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Breakthrough infections One individual had received a full dose observation period (day 21). Blood
of CX-024414 (Spikevax, Moderna, oxygenation levels (SPO2) remained
with SARS-CoV-2 Cambridge, MA, USA) in early in the normal range (>94%) without Published Online
omicron despite mRNA October, 2021; this was not in line exception and none of the patients January 18, 2022
with the European Medicines Agency required hospitalisation. Prevalence of
vaccine booster dose recommendations at that time, symptoms over time is provided in the

The most recent SARS-CoV-2 variant which suggested a half dose to boost appendix (p 4).
of concern to emerge has been healthy individuals. 5 The seventh All seven individuals were infected
named omicron.1 Its immune evasion individual received an initial dose of with omicron (PANGO lineage
potential was predicted by genomic ChAdOx1-S (Vaxzevria, AstraZeneca, B.1.1.529, Nextstrain clade 21K).
data and has been preliminarily Cambridge, UK), followed by a Viral loads ranged from 4·07 to 8·22
confirmed by observations of an dose of BNT162b2 for completion (mean 6·38) log10 viral RNA copies
increased incidence of reinfections of primary immunisation, and a per mL of swab eluate. Anti-spike
and breakthrough infections.2 This has booster dose of the same vaccine. antibody levels ranged from 15 000
triggered calls to intensify vaccination Except for the CX-024414 booster, all arbitrary units (AU) per mL to more
programmes including provision of vaccinations were in accordance with than 40 000 AU/mL, with a mean of
vaccine booster doses.3 European recommendations.4,5 The approximately 22 000 AU/mL of serum
A group of German visitors who had early timepoints of some individuals’ (appendix p 3).
received three doses of SARS-CoV-2 primary and booster vaccinations were Robust CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses
vaccines, including at least two doses due to their occupation in the medical to SARS-CoV-2 spike, nucleocapsid,
of an mRNA vaccine, experienced field. Nobody reported a history of and membrane proteins were detected
breakthrough infections with SARS-CoV-2 infection. in six of the participants tested after
omicron between late November During a marked increase in a minimum of 2 weeks after onset For SARS-CoV-2 infections in
and early December, 2021, while in incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infections of symptoms (appendix p 5), at the Western Cape province see
Cape Town, South Africa. The group in the Western Cape province, frequencies of 0·011–0·192% for CD4+
consisted of five White women and these individuals observed onset and 0·004–0·079% for CD8+ T cells.
two White men) with an average age of respiratory symptoms between These were the first documented
of 27·7 years (range 25–39) and a Nov 30 and Dec 2, 2021. SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infections with the
mean body-mass index of 22·2 kg/m2 infections were diagnosed by omicron variant in fully vaccinated
(range 17·9–29·4), with no relevant ISO 15189-accredited diagnostic individuals after receipt of booster
medical history. Four of the individuals laboratories using molecular assays vaccine doses. Some of these
were participating in clinical elective approved by the national regulator. individuals had received heterologous
training at different hospitals in The investigation was approved vaccine doses, in line with emerging
Cape Town, whereas the others were by the Health Research Ethics global practice. Booster doses
on vacation. The individuals were Committees of Stellenbosch University were administered 21–37 weeks
members of two unlinked social (C21/12/004_COVID-19) and the after the second vaccine doses, and
groups and participated in regular University of Cape Town (279/2021) breakthrough infections occurred
social life in Cape Town, in compliance and all participants provided informed 22–59 days thereafter. At the onset
with applicable COVID-19 protocols. consent. of their breakthrough infections, all
Upon arrival during the first half of We obtained swab and serum individuals had high levels of viral spike
November, 2021, each individual samples 2–4 days after onset of protein binding antibodies, similar
tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 by symptoms. Futher details of how to levels reported 4 weeks following
PCR and provided records of complete samples were processed are provided second vaccine doses6 and as expected
vaccination, including booster or third, in the appendix (p 2). All patients were after receipt of booster vaccine doses.7 See Online for appendix
doses administered via intramuscular placed in domestic isolation and used Viral RNA loads in omicron variant
injection using homologous (n=5) a daily symptom diary to document infections have yet to be reported.
and heterologous (n=2) vaccination the course of disease during the It remains unknown whether the For National Institutes of
Health COVID-19 Treatment
courses (appendix p 3).4 observation period of 21 days. viral loads observed in our group are
Guidelines see
Six individuals were fully vaccin­ Illness was classified as mild (n=4) or different from those in unvaccinated, covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.
ated with BNT162b2 (Comirnaty, moderate (n=3; shortness of breath) or differently vaccinated, individuals. gov
Pfizer–BioNTech, Mainz, Germany), according to National Institutes During wild-type SARS-CoV-2 Submissions should be
made via our electronic
five of whom received a third of Health COVID-19 Treatment infection, an average viral RNA load
submission system at
(booster) dose of BNT162b2 in Guidelines. Two individuals were of 5·83 log10 viral RNA copies per
October or early November, 2021. asymptomatic by the end of the swab was found in samples taken thelancet/ Published online January 18, 2022 1


up to day after onset of symptoms,8 These findings support the need for 7 Demonbreun AR, Sancilio A, Vaught LA, et al.
Antibody titers before and after booster doses
with a maximum of 8·85 log10 viral updated vaccines to provide better of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines in healthy
RNA copies per swab. In this group of protection against symptomatic adults. medRxiv 2021; published online Nov 21.
individuals, an average of 6·38 log10 infection with omicron13 and emphasise
viral RNA copies per mL of eluted swab that non-pharmaceutical measures 8 Wölfel R, Corman VM, Guggemos W, et al.
was detected, with the highest viral should be maintained. Encouragingly, Virological assessment of hospitalized
patients with COVID-2019. Nature 2020;
load (8·22 log10) detected on day 4 early data from South Africa suggest 581: 465–69.
after onset of symptoms. This suggests maintained if reduced effectiveness of 9 Keeton R, Richardson SI, Moyo-Gwete T, et al.
that the individuals were infectious, the BNT162b2 vaccine against hospital Prior infection with SARS-CoV-2 boosts and
broadens Ad26.COV2.S immunogenicity in a
in keeping with the occurrence of admission.14 variant-dependent manner. Cell Host Microbe
infection clusters sparing none of the CK and CKM contributed equally. We declare no 2021; 29: 1611–19.e5.
members of the two groups. competing interests. 10 Cele S, Jackson L, Khan K, et al. Omicron
extensively but incompletely escapes Pfizer
Specific T-cell responses were Constanze Kuhlmann, BNT162b2 neutralization. Nature 2021;
detected in all participants tested at Carla Konstanze Mayer, published online Dec 23.
least 2 weeks after symptom onset, in Mathilda Claassen, Tongai Maponga, 11 Wilhelm A, Widera M, Grikscheit K, et al.
the range reported after vaccination,9 Wendy A Burgers, Roanne Keeton, Reduced neutralization of SARS-CoV-2
with additional T-cell responses to Catherine Riou, Andrew D Sutherland, omicron variant by vaccine sera and
monoclonal antibodies. medRxiv 2021;
the viral nucleocapsid and membrane Tasnim Suliman, Megan L Shaw, published online Dec 13.
proteins. *Wolfgang Preiser org/10.1101/2021.12.07.21267432 (preprint).
[email protected] 12 Pfizer. Pfizer and BioNTech provide update on
The mild to moderate course of omicron variant. Press release. Dec 8, 2021.
illness suggests that full vaccination Division of Hand, Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery,
followed by a booster dose still University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany press-release-detail/pfizer-and-biontech-
(CK); Division of Medical Virology, Faculty of provide-update-omicron-variant
provides good protection against Medicine and Health Sciences, University of (accessed Dec 9, 2021).
severe disease caused by omicron. Stellenbosch Tygerberg Campus, Cape Town ZA- 13 Devlin H, Kollewe J. BioNTech says it could
tweak Covid vaccine in 100 days if needed.
However, we cannot exclude 7505, South Africa (CKM, TM, ADS, WP); Medical
Nov 26, 2021.
Virology, National Health Laboratory Service
long-term sequelae of COVID-19. Tygerberg, Parow, Cape Town, South Africa (MC,
Furthermore, our findings are limited tweak-covid-vaccine-in-100-days-if-needed
WP); Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular (accessed Dec 7, 2021).
to a low number of individuals in Medicine (WAB, RK, CR) and Wellcome Centre for
14 Collie S, Champion J, Moultrie H, Bekker LG,
Infectious Diseases Research in Africa (CR);
relatively young and otherwise Department of Medical Biosciences, University of
Gray G. Effectiveness of BNT162b2 vaccine
against omicron variant in South Africa.
healthy individuals (n=7). This case the Western Cape, Cape Town, N Engl J Med 2021; published online Dec 29.
series adds further evidence that, as South Africa (TS, MLS)
predicted, omicron is able to evade 1 WHO. Classification of omicron (B.1.1.529):
SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern. Statement
immunity induced by mRNA vaccines 26 November, 2021.
in vivo. South Africa only recently news/item/26-11-2021-classification-of-
introduced booster vaccinations for omicron-(b.1.1.529)-sars-cov-2-variant-of-
concern (accessed Dec 6, 2021).
individuals immunised with two doses 2 Pulliam JRC, van Schalkwyk C, Govender N,
of BNT162b2, so the presence of this et al. Increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 reinfection
associated with emergence of the omicron
group from Germany presented a variant in South Africa. medRxiv 2021;
unique opportunity to study omicron published online Dec 2.
breakthrough infections in individuals org/10.1101/2021.11.11.21266068 (preprint).
3 Dolgin E. Omicron is supercharging the COVID
with mRNA vaccine boosters. vaccine booster debate. Dec 2, 2021. https://
In-vitro data suggest lower titres of
03592-2 (accessed Dec 6, 2021).
neutralising antibodies against omicron
4 European Medicines Agency. EMA and ECDC
compared to other SARS-CoV-2 lineages recommendations on heterologous
following BNT162b2 vaccination but vaccination courses against COVID-19.
Dec 7, 2021.
increased titres after a third dose,10–12 news/ema-ecdc-recommendations-
supporting calls for booster doses while heterologous-vaccination-courses-against-
covid-19 (accessed Dec 9, 2021).
the omicron variant appears to be
5 European Medicines Agency. Spikevax: EMA
spreading globally. Our study, however, recommendation on booster. Oct 25, 2021.
demonstrates insufficient prevention
of symptomatic infection in otherwise (accessed Dec 9, 2021).
healthy individuals who had received 6 Grupel D, Gazit S, Schreiber L, et al. Kinetics of
three doses of COVID-19 mRNA SARS-CoV-2 anti-S IgG after BNT162b2
vaccination. Vaccine 2021; 39: 5337–40.

2 Published online January 18, 2022

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