4th Sem MBA Project

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Introduction to HR Analytics: Evolution of HR Analytics, HR information systems and data
Sources, Evolution of HR Analytics; HR Metrics and HR Analytics; Intuition versus analytical
Thinking; HRMS/HRIS and data sources; Analytics frameworks like LAMP, HR Scorecard &
Workforce Scorecard.

Human Resource Planning and forecasting: Quantitative and Qualitative Dimensions of HR
Planning, Methods and Techniques of HR Demand Forecasting, Data Base for Manpower
Forecasting. Recruitment and Selection Analytics: Evaluating Reliability and validity of selection
models, Finding out selection bias, Predicting the performance and turnover.

Performance Analysis: Predicting employee performance, Training requirements, evaluating
Training and development, Optimizing selection and promotion decisions, Analyzing and
Classifying training needs, Measuring training effectiveness, Predicting training effectiveness And
performance. Designing a Compensation System: Understanding compensation Analytics,
quantifiable data, Factors affecting Compensation & Benefits, Analytics for compensation
planning, Competency Scorecard.

Monitoring impact of Interventions: Tracking impact interventions, Evaluating stress levels And
value-change. Formulating evidence based practices and responsible investment, Evaluation
Mediation process, moderation and interaction analysis.

Applications of HR Metrics and Creating HR Dashboards: HR Metrics, Types of HR Metrics,
Staffing Metrics, Training and Development Metrics, Application-oriented Exercises and
Dashboards: Few Key Excel Add-ins/Functions to Help Create Dashboards, Name Range, The
Developer Tab, Form Controls, Important Excel Formulas Useful for Creating Dashboards,
VLOOKUP, INDEX, SUMIF, AVERAGEIF and COUNTIF, Application of Excel Functions in
Creating HR Dashboards, Storyboarding: Connecting the Dots and Integrating the findings.

Introduction to Performance Management System :Meaning, Uses and purpose of
Performance Management, Performance Management vs Performance Appraisal, Performance
management and its challenges in current scenario, Performance management as a System and
Process, Establishing Performance Criterion of developing an Effective Appraisal System,
Criteria (KRA, KSA VS KPI). Case Studies

Managing Performance: Methods of managing performance of all the levels of Management(
including labor), 360 degree Performance Appraisal, Performance Feedback & Counseling
methods, Performance analysis for Individual and organizational development. Case Studies

Unit 3
Contemporary Issues: Potential appraisal, Competency mapping & its linkage with Career
Development and Succession planning, Balance score card: Introduction and Applications,
Advantages and limitations, Advantage & Disadvantage of online appraisal, Case Studies

Unit 4
Reward System: Compensation- Meaning, Function, Job evaluation: Methods of job
evaluation, Inputs to job evaluation, Practical implication for technical/non-technical and
executive/managerial positions and significance of wage differentials. Case Studies

Unit 5
Compensation: Method of pay and Allowances, Pay structure: Basic Pay, DA, HRA, Gross
Pay, Take home pay etc. Incentive schemes; Methods of payment: Time and piece rate. Fringe
benefits & other allowances: Overtime, City compensatory, Travelling etc. Regulatory
compliance: Introductions, Wage and Pay commissions, Overview of minimum wages Act-
1948 and Equal Remuneration Act-1976. Profit Sharing options; Case Studies.

Unit 1
International Human Resource Management-Overview, Developments leading to International
HRM Perspectives, International Human Resource Management: Role and Distinguishing
Activities, Organizational Structure and HRM, International Human Resource Planning. Case

Unit 2
Staffing Practices in International Human Resource Management, Recruitment and Selection for
Overseas Assignments, Global Staffing Practices, International Transfers and Repatriation
Strategies, Training and Development in International Context, International Performance
Management, Global Compensation Practices. Case Studies

Unit 3
Industrial Relations and International Practices in Industrial Relations, Shifts in IHRM and IR,
International Strategic Human Resource Management, International Labor Standards, Global
Unions, Regional Integration and Framework Agreements. Case Studies

Unit 4
Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management in Global Context. Sensitivity to Cultural Diversity,
Global Organization Structures, Emerging Trends in Employee Relations and Employee
Involvement, Convergence or divergence in personnel management in developed and Developing
economies, Case Studies

Unit 5
Emerging Trends in International HRM, HR/IR issues in MNCs and Corporate Social
Responsibility, Case Studies
Fundamentals of B2B marketing: Consumer market Vs Business market, Classification of business
products & customers, Elements of B2B offering, Strategic tools for managing product offerings.
Organizational Buying Behavior: Organizational buying process, buying situations, buying grid,
buying center. Buyer seller relationships: Types, Managing relationships with suppliers,
Customers and Distributors, CRM process, Strategic alliances,

Market communication Brand expression, Communication mix and customer acquisition process.
Relationship communication, sales responsibilities. The relationship communication process, call
preparation, selling to low-priority and high-priority customers. Value selling and consequences-
order fulfilment-relationship building. Marketing Distribution: Distinctive nature, Channel design,
Managing and administering channel members, Direct & Indirect channels, Supply chain and
Logistics management.

Pricing & Negotiation: Pricing basics and objectives, Price models and skills, pricing tactics,
Negotiated pricing. Price setting in B2B markets: 3 C’s of pricing cost, Customer and competition
pricing strategy, Price positioning, Roles of sales force in pricing, Bid pricing, Internet auctions,
Ethical aspects of B2B pricing. Managing the personal selling function: Personal selling, Industrial
sales force management, Sales force selection, Training, Control and evaluation.

Service Design: Services vis-à-vis goods, Customer Expectations and Perceptions of Services, the
Gaps Model of Service Quality. Service innovation & Design, Customer Defined Service
Standards, Physical Evidence,

Delivering, Pricing and Managing Service Promise .Delivering Services: Role of Employees and
Customers in service delivery; Demand and Capacity Management., Managing Service Promise:
Pricing of Services: Pricing Considerations and Strategies, Role of Advertising, Personal Selling,
Sales Promotion, Publicity and Public Relations. Service Performance: Evaluating Success of
Service Offering, Complaint handling, Recovery Management, Service Guarantees.

Introduction to Sales: Role of selling in marketing, Personal selling, Types of sales personnel,
Characteristics of a successful salesman, Process of effective selling.

Negotiation and Bargaining: Negotiation Strategies, conflicts and dispute resolution, negotiation
and discussion stages. Listening skills - Controlling emotions, Art of persuasion and emotions,
ethics in sales, Influencing and assertiveness skills, Spotting the signs, non-verbal communication
and voice clues The Bargaining and Closing Stage -• Making concessions, the techniques, Closing
techniques, Confirming agreement

Building Sales Organization: Types of sales organizations and their structure, Functions and
responsibilities of sales person. Filling sales positions: Recruitment, Selection, Training and
Development. Leading Sales Organization: Sales force motivation & compensation, designing
incentives and contests, Sales forecasting, Sales budget, Sales quota, Sales territory, Building sales
reporting mechanism and monitoring, Sales force productivity, Sales force appraisal.

Introduction to retailing: Factors Influencing Retailing, Strategic Retail Planning Process, Retail
Organization, Retail Models and Theory of Retail Development, Modern retail formats in India,
Store Location& Site Selection: Trading Area Analysis, Types of Location, Location and Site
Evaluation, Objectives of Good store Design

Store Layout and Space planning: Types of Layouts, Visual Merchandising Techniques,
Controlling Costs and Reducing Inventory Loss, Parking Space Problem at Retail Centers Retail
Stores & Operations Management Responsibilities of Store Manager, Store Security, Store
Recordand Accounting System, Coding System, Material Handling in Stores, Logistic and
Information system, Promotion, CRM & Brand Management in retailing.
Unit 1
Social Media & Analytics: Introduction to Social Media, Social media landscape, Social Media
Analytics & its need. SMA in Small and large organizations; Application of SMA in different
social media platforms. Introduction to Web Analytics: Definition, Process, Key terms: Site
references, Keywords and Key phrases; building block terms: Visit characterization terms, Content
characterization terms, Conversion metrics; Categories: Offsite web, on site web; Web analytics
platform, Web analytics evolution, Need of web analytics, Advantages & Limitations.

Unit 2
Network fundamentals: The social networks perspective - nodes, ties and influencers, Social
network, web data and methods. Data Collection and Web Analytics Fundamentals: Capturing
Data: Web logs, web Beacons, java script tags, packet sniffing; Outcome data: E-commerce, Lead
generation, Brand/ Advocacy and support; Competitive Data: Panel Based measurement, ISP
based measurement, Search Engine Data; Organizational Structure. Type and size of data,
identifying unique page definition, cookies, Link Coding Issues.

Unit 3
Web Metrics & Analytics: Common metrics: Hits, Page views, visits, unique page views, Bounce,
Bounce rate & its improvement, Average time on site, Real time report, traffic source report,
custom campaigns, content report, Google analytics; Key Performance Indicator: Need,
characteristics, perspective and uses. Graphs and Matrices- Basic measures for individuals and
networks. Random graphs & network evolution, Social Context: Affiliation & Identity Web
analytics tools: A/B testing, online surveys, Web crawling and Indexing. Natural Language
Processing Techniques for Micro-text Analysis

Unit 4
Facebook Analytics: Introduction, parameters, demographics. Analyzing page audience: Reach
and engagement analysis. Post-Performance on FB; Social Campaigns: Goals and evaluating
outcomes, Measuring and analyzing social campaigns, Social Network Analysis like Instagram,
twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube etc. AdWords, Benchmarking, Categories of traffic: Organic traffic,
Paid traffic; Google Analytics: Brief introduction and working, Google website optimizer,
Implementation technology, Limitations, Performance concerns, Privacy issues.

Unit 5
Qualitative Analysis: Heuristic evaluations: Conducting a heuristic evaluation, Benefits of
heuristic evaluations; Site Visits: Conducting a site visit, Benefits of site visits; Surveys: Website
surveys, Post-visit surveys, creating and running a survey, Benefits of surveys. Web analytics 2.0:
Web analytics 1.0 & its limitations, Introduction to WA 2.0, competitive intelligence analysis and
data sources; website traffic analysis: traffic trends, site overlap and opportunities.

Unit 1
Meaning and Nature of Industry 4.0 and Latest Trends. Realignment in Political, Economic, Socio-
Cultural, Technological Factors that are driving change in International Business Management, the
changing nature of Globalization, The changing nature of regulatory environment, natural
environment, new age ethics. Overview of Digital Transformation.

Unit 2 Emerging Technologies as Drivers of Global Business

Artificial Intelligence- Machine Learning, Deep Learning Singularity – Time Lines and
Implication. Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality and Applications. Block chain
– Concepts and Industrial Applications, Challenges in adopting Block chain. Additive
Manufacturing: Advantages and Disadvantages, new applications of additive manufacturing,
impact of additive manufacturing on supply chain management, mass customization and the
customer experience. Introduction of Neuroscience in Business. Internet of Things (IoT).

Unit 3 : New Age Economies

Circular Economy- Concept of Circular Economy, difference between Linear and Circular
Economy, Role of Circular Economy in Sustainable Business and Innovation. Behavioral
Economics- Core Concepts of Behavioral Economics, Nudging and Choice Architecture, Ethical
Concerns of Behavioral Economics. Economic Nationalism -Nature of Economic Nationalism,
Contemporary Cases in Economic Nationalism, Future of Economic Integration. Sharing
Economy – New Business Models , Characteristics , Difference Between Platforms and
Traditional Business Models, Different Types of Platforms , implications on future of work.

Unit 4 : Changing Natures of Global Politics

Identity Politics – Issues & Challenges, The Rise of Authoritarianism and what that means for geo
politics, Reviving Democratic Ideals, The Rise of China and its impact on global trade.

Unit 5 : Social, Cultural and Global Challenges

Diversity of different generations in the workplace, issue of inter-generational equity. Migration –
Political, Economic and Human Rights Perspective, the Migrant Crisis in the EU. Climate
Change– Political Dimensions of Climate Change, Plight and Issue of Climate Refugees,
Sustainable Development Goals. Rising Inequality: Historical Context of Inequality and Social
Unrest, Global Inequality, Social and Economic Reforms. Privacy in the Digital World –
Complexity of Privacy Issues, Basics of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) , Importance
of Personal Data, Existential Threats – Five Types of Risks associated with AI , Need for New
Age Ethics .

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