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PLC Function
CC-Link communication
Sequence program
Error code list

IB(NA)-0600492ENG-A(1308)MEE Printed in Japan Specifications subject to change without notice.

1 PLC Function 7

1.1 Applicable inverter model ....................................................................................... 8
1.2 Function block diagram .......................................................................................... 8
1.3 Operation panel indication...................................................................................... 9
1.4 PLC function specifications.................................................................................. 10
1.5 System configuration ............................................................................................ 11
1.6 Operations of PLC function (Pr.414, Pr.415, Pr.498, Pr.1150 to Pr.1199) ......... 12
1.7 Prior to creating sequence programs .................................................................. 13
1.7.1 Precautions for creating sequence programs............................................................................... 13
1.7.2 The main functions of FR Configurator2 (Developer) ................................................................... 13
1.7.3 Sequence program execution....................................................................................................... 14
1.7.4 Setting the communication parameter .......................................................................................... 15
1.7.5 Writing sequences programs ........................................................................................................ 16

1.8 Device map ............................................................................................................. 17

1.8.1 I/O device map ............................................................................................................................. 17
1.8.2 Internal relay (M) device map ....................................................................................................... 19
1.8.3 Data register (D) device map........................................................................................................ 19
1.8.4 Special relay ................................................................................................................................. 19
1.8.5 Special register............................................................................................................................. 22

1.9 Special registers to monitor and control inverter status ................................... 30

1.9.1 Always readable data ................................................................................................................... 30
1.9.2 Data read by controlling read command (from OFF to ON) ......................................................... 34
1.9.3 Data writing method by controlling write command (from OFF to ON) ......................................... 36
1.9.4 Inverter operating status control ................................................................................................... 40
1.9.5 Inverter parameter access error (SD1150) ................................................................................... 42
1.9.6 Inverter status (SD1151) .............................................................................................................. 42
1.9.7 User-defined error (SD1214) ........................................................................................................ 43
1.9.8 Monitor setting selection (SD1215 to SD1218) ............................................................................ 43

1.10 Read/Write method of inverter parameters ......................................................... 44

1.10.1 Reading inverter parameters ........................................................................................................ 44
1.10.2 Writing inverter parameters .......................................................................................................... 45

1.11 User area reading/writing ...................................................................................... 46

1.12 Analog I/O function ................................................................................................ 47
1.12.1 Analog input.................................................................................................................................. 47
1.12.2 Analog output ............................................................................................................................... 47

1.13 Pulse train input function...................................................................................... 48

1.14 PID control .............................................................................................................. 49
1.15 Clearing the flash memory of the PLC function .................................................. 50
1.16 Constant scan......................................................................................................... 51

2 CC-Link communication 53

2.1 System configuration............................................................................................. 54

2.1.1 System configuration example...................................................................................................... 54
2.1.2 Function block diagram................................................................................................................. 55

2.2 CC-Link parameter ................................................................................................. 56

2.2.1 CC-Link extended setting (Pr.544) ............................................................................................... 56

2.3 CC-Link I/O specifications..................................................................................... 57

2.3.1 I/O signals when one station in the CC-Link Ver.1 is occupied (Pr.544 = "100").......................... 57
2.3.2 I/O signals when the double setting is set in CC-Link Ver.2 (Pr.544 = "112") .............................. 59
2.3.3 I/O signals when the quadruple setting is set in CC-Link Ver.2 (Pr. 544 = "114") ........................ 61
2.3.4 I/O signals when the octuple setting is set in CC-Link Ver.2 (Pr. 544 = "118")............................. 62

2.4 Buffer memory........................................................................................................ 64

2.4.1 Remote output signals (master station to inverter (FR-A8NC)) .................................................... 64
2.4.2 Remote input signals Pr.544 = "100" (inverter (FR-A8NC) to master station) .............................. 65
2.4.3 Remote registers Pr.544 = "100" (master station to inverter (FR-A8NC)) .................................... 66
2.4.4 Remote registers Pr.544 = "100" (inverter (FR-A8NC) to master station) .................................... 67

3 Sequence program 69

3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................. 70

3.1.1 Overview of operation................................................................................................................... 70

3.2 RUN/STOP operation ............................................................................................. 72

3.3 Program configuration........................................................................................... 72
3.4 Programming language ......................................................................................... 73
3.4.1 Relay symbolic language (ladder mode) ...................................................................................... 73
3.4.2 Logic symbolic language (list mode)............................................................................................. 74
3.4.3 Function block (FB)....................................................................................................................... 75

3.5 Operation processing method of the PLC function ............................................ 76

3.6 I/O processing method .......................................................................................... 77
3.6.1 Refresh method ............................................................................................................................ 77
3.6.2 Response delay in refresh mode .................................................................................................. 78

3.7 Scan time ................................................................................................................ 79
3.8 Values that can be used in sequence programs................................................. 80
3.8.1 BIN (binary) .................................................................................................................................. 81

3.8.2 HEX (hexadecimal)....................................................................................................................... 82

3.9 Explanation of devices .......................................................................................... 83

3.9.1 Device list ..................................................................................................................................... 83
3.9.2 I/O X and Y ................................................................................................................................... 84
3.9.3 Internal relay M ............................................................................................................................. 85
3.9.4 Timer T ......................................................................................................................................... 86
3.9.5 100 ms timer, 10 ms timer, and 100 ms retentive timer ............................................................... 86
3.9.6 Processing and accuracy of timers............................................................................................... 87

3.10 Counter C................................................................................................................ 89

3.10.1 Count process in refresh mode .................................................................................................... 90
3.10.2 Maximum counting speed of counter............................................................................................ 90

3.11 Data register D ....................................................................................................... 91

3.12 Special relays and special registers .................................................................... 92
3.13 Function list............................................................................................................ 93
3.14 RUN/STOP method of PLC function from an external source (remote RUN/
STOP) ...................................................................................................................... 94
3.15 Watchdog timer (watchdog error supervision timer) ......................................... 96
3.16 Self-diagnostic function ........................................................................................ 97
3.16.1 Operation mode when there is an operation error........................................................................ 97

3.17 Registering file password ..................................................................................... 98

3.18 Output (Y) status settings when STOP status → RUN status............................ 99
3.19 Structure of instructions ..................................................................................... 100
3.20 Bit device processing method ............................................................................ 101
3.20.1 1-bit processing .......................................................................................................................... 101
3.20.2 Digit specification processing ..................................................................................................... 101

3.21 Handling of numerical values ............................................................................. 104

3.22 Operation error..................................................................................................... 105
3.23 Sequence instructions list .................................................................................. 106
3.23.1 How to view the instruction list table........................................................................................... 106
3.23.2 Sequence instructions list........................................................................................................... 108
3.23.3 Basic instructions........................................................................................................................ 110
3.23.4 Application instructions............................................................................................................... 114
3.23.5 Display instruction ...................................................................................................................... 115

3.24 How to view instructions ..................................................................................... 116
3.25 Sequence instructions......................................................................................... 117
3.25.1 Contact instruction:
operation start, series connection, parallel connection ... LD, LDI, AND, ANI, OR, ORI ............ 117
3.25.2 Association instruction: ladder block series connection, parallel connection ... ANB, ORB ....... 119
3.25.3 Association instruction:
operation results, push, read, pop ... MPS, MRD, MPP ............................................................. 121
3.25.4 Output instruction: bit device, timer, counter ... OUT.................................................................. 124
3.25.5 Output instruction: device set, reset ... SET, RST ...................................................................... 126
3.25.6 Output instruction: rising, falling differential output ... PLS, PLF................................................. 128
3.25.7 Shift instruction: bit device shift ... SFT, SFTP ........................................................................... 130
3.25.8 Master control instruction: master control set, reset ... MC, MCR .............................................. 132
3.25.9 Termination instruction: termination of main program ... FEND.................................................. 135
3.25.10 Termination instruction: sequence program termination ... END ................................................ 135
3.25.11 Other instructions: non-processing ... NOP, NOPLF, PAGE n ................................................... 136

3.26 Basic instruction (16-bit) ..................................................................................... 139

3.26.1 Comparison operation instruction ............................................................................................... 139
3.26.2 Comparison operation instruction:
16-bit data comparison ... =, <>, >, <=, <, >= ............................................................................. 140
3.26.3 Arithmetic operation instruction .................................................................................................. 142
3.26.4 Arithmetic operation instruction:
BIN 16-bit addition/subtraction ... +, +P, -, -P ............................................................................. 143
3.26.5 Arithmetic operation instruction:
BIN 16-bit multiplication/division ... *, *P, /, /P ............................................................................ 146
3.26.6 Arithmetic operation instruction:
BIN 16-bit data increment/decrement ... INC, INCP, DEC, DECP.............................................. 149
3.26.7 Data transfer instruction.............................................................................................................. 150
3.26.8 Data transfer instruction:
16-bit data transfer ... MOV, MOVP............................................................................................ 150
3.26.9 Data conversion instruction:
2’s complements of BIN 16-bit data ... NEG, NEGP................................................................... 151
3.26.10 Data conversion instructions:
BIN 16-bit data BCD conversions ... BCD, BCDP ...................................................................... 153
3.26.11 Data conversion instructions:
BIN 16-bit data BIN conversions ... BIN, BINP ........................................................................... 154

3.27 Basic instruction (32-bit) ..................................................................................... 155

3.27.1 Comparison operation instruction ............................................................................................... 155
3.27.2 Comparison operation instruction:
32-bit data comparison ... D=, D<>, D>, D<=, D<, D>=.............................................................. 156
3.27.3 Arithmetic operation instruction .................................................................................................. 158
3.27.4 Arithmetic operation instruction:
BIN 32-bit addition/subtraction ... D+, D+P, D-, D-P................................................................... 158
3.27.5 Arithmetic operation instruction:
BIN 32-bit multiplication/division ... D*, D*P, D/, D/P .................................................................. 161
3.27.6 Arithmetic operation instruction:

BIN 32-bit data increment/decrement ... DINC, DINCP, DDEC, DDECP ................................... 164
3.27.7 Data transfer instruction ............................................................................................................. 165
3.27.8 Data transfer instruction:
32-bit data transfer ... DMOV, DMOVP ...................................................................................... 165

3.27.9 Data conversion instruction:
2's complements of BIN 32-bit data ... DNEG, DNEGP.............................................................. 167
3.27.10 Data conversion instructions:
BIN 32-bit data BCD conversions ... DBCD, DBCDP ................................................................. 168
3.27.11 Data conversion instructions:
BIN 32-bit data BIN conversions ... DBIN, DBINP...................................................................... 169

3.28 Application instructions (16-bit) ......................................................................... 170

3.28.1 Logical operation instructions ..................................................................................................... 170
3.28.2 Logical operation instruction:
BIN 16-bit logical AND ... WAND, WANDP ................................................................................ 171
3.28.3 Logical operation instruction:
BIN 16-bit logical OR ... WOR, WORP ....................................................................................... 174
3.28.4 Logical operation instruction:
BIN 16-bit data exclusive OR ... WXOR, WXORP...................................................................... 176
3.28.5 Logical operation instruction:
BIN 16-bit data exclusive NOR ... WXNR, WXNRP ................................................................... 178

3.29 Application instructions (32-bit) ......................................................................... 180

3.29.1 Logical operation instructions ..................................................................................................... 180
3.29.2 Logical operation instruction:
BIN 32-bit logical AND ... DAND, DANDP .................................................................................. 181
3.29.3 Logical operation instruction:
BIN 32-bit logical OR ... DOR, DORP......................................................................................... 184
3.29.4 Logical operation instruction:
BIN 32-bit data exclusive OR ... DXOR, DXORP ....................................................................... 187
3.29.5 Logical operation instruction:
BIN 32-bit data exclusive NOR ... DXNR, DXNRP ..................................................................... 190

3.30 Display instruction............................................................................................... 192

3.30.1 Character string data transfer ... $MOV, $MOVP ....................................................................... 192
3.30.2 Character string output ... G. PRR, GP.PRR, UMSG ................................................................. 193

4 Error code list 197

4.1 How to read error codes...................................................................................... 198


Appendix 1 Instruction processing time..................................................................... 202

About the related manuals

The manuals related to A800 PLC function are shown below. The download of the latest manuals is free at the Mitsubishi
Electric FA Global Website.

Related manuals
Manual name Manual number
FR-A800 Instruction Manual (Startup) IB-0600493
FR-A800 Instruction Manual (Detailed) IB-0600503ENG
FR Configurator2 Instruction Manual IB-0600516ENG
GX Works2 Version 1 Operating Manual (Common) SH-080779ENG

1 PLC Function

This instruction manual explains the functions and devices required for programming.

1.1 Applicable inverter model .............................................................................. 8

1.2 Function block diagram ................................................................................. 8
1.3 Operation panel indication............................................................................. 9
1.4 PLC function specifications........................................................................... 10
1.5 System configuration ..................................................................................... 11
1.6 Operations of PLC function (Pr.414, Pr.415, Pr.498, Pr.1150 to Pr.1199) .. 12
1.7 Prior to creating sequence programs ........................................................... 13
1.8 Device map ...................................................................................................... 17
1.9 Special registers to monitor and control inverter status ............................ 30
1.10 Read/Write method of inverter parameters .................................................. 44
1.11 User area reading/writing............................................................................... 46
1.12 Analog I/O function......................................................................................... 47
1.13 Pulse train input function............................................................................... 48
1.14 PID control....................................................................................................... 49
1.15 Clearing the flash memory of the PLC function........................................... 50
1.16 Constant scan ................................................................................................. 51

PLC Function 7
Applicable inverter model

1.1 Applicable inverter model

This manual explains the PLC function of the FR-A800 series.

1.2 Function block diagram

The following function blocks explain I/O information flow to and from the inverter in the PLC function.
• I/O information can be read or written by accessing the inverter with special relays, special registers, etc. using
predetermined methods.
• It is possible to operate the inverter and read and write parameters using input information from control input terminals
according to created sequence programs (saved in the inverter).
Output signals are also be output from control output terminals, not only as status signals of the inverter but as signals to
turn the pilot lamp ON and OFF, interlock signals, and other control signals set by users as desired.


Input signal ∗1
Sequence program

I/O data CPU

Special relays,
Output signal ∗1 special registers,

 Set "9999" in any of Pr.178 to Pr.189 (input terminal function assignment) and Pr.190 to Pr.196 (output terminal function selection) to use
terminals as general-purpose I/O terminals. For details on Pr.178 to Pr.189 and Pr.190 to Pr.196, refer to the Instruction Manual of the inverter.

8 PLC Function
Operation panel indication

1.3 Operation panel indication

When a sequence program is running, the following indicators are displayed on the operation panel (FR-DU08) and
parameter unit (FR-PU07):

P.RUN is displayed on
the LCD when PLC
P.RUN function is operating.
60.00 Hz
PLC function indicator

P.RUN state

LED (LCD) action Status

Off (normal indication) Sequence program stopped
On (inverted indication) Sequence program running
Flickering Sequence error occurring

• While the offline auto tuning is being activated by FR-PU07, P.RUN is not displayed even during PLC function operation.

PLC Function 9
PLC function specifications

1.4 PLC function specifications

The following table shows the program capacity and devices of the PLC function.
Item A800 PLC function specifications
Control method Repeated operation (by stored program)
I/O control mode Refresh
Relay symbolic language (ladder)
Programming language Logic symbolic language (list)
Function block
Sequence instructions 25
No. of
Basic instructions 84
Application instructions 37
Processing speed Sequence instructions 1.9 μs to 12 μs/step
128 (input: 64 points, output: 64 points)
19 points built-in (input: 12 points, output: 7 points)
Number of I/O points FR-A8AX (input: 16 points)
FR-A8AY (output: 6 points)
FR-A8AR (output: 3 points)
19 points built-in (input: 12 points, output: 7 points)
FR-A8AX (input: 16 points)
Number of analog I/O points
FR-A8AY (output: 6 points)
FR-A8AR (output: 3 points)
Watchdog timer 10 to 2000 (ms)
Memory capacity 6k bytes for sequence programs and parameters.
Program capacity 6K steps (0 to 6144 steps can be set)
Internal relay (M) 128 (M0 to M127)
Latch relay (L) Not used (Can be set with parameters but will not latch)
Number of points 16
100 ms timer: 0.1 to 3276.7 s (T0 to T15) can be set
Timer (T)
Specifications 10 ms timer: 0.01 to 327.67 s can be set
100 ms retentive timer: 0.1 to 3276.7 s can be set
Number of points 16
Counter (C) Normal counter: Setting range 1 to 32767 (C0 to C15)
Interrupt program counter: Not used
Data register (D) 256 (D0 to D255)
Special relay (SM) 2048 (SM0 to SM2047) with limited functions
Special register (SD) 2048 (SD0 to SD2047) with limited functions
 The scan time is approximately 40 ms for 1K steps as inverter control is also performed in actual operations.
 The signals same as the ones assigned to the inverter I/O terminals are used.
One point is always required for a sequence start (RUN/STOP).
 There is no device latch function for power failures.
Use the Pr.1150 to Pr.1199 PLC function user parameters 1 to 50 (D206 to D255) to store device values in the EEPROM. (Refer to page 46.)

• There is no buffer memory.

10 PLC Function
System configuration

1.5 System configuration

To write to the PLC program, use the FR Configurator2 (Developer) on a personal computer that is connected to the inverter
via RS-485 communication.
The following figure shows the system configuration for use of the PLC function.
<System configuration example>

Serial port or USB connector

Serial cable USB cable
Personal computer
(FR Configurator2) RS-232C RS-485 USB RS-485
converter converter

PU connector PU connector

Inverter Inverter

Commercially available products (as of February 2012)

• RS-232C  RS-485 conversion cable

Model Manufacturer
Interface embedded cable dedicated for inverter
Diatrend Corp.

 The conversion cable cannot connect multiple inverters. (The computer and inverted are connected in a 1:1 pair.) This product is a RS-232C 
RS-485 conversion cable that has a built-in converter. No additional cable or connector is required. For the product details, contact the
• USB  RS-485 conversion cable

Model Manufacturer
DINV-U4 Diatrend Corp.

• FR Configurator2 (Developer) is a programming tool for designing and debugging of the sequence programs on the Windows
personal computer. To use the PLC function of the inverter, write sequence programs to the inverter using FR Configurator2
(Developer). (For the details, refer to the Instruction Manual of FR Configurator2.)

• For details on wiring, refer to the Instruction Manual of the inverter.
• For the specifications of the FR Configurator2 (Developer) and personal computers on which FR Configurator2 (Developer)
runs, refer to the Instruction Manual of FR Configurator2.
• Programming tools other than FR Configurator2 (Developer) cannot be used. (Tools such as GX Developer and GX Works
cannot be used.) 1

PLC Function 11
Operations of PLC function (Pr.414, Pr.415, Pr.498, Pr.1150 to Pr.1199)

1.6 Operations of PLC function (Pr.414, Pr.415,

Pr.498, Pr.1150 to Pr.1199)
I/O information can be read or written by accessing the inverter with special relays, special registers, etc. using
predetermined methods.
It is possible to operate the inverter and read and write parameters using input information from control input terminals
according to created sequence programs (saved in the inverter).
Output signals are also be output from control output terminals, not only as status signals of the inverter but as signals
to turn the pilot lamp ON and OFF, interlock signals, and other control signals set by users as desired.

Parameter Initial Setting

Name Refer to page
number value range
414 PLC function operation selection 0 0 to 2 14
415 Inverter operation lock mode setting 0 0, 1 14
498 PLC function flash memory clear 0 0 to 9999 50
1150 to 1199 PLC function user parameters 1 to 50 0 0 to 65535 46

• The FR-PU07 cannot read or write parameters Pr.1000 or later.

12 PLC Function
Prior to creating sequence programs

1.7 Prior to creating sequence programs

1.7.1 Precautions for creating sequence programs

• Writing and access to other stations are not possible while a sequence program is running.
Also, reading and writing the program from and to other stations cannot be performed.
• To avoid accidentally erasing the created sequence programs, use FR Configurator2 (Developer) to regularly save the data in
a personal computer, etc.

If a sequence program contains instructions (refer to page 106) or devices (refer to page 10) that cannot be used with the
PLC function, an instruction code error occurs at the execution of that instruction.
Error code SD0 = 4000
Error information SD5 to SD26
Error flag SM0: ON

• For the error codes, refer to page 33.

1.7.2 The main functions of FR Configurator2

• Reading and writing parameter and sequence programs
• Ladder monitor
• Device batch monitor
• Present value change
• Remote RUN/STOP

• Present values can be changed using FR Configurator2 (Developer) ([Debug] -> [Present value change]). Even if changes
are made to the devices corresponding to the control terminal signals (STF, STR, etc.), such changes are not applied to the
inverter operation. (Device present values of the sequence programs are changed.)

PLC Function 13
Prior to creating sequence programs

1.7.3 Sequence program execution

Parameter Initial Setting
Name Description
number value range
0 PLC function disabled
The SQ signal is enabled by input from a
PLC function operation 1 PLC command source (external input terminal/
414  0
selection function communication).
enabled The SQ signal is enabled by input from an
external input terminal
The start signal of the inverter is enabled regardless of
execution instruction of the sequence program.
The start signal of the inverter is enabled only when
the sequence program is in RUN state. (The SQ signal
Inverter operation lock is ON.)
415 0
mode setting When the sequence program is in STOP state (the SQ
signal is OFF), the inverter will not start even if the
start signal STF or STR is turned ON. (If the state is
changed from RUN to STOP during operation, the
inverter decelerates and stops.)
 Reset the inverter after configuring settings to enable the PLC function.

PLC function operation selection (Pr.414)

• To enable the PLC function, set "1" or "2" in Pr.414 PLC function operation selection. When Pr.414 = "1", the command
source for the sequence start (SQ) signal is determined by Pr.338 Communication operation command source. When
"2" is set in Pr.414, SQ signal from the external input terminal is valid regardless of the setting of the Pr.338.
• Switch the execution key (RUN/STOP) of the sequence program by turning the SQ signal ON/OFF. The sequence program
can be executed by turning the SQ signal ON. To input the SQ signal, set "50" in any of Pr.178 to Pr.189 (input terminal
function selection) to assign the function to a terminal.
• Remote RUN/STOP of the PLC function can be executed in any of the following methods:
• Using the PLC function parameters (contact)
• Using FR Configurator2 (Developer)
• Via CC-Link communication (refer to page 56.)

• Turn OFF (STOP) the SQ signal when creating a sequence program.
• The RUN state output (Y) is internally stored and all outputs (Y) are turned off by turning the SQ signal OFF (STOP) after
sequence program execution (SQ signal ON).
The other devices retain the data prior to STOP. To clear the remaining device data, power OFF or reset (RES signal ON (0.1
s)OFF) the inverter.

Inverter operation lock mode setting (Pr.415)

• When "1" is set in Pr.415 Inverter operation lock mode setting, the inverter can be operated only when the sequence
program is set to the "RUN" status. By changing the PLC program status from RUN to STOP during inverter operation, the
motor decelerates to stop.

• To run the inverter without using the PLC function, set Pr.415 = "0" (initial value) (the start signal of the inverter is enabled).

• This parameter cannot be written during inverter operation, regardless of the Pr.77 setting.
• During automatic operation using SD1148 (or SM1200 to SM1211) in the sequence program, the inverter stops operation if
the sequence program is in the STOP state while Pr.415 = "1". However, when Pr.415 = "0", the device data is retained and
the operating status does not change (the inverter continues operation) even if the sequence program is in the STOP state.
• Pr.415 setting is also enabled for the start signals of the operation panel and the FR-PU07.

14 PLC Function
Prior to creating sequence programs

1.7.4 Setting the communication parameter

• While the inverter communication parameters (Pr.118 to Pr.120, and Pr.122) and the [Detailed setting] of the [System
setting] window of FR Configurator2 are set to initial values, communication with FR Configurator2 (Developer) cannot be

• While the inverter communication parameters (Pr.118 to Pr.120, and Pr.122) are initial values, communication with FR
Configurator2 (Developer) cannot be established. Set the inverter communication parameters as shown below.

Parameter name Initial value Setting value
118 PU communication speed 192 (19200 bps) 1152 (115200 bps)
PU communication stop bit length 1 (data length: 8 bits, 0 (data length: 8 bits,
/ data length stop bit: 2 bits) stop bit: 1 bit)
120 PU communication parity check 2 (with even parity check) 1 (with odd parity check)
PU communication check time
122 9999 (without communication check)

• To use the Developer and other functions of FR Configurator2, open the "System setting" window in FR Configurator2, and
set the [Detailed setting] as follows.

Item Initial value Setting value

Communication speed 19200(bps) 115200(bps)
Data length 8(bit)
Stop bit 2(bit) 1(bit)
Parity Even Odd
Delimiter CR

• Use the operation panel (FR-DU08) or parameter unit (FR-PU07) to change the settings of the inverter parameters.
The operation unit and FR Configurator2 (personal computer) cannot be connected to the PU connector simultaneously.
• For details on each inverter communication parameter, refer to the Instruction Manual (Detailed) of the inverter. For the
setting method of the [Detailed setting] of the [System setting] window of FR Configurator2, refer to the Instruction Manual of
FR Configurator2.
• When parameter clear or all clear is performed, the communication parameter setting values are also cleared, and
communication with FR Configurator2 (Developer) is therefore no longer possible.

PLC Function 15
Prior to creating sequence programs

1.7.5 Writing sequences programs

• Sequence programs can be written in any operation mode (External operation mode, PU operation mode and Network
operation mode). For the operation modes, refer to the Instruction Manual (Detailed) of the inverter.

Check the following points when rewriting the PLC function parameters and sequence programs using FR Configurator2
• The sequence program execution status is in the STOP (SQ signal OFF) (refer to page 14).
• The inverter is stopped.
• The communication specifications setting parameters (Pr.117 to Pr.124) are correctly set. Communication with FR
Configurator2 (Developer) is not possible if these parameter setting values are incorrect.
• The PLC series setting and sequence program capacity are correctly set with FR Configurator2 (Developer) parameters.
(Refer to page 11.)
Refer to the FR Configurator2 manual and write sequence programs.

• A sequence program cannot be written with its steps specified. The sequence program does not run if written in this way.
(The program outside the specified range is initialized.)
• To read the PLC function parameters and sequence programs from the inverter, such information must be written to the
inverter using FR Configurator2 (Developer) in advance. Always write the PLC function parameters and sequence program at
least once as the inverter does not have valid data.
• There is a limitation on the number of times writing can be done (approximately 100,000 times) as the PLC function
parameters and sequence program are written to the Flash ROM.
• A program with more than 6K steps cannot be written.

16 PLC Function
Device map

1.8 Device map

1.8.1 I/O device map

Device Device
Name Remarks Name Remarks
number number
X00 Terminal STF Y00 Terminal RUN
X01 Terminal STR Y01 Terminal SU
X02 Terminal RH Y02 Terminal OL
X03 Terminal RM Y03 Terminal IPF External terminal
X04 Terminal RL Y04 Terminal FU
X05 Terminal JOG Y05 Terminal ABC1
External input/output

External terminal
X06 Terminal RT Y06 Terminal ABC2
X07 Terminal AU Y07
X08 Terminal CS Y08
X09 Terminal MRS Y09
X0A Terminal STOP Y0A
X0B Terminal RES Y0B Empty (for temporary retention)
Vacant (for temporary retention)
X10 Terminal X0 Y10 Terminal DO0
X11 Terminal X1 Y11 Terminal DO1
X12 Terminal X2 Y12 Terminal DO2
Digital output
X13 Terminal X3 Y13 Terminal DO3
X14 Terminal X4 Y14 Terminal DO4
X15 Terminal X5 Y15 Terminal DO5
X16 Terminal X6 Y16 Terminal DO6
Plug-in option I/O

X17 Terminal X7 16 bits Y17 Terminal RA1

digital input Relay output
X18 Terminal X8 FR-A8AX Y18 Terminal RA2
X19 Terminal X9 Y19 Terminal RA3
X1A Terminal X10 Y1A
X1B Terminal X11 Y1B
X1C Terminal X12 Y1C
Empty (for temporary retention)
Terminal X13
Terminal X14
X1F Terminal X15 Y1F

PLC Function 17
Device map

Device Device
Name Remarks Name Remarks
number number
Operation mode setting Operation mode setting
X20 SD1140 Y20 SD1140
read complete read command
Set frequency read Set frequency read
X21 SD1141 Y21 SD1141
complete (RAM) command (RAM)
Set frequency read Set frequency read
X22 SD1142 Y22 SD1142
complete (EEPROM) command (EEPROM)
Operation mode setting Operation mode setting
X23 SD1143 Y23 SD1143
write complete write command
Set frequency write Set frequency write
X24 SD1144 Y24 SD1144
complete (RAM) command (RAM)
Set frequency write Set frequency write
X25 SD1145 Y25 SD1145
complete (EEPROM) command (EEPROM)
Fault record batch clear Fault record batch clear
X26 SD1146 Y26 SD1146
complete command
Parameter clear Parameter clear
System I/O

X27 SD1147 Y27 SD1147

complete command
Parameter read Parameter read
X28 Y28
complete (RAM) SD1241, SD1242, request (RAM) SD1241, SD1242,
Parameter write SD1234 Parameter write SD1234
X29 Y29
complete (RAM) request (RAM)
Parameter read Parameter read
complete (EEPROM) SD1243, SD1244, request (EEPROM) SD1243, SD1244,
Parameter write SD1235 Parameter write SD1235
complete (EEPROM) request (EEPROM)
User parameter read User parameter read
complete (RAM) (RAM)
User parameter write User parameter write
complete (RAM) D206 to D255 (RAM) D206 to D255
User parameter read (Pr.1150 to Pr.1199) User parameter read (Pr.1150 to Pr.1199)
complete (EEPROM) (EEPROM)
User parameter write User parameter write
complete (EEPROM) (EEPROM)
X30 RY0 Y30 RX0
X31 RY1 Y31 RX1
X32 RY2 Y32 RX2
X33 RY3 Y33 RX3
X34 RY4 Y34 RX4
X35 RY5 Y35 RX5
CC-Link I/O Remote I/O

X36 RY6 Y36 RX6

X37 RY7 Y37 RX7
X38 RY8 Y38 RX8
X39 RY9 Y39 RX9

18 PLC Function
Device map

1.8.2 Internal relay (M) device map

Device number Description
M0 to M127 Available for users.

1.8.3 Data register (D) device map

Refer to
Device number Description
D0 to D205 Available for users. -
Pr.1150 to Pr.1199
D206 to D255 46
Parameters for user setting. Available for users.

1.8.4 Special relay

Special relay is an internal relay whose application is already determined in the PLC function. Therefore, do not turn ON/OFF
the special relay in the program.

Device number Name Description

Turned ON when a diagnostic error has been detected.
SM0 Diagnostic error
ON status is retained even after the condition becomes normal.
Turned ON when an error is detected by self diagnosis.
SM1 Self-diagnostic error
ON status is retained even after the condition becomes normal.
When SM5 is turned ON, common error information (SD5 to SD15) is
SM5 Common error information
When SM16 is turned ON, individual error information (SD16 to SD26) is
SM16 Individual error information
Turned ON when an operation error is detected during instruction
SM56 Operation error flag execution.
ON status is retained even after the condition becomes normal.
At OFF to ON of SM210, the clock data stored in SD210 to SD213 are
SM210 Clock data setting request
written to the inverter.
Turned ON when the clock data (SD210 to SD213) has an error or is not a
SM211 Clock data error
BCD value.
Clock data is read and stored as BCD value in SD210 to SD213 when this
SM213 Clock data read request relay is turned ON.
The process is not executed when the relay is OFF.
SM400 Always ON SM400 and SM401 are respectively turned ON and OFF regardless of the
SM401 Always OFF STOP and RUN statuses.
ON only for one scan after
SM402 SM402 and SM403 change depending on the STOP and RUN statuses.
RUN In the cases other than STOP:
OFF only for one scan after SM402 is ON only for one scan.
SM403 SM403 is OFF only for one scan.
Inverter operating status
SM1200 Flag used for controlling the inverter terminal STF.
control flag (STF)
Inverter operating status
SM1201 Flag used for controlling the inverter terminal STR.
control flag (STR)
Inverter operating status
SM1202 Flag used for controlling the inverter terminal RH.
control flag (RH)
Inverter operating status
SM1203 Flag used for controlling the inverter terminal RM.
control flag (RM)
Inverter operating status
SM1204 Flag used for controlling the inverter terminal RL.
control flag (RL)

PLC Function 19
Device map

Device number Name Description

Inverter operating status
SM1205 Flag used for controlling the inverter terminal JOG.
control flag (JOG)
Inverter operating status
SM1206 Flag used for controlling the inverter terminal RT.
control flag (RT)
Inverter operating status
SM1207 Flag used for controlling the inverter terminal AU.
control flag (AU)
Inverter operating status
SM1208 Flag used for controlling the inverter terminal CS.
control flag (CS)
Inverter operating status
SM1209 Flag used for controlling the inverter terminal MRS.
control flag (MRS)
Inverter operating status
SM1210 Flag used for controlling the inverter terminal STOP.
control flag (STOP)
Inverter operating status
SM1211 Flag used for controlling the inverter terminal RES.
control flag (RES)
SM1216 Inverter status (RUN) Inverter running
SM1217 Inverter status (FWD) Forward rotation
SM1218 Inverter status (REV) Reverse rotation
SM1219 Inverter status (SU) Up to frequency
SM1220 Inverter status (OL) Overload alarm
SM1221 Inverter status (IPF) Instantaneous power failure/undervoltage
SM1222 Inverter status (FU) Output frequency detection
SM1223 Inverter status (ALM) Fault output
SM1224 Inverter status (LF) Warning output
Stores the operating status of an output terminal function assigned by
SM1225 Inverter status (DO0)
Stores the operating status of an output terminal function assigned by
SM1226 Inverter statusDO1)
Stores the operating status of an output terminal function assigned by
SM1227 Inverter status (DO2)
Stores the operating status of an output terminal function assigned by
SM1228 Inverter status (DO3)
Stores the operating status of an output terminal function assigned by
SM1229 Inverter status (DO4)
Stores the operating status of an output terminal function assigned by
SM1230 Inverter status (DO5)
Stores the operating status of an output terminal function assigned by
SM1231 Inverter status (DO6)
Stores the operating status of an output terminal function assigned by
SM1232 Inverter status (RA1)
Stores the operating status of an output terminal function assigned by
SM1233 Inverter status (RA2)
Stores the operating status of an output terminal function assigned by
SM1234 Inverter status (RA3)
The safety monitor (terminal So) status is stored.
SM1235 Safety monitor (terminal So)
This is turned ON when no internal safety circuit failure has occurred.
Select the inverter operating status of SM1200 to SM1211 and SD1148.
Inverter operating status
SM1255 OFF: Special relay selection
control selection
ON: Special register selection
Turned ON when parameter read for the inverter is executed using X28 to
2-word parameter access X2B, Y28 to Y2B, and the object was 2-word parameter.
notice OFF: Read is completed as 1-word parameter.
ON: Read is completed as 2-word parameter.

20 PLC Function
Device map

Device number Name Description

Set the object as 2 word parameter when inverter parameter write is
2-word parameter access executed using X28 to X2B, Y28 to Y2B.
setting OFF: Carries out writing as 1-word parameter.
ON: Carries out writing as 2-word parameter.
Clock data setting Turned ON when the clock data is set using an external peripheral device,
completion flag parameter, or SM210. This is turned OFF when SM213 is turned ON.
 Even if the FR-A8AY or FR-A8AR is not installed, Pr.313 to Pr.322 are accessible during PLC function operation, and the operating status of the
output terminal (virtual output terminal) function is stored in each device.

PLC Function 21
Device map

1.8.5 Special register

Special register is a data register in which the application is already determined in the PLC function. Therefore, do not write
data into the special register on the program.

Device number Name Description Page

SD0 Self-diagnostic error Error code is stored when an error is detected by self diagnosis. 33
Stores the category codes that show the type of error information
stored in the common information (SD5 to SD15) and the
individual information (SD16 to SD26).
b15 to b8 b7 to b0
Individual error information Common error information

The following codes are stored in the common information

category code.

Value Code
0 Not used

SD4 Error information category 2 File name/drive name -

3 Time (setting value)
4 Program error location

The following codes are stored in the individual information

category code.

Value Code
Special register

0 Not used
3 Time (actual measurement value)
5 Parameter number

When the common information category code is 2, the file name

or drive name are stored in SD5 to SD11.

Number Description
SD5 Drive name.
SD7 File name
SD8 (ASCII code: 8 characters)
SD5 to SD15 Common error information -
SD10 Extension 2EH(.)
SD11 (ASCII code: 3 characters)
SD12 to

The step numbers where errors occurred are stored in SD14 and
When the common information category code is 3, the time
(setting value) is stored in SD5 and SD6.

Number Description

SD5 to SD15 Common error information SD5 Time: in 1 μs increments (0 to 999 μs) -
SD6 Time: in 1 ms increments (0 to 65535 ms)
SD7 to

22 PLC Function
Device map

Device number Name Description Page

When the common information category code is 4, the program
error location is stored in SD5 to SD15.

Number Description
SD6 File name MAIN 
SD7 (ASCII code: 8 characters)
SD9 Extension 2EH(.)
SD5 to SD15 Common error information SD10 QPG (ASCII code: 3 characters) -

SD11 Always 0
SD12 Always 0
SD13 Always 0
SD14 Sequence step No.(L)
SD15 Sequence step No.(H)
 Always "MAIN". After "MAIN", four null characters are stored.

The step numbers where errors occurred are stored in SD14 and
When the individual information category code is 3, the time
(actual measured data) is stored in SD16 and SD17.

Number Description
Special register

SD16 Time: in 1 μs increments (0 to 999 μs) -

SD17 Time: in 1 ms increments (0 to 65535 ms)
SD18 to
SD16 to SD26 Individual error information
When the individual information category code is 5, the parameter
number is stored in SD16.

Number Description
SD16 Parameter number
SD17 to

bit Item Value Description
CPU module
b3 to b0 0 RUN
operating status
CPU module operating
status b7 to b4 0 Switch
1 Remote contact
Remote operation
from the peripheral
2 S/W for the
4 Error

PLC Function 23
Device map

Device number Name Description Page

Year (the last two digits of the year) is stored in BCD code.

SD210 Clock data -

Last two digits of the year Month

Date and hour are stored in BCD code.

SD211 Clock data -

Day of the week Hour

Minute and second are stored in BCD code.

SD212 Clock data -

Minute Second

Year (the first two digits of the year) and day of the week are
stored in BCD code.

SD213 Clock data Day -

Special register

First two digits of the year Monday

SD520 Scan time is stored at every END, and is constantly updated. -

(Measured in 100 μs increments)
Current scan time
SD520: Stores the millisecond places (Stored range: 0 to 65535)
SD521 SD521: Stores the microsecond places (Stored range: 0 to 900) -

SD524 Minimum scan time is stored at every END. -

(Measured in 100 μs increments)
Minimum scan time
SD524: Stores the millisecond places (Stored range: 0 to 65535)
SD525 SD525: Stores the microsecond places (Stored range: 0 to 900) -

SD526 Maximum scan time is stored at every END. -

(Measured in 100 μs increments)
Maximum scan time
SD526: Stores the millisecond places (Stored range: 0 to 65535)
SD527 SD527: Stores the microsecond places (Stored range: 0 to 900) -

SD1062 to Special register for communicating with the master station in CC-
Remote register 57
SD1093 Link.
SD1133 Output frequency monitor Present output frequency is stored. The increment is 0.01 Hz.
SD1134 Output current monitor Present output current is stored. The increment is 0.01 A. 30
SD1135 Output voltage monitor Present output voltage is stored. The increment is 0.1 V.

24 PLC Function
Device map

Device number Name Description Page

SD1136 Faults history 1, 2
SD1137 Faults history 3, 4
Faults in the inverter are stored in the order of occurrence. 31
SD1138 Faults history 5, 6
SD1139 Faults history 7, 8
Operation mode setting
SD1140 Stores the present operation mode. 34
SD1141 Set frequency read (RAM) Reads and stores the set frequency (RAM). 35
Set frequency read
SD1142 Reads and stores the set frequency (EEPROM). 35
Operation mode setting
SD1143 Sets the operation mode to be changed. 37
SD1144 Set frequency write (RAM) Sets the running frequency (RAM). 37
Set frequency write
SD1145 Sets the running frequency (EEPROM). 38
Special register for control

SD1146 Fault record batch clear Clears the faults history when H9696 is written. 39
H9696 write: parameter clear
H9966 write: all clear
H5A5A write: parameter clear except for communication
SD1147 Parameter clear parameters 39
H55AA write: all clear except for communication parameters
While communicating with FR Configurator2, clear the parameters
using H5A5A or H55AA.
Turn ON/OFF the corresponding bit to control the inverter
operating status.
All initial values are set as "0". When SM1255 is OFF, this function
is disabled.
b15 b12 b11 b8 b7 b4 b3 b0
Inverter operating status Invalid STF
SD1148 40
control STR

The inverter operating status control by SD1148 and SM1200 to

SM1211 can be enabled/disabled by turning ON/OFF the
Inverter operating status corresponding bit.
SD1149 control The bit table is the same as SD1148. 41
enable/disable setting All initial values are set to "0" (invalid).
Input through external terminals is always enabled for the SQ
signal. (The SQ signal cannot be controlled with SD1149 bits.)

Inverter parameter access

Stores the error number generated when parameter or data stored 1
SD1150 in the special register was not successfully reflected to the 42

PLC Function 25
Device map

Device number Name Description Page

Operating status of the inverter is stored.
b15 b8 b7 b4 b3 b0

Terminal So status Inverter running(RUN)

Forward running
SD1151 Inverter status Reverse running
Up to frequency(SU)
Overload alarm(OL)
Instantaneous power failure
Output frequency
Fault output(ALM)
Alarm output(LF)

SD1152 Frequency setting value 0.01 Hz increments -

1 (0.1) r/min increments
SD1153 Running speed Pr.811 Set resolution switchover enables 0.1 r/min unit -
SD1154 Motor torque 0.1% increments -
SD1155 Converter output voltage 0.1 V increments -
SD1156 Regenerative brake duty 0.1% increments -
Electric thermal relay load
SD1157 0.1% increments -
SD1158 Output power peak value 0.01 A increments -
Converter output voltage
SD1159 0.1 V increments -
peak value
SD1160 Input power 0.01 kW increments -
Special register for control

SD1161 Output power 0.01 kW increments -

Details of input terminal status
b15 b12 b11 b8 b7 b4 b3 b0
SD1162 Input terminal status RT -

Details of output terminal status

b15 b7 b4 b3 b0
SD1163 Output terminal status SU -

SD1164 Load meter 0.1% increments -

SD1165 Motor excitation current 0.01 A increments -
SD1166 Position pulse Stores the encoder position pulse -
Cumulative energization
SD1167 1 hour increments -
SD1169 Orientation status Stores the orientation status. -
SD1170 Actual operation time 1 hour increments -
SD1171 Motor load factor 0.1% increments -
SD1172 Cumulative power 1 kWh increments -
Position command (lower
SD1173 Stores the position command setting value (lower 16 bits). -
16 bits)

26 PLC Function
Device map

Device number Name Description Page

Position command (upper
SD1174 Stores the position command setting value (upper 16 bits). -
16 bits)
Feedback pulse (lower 16
SD1175 Stores the feedback pulse value (lower 16 bits). -
Feedback pulse (upper 16
SD1176 Stores the feedback pulse value (upper 16 bits). -
SD1177 Droop pulse (lower 16 bits) Stores the droop pulse value (lower 16 bits). -
SD1178 Droop pulse (upper 16 bits) Stores the droop pulse value (upper 16 bits). -
SD1179 Torque command 0.1% increments -
SD1180 Torque current command 0.1% increments -
SD1181 Motor output 0.1 kW increments -
SD1182 Feedback pulse Stores the feedback pulse quantity. -
SD1184 Station number (PU port) Stores the station number (PU port). -
Station number (RS-485
SD1185 Stores the station number (RS-485 terminal block). -
terminal block)
Communication station
SD1186 Stores the communication station number (CC-Link). -
number (CC-Link)
SD1187 Remote output 1 Stores the analog remote output setting value 1. -
SD1188 Remote output 2 Stores the analog remote output setting value 2. -
SD1189 Remote output3 Stores the analog remote output setting value 3. -
Special register for control

SD1190 Remote output 4 Stores the analog remote output setting value 4. -
PTC thermistor resistance
SD1191 Stores the PTC thermistor resistance value. -
SD1197 Energy saving effect -
According to the parameter settings.
SD1198 Cumulative energy saving -
SD1199 PID set point Stores the PID set point. The increment is 0.1%. -
SD1200 PID measured value Stores the PID measured value. The increment is 0.1%. -
SD1201 PID deviation Stores the PID deviation. The increment is 0.1%. -
SD1202 Second PID set point Stores the second PID set point. The increment is 0.1%. -
Second PID measured
SD1203 Stores the second PID measured value. The increment is 0.1%. -
SD1204 Second PID deviation Stores the second PID deviation. The increment is 0.1%. -
Stores the input status of the FR-A8AX.
All are OFF (0) when there are no options installed.
b15 b12 b11 b8 b7 b4 b3 b0
Option input terminal status 1:ON
SD1205 -
1 X0

Option input terminal status X13
SD1206 -
2 X14
b15 b12 b11 b8 b7 b4 b3 b0
SD1206 1:ON

PLC Function 27
Device map

Device number Name Description Page

Stores the output status of the FR-A8AY or FR-A8AR.
All are OFF (0) when there are no options installed.
b15 b12 b11 b8 b7 b4 b3 b0

Option output terminal Y0

SD1207 Y1 -
status Y2

SD1211 Dancer main speed setting Stores the dancer main speed setting. -
SD1212 PID manipulated amount Stores the PID manipulated amount. The increment is 0.1%. -
Stores the PID measured value. The increment is 0.1%.
SD1213 PID measured value 2 -
(Monitoring can be performed even when PID control is disabled.)
An inverter fault is initiated by setting the values of "16 to 20" in
SD1214 User definition error 43
SD1215 Monitor setting selection Set SD1215 to display the monitor set in SD1216 to SD1218. 43
Special register for control

SD1216 Monitor 1 setting value The first to the third monitors on the operation panel (FR-DU08) or
SD1217 Monitor 2 setting value the parameter unit (FR-PU 07) can be changed by setting the 43
value "40 to 42" in Pr.774 to Pr.776.
SD1218 Monitor 3 setting value
SD1220 Motor thermal load factor Stores the motor thermal load factor. -
SD1221 Inverter thermal load factor Stores the inverter thermal load factor. -
Second PID manipulated Stores the second PID manipulated amount. The increment is
SD1222 -
amount 0.1%.
Second PID measured Stores the second PID measured value. The increment is 0.1%.
SD1223 -
value 2 (Monitoring can be performed even when PID control is disabled.)
32-bit cumulative power
SD1224 1 kWh -
(Lower 16 bits)
32-bit cumulative power
SD1225 1 kWh -
(Upper 16 bits)
32-bit cumulative power
SD1226 0.01 kWh/0.1 kWh  -
(Lower 16 bits)
32-bit cumulative power
SD1227 0.01 kWh/0.1 kWh  -
(Upper 16 bits)
SD1229 Trace status Stores the trace status. -
Second parameter change When setting a calibration parameter (bias/gain)
(RAM) H00: Frequency (torque) 44,
Second parameter change H01: Analog value set by parameters 45
SD1235 H02: Analog value input from terminals
 Settings differ according to the inverter capacity. (FR-A820-03160(55K) or lower and FR-A840-01800(55K) or lower, FR-A820-03800(75K) or
higher and FR-A840-02160(75K) or higher)

28 PLC Function
Device map

Device number Name Description Page

Pulse train input sampling The number of pulses counted in count cycle is stored. (0 to
pulse 32767)
Pulse train input cumulative
count value L The cumulative value of the number of sampling pulses is
Pulse train input cumulative stored. (0 to 99999999)
SD1238 48
count value H
Reset request of pulse train The sampling pulses and cumulative count value are cleared.
input count Automatically changes to "0" after reset. (1: count clear)
Count start of the pulse train Start counting the sampling pulses and cumulative count value.
input (0: count stop, 1: count start)
SD1241 Parameter number (RAM) Set the parameter number to read from/write to the inverter.
Stores the inverter parameter content (RAM value) specified by
SD1242 Parameter detail (RAM) SD1241. Input the parameter setting value when writing the
Parameter number 44, 45
SD1243 Set the parameter number to read from/write to the inverter.
Stores the inverter parameter content (EEPROM value)
Parameter content
SD1244 specified by SD1243. Input the parameter setting value when
writing the parameters.
SD1245 Terminal 1 input Stores the analog input value (0.1% increments) to terminal 1.
SD1246 Terminal 2 input Stores the analog input value (0.1% increments) to terminal 2. 47
Special register for control

SD1247 Terminal 4 input Stores the analog input value (0.1% increments) to terminal 4.
PID control set point/
SD1248 Set the PID set point or PID deviation. (0.01% increments)
SD1249 PID control measured value Set the PID measured value. (0.01% increments) 49
PID control manipulated
SD1250 Stores the PID manipulated amount. (0.01% increments)
When Pr.54="70", analog output can be performed from the
SD1251 Terminal FM/CA output
terminal FM/CA. (0.1% increments)
When Pr.158= "70", analog output can be performed from
SD1252 Terminal AM output 47
terminal AM. (0.1% increments)
SD1253 AM0 output Analog output can be performed from terminals AM0 and AM1
SD1254 AM1 output of the FR-A8AY. (0.1% increments)
Sets the start/stop of PID operation.
SD1255 PID operation control
Set "1" to start PID control.
Second PID control set Set the second PID set point or the second PID deviation.
point/deviation (0.01% increments)
Second PID control
SD1309 Set the second PID measured value. (0.01% increments)
measured value

Second PID control
manipulated amount
Stores the second PID manipulated amount. (0.01%
Read parameter content When the parameter to be written is 2 words, storage locations
SD1320 -
(2-word parameter: L) are as follows:
Read parameter content SD1320: Lower 1 word
SD1321 SD1321: Upper 1 word -
(2-word parameter: H)
Write parameter content When the parameter to be read is 2 words, storage locations
SD1322 -
(2-word parameter: L) are as follows:
Write parameter content SD1322: Lower 1 word
SD1323 SD1323: Upper 1 word -
(2-word parameter: H)

PLC Function 29
Special registers to monitor and control inverter status

1.9 Special registers to monitor and control

inverter status
Read from and write to user sequences are possible by assigning the data to monitor and change the operating status of the
inverter from SD1133 to SD1147. (For the list of registers, refer to page 22.)

1.9.1 Always readable data

The following data is always readable. They are refreshed on every END instruction automatically.

Operation monitor
These are the data devices by which the output frequency, output current, and output voltage of the inverter can be monitored,
and which are always readable (write is disabled). Pay attention to the setting increments.

Device Setting
Name Data example Data access condition
number increments
SD1133 Output frequency monitor 0.01 Hz Device content 600060.00 Hz
SD1134 Output current monitor 0.01 A Device content 2002.00 A Always accessible
SD1135 Output voltage monitor 0.01 V Device content 100010.0 V

• Setting frequency can be set in increments of 0.01 Hz, but operates at 0.1 Hz increments in actual operation.

30 PLC Function
Special registers to monitor and control inverter status

Faults history (error code and error definition)

When the inverter fails, it stores error codes.
A maximum of eight faults are stored with error codes in the order shown below, and they are always readable (write is

<Error code storing method details>

b15 to b8 b7 to b0
SD1136 Faults history 2 Faults history 1
SD1137 Faults history 4 Faults history 3 Newer
SD1138 Faults history 6 Faults history 5
SD1139 Faults history 8 Faults history 7 Older

Error Error Error

Error Fault record Fault record Fault record
Fault record code code code
H00 No failure
H10 E.OC1
H81 E.LF HC2 E.P24 HDA E.MB6
H11 E.OC2
H12 E.OC3
H20 E.OV1
H21 E.OV2
H22 E.OV3
HA5 E.17 HC9 E.SAF HF1 E.1
HA6 E.18 HD0 E.OS HF2 E.2
HA7 E.19 HD1 E.OSD HF3 E.3
HA8 E.20 HD2 E.ECT HF5 E.5
HB3 E.PE2 HD7 E.MB3 HFD E.13

For details of fault records, refer to the Instruction Manual of the inverter.

<Program example for reading a fault record>

The following description is of a program that reads out the latest fault record of the inverter and stores to D0.

Faults history read request

Stores only the lower 8 bits
of fault history 1, 2 (SD1136)
into D0.
(The latest fault information
is stored into D0.)

PLC Function 31
Special registers to monitor and control inverter status

Fault clear signal (X51 signal)

When an inverter fault occurs, X51 signal clears the fault without resetting the inverter.
By using the X51 signal, the inverter fault can be cleared with the PLC function still operating.
Set "51" in Pr.178 to Pr.189 (Input terminal function selection) in advance to enable the X51 signal.
If a fault occurs while the X51 signal has
Fault occurs been ON, the fault is not cleared.

Fault status
(terminal ABC)


Fault is cleared by turn If a fault occurs while the X51 Fault is cleared by
ON of X51 signal. signal has been ON, turn OFF turn ON of X51 signal.
the X51 signal once, then turn it
ON again.

• The fault clear function using the X51 signal does not function while the retry function is operating (including during the retry
waiting time).
(The X51 signal operates when the retry count is exceeded (E.RET).
• When the fault is cleared, start commands from PU and communication are also cleared. (All commands except the start
command from communication are maintained in the status before the fault is cleared.)

• E.CPU, E.P24, E.CTE, E.1 to E.3, E.6, E.7, E.13, E.14, E.16 to E.20, E.SAF and E.PE2 are not cleared by X51 signal.
• When a fault is cleared, the accumulated heat values of the electronic thermal O/L relay and regenerative brake are not
cleared. Faults including E.THM, E.THT, and E.BE may occur again.
• The inverter remains in the stop status immediately after a fault is cleared. However, the inverter starts operating again after
the fault is cleared if the start command is ON.
• When an error occurs, the normal reset function operates when the STOP/RESET key on the operation panel or parameter
unit is pushed. Be careful not to push the key by mistake.
• Changing terminal assignment by using Pr.178 to Pr.189 (input terminal function selection) may affect the other functions.
Set parameters after confirming the function of each terminal.

32 PLC Function
Special registers to monitor and control inverter status

Self-diagnostic error, error number and details

When an operation error occurs during execution of sequence programs, the following error numbers are stored in SD0.
When a self-diagnostic error occurs, the "P.RUN" indicator (LED) blinks.

Error No. Error name Details

1010 END NOT EXECUTE END command was not executed.
2200 MISSING PARA. No parameter file.
The program file is not correct.
Or the content of the file is not a program.
The content of the parameter indicated by the individual error
information (SD16) is incorrect.
The number of device points set in the PLC parameter device
setting is not within the usable range.
An undecodable instruction code is included in the program.
An unusable instruction is included in the program.
4010 MISSING END INS. No END (FEND) instruction in the program.
4100 OPERATION ERROR Data that cannot be used in instructions is included.
The program scan time exceeded the watchdog timer value set in
the PLC RAS setting of the PLC parameter.
The program scan time exceeded the constant scan time set in the
PLC RAS setting of the PLC parameter.

• Operation at error stop
Output (Y) is cleared.
Other devices remain in the status before the error stop occurred.
To clear the statuses, turn OFF or reset (turn RES signal ON (0.1 s) and then OFF) the inverter.

PLC Function 33
Special registers to monitor and control inverter status

1.9.2 Data read by controlling read command (from

OFF to ON)
The operation mode and set frequency of the inverter can be read.

Device Read Read

Name Data access condition
number instruction completion
SD1140 Operation mode setting read Y20 X20
SD1141 Set frequency read (RAM) Y21 X21 Always accessible
SD1142 Set frequency read (EEPROM) Y22 X22
For the data devices above, data is stored when the read command switches from OFF to ON and read completion switches
from OFF to ON.
Data is not refreshed while the read command is ON. (Data is not updated.)
Data is refreshed by turning the read command OFF and ON again.

Time chart of each data read

3) In user sequence, ON of read completion
1) Read command is turned is confirmed and data is read from special
ON in user sequence. register and processed.
4) After completion of read,
read command is turned OFF.

Y2n(n=0 to 2)
Read command

X2n(n=0 to 2)
Read completion
SD114n(n=0 to 2)
Read data

User sequence

2) Inverter CPU stores inverter data 5) Inverter CPU confirms that

into special register and turns ON read command is OFF and
read completion. turns OFF read completion.

Operation mode setting read (SD1140)

Data content Operation mode
H0000 NET operation mode
H0001 External operation mode
H0002 PU operation mode

• When Pr.79 Operation mode selection"0", the setting is applied. However, if Pr.79 = "3 or 4", "H0002" (PU operation
mode) is applied.

<Program example of reading operation mode settings>

The following description is of a program that reads out the operation mode data to D0.

Operation mode read setting request Turns ON operation mode

read request pulse.
Stores operation mode data to D0
SD1140 when operation mode setting read
completion signal turns ON.
Turns ON operation mode setting
read command. (Until operation
mode setting read completion
signal turns ON)

34 PLC Function
Special registers to monitor and control inverter status

Set frequency read (RAM) (SD1141)

The frequency set in RAM can be read out from SD1141. Its increment is 0.01 Hz.
(For example, "6000" means 60.00 Hz.)
If the rotation rate is set, the increment is 1 r/min or 0.1 r/min. (According to the setting value of Pr.811)

<Program example of reading the set frequency (RAM)>

The following description is of a program that reads out the set frequency (RAM) to D0.

Set frequency read (RAM) setting request

Turns ON set frequency
read (RAM) request pulse.
Stores data to D0 when set
SD1141 frequency read (RAM)
completion signal turns ON.
Turns ON set frequency read (RAM)
command. (Until set frequency read
(RAM) completion signal turns ON)

• The frequency to be read is not the command value of an external signal.

Set frequency read (EEPROM) (SD1142)

The frequency set in EEPROM can be read from SD1142. Its increment is 0.01 Hz.
(For example, "6000" means 60.00 Hz.)
If the rotation rate is set, the increment is 1 r/min or 0.1 r/min. (According to the setting value of Pr.811)

<Program example of reading the set frequency (EEPROM)>

The following description is of a program that reads out the set frequency (EEPROM) to D0.

The following program reads the set frequency (EEPROM) to D0.

Set frequency read
(EEPROM) setting request
Stores data to D0 when set frequency
SD1142 read (EEPROM) completion signal
turns ON.
Turns ON set frequency read (EEPROM)
command. (Until set frequency read
(EEPROM) completion signal turns ON)

• The frequency to be read is not the command value of an external signal.

PLC Function 35
Special registers to monitor and control inverter status

1.9.3 Data writing method by controlling write

command (from OFF to ON)
Writing of an operation mode and setting frequency to the inverter, a batch clear of fault records, and all parameter clear can
be executed.

Device Write Write

Name Data access condition
number instruction completion
SD1143 Writing the operation mode setting Y23 X23 Pr.79=0, 2
SD1144 Writing the setting frequency (RAM) Y24 X24 PU operation mode (PU LED ON) or
Writing the setting frequency CC-Link operation mode (PU and EXT
SD1145 Y25 X25 LEDs blink slowly.)
SD1146 Batch clearing of fault records Y26 X26 Always accessible
SD1147 All parameter clear Y27 X27 According to the setting of Pr.77

The data above is written at the point when write completion turns ON after the write command turns from OFF to ON.
(Written at clear completion of SD1146 executed for fault record batch clear and SD1147 for all parameter clear.)
To write again, the write command must be turned OFF and then ON again.

Time charts of a data write

4) After confirmation of write
1) In user sequence, user 2) In user sequence, write
completion, write command
data is stored into write command is turned ON.
is turned OFF.
data area (SD114n).

Y2n(n=3 to 7)
Write command

X2n(n=3 to 7)
Write completion

SD114n(n=3 to 7)
Write data

User data

3) Turns ON when inverter CPU completes data 5) Inverter CPU confirms that
write to inverter. write command is OFF and
Faults history clear and parameter turns OFF write completion.
clear turn ON at completion of clear.
"0" written to SD1150 indicates normal completion.
Any value other than 0 indicates abnormal completion.

36 PLC Function
Special registers to monitor and control inverter status

Writing operation mode settings (SD1143)

Data content:
Data content Operation mode
H0000 NET operation mode
H0001 External operation mode
H0002 PU operation mode

The method for changing operation modes is shown in the following chart when Pr.79 Operation mode selection = "0".

NET mode H0001 External H0002 PU operation

(CC-Link) operation mode mode
H0000 H0001


When Pr.79 = "2", the chart is as follows.

H0001 External
NET mode
operation mode

• When Pr.79  "0", the mode is fixed.

There are no limiting conditions for operation mode transitions.

When the operation mode settings are completed normally, write completion signal (X23) turns ON at the same time as
SD1150 is set to "0".
Writing any setting value other than H0000 to H0002 or executing writing while the inverter is operating causes the write
completion signal (X23) to turn ON at the same time as setting HFFFF in SD1150, resulting in error completion.
If an error completion occurs, the operation mode is not changed.

<Program example of writing operation mode settings>

The following description is of the program that changes the operation mode to NET mode.

Operation mode write setting request

Turns ON operation mode
setting write request pulse.
SD1150 Check whether operation mode
Normal write setting write completion signal
SD1150 turned ON to judge whether write
Abnormal write was performed normally or not.
Stores 0 (CC-Link operation mode)
to SD1143 and turns ON operation
SD1143 mode setting write command.
(Until completion signal turns ON)

Setting frequency write (RAM) (SD1144)
The content of SD1144 is written to the RAM as setting frequency. Its increment is 0.01 Hz.
(For example, 60.00 Hz is written as "6000".)
If the rotation speed is set, the increment is 1 r/min or 0.1 r/min. (According to the setting value of Pr.811)
The frequency can be set within the range of 0 to 12000 (0 to 120.00 Hz).
When frequency settings are written normally, the write completion signal (X24) turns ON at the same time as SD1150 is set
to "0".
Executing writing with any value that is outside the specified range causes the write completion signal (X24) to turn ON at the
same time as setting HFFFF in SD1150, resulting in error completion. If an error completion occurs, the setting frequency is
not changed.

PLC Function 37
Special registers to monitor and control inverter status

• This can be set in PU operation mode and NET operation mode. Refer to the Instruction Manual of the inverter.

<Program example of writing the setting frequency (RAM)>

The following description is of a program that changes the setting frequency (RAM) to 30 Hz.

Set frequency write (RAM) setting request

Turns ON set frequency
write (RAM) command pulse.
SD1150 Check whether set frequency
Normal write write (RAM) completion signal is
SD1150 turned ON to judge whether write
Abnormal write was performed normally or not.
Stores 3000 (30Hz) into SD1144,
and turns ON set frequency write
(RAM) command.
(Until completion signal turns ON)

Setting frequency write (EEPROM) (SD1145)

The content of SD1145 is written to EEPROM as setting frequency. Its increment is 0.01 Hz.
(For example, 60.00 Hz is written as "6000".)
If the rotation rate is set, the increment is 1 r/min or 0.1 r/min. (According to the setting value of Pr.811)
The frequency can be set within the range of 0 to 12000 (0 to 120.00 Hz).
When frequency settings are written normally, the write completion signal (X25) turns ON at the same time as SD1150 is set
to "0".
Executing writing with any value that is outside the specified range causes the write completion signal (X25) to turn ON at the
same time as setting HFFFF in SD1150, resulting in error completion. If an error completion occurs, the setting frequency is
not changed.

• This can be set in PU operation mode and NET operation mode. Refer to the Instruction Manual of the inverter.

<Program example of writing setting frequency (EEPROM)>

The following description is of a program that changes the setting frequency (EEPROM) to 10 Hz.

Set frequency write (EEPROM) setting request

Turns ON set frequency write
(EEPROM) request pulse.
SD1150 Check whether set frequency
Normal write write (EEPROM) completion signal is
SD1150 turned ON to judge whether write
Abnormal write was performed normally or not.
Stores 1000 (10Hz) into SD1145,
and turns ON set frequency write
1000 SD1145 (EEPROM) command.
(Until completion signal turns ON)

• When set frequencies need to be changed often, use the device SD1144 "set frequency (RAM)". There is a limitation on the
number of times EEPROM can be written to. (Approximately 100,000 times)

38 PLC Function
Special registers to monitor and control inverter status

Batch clear of fault records (SD1146)

When H9696 is written to SD1146, fault records are cleared in a batch.
When clearing is completed, the write completion signal (X26) turns ON at the same time as SD1150 is set to "0".
Executing writing with any value that is outside the specified range or writing while the inverter is running causes the write
completion signal (X26) to turn ON at the same time as setting HFFFF in SD1150, resulting in error completion. In the case of
error completion, the fault records are not cleared.

<Program example of batch clearing of fault records>

The following description is of the program that batch clears fault records.

Faults history batch clear request

Turns ON faults history
batch clear request pulse.
SD1150 Check whether faults history
Normal write batch clear signal is turned ON to
SD1150 judge whether write was
Abnormal write performed normally or not.
Stores H9696 (batch clear code)
to SD1146 and turns ON faults
SD1146 history batch clear command.
(Until completion signal turns ON)

Parameter clear (SD1147)

When H9696 or H9966 is written to SD1147, all parameters are cleared. When H5A5A or H55AA is written to SD1147,
parameters except the communication parameters are cleared. (Refer to the Instruction Manual of the inverter.)

Setting Communication Other

Device No. Details
value parameters parameters
H9696   Terminal functions are not cleared.
H9966   Terminal functions are cleared.
H5A5A   Terminal functions are not cleared.
H55AA   Terminal functions are cleared.
: Clear, : Not clear

When clearing is complete, the write completion signal (X27) turns ON at the same time as SD1150 is set to "0".
Executing writing with any value that is outside the specified range or writing while the inverter is running causes the write
completion signal (X27) to turn ON at the same time as setting HFFFF in SD1150, resulting in error completion. In the case of
an error completion, the parameters are not cleared.

• Identify the terminal function parameters and communication parameters in the parameter list. (Refer to the Instruction
Manual of the inverter.)

• This can be set in the PU operation mode and NET operation mode. Refer to the Instruction Manual of the inverter.

PLC Function 39
Special registers to monitor and control inverter status

<Program example of clearing all parameters>

The following description is of the program that clears all parameters.

All parameter clear request

Turns ON all parameter
clear request pulse.
SD1150 Check whether all parameter
Normal write clear signal is turned ON to judge
SD1150 whether write was performed
Abnormal write normally or not.
Stores H9696 (all parameter
clear code) to SD1147 and turns
SD1147 ON faults history batch clear
(Until completion signal turns ON)

• When parameter clear/all clear is executed, communication parameters are also cleared. Thus communication with FR
Configurator2 (Developer) becomes impossible.

Related device
Device SD1150: inverter parameter access error (refer to page 42)

1.9.4 Inverter operating status control

Name Data access condition
SD1148 Inverter operating status control Always accessible.
Inverter operating status control However, this is only active in External/NET operation mode.
SD1149 (Disabled in PU operation mode)

Inverter operating status control (SD1148)

SD1148 is a device for controlling the operating status of the inverter. The inverter operation can be controlled by turning the
bits b0 to b11 of SD1148 ON/OFF (1,0).
All initial values are "0".
Example) When SD1148 is set to "5", the bits b0 and b2 are turned to 1(ON) and thus STF and RH are turned ON, creating
the fast forward rotation command.

b15 b12 b11 b8 b7 b4 b3 b0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
STF (Pr.178)
STR (Pr.179)
RH (Pr.182)
RM (Pr.181)
RL (Pr.180)
JOG (Pr.185)
RT (Pr.183)
AU (Pr.184)
CS (Pr.186)
MRS (Pr.187)
STOP (Pr.188)
RES (Pr.189)

• The functions of SD1148 bits are assigned by Pr.178 to Pr.189 in the same way as for the external input terminal. Note that
SQ signal (setting value: 50) cannot be assigned.
• Turn ON SM1255 (special register selection) before using SD1148. (Refer to page 20.)

40 PLC Function
Special registers to monitor and control inverter status

Inverter operating status control enable/disable setting (SD1149)

The inverter operating status control by SD1148 and SM1200 to SM1211 can be enabled/disabled. Control of the bits of
SD1148 and SM1200 to SM1211 are enabled by turning the corresponding bits b0 to b11 of SD1149 ON/OFF (1, 0). All initial
values are "0".
Example) When SD1149 is set to H1F, the bits b0 to b11 change to 1 (ON) disabling all inputs through external terminals, thus
enabling operation control by the inverter operation control (SD1148) and inverter operating status control flag (SM1200 to

b15 b12 b11 b8 b7 b4 b3 b0

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
STF (Pr.178)
STR (Pr.179)
RH (Pr.182)
RM (Pr.181)
RL (Pr.180)
JOG (Pr.185)
RT (Pr.183)
AU (Pr.184)
CS (Pr.186)
MRS (Pr.187)
STOP (Pr.188)
RES (Pr.189)

• When SD1148 and SM1200 to SM1211 are enabled by SD1149, control by external terminal input or CC-Link remote input
are disabled for the bits that are enabled. (Same as setting Pr.178 to Pr.189 to "no function".)
• When terminals are enabled by PLC function, the control through external terminals is disabled.
• Input through external terminals is always enabled for SQ signal.
(Control of SQ signal cannot be performed from each SD1149 bit.)

<Program example of operation command settings>

Program example of operating the inverter in fast forward rotation.

Operation start

Turns ON operation start pulse.

HFFF SD1149 Enables all inverter operation status
control enable/disable bits, and
disables external terminal inputs.

SD1148 Self-holds operation start, and turns

ON bits 0 (STF) and 2 (RH) of inverter
operation status control, SD1148.

SD1148 At input of stop signal, clears inverter

Operation stop operation status control, SD1148,
to 0 and decelerates inverter to stop.

PLC Function 41
Special registers to monitor and control inverter status

1.9.5 Inverter parameter access error (SD1150)

Name Data access condition
SD1150 Inverter parameter access error Always accessible
When an out-of-range setting value is written to a parameter or an out-of-range frequency is set using sequence programs, or
when writing is attempted while writing is disabled, a write error occurs and an error code is stored in SD1150.

Parameter number + H8000 is stored to SD1150.
Example) If an error occurs when Pr.0 Torque boost is written, H8000 (H0 + H8000) is stored to SD1150.
If an error occurs when Pr.10 DC injection brake operation frequency is written, H800A is stored to SD1150.

<Operation mode, setting frequency, batch clear of fault records, and all parameter clear>
HFFFF is stored to SD1150. (The initial values is "0".)

• The error code stored after the error occurrence will be cleared by writing "0" in SD1150. (The error code is retained until "0"
is written in SD1150.)

1.9.6 Inverter status (SD1151)

Name Data access condition
SD1151 Inverter status Always accessible
Operating status of the inverter is stored.
Each bit is set according to the status of the inverter.

b15 b8 b7 b4 b3 b0

Terminal So status Inverter running(RUN)

Forward running
Reverse running
Up to frequency(SU)
Overload alarm(OL)
Instantaneous power failure
Output frequency
Fault output(ALM)
Alarm output(LF)

42 PLC Function
Special registers to monitor and control inverter status

1.9.7 User-defined error (SD1214)

By setting the values "16 to 20" in SD1214, alarms for the inverter can be created. When an alarm occurs, the inverter stops.
Values other than "16 to 20" are invalid. Furthermore, this function is disabled when Pr.414 = "0".
The created alarms are recognized as E.16 to E.20 by the inverter.

1.9.8 Monitor setting selection (SD1215 to SD1218)

Monitor names and units need to be set in SD1216, SD1217, and SD1218 by using G.PRR, GP.PRR, UMSG instruction (refer
to page 193).
To display the monitor names and units set in SD1216 to SD1218 on the parameter unit (FR-PU07), set "40 to 42" in Pr.774 to
Pr.776. (For details of Pr.774 to Pr.776, refer to the Instruction Manual (Detailed) of the inverter.)

Device Pr.774 to Pr.776 setting
SD1216 User monitor 1 40
SD1217 User monitor 2 41
SD1218 User monitor 3 42
To display the monitors set in SD1216 to SD1218 to decimal places, set SD1215 as follows.

<Setting of SD1215>
b15 b12 b11 b8 b7 b4 b3 b0

Select the displayed decimal point for the SD1216 monitor.

Select the displayed decimal point for the SD1217 monitor.

Select the displayed decimal point for the SD1218 monitor.

 Ignore bits other than those above.

<Decimal point display setting>

bn + 1 bn Increment
0 0 1 increment (no decimals)
0 1 0.1 increment
1 0 0.01 increment
1 1 0.001 increment

Setting example: 1
1. To display SD1216 without decimals
• Set H0000 in SD1215.
• Set "40" in Pr.774.
2. To display SD1216 in 0.1 increment, and SD1218 in 0.001 increment.
• Set H3100 in SD1215.
• Set "40" in Pr.774 and "42" in Pr.775.

PLC Function 43
Read/Write method of inverter parameters

1.10 Read/Write method of inverter parameters

1.10.1 Reading inverter parameters
Device Data access condition
Name Command Completion
number (Operation mode)
SD1241 Parameter number (RAM)
SD1242 Parameter content (RAM) Y28 X28
SD1234 Second parameter change (RAM)
Always allowed
SD1243 Parameter number (EEPROM)
SD1244 Parameter content (EEPROM) Y2A X2A
SD1235 Second parameter change (EEPROM)

To read a parameter, store the parameter number in SD1241 (SD1243) and turn ON Y28 (Y2A). The parameter content will be
stored in SD1242 (SD1244). After the reading is complete, X28 (X2A) turns ON to notify of the completion. (Use the device
numbers in parentheses to read a parameter setting value from EEPROM.)
When reading a calibration parameter (Pr.902 to Pr.935), set a value listed below in SD1234 (SD1235) to read each
calibration value.
0: Setting value (frequency)
1: Analog value by parameter setting
2: Analog value input from terminal
If an access error such as non-existent parameter occurs, the value of the specified parameter number plus 8000H is stored
in SD1150. (Refer to page 42.)

Inverter parameter data read timing chart

3) In user sequence program, ON of read completion
is confirmed and data are read from data
register SD1242(SD1244) and processed.
1) Read command is turned 4) After completion of read,
ON in user sequence program. read command is turned OFF.
Parameter read
Parameter read

read data

User sequence

2) Inverter CPU stores inverter parameter 5) Inverter CPU confirms that read
data into data register SD1242(SD1244), command is OFF and turns OFF
and turns ON read completion. read completion.

44 PLC Function
Read/Write method of inverter parameters

1.10.2 Writing inverter parameters

Device Data access condition
Name Command Completion
number (Operation mode)
SD1241 Parameter number (RAM)
SD1242 Parameter content (RAM) Y29 X29
SD1234 Second parameter change (RAM) PU or NET operation mode
SD1243 Parameter number (EEPROM) (depending on Pr.77)
SD1244 Parameter content (EEPROM) Y2B X2B
SD1235 Second parameter change (EEPROM)

To write to a parameter, store the parameter number in SD1241 (SD1243) and the value to be written in SD1242 (SD1244),
and turn ON Y29 (Y2B) to execute writing. After the writing completes, X29 (X2B) turns ON to notify of the completion. (Use
the device numbers in parentheses to write a parameter setting value to EEPROM.)
When writing to a calibration parameter (Pr.902 to Pr.935), set a value listed below in SD1234 (SD1235) to write each
calibration value.
0: Setting value (frequency)
1: Analog value by parameter setting
2: Analog value input from terminal

When the inverter parameter write completion signal (X29 (RAM) or X2B (EEPROM)) turns ON with normal completion,
SD1150 is set to 0.
If an error in access to a parameter such as setting an out-of-range value and writing during inverter operation occurs, the
write completion signal (X29 (RAM) or X2B (EEPROM)) turns ON and the value of the parameter number plus H8000 is set in
SD1150 as soon as the write completion signal (X29 (RAM) or X2B (EEPROM)) is turned ON, resulting in error completion.
When an error completion occurs, the parameter is not written. (For example, if an error occurs in Pr.0 Torque boost, H8000
is written to SD1150.)
For details on whether inverter parameter writing is allowed, refer to Pr.77 Parameter write selection.

• Inverter parameter writing must be performed in PU operation mode or NET operation mode. (Refer to the Instruction Manual
of the inverter.)

Inverter parameter data write timing chart

1) In user sequence program, user data
4) After confirmation of write
are stored into parameter write 2) Write command is turned
completion, write command
data area (SD1242(SD1244)). ON in user sequence. is turned OFF.
write command

write completion
Inverter parameter

Parameter write
User sequence
3) Turns ON when inverter CPU completes inverter 5) Inverter CPU confirms
parameter data write. that write command is
"0" written to SD1150 indicates normal completion. OFF and turns OFF write
Any value other than "0" indicates abnormal completion. completion.

PLC Function 45
User area reading/writing

1.11 User area reading/writing

Inverter parameters Pr.1150 to Pr.1199 can be used as user parameters.
Since this parameter area and the devices D206 to D255 used in PLC function are accessible to each other, values set in
Pr.1150 to Pr.1199 are available in sequence programs. In addition, operation results in sequence programs can be
monitored with Pr.1150 to Pr.1199.
Device Parameter Data
Name Command Completion
number number access
User parameter read (RAM) Y2C X2C
Pr.1150 to User parameter write (RAM) Y2D X2D Always
D206 to D255
Pr.1199 User parameter read (EEPROM/RAM) Y2E X2E allowed
User parameter write (EEPROM/RAM) Y2F X2F

Turn the read/write instruction from OFF to ON and then turn the read/write completion ON to read/write the user parameters
from RAM and EEPROM.
Read/write command is turned After confirmation of completion,
ON in user sequence program read/write command is turned OFF.
User parameter
read/write command
User parameter
read/write completion
Turns ON when inverter CPU Inverter CPU confirms that
completes user parameter read/write command
data read/write. is OFF and turns OFF write completion.

• Application example of user parameter
Operation timings can be adjusted by assigning a timer in D206 and varying the value set in the timer. Values can be set to
the timer with the Pr.1150 setting without changing the program.

The user parameters (Pr.1150 to Pr.1199) and the devices (D206 to D255) can be freely read and written. Data transfer
between Pr.1150 to Pr.1199 and D206 to D255 is automatically executed.

1) Writing of user parameter and devices

When values are written to Pr.1150 to Pr.1199 via the operation panel, a parameter unit, or communication, they are written to
the RAM area and the EEPROM area for parameter storage and also to D206 to D255 at the same time.

2) Reading user parameters and devices

When values are written to D206 to D255 using the PLC function, they are written to the RAM area for storing parameters
(Pr.1150 to Pr.1199) and read via the operation panel, a parameter unit, or communication. (Since they are not written to
EEPROM, resetting the power restores the previous values.)

3) Process at inverter reset or power restoration

When the inverter is reset, the values of Pr.1150 to Pr.1199 stored in EEPROM are transferred to the RAM area and to D206
to D255.
Operation panel, parameter unit, 1) RAM write 1) RAM read
Pr.1150 to Pr.1199
or communication D206 to D255
(CC-Link, RS-485, etc.)
2) RAM read 2) RAM write

3) EEPROM read 1) 3) EEPROM read

1) EEPROM write Pr.1150 to Pr.1199


• If EEPROM is read after writing a parameter directly (to RAM), the values in RAM are replaced by the values in EEPROM.
• When Pr.342 Communication EEPROM write selection = "1", RAM values are read or written.

46 PLC Function
Analog I/O function

1.12 Analog I/O function

1.12.1 Analog input
Analog input values from terminals 1, 2, and 4 can be read from SD1245 to SD1247.

Device number Terminal name Setting increments Data access condition

SD1245 Terminal 1 input 0.1%
SD1246 Terminal 2 input 0.1% Always allowed
SD1247 Terminal 4 input 0.1%

The actual reading is performed at END processing of the sequence program.

• The full scale value of analog input depends on the setting values of Pr.73 Analog input selection and Pr.267 Terminal 4
input selection. Refer to the Instruction Manual of the inverter.

1.12.2 Analog output

Write values from SD1251 to SD1254 to enable analog output from respective terminals.
Write "70" to the output signal selection parameter of each terminal (Terminal FM/CA: Pr.54, Terminal AM: Pr.158, FR-A8AY
Terminal AM0, AM1: Pr.306, Pr.310) to enable output from PLC function.

Device number Terminal name Setting increments Data access condition

SD1251 Terminal FM/CA 0.1%
SD1252 Terminal AM 0.1%
Always allowed
SD1253 Terminal AM0 (FR-A8AY) 0.1%
SD1254 Terminal AM1 (FR-A8AY) 0.1%

The actual reading is performed at END processing of the sequence program.

PLC Function 47
Pulse train input function

1.13 Pulse train input function

Pulse train input values from terminal JOG can be read with the PLC function.
To read pulse train input values with the PLC function, set the terminal JOG by setting Pr.291 Pulse train I/O selection = "1,
11, 21, or 100" and Pr.384 Input pulse division scaling factor = "0 (initial value)".
After setting terminal JOG, set SD1240 to "1" to start counting the number of sampling pulses and accumulated count values.
Pulse train (the number of sampling pulses) from terminal JOG is stored to SD1236.
When the sampling pulses overflow, make adjustment with the setting of Pr. 416 and Pr. 417.
The number of sampling pulses
= the number of input pulses per count cycle  pre-scale setting value (Pr. 417)  increments scaling factor (Pr. 416)

Parameter Name Setting range Description
0, 10, 20 Terminal JOG
291 Pulse train I/O selection 0
1, 11, 21, 100 Pulse train input
Pre-scale function selection
(increments scaling factor)
0: No function
1: 1
416 Pre-scale function selection 0 0 to 5
2: 0.1
3: 0.01
4: 0.001
5: 0.0001
Set the pre-scale value to calculate the number of
417 Pre-scale setting value 1 0 to 32767
sampling pulse when inputting the pulse train.

Name Setting range Description
The number of pulses counted in count cycle is
SD1236 Pulse train input sampling pulse 0 to 32767
SD1237 Pulse train input cumulative count value L The cumulative value of the number of
0 to 99999999
SD1238 Pulse train input cumulative count value H sampling pulses is stored.
0 Not clear
SD1239 Reset request of pulse train input count
1 Count clear
0 Stop counting
SD1240 Count start of the pulse train input
1 Start counting

48 PLC Function
PID control

1.14 PID control

Set Pr.128 (Pr.753) to enable setting of set point/ deviation and measured value for PID control with PLC function.
PID operation is performed using the value of SD1248 (SD1308) as the set point/deviation, and the value of SD1249
(SD1309) as the measured value. The manipulated amount will be stored in SD1250 (SD1310).
To perform PID control using the PLC function, set "1" in SD1255 instead of X14 signal.
When Pr.128 = "70, 71, 80, or 81", PID operation is performed after the start. Thus, even if "1" is set in SD1255, the
manipulated amount of SD1250 remains the same and the value of SD1250 is unchanged from "0".
When Pr.128 = "90, 91, 100, or 101" and "1" is set in SD1255, PID operation is performed and the operation result is applied
to the manipulated amount SD1250.
Set Pr.753 to enable the second PID control (SD1308 to SD1310).
PID set point/ SD1248
PID deviation (SD1308)
PID manipulated variable SD1250 (SD1310)
PID control or
Inverter frequency setting
PID measurement SD1249
value (SD1309)

Parameter Name Setting range Description
0 PID control disabled
10, 11, 20, 21,
40 to 43, 50, 51,
60, 61, 1000,
For details, refer to the Instruction Manual of the inverter.
1001, 1010, 1011,
2000, 2001, 2010,
70 PID reverse action
128 PID action Deviation signal input (PLC function)
0 71 PID forward action
753 selection
80 PID reverse action Measured value and set point input (PLC
81 PID forward action function)
90 PID reverse action Deviation signal input (PLC function)
91 PID forward action Not applied to inverter output frequency.
100 PID reverse action Measured value and set point input (PLC
101 PID forward action Not applied to inverter output frequency.

Device number Name Setting range Description

PID control set point/ Set point: 0 to 100%  Set the PID set point or the PID deviation (in 0.01%
deviation Deviation: -100 to 100% increments).
PID control measured
SD1249 0 to 100%  Set the PID measured value (in 0.01% increments).
PID control manipulated Stores the PID manipulated amount (in 0.01%
SD1250 -100 to 100%
amount increments).
0 Stops PID control.
SD1255 PID operation control
1 Starts PID control.
Second PID control set Set point: 0 to 100%  Set the second PID set point or the second PID
point/deviation Deviation: -100 to 100% deviation (in 0.01% increments).
Second PID control Set the second PID measured value (in 0.01%
SD1309 0 to 100% 
measured value increments).
Second PID control Stores the second PID manipulated amount (in
SD1310 -100 to 100%
manipulated amount 0.01% increments).

 When both Pr.934 and Pr.935 are set to values other than "9999", the set point of SD1248 (SD1308) and the measured value of SD1249
(SD1309) are set as coefficients. The setting range is from the smaller coefficient to the larger one set in Pr.934 and Pr.935.
(For details of Pr.934 and Pr.935, refer to the Instruction Manual of the inverter.)

PLC Function 49
Clearing the flash memory of the PLC function

• Depending on the setting value of Pr.128 (Pr.753), SD1248 (SD1308) automatically switches between set point and
• When Pr.128 (Pr.753) is set to deviation input "70, 71, 90, or 91", the value set as the measured value in (SD1249 (SD1309))
becomes invalid.
• If an out-of-range value is set, the maximum value (or the minimum value) of the setting range is used for operation.

1.15 Clearing the flash memory of the PLC

Set Pr.498 to "9696" to clear the flash memory used for the PLC function.

Initial Setting
Parameter Name Description
value range
9696: Clears the flash memory.
498 PLC function flash memory clear 0 0 to 9999 Other than 9696: Does not clear the flash

• The read value of Pr.498 is always "0" regardless of the set value.
• If the file password (registered by FR Configurator2 (Developer)) of the PLC function has been forgotten, use Pr.498 to
clear the flash memory and unlock the file password.
• The flash memory can only be cleared when the PLC function is disabled (Pr.414 ="0").

• Executing this function clears the PLC function program and all parameters of the PLC function. Create the program and set
the parameters of the PLC function again.
• It takes approximately 5 s to clear the flash memory. Do not reset the inverter or turn OFF the power for 5 s after setting
Pr.498 = "9696". If the inverter is reset or the power is turned OFF within 5 s, set Pr.498 = "9696" again.

50 PLC Function
Constant scan

1.16 Constant scan

A constant scan time can be maintained for the sequence programs.
Configure the setting using FR Configurator2 (Developer).

PLC parameter Name Initial value Setting range

PLC RAS setting Constant scan setting None 0.5 ms to 2000 ms

• A waiting time is automatically set so that the sum of the execution time of the sequence programs and the waiting time is
equal to the set constant scan time.
• PLC parameter: Although the setting range of PLC RAS setting is 0.5 ms to 2000 ms, the actual set constant scan time is a
minimum of 10 ms. (Increments: 10 ms)

Setting value Set constant scan time

0.5 ms to 10.0 ms 10 ms
10.5 ms to 20.0 ms 20 ms
... ...
1990.5 ms to 2000.0 ms 2000 ms

• I/O timing
After END processing is completed, a waiting time is automatically set as shown below.

Program execution
END processing

Waiting time

Constant scan: operation when set to 7 ms.

• Processes other than the PLC function are executed even during the waiting time.
• The set constant scan time must meet the following condition:
Set watchdog timer time > set constant scan time > maximum scan time of program.
• If a scan time is longer than the set constant scan time, "PRG.TIME OVER Error code: 5010" occurs. In this case, the
constant scan setting is ignored in the operation.
• If a scan time is longer than the set watchdog timer time, a watchdog timer error is detected and execution of the sequence
program stops. (Refer to page 33.)
• Only the "Execute it while waiting for constant scan setting" is enabled for the service processing setting.
Settings other than "Execute it while waiting for constant scan setting" are ignored and no error occurs even if they are set.
• Scan time monitoring in FR Configurator2 (Developer) monitors the actual scan time excluding the waiting time for constant
scan. 1

PLC Function 51

2 CC-Link

2.1 System configuration ..................................................................................... 54

2.2 CC-Link parameter.......................................................................................... 56
2.3 CC-Link I/O specifications ............................................................................. 57
2.4 Buffer memory ................................................................................................ 64

CC-Link communication 53
System configuration

2.1 System configuration

2.1.1 System configuration example

• Programmable controller side
Mount the "CC-Link system master/local module" on the main base unit or extension base unit that uses the programmable
controller CPU as the master station.
• Use the CC-Link dedicated cable to connect the CC-Link programmable controller module (master station) to the inverter.

Inverter Inverter
Master station Up to 42
QJ61BT11N, units can be
when only
inverters are
connected Terminating
Power Power
Motor Motor
CC-Link dedicated cable supply supply
Remote device station

• For details on CC-Link communication wiring and the CC-Link cable, refer to the Instruction Manual of the FR-A8NC.

54 CC-Link communication
System configuration

2.1.2 Function block diagram

The following function blocks explain the I/O information flow to and from the inverter in CC-Link.
• Link refresh between the master station of CC-Link system and the inverter is continuously performed at 3.5 to 18 ms (512
• I/O refresh and the sequence program of the master station are executed asynchronously.
• Data read from the inverter is read from the buffer memory of the CC-Link system master/local module using FROM
• Data to be written to the inverter is written to the buffer memory of the CC-Link system master/local module using TO

CC-Link master module Inverter

Interface with PLC

CC-Link interface

CC-Link interface

Sequence program
1) C PU
Input signal

3) 4)

Buffer Output signal

I/O signals assigned to the CC-Link system master/local module. These signals are for
CC-Link module I/O
1) communication between the programmable controller CPU and the CC-Link system master/
local module.
Information that is input to the inverter can be read, and output information can be written.
Reading from/writing
2) FROM/TO instruction of the sequence program enables reading from/writing to the buffer
to the buffer memory
memory. For details on the buffer memory, refer to page 64.
CC-Link dedicated The PLC link start instruction is sent from the sequence program. After PLC link starts, link
cable refresh is continuously performed asynchronously with execution of the sequence program.
The sequence program exchanges I/O information between the CC-Link system master/local
4) Sequence program
module and the inverter CPU.
The CC-Link system master/local module and the inverter CPU exchange I/O information.
5) I/O information
(When CC-Link is not used, only 5) is performed and 1) to 4) are not related to the operation.)

• Programs cannot be read or written via CC-Link communication.

• The differences between the normal CC-Link communication (Pr.544 = "1, 2, 12, 14, or 18") and the CC-Link communication
with the PLC function (Pr.544 = "100, 112, 114, or 118") are shown below.

Inverter Inverter
Pr.544=0,1,12,14,18 Pr.544=100,112,114,118
CC-Link master module

CC-Link master module

FR-A8NC I/O Sequence

FR-A8NC (RX, RY) program

I/O (RX, RY)



RW w RWr
RW w RWr assignment

Parameter read/write, monitor, operation commands, The user must assign parameters, monitors, etc. using sequence programs. 2
etc. have been assigned in advance. Other data read/write, etc. can be assigned freely as user areas.
∗Operation and speed commands have been assigned in advance.

CC-Link communication 55
CC-Link parameter

2.2 CC-Link parameter

2.2.1 CC-Link extended setting (Pr.544)

The functions of the remote register can be extended.

Parameter Initial Setting

Name Description
number value range CC-Link version
1 station occupied
1 (FR-A5NC compatible) 
1 1 station occupied
12  1 station occupied, double
1 station occupied,
14  2
18  1 station occupied, octuple
CC-Link 1 station occupied
544 0 100 1
extended setting (PLC function)
1 station occupied, double
112 
(PLC function)
1 station occupied,
114  2 quadruple
(PLC function)
1 station occupied, octuple
118 
(PLC function)
 The program used for the conventional series inverter option (FR-A5NC) can be used.
 When using the double, quadruple, or octuple settings of the CC-Link Ver.2, station data of the master station must be set to double, quadruple,
or octuple. (If the master station is CC-Link Ver.1, this setting is not available.)

• The setting becomes valid after inverter reset.

56 CC-Link communication
CC-Link I/O specifications

2.3 CC-Link I/O specifications

2.3.1 I/O signals when one station in the CC-Link Ver.1

is occupied (Pr.544 = "100")
The number of device points available in CC-Link communication are 32 input (RX) points (16 points for the PLC function), 32
output (RY) points (16 points for the PLC function), 4 remote register (RWr) points, and 4 remote register (RWw) points.

Remote I/O
PLC function Remote output PLC function Remote input
Signal name Signal name
device number device number device number device number
Forward rotation
X30 RYn0 Y30 RXn0 Forward rotating
Reverse rotation
X31 RYn1 Y31 RXn1 Reverse rotating
High-speed operation Running
X32 RYn2 command Y32 RXn2 (Terminal RUN function)
(Terminal RH function)  

Middle-speed operation
Up to frequency
X33 RYn3 command Y33 RXn3
(Terminal SU function) 
(Terminal RM function) 
Low-speed operation
Overload alarm
X34 RYn4 command Y34 RXn4
(Terminal OL function) 
(Terminal RL function) 
JOG operation
Instantaneous power
X35 RYn5 Y35 RXn5 failure
(Terminal JOG function)
(Terminal IPF function) 

Second function
Frequency detection
X36 RYn6 selection Y36 RXn6
(Terminal FU function) 
(Terminal RT function) 
Current input selection
X37 RYn7 Y37 RXn7 (Terminal ABC1 function)
(Terminal AU function) 

Selection of automatic
restart after —
X38 RYn8 instantaneous power Y38 RXn8 (Terminal ABC2 function)
failure 
(Terminal CS function) 
Pr.313 assignment
X39 RYn9 Output stop Y39 RXn9
function (DO0) 
Start self-holding
selection Pr.314 assignment
(Terminal STOP function (DO1) 
function) 

Pr.315 assignment
X3B RYnB (Terminal RES function) Y3B RXnB
function (DO2) 


X3D RYnD General-purpose remote Y3D RXnD General-purpose remote
X3E RYnE input for PLC function Y3E RXnE input for PLC function
RY (n + 1) 0 RX (n + 1) 0
 to Reserved  to Reserved
RY (n + 1) 7 RX (n + 1) 7

CC-Link communication 57
CC-Link I/O specifications

PLC function Remote output PLC function Remote input

Signal name Signal name
device number device number device number device number
Unused Unused
 RY (n + 1) 8 (Initial data process  RX (n + 1) 8 (Initial data process
completion flag) request flag)
Unused Unused
 RY (n + 1) 9 (Initial data process  RX (n + 1) 9 (Initial data process
request flag) completion flag)
 RY (n + 1) A Error reset request flag  RX (n + 1) A Error status flag
RX (n + 1) B Remote station ready
RY (n + 1) B
 to Reserved  RX (n + 1) C
RY (n + 1) F to Reserved
RX (n + 1) F
("n" indicates a value determined by the station number setting.)
 These signal names are initial values. The functions of input signals can be changed using Pr.180 to Pr.186, Pr.188, and Pr.189.
The signals of RYn0, RYn1, and RYn9 cannot be changed. Signals changed using Pr.178, Pr.179, and Pr.187 are invalid.
For details on Pr.178 to Pr.189, refer to the Instruction Manual of the inverter.
 These signal names are initial values. The functions of output signals can be changed using Pr.190 to Pr.196.
For details on Pr.190 to Pr.196, refer to the Instruction Manual of the inverter.
 Output signals can be assigned using Pr.313 to Pr.315.
For details on the signals, refer to the description of Pr.190 to Pr.196 in the Instruction Manual of the inverter.

Remote register
PLC function PLC function
Address Description Address Description
device number device number
SD1062 RWwn SD1078 RWrn
SD1063 RWwn + 1 Registers for reading data SD1079 RWrn + 1 Registers for writing data
received from the master to be sent to the master
SD1064 RWwn + 2 station. SD1080 RWrn + 2 station.
SD1065 RWwn + 3 SD1081 RWrn + 3
("n" indicates a value determined by the station number setting.)

I/O figure
FR-A800 series
Devices for CC-Link (station No. 1)
Devices for built-in PLC function
RY00 to 0F X30 to 3F

RX00 to 0F Y30 to 3F

RWw0 SD1062
Master RWw1 SD1063
RWw2 SD1064
RWw3 SD1065

RWr0 SD1078
RWr1 SD1079
RWr2 SD1080
RWr3 SD1081

Automatically refreshed at every END.

• All remote registers are user areas and can be used freely.

58 CC-Link communication
CC-Link I/O specifications

2.3.2 I/O signals when the double setting is set in CC-

Link Ver.2 (Pr.544 = "112")
The number of device points available in CC-Link communication are 32 input (RX) points (12 points for the PLC function), 32
output (RY) points (12 points for the PLC function), 4 remote register (RWr) points, and 4 remote register (RWw) points.

Remote I/O
PLC function Remote output PLC function Remote input
Signal name Signal name
device number device number device number device number
Forward rotation
X30 RYn0 Y30 RXn0 Forward rotating
Reverse rotation
X31 RYn1 Y31 RXn1 Reverse rotating
High-speed operation Running
X32 RYn2 command Y32 RXn2 (Terminal RUN function)
(Terminal RH function)  

Middle-speed operation
Up to frequency
X33 RYn3 command Y33 RXn3
(Terminal SU function) 
(Terminal RM function) 
Low-speed operation
Overload alarm
X34 RYn4 command Y34 RXn4
(Terminal OL function) 
(Terminal RL function) 
JOG operation
Instantaneous power
X35 RYn5 Y35 RXn5 failure
(Terminal JOG function)
(Terminal IPF function) 

Second function
Frequency detection
X36 RYn6 selection Y36 RXn6
(Terminal FU function) 
(Terminal RT function) 
Current input selection
X37 RYn7 Y37 RXn7 (Terminal ABC1 function)
(Terminal AU function) 

Selection of automatic
restart after —
X38 RYn8 instantaneous power Y38 RXn8 (Terminal ABC2 function)
failure 
(Terminal CS function) 
Pr.313 assignment
X39 RYn9 Output stop Y39 RXn9
function (DO0) 
Start self-holding
selection Pr.314 assignment
(Terminal STOP function (DO1) 
function) 
Pr.315 assignment
X3B RYnB (Terminal RES function) Y3B RXnB
function (DO2)  2
 RYnC Monitor command  RXnC Monitoring
Frequency setting Frequency setting
 RYnD  RXnD
command (RAM) completion (RAM)
Frequency setting Frequency setting
 RYnE command  RXnE completion (RAM,
Instruction code Instruction code
 RYnF  RXnF
execution request execution completion

CC-Link communication 59
CC-Link I/O specifications

PLC function Remote output PLC function Remote input

Signal name Signal name
device number device number device number device number
RY (n + 1) 0 RX (n + 1) 0
 to Reserved  to Reserved
RY (n + 1) 7 RX (n + 1) 7
Unused Unused
 RY (n + 1) 8 (Initial data process   (Initial data process
completion flag) request flag)
Unused Unused
 RY (n + 1) 9 (Initial data process  RX (n + 1) 9 (Initial data process
request flag) completion flag)
 RY (n + 1) A Error reset request flag  RX (n + 1) A Error status flag
RX (n + 1) B Remote station ready
RY (n + 1) B
 to Reserved  RX (n + 1) C
RY (n + 1) F to Reserved
RX (n + 1) F
("n" indicates a value determined by the station number setting.)
 These signal names are initial values. The functions of input signals can be changed using Pr.180 to Pr.186, Pr.188, and Pr.189.
The signals of RYn0, RYn1, and RYn9 cannot be changed. Signals changed using Pr.178, Pr.179, and Pr.187 are invalid.
For details on Pr.178 to Pr.189, refer to the Instruction Manual of the inverter.
 These signal names are initial values. The functions of output signals can be changed using Pr.190 to Pr.196.
For details on Pr.190 to Pr.196, refer to the Instruction Manual of the inverter.
 Output signals can be assigned using Pr.313 to Pr.315.
For details on the signals, refer to the description of Pr.190 to Pr.196 in the Instruction Manual of the inverter.

Remote register
PLC function Description PLC function Description
Address Address
device number Upper 8 bits Lower 8 bits device number Upper 8 bits Lower 8 bits
Monitor code Monitor code
 RWwn  RWrn First monitor value
2 1
Set frequency/torque
 RWwn + 1 command  RWrn + 1 Second monitor value
(0.01 Hz increments)
parameter Instruction Reply Reply
 RWwn + 2  RWrn + 2
extended code code 2 code 1
 RWwn + 3 Write data  RWrn + 3 Read data
SD1062 RWwn + 4 SD1078 RWrn + 4
SD1063 RWwn + 5 Registers for reading data SD1079 RWrn + 5 Registers for writing data
received from the master to be sent to the master
SD1064 RWwn + 6 station. SD1080 RWrn + 6 station.
SD1065 RWwn + 7 SD1081 RWrn + 7
("n" indicates a value determined by the station number setting.)
 Under vector control (torque control) (Pr.804 = "3, 5")

60 CC-Link communication
CC-Link I/O specifications

2.3.3 I/O signals when the quadruple setting is set in

CC-Link Ver.2 (Pr. 544 = "114")
The number of device points available in CC-Link communication are 32 input (RX) points (12 points for the PLC function), 32
output (RY) points (12 points for the PLC function), 8 remote register (RWr) points, and 8 remote register (RWw) points.

Remote I/O
Same as when Pr.544 = "112". (Refer to page 59.)

Remote register
PLC function Description PLC function Description
Address Address
device number Upper 8 bits Lower 8 bits device number Upper 8 bits Lower 8 bits
Monitor code Monitor code
 RWwn  RWrn First monitor value
2 1
Set frequency/torque
 RWwn + 1 command   RWrn + 1 Second monitor value
(0.01 Hz increments)
parameter Instruction Reply Reply
 RWwn + 2  RWrn + 2
extended code code 2 code 1
 RWwn + 3 Write data  RWrn + 3 Read data
 RWwn + 4 Monitor code 3  RWrn + 4 Third monitor value
 RWwn + 5 Monitor code 4  RWrn + 5 Fourth monitor value
 RWwn + 6 Monitor code 5  RWrn + 6 Fifth monitor value
 RWwn + 7 Monitor code 6  RWrn + 7 Sixth monitor value
SD1062 RWwn + 8 SD1078 RWrn + 8
SD1063 RWwn + 9 SD1079 RWrn + 9
SD1064 RWwn + A SD1080 RWrn + A
SD1065 RWwn + B Registers for reading data SD1081 RWrn + B Registers for writing data to
received from the master
SD1066 RWwn + C station. SD1082 RWrn + C be sent to the master station.
SD1067 RWwn + D SD1083 RWrn + D
SD1068 RWwn + E SD1084 RWrn + E
SD1069 RWwn + F SD1085 RWrn + F
("n" indicates a value determined by the station number setting.)
 Under vector control (torque control) (Pr.804 = "3, 5")

CC-Link communication 61
CC-Link I/O specifications

2.3.4 I/O signals when the octuple setting is set in CC-

Link Ver.2 (Pr. 544 = "118")
The number of device points available in CC-Link communication are 32 input (RX) points (12 points for the PLC function), 32
output (RY) points (12 points for the PLC function), 16 remote register (RWr) points, and 16 remote register (RWw) points.

Remote I/O
Same as when Pr.544 = 112. (Refer to page 59.)

Remote register
PLC function Description PLC function Description
Address Address
device number Upper 8 bits Lower 8 bits device number Upper 8 bits Lower 8 bits
Monitor code Monitor code
 RWwn  RWrn First monitor value
2 1
Set frequency
 RWwn + 1  RWrn + 1 Second monitor value
(0.01 Hz increments)
parameter Instruction Reply Reply
 RWwn + 2  RWrn + 2
extended code code 2 code 1
 RWwn + 3 Write data  RWrn + 3 Read data
 RWwn + 4 Monitor code 3  RWrn + 4 Third monitor value
 RWwn + 5 Monitor code 4  RWrn + 5 Fourth monitor value
 RWwn + 6 Monitor code 5  RWrn + 6 Fifth monitor value
 RWwn + 7 Monitor code 6  RWrn + 7 Sixth monitor value
Fault record Fault record Fault record
 RWwn + 8 H00  RWrn + 8
number number data
PID set point Fault record
 RWwn + 9  RWrn + 9
(0.01% increments)  (Output frequency)
PID measured value Fault record
 RWwn + A  RWrn + A
(0.01% increments)  (Output current)
PID deviation Fault record
 RWwn + B  RWrn + B
(0.01% increments)  (Output voltage)
Fault record
 RWwn + C Reserved  RWrn + C
(Energization time)
 RWwn + D  RWrn + D
 RWwn + E H00 (Empty)  RWrn + E H00 (Empty)
 RWwn + F  RWrn + F
 Valid when Pr.128 = "40, 41, 60, 61, 140, or 141".
 Valid when Pr.128 = "60 or 61".
 Valid when Pr.128 = "50 or 51".

62 CC-Link communication
CC-Link I/O specifications

Description Description
PLC function PLC function
Address Upper Lower Address Upper Lower
device number device number
8 bits 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits
SD1062 RWwn + 10 SD1078 RWrn + 10
SD1063 RWwn + 11 SD1079 RWrn + 11
SD1064 RWwn + 12 SD1080 RWrn + 12
SD1065 RWwn + 13 SD1081 RWrn + 13
SD1066 RWwn + 14 SD1082 RWrn + 14
SD1067 RWwn + 15 SD1083 RWrn + 15
SD1068 RWwn + 16 SD1084 RWrn + 16
SD1069 RWwn + 17 Registers for reading data SD1085 RWrn + 17 Registers for writing data to
received from the master be sent to the master
SD1070 RWwn + 18 station. SD1086 RWrn + 18 station.
SD1071 RWwn + 19 SD1087 RWrn + 19
SD1072 RWwn + 1A SD1088 RWrn + 1A
SD1073 RWwn + 1B SD1089 RWrn + 1B
SD1074 RWwn + 1C SD1090 RWrn + 1C
SD1075 RWwn + 1D SD1091 RWrn + 1D
SD1076 RWwn + 1E SD1092 RWrn + 1E
SD1077 RWwn + 1F SD1093 RWrn + 1F
("n" indicates a value determined by the station number setting.)

CC-Link communication 63
Buffer memory

2.4 Buffer memory

2.4.1 Remote output signals (master station to inverter

• Input statuses to the remote device station are stored.
• Each station uses two words.
(Do not use address 16n (n = 2 (X - 1) + 1, X = station number).)

FR-A800 series
Remote device station
Master Station (Station No. 1: 1 station occupied) Inverter

Addresses Remote inputs (RY)

For station 160H RY F to RY 0 RY 0F to RY 00 X3F to X30
No.1 161H RY 1F to RY 10
For station 162H RY 2F to RY 20
No.2 163H RY 3F to RY 30
For station 164H RY 4F to RY 40
No.3 165H RY 5F to RY 50
For station 166H RY 6F to RY 60
No.4 167H RY 7F to RY 70
For station 168H RY 8F to RY 80
No.5 169H RY 9F to RY 90
For station 16AH RY AF to RY A0
No.6 16BH RY BF to RY B0
For station 16CH RY CF to RY C0
No.7 16DH RY DF to RY D0
For station 16EH RY EF to RY E0
No.8 16FH RY FF to RY F0
For station 170H RY10F to RY100
No.9 171H RY11F to RY110
to to
For station 1DCH RY7CF to RY7C0
No.63 1DDH RY7DF to RY7D0
For station 1DEH RY7EF to RY7E0
No.64 1DFH RY7FF to RY7F0

Correspondence table of buffer memory addresses and station numbers of the master station

Station Buffer memory Station Buffer memory Station Buffer memory Station Buffer memory
number address number address number address number address
1 160H 17 180H 33 1A0H 49 1C0H
2 162H 18 182H 34 1A2H 50 1C2H
3 164H 19 184H 35 1A4H 51 1C4H
4 166H 20 186H 36 1A6H 52 1C6H
5 168H 21 188H 37 1A8H 53 1C8H
6 16AH 22 18AH 38 1AAH 54 1CAH
7 16CH 23 18CH 39 1ACH 55 1CCH
8 16EH 24 18EH 40 1AEH 56 1CEH
9 170H 25 190H 41 1B0H 57 1D0H
10 172H 26 192H 42 1B2H 58 1D2H
11 174H 27 194H 43 1B4H 59 1D4H
12 176H 28 196H 44 1B6H 60 1D6H
13 178H 29 198H 45 1B8H 61 1D8H
14 17AH 30 19AH 46 1BAH 62 1DAH
15 17CH 31 19CH 47 1BCH 63 1DCH
16 17EH 32 19EH 48 1BEH 64 1DEH

64 CC-Link communication
Buffer memory

2.4.2 Remote input signals Pr.544 = "100" (inverter (FR-

A8NC) to master station)
• Input statuses from the remote device station are stored.
• Each station uses two words.
(Do not use address En (n = 2 (X - 1) + 1, X = station number).)
FR-A800 series
Remote device station
Master station (Station No. 1: 1 station occupied) Inverter

Addresses Remote inputs (RX)

For station E0H RX F to RX 0 RX 0F to RX 00 Y3F to Y30
No.1 E1H RX 1F to RX 10
For station E2H RX 2F to RX 20
No.2 E3H RX 3F to RX 30
For station E4H RX 4F to RX 40
No.3 E5H RX 5F to RX 50
For station E6H RX 6F to RX 60
No.4 E7H RX 7F to RX 70
For station E8H RX 8F to RX 80
No.5 E9H RX 9F to RX 90
For station EAH RX AF to RX A0
No.6 EBH RX BF to RX B0
For station ECH RX CF to RX C0
No.7 EDH RX DF to RX D0
For station EEH RX EF to RX E0
No.8 EFH RX FF to RX F0
For station F0H RX10F to RX100
No.9 F1H RX11F to RX110
to to
For station 15CH RX7CF to RX7C0
No.63 15DH RX7DF to RX7D0
For station 15EH RX7EF to RX7E0
No.64 15FH RX7FF to RX7F0

Correspondence table of buffer memory addresses and station numbers of the master station

Station Buffer memory Station Buffer memory Station Buffer memory Station Buffer memory
number address number address number address number address
1 E0H 17 100H 33 120H 49 140H
2 E2H 18 102H 34 122H 50 142H
3 E4H 19 104H 35 124H 51 144H
4 E6H 20 106H 36 126H 52 146H
5 E8H 21 108H 37 128H 53 148H
6 EAH 22 10AH 38 12AH 54 14AH
7 ECH 23 10CH 39 12CH 55 14CH
8 EEH 24 10EH 40 12EH 56 14EH
9 F0H 25 110H 41 130H 57 150H
10 F2H 26 112H 42 132H 58 152H
11 F4H 27 114H 43 134H 59 154H
12 F6H 28 116H 44 136H 60 156H
13 F8H 29 118H 45 138H 61 158H

14 FAH 30 11AH 46 13AH 62 15AH
15 FCH 31 11CH 47 13CH 63 15CH
16 FEH 32 11EH 48 13EH 64 15EH

CC-Link communication 65
Buffer memory

2.4.3 Remote registers Pr.544 = "100" (master station

to inverter (FR-A8NC))
• Data to be sent to remote registers (RWw) of the remote device station are stored.
• Each station uses four words.
FR-A800 series
Remote device station
Master station (Station No. 1: 1 station occupied) Inverter

Addresses Remote registers (RWw)

1E0H RWW 0 RWW 0 SD1062
For station 1E1H RWW 1 RWW 1 SD1063
No.1 1E2H RWW 2 RWW 2 SD1064
1E3H RWW 3 RWW 3 SD1065
1E4H RWW 4
For station 1E5H RWW 5
No.2 1E6H RWW 6
1E7H RWW 7
1E8H RWW 8
For station 1E9H RWW 9
For station 1EDH RWW D

to to

For station 2DDH RWW FD

Correspondence table of buffer memory addresses and station numbers of the master station

Station Buffer memory Station Buffer memory Station Buffer memory Station Buffer memory
number address number address number address number address
1 1E0H to 1E3H 17 220H to 223H 33 260H to 263H 49 2A0H to 2A3H
2 1E4H to 1E7H 18 224H to 227H 34 264H to 267H 50 2A4H to 2A7H
3 1E8H to 1EBH 19 228H to 22BH 35 268H to 26BH 51 2A8H to 2ABH
4 1ECH to 1EFH 20 22CH to 22FH 36 26CH to 26FH 52 2ACH to 2AFH
5 1F0H to 1F3H 21 230H to 233H 37 270H to 273H 53 2B0H to 2B3H
6 1F4H to 1F7H 22 234H to 237H 38 274H to 277H 54 2B4H to 2B7H
7 1F8H to 1FBH 23 238H to 23BH 39 278H to 27BH 55 2B8H to 2BBH
8 1FCH to 1FFH 24 23CH to 23FH 40 27CH to 27FH 56 2BCH to 2BFH
9 200H to 203H 25 240H to 243H 41 280H to 283H 57 2C0H to 2C3H
10 204H to 207H 26 244H to 247H 42 284H to 287H 58 2C4H to 2C7H
11 208H to 20BH 27 248H to 24BH 43 288H to 28BH 59 2C8H to 2CBH
12 20CH to 20FH 28 24CH to 24FH 44 28CH to 28FH 60 2CCH to 2CFH
13 210H to 213H 29 250H to 253H 45 290H to 293H 61 2D0H to 2D3H
14 214H to 217H 30 254H to 257H 46 294H to 297H 62 2D4H to 2D7H
15 218H to 21BH 31 258H to 25BH 47 298H to 29BH 63 2D8H to 2DBH
16 21CH to 21FH 32 25CH to 25FH 48 29CH to 29FH 64 2DCH to 2DFH

66 CC-Link communication
Buffer memory

2.4.4 Remote registers Pr.544 = "100" (inverter (FR-

A8NC) to master station)
• Data sent from the remote registers (RWr) of the remote device station are stored.
• Each station uses four words.
FR-A800 series
Remote device station
Master station (Station No. 1: 1 station occupied) Inverter

Addresses Remote registers (RWr)

2E0H RWR 0 RWR 0 SD1078
For station 2E1H RWR 1 RWR 1 SD1079
No.1 2E2H RWR 2 RWR 2 SD1080
2E3H RWR 3 RWR 3 SD1081
2E4H RWR 4
For station 2E5H RWR 5
No.2 2E6H RWR 6
2E7H RWR 7
2E8H RW R 8

For station 2E9H RWR 9

For station 2EDH RWR D

to to

For station 3DDH RWR FD

Correspondence table of buffer memory addresses and station numbers of the master station

Station Buffer memory Station Buffer memory Station Buffer memory Station Buffer memory
number address number address number address number address
1 2E0H to 2E3H 17 320H to 323H 33 360H to 363H 49 3A0H to 3A3H
2 2E4H to 2E7H 18 324H to 327H 34 364H to 367H 50 3A4H to 3A7H
3 2E8H to 2EBH 19 328H to 32BH 35 368H to 36BH 51 3A8H to 3ABH
4 2ECH to 2EFH 20 32CH to 32FH 36 36CH to 36FH 52 3ACH to 3AFH
5 2F0H to 2F3H 21 330H to 333H 37 370H to 373H 53 3B0H to 3B3H
6 2F4H to 2F7H 22 334H to 337H 38 374H to 377H 54 3B4H to 3B7H
7 2F8H to 2FBH 23 338H to 33BH 39 378H to 37BH 55 3B8H to 3BBH
8 2FCH to 2FFH 24 33CH to 33FH 40 37CH to 37FH 56 3BCH to 3BFH
9 300H to 303H 25 340H to 343H 41 380H to 383H 57 3C0H to 3C3H
10 304H to 307H 26 344H to 347H 42 384H to 387H 58 3C4H to 3C7H
11 308H to 30BH 27 348H to 34BH 43 388H to 38BH 59 3C8H to 3CBH
12 30CH to 30FH 28 34CH to 34FH 44 38CH to 38FH 60 3CCH to 3CFH
13 310H to 313H 29 350H to 353H 45 390H to 393H 61 3D0H to 3D3H
14 314H to 317H 30 354H to 357H 46 394H to 397H 62 3D4H to 3D7H
15 318H to 31BH 31 358H to 35BH 47 398H to 39BH 63 3D8H to 3DBH
16 31CH to 31FH 32 35CH to 35FH 48 39CH to 39FH 64 3DCH to 3DFH 2

CC-Link communication 67

3 Sequence program

3.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 70

3.2 RUN/STOP operation ...................................................................................... 72
3.3 Program configuration ................................................................................... 72
3.4 Programming language.................................................................................. 73
3.5 Operation processing method of the PLC function..................................... 76
3.6 I/O processing method ................................................................................... 77
3.7 Scan time ......................................................................................................... 79
3.8 Values that can be used in sequence programs.......................................... 80
3.9 Explanation of devices ................................................................................... 83
3.10 Counter C......................................................................................................... 89
3.11 Data register D ................................................................................................ 91
3.12 Special relays and special registers ............................................................. 92
3.13 Function list..................................................................................................... 93
3.14 RUN/STOP method of PLC function from an external source (remote RUN/
STOP) ............................................................................................................... 94
3.15 Watchdog timer (watchdog error supervision timer) .................................. 96
3.16 Self-diagnostic function ................................................................................. 97
3.17 Registering file password .............................................................................. 98
3.18 Output (Y) status settings when STOP status → RUN status 99
3.19 Structure of instructions ................................................................................ 100
3.20 Bit device processing method....................................................................... 101
3.21 Handling of numerical values ........................................................................ 104
3.22 Operation error................................................................................................ 105
3.23 Sequence instructions list ............................................................................. 106
3.24 How to view instructions................................................................................ 116
3.25 Sequence instructions ................................................................................... 117
3.26 Basic instruction (16-bit)................................................................................ 139
3.27 Basic instruction (32-bit)................................................................................ 155
3.28 Application instructions (16-bit).................................................................... 170
3.29 Application instructions (32-bit).................................................................... 180
3.30 Display instruction.......................................................................................... 192

Sequence program 69

3.1 Overview

3.1.1 Overview of operation

The following description is of the overview of processing performed after the inverter is turned ON and through to execution
of a sequence program.
PLC function processing can roughly be classified into the following three types.

Initial processing
Initial processing is pre-processing to execute sequence operations and is performed only once when the inverter is
turned ON or reset.
• Resets to initialize the input and output.
• Initializes the data memory (bit devices are turned OFF and word devices are set to 0).
• Performs self-diagnostic checks on such items as PLC function parameter settings and operation circuits.

• PLC function can be checked via FR Configurator2 (Developer). (Refer to the Instruction Manual of FR Configurator2.)

Sequence program operation

Executes a sequence program written in the PLC function from step 0 through the END instruction.

END processing
End processing is post-processing to end operation processing of a sequence program once and return execution to step
0 in the sequence program.
• Performs a self-diagnostic check.
• Updates timers and counters to the present values and turns contacts on/off.

70 Sequence program

Power ON

Initial processing
·I/O initialization
·Data memory initialization
·Self-diagnostic checks

I/O refresh processing

Sequence program
operation processing
Step 0
Until execution of END instruction

END processing
·Self-diagnostic checks
·Updating of timer and counter present values
and ON/OFF of their contacts

Sequence program 71
RUN/STOP operation

3.2 RUN/STOP operation

The PLC function has two operating statuses, a RUN state and a STOP state.
The following description is of operation processing of the PLC function in each state.

RUN state operation

In the RUN state, the PLC function operates a sequence program in the sequence of step 0END (FEND)
instructionstep 0 repeatedly when the SQ signal is turned ON. (P.RUN is ON)
The output suspended in the STOP state is executed according to the PLC function parameter output mode set for
STOPRUN switching (refer to page 99) when the PLC function enters the RUN state.

STOP state operation

In the STOP state, the PLC function stops operating a sequence program when the SQ signal is turned OFF or the
inverter is stopped remotely. (P.RUN is OFF)
The PLC function saves the output status and turns off all output points when it enters the STOP state. Data other than the
output (Y) is retained in the memory.

• The PLC function performs I/O refresh processing in both RUN and STOP states. Therefore, input/output can be monitored
and tested from peripheral devices even in the STOP state.

3.3 Program configuration

Program classification
Programs that can be used in the PLC function are main sequence programs only. Microcomputer programs, interrupt
programs, and SFC programs cannot be used.

Program capacity
The program capacity is the memory capacity that stores programs and is 6K steps. Set the program capacity using PLC
function parameters (PLC parameters).

72 Sequence program
Programming language

3.4 Programming language

Programming the PLC function can be performed through two methods. One uses figures and the other uses dedicated
• Programming with figures is performed by using the relay symbolic language. (Programming in FR Configurator2
(Developer) is performed in "ladder mode.")
• Programming with dedicated instructions is performed by using the logic symbolic language. (Programming that uses FR
Configurator2 (Developer) is performed in "list mode.")
The same program is created with both the relay symbolic language and the logic symbolic language.

3.4.1 Relay symbolic language (ladder mode)

The relay symbolic language is based on the concept of relay control circuits.
This language allows programming through expressions similar to sequential circuits in relay control.

Ladder block
A ladder block is the smallest elements for the sequence program operation, and starts at a vertical rail on the left side and
ends at the one on the right side.

Left hand side vertical bus

Right hand
side vertical

Step number

∗1 X0 to X5: Indicate inputs.

Y10 to Y14: Indicate outputs.

Sequence program 73
Programming language

Sequence program operation method

The sequence program is operated repeatedly from the ladder block at step 0 through the END instruction.
A ladder block is operated from the left vertical rail to the right vertical rail and from top down.

Operation from left to right

Beginning of one 10)
ladder block End of one
1) 2) 7) 8) 9)
ladder block

Operation 3) 4)
from top
to bottom 6)

Beginning of
Execution one ladder block 11) 13) 14) Operation from left to right 15)
returns to
step 0 when 12)
Operation 16)
from top
instruction is
to bottom 17) End of one
ladder block

∗1 1) to 17) indicate the sequence of program operation.

3.4.2 Logic symbolic language (list mode)

The logic symbolic language uses dedicated instructions for programming contacts, coils, and other devices that are
expressed with symbols in the relay symbolic language.

Program operation method

The sequence program is operated in sequence from the instruction at step 0 through the END instruction. The operation
is executed from step 0 again after the END instruction is executed.

Logic symbolic language Relay symbolic language

1) 2) 7) 8) 9)
Step number 10)

3) 4)



Execution returns to step 0

when END instruction is executed.

74 Sequence program
Programming language

3.4.3 Function block (FB)

A function block (FB) is a repeatedly used ladder blocks that is treated as a component so that it can also be used in other
sequence programs.

<Without FBs> <With FBs>

Project A Project A

Program 1 Program 1


Program 2

Program 2

circuit blocks are FB
treated as a block
and treated as
one component. Reuse

Project B

Program 3

Project B
Program 3

Sequence program 75
Operation processing method of the PLC function

3.5 Operation processing method of the PLC

The PLC function uses the repetitive operation method of stored programs.

Stored program method

• The stored program method stores a sequence program to be operated in the internal memory in advance.
• At execution of the sequence program, the sequence program stored in the PLC function is read to the CPU by each
instruction in order to execute operations, and that result is used to control each device status.

Repetitive operation method

The repetitive operation method executes a sequence of operations repeatedly.
The PLC function executes the following process repeatedly.
• The PLC function executes a sequence program stored in the internal memory in sequence from step 0.
• The PLC function performs internal processing such as updating timers/counters to the present values and performing
self-diagnostic checks after executing the END instruction, and returns to step 0 in the sequence program.

Step 0
Step 1
Step 2

Built-in sequence function repeats

this operation.


·Timer/counter present
value updating
checks, etc.

• Processing from step 0 to the next step 0 or END to the next END is called a scan.
Therefore, a single scan time is the total time to process a user-created program (step 0 through END) and the time for
internal processing of the PLC function.

76 Sequence program
I/O processing method

3.6 I/O processing method

The control method is a refresh method.

3.6.1 Refresh method

The refresh method stores changes in the control input terminals to the CPU input data memory in batch before every scan is
executed and uses the data stored in this input data memory for operation execution.
Program operation results of the output (Y) are output to the output data memory every time, and contents stored in the output
data memory are output in batch from the control output terminals after the END instruction is executed.

PLC function area

(Central Processing Unit)

3) Input (X) data At input refresh Control input

memory terminal
X0 1)

At output refresh
Control output
Y22 Output (Y)
Y20 5) data memory 2)

• Input refresh
Input information is read 1) in batch from the PLC function area and stored in the input data memory (X) before executing
step 0.
• Output refresh
Output information 2) stored in the output data memory (Y) is output in batch to the PLC function area before executing
step 0.
• When executing a contact instruction for the input
Input information is read 3) from the input data memory (X) to execute a sequence program.
• When executing a contact instruction for the output
Output information is read 4) from the output data memory (Y) to execute a sequence program.
• When executing an OUT instruction for the output
Operation result of the sequence program 5) is stored in the output data memory (Y).

Sequence program 77
I/O processing method

3.6.2 Response delay in refresh mode

The following description is about the output delay for the varied inputs.
As shown in the figures below, change in the output lags behind that in the input by up to two scans.

Ladder example

In this ladder, output Y1E turns ON when input

X5 turns ON.

 When Y1E turns ON at the earliest timing

Input refresh Input refresh Output refresh
0 END 0 56 END 0

Control input
Control output OFF
terminal Delay
(Minimum 1 scan)
The Y1E output turns ON at the earliest timing when the control input terminal turns ON immediately before the refresh. In
this case, X5 turns ON at input refresh, Y1E turns ON at step 0, and then the control output terminal turns ON at output
refresh after END instruction execution.
Therefore, change in the control output terminal occurs one scan behind that in the control input terminal.

 When Y1E turns ON at the latest timing

Input refresh Input refresh Output refresh
0 END 0 56 END 0

Control input
Control output
terminal Delay
(Maximum 2 scans)
The Y1E output turns ON at the latest timing when the control input terminal turns ON immediately after the refresh. In this
case, X5 turns ON at the next input refresh, Y1E turns ON at step 0, and then the control output terminal turns ON at the
output refresh after END instruction execution.
Therefore, change in the control output terminal occurs two scans behind that in the control input terminal.

78 Sequence program
Scan time

3.7 Scan time

Scan time
Scan time is the time period from operation execution of a sequence program from step 0 until executing the next step 0.
The scan time is not constant in every scan but differs according to whether instructions used are executed or not.

Scan time


Sequence program
END processing
Timer/counter count processing
Self-diagnostic checks

Scan time check

The scan time from the END instruction to the next END instruction is measured inside the programmable controller and
stored in special registers SD520 (SD521), SD524 (SD525), and SD526 (SD527).

Device number Name Description

SD520 The scan time is stored at every END and is constantly updated.
Current scan time SD520: Stores the ms places (Stored range: 0 to 65535)
SD521 SD521: Stores the μs places (Stored range: 0 to 900)
SD524 The minimum scan time is stored at every END.
Minimum scan time SD524: Stores the ms places (Stored range: 0 to 65535)
SD525 SD525: Stores the μs places (Stored range: 0 to 900)
SD526 The maximum scan time is stored at every END.
Maximum scan time SD526: Stores the ms places (Stored range: 0 to 65535)
SD527 SD527: Stores the μs places (Stored range: 0 to 900)
• Scan time accuracy
The accuracy of the scan time observed inside the programmable controller is ±2 ms.
For example, the actual scan time is within the range of 3 ms to 7 ms when data stored in SD520 is 5.

Sequence program 79
Values that can be used in sequence programs

3.8 Values that can be used in sequence

For the PLC function, data such as values and alphabetical characters are represented in two statuses, 0 (OFF) and 1 (ON).
Data represented with 0 and 1 is called BIN (binary).
The PLC function can also use HEX (hexadecimal), which represents four bits of BIN data together.
The following table shows the numeric representations in BIN (binary), HEX (hexadecimal), and DEC (decimal).

DEC (decimal) HEX (hexadecimal) BIN (binary)

0 0 0
1 1 1
2 2 10
3 3 11
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
9 9 1001
10 A 1010
11 B 1011
12 C 1100
13 D 1101
14 E 1110
15 F 1111
16 10 10000
17 11 10001
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
47 2F 101111

80 Sequence program
Values that can be used in sequence programs

3.8.1 BIN (binary)

BIN represents a value with 0 (OFF) and 1 (ON).
In decimal notation, when a value increases from 0 to 9, a carry occurs and the next value becomes 10.
In BIN (binary) notation, a carry is generated after 0 and 1, and the next value becomes 10 (2 in decimal notation).
The following table shows the binary and decimal numeric representations.

DEC (decimal) BIN (binary)

0 0000
1 0001 Carry
2 0010
3 0011 Carry
4 0100
5 0101
6 0110
7 0111 Carry
8 1000
9 1001
10 1010
11 1011

Numeric representation in BIN (binary)

Each register (such as a data register) used for the PLC function consists of 16 bits.
• Most significant bit is 0 ... Positive
• Most significant bit is 1 ... Negative
The following figure shows the numeric representation of each register used for the PLC function.

Most significant bit (for judgment of positive/negative)

Bit name b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

2 15 2 14 2 13 2 12 2 11 2 10 2 9 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

Decimal value -32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

Value is negative if most significant bit is 1.

Numerical data that can be used for the PLC function

In the numeric representation shown in the figure above, values can be represented in the range from -32768 to 32767.
Therefore, each register used for the PLC function can store a value between -32768 and 32767.

Sequence program 81
Values that can be used in sequence programs

3.8.2 HEX (hexadecimal)

HEX represents four bits of binary data with one digit.
BIN uses 4 bits to represent the 16 values from 0 to 15.
HEX uses the letter A to represent the bit next to 9 (10) and B to represent 11, and then a carry occurs after F (15).
For the numeric representations of BIN, HEX, and DEC, refer to page 80.

Numeric representation in HEX

Each register (such as a data register) used for the PLC function consists of 16 bits.
Therefore, the value that can be stored in each register can be represented in the range from 0 to HFFFF in HEX.

82 Sequence program
Explanation of devices

3.9 Explanation of devices

3.9.1 Device list

The following list shows device names and ranges that can be used for the PLC function.

Number of
Classification Category Device name Range of use
Input (X) 64 points X0 to X3F <12 points installed> HEX
Output (Y) 64 points Y0 to Y3F <12 points installed> HEX

Bit device Internal relay (M) 128 points M0 to M127 DEC

Latch relay (L) - (Can be set with PLC function -
parameters but will not latch)
T0 to T15
Internal user
100 ms timer: 0.1 to 3276.7 s can be set
Timer (T) 16 points 10 ms timer: 0.01 to 327.67 s can be set DEC
•Bit device 100 ms retentive timer: 0.1 to 3276.7 s
(contact/coil) can be set
•Word device
(present value) C0 to C15
Normal counter: Setting range 1 to
Counter (C) 16 points DEC
Interrupt program counter: Not used
Word device Data register (D) 256 points D0 to D255 DEC
Bit device Special relay (SM) 2048 points SM0 to SM2047 (with limited functions) DEC
Internal system
device Special register
Word device 2048 points SD0 to SD2047 (with limited functions) DEC

Sequence program 83
Explanation of devices

3.9.2 I/O X and Y

The input and output are devices that are used for communication between the inverter and external devices.
The input is given ON/OFF information externally to the control input terminals. Information is used as contacts (NO contact
and NC contact) and source data of basic instructions in programs. On the other hand, the output is used to output program
operation results from the control output terminals.

·Pushbutton switch Inverter

Signal lamp

·Select switch
Inputs (X) Outputs (Y)
operation Contactor

·Digital switch

Input X
• The input allows external devices, such as push-button switches, selection switches, limit switches, and digital
switches, to give commands and data to the inverter (PLC function).
• Assuming that the PLC function has internal virtual relays (Xn), the NO contacts and NC contacts of those Xn are used
in programs.

Virtual relay
PB1 X0
X0 Sequence
LS2 X1

Input circuit (external devices) Program

• There is no limit on the number of NO contacts and NC contacts of Xn used in a program.

No restrictions
on the number
of used contacts.

When the inverter is used without connecting any external device to the control input terminal, "X" can be substituted for
internal relay "M".

84 Sequence program
Explanation of devices

Output Y
• The output performs output of program control results to external devices (signal lights, digital Human Machine
Interfaces (HMI), electromagnetic switches (such as contactors and solenoids)).
• Output information can be output through a single NO contact or an equivalent device.
• There is no limit on the number of NO contacts and NC contacts of output Yn used in a program as long as it is within
the range of the program capacity.

Sequence No restrictions on the number of used contacts.



Program Output circuit

(external devices)

When the inverter is used without connecting the control input terminals to external devices, "Y" can be substituted for internal
relay "M".

3.9.3 Internal relay M

Internal relays are auxiliary relays that are used in the PLC function internally. These relays cannot latch (power failure
Performing any of the following turns all internal relays OFF.
• When the power supply was turned ON
• When resetting
There is no limit on the number of contacts (NO contact and NC contact) to be used in a program.
Use the output (Y) to output sequence program operation results.

No restrictions on the number of When X0 turns from OFF to ON, M0

used contacts. (internal relay) is set (turned ON).

M0 may only be turned ON in

sequence function and cannot be
output to outside.

ON/OFF data of M0 is output to


Sequence program 85
Explanation of devices

3.9.4 Timer T
The PLC function uses up-timing timers.
The up-timing timer starts measuring a present value when the timer's coil turns ON, and then the timer's contact turns ON
when the present value reaches a setting value.

3.9.5 100 ms timer, 10 ms timer, and 100 ms retentive

100 ms timer and 10 ms timer
The timer starts measuring a present value when the timer's coil turns on, and then the present value returns to 0 and the
timer's contact turns OFF when the coil turns OFF.

Ladder example

When input X5 turns ON, T2 coil turns ON

and timer times 5s. (T2 is 100ms timer.)

Timing chart


Timer present

T2 contact OFF OFF

• Changing between the 100 ms timer, 10 ms timer, and 100 ms retentive timer can be done using PLC function parameters.
(The initial setting is the 100 ms timer.)

86 Sequence program
Explanation of devices

100 ms retentive timer

• The 100 ms retentive timer is a timer that measures the time period during which its coil is ON.
It starts measuring a present value when its coil turns ON and retains the present value and its contact ON/OFF status
even when the coil turns OFF.
It resumes measurement from the retained present value when the coil turns ON again.
• Use the RST T instruction to clear the present value and turn OFF the contact.

Ladder example

Counts the X5 ON time period for 20s.

Resets T5 contact and clears

present value when X6 turns ON.

Timing chart





Timer present
value 5s

T5 contact OFF OFF

3.9.6 Processing and accuracy of timers

When the OUT T instruction is executed, the on/off switching of the timer coil, current value update, and on/off switching
of the contact are performed. In the END processing, the current timer value is not updated and the contact is not turned

[Program example]

[Processing at execution of OUT T0 instruction]


Current value update
Contact ON/OFF

Sequence program 87
Explanation of devices

The value obtained by the END instruction is added to the current value when the OUT T instruction is executed. The
current value is not updated while the timer coil is off even if the OUT T instruction is executed.

Timer limit setting=10ms, Setting value of T0=8 (10ms 8=80ms), Scan time=25ms
X0 K8


processing processing processing processing processing processing

1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3
10ms counting

Count at
execution of the 2 3 2 3 2 3
END instruction
Current value
0+2=2 2+3=5 5+2=7 7+3=
of T0
External input OFF
to X0
Inverter X0 OFF

Coil of T0 OFF

Contact of T0 OFF

Scan time 25ms 25ms 25ms 25ms 25ms 25ms

Accuracy from when the coil of the timer turns on until

when the contact of the timer turns on
- (1 scan time + timer limit setting) to (1 scan time)
Timing when the coil of the timer turns on
Input reading timing

Accuracy of the timer response that is from reading input (X) to output the data are up to
"2-scan time + timer limit setting".

88 Sequence program
Counter C

3.10 Counter C
The PLC function uses up-timing counters.
The up-timing counter turns its contact ON when the count value reaches a setting value.

Count processing
• The counter's coil turns on/off at execution of the OUT C instruction, and then the counter's present value is updated
and its contact turns ON after the END instruction is executed.
• The counter detects the coil's rise (OFFON) and then starts counting. Therefore, it will not start counting if the coil
remains ON.

Counter reset
• The count value is not cleared even when the coil turns OFF. Use the RST C instruction to clear the count value and
turn the contact OFF.
• If the counter is reset with the RST instruction, the counter's present value and contact are cleared at execution of the
RST instruction.

Ladder example

Input condition
C0 counts on leading edge (OFF to ON)
of input X5.
Resets C0 when input X6 turns ON.

Sequence program 89
Counter C

3.10.1 Count process in refresh mode

The counter counts at the rise of the counter's input conditions stored at input refresh.

Ladder example

When OFF to ON of X5 is counted

twice, C3 contact turns ON.

Counting method

Input (X) refresh Does not count since X5 remains ON.




X5 (Image) OFF
C3 coil

C3 present 0 1 2
value ON
C3 contact

• For the maximum counting speed of the counter, refer to page 90.

3.10.2 Maximum counting speed of counter

The maximum counting speed of the counter is determined by scan time, and counting is possible only when the ON/OFF
time specified in the input conditions is longer than the scan time.

n 1 n : Duty (%)
Maximum counting speed Cmax = × [times/s]
100 ts ts : Scan time [s]

• Duty n is a ratio between the ON and OFF time of count input signals and is represented as a percentage (%).

When T1 T2 n= 100[%]
T1 + T2
When T1>T2 n = 100[%]
T1 + T2
T1 T2
Count input signal OFF

90 Sequence program
Data register D

3.11 Data register D

• Data registers are memories that can store numerical data (from -32768 to 32767 or from H0000 to HFFFF) within the PLC
Each data register consists of 16 bits; therefore, data can be read and written in 16-bit increments.

b15 to b0

16 bits
Data register No.

• Data stored during execution of a sequence program is retained until overwritten with new data.
• Unused timers (T) and counters (C) can be substituted for data registers if the number of data registers is insufficient.

Sequence program 91
Special relays and special registers

3.12 Special relays and special registers

Special relays and special registers are internal relays and data registers, respectively, whose applications are already
determined in the PLC function.
The following are the main applications of special relays and special registers.

Sequence operation check

The following special relays and special registers can be used for checking sequence program operations.
• Operating status (RUN/STOP) check
• Error detection through self-diagnostic function
• Operation error detection
• Scan time check

Timing contact
The following items are special relays with different operating statuses that can be used for sequence programs.
• Always ON/OFF flag
• RUN flag (OFF for one scan)
• Initial processing flag (ON for one scan)

• For special relays and special registers that can be used in the PLC function, refer to page 17.

Item relay Application/description
Turned ON when a diagnostic error has been detected.
Diagnostic error SM0
ON status is retained even after the condition becomes normal.
Turned ON when an error is detected by self-diagnosis.
Self-diagnostic error SM1
ON status is retained even after the condition becomes normal
Common error information SM5 When SM5 is turned ON, common error information (SD5 to SD15) is stored.
When SM16 is turned ON, error individual information (SD16 to SD26) is
Individual error information SM16
Turned ON when an operation error is detected during instruction execution.
Operation error flag SM56
ON status is retained even after the condition becomes normal.
Clock data is read in BCD value to SD210 to SD213 when this relay is turned
Clock data read request SM213
ON. The process is not executed when the relay is OFF.
Always ON SM400 SM400 and SM401 are respectively turned ON and OFF regardless of the
Always OFF SM401 STOP and RUN states.
ON only for one scan after SM402 and SM403 change depending on the STOP and RUN states.
RUN In the cases other than STOP:
OFF only for one scan after SM402 is ON only for one scan.
SM403 SM403 is OFF only for one scan.

92 Sequence program
Function list

3.13 Function list

Function Description
This function executes remote RUN/STOP from an external source when the SQ signal is ON
(PLC function RUN state (P.RUN is ON)).
Watchdog timer variable This is a PLC function internal timer for detecting errors in the hardware or programs. Its
(10 to 2000 ms) setting value can be changed.
This function diagnoses the presence of an error within the PLC function itself, and performs
Self-diagnostic function
error detection, display and stoppage of the PLC function.
Output settings for
The output (Y) status when the state changes from the STOP state to the RUN state.
This setting prevents reading/writing of programs (parameter and main/sub programs) and
Keyword registration

• The following functions cannot be used.
Constant scan, latch (retention at power failure), PAUSE, status latch, sampling trace, step operation, clock, interrupt
processing, comment, microcomputer mode, print title entry, annunciator display mode, ERROR LED priority settings.

Sequence program 93
RUN/STOP method of PLC function from an external source (remote RUN/STOP)

3.14 RUN/STOP method of PLC function from an

external source (remote RUN/STOP)
The PLC function RUN/STOP is executed by ON/OFF of the SQ signal.
Remote RUN/STOP is performed by RUN/STOP of the PLC function from an external source when the SQ signal remains in
the ON state (RUN state).

Application of remote RUN/STOP

Remote RUN/STOP can be performed by remote control using remote RUN/STOP in the following types of cases.
• When the inverter is out of reach
• When executing RUN/STOP for the inverter in an enclosure from an external source

Operation at remote RUN/STOP

The operations of the sequence program that performs remote RUN/STOP are as follows.
• Remote STOP:
The sequence program is executed up to the END instruction, and enters the STOP state.
• Remote RUN:
If remote RUN is executed when the inverter has been switched to the "STOP state" by remote STOP, the state
changes to RUN state again, and the sequence program is executed from step 0.

Remote RUN/STOP method

The following methods can be used for remote RUN/STOP.
• Setting using the PLC function parameters (by contact)
Remote RUN/STOP can be executed by turning the remote RUN contact OFF/ON.
For example, this can be used to STOP the PLC function at the emergency stop contact.
(The state is "RUN" when the remote RUN contact is OFF, and "STOP" when the remote RUN contact is ON.)

Step 0 END Step 0 END


SQ terminal
Remote RUN contact OFF
(External input terminal)
Built-in sequence
RUN/STOP status
STOP status

• PLC function parameter settings for the remote RUN contact
X0 to X1F can be set for the remote RUN contact.
(For details, refer to the Instruction Manual of FR Configurator2)

94 Sequence program
RUN/STOP method of PLC function from an external source (remote RUN/STOP)

• Using FR Configurator2 (Developer)

RUN/STOP can be performed by operating remote RUN/STOP from FR Configurator2 (Developer).
For example, this can be used to STOP the inverter in order to rewrite the sequence program when it is installed in an
out of reach location.

Step 0 END Step 0 END

ON 0
Remote STOP
command OFF
FR Configurator2 (Developer) ON
Remote RUN OFF
STOP status

Note the following points because the PLC function has priority on STOP.
• The PLC function switches to the STOP state when remote STOP is executed from any source such as the remote
RUN contact or FR Configurator2 (Developer), etc.
• After switching the PLC function to the STOP state with remote STOP, all external factors (remote RUN contact, FR
Configurator2 (Developer), etc.) that executed the remote STOP must be RUN in order to switch the PLC function back
to the RUN state.

• In the RUN state, the sequence program step 0 to the END instruction are executed repeatedly.
In the STOP state, all sequence program operations are stopped, and all outputs (Y) are OFF.

Sequence program 95
Watchdog timer (watchdog error supervision timer)

3.15 Watchdog timer (watchdog error

supervision timer)
Watchdog timer
The watchdog timer is a PLC function internal timer for detecting errors in the hardware or sequence program. Use FR
Configurator2 (Developer). Select the [PC parameter] window, [PC RAS setting] tab, and set the watchdog timer.

PLC function Minimum setting

Name Initial value Setting range
parameter increments
WDT (Watchdog timer)
PLC RAS setting 200 ms 10 to 2000 ms 10 ms

Watchdog timer reset

The PLC function resets the watchdog timer before step 0 is executed (after the END processing is executed).
When the PLC function operates normally and the END instruction is executed by the sequence program within the setting
value, the watchdog timer does not output the signal.
When a PLC function hardware failure occurs or if the END instruction of the scan time could not be executed well within
the setting value, the watchdog timer outputs the signal.

Excess of scan time over setting

Sequence program
results in watchdog timer error.
processing time

0 END 0

Watchdog timer resetting

(Internal processing)

Process when the watchdog timer reaches the setting value

If the scan time exceeds the setting value of the watchdog timer, a watchdog timer error occurs and the PLC function is as
• All outputs of the PLC function turn OFF.
• The P.RUN LED blinks.
• SM1 turns on, and an error code is stored in SD0. (Refer to page 33.)

96 Sequence program
Self-diagnostic function

3.16 Self-diagnostic function

The self-diagnostic function diagnoses the presence of an error within the PLC function itself.

Self-diagnostic timing
The self-diagnostic is executed at power-on, at reset, when each instruction is executed and when the END instruction is
• At power-on, at reset.
Diagnoses whether the operation can be executed.
• When each instruction is executed
An error occurs if the operation of each instruction of the sequence program could not be executed.
• When the END instruction is executed
Watchdog error supervision is performed.

Operation mode when an error is detected

There are two types of PLC function operations for when an error is detected by self-diagnosis; the operation stops or
operation continues.
Even if the operation is set to continue, some errors can cause operation stop with the PLC function settings. (Refer to
page 97.)
• If an operation-stop error is detected by the self diagnosis, the operation is stopped as soon as the error is detected,
and all the outputs (Y) turn OFF.
• If an operation-continued error is detected, the faulty program area is skipped, and the operation continues from the
next step.

Confirmation of fault record

When an operation error occurs, SM0 (self-diagnosis error) turns ON and an error code is stored in SD0 (self-diagnosis
error). Particularly when the operation is set to be continued, use in the program and to prevent a malfunction in the
machine system.
For details on the fault record detected by self-diagnosis, refer to the error code list on page 198.

3.16.1 Operation mode when there is an operation error

The PLC function can be set to either stop or continue operation of the sequence program when an operation error occurs.
The setting of whether to stop or continue operation is set in the PLC function parameters.

• The initial status of the operation mode and PLC function status when there is an operation error are as shown in the
following table.

PLC function status

Error definition Operation Special Self-diagnostic P.RUN LED

Special relay
register for error number
Initial status turned ON
data storage (SD0)
An error such as an
attempting BCD conversion
Operation on a value that exceeds 0 to
Continue SM0 SD0 50 ON
error 9999 (or 0 to 99999999)
occurred in the sequence

Sequence program 97
Registering file password

3.17 Registering file password

This function sets write password and read password for each file stored in the inverter so that files are protected against
tampering and theft by unauthorized persons. To set up a file password, select [Online] of FR Configurator2 (Developer),
[Password/key word], and then [Registration/change].

File A ca Inverter
Read password n
"XYZ98756" is authenticated. the pass be read since
word m
File A
FR Configurator2
Write password: AbcDEF12
(Developer) Read password: XYZ98756

Write password
"1234abCD" is authenticated. A write password and read
password can be set individually.
n since
e writte
annot b match.
File A c ord does not
FR Configurator2 sw
the pas

File protection timing

File protection is enabled immediately after the passwords are registered, and it is disabled immediately after the
passwords are deleted.

Password target files

A password can be set to the following files.
• Program
• Device comment
• Initial device value
• Parameter
• Source information

Operations that are controlled and the number of characters

A password can be set to the following operations. A password can be 4 to 32 alphanumeric characters (capital or
lowercase letters).
• Reading files
• Writing files
• Reading/writing files

Online operations that require password authentication

Authentication is required to execute the following operations to password-protected files.
• Write to PLC (data writing)
• Read from PLC (data reading)
• Online change (data writing)
• Change TC setting value (data writing)
• Verify with PLC (data reading)
• Create/Change or Delete of a password (data reading and writing)
• Delete PLC data (data writing)

• For the procedure and precaution on the password change, cancellation, and unlock, refer to the GX Works2 Version1
Operating Manual (Common).
• Even when the password function (Pr.296, Pr.297) is enabled, FR Configurator2 can be used to read/write the inverter
parameter settings. To use the password function and PLC function at the same time, register keywords and lock reading/
writing of the ladder program.
• The purpose of the file password is different from that of the inverter password function (Pr.296, Pr.297).

98 Sequence program
Output (Y) status settings when STOP status → RUN status

3.18 Output (Y) status settings when STOP

status → RUN status
When changing from a state such as the RUN state to the STOP state, the RUN state output (Y) is stored in the PLC function.
When changing from the STOP state to the RUN state, the PLC function parameter settings can be configured to either re-
output the output (Y) or to output after operation execution.

"Output the output (Y) status before STOP"

After outputting the output (Y) status directly before the STOP state, the sequence program operation is executed.
"Clear the output (Y) (output after 1 scan)"
After clearing all outputs (Y) and executing the sequence program operation, the output (Y) is output.

STOP status to RUN status

Is output (Y) status at NO

STOP to be output?


Output (Y) status is cleared.

Output (Y) status at the time of
entering the STOP status is output.

Sequence program operation is executed.

Sequence program 99
Structure of instructions

3.19 Structure of instructions

Most of the instructions can be divided between the instruction section and device, and the applications are as follows.

• Instruction section
Indicates the functions of the instruction.
• Device
Indicates the data used by the instruction.

The structure of instructions based on a combination of the instruction section and device can be broadly divided into the
following categories.

• Instruction section
Instructions that do not change the device status, and mainly perform program controls.
Example END

• Instruction section + Device

Controls device ON/OFF, controls the execution condition according to the device ON/OFF status, and performs
program branching, etc.
Example LD X0
Instruction part

• Instruction section + Source device + Destination device

Performs operation on the destination data and source data, and stores the operation result in the destination.
MOV K100 D0
Destination device
Source device
Instruction part

• Others
Combinations other than those above.

Source (S)
A source is the data used in the operation.
It is as shown below depending on the specified device.
• Constant
Specifies the value used in the operation. It is a fixed value that cannot be changed when the program is being executed
because it is set when the program is created.
• Bit device, word device
Specifies the device in which the data used in the operation is stored. Therefore, the data needs to be stored in the
specified device before the operation is executed. The data used in the instruction can be changed by changing the
data stored in the specified device while the program is being executed.

Destination (D)
The data after operation is stored in the destination.

However, when instructions are constructed of a combination of Instruction section + Source device +

Destination device , the data to be used in the operation needs to be stored in the destination before the operation.
The device in which data is to be stored must be specified in the destination.

• In this manual, the source and destination shall be indicated as the following abbreviations.

Source: S , Source 1: S1 , Source 2: S2 , Destination: D , Destination 1: D1

100 Sequence program

Bit device processing method

3.20 Bit device processing method

Processing methods available for when a bit device (X, Y, M) is specified are 1-bit processing, and 16-bit and 32-bit
processing which are accompanied by digit specification.

3.20.1 1-bit processing

When sequence instructions are used, the device that is the operation processing target is 1 bit (1 point) of the bit device, and
multiple bits cannot be specified.
Example LD X0, OUT Y20

3.20.2 Digit specification processing

When basic instructions or application instructions are used, there are situations in which the bit device that is the operation
processing target needs to be specified with digit specification. When the processing increment of this digit specification is a
16-bit instruction, up to 16 points can be specified in 4-point increments.

16-bit instruction: K1 to 4 (4 to 16 points)

Example Setting range from 16-bit data digit specification of X0 to F

Designation range
of K1
(4 points)
Designation range of K2
(8 points)
Designation range of K3
(12 points)
Designation range of K4
(16 points)

• When there is a digit specification on the source (S) side, the values that can be handled as source data are indicated in
the table below.

Specified number of digits 16-bit instruction

K1 (4-point) 0 to 15
K2 (8-point) 0 to 255
K3 (12-point) 0 to 4095
K4 (16-point) -32768 to 32767

Ladder example Process

16-bit instruction

Change to 0. 3

Source (S) data

Sequence program 101

Bit device processing method

• When there is a digit specification on the destination (D) side, the number of points from the digit specification is applied
to the destination side.

Ladder example Process

When source (S)
data is values

Destination (D) side

Remain unchanged.

When source (S)

data is a word device

Destination (D) side

Remain unchanged.

32-bit instruction: K1 to 8 (4 to 32 points)

Example Setting range X0 to 1F by 32-bit data digit specification

X1F X1CX1B X18 X17 X14X13 X10 XF XC XB X8 X7 X4 X3 X0

range of K1
(4 points)
Specification range of K2
(8 points)
Specification range of K3
(12 points)
Specification range of K4
(16 points)
Specification range of K5
(20 points)
Specification range of K6
(24 points)
Specification range of K7
(28 points)
Specification range of K8
(32 points)

• When there is a digit specification on the source (S) side, the values that can be handled as source data are indicated in
the table below.

Specified number Specified number

32-bit instruction 32-bit instruction
of digits of digits
K1 (4-point) 0 to 15 K5 (20-point) 0 to 1048575
K2 (8-point) 0 to 255 K6 (24-point) 0 to 16777215
K3 (12-point) 0 to 4095 K7 (28-point) 0 to 268435455
-2147483648 to
K4 (16-point) 0 to 65535 K8 (32-point)

Ladder example Process

32-bit instruction
K1X0 X3 X2 X1 X0

X010 P K1 Change to 0.
DMOV X000 D0
b15 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

D0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X3 X2 X1 X0
Source (S) data 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

b31 b16

Change to 0.

102 Sequence program

Bit device processing method

• When there is a digit specification on the destination (D) side, the number of points from the digit specification is applied
to the destination side.

Ladder example Process

When source (S) data
is values H78123456

0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0

3 4 5 6
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0

X010 P H K5 7 8 1 2

DMOV 78123456 M0 M15 M8 M7 M0
0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0

M31 M20 M19 M16

Destination (D) side 0 0 1 0

Remain unchanged.

When source (S) data

is a word device b15 b8 b7 b0
D0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1

b15 b8 b7 b0

X010 P K5 D1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1


M25 M18 M17 M10

Destination (D) side 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1

M41 M30 M29 M26

0 1 1 1

Remain unchanged.

• When 32-bit data is stored in word devices, it is stored in two consecutive word devices. An error does not occur even if the
stored data exceeds the range of the corresponding device, but the content of devices outside of the range is changed. When
storing data, check beforehand that the amount of devices required for storage can be allocated.

Sequence program 103

Handling of numerical values

3.21 Handling of numerical values

The PLC function has an instruction for handling values indicated in 16 bits and 32 bits.
The most significant bit of the 16 bits and 32 bits is used to judge positive or negative. Therefore, the values that can be
handled are as follows.
16-bit: -32768 to 32767
32-bit: -2147483648 to 2147483647

• Value setting method
1) Decimal

10 is stored into D10 in BIN.

-10 is stored into D10 in BIN.

2) Hexadecimal

10 is stored into D10 in


Decimal and hexadecimal displays are supported as shown below.

• 16 bits • 32 bits
Hexadecimal Hexadecimal
Decimal display Decimal display
display display
32767 H7FFF 2147483647 H7FFFFFFF
to to to to
5 H0005 5 H00000005
4 H0004 4 H00000004
3 H0003 3 H00000003
2 H0002 2 H00000002
1 H0001 1 H00000001
0 H0000 0 H00000000
to to to to
-32768 H8000 -2147483648 H80000000

104 Sequence program

Operation error

3.22 Operation error

An operation error occurs in the basic instruction in the following cases.
When an error listed in the description of each instruction occurs.

• Note that an operation error does not occur when the device specified range exceeds the corresponding device range, and
data is written to devices other than the specified device.

M50 to M65 are the targets, but actual

setting range is M0 to M63, and error occurs
since M64 and M65 do not exist.

Error processing
If an operation error occurs when a basic instruction is executed, SM0 turns ON and an error code is stored in SD0.
(SM0 remains ON even if subsequent processing is normal.)

• The error code of the instruction in which the operation error occurred when SM0 changed from OFF to ON is stored in
SD0. Therefore, the content of SD0 does not change when SM0 remains ON.
• The following type of program resets SD0 and SM0.

Reset command
RST SM0 Resets (turns off) SM0.
Reset command
Resets SD0.
(Clears SD0 to 0.)

• When an operation error occurs, the choice of whether to stop or continue sequence processing can be made in the
PLC function parameter settings. For details, refer to page 97.

Sequence program 105

Sequence instructions list

3.23 Sequence instructions list

3.23.1 How to view the instruction list table

Instruction Process Execution Number of

Classification Symbol
symbol description condition steps


Transfer (S)(D) 5

     
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

1): Instructions are classified according to application.

2): Indicates the instruction symbol used in the program.
Instruction symbols are based on 16-bit instructions.
• Change the instruction symbols for 32-bit instructions as shown below.
32-bit instructions: Add a D to the start of the instruction.

Example + D+

16-bit command 32-bit command

• Change the instruction symbol so that the start execution command is output when the signal is ON, as shown below.
Add a P to the end of the instruction that is executed only at the leading edge of OFF to ON.
Example MOV MOVP
 
Instruction executed during ON Instruction executed only at the leading edge of OFF to ON

3): Indicates the symbol diagram on the ladder.


Indicates destination. Indicates destination.

Indicates source. Indicates source.
Indicates instruction symbol. Indicates instruction symbol.

Destination: Indicates the destination of the data after operation.

Source: Stores the data before operation.

106 Sequence program

Sequence instructions list

4): Indicates the process description of each instruction.

(D + 1, D) + (S + 1, S) (D + 1, D)
16 bits 16 bits
(D) + (S) (D)

Indicates 16 bits Indicates 32 bits

D +1 D

Upper 16 bits Lower 16 bits

5): Details of the execution conditions for each instruction are as follows.

Symbol Execution condition

An always executed instruction. It is always executed irrespective of whether the
Blank instruction prior condition is ON/OFF.
When the prior condition is OFF, the instruction executes the OFF process.
The instruction is executed only while the prior condition of the instruction is ON.
When the prior condition is OFF, the instruction is not executed and is not processed.
The instruction is executed one time only at the leading edge of the prior condition (OFF to
ON), and is not executed or processed even when any subsequent conditions are ON.
The instruction is executed only while the prior condition of the instruction is OFF. When
the prior condition is ON, the instruction is not executed and is not processed.
The instruction is executed one time only at the trailing edge of the prior condition (ON to
OFF), and is not executed or processed even when any subsequent conditions are OFF.
6): Indicates the number of program steps required for each instruction.

Sequence program 107

Sequence instructions list

3.23.2 Sequence instructions list

Instruction Execution Refer
Classification Symbol Process description
symbol Condition to page

LD Logical operation start

(NO contact operation start)
Logical NOT operation start
(NC contact operation start)
Logical AND
(NO contact series connection)
Contact 117
Logical AND NOT
(NC contact series connection)
Logical OR
(NO contact parallel connection)
Logical OR NOT
(NC contact parallel connection)
AND between logical blocks
(Series connection between blocks)
OR between logical blocks
(Parallel connection between blocks)

Link MPS Stores operation results


MRD Reads operation results stored in MPS 121


MPP Reads and resets operation results stored

in MPS

OUT Device output 124

SET SET D Device set

Output RST RST D Device reset

Pulses of 1 program cycle are generated at

the leading edge of input signal
Pulses of 1 program cycle are generated at
the trailing edge of input signal

Shift Device 1-bit shift 130

MC MC n D Master control start

MCR MCR n Master control release

FEND FEND Termination of main program 135

Program end
Always placed at the end of a sequence
program to return to step 0.

108 Sequence program

Sequence instructions list

Instruction Execution Refer

Classification Symbol Process description
symbol Condition to page
For program erasure or spacing.
Non- Non-processing.
processing New line instruction for printer output.
Ignored (Subsequent programs will be
controlled from step 0 of page n)

Sequence program 109

Sequence instructions list

3.23.3 Basic instructions

Instruction Execution Refer
Classification Symbol Process description
symbol condition to page

LD= = S1 S2

AND= When (S1) = (S2), conductive.

= S1 S2
When (S1)  (S2), non-conductive.

OR= = S1 S2

LD<> <> S1 S2

When (S1)  (S2), conductive.

AND<> <> S1 S2
When (S1) = (S2), non-conductive.

OR<> <> S1 S2

LD> > S1 S2

When (S1) > (S2), conductive.

AND> > S1 S2
When (S1)  (S2), non-conductive.

OR> > S1 S2
16-bit data
LD<= <= S1 S2

When (S1)  (S2), conductive.

AND<= <= S1 S2
When (S1) > (S2), non-conductive.

OR<= <= S1 S2

LD< < S1 S2

When (S1) < (S2), conductive.

AND< < S1 S2
When (S1)  (S2), non-conductive.

OR< < S1 S2

LD>= >= S1 S2

When (S1)  (S2), conductive.

AND>= >= S1 S2
When (S1) < (S2), non-conductive.

OR>= >= S1 S2

When (S1+1, S1) = (S2+1, S2),
data ANDD= ANDD= S1 S2 156
When (S1+1, S1)  (S2+1, S2),

110 Sequence program

Sequence instructions list

Instruction Execution Refer

Classification Symbol Process description
symbol condition to page

LDD<> LDD<> S1 S2
When (S1+1, S1)  (S2+1, S2),
When (S1+1, S1) = (S2+1, S2),
ORD<> ORD<> S1 S2

When (S1+1, S1) > (S2+1, S2),
When (S1+1, S1)  (S2+1, S2),

LDD<= LDD<= S1 S2
When (S1+1, S1)  (S2+1, S2),
data ANDD<= ANDD<= S1 S2 156
When (S1+1, S1) > (S2+1, S2),
ORD<= ORD<= S1 S2

When (S1+1, S1) < (S2+1, S2),
When (S1+1, S1)  (S2+1, S2),

LDD>= LDD>= S1 S2
When (S1+1, S1)  (S2+1, S2),
When (S1+1, S1) < (S2+1, S2),
ORD>= ORD>= S1 S2

+ + S D

(S) + (D)(D)
+P +P S D

+ + S1 S2 D

(S1) + (S2)(D)
BIN +P +P S1 S2 D
subtraction - - S D

(S) - (D)(D)
-P -P S D

- - S1 S2 D

(S1) - (S2)(D)
-P S1 S2 D

Sequence program 111

Sequence instructions list

Instruction Execution Refer

Classification Symbol Process description
symbol condition to page

D+ D+ S D
(D+1, D) + (S+1, S)
(D+1, D)

D+ D+ S1 S2 D
(S1+1, S1) + (S2+1, S2)
(D+1, D)
subtraction D- D- S D
(D+1, D) - (S+1, S)
(D+1, D)

D- D- S1 S2 D
(S1+1, S1) - (S2+1, S2)
(D+1, D)
D-P D-P S1 S2 D

* * S1 S2 D

(S1)  (S2)(D+1, D)
BIN *P *P S1 S2 D
division / / S1 S2 D
remainder (D+1)
/P /P S1 S2 D

D* D* S1 S2 D
(S1+1, S1)  (S2+1, S2)
(D+3, D+2, D+1, D)
division D/ D/ S1 S2 D (S1+1, S1)/(S2+1, S2)
quotient (D+1, D),
D/P D/P S1 S2 D remainder (D+3, D+2)


decrement DEC DEC D

(D) - 1(D)


(D+1, D)+1(D+1, D)
decrement DDEC DDEC D

(D+1, D) - 1(D+1, D)

112 Sequence program

Sequence instructions list

Instruction Execution Refer

Classification Symbol Process description
symbol condition to page

(S)(D) 150

(S+1, S)(D+1, D) 165

BIN 16-bit NEG NEG D

2's 0 - (D)(D) 151

complement NEGP NEGP D


2's 0 - (D+1, D)(D+1, D) 167

complement DNEGP DNEGP D

BIN 16-bit BCD BCD S D

BCD conversions
BCD (S) (D) 153
conversions BCDP BCDP S D BIN (0 to 9999)


BCD conversions
BCD (S+1, S) (D+1, D) 168
conversions DBCDP DBCDP
DMOVP S D BIN (0 to 99999999)

BIN 16-bit BIN BIN S D

BIN conversions
BIN (S) (D) 154
conversions BINP BINP S D BCD (0 to 9999)


BIN conversions
BIN (S+1, S) (D+1, D) 169
conversions DBINP DBINP S D BCD (0 to 99999999)

Sequence program 113

Sequence instructions list

3.23.4 Application instructions

Instruction Execution Refer
Classification Symbol Process description
symbol condition to page


(D) AND (S)(D)

BIN 16-bit
logical AND

(S1) AND (S2)(D)



(D+1, D) AND (S+1, S)(D+1, D)

BIN 32-bit
logical AND
(S1+1, S1) AND (S2+1, S2)
(D+1, D)


(D) OR (S)(D)
BIN 16-bit
logical OR

(S1) OR (S2)(D)


(D+1, D) OR (S+1, S)(D+1, D)

BIN 32-bit
logical OR
(S1+1, S1) OR (S2+1, S2)
(D+1, D)


(D) XOR (S)(D)

BIN 16-bit
exclusive OR

(S1) XOR (S2)(D)



(D+1, D) XOR (S+1, S)(D+1, D)

BIN 32-bit
exclusive OR
(S1+1, S1) XOR (S2+1, S2)
(D+1, D)

114 Sequence program

Sequence instructions list

Instruction Execution Refer

Classification Symbol Process description
symbol condition to page


(D) XOR (S)(D)


exclusive 178

(S1) XOR (S2)(D)


(D+1, D) XOR (S+1, S)
(D+1, D)

exclusive 190
(S1+1, S1) XOR (S2+1, S2)
(D+1, D)

3.23.5 Display instruction

Instruction Execution Refer
Classification Symbol Process description
symbol condition to page

Character $MOV $MOV S D Character string specified with (S) is

string data transferred to devices after that specified 192
transfer $MOVP $MOVP S D with (D).

G.PRR G.PRR n S D Data stored in the device specified with

(S) is sent to PU.
Character (n, (D) are dummies)
string output
Data stored in the device specified with
(S) is sent to PU.

Sequence program 115

How to view instructions

3.24 How to view instructions

The subsequent descriptions shall be in the following format.

Sequence instructions 3) 4)

1) 3.25.4 Output instruction: device set, reset ... SET, RST

Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

2) SET

SET input

SET Device number to set (ON)

D Device number to reset
5) RST input

6) Function
• When SET input is turned ON, the specified device turns ON.
• A device that was turned ON remains ON even if the SET input is turned OFF. It can be turned OFF with the RST
SET input

RST input

• When the SET input is OFF, the device state does not change.

7) Execution condition
The SET and RST instructions are executed for each scan.

• The number of steps is three when the following devices are used.
SET instruction ... Special relay (M)
RST instruction ... Special relay (M), all word devices

8) Program example
• Program that sets Y8 (ON) when X8 turns ON, and resets Y8 (OFF) when X9 turns ON.


1) Indicates the item number, instruction overview and instruction symbol.
2) Devices that can be used by instructions are marked with .
3) When a bit device is used, this indicates digit specifications that can be set in the instruction required by the digit
4) When an operation error occurs, instructions whose error flags turn ON are marked with .
5) Indicates the format in ladder mode.
6) Describes the instruction.
7) Indicates the execution conditions of the instruction.
8) Indicates the program example in ladder mode and list mode.

116 Sequence program

Sequence instructions

3.25 Sequence instructions

Sequence instructions are used in relay control circuits, etc.

3.25.1 Contact instruction:

operation start, series connection, parallel
connection ... LD, LDI, AND, ANI, OR, ORI
Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)
    

X1 Device number




• LD is the NO contact operation start instruction and LDI is the NC contact operation start instruction. They import the ON/
OFF information of the specified device as the operation result.

• AND is the NO contact series connection instruction, and ANI is the NC contact series connection. They import the ON/OFF
information of the specified device to perform the AND operation with the operation result up to this point and take the
resulting value as the operation result.
• There are no usage limitations on AND and ANI, but the following limitations exist in ladder mode.
• Write: When AND or ANI are connected in a series, a ladder with a maximum of 21 steps can be created.
• Read: When AND or ANI are connected in a series, a ladder with a maximum of 24 steps can be displayed.
If the ladder exceeds 24 steps, steps up to the 24th step are displayed.

• OR is the parallel connection instruction with a single NO contact, and ORI is the parallel connection instruction with a
single NC contact. They import the ON/OFF information of the specified device to perform the OR operation with the 3
operation result up to this point and take the resulting value as the operation result.
• There are no usage limitations on OR and ORI, but the following limitations exist in ladder mode.
• Write: A ladder that contains 23 OR or ORI continually linked can be created.
• Read: A ladder that contains 23 OR or ORI continually linked can be displayed. Ladders that contains more than 23 OR
or ORI cannot be displayed correctly.

Sequence program 117

Sequence instructions

Execution condition
The instructions explained in this section are executed every scan irrespective of the device ON/OFF status or the operation
result directly prior to the execution.

Program example






118 Sequence program

Sequence instructions

3.25.2 Association instruction: ladder block series

connection, parallel connection ... ANB, ORB
Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

Block A Block B

Block A

Block B

Use OR or ORI to connect

a contact in parallel.

• The AND operation is executed for the A block and B block to produce the operation result.
• The AND symbol is a connection symbol, not a contact symbol.
• A maximum of 7 instructions (8 blocks) can be written continuously for ANB.
If more ANB instructions than indicated above are written continuously, the PLC function cannot operate correctly.

• The OR operation is executed for the A block and B block to produce the operation result.
• ORB creates parallel connections with ladder blocks that have two or more contacts. Use OR or ORI to create parallel
connections with ladder blocks that only have one contact, there is no need to use ORB.


• The ORB symbol is a connection symbol, not a contact symbol. 3

• A maximum of 7 instructions (8 blocks) can be written continuously for ORB.
If more ORB than indicated above are written continuously, the PLC function cannot operate correctly.

Sequence program 119

Sequence instructions

Program example
The following two types of program coding are available for continuous series connection of ladder blocks. However, the
coding example 1 should be applied.

Coding example 1 Coding example 2

The following two types of program coding are available for continuous parallel connection of ladder blocks. However, the
coding example 1 should be applied.

Coding example 1 Coding example 2

120 Sequence program

Sequence instructions

3.25.3 Association instruction:

operation results, push, read, pop ... MPS, MRD,
Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

MPS, MRD and MPP do not appear in ladder display.

• The operation result (ON/OFF) directly prior to the MPS instruction is stored.
• The MPS instruction can be used continuously up to 12 times.
However, it can only be used up to 11 times when created with ladder mode.
When the MPP instruction is used during the program, the number of the MPS instructions to be used is reduced by 1.


• The operation result stored by the MPS instruction is read, and the operation of the following step is continued by this
operation result.


• The operation result stored by the MPS instruction is read, and the operation of the following step is continued by this
operation result.
• The operation result stored by the MPS instruction is cleared.

Sequence program 121

Sequence instructions

• The ladder is as shown below when MPS, MRD and MPP are used and when they are not used.

Ladder when MPS, MRD and MPP are used Ladder when MPS, MRD and MPP are not used

• Be sure to match the number of MPS and MPP instructions. The following will occur if the number used is different.
If the number of MPS instructions is greater, the ladder is changed and the PLC function executes operations on the changed

Before change

When MPP is replaced by NOP

After change

If the number of MPP instructions is greater, a ladder creation failure occurs for that ladder block and the PLC function cannot
execute operations normally.

122 Sequence program

Sequence instructions

Program example
• Program using MPS, MRD and MPP

1) Coding


3) 4)

5) 3)

6) 4)



10) 7)




Sequence program 123

Sequence instructions

3.25.4 Output instruction: bit device, timer, counter ...

Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)
Bit device  
Device 
Timer Setting
 
Device 
Counter Setting
 

(Y, M) Device number
K50 Setting Any of 1 to 32767 is
Device number (T0 to 15)
D10 Setting Any of data register
(T) contents 1 to 32767
T0 is valid
Device number (T0 to 15)

K50 Setting Any of 1 to 32767 is

Device number (C0 to 15)
OUT D10 Setting Any of data register
(C) contents 1 to 32767
C1 is valid
Device number (C0 to 15)

OUT (Y, M)
• Operation results up to the OUT instruction are output to the specified device.

OUT instruction
Operation result Contact
NO contact NC contact
OFF OFF Non-conduction Conduction
ON ON Conduction Non-conduction

• The OUT instruction repuires 3 steps when a special relay (M) is used.

124 Sequence program

Sequence instructions

• When the operation result up to the OUT instruction is ON, the timer coil turns ON and counts up the value up to the setting
value. When the coil's timer reaches the setting value (counted value  setting value), the contacts enter the following

NO contact Conduction
NC contact Non-conduction
• When the operation result up to the OUT instruction changes from ON to OFF, the following occurs.

Timer Present value Before the time up After the time up

Type of timer
coil of timer NO contact NC contact NO contact NC contact
100 ms timer Non- Non-
OFF 0 Conduction Conduction
10 ms timer conduction conduction
Retention of Non- Non-
100 ms retentive timer OFF Conduction Conduction
present value conduction conduction
• After the timer reaches the setting value, the state of the retentive timer contact does not change until the RST instruction is
• Negative values (-32768 to -1) cannot be set for the setting value.
• The timer's setting value becomes infinity, if its setting value is set to "0". For this reason, the timer does not time up.
• For details on the counting method of the timer, refer to page 87.

• If the operation result changes from OFF to ON up to the OUT instruction, +1 is added to the present value (count value),
and when counting reaches the setting value (present value = setting value), the contact is as follows.

NO contact Conduction
NC contact Non-conduction
• The timer will not start counting if the operation result remains ON. (Count input does not need to be converted into pulse
• After a count-up, the count value and state of the contact do not change until the RST instruction is executed.
• Negative values (-32768 to -1) cannot be set for the setting value. Furthermore, if the setting value is 0, the same process
as for a setting value of 1 is performed.
• For details on the counting method of the counter, refer to page 89.

Execution condition
The OUT instruction is executed for each scan irrespective of the operation result up to the instruction.

Program example
• Program that outputs to the output module.


• Program that turns X0 ON, and then 10 seconds later turns Y10 and Y14 ON. 3

Sequence program 125

Sequence instructions

3.25.5 Output instruction: device set, reset ... SET, RST

Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)
SET  
RST     

SET input
Setting data

RST input SET Device number to set (ON)

D Device number to reset

• When SET input is turned ON, the specified device turns ON.
• A device that was turned ON remains ON even if the SET input is turned OFF. It can be turned OFF with the RST
SET input

RST input

• When the SET input is OFF, the device state does not change.

• When the RST input is turned ON, the specified device is as follows.

Device Status
Y, M The coil and contact are turned OFF.
T, C The present value is set to 0, and the coil and contact are turned OFF.
D The content is set to 0.
• When the RST input is OFF, the device state does not change.
• The RST (D) function is identical to the following ladder.
RST input RST input

Device number Device number

(D) (D)

126 Sequence program

Sequence instructions

Execution condition
The SET and RST instructions are executed for each scan.

• The number of steps is three when the following devices are used.
SET instruction ... Special relay (M)
RST instruction ... Special relay (M), all word devices

Program example
• Program that sets Y8 (ON) when X8 turns ON, and resets Y8 (OFF) when X9 turns ON.


X8 (SET input)

X9 (RST input)

Operations of SET and RST instructions

• Program that sets the data register content to 0.

Stores X10 to 1F contents into D8 when X0

turns ON.

Resets D8 contents to 0 when X5 turns ON.


Sequence program 127

Sequence instructions

3.25.6 Output instruction: rising, falling differential

output ... PLS, PLF
Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

D  

PLS command
Setting data

Device number to convert

D into pulse form

PLF command

• The specified device is turned ON when the PLS command changes from OFF to ON, and OFF at all times other than when
the PLS command is turned OFF to ON (OFF to OFF, ON to ON, ON to OFF).

If there is one PLS instruction for the device specified by D during one scan, the specified device is turned ON for one
Do not execute the PLS instruction of the same device multiple times during one scan.

1 scan 1 scan

• After the PLS instruction is executed, it will not be executed again even if STOP is executed and RUN is executed again.

• The specified device is turned ON when the PLF command changes from ON to OFF, and OFF at all times other than when
the PLS command is turned ON to OFF (OFF to OFF, OFF to ON, ON to ON).
If there is one PLF instruction for the device specified by D during one scan, the specified device is turned ON for one
Do not execute the PLF instruction of the same device multiple times during one scan.

1 scan 1 scan

• After the PLF instruction is executed, it will not be executed again even if STOP is executed and RUN is executed again.

128 Sequence program

Sequence instructions

Program example
Program that executes the PLS instruction when X9 is turned ON.


1 scan

Program that executes the PLF instruction when X9 is turned OFF.


1 scan

Sequence program 129

Sequence instructions

3.25.7 Shift instruction: bit device shift ... SFT, SFTP

Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

D  

SFT commands
Setting data

D Device number to shift

• The ON/OFF status is shifted to the device immediately prior to the device specified with D , and the prior device is set to
• Use the SET instruction to turn ON the start device to be shifted.
• When SFT or SFTP are used continuously, start programming from larger device numbers.

Shift range
Shift input
1) X02 ON
After first shift input
After second shift input
X02 ON
5) After third shift input
6) After fourth shift input
7) After fifth shift input

∗1 At M8 to 15, 1 indicates ON and 0 indicates OFF.

130 Sequence program

Sequence instructions

Program example
• Program that shifts Y7 to YB when X8 turns ON.

Executes shifts when X8 turns ON.

Program in order of larger to smaller device

Turns on Y7 when X7 turns on.









Sequence program 131

Sequence instructions

3.25.8 Master control instruction: master control set,

reset ... MC, MCR
Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)
n 

D  

MC ON/OFF command Setting data

n Nesting (N0 to 14)

Device number to be
Device D turned ON
Nesting (N0 to 14)

• This instruction is for creating an efficient ladder switching sequence program by opening and closing the common bus
of the ladder using the master control instruction. The following ladders use the master control.

Display in ladder mode of GPP Actual operation ladder

Y7 Executed
only when
X0 is ON.


• When the MC ON/OFF instruction is turned ON at the start of master control, the operation results from MC to MCR are as
per the instruction (ladder).
• Even when the MC instruction is OFF, the scan time is not shortened because the scan is executed between the MC
instruction and MCR instruction.
Also, when the MC instruction is OFF, the operation results of MC and MCR are as follows.

100 ms, 10 ms timer The count value becomes 0, and both coil and contact turn OFF.
The coil turns OFF, but the count value and contact both retain the current
100 ms retentive timer, counter
Device currently under OUT instruction All turn OFF.
SET, RST or SFT, or devices currently
Retain the current state.
executing basic or application instructions

• The MC instruction can use the same nesting (N) number any number of times by changing the D device.

• When the MC instruction is ON, the coil of the device specified by D is ON. Furthermore, as a double coil occurs when

the same device is used by instructions such as the OUT instruction, do not use a device specified by D when it is
executing a different instruction.

132 Sequence program

Sequence instructions

• The master control release instruction that indicates the end of the master control range.
• Do not add a contact instruction to the front of the MCR instruction.

Program example
• The master control instruction can be used as a nesting structure. Each master control area is separated by nesting (N). N0
to N14 can be used for nesting.
A ladder in which the program execution conditions are limited successively can be created by using the nesting structure.
A ladder that uses a nesting structure is as follows.

ñ H̃[ ‚ƒh

Display ƒin ladder
‚ Ì‚ •\ Ž
¦mode Actual operation ladder

when A
turns ON.
when A
and B
turn ON.
when A, B
and C
turn ON.

when A
and B
turn ON.

when A
turns ON.

No affected by
A, B and C.

Sequence program 133

Sequence instructions

Take note of the following points when using a nesting structure.

• A maximum of 15 nests (N0 to 14) can be used. When applying nesting, MC uses numbers from the lower nesting (N)
numbers upwards, whereas MCR uses numbers from the higher numbers downwards. If the order is reversed, the
structure is not a nesting structure and the PLC function cannot operate normally.
Display in ladder mode Actual operation ladder

Nesting numbers of MCR are Since buses cross each other, normal
opposite. master control ladder cannot be created.

• If the nesting structure consists of MCR instructions collected in one location, the single lowest nesting (N) number can be
used to terminate all master controls.

134 Sequence program

Sequence instructions

3.25.9 Termination instruction: termination of main

program ... FEND
Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)


• Execution of the FEND instruction will cause the CPU module to terminate the program it was executing.
• Even sequence programs following the FEND instruction can be displayed in ladder display at a peripheral device.
(Peripheral devices continue to display ladders until encountering the END instruction.)

Sequence program


3.25.10Termination instruction: sequence program

termination ... END
Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)


• Indicates the end of a program. Scanning terminates with this step, and returns to step 0.

Sequence program

• The END instruction cannot be used during the sequence program.

• An operation error occurs if there is no END instruction during the program, and the PLC function does not operate.

Sequence program 135

Sequence instructions

3.25.11Other instructions: non-processing ... NOP,

Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

NOP does not appear in ladder display.



Non-processing instructions do not have an effect on previously executed operations.
NOP are used in the following situations.
• Creating space for sequence program debugging.
• Deleting instructions without changing the number of steps. (Replaced by NOP)
• Temporarily deleting instructions.

This is a no operation instruction that has no impact on any operations up to that point.
The NOPLF instruction is used when printing from a peripheral device to force a page change at any desired location.
• When printing ladders
• A page break will be inserted between ladder blocks with the presence of the NOPLF instruction.
• The ladder cannot be displayed correctly if an NOPLF instruction is inserted in the midst of a ladder block.
• Do not insert an NOPLF instruction in the midst of a ladder block.
• When printing instruction lists
• The page will be changed after the printing of the NOPLF instruction.
Refer to the Operating Manual for the peripheral device in use for details of printouts from peripheral devices.

This is a no operation instruction that has no impact on any operations up to that point.
No processing is performed at peripheral devices with this instruction.

136 Sequence program

Sequence instructions

Program example
• Contact short-circuit (AND, ANI)

Before change Coding

Replaced by NOP.

After change

• Contact short-circuit (LD, LDI)

Caution is required because the ladder completely changes if LD or LDI are replaced by NOP.

Before change Coding

Replaced by NOP.
After change

Before change Coding

Replaced Replaced by LD T3.

by NOP.
After change



Sequence program 137

Sequence instructions

• Printing the ladder will result in the following:

0 MOV K1 D30

MOV K2 D40

5 NOPLF NOPLF instruction,

inserted as a delimiter
of ladder blocks,
causes print out page to
be changed forcibly.
6 Y30


• Printing an instruction list with the NOPLF instruction will result in the following:

0 LD X0

1 MOV K1 D30

3 MOV K2 D40

5 NOPLF Changes print output page

after printing NOPLF.

6 LD X1

7 OUT Y30





138 Sequence program

Basic instruction (16-bit)

3.26 Basic instruction (16-bit)

The basic instruction (16-bit) can handle 16 bits of numeric data.

3.26.1 Comparison operation instruction

• Comparison operation instructions execute size comparisons (=, >, < etc.) of two data, and instructs a contact to turn ON
when the conditions are met.

• The usage method of comparison operation instructions is the same as the contact instructions of sequence instructions,
and is as follows.
• LD, LDI: LD=
• OR, ORI: OR=

• There are 18 types of comparison operation instruction as shown below.

For details, refer to page 140.

Instruction Instruction Instruction

Classification Classification Classification
symbol symbol symbol
= AND= > AND> < AND<
LD<> LD<= LD>=
 AND<>  AND<=  AND>=
OR<> OR<= OR>=
• The conditions for turning comparison operation instructions ON are as follows.
98 99 100 101 102

Dn = K100 OFF ON OFF


Dn K100 OFF ON

Dn K100 ON OFF

Dn K100 ON OFF

Dn K100 OFF ON

• The comparison instruction assumes the specified data as a BIN value for comparison. For this reason, when performing
hexadecimal comparison, when the value whose most significant bit (b15) is 1 (8 to F), the BIN value is assumed as a
negative number for the comparison.


Comparison of HEX / 4-digit value

Regarded Regarded
as -32767 as 1384
in BIN. in BIN.

Therefore, -32767 < 1384, and Y10 does not turn ON.

Sequence program 139

Basic instruction (16-bit)

3.26.2 Comparison operation instruction:

16-bit data comparison ... =, <>, >, <=, <, >=
Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

S1        
K1 to K4 
S2        

Instruction symbol inside

=, <>, >, <=, <, >=
Setting data

Start number of the

comparison data or the
device in which the
S2 comparison data is stored

• 16-bit comparison operation is handled as NO contact.
• Comparison operation results are as follows.

Instruction Comparison Instruction Comparison

Condition operation Condition operation
symbol inside results symbol inside results

= S1 = S2 = S1  S2
<> S1  S2 <> S1 = S2
> S1 > S2 > S1  S2
Conducted Not conducted
<= S1  S2 <= S1 > S2
< S1 < S2 < S1  S2
>= S1  S2 >= S1 < S2

Execution condition
The execution conditions for LD , AND and OR are as follows.

Instruction Execution condition

LD Each scan execution

AND Executed when the previous contact instruction is ON

OR Each scan execution

• When the digit setting of a bit device is other than K4 and a start bit device value is other than a multiple of 8, the number of
steps is 7.

140 Sequence program

Basic instruction (16-bit)

Program example
Program that compares the X0 to F data with D3 data.


Program that compares the BCD value 100 with D3 data.


Program that compares the BIN value 100 with D3 data.


Program that compares the D0 with D3 data.


Sequence program 141

Basic instruction (16-bit)

3.26.3 Arithmetic operation instruction

An arithmetic operation instruction instructs the addition, subtraction, multiplication or division for two BIN data, or operation of
increment or decrement.

BIN arithmetic operation (binary)

• If the operation result of an addition instruction exceeds 32767, the value is negative.
• If the operation result of a subtraction instruction is smaller than -32768, the value is positive.
• Operations of positive values and negative values are as follows.
5 + 8  13
5 - 8  -3
5  3  15
-5  3  -15
-5  (-3)  15
-5  3  -1 remainder -2
5  (-3)  -1 remainder 2
-5  (-3)  1 remainder -2

142 Sequence program

Basic instruction (16-bit)

3.26.4 Arithmetic operation instruction:

BIN 16-bit addition/subtraction ... +, +P, -, -P
Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

S        

D     

S1         K1 to K4 

S2        

D1     

Addition/subtraction commands Instruction symbol inside

+, -
Setting data

Start number of the addition/

subtraction data or the device in
Addition/subtraction commands which the addition/subtraction data
is stored
Start number of the device in which
D the added/subtracted data is
Start number of the added/
subtracted data or the device in
S1 which the added/subtracted data is
Start number of the addition/
subtraction data or the device in
S2 which the addition/subtraction data
is stored
Start number of the device in which
D1 the addition/subtraction results are

Sequence program 143

Basic instruction (16-bit)


• Executes addition of the BIN data specified with D and BIN data specified with S , and stores the addition results in the

device specified with D .

• Executes addition of the BIN data specified with S1 and BIN data specified with S2 , and stores it in the device specified

with D1 .

• -32768 to 32767 (BIN 16-bit) can be specified in S , S1 , S2 or D .

• Positive/negative judgment of the S , S1 , S2 and D data is performed by the most significant bit (b15).
(0: positive, 1: negative)
• The carry flag does not turn ON for the 0-bit underflow. The carry flag does not turn ON for the 15th bit overflow. (There is
no carry flag)


• Executes subtraction of the BIN data specified with D and BIN data specified with S , and stores the subtraction results

in the device specified with D .

• Executes subtraction of the BIN data specified with S1 and BIN data specified with S2 , and stores it in the device specified

with D1 .

• -32768 to 32767 (BIN 16-bit) can be specified in S , S1 , S2 or D .

• Positive/negative judgment of the S , S1 , S2 and D data is performed by the most significant bit (b15).
(0: Positive, 1: negative)
• The carry flag does not turn ON for the 0-bit underflow. The carry flag does not turn on for the 15th bit overflow.
(There is no carry flag)

144 Sequence program

Basic instruction (16-bit)

Execution condition
Addition/subtraction instruction


Executed every Executed every

scan. scan.

Executed only once. Executed only once.

Program example
Program that adds the content of D3 to the content of D0 when X5 turns ON, and outputs the results to Y38 to 3F.



Sequence program 145

Basic instruction (16-bit)

3.26.5 Arithmetic operation instruction:

BIN 16-bit multiplication/division ... *, *P, /, /P
Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

S1        

S2         K1 to K4 

D     

Multiplication/division commands Instruction symbol inside

*, /
Setting data

Start number of the multiplied/

divided data or the device in
S1 which the multiplied/divided data
is stored
Start number of the multiplication/
division data or the device in
S2 which the multiplication/division
data is stored
Start number of the device in
D which the multiplication/division
results are stored

146 Sequence program

Basic instruction (16-bit)


• Executes multiplication of the BIN data specified with S1 and BIN data specified with S2 , and stores the multiplication

results in the device specified with D .

• When D is a bit device, specify from the lower bits.

K1: Lower 4 bits (b0 to 3)
K4: Lower 16 bits (b0 to 15)

• -32768 to 32767 (BIN 16-bit) can be specified in S1 or S2 .

• Positive/negative judgment of the data is performed by the most significant bit (b15) for S1 and S2 , and (b31) for D .
(0: Positive, 1: negative)

• Executes division of the BIN data specified with S1 and BIN data specified with S2 , and stores the division results in the

device specified with D .

Quotient Remainder

• The division results are stored as the quotient and remainder using 32 bits for a word device, or stored as only the quotient
using 16 bits for a bit device.

Quotient: Stored in the lower 16 bits.

Remainder: Stored in the upper 16 bits. (Only stored for word devices.)

• -32768 to 32767 (BIN 16-bit) can be specified in S1 or S2 .

• Positive/negative judgment of the S1 , S2 , D and D +1 data is performed by the most significant bit (b15).
(Both quotient and remainder have a sign.)
(0: positive, 1: negative)

Sequence program 147

Basic instruction (16-bit)

Execution condition
The execution conditions for multiplication/division instructions are as follows.


Executed every Executed every

scan. scan.

Executed only once. Executed only once.

Operation error
An operation error occurs in the following cases, and the error flag turns on.

• When A1 or V are specified for D .

• When the divisor S2 is 0.

Program example
• Program that stores the multiplication results of BIN 5678 and 1234 in D3 and 4 when X5 turns on.


Program that outputs the results of dividing the X8 to F data by 3.14 to Y30 to 3F when X3 turns on.


148 Sequence program

Basic instruction (16-bit)

3.26.6 Arithmetic operation instruction:

BIN 16-bit data increment/decrement ... INC,
Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)
D       K1 to K4 

Instruction symbol inside

Command Setting data
Start number of devices for INC
Command D (+1)/DEC (-1) operation (BIN 16
P D bits)


• Adds 1 to the device designated by D (16-bit data).


b15 b0 b15 b0
5678 (BIN) 5679 (BIN)

• When INC/INCP operation is executed for the device designated by D , whose content is 32767, the value -32768 is

stored at the device designated by D .


• Subtracts 1 from the device designated by D (16-bit data).


b15 b0 b15 b0
5678 (BIN) 1 5677 (BIN)

• When DEC/DECP operation is executed for the device designated by , whose content is -32768, the value 32767 is stored

at the device designated by D .

Program Example
The following is a down counter program.

Transfers 100 to D8 when X7 goes ON. Coding 3

In the state M38=OFF, decrement at D8 (D8 - 1) is
executed when X8 goes from OFF to ON.
At D8=0, M38 goes ON.

Sequence program 149

Basic instruction (16-bit)

3.26.7 Data transfer instruction

The data transfer instruction is an instruction that executes the transfer of data.
Data transferred by the data transfer instruction is retained until new data is transferred.

3.26.8 Data transfer instruction:

16-bit data transfer ... MOV, MOVP
Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

MOV, S        
K1 to K4 
MOVP     

Transfer commands Setting data

MOV Start number of the transfer
S source data or the device in
which the data is stored
Start number of transfer
destination device


16-bit data from the device specified with S is transferred to the device specified with D .

16 bits
After Transfer

Execution condition
The execution conditions for transfer instructions are as follows.


Executed every Executed every

scan. scan.

Executed only once. Executed only once.

Program example
• Program that stores 155 as a binary value in D8 when X8 turns ON.


150 Sequence program

Basic instruction (16-bit)

3.26.9 Data conversion instruction:

2’s complements of BIN 16-bit data ... NEG, NEGP
Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)
NEG D        K1 to K4 

2's complement execution commands Setting data

Start number of the device in

NEG D which the data that executes
two's complement is stored


• Invert the sign of the 16-bit device specified with D , and store the device specified with D .

16 bits




• This is used when inverting the positive/negative signs.

Execution condition

2's complement
execution command

Executed every Executed every

NEG scan. scan.

Executed only once. Executed only once.

Sequence program 151

Basic instruction (16-bit)

Program example
• Program that calculates D10 to D20 when XA is turned ON, and calculates the absolute value when this result is negative.



152 Sequence program

Basic instruction (16-bit)

3.26.10Data conversion instructions:

BIN 16-bit data BCD conversions ... BCD, BCDP
Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

BCD S        
K1 to K4 
BCDP      

Setting data

Command BIN data or start number of the

BCDP S D S devices where the BIN data is stored
(BIN 16 bits)
Start number of the devices where
D BCD data will be stored (BCD 4 digits)


• Converts BIN data (0 to 9999) at the device designated by S to BCD data, and stores it at the device designated by D .

-32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

S BIN 9999 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Must always be "0". BCD conversion
8000 4000 2000 1000 800 400 200 100 80 40 20 10 8 4 2 1
D BCD 9999 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1

Thousands digits Hundreds digits Tens digits Ones digits

Sequence program 153

Basic instruction (16-bit)

3.26.11Data conversion instructions:

BIN 16-bit data BIN conversions ... BIN, BINP
Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

BIN S        
K1 to K4 
BINP      

Setting data
BIN S D BCD data or start number of the
S devices where the BCD data is stored
(BCD 4 digits)
Start number of the devices where
D BIN data will be stored (BIN 16 bits)


• Converts BCD data (0 to 9999) at device designated by S to BIN data, and stores at the device designated by D .

8000 4000 2000 1000 800 400 200 100 80 40 20 10 8 4 2 1

S BCD 9999 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1

Thousands digits Hundreds digits Tens digits Ones digits

BIN conversion
32768 16384 8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
D BIN 9999 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
Always filled with 0s.

154 Sequence program

Basic instruction (32-bit)

3.27 Basic instruction (32-bit)

The basic instruction (32-bit) is an instruction that can handle numeric data that is expressed in 32 bits.

3.27.1 Comparison operation instruction

• Comparison operation instructions execute size comparisons (D=, D>, D< etc.) of two data, and instructs the contact to turn
ON when the conditions are met.

• The usage method of comparison operation instructions is the same as the contact instructions of sequence instructions,
and is as follows.
• LD, LDI.......LDD=
• OR, ORI.....ORD=

• There are 18 types of comparison operation instruction as shown below.

For details, refer to page 156.

Instruction Instruction Instruction

Classification Classification Classification
symbol symbol symbol
 ANDD<>  ANDD<=  ANDD>=
• The conditions for turning comparison operation instructions ON are as follows.
98 99 100 101 102

Dn = K100 OFF ON OFF


Dn K100 OFF ON

Dn K100 ON OFF

Dn K100 ON OFF

Dn K100 OFF ON

• The comparison instruction assumes the specified data as a BIN value for comparison. For this reason, when performing
hexadecimal comparison, when the value whose most significant bit (b31) is 1 (8 to F), the BIN value is assumed as a
negative number for the comparison.


Comparison of HEX/8 digit value

D> H8000 H0000 H7FFF HFFFF Y10


Regarded Regarded
as -2147483648 as 2147483647
in BIN. in BIN.

Therefore, -2147483648 < -2147483647, and Y10 does not turn ON.

Sequence program 155

Basic instruction (32-bit)

3.27.2 Comparison operation instruction:

32-bit data comparison ... D=, D<>, D>, D<=, D<,
Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

S1        
K1 to K8 
S2        

Instruction symbol inside

D=, D<>, D>, D<=, D<, D>=
Setting data

Start number of the

comparison data
or the device in which
the data is stored

• 32-bit comparison operation handled as NO contact.
• Comparison operation results are as follows.

Instruction Comparison Instruction Comparison

Condition Condition
symbol inside operation results symbol inside operation results

D= S1 = S2 D= S1  S2
D<> S1  S2 D<> S1 = S2
D> S1 > S2 D> S1  S2
Conducted Not conducted
D<= S1  S2 D<= S1 > S2
D< S1 < S2 D< S1  S2
D>= S1  S2 D>= S1 < S2

Execution condition
The execution conditions for LD , AND and OR are as follows.

Instruction Execution condition

LD Each scan execution

AND Executed when the previous contact instruction turns ON.

OR Each scan execution

• When the digit setting of a bit device is other than K8 and a start bit device value is other than a multiple of 8, the number of
steps is 7.

156 Sequence program

Basic instruction (32-bit)

Program example
Program that compares the M0 to 31 data with D3 and D4 data.

K8 0 LDD= K8M0 D3
0 D= M0 D3 ( Y0 )
11 OUT Y0
12 END

Program that compares the BCD value 18000 with D3 and D4 data.

M3 0 LD M3
0 D<> 00018000 D3 ( Y0 ) 1 ANDD<> H00018000 D3
12 OUT Y0
13 END

Program that compares the BIN value -80000 with D3 and D4 data.

M3 0 LD M3
0 D> 80000 D3 ( Y0 ) 1 LDD> K-80000 D3
12 OR M8
13 ANB
14 OUT Y0
15 END

Program that compares D0 and D1 with D3 and D4 data.

M3 M8 0 LD M3
0 ( Y0 )
1 AND M8
2 ORD<= D0 D3
D<= D0 D3 13 OUT Y0
14 END

Sequence program 157

Basic instruction (32-bit)

3.27.3 Arithmetic operation instruction

An arithmetic operation instruction instructs the addition, subtraction, multiplication or division for two BIN data, or operation of
increment or decrement.

BIN arithmetic operation (binary)

• If the operation result of an addition instruction exceeds 2147483647, the value is negative.
• If the operation result of a subtraction instruction is smaller than -2147483648, the value is positive.
• Operations of positive values and negative values are as follows.
5 + 8  13
5 - 8  -3
5  3  15
-5  3  -15
-5  (-3)  15
-5  3  -1 remainder -2
5  (-3)  -1 remainder 2
-5  (-3)  1 remainder -2

3.27.4 Arithmetic operation instruction:

BIN 32-bit addition/subtraction ... D+, D+P, D-, D-P
Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

S        

D     

S         K1 to K8 

S2        

D1     

Addition/subtraction commands Instruction symbol inside

D+, D-
Setting data

Start number of the addition/

S subtraction data or the device in which
Addition/subtraction commands the addition/subtraction data is stored
Start number of the device in which the
added/subtracted data is stored
Start number of the added/subtracted
S1 data or the device in which the added/
subtracted data is stored
Start number of the addition/
S2 subtraction data or the device in which
the addition/subtraction data is stored
Start number of the device in which the
D1 addition/subtraction results are stored

158 Sequence program

Basic instruction (32-bit)


• Executes addition of the BIN data specified with D and BIN data specified with S , and stores the addition results in the

device specified with D .

D +1 D S +1 S D +1 D

b31 b16 b15 b0 b31 b16 b15 b0 b31 b16 b15 b0

567890 (BIN) + 123456 (BIN) 691346 (BIN)

• Executes addition of the BIN data specified with S1 and BIN data specified with S2 , and stores the addition results in the

device specified with D1 .

S1 +1 S1 S2 +1 S2 D1 +1 D1

b31 b16 b15 b0 b31 b16 b15 b0 b31 b16 b15 b0

567890 (BIN) + 123456 (BIN) 691346 (BIN)

• -2147483648 to 2147483647 (BIN 32-bit) can be specified in S , S1 , S2 or D .

• Positive/negative judgment of the S , S1 , S2 and D data is performed by the most significant bit (b31).
(0: positive, 1: negative)
• The carry flag does not turn ON for the 0-bit underflow. The carry flag does not turn ON for the 31st bit overflow. (There is
no carry flag)


• Executes subtraction of the BIN data specified with D and BIN data specified with S , and stores the subtraction results

in the device specified with D .

D +1 D S +1 S D +1 D

b31 b16 b15 b0 b31 b16 b15 b0 b31 b16 b15 b0

567890 (BIN) - 123456 (BIN) 444434 (BIN)

• Executes subtraction of the BIN data specified with S1 and BIN data specified with S2 , and stores the subtraction results

in the device specified with D1 .

S1 +1 S1 S2 +1 S2 D1 +1 D1

b31 b16 b15 b0 b31 b16 b15 b0 b31 b16 b15 b0

567890 (BIN) - 123456 (BIN) 444434 (BIN)

• -2147483648 to 2147483647 (BIN 32-bit) can be specified in S , S1 , S2 or D . 3

• Positive/negative judgment of the S , S1 , S2 and D data is performed by the most significant bit (b31).
(0: positive, 1: negative)
• The carry flag does not turn ON for the 0-bit underflow. The carry flag does not turn ON for the 31st bit overflow. (There is
no carry flag)

Sequence program 159

Basic instruction (32-bit)

Execution condition
Addition/subtraction instruction


Executed every Executed every

scan. scan.

Executed only once. Executed only once.

Program example
Program that adds the X10 to X2B 28-bit data to the D9 and D10 data when X0 turns ON, and outputs the results to M0 to

X000 P K7 K7 0 LD X000
0 D+ X010 D9 M0
1 D+P K7X010 D9 K7M0
12 END

Program that subtracts the M0 to M23 data from the D0 and D1 data when X0 turns ON, and stores the results in D10 and

X0 P K6 0 LD X0
0 D- D0 M0 D10 1 D-P D0 K6M0 D10
12 END

160 Sequence program

Basic instruction (32-bit)

3.27.5 Arithmetic operation instruction:

BIN 32-bit multiplication/division ... D*, D*P, D/, D/
Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

S1        

S2         K1 to K8 

D     

Multiplication/division commands Instruction symbol inside

D*, D/

Setting data
Start number of the multiplied/divided data or
S1 the device in which the multiplied/divided data
is stored
Start number of the multiplication/division data
S2 or the device in which the multiplication/
division data is stored
Start number of the device in which the
multiplication/division results are stored


• Executes multiplication of the BIN data specified with S1 and BIN data specified with S2 , and stores the results in the

device specified with D

S1 +1 S1 S2 +1 S2 D +3 D +2 D +1 D
b31 b16 b15 b0 b31 b16 b15 b0 b63 b48 b47 b32 b31 b16 b15 b0
567890 (BIN) * 123456 (BIN) 70109427840 (BIN)

• When D is a bit device, specify from the lower bits.

K1: Lower 4 bits (b0 to 3)
K4: Lower 16 bits (b0 to 15)
K8: Lower 32 bits (b0 to 31)

• -2147483648 to 2147483647 (BIN 32-bit) can be specified in S1 or S2 .

• Positive/negative judgment of the data is performed by the most significant bit (b31) for S1 and S2 , and (b63) for D .
(0: positive, 1: negative)

Sequence program 161

Basic instruction (32-bit)


• Executes division of the BIN data specified with S1 and BIN data specified with S2 , and stores the results in the device

specified with D .

Quotient Remainder
S1 +1 S1 S2 +1 S2 D +1 D D +3 D +2
b31 b16 b15 b0 b31 b16 b15 b0 b31 b16 b15 b0 b31 b16 b15 b0
567890 (BIN) / 123456 (BIN) 4 (BIN) 74066 (BIN)

• The division results are stored as the quotient and remainder using 64 bits for a word device, or stored as only the quotient
using 32 bits for a bit device.
Quotient: Stored in the lower 32 bits.
Remainder: Stored in the upper 32 bits. (Only stored for word devices.)

• -2147483648 to 2147483647 (BIN 32-bit) can be specified in S1 or S2 .

• Positive/negative judgment of the S1 , S2 , D and D +2 data is performed by the most significant bit (b31).
(Both quotient and remainder have a sign.)
(0: positive, 1: negative)

Execution condition
The execution conditions for multiplication/division instructions are as follows.


Executed every Executed every

scan. scan.

Executed only once. Executed only once.

162 Sequence program

Basic instruction (32-bit)

Operation error
An operation error occurs in the following cases, and the error flag turns ON.

• When A1 or V is specified in S1 or S2 , or A0, A1, Z or V are specified in D .

• When the divisor S2 is 0.

Program example
Program that stores the results of multiplying D7 and D8 BIN data with D18 and D19 BIN data in D1 to D4 when X5 turns ON.

X005 P Coding
0 D* D7 D18 D1
0 LD X005
1 D*P D7 D18 D1
12 END

Program that outputs the result of multiplying M0 to 7 by 3.14 to D3 when X3 turns ON.

X003 P K2 K Coding
0 * M0 314 D0 0 LD X003
1 *P K2M0 K314 D0
D/ D0 100 D2 8 D/P D0 K100 D2
19 MOVP D2 D3
MOV D2 D3 24 END

Sequence program 163

Basic instruction (32-bit)

3.27.6 Arithmetic operation instruction:

BIN 32-bit data increment/decrement ... DINC,
Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)
D       K1 to K4 

Instruction symbol inside

Command Setting data
Start number of devices
Command for DINC(+1) or DDEC(-1)
operation (BIN 32 bits)


• Adds 1 to the device designated by D (32-bit data).

D +1 D D +1 D

b31 b16 b15 b0 b31 b16 b15 b0

73500 (BIN) 73501 (BIN)

• When DINC/DINCP operation is executed for the device designated by D , whose content is 2147483647, the value

-2147483648 is stored at the device designated by D .


• Subtracts -1 from the device designated by D (32-bit data).

D +1 D D +1 D

b31 b16 b15 b0 b31 b16 b15 b0

73500 (BIN) 1 73499 (BIN)

• When DDEC/DDECP operation is executed for the device designated by D , whose content is 0, the value -1 is stored at

the device designated by D .

Program example
• The following program adds 1 to the data at D0 and D1 when X0 is ON.


• The following program subtracts 1 from the data at D0 and D1 when X0 goes ON.


164 Sequence program

Basic instruction (32-bit)

3.27.7 Data transfer instruction

The data transfer instruction is an instruction that executes the transfer of data.
Data transferred by the data transfer instruction is retained until new data is transferred.

3.27.8 Data transfer instruction:

32-bit data transfer ... DMOV, DMOVP
Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

DMOV, S        
K1 to K8 
DMOVP     

Transfer commands Setting data

DMOV Start number of the transfer

S source data or the device in
which the data is stored
Start number of transfer
destination device


32-bit data from the device specified with S is transferred to the device specified with D .

32 bits

Before transfer S


After transfer D

Execution condition
The execution conditions for transfer instructions are as follows.


DMOV Executed every Executed every 3

scan. scan.

Executed only once. Executed only once.

Sequence program 165

Basic instruction (32-bit)

Program example
• Program that stores the input D2 to D3 data in D0 and D1.

M32 P 0 L M32
0 DMOV D2 D0

• Program that stores M0 to M31 data in D0 and D1.

M32 K8 Coding
0 DMOV M0 D0 0 LD M32

166 Sequence program

Basic instruction (32-bit)

3.27.9 Data conversion instruction:

2's complements of BIN 32-bit data ... DNEG,
Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)
DNEG(P) D        K1 to K8 

2's complement execution commands Setting data

Start number of the device in

DNEG D which the data that executes
two's complement is stored


• Invert the sign of the 32-bit device specified with D , and store the device specified with D .

32 bit
Before b31 b0
execution D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 -218460

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
conversion - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0

After b31 b0
execution D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 218460

• This is used when inverting the positive/negative signs.

Execution condition

2's complement
execution command

Executed every Executed every

DNEG scan. scan.

Executed only once. Executed only once.

Sequence program 167

Basic instruction (32-bit)

3.27.10Data conversion instructions:

BIN 32-bit data BCD conversions ... DBCD, DBCDP
Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

DBCD S        
K1 to K8 
DBCDP      

Setting data
BIN data or start number of the
Command S devices where the BIN data is stored
DBCDP S D (BIN 32 bits)
Start number of the devices where
D BCD data will be stored (BCD 8 digits)


• Converts BIN data (0 to 99999999) at the device designated by S to BCD data, and stores it at the device designated by


S +1 (Upper 16 bits) S (Lower 16 bits)


S BIN 99999999 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Must always be "0" (upper 5 digits). BCD conversion

















D BCD 99999999 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1

Ten Millions Hundred Ten Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones

millions digits thousands thousands digits digits digits digits
digits digits digits

D +1 (Upper 4 digits) D (Lower 4 digits)

168 Sequence program

Basic instruction (32-bit)

3.27.11Data conversion instructions:

BIN 32-bit data BIN conversions ... DBIN, DBINP
Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

DBIN S        
K1 to K8 
DBINP      

Setting data
DBIN S D BCD data or start number of the
S devices where the BCD data is stored
(BCD 8 digits)
Start number of the devices where
D BIN data will be stored (BIN 32 bits)


• Converts BCD data (0 to 99999999) at the device designated by S to BIN data, and stores at the device designated by


S +1 S
















S BCD 99999999 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1

Ten Millions Hundred Ten Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones

millions digits thousands thousands digits digits digits digits
digits digits digits
BIN conversion
D +1 D

D BIN 99999999 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Always filled with 0s.

Sequence program 169

Application instructions (16-bit)

3.28 Application instructions (16-bit)

Application instructions (16-bit) are used when special processing is required.

3.28.1 Logical operation instructions

• Logical operation instructions are instructions that execute logical operations such as logical OR or logical AND.

• There are 10 types of logical operation instruction as shown below.

Instruction Instruction Instruction

Classification Classification Classification
symbol symbol symbol
WAND WXOR 2's complement NEG
Logical AND Exclusive OR
WANDP WXORP (code reversed) NEGP
Logical OR Exclusive NOR

• Logical operation instructions execute the following processes in increments of bits.

Classification Process Formula
0 0 0
Set 1 when the inputs of both A and B are 1. 0 1 0
Logical AND Y=AB
Set 0 in all other cases. 1 0 0
1 1 1
0 0 0
Set 0 when the inputs of both A and B are 0. 0 1 1
Logical OR Y=A+B
Set 1 in all other cases. 1 0 1
1 1 1
0 0 0
Set 0 when the inputs of both A and B are equal. 0 1 1
Exclusive OR Y=AB+AB
Set 1 when they are different. 1 0 1
1 1 0
0 0 1
Set 1 when the inputs of both A and B are equal. 0 1 0
Exclusive NOR Y = (A + B) (A + B)
Set 0 when they are different. 1 0 0
1 1 1

170 Sequence program

Application instructions (16-bit)

3.28.2 Logical operation instruction:

BIN 16-bit logical AND ... WAND, WANDP
Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

S        

D     

WAND S1         K1 to K4 

S2        

D1     

Operation Setting data


S1 Start number of the data that executes

WANDP the logical AND or the device in which
S2 the data is stored
WAND Start number of the device in which
D1 the logical AND results are stored


Sequence program 171

Application instructions (16-bit)


• Logical AND is executed for each bit of the 16-bit data of the device specified with D and 16-bit data of the device

specified with S , and the results are stored in the device specified with D .

16 bits



• Logical AND is executed for each bit of the 16-bit data of the device specified with S1 and 16-bit data of the device

specified with S2 , and the results are stored in the device specified with D1 .

16 bits



• Bits of the bit device higher than the specified digit are operated as 0.

Execution condition
The execution conditions for logical AND instructions are as follows.


Executed every Executed every

WAND scan. scan.

Executed only once. Executed only once.

Program example
• Program that masks the tenth digit (the second digit from the bottom) of the BCD 4 digits when XA turns ON.

(D10)=1234 1204

172 Sequence program

Application instructions (16-bit)

• Program that executes logical AND for X10 to 1B data and D33 data when XA turns ON, and outputs the results to Y0 to B.

ANDs X10-1B data and D33 data

and stores result to D33.

Outputs D33 data to Y0-F.


b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


X1B X1A X19 X18 X17 X16 X15 X14 X13 X12 X11 X10
X1B to 10

Regarded as 0(s).

Turn to 0(s).

Sequence program 173

Application instructions (16-bit)

3.28.3 Logical operation instruction:

BIN 16-bit logical OR ... WOR, WORP
Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

S        

D     

WOR S1         K1 to K4 

S2        

D1     

Operation Setting data

Start number of the data that
WORP S1 executes the logical OR or the
device in which the data is
Operation S2 stored
Start number of the device in
WORP D1 which the logical OR results are


• Logical OR is executed for each bit of the 16-bit data of the device specified with D and 16-bit data of the device specified

with S , and the results are stored in the device specified with D .

16 bits



• Logical OR is executed for each bit of the 16-bit data of the device specified with S1 and 16-bit data of the device specified

with S2 , and the results are stored in the device specified with D1 .

16 bits


• Bits of the bit device higher than the specified digit are operated as 0.

174 Sequence program

Application instructions (16-bit)

Execution condition
• The execution conditions for logical OR instructions are as follows.


Executed every Executed every

WOR scan. scan.

Executed only once. Executed only once.

Program example
• Program that executes logical OR for D10 and D20 data when XA turns ON, and stores the results in D10.


• Program that executes logical OR for X10 to 1B data and D33 data when XA turns ON, and outputs the results to Y0 to B.


Sequence program 175

Application instructions (16-bit)

3.28.4 Logical operation instruction:

BIN 16-bit data exclusive OR ... WXOR, WXORP
Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

S        

D     

WXOR S1         K1 to K4 

S2        

D1     

Operation Setting data


WXORP S1 Start number of the data that executes

the exclusive OR or the device in
S2 which the data is stored
commands D
Start number of the device in which
D1 the exclusive OR results are stored



• Exclusive OR is executed for each bit of the 16-bit data of the device specified with D and 16-bit data of the device

specified with S , and the results are stored in the device specified with D .

16 bits



• Exclusive OR is executed for each bit of the 16-bit data of the device specified with S1 and 16-bit data of the device

specified with S2 , and the results are stored in the device specified with D1 .

16 bits


• Bits of the bit device higher than the specified digit are operated as 0.

176 Sequence program

Application instructions (16-bit)

Execution condition
The execution conditions for exclusive OR instructions are as follows.


Executed every Executed every

WXOR scan. scan.

Executed only once. Executed only once.

Program example
• Program that executes exclusive OR for D10 and D20 data when XA turns ON, and stores the results in D10.

• Program that executes exclusive OR for X10 to 1B data and D33 data when XA turns ON, and outputs the results to Y30 to

Sequence program 177

Application instructions (16-bit)

3.28.5 Logical operation instruction:

BIN 16-bit data exclusive NOR ... WXNR, WXNRP
Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

S        

D     

WXNR S1         K1 to K4 

S2        

D1     

Operation Setting data


S1 Start number of the data that executes

WXNRP the exclusive NOR or the device in
S2 which the data is stored
commands D
Start number of the device in which the
D1 exclusive NOR results are stored



• Exclusive NOR is executed for the 16-bit data of the device specified with D and 16-bit data of the device specified with

S , and the results are stored in the device specified with D .

16 bits



• Exclusive NOR is executed for the 16-bit data of the device specified with S1 and 16-bit data of the device specified with

S2 , and the results are stored in the device specified with D1 .

16 bits


• Bits of the bit device higher than the specified digit are operated as 0.

178 Sequence program

Application instructions (16-bit)

Execution condition
The execution conditions for exclusive NOR instructions are as follows.


WXNR Executed every Executed every

scan. scan.

Executed only once. Executed only once.

Program example
• Program that executes exclusive NOR for the 16-bit data of X30 to 3F and D99 data when X0 turns ON, and stores the
results in D7.

Sequence program 179

Application instructions (32-bit)

3.29 Application instructions (32-bit)

Application instructions (32-bit) are used when special processing is required.

3.29.1 Logical operation instructions

• Logical operation instructions are instructions that execute logical operations such as logical OR or logical AND.

• There are 10 types of logical operation instruction as shown below.

Instruction Instruction Instruction

Classification Classification Classification
symbol symbol symbol
DAND DXOR 2's complement DNEG
Logical AND Exclusive OR
DANDP DXORP (code reversed) DNEGP
Logical OR Exclusive NOR

• Logical operation instructions execute the following processes in increments of bits.

Classification Process Formula
0 0 0
Set 1 when the inputs of both A and B are 1. 0 1 0
Logical AND Y=AB
Set 0 in all other cases. 1 0 0
1 1 1
0 0 0
Set 0 when the inputs of both A and B are 0. 0 1 1
Logical OR Y=A+B
Set 1 in all other cases. 1 0 1
1 1 1
0 0 0
Set 0 when the inputs of both A and B are equal. 0 1 1
Exclusive OR Y=AB+AB
Set 1 when they are different. 1 0 1
1 1 0
0 0 1
Set 1 when the inputs of both A and B are equal. 0 1 0
Exclusive NOR Y = (A + B) (A + B)
Set 0 when they are different. 1 0 0
1 1 1

180 Sequence program

Application instructions (32-bit)

3.29.2 Logical operation instruction:

BIN 32-bit logical AND ... DAND, DANDP
Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

S        

D     
S1         K1 to K8 

S2        

D1     

Operation Setting data


S1 Start number of the data that executes

DANDP the logical AND or the device in which
S2 the data is stored
DAND Start number of the device in which
D1 the logical AND results are stored


Sequence program 181

Application instructions (32-bit)


• Logical AND is executed for each bit of the 32-bit data of the device specified with D and 32-bit data of the device

specified with S , and the results are stored in the device specified with D .

D +1 D
b31 b16 b15 b0
D 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

S +1 S
b31 b16 b15 b0
S 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

D +1 D
b31 b16 b15 b0
D 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

• Logical AND is executed for each bit of the 32-bit data of the device specified with S1 and 32-bit data of the device

specified with S2 , and the results are stored in the device specified with D1 .

S1 + 1 S1
b31 b16 b15 b0
S1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

S2 + 1 S2
b31 b16 b15 b0
S2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

D1 + 1 D1
b31 b16 b15 b0
D1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

• Bits of the bit device higher than the specified digit are operated as 0.

Execution condition
The execution conditions for logical AND instructions are as follows.


Executed every Executed every

DAND scan. scan.

Executed only once. Executed only once.

182 Sequence program

Application instructions (32-bit)

Program example
• The following program performs a logical product operation on the data at D99 and D100, and the 24-bit data between X20
and X37 when X8 is ON, and stores the results at D99 and D100.


b31 b30b29 b28 b27 b26 b25b24 b23 b22 b3 b2 b1 b0

D100, D99 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
X37X36 X23 X22 X21X20
X37 to X20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1

Regarded as 0s.

b31 b30 b29 b28 b27b26 b25b24 b23 b22 b3 b2 b1 b0

D100, D99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1

Sequence program 183

Application instructions (32-bit)

3.29.3 Logical operation instruction:

BIN 32-bit logical OR ... DOR, DORP
Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

S        

D     
S1         K1 to K8 
S2        

D1     

Operation Setting data

Start number of the data that
DORP S1 executes the logical OR or the
device in which the data is
Operation S2 stored
Start number of the device in
DORP D1 which the logical OR results are

184 Sequence program

Application instructions (32-bit)


• Logical OR is executed for each bit of the 32-bit data of the device specified with D and 32-bit data of the device specified

with S , and the results are stored in the device specified with D .

D +1 D
b31 b16 b15 b0
D 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

S +1 S
b31 b16 b15 b0
S 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1

D +1 D
b31 b16 b15 b0
D 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1

• Logical OR is executed for each bit of the 32-bit data of the device specified with S1 and 32-bit data of the device specified

with S2 , and the results are stored in the device specified with D1 .

S1 + 1 S1

b31 b16 b15 b0

S1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0

S2 + 1 S2
b31 b16 b15 b0
S2 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

D1 + 1 D1
b31 b16 b15 b0
D1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1

• Bits of the bit device higher than the specified digit are operated as 0.

Execution condition
• The execution conditions for logical OR instructions are as follows.


Executed every Executed every

DOR scan. scan.

Executed only once. Executed only once.

Sequence program 185

Application instructions (32-bit)

Program example
• The following program performs a logical sum operation on the 32-bit data from X0 to X1F, and on the hexadecimal value
FF00FF00H when XB is turned ON, and stores the results at D66 and D67.


S +1 S
X1F X1C X10 XF X3 X0
X1F X0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

D +1 D
b31 b16 b15 b0
FF00FF00H 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0

D +1 D
b31 b16 b15 b0
D67,D66 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0

• The following program performs a logical sum operation on the 32-bit data at D0 and D1, and the 24-bit data from X20 to
X37, and stores the results at D23 and D24 when M8 is ON.


S +1 S
b31 b28 b27 b24 b23 b22b21 b3 b2 b1 b0
D1, D0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
X37X36X35 X23X22X21X20
X37 to X20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

Regarded as 0s.

D +1 D
b31 b16 b15 b0
D24, D23 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

186 Sequence program

Application instructions (32-bit)

3.29.4 Logical operation instruction:

BIN 32-bit data exclusive OR ... DXOR, DXORP
Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

S        

D     
S1         K1 to K8 
S2        

D1     

Operation Setting data


DXORP S1 Start number of the data that executes

the exclusive OR or the device in
S2 which the data is stored
commands D
Start number of the device in which
D1 the exclusive OR results are stored


Sequence program 187

Application instructions (32-bit)


• Exclusive OR is executed for each bit of the 32-bit data of the device specified with D and 32-bit data of the device

specified with S , and the results are stored in the device specified with D .

D +1 D
b31 b16 b15 b0
D 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

S +1 S

b31 b16 b15 b0

S 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0

D +1 D

b31 b16 b15 b0

D 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1

• Exclusive OR is executed for each bit of the 32-bit data of the device specified with S1 and 32-bit data of the device

specified with S2 , and the results are stored in the device specified with D1 .

S1 + 1 S1
b31 b16 b15 b0
S1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

S2 + 1 S2
b31 b16 b15 b0
S2 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0

D1 + 1 D1
b31 b16 b15 b0
D1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1

• Bits of the bit device higher than the specified digit are operated as 0.

Execution condition
The execution conditions for exclusive OR instructions are as follows.


Executed every Executed every

DXOR scan. scan.

Executed only once. Executed only once.

188 Sequence program

Application instructions (32-bit)

Program example

• The following program conducts an exclusive OR operation on the data at D20 and D21, and the data at D30 and D31
when X10 is turned ON, and stores the results at D40 and D41.


S1 + 1 S1
b31 b16 b15 b0
D21,D20 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

S2 + 1 S2
b31 b16 b15 b0
D31,D30 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1

D +1 D
b31 b16 b15 b0
D41,D40 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0

Sequence program 189

Application instructions (32-bit)

3.29.5 Logical operation instruction:

BIN 32-bit data exclusive NOR ... DXNR, DXNRP
Applicable device
Word (16-bit) Digit Error flag
Bit device Constant Level
device specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

S        

D     
S1         K1 to K8 
S2        

D1     

Operation Setting data


S1 Start number of the data that executes

DXNRP the exclusive NOR or the device in
S2 which the data is stored
commands D
Start number of the device in which the
D1 exclusive NOR results are stored



• Exclusive NOR is executed for the 32-bit data of the device specified with D and 32-bit data of the device specified with

S , and the results are stored in the device specified with D .

D +1 D
b31 b16 b15 b0
D 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1

S +1 S
b31 b16 b15 b0
S 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0

D +1 D
b31 b16 b15 b0
D 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

190 Sequence program

Application instructions (32-bit)

• Exclusive NOR is executed for the 32-bit data of the device specified with S1 and 32-bit data of the device specified with

S2 , and the results are stored in the device specified with D1 .

S1 + 1 S1
b31 b16 b15 b0
S1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1

S2 + 1 S2
b31 b16 b15 b0
S2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

D1 + 1 D1
b31 b16 b15 b0
D1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1

• Bits of the bit device higher than the specified digit are operated as 0.

Execution condition
The execution conditions for exclusive NOR instructions are as follows.


DXNR Executed every Executed every

scan. scan.

Executed only once. Executed only once.

Program example
• The following program performs an exclusive NOR operation on the 32-bit data at D20 and D21 and the data at D10 and
D11 when X10 is turned ON, and stores the result to D40 and D41.


S +1 S
b31 b16 b15 b0
D21,D20 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
S +1 S
b31 b16 b15 b0
D11,D10 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0

D +1 D 3
b31 b16 b15 b0
D41,D40 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0

Sequence program 191

Display instruction

3.30 Display instruction

3.30.1 Character string data transfer ... $MOV, $MOVP
Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

D    

Command Setting data

Transferred character string
(Maximum character string: 32
Command S
characters (up to 16 characters
can be transferred))
Start number of the device in
which the ASCII code is stored

• The character string data enclosed in double-quotation marks (" ") specified with S are transferred after the device

number specified in D .

• Only character string data that is enclosed in double-quotation marks (" ") can be set in S . A device can also be input, but
doing so results in an error at execution (INSTRCT. CODE ERR: 4000).

• Only word devices can be set in D . Bit devices can also be input, but doing so results in an error (INSTRCT. CODE ERR:
4000) at execution.

• A maximum of 32 characters can be set in S . (Up to 16 characters can be transmitted from S to D . The 17th character
or later are invalid.)

b15 b8 b7 b0
D 2nd character 1st character
D +1 4th character 3rd character
"Character string
D +2 6th character 5th character
(16 characters maximum)"

D +7 16th character 15th character

• If the set number of characters is less than 16, the content of D in the sections without corresponding characters remains

b15 b8 b7 b0
D H42 (B) H41 (A)
D +1 H44 (D) H43 (C)
"ABCD" D +2 6th character 5th character The contents of
the devices remain
D +7 16th character 15th character unchanged.

192 Sequence program

Display instruction

3.30.2 Character string output ... G. PRR, GP.PRR, UMSG


Applicable device
Others Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
U specification
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)
n 

S    

D    

Setting data
n Not used, but U is specified
Command Character string that is
GP.PRR n S D displayed on the display unit or
S the start number of the devices
containing the character string to
be displayed
D Not used, but Y is specified


Applicable device
Digit Error flag
Bit device Word (16-bit) device Constant Level
X Y M T C D K H N (SM0)

S    

Setting data
Character string that is
displayed on the display unit or
S the start number of the devices
containing the character string to
be displayed

n is not used, but specify U.

Register the data to be displayed on the parameter unit (FR-PU07) in the device specified with S .
D is not used, but specify Y.


Register the data to be displayed on the parameter unit (FR-PU07) in the device specified with S .

Sequence program 193

Display instruction

 Setting data: For user monitor name

To monitor SD1216 to 1218 using the parameter unit (FR-PU07), set the monitor name as shown below.

Upper 8 bits Lower 8 bits

S +0 **** 01 Set the corresponding monitor number to the upper 8 bits, and 01 to the lower 8 bits.
2nd character 1st character Monitor name: Character start
4th character 3rd character
6th character 5th character
8th character 7th character
10th character 9th character
12th character 11th character
14th character 13th character
S +8 16th character 15th character

• Set 01 to the lower 8 bits of S +0.

• Set the monitor description number to replace the user monitor name display in the upper 8 bits of S +0.
The monitor description number is as shown below.
Monitor description number Monitor description
40 User monitor 1: SD1216 description
41 User monitor 2: SD1217 description
42 User monitor 3: SD1218 description

• When the upper 8 bits of S +0 are values other than those in the table above, an operation error (OPERATION
ERROR: 4100) is generated.
• When the 7th bit of S +0 is executed as 1 (lower 8 bits as H81), the registered data is cleared and the monitor display
returns to normal.
• Settings can be made up to the 16th character. (Data from S +1 to S +8 are effective as characters.)

• To display the monitor above on the parameter unit (FR-PU07), set "40, 41, 42" in Pr.774 to Pr.776 in advance. (For details
on Pr.774 to Pr.776, refer to the Instruction Manual (Detailed) of the inverter.)

 Setting data: For user-defined error name

To display the user-defined error names on the parameter unit (FR-PU07), set those names as shown below. (A user
defined error occurs when values 16 to 20 are set in SD1214.)

Upper 8 bits Lower 8 bits

S +0 **** 02 Set the corresponding error number to the upper 8 bits, and 02 to the lower 8 bits.
2nd character 1st character Error name: Character start
4th character 3rd character
6th character 5th character
8th character 7th character
10th character 9th character
12th character 11th character
14th character 13th character
S +8 16th character 15th character

• Set an error number that corresponds to the upper 8 bits of S +0. The setting range is from 16 to 20.

• When the upper 8 bits of S +0 are values other than 16 to 20, an operation error (OPERATION ERROR: 4100) is
• When the 7th bit of S +0 is executed as 1 (lower 8 bits as H82), the registered data is cleared.
• Settings can be made up to the 16th character. (Data from S +1 to S +8 are effective as characters.)

194 Sequence program

Display instruction

 Setting data: For unit names

This function sets up the increment for the user monitors SD1216 to SD1218 using the parameter unit (FR-PU07).

Upper 8 bits Lower 8 bits

 Set the corresponding user monitor number to the upper 8 bits, and 04 to the
S +0 **** 04
lower 8 bits.
2nd character 1st character  Unit name: Character start
S +2 3rd character

• Set 04 to the lower 8 bits of S +0.

• Set the monitor numbers to replace the unit displayed in the upper 8 bits of S +0.
Numbers that can be specified are shown in the following table.

Number of unit name Item to add unit

40 User monitor 1: Unit corresponding to the description of SD1216
41 User monitor 2: Unit corresponding to the description of SD1217
42 User monitor 3: Unit corresponding to the description of SD1218

• When the upper 8 bits of S +0 are values other than those in the table above, an operation error (OPERATION
ERROR: 4100) is generated.

• When the 7th bit of S +0 is executed as 1 (lower 8 bits as H84), the registered data is cleared.
• Settings can be made up to the 3rd character. ( S +1 to S +2: Data up to the lower 8 bits are effective as characters.)

 Quantity that can be set

Setting data Quantity

User monitor (Refer to page 194) Up to 3
User definition error (Refer to page 194) Up to 5
Unit name (Refer to page 195) Up to 3
 If any of the setting quantities is exceeded, an operation error (OPERATION ERROR: 4100) occurs at the point when the exceeded setting is

executed. Furthermore, an operation error (OPERATION ERROR: 4100) also occurs if the lower 8 bits of S +0 are set to values other than 01
to 04, or H81 to H84.

• An error does not occur even if the stored data exceeds the range of the corresponding device, but the content of devices
outside of the range is changed. When storing data, check beforehand that the amount of devices required for storage can be
• Do not change any of the device data while it is being displayed because the data stored in the device is used in actual
communication. Changing such data will change the transmitted data.
• If the ASCII data is other than 020 to 07A that can be displayed in the FR-PU07, it can be replaced with 020 (space).
• [ ^ ] (H5E), [ _ ] (H5F) and [ ' ] (H60) cannot be displayed by the FR-PU07.
• If the ASCII data is other than 020 to 07A that can be displayed in PU, it will be replaced with 020 (space).

Sequence program 195


4 Error code list

4.1 How to read error codes................................................................................. 198

Error code list 197

How to read error codes

If an error occurs when PLC function is RUN or during RUN, an error indication is generated by the self-diagnostic function,
and an error code and error step are stored in the special register. The error description and corrective action are as follows:

4.1 How to read error codes

When an error occurs, the error code can be read using a peripheral device.
For details on the operation method, refer to the operating manual of the peripheral device.
The error code, error name, error description possible cause, and corrective actions are as follows.
Error codes are stored in SD0, and the error steps are stored in SD4 to SD26.

Error code
Error name Error description possible cause Corrective action
All programs in the program capacity • Take measures against noise.
are executed without executing the • Perform an inverter reset and go to the RUN
END instruction. state again.
• After the END instruction was • If the same error is displayed again, a CPU
1010 END NOT EXECUTE executed, a different instruction hardware error has occurred. Please contact
code was read due to noise, etc. your sales representative and explain the
• The END instruction has changed to failure symptom.
a different instruction code for some
2200 MISSING PARA. • There are no parameter files. • Set a parameter file.
• The program file is not correct, or • Check that the program file type is ***.QPG,
2502 CAN'T EXE. PRG. the content of the file is not a and check that the file content is a program.
• The content of the parameter • Read the error individual information with a
indicated by the error individual programming tool, check the parameter items
information (SD16) is incorrect. that correspond to the values (parameter
number) and correct them.
• Re-write the corrected parameters, reset the
power or reset the inverter.
• If the same error is displayed again, a CPU
hardware error has occurred. Please contact
your sales representative and explain the
failure symptom.
• The number of device points set in • Read the error individual information with a
the PLC parameter device setting is programming tool, check the parameter items
not within the usable range. that correspond to the values (parameter
number) and correct them.
3003 PARAMETER ERROR • If the error occurs again after correcting the
parameter, a memory error has occurred in
the program memory. Please contact your
sales representative and explain the failure
• An undecodable instruction code is • Read the common error information with a
included in the program. programming tool, check the error step that
• An unusable instruction is included corresponds to the value (program error
in the program. location) and correct it.
• No END (FEND) instruction in the • Read the common error information with a
program. programming tool, check the error step that
corresponds to the value (program error
location) and correct it.
• Data that cannot be used in • Read the common error information with a
instructions is included. programming tool, check the error step that
corresponds to the value (program error
location) and correct it.

198 Error code list

How to read error codes

Error code
Error name Error description possible cause Corrective action
• The program scan time exceeded • Read the error individual information with the
the watchdog timer value set in the programming tool, check the values (time)
PLC RAS setting of the PLC function and shorten the scan time.
parameter. • Change the initial execution monitoring time
or watchdog setting values with the PLC RAS
settings of the PLC function parameter.
• Delete the infinite loop from the jump
• Check the number of executions of the
interrupt program with a programming tool,
and reduce the number of interrupt
• The program scan time exceeded • Review the constant scan time setting.
the constant scan time set in the • Review the PLC parameter constant scan
5010 PRG. TIME OVER PLC RAS setting of the PLC function time and low-speed program execution time
parameter. in order to secure sufficient remaining time for
the constant scan.

Error code list 199



Appendix 1 Instruction processing time........................................................................... 202

Instruction processing time

Appendix 1 Instruction processing time

Basic instructions
 Sequence instructions  Comparison operation instructions

Condition Processing Processing

Classification Instruction
(device) time (μs) time (μs)
LD 1.9 Classification Instruction Other
(device) Subset
LDI 1.9 
AND 1.9
Contact LD= S1 S2 8.0 9.9
ANI 1.9
LD<> S1 S2 8.0 9.9
OR 2.0
LD< S1 S2 8.0 9.9
ORI 2.0
LD> S1 S2 8.0 9.9
ORB 1.3
LD<= S1 S2 8.1 10.0
ANB 1.3
LD>= S1 S2 8.1 10.0
Link MPS 1.4
AND= S1 S2 8.2 9.6
MRD 1.4
AND<> S1 S2 8.2 9.7
16-bit AND< S1 S2 8.4 9.8
OUT Y,M,SM 2.4 data AND> S1 S2 8.3 9.7
OUT T 7.6 comparison
AND<= S1 S2 8.3 9.7
OUT C 7.9
AND>= S1 S2 8.3 9.7
SET Y,M,SM 2.6
OR= S1 S2 8.7 9.8
RST Y,M,SM 2.6
Output OR<> S1 S2 8.6 9.8
RST T 9.2
OR< S1 S2 8.6 9.8
RST C 10.0
OR> S1 S2 8.6 9.8
RST D 4.3
OR<= S1 S2 8.8 9.9
PLS 3.4
OR>= S1 S2 8.8 9.9
PLF 3.4
LDD= S1 S2 8.8 11.1
SFT 3.4
Shift LDD<> S1 S2 8.8 11.1
SFTP 4.2
LDD< S1 S2 8.8 11.1
MC 3.8
Master control LDD> S1 S2 8.8 11.1
MCR 1.3
LDD<= S1 S2 8.8 11.1
Program end END,FEND 0.8
LDD>= S1 S2 8.8 11.1
NOP 1.3 ANDD= S1 S2 9.2 11.0
ANDD<> S1 S2 9.2 11.0
32-bit ANDD< S1 S2 9.2 11.0
data ANDD> S1 S2 9.2 11.0
ANDD<= S1 S2 9.2 11.0
ANDD>= S1 S2 9.2 11.0
ORD= S1 S2 9.4 9.9
ORD<> S1 S2 9.4 9.9
ORD< S1 S2 9.4 9.9
ORD> S1 S2 9.4 9.9
ORD<= S1 S2 9.4 9.9
ORD>= S1 S2 9.4 9.9

Instruction processing time

 Arithmetic operation instructions  Data transfer instructions

Processing Processing
time (μs) time (μs)
Condition Condition
Classification Instruction Classification Instruction Other
(device) Other (device) Subset
Subset than
than 
 subset
+ SD 8.4 13.5 16-bit MOV 5.8 13.5
transfer MOVP 7.6 14.2
+P SD 11.0 14.3
- SD 8.4 13.5 32-bit DMOV 6.4 15.6
BIN transfer
-P SD 11.0 14.3 DMOVP 8.3 16.4
addition/ + S1S2 D 8.4 13.6
+P S1S2 D 11.0 14.5  Data conversion instructions
- S1S2 D 8.4 13.6
-P S1S2 D 11.0 14.5
time (μs)
D+ SD 9.6 15.6 Condition
Classification Instruction Other
(device) Subset
D+P SD 12.0 16.4 than
D- SD 9.6 15.6
BIN NEG D 8.8 11.1
32-bit D-P SD 12.0 16.4
addition/ 2's NEGP D 9.5 11.8
D+ S1S2 D 9.6 15.7
subtraction complement DNEG D 8.8 12.6
D+P S1S2 D 12.0 16.5
DNEGP D 9.6 13.4
D- S1S2 D 9.5 15.7
BCD SD 5.8 13.7
D-P S1S2 D 12.0 16.5
BCD BCDP SD 8.3 14.5
* S1S2 D 8.7 13.9
BIN conversion DBCD SD 7.8 16.9
16-bit *P S1S2 D 11.2 14.7
multiplication / DBCDP SD 9.6 17.7
S1S2 D 8.9 14.2
/division BIN SD 5.9 13.7
/P S1S2 D 11.5 15.0
BIN BINP SD 7.6 14.6
D* S1S2 D 9.7 15.7
BIN conversion DBIN SD 6.8 16.1
32-bit D*P S1S2 D 12.2 16.5
multiplication D/ DBINP SD 8.5 16.9
S1S2 D 10.1 15.9
/division  When all the devices used in the instruction satisfy one of the
D/P S1S2 D 12.6 16.7 following conditions, they are regarded as a subset.
INC D 5.8 11.1 • All the devices used are word devices.
• When the devices used are bit devices, the specified
INCP D 7.6 11.8 number of bits is the multiple of 16, or the digits are
DEC D 5.8 11.1 specified as K4 (word data) or K8 (double word data).
• The devices used are constants.
Data DECP D 7.6 11.9
decrement DINC D 6.5 12.6
DINCP D 8.2 13.4
• During inverter control, reading 1000 steps takes a
DDEC D 6.5 12.6 scan time of about 40 ms.
DDECP D 8.2 13.4

Instruction processing time

Application instructions
 Logical operation instructions  Instructions regarding the message
display on PU
time (μs)
Condition Condition Processing
Classification Instruction Classification Instruction
(device) Other (device) time (μs)
 Character $MOV 12.6
string data
WOR SD 8.6 13.6 transfer $MOVP 13.3
WORP SD 11.2 14.4 G.PRR 8.7
WOR S1 S2 D 8.6 13.6 Character
GP.PRR 9.6
string output
WORP S1 S2 D 11.2 14.4 UMSG 5.3
Logical OR
DOR SD 9.7 15.7  When all the devices used in the instruction satisfy one of the
following conditions, they are regarded as a subset.
DORP SD 12.2 16.5
• All the devices used are word devices.
DOR S1 S2 D 9.7 15.7 • When the devices used are bit devices, the specified
number of bits is the multiple of 16, or the digits are
DORP S1 S2 D 12.2 16.5
specified as K4 (word data) or K8 (double word data).
WAND SD 8.6 13.6 • The devices used are constants.

WANDP SD 11.2 14.4

WAND S1 S2 D 8.6 13.6 NOTE
WANDP S1 S2 D 11.2 14.4 • During inverter control, reading 1000 steps takes a
AND scan time of about 40 ms.
DAND SD 9.7 15.7
DANDP SD 12.2 16.5
DAND S1 S2 D 9.7 15.7
DANDP S1 S2 D 12.2 16.5
WXOR SD 8.6 13.6
WXORP SD 11.2 14.4
WXOR S1 S2 D 8.6 13.6
Exclusive WXORP S1 S2 D 11.2 14.4
OR DXOR SD 9.7 15.7
DXORP SD 12.2 16.5
DXOR S1 S2 D 9.7 15.7
DXORP S1 S2 D 12.2 16.5
WXNR SD 8.6 13.6
WXNRP SD 11.2 14.4
WXNR S1 S2 D 8.6 13.6
Exclusive WXNRP S1 S2 D 11.2 14.4
NOR DXNR SD 9.7 15.7
DXNRP SD 12.2 16.5
DXNR S1 S2 D 9.7 15.7
DXNRP S1 S2 D 12.2 16.5


*The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cover.
Print date *Manual number Revision
Aug. 2013 IB(NA)-0600492ENG-A First edition

206 IB(NA)-0600492ENG-A


PLC Function
CC-Link communication
Sequence program
Error code list

IB(NA)-0600492ENG-A(1308)MEE Printed in Japan Specifications subject to change without notice.

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