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CABO 10,000

With SP-20 Pearson Pump Technology

Installation & Operating Instructions

Spectra Watermakers, Inc.

20 Mariposa Road, San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone 415-526-2780 Fax 415-526-2787
E-mail: [email protected]
November 2015
Table of Contents

Installation Instructions Page

Getting Started 5
Introduction 6
Installation and Setup 8
Plumbing and Controls 7
Plumbing Schematic 10

Initial Start-up 11
Normal Operation 13
Monitoring the System 17

Care and Maintenance

Maintenance 14
Long Term Storage 15
Winterizing 16
Membranes 17
Clean-in-Place Procedures 18
Troubleshooting 19

Wiring Diagram 21
Specifications 24
Pump Breakdown 25

Getting Started
Thank you for trusting Spectra Watermakers for your water purification needs. The
Spectra Cabo-10,000 comes equipped with the revolutionary Spectra Pearson Pump,
a unique high pressure pump with integrated energy recovery that allows users to puri-
fy up to 420 gallons of seawater per hour on as little as 3 Kilowatts. If properly in-
stalled and cared for, your system will provide you with years of high quality, potable,
fresh water.

Please take a moment to review this manual before

operating the machine and if you have any questions
Contact: [email protected]

Parts List:
 Cabo 10,000 Watermaker
 5 Micron Pre-filter Housing Assembly
 Power cable
 Installation manual
 Operators Log

Any shipping damage must be reported to the carrier within 24 hours of receipt,
so please inspect the contents of your shipment to ensure that all parts have ar-
rived undamaged. It is the responsibility of the receiver to report any missing or
damaged parts to Spectra within one week of taking delivery. Spectra is not re-
sponsible for claims made outside this one week window .

Introduction to your System

The Spectra Cabo-10,000 watermaker is designed for use in seagoing vessels or plat-
forms. Feed water must be supplied to the system a minimum of 20 gpm (76lpm) at
≈20psi (1.4 Bar) pressure. The machine separates the feed water into two streams;
product and brine. The brine stream contains the dissolved solids removed from the
product water. Brine flow may be as high as 13 gpm (50L/min) and should be dis-
charged above the waterline. The system requires a small amount of back pressure
on the brine stream so plumb the discharge accordingly. Long runs in solid tubing will
require a vacuum break so as to not create any suction at the brine discharge.

Cabo 10,000 frame is constructed of powder coated 304 stainless steel and
must be positively fixed in place. includes the Spectra Pearson Pump, Motor and Belt
drive system coupled to three 8” x 40” seawater membranes. All high pressure con-
nections between the membranes and the pump come pre-assembled and tested.
The high pressure hoses use 1” JIC 37 deg. flare fittings.

20” Pre-filter Housings are two 5 micron filter

housings plumbed in parallel. The filter housing
lids have a spring loaded “purge” button to re-
leased air from the filters. Do not install the filters
above any electrical devices as some water will be
spilled when changing the filters or purging air.

Note that filter housings should always be tight-

ened hand tight, do not use the wrench. If the
housing leaks when hand tightened then the o-
ring needs to be cleaned and greased (silicone
grease only). A small amount of silicone grease
on the threads will also help the housing to seal by
hand tightening.

Boost Pump assembly is to be in-

stalled below the water line in seagoing
vessels. The pump will fail if there is
any suction on the inlet so be sure the
pump is completely flooded at all times.
Land based systems will be supplied
with Jet pump (that have a suction head
limit of 10 ft.) or a well pump based on
the specific customer requirements.

Introduction to your System, cont….

The basic system layout and controls are shown in the picture below

Control Box The molded FRP watertight box contains the speed control and the safe-
ty control circuits. This module should be kept away from any water source or where it
could get sprayed or wet. Do not operate the machine with the control box open.
Should the need arise to open the electrical box after installation, use caution as there
is live AC in the box.

Note; For smooth and safe operation always open the pressure relief valve prior
to starting or stopping the watermaker. The pressure relief valve is always open
when there are chemicals in the system, failure to do so will damage the mem-

Front View Pressure Relief


1” Feed port/valve

Feed and Membrane

pressure gauges

1” Brine port/valve

Feed & Product flow gauges

3/4” Pressurized Fresh water in

3/4” Product water

Installation and Setup
Mounting and Service access: Your Cabo system is designed to be mounted on
a level surface and properly fixed in place. There are cleats supplied with the system
for mounting or holes can be drilled through the frame to bolt it into place.

Be sure to allow for service access to the unit, we recommend:

 A minimum of 40” (1m) to the right of the unit so membranes can be changed.
 A minimum of 24” (60cm) on the front and above the unit.

Cables and Hoses: Route all hoses and power cables in the most direct route
possible and do not allow hoses to kink or make excessive bends. Hoses should be
supported to take any load off the fittings to reduce leaks caused by vibration. Protect
all cables and hoses against chafing and size all wiring according to industry stand-
ards and local regulations. There is a 10 ft. length of SOJ power cord included (but not
connected) and a strain relief built into box.

CAUTION: Undersized or improperly terminated cabling can result in serious in-

jury or death. Always follow best industry practices when sizing, terminating,
and routing cables and hoses.

Feed Water Pump: The Supplied Jet pump

should be installed per the manufacturers recommen-
dations. It is pre-wired and has a plug connector in
the bottom of the feed pump control box.

An AcTech speed control for the feed pump is located in

the box on the left side of the unit. There is a three posi-
tion switch on the right side of the box that is; Off , full
speed or variable speed. The black knob above the
switch will adjust the pump speed when the switch is in
the variable speed position. Full speed in intended for
back-flushing the media filters.

INSTALLATION - Control System
Manual systems have simple
controls, momentary buttons for
priming the filters, start and stop.

The Prime button is a momentary

switch for the feed pump (run
variable speed setting).

The Start button does just that.

You need to hold the button
down until the Pearson Pump
comes up to full speed.

The Stop button will stop the sys-


The service switch will run the Pearson Pump only (no feed pump) on service speed
(about 1/2 speed or 10 gpm) for fresh water flushing, cleaning or pickling.

After the system is purged, use the brine discharge

valve to restrict the flow so the Brine Discharge
Gauge reads 20 psig (absolute pressure gauge).

There must be a vacuum break on the brine dis-

charge line and 3 to 5 psi of back pressure on the
brine discharge to allow for smooth pump operation.
The valves in the Pearson Pump are opened and
closed by small pressure differences and this back
pressure aids the pump function. A feed pressure
adjust may be necessary after the brine discharge
pressure is set.

Simplified Plumbing Layout

Feed Filter Flush Pearson Energy

Water Array Valve Recovery Pump

Boost Optional
Pump Media

Feed Water
Inlet High Pressure to High Pressure
Membranes Return

Pressurized Fresh
water from tank

Product water
to tank Membrane Array

Fresh Fresh water tank


New System Startup and Testing (Purging storage chemicals)
Use this procedure when starting a new system for the first time, when the last known
state of the system is unknown, or whenever the system contains Preservative or
cleaning chemicals.

Warning! Damage will occur if the purge sequence is bypassed and

the membrane is pressurized with storage chemical in it.

Note: Remove the tape over the Crankcase vent hole and check the oil level be-
fore operating the watermaker. Check the dip-stick to confirm the oil level is correct in the
crankcase. Spectra recommends 76 Super Synthetic Blend SAE 5W-30 (ILSAC GF-5).

Caution; Never operate the system with the belt guard removed or the control
boxes open as serious injury could occur.

1. First Check That:

 Feed water is available at the Feed
Water Inlet (see page 7). Confirm
both service valves are in the run
position as seen in the picture at
 Brine discharge is connected and
there are no restrictions on the line.
The brine discharge will contain a
small amount of propylene glycol (potable
antifreeze) until the purge cycle is
completed .
 Power is supplied to the control box
 The crankcase oil level has been checked
 Pressure Relief Valve is OPEN one full turn
2. Turn on main power switch (breaker) on control box.
 Boost pump switch to variable speed
 Adjust Feed Pump knob so there is 20 psi showing on the feed pres-
sure gauge
 Purge filters of air
3. Start the watermaker using the Service Switch on the control box.
 Bleed air from filters during startup. The unit will be running as the
service speed which is about 10 gpm of feed flow.
 Check the brine discharge for water flow. There should be no bubbles
anywhere in the intake hoses and the Pearson Pump should run
smoothly after priming (some knocking during start-up is normal). If
the pump continues to sound rough, find the reason before continuing!
Inspect the system for leaks.

New System Startup and Testing, cont...

4. Check again that air is purged from filters (buttons on top of filter housings).
5. Confirm there is water flowing from the brine discharge and Carefully inspect for
leaks over the entire system! Shut down the system and repair any leaks you
6. Allow the system to complete a 30 to 60 minute purge cycle to insure all chemicals
are eliminated from system (longer is always better).
7. After the purge cycle is complete, stop the system. Re-start by pressing the run
button holding it down until the pump comes up to speed. Be sure the fed pump is
running and adjust the speed if necessary so there is 20 psi showing on the feed
pressure gauge.
8. Close the brine discharge valve slightly so the gauge shows 20 psi (absolute) of
back pressure. A small amount of back pressure is necessary to allow the pump to
operate at peak performance.
9. Close the pressure relief valve.
11. Allow the system to run for an hour or so while you check for leaks.

Note that knocking in the system indicated either incorrect feed pressure or suc-
tion on the brine discharge. If the brine discharge gauge is reading less than 15
psig** or the feed pressure is less than 20 psi then an adjustment is required.

** This is an absolute pressure gauge that should be reading atmospheric pres-

sure of ≈ 15psig when the system is off.

Log Book
It is highly recommended you keep an accurate daily log (or at least weekly) of the op-
erating conditions. If any of the parameters change it may indicate that chemical treat-
ments or mechanical repairs are required. This is one of the best tools available for
troubleshooting any problems in the future.

 An increase in membrane pressure may indicate membrane fouling.

 A decrease in product water quality (higher ppm) may indicate membrane damage.
 A decrease in product water production may indicate Pearson pump damage or

Normal Operation
If the system is not running and you do not know how it was shut down it is best to as-
sume it needs to be purged. Running the system on feed water with the pressure relief
valve for 20-30 minutes will clear the system of anything that would harm the mem-

As a general rule always open the pressure relief valve prior to either starting or stop-
ping the system. When the system is stopped let the membrane pressure drop to zero
before restarting.

When in doubt open the pressure relief valve.

Over the lifespan of the system is will become important to understand the systems
past performance. Many troubleshooting questions start with “how has the system
been running in the past” so keeping a log of performance will be very helpful.

Log Book
It is highly recommended you keep an accurate daily log (or at least weekly) of the op-
erating conditions. If any of the parameters change it may indicate that chemical treat-
ments or mechanical repairs are required. This is one of the best tools available for
troubleshooting any problems in the future.

 An increase in membrane pressure may indicate membrane fouling.

 A decrease in product water quality (higher ppm) may indicate membrane damage.
 A decrease in product water production may indicate Pearson pump damage or

Periodically inspect the entire system for leaks and chafe on the tubing and hoses. Repair any
leaks as soon as possible. Check for corrosion around the fittings. If any rust appears,
remove, clean, and reassemble the fitting. Rust is a sign of crevice corrosion inside the fitting
and must be dealt with promptly.

Some salt crystal formation around the Spectra Pearson Pump mating surfaces is normal.
Wash down any salt encrusted areas with a damp cloth. Keep the watermaker clean, dry, and
salt free.

The Spectra Pearson Pump should have the plunger seals replaced annually, every 2,500
hours of operation, or when leaks are present, whichever comes first.

The 20 and 5 Micron Filters

A clogged filter will cause the controls to shut down the watermaker. Avoid letting the filters
get so dirty the unit shuts down automatically and check the Prefilter pressure drop frequently
during operation. Knowing the pressure drop across the filters is the best way to monitor filter
loading. If you only let the pressure drop get to 5 psi you can carefully rinse the filters, let them
dry and then reuse them. They will not last as long as when they are new but you can “clean”
them about 3 times.

After a filter change it may be necessary to expel the air from the feed line using the purge but-
tons, located on top of the filter housings.

When the system is put into storage, remove, rinse, and re-install new dry filters to impede cor-
rosion and fouling. Check frequently during operation.

The filters must be properly maintained to protect the Spectra Pearson Pump. Use only Spec-
tra approved filters.

Use silicone grease on the o-ring to ensure a proper seal between the filter bowl and lid. Do
not use a petroleum based product, such as petroleum jelly or mineral oil, as it will per-
manently damage the filter housing bowl.

The Crankcase
Change the crankcase oil every 5000 hours or if it begins to darken in color or become milky.
Milky oil indicates seal failure so replace seals if this happens. Use high quality synthetic mo-
tor oil. SAE 5W-30 or equivalent is recommended in most climates.

Belt Tension
The belt alignment and tension have been pre-set at the factory prior to shipping. Check both
tension and alignment weekly for signs of wear or slipping. You should just be able to twist the
belt 90 degrees when it is properly tensioned.

Replace the belt immediately if it looks worn or damaged, or if it cannot be properly tensioned.

Long Term Storage
If the machine will not be used for more than seven days it should be placed in Auto
store mode or treated with preservative. Spectra Watermakers SC-1 powdered pre-
servative may be used if there is no danger of freezing. Do not use other brands of
preservative, they will damage the equipment! If there is danger of freezing Pro-
pylene Glycol potable water antifreeze should be used instead of Spectra Watermak-
ers SC-1. The Pressure Relief Knob on the Spectra Pearson Pump must be open
while preservatives or cleaning compounds are present!

If SC-1 chemical is to be used: You will need 1 bag of SC-1, 5 gal. (38L) of chlo-
rine free water, and the system must have already been thoroughly flushed with fresh
water. The feed water supply must be shut off.

Mix the bag of SC-1 storage chemical into a bucket of the unchlorinated water, stir until
well dissolved. Warm water will allow the SC-1 to dissolve more quickly.

Attach the service hoses, place the open ends of the

hoses in the bucket and turn both the service valves to
SERVICE (valves in picture shown in run position)

Use the Service switch on the control panel to run the

pump and the preservative will begin to circulate. Cir-
culate the solution for about 20 minutes.

Turn the Service switch to off, remove the brine hose

from the bucket and put it to a drain.

Turn the Service switch to on again and pump the re-

maining solution out of the bucket to the drain. Turn
off the Service switch before the bucket is drained.

Turn both service valves to off (vertical) so no water

will circulate through the system. These valves will
need to be turned to the Run position so the system is
ready go through the Purge Cycle (see New System
Start up) when it is time to use the watermaker again.

Leave the pressure relief knob open. The watermaker can now be stored for up
to six months. If the machine has not been used for six months the preservative proce-
dure should be repeated.

Storing with Antifreeze

You will need approximately 8 US gal (30L) of Propylene Glycol potable water anti-
freeze*. The system must have been fresh water flushed thoroughly.

Open the Pressure Relief Knob on the Pearson Pump.

Attach the service hoses, place the open ends of

the hoses in the bucket and turn both the service
valves to SERVICE (valves in picture shown in run

Use the Service toggle switch on the front of the

control panel to run the pump.

Circulate the antifreeze for 20 minutes.

Turn both the service valves to the off position


Leave the pressure relief knob open.

The prefilter housings should be drained and new

filters installed.



We recommend a sign be placed on the frame

above the feedwater inlet and the brine discharge connections so the next per-
son knows what is required to restart the watermaker.


The Membranes
 Membranes need to be cleaned only when feed pressures have risen 10% or pro-
duction has dropped 10% due to fouling, or the product quality degrades. Causes
of fouling are: Biological growth that occurs when the system is left unused without
flushing or pickling, and mineral scaling if the feed water contains carbonates, sul-
fates, silicates or other sparingly soluble salts. Colloidal particles can also clog the
membrane. Monitor the product salinity and feed pressure for higher than normal
readings for the conditions. Look for all other causes before cleaning the mem-
brane, i.e. feed water temperature and salinity, pump speed, hose restrictions,
membrane life can be shortened by unnecessary cleaning.

 There are two types of cleaners: acid and alkaline. The acid cleaner (SC-3) will re-
move mineral scaling. The alkaline cleaner (SC-2) is used to remove biological by-
products, oil, and dirt particles that get past the pre-filters. The acid cleaner should
be used first. If the membrane fails to respond to both cleanings, this is an indica-
tion of another problem with the system, or that it is time to replace the membrane.
Contact Spectra Watermakers before removing a membrane.

Membrane Cleaning
For normal cleaning, the SC-3 Acid Cleaning Compound is used first, then the SC-2
Alkaline Cleaning Compound, if necessary. If known bio-fouling is present, the SC-2
may be used first. Using warm water if possible, up to 120°F (50ºC) is recommended
as it greatly enhances the ability of the cleaners to do their jobs.

Note: Procedures are the same for the SC-2 and SC-3 cleaners

Warning! The pressure relief valve on the Spectra Pearson Pump must be open
for this procedure or membrane damage may result.

Spectra Cleaning Compounds (SC-2 or SC-3) must be mixed with unchlorinated fresh
water at a ratio of two containers (16oz. Total) of compound to 10 gallons (45L) of wa-
ter to have the proper solution. An LB 10,000 system has about 8 gallons of water inside
it (after being flushed with fresh water so with about two gallons of water in a 5 gallon
bucket you will use two containers (16oz) either of compound.

SC-2 and SC-3 are never mixed together. Do not use them for storage pickling solution.

Cleaning Procedure:

You will need 10 gal (38 L) of chlorine free water and the system must have already
been thoroughly flushed. Mix the bag of Spectra Watermakers cleaning chemical into
the water and stir until well dissolved. Some chemical may remain out of solution in
the bucket, this is normal.

Open the Pressure Relief Valve on the Pearson Pump.

You will need 1 bag of the cleaning chemical to be used, 10 gal. (38L) of chlorine free
water, and the system must have already been thoroughly flushed. The feed water
supply must be shut off.

Mix the bag of Spectra Watermakers cleaning chemical into a bucket of the unchlorin-
ated water, stir until well dissolved.

Attach the service hoses, place the open ends of

the hoses in the bucket and turn both the service
valves to SERVICE (valves in picture shown in run

Use the Service toggle switch on the front of the

control panel to run the pump.

Circulate cleaning chemicals for up to 6 hours de-

pending on the level of fouling present (contact
Tech Support for advise on cleaning).

Turn both the service valves to the off position


Leave the pressure relief knob open.

The prefilter housings should be drained and new

filters installed.

Leave the pressure relief knob open. The watermaker can now be stored for up
to six months. If the machine has not been used for six months the preservative proce-
dure should be repeated.

Symptom Cause Resolution

Pump Knocks Loudly Incorrect Boost Pressure Increase or Decrease boost

pressure as appropriate
Check Pre-filtration for

Inadequate Feed Water Check Supply Pump for

Supply proper operation and ade-
quate flow through pre-
filtration system

Suction on brine discharge A vacuum break (air gap) or

a small restriction on the
brine discharge (2-5 psi)
can reduce knocking

Belt Skipping Teeth on Belt Too Loose Tighten Belt

Motor Turning Wrong Direc- Run motor in reverse direc-
tion tion by swapping T1 and T2
on VFD Output terminals
(AC Systems Only)

Permeate Flow Decreasing Permeate Flow Meter Not Calibrate permeate flow
Calibrated meter

Worn High Pressure Seals Replace seals

Worn Damper Piston Seal Replace Damper Piston and


Worn Piston Seals Replace Pistons and Seals

High Membrane Pressure Check membrane pressure

against nominal system pa-

Recovery Ratio Increasing Worn Pistons Replace Pistons and seals

Permeate Flow Meter Not Calibrate permeate flow

Calibrated meter

Symptom Cause Resolution
High Power Consumption High Membrane Pres- Check membrane pressure
(Decreased Energy Efficiency) sure against nominal system pa-

Check Supply Pump for prop-

Low Boost Pressure er operation and adequate
flow through pre-filtration sys-

Test motor, replace if neces-

Motor Problems sary

Change oil
Water in crankcase
Pump will not run from MPC No Power to Control Check All Breakers and Con-
control inputs Box firm Voltage at MPC board

Speed control fault Speed control display should

change when running.

Bad Switch/Broken Replace Switch and Re-

Wire terminate wires

Alarms - Check Pre-Filter Clogged Pre-Filters Replace Filters

Alarms - Check Pre-Filter “Clean Pressure” on Adjust “Clean Pressure”

MPC setting incorrect seting on MPC (see Program-
ming from Display)

Cannot properly adjust Clean Insufficient Boost Adjust Boost Pump Pressure
Pressure setting Pressure and address any pressure
drop in intake line

Pump Won’t Run Motor Problem Check AcTech VFD for error
codes, display should change
if manual run or service
switch is used

VFD Problem Check all wiring

Check VFD for error codes

Connector Pin Locations and speed control settings

Boost Pump Speed control

Electrical Input

240 volt systems: 208-240 volts single or three phase 50/60 Hz 19.5 amps max**

** includes boost pump

Power consumption will vary depending on feed water conditions and motor RPM. Do
Not Exceed Factory Recommended Max/Min values.**

Feed Water Supply

Minimum Pressure after filters: 10 psi, .7 bar

Maximum Pressure after filters*: 20 psi, 1.4 bar

Flow Rate: 20gpm, 76 L/min.

Total Dissolved solids: 0-45,000 mg/L

pH range: 4-11

Continuous free chlorine: 0 ppm

Temperature: 0° to 45° C

Turbidity: 1 NTU max

Silt Density Index: 1 max (after pre-filtration)


Rejection: 99.5%

Flow: 6.5—7.2 gpm, 24.5—27.25 lpm


O-rings and seals: Dow Corning Silicon Lubricant

CAT Crankcase: 5W-30 or equivalent synthetic motor oil


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