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Globes and Maps

Lesson 1Class Notes

I. Keywords

1. thematic map

2. tourist map

3. landform

4. boundary

5. scale

II. Short answers

1. Define a map. What are the different types of maps?

Ans: A map is a drawing of the earth on a flat surface, such as paper.

The different types of maps are

i) Physical maps,

ii)Political maps,

iii)Thematic maps,

iv)Weather maps and

v)Tourist maps.

2. What does a physical map show?

Ans: A physical map shows mountains, rivers, plateaus, lakes, deserts and other

3. How is a key useful in a map?

Ans: A key or legend explains the meaning of the symbols or colours used on a map.

4. What is a scale?

Ans : The ratio of the distance between two places on a map to the actual distance
between these two places on the ground is called a scale.

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5. Why do people carry a tourist map with them while visiting a new city?

Ans: People carry a tourist map with them while visiting a new city because it helps
them to identify and locate important places.

III. Long Answers

1. What are the essential components of a map? Discuss any four in brief.

Ans: The essential components of a map are

 Directions,

 Symbols,

 Scale,

 Key or legend and

 Grid.

i) Directions:

Directions help us to locate places. Maps usually have ↑N to show the north


Symbols such as icons, letters, and lines, are used on a map to show roads, railways
and many other things.


A map is drawn to scale because it is not possible to show the actual distance
between two places on earth on a piece of paper.


A key or legend explains the meaning of the symbols or colours used on a map.

2. List the main differences between a globe and a map.

A globe A map

i) A globe is a model of the earth. i) A map is a drawing of the earth.

ii) A globe shows countries, continents and ii) A map shows information such as forests,
oceans. agriculture and industries of a particular
region in detail.

iii) Some globes are heavy and cannot be iii) A map can be folded and carried
carried from one place to another easily. anywhere easily.

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