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The construction of rainwater collection systems for any purpose whatsoever is regulated by
Section 31 of the Sewerage and Drainage Act. The owner, developer, QP or PE shall submit
an application to obtain the approval of PUB under s.31 and comply with the following

1. PUB’s Requirements

a) There shall be no inter-connection between the potable and non-potable water pipes. A
vertical physical air gap of at least 150mm shall be provided between the potable
water discharge point and the top of the rainwater collection tank to ensure no risk of
contamination to the potable water supply.

b) The pipes and fittings, which are served by the non-potable water system, shall be
clearly differentiated from the potable water system by means of colour coding. The
pipes shall be marked clearly at intervals with the wording: 'Non-potable water. ‘Not
for drinking'.

c) All water service works shall be carried out in accordance with the Public Utilities
(Water Supply) Regulations and Singapore Standard SS 636:2018- Code of Practice
for Water Services. All water fittings used shall also comply with the standards
stipulated by PUB, which can be found at http// under web page

2. Pollution Control and Environmental Health Requirements

a) The collected rainwater shall be used strictly for non-potable purposes and shall be
limited to general washing (not including washing of hands/face, showering, bathing
and brushing of teeth as these activities may lead to the accidental ingestion of the
non-potable water), toilet flushing and landscape irrigation only. To prevent the
unwitting use of the harvested rainwater for potable purposes, please also display
clearly at the points of use the label “non-potable use only/not for drinking”.

b) The owner/operator of the rainwater collection system shall implement the necessary
management control and water quality monitoring measures so as to ensure that only
clean and uncontaminated rainwater will be collected by the system.

c) Waste water generated from the use of rainwater in general washing shall be collected
and discharged into the public sewer in accordance to the allowable discharge limits
stipulated in the Sewerage and Drainage Act, Chapter 294 and Sewerage and Drainage
(Trade Effluent) Regulations. Such waste water is not allowed to be discharged into
any storm drain or onto any land as it could cause water pollution or land
contamination problem.

Updated on 24 Apr 19 1
d) Rainwater from roofs / open spaces and any unused / uncontaminated rainwater from
the rainwater collection system are not allowed to be discharged into the public sewer.
Instead, it shall be discharged into a watercourse or other collection medium in
accordance to the allowable discharge limits stipulated in Singapore Standard SS593:
Code of Practice for Pollution Control.

e) The rainwater collection tank shall be mosquito proof in accordance to the

“Guidelines on Mosquito Prevention in Domestic Rainwater Collection System for
Non-potable Uses". A copy of the Guidelines is available on NEA website at:

3. General Conditions

a) The collected rainwater is only allowed for non-potable use within the owner’s own

b) Any transaction or sale of the collected rainwater by the owner to other parties for use
at other premises is not allowed.

c) In the event of excessive drought, which is to be assessed and determined by PUB, the
owner shall, for the purposes of conservation of water resources, upon receiving such
direction from PUB, forthwith cease using the rainwater or precipitation collected by
the rainwater collection system.

d) The owner shall ensure that the rainwater collection system is designed with a bypass
system to allow rainwater to be directly channeled into any drains or watercourses,
upon any direction issued pursuant to 3(b) above.

e) Should any tax, charge or fee be levied in the future in relation to such use, collection
or discharge of rainwater, the owner shall pay such tax, charge or fee upon reasonable
notice being given to the owner.

f) In granting any approval for the construction of rainwater collection systems, PUB
may, in its discretion, impose any additional conditions as it thinks fit.

g) When there is a change in ownership of the rainwater collection system, the owner
shall ensure that the new owner is informed of all the conditions that have been
previously imposed, unless otherwise specified by PUB.

h) Prior to installation of the rainwater collection system, the owner or developer shall
appoint an appropriate Qualified Person (who is a Professional Engineer in
Mechanical for a pumped rainwater collection system, or a Professional Engineer in
Civil for gravity flow rainwater collection system) to prepare the submission and
supervise the installation in accordance to the requirements stipulated in para 1 to 3
above. The Professional Engineer shall submit an Application for the rainwater
collection system to PUB, Building Plan Unit (BPU) for approval.

i) The owner shall notify PUB in writing if there is any alteration or deviation to the
approved rainwater collection system during its operation. Under such circumstances,
PUB may require the owner to lodge a new Application for the rainwater collection
system as a result of the alteration or deviation.

4. Requirements of Submission

a) The followings are required in the Application:

i. Cover letter
ii. Technical write-up
iii. Catchment area
iv. Storage tank size
v. Estimated usage
vi. Purpose of usage
vii. Calculations
viii. Proposal plans which include location plan, site plan, relevant floor plans,
catchment plan, tank details and water reticulation schematic drawing for the
ix. Any other documents as required by PUB

b) The Application, endorsed by the PE, shall be submitted in pdf format via email to the
Building Plan Unit (BPU) at [email protected].

5. Application Process

a) Before submitting the Application, the Applicant is advised to pre-consult on the

rainwater collection proposal. Developers/Owners/Professional Engineers/interested
parties can email to [email protected] for enquiries / request for pre-consultation,
or call the BPU Hotline at 67313512 for further clarifications..

b) The processing time is 14 working days upon receipt of a complete PE’s submission
of all required information and documents as stipulated in 4(a).

c) The Notice of Approval will be granted once all relevant conditions and requirements
have been complied with.

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