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Nakasusulat ng sulating batay sa Week 13-16 CS_FTV11/12WG-0m-o-

maingat, wasto, at angkop na 95
paggamit ng wika
Naisasaalang-alang ang etika sa CS_FTV11/12PU-0m-o-
binubuong tenikal-bokasyunal na 99

GRADE Level : Grade 12

Subject : Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion

Most Essential Learning Duration CG Code

Quarter Content Learner’s Output
1st prepares a plan and a focus on Week 1
I. Brainstorming for Research
Quarter Class Research Agenda issues and ideas in their
respective field
1st 1. Background of the formulates clearly the Week 2
Quarter problem statement of research
2. Conceptual problem
3. Research Hypothesis
(for quantitative
II. Identifying the Problem research)
and Asking the Question 4. Statement of the
5. Definition of terms
6. Importance of the
Scope and limitations of
the study
1st selects, cites and synthesizes Week 3-5
Quarter related literature
III. Reading on Related List of Related Literature uses sources according to
Studies Reviewed ethical standards (atleast 4-6
local and international

Most Essential Learning Duration CG Code

Quarter Content Learner’s Output
1st describes adequately research Week 6-8
1. Research design
Quarter design (either quantitative or
2. Population
qualitative), data gathering
IV. Understanding Ways to 3. Sampling method
instrument, sample, data
Collect Data 4. Data collection
collection and analysis
procedures, prepares data
gathering instrument
2nd 1. Interpretation of Data gathers and analyzes data with Week 1-2
Quarter V. Finding the Answers to the 2. Data analysis method intellectual honesty using
Research Questions Conceptualized Framework suitable techniques
for qualitative research
2nd 1. Summary of Findings forms logical conclusions Week 3
Quarter VI. Reporting Findings, 2. Conclusions makes recommendations
Drawing Conclusions and 3. Recommendations based on conclusions
Making Recommendations 4. List of References writes clear report
Written Research Report
2nd presents written research Week 4-5
Quarter 1. Draft Written Research report
Report for Oral revises written research report
VII. Sharing your Research Presentation based on suggestions and
Final Written Research recommendations of panelists
Report for Submission. submits final written research

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