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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office 1 Pangasinan
Bayambang, Pangasinan

Week 2, Module 2.2
Answer Sheet

Name: Reymark R. Bumatay Grade & Section: 9 – Silver


Additional Task
Directions: Write a brief argument to any of the following. Use conditional statements. Underline the
conditionals and identify the type.

▪ A genie came to you and asked you for three wishes. What would these be?
▪ If love is/was the answer, what could have been the question?

You will be graded based on the following criteria:

Variation on the use of conditionals and grammar – 20 pts.

Choice of words – 15 pts.
Content and coherence – 15 pts

A genie is a spirit from Arabian folklore who, when summoned, is imprisoned within a bottle
or an oil lamp and is capable of granting wishes. A mythological spirit known as a genie. The majority
of genies in stories are described as magical beings who live inside lamps or bottles and grant people's
wishes. We live in the real world, but we have belief in genies. If I met a genie, I would wish for
something that would benefit the people around me.
Maybe someday I'll meet a genie somewhere in the world full of reality. I would pick up a
genie bottle if I came across one. It's possible that a genie lived inside that bottle and granted my
wishes. If the genie appeared from that bottle, I would wish for good fortune for my family. I will never
hesitate to change my wish if it will benefit my family.
My second wish is to resurrect my grandfather’s life. So, we can keep bounding and make the
most of his remaining days. If my wish had not been granted, I would have wished for something that
reminded me of my grandfather’s legacy. My grandfather’s legacy to me is to complete my education
and provide a better life for myself. I would be grateful to myself if I could manage my grandfather’s
My final and most important goal is to bring this global crisis to an end so that we can return
to a normal and unproblematic world. I would travel with my family if the pandemic ended. Family
bonding is one of the most joyful events that can occur. We wouldn't experience global crisis if Chinese
people hadn't eaten exotic animals. Perhaps we don't have a global problem, and we don't wear face
Second Conditional
If I met a genie, I would wish for something that would benefit the people around me.
I would pick up a genie bottle if I came across one.
If the genie appeared from that bottle, I would wish for good fortune for my family.
I would be grateful to myself if I could manage my grandfather’s legacy.
I would travel with my family if the pandemic ended.

Third Conditional
If my wish had not been granted, I would have wished for something that reminded me of my
grandfather’s legacy.
We wouldn't experience global crisis if Chinese people hadn't eaten exotic animals.

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