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Impact of service quality on customer satisfaction :(A case study on

Debub Global bank, Hawassa City)

A Research submitted in partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for The

Award of Bachelor of Art Degree In Marketing Management


College of Business and Economics

Department of Marketing Management

By: Dawud Alemu

Advisor : Tekleab B. (MAMM)

June, 2016

Awada, Ethiopia


Above all thanks to God for his priceless help during the entire period of my study. Next my
greatest thank goes to my respectful adviser Tekleab B. (MAMM) for his guidance, advice and
critical comments to the successful accomplishment of this study. His support is really difficult
to be expressed in words, thanks, thanks, thanks …

I would like to thanks to my families for their financial and non-financial support in my
academic life from starting up to completion, moreover, I would like to express my spatial
thanks from heart to my mother Alemnesh Mohammed and also MY Father Alemu Mohammed
her support and advice I not have word to express.

The last but not the least, for those Debub Global Bank members and workers who sacrifice
their time and give response to my question of this study I have deepest gratitude for them.

Finally, I would also like to express my gratitude to all my friends especially to Mr. Safi Adem
,Silesh shibire,Sofonyas yoseph,Tadesse Dame, Molalgne habtu, and others for extending their


This study was conducted in Debub Global Bank which is found in the centre of Hawassa City,
under the title of impact of service quality on customer satisfaction. If the service performance
falls short of expectation the customer dissatisfied. The major problem associated with
customer satisfaction is delay decision making to apply a new technological service. The main
objective of this study was to assess impact of service quality on customer satisfaction. To
conduct this study, the researcher would have been used both primary and secondary source of
data the researcher were used both closed and open ended questioners to collect information
from customer. The data analyzed by using table, number and percentages. The sampling
technique of this study was convenience sampling method and 71 respondents was taken as
sample size from unknown population. In general, the researcher was summarized from this
study was that the satisfaction level of majority of customer was very high, which means that
they are satisfied by the service of the bank and also the behaviour of customers very good
after the delivery of service, this because of the balance of their perception with anticipation of
them. Finally, based on the finding the researcher was forwarded relevant applicable
conclusion and recommendation on short coming of the bank.




Advisors’ Approval sheet................................................................................................II

Examiners’ Approval sheet.............................................................................................III




1.1 Background of the study...............................................................................................1

1.2 Statement of the problem..............................................................................................1

1.3 Research question...........................................................................................................2

1.4 Objectives of the study....................................................................................................2

1.4.1 General objective........................................................................................................2

1.4.2 Specific objectives.......................................................................................................3

1.5 Significance of the study....................................................................................................3.

1.6 Scope of the study...............................................................................................................3

1.7 Limitation of the study.........................................................................................................4

1.8 Organization of the study......................................................................................................4


2.1 Service quality........................................................................................................................5

2.2 Service delivery system...............................................................................................5

2.3 Characteristics of service..............................................................................................5


2.3.1 Service are intangible.................................................................................................6

2.3.2 Inseparability...............................................................................................................6

2.3.3 Service are perishable..................................................................................................6

2.3.4 Standardization of service difficulty.............................................................................7

2.3.5 Buyer involvement.........................................................................................................7

2.3.6 Service variability.............................................................................................................7

2.4 The concept of customer.....................................................................................................8

2.5 Customer expectation...........................................................................................................8

2.6 Customer value......................................................................................................................9

2.7 Customer satisfaction..............................................................................................................9

2.8 Importance of customer satisfaction......................................................................................10


3.1 Research design.....................................................................................................................12

3.2 Research approach.................................................................................................................12

3.3 Target population...................................................................................................................12

3.4 Sample and sampling technique.............................................................................................12

3.5 Sample size.............................................................................................................................12

3.6 Data source and data collection instrument..........................................................................13

3.7 Method of data analysis and presentation......................................................................13



4.1 Gender of respondent..................................................................................................14

4.2 Age of respondent.........................................................................................................15

4.3 Education level of respondent........................................................................................16

4.4 Occupation of respondent...............................................................................................16

4.5 Duration of customer relationship...................................................................................17

4.6 Attitude of customer towards service quality...................................................................18

4.7 Service quality of the bank compared to other bank..........................................................18

4.8 Background of customer prefer the bank............................................................................19

4.9 Customer satisfaction............................................................................................................19

4.10 Recommendation for the bank to improve service quality..................................................19

4.11 Courtesy of the employee....................................................................................................21

4.12 Level of customer satisfaction..............................................................................................21

4.13 Customer satisfaction of the bank.......................................................................................22

4.14 Actual service and expectation............................................................................................23

4.15 Communication skill of service provider..............................................................................23

4.16 Service quality related to other bank...................................................................................24

4.17 The bank gives the service that are given in other branch...................................................24

4.18 The fast aspect of service quality of the bank......................................................................25

4.19 Customer attitude towards service...............................................................................26

4.20 Employee provide service per day.................................................................................26


4.21 Mechanism to increase service quality..........................................................................27

4.22 Additional service in the bank.........................................................................................27

4.23 Job satisfaction in the bank.............................................................................................28

4.24 Dissatisfied item performing your service.......................................................................28

4.25 Communication method with supervisor.........................................................................29

Chapter five: summary, conclusion and recommendation

5.1 Summary of the findings …………………………………………………………………………………………….…………31

5.2 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….…………32

5.3 Recommendation………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………33

Reference …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………34

List of tables

Table no List of table Page

Table 4.1 Sample and response 14
Table 4.3 Age of respondent 15
Table 4.4 Education level of respondent 16
Table 4.5 Occupation of respondent 16
Table 4.6 Duration of customer relationship 17
Table 4.9 Background of customer prefer the bank 19
Table 4.10 Customer satisfaction 19
Table 4.12 Courtesy of the employee 21
Table 4.13 Level of customer satisfaction 21
Table 4.14 Customer satisfaction in the bank 22
Table 4.16 Communication skill of service provider 23
Table 4.17 Service quality related to other 24
Table 4.18 The bank gives service that are given by other bank 24
Table 4.19 The fast aspect of service quality of the bank 25
Table 4.20 Customer attitude towards service 26
Table 4.21 Employee provide service per day 26
Table 4.22 Mechanism to increase service quality 27
Table 4.23 Additional service in the bank 27
Table 4.24 Job satisfaction in the bank 28
Table 4.25 Dissatisfied item performing your service 28
Table 4.26 Communication method with supervisor 29


1.1 Back ground of the study

The purpose of this studies to assess the service quality and customer satisfaction in
debub global bank. Specifically, the study try to address the customer that are engaging in
debub global bank found in hawassa city. The attempt to analyze the common assumption
that the bank deals to service by examining what counter veiling process may affect the
quality of service.(chairman, n.(1998). Service marketing prentice 2 nd edition. Englewood
elif. New jersey.
Quality is the totality of future and characteristics of product and service that bear on
its ability to satisfy stated or implied need (American society for quality control, 2010).
Service quality is subjective concept which describes the degree to which the service
meets the customer expectation. Service provider has to be increasingly sure that they are
predicting the right service in the right way in the right time. One of the major ways of
differentiates a service quality by quality be delivered consistently high quality service than
competitors. (American society for quality control, 2010).
Customer satisfaction is providing quality service to customer according to their need,
want and expectation. Customer satisfaction in any organization depends on the service
that company renders to their client or customer. Customer satisfaction in manufacturing
and service sectors has of declined slightly in recent year because of decreasing in quality
service and increasing customer expectation, product and service customer and company
profitably are intimately connected higher level of quality result on higher level customer
satisfaction. Mohamed, s.(2010) service quality management in hospitality. Truism and

1.2 statement of the problem

The main objective of many organizations is maximizing their profit through determining
the need and wont of customer at required time and better than competitor. If the service
performance falls short of expectation, the customer dissatisfaction (peter,2002).

The major problem associated with customer satisfaction in many services rendering
organization is delay of decision making to apply a new technological service, limited number of
employee force, increased customer expectation, limited number of branch, problem of
punctuality and parking. Debub global bank is located in Hawassa and have a problem in the
mind of customer, in this case the customer may shift from this organization because of some
problems with regarding to service quality and delivery of service for customer satisfaction such
as lack of qualified service provider, the over demand of the service during a holiday
management system of the bank can affect the service quality of the bank.


1. What are the factors that affect service quality and customer satisfaction of Debub
global bank?

2. What are the major factor that affect service quality and customer satisfaction of debub
global bank?

3. How to measure the level of service quality and customer satisfaction in Debub global

4. How the bank can enhance the customer satisfaction?

5. What are the areas that need to be improved by the bank to deliver superior service


The main objective of the study is to determine the impact service quality on the customer
satisfaction of Debub Global Bank.


The general objective of the study is to assess the impact of service quality on customer
satisfaction of debub global Bank,hawassa city.


1. To identify the factor that affect service quality and customer satisfaction of debub
global bank.

2. To assess the major factor that affect service quality and customer satisfaction of debub
global bank.

3. To measure the level of service quality and customer satisfaction of the bank.

4. To assess how to increase customer satisfaction by improving problem of service quality

of the bank.

5. To identify area that needs to be improved by the bank to deliver superior service
quality by recommending different constructive suggestions.



This study can help to the researcher to get experience on how to conduct other research
in the future; apart from this the study can help to society as a source of document for
those who researchers who want to make further study on the area.

This study would have a great contribution for debub global bank to better understand
the opinion of its customer about its service and action accordingly:

 It would provide definite information for the reader about the impact of
customer satisfaction by quality service on debub global bank.
 It would be used as reference for similar issues.
 It provides important information to the concerned bodies of the bank for
further improvement to adopt some of possible recommendation.


There are many banks in Hawassa city; this study were done in debub global bank to assess the
impact of service quality and customer satisfaction only. The scope of this study was concerned
what techniques and methods, the course of action taken by the bank to increase the
satisfaction of its customers. So, the study was mainly focus on customer satisfaction and the
impact of service quality.


It is obvious that every researcher face some degree of limitation when conducting certain
investigation, by the same sense the following are major constraints that faced the researcher
to complete this study successfully, the absence of well documented secondary data, lack of
respondents’ willingness to respond accurate information by reading and understanding the
distributed questionnaires, unclear response were given from respondents and the time and
money constraints was faced in conducting this research.


This study consists of five chapters the first chapter, background of the study, statement of the
problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study and limitation of
the study. The Second chapter deals with literature reviews of the study. The third chapter
includes methodology, chapter four results and discussion and chapter five, conclusion and

Chapter two

Review of related literature

2.1 service quality

Service quality has direct impact on production or service performance it is closely linked to
customer value and satisfaction. in the narrowest sense, quality can be defined as freedom
from defect, however, most customer centered companies go beyond this narrow definition of

quality. Instead defined intermesh of customer satisfaction (kotare, Bowen, james and
markat2006). At the heart f the discussion is the assumption that, service marketing, such as
those in hospitality, tourism and leisure service quality impact on satisfaction directly and so, it
is the crucial variables marketers need to control, strategy if they are be successful in long term.

2.2 service delivery system

Delivering consistently good service quality is difficult but profitable for service a variety of
factors affect the magnitude and direction of four gaps in the delivery of service quality. Most
involve communication and control process to manage employees or the consequence of this
process, such as role clarity and conflict of contact personnel (Valarie, etal.2003). The service
delivery system encompasses not only the visible element of the service operating system,
employees and the physical facilities but also include exposure to other customer (Leonard,

The service relevant system is the portion of service system through which the service is
deliverer to the customer. In bank it is the dining area in a parking it is the seating area of the
car these and sometime other customers to create experience for the customer (harsh, etal.

2. 3 characteristics of service

A service is an act or performance that one party can offer to another that is essentially
intangible and does not result in the owner ship of anything it’s production may or may not
tied to a physical product. Service has a number or distinctive characteristic which create
special marketing challenges and opportunities. These are four major characteristic of service
that greatly affect the design of marketing programs; intangibility inseparability variability and
perish ability (kotler, 1999)

2.3.1 service are intangible

Service lack tack tangible feature that appeal to consumer sense of sign, small taste and touch.
Therefore, they are difficult to demonstrate at trade shows to display in retail stores to illustare
in magazine advertisement and to sample. Instead persona selling and adverting must
communication the benefit of using a service therefore the tangible service provider task is to
make the service intangible to their tangible to their tangible of offers service of offers service
marketer try to and tangible and their intangible offers (barsky, etal.1992)

2.3.2 Inseparability

Service is typically produced and consume simultaneously. This means new service are
produced and consumed the same time which satisfy customer or client or this is not true for
physical products which are prepared for production, manufactured. Put in to inventory/store
for some data distribution through intermediated such as wholesalers and retailers and
consumed still later. If a person renders the service then the provider is part of the service
provide customer or client interaction is a special feature of service marketing since the client is
also present as the service is produced (kotler, 2000)

2.3.3 Service is perish ability

Due to their perish ability service can be not be inventories during of peak demand they may
fetch high interest that later fall drastically. For instance bank often risk home interest during
special events only to lower them again to normal level when the events end. Banks depose
high interest in the off season to attract customer

2.3.4 Standardization of service difficulty

If is often impossible to standardize offering among of single service or even to standardize the
service branch.

2.3.5 Customer involvement

The customer often plans a major in the marketing and production of a service. The hair style’s
customer may describe the designed look and make suggestion at several stages of the styling
process. A client of tax preparation firm supplies relevant information and the frequently work
closely with a tax specification. For tangible deposit account withdrawal the only major
examples of buyer involvement are Customer specification for major example of buyer
involvement are customer specification for major capital items.

2.3.6 Service variability

Variable quality is another characteristic of service. Service quality is a topic examined in more
detail in this section, defines easy generalization since providers can be so different from one
another. Service marketers need to work towards providing the quality of service that customer
expect. The quality of service depends on who provide on who provides them as well as when
where and how they are provided (James, etal.2006).

Extensive work in the area of service quality according to them perceived service quality can be
duties as the extent of discrepancy between the customer’s expected or desired and perception

simply perceived service quality=perceive-expected service based on their research work they
identified that customer five dimension in their assessment of service quality.

Reliability: it is ability to perform the service the service dependability and accurately.
Reliability refers to the consistency of performance and dependability.

Tangibles: is the physical evidence of the service of the service. The décor of an attorney’s
office a flight attendant uniform and detailed monthly statement from dean water is example of
tangibles .Tangible are physical appearance of facilities, equipment, personnel are written
materials. Example, seating and air conditioning the theatre. In airlines the standard and quality
or aircraft, the seating the belt, ticket sales office too and drink on board etc.

Responsiveness: Involve the willingness and readinesses of an employee at service. Immediate

handling of an emergency at a medical center, prompt recording of the frequent flyer mileage,
and attorney returning a phone cell before the end of any are example of responsiveness
required dealing with customer request complaints and problems

Assurance: refers to the confidence communicated by the service provide physical with kindly
bed side manner the warranty provided by trained are example of assurance. Assurance is
employee knowledge courtesy and their ability to inspire trust and confidence.

Empathy: refer to the service provider‘s effort to understand the customer’s needs and then in
evolving the service delivery. Empathy is carrying individualized attention giving to customer
which makes the customer feel unique and special on keep loyal.

2.2 The concept of customer

Customer is one how gives his customer to a store or (don etal.2004).but according to some
scholars the concept of customer is a party receives or consumer product, good and supply
(coeman,2000) the customer who knew where and how to contact the company and has
enjoyed the benefit of and an open dialog and timely response won’t need to be hold how to
receive new information (Autos , 1999).

2.3 Customer expectation

Customer arrive a set of expectation as to what choose or restaurant can and Should do,
how should do it , how the people the service Should behave , how it should do it. How the
people providing the service should have how the physical setting should appear , what
Capabilities customer should have to perform their roles or responsibilities ( Robert,
2012).the time customer build amid set of expectation based on advertising familiar brand
name, promotional device, their own imagination and stories and experience of the people they
know how have already been customer(Ford, 2012).

2.4 customer value

Customer value is the difference between those benefit and the customer gains from owning
and using product and cost of obtaining the product cost can be both monetary and non
monetary cost. One of the biggest non monetary costs for hospitality customer is time, luxury
bank in honking such as the Shangri land not expect executive guest to stand in line to register
instead, and they are escorted to their office where fast process is waiting (Kotler, 2006).

2.5. Customer satisfaction

The concept of customer satisfaction is the extent to which a product perceived performance
matches the buyer expectation. Such kind of satisfaction determines the customer life span
with market (Alazar, 2006). Customer satisfaction has been popular topic in marketing practice
and academic research since cardozo’s (1965) initial studies of customers effort, expectation
and satisfaction. Despite many attempt measure and explain customer satisfaction, there still
does not appeal to be a consensus regarding its definition (Geese, et al. 2000). Customer
satisfaction is typical defined as post consumption evaluative judgments (Gunderson, etal.
1996). It is the result of UN evaluating process that contrast pre purchase expectation with
precipitation of performance during and after the consumption experience (Oliver, 1980).

The most widely accepted conceptualization of the customer satisfaction concept is the
expectance disconfirms theory (Barky, 1996). The theory was developed by Oliver (1980), who
proposed that satisfaction level is a result of different between expected and perceived
performance. Study shows that the customer satisfaction may direct and impact on business
result. Ander on etal, (1994). Yuong etal. (2002)and Luo(2007) concluded that customer
satisfaction positively affect business profitability.

Given the vital role of customer satisfaction, it is not surprising that a variety of research has
been deviated to investigation that determinants of satisfaction Churchill, et al.(1980) and
zenith, (2003).

Providing service those customers prefers starting point for providing customer satisfaction.
Relatively easy way to determine what service customer prefer is simply to ask them according
to Gilbert and Horse Nell (1998) and Su, (2004-gust comment card)GCCS) are most manually
used for determine hotel guest satisfaction.

GCCS are usually distributed at bank room, at reception desk or in some visible place. However,
studies review that numerous bank satisfaction evaluation method based on in adequate
practice to make important and complex managerial decision. (Barsky, 1992 and Huxly, 1992
and su, (2004).

In order to improve validity of customer satisfaction measurement practice. To some up, the
relationship between quality and the satisfaction is complex. Some authors dedicated that still
remain a lot to un solved problems , it can be concluded that service quality and customer
satisfaction be perceived a separate concept that have casual ordering (Danaher 1994, Jamal,

2.6. Importance of customer satisfaction

Satisfied customers are source of company profit and for its profit. The company may be private
public monopolistic or competitive in any business. Even in the monopolistic firm have to think
of effective mean customer handling because monopolist has no more good strategy delivering
first rate customer service allows a company to have a number significant. (Mohammed, 2003)

1. Building competitive barriers: because of the establishment essential service infrastructure

the company can present a formidable barrier to any potential competitors that might want to
join the market. When there are several competitors behave a like the estimate amount to
analysis of a typical competitor. The company must estimate each close competitor likely
reaction. If all competitor be have a like the estimate amount to analysis of a typical
competitor. If the competitor do not react uniformly because of different size, market share ,
polices or service quality or service quality then separate analyses are necessary. He option for
the company to win the competitors is providing the following to the customer.

 Maintain service quality

 Raising perceived quality increasing service
 Augmenting service benefits
 Benefiting customer selectivity approach
 Quick service delivery
 Empowering service provides
 Incentivizing service provides

2. ensuring customer locality :in marketing context may be defined as a will full ,voluntary,
repeated choose of specific type of service loyalty caters to fulfilling a particular category of
need ,satisfied .customers remain loyal and establish the concept of relationship marketing
,locality in sense is a willful commitment to the service in view of perceived satisfaction.
Furthermore ,loyalty could be explained in terms of the extent of commitment to the service
selected the positive attitude developed towards using service selected and the positive image
the customer project or plans about the service (mohammed,2003).

3 service differentiation: in addition to differentiation its physical product a firm can also
differentiate its service. When a physical product cannot easily be differentiated, the key to

competitive success often lies in adding more value adding service and improving their quality.
The main service deferent are ordering case delivery installation, customer training and
customer consulting ( kotler, 1999).



The researcher has used descriptive research design in conducting this study, because such of it

is important to state the nature of the study affairs as it exists at present and create some
understanding of the nature of the problem under the study.


The researcher has taking both qualitative and quantitative research approach. Quantitative
approach involves eliciting specific information from respondents by using close ended
questionnaires and qualitative approach is designed to find out how the customer feel or think
about the service quality by using open ended questionnaires.


The target population of this study was debub global bank customers, employees and manager.
This is because the researcher want to get information about the impact of service quality on
customer satisfaction in case of debub global bank, Hawassa city.


The researcher would use convenience sampling techniques to collect data. The reason for the
selection of convenience sampling because of it allows the researcher to select convenient
respondents specially when here is not list of population available. Convenience sampling is
cost effective it is pretty much in expensive tool organize and maintain.


In this study the researcher was conveniently selected 60 customers, 10 employees and 1
manager. Totally the researcher selected 71 sample sizes from the population because the
population number is unknown.


The main source of data for this study would have been both primary and secondary source.
The primary data was obtained through both closed and open ended questionnaires and
secondary data was obtained from reviewing related literature from magazines, journals, books
and sites.


After the necessary primary and secondary data was completed the persuasive activities of data
analysis would have been carried out. Data analysis would have begun by editing and clarifying
the collected data in more meaningful and relevant information. After data classification, the
gathered data was arranged in similar categories and the general analysis of data would have
been facilitated, finally, analyzed data would have presented in the form of table, number and
within their percentage of respondents.



This part of the research report deals with analysis, discussion and interpretation of the major
finding of the study. All the necessary data and information that are gathered through
questionnaire were analyzed and interpreted with the help of table and percentage. The result
and discussion of the gathered data are presented as follows.

4.1 Sample and Response Rate

Table 4.1 Sample and response rate

No Respondents Sample Distributed Response rate

1 Customers and 71 71 71(100%)
Total 71 71 100%
Source: Survey questionnaire (2016)

Table 4.1: Show that total population of the study was taken from customers of Bank out of
those 71 respondents was taken as sample size from unknown population through convenience
non-probability sampling techniques. Then the questionnaires were distributed among the total
sample size and it was 100% distributed done.

4.2 Gender of Respondents

Table 4.2: Gender of respondents

No Item Description Respondents

No Percentage
2 Gender of the Male 49 69%
respondent Female 22 21%
Total 71 100%
Source: Survey questionnaire (2016)

The following table 4.2 shows that 49(69%) of the respondents are male and 22(21%) of the
respondent are female. From this data the researcher inferred that the majority of the
respondents are male.

4.3 Age of the respondents

Table 4.3 Age of the respondents

No Item Description Respondents

No Percentage
3 Age of the 18-25 19 26.7%
respondent 26-30 18 25.3%
31-40 17 23.9%
41-50 10 14%
>50 7 9.8%
Total 71 100%
Source: Survey questionnaire (2016)

The following table 4.3 shows that 19(26%) of the respondents are under the age of 18-25
category, 18(25%) of the respondent are category of 26-30, 17(23.9%) of the respondent are
category of 31-40, 10(14%) of the respondent are category of 41-50, the remaining 7(9.8%) of
the respondent are category above 50. From this data it can be inferred that the majority of the

respondents are found in the category of 18-25 which totally constitutes 26% of the

4.4 Education level of respondents

Table 4.4: Education level of the respondents

No Item Description Description

No Percentage
4 Education level High school complete 16 22.5%
of respondents Master degree 19 26.7%
Diploma 17 23.9%
Above master degree 8 11.2%
Degree 10 14%
Total 71 100%
Source: Survey questionnaire(2016).

Table 4.4: indicated that 19(26.7%) of the respondents have master degree, 16(22.5%) of
respondents are high school completed, 17(23.9%) of respondents have diploma, 8(11.2%)
respondents have above master degree, and 9(15%) of respondents have degree. From this
data the researcher revealed that the majority of the respondents are master degree holders,
with constitutes 26.9% of the respondents.

4.5 Occupation of respondents

Table 4.5 occupation of respondents

No Item Description Respondents

No Percentage
5 Occupation of Merchant 13 18.3%
the Government employee 26 36.6%
respondents Private organization employee 20 28.1%
Other 12 16.9%
Total 71 100%
Source: survey questionnaire (2016).

The following table 4.5 indicate that 13(18.3%) of the respondent are merchant, 26(36.6%) of
the respondents are government employee, 20(28.1%) of the respondents are private
organization employees, 12(16.9%) of the respondents have other occupation, students and
brokers. From this study on can understand that the majority of the respondents are
government employees.

4.6 Duration of customer relationship

Table 4.6: Duration of customer relationship

No Item Description Respondents

No Percentage
6 For how long have you been Less than two years 23 38%
using Bank? 2-4 years 21 35%
5-10 years 10 17%
More than 10 years 6 10%
Total 60 100%
Source: survey questionnaire (2016)

Table 4.6, shows that of the respondents use less than two years, 23(38%) of the respondents
2-4 years and 21(35%) of the respondents, 10(17%) of the respondents are of 5-10 years and
the remaining 6(10%) of the respondents are using the Bank more than 10 years. From this
study one can infer that the majority of the respondents are customers for less than two years.

4.7 Attitude of customer towards the organization service quality

No Item Description Respondents

No Percentage
7 What is your attitude towards Very good 29 48%
the organization service Good 25 42%
quality? Neutral 3 5%
Bad 1 2%
Very bad 2 3%
Total 60 100%
Source: Survey questionnaire (2016)

Table 4.7: revealed that 29(48%) of the respondents attitude towards Bank quality in very good,
25(42%) of the respondents attitude the organization is good, 3(5%) of the respondents attitude
towards the bank in neutral, 1(2%) the respondents attitude towards the bank service is bad
and the remaining 2(3%) of the respondents attitude towards the Bank service quality is very
bad. From this data the one can understand that the majority of the respondents attitude
towards the bank quality service is very good this means they are satisfied service provide by

4.8 Service quality of Bank when compared with other Bank


No Item Description Respondents

No Percentage
7 Service quality of Bank Better 39 65%
compared to others About the same 19 32%
Relatively less 2 3%
Total 60 100%
Source: Survey questionnaire (2016).

The following table 4.8. indicate that, 39(65%) of the respondents replies that the service
quality of the Bank is better than other Bank, 19(32) of the respondents that the service quality
of the Bank is about the same with other Bank and 2(3%) of the respondents says that the
service quality of Bank is relatively less than other Bank. From this data researcher inferred that
for majority of customer service quality of Bank is better than other Bank.

4.9 The ground customer prefer Bank

Table 4.9: The ground that customer prefer Bank

N Item Description Respondents

o No Percentage
8 What is your ground Good quality 28 47%
to prefer Bank other Good approach waiters 21 35%
than other Bank Fair service deliver 11 18%
Other - -
Total 60 100%
Source: survey questionnaire (2016)

Table 4.9, Indicate that, 28(47%) of the respondents prepare Bank by the good quality, 21(35%)
of the respondent prefer Bank by good of waiter and 11(18%) of the respondents prefer
organization by faire service delivery. From this study one can infer that the majority of the
customers prefer hotel by good quality of the service.

4.10 The customer satisfaction

Table 4.10: customer satisfaction

N Item description Respondents


9 How does the No Percent

bank increase the By improving the service 25 42%
customer quality the bank.
satisfaction? By good approach with 30 50%
By improving the safety of 5 8%
the room
total 60 100%
Source: survey questioners (2016)

As presented table 4.10nabove, 30(50%) of the respondents responded that the Debub global
bank increase customer satisfaction by good approach with the customer, 25(42%) of
respondent reveal that by improving the service quality of the bank where as the remaining
5(8%) responded that by improving the safety of the room. From this result one can infer that
majority of the respondent revealed that the bank increase the customer satisfaction that the
Debub global bank increase the customer satisfaction by good approach with the customer.

4.11 Recommendations for the bank to improve service quality

Table 4.11: customer satisfaction

No item Description Respondents

10 Do you give any No Percent
recommendation Yes 40 67%
for the bank to No 20 33%
improve the
quality and the
deliver superior
service to the
Total total 60 100%
Source: survey questioner (2016)

As indicated table 4.11 above, 40(67%) of the respondents responded that they give any
recommendation for Debub global bank to improve the quality and deliver superior service to
the customers whereas the remaining 20(33%) respondents revealed that a they haven’t give
any recommendation for the Debub global bank to improve the quality and deliver superior
service to the customer. From this result one can conclude that majority of customer of Debub
global bank give recommendation for improvement of service quality of the bank.

4.12 Courtesy of the employees

Table 4.12: courtesy of employees

No Item Description Respondents

12 How you can see employees No Percentage
of Debub global bank and Excellent 13 22%
their courtesy? Very good 24 40%
Good 15 25%
Fair 6 10%
Poor 2 3%
Total 60 100%
Source: survey questionnaires

The following table 4.12 shows that 13(22%) of the respondents replies that the Debub global
bank employees courtesy is excellent, 24(40%) of the respondents replies that the bank
employees courtesy is very good, 15(25%) of the respondents replies that the bank employees
courtesy is good, 6(20%) of the respondents replied the that the bank employees courtesy is
fair and 2(3%) of the respondents replies that the bank employees courtesy is poor. Fromthis
data researcher can conclude that the employee treats customers politely (majority of
respondents infer that very good courtesy in Debub global bank).

4.13 The level of customer satisfaction that gets from the bank

Table 4.13 the level of satisfaction rate that the customers get from Debub
global bank

No Item Description Respondent

12 How do you the level of No Percentage
satisfaction that you Very satisfied 37 62%
get from Debub global Moderately satisfied 21 35%
bank? Less satisfied 2 3%
Tota 60 100%
Source: survey questionnaires (2016)

The following table 4.13 indicated that 37(62%) of respondents make their sign in the very
satisfaction rate, 21(35%) in the side of moderately satisfied and remaining 2(3%) of the
respondents are less satisfied. From this study one can conclude that the customers of the bank
get their satisfaction in very satisfied manner.

4.14 customer satisfaction of the bank

Table 4.14: customer satisfaction of the bank

No Item Description Respondents

13 Are you satisfied with the No Percentage
service of the Debub global yes 49 82%
bank? no 11 18%
Tota 60 100%
Source: survey questionnaires (2016)

The following table 4.14 indicated that, 49(82%) of the respondents are not satisfied by the
service of the bank. Accordingly, 11(18%0 of respondents were expressing their dissatisfaction
due to the bank set higher price to its service, it does not concern the local customers, and it is
not only high income level customer and feigners. From this data researchers understand the
majority of customers are satisfied by the bank service.

4.15 actual service and expectation

Table 4.15 actual service and expectation

No Item Description Respondents

Number Percentage
14 Higher than 21 35%
Lower than 6 10%
Matches with 32 53%
No response 1 2%
Total 60 100%
Source: survey questionnaire (2016)

As shown in table 4.15 below 21(35%) of the respondents said that the banks actual service is
higher than expected, 6(10%) of respondents said that the bank actual service is lower than
expected, 32(53%) of respondents said that actual service of the bank match with expectation
and for 1(2%) of respondent, from this result one can revealed that majority of customers
actual service matches with expected one.

4.16 communication skill of service provider

Table 4.16: communication skill of service providers

No Item Description Respondents

No Percentage
15 How you do rate the Excellent 16 27%
communication skill of Very good 27 45%
service provider of the bank Good 10 17%
Fair 6 10%
Poor 1 2%
Total 60 100%
Source: survey questionnaire (2016)

As shown in table 4.16 communication skill of service is very good, 27(45%) of respondent said
the communication skills of the organization provides is very good, (16(27%) of the respondent
said the communication skill of Debub global bank service provider excellent and the rest
10(17%) 6(10%) and 1(2%) are good, fair and poor respectively. this data indicated that the
organization employees communication skill is very good with their customers .

4.17 Your bank service quality related to other branch

17 What look like the banks service Excellent 4 40%
quality in related to other branches? Very good 2 20%
Good 1 10%
Equal 2 20%
Less than 1 10%
Poor 0 0%
Total 10 100%
Source : survey questionnaire (2016 )

Table 17 : show that 4 (40%) are excellent, 2(20%) are very good, 1(10%) are good, 2(20%) are
equoal,1(10%) are less than and the other not say poor .

4.18 In your bank, Do you believe that all service gives in other branch
NO Item Description Respondent
NO %
18 In your bank, do you believe that it Ifb system 1 10%
gives all service that are given in Your account saving 3 30%
other branch? service

Women account 1 10%

saving service
All 5 50%
Total 10 100%
Source: survey questioners (2016)

Table 18 , show that of the respondent answered to that the bank gives all service that are
given in other branch 1(10%) are ifb system, 3(30%) are your account saving service, 1(10%) are
women account saving service and 5(50%) are all

4.19 The fast aspect of serves quality of the bank

N Item Description Respondent

19 Do you believe that your banking service With paying money 2 20%
is as fast 25 other branches? Yes, No you which is send from
say yes in which of the following other banks
With sending money 2 20%
to other banks
With foreigner 3 30%
exchange service
With giving loan 1 10%
In all of them 2 20%
Total 10 100%

Source: survey questioners(2016)

Table 19 show that of the respondents answered the fast aspect of service quality of the bank
2(20%)are with paying money which is send from other banks,3(30%) are with forigne
exchange service,1(10%) are with giving loan service, 2(20%) are in all of them and 2(20%) are
with sending money to other banks

4.20 customer attitude toward service

N Item Description NO Percent

20 Haw do you describes your customers They are to happy 6 60%
attitude to word your service giving They are some what 3 30%
performance ? happy
They are not happy 1 10%
I don’t know about 0 0%
their attitude
Total 10 100%

Source: survey questioner (2016)

Table 20,revealed that the respondent provide answered about customer attitude to wards
their service is they are to happy 3(30%), they are some what happy 1(10%),and the other
respondent are no say I don’t know about their attitude

4.21 employee provide service per Day

N Items Description Respondent

o no Percent%
21 Haw mach times do you give your service 4-5 hours 0 0%
per day? 6-7 hr 1 10%
8-10 hr 2 20%
Above 10 hr 7 70%
Total 10 100%
Source: survey questioner (2016)

Table 21, shows that the respondent provide service per day 0(0%) are 4-5hrs, 1(10%) are 6-7
hrs, 8-9 hrs are 2(20%), 7(70%)of the respondents are above ten hours. From this study
majority of respondents are provided their service per day above 10 hours.

4.22. mechanism to increase service quality.

No Item Description Respondents

no %
22 Which mechanism did you good to Being punctual 7 70%
. increase the service quality your banks? Being courteous 1 10%
Being smile 2 20%

All of them 0 0%
Total 10 100%
Source: survey questioners (2016).

Table 22, the above table shows that the respondents are said 7(70%) are being punctual,
1(10%) are being courteous, 2(20%) are being smile and they did not said all of them.

4.23. Additional service in the bank

n Item Description Respondents

o No %
23 Which additional service did you get doing Transportation service 4 40%
your work times in the bank? Home service 2 20%
On the job training 3 30%
All of them 1 10%
Total 10 100%
Source: survey questioners (2016).

Table 23, the above table that express the respondents of that the additional service in the
bank 4(40%) are users of transportation service, 2(20%) are users of home service, 3(30%) are
replied as the users of on job training and the remaining 1(10%) are the beneficiary of all

4.24. job satisfaction in the bank

No Item Description Respondents

No %
24. How do you describe your job satisfaction I am very happy 6 60%
in the bank? I am not very happy 4 40%
I am not happy totally 0 0%
It is difficult to 0 0%
describe to me
Total 10 100%
Source: survey questioners(2016)

Table 24, as shown in the above table the majority of the respondents6(60%) replied that they
are very happy and 4(40%) of the respondents replied as that they are not very happy and the
remaining o(0%) replied as they are not totally happy and said it is difficult to describe.

4.25. Dissatisfied item when performing your service

No Item Descrption Respondents


No %
25 In which of the following item, you are Working area of the 2 20%
. dissatisfied when performing the service? bank
Pressing habit of the 1 10%
Service tools of the 7 70%
I am dissatisfied with 0 0%
Total 10 100%
Source: survey questioners (2016).

Table 25, as show in the above table majority of the respondents 7(70 %) replied as they are
dissatisfied with the service tools of the bank and 2(20%) replied as they are dissatisfied with
the working areas of the bank and the remaining 1(10%) replied as they are dissatisfied with
pressing habit of the bank.

4.26. Communication method with supervisor

No Item Description Respondents

No %
26 How did you communicate with your Through physical 6 60%
. supervisor for the proper giving of service contact
for your customers? Through using post 0 0%
Through email 3 30%
Through fax 1 10%
Total 10 1005
Source: survey questioners (2016)

Table 26, show that the communication method of employee with supervisor for providing your
survive for your customers 6 (60%) are through physical contact,3(30%) are through E-
mail,1(10%) are through fax. from this study understands, they have no any employee
communicate with supervisor by using through for provide services to customer.

Part IV, Analysis of interview from manager

Question that are asked to the general manager at Debub global bank of Hawssa district was
more concerned about improving method of the bank service, usages of a new technologies ,
offering of unique service to the customer and the problem that are faced to the bank in other
to give quality service

1. What method did you used to improve your bank service?

A manager responded each issues accordingly, first, the manager said that they are used
different mechanism to improve the service quality as giving door to door service, install ATM
machine in care areas and institution, opening new branch and so on.

2. What your bank look likes by introducing and using new technologies in related to other
banks and which technology introduce to your customers?

The managers said that the bank is dominated by introducing and using new technologies
according to other bank. More over the managers said that the bank introduce new
technologies like ATM machine, core banking system and point of sale machine.

3. How it would be described your bank by its potential to buy new technologies?

According to the manager description, the bank has the highest potential to buy new

4. How it would be described your employee’s performance in related to using new

technology and computers?

The employees are a good performed in using their new technologies as well as computers.
The area in which the bank gives a unique service like teenager saving account, women saving
account, interest free banking services .etc. the manager finally claim that all those in giving a
quality service. Among problems the manager is discuss like network system and electric power
shortage and so on.




A good business organization expressed by quality, by having politeness and having reputation
from the potential customer of the organization. Any customers have a good attitude on this
business organization have a value for the business organization. When the researcher
categorize the customers and employee so the bank by age group; most of the customer are
categorized above the age of youngster group.

The other one the people who think wisely is an indicated person. So, the majority of the
customers of the organization are educated persons. These may be because of the organization
is known in Hawassa city.

When ones come to the occupation of the respondents; the finding concludes the major
customers of the organization are those who are government employees. No one can judge
service quality only customer’s judge the quality; all other judgment irrelevant. Most of the
customer’s attitude toward the bank service quality is very good, that means the customer are
very satisfied by the service delivered from the organization.

The superiority of one service organization is by delivering quality service for this customer
better than his competitors. For the majority of the customers of the organization service
quality is better than other bank.

Every customer has their own ground to prefer one business service organization. For the
majority of the customers of the organization ground to prefer this bank is by good quality of
service delivered from the organization. Good quality can be measured by; when its attractive

for the customer are satisfied by service delivered i.e. (subjective), when the service is free from

Due to increased satisfaction of customer; majority of respondents revealed that the bank
increased customer satisfaction by good approach with customer. Customer of the bank gives
recommendations to the bank for improvement of service quality of the bank followed by
deliver superior service to the customers.

Service is intangible product, tangibles, the intangibles is important for organization because
new customers judge quality based on this tangible equipment .for majority of customers
exterior and interior décor as well as easily understanding able signage of the bank is not good.
Today’s customers usually demand better timely service.

In general, the satisfaction level to most of the customer are very high, which means that they
are satisfied by the service of the organization and also the behavior of customer is very good
after the delivery of service; this is because of balance of their perception with anticipation of

A brief number of important conclusions can be draw from the finding of the study. The data
presentation, analysis and interpretation of research about service quality and customer
satisfaction lead to the following conclusion.

 As one can understand from the data analysis majority of respondent of the bank are
educated person and above the age of 30.
 As one can understand from the data analysis majority of respondent is the bank service
more than one year.
 Majority of respondents’ attitude towards the bank service quality is positive.
 Majority of respondents ground to prefer the bank than other bank is by there good
quality of service as the data analysis and presented.
 Majority of respondents the bank responded the service quality of the bank is better
than other bank.
 The customer of the bank get there satisfaction is very satisfied manner.
 As one can understand from the data analysis; the bank does not have a good appealing
of exterior and interior décor as well as easily understanding signage.
 As one understand majority of respondents revealed that the bank increased customer
satisfaction by good approach with the customer.

 The analysis shows the majority of customer of the bank gives any recommendation to
the bank for improvement of service quality of the bank and delivers superior service to
the customer.
 As analysis indicated that the practice of check in and check out of the bank is
 As the analysis shows that the bank has knowledgeable employees to answer question.
 As the analysis show the bank give special to its customer.
 As one can understand the data analysis; majority of customer are satisfied by
complaint handling of the bank.
 As the analysis indicate the bank customer does not thought about the defection of the
bank service to another bank.

5.3 Recommendation
In the conclusion, the researcher was discovered some problem; which affect the service
quality of debub global bank. Therefore, some recommendation in order to achieve their

For the organization, it is recommendable to develop marketing communication of the

service offering like coupon, in order to change the customer neutral attitude to wards the

 It is advisable to the bank to increase horizontal communication and managing of

customer expectation.
 It is advisable to the organization to avoid over promises in order to satisfy their actual
and potential customer in the organization by keeping the promise.
 It Is recommendable to the organization to increase physical evidence or tantalizing the
service, because new customer’s judge quality based on the tangible equipment.
 It is advisable to the organization to give special attention for its customer specially in
the holiday.

 It is advisable to the bank to practice check in and check out to keep safety of the
customer and the bank


Alazar.A .(2000). Principle of marketing 1st Ed, Addis Ababa Ethiopia, published AA
American society for quality control (2010) 1st Ed, quality service and satisfaction
Bhatia, C.( 2004). 3rd Ed. Service quality and satisfaction
Chairman, N. (1998) service marketing prentice 2nd Ed. Hall. Englewood Elif. New Jersey.
Mohammed,S.( 2002), service quality management in hospitality 3 rd Ed. Truism and
Molla, W. (2009) Ethiopian Bank and local tourist 1st Ed. Service quality and customer
Peter,A. (200). Service performance short falls of expectation and customer
dissatisfaction 2nd Ed. Service quality and customer satisfaction.

Hawassa university

College of business and economics

Department of marketing management


Dear respondent:

This questionnaire is prepared by under graduate student of marketing management Hawassa

university on the title ‘’ impact of service quality on customer satisfaction’’ in case of debub
global bank, Hawassa city. for the success of this study each of your answer will have a great
contribution. Thus you are kindly requested to contribute for the study by filling the
questionnaire honestly. Accordingly please put ‘’X’’ mark I box that fit your response and write
your response in the space provided for open ended questions.

Part 1: personal information

1. Gender of respondent: male □ female□

2. Age: 18-25 □ 25-30□

31-35 □ 35-40□

41-50□ above 50□

3. Education level: high school complete□ diploma□

Degree □ Masters degree □
4. What is your occupation: merchant□ civil servant □

Private □ organization employee□ other□

Part 2: research question to be filled by customer

5. For how long have you been using debub global bank?

<2 year □ 2-4 year□

5-10 year□ >10 year □

6. What is your attitude towards organizations service quality?

Very good □ good □

Neutral □ bad □
Very bad □
7. Please indicate that how the quality of the bank when compared to other bank?

Better □ about the same □

Relatively less □ bad □

8. What is your ground to prefer the bank other than bank?

Good quality □ good approach of employee □

Fair service delivery□ other □

9. How does the bank increase the customer satisfaction?

By improving the service quality of the bank□
By good approach with the customer □
By improving the safety of the service □

Others (specify)…………………………………………………………………………..
10. Do you give any recommendation for the bank to improve the quality and deliver
superior service to the customer?

Yes □ No□

11. How you see employee of the bank and their courtesy?

Excellent □ very good □

Good □ fair □

Poor □

12. How do you see the level of satisfaction that you get from the bank?

Very satisfied□ satisfied □

Less satisfied □
13. Are you satisfied with the service of debub global bank?

Yes □ No□

14. For question 13, if your answer is ‘’no’’ what is the reason behind
15. How do you get the bank actual service in relation with your expectation?

Higher than expected □ lower than expected □

Match with expected □ no response □

16. How do you rate the communication skills of service provider of the bank?

Excellent □ very good □

Good □ fair □

Poor □

Part 3: questionnaire for the bank employee

1. What look like a banks service quality in related to other branch’s?

Excellent □ very good □

Good □ less than □

Equal □ poor □

2. In your bank, do you believe that it gives all service that are given by other bank?
YES, NO, if you say yes in which of the following?

Interest free banking system □

Your account saving service □

Women account saving service□

All of the service are given by the above □

If your answer is no, please write your answer


3. Do you believe that your banking is fast than other banks? YES, NO, if you say yes
in which of the following?

With paying money which is send from other banks □

With sending money to other bank□


With giving foreign exchange service □

With giving long service□

In all of the above □

If no, give your answer below………………………………………………………………………..

4. How do you describe your customer attitude towards your service giving

They are too happy □

They are somewhat happy □

They are not happy □

I do not know about their attitude □

5. How much times do you give your service per day?

4-5hr □ 6-7hr □ 8-10hr□ >10hr □

6. Which mechanism did you good to increase the service quality your banks?

Being punctual □
being courtesy □
Being smile □

7.Which additional service did you get doing your work time in the bank?

Transportation service □ home service □

On the job training □ all of them□

8.How do you describe your job satisfaction in the bank?

I am very happy □ I am not very happy□


I am not happy totally □ it is difficult to describe to me □

9.In which of the following items, you are dissatisfied when in performing your service?

Working area of the bank □

Pressing habit of the work□
Service tools of the bank□
All are dissatisfied to me□
10.How do you communicate with you supervisor?

Through physical contact □

Through using post □

Through e-mail□

Through fax□

Part 4: interview for manager

1. What method did you use to improve your bank service?

2. What your bank look like by introducing and using new technologies in related to other
3. In related to improving your bank service, which technologies introduce to your
4. How it would be describe your bank by its potential to buy new technologies?
5. How it would be described your employees performance in related to using new
technologies and computer?

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