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CSC435/ProjectSpecification/Oct’21 – Feb’22

GUI MINI PROJECT: An Application System Development using JAVA Program

(Group mini project – 4 persons / group)

A. Project Description:
Assume that you have a company that need an application system that can manage any
transaction or process happen in the company whether online or stand alone system for
example managing inventory of the company, ordering product, ticket reservation,
booking system etc.

B. Project Requirements:

You need to develop an application system that based on the company requirements.
The system should have at least three (3) modules as given below:

a. Home (advertise company’s profile – product or services)

 Company name, logo and any other relevant information about the company
 Display all information about the relevant system that had been developed for
example the product(image, description, price etc)
b. A Form
 Create a suitable form based on system development for example ordering form
should have date, name of product, image, quantity to order, price etc
 Calculation for any suitable process for example total price that must be paid etc
c. A Receipt or summary about the task
 For example display receipt of purchase items with corresponding item price,
total price etc.

C. System Specification (B) and Implementation (coding):

1. Planning:
a. Each module can be design seperately using tab selection.
b. Design all classes that will be used.
2. Home: created to display product information. Use image, text, label
3. Form: create form appropriately that can store all information using array or text
file or any other method
4. Receipt : for example generate customer’s order receipt by listing all item
purchase and the total price. Information can be retrieve from the array or file
created in Order Placement Module.

Can use any platform of Java program that applying GUI components:
Must include the GUI basic class components such as JFrame, JLabel, JButton,
JTextField, JCheckBox, JRadioButton, and JPanel
May include JComboBox, JScrollPane, JList, JTextArea, and Jmenu

D. Final Tasks:
Demonstration by preparing slide presentation (10 – 20 pages) that contains the
 Project Title
 Name of member in the group and the task of each member
 Background of the system
CSC435/ProjectSpecification/Oct’21 – Feb’22

 Objective
 Platform used for implementation and why it been chosen?
 Screen design and GUI components used
 Conclusion
 References
 At the end of slide presentation, please write a paragraph/sentence that
explain your understanding about GUI in general

**Submit the handout of slide before doing the presentation.

E. Assessment Criteria:
Marks will be given based on the following criteria:
 Ability to follow the requirements given. (10%)
 Spirit of team works (collaborative work) (10%)
 Point delivery according to the above criteria given in D. (25%)
 Creativity in preparing the system/application. (25%)
 Functionality of the system / application (verification of the input and output if
necessary or suitable component to be tested). (25%) – demonstration will be doing
during presentation for every group
 Q and A session (5%)

Total Marks: 100% (Portion of 10% will be taken as part of course works)

DATELINE OF PRESENTATION (by appointment) before 28th January 2022.

You may set your appointment through any platform of live session by inviting
me to join the meeting later.
**No proposal required

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