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Procedures for music failure during the routine due to technical failure:
1. The gymnast may continue her routine. Upon completion of the routine, gymnast and coach
must decide whether to repeat the routine or accept the score that is given. The judges will post
no score until that decision is made. No deduction would be taken for the absence of music.
2. The gymnast may stop her performance immediately and request permission from the Chief
Judge to repeat her routine or to continue from the point of interruption. Once permission
is given, the gymnast would perform again (either from the point of interruption or the
entire exercise) after a reasonable amount of rest time. No score would be given for the
partial routine.
C. Floor Exercise music must be recorded digitally. Meet Directors of all sanctioned events must
provide options to play only digital copies of music (MP3 players, computers, tablets, etc.) and
are no longer required to provide compact disc players.
• These electronic devices must have a display screen and must be on airplane mode, when


A. If the gymnast touches any part of her body outside of the prescribed area, she will receive a
0.10 deduction each time.
1. On surfaces where the Floor area is marked by two different colors, if any part of the body
touches the outside color, it is considered out of bounds.
• It is permissible to place small pieces of tape (of the same color as the floor area carpet) at the
inside corners of the boundary to assist the gymnast’s awareness of the actual boundary.
2. If the gymnast steps on (but not over) the line, she is not out of bounds.
B. The Chief Judge takes the deduction of 0.10 for line violation from the average score.
C. If the gymnast also falls while out of bounds, each judge must deduct 0.50 for the fall and the
Chief Judge would deduct the 0.10 line deduction from the average score.
D. The take-off for an element must be performed while inside the boundary line in order for
the element to be recognized and receive Value-Part credit. (Not applicable to compulsory
• For Levels 6-10, if the take-off for an element is outside of the Floor Exercise boundary line,
no Value-Part credit is awarded; therefore, the element cannot be used to fulfill a Special
Requirement or for a Connection Value or “D/E” Bonus.
E. If two auxiliary judges act as line judges, they should be seated at opposite corners in order to
view two lines each.
F. If there are no auxiliary line judges, the Chief and panel judge(s) must also watch for line
violations and indicate such by raising their hand.
G. Line violations should be indicated in writing by the line judge (or the panel judge) and
submitted to the Chief Judge. The deduction must be communicated to the coach either verbally
or by visual means.


A. For Levels 6-10, no deduction is applied if a coach inadvertently steps into the corner area of the
Floor Exercise mat when placing, adjusting the placement of, or removing the mat.
• No deduction is applied if the coach enters the Floor Exercise area during the exercise to remove
any object (such as a hair clips, eyeglasses, etc.) which may impede or endanger the athlete.
B. The 0.50 deduction for the coach on the Floor Exercise area without physically assisting the
gymnast is applied only once, regardless of the number of times the coach enters the area.
(Applies to Level 6 and above.)
C. If the coach is on the Floor Exercise mat and assists the gymnast during an element:
1. Each judge deducts 0.50 for the “spot”.
2. If the gymnast falls after the “spot”, an additional 0.50 deduction is taken for the fall.
3. Value-Part credit, as well as Special Requirement and/or Bonus credit, if applicable, is NOT awarded.
4. The Chief Judge deducts 0.50 from the average score for “coach on the floor”.
231 Revised October 2016
D. If the coach is on the Floor Exercise mat and spots the gymnast upon the landing of an element:
1. Each judge deducts 0.50 for the “spot” on landing.
2. If the gymnast falls after the spot, deduct only 0.50. Do not deduct for both the “spot” and
the fall.
3. Award Value Part and Special Requirement credit, if applicable. No bonus is awarded.
4. The Chief Judge deducts 0.50 from average score for “coach on the floor”.
E. If a coach touches (or pushes) the gymnast when, or after, she lands an element to stop her
momentum, then only one 0.50 deduction would be applied.
1. In the event that the gymnast falls, do not deduct an additional 0.50 for the fall.
2. No Bonus would be awarded due to the spot.
3. If the gymnast steps over the boundary line, the Chief Judge deducts 0.10 from the average
F. Gymnasts and coaches are permitted to stand around the Floor Exercise area (and cheer),
provided that they do not obstruct the view of the judges and/or spectators.
• The Chief Judge would first warn the teammates/coach if there is obstruction. If it continues,
then apply the deduction of 0.20 for “unsportsmanlike conduct” to either the All Around
score of the individual gymnast who is creating the obstruction or to the team score of the
team in violation.


A. Any Floor Exercise element listed in the Jr. Olympic Code of Points or J.O. updates may receive
Value-Part credit two (2) times in an exercise, provided that the element occurs in a different
connection (that is, preceded and/or followed by a different element).
1. If a leap/jump/hop is performed that cannot be specifically found in the Jr. Olympic Code
of Points, the judge may award comparable Value-Part credit if they can recognize the
“root” skill. This would include variations of leg position as well as landing position of any
previously valued leap/jump/hop.
2. At Level 10, if the same “D” or “E” element is performed a second time, but in a different
a. It will receive Value-Part credit twice.
b. It is eligible for Connection Value Bonus each time (if applicable).
c. It is eligible for “D/E” Bonus only ONCE.
3. If the same element is performed a third time, or is performed a second time in the exact
same connection:
a. The Value-Part credit is NOT awarded.
b. Applicable execution and amplitude deductions are applied.
c. It may NOT be used to fulfill Special Requirements. It must receive Value-Part credit
in order to fulfill Special Requirements.
• This does not apply to round-offs, flic-flacs, or front handsprings in Acro series
with saltos. (See page 245).
d. It may NOT be considered for Connection Value Bonus (CV) since it does not receive
Value-Part credit.
Exception: Value-Part credit can be awarded for an element that is performed for the third time
if it was not previously awarded Value-Part credit because:
1) The element lacked completion the first or second time it was performed, or
2) The element was used in the exact same connection the second time it was

Revised Sept. 2014 232

e. If the gymnast performs a directly connected forward acro series with a salto as the
second element, but falls on her buttocks when performing the salto (bottoms of
the feet do not land first):
1) The Front salto does not receive Value-Part credit and therefore, the forward acro
Special Requirement is NOT fulfilled. Deduct 0.50 for missing the Special Requirement.
2) Deduct 0.50 for the fall and also deduct for any other applicable execution and amplitude
3. Dance passage with a minimum of two (2) Different group 1 elements (leaps, jumps,
hops), Directly or inDirectly connecteD, one of which is a leap (one foot take-off)
requiring a 180° cross or siDe split position.
a. See Special Requirement #3 for Levels 8, 9 and 10 for specific information.
b. One “C” dance element is allowed in the Level 7 Floor EXxercise. If a second “C” (or
more difficult) Group 1 dance element is performed within the Dance Passage:
1) Deduct 0.50 from the Start Value for the performance of a restricted element.
2) The Dance Passage Special Requirement is NOT fulfilled.
4. a minimum of 360° turn on one foot
The 360° turn must be completed in high relevé. If the gymnast drops her heel onto the floor
during the turn, the point at which the heel drops marks her degree of turn completion. The
deduction for incomplete turn is applied, as stated under Chapter III - Execution & Artistry.
a. If the gymnast achieves only a ¾ turn or less (90° or more deficient), deduct 0.50 for missing the
Special Requirement.
b. May be isolated or in a series.


1. acro series with a minimum of 3 Directly connecteD flight or non-flight acro elements,
with or without hanD support
2. one salto or aerial acro element (backwarD, forwarD or siDewarD)-isolated or in 2nd
different connection
3. Dance passage with a minimum of 2 Different group 1 elements, Directly
or inDirectly connecteD, one of which is a leap requiring a 180° cross or siDe
split position
4. a minimum of 360° turn on one foot
1. one acrobatic series with a minimum of 3 Directly connecteD flight or non-flight
acro elements) with or without hanD support
a. Acro elements may be flight or non-flight from Element Groups 5, 6, 7 or 8. The Roll
category (Group 4) may not be used to fulfill this Special Requirement.
• If a salto or aerial is used as one of the 3 directly connected acro elements, it may NOT
be considered to also fulfill #2 Special Requirement of one salto or aerial element.
b. If the three-element Acro series does not include an aerial or salto, the three directly
connected elements must all receive Value-part credit in order to fulfill this Special
c. The series will be considered broken and not eligible to fulfill the Special
Requirement if the following occurs:
1) A stop between the elements
2) Loss of balance, causing a stop between elements
3) Repositioning of the support leg
4) Extra step, hop or jump between elements
2. one salto or aerial element
a. May be backward, forward or sideward.
b. May be isolated or in a second acro connection.
c. If the salto or aerial does not land on the bottom of the feet first, it will not fulfill the
Special Requirement.

245 Revised October 2016

3. Dance passage with a minimum of two (2) Different group 1 elements (leaps, jumps,
hops), Directly or inDirectly connecteD, one of which is a leap (one foot take-off)
requiring a 180° cross or siDe split position.
a. See Special Requirement #3 for Levels 8, 9 and 10 for specific information.
b. If either of the required Group 1 dance elements are of “C” value (or more difficult),
1) Deduct 0.50 from the Start Value for the performance of a restricted element.
2) The Dance Passage Special Requirement is NOT fulfilled.
4. a minimum of 360° turn on one foot
The 360° turn must be completed in high relevé. If the gymnast drops her heel onto the floor
during the turn, the point at which the heel drops marks her degree of turn completion. The
deduction for incomplete turn is applied, as stated under Chapter 3 - Execution & Artistry.
a. If the gymnast achieves only a ¾ turn or less (90° or more deficient), deduct 0.50 for
missing the Special Requirement.
b. May be isolated or in a series.
c. An Illusion 1/1 (with brief touch of floor with one hand = “A”) or (without touching
floor with hand or free leg = B) may be used to fulfill the Level 6 and 7 Special
Requirement of a Minimum of 360° Turn on One Foot.


A. A dance element performed within an acro series will break the indirect acro connection.
1. It will not fulfill the Special Requirement of an acro series with two saltos.
2. It cannot be used for Connection Value Bonus for an indirect acro series.
EXAMPLE: Round-off, Flic-flac, Double salto backward tucked, Straddle jump, Front salto
The two salto series Special Requirement is NOT fulfilled. (Straddle jump breaks the
B. An acrobatic element may not be performed between the dance elements within the Dance
1. The acro element will break the Dance Passage.
2. It cannot be used for Connection Value Bonus (Direct connection of two dance elements).
EXAMPLE: Switch-leg leap + Flic-flac + Straddle jump 1/1

The Dance Passage Special Requirement is NOT fulfilled. (The Flic-flac breaks the passage.)


Note: Composition is not evaluated at Level 6 or 7.
a. lack of variety in choice of elements
1. failure to perform saltos or aerials in two Different Directions
(backwarD anD forwarD or siDewarD) 0.10
• Arabian saltos are considered forward saltos.
2. lack of variety in Dance elements
a. Overuse of dance elements with the same shape
- More than two elements with a wolf or tuck position with or without turn 0.10
- More than two straddle jumps, with or without turn 0.10
b. More than one leap/jump/hop to prone position each 0.10
c. Lack of a turn on one foot, minimum of “B” 0.20

Revised July 2015 246

b. Round-off, Flic-flac, Whipsalto (A), Whipsalto (A), Double salto
backward tucked (D)

7. C + C anD more Difficult +0.20

a. Salto backward with 1½ (540°) twist (C), Front salto stretched with
1/1 (360°) twist (C)

b. Salto backward stretched with 2/1 (720°) twist (C), Front salto tucked
with 1/1 (360°) twist (C)

c. Front salto stretched with 1/1 (360°) twist (C), Front salto stretched with
1/1 (360°) twist (C)

d. Front salto stretched with 1/1 (360°) twist (C), Front salto stretched with
1½ (180°) twist (D)

C. connections of two Dance or two Dance/acrobatic elements (or

1. Elements must be directly connected.
2. Acro elements must be saltos OR flight elements with or without hand support.
3. When evaluating a connection of two dance elements or a dance element connected to an
acrobatic element, if the gymnast lands the first element in plié on two feet, then she totally
straightens her legs and pliés again to initiate the jump into the next element, the total
straightening of the legs will break the series.
4. A turn directly connected to a jump (take-off from 2 feet), when performed in that order
only, is NOT eligible for Connection Value bonus.
However, a turn can be directly connected to a hop (one leg take-off). Also, a jump
from two feet landing on one foot can be directly connected to a turn.

a. Double turn (C) + Wolf hop with 1/1 (360°) turn (C) = OKAY for CV

b. Wolf Jump with 1/1 (360°) turn-land on one leg (C) + Double turn (C)
= OKAY for CV

c. Double turn (C) + Straddle jump with 1/1 (360°) turn (C) = NO CV

1. C + C - same or different element from group 1 or 2 +0.10

a. Switch-leg ring leap (C) + Tour jeté ring leap (C)

b. Front salto stretched with 1/1 twist (C) + Wolf Jump with 1/1 (360°) turn (C)

c. Double (720°) turn (C) + Double (720°) turn (C)

d. Cat leap with 1½ turn, Cat leap with 1½ turn

e. Straddle jump with 1/1 (360°) turn (Popa)

+ Straddle jump with 1/1 (360°) turn (Popa )

2. D-salto + A-jump (this orDer only) +0.10

• Round-off, Flic-flac, Double salto tucked (D) + Sissonne (A)

3. B + D/E +0.10

a. Switch-leg leap (B) + Cat leap with 2/1 (720°) turn (D)

b. Tuck jump 2/1 (720°) turn (D) + Flic-flac with 1/1 (360°) twist (B)

c. Round-off, flic-flac, Double salto backward tucked (D), Straddle jump (B),
Front salto tucked (A)

Award +0.10 for Acro/dance connection.

Note: No Connection Value Bonus is awarded for Indirect Acro connection of D + A. (The
Straddle jump breaks the connection.) It will also NOT fulfill the Special Requirement of a
two-salto series.

4) C + D/E or more Difficult +0.20

a. Wolf jump (2-foot take-off) with 1½ (540°) turn (D) + Schushunova
with 1/1 (360°) twist (C)

Revised October 2016 256

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