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4 What is 750 m less than 2 km?

Year 4 Award 1 mark for indication of 2 km = 2,000 m.

Length and Perimeter 1,250 m or 1.25 km 2 marks
5 Here are 3 shapes.
Answers Shape B is a square.
Put the shapes in order of their perimeter.
1 Complete the bar model. Start with the greatest perimeter.
Not drawn
6 cm
800 m 200 m
_____ to scale
3 cm A 3 cm
1 km 6 cm
2 Circle the lengths less than 500 metres. 1 mark B 4 cm
8 cm
1 C Award 1 mark for 1 correct answer.
750 m km
2 2 cm
2 marks
50 m 5 km 1 mark greatest

3 What is the perimeter of the shaded rectangle? 6 Draw a rectangle with a perimeter of 18 cm.
1 cm 1 cm

1 mark
16 cm 1 mark
Answers will vary
7 9 Tim cycles 4 km and 200 m.
Jane cycles 2,700 m.
How much further does Tim cycle than Jane?
Award 1 mark for indication Accept 1,500 m
Lily thinks the shapes have the same perimeter. of correct conversion from 1 km and 500 m
Do you agree? km to m or m to km or 1.5 km 2 marks
Yes No 10 A rectangle has a perimeter of 20 cm.
Explain why.
The length of the rectangle is 8 cm.
The shape on the left has a perimeter of 12 Sam says,
squares and the shape on the right has a The opposite length is also 8 cm so
perimeter of 10 squares. the width must be 4 because
Both shapes have the same area. 8 + 8 + 4 = 20
1 mark
8 Here is a rectangle. What mistake has Sam made?
Sam has forgotten to divide the total width
of 4 into the 2 sides.
Each side is: What is the correct width of the rectangle?
• a whole number
• less than 10 m 2 cm 2 marks
Circle the lengths that could be the total
perimeter of the shape. Circle how confident you feel with length & perimeter.
1 2 3 4 5
15 m 20 m 14 m 28 m 2 marks Not Very
confident confident

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