) (.034) (.033) (.029) (.035) (.047)

DCFM (TV: 1.0) 1.254 1.188 1.112 .946 .782 .827

(.184) (.155) (.142) (.251) (.222) (.353)

DCFM (TV: 1.04) .918 .853 .765 .558 .378 .506

(.269) (.224) (.199) (.424) (.342) (.560)

RIM (TV: 1.0) .206 .192 .083 .037 .008 -.164

(.045) (.039) (.061) (.073) (.073) (.092)

RIM (TV: 1.02) .058 .049 -.061 -.099 -.117 -.307

(.054) (.046) (.073) (.086) (.087) (.108)

DDMA (TV: 1.0) .574 .504 .314 .132 -.061 -.295

(.029) (.039) (.042) (.053) (.050) (.055)

DDMA (TV: 1.04) .424 .356 .167 -.010 -.203 -.452

(.043) (.059) (.058) (.070) (.064) (.073)

Means are mean over years of means for 20 portfolios to which firms were
randomly assigned in each year, 1973-90. Standard deviations are means of
yearly standard deviations of portfolio values.
Valuation error is actual portfolio price at t minus model price,
deflated by actual price at t. Price model valuation errors are calculated by
setting model price equal to the present value of actual ex-post cum-dividend
price at each horizon, t+T.
DDM refers to the dividend discount model in equation (1) of the text,
DCFM to the discounted cash flow model in equation (8), RIM to the residual
income model in equation (9) with GAAP earnings and book values, and CM to the
capitalized GAAP earnings model in equation (11). TV indicates a terminal
value was calculated for going concerns according to (14a) with the assumed
subsequent growth rate in the terminal payoff indicated within the
parentheses. DDMA is the dividend discount model with a terminal value
calculated according to equation (18).
All calculations include terminal distributions to equity holders for
nonsurviving firms.
Table 2

Mean Ex post Valuation Errors of Valuation Techniques for Selected Horizons,

for Portfolios Formed from a Ranking on Debt Plus Preferred Stock to Price

Portfolio Horizon Horizon Horizon

Portfolio Attributes at t t+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8

Mean Mean
(Debt+PS)/P GAAP B/P Price Model DCFM DCFM (TV: 1.04)

1 .000 .640 -0.024 -0.235 -0.388 0.990 0.947 0.877 0.810 0.891 0.532
2 .007 .550 -0.002 -0.025 -0.090 1.005 0.909 0.789 0.714 0.351 0.272
3 .034 .471 -0.002 -0.044 -0.116 1.060 1.009 0.920 0.927 0.575 0.463
4 .072 .546 -0.013 -0.127 -0.205 1.107 1.037 0.956 0.763 0.541 0.718
5 .116 .570 -0.034 -0.163 -0.259 1.197 1.128 1.005 1.018 0.421 0.041
6 .165 .615 -0.034 -0.173 -0.302 1.278 1.167 1.055 0.767 0.450 0.217
7 .221 .669 -0.030 -0.170 -0.331 1.356 1.293 1.140 1.148 0.532 0.498
8 .286 .734 -0.030 -0.183 -0.358 1.470 1.338 1.205 0.915 0.131 0.177
9 .359 .772 -0.034 -0.244 -0.385 1.545 1.409 1.205 0.768 0.570 -0.163
10 .443 .816 -0.044 -0.283 -0.404 1.713 1.530 1.331 1.095 0.694 0.444
11 .538 .896 -0.037 -0.268 -0.399 1.735 1.557 1.281 1.036 0.596 0.085
12 .654 .941 -0.046 -0.294 -0.493 1.957 1.809 1.682 1.205 0.874 0.399
13 .791 .985 -0.036 -0.351 -0.447 2.449 2.227 1.841 1.085 -0.766 -1.711
14 .964 1.047 -0.047 -0.311 -0.511 2.426 2.047 1.922 0.192 1.367 0.639
15 1.176 1.082 -0.043 -0.235 -0.313 2.586 2.313 2.251 1.455 0.967 0.974
16 1.442 1.115 -0.032 -0.265 -0.485 3.036 2.703 2.758 1.000 1.551 1.577
17 1.789 1.162 -0.040 -0.349 -0.497 3.413 3.147 3.219 1.388 1.717 1.412
18 2.302 1.270 -0.042 -0.414 -0.678 4.002 3.622 3.676 1.058 1.787 1.490
19 3.344 1.409 -0.052 -0.604 -1.060 5.380 4.448 4.214 0.110 0.531 2.521
20 10.962 1.432 -0.080 -0.861 -1.336 9.204 7.761 8.307 -3.251 3.542 6.497
Table 2 (continued)

Portfolio Horizon Horizon Horizon

Portfolio Attributes at t t+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8

Mean Mean

1 .096 .075 0.322 0.178 -0.026 0.289 0.009 -0.208 -0.101 0.000 -0.181
2 .037 .071 0.415 0.343 0.272 0.311 0.223 0.150 0.181 0.245 0.210
3 .002 .070 0.515 0.375 0.263 0.353 0.169 0.170 0.286 0.234 0.191
4 .002 .078 0.438 0.292 0.147 0.233 0.134 0.131 0.241 0.154 0.067
5 .008 .082 0.416 0.273 0.162 0.222 0.158 -0.053 0.259 0.156 0.095
6 -.002 .085 0.356 0.219 0.090 0.196 0.049 0.007 0.164 0.098 0.014
7 .008 .090 0.301 0.169 0.023 0.149 0.058 0.029 0.149 0.064 -0.044
8 -.002 .096 0.232 0.114 0.025 0.176 0.116 0.031 0.132 0.050 0.008
9 -.004 .096 0.182 0.042 -0.054 0.089 0.046 -0.046 0.018 -0.025 -0.059
10 .001 .096 0.128 0.002 -0.090 0.110 -0.058 -0.035 0.069 -0.033 -0.071
11 -.006 .103 0.066 -0.072 -0.173 0.000 -0.108 -0.127 0.041 -0.101 -0.139
12 -.003 .099 0.016 -0.074 -0.193 0.103 0.032 0.032 0.071 -0.049 -0.159
13 .011 .097 -0.018 -0.116 -0.181 0.117 -0.069 0.041 0.091 -0.096 -0.112
14 .016 .095 -0.070 -0.141 -0.249 0.080 -0.038 -0.027 0.144 -0.062 -0.171
15 -.012 .096 -0.100 -0.148 -0.184 0.152 0.006 0.039 0.144 -0.033 -0.039
16 .021 .087 -0.119 -0.143 -0.206 0.237 0.008 -0.098 0.262 0.003 -0.083
17 -.032 .085 -0.166 -0.178 -0.276 0.269 -0.129 -0.085 0.183 -0.029 -0.184
18 -.012 .068 -0.247 -0.250 -0.330 0.303 -0.010 -0.038 0.388 -0.029 -0.204
19 .042 .014 -0.356 -0.302 -0.433 0.535 -0.089 -0.037 0.785 0.102 -0.255
20 .539 -.281 -0.248 -0.330 -0.393 1.132 -0.049 0.322 2.330 0.202 -0.098

PS is the carrying value of preferred stock and FCFe is free cash flow to common equity. The GAAP E/P
ratio is calculated as Xt /(Pt +dt ) where Xt is GAAP earnings available for common in the portfolio formation
year, t. Pt is the common stock price at the end of year t and dt is the annual dividend for year t.
GAAP B/P is reported book value of common equity to price at t. See notes to Table 1 for descriptions of
valuation techniques and the calculation of the means.
Table 3

Mean Ex post Valuation Errors of Valuation Techniques for Selected Horizons,

for Portfolios Formed from a Ranking on GAAP Book/Price Ratios

Portfolio Horizon Horizon Horizon

Portfolio Attributes at t t+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8

Mean Mean
GAAP B/P (Debt+PS)/P Price Model DCFM (TV: 1.04) RIM

1 -.033 .818 0.091 0.002 -0.098 1.231 1.272 1.372 1.149 0.789 0.597
2 .240 .279 0.038 -0.008 -0.059 1.077 0.753 0.663 0.770 0.588 0.490
3 .315 .293 -0.011 -0.080 -0.090 1.197 0.598 0.700 0.657 0.465 0.318
4 .392 .361 -0.015 -0.125 -0.192 1.191 0.910 0.631 0.569 0.374 0.221
5 .459 .471 -0.025 -0.146 -0.218 1.199 0.900 0.373 0.497 0.321 0.169
6 .527 .540 -0.016 -0.150 -0.257 1.274 0.805 0.731 0.424 0.255 0.110
7 .594 .634 -0.013 -0.164 -0.282 1.040 0.848 0.531 0.353 0.180 0.073
8 .672 .780 -0.037 -0.211 -0.431 1.339 0.715 -0.544 0.284 0.111 -0.037
9 .734 .772 -0.018 -0.151 -0.242 1.181 0.552 0.203 0.212 0.068 -0.050
10 .807 .906 -0.028 -0.200 -0.336 1.095 -0.024 0.934 0.146 0.010 -0.125
11 .873 .945 -0.046 -0.221 -0.391 1.307 0.674 1.152 0.073 -0.040 -0.161
12 .946 1.027 -0.036 -0.270 -0.503 0.488 0.839 0.574 -0.004 -0.121 -0.244
13 1.021 1.341 -0.056 -0.326 -0.588 0.815 1.171 0.012 -0.084 -0.198 -0.316
14 1.114 1.475 -0.070 -0.375 -0.605 0.653 0.687 0.368 -0.171 -0.242 -0.327
15 1.229 1.731 -0.075 -0.438 -0.677 0.162 0.891 -0.146 -0.270 -0.318 -0.402
16 1.338 1.839 -0.069 -0.374 -0.648 0.281 0.612 1.865 -0.375 -0.353 -0.416
17 1.530 2.241 -0.067 -0.488 -0.701 -0.584 0.765 -0.101 -0.526 -0.453 -0.502
18 1.744 2.973 -0.086 -0.459 -0.716 -0.898 0.539 1.439 -0.720 -0.550 -0.570
19 2.150 2.925 -0.111 -0.518 -0.803 -0.545 -0.153 1.755 -1.035 -0.698 -0.686
20 3.302 4.290 -0.143 -0.933 -1.282 -2.108 1.189 -3.167 -1.910 -1.073 -0.817
Table 3 (continued)

Portfolio Horizon Horizon

Portfolio Attributes at tt+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8

Mean Mean
FCFe /P GAAP E/P RIM (TV: 1.00) CM

1 .485 -.083 0.500 0.457 0.403 0.665 0.415 0.343

2 -.026 .035 0.498 0.397 0.279 0.492 0.393 0.382
3 -.045 .055 0.362 0.232 0.307 0.285 0.245 0.186
4 -.052 .065 0.266 0.150 0.083 0.203 0.163 0.108
5 -.056 .071 0.245 0.130 0.096 0.182 0.142 0.065
6 -.062 .081 0.223 0.054 0.017 0.130 0.105 0.018
7 -.021 .088 0.153 0.038 0.077 0.103 0.034 0.018
8 -.045 .094 0.094 -0.061 -0.070 0.076 -0.031 -0.121
9 -.040 .096 0.058 -0.038 -0.039 0.030 -0.025 -0.078
10 -.030 .099 0.068 -0.030 -0.196 0.036 -0.057 -0.139
11 -.036 .107 0.041 -0.066 -0.172 0.007 -0.078 -0.168
12 -.020 .107 0.019 -0.095 -0.205 -0.013 -0.147 -0.224
13 -.024 .112 -0.053 -0.201 -0.244 -0.009 -0.218 -0.304
14 -.012 .113 0.048 -0.040 -0.137 -0.005 -0.187 -0.267
15 .009 .113 0.000 -0.102 -0.139 0.044 -0.213 -0.308
16 .062 .103 0.131 -0.032 -0.183 0.201 -0.106 -0.217
17 .028 .102 0.265 -0.136 -0.177 0.276 -0.119 -0.241
18 .079 .090 0.324 0.021 -0.160 0.532 -0.020 -0.175
19 .099 .061 0.671 -0.030 0.074 0.853 0.127 -0.115
20 .428 -.014 1.573 0.173 0.372 2.475 0.617 0.269

See notes to Tables 1 and 2.
Table 4

Mean Ex post Valuation Errors of Valuation Techniques for Selected Horizons,

for Portfolios Formed from a Ranking on Free Cash Flow (to Equity) to Price

Portfolio Horizon Horizon Horizon

Portfolio Attributes at t t+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8

Mean Mean
FCFe /P GAAP E/P Price Model DCFM (TV: 1.04) RIM

1 -1.851 -.001 -0.016 -0.507 -0.932 0.948 1.978 4.220 -0.049 -0.007 -0.123
2 -.505 .068 -0.026 -0.337 -0.479 1.479 2.123 2.358 0.069 0.051 -0.038
3 -.311 .077 -0.009 -0.220 -0.306 2.364 1.603 1.222 0.132 0.120 0.001
4 -.216 .084 -0.016 -0.118 -0.180 2.500 1.449 1.419 0.184 0.162 0.078
5 -.153 .083 -0.022 -0.143 -0.202 2.105 1.134 1.225 0.242 0.193 0.123
6 -.107 .078 -0.007 -0.128 -0.256 1.814 1.122 1.040 0.289 0.200 0.125
7 -.071 .079 -0.030 -0.157 -0.203 1.654 1.292 0.021 0.322 0.204 0.114
8 -.042 .080 -0.035 -0.139 -0.289 1.300 0.991 0.861 0.327 0.220 0.115
9 -.019 .077 -0.039 -0.085 -0.163 1.087 0.913 0.606 0.346 0.251 0.173
10 -.000 .079 -0.028 -0.089 -0.167 1.081 0.611 0.540 0.384 0.277 0.170
11 .015 .078 -0.034 -0.142 -0.278 1.028 -0.174 0.773 0.360 0.251 0.122
12 .030 .085 -0.056 -0.161 -0.252 0.625 0.592 0.281 0.298 0.171 0.070
13 .047 .089 -0.067 -0.192 -0.345 0.719 0.382 0.371 0.220 0.096 0.002
14 .067 .095 -0.066 -0.231 -0.383 0.773 -0.079 0.060 0.157 0.010 -0.112
15 .094 .100 -0.082 -0.271 -0.417 0.760 -0.207 -0.312 0.053 -0.081 -0.180
16 .128 .104 -0.098 -0.346 -0.580 0.598 0.016 0.141 -0.021 -0.162 -0.270
17 .181 .105 -0.089 -0.422 -0.675 0.087 0.406 -0.060 -0.130 -0.250 -0.358
18 .271 .096 -0.132 -0.481 -0.746 -0.023 -0.419 0.864 -0.181 -0.265 -0.357
19 .484 .065 -0.137 -0.549 -0.807 0.121 0.304 0.967 -0.303 -0.356 -0.431
20 2.697 -.178 -0.109 -0.751 -1.188 -0.596 2.243 3.890 -0.231 -0.320 -0.462
Table 4 (continued)

Portfolio Horizon Horizon

Portfolio Attributes at tt+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8

Mean Mean
(Debt+PS)/P GAAP B/P RIM (TV: 1.0) CM

1 4.164 1.147 0.782 0.073 0.343 1.187 0.311 -0.001

2 2.824 .979 0.488 0.109 0.213 0.581 0.167 0.033
3 2.005 .908 0.426 0.221 0.214 0.444 0.234 0.061
4 1.540 .845 0.444 0.208 0.164 0.394 0.235 0.131
5 1.265 .760 0.269 0.268 0.279 0.280 0.197 0.153
6 1.111 .716 0.346 0.188 0.107 0.324 0.170 0.127
7 .928 .672 0.282 0.155 0.168 0.260 0.122 0.097
8 .869 .668 0.221 0.196 0.058 0.274 0.162 0.093
9 .867 .653 0.266 0.278 0.115 0.291 0.208 0.171
10 .642 .614 0.285 0.251 0.090 0.266 0.208 0.130
11 .505 .626 0.270 0.183 0.060 0.223 0.160 0.061
12 .486 .667 0.156 0.125 -0.081 0.175 0.099 0.047
13 .439 .720 0.116 0.119 -0.056 0.037 0.034 0.002
14 .505 .791 0.066 -0.062 -0.013 0.089 -0.045 -0.103
15 .564 .880 0.023 -0.091 -0.266 -0.021 -0.098 -0.137
16 .683 .945 -0.011 -0.112 -0.185 -0.050 -0.185 -0.226
17 .952 1.063 -0.015 -0.109 -0.160 0.008 -0.190 -0.254
18 1.227 1.125 0.024 -0.148 -0.146 0.060 -0.161 -0.228
19 1.649 1.289 0.188 -0.226 -0.189 0.358 -0.137 -0.227
20 3.203 1.259 0.509 -0.069 0.053 0.982 -0.061 -0.335

See notes to Tables 1 and 2.
Table 5

Mean Ex post Valuation Errors of Valuation Techniques for Selected Horizons,

for Portfolios Formed from a Ranking on GAAP E/P Ratios

Portfolio Horizon Horizon Horizon

Portfolio Attributes at t t+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8

Mean Mean
GAAP E/P FCFe /P Price Model DCFM (TV: 1.04) RIM

1 -1.256 1.051 0.050 -1.163 -1.382 -4.165 3.430 3.080 0.491 0.126 0.018
2 -.223 .047 0.030 -0.383 -0.534 -0.602 0.846 1.332 0.063 0.133 0.059
3 -.055 -.041 0.062 -0.179 -0.152 0.407 1.620 2.193 0.233 0.298 0.223
4 .003 -.040 0.066 0.067 0.009 1.082 0.948 1.154 0.415 0.429 0.360
5 .027 -.035 0.048 0.057 -0.001 0.341 0.812 0.959 0.426 0.409 0.350
6 .042 -.056 0.046 -0.051 -0.108 0.881 1.192 0.621 0.369 0.353 0.271
7 .055 -.040 0.044 -0.061 -0.084 1.185 0.944 0.706 0.386 0.317 0.214
8 .062 -.056 0.037 -0.057 -0.146 1.439 1.584 0.314 0.361 0.286 0.194
9 .072 -.043 0.022 -0.078 -0.148 1.631 0.974 0.731 0.337 0.220 0.107
10 .079 -.040 -0.010 -0.113 -0.252 1.362 0.665 0.834 0.290 0.165 0.031
11 .087 -.029 -0.019 -0.166 -0.284 1.184 1.079 0.816 0.252 0.092 -0.040
12 .094 -.030 -0.035 -0.200 -0.381 1.104 0.920 0.981 0.197 0.052 -0.103
13 .102 -.022 -0.042 -0.266 -0.390 0.928 0.567 0.149 0.140 -0.028 -0.187
14 .111 -.019 -0.056 -0.277 -0.478 1.102 0.599 0.043 0.072 -0.069 -0.201
15 .119 -.001 -0.076 -0.350 -0.570 0.571 0.276 -0.143 0.005 -0.142 -0.296
16 .130 -.015 -0.108 -0.417 -0.668 1.120 -0.158 -0.121 -0.080 -0.239 -0.377
17 .144 -.004 -0.103 -0.441 -0.676 0.426 0.523 -0.263 -0.133 -0.268 -0.395
18 .162 -.019 -0.128 -0.527 -0.821 0.867 -0.281 0.313 -0.256 -0.362 -0.477
19 .195 -.035 -0.148 -0.523 -0.896 0.862 0.157 -0.579 -0.348 -0.429 -0.553
20 .358 .148 -0.177 -0.653 -1.091 0.928 -0.058 0.941 -0.532 -0.608 -0.711
Table 5 (continued)

Portfolio Horizon Horizon

Portfolio Attributes at tt+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8

Mean Mean
(Debt+PS)/P GAAP B/P RIM (TV: 1.0) CM

1 4.578 1.120 1.708 0.053 0.382 4.215 0.484 0.123

2 1.751 1.095 1.304 0.302 0.335 1.897 0.534 0.250
3 .922 .764 0.989 0.368 0.503 1.240 0.530 0.312
4 .619 .588 0.753 0.429 0.374 1.095 0.547 0.397
5 .739 .596 0.722 0.369 0.383 0.777 0.425 0.338
6 .772 .635 0.640 0.401 0.202 0.509 0.411 0.266
7 .681 .631 0.522 0.277 0.058 0.319 0.285 0.193
8 .904 .647 0.434 0.259 0.175 0.456 0.270 0.180
9 .831 .663 0.261 0.182 0.117 0.345 0.178 0.098
10 .661 .691 0.255 0.070 0.018 0.286 0.118 0.012
11 .605 .700 0.186 0.082 0.031 0.156 0.019 -0.047
12 .657 .732 0.066 -0.055 -0.169 0.082 -0.008 -0.120
13 .676 .783 0.065 -0.141 -0.118 0.052 -0.096 -0.195
14 .696 .848 0.009 -0.111 -0.146 -0.018 -0.114 -0.201
15 .893 .895 -0.060 -0.177 -0.354 -0.118 -0.197 -0.299
16 1.069 .957 -0.206 -0.243 -0.348 -0.241 -0.295 -0.363
17 1.197 1.022 -0.149 -0.274 -0.165 -0.209 -0.284 -0.359
18 1.425 1.128 -0.210 -0.179 -0.382 -0.381 -0.359 -0.440
19 1.781 1.211 -0.243 -0.422 -0.498 -0.495 -0.379 -0.483
20 2.580 1.438 -0.207 -0.434 -0.302 -0.584 -0.487 -0.577

See notes to Tables 1 and 2.
Table 6

Mean Ex post Valuation Errors of Valuation Techniques for Selected Horizons, for Portfolios
Formed from a Ranking on the Difference Between GAAP Earnings and Free Cash Flow to Price

Portfolio Horizon Horizon Horizon

Portfolio Attributes at t t+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8

Mean Mean
(GAAP E-FCFe )/P FCFe /P Price Model DCFM (TV:1.04) RIM

1 -4.168 2.40881 -0.062 -0.926 -1.348 -3.282 3.755 5.453 0.057 -0.128 -0.289
2 -.568 0.42296 -0.069 -0.508 -0.764 0.233 0.375 2.079 -0.217 -0.229 -0.303
3 -.249 0.24194 -0.074 -0.396 -0.618 0.287 -0.013 0.668 -0.108 -0.133 -0.212
4 -.120 0.16030 -0.066 -0.350 -0.519 0.276 0.124 0.076 0.018 -0.055 -0.136
5 -.050 0.10691 -0.050 -0.186 -0.289 -0.232 0.221 0.365 0.167 0.078 0.011
6 -.009 0.07906 -0.045 -0.177 -0.286 0.839 0.449 -0.033 0.246 0.144 0.077
7 .018 0.06130 -0.034 -0.128 -0.250 0.864 0.173 0.424 0.311 0.198 0.125
8 .039 0.04779 -0.037 -0.130 -0.224 0.633 0.437 0.564 0.321 0.203 0.103
9 .058 0.03818 -0.038 -0.146 -0.234 0.751 0.101 0.396 0.302 0.169 0.079
10 .075 0.02719 -0.051 -0.177 -0.267 0.678 0.430 0.163 0.299 0.173 0.066
11 .093 0.01534 -0.063 -0.175 -0.285 1.069 -0.154 0.644 0.270 0.139 0.058
12 .114 0.00436 -0.061 -0.203 -0.332 1.110 1.050 0.505 0.227 0.117 0.025
13 .139 -0.01991 -0.058 -0.171 -0.265 1.054 0.883 0.737 0.194 0.066 -0.058
14 .169 -0.04539 -0.053 -0.231 -0.396 1.289 0.986 -0.348 0.176 0.082 -0.021
15 .206 -0.08267 -0.059 -0.208 -0.292 1.381 1.082 0.779 0.162 0.049 -0.056
16 .255 -0.12375 -0.058 -0.205 -0.345 1.835 1.452 0.979 0.122 0.033 -0.041
17 .321 -0.17973 -0.050 -0.262 -0.389 2.014 0.846 0.958 0.049 -0.014 -0.137
18 .421 -0.26757 -0.046 -0.247 -0.398 2.513 2.230 1.340 0.017 -0.018 -0.095
19 .617 -0.44429 -0.051 -0.406 -0.608 2.445 1.256 2.324 -0.040 -0.080 -0.199
20 2.028 -1.68530 -0.045 -0.531 -0.971 1.202 2.023 4.150 -0.156 -0.094 -0.196
Table 6 (continued)

Portfolio Horizon Horizon

Portfolio Attributes at tt+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8

Mean Mean

1 -.755 1.205 0.956 0.331 0.526 2.293 0.123 -0.266

2 -.080 1.318 0.523 0.072 -0.027 0.853 0.043 -0.079
3 .024 1.180 0.365 0.134 0.082 0.438 0.051 -0.074
4 .058 .982 0.299 0.167 0.120 0.314 0.016 -0.073
5 .067 .828 0.320 0.241 0.115 0.204 0.053 0.036
6 .077 .749 0.273 0.217 0.121 0.274 0.098 0.077
7 .080 .683 0.268 0.212 0.142 0.235 0.127 0.101
8 .083 .653 0.264 0.160 0.157 0.181 0.132 0.087
9 .086 .646 0.216 0.174 0.148 0.152 0.089 0.071
10 .091 .664 0.198 0.173 0.108 0.158 0.098 0.049
11 .096 .700 0.216 0.217 0.174 0.174 0.081 0.048
12 .099 .731 0.176 0.156 0.113 0.102 0.082 0.033
13 .102 .766 0.183 0.128 -0.029 0.084 0.012 -0.037
14 .102 .790 0.179 0.146 0.104 0.119 0.056 -0.015
15 .105 .812 0.220 0.095 0.130 0.145 0.006 -0.041
16 .108 .862 0.215 0.164 0.117 0.154 0.038 0.006
17 .112 .922 0.182 0.105 0.023 0.120 0.039 -0.075
18 .114 .984 0.290 0.119 0.187 0.212 0.065 -0.035
19 .125 1.039 0.309 0.078 0.094 0.269 0.022 -0.138
20 .127 1.183 0.600 0.221 0.324 0.745 0.208 -0.056

See notes to Tables 1 and 2.
Table 7

Mean Ex post Valuation Errors of Valuation Techniques for Selected Horizons,

for Portfolios Formed from a Ranking on B/P Ratios and E/P Ratios

Portfolio Horizon Horizon Horizon

Portfolio Attributes at t t+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8

Mean Mean
GAAP B/P GAAP E/P Price Model DCFM (TV: 1.04) RIM

1 .091 -.522 0.091 -0.471 -0.740 0.163 2.001 2.557 1.065 0.626 0.499
2 .319 -.012 0.087 0.059 0.019 1.103 1.235 1.576 0.704 0.651 0.557
3 .361 .028 0.072 0.148 0.107 1.166 1.123 1.014 0.649 0.561 0.489
4 .400 .045 0.061 0.083 0.052 1.385 1.049 0.839 0.602 0.528 0.471
5 .432 .057 0.024 -0.004 -0.068 1.553 1.104 0.548 0.556 0.442 0.332
6 .476 .069 0.004 -0.065 -0.152 1.268 1.139 0.734 0.498 0.364 0.241
7 .523 .081 -0.012 -0.101 -0.179 0.930 0.727 0.698 0.441 0.292 0.173
8 .584 .094 -0.029 -0.160 -0.249 0.923 0.630 0.465 0.382 0.227 0.115
9 .645 .107 -0.038 -0.270 -0.418 0.892 0.809 -0.011 0.304 0.144 0.020
10 .691 .126 -0.089 -0.404 -0.552 0.836 0.582 0.653 0.252 0.042 -0.137
11 .685 .192 -0.118 -0.462 -0.719 1.026 -0.176 0.670 0.233 0.004 -0.165
12 .996 .108 -0.037 -0.245 -0.342 0.776 -0.103 -0.324 0.022 -0.016 -0.083
13 2.215 -.581 -0.017 -0.670 -0.839 -4.410 1.376 1.725 -0.615 -0.163 -0.182
14 1.710 -.054 0.028 -0.277 -0.338 -0.309 1.728 1.244 -0.453 -0.175 -0.149
15 1.492 .056 0.002 -0.252 -0.289 -1.345 0.828 0.813 -0.360 -0.184 -0.200
16 1.449 .097 -0.018 -0.239 -0.425 0.674 0.901 0.916 -0.343 -0.229 -0.285
17 1.438 .125 -0.057 -0.387 -0.667 0.032 -0.319 0.289 -0.371 -0.310 -0.394
18 1.465 .149 -0.100 -0.481 -0.772 -0.052 -0.026 -0.181 -0.437 -0.424 -0.504
19 1.516 .183 -0.144 -0.528 -0.878 0.476 -0.521 -0.108 -0.534 -0.521 -0.559
20 1.833 .328 -0.187 -0.720 -1.091 -0.331 -0.791 -0.405 -0.814 -0.695 -0.766
Table 7 (continued)

Portfolio Horizon Horizon Horizon

Portfolio Attributes at t t+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8 t+1 t+5 t+8

Mean Mean
(Debt+PS)/P FCFe /P RIM (TV: 1.0) RIM (TV: 1.04) CM

1 1.846 .457 0.917 0.358 0.240 0.916 0.056 -0.079 1.644 0.332 0.247
2 .454 -.091 0.824 0.421 0.604 0.753 0.169 0.489 1.130 0.661 0.496
3 .455 -.081 0.661 0.504 0.451 0.519 0.330 0.284 0.706 0.507 0.438
4 .408 -.079 0.580 0.467 0.297 0.383 0.266 0.035 0.479 0.450 0.419
5 .481 -.058 0.386 0.262 0.267 0.099 -0.019 0.050 0.398 0.327 0.247
6 .445 -.052 0.306 0.209 0.072 -0.011 -0.084 -0.233 0.296 0.234 0.161
7 .425 -.043 0.188 0.135 0.205 -0.175 -0.170 -0.001 0.190 0.147 0.097
8 .513 -.033 0.129 0.034 0.037 -0.264 -0.315 -0.242 0.150 0.062 0.028
9 .662 -.029 0.068 -0.035 -0.066 -0.353 -0.410 -0.390 -0.041 -0.051 -0.101
10 .833 -.028 -0.096 -0.244 -0.065 -0.604 -0.711 -0.352 -0.173 -0.218 -0.300
11 1.099 .014 -0.266 -0.281 -0.177 -0.892 -0.805 -0.562 -0.442 -0.318 -0.370
12 1.399 .032 0.182 -0.021 -0.139 -0.192 -0.384 -0.486 0.153 -0.029 -0.104
13 3.708 .641 2.128 0.474 0.428 2.689 0.238 0.183 4.355 1.010 0.331
14 2.232 .061 1.161 0.376 0.129 1.257 0.162 -0.138 1.678 0.398 0.183
15 2.188 .029 0.590 0.080 -0.022 0.403 -0.247 -0.327 0.901 0.155 -0.018
16 1.839 -.017 0.487 0.031 -0.072 0.269 -0.290 -0.370 0.580 0.051 -0.150
17 1.833 .012 0.150 -0.131 -0.344 -0.238 -0.527 -0.772 0.226 -0.130 -0.311
18 1.762 .019 -0.092 -0.247 -0.364 -0.604 -0.679 -0.791 -0.056 -0.285 -0.419
19 2.340 -.016 -0.115 -0.177 -0.330 -0.642 -0.593 -0.775 -0.289 -0.373 -0.450
20 3.694 .160 -0.041 -0.665 -0.274 -0.556 -1.412 -0.734 -0.520 -0.394 -0.592

See notes to Tables 1 and 2.

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