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(A wholly-owned subsidiary of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited)

HKEX Orion Market Data Platform - Securities Market, Derivatives Market, Index and
China Connect (Securities) datafeed Products (“OMD”); and
Issuer Information feed Service (IIS)

Connection Notification Form for Market Data Systems (Production Connection)

This form is designed to assist direct connection clients in making arrangement with SDNet/2
network carrier or HKEX Hosting Services Team (collectively called “Carrier”) for production
connection installation. Once you have decided your OMD datafeeds, IIS services and
connection subscription, please notify us by filling in Section II – Section V and return it to us by
email at your earliest. If you need any additional Retransmission Username for OMD in
production, please also fill up the section VI. You should also liaise with your selected Carrier
by referring to this form for the installation arrangement. Lastly, the configuration of your
production connection will be provided 2 weeks after you have successfully placed the
order to the Carrier.

To: Data Connectivity & Support, Market Data, Operaions Division

Email: [email protected]

Section I: Client Information

Name of the Client:      
Contact Person (Technical related arrangements) :      
Contact Telephone No.:       Email Address:      

Section II: OMD Datafeed Subscription Information

Part A OMD-C Subscription Information - Please Select -

With Any Combination or All Allocation of Bandwidth
Product of the Following
Datafeed Product OMD-C OMD-C
Complimentary Datafeed(s)1 Multicast Unicast2
Securities Standard (SS)
[included Conflated 15 Mbps 0.2 Mbps
a) Odd Lot
Broker Queue (CBQ)]
Order (OLO)
Securities Premium (SP)
3 41 Mbps 0.2 Mbps
-without CBQ
Securities Premium (SP)
48 Mbps 0.2 Mbps
+ CBQ b) Index Feed
Securities FullTick (SF) (INDEX)
51 Mbps 0.2 Mbps
-without CBQ3
c) Stock
Securities FullTick (SF) +
Connect Market 58 Mbps 0.2 Mbps
Feed (SCM)
OMD-C Minimum Aggregated Total4       Mbps

Checked box(es) indicate Datafeed Products / Services selected

No matter how many datafeed(s) is/ are subscribed, the minimum bandwidth for unicast is 0.2 Mbps

Only applicable to SP and SF subscriber

Minimum bandwidth required for the circuit set which supports all selected Datafeed Products

Aug 2021
(A wholly-owned subsidiary of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited)

Part B OMD-D Subscription Information - Please Select -

With the Following Allocation of Bandwidth
Product Complimentary
Datafeed Product 1 OMD-D OMD-D
Datafeed(s)1 Multicast Unicast5
Non-SOM 5.5 Mbps 0.5 Mbps
Derivatives Lite (D-Lite) –
Price Depth Feed6 SOM 7.5 Mbps 0.5 Mbps

Both 13 Mbps 0.5 Mbps

Non-SOM 7.5 Mbps 0.5 Mbps

Derivatives Lite (D-Lite) –
Price Depth Feed6 + SOM 9.5 Mbps 0.5 Mbps
Derivatives Trade (DT)7
Both 15 Mbps 0.5 Mbps
Derivatives Lite (D-Lite) – Not
3 Mbps
Order Feed8 Applicable
Non-SOM 13 Mbps 1 Mbps

Derivatives Standard (DS) SOM 13 Mbps 1 Mbps

Index Feed
Both (INDEX) 26 Mbps 1 Mbps

Non-SOM 15 Mbps 1 Mbps

Derivatives Standard (DS)
SOM 15 Mbps 1 Mbps
+ Derivatives Trade (DT)7
Both 28 Mbps 1 Mbps

Non-SOM 25 Mbps 1 Mbps

Derivatives Premium (DP) SOM 33 Mbps 1 Mbps

Both 58 Mbps 1 Mbps

Non-SOM 44 Mbps 1 Mbps

Derivatives FullTick (DF) SOM 34 Mbps 1 Mbps

Both 78 Mbps 1 Mbps

OMD-D Minimum Aggregated Total4       Mbps

No matter how many datafeed(s) is/ are subscribed, the minimum bandwidth for unicast is 1 Mbps (0.5Mbps for D-Lite only)

Price Depth Feed (Non SOM or SOM) is essential for D-Lite subscriber (HKFE / SEHK Exchange Participant)

Only applicable to DS and D-Lite subscriber

Only applicable to D-Lite subscriber

Aug 2021
(A wholly-owned subsidiary of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited)

OMD-CC Subscription Information - Please Select -

Part C: For China Connect Exchange Participants (“CCEPs”) and Application Service
Providers (“ASPs”) only
Product Allocation of Bandwidth
Datafeed Product
Selected1 OMD-CC Multicast OMD-CC Unicast9
Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) 0.9 Mbps 0.1 Mbps
Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) 0.9 Mbps 0.1 Mbps
OMD-CC Minimum Aggregated Total4       Mbps

Section III: Issuer Information feed Service (IIS) Subscription Information

Part A: Issuer Information feed Service (IIS) - Please Select -

Service Bandwidth Required
Issuer Information feed Service (IIS) 2 Mbps

Section IV: Connection Information (Please specify your circuit subscription details below)
Connection Information [Circuit ID]10 Bandwidth HPO11 Selected Carrier
- Please
- Please Select - [     /     ] N/A - Please Select -
Select -
Other Systems in the same set of Connection

The above connection is/will also connect to the following system(s):

Securities Trading System (i.e. OCG)
Derivatives Trading System (i.e. HKATS CG; PTRM)
Derivatives Clearing and Settlement System (i.e. DCASS)
Stock Connect Trading System (i.e. CCCG)

Reminder: Clients who plan to use a same set of connection for connecting to Market Data system(s) and
other system(s) (e.g. OMD-D & HKATS) should ensure the subscribed bandwidth is enough to support all
connecting systems. Insufficient bandwidth might lead connectivity and/or performance issue(s)
between the connecting system(s) and Client’s end.

If more than 1 datafeed are subscribed, the minimum bandwidth for unicast is 0.1 Mbps

For new circuit set, please leave the box in blank
High Performance Option (HPO) which applicable to SDNet/2 circuits only. Client who subscribes SP or SF or DP or DF is
required to use HPO (e.g. If SS and DP are subscribed in the same set of connection, HPO is required)

Aug 2021
(A wholly-owned subsidiary of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited)

Section V:
Market Data Feed Handler Software in this set of production connection
(please check the appropriate box(es) below)

OMD-C Feed Handler Software Declaration

Independent Software In-House developed In-House developed

Vendor (ISV)’s OMD-C feed handler OMD-C feed handler
OMD-C feed handler12 by Internal Test only
We hereby declare that our (For End-user clients only)
Name of ISV:       OMD-C feed handler has
previously passed the OMD- We have previously returned
C Readiness Test or Offline the Declaration Form to
Simulator Test. declare our OMD-C feed
handler has completed internal
verification only.

No Production RTS ID will be

OMD-D Feed Handler Software Declaration

Independent Software In-House developed In-House developed

Vendor (ISV)’s OMD-D feed handler OMD-D feed handler
OMD-D feed handler12 by Internal Test only
We hereby declare that our (For End-user clients only)
Name of ISV:       OMD-D feed handler has
previously passed the OMD- We have previously returned
D Readiness Test or Offline the Declaration Form to
Simulator Test. declare our OMD-D feed
handler has completed internal
verification only.

No Production RTS ID will be

OMD-CC Feed Handler Software Declaration
(For China Connect Exchange Participants (“CCEPs”) & Application Service Providers (“ASPs”) only)

We hereby declare that our OMD-CC feed handler which has previously passed the OMD-
CC Readiness Test or Offline Simulator Test will be used in the set of OMD-CC production
IIS Feed Handler Software Declaration

We hereby declare that our IIS feed handler which has previously passed the IIS Certification
Test will be used in the set of IIS production connection

For those Clients who are using Independent Software Vendors (ISV)’s OMD Feed Handler [List of HKEX-ISV]

Aug 2021
(A wholly-owned subsidiary of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited)

Section VI: Additional Retransmission Username (RTS ID) – For client who applies for
additional RTS ID for each datafeed only13

1 RTS ID with 2 IP addresses will be assigned to each subscribed Datafeed product. For
additional RTS ID, please fill up the table below. Please note that client is liable for additional fee
for Additional RTS ID setup in production. For details, please refer to the client notice issued on 28
May 2013: [MDD/13/1087] / [Examples of RTS setup]

Number of RTS ID Number of RTS ID
(additional RTS ID only) (with 1 set of 2 IP addresses)14
      for RTS ID 1      

Number of RTS ID Number of RTS ID
(additional RTS ID only) (with 1 set of 2 IP addresses)14
      for RTS ID 1      

Section VII: Planned parallel run period (For relocation only)

(Please specify the information required below, read the important note and check the box after
you have read and understood your obligation)

Start Date (Day / Month / Year) End Date (Day / Month / Year)
      / - Please Select - / - Pleaes Select -       / - Please Select - / - Pleaes Select -
Connections To be Terminated after Parallel Run Period
Circuit ID Bandwidth Selected Carrier
- Please Select
[     /     ] - Please Select -
Important Note: Client is liable for the additional connection fee (Fee Schedule) during the
parallel run period.  In general, the additional connection fee is charged on a weekly basis for
the first 3 months of the parallel run period.  Thereafter, the additional connection fee will be
charged on a calendar month basis for the rest of the parallel run period.  In addition, please be
reminded to liaise with your selected Carrier for the termination of your old connection circuit set
at least 4 weeks in advance of the parallel run end date and inform us by email at least 2 weeks
prior to the termination of connection set (while 90 days advance notice is required for the
termination of Datafeed).  Or an additional monthly service charge from the Carrier as well as
the relevant additional connection fee will be incurred and no refund would be made.  Please
note that the termination date of SDNet/2 or HSN connection circuit set provided by the Carrier
will be treated as the official parallel run end date.

I have read and understood the Important Note above.

Please complete one form for each connection set, if applicable

By returning this form, I consent to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the Privacy
Policy Statement on page 6.

Additional RTS ID is not applicable to OMD-CC

Maximum 6 RTS ID with 12 IP addresses in total for each connection set

Aug 2021
(A wholly-owned subsidiary of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited)

Submitted for and on behalf of the Client:

Company :      
Name :       Title:      
Contact No. :       Date:      

Aug 2021
(A wholly-owned subsidiary of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited)

Privacy Policy Statement  mailing address, telephone number and email address to other members of the
Group for the purpose of enabling those members of the Group to send
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, and from time to time, its promotional materials to you and conduct direct marketing activities in relation to
subsidiaries (together the "Group") (and each being "HKEX", "we", "us" or their financial services and information services.
"member of the Group" for the purposes of this Privacy Policy Statement as
appropriate) recognise their responsibilities in relation to the collection, holding, Other transfers of your personal data
processing, use and/or transfer of personal data under the Personal Data For one or more of the purposes specified above, your personal data may be: 
(Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) ("PDPO"). Personal data will be collected only
for lawful and relevant purposes and all practicable steps will be taken to ensure 1. transferred to other members of the Group and made available to appropriate
that personal data held by us is accurate. We will use your personal data which persons in the Group, in Hong Kong or elsewhere and in this regard you consent
we may from time to time collect in accordance with this Privacy Policy to the transfer of your data outside of Hong Kong; 
Statement.  2. supplied to any agent, contractor or third party who provides administrative,
telecommunications, computer, payment, debt collection, data processing or
We regularly review this Privacy Policy Statement and may from time to time other services to HKEX and/or any of other member of the Group in Hong Kong
revise it or add specific instructions, policies and terms. Where any changes to or elsewhere; and
this Privacy Policy Statement are material, we will notify you using the contact 3. other parties as notified to you at the time of collection.
details you have provided us with and, where required by the PDPO, give you
the opportunity to opt out of these changes by means notified to you at that time. How we use cookies
Otherwise, in relation to personal data supplied to us through the HKEX website If you access our information or services through the HKEX website, you should
or otherwise, continued use by you of the HKEX website or your continued be aware that cookies are used. Cookies are data files stored on your browser.
relationship with us shall be deemed to be your acceptance of and consent to The HKEX website
this Privacy Policy Statement, as amended from time to time.  automatically installs and uses cookies on your browser when you access it.
Two kinds of cookies are used on the HKEX website: 
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy Statement or how we use
your personal data, please contact us through one of the communication Session Cookies: temporary cookies that only remain in your browser until the
channels set out in the "Contact Us" section below.  time you leave the HKEX website, which are used to obtain and store
configuration information and administer the HKEX website, including carrying
We will take all practicable steps to ensure the security of the personal data and information from one page to another as you browse the site so as to, for
to avoid unauthorised or accidental access, erasure or other use. This includes example, avoid you having to re-enter information on each page that you visit.
physical, technical and procedural security methods, where appropriate, to Session cookies are also used to compile anonymous statistics about the use of
ensure that the personal data may only be accessed by authorised personnel.  the HKEX website.

Please note that if you do not provide us with your personal data (or relevant Persistent Cookies: cookies that remain in your browser for a longer period of
personal data relating to persons appointed by you to act on your behalf) we time for the purpose of compiling anonymous statistics about the use of the
may not be able to provide the information, products or services you have asked HKEX website or to track and record user preferences. 
for or process your requests, applications, subscriptions or registrations, and
may not be able to perform or discharge the Regulatory Functions (defined The cookies used in connection with the HKEX website do not contain personal
below). data. You may refuse to accept cookies on your browser by modifying the
settings in your browser or internet security software. However, if you do so you
Purpose may not be able to utilise or activate certain functions available on the HKEX
From time to time we may collect your personal data including but not limited to website.
your name, mailing address, telephone number, email address, date of birth and
login name for the following purposes:  Compliance with laws and regulations
HKEX and other members of the Group may be required to retain, process
1. to process your applications, subscriptions and registration for our products and/or disclose your personal data in order to comply with applicable laws and
and services; regulations or in order to comply with a court order, subpoena or other legal
2. to perform or discharge the functions of HKEX and any company of which process (whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere), or to comply with a request by a
HKEX is the recognised exchange controller (as defined in the Securities and government authority, law enforcement agency or similar body (whether situated
Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571)) ("Regulatory Functions"); in Hong Kong or elsewhere) or to perform or discharge the Regulatory
3. to provide you with our products and services and administer your account in Functions. HKEX and other members of the Group may need to disclose your
relation to such products and services; personal data in order to enforce any agreement with you, protect our rights,
4. to conduct research and statistical analysis;  property or safety, or the rights, property or safety of our employees, or to
5. to process your application for employment or engagement within HKEX to perform or discharge the Regulatory Functions.
assess your suitability as a candidate for such position and to conduct reference
checks with your previous employers; and Corporate reorganisation
6. other purposes directly relating to any of the above. As we continue to develop our business, we may reorganise our group structure,
undergo a change of control or business combination. In these circumstances it
Direct marketing may be the case that your personal data is transferred to a third party who will
Where you have given your consent and have not subsequently opted out, we continue to operate our business or a similar service under either this Privacy
may also use your name, mailing address, telephone number and email address Policy Statement or a different privacy policy statement which will be notified to
to send promotional materials to you and conduct direct marketing activities in you. Such a third party may be located, and use of your personal data may be
relation to HKEX financial services and information services, and financial made, outside of Hong Kong in connection with such acquisition or
services and information services offered by other members of the Group.  reorganisation.

If you do not wish to receive any promotional and direct marketing materials Access and correction of personal data
from us or do not wish to receive particular types of promotional and direct Under the PDPO, you have the right to ascertain whether we hold your personal
marketing materials or do not wish to receive such materials through any data, to obtain a copy of the data, and to correct any data that is inaccurate. You
particular means of communication, please contact us through one of the may also request us to inform you of the type of personal data held by us. All
communication channels set out in the "Contact Us" section below. To ensure data access requests shall be made using the form prescribed by the Privacy
that your request can be processed quickly please provide your full name, email Commissioner for Personal Data ("Privacy Commissioner") which may be
address, log in name and details of the product and/or service you have found on the official website of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner or via this
subscribed.  link 
Identity Card Number
We may also collect your identity card number and process this as required Requests for access and correction of personal data or for information regarding
under applicable law or regulation, as required by any regulator having authority policies and practices and kinds of data held by us should be addressed in
over us and, subject to the PDPO, for the purpose of identifying you where it is writing and sent by post to us (see the "Contact Us" section below). 
reasonable for your identity card number to be used for this purpose.
A reasonable fee may be charged to offset our administrative and actual costs
Transfers of personal data for direct marketing purposes incurred in complying with your data access requests.
Except to the extent you have already opted out we may transfer your name,

Aug 2021
(A wholly-owned subsidiary of the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited)

Termination or cancellation Personal Data Privacy Officer

Should your account or relationship with us be cancelled or terminated at any Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
time, we shall cease processing your personal data as soon as reasonably 8.F, Two Exchange Square
practicable following such cancellation or termination, provided that we may 8 Connaught Place
keep copies of your data as is reasonably required for archival purposes, for use Central
in relation to any actual or potential dispute, for the purpose of compliance with Hong Kong
applicable laws and regulations and for the purpose of enforcing any agreement
we have with you, for protecting our rights, property or safety, or the rights, By Email:
property or safety of our employees, and for performing or discharging our [email protected]
functions, obligations and responsibilities.

If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and Chinese
versions of this Privacy Policy Statement, the English version shall prevail.

Contact us
By Post:

Aug 2021

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