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A free gyroscope is an instrument which is quite rigid and precise. One needs to have a
good imagination and tremendous concentration to understand its properties , lest the gyro will
drift, tilt and wander like an uncontrolled monkey.
One needs to pay rapt attention and apply himself to the discussions to understand the
principles of a free gyroscope. Then comes the gyro as a compass moving about on the curved
surface of the earth in various directions (azimuth) ever changing its latitude and longitude. The
movements, when fitted onboard a vessel, brings in some more variables such as course, speed,
roll and pitch.
As the equipment depends purely on mechanical spinning ( though using an electric
motor) of the flywheel, matters such as ship’s magnetism, material of construction, lay of the
vessel when docked alongside or in drydock, etc which affects a Magnetic or standard compass,
does not influence the gyro at all... and that is a saving grace.
It is the endeavour here to make the subject as simple as possible, so as to enable you
all to grasp the basics of this primary requirement of any seafarer.

Three degrees of movement of a Free gyro.

Three axes that we all know for a 3-D effect are X,Y,Z axes or height , width and depth or
vertical, horizontal and transverse axes. The free gyro uses all three axes for its movement.
A free gyroscope is a heavy flywheel secured to an axle, called the spin axis. On this axle
the flywheel spins at a high speed in a direction perpendicular to the axle. Let us call one end of
the axle as the RED end and the other as BLUE. (as in a magnet). The rotation is clockwise when
viewed from the Blue end and anticlockwise from the Red end. The direction of spin is
immaterial, but it is important to know the ANGULAR MOVEMENT of any single point on the
edge of the wheel about the axle.
The spin gives rise to two Forces acting on each molecule of the flywheel; one pulling
the molecule towards the center called the CENTRIPETAL FORCE and the other tending to
through the molecule out towards the periphery called the CENTRIFUGAL FORCE. When these
two forces are balanced the wheel remains in a steady rotary motion.
This wheel is supported on to a circular frame with the spin axis secured to two
diametrically opposite points. It is safely assumed that the friction at these points is minimal
and the wheel can spin freely about its axis.
Now imagine another circular frame larger than the previous one , to which the
previous frame is secured at two diametrically opposite points such that they are placed
perpendicular with respect to spin axis, equally friction free.
The above arrangement is placed on a “C” shaped frame mounted on a base plate, so
that the equipment could be placed on any flat surface such as a table top.
With the above arrangement , the fly wheel can
(I) Rotate about the spin axis,
(II) The edges of the spin axis can interchange positions by a movement
perpendicular to itself about the horizontal axis
(III) The outer frame can rotate about the vertical axis , carrying the spin axis and
the inner frame.
Thus the free gyro has three degrees of movement about the (I) spin axis, (II) the
Horizontal axis and (III) the vertical axis.
Properties of a free gyro.
A high speed spinning wheel will maintain its axis in the same direction whichever way
the base support is turned; either about the horizontal or about the vertical axes. It tends to
resist any disturbance to its directional property, and tends to point at one single point in the
space, which may be called as the GYRO STAR (an imaginary star) . Such directional attitude of
the free gyro is called the RIGIDITY IN SPACE. This is due to the balance achieved between the
centrifugal and the centripetal forces which helps the wheel to spin.
Property no. 2 PRECESSION.
Imagine the wheel to be at rest. A force is applied about the horizontal axis. The spin
axis should tilt (let us imagine the RED end upwards and the BLUE downwards) along the
vertical plane and rotate about the horizontal axis.
Let the wheel be set in to rotation. A similar force is applied about the horizontal axis.
The spin axis moves along the horizontal axis, about the vertical axis. The direction of
movement is in the direction of the spin of the wheel.
Similarly if the couple is applied about the vertical axis the spin axis will tend to move
along the vertical plane about the horizontal axis.
This is contrary to the movement that would happen when the wheel is at rest. Such
property is known as PRECESSION. A free gyro would precess
(i) About the vertical axis , along the horizontal axis in the direction of spin.
(ii) About the horizontal axis along the vertical axis in the direction of spin.

Force applied Movement of spin Movement of spin Direction of

axis when at rest axis with spin precession
About horizontal Along the vertical Along the Direction of spin
axis plane horizontal plane
About vertical axis Along the Along the vertical Direction of spin
horizontal plane plane
Relation between The forces and the resultant movements.
(i) Torque in NW/m = T
(ii) Precession = P
(iii) Moment of inertia Kg/m = I
(iv) Rate of spin Radians/ sec = S

T = ISP or P = T/ SP
Deductions from the formula.
(i) In a single gyroscope spinning at a constant rate the greater the torque greater is the
amount of precession.
(ii) If there are two gyroscopes with different masses of their fly wheels, then one with a
higher mass will have its moment of inertia (M1) higher than the other having lesser
mass (M2) e.g. I1 > I2. In such a case for the same amount of precision, if the rate of spin
is same for both gyros , then I1 will require more torque than I2.
(iii) If there are two gyroscopes with same masses of their fly wheels (hence same
moment of inertia), with different spin rates say S1 higher than S2; then the torque
required for the same amount of precession in case of S1 will be greater than that
required for S2.
The earth, with its heavy mass is spinning about its North South axis creating DAY and
NIGHT. The spin rate is 7.2921159 X 105 radians/ sec. equal to about 460 meters per second,
which is a very high speed. Therefore, the earth itself behaves like a large gyro pointing to one
direction i.e. North or South in the space. The gyro star for this enormous gyro is the Polaris or
the Pole star. Thus the spin axis is rigid in space. Spin direction is Anti-clockwise when viewed
from North Celestial pole or Clockwise when viewed from South Celestial Pole. In this view the
earth will look like a turntable or an old gramophone record.
In case an observer is placed in the space directly above the equator and watch that
point where the equator would cut the horizon on the west, it would appear to rise above the
horizon from the west, culminate directly above the observer and move towards to the east, to
disappear below the horizon. If the chosen point is joined with the center of the earth by a
radius, then the radius would appear to tilt towards the observer and then tilt towards the east,
and move away below the horizon.

Effect of Earth’s rotation on a free gyroscope

CASE 1. At north pole

Let us imagine that a gyroscope is placed on the earth’s surface at the North Pole, axis
horizontal, with its ends E-W. Due to rigidity in space the N end of the gyro axis would point in
one direction. However the earth would rotate from west to east in a turn table movement. If
we imagine the earth to be stationary and the north end of the gyroscope is moving then it
would rotate about its vertical axis in a clockwise movement.
Similarly, if the same experiment is done on the south pole the turntable movement will
result in an apparent movement to the anticlockwise direction.
The direction to turn by 3600 will be equal to one sidereal day.
CASE 2. At the Equator
Let us imagine a gyroscope placed on the equator with the axis horizontal in an E-W
Due to the property of rigidity in space the north end of the axis pointing to the east will
start rising upwards in relation to the surface of the earth, pass through the zenith ( when the
axis is perpendicular to the earth’s surface) , then will start to dip westwards once its position
crosses the meridian, point to the Nadir, then turn east ward to become horizontal with the N
end pointing to the east after 3600 turning.
The duration to complete one rotation will be equal to one sidereal day.

CASE 3. At any other latitude.

Let us imagine the same gyroscope in any latitude in the northern hemisphere with its
axis horizontal placed along the meridian i.e. the ends facing N – S.
(i) The N end of the gyro will move towards the east due to the clockwise turntable
movement as seen in CASE 1. At one moment the axis will be aligned to the parallel of latitude
with the N end facing north.
(ii) At this stage the north end will start to follow the movement as in CASE 2 and start
to rise with respect to the horizontal, reach the zenith and dip westwards.
(iii) Once again it would become horizontal with N end facing west. At this moment
turntable movement will affect the axis and the clockwise movement would start. The N end
will reach its original position with the N end facing the N pole aligned to the meridian in one
sidereal day.


The eastward or westward movement of the N end of the axis of a gyroscope due to the
turntable clockwise movement is called the DRIFT
Rate of drift in a Latitude “l” Rd = 15 Sin l0 / hour
The rising of the N. end of a gyroscope till reaching zenith and dipping thereafter
reaching the west is known as TILT.
Rate of tilt in a latitude ‘l’ Rt = 15 Cos l0 / hour
The above formulae are true only when the axle of the gyroscope is parallel to the
horizontal. When the N end points to any other direction other than east it has an azimuth 0
This has an effect on both drift and tilt.
The rate of drift with an azimuth introduced,
Rd = 15 Sin l0 [ 1- Cot l0 * Cos  * Tan t0]
The value of  is rendered negligible when the size of the gyro axis is compared to that
of the earth , or it could be taken as zero. Thus the expression inside the bracket becomes “1” ,
therefore Rate of drift remains unaltered i.e.
Rd = 15 Sin l0 / hour.
However the tilt does have the influence of the value of azimuth , therefore the rate of
tilt in any other direction than east or west becomes
Rt = 15 Cos l0 * Sin 0 / hour

Apparent motion of a free gyro

The North end ( let us henceforth call this end the RED END in our lessons for easy
identification and understanding of the movements involved in converting the free gyro in to
a gyro compass. The other end of the axis be called the BLUE END) of the free gyroscope
points to a single spot in space which can be called as an imaginary star and can be named as
GYROSTAR. In its efforts to point to the gyro star the red end (in turn the axis) drifts and tilts as
discussed earlier. These are comparable to Azimuth (turntable effect) and elevation/ altitude
(tilt) of the gyro star. Thus the gyro star (in turn the red end) will appear to rise in the east,
culminate over the meridian for that latitude, set on the western horizon, only to rise again in
the eastern horizon, after one sidereal day.


DAMPING: A gyroscope described till now cannot be used as a compass because it tilts and
drifts continuously. Gyro compasses onboard ships use the property of effect of earth’s gravity
on liquids to control the movements and make it zero or nullify them. This process is called
“Damping” The speeds at which the ships travel and the limits of latitudes within which they
operate makes it possible to use earth’s gravity for damping.
Imagine a weight attached rigidly to the axis on a line perpendicular to the axis and
exactly in the centre of the two edges. The weight will exert a constant ‘G’ force on the axis and
the gyro will be well balanced. Due to the earth’s motion the axis will tilt, displacing the weight
to one side of the center line. It will pull down the higher end, thus tending to bring it back to
horizontal position. This will cause precession. The gyro thus will come under the influence of
Tilt, Drift and precession.
Let us analyse how the effect of such a weight would affect a free gyroscope at equator,
or any other latitude in detail so as to understand the behavior of an undamped gravity
controlled gyroscope.
Let us consider two cases i.e. case 2 ( on the equator) and case 3 (any other latitude)
that we saw initially.

CASE1: On the equator

Setting of the gyroscope.
On the equator – axis pointing east – west ( along the zero lat line) – flywheel rotating
anticlockwise viewed from east end (Let us presume that the EAST END is the RED END).
Due to earth’s rotation the RED end tilts upwards – the weight will pull the RED end
downwards due to gravity – precession will occur.
Due to precession RED end will move northwards. Since the Red end is to the east of the
meridian it will tilt upwards also. Both movements are due to Rigidity in space. Such movement
will take the RED end on to the meridian facing due north and tilted to the maximum. The plane
of the axis of rotation is parallel to the meridian.
At this stage, the RED end will precess westward and tilt will start to reduce. This
movement will continue till such time the axis is parallel to the equator and the tilt is zero, i.e.
the spin axis is horizontal. The weight, now, below the flywheel is balanced about the axis and
the precession and tilt both should ideally stop.
Unfortunately this does not happen, but the movement continues due to momentum.
RED end starts to tilt downward. The weight bears on the BLUE end and precession is in the
opposite direction. When the RED end is on the meridian, the downward tilt is maximum, but
the precession takes it to the east of the meridian.
Once the RED end is to the east of the meridian, it starts to tilt upwards, but precession
continues to happen till the axis is once again parallel to the equator, the tilt is zero; the weight
is balanced when the gyro ideally should stop.
Unfortunately , the movements continue and the entire cycle repeats.
In effect, the pattern executed by the RED end is an ellipse, whose center is the north
point of the horizon. With a larger weight. The maximum tilt would reduce, but the time to
reach the east – west extremities (i.e. the zero tilt positions) would not be affected. Lesser
weight – larger minor axis; larger the weight – lesser the minor axis.
On the equator, if the RED end was placed to point north (i.e. Axis along the meridian),
then there would be no movement at all, with or without weight. However, with weight any
small disturbance to the RED end will move away from the meridian, but the weight would try
to bring it back to the meridian. Thus the entire movement would only be horizontal oscillations
about the meridian in small arcs.
CASE 2 : In any other latitude. (neither pole nor equator)
Settings of the gyroscope.
E-W Axis – RED end facing east – weighted
Effects : Tilt upwards due to earth’s rotation – weight bears on RED end
Northwards precession (left side or anticlockwise)
Southwards drift. (Right side or clockwise)
For a particular small weight, all three effects will continue to happen.
Initially the tilt will be smaller but the drift will be larger than the precession. So the RED
end will tilt up and the drift would move it southwards against the northward precession.
At one stage the tilt will increase and the drift will reduce and be equal to the
precession, which is in the opposite direction. The tilt will continue to increase , the drift will fall
below the precession and the RED end will start to move northwards. This will continue till the
RED end moves to the extremity of the ellipse.
This cycle would continue till the RED end moves to the north of the east ( i.e. the NE
quadrant) and start all over again.
This, in effect will make the RED end oscillate about the east point similar to a

In case the gyro was set with its axis parallel to a meridian, RED end pointing the
The upward tilt of RED end would happen and the RED end would move eastward also.
This action would make the weight bear on the RED end causing a westward precession.
Ultimately the RED end would trace an ellipse with its centre slightly above the horizontal. The
amplitude of oscillation (distance between the extremities of the major axis) would depend
upon the rate of precession caused by the weight and the rate of turntable movement for the
Latitude; because P = T/ I*S and the rate of drift D = 15 sin l 0
In such a case it is possible to make the Precession P equal to the drift D by adjusting the
weight such that they cancel each other so as to make the axis remain pointing NORTH and
SOUTH. The gyro now is unidirectional.
Unfortunately, such an unidirectional gyro will work only for that latitude, where the
balance between P and D is achieved. Once lat is changed, the value of D will increase or
decrease causing an imbalance.

There are two methods of attaching weight to the gyro axis, using Liquid Gravity control.
(1) Top heavy liquid gravity control and (2) Bottom heavy Liquid Gravity control. Let us describe
them briefly.


Mercury is placed in two pots one on each side of the spin axis connected to each other
by a small bore tube so that the liquid finds level when tilted. Thus the weight on one side
increases with tilting motion of the axis due to gravity. The center of Gravity and the liquid
ballistics are made to coincide to avoid any pendulous effect. For the precession to happen in
the correct direction ( opposite to the drift) the spin should be anti-clockwise when viewed
from the south end.
(2) Bottom heavy Liquid Gravity control

In this type of gyro oil is used instead of mercury for liquid ballistics. Using a system of
air pressure the liquid is pushed to the higher of the liquid containers (due to tilting of the axis)
against gravity. However, the final effect is similar to a weighted undamped gyroscope. In this
case the spin direction should be clockwise when viewed from the south end so as to cause the
precession in the correct direction.

Whatever we have seen till now is an undamped gyro which cannot be used as a gyro compass
because of its continuous movement of the RED end and working for one latitude only. Our
requirement is a gyro that will point to the NORTH in any latitude, at least within the navigable
water. It requires gyros continuous movement to be stopped or DAMPED.

DAMPING is the process of stopping the spin axis from moving continuously due to the
combined effect of tilt, drift and opposing precession and making one end of the axis to point to
the NORTH or make the gyro north seeking.

Damped Liquid Gravity controlled Gyroscope.

Top heavy Gyroscope.
Provide a couple acting about the vertical axis to damp the oscillations in tilt about the
horizontal axis, i.e. damping in TILT
The requirement is to create a precession opposing the tilt which is about the horizontal
axis. i.e. if the tilt is upwards the precession should be downwards and if the tilt is downwards
then the precession should be upwards.
This is achieved by attaching the mercury pots slightly displaced to the EAST of the true
vertical passing through the rotor casing.
Direction of rotation of the flywheel is anticlockwise seen from the BLUE end (or south
end). This displacement to the east causes the BLUE (south) end precess upwards as against the
downward tilt of the RED (north) end. This, exactly, is what is required. Such an arrangement
(the frame connecting the mercury pots) is known as the PHANTOM ELEMENT of the gyro
compass, supports the ballistic control and follows each and every movement of the gyro.

Bottom heavy Gyroscope.

Provide a couple acting about the horizontal axis to dampen the oscillations about the
vertical axis, i.e. damping moment in AZIMUTH.
The requirement is to create a precession opposing the drift about the vertical axis i.e if
the drift is east then the precession should be westward and if the drift is west then the
precession should be eastward.
For this the arrangement of the oil bottles is a bit cumbersome because the oil has to
flow to the higher bottle against the gravity, which is achieved by using a mechanism for air
pressure to push the liquid from one bottle to the other automatically. Also the air pressure is
required to be created within the gyro scope.
Let us imagine that the axis is placed in the N-S direction and the direction of spin is E-W
A pair of oil bottles is attached to the end of the axis (i.e. one north and one south) , but
both together with the connecting small bore pipe is displaced to the east of the spin axis.
These bottles are called as the WORKING bottles.
In addition they are connected by air pipes which are crossed at the top and
connected to an air chest fitted on the east side of the rotor casing using a bracket.
A “V” shaped wedge, divides the air chest in to north and south chambers.
Air pressure is developed inside the rotor casing due to spinning of the flywheel. This air
is directed to the air chest using a jet nozzle on the east side of the casing.
When the axis is horizontal i.e. no tilt the air is equally divided by the wedge and
available in both north and south chambers, thus maintaining equal levels of oil in the bottles.
No displacement is experienced.
When there is a tilt the air chest the wedge gets displaced with respect to the flow from
the nozzle. The air under pressure is directed either to the north or south working bottles
depending upon the direction of tilt
Since the air pipes are crossed at the top, when north end is tilted up, air gushes in ot
the north chamber and reaches the south working bottle. Similarly if north end is tilted down
then air reaches the north working bottle. The oil in the pressurized bottle is pushed down and
sent to the other bottle. i.e. from the lower working bottle to the higher working bottle against
This arrangement causes imbalance which causes a precession in the correct direction
to counter the movement of the axis due to drift.

Another pair of oil bottles, slightly smaller in size, is placed at the N and S ends of the
axis, connected by a small bore pipe is displaced slightly to the west of the axis. These bottles
are called as the DAMPING bottles.
In the case of these bottles air pipes are directly connected in the air chest so the the air
from north chamber goes to north damping bottle and the south chamber goes to the south
damping bottle.
Due to such an arrangement the downward displacement of the oil in the damping
bottle is in the opposite direction i.e. 1800 out of phase as compared to the working bottles.
This would cancel the movement due to precession. However, to cause the damping effective
there is a needle valve placed in the in the north damping bottle which ensures another 90 0
phase shift. (A total of 1800 + 900 = 2700 phase shift)

Such an arrangement produces a damping torque (force) about the horizontal axis in the
correct sequence so as to precess quickly towards the meridian and more slowly away from the
Damping in tilt :
For a gyroscope that is started in the northern hemisphere (i.e. in a north latitude) the
forces acting upon the axis are
(i) Tilt upwards
(ii) Drift eastward
(iii) Control precession westwards Pc
(vi) Anti tilt precession Tp

If the ratio Tp / Pc = r, then Tp = r * Pc

The entire effort of damping in this case is to encourage movement of the north( red)
end of the axis towards the horizontal and discourage any movement away from the horizontal.

In the figure shown above it may be seen that, due to the above mentioned efforts, the
north (red) end executes a spiral starting from “A” to the East of the meridian, through “B” “C”
“Q” “H” “R” “V” and “S”
The spiral path will get smaller and smaller with each swing in azimuth and tilt and the
axis will settle down at “S”. This is the point where,
(i) The easterly drift equals the westerly precession
and (ii) The rate of upward tilt equals the rate of downward damping precession.
The gyroscope is now settled in one direction ( say North) in the northern hemisphere as
far as the latitude remains same. The point of settling “S” would be
(i) Slightly to the east of the meridian
and (ii) Will be slightly tilted above the horizon.
Any change in the latitude is going to cause a different torque and the balance would
get disturbed.
In case of southern hemisphere, the spiral would start with “A” to the west of the
meridian and settle down at a point “S” which will be
(i) Slightly to the west of the meridian
and (ii) Will be slightly below the horizon.
Damping error or Latitude error. ( Top heavy gyroscopes only)
We have seen that the final settling position is settled to the north of the meridian in the
north latitudes and to the west of the meridian in the southern latitudes At equator the settling
position is exactly on the meridian this is known as the DAMPING ERROR or LATITUDE ERROR.
The error for various latitudes can be calculated and tabulated. Tabulated values could
be applied as and when necessary.
Alternatively, a lubber ring could be provided in the compass and the ring could be
slightly displaced (rotated) as required to correct this error. This in effect would amount to
displacing the gyro axis from north by a corresponding value to that of the correction.
Damping in azimuth:
As explained earlier, bottom heavy gyroscopes use oil bottles for causing the damping. It
is arranged such that the displacement of oil in the damping bottles are out of phase by 270 0 in
relation to that happens in the working bottles.
By such an arrangement, the spin axis of the gyro is accelerated towards the meridian
and retarded when the motion is away from the meridian
The north (red) end, in the northern hemisphere traces an anticlockwise spiral starting
from “A” to the east of the meridian through “B” “C” “H” “Q” “R” “V” and settles down at “S”.
We have seen that tilt is a function of sine of azimuth. So, as the azimuth is reduced tilt also is
automatically reduced.
Eventually the north (red) end comes to rest at a point exactly on the meridian ; but
slightly tilted above the horizontal in northern latitudes. This is the final settling position of the
In the southern latitudes path traced by the north (red) end is similar, anticlockwise,
but “A” would be on the west of the meridian. Eventually the gyro would settle on the meridian
but slightly tilted downwards from the horizontal.
Advantage of bottom heavy gyros over top heavy gyros.
Since the gyro settles down on the meridian with a small tilt (up or down) and tilt angle
being extremely small in magnitude, there is no need for any latitude correction or damping
correction, in a bottom heavy gyro. In normal navigable latitudes, tilt angle is very small and
does not interfere with the functioning of the gyro as a stable North seeking compass.
In a top heavy gyro a special mechanism is required to correct Latitude / damping error.

Period of a gyro compass.

The time taken by the gyro compass, calculated from the time of switching on power
supply to the time the gyro completes its spiral movement, and settles down on the meridian is
known as the period of gyro compass. This period is constant for a gyro irrespective of the
direction it was pointing to at the time of starting
The period of describing a complete ellipse in case of an undamped gyro is 85 minutes
(1 hr 25 mins)
The period in case of a damped liquid gravity controlled gyroscope is 2 hrs and 50 mins ,
but may slightly vary due to construction details.


Master Compass: Discovers and maintains the true north reading with the help of
gyroscope. consists of a sensitive element of gyroscope. The compass card has
illumination facility and its brightness is adjustable.

Repeater Compasses: Receive and indicate the true direction transmitted electrically
from the Master Compass. Indicates the ship’s heading shown by master compass by
means of a signal from the transmission unit.

Transmission unit consists of amplifiers and repeater switches. It is used to transmit

the heading data of the master compass to the repeater compasses and other
equipment such as auto pilot, radar direction finder etc.
Course Recorder: Makes a continuous record of the manoeuvring on a moving strip of

Control Panel: Governs the electrical operation of the system and ascertains the
running condition by means of a suitable meter. Computing and amplifying circuitry

Voltage Regulator: Maintains constant supply of the ship to the motor-generator.

Alarm Unit: Indicates failure of the ship’s supply.

Amplifier Panel: Controls the follow-up system.

Motor Generator: Converts the ship’s DC supply to AC and energizes the Compass

Power adapter is used for converting the ship’s power supply into the power
necessary for operating the static inverter and transmission units. For continuous
operating of this gyrocompass we need standby power supply system.

Follow-up system Readings from the master compass is sent in terms of electrical pulses
to and from repeaters.


The total of the all the combined errors of the gyrocompass is called gyro error
and is expressed in degrees E or W, just like variation and deviation. But gyro error,
unlike magnetic compass error, and being independent of Earth's magnetic field, will be
constant in one direction; that is, an error of one degree east will apply to all bearings all
around the compass. The errors to which a gyrocompass is subject are
(i) Speed error,
(ii) Tangent Latitude error,
(iii) Ballistic deflection error,
(iv) Ballistic damping error,
(v) Qquadrantal error, and
(vi) Gimballing error.
(vii) Gimbal lock 
Other Miscellaneous errors
(viii) Alignment error
(ix) Transmission error
(x) Rolling error
Speed error is caused by the fact that a gyrocompass only moves directly east or west
when it is stationary (on the rotating earth) or placed on a vessel moving exactly east or
west. Any movement to the north or south will cause the compass to trace a path which
is actually a function of the speed of advance and the amount of northerly or southerly
heading. This causes the compass to tend to settle a bit off true north. This error is
westerly if the vessel's course is northerly and easterly if the course is southerly. Its
magnitude depends on the vessel's speed, course, and latitude. This error can be
corrected internally by means of a cosine cam mounted on the underside of the azimuth
gear, which removes most of the error. Any remaining error is minor in amount and can
be disregarded.
Tangent latitude error is a property only of gyros with mercury ballistics, and is easterly in north
latitudes and westerly in south latitudes. In the final settling position of a gyro damped in
tilt the axis settles to the north of the meridian in the north latitudes and to the west of
the meridian in the southern latitudes. At equator the settling position is exactly on the
meridian. This is known as the DAMPING ERROR or TANGENT LATITUDE ERROR.
The error for various latitudes can be calculated and tabulated. Tabulated values
could be applied as and when necessary.
Alternatively, a lubber ring could be provided in the compass and the ring could
be slightly displaced (rotated) as required to correct this error or with a small movable
weight attached to the casing. This in effect would amount to displacing the gyro axis
from north by a corresponding value to that of the correction.
Ballistic deflection error occurs when there is a marked change in the north-south
component of the speed. East-west accelerations have no effect. A change of course or
speed also results in speed error in the opposite direction, and the two tend to cancel
each other if the compass is properly designed. This aspect of design involves slightly
offsetting the ballistics according to the operating latitude, upon which the correction is
dependent. As latitude changes, the error becomes apparent, but can be minimized by
adjusting the offset.
Ballistic damping error is a temporary oscillation introduced by changes in course or
speed. During a change in course or speed, the mercury in the ballistic is subjected to
centrifugal and acceleration/deceleration forces. This causes a torquing of the spin axis
and subsequent error in the compass reading. Slow changes do not introduce enough
error to be a problem, but rapid changes will. This error is counteracted by changing the
position of the ballistics so that the true vertical axis is centered, thus not subject to
error, but only when certain rates of turn or acceleration are exceeded.
Quadrantal error has two causes. The first occurs if the center of gravity of the gyro is
not exactly centered in the phantom. This causes the gyro to tend to swing along its
heavy axis as the vessel rolls in the sea. It is minimized by adding weight so that the
mass is the same in all directions from the center. Without a long axis of weight, there is
no tendency to swing in one particular direction. The second source of quadrantal error
is more difficult to eliminate. As a vessel rolls in the sea, the apparent vertical axis is
displaced, first to one side and then the other. The vertical axis of the gyro tends to align
itself with the apparent vertical. On northerly or southerly courses, and on easterly or
westerly courses, the compass precesses equally to both sides and the resulting error is
zero. On intercardinal courses, the N-S and E-W precessions are additive, and a
persistent error is introduced, which changes direction in different quadrants. This error
is corrected by use of a second gyroscope called a floating ballistic, which stabilizes the
mercury ballistic as the vessel rolls, eliminating the error. Another method is to use two
gyros for the directive element, which tend to precess in opposite directions,
neutralizing the error.
Gimballing error is caused by taking readings from the compass card when it is tilted
from the horizontal plane. It applies to the compass itself and to all repeaters. To
minimize this error, the outer ring of the gimbal of each repeater should be installed in
alignment with the fore-and- aft line of the vessel. Of course, the lubber's line must be
exactly centered as well
Gimbal lock is the loss of one degree of freedom in a three-dimensional, three-
gimbal mechanism that occurs when the axes of two of the three gimbals are driven into
a parallel configuration, "locking" the system into rotation in a degenerate two-
dimensional space. The word lock is misleading: no gimbal is restrained. All three
gimbals can still rotate freely about their respective axes of suspension. Nevertheless,
because of the parallel orientation of two of the gimbals' axes there is no gimbal
available to accommodate rotation about one axis.

Other Miscellaneous errors

Alignment error (i) An error existing between the indicated heading and the
vessel’s lubber line.
(ii) An error existing between the indicated lubber line and the
fore and aft line of the vessel.
Both of these errors can be accurately eliminated by critically aligning the compass with
the ship’s lubber line at installation.

Transmission error An error existing between the indicated heading on the master
compass and the heading produced by any remote repeater is a transmission error.
Transmission errors are kept to a minimum by the use of multispeed pulse transmission.

Rolling error When a vessel rolls, the compass is swung like a pendulum causing a
twisting motion that tends to move the plane of the sensitive element towards the
plane of the swing. For a simple explanation of the error consider the surge of mercury
caused in both the north and south reservoirs by a vessel rolling, causing precession.
The force exerted by the mercury (or pendulum), or precession must be resolved into
north/south and east/west components.
The result of the combined forces is that precession of the compass occurs under
the influence of an effective anticlockwise torque. Damping the pendulum system can
dramatically reduce rolling error. In a top-heavy gyrocompass, this is achieved by
restricting the flow of mercury between the two pots. The damping delay introduced
needs to be shorter than the damping period of the compass and much greater than the
period of roll of the vessel. Both of these conditions are easily achieved.

Follow up Systems and Transmission and repeater system

Follow up Systems. In any type of gyro compass, a follow up system is required to keep the
compass card aligned with the sensitive element of the compass. Various types of electrical or
electronic circuits are employed for this purpose. A simple circuitry is described to understand
the basic system herein.

In a top heavy gyro such as the Sperry gyro, uses the phantom element of which the
compass card is a part. The phantom element follows the movement of the sensitive element
precisely so as to give correct reading at all times.
The follow up system consists of two units.
(i) The sensing unit or detector. This senses the alignment between the sensitive
element and the phantom element.
(ii) A drive unit. This consists of a reversible azimuth motor.

The sensor is made up of a ‘E’ shaped core transformer. The center arm has the primary
windings and the outer arms have the secondary windings. The secondary windings are in series
but in the opposite direction. The transformer is mounted on the phantom element. A steel
armature is placed adjacent to the transformer and is mounted on a bracket extending from the
vertical ring of the sensitive element.
When the primary coil is energised, the secondary coil output a voltage that is 180 0 out
of phase, thus when in perfect alignment the outputs cancel each other, in effect the output is
In case of any misalignment due to alteration, yaw etc, the steel armature displaced
towards one of the two secondaries, therefore it receives greater current than the other. This
mismatch gives rise to an electrical signal. The signal is tapped through a slip ring arrangement
and is amplified suitably. The amplified signal drives an azimuth motor (reversible motor),
which in turn drives the compass card attached to the phantom element through a set of tooth
gear. Thus the phantom element is realigned to the sensitive element. The currents in both
secondaries become equal and the azimuth motor stops. The direction of rotation of the
azimuth motor depends on which side is the movement of the armature; which of the
secondaries is energised.
The transformer is so sensitive that even a small change (fraction of minutes) in the
sensitive element is detected.

Transmission and repeater system.

The movement of the phantom element is the exact mismatch and this is required to be
transmitted to various repeater compass cards. The transmitter is attached to the bottom of the
spider frame and the repeater motor at the repeater. The transmitter is basically a rotary

There are twelve copper strips in the form of segments of one circle. They are divided in
to four quadrant triplets, numbered 1,2 and3 in each quadrant, in a clockwise direction. Each
set of segments are wired in series to appropriate sets of the field coils in the repeater motor.
There are two roller contacts attached to two arms (similar to hands of a clock) radiating from
the center of the transmitter. These arms are arranged at an angle of 165 0 to ensure step by
step contact with the copper segments.
These arms are driven by direct gearing from the azimuth gear on the master compass.
When there is a yaw the azimuth motor turns the azimuth gear, as discussed earlier in the
follow up system. This movement makes the two arms move over the segments and make
contacts appropriately. As the contact shifts from one segment to the other the magnetic field
in the repeater motor also moves in synchronization with the rotation. There is an soft iron
armature at the center of magnetic field which rotates with the rotation of the magnetic field.
Attached to the armature is a switch gearing which rotates the repeater compass card (through
various reduction gearings) appropriately.
Thus the repeater compass card indicates the same reading as the master compass card.
Modern gyro compasses
The Sagnac effect, also called Sagnac interference, named after French physicist Georges
Sagnac, is a phenomenon encountered in interferometry that is elicited by rotation. The Sagnac
effect manifests itself in a setup called a ring interferometer.

A beam of light is split and the two beams are made to follow the same path but in
opposite directions. On return to the point of entry the two light beams are allowed to exit the
ring and undergo interference. The relative phases of the two exiting beams, and thus the
position of the interference fringes, are shifted according to the angular velocity of the
apparatus. In other words, when the interferometer is at rest with respect to the earth, the
light travels at a constant speed. However, when the interferometer system is spun, one beam
of light will slow with respect to the other beam of light. This arrangement is also called
a Sagnac interferometer. 
A gimbal mounted mechanical gyroscope remains pointing in the same direction after
spinning, and thus can be used as a rotational reference for an inertial navigation system. With
the development of laser gyroscopes and fiber optic gyroscopes based on the Sagnac effect, the
bulky mechanical gyroscope is replaced by one having no moving parts in many modern inertial
navigation systems.
The principles behind the two devices are different, however. A conventional gyroscope
relies on the principle of conservation of angular momentum whereas the sensitivity of the ring
interferometer to rotation arises from the invariance of the speed of light for all inertial frames
of reference.
In ring lasers, mirrors are used to focus and redirect the laser beams at the corners.
While traveling between mirrors, the beams pass through gas-filled tubes. The beams are
generally generated through local excitation of the gas by radio frequencies.
Critical variables in the construction of a ring laser include:
1. Size: Larger ring lasers can measure lower frequencies. The sensitivity of large rings increases
quadratically with size.
2. Mirrors: High reflectivity is important.
3. Stability: The assembly must be attached to or built within a substance that change minimally
in response to temperature fluctuations (e.g. Zerodur, or bedrock for extremely large rings).
4. Gas: HeNe generates beams with the most desirable features for large ring lasers. For gyros,
in principle any material that can be used to generate monochromatic light beams is applicable.
Ring laser gyroscopes
can be used as the stable elements (for one degree of freedom each) in an inertial
reference system. The advantage of using an RLG is that there are no moving parts (apart from
the dither motor assembly, see further description below and laser-lock), compared to the
conventional spinning gyroscope. This means there is no friction, which in turn means there will
be no inherent drift terms. Additionally, the entire unit is compact, lightweight and highly
durable, making it suitable for use in aircraft and also satellites. Unlike a mechanical gyroscope,
the device does not resist changes to its orientation.
Contemporary applications of the Ring Laser Gyroscope (RLG) include an embedded GPS
capability to further enhance accuracy of RLG Inertial Navigation Systems (INS)s on military
aircraft, commercial airliners, ships and spacecraft. These hybrid INS/GPS units have replaced
their mechanical counterparts in most applications. Where ultra accuracy is needed however,
spin gyro based INSs are still in use today.
Fibre Optic Gyroscope  
A related device is the fibre optic gyroscope which also operates on the basis of the Sagnac
effect, but in which the ring is not a part of the laser. Rather, an external laser injects counter-
propagating beams into an optical fiber ring, where rotation causes a relative phase shift
between those beams when interfered after their pass through the fiber ring. The phase shift is
proportional to the rate of rotation. This is less sensitive in a single traverse of the ring than the
RLG in which the externally observed phase shift is proportional to the accumulated rotation
itself, not its derivative. However the sensitivity of the fiber optic gyro is enhanced several
times over the RLG by having a long optical fiber, coiled for compactness, in which the Sagnac
effect is multiplied according to the number of turns.
Pendulum accelerometers
The basic, open-loop accelerometer consists of a mass attached to a spring. The mass is
constrained to move only in line with the spring. Acceleration causes deflection of the mass and
the offset distance is measured. The acceleration is derived from the values of deflection
distance, mass and the spring constant. The system must also be damped to avoid oscillation.
Principle of open loop accelerometer.
Acceleration in the upward direction causes the mass to deflect downward.

A closed-loop accelerometer achieves higher performance by using a feedback loop to

cancel the deflection, thus keeping the mass nearly stationary. Whenever the mass deflects, the
feedback loop causes an electric coil to apply an equally negative force on the mass, canceling
the motion. Acceleration is derived from the amount of negative force applied. Because the
mass barely moves, the effects of non-linearity of the spring and damping system are greatly
reduced. In addition, this accelerometer provides for increased bandwidth beyond the natural
frequency of the sensing element.
Both types of accelerometers have been manufactured as integrated micro-machinery
on silicon chips.
Apart from these there are many other types of systems which can be used as gyros as
listed below:
1. Strap down systems
2. Motion-based alignment
3. Vibrating gyros
4. Hemispherical resonator gyros (wine glass or mushroom gyros)
5. Quartz rate sensors
6. MHD sensor (Micro-hydrodynamic)
7. MEMS gyroscope (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems)
8. TIMU (Timing & Inertial Measurement Unit) sensors
Technical Maintenance
Technical maintenance includes:
1) On-line maintenance that is performed at each switch on and switch off of the gyrocompass;
2) Periodic maintenance that is performed annually if the gyrocompass is installed on a sailing
ship as well as after the repair or long storage period of the gyrocompass.
Technical maintenance of the gyrocompass and trouble shooting on board the ship are
performed by the specialist who is responsible for its serviceability. Repair of the gyrocompass
and post-repair test are made by the authorized personnel of service centers.
Main checks
1) On-line maintenance consists of It is allowed to check gyrocompass external appearance
inspection with gyrocompass running. Gyrocompass units are checked for cleanliness, security
of attachment, condition of cables and reliability of their connection.
2) Periodic maintenance of the gyrocompass is performed as follows:

S. No. Checks to be done Value Regularity

1 Check of external appearance monthly
2 Check of insulation resistance min. 20 MOhm once a year
3 Gyro settling time check min. 1.5 h at each run-up
4 Gyro bias drift compensation max. ±0.2 deg once a year

The result of the periodic maintenance shall be written down into the record book.
If any other abnormality is observed then the professional maintainer is to be called
from the company and repairs are to be effected, as required.
Model questions
UNIT – 3
1) Define gyroscopic inertia? What is its other name?
2) Explain precession of free gyroscope?
3) List the three degree of freedom of a free gyroscope?
4) Name the factors on which precession depends?
5) What is the relation between the forces and the resultant movement?
6) Explain how the earth behaves like a gyro
How do you compare earth with a free gyro?
6) Explain turn table effect of a free gyroscope placed at north pole.
7) Explain behavior the spin axis of a free gyro placed on the equator facing east-west

8) Explain the behavior of the spin axis of a free gyroscope place at any intermediate
latitude facing north-south
9) Define the Tilt and Drift?
10) Write down the formula of (i) Rate of tilt and (ii) Rate of drift?
11) Explain the apparent movement of the “Red End” of the axis of a free gyroscope.
12) Explain top heavy liquid gravity controlled gyroscope?
13) Explain bottom heavy effect gravity controlled gyroscope?
14) Define damping?
15) Compare top heavy and bottom heavy liquid gravity controlled gyros and explain which
is advantageous?
16) Define Period of a gyro compass.
17) List any four parts of a gyro compass system.
18) List any six errors affecting a Gyro compass.
19) Explain gimballing error of a gyro compass.
20) List the parts of the gyro compass follow-up system.
21) List four gyro compasses without any moving parts.
1) Describe a free gyroscope and explain briefly the degrees of its movement.
2) Describe the unique properties of a Gyroscope in detail.
3) Write down the relation between the forces and the resultant movements. What do you
deduce from the formula?
4) Write short notes on: 1. Drift ; 2. Tilt; 3. Rates of Tilt and Drift with an azimuth.
5) Explain the behavior of a free gyroscope when a small weight is attached to it , placed on
any intermediate latitude.
6) Explain the principle of damping of a top heavy liquid gravity controlled gyro.
7) Explain the principle of damping of a bottom heavy liquid gravity controlled gyro
8) Explain briefly ballistic deflection and gimballing errors of Gyro Compass?
9) Explain Damping in tilt.
10) Explain latitude error or Damping error and how it is corrected?
11) Explain damping in azimuth. Why is no correction required for this type of damping?
12) List and explain any six parts of a gyro compass system. ?
13) List all the errors of a gyro compass.
14) Write short notes on (i) Speed error; (ii) Ballistic deflection error; (iii) Ballistic damping
15) Explain: (i) Gimballing error; (ii) Gimbal lock; (iii) Alignment error
16) List the parts of gyro compass follow-up system and explain its functioning .
17) Explain the transmission and repeater system with a rough diagram.
18) Explain Sagnac effect and a Sagnac interferometer.
19) Explain a closed loop and open loop type of Pendulum accelerometers.
20) Discuss the onboard maintenance of gyro equipment.

1) Explain the behavior of a free gyroscope placed at the pole; on the equator and any other
intermediate latitude.
2) Define tilt, drift and damping. Explain the formula for rates of tilt and drift involving an
3) Explain behavior of a weighted free gyroscope on the equator and at any intermediate
4) (a) Explain how damping is achieved in a top heavy gyro ; (or explain damping in tilt)
(b) What is damping or latitude error and how is it corrected?
5) Explain how damping is achieved in case of a bottom heavy gyro? (or explain damping in
(b) What is the advantages of damping in azimuth in comparison to damping in tilt.(or how
is a bottom heavy gyro better than the top heavy gyro).
5) List the parts of a gyro compass system and explain each briefly.
6) (a) List the various errors of a gyro compass; (b) Explain six of them briefly.
Explain any six errors a gyro is subjected to and the method of correction.
List factors affecting the total gyro error and discuss any six of them in detail.
7) What is Phantom element? How does the follow up system function?
8) Explain with a neat diagram, the method of transmitting the master compass card
movements to that of a repeater.
Explain the Transmission and repeater system of a gyro compass with a suitable diagram.
9) What is Sagnac effect (or Sagnac interference) and how is it used as a gyro compass?
(a) What is the principle on which a gyro with no moving parts work? (b) Explain the
working of ring laser gyro and fiber-optic gyro.
10) (a) List various types gyros without moving parts. Explain how Pendulum accelerometers
could be used as gyro compass

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