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Right On!

4 – Test 3B (Module 3)

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE _______________

CLASS ______________________________________________ MARK ––––––
(Time 80 minutes)

A Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

1 Scientists are worried about ___ smashing into 6 Joanne wants to learn a(n) ___ language such
Earth. as Italian or Spanish.
A showers C asteroids A popular C local
B holes D drones B official D foreign
2 A(n) ___ speaker is someone who can 7 Did you know that a ___ year equals a distance
communicate fluently in two languages. of 9.5 trillion kilometres?
A native C original A light C moon
B natural D bilingual B meteor D sun
3 By the end of the century, 90% of the world’s 8 Scientists are trying to solve many of the
languages will have ___ . problems which ___ humans from living on
A vanished C dominated another planet.
B developed D influenced A warn C prevent
B influence D guide
4 You should ___ your project ideas with your
teacher. 9 Gina can speak Spanish and French, but her
A interpret C talk mother ___ is Italian.
B explain D discuss A accent C tongue
B dialect D language
5 One day, in the ___ future, English may be the
only spoken language on Earth. 10 Pluto is the most well-known ___ planet.
A distant C close A solar C black
B near D far B dwarf D red

10 x 1 = 10 points

B Underline the correct item.

1 Experts are trying to break through the technical 5 The Internet is a great way to connect/
limitations/habitations of moving to a new comment with people all around the world.
planet. 6 The gravity/orbit on Mars is approximately 38%
2 Can you imagine what it would be like to of that on Earth.
pass/spend your holidays on another planet? 7 The space station was an amazing
3 Space stations will turn/rotate to provide gravity convenience/construction.
to those who work there. 8 L.L Zamenhof created Esperanto in an origin/
4 Ben is a drone pilot/technician. He flies his attempt to bring the world together.
drone to deliver mail.
8 x 1 = 8 points

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Right On! 4

Right On! 4 – Test 3B (Module 3)

C Choose the correct item.

1 The International Space Station is currently 4 Jupiter spins at/for a speed of about 43,000
on/in orbit around the Earth. kilometres an hour.
2 James decided to give up/in playing football 5 Did you give Tom away/back his phone?
because he was too busy with school.
3 Can you imagine what it would be like to live
to/in space?
5 x 1 = 5 points

D Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in bold.

1 Don’t let her watch this film. It will __________________________ her! (FRIGHT)
2 My Science teacher knows how to __________________________ us in class. (MOTIVE)
3 The school wants to __________________________ the Science Fair on TV. (ADVERT)
4 She pulled the curtains across the window to __________________________ the room. (DARK)
5 Did someone __________________________ the fire alarm? (ACTIVE)
5 x 1 = 5 points

E Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense.

1 Our plane ____________________________________ (leave) at 10 pm tonight.

2 This time tomorrow, you ____________________________________ (travel) to Spain.
3 Be careful! You ____________________________________ (walk) into that wall.
4 Lisa ____________________________________ (start) a new job tomorrow.
5 I promise I ____________________________________ (help) you with your Science project.
6 Thomas ____________________________________ (finish) his homework by 3pm this afternoon.
7 I believe Stacey ____________________________________ (get) the job.
7 x 1 = 7 points

F Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense to form conditionals.

1 Amy _____________________ (call) me if she _____________________ (change) her mind about our trip
2 If you _____________________ (drive) more carefully, you _____________________ (not/have) a car
accident last night.
3 If I _____________________ (be) you, I _____________________ (pay) attention to what your teacher is
4 When Donna _____________________ (come) home, she _____________________ (tidy) her bedroom.
5 If you _____________________ (mix) black and white, you _____________________ (get) grey.
5 x 1 = 5 points

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 Right On! 4

Right On! 4 – Test 3B (Module 3)

G Rewrite the sentences as wishes.

1 I’m not very good at Science.

2 I want to go to the science exhibition tomorrow.
3 Mary was late for her tennis lesson because she didn't wake up early.
4 My neighbour played the drums all day yesterday.
5 Karen doesn’t run as fast as Michelle.
5 x 1 = 5 points

H Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

1 I will call you when the meeting ___ . 4 Unless it ___, we’ll go for a picnic.
A will finish C is finishing A doesn’t rain C rains
B finishes D will have finished B won’t rain D is raining
2 You have some free time on Sundays, ___? 5 This isn’t your car, ___?
A don’t you C do you A isn’t it C is this
B haven’t you D have you B isn’t this D is it
3 If I had more money, I ___ a new laptop.
A bought
B would buy
C would have bought
D will buy
6 x 1 = 6 points

Everyday English
I Match the exchanges.

What were you responsible for? 1 a Sure, I worked at a summer camp last
Why do you think we should hire you for this 2 b Because I’d like to learn more about how art
position? exhibitions are organised.
Do you have any previous experience? 3 c I consider myself a very friendly and
hardworking person.
I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know of our 4 d I helped with the arts programme and during
decision. lunch breaks.
Why are you interested in this job? 5 e I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

5 x 2 = 10 points

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3 Right On! 4

Right On! 4 – Test 3B (Module 3)

J Read the text and decide
if the sentences (1-5) are
R (right) or W (wrong).

In Douglas Adams’s famous sci-fi novel The Hitchhiker’s

Guide to the Galaxy the main characters use a ‘babel fish’ to
instantly understand any spoken language in the universe.
The user simply places the device (a real fish!) into their ear,
and it translates everything it hears into the user’s language!
In the real world, a perfectly-working translation device like
this still doesn’t exist – but we’re getting closer.
Years ago, unless they were bilingual, people had to rely on a
translator to understand what someone had written or said in
a foreign language. In the 1950s, though, scientists began to
experiment with ‘machine translation’ or MT. The first
demonstration of MT was in 1954 in Birkbeck College, London
when scientists used an early computer to translate simple
English sentences into French.
Years later, in the 1990s, translation websites began to
appear online. Launched in 1997, Babel Fish (like the device
in Adams’s book) was the first major translation website. It
doesn’t exist anymore, but in 2006, Google released Google
Translate – which is the most popular MT service for written
text today. But devices to translate spoken language exist,
too. Pilot is a wearable device similar to the babel fish.
Basically, it’s a set of two wireless earphones, which two
speakers put in one of their ears. Then, they can speak in two
different languages, which the device translates almost
1 TheBut ‘babel
how wellfish’
do isthese websites
a piece and devices actually work?
of technology. ______
2 InCertainly MT is getting
1954, English better, but
scientists it stillMT
used performs worse than a with some French people.
to communicate ______
3 More people use Google Translate than any isother
skilled human translator. Why? Well, translation a veryonline translation service. ______
4 Thecomplicated task that
writer thinks for aMT machine.
shows For some example,
signs ofin improvement.
most ______
5 Machines thereeasily
are words whichiflook
identify a textalikehas
but ahave different
formal or informal style. ______
meanings – and it’s difficult for a machine to know which
meaning it needs. Also, it’s difficult for a machine to
5 x 3 = 15 points
understand the style and tone of a text – for example if it’s
formal or informal, friendly or serious, etc.
There’s no doubt that MT is useful, at least in giving us rough
translations. But will a machine-translated novel ever be as
enjoyable as the original? It seems doubtful. There are some
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4 Right On! 4
things which make us uniquely human, and language is one of
Right On! 4 – Test 3B (Module 3)

K Read this email from your English-speaking friend Danielle, and the notes you have made.
Write an email to Danielle, using all the notes (100-140 words).

Hi Grace,
How’s it going? I just wanted to tell you that I got tickets for a robotics exhibition at the science museum. Would you
like to come with me? I thought I’d invite you because I know you love robots.
The tickets are for next Wednesday. If you can’t make it, maybe you know someone else who loves robots. Thank
can't make it –
busy on Anyway, think about it and let me know. Tell your mum and dad I said hello. for invite
Wednesday Speak soon, yes suggest who
Danielle Yours too!

15 points

L Listen to a job interview and, for questions 1-5, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

1 What kind of job is Jack applying for? 4 In the future, Jack plans to work in
A a full-time job B a part-time job A tourism. B art.
C a permanent job C education.
2 In his previous job, Jack didn’t have to 5 The interviewer will tell Jack her decision by
A describe tourist attractions. A letter. B phone.
B handle payments. C email.
C ensure passengers were safe.
3 How does Jack describe himself?
A relaxed B stressed
C well-organised
5 x 2 = 10 points

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5 Right On! 4

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