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IBPS RRB PO Pre 2021 – Bundle PDF Course: Reasoning – Day-8/50 (Eng)

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IBPS RRB PO Pre 2021 – Bundle PDF Course: Reasoning – Day-8/50 (Eng)

Reasoning Ability

Direction (1-5): Study the following information C. Three

carefully and answer the questions given below. D. Four
E. Five
1) How many vowels are there which are
immediately followed by a symbol? 5) Four of the following five are alike in a certain
A. Two way and thus form a group as per the given
B. Three arrangement. Which of the following does not
C. One belong to that group?
D. Four A. E2
E. None B. 9O
2) If the last seventeen elements are reversed, D. 2G
then which of the following element is nineteenth E. %T
from the left end?
A. @ Direction (6-10): Study the following information
B. $ carefully and answer the questions given below.
C. T Eight people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W
D. 6 are sitting in a linear row facing north. They likes
E. I different colors like red, yellow, green, blue,
black, white, orange, and pink not necessarily in
3) Find the next element (?) in the series. A+E, the same order. The consecutive alphabetically
N1V, #QI,? named person does not sit adjacent to each
A. XSQ other.
B. K*G Two persons sit between Q and P, who
C. XSG likes green. As many persons sit to the right of V
D. *2G is one less than the persons who sit to the left of
E. None of these V, who likes red color. The person who likes
green sits immediate left of the person who likes
4) How many consonants are immediately red. Only one person sits between V and the
preceded by a symbol and immediately followed person who likes pink. W sits fifth to the right of
by a number? S, who is neither an immediate neighbor of P nor
A. One sits at the extreme ends. At most two persons sit
B. Two between U and R, both of them neither likes pink

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IBPS RRB PO Pre 2021 – Bundle PDF Course: Reasoning – Day-8/50 (Eng)

nor black. R likes yellow color but neither an D. T-green

immediate neighbor of P nor sits at the end. Both E. S-orange
S and Q likes neither black nor orange. The one
who likes white does not sit at the extreme ends. 10) Who sits fifth to the left of the person who
6) Who among the following person likes likes yellow?
Orange? A. S
A. V B. U
B. T C. Q
C. U D. The person who likes blue
D. P E. Both C & D
E. None of these
Directions (11-15): Study the following
7) How many persons sit between S and the information carefully and answer the below
person who likes black color? questions
A. Four Eight boxes –R, S, T, U, V, W, X, and Y are
B. Three arranged in four different shelves of two stacks-
C. Two Stack1 and Stack2 from West to East. The
D. Five lowermost shelf is numbered as one and the
E. Six topmost shelf is numbered as four. All the
information is not necessarily in the same order.
8) Four of the following five are alike in a certain Box V has kept in even number shelf. Box X has
way and thus form a group as per the given kept the southeast stack of Box V. Box X has
arrangement. Which of the following does not kept in odd numbered shelf. Only one shelf is
belong to that group? between Box X and Box W, both kept at the
A. SP same stack. The number of shelves below box
B. VT W is the same as the number of shelves above
C. PR box S. Box S has kept southeast of Box R which
D. QU does not keep at the topmost shelf. Box U has
E. RT kept the north-east of box R. Box Y has kept
above box T, none of them kept on the adjacent
9) Find the correct combination? shelves.
A. P-yellow 11) Which of the following box kept on shelf 2?
B. Q-red A. Box U
C. W-pink B. Box Y

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C. Box X 15) What is the direction of Box T with respect to

D. Box S box Y?
E. The box which has kept west of Box W A. North-east
B. North
12) Four of the following are alike in a certain C. South
way. Which of the following one does not belong D. South-west
to the group? E. South-east
A. The box which has kept to the east of box Y
B. The box which has kept to the west of box S Direction (16-20): Study the following information
C. Box V carefully and answer the questions given below.
D. Box R Ten peoples M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U,
E. Box Y and V are going to a milk shop due to lockdown
restriction they were buying the milk one after
13) Which of the following statement is/are true? another in a sequence manner.
I. Box U and Box W are kept on an adjacent Only three persons buy the milk before T.
shelf Two persons buy the milk between T and S.
II. Box X kept at the odd number stack Only one person buys the milk between S and P.
III. Only one shelf is between box U and box T The number of persons buys the milk between T
IV. Box V has kept southwest of Box W and S is one more than the number of persons
A. Only I and III buys the milk between T and Q, who buys before
B. Only III and IV T. V buys four persons after Q. N and U buy the
C. Only I and IV milk neither at the first nor at the last. O buys
D. Only II and IV four persons before M. At least two persons buy
E. None of these between M and U.
16) Who among the following persons buys the
14) On which of the following shelf and stack milk at last?
does Box T kept? A. P
A. Stack2, Shelf2 B. N
B. Stack1, Shelf2 C. R
C. Stack1, Shelf3 D. U
D. Stack1, Shelf1 E. T
E. Stack2, Shelf3
17) If O is related to R and N is related to U, then
who among the following person is related to V?

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A. The person who buys the milk immediately E. Both B & D

after T
B. S 19) How many persons buy the milk after S?
C. M A. Two
D. Both A & B B. Four
E. Both A & C C. Three
D. Six
18) How many persons buy the milk between U E. No one
and M?
A. As many persons buy the milk between M and 20) Which of the following statements is true
N regarding T?
B. As many persons buy the milk between T and A. Only two persons buy the milk before T
S B. T buys the milk immediately before M
C. As many persons buy the milk between N and C. Three persons buy the milk between T and S
S D. Five persons buy the milk after T
D. As many persons buy the milk between S and E. None is true

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Answer Key with Explanation

1) Answer: B

The nineteenth element from the left end after

E&, O#, I^. reversing the last seventeen elements is $.

2) Answer: B 3) Answer: C

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IBPS RRB PO Pre 2021 – Bundle PDF Course: Reasoning – Day-8/50 (Eng)

A+E, N1V, #QI, XSG

4) Answer: A


5) Answer: C

Second elements are third to the right from the

first element, but V is third to the left of P.

Directions (6-10):
Again we have,
6) Answer C
 W sits fifth to the right of S, who is neither
7) Answer D
an immediate neighbor of P nor sits at the
8) Answer B
extreme ends.
9) Answer C
 At most two persons sit between U and
10) Answer E
R, both of them neither likes pink nor
Final arrangement:
 R likes yellow color but neither an
immediate neighbor of P nor sits at the
end. Both S and Q likes neither black nor

We have, orange.

 Two persons sit between Q and P, who  The one who likes white does not sit at

likes green. the extreme ends. so case-2, case-3 and

 As many persons sit to the right of V is case-4 are eliminated.

one less than the persons who sit to the

left of V, who likes red color.
 The person who likes green sits
immediate left of the person who likes red.
 Only one person sits between V and the
person who likes pink

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IBPS RRB PO Pre 2021 – Bundle PDF Course: Reasoning – Day-8/50 (Eng)

 Box X has kept on an odd numbered shelf.

From the above condition, there are three

Again we have,
 Only one shelf between Box X and Box W,
both kept at the same stack.
Directions (11-15):  The number of shelves below box W is the
11) Answer: D same as the number of shelves above box
12) Answer: D S.
13) Answer: C  Box S has kept southeast of Box R which
14) Answer: D does not kept at the topmost shelf.
15) Answer: C From the above condition, case1 gets eliminated.
Final Arrangement

Again we have,

We have,  Box U has kept the northeast stack of box

 Box V has kept in even number shelf. R.

 Box X has kept the southeast stack of Box  Box Y has kept above box T, none of them

V. kept on the adjacent shelves.

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IBPS RRB PO Pre 2021 – Bundle PDF Course: Reasoning – Day-8/50 (Eng)

From the above condition, case3 gets eliminated.  Only one person buys the milk between S
Case2 shows the final arrangement. and P.
 The number of persons who buys the
milk between T and S is one more than
between T and Q, who buys before T.
 V buys four persons after Q.

Directions (16-20):
16) Answer C
17) Answer E
18) Answer E
19) Answer C
20) Answer B
Again we have,
Final arrangement:
 N and U buy the milk neither at first nor at
 O buys four persons before M.
 At least two persons buy between M and
U. so case-1 and case-2 are eliminated.

We have,
 Only three persons buy the milk before T.
 Two persons buy the milk between T and

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IBPS RRB PO Pre 2021 – Bundle PDF Course: Reasoning – Day-8/50 (Eng)

Dear Friends, this is the Special Paid Bundle PDF Course which was made because of the
Hard work of Our Experts Team. This PDF Course consists of High-Standard Questions on
Reasoning, Quants, English, Current Affairs Quiz, Static GK Quiz and Banking Awareness Quiz
Exactly on Exam Level. Total 40,000 Questions and Course Duration is of 50 Days for each
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IBPS RRB PO Pre 2021 – Bundle PDF Course: Aptitude – Day-8/50 (Eng)

Dear Friends, this is the Special Paid Bundle PDF Course which was made because of the
Hard work of Our Experts Team. This PDF Course consists of High-Standard Questions on
Reasoning, Quants, English, Current Affairs Quiz, Static GK Quiz and Banking Awareness Quiz
Exactly on Exam Level. Total 40,000 Questions and Course Duration is of 50 Days for each
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IBPS RRB PO Pre 2021 – Bundle PDF Course: Aptitude – Day-8/50 (Eng)

Quantitative Aptitude

1) Ram ,Shyam, and Jadhu start a business with A. 6

investments of Rs 6000,Rs.3500,Rs.4500 B. 7
respectively, after 6 months Dhruv also joined C. 5
with them with Rs.5000, after a year they earn a D. 4
profit of Rs.33000, what is the share of Dhruv? E. 8
A. 4000
B. 5000 5) A shopkeeper marked his book’s price as
C. 6000 Rs.800, after that he had given 2 successive
D. 7000 discounts of 5% and 10%. If the cost price of the
E. 8000 book is Rs.500, how much was his profit or loss?
A. 164
2) A container contains 5 red balls, 4 green balls, B. 174
and 6 blue balls. If we drop 2 balls from the C. 184
container. What is the probability of getting 2 red D. 194
balls? E. 154
A. 1/11
B. 2/11 6)
C. 1/21 Quantity I: What will be the selling price of an
D. 2/21 item after giving 10% and 20% discounts on the
E. None of these marked price of Rs.1000 ?
Quantity II: Rs.700
3) A train whose length is 400 m crosses a lamp A. Quantity I > Quantity II
post in 8 seconds. How much time (in seconds) B. Quantity I < Quantity II
is required by the train to cross a 400 meter long C. Quantity I >= Quantity II
platform? D. Quantity I <= Quantity II
A. 15 E. Quantity I = Quantity II
B. 16
C. 17 7)
D. 18 Quantity I: The length of a cuboid is 14cm,
E. 19 breadth is 12cm and height is 8cm. What is the
4) The speed of a boat upstream is 4km/hr, and volume of the cuboid ?
downstream is 12 km/hr. Find the speed of the Quantity II: The side of a cube = 11 cm , what is
current. the volume of the cube ?

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A. Quantity I > Quantity II Quantity II: A box contains 2 red balls and 3 blue
B. Quantity I < Quantity II balls .If we drop 2 balls from the box, what is the
C. Quantity I >= Quantity II probability of those 2 balls being red?
D. Quantity I <= Quantity II A. Quantity I > Quantity II
E. Quantity I = Quantity II B. Quantity I < Quantity II
C. Quantity I >= Quantity II
8) D. Quantity I <= Quantity II
Quantity I: The diagonal of a square is 12√2cm . E. Quantity I = Quantity II
What is the area of that square?
Quantity II: The length of a rectangle is 14cm 10)
and the breadth is 10 cm, what is the area of the Quantity I: The present age of a father is 40
rectangle? years. After 10 years his age will be double the
A. Quantity I > Quantity II age of his son. What is the present age of his
B. Quantity I < Quantity II son?
C. Quantity I >= Quantity II Quantity II: 15
D. Quantity I <= Quantity II A. Quantity I > Quantity II
E. Quantity I = Quantity II B. Quantity I < Quantity II
C. Quantity I >= Quantity II
9) D. Quantity I <= Quantity II
Quantity I: 0.09 E. Quantity I = Quantity II

Directions (11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions
There are 5 different colonies A, B, C, D, E. Each colony has different number of male and female
Below the given two pie charts represent the percentage distribution of different colonies of male and
female voters.

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Note: Total number of voters= 64000. Ratio of male and female voters= 5:3

11) What is the ratio of male and female voters C. 7200

in colony A? D. 8400
A. 10:11 E. 6900
B. 23:22
C. 20:9 13) What is the average number of male voters
D. 11:13 in D and E colony?
E. None of these A. 1000
B. 7000
12) What is the total number of female votes in C C. 1200
and D colony? D. 1300
A. 3600 E. 1400
B. 5800

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14) What is the difference between male and B.30

female voters in C colony? C.35
A. 3000 D.20
B. 2500 E.40
C. 1000
D. 3500 19) 14% of 8100 + 12% of 250 = ?
E. 7200 A.1140
15) What is the central angle of male voters in D C.1164
colony? D.1840
A. 60 E. None of these
B. 45
C. 75 20) (12167)(1/3) + (19683)(1/3) + (841)(1/2) = ?
D. 90 A.81
E. 120 B.79
Direction (16-21): What value should come in the D.85
place of (?) in the following questions. E.87
16) 120% of 440 + 25% of 560 = ? * √16
A.151 21) 12% of 75/6 of 840 = ? + 260
B.157 A.500
C.163 B.750
D.167 C.1000
E.173 D.1250
E. None of these
17) 18/5 * 216/3 * 25/12 * ? = 1080
A.1 Directions (22-27): What value should come in
B.2 the place of (?) in the following number series?
C.3 22) 12, 37, 114, 347, 1048, ?
D.4 A.2096
E. None of these B.3153
18) 3850 ÷ √196 – 1350 ÷ 18 = ? * 8 D.3024
A.25 E.2902

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23) 24, 84, 252, 630, ?, 1890
A.720 Directions (28-33): What approximate value
B.960 should come in the place of (?) in the following
C.1260 questions.
D.1080 28) (29.892 * √290) + 32.98 * 6.91 = ?
E.945 A.732
24) 171, 196, 232, ?, 345, 426 C.761
A.270 D.752
B.281 E.751
D.300 29) 114.902% of 60.11 – 18.92 * √5= ?
E. None of these A.31
25) 35, 50, 75, 120, ?, 310 C.33
A.180 D.44
B.240 E.45
D.210 30) (8.18 + 888.81 + 18.18) ÷ 14.91 = ?
E.195 A.48
26) 28, 29, 60, ?, 736, 3685 C.61
A.120 D.68
B.145 E.76
D.419 31) 32.12 % of 249.98 + 38.19 % of 2499.98 -
E.617 √35 = ?2
27) 14, 210, 354, ?, 518, 554 B.37
A.396 C.39
B.432 D.32
C.456 E.28

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32) (32.15)2 – (255.89)(1/2) – (10648.08)(1/3) = ? D.160

A.986 E.209
C.956 37) 96, 420, 131, 385, 162, 358
D.946 A.385
E.966 B.162
33) 33.33% of 809.891 + 66.66% of 212.91= ? D.358
A.388 E.131
C.392 38) 100, 115, 150, 190, 250, 325
D.418 A.100
E.422 B.115
Directions (34-39): Find out the wrong number in D.190
the following number series. E.250
34) 339, 341, 345, 353, 369, 400
A.400 39) 75, 125, 170, 210, 245, 295
B.341 A.245
C.345 B.170
D.353 C.210
E.339 D.125
35) 15, 14, 26, 76, 296, 1475
A.15 Directions (40 - 45): Following question contains
B.14 two equations as I and II. You have to solve both
C.26 equations and determine the relationship
D.76 between them and give answer as,
E.296 40)
I) x2 + 18x - 115 = 0
36) 244, 243, 234, 209, 160, 78 II) y2 – 24y + 95 = 0
A.243 A. x> y
B.234 B. x ≥ y
C.78 Cx = y or relationship can’t be determined.

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D. x< y A. x> y
E. x ≤ y B. x ≥ y
C. x = y or relationship can’t be determined.
41) D. x< y
I) x2 – 12x - 108 = 0 E. x ≤ y
II) y2 + 28y + 132 = 0
A. x> y 44)
B. x ≥ y I) x2 - 12x - 133 = 0
C. x = y or relationship can’t be determined. II) y2 + 17y + 72 = 0
D. x< y A. x> y
E. x ≤ y B. x ≥ y
C. x = y or relationship can’t be determined.
42) D. x< y
I) x2 – 25x + 100 = 0 E. x ≤ y
II) y2 - y - 156 = 0
A. x> y 45)
B. x ≥ y I) x2 – 20x + 99 = 0
C. x = y or relationship can’t be determined. II) y2 – 27y + 182 = 0
D. x< y A. x> y
E. x ≤ y B. x ≥ y
C. x = y or relationship can’t be determined.
43) D. x< y
I) x2 + 44x + 480 = 0 E. x ≤ y
II) y2 + 5y – 300 = 0

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Answer Key with Explanation

1) Answer: B Quantity I: Volume = 14*12*8 = 1344cm3
The ratio of their investment= 6000*12 : 3500*12 Quantity II: Volume = 11*11*11 = 1331 cm3
: 4500*12 : 5000*6 Quantity I > Quantity II
So,the share of Dhruv= 5/33 *33000 = Rs.5000 8) Answer: A
Quantity I: The diagonal= 12√2
2) Answer: D so , the side= 12 cm
The required probability = 5c2/15c2 So, the area= 12*12=144cm2
= 5*4/14*15 = 2/21 Quantity II: The area of the rectangle=
3) Answer: B Quantity I > Quantity II
The speed of the train= 400/8= 50 m/sec
So required time= [400+400]/50 = 800/50 = 16 9) Answer: B
sec The required probability = 2c2/5c2 = 1/10 = 0.1
Quantity I< Quantity II
4) Answer: D
The required speed = [downstream speed - 10) Answer: E
upstream speed]/2 The age of the father after 10 years will be =
=[12 - 4]/2 = 4 km/hr 40+10=50 years
Then the age of his son will be 50/2 = 25 years
5) Answer: C So in present his son’s age will be= 25-10 = 15
The marked price = Rs.800 years
After giving discount, the selling price will be Quantity I = Quantity II
= 800 * 95/100 * 90/100
= Rs.684 Directions (11-15):
So, the profit = 684 - 500=Rs.184 The total number of voters = 64000
The ratio of male and female = 5:3
6) Answer: A So the male votes = 64000* ⅝ = 40000
The required selling price = 1000 * 90/100 * And, female voters = 24000
80/100 = Rs.720 Male
Quantity I > Quantity II 20%= 40000*20/100 = 8000 in A colony
Similarly we get
7) Answer: A

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18) Answer: A
3850 ÷ √196 – 1350 ÷ 18 = ? * 8
275 – 75 = ? * 8
? = 25

19) Answer: C
14% of 8100 + 12% of 250 = ?
=> 1134 + 30
11) Answer: C => 1164
The required ratio = 8000:3600 = 20:9
20) Answer: B
12) Answer: C (12167)(1/3) + (19683)(1/3) + (841)(1/2) = ?
The required total number= 4800+2400 = 7200 23 + 27 + 29 = ?
? = 79
13) Answer: B
The required average= [10000+4000]/2 = 7000 21) Answer: C
12% of 75/6 of 840 = ? + 260
14) Answer: E => 12/100 * 10500 – 260
The required difference=(12000 - 4800) = 7200 => 1000

15) Answer: D 22) Answer: B

Central angle= 25/100 * 360 = 90 degrees 12 * 3 + 1 = 37
37 * 3 + 3 = 114
16) Answer: D 114 * 3 + 5 = 347
120% of 440 + 25% of 560 = ? * √16 347 * 3 + 7 = 1048
528 + 140 = ? * 4 1048 * 3 + 9 = 3153
? = 668/4
? = 167 23) Answer: C
24 * 3.5 = 84
17) Answer: B 84 * 3 = 252
18/5 * 216/3 * 25/12 * ? = 1080 252 * 2.5 = 630
=> 1080 * 5 * 3 * 12/(18 * 216 * 25) 630 * 2 = 1260
=> 2 1260 * 1.5 = 1890

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24) Answer: B 114.902% of 60.11 – 18.92 * √5 = ?

171 + 52 = 196 69 – 38= ?
196 + 62 = 232 ? = 31
232 + 72 = 281
281 + 82 = 345 30) Answer: C
345 + 92 = 426 (8.18 + 888.81 + 18.18) ÷ 14.91 = ?
915/15 = ?
25) Answer: E ? = 61
35 + 15 = 50
50 + 25 = 75 31) Answer: D
75 + 45 = 120 32.12 % of 249.98 + 38.19 % of 2499.98 - √35 =
120 + 75 = 195 ?2
195 + 115 = 310 80 + 950 – 6 = ?2
32 = ?
26) Answer: C
28 * 1 + 1 = 29 32) Answer: A
29 * 2 + 2 = 60 (32.15)2 – (255.89)(1/2) – (10648.08)(1/3) = ?
60 * 3 + 3 = 183 1024 – 16 – 22= ?
183 * 4 + 4 = 736 1024 – 38 = ?
736 * 5 + 5 = 3685 ? = 986

27) Answer: E 33) Answer: B

14 + 142 = 210 33.33% of 809.891 + 66.66% of 212.91 = ?
210 + 122 = 354 270 + 142= ?
354 + 102 = 454 ? = 412
454 + 82 = 518
518 + 62 = 554 34) Answer: A
339 + 2 = 341
28) Answer: B 341 + 2*2 = 345
(29.892 * √290) + 32.98 * 6.91 = ? 345 + 2*2*2 = 353
510 + 231= ? 353 + 2*2*2*2 = 369
? = 741 369 + 2*2*2*2*2 = 401

29) Answer: A 35) Answer: D

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(15 * 1) – 1 = 14 40) Answer: E

(14 * 2) – 2 = 26 x2 + 18x - 115 = 0
(26 * 3) – 3 = 75 (not 76) x2 + 23x – 5x – 115 = 0
(75 * 4) – 4 = 296 x(x + 23) – 5(x + 23) = 0
296 * 5 – 5 = 1475 (x – 5)(x + 23) = 0
x = 5, -23
36) Answer: C y2 – 24y + 95 = 0
244 – 12 = 243 y2 – 19y – 5y + 95 = 0
243 – 32 = 234 y(y – 19) – 5(y – 19) = 0
234 – 52 = 209 (y – 5)(y – 19) = 0
209 – 72 = 160 y = 5, 19
160 – 92 = 79 Hence, x ≤ y.

37) Answer: A 41) Answer: B

96 + 182 = 420 x2 – 12x - 108 = 0
420 – 172 = 131 x2 – 18x + 6x – 108 = 0
131 + 162 = 387 x(x – 18) + 6(x – 18) = 0
387 – 152 = 162 (x + 6)(x – 18) = 0
162 + 142 = 358 x = -6, 18
y2 + 28y + 132 = 0
38) Answer: C y2 + 6y + 22y + 132 = 0
100 + 15 * 1 = 115 y(y + 6) + 22(y + 6) = 0
115 + 15 * 2 = 145 (y + 22)(y + 6) = 0
145 + 15 * 3 = 190 y = -6, -22
190 + 15 * 4 = 250 Hence, x ≥ y.
250 + 15 * 5 = 325
42) Answer: C
39) Answer: E x2 – 25x + 100 = 0
75 + 50 = 125 x2 – 20x – 5x + 100 = 0
125 + 45 = 170 x(x – 20) – 5(x – 20) = 0
170 + 40 = 210 (x – 5)(x – 20) = 0
210 + 35 = 245 x = 5, 20
245 + 30 = 275 y2 - y - 156 = 0
y2 – 13y + 12y – 156 = 0

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IBPS RRB PO Pre 2021 – Bundle PDF Course: Aptitude – Day-8/50 (Eng)

y(y – 13) + 12(y – 13) = 0 x(x – 19) + 7(x – 19) = 0

(y + 12)(y – 13) = 0 (x + 7)(x – 19) = 0
y = -12, 13 x = -7, 19
Relationship between x and y cannot be y2 + 17y + 72 = 0
established. y2 + 8y + 9y + 72 = 0
y(y + 8) + 9(y + 8) = 0
43) Answer: E (y + 9)(y + 8) = 0
x2 + 44x + 480 = 0 y = -9, -8
x2 + 24x + 20x + 480 = 0 Hence, x > y.
x(x + 24) + 20(x + 24) = 0
(x + 20)(x + 24) = 0 45) Answer: D
x = -20, -24 x2 – 20x + 99 = 0
y2 + 5y – 300 = 0 x2 – 11x – 9x + 99 = 0
y2 + 20y – 15y – 300 x(x – 11) – 9(x – 11) = 0
y(y + 20) – 15(y + 20) = 0 (x – 9)(x – 11) = 0
(y – 15)(y + 20) = 0 x = 9, 11
y = 15, -20 y2 – 27y + 182 = 0
Hence, x ≤ y. y2 – 13y – 14y + 182 = 0
y(y – 13) – 14(y – 13) = 0
44) Answer: A (y – 14)(y – 13) = 0
x2 - 12x - 133 = 0 y = 14, 13
x2 – 19x + 7x – 133 = 0 Hence, x < y.

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