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Sarimanok Poultry Feeds

Marketing Plan

Submitted By:

Las Marias, Colleen Louise T.


MWF (5:00-6:00)

Submitted To:

Dr. Ed Quiocho

 Executive Summary

 Situational Analysis

 Market Summary

 SWOT Analysis

 Competitors

 Product Offerings

 Distribution

 Objectives

 Target Market

 4 P’s

 Marketing Mix

Executive summary

United Nutrition and Animal Healthcare Company, or UNAHCO, is one of the leading
company in the manufacturing and distribution of veterinary and feed products for swine,
poultry, and game fowl. Because of the growth in these fields the company’s has spurred
diversification into other businesses. UNAHCO has a unit of poultry business, it is the
Sarimanok Poultry Feeds. It offers complete line of breed and age appropriate feed for the
broiler, layer, and duck species. Sarimanok has partnered with a globally known vitamin
company DSM, through its Optimum Vitamin Nutrition technology. Providing the necessary
advantage in production, performance, health, and providing safe food for the cusumers.

One of UNAHCO’s competencies is its research based formulation of finished and

customized feeds for swine, game fowl, poultry, aqua and other companion animals. It has
earned top rank in the total animal feed production in the country by feed millers.

Situational Analysis

Sarimanok is fast inching its way to getting substantial share of the market. A cross
company analysis of the Philippines and Four Other Southeast Asian Countries, Philippines
shows to have one of the smallest per capita consumption of egg. In survey being conducted by
the National Nutrition Survey:2008, Food Consumption Survey Component on Individual Food
and Nutrient Intake, chicken egg accounts for about 1.4% or 10 grams of total food intake of
adult (20 to 59 years old), 50% of preschool and school aged children, adolescents, and pregnant
women have inadequate protein intake. It reveals that the nutrition is not properly distributed

Market Summary

The consumers of sarimanok prefer a premium broiler and layer feeds. These layer feeds
seemed to be preferred among the feeds. Sarimanok Poultry Feeds is consisting of consumer
market where it is belong to a commercial farm group. It utilized a strong distribution of poultry
nationwide. The program Kapihan at Sarimanukan is a tehnical seminar that is being conducted
for the target audiences. The teaching from the seminar is to be applied to it, so that the poultry
production will become sustainable, efficient and profitable. They came up with a manual that
contains syllabus for various workshops that will promote the health benefits of the egg.

SWOT Analysis

- Establish target market by volume/zone

- Know competitors market zone strength
- Select target area/clients for product introduction
- Research and development
- Establish Commercial Viability
- Provide Go – to – Market Strategy
- Secure Government Agency Approvals
- Leverage Industry Relationships
- Capitalize on our Industry Infrastructure and Know-how
- Serve as an Advisory Group (financial, marketing, infrastructure, human resource, etc)


- Health Agencies
Where it is governed by lay professional individuals whose primary purpose is
heath related. Therefore, the survey that was conducted the primarily issue of the
low consumption of egg is the mindset of the people about the cholesterol the egg
that can trigger following cardiovascular conditions. Because of these agencies
and through media, the Filipinos have put restrictions on their consumption of
eating an egg.

- Myth
Where the story of the survey came out about the cholesterol or other side effects
in eating an egg. The people seemed to believe in that story and was scared to
ever eat again an egg. We know that some of us are easily fooled or fall into

- Other Poultry Businesses

They might have something better than your production, distribution or in

advertising their product to be more sufficient in market sales. They have more
consumers because of the promotion they’ve got to present to their consumers.

Product Offerings

- High quality protein

- Take in essential minerals
- Indulge in low-calorie protein
- Prevents breast cancer
- Rich in different vitamin


- Dealers – buying and selling for their own

- Wholesalers - buys large quantity of goods (wet markets, grocery)
- Retailers - commodities in small quantities (sari – sari store)


- To create a business model of improving household incomes and nutrition through

improvement of indigenous poultry production.
- Will be more focus on an integrated programs and partnerships approach, a process that
is designed to promote rapid, sustainable agricultural growth based on smallholders.
- To invest in an integrated poultry farming that entails the production of day old chicks
(DOC), cockerels, pullets, hens, cocks and eggs for sale to individuals, farms, hotels,
supermarkets and eventually for export.
- To begin a process of creating a one stop poultry farm with all types of poultry and
poultry products including the production of supplemental poultry feeds.

Target Market

The Sarimanok considers the following demographic data and behaviors in zeroing into a
more target audiences.

 48% is of urban population

 Median population is 23 years of age
 Mother’s mean age is 23
 81% of women watches television
 30% of women have access to internet, 43% in ages (15-19), 12% for ages (45-49)
 Access to internet is doubled in urban

The primary target audience of The Good Egg are mothers ages 23 to 45 years of age, with the
children ages 18 and below, across all socio – economic data.


Because of the myths that are going around in people’s thoughts, we would like to clear
and send message to them that the consumption of an egg a day is not dangerous for their health
at all. Through the help of social media or public relations we can aim or goal to achieve our
campaign. Having a motivational and compelling rational and this is to address the malnutrition
and stunting. Must get into deeper insight of the target audience. Myths are to be debunked and
translated to a positive action. Provides an extra publicity with partner agencies in order for the
contribution to be recognized. Having a celebrity to endorse across socio – economic classes. We
must tap related agencies in order to reach more people in different sectors such as:

Existing Agencies:

 Philippine Egg Board

Untapped Agencies:

 DepEd
 Pediatricians Society
 Women Society


Sarimanok Premium Layer Feeds:

 Chick Booster Crumble

 Chick Starter Crumble
 Chicken Grower Crumble
 Per Lay Crumble
 Chicken Layer 1 Crumble
 Chicken Layer 2 Crumble

Sarimanok Premium Duck Layer Feeds:

 Duck Layer Pellet
 Duck Starter
 Duck Grower
 Duck Pre – Lay

Distribution Process

 Wholesalers
 Retailers
 Broker
 Sales from farm
 Door to door sales
 Sales to local retail shops
 Collectors
 Assembly Merchants


 The cost of good plus a percentage

 What the customer is prepared to pay
 Competitor’s pricing


One is the basis for the healthy egg campaign is a scientific study conducted by DOST –
FNRI. It concluded the consumption of up to one egg per day is unlikely to have substantial
increase in blood lipid levels. The Department of Health (DOH) came up with a manual that
contains syllabus for various workshops that will promote the health benefits of the egg.
Therefore, they are able to promote the product in a positive outcome.

The Philippine Egg Board instituted the 1st Philippine egg show. The Egg Board created a
pair of mascot which is egg being coupled to the heart for us to understand that the egg is healthy
for the heart.

We can promote by advertising hat is conducted on television, radio, online, newspapers

etc. And also by sales promotions, point of sale display, merchandising etc. to develop a
campaign which uses several of these methods in a way that provides the most effective results.
For example, TV advertising makes people aware of a food item and press advertising provides
more detail. This may be supported by in-store promotions to get people to try the product and a
collectable promotional device to encourage them to keep on buying the said product.

In this example of promotion we could achieve our target market.

Marketing Mix

 We would like to launch an event about the benefits and health conditions about eating an
egg. The event will target the existing and untapped agencies. Through these we would
strengthen our relationship with other agencies particularly the untapped agencies.
 Establish a good communication to those agencies that had confounded our thoughts
about the eggs. In this way we could be stronger. To reach out to the people around using
or fellow farmers. Theses could be good for our sales because of our proposals or
 We intend the Good Egg to be used as an inspirational and a demonstration center that
bring together enterprising youthful farmers and women groups to take indigenous
poultry farming as a commercial venture.


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