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Technology Integration: A Mixed Methods Study of Best Practices of Technology

Integration as Perceived by Expert Middle School Teachers

A Dissertation by

Carliza Bataller

Brandman University

Irvine, California

School of Education

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership

August 2018

Committee in charge:

Cindy Petersen, Ed.D. Committee Chair

Keith Larick, Ed.D.

Donna Sonnenburg, Ed.D.

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Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership

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August 2018
Technology Integration: A Mixed Methods Study of Best Practices of Technology

Integration as perceived by Experts Middle School Teachers

Copyright © 2018

by Carliza Bataller


This paper would have never been written without the support, dedication, and

care of many individuals in my life. I want to acknowledge the amazing, Superintendent

Leader, Dr. Cindy Petersen. A person could not ask for a better chair. Her patience,

expertise, and feedback allowed me to take this paper from concept to completion. Her

understanding of what I wanted to do helped guide me when I began to get lost. I would

not have been able to accomplish this difficult challenge without her editing,

encouragement, and support. She is a true educator, lifelong learner, and an inspiration to

many students and future leaders.

To my cohort family, you have the patience of saints, the ability to turn an okay

idea into a better piece of writing, and the intellect people can only hope to have. I am

lucky to have you on my side and as friends. You all helped me each year to progress

through this program and help me craft my concept for this paper; for that I am so

grateful to have had you as a learning group and exemplar models of a leader. You are

brilliant and such a wonderful set of friends. It has been quite a journey one that I could

not have done without you.

Sharon Herpin I am so grateful for your help and carrying me through the finish

line. Your expertise is priceless, and I am forever grateful for your stellar direction and

finesse in guiding me to the end!

To my Professional work family, thank you for your patience as I struggled

through this program and used you as guinea pigs. You have taught me a lot and I am

incessantly grateful for everything each of you has done to support me. Everyone I work

with daily, I thank you for your mentorship, leadership, and encouragement. I am one

fortunate person!

Shirley Bargamento, Mom, you have given me the love for education and the

opportunity to receive it. I am so grateful to have you as my mom. You have given me

an amazing life, a stable home to grow up in, and the foundation of love in my home. I

have looked up to you as the person who has provided me with the best in life. Thank

you for all you have done over my life to get me to this day. Regino Bataller, dad, your

dreams for me carry me forward. Thank you for always believing in me and wanting

more for me even when I couldn’t see it!

Thank you to my brilliant and incredibly beautiful daughter, Raquel, her gifted,

kind, and wise husband, Mike (the best son-in-law the world) and my amazing, funny,

and incredible grandsons, Trent and Brock. You are my reasons for living, my heart and

soul, and the reason this world is so beautiful. You all motivate me to be better at

everything I do. I love you to infinity and beyond.

To all my family and friends, I could not have made it without you, your

unconditional love and support, and understanding that I was working on something new

and unknown to me and despite that you kept encouraging me and cheering me on. You

all have pushed me, prayed for me, and inspired me to accomplish what at times seemed

like the impossible. I thank God for the blessing of all of you and the learning I have and

continue to do.

To all of you, I am eternally grateful!


Technology Integration: A Mixed Methods Study of Best Practices of Technology

Integration as perceived by Experts Middle School Teachers

by Carliza Bataller

Purpose: The purpose of this mixed methods sequential explanatory study was to

identify and describe best practices in technology integration in middle school classrooms

as perceived by expert middle school teachers. Additionally, it was the purpose of the

study to determine the most important best practices and perceived barriers to successful

technology integration as perceived by expert middle school teachers.

Methodology: This study included a survey sent to 34 middle school teachers from five

counties in northern California who were considered experts in technology integration.

Data were gathered from the initial survey instrument and followed up by interviews with

participant volunteers.

Findings: Findings from this study suggested middle school best practices for technology

integration need to include equitable access, structure and clear limits, and content

mastery and 21st century skill development learned through project/problem-based,

student-centered inquiry utilizing a variety of technology applications and/or a learning

management system.

Conclusions: The conclusions from this study suggested successful middle school

technology integrated learning activities/lessons need to incorporate adolescent

developmental needs for students to thrive. Expert middle school technology integration

teachers stated the most important best practice was utilizing tech-infused, authentic,

real-world project/problem issues relevant to today’s world while incorporating core

content through learning opportunities engaging to adolescents.

Recommendations: Future research should include a correlational study to examine

frequency and type of technology use by teachers and students to identify any

relationships that exists, and to identify ways to increase the frequency of student

technology use in the classroom. Another recommendation is to conduct a

phenomenological study from the middle school student perspective regarding use of

technology both inside and beyond the school day. Conduct a multi-case mixed methods

explanatory study describing best practices for technology integration across three

identified levels (K-5, 6-8, 9-12) providing a more comprehensive perspective across the

K-12 system. A case study should be done of three high-performing middle schools to

identify and explore key technology integration practices teachers. Lastly, it is

recommended to conduct a mixed methods study of middle school principals who

deployed 1:1 initiatives to identify and describe the best practices for leading a 1:1

technology initiatives.


CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ 1
Background ................................................................................................................... 3
Globalization ........................................................................................................... 3
Globalization and Education ................................................................................... 3
Evolution of Education ........................................................................................... 4
Today’s Educational Environment ......................................................................... 5
Technology in Education ........................................................................................ 5
History of Technology Integration in U.S. Education ............................................ 6
Middle School History ............................................................................................ 7
Developmentally Unique Middle School Students ................................................. 7
Middle School Population: A Unique Generation of Digital Natives .................... 8
Technology Integration Best Practices Promote Changing Teacher Role .............. 8
Technology Integration Models and Standards of Practice .................................... 9
Technology Models .............................................................................................. 10
Technology Integration in Middle School ............................................................ 12
Barriers Causing Ineffective Technology Integration........................................... 14
Statement of the Research Problem ............................................................................ 16
Research Gap ........................................................................................................ 17
Purpose Statement ....................................................................................................... 18
Research Questions ..................................................................................................... 18
Significance of the Problem ........................................................................................ 18
Definitions................................................................................................................... 20
Delimitations ............................................................................................................... 21
Organization of the Study ........................................................................................... 22

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE .......................................................... 23

Globalization ............................................................................................................... 24
Globalization and Education ................................................................................. 25
Evolution of Education ............................................................................................... 28
What Happened in Education Over the Past Twenty Years ................................. 28
Today’s Educational Environment ....................................................................... 30
Technology Integration in Education.......................................................................... 31
History of Technology Integration in U.S. Education .......................................... 31
Middle School History ................................................................................................ 34
Developmentally Unique Middle School Students ............................................... 37
Middle School Population: A Unique Generation of Digital Natives .................. 41
Technology Integration Best Practices ....................................................................... 42
Technology Integration Promotes Changing Teacher Role .................................. 53
Technology Integration Models and Standards of Practice .................................. 56
Technology Integration Best Practices in in Middle School ...................................... 64
Effective Use of Computer and/or Web-Based Applications ............................... 64
Barriers to Technology Integration ............................................................................. 68
Access ................................................................................................................... 69
Vision .................................................................................................................... 71

Beliefs ................................................................................................................... 71
Time ...................................................................................................................... 72
Professional Development .................................................................................... 72
Summary ..................................................................................................................... 73

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY .................................................................................. 74

Purpose Statement ....................................................................................................... 74
Research Questions ..................................................................................................... 74
Research Design.......................................................................................................... 75
Quantitative Research ........................................................................................... 76
Qualitative Research ............................................................................................. 76
Population ................................................................................................................... 77
Sample......................................................................................................................... 79
Instrumentation ........................................................................................................... 81
Quantitative Instrumentation ................................................................................ 81
Qualitative Instrumentation .................................................................................. 82
Validity ................................................................................................................. 83
Reliability.............................................................................................................. 85
Data Collection ........................................................................................................... 86
Quantitative Data Collection................................................................................. 86
Qualitative Data Collection................................................................................... 87
Ethical Considerations .......................................................................................... 87
Data Analysis .............................................................................................................. 88
Quantitative Data Analysis ................................................................................... 89
Qualitative Data Analysis ..................................................................................... 89
Limitations .................................................................................................................. 90
Summary ..................................................................................................................... 91


Purpose Statement ....................................................................................................... 92
Research Questions ..................................................................................................... 93
Methodology ............................................................................................................... 93
Presentation and Analysis of Data .............................................................................. 94
Findings for Research Question 1 ......................................................................... 95
Findings for Research Question 2 ....................................................................... 104
Findings for Research Question 3 ....................................................................... 122
Summary ................................................................................................................... 125


Purpose and Research Questions .............................................................................. 126
Methodology ............................................................................................................. 127
Major Findings .......................................................................................................... 127
Unexpected Findings ................................................................................................ 138
Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 138
Implications for Action ............................................................................................. 141
Recommendations for Further Research ................................................................... 144
Concluding Remarks and Reflections ....................................................................... 145

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 148

APPENDICES ................................................................................................................ 177


Table 1. Expert Teacher Practices .................................................................................... 55

Table 2. Technology Integration Levels ........................................................................... 63

Table 3. Enrollment and Number of Public Schools by Type: 2014-15 ........................... 78

Table 4. County and Number of Middle Schools ............................................................. 79

Table 5. Frequency of Teacher and Student Technology Use .......................................... 95

Table 6. Teacher Modeling of Digital Citizenship ........................................................... 96

Table 7. Participant Use of Digital Tools and Resources (ISTE Standard 6) ................... 97

Table 8. Technology Used Interactively ........................................................................... 98

Table 9. Support of Student Learning Experiences and Assessments .............................. 99

Table 10. Student Use of Technology for Research and Problem-Solving .................... 100

Table 11. Technology Applications Used with Students ................................................ 101

Table 12. Adolescent Needs Addressed in the Classroom ............................................. 102

Table 13. Digital Generation Needs Addressed in the Classroom.................................. 103

Table 14. 21st Century Skills Addressed in the Classroom (ISTE Standards 1,3,4,5,7) . 104

Table 15. Importance of Modeling Digital Citizenship (ISTE Standards 1,2,7) ............ 105

Table 16. Practices Used to Support Success with Digital Tools and Resources ........... 107

Table 17. Practices to Support Student Success in Meeting the Learning Objectives ... 108

Table 18. Practices in Support of Effective Student Learning and Assessments ........... 109

Table 19. Technology for Research and Problem-Solving (ISTE Standards 3,4,5) ....... 111

Table 20. Addressing Needs of Adolescents (ISTE Standards 2,5) ............................... 113

Table 21. Addressing the Needs of the Digital Generation (ISTE Standards 1,6) ......... 116

Table 22. Addressing 21st Century Skills in the Classroom (ISTE Standards 3,5,7) ..... 116

Table 23. Most Successful Technology-Based Lesson/Learning Activity ..................... 118

Table 24. Reasons for Successful Technology Integrated Lessons ................................ 119

Table 25. Judging the Effectiveness of Lessons based on Student Achievement .......... 120

Table 26. Technology Tools Used for their Most Successful Lesson ............................ 121

Table 27. Skills Taught to Students to use Technology.................................................. 122

Table 28. Barriers to Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning ................... 123


Figure 1. How New Pedagogies are Different .................................................................. 26

Figure 2. TPACK Framework Interweaving Technology, Content, and Pedagogy ......... 58

Figure 3. Sequential Explanatory Mixed Methods Research Design. .............................. 75

Figure 4. Graphic Representation of Narrowing from Population to Sample. ................. 81


To give our children the chance to live out their dreams in a world that’s never been
more competitive, we will equip tens of thousands of schools, community colleges, and
public universities with 21st century classrooms, labs, and libraries. We’ll provide new
computers, new technology, and new training for teachers so that students in Chicago
and Boston can compete with kids in Beijing for the high-tech, high-wage jobs of the
—President Barack Obama

The 20th century exploded with technological breakthroughs and scientific

discoveries that changed history (Digital History, 2016). These changes now challenge

educators in how to provide the best education possible utilizing technology to enhance

the learning environment and support the development of college- and career-ready

students (EdTech Review, 2016). Educators need to embrace effective, current, and

emerging methodologies, innovations, and technologies as opportunities to support deep

levels of student engagement and learning (Edutopia, 2007; Hertz, 2010; Hew & Brush,

2007; Javeri & Persichitte, 2007). Most educators recognize education must mirror the

social and technological changes occurring and effectively apply them to students in a

developmentally appropriate manner (Javeri & Persichitte, 2007).

Over the last century, technology dramatically changed the way young people

live. Technology created new necessities and practices of aligning student expectations

of engagement in education, which took on myriad forms to meet the needs of students

known as digital natives, also known as Generation Z (Ito et al., 2008; Williams, 2015).

Students currently in middle school are identified as Generation Z digital natives due to

being raised during the age of digital innovations; they are familiar with computers, the

Internet, and computer applications from an early age (Ito et al., 2008). This generation

of students expects learning to be engaging and to provide explicit and implicit learning

experiences individualized at their level, while being integrated with technology in every

facet of their education (Nemko, 2014; Williams, 2015). This is the reality in

communities across the nation (Nemko, 2014). The time has come to support

transformation in the American educational system, where technology supports student

learning of critical skills wherein they are better prepared for the future.

Student lives are changing because of technology; to keep pace with these

changes, it is essential to align teaching and learning experiences relevant to students

(Horst et. al., 2008). These changes force educators to make decisions regarding

instructional practices in conjunction with the use of technology to ensure the greatest

impact on deeper learning environments (Fullan & Donnelly, 2013). These

environments must engage students to render positive results for student learning and

need daily examination (Dede, 2014). The problem is not whether to use technology,

but rather how technologies should be used to support instructional outcomes (Javeri &

Persichitte, 2007).

The best way to invest in new technologies for deeper learning is to begin by

acknowledging context matters and tools must be flexible enough to serve the given

school, teachers, students, curriculum, and culture (Fullan & Donnelly, 2013). In short,

such tools should be designed with local adaptations in mind (Dede, 2014; United States

Department of Education [USDE], 2010). A plethora of both potential and opportunities

exist to use technology to change the nature of learning, although the evidence of what

works is still emerging, which is why discovering best practices used by teacher experts

of technology integration in middles school classrooms is essential.


This section contains a brief overview of the literature to set the stage for the

research study. It begins with globalization and moves through globalization in

education, evolution of education, today’s educational environment, technology

integration, history of technology integration in education, middle school history,

developmentally unique middle school students, generation of digital natives,

technology integration best practices, technology integration models and standards of

practice, technology integration in middle school, and barriers causing ineffective

technology integration.


Scudero (2015) suggested economic globalization was the catalyst for change

mandating why teaching and learning can no longer be the skill development of the past.

This change driver makes it necessary to shift learning from preparation of skilled

factory work to work in a global society based on technology (Dede, 2014; Ferdig &

Kennedy, 2014; Scudero, 2015). Innovative uses of technology with access of all types

of information through the Internet accelerated the ability to communicate, exchange

commerce, and understand cultures, and it drives the world today in a knowledge

economy like never before (Burbules & Torres, 2000; Fullan, 2013; Wood, 2008).

Technology and the use of the Internet is expanding globalization and driving the need

to change education.

Globalization and Education

The previous century differed in the skill set needed to go to college and find a

job (Partnership for 21st Century Skills [P21], 2011). Prior to the 1960s, the workforce

provided jobs where employees were able to remain for their entire career. People held

the same position with the same company until they retired (Friedman & Mandelbaum,

2011; P21, 2011). With the combination of globalization and information technology,

the world changed, evolving into a global economy driven by innovative industries,

services, products, markets, and politics (Friedman & Mandelbaum, 2011; Mahunik,

2014). These changes resulted in an employment-poor society where the market expects

more for less, more products and service for less money, resulting in fewer jobs

(Friedman & Mandelbaum, 2011; P21, 2011). “The need for different societies to

compete in a world where knowledge is a principle currency has turned the organization

and purpose of education systems into key factors for relative competitiveness”

(Welmond, 2002, p. 39).

Evolution of Education

Over the past 50 years, the pendulum of changes in education went from no

standards, to recognizing the need for standards, to extreme accountability measures

under No Child Left Behind (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2014). To equalize education

nationwide and ensure equitable educational opportunities for all students, passing the

test became the focus, which resulted in loss of skill development that led to college

and/or career (Friedman & Mandelbaum, 2011). Students were faced with having to

remediate their education to meet the needs of the workforce to get a job or be accepted

into college to compete in the global market place (Freidman & Mandelbaum, 2011;

USDE, 2010). In other words, the public school system was missing the mark in

preparing U.S. students to be college- and career-ready (P21, 2011).

Today’s Educational Environment

America’s public schools continued to grow in population of students (USDE,

2010), but fundamentally little else changed. Traditional constructs include fixed

grades, rigid curriculum, and teachers who are keepers and distributors of knowledge

(Fullan, 2013; Goleman & Senge, 2014). America’s public schools are tasked to

educate diverse students despite increasing class sizes, persistent poverty, educational

inequality, widening achievement gaps, changing family patterns, inadequate

community supports, limited technology, cultural diversity, English language learners,

safety issues, and changing demographics (Darling-Hammond, 2010).

The challenge of meeting the individual needs of a whole child while

differentiating instruction and integrating technology is creating innovations for teaching

and learning at a time when the nation is struggling to yield a productive, skilled

workforce to compete in a rapidly changing global community (Darling-Hammond,

2010). These struggles and challenges stimulate education technology policies to

support development of an innovative and effective public education system to provide

students with the skills to compete in the 21st century global economy (Darling-

Hammond, 2010; Wenglinski, 2005).

Technology in Education

Technological advances brought about many design changes and new methods to

education (Windschitl & Sahl, 2002). The use of technology in the classroom changed

significantly over the past few decades from its beginning in the 1960s (Becker, 2001).

Regarding hardware, the public education system went from no computers, to one

computer in an entire school, to computer labs, and evolving more recently toward a

one-to-one student to computer ratio (Becker, 2001). Technology innovations and

integrations rapidly changed in the last 20 years; prior to the Internet, technology in the

classroom consisted of films or visual and auditory aids. After the 1970s, computers

started entering schools and now Internet enabled devices are in the hands of students

(Gray, Thomas, & Lewis, 2010). The need to continue to change learning in classrooms

to match the world students will live in is essential, and to discover how and what that

looks like specifically at the middle school level could greatly help.

History of Technology Integration in U.S. Education

The last 20 years represented a boom of educational technology integration,

which grew in use and availability with Internet access and more powerful computers

(Chung, 2007). Prior to the Internet, technology in the classroom consisted of visual

aids used on an overhead projector, films seen on movie cameras shared among

buildings, and/or lantern slides that provided pictures to enhance the topic of learning.

The use of radios, videocassette recorders, and televisions supported the delivery of

instruction into the learning environment (Chung, 2007). In the 1960s, the visionary

work of coding with students became the catalyst of integration of technology using

computers to enhance learning and its use in the classroom (Boss, 2011; Chung, 2007;

Reiser & Dempsey, 2007). After the 1970s, computers started entering schools and now

it is common practice for students to research on their own devices and use the Internet

to gather information (Boss, 2011). Technology innovations changed the tools used in

learning, evolving from one computer in the school to having devices in the hands of

each student with the goal of using one-to-one technology in conjunction with a learning

management system (International Society for Technology in Education [ISTE], 2016;

USDE, 2017).

Middle School History

Middle school education in the United States evolved from the one room

schoolhouse to divisions in grade level grouping based on developmental needs of

students (Gloer, 2007). The origins of United States educational grouping by

developmental needs led to the categorization into specific grade levels; elementary was

distributed over eight years and high school distributed into four levels (Yecke, 2005).

Middle school philosophy found its beginning in the early 1900s with the first

intermediate school constructed circa 1895; however, conservative researchers suggested

these schools called in-between schools first surfaced in the United States closer to the

1910s (Gloer, 2007). Middle school continues to evolve and success in academic arenas

are proving middle schools are remarkable academic institutions supporting the overall

wellbeing of students; results showed positive outcomes when focused on specific

evidenced-based practices in a nurturing environment inspired a love of learning and

stimulated curiosity, creative processes, and reasoning (Drolet & Arcand, 2012;

EdSource, 2010; Meyer, 2011; Piaget, 1952, 1960).

Developmentally Unique Middle School Students

Child development theorists described the ages of individuals from 11 to 18

years old as adolescence, a time when growth of strength, cognitive competencies, and

sense of purpose formed. Middle school focuses on the developmental needs of youths

in early adolescents, ages 10 to 14 (Lee & Smith, 1993). Through the developmental

process, many competing themes are evolving. These interdependent themes

adolescents struggled with are intellectual, biological, physiological, emotional, social,

and academical processes (Lee & Smith, 1993). Understanding adolescent development

is critical for adults and educators who support them in that they can continue to educate

young adults in their journey through these tumultuous years (Fitzgerald, 2005).

Middle School Population: A Unique Generation of Digital Natives

Another factor to consider is the generation of students currently in schools.

This upcoming generation is different from others who came before (Ito et al., 2008).

Advancements in information, communications, and technology changed how they live

(Buckingham, 2007; Ito, 2013; Ito et al., 2008; Velez, 2012). Social life is inundated

with social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn (Buckingham, 2007, Velez,

2012). People can view into the lives of each other quickly and regularly, without ever

physically being in each other’s presence (Ito et al., 2008). Technology is pervasive;

recognizing and including this in making education relevant to students as they grow

and prepare for the future is vital. Identifying best practices effective for middle school

technology integrated classrooms is a necessity (Simmons & Blythe, 2008; Strahan,

L'Esperance, & Van Hoose, 2009; Tanner, 1973).

Technology Integration Best Practices Promote Changing Teacher Role

The model of education where the teacher transmits information through lectures

and textbooks is ineffective for student learning (Bellanca & Brandt, 2010; Detwiller,

2007; Saavedra & Opfer, 2012; Velez, 2012). Additionally, the role of technology in the

classroom and effective use and implementation practices by educators is crucial to how

it influences student learning (Detwiller, 2007). Strategies such as inquiry-based and

problem-based learning take a different approach from the traditional classroom. These

new ways of teaching in a technology rich classroom foster a successful transition from

a teacher-centered environment to a learner-centered environment (Hirumi, 2002; Jones,

2006; Saulnier, 2008). Fullan and Donnelly (2013) identified the teacher role becoming

a change agent, an activator of learning. This role includes activities that involve

reciprocal teaching where teacher and student learn from each other, ongoing feedback,

verbal interactions, meta-cognition to make the thinking process explicit, and

challenging goals where both teacher and student participate in setting ambitious and

achievable goals.

Effective technology integration must happen across the curriculum in ways that

deepen and enhance the learning process (Fullan, 2013; Marzano, 2015). It must

support four key components of learning: (a) active engagement, (b) participation in

groups, (c) frequent interaction and feedback, and (d) connection to real-world experts

(Marzano, 2015). Effective technology integration is achieved when the use of

technology is routine and transparent, and when technology supports curricular goals

(Earle, 2002; Edutopia, 2014; Ertmer, 2005). Rose (2008) concluded, “More research

that highlights the best practices of teachers who use technology successfully…is

needed” (p. 116).

Technology Integration Models and Standards of Practice

Performance indicators are specific, measurable outcomes used to show

competency in a given area and can be used as a guide for goals to reach (Morphew,

2012). Examples of performance indicators aligned with the goals of preparing students

for college and career are the ISTE standards, which support the use of technology in

education. ISTE is an organization whose sole purpose is to support effective learning

through proper use of technology in education. It its work, ISTE developed

communities to establish standards to support teaching and learning through technology.

ISTE is a trusted resource for professional development, knowledge generation,

advocacy, and leadership for innovation to improve teaching, learning, and advancing

the effective use of technology in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 and teacher

education (Williamson & Redish, 2009). ISTE and the Center for Applied Research in

Educational Technology (CARET) developed National Educational Technology

Standards for Teachers (NETS) to guide and provide a level of professionalism and

support when integrating technology into the learning environment.

Technology Models

Technological pedagogical content and knowledge framework. Mishra and

Koehler (2008) put together a conceptual tool to assist teachers in planning lessons that

integrate technology at a deeper level. The Technological Pedagogical Content and

Knowledge (TPACK) framework provides greater depth of technology and its use with

content and pedagogy, recognizing these areas are seamless in use to provide effective

learning environments (Wetzel & Marshall, 2011). TPACK encompasses the

understanding that arises from multiple interactions with content, pedagogy, and

technological knowledge (Mishra & Koehler, 2008). The framework requires equal

attention to technology, pedagogy, and content in designing curriculum (Mishra &

Koehler, 2008). Additionally, TPACK is increasingly becoming a useful tool for

researching technology integration in education (Mishra, Koehler, & Kereluik, 2009;

Wetzel & Marshall, 2011).

SAMR model. Another conceptual tool helpful in clarifying teacher practices

with technology integration is the SAMR model developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura

(2012), educational consultant who focuses on transformative applications of

information technologies. Puentedura (2012) developed SAMR in the late 1980s to

assist with the question of what types of technology are best to use for optimal student

learning. SAMR stands for substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition.

These words build off Blooms Taxonomy to strengthen learning to higher levels of

thinking (Puentedura, 2012).

Curriculum developers and educators can utilize SAMR to verify if the lesson

design provides the level of academic rigor they were aiming for in the content objective

(Puentedura, 2012). The continuum of SAMR aligned and connected to the hierarchy of

Bloom’s Taxonomy, Webb’s Depth of Knowledge, and Costa’s Level of Questioning.

All these models of thinking help guide educators in developing lessons to meet desired

outcomes and guide what types of questions and activities to meet that goal (Schrock,

2013). SAMR is similar to these models and adds another level of depth incorporating

technology in to the analysis of a lesson.

Levels of teaching innovation. Dr. Chris Moersh first conceptualized the

Levels of Teaching Innovation (LoTi) framework in 1995. LoTi provides a tool for

curriculum developers, teachers, and educators to align technology implementation that

supports cognitively complex learning tasks (Moersh, 1995). The LoTi framework was

field-tested throughout the United States, with several iterations. Currently the

framework provides a fair approximation of teacher behaviors related to technology

implementation based on review of classroom use and type of learning activity (Moersh,

1995). LoTi and the other frameworks provide examples of technology integration tools

to support curriculum development with the use of technology.

Technology Integration in Middle School

As of 2009, Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project discovered

93% of American teens, ages 12 to 17, went online (Lenhart, Purcell, Smith, & Zickuhr,

2010). These data showed most students were online in one way or another. If being

online is common place to adolescents, incorporating it in the learning environment will

help keep students engaged, and engaged students apply themselves more resulting in

deeper learning (Magna & Marzano, 2014). Engagement in learning is essential for

knowledge acquisition and understanding (Casey, Giedd, & Thomas, 2000; Cennamo et

al., 2014). This highlights why using technology such as the Internet, social media, web

applications, and resources to engage students supports real-world learning experiences

that connect to their lives resulting in deeper learning, retention, and application of

knowledge (Harris, Mishra, & Koehler, 2009; Lenhart et al., 2010).

A study in 2008 asked 4,000 middle school students what they needed to be

engaged and academically successful in school (Spires, Lee, Turner, & Johnson, 2008).

The students reported using computers more in school and home and developing high

levels of computer skills could help (Spires et al., 2008). The study also supported

connecting to middle school student interests, although it did not detail what effective

practice would look like in the middle school classroom.

Petty (2012) noted technology was a successful avenue to meet middle school

student needs and help them be more engaged in cognitively complex tasks when used

effectively. Technology integration was categorized into three main strands: (1)

interactive, (2) learning experiences and assessment, and (3) research and problem-

solving. Petty (2012) found interactive applications provided learning activities that

accommodated middle school needs by providing physical activity, creative expression,

positive social interactions with adults and peers, frequent transitions, and social-based

activities in a media-rich environment. Providing a digital learning environment

encouraging active participation where students set, monitor, and manage their learning

to meet their goals empowers adolescents to take ownership of their learning and

progress (Dede, 2014; DiPetro, Ferdig, Black, Preston, 2008; Ertmer, 2005; Petty,


Digital resources that engaged and appealed to student developmental needs gave

students a voice and choice (New Pedagogies for Deeper Learning Global Partnership,

2014). Students need to become contributing participants in the learning design as goals

are set, which ensures learning outcomes are clear and processes involved to reach the

goal are attainable and understood (Lenz & Kingston, 2016). Furthermore, interactive

learning environments for effective technology integration need to sustain a climate and

culture for learning through differentiated tools and strategies so access to curricula is

available to all (New Pedagogies for Deeper Learning Global Partnership, 2014).

Educators today have the power to change the world in how they respond,

implement, and integrate emerging technology. However, with the use of technology

comes the resistance to change (DiPetro et al., 2008). Additionally, best practices are

still being defined and although many resources exist, how to best utilize resources for

effective technology integration in middle school remains unanswered (Godfrey, 2013;

Petty, 2012). Several different barriers may hinder effective technology integration and

implementation of best practices.

Barriers Causing Ineffective Technology Integration

Over the past decade, with the massive penetration of technology into

educational organizations, research findings as to the progress of supporting academic

achievement were disappointing (Avidov-Ungar & Eshet-Alkalai, 2014; Hew & Brush,

(2007). Avidov-Ungar and Eshet-Alkalai (2014) posited effectiveness of innovative

technology integration into educational organizations was lacking due to key factors

regarding pedagogical, cognitive, organizational, and affective challenges requiring

paradigmatic changes in culture. Many factors contribute to ineffective technology

integration, which range from attitudes, beliefs, institutional structures, scarcity of

resources and funding, lack of skills, lack of time, lack of technical support, and limited

knowledge (Boss, 2008; Ertmer, 1999; Hew & Brush, 2007). One barrier to effective

technology integration is its lack of quality implementation (Fullan, 2013). Students

need educators who effectively integrate technology with best practices and recognize

the difference between technology taking over the classroom versus effective integration

for deeper learning environments (Dede, 2014; Fullan, 2013).

The struggle of how and when to use technology are constant questions for

educators. Fullan (2013) described the struggle, sharing:

Figuring how to live and learn with gadgets is still a conundrum. This is

part of an early stage in a new more radical improvement cycle. Amid the

relentless proliferation of mobile devices is a new generation of teachers

who are embracing the use of classroom technology. (p. 11)

However, Fullan (2013) suggested that unless effectively used to engage students

and deepen learning in cognitively complex tasks, technology was ineffective. The goal

is to understand how to organize the use of ever expanding technologies that match

particular pedagogies, which requires evolutionary experimentation in what Fullan

(2013) called the sorting out processes. One of the steps to help with the sorting out

process is recognizing the work of technology and improvement of technology standards

to support effective integrated learning environments (Fullan, 2013).

Barriers to providing access to technology exist due to lack of resources. The

Leading Education by Advancing Digital (LEAD) Commission set forth to address and

reverse the growing inequities regarding digital learning access between high- and low-

income students and school districts (LEAD, 2012). Pew Internet & American Life

Project reported many digital tools are widely used in the classroom, but teachers worry

about inequity, creating digital divides when it came to student access to technology

(Purcell, Heaps, Buchanan, & Friedrich, 2013). Teachers are concerned and face many

obstacles when they bring technology to low-income students (Purcell et al., 2013).

Comcast (n.d.) created the Internet Essentials initiative to break down barriers to digital

literacy and affordability. The initiative allows industry leaders to collaborate with

government officials to provide families of students who receive free school lunches

with low cost Internet (Comcast, n.d.). The partnerships with Comcast helps further

close the digital divide.

Another barrier is teacher belief in their own capacity. In research compiled by

James (2009), teachers were categorized based on their beliefs, motivations, and

practices. Teachers who believed using technology in the classroom benefited student

learning and fit well with curriculum overcame barriers and used technology regularly.

However, teachers with a limited approach created a barrier in their own use based on

their perception. Attitudes and beliefs influence the day-to-day decisions and choices of

teachers regarding the integration of technology in the classroom (James, 2009).

Despite barriers that influence the successful integration of technology (e.g., lack of

funding, training, capacity, equipment), success still occurred (Fullan & Langworthy,


Statement of the Research Problem

Education continues to evolve to best prepare students to graduate from college

and be career ready (P21, 2008). However, with the current educational environment,

the public education system needs continued refinement to support the development of

graduates ready for college and/or career (21st Century Workforce Commission, 2000).

A nationwide survey of teachers and superintendents indicated the computer revolution

had tremendous impact in the classroom (Brush, 1997). The focus of the study was the

emphasis on student access to information outside the classroom and improved student

motivation, not on specific academic achievement (Brush, 1997).

Placing computers and software in classrooms is not enough and discovering

whether technology works in the classroom is not the primary point; the real concern is

when and under what circumstances technology is effective for engaging and supporting

deeper learning environments for student growth and understanding (Fullan, 2013).

Like any other resource, teachers must come up with pedagogy, practices, strategies, and

tools to make it work (Ertmer, 1999). Instructional technology holds a remarkable

promise for changing the quality of teaching and learning in schools when effectively

applied (Earle, 2002; Ertmer, 1999). However, not enough is known about best

practices to implement technology into middle school classrooms and the teacher skills

necessary to be successful (Fullan & Langworthy, 2014; Hew & Brush, 2007). The

research available regarding best practices in technology integration in middle school is

still needed.

To meet the ever-expanding needs of students growing up as digital natives and

provide them with skills to navigate the global world, teachers need innovative practices

of their own (Fullan, 2013). Research was conducted regarding how perception

impacted teacher technology integration (Boland & Oigara, 2008; Garthwait & Weller,

2005; James, 2009). James (2009) stated, “Pedagogy of educational technology is

necessary before the field can join the current educational reform movement” (p. 143).

Further research on what specific strategies, practices, and tools are effective in

technology integration is needed (Horn & Staker, 2014; Javeri, & Persichitte, 2007).

How and what is the best way to integrate technology in classrooms is still vague and


Research Gap

Margaret Honey at the Education Development Center testified before the U.S.

Senate that one could find ample empirical evidence that technology had a positive

impact with the right conditions in place (Honey, Culp, & Carrigg, 2000). She

concluded for technology to support real gains in educational outcomes, six factors must

be in place: leadership, solid educational objectives, professional development, adequate

technology resources, time, and evaluation (Honey et al., 2000). Additionally, Norris,

Smolka, and Soloway (2000), in a convergent analysis of technology studies, identified

critical conditions as access to technology and time on task, adequate teacher

preparation, effective curriculum, supportive school/district administration, and

supportive family. Although extensive literature and research exist regarding

technology integration, a gap was found regarding the combination of best practices and

middle school integration.

Purpose Statement

The purpose of this mixed methods sequential explanatory study was to identify

and describe best practices in technology integration in middle school classrooms as

perceived by expert middle school teachers. Additionally, it was the purpose of the

study to determine the most important best practices and perceived barriers to successful

technology integration as perceived by expert middle school teachers.

Research Questions

1. What are the best practices in technology integration in middle school

classrooms as perceived by expert middle school teachers?

2. What are the most important best practices in technology integration in

middle school classrooms as identified by expert middle school teachers?

3. What are barriers to successful technology integration in middle school

classrooms as perceived by expert middle school teachers?

Significance of the Problem

Schrum and Glasset (2006) stated education technology was widely available in

schools due to large investments over the past two decades; however, the literature

regarding best practices for implementation was limited. Technology is ubiquitous,

touching almost every part of people’s lives, communities, and homes. Yet most

schools lag far behind when it comes to integrating technology into classroom learning

(Christensen, 2011; Edutopia, 2014). Many are just beginning to explore the true

potential technology offers for teaching and learning (Christensen, 2009). Properly

used, technology could help students acquire skills needed to survive in a complex,

highly technological economy (Edutopia, 2014; Ito, 2013; Luckin, Bligh, Manches,

Ainsworth, Crook, & Noss, 2012; Wenglinsky, 2005). Integrating technology into

classroom instruction means more than teaching basic computer skills and software

programs in a separate computer class (Edutopia, 2014: Ertmer, 2005).

Technology is part of the permanent landscape in classrooms with widespread

implementation as significant practice continues to grow and evolve. Despite this

phenomenon, little research is available regarding best practices for technology

integration in middle school classrooms (Moeller & Reitzes, 2011). Some studies based

on best practices and technology integration are available. However, there is a gap in

the body of knowledge regarding best practices of technology integration used by

middle school teachers. This study intended to fill the gap in research regarding best

practice used by middle school teachers effective in technology integration.

Hargreaves and Fullan (2012) stated it was no longer enough to just highlight the

top practitioners in the teaching field, but to learn from them and build the capacity of

others. Hargreaves and Fullan (2012) called this the professional capital of the industry,

wherein effective systems are developed to maximize student learning. The current

research could assist middle school teachers to be more cognizant about how to

purposefully and successfully integrate technology based on the understanding and best

practices provided from expert practitioners in the field. It could also help identify how

expert technology integration teachers overcame barriers to implementation. This

research may also be utilized by educational leaders to best support middle school

educators in effective integration of technology. Middle school is a critical juncture

when students experience early adolescence and unique developmental needs (social,

emotional, and metacognitive). By embracing this unique space and researching best

practices of technology integration for middle schools, the researcher could support

teachers and impact the lives of middle school students.


Definitions of terms referenced throughout this study are defined as follows:

Best practices. Existing practices that already possess a high level of widely

agreed effectiveness (Hargreaves & Fullan, 2012).

Blended learning. Combining online learning with other methods of instruction

(Barbour et al., 2011; Watson, Murin, Vashaw, Gemin, & Rapp, 2010). Blended

learning is defined as any time a student learns in part from a supervised brick-and-

mortar location away from home and in part through online delivery with some element

of student control over time, place, path, and/or pace; often used synonymously with

hybrid learning (Horn & Staker, 2011).

Digital learning. Any type of learning facilitated by technology (Watson et al.,


Educational or instructional technology. Developing, using, and evaluating

technology practices and resources to improve learning (Januszewski & Molenda, 2008).

Expert middle school teacher. An expert middle school teacher is someone

teaching sixth, seventh, or eighth grades in a public school in California located within

the specified counties (Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, Sacramento, and Solano) who taught

for at least three years integrating technology. Experts also had specific training or

certifications in technology, held a leadership role in integrating technology, served as a

lead teacher, authored or presented papers on technology integration, and were

confirmed as an expert of technology integration by their principal or superintendent.

Online learning. Web-based instruction delivered by systems that include

software and provide a structured learning environment. The instruction can take place

over the Internet with the teacher and student separated geographically; used

interchangeably with virtual learning, cyber learning, and e-learning. (Barbour et al.,

2011; Watson et al., 2012).

Technology integration. The interweaving of technological resources

seamlessly throughout the curriculum, not just occasional use (Molenda, 2008).

Technology integration is the regular, daily use of digital devices (hardware and

software) for instruction in the learning environment to achieve student-learning

objectives and assess learning (Hew & Brush, 2007).

Technology tools (hardware and software). Tools used for instructional

purposes including computer systems, CD/DVDs, scanners, projection devices,

calculators, audio/video recorders, laptops, tablets, and digital devices (Rose, 2008).

Software components include Internet applications, programs, online learning

management systems, computer applications, and specialty programs (Heick, 204).


This study was delimited to expert middle school teachers in five counties within

northern California. More specifically, the study was delimitated to include expert

middle school teachers who integrate technology in their classrooms and met the

following criteria:

• Teaching sixth, seventh, or eighth grade in a public school located in

California within the specified five counties (Contra Costa, Marin, Napa,

Sacramento, and Solano)

• At least three years middle school experience teaching with technology

• Specific training or certifications in technology

• Leadership role in integrating technology; lead teacher, authored papers, or

presented at workshop or conference on technology integration

• Confirmed as an expert of technology integration by their principal or


Organization of the Study

This study begins with an overview of the problem, its significance within public

education specifically middle school classrooms, and the topic of best practices used by

expert teachers of middle school classes. Chapter II reviews existing literature regarding

the digital world and interconnectedness, and other relevant topics related to technology

integration and education. Chapter III is presented the research design, population,

sample, methods of data collection and analysis, limitations, validity and reliability of

the study design, and ethical considerations. Research findings are presented in Chapter

IV, including tables and narratives analyzing the findings of the study. Chapter five,

includes a summary of the study and a discussion of the major findings, unexpected

findings, and conclusions, as well as implications for actions, recommendations for

further research, and concluding remarks and reflections of the researcher.


This chapter begins with a brief introduction to the topic studied and an

explanation of major elements, variables, and subsections of research presented in the

review of the literature. A synthesis matrix was created to help organize the literature

studied and presented within this chapter (Appendix A).

Chapter II presents literature regarding globalization, history of education,

history of technology integration, best practices for technology integration, middle

school learners and their specific needs, technology best practices in middle school, and

barriers preventing successful technology integration. The first section details global

digital access and its effects on education in America’s public-school system,

highlighting the evolution of education and technology integration in the United States.

The next section discusses middle school learners and their developmental needs. The

third section focuses on information regarding technology integration best practices in

schools and middle school technology best practices. The fourth section covers barriers

influencing the use of technology in the learning environment.

Discovering, identifying, and clarifying best practices in technology integration

are essential to continue effective classroom technology integration and support

professional development programs. Technology integration is still in its infancy stages

and the need to identify best practices in middle school is essential (Pacansky-Brock,

2013). The purpose of this mixed methods sequential explanatory study was to identify

and describe best practices in technology integration in middle schools as perceived by

expert middle school teachers. Additionally, it was the purpose of this study to

determine the most important best practices and barriers to successful technology

integration as perceived by expert middle school teachers.


Information technology availability and ease of use provide interactions between

people and organizations of differing nations like never before (Fullan, 2013; Wood,

2008). The digital revolution is taking over the world and transforming work and daily

lives. Globalization continues to drive international economies, influence interactions

across the world, and impact structures, practices, and educational programs. Wood

(2008) defined globalization in an enlightening way using the analogy of the force from

the movie Star Wars. Wood (2008) explained globalization was like the force because it

is, “omnipresent, surrounding us and penetrating our institutions…with an energy field

of sorts, with an uncertain agency that binds the countries of the world together,

enthusiastically and reluctantly” (pp. 36-37).

Thomas Freidman (2005) in his book The World is Flat contended the

confluence of events flattened the world in a unified global community, knitting most

nations together and leveling the playing field of global competitiveness. Freidman

(2005) emphasized the need to prepare individuals to develop skills to navigate the

global world, utilize new technologies, maintain a growth mindset, adapt, participate,

contribute, and collaborate in a knowledge industry. However, globalization has its

down side in that it produces inequities and widens disparity between the haves and have

nots (Wood, 2008). An example of this is developed versus undeveloped nations;

undeveloped nations cannot even access the playing field and do not benefit from the

global capital of the knowledge economy, free trade, and inexpensive labor (Ghemawat,

2007). Whether globalization benefits a nation is dependent on the processes affecting

everyone in the world and requires an innovative approach regarding educational

purposes (Ghemawat, 2007).

Globalization and Education

The 20th century differed in the skill set needed to find a job or go to college

(Freidman & Mandelbaum, 2011). In the 20th century, people remained at the same job

most of their adult life (Fullan & Langworthy, 2014). Many had the same position with

the same company until they retired (Friedman & Mandelbaum, 2011; Partnership for

21st Century Learning [P21], 2011). With the combination of globalization and

information technology, the world evolved into a global economy driven by innovative

industries, services, products, markets, and politics (Friedman & Mandelbaum, 2011;

Mahunik, 2014). These changes resulted in an employment poor society where the

market expects more for less; more products and service for less money, resulting in

fewer jobs (Friedman & Mandelbaum, 2011; P21, 2011). “The need for different

societies to compete in a world where knowledge is a principle currency has turned the

organization and purpose of education systems into key factors for relative

competitiveness” (Welmond, 2002, p. 39). The change drivers of technology opening a

global society are pervasive, causing change in education. Fullan and Langworthy

(2014) explained this phenomenon as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. How New Pedagogies are Different. Source: Fullan and Langworthy (2014).

P21 (2011) came into existence in 2002, consisting of various technology

corporations, organizations, and public and private members who value the nation’s

workforce and saw the need to guide education to develop college- and career-ready

students. Collaborative partnerships between leaders in education, business,

communities, industry, and government comprise this organization (P21, 2011).

Examples of key partners include Microsoft, National Education Association, Apple,

Cisco Systems, ISTE, State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA),

and USDE. P21 and its members provide tools and resources to help the United States

education system clarify essential skills students need to be successful in college, career,

and life (P21, 2011). These partnerships created P21, providing the information of what

skill development is needed based on the global economy taking hold of the world today

and the need to change how and what is taught to today’s generation of students.

In this modern time, companies look for employees who demonstrate they are

critical thinkers, effective collaborators, creative innovators, and articulate

communicators (Friedman & Mandelbaum, 2011; P21, 2008; Petersen, 2010). P21

refers to a specific set of competencies as a 21st century skill and stresses how 21st

century skills are an essential requirement for students to succeed (Petersen, 2010).

These competencies include mastery in core subjects and 21st century learning themes,

media and technology literacy, learning and innovations skills, and life and career skills

(P21, 2008).

The framework developed by P21 (2011) contains six elements for 21st century

skills and learning. This framework describes what 21st century students need to be

successful in college, career, and life. Five elements of student outcomes identified by

P21 (2011) were:

• Mastery of Core Subjects

• 21st Century Content

• Learning and Critical Thinking Skills

• Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy

• Life and Career Skills

Employment sectors today are searching for individuals who can navigate

information and communication systems, while collaborating, problem solving, being

creative, and are innovative contributors to the organizations in which they work

(Friedman & Mandelbaum, 2011). Evidence supporting this can be found in cooperative

partnerships. For example, Cisco, Intel, and Microsoft collaborated to form Partners in

Education Transformation, which discovered the countries with the largest economies

have economic yield in innovation and production of information products. This

information drives the educational policies needed to provide students with a curriculum

that supports 21st century skill development integrated with technology (Friedman &

Mandelbaum, 2011; Velez, 2012).

Evolution of Education

The work of schools is demanding. The United States inherited the factory

model of education from the Industrial Age when schools were about training factory

workers en masse (Friedman & Mandelbaum, 2011; Goleman & Senge, 2014). To

maximize human potential and develop higher levels of learning and skills, today’s

educational application needs to include cultivating student innate potential.

Additionally, schools need to focus on growing human beings while building student

capacity. This would result in outcomes where students are learning how to think in

ways that provide diverse 21st century skill development to meet ever-changing global

workforce needs and be employable or able to move on to the next level of education

(Goleman & Senge, 2014; Mahunik, 2014). The challenge of improving quality

instruction with emerging technologies creates a new paradigm of teaching not solely

based on acquired knowledge (Goleman & Senge, 2014; Mahunik, 2014). Education

evolved over the years from the Industrial Age to the Global Age.

What Happened in Education Over the Past Twenty Years

Thirty-five years ago, the National Commission of Excellence in Education

(1983) informed policymakers of the quality of education of students in the United

States in their report, A Nation at Risk. Findings from this report indicated student

achievement scores were declining and far below the achievement levels of other

countries. American students were not developing higher order thinking skills or

meeting the demands needed for the workforce (National Commission on Excellence in

Education, 1983). Educational leaders took this report seriously and a call to action


Another recommendation stemming from the 1983 report was the development

of standards (National Commission of Excellence in Education, 1983). A Nation at Risk

reported two goals: (1) students in grades 4, 8, and 12 demonstrate proficiency in

English, mathematics, science, history, and geography by 2000; and (2) students were to

be first in the world’s achievement scores in math and science by 2000. To determine

criteria and compliance toward achievement of these goals, standards were needed in

content areas (National Commission of Excellence in Education, 1983).

Thus, the standards movement in education evolved and now impacts curriculum

designed, teaching, and learning. Prior to 1983, there was little discourse of standards in

education in the United States (Cennamo et al., 2014; Wenglinsky, 2005; Wong, 2012).

Efforts by national professional organizations in major content areas began to create

curricular standards for specific disciplines (Cennamo et al., 2014; Wenglinsky, 2005;

Wong, 2012). Standards define knowledge and skills students should gain during

kindergarten through 12th grade to graduate high school able to succeed in entry-level

college or career (Fletcher, Schaffhauser, & Levin, 2012). Additionally, standards

ensure parents and teachers have a common understanding of what students are expected

to learn and provide benchmarks for all students (SETDA, 2012).

Research reported a growing achievement gap of low-income and minority

students. No Child Left Behind (NCLB), enacted in 2001, was created to provide

accountability measures in the public school system. This was an attempt to require

consistent use of standards throughout the nation. Under NCLB, states were required to

administer assessments to measure student performance; these accountability measures

were to ensure federal funds were used as intended (W. Hayes, 2004; Peterson, 2010).

NCLB’s premise was to promote equity in education and support disadvantaged groups

(W. Hayes, 2004). Conversely, the need for students to meet growth targets put

emphasis on teaching to the test instead of critical thinking skills (Wagner, 2008).

However, employers and colleges continued to report students were ill-prepared

for college and career (P21, 2008). The global workforce thrives on a knowledge-based

service economy where workers need technology skills that include proficiencies in

communications, creativity, information literacy, collaboration, and problem-solving

(Friedman & Mandelbaum, 2011; Goleman & Senge, 2014; Mahunik, 2014; P21, 2011).

The growing emergence of a knowledge-based society generates an increasing need for

learning, creativity, and innovation (P21, 2011; Goleman & Senge, 2014; Wagner,


Today’s Educational Environment

America’s public schools consistently increased in student population over the

past decade (USDE, 2010). However, fundamentally little else changed (Fullan &

Langworthy, 2014). Constructs remained fixed grades, rigid curricula, and teachers as

the focus of the classroom and distributor of knowledge (Fullan, 2013; Goleman &

Senge, 2014). America’s public schools are tasked to educate increased numbers

diverse students who come with a host of other challenges such as (a) persistent poverty,

(b) changing family patterns, (c) inadequate community supports, (d) limited access to

technology, (e) limited English proficiency, and (f) safety concerns (Darling-Hammond,


Integrating technology in the classroom is creating innovations for teaching and

learning at a time when the nation is struggling to yield a productive, skilled workforce

to compete in a rapidly changing global community (Darling-Hammond, 2010). The

federal, state, and local budget deficits with uncertain funding challenge the educational

system (Darling-Hammond, 2010). These obstacles stimulate education technology

policies to support development of an innovative and effective public education system

to provide students with the skills to compete in the 21st century global economy

(Darling-Hammond, 2010; Wenglinski, 2005).

Education is shifting paradigms to new understandings of how people learn,

think, and think about learning, curriculum, and development of knowledge. New

technologies are leading the way to new teaching and learning in public schools

(Christensen, Horn, & Staker, 2013; Goleman & Senge, 2014; Mahunik, 2014).

Education changed significantly over the years. Where technology is used, research

findings on learner outcomes are vague with the need to clarify technology and its

purposeful use (Fullan & Langworthy, 2014).

Technology Integration in Education

History of Technology Integration in U.S. Education

Technological advances brought about innumerable aspects in design and new

methods in education (Becker, 2001). The use of technology in the classroom changed

significantly over the past few decades with its beginning circa 1960 (Becker, 2001).

Regarding hardware, the public education system went from no computers, to one

computer in an entire school, to computer labs, and evolving recently to a one-to-one

student to computer ratio (Becker, 2001). The first computer, possibly an Apple

computer, was used entirely for simple functions with limited student access, restricted

capacity, and minimal use (Dawson, 2010; Staples, Pugach, Himes, 2005; Windschitl &

Sahl, 2002). The boom of the educational technology integration movement grew based

on the availability, Internet access, and more powerful computers (Chung, 2007).

One example of software application use with students is from a Massachusetts

Institute of Technology professor, Seymour Papert, who was among the first to see the

potential of technology in the learning environment (Boss, 2011). In the 1960s Papert

and Jean Piaget, world-renowned Swiss psychologists, collaborated to develop a

computer programming language for students to engage in developing computer code

and write their own programs to understand mathematical concepts (Boss, 2011). Since

Papert’s work, computer applications and tools became widespread. Educational

technology integration movements in the 1990s had momentum, but policies to match

this momentum needed to be put in place to sustain meaningful, relevant use (Cuban,

2004; Ferending, 2003). Over the last two decades, the use of Internet and personal

computers in the classroom became commonplace (Chung, 2007). As with any new

concepts and/or tools, the concern regarding whether the integration of technology is

superficial comes to play (Cuban, 1993). Determining effectiveness along with policies

and practices to support technology integration is essential to sustain long-term growth

and meaningful learning. Policies to support effective use are emerging at a slow pace

and not progressing as quickly as students need (Becker, 2001; Cuban, Kirkpatrick, &

Peck, 2001).

Currently, computers and personal digital devices are used daily in the classroom

(Dawson, 2010). The educational challenge is how to best utilize effective teaching

practices along with technology implementation strategies for enhanced student learning

environments (Dawson, 2010; Ertmer, 1999; Luckin et al., 2012;). Mansilla and

Gardner (2009), theorists of multiple intelligences, stated the current challenge in

transforming educational policy as,

So long as we insist on teaching all students the same subjects in the same

way progress will be incremental. But now for the first time it is possible to

individualize education - to teach each person what he or she needs and

wants to know in ways that are most comfortable and most efficient. (p. 97)

This statement leads to further questions as to the subjects and skills needed for

21st century learners to succeed in the future and how teachers effectively provide

differentiated, individualized education utilizing technology. Clay Christensen (2011),

Harvard Business School professor and disruptive innovation expert, described

disruptive innovation as a process by which a product or service opens the door to non-

traditional changes to improve a system. In this book Disrupting Class, Christensen

(2011) described how education needs an immediate, abrupt infusion of technology in

public education to disrupt the system and improve learning. This disruptive innovation

supports how with technology, a new pedagogy is needed that incorporates technology

and supports effective learning and skill development useful in the 21st century

(Christensen, 2011; Fullan & Langworthy, 2014). Before addressing effective teaching

practices in technology integration, the next section discusses middle school history and

its origins.

Middle School History

The origins of U.S. educational grouping by developmental needs led to the

categorization into specific grade levels; elementary was distributed over eight years and

high school distributed into four levels (Yecke, 2005). Middle school philosophy found

its beginning in the early 1900s with the first intermediate school constructed about

1895; however conservative researchers suggested these schools called in-between

schools first surfaced in the education history of the United States closer to the 1910s

(Gloer, 2007). Harvard President Charles W. Eliot (1916) believed students needed to

be prepared for college at a younger age, and he fueled the push to separate older

elementary school students into their own building. The starting of preparation for

college at a younger age combined with the population boom resulting from the end of

World War I were the catalysts to encourage administrative processes supporting older

elementary students to have their own buildings (Brookfield, 1995; Wavering, 1995).

Although the foundation of middle level education’s purpose was to improve secondary

education, the face of middle level education changed radically over time (Alexander &

McEwin, 1989; Standish, 2008).

Initially, middle level education was configured with some variation across the

nation; school configurations included 6-8. 7-8, and 7-9, with some schools more

recently serving 5-8 in middle school. Research studies performed to evaluate middle

school effectiveness resulted in the need to bring about changes due to curriculum not

meeting age-specific developmental needs (Pardini, 2002; Weiss & Kipnes, 2006).

Historically, placement in classes caused students to be tracked (a practice of grouping

students of similar levels to develop together), resulting in students feeling disconnected

and harboring false feelings of inability and often resulting in a lack of love for learning

(Standish, 2008; Wavering, 1995). Conversations for change were based on figuring out

how to make middle level education more developmentally appropriate and responsive

to adolescent needs (Anfara, Andrews, & Mertens, 2005; Martens, Anfara, & Caskey,

2007; Standish, 2008).

Early 1960s reform efforts led by John H. Lounsbury, considered one of the

founders of the middle school movement, led to a to change in middle level education to

support adolescent needs and eliminate the tracking of students (Standish, 2008). This

push was to change middle level education from a holding place for students growing

through adolescence to the movement of building middle schools for young people ages

10 to 14 (Lounsbury, 1960; Meyer, 2011; Nagel, 2010). Reorganization of education

included middle school, also known as junior high, started with two years leading to the

door of high school (Lounsbury, 1960; Meyer, 2011). At that time, college prep and a

holding place for adolescents was the expressed purpose (Lounsbury, 1960). In Dr.

William Alexander’s (renowned curriculum authority) speech at Cornell University in

1963 regarding the future of middle level schools, he spoke to the importance of

educating the whole child and the unique developmental needs of young adolescents.

Since then, curriculum development reform efforts led to pedagogically rich, full

experiential learning environments where experimentation became the norm for middle

level education (Drolet & Arcand, 2012). Middle school continued to evolve since the

1960s and success in academic arenas are proving middle schools are remarkable

academic institutions supporting the overall wellbeing of students resulting in positive

outcomes when focused on specific evidenced-based practices (Drolet & Arcand, 2012;

EdSource, 2010; Meyer, 2011, Piaget, 1952, 1960). However, more education trends

show concern in grade configurations (Meyer, 2011).

Researchers from the Columbia Business School concluded the stand alone sixth

through eighth grade middle school configuration may not be the best way to educate

students (Rockoff & Lockwood, 2010). Rockoff and Lockwood (2010) found schools

with kindergarten through eighth (K-8) grade better supported student development.

This research showed how grade configuration could lead to different outcomes when

students stay on a site from kindergarten through eighth grade versus the stand-alone

middle school model (Rockoff & Lockwood, 2010). Researchers argued students in

middle school still need the elementary like nurturing environment that provides

students with a caring, loving adult (Meyer, 2011). Meyer (2011) purported when the

grade configuration led to a stand-alone middle school, the elementary nurturing

learning environment that students still needed was no longer as prevalent.

A report written by Fester (1987) called Caught in the Middle: Educational

Reform for Young Adolescents in California Public Schools, details evidence regarding

what makes the most effective environment for middle school students. Fester’s

research provided more insight into meeting the needs of middle school students in an

intellectually captivating learning environment irrespective of whether it is K-8 or a

stand-alone middle school. After a year of research, Fester (1987) determined effective

middle school instruction emphasized emotional connections, academic integrity,

academic rigor, support, and togetherness.

Developmentally Unique Middle School Students

Early adolescents are developmentally unique (Piaget, 1952, 1960). Middle

level education needs to support the unique developmental needs of adolescents. This

section clarifies and explains what makes the middle school student unique.

Child development theorists describe the ages of individuals from 11-18 years

old as adolescence, a time where growth of strength, cognitive competencies, and sense

of purpose are formed; middle school focuses on the developmental needs of youths in

early adolescences aged 10-14 (Lee & Smith, 1995). Through the developmental

process, students grow intellectually, biologically, physiologically, emotionally,

socially, and academically (Lee & Smith, 1993). These areas of growth for a middle

school student can surface as conflicts that resemble existential concerns (Fitzgerald,

2005). These existential concerns are why early adolescents need environments that

explain the developmental growth; they need explicit explanations of what they are

going through and how it is normal. Moreover, adolescent students need adults in their

lives consistently affirming who they are and reassuring them the developmental stage is

not who they are, but a phase in their growth. Understanding adolescent development

benefits all the people working with adolescents; it ensures developmentally appropriate

curriculum design that promotes positive learning environments (Fitzgerald, 2005).

Young early adolescents experience extreme intellectual development and social

experiences with pervasive risk-taking adventures, and the evolution of a myriad of

physical changes (Fitzgerald, 2005). Beginning stages of adolescents generally begin

between ages 10-13 (Fitzgerald, 2005). Unpredictable, varied physical changes and

rapid brain growth take place during the ages of 10-12 that seem to even out between the

ages of 12-14 (Brooks-Gunn, Petersen, & Eichorn, 1985; Fitzgerald, 2005).

Growth spurts bring on skeletal and muscular system changes (Knowles &

Brown, 2000). Bones are growing faster than muscles, bringing about short-term

coordination issues (Kellough & Kellough, 2008; Raphael & Burke, 2012; Roney,

2005). Significant increases in weight, height, and sizes of internal organs occur during

adolescence (Roney, 2015). Growing pains result when muscles and tendons are not

protecting bones due to the growth spurts (Wiles, Bondi, Wiles, 2006). Youth

experience restlessness, weariness, and lack of energy based on fluctuations in their

metabolism (Kellough & Kellough, 2008).

Researchers reported significant changes within the brain of young adolescents

where synapses restructure the neural wiring in the prefrontal cortex (Casey et al., 2000;

Dahl, 2004). This is the area of the brain where decision-making, planning, reasoning,

thinking about consequences, and attention over extended periods rapidly develops

(Brown & Knowles, 2014; Nagel, 2010). The Carnegie Council on Adolescent

Development stated for adolescents to make a successful transition to adulthood, they

must master many factors (Russell, 1996). Adolescents struggle with social interactions

and are learning to master social skills and the ability to manage conflict (Caissy, 2002).

Their brain continues to develop from concrete to abstract thinking, cultivating inquiry

and problem-solving habits of mind for lifelong learning (Caskey & Ruben, 2007;

Russell, 1996). This is when skill development grows and they need to acquire technical

and analytic skills to navigate their world (Brown & Knowles, 2014; Dahl, 2004; Russel,

1996). Reasoning skills develop to help them become ethical people and learn the

requirements of responsible citizenship and how to respect diversity; these are essential

areas of needed guidance (Brown & Knowles, 2014; Caskey & Anfara, 2014; Caskey &

Ruben, 2007; Russell, 1996).

Moral development deals with an individual’s ability to make wise choices and

learn productive ways to interact with others (Modgil, Mogil, & Brown, 2013). During

adolescences, the beliefs, attitudes, and values formulated tend to stay with people

throughout their lives (Brighton, 2007). Young adolescents are in search for their

identity, whether it be social, sexual, gender, ethnic, cultural, familial, socioeconomic, or

spiritual, which all relate to who they are and who they want to become (Brown &

Knowles, 2014). This constant search of their own person may lead to times of

confusion wherein they need supportive adults to help them work through their concerns

while guiding them through their own development of healthy processing and

development of healthy relationships (Brown & Knowles, 2014; Roehlkepartain,

Benson, King & Wagener, 2006).

A longitudinal study by Véronneau and Dishion (2010) explored the importance

of friendships on academic achievement. Véronneau and Dishion (2010) eloquently

explained how friendships mattered to middle school students, sharing, “Early

adolescence is a time of important social transitions, including changes in relationships

with parents and movement toward the peer group” (p. 99). Friendships were important

and understanding physiological, biological, and intellectual changes of middle school

students (Donnelly, 2015). Boys and girls go through puberty and experience new

sensations that if not mentored through the processes can bring about undue fear and

anxiety (Brown & Knowles, 2014; Donnelly, 2015; Raphael & Burke, 2012; Roney,

2005). Psychologically, changing from a concrete to more abstract thinker comes into

play (Brown & Knowles, 2014; Donnelly, 2015). This may lead to early adolescents

participating in risk-taking with extreme detrimental consequences. Adults

understanding adolescents encourage healthy risk-taking behaviors allowing for genuine

cognitive growth (Brown & Knowles. 2014).

Research indicated adolescents represents a unique developmental age with

specific learning (National Middle School Association [NMSA], 2010). NMSA (2010)

supported seven developmental needs of early adolescents:

1. Positive social interaction with adults and peers

2. Structure and clear limits with physical activity

3. Creative expression

4. Competence and achievement

5. Meaningful participation in families and school

6. Community opportunities for self-definition

7. Opportunities for success, respect, movement, and fairness

A successful middle school curriculum provides a combination of a well-

balanced, developmentally appropriate, academically challenging, and stimulating

learning environment that empowers learners and promotes healthy self-images,

relationships, morals, and physical development (NMSA, 2003).

Glick (2014) emphasized the importance of cultivating student aptitude to think

creatively and critically by developing the qualities of connection, purpose, and mastery.

Glick (2014) further explained how brain research explained plasticity helps in the

development of thinking. Plasticity is the ability to change with experiences and

develop through growth in patterns (Glick, 2014). This information helps teachers know

through development of patterns, neural networks form that assist in the development of

critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, and empathy (Glick, 2014;

Velez, 2012). Additionally, to support academic learning, middle school students need

to feel safe (Glick, 2014). Brain research found emotions impact learning; therefore, if

students feel connected and safe in a learning environment they can think in more

productive ways (Glick, 2014; Velez, 2012; Wiles et al., 2006). Teachers develop

thinking by providing safe learning environments along with developmentally

appropriate, challenging content to support success for middle school learners (Velez,

2012). This type of learning environment provides safe space to take risks in

conjunction with engaging, purposeful skill development to provide the structures

necessary for middle schoolers to thrive (Glick, 2014; Stevenson, 2002; Thornburg,

1983; Wiles et al., 2006).

Middle School Population: A Unique Generation of Digital Natives

Another factor to consider is the new generation in schools. The face of this

upcoming generation is different from ever before (Ito et al., 2008). Advancements in

information, communications, and technology changed how they grew up (Buckingham,

2007; Ito, 2013; Velez, 2012). More and more homes own multiple televisions,

computers, and cell phones (Ito et al., 2008). Instant access to information, products,

and each other changed how people connect and create new knowledge (Ito et al., 2008).

Different forms of social media, electronic mail, videos, blogs, texts, gaming, and

electronic sources are now used to communicate with family, friends, co-workers,

communities, and others through the Internet (Buckingham, 2007; Ito, 2013). This

continuous access to the Internet altered society and economics (Internet World Stats,

2015; U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration [ESA],

2011). More than 68% of households use broadband Internet access service and 80% of

households have at least one Internet user either at home or elsewhere (ESA, 2011).

ESA (2011) reported over 77% of American households had at least one computer at

home, if not more digital devices, which seemed to be one of the leading causes of

adolescents growing up surrounded by digital innovations.

The largest age groups to use technology (e.g., computers, mobile devices,

Internet) are children and teenagers (ESA, 2011). Ninety percent of children

(approximately 48 million) between the ages of 5 and 17 use computers, compared to

65% of 10-13-year-olds and 75% of children between the ages of 14-18 (ESA, 2002).

Children born from 2000 through 2012 are known as post-millennial children being

raised in a truly digital society; they are the most racially and culturally diverse group in

United States history and may be the most transient due to advances in global

communications (Pacansky-Brock, 2013). Technology is pervasive; recognizing and

including this in making education relevant to students is essential for preparing them

for the future (Pacansky-Brock, 2013). Identifying best practices effective for middle

school technology integrated classrooms is a necessity (Simmons & Blythe, 2008;

Strahan, et al., 2009; Tanner, 1973).

Technology Integration Best Practices

Best practices refer to existing practices already possessing a high level of

widely agreed effectiveness (Hargreaves & Fullan, 2012). With the rapid global trends

and use of technology, few best practices appear in research. Actual best practices were

organically created through the struggles and learning between the teacher and students

as they worked together to be successful in this new era of digital ubiquities (Fullan &

Langworthy, 2014).

Research described technology integration as “using technology including

computers, digital cameras, compact disks, held devices, probes and related technologies

to deliver and enhance the curriculum already in place” (Pitler & Bartley, 2004, p. 1).

Petty (2012) stated governmental mandates and district policies placed it in the teachers’

hands to develop learner-centered classrooms integrating technology, which placed them

in a conundrum of how to integrate technology tools in the classroom effectively.

Technology integration can be perceived in many ways. To harness the technology

rampage and place parameters for effective learning, technology committees such as

ISTE worked together to develop standards and tools to guide educators. ISTE attempts

to support the effective use of technology as it rapidly evolves toward the goal of

effective technology use resulting in deeper learning.

Moreover, research stated technology integration best practices need to yield

high-quality learning, as suggested by Ahlberg, Turja, and Robinson (2003). The digital

learning environment is meaningful such that learning outcomes are connected to earlier

knowledge and corresponds to the real needs of individuals, society, and humankind

(Magana & Marzano, 2014). Learning in context needs to provide deep justifications

for knowledge, a purposeful reason as to why the content is important, and

consequences of knowledge tested both theoretically and empirically (Cennamo et al.,

2014). Research implied technology integration best practices should promote

transformative learning experiences that surpass earlier knowledge, where expertise and

knowledge can be used to solve real problems by reframing them and seeing them from

different perspectives (Cennamo et al., 2014; Fullan & Donnelly, 2013; Luckin et al.,

2012; Magana & Marzano, 2014). Additionally, students need to be informed as to the

metacognitive processes that provide ways of monitoring and promoting one’s own

learning and analyses (Cennamo et al., 2014; Magana & Marzano, 2014).

Review of the literature suggested the following technology integration strategies

support high-quality learning environments: (a) clear learning objectives and goal

setting, (b) scaffolded instruction, (c) realistic learning contexts and real-world

application, (d) multiple perspectives, (e) differentiation that addresses multiple learning

styles, (f) visual and hands-on learning experiences, (g) guided practice, (h) checks for

understanding, (i) cooperative learning, (j) think-pair-share, (k) summarization, (l) peer

tutoring, (m) student discussions, (n) student voice and choice, (o) alternative

assessment, and (p) student-centered inquiry (Alber, 2017; Cennamo et al., 2014; Fullan

& Donnelly, 2013; Magana & Marzano, 2014; McDowell, 2017).

Student-centered problem- or project-based learning. McDowell (2017)

defined project-based learning (PBL) as a “series of complex tasked that include

planning and designing, problem-solving, decision making, creating artifacts, and

communicating results” (p. 2). PBL provides student-centered learning, small group

work, authentic problems presented as questions, and new information acquired through

supports guiding self-directed learning (McDowell, 2017). Chard (1998) stated a major

advantage of PBL was that it made school more like real life, providing opportunities to

question the issue and connect with resources in the field. PBL with technology

provides a vehicle to access unlimited resources opening the world to the students (Boss,

2011). Integration between project-based learning and digital innovations when done

well can replace and improve ineffective instructional practices with no impact on

learning while providing engaging learning environments where students apply

knowledge and deepen their understanding (Lenz & Kingston, 2016).

Clear learning objectives. Technology integrated classrooms support clarifying

what learners should understand and achieve through specific activities (Killen, 2007).

Ongoing feedback can be provided through computer applications and shared documents

to guide learning (Boss, 2013). This approach can be done through an entry event that

introduces the concept, questioning or describing what learners are to understand, and

connections to prior knowledge or personal background (Boss, 2013; Dessoff, 2012;

Killen, 2007). Making connections to previously learned knowledge through review,

feedback, and practice helps ensure student understanding (Dessoff, 2012). Upon

discussing learning objectives, student collaboration and writing out their goals for the

day promotes active student engagement, ownership of learning, and self-directed

student inquiry while practicing skill development and content understanding (Boss,

2013; Merrill, 2007). These processes can be delivered through a learning management

system to keep track of tasks (Magana & Marzano, 2014).

Hattie (2012) described visible teaching and learning, meaning when teachers

make clear students know what they need to do and how. Visible teaching and learning

can be attained when the learning objective is challenging yet unambiguous (Hattie,

2012). This same principle of visible teaching and learning needs to be present in the

classroom consistently during technology integration (Fullan & Langworthy, 2013;

Hattie, 2012).

Authenticity. Creating real-world applications is a best practice to support

student learning that is relevant and of student interest, which supports connections that

relate to the students’ world (Killen, 2007; Taylor, 2014; Tileston, 2011). Encouraging

creativity, connections to learning, and reflective thinking promote respectful learning

where all students thrive (Tileston, 2011). Providing learning interactions that mirror a

real-life situation endorses authentic realistic, learning (Killen, 2007; Taylor, 2014;

Tileston, 2011).

Scaffolding, differentiating strategies, and adapting teaching. Effective

learning is facilitated by an active learning environment making connections to prior

knowledge (Merrill, 2007). Content appropriate to assist student learning along with a

suitable learning activity provides relevant experiences to build a foundation of new

knowledge (Killen, 2007; Rosenshine, 2012). To help build understanding, a technique

often utilized is scaffolding (Rosenshine, 2012). Scaffolding provides learners with just

enough help to complete a learning activity, wherein help is gradually decreased as the

student becomes independent (Killen, 2007). Learners demonstrating new knowledge

build new synapses for more information and experiences to take root, resulting in

portrayals or representations that can be applied to specific situations (Killen, 2007;

Merrill, 2007; Rosenshine, 2012). Providing learning opportunities for students to

analyze multiple resources supports constructivist theories (Killen, 2007). Teachers

organize learning and instruction around important ideas, provide primary sources, and

ask questions that provoke thought and student inquiry (Cañas, Reiska, Ahlberg, &

Novak, 2003; Killen, 2000).

Multiple learning styles. Gardner (1999) provided research identifying several

distinct intelligences. According to his theory, individuals learn through different ways

albeit language, logical-mathematical analysis, spatial representation, musical thinking,

kinesthetics, auditorily, or visually. Individuals differ in the strength of their

intelligences and tend to carry out different tasks, solve diverse problems, and progress

in various domains in different ways (Gardner, 1999). These intelligences need to be

consider when designing learning activities to meet student needs (Tileston, 2004).

Strategies for differentiating learning experiences include many similar techniques

appropriate for all learners (Tileston, 2004). These strategies comprise using visuals,

hands-on learning experiences, peer tutoring, music, oral activities, group discussions,

Socratic seminars, explicit modeling, direct instruction, cooperative learning,

nonlinguistic organizers (e.g., graphic organizers, concept maps), flexible learning

environments, sensory learning experiences, manipulatives, and discovery activities

(Gardener, 1999; Rosenshine, 2012; Tileston, 2004).

Visuals. The use of visuals such as pictures, artifacts, media, or videos to

provide clarity and understanding when introducing new concepts is an exceptionally

effective teaching strategy (Allison & Rehm, 2007). Visuals can be used in any content

area and through various sources of instructional tools (Allison & Rehm, 2007). Carrier

(2005) provided examples of visuals used to provide mental images, such as pictures,

cartoons, maps, graphs, charts, diagrams, videos, drawings, graphic organizers,

storyboards, photographs, posters, and alternative formats of multi-media formats and

applications. Middle school teachers can integrate visuals into any learning experience

through myriad supports and scaffolds, including concept maps, graphic organizers,

online web applications for brainstorming, mind maps, short answer prompts, and

student made flash cards (Allison & Rehm, 2007; Cañas et al., 2003; Carrier, 2005).

Other strategies include models, puzzles, 3D modeling, video conferencing, television,

multimedia, charts, and graphs (Gardener, 1999).

Hands-on-learning experiences. Hands-on learning provides opportunities for

movement in the classroom, interaction with supplies and materials, and manipulation of

equipment and objects, which result in more meaningful learning (Allison & Rehm,

2007: Tileston, 2004). Simulations provide hands-on learning experiences (Tileston,

2004). Simulations offer practice with real-world applications in a safe learning

environment (Allison & Rehm, 2007). Other types of hands-on strategies are role-

playing, educational games, laboratory experiments, use of equipment and real objects,

and use of the body through physical activities (Allison & Rehm, 2007). Group

techniques and cooperative learning are also experiential, learner-centered activities.

Inquiry based, student-centered learning. Inquiry-based learning is a

pedagogical approach used to meet the needs of 21st century learners, allowing

technology to be integrated authentically within the classroom (Anderson & Dexter,

2003; Sutherland & Joubert, 2009). The idea of teaching students how to learn so their

thinking can be functional for a wide-ranging scope of future endeavors engendered

weighty attention from educators looking to make learning more authentic (Morrison &

Lowther, 2010; Sharples & Anastopoulou 2012). Inquiry-based, student-centered

learning design is to empower the learner through a personalized educational experience

(Buckner & Kim, 2013; Morphew, 2012).

Digital learning activities that support inquiry-based, student-centered learning

include brainstorming ideas (e.g., padlet, learning management systems, Google docs),

resources to support multiple perspectives and guide next steps (e.g., TedTalks,

Podcasts, Kahn Academy, teacher made videos or podcasts), and presentation

applications to show what was learned (e.g., Prezi, Infographic, YouTube). Accessible

technology through the Internet provides a bounty of options to support and guide

inquiry-based, student-centered learning (Rosenshine, 2012; Wetzel & Marshall, 2011).

Adaptive teaching/guided practice. Presenting new information in small steps

with student practice, daily review, helpful feedback, and student presentations were

more strategies that assisted student understanding (Merrill, 2007; Rosenshine, 2007).

Designing thinking activities and modeling how to think through the learning activity,

followed by student practice is essential in enhancing student understanding and use of

knowledge (Hattie, 2012; Marzano, Pickering, & Pollock, 2001; McDowell, 2016).

Rosenshine (2007) stated,

Another reason for the importance of teaching in small steps, guiding

practice, and checking for understanding…comes from the fact that we all

construct and reconstruct knowledge as we learn and use what we have

learned. We cannot simply repeat what we hear word for word. Rather, we

connect our understanding of the new information to our existing concepts

or “schema” and we then construct a mental summary. (p. 17)

Checking for understanding allows teachers to add to existing schemas to

develop clear construction or clarify misconceptions (Rosenshine, 2012). Technology

integration supports ongoing check-ins through collaborative work that can be

completed through computer applications (Marzano et al., 2001).

Checking for understanding. Adaptive teaching and guided practice includes

checking for understanding wherein teachers build in specific activities to assess student

understanding and inform necessary next steps (Fisher & Frey, 2007; Sigler & Hierbert,

1999). Retelling, summarizing, think-pair-share, whip around, and questioning are ways

to check for understanding through engaging student-centered, inquiry-based strategies

(Fisher & Frey, 2007). Response cards (or white boards) where students write down

their response on a card and hold it up is another way to check for understanding (Fisher

& Frey, 2007). Personal response systems promote active learning and useful checks for

understanding (Gray & Steer, 2012). Activities to check for understanding can be

students monitoring their own learning by answering short questions, checking-off lists

with short responses, clarifying questioning in oral or written form, and providing

explanations to others that extend learning into peer work (Fisher & Frey, 2007).

Finley (2014) provided 53 different ways and numerous resources on alternative

assessments helpful in measuring student knowledge. Finley (2014) clarified the

practice of using formative assessments is superior to summative assessments in that

formative assessments support student learning and growth through progress monitoring.

By utilizing formative assessments, teachers become identify learning needs and adjust

teaching as needed in the moment, which is also known as adaptive teaching (Finley,

2014; Hatti, 2013). Examples of formative assessment to check for understanding

include alternative assessments, observation, journals, compare activities, mind maps,

art projects, poetry, clickers/response systems, and checklists.

Feedback through cooperative learning. Cooperative learning can be used as

a form of feedback. Peer tutoring, peer review, peer feedback, and group work are all

forms of cooperative learning strategies, providing skill development in collaboration

and content understanding (Marzano et al., 2001). Whether in small groups or pairs,

cooperative learning works effectively and supports all students’ access to curriculum

despite student level (Allison & Rhem, 2007; Killen, 2007; Marzano et al., 2001).

Examples of cooperative learning strategies include think-pair-share (read and

share information), jigsaws (assignments divided up and each student becomes expert to

teach it to others), and give-one-get-one where after reviewing information each student

writes down an idea and shares out their idea with others so at the end of the activity

they have several perspectives on the same information (Marzano et al., 2001). As with

any strategy teacher modeling, guided practice, peer practice, and independent practice

are action learning steps (Allison & Rehm, 2007; Killen, 2007, Marzano et al., 2001).

Alternative assessment. Allison and Rehm (2007) strongly asserted assessment

techniques should meet the needs of culturally diverse learners. Additionally,

alternative assessments need to allow students from multilingual and multicultural

classes the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding in a variety of ways (Allison

& Rehm, 2007; Tileston, 2004). The variety of comprehensible assessments effectively

evaluating student learning are as varied as the inputs for learning (Carrier, 2005).

Many learning activities can also be considered formative assessments (Fisher & Frey,

2007). Additionally, keeping students and families informed of progress through clear

communication is an effective practice for all learners and supports self-directed,

proactive independent learners taking ownership and responsibility for their own lives,

which is an essential skill for middle school students (Stronge, Tucker, & Hindman,


Student voice and choice. Middle school scholars are known for their extreme

volatility due their developmental stage. Keeping this in mind, middle school classroom

learning environments that allow for exploration, curiosity, discovery, and experiential

learning meet their developmental needs (Scott, 2013). Exploratory opportunities in

service learning projects, extracurricular activities, and community involvement projects

are vehicles to provide middle school students enhanced learning to support their

feelings of educational achievement, develop higher levels of engagement, create

positive impact on themselves and others, and strengthen personal and interpersonal

development and overall well-being (NMSA, 2010). PBL, performance-based learning,

multimedia presentations, electronic and paper portfolios, dioramas, and public

performances are examples of activities that foster learning, promote self-directed

learners, and provide students the opportunity to choose how they present information

and share their voice (Cator, Schneider, & Vander Ark, 2014; Fisher & Frey, 2007).

Digital innovations surfaced in the past decade allowing for exploration, voice,

and choice in myriad ways. Visual and audio media creations are possible through

computer programs or online applications such as iMovie, YouTube, and Infographics,

and projects can be created through gifs, memes, or posts on or student created websites

(Lenz & Kingston, 2016). The possibilities are endless, allowing for deeper learning

applications of content knowledge to be produced and presented (Finley, 2014).

Reflection, critique, and revision. Reflection provides openings for students to

think about their learning and appropriate goals and objectives (Lenz & Kingston, 2016).

These opportunities assist students in their own learning and make them aware of their

current levels of understanding and areas of needed improvement. From this

understanding, students can critique their work to develop a plan for next steps to reach

desired growth, set new goals, and develop a plan of action in how to achieve their

goals. Goal setting supports necessary revision and empowers students to be in control

of their learning with support from the teacher (Hattie, 2012). Utilizing rubrics to align

content area goals helps in designing action plans and provides clear expectation in what

is needed to gain a deeper level of understanding. Examples of digital innovations that

support reflection and critique include digital rubrics, survey documents to guide

students thinking, and blogs that offer student virtual spaces to reflect on their work

(Lenz & Kingston, 2016).

Technology integrated best practices promote active participation, student

interest and inquiry, and high levels of engagement where all students learn and deepen

their understanding of a given concept (Cator et al., 2014). With the new age of

technology, it adds another level of support to meet student needs and provides myriad

opportunities to offer high levels of engagement through a variety of tools, blended

learning environments, and flipped classrooms (Pearlman, 2006; Wetzel & Marshall,

2011). However, cautionary woes of losing focus, getting lost in technology, and

forsaking personal relationships must not happen (Ito et al., 2008; Mishra et al., 2009).

Technology Integration Promotes Changing Teacher Role

Changing teacher role. The model of education where the teacher transmits

information through lectures and textbooks is ineffective for student learning (Bellanca

& Brandt, 2010; Detwiller, 2007; Saavedra & Opfer, 2012; Velez, 2012). Additionally,

the role of technology in the classroom and effective use and implementation practices

by educators is crucial to how it influences student learning (Velez, 2012). Student-

centered, inquiry-based PBL takes a different approach from the traditional classroom

(Hirumi, 2002). Students learn how to work together in teams on an in-depth problem to

answer a driving question (Pearlman, 2006). Learning activities guide student learning

with differentiated scaffolds strategically incorporated into each activity. Timelines,

drafts, timely feedback, benchmarks, and presentations are examples of learning

activities that students participate in throughout the project. The project ends with a

culminating event with an authentic audience from the community (Pearlman, 2006).

The teacher role is everchanging; however, Hattie (2012) argued teachers must

consider themselves as change agents and include five major dimensions in their

teaching to make a profound impact in students learning (Table 1). Hattie (2012)

identified these beliefs, attitudes, and practices, and claimed these factors contributed to

a teacher being classified as an excellent or expert teacher (Hattie, 2012):

Table 1

Expert Teacher Practices

Expert Teacher
Practice Explanation
1. Identify the most Research showed teacher subject-matter knowledge did not improve
important ways to student achievement. However, expert teachers differ in how they
represent the subjects organize and use content knowledge. They introduce new content in a
they teach way that integrates it with student prior knowledge and they adapt the
lessons to student needs. They have a greater stock of strategies to help
students and are better able to predict and respond when students make
errors. They seek evidence of who is not making progress and
problem-solve and adapt their teaching in response.
2. Create an optimal The best climate for learning is one in which there is trust. Students
classroom climate for often do not like to make mistakes because they fear a negative
learning response from peers. Expert teachers create classrooms in which errors
are welcome and learning is cool.
3. Monitor learning Expert teachers know a typical lesson never goes as planned and are
and provide feedback skilled at monitoring the status of student understanding. They seek
and use feedback about their teaching, and regularly gather
information to know who is not understanding.
4. Believe all students Expert teachers believe intelligence is changeable rather than fixed.
can reach the success This means they have a high respect for their students and show a
criteria passion that all students can succeed. Although passion may be
difficult to quantify, students are aware of whether their teachers
exhibit this passion. In one study, students overwhelmingly stated
teachers of classes with the most student achievement gains were for,
teachers with the most passion (as defined by teachers who care,
control, clarify, challenge, captivate, confer, and consolidate).
5. Influence a wide Overall, expert teachers exert positive influences on student outcomes
range of student and are not confined to improving test scores. Expert teachers
outcomes not solely influence students in a wide range of ways: encouraging students to
limited to test scores stay in school, helping to develop deep and conceptual understandings,
teaching them to develop multiple learning strategies, encouraging
them to take risks, helping them develop respect for selves and others,
and helping develop active citizens.
Note. Source: Hattie (2012).

However, even with the use of student-centered, inquiry driven PBL and expert

teacher practices, digital innovations are an ever-present resource best utilized to engage,

enhance, and support 21st century skill development (James, 2009). James (2009)

studied what influences the development of technology integration among middle school

teachers. James (2009) highlighted the theoretical background of Albert Bandura,

stating beliefs were an important factor to self-efficacy; belief in one’s capability to

perform a specific task was the best predictor of motivation and behavior regarding

technology integration and implementation. Nonetheless, an educator confident and

capable with technology still leaves questions regarding what are the best strategies,

tools, and practices for technology integration at the middle school level to support

academic achievement, 21st century skill development, and student needs.

Teacher use of technology. In the research compiled by James (2009), teachers

were categorized based on beliefs, motivations, and practices regarding technology;

from that, five groups emerged: dynamic users, technology integrating users,

knowledgeable intermittent users, limited approach users, and non-users. The teachers

in the dynamic and technology integrating groups described their use of technology in

rich details. The dynamic and technology integrating users overcame barriers with their

environments and used technology regularly in their teaching. They believed using

technology in the classroom benefited student-learning and fit well with curriculum and

teaching practices. With such a belief, effective technology integration is successful for

student learning (James, 2009).

Technology Integration Models and Standards of Practice

Due to the growing importance of technology embedded in society, technology

literacy and application standards for both students and teachers emerged (Mayor,

2015). The National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S) and

National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T), now known

respectively as the ISTE Standards for Students (ISTE Standards•S, 2016) and ISTE

Standards for Teachers (ISTE Standards•T, 2017), were designed to establish a high

level of technology proficiency. ISTE is a collaborative team committed to providing

resources for professional development, knowledge generation, advocacy, and

leadership for innovation to improve teaching, learning, and advancing the effective use

of technology in K-12 and teacher education (Williamson & Redish, 2009). ISTE

developed the standards as a systematic support for effective technology use in the

classroom, and recently revised the standards (ISTE, 2016). The standards include

performance indicators that define specific, measurable outcomes that evaluate teacher

competency in a given area and can be used as a guide to set teacher goals (Morphew,

2012). ISTE is at the forefront of identifying the necessary skills, essential conditions,

and performance indicators needed to be successful in the digital age. According to

ISTE (2016), best practices for integrating technology into education focus on student

learning that includes: (1) learner empowerment; (2) responsible digital citizenship; (3)

knowledge construction; (4) critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making; (5)

computational thinking;(6) creative communication; and (7) global collaboration.

Standards help guide technology integration in classrooms but used alone does not make

for effective technology integration (Fullan & Langworthy, 2013). In addition to

standards, models of use or frameworks for technology integration are used to assess

effective technology implementation in the classroom to determine academic

effectiveness resulting in deeper learning. One model becoming more known is

Technology Pedagogy Content Knowledge (TPACK).

Technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). Just looking at

standards can minimize the technology and its use to a linear path when learning and

technology is a complex, multifaceted process (Mishra & Koehler, 2008). The TPACK

framework presents an innovative way of thinking about preparing and supporting

teachers to use technology and package content aligned with the ISTE-T performance

standards (ISTE, 2017). TPACK encompasses the understanding that arises from

multiple interactions with content, pedagogical, and technological knowledge (Figure 2).

Figure 2. TPACK framework interweaving technology, content, and pedagogy.

Adapted from Koehler and Mishra (2009).

Mishra and Koehler (2008) created a conceptual tool to assist teachers in

planning lessons that integrate technology. The framework requires equal attention to

technology, pedagogy, and content in designing curriculum (Mishra & Koehler, 2008).

Additionally, the TPACK framework is increasingly becoming a useful tool for

researching technology integration in education (Mishra et al., 2009; Wetzel & Marshall,

2011). Scholars debated that knowledge about technology cannot be isolated from its

context or use and one of the requirements of good teaching is understanding how

technology relates to pedagogy and content (Mishra et al., 2009).

The “T” in TPACK refers to knowledge about basic technologies such as

textbooks and whiteboards, as well as advanced technologies such as the Internet, digital

devices, and web applications (Koehler & Mishra, 2009). Additional understanding of

digital technologies, operating systems, and computer hardware and software provide

teachers a broad knowledge to apply them productively and recognize how technology

can help or obstruct accomplishing a given learning objective. The “CK” in TPACK

refers to content knowledge (CK), which is the subject matter knowledge to be learned

by students. CK consists of knowing the subject taught, including basic facts, central

ideas, concepts, theories, and how to connect those through specific curriculum. The

“PK” of TPACK denotes pedagogical knowledge (PK). PK refers to understanding

about the processes of learning and how it serves to meet educational purposes, goals,

and objectives for learning. This generalized knowledge embodies all concerns of

student learning, classroom management, curriculum development, implementation of

learning objectives, strategies, and techniques to support learning and assessing student

understanding (Koehler & Mishra, 2009).

An example of TPACK was provided by Wetzel and Marshall (2012). They

analyzed a sixth-grade teacher to look for interplay between components of the

framework. The researchers observed and interviewed the teacher and discovered

results that helped illuminate the framework to a real-life scenario. Pedagogical

knowledge was clearly addressed through learning objectives the teacher listed on the

whiteboard and clarified with each lesson. The content and pedagogical knowledge

interplay was the teacher’s use of the writing process to guide student understanding of

the Renaissance. Three language arts activities (writing a poem, summarizing articles,

and a writers’ workshop) were used as learning activities to address content objectives in

language arts and the Renaissances. Peer edits, review and feedback, group work,

teacher modeling, discussing the processes of the learning activities provided additional

evidence of the interplay of content and pedagogical knowledge. Additionally, the

pedagogy process used by the teacher was PBL supported by a learning environment

that was student-centered and inquiry driven (Wetzel & Marshall, 2012).

Technological knowledge was provided through computer applications and

effective classroom management (Wetzel & Marshall, 2012). Students were encouraged

to teach each other the computer applications and were considered the experts in the

room to support each other as new technologies were introduced. Classroom

expectations and procedures were evident as the students entered the room; they had

laptops on their desks, looked at the board for an assignment, and knew to close their

laptops upon direction. The interweaving of pedagogy, content, and technology were

evidenced through the learning activities and culminating project presentations (Wetzel

& Marshall, 2012).

In addition to the ISTE standards and TPACK, another framework to support

technology integration is the Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition

model (SAMR; Juliani, Corrente, & Dell'Acqua, 2011). SAMR is designed to help

educators infuse technology into teaching and learning (Juliani et al., 2011). The model

supports and facilitates teachers to intentionally design, strategically develop, and

creatively infuse digital learning experiences in effective ways (Richardt, Church, &

Morrison, 2011). The teacher goal is to construct a SAMR ladder and identify where

learning activities align. This structure provides adjustment of task to support deeper

learning environments with cognitively complex tasks developing critical thinking skills

in purposeful, engaging activities (Puentedura, 2014; Schrock, 2013).

Puentedura (2012) developed the SAMR model in the late 1980s to assist with

address what types of technology are best for optimal student learning. The name was

based on student results; for example, the “S” stands for substitution, wherein

technology substitutes an earlier form of technology. An example of substitution is a

word processer used in the place of a typewriter. The level of use is the substitution

level, wherein student performance is similar regardless of technology used (Puentedura,


The next level in the SAMR model is augmentation. Augmentation is

substitution with enhancements (Puentedura, 2012). Using the word processer example,

adding spell check or cut/paste are forms of augmentation. Usefulness of the technology

tool are important, however minimally change student performance. Modification is the

next level in the SAMR model, where the task is significantly redesigned by the

introduction of an innovative technology. Using the word processing example, the

document is now becoming a multimedia form of communication when applying blogs,

email, websites, or social software, allowing other applications of learning through

group analysis, peer feedback, editing, and revising, all resulting in enhanced student

performance and deeper learning. Deeper learning in cognitively complex tasks is the

result of what Puentedura (2012) called the redefinition level in the SAMR model. The

word processing document becomes a thinking document empowering student learning

to dive deeper and grow as they express knowledge through multiple outlets. The

SAMR model provides curriculum development a filter to align technology integration

and use to question and anticipate what level of student learning would result with the

introduction of a specific technology (Puentedura, 2012).

The Levels of Teaching Innovation (LoTi) framework conceptualized by Dr.

Chris Moersch (1995) was designed as a research tool to assess authentic classroom

technology use. However, over many iterations, the original framework evolved to

provide a conceptual model to measure classroom teacher implementation and

effectiveness of digital innovations to provide deeper learning. The LoTi framework,

has seven implementation levels, each designed to analyze whether the curriculum is

teacher-centered or student-centered. The goal is to support instructional shifts while

employing technology to accelerate learning. The developmental implementation levels

range from zero (nonuse level) to level 6 (refinements level). As a teacher progresses

from one level to the next, it supports a series of transformations from teacher-centered

to learner-centered. Moersch (1995) suggested LOTI balanced instruction, assessment,

and technology resources to help students develop 21st century skills.

The ISTE standards, TPACK model, SAMR model, and LoTi framework

provide foundational understandings; some of the models starting to emerge over the last

decade support instructional shifts in technology integrated classrooms, resulting in

deeper learning. These models provide a common language to the ever-evolving,

rapidly paced educational environments integrating technology (Juliani et al., 2011).

Using a common language and learning from each other can guide continued

development in this ever-changing world of education wherein the use of models is

multipurpose and help support effective application of technology across various

academic disciplines (NETS-T, 2002).

Technology integration is sometimes hard to describe and is used as a broad

umbrella term with a large variance of meanings and ways to look at technology

integration (Edutopia, 2007; Fullan & Langworthy, 2013). Hertz (2011) described

seamless technology integration in which, “Students employ technology daily in the

classroom using a variety of tools to complete assignments and create projects that show

a deep understanding of content” (p. 2). Hertz (2011) defined levels of technology

integration (Table 2), contending this was a starting point to understand the levels of

technology integration in classrooms.

Table 2

Technology Integration Levels

Level of
Integration Descriptors of Level
Sparse Technology is rarely used or available. Students rarely use
technology to complete assignments or projects.
Basic Technology is used or available occasionally, often in a lab
rather than the classroom. Students are comfortable with one
or two tools and sometimes use these tools to create projects
that show understanding of content.
Comfortable Technology is used in the classroom on a regular basis.
Students are comfortable with a variety of tools and often use
these tools to create projects that show understanding of
Seamless Students employ technology daily in the classroom using a
variety of tools to complete assignments and create projects
that show a deep understanding of content.
Note. Taken from Hertz (2011, p. 2).

Technology Integration Best Practices in in Middle School

Systems of education are trying to meet increasing demands by reconfiguring

schools where learning can happen in different ways than ever before (Heick, 2014).

With this demand, understanding and integrating effective use of technology to support

high-quality learning is essential.

As of 2009, Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project discovered

that 93% of American teens aged 12-17 went online (Lenhart et al., 2010). Engagement

in learning is essential for knowledge acquisition and understanding (Casey et al., 2000;

Cennamo et al., 2014; Magana & Marzano, 2015). This lends to the logic of why using

technology integration applications such as social media, web application, and resources

from the Internet engage student learning supports connections to student lives resulting

in deeper learning, retention, and application of knowledge (Harris et al., 2009; Lenhart

et al., 2010).

The degree to which technology is beneficial depends heavily on the

effectiveness of is use and application in the classroom (Harris et al., 2009).

Technology integration best practices identified in the beginning of this chapter work

well with middle school students. The next few sections address in more detail specific

areas of technology application effective with middle school classes when integrated

with the best practices.

Effective Use of Computer and/or Web-Based Applications

Effective use of computer and/or web-based applications in conjunction with

best practices and effective pedagogical methods can provide optimal technology

infused learning opportunities (Fullan & Langworthy, 2013; McDowell, 2017). An

example of this is the use of social media in the classroom. Social media in the learning

environment when used effectively can allow for an authentic audiences and resources

for students to connect with while solving real-world problems (Anderson, 2012; Baker,

2014). Examples include students connecting via the Internet/ with artists, architects,

engineers, writers, farmers, cooks, scientists, animators, social scientists, community

leaders, business owners, and other experts in the field. Experts can provide mentoring,

information, and research (Bergmann & Sams, 2012; Heick, 2014). The possibilities are

abundant for using social media and provide middle school student the cooperative

social environment in which they thrive (Baker, 2014; Heick, 2014; Holland, 2014).

Another example of a social media application that can be used schoolwide is

Twitter chats (Baker, 2014). Twitter chats allow students to connect, collaborate, share,

and learn. One Twitter chat known for middle school use is Kidsdchatnz. In

Kidsdchatnz students from New Zealand are provided a chat topic, teachers flip the

classroom by providing the materials students are to read or research about before

responding to the chat, and a weeklong session on the topic ensues. Weekly chat topics

are provided throughout the year and student expectations are clearly defined resulting

in high-quality, meaningful tweets (Baker, 2014).

Another form of online discussion using technology with collaborative discourse

is webinars. Webinars are defined as computer-mediated communication (CMC)

systems use to support online learning (Wang & Hsu, 2008). Wang and Hsu (2008)

described two forms of CMC: synchronous (real-time) or asynchronous (delayed-time).

Synchronous webinars include voice-over technologies, instant messaging, and video

conferencing. Asynchronous technologies include emails, bulletin boards, recordings,

and blogs. Middle school students use email, instant messaging, video conferencing,

blogs, and videos. An example of a webinar for middle school students is Backchannel

(Holland, 2014). Backchannel is a digital conversation simultaneously happening

during a face-to-face activity, which provides students the opportunity to participate in

an ongoing conversation (Holland, 2014). These types of applications continue to

support effective technology integration and are helpful in providing inquiry-based,

social interactions throughout the school day, establishing learning objectives, and

maintaining high learning expectations (Magana & Marzano, 2015).

Blogging is an application that can be used for feedback, reflection, critique, and

digital storytelling. Blogging offers an engaging, relevant, and rigorous environment

with a real-world application and authentic audience (Fryer, 2009; Lopez, 2010).

Middle school students enjoy learning about themselves, telling others about themselves,

and learning about others in their school (Lopez, 2010). Blogging provides an avenue

for them to share what they know on a given topic guided by exemplary digital

citizenship expectations. Blogging teaches students how to write responsibly, receive

and give helpful peer feedback, and learn from one another (Fryer, 2009). Students can

learn how words affect others, how to share ideas respectfully, and the importance of

their ideas and recognition of their digital footprint (Fryer, 2009). Blogging can include

audio representations of information or student creations, also known as podcasts.

Podcasts are known as the auditory processing learners dream application (Gloer,

2007). Auditory learners benefit from this technology tool, and student learning is

enhanced when they can learn by listening and creating their own podcasts. The

technical definition of a podcast is a digital audio file of spoken/verbal information

made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player

that can be distributed and listened to at the listener’s convenience (Van Orden, 2014).

Podcasting offers a variety of content for listeners to consume how they want, when they

want, and where they want (Van Orden, 2014). This is one of the many examples of

how to use technology in comprehensive forms to promote student-centered inquiry

matched with high levels of engagement to meet expectations.

Digital applications described above are useful in engaging middle school

students combined with effective teaching practices. Darrow (2012) defined blended

learning from a teacher perspective as a pedagogical approach facilitated by a teacher

where students had some control over their learning and the teacher seamlessly

incorporated the use of online learning tools (e.g., discussion boards, online

collaboration, blogs). Technology tools and face-to-face instruction were blended to

deliver instruction so learning could be accessed at any time.

Petty (2012) purported technology as a successful avenue to meet middle school

needs and help them be more engaged in school when used effectively. A study asked

4,000 middle school students what they needed to be engaged and successful

academically in school (Spires et al., 2008). The students reported using computers

more in school and home, and developing high levels of computer skills could help. The

study supported middle school student interest but did not detail what effective practice

would look like in the middle school classroom (Spires et al., 2008).

Petty (2012) stated technology integration can be categorized into three main

strands: interactive, learning experiences and assessment, and research and problem-

solving. Petty (2012) found interactive applications provide learning activities that

accommodate middle school needs, providing physical activity, creative expression,

positive social interactions with adults and peers, frequent transitions, and social

activities in a media-rich environment. Providing a digital learning environment and

encouraging active participation where students set, monitor, and manage their learning

to meet their goals empowers adolescents to take ownership of their learning and

progress (Petty, 2012). Educators today have the power to change the world in the way

they respond, implement, and integrate emerging technology. However, with the use of

technology comes the resistance of change. Additionally, development of best practices

is still being defined and although there are many resources, how to best utilize these

resources for effective technology integration in middle school still goes unanswered

(Godfrey, 2013; Petty, 2012).

Barriers to Technology Integration

Over the past decade, with the massive penetration of technology into

educational organizations, research findings are disappointing as to the progress of

supporting academic achievement (Avidov-Ungar & Eshet-Alkalai, 2014). Research

suggested effectiveness of innovative technology integration into educational

organizations is lacking due to key factors regarding cognitive, organizational, and

affective challenges that require definitive changes in an organization’s culture (Avidov-

Ungar & Eshet-Alkalai, 2014). Many factors contribute to a lack of successful

technology integration, which range from attitudes, beliefs, and institutional structures to

limited resources, funding, skills, time, technical support, and knowledge (Boss, 2008;

Ertmer, 1999; Hew & Brush, 2007). According to Kopcha (2012), barriers to

integrating technology fall into five areas: (a) access, (b) vision, (c) beliefs, (d) time, and

(e) professional development.


Given the mandate that students need to be better prepared for the 21st century,

policies and funding to support change are essential. To successfully implement

technology at a school site and in the classroom, teachers need to feel capable and have

the resources to create and sustain effective learning environments where students are

engaged and learning at deeper levels (Adedokum, 2016). One specific area of support

needed in addition to funding for infrastructure is well-structured leadership (Machado

& Chung, 2015). Successful technology integration requires the full support from

school principals and district administrators (SETDA, 2015). SETDA and ISTE both

agreed leadership was an essential condition to effective technology implementation

(ISTE, 2016; SETDA, 2015). Leadership needs a clear vision and transparent mandates

that all teachers will use technology (Adedokum, 2016; ISTE, 2016, SETDA, 2015).

Professionals across the education and technology arenas worked in response to

the growing digital divide and developed the Leading Education by Advancing Digital

Commission (LEAD, 2012). LEAD (2012) created a five-point blueprint for technology

integration. The first goal is to solve the infrastructure challenge by upgrading school

wiring. LEAD Commission is working with broadband connectivity companies to

provide reduced rates and powerful connectivity to enable schools and students to have

working WiFi. Second, LEAD is working on building a national effort to deploy

devices into the hands of all students by 2020. The hope is to make devices affordable

through aggressive programming with manufacturers and school districts. The third

goal is to accelerate the adoption of the digital classroom. However, despite this effort,

unavailability of required resources continues to create barriers to use and integration

despite the legislature addressing the need to support digital classrooms. Work is still

needed in the following areas: working with state and district purchasing for more

timely procurement processes, creating independent certification programs to support

high-quality curriculum, and targeting entrepreneurs, businesses, and researchers to

bring in new effective products. LEAD Commission’s fourth goal is to embrace and

encourage model schools. LEAD is still working to identify exemplary examples of

digital learning implementations and to help others learn from and finds ways to support

model schools continued growth. The fifth goal is to invest in human capital. LEAD is

looking for ways to help build teacher capacity and professional development through

the creation of master teachers who can help train other teachers in best practices

(LEAD, 2012).

In addition, LEAD (2012) set forth to address and reverse the growing inequities

regarding digital learning access between high- and low-income students and school

districts. Many digital tools are widely used in the classroom, but teachers worry about

digital divides when it comes to student access to technology between high- and low-

income students (Purcell et al., 2013). Teachers are concerned and face many obstacles

when teaching low-income students when they bring technology into the classroom to

because of a gap regarding who has access and who does not. More needs to be done to

reverse the achievement gap and provide access to students so they can succeed in

today’s technological environment (Purcell et al., 2013).


Research shows an apparent gap in the use of technology for instructional

purposes (Kopcha, 2012). Teachers face many barriers with technology integration in

their classrooms (Ertmer, 1999). One area that creates a barrier for effective technology

integration is lack of vision for technology and its use (D. Hayes, 2007). D. Hayes

(2007) discovered when teachers were asked whether technology had an impact on

classroom practices, many had difficulty identifying any impact (D. Hayes, 2007). D.

Hayes (2007) found these teachers were only substituting existing practices with new

technologies and not redefining its use for deeper learning because of the teachers lack

of changing their view about technology use. Once teachers changed their views about

technology through the support of a mentor or colleagues while building their capacity,

technology began to open new opportunities resulting in changing instructional practices

that were more child-centered, engaging, and provide deeper learning environments for

students (D. Hayes, 2007; Park & Ertmer, 2008).


In the research compiled by James (2009), teachers were categorized based on

their beliefs, motivations, and practices. Dynamic and technology integrating users

overcame barriers and used technology in their teaching regularly. They believed using

technology benefited student learning (James, 2009). However, teachers with a limited

approach created a barrier in their own use based on their perceptions (Kim, Kim, Lee,

Spector, & DeMeester, 2013). Time and training are needed to support continued

development and change the beliefs of teachers (James, 2009).


Research found teachers with strong vision, capable, well-educated, and skilled

with technology still did not integrate technology effectively as a learning tool due to

limited time on task and planning (Bauer & Kenton, 2005). Students with insufficient

time to work on computers became a repeated pattern when asked why computers were

not used regularly in the classroom. Additionally, time to plan became another barrier

for why teachers did not become effective integrators of technology (Bauer & Kenton,

2005). Lastly, when teachers were not effective with technology integration, they found

student misbehavior rose and time on task was not the focus of teacher attention, but

rather dealing with inappropriate behavior (Wachira & Keengwe, 2010).

Professional Development

Research showed a vast array of barriers impacting technology integration;

however, despite the barriers, common themes were evident throughout education

(Godfrey, 2013). One theme as a barrier to successful, sustainable, effective technology

integration was available professional learning (Lawless & Pellegrino, 2007). Research

found technology hardware and tools were made available to teachers and classrooms at

an abundant rate, but effective training to support its use could not keep up with the

demand (Lawless & Pellegrino, 2007).

Cuban (1993), an expert on educational history, asserted that education

incorporated one fad or another only to be replaced by something new, and technology

integration was one more example of this trend. Cuban et al. (2001) defined technology

as anything a teacher uses to help instruct students. Despite a clear definition of

technology integration, consistent use of computing devices for instruction lacked

ongoing professional development (Edutopia, 2007; Hew & Brush, 2007). Early

research of effectiveness of educational technology wherein computer assisted

instruction was used to support drill and practice activities was inconsistent in

supporting academic achievement (Godfrey, 2013; Wenglinsky, 2005). Additionally,

Apple Computers of Tomorrow used technology to build higher-order thinking skills

resulting in a change of teaching practice, but the impact on student achievement was

mixed (Figg & Jaipal, 2012; Wenglinsky, 2005). Incorporating frameworks and

standards of practice is helping educators become effective with technology integration

to develop best practices for successful and engaging learning environments (Edutopia,

2007; Mishra et al., 2009).


Middle school students are developmentally unique, needing specific learning

environments to meet their needs (AMLE, 2010). Participatory and engaging learning

environments support deeper learning while developing 21st century skills (P21, 2008).

Positive benefits of technology integration include students completing greater amounts

of work, being more focused and on-task, achieving higher grade averages in reading

and writing, and accessing curriculum to help their understanding (Godfrey, 2013).

From the research, it was evident many resources exist for technology use, yet further

research is needed to define best practices for effective technology integration in middle

school (D. Hayes, 2007; Glick, 2014; Kopcha, 2012). Technology used appropriately

and effectively can meet the needs of middle school students (Boss, 2011).

This chapter presented a review of the literature. The next chapter outlines the

methodology used for this study, including data collection and analysis procedures.


This chapter discusses the methodology used to conduct this study, which

examines best practices utilized by expert middle school teachers. The chapter begins

with a review of the purpose statement, research questions, and research design. The

chapter then provides an extensive overview of the justification for the research design,

population, sample, research instruments, methods of data collections, and methods of

data analysis. The final section covers methodological assumptions, limitations of the

study, and the ethical procedures engaged to safeguard the protection of human subjects.

The chapter concludes with a summary of the overall methodology of this study.

Purpose Statement

The purpose of this mixed methods sequential explanatory study was to identify

and describe best practices in technology integration in middle school classrooms as

perceived by expert middle school teachers. Additionally, it was the purpose of the

study to determine the most important best practices and perceived barriers to successful

technology integration as perceived by expert middle school teachers.

Research Questions

1. What are the best practices in technology integration in middle school

classrooms as perceived by expert middle school teachers?

2. What are the most important best practices in technology integration in

middle school classrooms as identified by expert middle school teachers?

3. What are barriers to successful technology integration in middle school

classrooms as perceived by expert middle school teachers?

Research Design

A mixed method sequential explanatory research design was used to identify and

describe best practices utilized in technology integration in middle school. Mixed

method sequential explanatory research designs use a two-step design whereby the data

for the quantitative component is collected followed by gathering qualitative data to

further explain, elaborate, or clarify the quantitative results (Creswell, 2014). This

QUAN-qual design first collects quantitative data to provide initial information to

explain the phenomena being studied, then uses the qualitative data to refine and explain

wherein both forms of data are integrated in the design through merging, connecting, or

embedding the data to fully explain the phenomenon (Creswell, 2014; McMillan &

Schumacher, 2010). This design “captures the best of both quantitative and qualitative

data- to obtain quantitative results from a population in the first phase, and then refine or

elaborate these findings through an in-depth qualitative exploration in the second phase”

(Creswell, 2002, p. 567). This design was selected because it was the most appropriate

approach for addressing the purpose of the study and answering the research questions.

This mixed methods sequential explanatory research design combines the quantitative

component that explains the what with the qualitative component explaining in further

detail the why (Creswell, 2014; McMillan & Schumacher, 2010). Figure 3 depicts a

graphic representation of the sequential explanatory mixed methods design.

Figure 3. Sequential explanatory mixed methods research design.

Quantitative Research

Gay, Mills, and Airasian (2009) defined quantitative research as the type of

educational research that involves the collection and analysis of numerical data to

describe, explain, or predict phenomena. Techniques used in quantitative research

include survey research, correlational studies, experimental or causal comparative

designs, and database analysis (Gay et al., 2009; McMillan & Schumacher, 2010; Patten,

2012). The numerical data are statistically analyzed, providing sufficient information to

address the research questions. The focus of the data analysis was to identify best

practices used by expert middle school teachers effective in integrating technology in

their classrooms. McMillan and Schumacher (2010) stated, “Surveys are used to

determine people’s attitudes, beliefs, values, demographics, behavior, opinions, habits,

desires, ideas and other types of information” (p. 235). Descriptive research is obtained

by acquiring information pertaining to an existing phenomenon, program, case, or

situation and is a part of quantitative study (McMillan & Schumacher, 2010; Patton,

2002). This descriptive research used subject and survey questionnaires to describe best

practices of technology integration in middle schools. Descriptive research was elected

for the study because the goal was to describe, explain, and identify the practices of

expert middle school teachers integrating technology in their classrooms.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research methods comprise the collection, analysis, and interpretation

of narrative and visual data such as case study research, in-depth interviews, or focus

groups (Gay et al., 2009; McMillan & Schumacher, 2010; Patten, 2012). Creswell

(2014) described qualitative research as, “Research in which the researcher relies on the

views of participants; describes and analyzes these words for themes; and conducts the

inquiry in a subjective, biased manner” (p. 46). In qualitative research, the information

obtained is more general in nature. Respondents are asked open-ended questions for the

researcher to gather words, phrases, stories, and descriptions based in a natural setting

(Creswell, 2014; Gay et al., 2009; McMillan & Schumacher, 2010; Patten, 2012).

Krathwohl (2009) posited qualitative findings provided the human side of research,

attaching emotions and feelings to phenomena to empower understanding by the reader.


A population is a group that embodies the characteristics of a distinct grouping

of individuals, articles, artifacts, or activities that conform to conditions that researchers

want to understand pertinent to the research questions (McMillan & Schumacher, 2010;

Patten, 2012). Creswell (2014) described a target population as a group of individuals

with the same characteristics. Additionally, target populations were recognized as a

group of individuals where the findings of the research could be generalized (Gay et al.,

2009). The population utilized for this study was California middle school teachers and

the target population was middle school teachers considered experts at technology

integration in the middle school classroom. Table 3 shows the student enrollment and

number of schools by type in California.

Table 3

Enrollment and Number of Public Schools by Type: 2014-15

School Type Enrollment Number of Schools

Elementary 3,112,698 5,825
K-12 138,724 242
Middle/Junior High 1,022,402 1,347
High 1,776,132 1,337
Continuation 60,027 460
Alternative 63,331 259
Community day 4,225 204
Special education 21,507 133
Other 36,474 586
Total 6,235,520 10,458
Note. Total enrollment count includes students enrolled in charter schools. Adapted from
California Department of Education (2016).

According to the National Center for Education Statistics (2016), there are

10,458 public schools in California. Of those, 1,347 are middle schools. California’s

large population of middle schools and geography with lengthy distance across the state

contributed to why the researcher used convenience sampling. Convenience sampling is

a method that relies on data collection from population members conveniently available

to the researcher (Patten, 2012). The accessible population for the focus of this study

was middle schools in the counties of Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, Sacramento, and

Solano. Contra Costa has six middle schools, Marin County has six middle schools,

Napa has six middle schools, Sacramento has 13 schools and Solano County has 12

middle schools for a total of 43 middle schools in these counties (Table 4).

Table 4

County and Number of Middle Schools

County Number of Middle Schools

Contra Costa County 6 middle schools
Sacramento County 13 middle schools
Marin County 6 middle schools
Solano County 12 middle schools
Napa County 6 middle schools
Total 43 middle schools
Note. Adapted from California Department of Education.

These 43 middle schools were the prospective target population the researcher

wished to generalize the data collection. In this study, the researcher sought to identify

and describe the practices of middle school teachers effective at integrating technology.


Krathwohl (2009) defined a study sample as a subset of a larger group

representing the whole. The study sample referred to the subgroup of the target

population from whom the researcher planned to collect data, also known as participants

(Krathwohl, 2009; McMillan & Schumacher, 2010). Creswell (2014) stated “The target

population or ‘sampling frame’ is the actual list of sampling units from which the

sample is selected” (p. 393).

The researcher used purposive criterion sampling for this study. “Purposive

sampling involves the selection of a small number of cases from a larger population”

(McMillan & Schumacher, 2010, p. 399). The sample for this study was expert middle

school teachers who met the following criteria:

• Taught sixth, seventh, or eighth grade in a public school located in California

within the specified counties (Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, Sacramento, and


• Spent at least three years in middle school teaching with technology

• Received specific training or certifications in technology

• Held a leadership role in integrating technology

• Authored papers or presented at workshops/conferences re: technology

• Confirmed as an expert middle school technology teacher by the principal or


Convenience sampling is a non-probability type of sampling that relies on data

collection of participants conveniently available to participate in the research (Patten,

2012). As the study focused on best practices of expert middle school teachers, it was

necessary to narrow the sample to specific middle school teachers currently integrating

technology in their classroom and located geographically near the researcher. Figure 4

shows the narrowing from the population to the sample. The researcher contacted the

superintendents of the school districts listed on the California Department of Education

website as residing within the specified counties. The superintendent was contacted for

permission to conduct the study and for names of teachers who met the study criteria.

The superintendent either contacted the teachers themselves or allowed the researcher to

contact the site principal to recruit teachers to participate in the study. Once teachers

confirmed their willingness to participate, a link to the electronic survey was sent to

them, which resulted in 34 participants.

Figure 4. Graphic representation of narrowing from population to sample.


Instrumentation was defined as tools for measuring, observing, or documenting

quantitative data (Creswell, 2014). For this study, both quantitative and qualitative

instruments were used to collect data. When combined, the strengths of both methods

“provides for a more comprehensive picture of what is being studied” (McMillan &

Schumacher, 2010, p. 396). Quantitative data were gathered by an online survey and

qualitative data were collected through semi-structured interviews.

Quantitative Instrumentation

As explained by McMillan and Schumacher, (2010) descriptive explanatory data

are used to, “describe and explain the patterns related to the phenomena…to examine

new or little-understood phenomena” (p. 324). One tool to obtain descriptive data for

research is online surveys, also known as electronic questionnaires (Krathwohl, 2009).

The researcher used surveys acquired from published dissertations to gather quantitative

data. Using existing instruments built off the established validity of scores obtained

from past use of the instrument (Creswell, 2014). Creswell (2012) supported the

collection of data in quantitative research by using the most current version of an

instrument available, noting preestablished instruments used extensively in other studies

provided validity of information. For this reason, the Best Practice Implementation of

Middle School Technology survey (Appendix B) was created using ideas from published

surveys. Because no one survey was sufficient to collect the needed data to answer the

research questions, it was necessary to use ideas from multiple sources wherein the

researcher created an original survey to meet the needs of this study. The three

resources of published information were the International Society for Technology in

Education Student Standards (ISTE, 2016), the Survey of Middle School Teachers at

Research Site (Petty, 2012), and questions in relation to barriers of technology education

excerpted from the Teachers Integration Survey (Adedokum, 2016). Permission to use

ideas from these instruments was secured prior to using them for data collection

(Appendix E).

Qualitative Instrumentation

Qualitative interviewing begins with the assumption the perspective of others is

meaningful, knowable, and able to be made explicit (Patton, 2002). The purpose of this

study was to gather data from various individuals regarding their best practices that

support successful technology integration in middle school classes. In alignment with

this purpose, interviews were used as the supplementary method of data collection.

Interviews followed the online survey, allowing the researcher to gain a deeper


The purpose of the interviews was to obtain information on current practices and

strategies used in technology integrated classrooms. Meeting face-to-face was the first

option requested, but when that was not feasible interviews were conducted through

web-conferencing or telephone. Participants did not have to answer any questions they

do not wish to answer. The researcher was as unobtrusive as possible taking notes on a

laptop or writing in a research journal. Participants were contacted within a few weeks

of the interview if any clarification was needed regarding the information gathered.


In research, validity determines the degree of truthfulness in which the results

represent the actual phenomenon (McMillan & Schumacher, 2010; Patten, 2012).

Expert panels are often used when specialized input and opinion is required to assess the

validity of an instrument or study (McMillan & Schumacher, 2010; Patten, 2012). In

this study, an expert panel was utilized to support the validity of the data collection

instruments, as well as ascertain the usefulness and meaning of data collected. This

expert panel consisted of leaders in the field of educational technology known for their

expertise in technology integration.

The researcher developed the survey instrument (Appendix B) to align with the

stated purpose and research questions. A large portion of the survey was generated with

permission from Dr. Donna Petty using the survey from her 2012 dissertation, which

also explored best practices in technology integration. For purposes of integrity and

validity, each survey item was cross referenced to the applicable ISTE standard and

represented in the literature. A panel of experts was utilized to review and confirm the

instruments’ content validity. The expert panel consisted of three individuals who each

(a) had experience as district superintendents; (b) provided technology expertise as

conference presenters, bloggers, or content providers; (c) had years of membership

and/or leadership in ACSA Technology Leadership Committee; and (d) were recognized

for their technology leadership. The panel of experts was given the link to the survey to

review and validate the content and provide feedback. Each expert provided meaningful

feedback which the researcher utilized to revise the survey instrument prior to


Quantitative research content and construct validity. Validity in quantitative

research is to establish whether one can draw meaningful and useful inferences from

scores on the instrument used. Creswell (2014) explained three traditional forms of

validity in quantitative research: (a) content validity (do the items measure the content

they intended to measure); (b) predictive or concurrent validity (do scores predict a

criterion measure, do results correlate with other results); and (c) construct validity (do

items measure hypothetical constructs or concepts). Due to this research utilizing

excerpts from instruments used in published dissertations, content and construct validity

were already established.

Qualitative research content and construct validity. In qualitative research,

validity “refers to the degree of congruence between the explanations of the phenomena

and the realities of the world” (McMillan & Schumacher, 2010, p. 330). Validity

requires the researcher and participants to establish a common understanding of the

concepts and phenomena under study (McMillan & Schumacher, 2010; Patton, 2002).

To provide for content validity, the interview questions were developed based on an

extensive review of literature and with assistance from an expert panel; additionally,

ideas from existing survey questions and published dissertations guided development.

McMillan and Schumacher (2010) explained, “Good qualitative questions

include interview script critiques by experienced interviewers, interview guide field

testing, and revision of initial questions of final phraseology” (p. 357). These techniques

also establish the reliability of qualitative data. To enhance validity and reliability, the

following strategies were employed: (1) interview protocol and script were developed

based on best practices and aligned to ISTE Standards, (2) the protocol was reviewed by

an expert panel, (3) the instrument was field tested to ensure a common understanding

and clarify participant language, (4) responses were digitally recorded and transcribed,

and (5) participants reviewed transcripts for accuracy. The participant language was

used to design clear and concrete interview questions in familiar language to the

interviewees. In addition, the researcher provided participants with working definitions

of terms used in the questions. An established common understanding of these terms

helped ensure comprehension of interview questions. Moreover, a recording device was

used during participant interviews to ensure a verbatim collection of their words rather

than relying on the researcher’s written account and memory. Finally, participants were

provided the opportunity to review the transcription of their interview to verify their

experiences were accurately captured.


In addition to validity, the reliability of the survey questions was sought.

Reliability refers to the ability of the instrument tool to produce consistent outcomes

(Patten, 2012). The reliability for this study was determined through an instrument field

test. McMillan and Schumacher (2010) stated test-retest reliability could be achieved by

administering the test to the same individuals twice over a period of time. Participants

from a pre-identified site not participating in the study were asked to take the survey and

participate in the interview process to determine if the results were effective. These

selected educators were asked to field-test the survey and interview questions. A field

test increases reliability in this study by safeguarding the neutrality of the researcher and

ensuring questions accurately align to the research questions and provide an opportunity

for revisions to the survey questions and interview process prior to actual data collection

(Creswell, 2014; McMillan & Schumacher, 2010). Field test participants were asked to

review the survey questions (Appendix B), interview protocol (Appendix D), and the

interview questions (Appendix D), and provided feedback on the following areas:

structure, sequence, and reliability of interview questions; clarity of interview questions;

length of questions and interview; and the recording process. Revisions were made

based on feedback from the field test participants and dissertation chair.

Data Collection

Quantitative Data Collection

For quantitative data collection, an online survey was developed with excerpts

from an existing dissertation on technology integration best practices. Data were

collected via survey. Teacher names and contact information were compiled and a

request to participate in the study was sent via email. Letters and contact information of

middle school experts of technology integration were requested through specified

organizations. A list of potential participants was compiled. Letters to districts

requesting participation were emailed and followed-up for confirmation of participation.

Upon district approval, a letter was sent to the principal or site administrator requesting

participation in the research. Once approved, emails and letter inviting selected teachers

considered experts in technology integration were invited to complete the survey. Each

respondent to the electronic survey (Appendix B) first received a landing page with

information regarding informed consent (Appendix C). To proceed to the survey,

participants needed check a box indicating they read the informed consent form and

understood their participation was voluntary. Teacher participants were assured all

information was confidential and no identifying data were shared in any way. After

signing the informed consent form, a link to the online survey was delivered to


Qualitative Data Collection

On the survey, teachers were given the opportunity to volunteer to participate in

a follow-up interview. Those who volunteered were contacted via email and an

interview was scheduled. Interviews were conducted face-to-face or electronically

depending on location, time, and availability of the participant and researcher. All

participants were asked permission to record interviews. The researcher recorded the

process and took observational notes using a journal. Interviews with teachers were

transcribed and the transcriptions were forwarded to participants for their review.

Ethical Considerations

Approval from the Brandman University Institutional Review Board (BUIRB)

was obtained prior to conducting the study. Approval required understanding of ethical

standards in dealing with human subjects, including respect for others, benevolence, and

fairness. All participants were provided adequate time to review the informed consent

form (Appendix C) and consider all options. The researcher thoroughly explained the

study purpose, procedures, potential benefits and risks, and the voluntary nature of their

participation. Participants were assured confidentiality protocols would be followed so

all identifiable information was protected. Participants had the right to withdraw from

the study without penalty or refuse to answer any questions at any time without

repercussions. The researcher ensured participants comprehended all the information

presented. Additionally, the researcher responded to any questions surfaced.

Assurance of confidentiality included processing the dissertation proposal

through the BUIRB. BUIRB approval necessitated researchers conducting studies

involving human subjects to submit research protocols to the BUIRB for review and

approval prior to commencing the project. The necessary documentation was submitted

to BUIRB and the study was approved to move forward. After BUIRB approval, data

collection commenced.

Data Analysis

To distinguish the patterns in participant responses, it was important to analyze

emerging themes of consensus and disagreement relevant to the research questions. The

data produced from the survey described participant ratings about technology

integration. McMillan and Schumacher (2010) proposed using a survey for research

provided clarity on the participants viewpoint. The quantitative data produced from the

questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive statistics and reported in tables.

Qualitative data were analyzed using a spreadsheet, creating themes and color coding.

Quantitative Data Analysis

As explained by McMillan and Schumacher (2010), descriptive explanatory data

were used to, “describe and explain the patterns related to the phenomena” and “to

examine new or little-understood phenomena” (p. 324). Likert scale data were gathered

and used to assess the frequency of usage and specific practices used by participants.

Data were categorized to refine questions and used to provide a framework for further

conceptualization of qualitative data. The purpose of survey questions 2 to 20 was to

identify and narrow the best practices most used by technology integration experts in

middle school classrooms. For survey questions 4 to 12, participants were asked to

identify which practices and technology applications they used. Similarly, questions 13

to 20 asked participants to rate on a Likert scale from 1 (low importance) to 5 (high

importance) what they perceived as most important for successful middle school

technology integration. Participants were instructed to identify strategies in the first

section and rate them on the scale of 1-5 on questions 13 to 20. The number of

respondents marking each rating was tallied and a mean score was calculated. The items

were rank-ordered to identify the most important practices.

Qualitative Data Analysis

For survey questions 21 to 25, participants were asked open-ended questions to

provide more detail and explanation about their technology integrated leaning activities.

Additionally, interview participants were asked open-ended questions to learn more

about successful technology integration practices using a standard protocol (Appendix

D). Interview recordings were obtained, transcribed, and coded where patterns and

identifying themes were noted. Coding allowed the researcher to find similarities

among transcribed data developing categorical information sections (McMillian &

Schumacher, 2010). Data categories assisted the researcher in addressing the research


The researcher, with the assistance of Excel and Google Docs coded the data.

The transcribed data from the survey instrument was uploaded to Excel software using

participant numbers to safeguard confidentiality. Use of interview data provided a fuller

understanding of best practices and the themes that emerged.


Limitations are elements that could adversely affect a study and limit the

researcher’s ability to generalize to other populations (Patton, 2002). One study

limitation was the use of purposeful convenience sampling, which was not random, so

the data may not generalize to others outside of this study. Also, a small sample of

experts in middle school technology integration were surveyed and interviewed. The

sample size was limited and may affect generalizability. Another limitation was

whether participants responded in a truthful and accurate manner during data collection.

A fourth limitation was the use of excerpts of survey instruments from publish

dissertations, which could limit the scope of information provided from participants.

Furthermore, the study was conducted with middle school teachers in northern

California and, therefore, the findings may not be able to be generalized to other

geographical areas either nationally or globally. Finally, a limitation of the study was

the researcher acted as the instrument of inquiry for the interviews, which could

influence the research results.


Chapter III detailed the methodology used in this study, reviewed the research

questions, and presented study processes. The purpose of this study was to gather ideas

about best practices in technology integrated classrooms based on experts at technology

integration in middles school. Quantitative data were gathered using an electronic

survey and qualitative data were collected via interviews. Descriptive statistics were

used to analyze quantitative data. Qualitative data were coded and analyzed for trends in

the degree of technology integration used. Chapter IV describes the findings and how

the information can be used for deeper learning. It also discusses the barriers of

successful implementation of technology integration in middle schools based on the

teacher experts.


Technology in the classroom changed rapidly over the last decade. These

changes forced educators to make decisions regarding instructional practices in

conjunction with the use of technology to ensure the greatest impact on deeper learning

environments (Fullan & Donnelly, 2013). The question was not whether to use

technology, but rather how technologies should be used to support instructional

outcomes (Javeri & Persichitte, 2007). In studies to identify technology and its

effectiveness findings revealed both positive and negative effects of technology

integration with minimal data that identified and described teacher best practices or

experiences in middle school classrooms (Adcock, 2008). Therefore, the purpose of this

study was to identify and describe best practices in and barriers to technology

integration in middle school classrooms as perceived by expert middle school teachers.

Chapter IV reiterates the purpose statement, research questions, population,

sample, and methodology. It includes a review and an analysis of the data describing

teacher responses on quantitative and qualitative interviews. Data pertaining to research

questions are presented in table format to describe survey responses. Interview data are

provided in a narrative format and arranged in themes describing practices of technology

integration in middle school classrooms.

Purpose Statement

The purpose of this mixed methods sequential explanatory study was to identify

and describe best practices in technology integration in middle school classrooms as

perceived by expert middle school teachers. Additionally, it was the purpose of the

study to determine the most important best practices and perceived barriers to successful

technology integration as perceived by expert middle school teachers.

Research Questions

1. What are the best practices in technology integration in middle school

classrooms as perceived by expert middle school teachers?

2. What are the most important best practices in technology integration in

middle school classrooms as identified by expert middle school teachers?

3. What are barriers to successful technology integration in middle school

classrooms as perceived by expert middle school teachers?


This mixed methods sequential explanatory study included a survey of middle

school teachers in five northern California schools who were identified by their

superintendents and/or principals as experts in technology integration by meeting the

criteria outlined in Chapter III. Thirty-four teachers responded to the survey and some

teachers indicated their willingness to complete a follow-up interview. Of the 34 survey

participants, two did not answer most of the questions despite clicking through the entire

survey resulting in an n of 32 for most items. Likert scale data were gathered from the

initial survey instrument and used to assess the frequency of usage and specific practices

used by expert technology integration teachers in middle school. The researcher

categorized the data to identify common themes using Excel, followed by reporting

information gleaned in data tables shown in this chapter.

Based on the survey participants response when asked if they were willing to be

contacted further to participate in a follow-up interview, 12 willing participants were

contacted to complete interviews. Seven teachers participated in interviews; some were

unable to participate due to schedule conflicts or other extenuating circumstance even

though they expressed willingness. Three of the interviews were completed face-to-

face, three were completed over the phone, and one was completed virtually. Interviews

were transcribed and forwarded to participants for review, corrections, and confirmation

of accuracy. Initial coding was completed by writing notes on transcripts. Then,

transcripts were coded using NVivo and analyzed for themes, possible trends, and


The sample for this study of expert middle school teachers met the following


• Taught 6th, 7th or 8th grade in a public school located in California within

the specified counties

• Spent at least three years in middle school teaching with technology

• Received specific training or certifications in technology

• Held a leadership role in integrating technology, such as lead teacher

• Authored papers or presented at workshops/conferences re: technology

• Confirmed as an expert middle school technology teacher by the principal or


Presentation and Analysis of Data

This section describes the data gathered from the survey instrument and

corresponding interview questions. Data are presented as they align to the research

questions. This section details both quantitative and qualitative data that highlight

noticeable themes.

Findings for Research Question 1

Research Question 1 asked: What are the best practices in technology integration

in middle school classrooms as perceived by expert middle school teachers? To address

this question, the survey asked how often participants used technology for instructional

purposes and how often their students used technology. Of the 34 participants who

completed the survey, 84.4% reported using technology for instructional purposes daily

in their class. Surprisingly, three respondents used technology for instructional purposes

at least once a week. In terms of students, 14 (45.2%) participants stated they had their

students use technology in an instructional setting daily whereas other participants had

their students use technology every other day or less (Table 5).

Table 5

Frequency of Teacher and Student Technology Use

Teacher Student
n % n %
Daily in each class 27 84.4 14 45.2
Every other class 1 3.3 5 16.1
Three times a week 1 3.3 5 16.1
At least two times a week 0 0 3 16.1
At least once a week 3 9.4 6 19.4

Digital citizenship. Participants were also asked to describe best practices they

deemed effective for developing student skill pertaining to digital citizenship. Twenty-

five of 34 participants (78.1%) stated they provided equitable access to technology for

all their students. Additionally, 71% of the expert teachers discussed and modeled the

importance of internet safety with students and 21 (62%) identified all five areas as a

best practice for modeling digital citizenship (Table 6).

Table 6

Teacher Modeling of Digital Citizenship (ISTE Standard 2)

n %
Provide equitable access to technology for all students 25 78.1
Discuss and model the importance of internet safety 23 71.8
Model and teach the safe, legal, and ethical use of digital 22 68.8
information and technology
Model and expect students to use appropriate documentation of 21 65.6
sources on projects
Discuss and model the importance of copyright and ethical use 21 65.6
of digital information with students

With over 50% of respondents identifying modeling appropriate digital use and

providing equitable access to technology clearly signified a high level of importance for

middle school technology implementation. This was evident from interviews as well.

Participant 4 highlighted the importance of discussing digital citizenship with middle

school students, saying,

It is very important to teach students proper use of technology and what it

means to be a positive digital citizen. All grades must complete at least

three Common Sense Media lessons from the topics internet safety, digital

footprint and reputation, and creative credit and copyright. These are done

in English classrooms the first 10 days of school.

Use of digital tools and resources. Participants were asked to describe their use

of digital tools and resources. Twenty-five participants (78.1%) reported they used

email, productivity software (e.g., word processing, spreadsheets, databases,

presentation software) and websites for both personal and instructional use.

Additionally, 23 participants designed learning activities for students that used

productivity software and websites. Interestingly, over half (68%) used staff and student

shared folders and/or a learning management system (LMS) to share teacher designed

learning activities (Table 7).

Table 7

Participant Use of Digital Tools and Resources (ISTE Standard 6)

n %
Email, productivity software, and websites for 25 78.1%
personal/instruction use
Self-designed learning activities for students that use 23 71.9%
productivity software and websites
Staff and student shared folders and/or LMS for 22 68.8%
information sharing and/or collaboration.
Integrate digital tools and resources for communication, 21 65.6%
production, collaboration, and instruction
Digital tools for collaboration with colleagues and/or 21 65.6%

To seek deeper understanding of how expert technology implementing middle

school teachers used digital tools and resources, interview questions asked for further

explanation and examples. Participant 4 reported the best practice of seamlessly

integrating the use of digital tools and resources for communication, production,

collaboration, and instruction was supported by using a LMS. Participant 4 explained,

Echo is our content management system and LMS… All assignments are

provided on the LMS where students access course content, including daily

agendas, grades, feedback, and communication applications or email where

we can exchange information… I can put every link that I need on our

agenda and students can access it in one place.

Interactive technology. Survey participants were asked to select which

statement best described their use of interactive technology. Responses showed 59.4%

of participants used and created lessons and assessments that engage students through

interactive technologies that advanced student learning and creativity (e.g., interactive

boards, wireless devices, individual response systems). Instead of creating their own

lessons and assessments, 21.9% used existing lessons and assessments that engaged

students through interactive technologies (Table 8).

Table 8

Technology Used Interactively (ISTE Standards 1,2,6,7)

Use and create lessons and assessments that engage students through interactive 59.4
technologies that advance student learning and creativity
Use lessons and assessments that engage students through interactive technologies 21.9
Use lessons that engage students primarily through interactive technologies 6.3
Use interactive technology primarily for presentation and working toward 12.5
interactive use with students
Use interactive technology primarily for presentation. 0.0

Practices to support learning and assessment. Survey participants were also

asked to describe best practices that supported effective learning experiences and

assessments. Responses showed 32.3% of participants designed, monitored, and

assessed the digital learning environment that enabled students to pursue their individual

curiosity. In contrast, 25.8% used digital tools to address diverse learning styles and

19.4% provided customized and personalized learning experiences based on

achievement data (Table 9).

Table 9

Support of Student Learning Experiences and Assessments (ISTE Standards 1,5,6)

Provide a digital learning environment where students are active participants in 9.7
setting educational goals, managing learning, and assessing progress
Provide a digital learning environment enabling students to pursue individual 32.3
Provide customized and personalized learning experiences based on achievement 19.4
Provide digital tools to address diverse learning styles 25.8
Provide learning experiences that incorporate the use of various digital tools 12.9

Technology for research and problem-solving. Participants were asked to

select the response that best described how they instructed students to use technology for

research and problem-solving. Participant responses showed 51.6% required students to

search for and evaluate information through electronic resources and other appropriate

technologies exploring real world issues and authentic problems. Approximately 16.1%

of expert teachers assigned projects that required students to locate information

electronically and give credit by citing sources and another 16.1% assigned questions

that could be answered through a search of teacher-selected electronic resources (Table


Table 10

Student Use of Technology for Research and Problem-Solving (ISTE Standards 3,4)

Projects require students to search for and evaluate information through electronic 51.6
resources and other technologies exploring real world issues and authentic
Projects require students to locate information electronically and give credit by 16.1
citing sources
Students receive questions that require a search of student-selected electronic 9.7
resources and other appropriate technologies with limited assistance.
Students receive questions that require a search of teacher-selected electronic 16.1
Students are told about electronic resources that relate to topics they are studying 6.5

Use of technology applications. Survey participants were asked to identify

technology applications they used with their students. Nearly all (90.6%) had students

use the Internet for research. Additionally, 75% or more of expert teachers had students

use word processors, games, and presentation software. Between 50% and 65% of

participants reported using Excel spreadsheets and Blackboard applications with

students. All other uses of technology were noted by fewer than half the respondents

(Table 11).

Table 11

Technology Applications Used with Students (ISTE Standards 4,5,6,7)

n %
Internet for research 29 90.6
Word processors (Word) 25 78.1
Presentation Software 25 78.1
Games (tutorial and basic skills development) 24 75.0
Spreadsheets (Excel) 21 65.7
Blackboard applications (online testing, wikis, blogs) 17 53.1
Special applications for reading, math (e.g., Accelerated Reader, Larson) 15 46.9
Discovery Education (digital textbooks) 14 43.8
Interactive White Board (SMARTboard, Promethean, graphing) 13 40.6
Databases 11 34.4
Learning management system 11 34.4
Webpage creation 9 28.1
Podcasting / Vodcasting (Audacity, Garage Band, MovieMaker, 8 25.0
Graphing calculators 7 21.9
'Clickers' (Class Performance System or Senteo) 3 9.4
CD-ROM encyclopedias 1 3.1
Probes for data acquisition (temperature, mass) 1 3.1
GPS / Geocaching 1 3.1
Webinar (AdobeConnect) 0 0.0
Other (Please Specify) 8 25.0

Participants also had the chance to identify other software applications or tools

they used with students. These responses included other LMS platforms, Google Suite,

K-12 digital flexbooks, simulator and coding applications, multi-media software, and

specific software applications.

Addressing adolescent needs. Survey participants were asked to identify needs

of early adolescents they incorporated into their technology integrated lessons. Nearly

all (93.8%) incorporated structure and clear limits in their technology integrated lessons.

This was followed by competence and achievement (87.5%), creative expression

(84.4%), and positive social interactions with adults and peers (81.3%). Only seven

(21.9%) reported incorporating physical activity into their classrooms (Table 12).

Table 12

Adolescent Needs Addressed in the Classroom (ISTE Standards 3,4,5)

n %
Structure and clear limits 30 93.8
Competence and achievement 28 87.5
Creative expression 27 84.4
Positive social interaction with adults and peers 26 81.3
Meaningful participation in families, school, and communities 19 59.4
Opportunities for self-definition 19 59.4
Physical activity 7 21.9

Based on the developmental age of middle school students, the participants

placed a high importance on establishing structure and clear limits. Interview data

further explained what best practices looked like for structure and clear limits.

Participant 5 shared,

Middle school students come to realize they have all this power and they

haven't quite yet developed as much empathy as they should for how much

power they have when using technology. Therefore, my students, require a

lot more boundaries put in place for them from an external factor.

Additionally, I put a lot of emphasis on their social responsibility, which is

why we did a debate on cyberbullying, focusing on the proper use of social

media. This project helped develop positive actions and how we as

individuals need to be the ones to ways to constructively use social media.

Similarly, Participant 3 described how structure and clear limits were

incorporated in the middle school classroom through learning activities, saying,

Structure and clear limits usually come in the form of an activity or project

where students are provided guidelines used to meet learning criteria.

Learning expectations are identified, ensuring students know what they’re

trying to do, what their objective is, how to gather information and use

resources to support learning, and provide positive exploration.

Addressing digital generation needs. Survey participants were asked how

important it was to incorporate specific digital generation needs into their technology

integrated lessons. Responses showed 90.6% of participants used visually or media-rich

teaching resources in their technology integrated lessons. Also, 78% to 82% of the

expert teachers utilized social-based activities (e.g., cooperative learning, wikis, games),

frequent transitions during class, digital literacy (i.e., teaching students how to use

software and how to choose valid resources on the internet), and student choice (Table


Table 13

Digital Generation Needs Addressed in the Classroom (ISTE Standards 1,3,4,5)

n %
Visually/media-rich teaching resources 29 90.6
Social-based activities 26 81.3
Frequent transitions during class 25 78.1
Digital literacy 25 78.1
Student choice 25 78.1

Participants were then asked how important it was to incorporate specific 21st

century skills into technology integrated lessons. Interestingly, responses showed 96.9%

placed a high importance on incorporating core content and critical thinking/problem-

solving into technology integrated lessons. Also, 93.8% incorporated learning activities

to develop communication skills and 87.5% incorporate learning activities that

supported creativity and thinking outside the box. In contrast, only 50% incorporated

leadership/accountability and ethics/social responsibility (Table 14).

Table 14

21st Century Skills Addressed in the Classroom (ISTE Standards 1,3,4,5,7)

n %
Core content 31 96.9
Critical thinking/problem-solving 31 96.9
Communication skills 30 93.8
Creativity/thinking outside the box 28 87.5
Personal accountability (goal setting and evaluation) 24 75.0
Digital literacy 23 71.9
Leadership/accountability 16 50.0
Ethics/social responsibility 16 50.0

Throughout the survey, participants were asked to identify best practices used in

technology integrated classrooms. These data provided a broad overview of best

practices used in technology implementation. In the next section, data describes what

the participants found most important for technology integration.

Findings for Research Question 2

Research Question 2 asked: What are the most important best practices in

technology integration in middle school classrooms as identified by expert middle

school teachers? Participants responded using a Likert scale with 1 = Low Importance

and 5 = High Importance.

Digital citizenship. Participants were asked how important specific practices

were in supporting student success as it pertained to how teachers modeled digital

citizenship. Participants placed importance on all five, with the highest importance

placed on the necessity to provide equitable access to technology for all students

(80.0%) and discussing and modeling Internet safety with students (73.3%). Fewer than

half of the respondents rated the other items of high importance (Table 15).

Table 15

Importance of Modeling Digital Citizenship (ISTE Standards 1,2,7)

1 2 3 4 5
Provide equitable access to technology for all 0.0 0.0 3.3 13.3 80.0
Discuss and model the importance of Internet 0.0 3.3 6.7 13.3 73.3
safety with students
Model and expect students to use appropriate 0.0 3.3 16.7 33.3 46.7
documentation of sources on projects
Model and teach the safe, legal, and ethical 3.3 3.3 16.7 33.3 43.3
use of digital information and technology
Discuss and model the importance of 3.3 0.0 20.0 33.3 43.3
copyright and ethical use of digital

Interviews also asked about digital citizenship. Participant 7 thought equitable

access was necessary to support successful technology integration in middle schools,


As far as providing equitable access to technology, it is essential and why I

am such a strong proponent of having equity, especially in technology, for

all students. For example, our middle school students [who] typically come

from poverty do not have access. They have access maybe to cellular

technology, but that's very different than an actual computer. The other

reality too is that with our students of poverty, they tend to not have access

to the internet at home. They have access at school because all of our

schools have free Wi-Fi for students, and they may have it if they go to the

public library, but even then, if they don't have access to a library close to

them, they don't have access at home.

Additionally, Participant 1 explained how equitable access was crucial for

successful technology integration in middle school, sharing,

I think the biggest component in regards to digital citizenship, although all

the noted factors are important, but really on having equitable access to

technology. In one of my classes, I was short 15 computers and this was

just last year… We grew to have a one-to-one computing environment.

Students were able to check out and borrow computers this year, making a

huge difference and seeing the benefits for students to have equitable access.

Participants also placed a high importance on the need to teach students how to

be safe in their use of the Internet. Participant 3 described best practices that supported

learning activities promoting Internet safety, commenting,

We believe all of them need to handle technology as a responsible student.

We talk about what are safe websites, what legal and ethical boundaries are,

and that if they are to go on an inappropriate website, a consequence could

have their technology taken away from them, as well as a referral sent home.

Other unethical actions on the internet could be in the form of

cyberbullying, plagiarizing, and improper citations.

Use of digital tools and resources. Participants were then asked to describe

specific practices, digital tools, and resources they used to support student success.

Responses showed half (50%) placed high importance on their use of email, productivity

software (e.g., word processing, spreadsheet, database, and/or presentation software),

and websites for personal and/or instructional use. As shown in Table 16, half of

participants (50%) also placed high importance on using and creating lessons and

assessments that engaged students through interactive technologies that advanced

student learning and creativity (e.g., interactive boards, wireless devices, individual

response systems).

Table 16

Practices Used to Support Student Success with Digital Tools and Resources (ISTE

Standards 4,5,6,7)

1 2 3 4 5
Email, productivity software, and websites for 0.0 10.0 6.7 33.3 50.0
personal/instructional use
Lessons and assessments that engage students 0.0 3.3 16.7 30.0 50.0
through interactive technologies to advance
learning and creativity
Activities that use productivity software and 0.0 3.3 20.0 36.7 36.7
Digital tools and resources for communication, 0.0 3.3 30.0 36.7 30.0
production, collaboration, and instruction
Shared folders and/or LMS 3.3 10.0 26.7 23.3 36.7

Interview participants echoed the importance of utilizing and creating lessons

and assessments that engaged students through interactive technologies. For example,

Participant 4 shared,

Our district uses Google Apps for Education or G Suite for Education. It is

a suite of productivity tools to help students and teachers interact seamlessly

and securely across devices. The suite includes G-Mail, Calendar, Contacts,

Hangouts, Classroom, Drive, Docs, Slides, Forms, Sheets, Drawings.

Google Classroom distributes assignments, sends feedback, and allows me

to see everything in one place.

Technology to support student learning. Survey participants were asked how

important specific practices were to support student success in meeting learning

objectives while using interactive technology. Participant responses of 4 and 5

combined showed over 65% of teachers used interactive technology primarily for

presentations and were working toward interactive use in helping students be successful

in reaching their learning objective goal. In contrast, approximately 27% of participants

used interactive technology primarily for presentations to students (Table 17).

Table 17

Practices to Support Student Success in Meeting the Learning Objectives (ISTE

Standards 1,2,6,7)

1 2 3 4 5
Use interactive technology primarily for 0.0 17.2 17.2 37.9 27.6
presentations and working toward interactive
use with students
Use interactive technology primarily for 6.9 20.7 37.9 24.1 3.5

Interviews also asked about the use of interactive technology. Participant 4

described using interactive technology, explaining,

In my class, interactive use is based on a lot of student choice, especially for

topics of interest. Additionally, students have the option of choosing the

format in which they will share their learning and knowledge. Students can

use a paper/pencil tool or digital tool to fulfill the assignment criteria.

Supporting student learning and assessment. Survey participants were asked

how important specific practices were in support of effective student learning

experiences and assessments. Responses showed over 75% of participants rated

designing a digital learning environment where students were active participants in

setting their own educational goals, managing their learning, and assessing their own

progress of strong or high importance. Additionally, 83.3% placed a strong or high

importance on designing, monitoring, and assessing the digital learning environment that

provided experiences to enable students to pursue their individual curiosity (Table 18).

Table 18

Practices in Support of Effective Student Learning and Assessments (ISTE Standards


1 2 3 4 5
Design a digital learning environment where students 0.0 3.5 20.7 31.0 44.8
are active in setting their own educational goals,
managing their learning, and assessing their progress
Design, monitor, and assess the digital learning 0.0 0.0 16.7 50.0 33.3
environment that provides experiences that enable
students to pursue individual curiosity
Design customized and personalized learning 0.0 3.5 13.8 34.9 48.9
experiences based on achievement data
Design learning experiences using digital tools to 0.0 3.3 20.0 40.0 36.7
address diverse learning styles
Design learning experiences that incorporate the use of 0.0 6.7 13.3 40.0 40.0
various digital tools

Interviews asked participants to elaborate on design of learning environments.

Participant 4 placed a high importance on being able to design, monitor, and assess the

digital learning environment, sharing,

When students are engaged and interested in material, learning is easy.

Students want to learn and will work through any situation that is difficult

because they have more ownership of what they are learning. This interest

drives their learning and creates curiosity to continue learning even after an

assignment might be complete.

Participant 7 explained how he designed learning experiences using digital tools

to address diverse learning styles, noting,

We have so many students that are at different places… Probably half of

those students, if we had a middle school honors track, would be in that

class. The other half are still learning English… I have in that class five

students who are speaking Farsi or Dari languages coming out of

Afghanistan, and they're still learning English, but they're probably

realistically at about maybe a second grade reading level. When I give them

readings online, their reading is coming from a different place than my

students who are in the honors track. Those honors track students, I'm

giving them the online textbook… I tend to kind of see where they're at

educationally and try to build things that will really fit for them.

Research and problem-solving. Survey participants were asked how important

specific practices were to support student success in using technology for research and

problem-solving. Data showed 83.3% of participants rated assigning projects that

required students to search for and evaluate information through electronic resources

and other appropriate technologies to explore real world issues and authentic problems

as strongly or highly important. Additionally, approximately 72% of the participants

placed a strong or high importance on assigning projects that required students to locate

information electronically and give credit by citing sources (Table 19).

Table 19

Technology for Research and Problem-Solving (ISTE Standards 3,4,5)

1 2 3 4 5
Assign projects that require students to search for and 0.0 3.3 13.3 43.3 40.0
evaluate information through electronic resources and
other appropriate technologies exploring real world
issues and authentic problems
Assign projects that require students to locate information 0.0 6.7 20.0 36.7 36.7
electronically and give credit by citing sources
Assign questions that can be answered through a search of 0.0 6.7 26.7 43.3 23.3
student located electronic resources and other appropriate
technologies with limited assistance
Assign questions that can be answered through a search of 3.3 23.3 33.3 36.7 3.3
teacher-selected electronic resources
Show students electronic resources that relate to topics they 0.0 13.3 30.0 36.7 16.7
are studying

Interviews asked participants to expand on how they used technology tools for

research and problem solving. Participant 6 explained technology integration supported

student success, sharing,

One example of a learning activity where students have to use electronic

resources to solve a problem is when they are asked to compare a snail's

speed to the speed of an aircraft… They need to use the internet and

research to find the average speed of a snail and the average speed of the

specific aircraft… Comparing the speed of a snail to the speed of an aircraft

is not totally real world, but it's real world data that they are trying to find

and are evaluating.

Another example of how participants provided research resources to solve

problems came from Participant 5, who explained,

Students had to research social media to prepare for a debate… I gave them

resources like and Newsela, which would provide

developmentally appropriate curricula and user-friendly access at the middle

school level. Students were given a graphic organizer to fill out where to

compile their data and organize their citations identifying where they

obtained their information from and how they also had to evaluate the

validity of the information.

Participant 1 also shared an example that required students to search for and

evaluate information through electronic resources,

They're working on an individual project right now called Genius Hour.

They have their own driving question, their own research question, and

we're doing a complex task format. Task format is where they're designing

their own tasks and following through with different benchmarks to show

how they are completing the project and communicating their process.

Students must find the information and find out if it's valid completely

working on their own. They're checking in with me as needed, but this is

really a self-led, self-motivated inquiry project. They're going in and they

are doing this research on their own to address real world issues.

Participant 3 shared an example that required students to search for and evaluate

information through electronic resources and other appropriate technologies exploring

real world issues and authentic problems, commenting,

In math, they use technology for research and problem-solving related to

climate change. It has to do with distances traveled and CO2 emissions.

Driving question is how much CO2 emission would it take for you to walk

from your house to school versus how much would it take for you to ride the

bus from your house to school, and then divide it by all the people on the

bus, and/or driving to school in a certain car that has certain miles per

gallon… Students needed to find their house, the distance from their house

to school. From there, students needed to calculate ratios to figure out how

much carbon dioxide is being omitted. The next step was students had to

compare how temperature could affect CO2. That’s problem solving, getting

integrated into the research.

Addressing adolescent needs. Participants were asked about how they met

student adolescent needs through technology integrated lessons. Participant responses

showed 90% provided strong to high importance (rating of 4 or 5) to establish structure

and clear limits in a technology integrated lesson. Additionally, 96.7% placed a strong

to high importance on incorporating competence and achievement into their technology

integrated lesson (Table 20).

Table 20

Addressing Needs of Adolescents (ISTE Standards 2,5)

1 2 3 4 5
Structure and clear limits 0.0 3.3 6.7 13.3 76.7
Competence and achievement 0.0 3.3 0.0 36.7 60.0
Positive social interaction with 3.3 3.3 10.0 26.7 56.7
adults and peers
Meaningful participation in families, 0.0 6.7 10.0 43.3 36.7
school, and communities
Opportunities for self-definition 0.0 10.0 16.7 33.3 40.0
Creative expression 0.0 3.5 20.7 44.8 31.0
Physical activity 13.3 6.7 36.7 26.7 13.3

The data indicated the most important best practice to meet the needs of

adolescent students was to provide structure and clear limits in a technology integrated

lesson or learning activity. This was consistent with interview data. Participant 2

explained structure and clear limits set expectations, sharing,

The atmosphere in the classroom in all my classes is strict in the way that I

set clear expectations. An example is that I expect everyone to get along. I

tell them that it does not matter who you sit by, you can't say, "Oh, yay," or,

"Oh, no." You can't say either because you don't know how someone would

interpret that… I have to know that they can work with anybody.

Interview Participant 1 explained structure and clear limits in her classroom as


I always work on structure and clear limits; I strive to find what will work

best. This year, using Google Slides has helped set expectations… Students

knew to look at slide and get set up for whatever that first slide said. That

has really helped with some expectations. Routine also helps with structure

and clear limits. Examples are how students know every day there's a

warm-up when they come in the door, they know that on a test day there's

time to study and the test starts. These class norms provide clear

expectations and structure, which middle school students need.

However, participants responses also supported a high level of importance for

competence and achievement to be incorporated into technology integrated lessons.

Additionally, participant responses included moderate to high levels of importance in

positive social interactions with adults and peers; meaningful participation with family,

school, and community; opportunities for self-definition; creative expression, and

physical activity. Participant 4 described how she met adolescent needs, noting,

Middle school students are very social by nature, so incorporating academic

discourse using sentence stems and discussion protocols is essential. I also

have students working in partners and/or groups frequently. By

incorporating collaboration and discussion protocols, students partake in

more positive social interactions. When it comes to creative expression, I

always try to incorporate some form of student choice into my lessons.

Most of the work in my class does not have a single correct answer, but

many acceptable answers if students use evidence to defend the answer.

This allows students to think critically, but also creatively.

Addressing the needs of the digital generation. Survey participants were

asked to provide their input on the importance of incorporating the specific needs of the

digital generation into technology integrated lessons. Participant responses showed

82.8% deem a strong to high importance (rating of 4 or 5) to incorporating visually and

media-rich teaching resources in technology integrated lessons. Additionally, 73.4%

placed a strong to high importance on incorporating digital literacy (Table 21). Digital

literacy included showing students how to use software and/or how to choose valid

resources on the internet and necessitated integrating mini-lessons where students could

learn how to use the technology.

Table 21

Addressing the Needs of the Digital Generation (ISTE Standards 1,6)

1 2 3 4 5
Visual/media-rich teaching resources 0.0 6.9 10.3 48.3 34.5
Digital literacy 0.0 6.8 20.0 46.7 26.7
Student choice/flexible curriculum with interests 0.0 10.3 24.1 44.8 20.7
Frequent transitions during class 0.0 14.8 33.3 33.3 18.5
Social-based activities (cooperative learning, wikis) 0.0 10.0 33.3 40.0 16.7

Participants were asked how important it was to incorporate specific 21st century

skills into technology integrated lessons. Participant response showed 92.3% placed a

strong to high importance (rating of 4 or 5) on incorporating core content into lessons.

Additionally, 93.3% placed a strong to high importance on incorporating critical

thinking and problem-solving activities (Table 22).

Table 22

Addressing 21st Century Skills in the Classroom (ISTE Standards 3,5,7)

1 2 3 4 5
Core content 0.0 0.0 7.7 11.5 80.8
Critical thinking/problem-solving 0.0 0.0 6.7 23.3 70.0
Communication skills 0.0 0.0 18.5 18.5 63.0
Creativity/thinking outside the box 0.0 0.0 20.0 26.7 53.
Personal accountability (goal setting and 3.3 0.0 16.7 33.3 46.7
Digital literacy 0.0 0.0 20.0 36.7 43.3
Leadership/accountability 0.0 6.9 17.2 41.4 34.5
Ethics/social responsibility 0.0 0.0 33.3 36.7 30.0

Interview participants were asked to give examples of how they used technology,

what made it successful in both student engagement and competence/student

achievement, and how they knew it was successful, as well as describe the technology

tools used and what skills students needed to learn to use tools. Participants provided

many examples and descriptions of engaging, successful technology integration lessons

and learning activities in different content areas. They provided many examples, some

similar and some different and varied based on the learning activity. Regardless of the

tool used, many key findings or common themes stood out.

Participants were asked to describe one of their most successful technology

integrated learning activities. Most used presentation/production software. This was

followed by online simulation learning activities and research and inquiry projects.

Other themes that emerged were the use of technology games, creating videos, and

coding. Table 23 presents the themes along with sample quotations.

Table 23

Most Successful Technology-Based Lesson/Learning Activity

Major Themes Example Quotations

Presentation/Production • Students use Google Docs to collaborate, provide
Software -Google, feedback, create slides, citations, visual model
Canva, Pear Deck, other • Use websites or blogs to publish work
(n=11) • Use PowerPoint, Prezi, and/or eBook to tell a story
from a new viewpoint
Online Simulation • Students demonstrate mastery of standard through
(n=8) online simulation
• Complete simulation for content, comparing data, &
drawing conclusions
• Graphing with engineering applications
Research/Inquiry (n=5) • Students research famous people who have had life
struggles yet used their positive character to overcome
• Students answer relatable inquires through project-
based learning that requires research, collaboration, and
authentic global sharing opportunities
Technology Game • Technology based game to give background, students
(n= 4) find clues and discuss possible answers with peers
• Math games as a resource for free play and for
documented achievement of skills in a self-paced
• Create video game as a possible career choice
Create Video (n=3) • Students create a video reflection and post what they
learned on Seesaw
• CSPAN Project where students make a 5-7-minute
• Students learn to program robots and make stop motion
Coding (n=3) • Teach students how to code to automatically calculate
and update based on given information
• Coding to create a video game
Note: n=number of survey participants who responded with similar theme

Participants were then asked to explain why they thought the learning activity

was so successful. Participants explained the lessons were engaging to middle school

students. Engagement was the top reason participants identified as to why lessons were

successful. Additional themes that emerged included because students were interested

in the content/project, it was fun or unique, it provided student choice, it had real world

relevance (meaningful purpose), it provided opportunities for group work and

collaboration, or it was hands-on. Table 24 presents the themes with sample quotations.

Table 24

Reasons for Successful Technology Integrated Lessons

Major Themes Example Quotations

Engaging • The students are engaged because they had the opportunity to
(n= 9) do something different
• It allowed them to interact in a new and exciting way
• Students are engaged because they work at their own pace,
answer a question for themselves and have something to show
off at the end
Authentic, real • Publishing work online creates an authentic audience, but there
world, relevant, should also be an authentic purpose as well.
relatable (n=8) • It was relevant to them and gave them an opportunity to teacher
others about one of their passions and something of great
importance to them.
• It is very real world, problem-based
Student • It is fun, unique, and lets them choose their subject and interest
Choice(n=6) • Students use math and science skills learned and provides
personal choice of presentation of information
• It improves their engagement by allowing them to participate in
academic discourse that involves their subject of choice while
still meeting the learning objective
Collaborative • They were using a media they were interested in and had to
(n=4) work collectively.
• They had the opportunity to further explore something that
captured their interest and share their excitement with others.
They also like giving and receiving feedback. The positive and
supportive posts from parents are great, too.
• Middle school students love to have control over their learning
and work with others in a social setting during learning.
Interactive, Hands • Interactive and engaging.
on (n=3) • Students learn by trial and error and doing this activity
(disguised as a game) allows them to try things digitally that
would be impossible with pencil and paper.
Note: n=number of survey participants who responded with similar theme

Participants were asked how they judged a learning activity on its effectiveness

in relation to student achievement. Themes that emerged included rubrics, quizzes

and/or student responses, student ability to explain their leaning, and project completion.

Table 25 presents the themes along with sample quotations.

Table 25

Judging the Effectiveness of Lessons based on Student Achievement

Major Themes Example Quotations

Rubric (n=7) • We used a New Tech Network rubric and the requirements set by
the CSPAN news organization
• Student achievement was measured based on grade level
standards and whether they were able to prove their learning with
evidence that was credible and cited in MLA format
• I expect to see multiple drafts of writing assignments, and I keep
track of my student's progress throughout the assignment to see
their growth. All along the way, they are evaluating their own
writing and their peer's writing against a rubric
Quiz/Respond • Monitor their screens, quizzes from the assignment, or
to Questions performance tasked that they complete online
(n=7) • Asking them about how thermal energy affects particles on a
quiz and to explain why particles move faster when something
solid starts to melt
Explain, • Could they explain the phenomenon
Describe, Essay • I find it effective for determining how well students understood
(n= 5) content from class and seeing where gaps in knowledge may be
based on how they are describing what they have learned
• They wrote a narrative essay, used citations with research, and
students gave presentations
Completion of • You can see how much they’ve learned by viewing their final
Project (n=3) products
• The project model is used through the year with much
scaffolding at the beginning and at the end of the year they have
a solo project. I teach in a low economic area and school is the
only place students can explore technology. This will help them
compete with their peer
• Student engagement, feedback, percentage of completion of the
assignments and timeliness of completion.
Note. n=number of survey participants who responded with similar theme

Participants were asked to describe the technology tools used and what purpose

they were used for in their most successful. Google applications was a common tool

used by most participants. Other themes that emerged included interactive computer

applications, hyper docs, hardware (e.g., video cameras, robots), and laptops (Table 26).

Table 26

Technology Tools Used for their Most Successful Lesson

Major Themes Example Quotations

Google Applications • Google slides and online resources. Google allows for access
(n=15) at school and at home/library
• Students have created presentations of data through Google
Forms and Google Slides, have published findings through
Google Sites and Google Docs, and have researched through
Newsela and Boolean search strategies on Google
• The primary tool used is Google Sheets. It is used to speed
up the time intensive process of calculating compound
interest, to practice the mathematical process, and to build
digital literacy with a commonly used digital tool
Interactive • Quizlet for flashcards and Quizlet live for games
Computer • Kahoot used for games and review of information
Applications (n=12) • Qwizdom remotes for lectures or games
• PhET simulation to show students digitally how particles
react to thermal energy. This was accompanied with a lab
experiment the conducted in class
Hyperdoc, Research • Research links provided (credible sources).
Applications • Internet research, library database access for research,
(n=7) presentation software, multimedia platform for eBook
• Teacher created hyperdoc template to showcase learning
Computer Hardware • Smartboard for presentations, reading, quizzes, test review
(n=7) • VR headsets for engagement
• iPad and phones were used to create videos and green
screens to make stop motion videos
Laptops, • Students each had a laptop and I was able to view their
Chromebooks, answers on my computer as they answered
personal devices • Each student has their own laptop
(n= 6) • Class set of Chromebooks to access the technology
Note: n=number of survey participants who responded with similar theme

Participants were asked to explain the skills they needed to teach to use the

technology. The most common answer related to expectations and appropriate use.

Participants also described teaching students how to use technology applications in

general, Google applications, and hardware (Table 27).

Table 27

Skills Taught to Students to use Technology

Major Themes Example Quotations

Expectations, • Clear expectations, communication with peers, and
appropriate use technological benefits of exploring a text
(n=10) • Students needed to know what was appropriate to post for
their audience. We also continue to work on giving
meaningful feedback to peers.
• Critical thinking skills, how to identify credible sources,
purpose of hyperdoc, how to use correct citations
How to use • Writing a digital script
Technology • Coding, web design
Applications (n=9) • 5-minute lesson on technology that was going to be used for
How to use Google • Use of different Google tools, Google slides, Google Doc
Applications addon
(n= 7) • How to sign in and use a Google document
• I had to teach them how to use Google sheets
Proper use of • How to log into a program
Computer • Operate, turn on and off the computer, logging on to
Applications & Internet and websites
Hardware (n=4) • How to run certain programs
Note: n=number of survey participants who responded with similar theme

Findings for Research Question 3

Research question 3 addressed the questions of barriers, with survey questions

asking what extent specific barriers impacted their ability to teach technology integrated

lessons. The top three responses to barriers having a high impact, noted by at least half

the respondents, were lack of technology resources such as hardware or software

(59.3%), lack of funding to implement technology (57.1%), and large class sizes

(50.0%). Two more barriers with over 40% of participants rating them as having a high

impact were not having enough time for learning and implementing new technology

(46.4%) and insufficient internet connectivity and bandwidth (42.9%). Other barriers

were reported as having a lesser impact on integrating technology (Table 28).

Table 28

Barriers to Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning

No Little Some High

Impact Impact Impact Impact
Lack of technology resources (hardware, network, 3.7 11.1 22.2 59.3
and/or software)
Inadequate funds to implement instructional 0.0 7.1 32.1 57.1
Large class size 3.6 10.7 28.6 50.0
Not enough time for learning and implementing new 7.1 10.7 32.1 46.4
Insufficient internet connectivity (bandwidth) 0.0 28.6 25.0 42.9
Inadequate support (training or staff at the school) 3.6 14.3 39.3 39.3
Issues with software compatibility and availability 14.3 17.9 35.7 28.6
Insufficient professional development for teachers 3.6 21.4 42.9 25.0
Unrealistic expectations by administrators 17.9 21.4 25.0 25.0
Not enough class time for students to be at computers 21.4 14.3 32.1 21.4
(master scheduling)
Lack of student competency and skills 14.3 28.6 39.3 14.3
Inadequate reward structure, including compensation, 14.3 32.1 32.1 10.7
incentives, etc.
Lack of recognition 35.7 25.0 14.3 7.1

Data from interview follow-up questions aligned with the top five barriers from

the survey, lack of technology resources, inadequate funding, large class size, limited

time for learning and implementing new technology, and insufficient connectivity.

Interview Participant 1 explained,

[Bandwidth] was incredibly frustrating. That was probably the worst barrier

because it did not provide enough technology for everyone. The unreliable

wi-fi did not allow for technology to be used consistently. Next, I would

say not enough time for learning and implementing new technology… And

then I'm not comfortable introducing that to my students if I don't really feel

well-versed in it. Those would be the top barriers.

When asked how the barriers could be overcome, Participant 1 shared,

Fix the bandwidth. Put in time and energy to improving that, through

funding and resources. Next, provide students access to their own use of

technology. Provide an option where students can check out laptops or

Chromebooks. Students will then feel like they have equitable access.

Next, as far as not enough time, develop time in the day for professional

learning and provide leaders to support teacher growth.

Participant 1 explains above how bandwidth was a detriment to successful

technology integration, but with the right advocacy and funding it was correctable.

However, the barrier of time to learn technology was a constant struggle. Participant 4

echoed this sentiment, sharing,

I am also a person who likes to learn and is always playing. Most teachers

are not like this and they are scared to take chances. Therefore, I feel the

answer that would fit most teachers would be there isn’t enough time for

learning and implementing new technology. Many teachers need trainings

and then follow-up support to make things work.

As evidenced by participants, the barrier of not having enough time was an

ongoing challenge.


This chapter examined the results of a mixed methods sequential explanatory

study focusing on three research questions. Survey questions and interview data helped

highlight best practices in technology integration in middles schools, determine the most

important best practices, and identify barriers to technology integration. Chapter V

addresses major findings from the data, unexpected findings, recommendations for

further areas of study, conclusions, implications for actions, and researcher reflections.


This dissertation began in Chapter I with an introduction of the background and

rationale. Chapter II presented a review of literature presenting information regarding

technology integration, middle schools, and the unique sociology of middle school

students. Chapter II also provided information on the International Society for

Technology in Education (ISTE) standards and barriers to technology implementation.

Chapter III detailed the study’s design and methodology. Chapter IV presented the

results of the data analysis in the form of tables and anecdotes. Chapter V provides a

summary of the findings, then delves into conclusions and implications for action, as

well as recommendations for further research.

Purpose and Research Questions

The purpose of this mixed methods sequential explanatory study was to identify

and describe best practices in technology integration in middle school classrooms as

perceived by expert middle school teachers. Additionally, it was the purpose of the

study to determine the most important best practices and perceived barriers to successful

technology integration as perceived by expert middle school teachers. The research

questions posed were:

1. What are the best practices in technology integration in middle school

classrooms as perceived by expert middle school teachers?

2. What are the most important best practices in technology integration in

middle school classrooms as identified by expert middle school teachers?

3. What are barriers to successful technology integration in middle school

classrooms as perceived by expert middle school teachers?


This mixed methods sequential explanatory study included a survey sent to 34

middle school teachers in five northern California counties who were identified by their

superintendent and/or principal as experts in middle school technology integration and

met the definition of an expert teacher for this study. The expert criteria consisted of

teachers who (1) taught sixth, seventh, or eighth grade within the specified northern

California counties of Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, Sacramento, and Solano; (2) had at

least three years middle school experience teaching with technology; (3) had specific

training or held certifications in technology; (4) held a leadership role in integrating

technology; (5) served as a lead teacher, authored papers, or presented at workshops or

conferences on technology integration; and (6) were confirmed as an expert of

technology integration by their principal or superintendent. Likert scale data were

gathered from an initial survey instrument and used to assess frequency of usage and

practices used by expert middle school teachers. The researcher conducted interviews

following completion of the survey instrument with seven experts who volunteered by

providing their contact information on the survey instrument. The intent of the survey

and interviews was to identify and describe best practices and most important practices

of middle school technology integration, as well as barriers to successful technology

integration. The data collection and analysis led to the major findings described in the

following section.

Major Findings

The most significant outcome of this study was the ranked compilation of the

most important best practices for technology integration in middle schools. In today’s

world, technology is pervasive; recognizing and including this in making education

relevant to students as they grow and prepare for the future is vital. Identifying best

practices regarding technology integration effective for middle school classrooms is a

necessity (Simmons & Blythe, 2008; Strahan et al., 2009; Tanner, 1973). Petty (2012)

noted technology was a successful avenue to meet middle school student needs and help

them be more engaged when used effectively. The findings from the literature were

validated in the current research and are presented here in alignment with the ISTE

student standards, followed by additional findings about engagement and barriers.

Finding 1: Best Practices Regarding Empowered Learner, ISTE Standard 1

ISTE Standard 1 emphasizes students learn skills and qualities to become an

empowered learner. The standard describes empowered learners as students who

leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating

competency in their learning goals. Experts at technology integration in middle school

rated the following best practices of high importance for developing student skill

pertaining to empowered learners:

1. Design customized and personalized learning experiences based on

achievement data

2. Design a digital learning environment where students are active participants

in setting their own educational goals, managing learning, and assessing


3. Design, monitor, and assess digital learning environments to provide

experiences that enable students to pursue their individual curiosity

A preponderance of participant responses from the open-ended survey questions

supported empowering learners through well-designed activities where students explore

something that captures their interest with scaffolded guidance. From the literature,

Hattie (2012) described this as visible teaching and learning, meaning the teacher made

clear what was being taught and the students understood what they need to do and how

to accomplish it. This principle of visible teaching and learning needs to be consistently

present in the classroom during technology integration (Fullan & Langworthy, 2013).

The literature indicated digital resources that engage and appeal to student

developmental needs give students a voice and choice (New Pedagogies for Deeper

Learning Global Partnership, 2014). Students need to become contributing participants

in the learning design as goals are set, which ensures learning outcomes are clear and

processes involved to reach goals are attainable and understood (Lenz & Kingston,

2016). The data from the study aligned with the literature in underscoring the

importance of best practices of designing effective learning environments to develop

empowered learners.

Finding 2: Best Practices Regarding Digital Citizenship, ISTE Standard 2

ISTE Standard 2 emphasizes digital citizenship development where students

recognize the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning, and working

in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal,

and ethical. Participants rated the following best practices of high importance for

developing student skill pertaining to digital citizenship:

1. Provide equitable access to technology for all students

2. Discuss and model the importance of internet safety with students

3. Model and expect students to use appropriate documentation of sources on


One of the open-ended survey question asked participants what skills middle

school teachers needed for the students to be successful. Most middle school teacher

experts stated setting clear expectations, modeling, and offering ongoing guidance of

appropriate use of technology were essential. Literature supported this finding wherein

Fullan and Langworthy (2014) stated it is fundamental to provide clear, explicit use of

how to apply and use technology to accelerate learning. The literature together with the

survey and interview data create strong support and evidence for Finding 2.

Finding 3: Best Practices Regarding Knowledge Constructor, ISTE Standard 3

ISTE Standard 3 emphasizes student ability to critically curate a variety of

resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts, and

make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others. Participants

supported students in developing effective knowledge construction and innovative

design by developing lessons using problem-solving and real-world issues relevant to

students and providing opportunities for students to explore issues and ideas through

well-developed research tools. Participants rated the following best practice of high

importance for construction of student knowledge:

1. Assign projects that require students to search for and evaluate information

through electronic resources and other appropriate technologies exploring

real-world issues and authentic problems

Several responses from the survey’s open-ended questions cited the best practice

of incorporating a variety of technology applications infused with project- or problem-

based learning supporting student-centered inquiry activities. According to Killen

(2007), Taylor (2014), and Tileston (2011), providing learning interactions that mirrored

a real-life situation endorsed authentic realistic learning. Other sources stated

technology integration must happen across the curriculum in ways that deepen and

enhance the learning process through interactive research and project- or problem-

solving learning activities (Petty, 2012).

Finding 4: Best Practices Regarding Innovative Designer, ISTE Standard 4

ISTE Standard 4 focuses on cultivating students to use a variety of technologies

within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful, or

imaginative solutions. Best practices of participants developing innovative designers

supported students through having equal access to a variety of technologies to design

artifacts, constructing new information, and working through a design process that

empowers critical thinking and communication of prototypes to share information.

Expert teachers did this by assigning projects requiring students to search for and

evaluate information through appropriate technologies to explore real-world issues and

authentic problems.

As noted from participants, most important best practices in developing

innovative designers included engaging students in core content. Participants thought

students were engaged in the lesson or activity because it was: an interesting project,

fun, unique, student-selected, real-world, collaborative, interactive, hands-on, or game-

like. Students connected to the activity when such characteristics were present.

Participants rated the following best practices of high importance for developing

innovative designers:

1. Assign projects that require students to search for and evaluate information

through electronic resources and other appropriate technologies exploring

real-world issues and authentic problems

2. Use technology applications supporting student-centered inquiry, such as:

a. Presentation/production software

b. Online simulations

c. Research/inquiry

d. Technology games

e. Creation of games, videos

f. Coding

Responses from the survey’s open-ended questions showed participants

incorporated a variety of technology applications project- or problem-based learning.

Based the list provided by participants and validated in the literature, interactive learning

applications need to support student interest through authentic, real-world issues

relevant and relatable to student lives (Erle, 2002; Ertmer; 2005; Marzano, 2015). The

data from this study aligned with the literature wherein it middle school students need

interactive learning environments for effective middle school technology integration that

sustains a climate and culture for learning through differentiated tools and strategies.

Finding 5: Best Practices Regarding Computational Thinker, ISTE Standard 5

ISTE Standard 5 focuses on the skills and qualities needed to be a computational

thinker who can develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems

in ways that leverage the power of technology to develop and test solutions. Middle

school experts at integrating technology supported ISTE Standard 5 through best

practices that incorporated technology applications to support early adolescent needs and

the needs of digital natives. This included 21st century skill development using a variety

of technology tools and thinking processes. Best practices supporting ISTE Standard 5

included selecting technology applications used with students, incorporating early

adolescent needs into technology integrated lessons, incorporating the needs of the

digital generation into technology integrated lessons, and incorporating 21st century skill

development into technology integrated lessons.

Expert middle school teachers of technology integration rated the following best

practices of high importance for computational thinking wherein students formulated

problem definitions to find solutions, collected data and applied relevant use of data,

broke problems into parts to understand automation and algorithmic thinking, and

developed a sequence of steps to create and test solutions. Participants best practices

facilitate computational thinking skills through the following examples:

1. Use of visual- and media-rich teaching resources

2. Social-based activities (e.g., cooperative learning, wikis, games)

Data obtained from open-ended survey questions showed a large percentage of

participants utilize a variety of visual- and media-rich teaching resources that support

student thinking and development. Software examples given by participants included

Google applications, Canva, Windows applications, Pear Deck, Prezi, ebooks, and

video/gaming development programs. Additionally, a sizeable number of expert middle

school teacher participants designed their learning environment to incorporate social

activities, providing opportunities to collaborate, interact with one another and adults

from the community, and get or give positive, helpful feedback. Data from this study

aligned with literature in that adolescents need applications in their learning activities

that provide positive social interactions with adults and peers, frequent transitions, and

social-based activities in a media-rich environment (Dede, 2014; DiPetro et al., 2008).

Finding 6: Best Practices Regarding Creative Communicator, ISTE Standard 6

ISTE Standard 6 focuses on cultivating creative communication in students.

Specifically, it addresses skill development for students to communicate clearly and

express themselves creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles,

formats, and digital media appropriate to their goals. The most important best practices

to develop creative communicators incorporated the use of productivity applications and

a variety of digital tools for collaboration and information sharing.

Additionally, participants stated they utilized a variety of digital resources to

enrich the learning environment and provided clear, accurate communication of

information to others and among others. One tool for this to occur was the use of a

learning management system (LMS) in the middle school classroom that allowed for

multiple and varied applications for communication and myriad technology resources

for student-centered inquiry. Participants facilitated ISTE Standard 6 through using

technology applications and creating lessons and assessments that engage students

through interactive technologies that advance learning and creativity. Participants rated

the following best practices of high importance:

1. Structure and clear limits

2. Competence and achievement

3. Positive social interaction with adults and peers

4. Meaningful participation by families, schools, and communities

Participant responses to open-ended survey question provided insight as to the

importance of structure and clear limits; they stated this was crucial to an effective

lesson. Additionally, respondents explained how building competence and achievement

supported middle school students and was essential to an effective technology learning

activity. Expert middle school teachers designed lessons incorporating clear examples,

rubrics, ongoing feedback, multiple drafts, and peer/adult feedback to support deeper

learning in their development of becoming a creative communicator. The literature

stressed the importance of what companies are looking for in their potential employees,

such as employees are those who can demonstrate they are critical thinkers, effective

collaborators, creative innovators, and articulate communicators (Friedman &

Mandelbaum, 2011; P21, 2008; Petersen, 2010). The data and literature provided

evidence of the need to develop creative communication skills in middle school


Finding 7: Best Practices Regarding Global Collaborator, ISTE Standard 7

ISTE Standard 7 challenges educators to design learning environments that

empower students to use digital tools to broaden their perspectives and enrich their

learning by collaborating with others and working effectively in teams locally and

globally. Best practices that supported Standard 7 included designing 21st century skill

development lessons and incorporating opportunities for students to work through

problems addressing real-world issues that support ethics and social responsibility.

Participants rated the following best practices of high importance for global

collaboration wherein students used digital tools to connect with learners from a variety

of backgrounds and cultures, engaged in ways that broadened understanding and

learning, used collaborative technology to work with others including peers and experts

in the field, contributed constructively to project teams, and explored local and global

issues to work with others to investigate solutions. Two ways these were accomplished


1. Assign projects that require students to search for and evaluate information

through electronic resources and other appropriate technologies exploring

real-world issues and authentic problems

2. Use 21st century skill development applications that involve core content,

critical thinking/problem-solving, communication skills, creativity,

leadership, ethics/social responsibility, personal accountability, and


Data from surveys and interviews showed a continued theme of the use of

technology infused project- or problem-based learning (PBL) to promote successful

middle school technology integration. Additionally, the literature explained how PBL

with 21st century skill development is vital in today’s education (Friedman &

Mandelbaum, 2011; Mahunik, 2014; P21, 2011; Welmond, 2002). Marzano (2015)

described four key components as essential for learning: connections to real-world

experts (adults/peers), participation in groups, frequent feedback, and active

engagement. The data provided evidence of what was stated in the literature review and

supported the best practice of developing global collaborators (ISTE, 2016).

Finding 8: Student Engagement is a Critical Component

A learning environment that provides a safe space to take risks in conjunction

with engaging, purposeful skill development helps provide the structures necessary for

middle school students to thrive (Glick, 2014; Stevenson, 2002; Thornburg, 1983; Wiles

et al., 2006). Additionally, Lenz and Kingston (2016) stated digital integration when

done well provided engaging learning environments where students could apply

knowledge and deepen their understanding. Participants confirmed the importance of

providing an engaging learning environment for middle school students and how this

above all else needs to be the goal of an effective learning activity. Engagement kept

students learning at deeper levels. Engagement is one of the four key components to

learning (Marzano, 2015). Middle school students are developmentally unique, needing

specific learning environments to meet their needs (AMLE, 2010). Participatory

learning environments keep students engaged to support deeper learning while

developing 21st century skills (P21, 2008). Middle school students are best served when

they have participatory learning environments that fully engage for them to be

successful (AMLE, 2010).

Finding 9: Varied Barriers to Technology Integration Exist

A variety of barriers to technology integration still exist in the emerging Global

Age. Barriers to successful technology integration in middle school were identified in

the survey when respondents ranked 13 possible barriers. The top five barriers from the

survey based on a reported high impact were:

1. Lack of technology resources

2. Inadequate funding to implement instructional technology

3. Large class size

4. Insufficient time for learning and implementing new technology

5. Insufficient internet connectivity (bandwidth)

These findings were supported by the literature review (Avidov-Ungar & Eshet-

Alkalai, 2014). Unequal access to technology still exists as seen in the data and

literature (LEAD, 2012; Purcell et al., 2013). Lack of access to technology raises

questions about equity for students as well.

Unexpected Findings

Three unexpected findings arose from the research. The first unexpected finding

was regarding teacher and student frequency of technology use, where teachers used

technology in the classroom much more frequently than students. The second

unexpected finding was that students as active participants in setting educational goals,

managing learning, and assessing their own progress was scored the lowest by the expert

teachers. Lastly, the literature review reported early adolescent developmental needs of

physical activity and social interaction were significant, but the data did not definitively

support this concept.


Based on the findings from this study and the review of literature, six

conclusions were drawn.

Conclusion 1

Based on the findings and as supported by the literature, middle school teachers

will not be successful integrating technology unless they design, customize, monitor,

and assess the digital learning environment while providing equal access to technology.

Personalized learning experiences need to incorporate a variety of digital tools providing

inspirational opportunities while challenging students by pushing them through their

zone of proximal development with tasks that address their style of learning. Doing so

could enhance curiosity through student-centered inquiry and incorporating active

participation as they set their own educational learning goals and monitor their progress.

Equal access with personalized learning is essential to develop an empowered learner in

a technology integrated classroom (Fullan & Langworthy, 2013; Lenz & Kingston,

2016; New Pedagogies for Deeper Learning Global Partnership, 2014).

Conclusion 2

Based on the findings and as supported by the literature, middle school teachers

must utilize clear, explicit instruction on the proper use of the Internet and technological

applications to ensure students are responsible digital citizens. Students need to be

provided equitable access to technology and be explicitly taught what it means to be a

digital citizen and how to use technology appropriately (ISTE, 2016). To develop a

responsible middle school digital citizen in a global world, teachers must use clear

expectations, model behaviors, provide access for all, and engage in ongoing instruction

and dialogue (Fryer, 2009; Fullan & Langworthy, 2013; Lopez, 2010).

Conclusion 3

Based on the findings and as supported by the literature, successful middle

school technology integration will not occur unless teachers provide students

opportunities to construct knowledge through authentic, relevant, and real-world PBL

activities. Students develop deeper levels of learning when they feel a sense of purpose

and engage in developing real-world solutions through a variety of multimedia resources

such as research and inquiry applications, technology applications, hands-on activities,

simulations, and video creation. As part of knowledge construction, students learn how

to apply knowledge, although they need to also be guided with clear expectations on

exploration of information. Fullan (2013) noted that unless technology is effectively

used to engage students and deepen learning in cognitively complex tasks, it is

ineffective. Organizing technologies through PBL is an example of matching

technologies with particular pedagogies, which Fullan (2013) described as a requirement

for effective technology use.

Conclusion 4

Based on the findings and as supported by the literature, if middle school

teachers do not create and deploy inquiry projects based on real-world problems to

deepen middle school student learning, technology integration will not be successful and

students will not develop as innovative designers. Technology integrated learning

activities with the following characteristics will inspire innovative design; unique,

student-selected, real-world, collaborative, interactive, hands-on, and game-like (Fullan,

2013; Marzano, 2015).

Conclusion 5

Based on the findings and as supported by the literature, middle school teachers

must create technology integrated lessons that support computational thinking through

seamless integration of content, technology, and resources. Students employ critical

thinking strategies by using an LMS where students can access resources to solve

problems, leverage technological methods, formulate problem definition, analyze data,

utilize abstract models, and explore solutions with the use of rubrics, standards, and

feedback, albeit peer and/or teacher (ISTE, 2016).

Conclusion 6

Based on the findings and as supported by the literature, students will not

develop or deepen their learning if they are not engaged and provided equal

opportunities and access to technology, resources, and curriculum. Effective technology

integration must happen across the curriculum in ways that deepen and enhance the

learning process (Fullan, 2013; Marzano, 2015). Additionally, barriers to providing

access to technology exist due to lack of resources creating growing inequities regarding

digital learning access between high- and low-income students and school districts

(LEAD, 2012). Equitable access is crucial for students to be prepared for the digital age.

Implications for Action

The American public school system is the largest education system in the world,

serving millions of students per year (CDE, 2016). It is a system with a local-level

district board that matriculates students with the goal to be college- and career-ready

when they graduate from high school. The critical work for the K-12 public education

system is to prepare students to pursue further options in career-ready opportunities,

advance their learning to develop more skills in occupational training, and/or prepare

them to enter either public or private 4-year colleges One of the key areas of preparation

for the global age is in the area of deep learning that utilizes technology. The following

are implications for actions based on the findings and conclusions from this study.

Quality professional development for middle school teachers regarding the

use of technology in the implementation of real-world, problem-based units for

students. It is recommended the California Department of Education partner with ISTE,

P21, and a taskforce of expert teachers to develop quality professional development to

instruct middle school teachers how to use technology in highly engaging lessons with

real-world applications.

Ensure the sharing of technology integration best practices by expert middle

school teachers at middle school-focused conferences. It is recommended AMLE, the

California League of Middle Schools (CLMS), and the Association of California

Administrators Middle Schools Council make technology integration a vision priority

for all conferences to ensure the quality sharing and collaboration on the topic of middle

school technology integration best practices. Expert middle school teachers provided

responses regarding their successful best practices and sharing these in a wide venue

would allow more teachers to create technology integrated learning experiences.

Technology companies should collaborate with local universities to create

regional laboratory schools to act as training grounds for interns and teachers. It is

recommended technology companies (e.g., Apple, Cisco, Microsoft, Adobe) partner

with public and private universities to provide teacher training necessary to prepare

students for the 21st century. These partners should come together to create a laboratory

school, curriculum, pedagogy, and best practices data banks of lessons and units. The

laboratory schools would serve as places for testing new ideas and showcasing best

practices where experts can model and teach highly engaging, technology infused,

inquiry projects on real-world and relevant issues. This would work like a medical

center that trains and teaches medical staff of all levels.

Provide regular, ongoing collaboration time for middle school teachers. It is

recommended all middle schools have mandatory, dedicated weekly collaboration time

and part of that time be dedicated to focus on best practices related to the ISTE

standards. To realize this potential, districts must have early successful adoption of

appropriate pedagogies with technology and be willing to evolve as the teacher role

continually evolves (Dintersmith, 20187; Martin, 2018). Sites need to support educators

through effective learning models that support (1) student-centered inquiry, (2) 21st

century skills, (3) relevant real-world issues, (4) innovative designs, (5) clear and high

expectations, (6) developmentally appropriate activities, and (7) knowledge construction

through student choice (Christensen, 2011, 2013; ISTE, 2016; Marzano, 2014, 2015;

McDowell, 2017).

Teacher credential programs must include more explicit units in the use of

technology to deepen learning and engagement. It is recommended California

mandate, through policy in partnership with the California Commission on Teacher

Credentialing, that teacher credentialing entities (e.g., public and private colleges,

county offices) include training to support new teacher candidates with the knowledge

they need to successfully integrate technology in conjunction with student-centered,

inquiry-based learning. The actual course curriculum for the teacher credential program

would be developed by expert teachers and be informed by research.

Equitable access to technology resources is needed across all districts, sites,

grades, and students. It is recommended California mandate specific funding and a

technology plan that puts adequate technology resources in the hands of every school

and every student. The state must ensure proper support and guidance to teachers, and

therefore to students, in how to use appropriate technologies for deeper learning. Once

funded, districts should be tasked to develop a local technology plan that incorporates

the following supports:

• Develop site leaders to support ongoing teacher and student learning

• Develop technology leaders so each site has a technology person effective in

middle school teaching practices to support teachers and students

• Utilize the ISTE Standards to guide ongoing change

• Implement and support time within work day for professional learning

• Utilize professional learning models and provide time within the day to look

at practices and student learning on a rotating basis

• Develop teams to support ongoing growth

• Create a consortium of teachers across districts to construct content-specific,

digital-based units with teachers paid to design and develop these resources

• Pay for identified teachers to become a cadre of designers to develop

exemplary technology integrated lessons across all content areas

Margaret Honey at the Education Development Center testified before the U.S.

Senate that one could find ample empirical evidence that technology had a positive

impact with the right conditions in place (Honey, Culp, & Carrigg, 2000).

Recommendations for Further Research

Based on the findings of this study, the following are recommendations for

further research:

• Conduct a correlational study to look at frequency and type of technology use

by teachers and students in the classroom, and to identify any relationship

that exists between the variables and how to increase the frequency of student

technology use in the classroom

• Conduct a phenomenological study from the perspective of middle school

students regarding their use of technology daily both inside and outside the

school day

• Conduct a multi-case mixed methods explanatory study describing best

practices for technology integration across three identified levels (K-5, 6-8,

9-12) providing a more comprehensive perspective across the K-12 system

• Conduct a case study of three high-performing California middle schools to

identify and explore technology integration practices teachers perceive as key

to their high performance

• Conduct a mixed methods study of middle school principals who deployed

1:1 initiatives to identify and describe the best practices of leading a 1:1

technology initiative

Concluding Remarks and Reflections

The researcher took on the challenge of this topic six years ago when a local

middle school in the district pioneered technology infused, problem-based, student-

centered inquiry learning. At that time, the researcher worked with the team piloting the

use of 1:1 technology in conjunction with an LMS delivering content through the lens of

21st century skills development (e.g., critical thinking, communication, creativity,

character, global citizenship, agency). It was a new horizon to empower deeper levels of

student learning while keeping students engaged with access to technology and the

myriad resources associated with technology. It was exciting to be involved in

meaningful change that would help students for their future. After a few years of

building the team’s capacity and walking through the learning needed, the researcher

wondered if this was the best way to support deeper student learning to lead to future

success. This study arose out of that questioning. As the dissertation journey began,

there was little information published on this topic, let alone any known models at the

middle school level the researcher could find. After looking through the history of

technology and its rapid evolution the past 20 years, it helped guide the next steps in this


This study evolved from a personal point of interest and showed the depth of

change still needed for effective technology integration. In completing this study, the

researcher was surprised as to how limited resources still are at school sites. Teachers

still struggle with functioning technology and internet access. It was quite disappointing

to discover the lack of support sites had and how teachers trying to champion effective

technology use in their class had many external barriers to overcome. The tenacity and

perseverance exemplified by the teachers still shines through despite the barriers.

Change is essential and needed from the district, community, teacher training

educational institutions, and private and public companies to support teachers in

successful technology integration. Ultimately, successful integration of technology is a

long-term game. Undergoing these changes takes multiple processes over many years to

achieve mastery to support student learning. Transformational change processes need to

be well-planned and supported throughout internal and external structures.

Through the process of this study, the researcher realized technology infused

PBL aligned with the standards supports effective and successful student learning.

Students love to learn, and it is crucial to provide them with opportunities to keep that

love for learning alive. This can be done through fun, interactive, challenging, real-life

problems where students are empowered to develop meaningful solutions. Student-

centered, inquiry- and standards-based learning is attainable regardless of the model.

ISTE Standards, SAMR, LoTi, New Tech Learning Outcomes, and TPACK all provide

resources needed to evolve and grow practice for the betterment of students.

The dissertation process has been priceless in growing new layers of

understanding. The researcher developed a greater respect for and understanding of the

value of research and data, and grew in terms of clarity regarding how helpful

information is to guide decisions and support implications. This resulted in becoming

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STUDY: Technology Integration: A Mixed methods Study of Best Practices Used by Middle School
Teachers Identified as Experts of Technology Integration in Middle Schools

Research Participant’s Bill of Rights

Any person who is requested to consent to participate as a subject in an experiment or

who is requested to consent on behalf of another has the following rights:

1. To be told what the study is attempting to discover.

2. To be told what will happen in the study and whether any of the procedures,
drugs, or devices are different from what would be used in standard practice.

3. To be told about the risks, side effects, or discomforts of the things that may
happen to him/her.

4. To be told if he/she can expect any benefit from participating and, if so, what the
benefits might be.

5. To be told what other choices he/she has and how they may be better or worse
than being in the study.

6. To be allowed to ask any questions concerning the study both before agreeing to
be involved and during the course of the study.

7. To be told what sort of medical treatment is available if any complications arise.

8. To refuse to participate at all before or after the study is started without any

adverse effects.

9. To receive a copy of the signed and dated consent form.

10. To be free of pressures when considering whether he/she wishes to agree to be in

the study.

If at any time you have questions regarding a research study, you should ask the
researchers to answer them. You also may contact the Brandman University Institutional
Board Review Board, which is concerned with the protection of volunteers in research
projects. The Brandman University Institutional Review Board may be contacted either
by telephoning the Office of Academic Affairs at (949) 341-9937 or by writing to the
Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Brandman University, 16355 Laguna Canyon Road,
Irvine, CA 92618.

Participant Invitation and Informed Consent

Dear <Identified Expert Middle School Teacher>…

My name is Carliza Bataller and I am a Doctoral Candidate in the School of Education at

Brandman University. I am conducting a study to discover the practices of expert middle school
teachers of technology integration. This letter serves as an invitation for you as a teacher who
has been identified as expert by your Superintendent or Principal, to participate in a research

PURPOSE: The purpose of this mixed methods study is to identify and describe best practices
in technology integration in middle schools. Additionally, it is the purpose of the study to
determine the most important best practices and perceived barriers to successful technology
integration as perceived by expert middle school teachers of technology. Results from this
study will be summarized in a doctoral dissertation.

PROCEDURES: If you choose to participate in this study, you will be asked to participate in
an approximately 20-minute electronic survey regarding middle school technology integration.
Additionally, I will be asking for volunteers willing to participate in a follow up interview to
further discuss and add depth to my findings. (You will be prompted to provide your name and
contact information at the end of the survey if you are interested in participating.) If you should
choose to participate, the approximately 30 to 45-minute interview will be audio-recorded for
transcription purposes.

RISKS, INCONVENIENCES, AND DISCOMFORTS: There are no major risks regarding

your participation in this research study. The survey is sent digitally and if chosen, the interview
will be scheduled at a time and place which is convenient for you.

POTENTIAL BENEFITS: There are no major benefits to you for participating; nonetheless, a
potential benefit may be that you will have an opportunity to identify future best practices for
middle school technology integration. The information from this study is intended to inform
teachers, researchers, and leaders on the topic of best practice middle school technology

ANONYMITY: If you agree to participate in the survey and/or the interview, you can be
assured that it will be completely confidential. The survey is in SurveyMonkey and is
anonymous. No names will be attached to any notes or records from interviews. All information
will remain in locked files, accessible only to the researchers. No employer will have access to
specific survey data or interview information. You will be free to stop the survey and/or
interview and withdraw from the study at any time. You are also encouraged to ask any
questions that will help you understand how this study will be performed and/or how it will
affect you. Feel free to contact the principal investigator, Carliza Bataller, at XXXXXXXX or by
phone at XXX-XXX-XXXX, to answer any questions or concerns you may have. If I have any
questions, comments, or concerns about the study or your rights as a participant, you may write
or call the Office of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Brandman University, at 16355
Laguna Canyon Road, Irvine, CA 92618, 949-341-7641.

Carliza Bataller
Brandman University

Consent to Participate in a Research Study
Adult Participants
IRB Study # __________________
Consent Form Version Date: July 30, 2017

Title of Study: Technology Integration: Teaching Strategies, Best Practices, and Technology Tools Used
by Teachers Identified as Experts in Technology Integration in Middle Schools
Principal Investigator: Carliza Bataller
Study Contact Phone Number: (707) xxx-xxxx
Study Contact Email: xxxx@
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Cindy Petersen
Advisor Phone Number: (xxx)xxx-xxxx
Faculty Advisor Email: [email protected]

What is some general information you should know about research studies?
You are being asked to take part in a research study. To join the study is voluntary. You may refuse to
join, or you may withdraw your consent to be in the study for any reason, without penalty.

Research studies are designed to obtain new knowledge. This new information may help people in the
future. You may not receive any direct benefit from being in the research study. There also may be risks
to being in research studies.

Details about this study are discussed below. It is important that you understand this information so that
you can make an informed choice about being in this research study.

You will be given a copy of this consent form. You should ask the researchers named above any
questions you have about this study at any time.

What is the purpose of this study?

The purpose of this mixed methods study is to identify and describe best practices in technology
integration in middle schools. Additionally, it is the purpose of the study to determine the most important
best practices and perceived barriers to successful technology integration as perceived by expert middle
school teachers of technology. Results from this study will be summarized in a doctoral dissertation.

What if you have questions about this study?

You have the right to ask and have answered any questions you may have about this research. If you have
questions or concerns, you should contact the researchers listed on the first page of this form.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---

Participant’s Agreement:

I have read and fully understand the consent form. I have asked all the questions I have at this time. I
have received a copy of this form. I voluntarily agree to participate in this research study.

Date:____________________________________Time:_________________________(a.m. / p.m.)

__________________________________________________ Signature of Research Participant

__________________________________________________ Printed Name of Research Participant

Thank you of helping me with this study.


Brandman University
Interview Informed Consent & Interview Protocol

INFORMATION ABOUT: Technology Integration: A Mixed methods Study of

Best Practices Used by Middle School Teachers Identified as Experts of Technology
Integration in Middle Schools.


You are being asked to participate in a research study conducted by Carliza Bataller, a
Doctoral student at Brandman University. The purpose of this mixed methods study is
to identify and describe best practices in technology integration in middle schools.
Additionally, it is the purpose of the study to determine the most important best
practices and perceived barriers to successful technology integration as perceived by
expert middle school teachers or technology.

Your participation in this interview is voluntary. You may choose not to participate. If
you decide not to participate in this research, you can withdraw at any time.

The interview will take approximately 30 - 45 minutes to complete. Your responses

will be confidential. The interview questions will pertain to your perceptions
regarding best practices in technology integration in middle schools.
I understand that:
a) There are minimal risks associated with participating in this research. I understand
that the Investigator will protect my confidentiality by keeping the identifying
codes and research materials in a locked file drawer that is available only to the
b) I understand that the interview will be audio recorded. The recordings will be
available only to the researcher and the professional transcriptionist. The audio
recordings will be used to capture the interview dialogue and to ensure the accuracy
of the information collected during the interview. All information will be identifier-
redacted and my confidentiality will be maintained. Upon completion of the study
all recordings, transcripts and notes taken by the researcher and transcriptionist from
the interview will be destroyed.
c) The possible benefit of this study is that this research may help add to the research
regarding best practices in middle school technology integration. The findings will
be available to me at the conclusion of the study and may provide new insights about
the best practices of middle school technology integration. I understand that I will
not be compensated for my participation.
d) If you have any questions about completing this survey or any aspects of this
research, please contact Carliza Bataller at xxx or by phone
at (xxx) xxx-xxxx; or Dr. Cindy Petersen, Advisor, at [email protected]

e) My participation in this research study is voluntary. I may decide to not
participate in the study and I can withdraw at any time. I can also decide not to
answer particular questions during the interview if I so choose. I understand that
I may refuse to participate or may withdraw from this study at any time without
any negative consequences. Also, the Investigator may stop the study at any
f) No information that identifies me will be released without my separate consent and
that all identifiable information will be protected to the limits allowed by law. If the
study design or the use of the data is to be changed, I will be so informed and my
consent re-obtained. I understand that if I have any questions, comments, or
concerns about the study or the informed consent process, I may write or call the
Office of the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Brandman University, at 16355
Laguna Canyon Road, Irvine, CA 92618, (949) 341-7641.
I acknowledge that I have received a copy of this form and the “Research
Participant’s Bill of Rights.” I have read the above and understand it and hereby
consent to the procedure(s) set forth.

Signature of Participant or Responsible Party

Signature of Principal Investigator


Interview Protocol

“My name is Carliza Bataller, I serve middle school students and their families as an
educator at American Canyon Middle School and look for ways to improve our practice
to better prepare our students for success in their lives. I’m a doctoral candidate at
Brandman University in Organizational Leadership. Briefly, I am conducting research to
identify best practices of technology integration in middle schools. Additionally, I am
researching the level of importance of those practices and possible barriers to technology
I will be conducting approximately 5 - 6 interviews with middle school teachers
identified as expert on technology integration. The information you provide, along with
the information provided by others, hopefully will provide some insight into middle
school technology integration.
Incidentally, even though it appears a bit awkward, I will be reading most of what I say.
The reason for this is to guarantee, as much as possible, that my interviews with all
participants will be conducted in the most similar manner possible.
Informed Consent (required for Dissertation Research)
I would like to remind you any information that is obtained in connection to this study
will remain confidential. All the data will be reported without reference to any
individual(s) or any institution(s). After I record and transcribe the data, I will send it to
you via electronic mail so that you can check to make sure that I have accurately
captured your thoughts and ideas.
You received the Interview Informed Consent and Brandman Bill of Rights in an email
and responded with your approval to participate in the interview. The Informed Consent
included a confirmation regarding the audio recording and confidentiality. Before we
start, do you have any questions or need clarification about either document?
We have scheduled approximately 30 minutes for the interview. At any point during the
interview you may ask that I skip a particular question or stop the interview altogether.
For ease of our discussion and accuracy I will record our conversation as indicated in the
Interview Informed Consent.
Do you have any questions before we begin? Okay, let’s get started, and thanks so much
for your time. The interview is a follow up to the survey instrument and will be used to
delve deeper into the topics measured there. The three focus areas of the research are 1)
best practices in middle school technology integration, 2) identifying most important
best practices in middle school technology integration and 3) identifying barriers to
middle school technology integration.

1. Please share with me your professional and educational background.

2. Describe briefly your school/district setting and demographics.

You have been identified as an expert in middle school technology integration by your
principal or superintendent. (Note: a copy of the survey instrument is provided to you
for voluntary reference in answering the following questions.)

3. The survey (question 4) results indicated that 70% of experts in middle school
technology integration modeled all five components of digital citizenship. Can
you provide some specific best practice examples of modeling digital

4. Similarly, the results from question 5 of the survey reported that 69.3% of
respondents use all five components as outlined. Can you provide some specific
examples of how you use digital tools and resources as outlined in the survey?

5. Reviewing question 6, can you provide some specific examples of how you use
technology interactively?

6. The use of digital learning environments which incorporate student achievement

data and individual interest and learning styles was the topic of question 7. How
do you specifically do this in your middle school classroom?

7. The ISTE Standards address the use of technology for research and problem
solving (reference survey question 8). Can you provide some specific best
practice examples of this?

8. According to the literature, early adolescents/middle school students have unique

needs; how do you incorporate; positive social interaction, physical activity,
creative expression, etc. (see list in question 10 of survey)?

9. The survey contained a section for teachers to rate the most important best
practices (reference question 13 -20). As you review these, could you specify 3 –
5 of these that you would identify as the most important?

10. The survey identified the top 5 barriers to middle school technology integration
Lack of technology resources (Hardware, Network, and/or Software, Inadequate
funds to implement
instructional technology, large class size, not enough time for learning and
implementing new technology,
Insufficient internet connectivity (Bandwidth)

a) Which of these do you see as most challenging?

b) Are there ways you or your school/district mitigate these challenges?

11. If there were one piece of advice you could give to middle school teachers who
are struggling with technology integration – what would that be?

Thank you very much for your time. If you like, when the results of my

research are known, I will send you a copy of our findings.”




1. “Would you expand upon that a bit?"

2. “Do you have more to add?”
3. “What did you mean by ….”
4. “Why do think that was the case?”
5. “Could you please tell me more about…. “
6. “Can you give me an example of ....”
7. “How did you feel about that?”
Suggest you put these generic probes on a card so you can use them any time you

need to encourage an interviewee to say more about a question you have asked


Permission to Use Excerpts from Donna Petty


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