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Classroom Observation Report

Faculty Name: Robin Pegg Faculty Status: Full Time Faculty

Course: GH 120 Therapeutic Relationships. Observer: Matt Mekkes

Date, Time, Location of Observation: 11/12/2019 12:00-1:30

Instructions: This form provides a suggested list of desired characteristics or behaviors for the observer to consider while in the classroom. It should not be
considered an exhaustive checklist. Observers are encouraged to make comments on the elements they observe, indicating both strengths and areas for
improvement. Comments should be collegial, constructive, practical, meaningful and explicit in nature.

After a post observation meeting, this report should be submitted to the appropriate department head or program director and Associate Dean.

The syllabus for this course should be reviewed using GRCC’s syllabus template at

Review section: Behaviors to be considered include

but are not limited to: Description / Comments
ORGANIZATION Student materials provided through slide deck linked into BB prior
• Organizes subject matter
to scheduled start of class. Begins class with agenda and learning
objectives for the day. Verbal recap of prior class and connection to
• Evidences preparation
• Emphasizes and summarizes main points current class concepts.
• Stays focused on and meets stated objectives Excellent use of focused learning activities to address identified
learning objectives for the course.

PARTICIPATION and ENGAGEMENT Excellent facilitation of numerous and varied opportunities to

engage with content. At 2/3 point of semester, it is evident that
• Demonstrates respectful, fair, and impartial behaviors
there is a culture of expected participation in the classroom. Verbal
• Provides prompting, affirming and/or constructive feedback
participation observed without prompting, student engagement
• Encourages student participation
• Engages students
was spontaneous and increased as the midpoint of class
• Uses student names approached. This is a wonderful thing in a three hour, one day a
• Asks open ended questions week course.
• Uses appropriate wait time
• Uses paraphrasing or echoes student responses
• Moves around the room Frequent use of open-ended questions. Students addressed by
name. Consider additional paraphrase/restatement where

TEACHING METHODS Began with agenda and overview. Oriented student to plan and
• Uses relevant teaching methods
summarized previous class. Visual aid clear, engaging, great use of
• Uses a variety of teaching strategies key visuals, and video clips to maintain interest.
• Orients students Spontaneous deviations that were appropriate. Discussion directed
• Assesses student understanding portions of lecture direction. Chris Klein video segment: (using ACC)
• Addresses student learning styles devices. (Donald Miller-Blue like Jazz).
• Summarizes learning
What do you KNOW about Autism? 5 things group work, posting,
other student review. Instructor summarized and clarified.
Neuro-tribes Video Segment (Book) Steve Silberman
5 Things: What do you KNOW about Autism? Group work, posting,
other student review. Instructor summarized and clarified.
Clear discussion directions in small groups. Reporting out.
Circulated and monitored.

PRESENTATION Good energy and animation, appropriate voice projection that was
• Uses approachable, positive body language
easy to hear throughout room.
• Establishes and maintains eye contact with students
• Pans the room
Circulated during instruction and during table work/group work to
• Uses a clear voice that can be easily heard
• Demonstrates professional demeanor
“check in” observing and redirecting. Created periods of
comfortable silence to facilitate discussion. Great use of examples
from personal and professional experiences to illustrate principles.
Encouraged students to share personal experiences as well.

MANAGEMENT Started class as scheduled. Briefly welcomed and integrated

• Uses time appropriately
students arriving late. Professional but comfortable tone to
• Facilitates class interactions classroom. Time used effectively through period of observation.
• Promotes civility in the class room
• Makes good use of space Excellent pace to instruction. Maintained energy while leaving time
for reflection.
Grouped desks with orientation towards board to allow fluid
movement between large and small group.

Overall Comments: Thoughts for Conversation:

It brings me joy to watch you in the classroom. Teaching is one of
the things you are meant to do! One of the significant differences I Allowing questions to direct class discussion flow. Why and how?
noted from last semester is a slightly less structured classroom With what constraints?
learning experience. I mean this is a positive way, as you allowed
portions of the class to unfold and be directed by student questions,
experiences, and observations. In just your second semester of How do you know in the moment that students are getting it
teaching the course, this is evidence of a confident instructor with instead of just being entertained?
clear command of the content. While not always possible or even
the most effective method for all content, this flexibility can allow
Why is the intentional relationship model so challenging for
student curiosity to create connections between content and clarify
students to “get” and how can this better be communicated?
the things still “rolling” around in their heads.

As a classroom guest, I went from observing to wanting to

participate, ask questions, and share experiences. In other words, I
got sucked in! Thank you for your intentionality in creating quality
instruction to benefit our students. Thank you for making our team

Final – May 2015

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