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Military condemns latest ‘atrocity’ by the Reds

Soldier, 2 Cafgus killed


TACLOBAN CITY- A soldier and two militias were killed while

six others were wounded after they were attacked by alleged mem-
bers of the New People’s Army (NPA) in Jipapad town, Eastern Sa-
mar on Wednesday (July 7) morning.
Reports coming from posed of five soldiers base is located.
the 8th Infantry Divi- and nine Civilian Armed The attack took place
sion, based in Catbalo- Force Geographical Unit in sitio Cabatas, also in
gan City, Samar, said that (Cafgu) personnel, while the same village and just
at about 6:45 am, close they were on their way to 70 meters away from
to 60 rebels attacked the sitio Casapa of Barangay
government forces, com- 4, where a Cafgu patrol see Soldier /page 10 ...

Mayor Romualdez, Councilor Grafil

turnover land titles to 1,036 ‘Yolanda’
survivors living at North Hill Arbours
TACLOBAN CITY- Af- stay legal. aged when Tacloban was
Cafgu personnel were given medical treatment at the Arteche District Hos-
ter almost eight years of North Hill Arbours, lo- pummeled by Super Ty-
pital after their group was attacked by rebel members in sitio Cabatas,
waiting, families living at cated in Barangay 105, are phoon ‘Yolanda’ on No-
Brgy. 4, Jipapad in Eastern Samar on Wednesday morning.(Arteche LGU)
the North Hill Arbours 1 among the resettlement vember 8,2013.
As a requirement to enter Tacloban City and 2 finally received their sites for families whose
see Mayor/page 12 ...
land titles, making their houses were totally dam-
Mayor Romualdez revokes vaccination
card requisite; negative swab
test result reinstated
TACLOBAN CITY- again to show their negative tion cards.
Individuals who want RT-PCR test result. “Some concerns on the
to come to the city need This after Mayor Alfred verification and validation
Romualdez rescinded on process of the vaccination
Friday (July 9) an execu- cards have been raised by
tive order he issued on July various local government
5 which allowed only vac- units and such concerns are
cination card as a require- yet to be properly addressed
ment for them to come to by the IATF and DOH,” the
the city. city mayor said on his order
Romualdez, in issuing on revoking the earlier or-
Executive Order Number der.
2021-07-27, said that the Last July 5, Romualdez
move to revert back on the issued an order allowing
need of a negative swab test fully vaccinated persons to Tacloban City Mayor Alfred Romualdez and Councilor Aimee Delgado Grafil led the turnover of
result as a requirement is enter the city, following the land titles to more than 1,000 families residing at North Hill Arbours on Thursday (July 8). The
due to questions raised on see Mayo Romualdezr/page 15 ...
beneficiaries were families whose houses were totally destroyed when the city was pummeled by
super typhoon ‘Yolanda’ in Nov. 8,2013.(TACLOBAN CITY INFORMATION OFFICE)
how to verify the vaccina-
2 Leyte Samar Daily Express NEWS Saturday, July 10, 2021

Contrary to IATF policy

Calbayog City will still require returning
individuals of a negative RT-PCR result
TACLOBAN CITY – to present such document ported that a total of 4,952
Calbayog City will still re- would mean a 14-day quar- individuals have been in-
quire a negative RT-PCR antine at the city’s isolation oculated as of July 4.
result for those coming in facility, it added. Of these figures 3,527
to the city as its coronavirus The RT-PCR test will be have received their 1st
disease(COVID-19) contin- required for returning resi- dose, while 1,425 are now
ue to surge. dents until August on top of fully-vaccinated.
This policy of the city’s a certificate of acceptance. As to the brand of vac-
Inter-Agency Task Force for The Calbayog AITF said cines, 3,634 doses of Si-
the Management of Emerg- that they will implement novac have been adminis-
ing Infectious Disease the resolution of IATF once tered 1,318 doses were of
(IATF-EID) is in contrary cases of Covid-19 in the city AstraZeneca.
to the policy imposed by the decreases. The Calbayog IATF
National Inter-Agency Task Based on the record of added there are still resi-
Force abolishing negative the City Health Office, as of dents who belongs to Cat-
FREE PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINATION --- Registered nurse and Tingog swab results as a require- July 6, Calbayog has a total egory A2 or senior citizens
party-list Rep. Yedda Marie K. Romualdez (right) in partnership with Quezon ment for entry. of 1,589 cases of which 137 mostly living outside the
City Rep. Precious Hipolito-Castelo (3rd left), Quezon City Councilor Winnie “Because our COVID-19 are considered as active city proper and Category
Castelo (left), Vista Real Classica Disaster Response & Preparedness and the cases have not yet decreased, cases and with 31 recorded A3 or those with comor-
Department of Health started the free pneumococcal vaccination inoculates the Calbayog IATF decided deaths. bidities have not yet regis-
Home Owners Association president Bob Gochangco (2nd left) at the Bris- that we will still subject re- Twenty of the city’s 157 tered for vaccination.
bane Covered Court,Vista Real Classica Batasan Hills Quezon City. Tingog turning residents negative barangays are considered The city government
RT-PCR tests,” the city’s as ‘hot spots’ or those with urges those who have not
party-list 2nd Nominee Jude Acidre (3rd right) and Batasan Hills chairman
IATF statement said. more than two COVID-19 yet enlisted for vaccination
Jojo Abad (2nd right) prepared the vaccination program for 320 beneficiaries. And those who will pres- cases. to register online to get
photo by Ver Noveno ent a negative RT-PCR re- Meanwhile, on the their schedule for inocu-

ASF Watch sult will qualify for a 14-day

home quarantine but failure
on-going COVID-19 vac-
cination drive, the city re-

Undocumented meat products For entire July

confiscated in Allen port Southern Leyte returns to MGCQ from GCQ
T A C L O B A N ern Samar Provincial ucts which the governor after slowdown of its COVID-19 cases
CITY-Authorities in Veterinary Office at the issued last January,” she
Northern Samar have Balwharteco port in Ba- said. TACLOBAN CITY- following week; reached ported by the Depart-
confiscated 347 packs rangay Looc, in the said “Even if the food was Southern Leyte Gover- to high of 39 percent for ment of Health (DOH)
of undocumented meat town on July 5. preserved or processed, nor Damian Mercado June 14-20 period but on Friday (July 9) to
products in a port in “Upon inspection, they must be stored in a downgraded the quaran- considerably declined to have succumbed due to
Allen town following there were no docu- container with a specific tine status of his province 13 percent the following complications due to the
the intensified quaran- ments presented which temperature, chilled at from general communi- week. deadly infection.
tine checkpoints against is required when ship- least,” added Bautista. ty quarantine (GCQ) to With the two new
cases of African Swine ping meat products or The 240 kilograms of the lesser strict moderate But the governor deaths, the region has
Fever (ASF) in the prov- live animals,” said Ailet confiscated items from general community quar- stressed that while the now 404 total deaths
ince. Bautista, BAI’s livestock the National Capital Re- antine (MGCQ) for the province is now on a less since the pandemic start-
The frozen and as- inspector. gion were shipped on a entire month of July. stricter quarantine status, ed March of last year.
sorted meat products According to the of- van, loaded on roll-on, The move of the gov- he asked the public to al- The new deaths in-
valued at P80,000 were ficial, the shipment vio- roll-off (Roro) vessel and ernor was based on the ways follow all the min- volved a 61-year old man
loaded in a private ve- lates the Department of supposed to be transport- slowing down of the imum health protocols from Hilongos, Leyte
hicle when it was inter- Agriculture (DA) Ad- ed to several locations in province’s COVID-19 like the wearing of face who died on June 18 and
cepted by personnel of ministrative Order 05. the region, according to cases for the last few mask and face shield and a 15-year old girl from
the Bureau of Animal “It does not also com- the provincial govern- weeks. on physical distancing Calbayog City who suc-
Industry (BAI)-Eastern ply with the existing ban ment. “On account of declin- ‘to ensure the continued cumbed on July 6.
Visayas and the North- on pork and pork prod- In coordination with ing number of COVID-19 downward trend of posi- The DOH also re-
Allen Municipal Agricul- active and positive cases tive cases in the province.’ ported of 259 new cases,
We accept: ture Officer Judy Morado
and Municipal Disaster
in the entire province, the
provincial inter-agency
Since the start of the
pandemic, the province
increasing the region’s
total cases to 32,8136.
Publication for Risk Reduction Man- task force(PIATF) are in has so far reported of (JOEY A. GABIETA)
agement Officer Alberto consensus on downgrad- 2,767 total cases of which
National Newspaper Cabacang, the confiscat- ing the community quar- 278 are considered as ac-
Malaya Business Insight by ed meat items were im-
mediately disposed and
antine status of the entire
province from GCQ to
tive cases.
About 79 COVID-19
People’s Independent Media buried. MGCQ,” the resolution of patients across the prov-
Northern Samar Gov- the provincial task force, ince have been confirmed
Contact: ernor Edwin Ongchuan chaired by Mercado, said. to have died due to com-
earlier ordered a tempo- Based on the record plications of the deadly
ALMA M. GRAFIL rary ban on the entry of of the provincial health virus.
Leyte Samar Daily Express live hogs and pork prod- office, on the first week of Meantime, the num-
ucts from other prov- June, the province had a ber of deaths in Eastern
GLOBE (053) 888-0037 - PLDT positivity rate of 32%; in- Visayas continue to rise
inces as a precautionary
creased by a percent the with three seniors as re-
Cell No. 09171242427 measure against ASF.
ALD O.REYES e-mail: [email protected]
Saturday, July 10, 2021
NEWS Leyte Samar Daily Express 3

Farmer shot, decapitated in Samar 2 nabbed for P37 million Bantayan road upgrading
TACLOBAN CITY- A They were heading to- illegal transport
34-year old farmer was shot
and killed before he was be-
wards the victim’s farmland,
according to the police in- of LSIs project soon to be completed
headed in Gandara, Samar. vestigation. NSSDEO, Brgy. Bu- conducted by the Pub- roads is necessary for
Authorities identified A burst of gunfire was rabud, Laoang, North- lic Information Unit of the province to main-
CITY-Authorities have
the victim as Christopher heard at the barangay around ern Samar-The rehabil- the DEO, one end-user tain road infrastruc-
arrested two persons for
Wahingon of Barangay San 2 p.m. Tuesday, it added. itation/reconstruction/ said that the project will tures in order to lift its
allegedly transporting lo-
Francisco, Gandara whose The family started upgrading of damaged be of great help to them economy contributory
cally stranded individuals
body was found around 8 searching for the victim after paved roads along especially because the to the provincial and
(LSIs) from Metro Ma-
a.m. Wednesday (July 7) at he did not return home the Catarman-Laoang place is a flood-prone regional socio-eco-
nila to Biliran province
the said barangay. following day. Boundary Road under area. nomic development.
without necessary docu-
Initial investigation dis- Authorities recovered contract with JBM Con- The rehabilitation This particular proj-
closed that Wangihon went four empty cartridges of cal- struction and Supply is of damaged concrete ect will provide a com-
Joint elements of Naval
to his farmland Tuesday iber 5.56 mm at the crime fortable and stress-free
Municipal Police Station
morning, July 6, before he scene. travel of motorists
and Land Transportation
was killed. Gandara Municipal Po- even during inclem-
Office-Naval District Of-
At least six persons car- lice have launched a man- ent weather since this
fice, led by Mario Corde-
rying high powered firearms hunt operation against upgraded road section
ro, apprehended the
were also sighted at their ba- the suspects. (RONALD is now in high eleva-
driver and the operator
rangay before the incident. O.REYES) tion though situated in
during the entrapment
a low-lying area.(REY
operation along Baran-
Leyte Samar gay Caraycaray, Naval last
Tuesday (July 6).
Daily Express
Express Police identified the
two suspects as residents

of the province.
is in need of The suspects onboard
now 93.58% completed.
This project with
a white Toyota Hi-Ace contract ID 20II0005
Writers, Correspondents, were fetching and trans-
porting eight LSIs from
is located at Brgy. Ban-
tayan, San Roque,
Account Executives Marikina City bound to Northern Samar second
Biliran. district.
They will be facing It is a P37 million
Please email resume to: charges for violation of road project including
[email protected] Republic Act 4136 or the Reconstruction of Con-
Land Transportation and crete Pavement funded
or call (053) 888-0037/ 09177710320
look for Aileen M. Grafil
Traffic Code. (RONALD under GAA FY 2020.
O.REYES) During an interview
4 Leyte Samar Daily Express
OPINION Saturday, July 10, 2021

Dalmacio C. Grafil

Joey A. Gabieta

Aileen M. Grafil
Advertising Manager

Alma M. Grafil
Business Manager

The Leyte Samar Daily Express is

published with editorial and
business offices at G/F Knights
of Columbus Bldg.,
187 P. Zamora St., Tacloban City

Vaccination controversies

Tel. Nos. (053) 321-4833/(053) 888-0037
espite the assurances of health experts Here’s more. Even after completing the vaccine
and government authorities that the doses, it is said that one can still contract the
WEBSITE existing coronavirus vaccines are safe, virus and transmit it to others, so what’s the and despite the fact that many had al- use of vaccination, then?
ready submitted themselves for vac- If the only wisdom of vaccination is follow-
EMAIL ADDRESS cination, the rest of our citizens are ing government orders and protocols, then it
[email protected] still reluctant to have themselves vaccinated for is not quite a satisfactory reason to some. Yes,
some reasons. perhaps there are some advantages it affords.
Largely, what hold them back from follow- It, for instance, gives one a “license” to be able
All rights reserved. Except as ing this admonition are the doubts that linger in to travel everywhere without restrictions. It al-
permitted by law, no part of their minds. They are not fully convinced about lows one to kind of live a normal life, getting
Leyte Samar Daily Express may be the efficacy and safety of these vaccines that, as along with people and doing business transac-
re-produced or distributed in any form we all know, were rather rushed in the making tions everywhere.
or by any means stored in a database to hopefully contain the rapidly increasing cases Given the government’s intention to total-
or retrieval system without its prior
throughout the world. Some are worried as to ly eradicate the virus off the country, it seems
written permission from the publisher.
how it would affect their health. bent to impose vaccination and enforce it as a
Commentaries from readers whose Somehow, the arguments of those who refuse must. If that’s the case, then citizens must be
identities they prefer to remain make sense. For instance, they would question allowed to choose which vaccine to accept as
anonymous can be accommodated what antidote they could avail of in case they the efficacy rate also matters most here. We
as “blind items”. It will be our editorial would end up allergic to the vaccine shot. Are must settle for that which is guaranteed to be
prerogative, however, to verify the veracity there available cures for those likely allergies? If effective indeed, otherwise, we are just making
of such commentaries before publication. there is none, then never mind, they would say. experimentation on ourselves.
Letters should be as brief as possible, negative, but I was not and seemingly, my brain.
and sent with the writer’s name, signature

Things To
quite pleased with the pro- I could not bear that
address and phone numbers (if any) to: cedure itself. I mean, had uncomfortable, repul-
“Letter to the Editor”, there been any other way sive pain. Good thing it
Leyte Samar Daily Express. to determine that result was removed quickly, but
They may be edited for length and clarity
Mind without going through the
procedure, I would have
opted for it instead of the
the pain it brought to my
nasal cavity and to my
brain lingered for hours.
Sister Publications DOMS PAGLIAWAN way we were tested.
Of course it was the
Surely, my nose was not
designed for that foreign
Samar Weekly Express same procedure that other object. I hated it, resisted
Eastern Samar Bulletin people having that simi- it. Why was it not made
It pains me lar test had gone through.
I was made to sit straight,
as something friendly
to the nasal passage? It
Before I could qualify The combined procedure my chin up, as an elongat- could have been made
in looking after my wife in was already in itself a big ed thing was inserted into softer!
the hospital while recov- amount for us. my nose all the way down I thought the pain it
ering from her operation, Not only was it costly to to…I don’t know. It tick- brought would disap-
I was required—actually our meager budget, it was led me at first, but as it got pear over time. It’s been
both of us—to undergo also injurious to me phys- deeper, I suddenly felt an three months since then,
swab testing to determine ically, it seems. Thankful- unusual pain—something
see It pains /page 12 ...
if we were covid-free. ly, our results turned out poignant and penetrating
inside my nose, my throat,
Saturday, July 10, 2021

OPINIONus to sin. We should con-

stantly make the effort to
choose God instead of what
Leyte Samar Daily Express

Spearheaded by the Cou-

ples’ for Christ and me
from the Brotherhood of

we simply like by ourselves.

We need to see to it Automatic Christian Businessmen
and Professionals we

Commentary for the

that our union with God talked lengthily on these
should, as much as possi- vital values. I am hoping

ble, be abiding, completely I made my mark.
sealed with no opening, no But being given these
matter how minuscule, that bitter dose of sad, har-
FR. ROY CIMAGALA can allow our weaknesses,
the sinful allurements of the
CLEMELLE MONTALLANA rowing events where po-
licemen executes civilians
world and the devil himself who cannot even defend

Only with God… to enter. We have to remem- Deplorable display themselves from superior
ber that as St. Paul warned force armed and danger-
us, we are actually ranged of hubris ous men who happen to
WE should never for- spite of their very good against powerful enemies in be tasked with the duty
get that only with God can condition, there was a mo- this life. (cfr. Eph 6,12) In Greek Mythology cases of abuse and docu- of maintaining peace and
we properly deal with our ment when they failed in Only with God can we there is a story of Icarus. mented killing that is be- order is downright de-
own weaknesses, and the the proper exercise of their be keenly aware of the many Icarus was given artificial yond whitewash. The mur- plorable.
many temptations and sins God-given freedom and dangers that lurk within us wings made of wax and der happening in our very But what leads these
around. Only with him chose to listen to the devil and around us. Only with feather so that he can fly. eyes as it was caught on humans to shed their
can we manage to resist rather than to remain faith- him can we resist the temp- Daedalus, his father, warns cam. The whole world is humanity and descend
the devil himself. Without ful to God. And so they fell. tations and be unaffected by that if Icarus will fly close its witness. Those hapless to the pit of animal be-
him, we are easy prey, a sit- We have to understand our weaknesses and the sins to the Sun, he would melt individuals are being mur- havior? That would be
ting duck. Our earnest de- that without God, the prop- around. those wings. Icarus, feel- dered thousands of times the proper question that
sire should be how we can er exercise of our freedom In other words, we real- ing the high of flying and every single day. Every re- should be answered by
be with God always, our would be out on a limb, and ly need how to pray always. unmindful of Daedalus ply is a harrowing murder the policymakers and
union with him as strong it would just be a matter This means we have to know warning, his wings melted taking place, unfolding in high-ranking officers of
and vibrant as ever. of time before we fall into how to convert everything and he meets his death by our very eyes. the police.
Let’s not forget that sin. It is that automatic. We into prayer, always relating drowning in the sea. Such The saddest thing here Yes, as Zinampan once
if our first parents, still would have no sufficient de- everything to God—our was the tale of hubris in is that it’s not only Zinam- posted on his Facebook
in their state of original fenses against our real en- joys and sorrow, our work Greek Mythology. pan, Nuezca and the rest Account the sin of one is
justice and therefore in emies. We may even think and rest, our successes and Hubris, in Greek trag- of the murderous ilk that not the sin of all, Nuezca
theory should have been that our enemies are our defeats, etc. Yes, everything edy, is the excessive pride is accountable every sin- Zinampan said is not the
in close union with God, friends and allies. can and should be a materi- towards or defiance of the gle police officer you see entire PNP. Right now, I
managed to sin, how much We should never forget al and occasion to pray. gods, leading to nemesis. in the street or wherever would also say he is not
more us who are already that our freedom is a very We should be in constant The overbearing pride leads is seen as a killer. Those PNP. But in all, these facts
born with original sin and intoxicating endowment awareness of God’s pres- humans to follow paths or furtive glances which peo- are indisputable there is a
whose lives here on earth God has given us. It should ence in us and around us. projects which leads to cer- ple threw at these men in need to reform, look into
will always be hounded by only be exercised with God And our relation with him tain self-destruction. uniform are laced with the the workings of the psy-
all forms of evil! as its beginning and end. Then again, some po- cyanide of mistrust, even if che of these men. Check
In the case of our first Otherwise, we will only see Only with /page 12 ... licemen whose hubris is in these officers and men are their Hubris, make some
parents, we know that in misuse and abuse it and lead abundance, had its broth- just law-abiding, loving, decisive actions that can
crops, and biodiversity loss, ers and sisters in the or- and kind as everyone else. somehow bring back the
too. The sad reality is that ganization get mud. The Two years back, I fading trust of the peo-
the Philippines , 38% 0f soil killing caught on cam of was heavily involved as a ple. For the hundreds of
are degraded. a 52-year-old woman and speaker for Police train- thousands that the orga-
Sen Villar further re- the alleged accidental kill- ees at the PNP Training nization is composed of,
ports that Composters are ing of one Autistic fellow Center in San Jose , I had there lies a few misguided
available from the Bureau muddied the already dirty the opportune chance of elements that throw mud
of Soils and Water Man- face of the organization. discussing their tenets of rather in alarming regu-
agement (BSWM) and the These among others are accountability, responsi- larity. How can we stop
Department of Environ- just a few of the numerous bility, and respect for life. all these?
ment and Natural Resourc-

Senator Villar on waste

es (DENR), where she ob- proactive and reach the of-
tained 178 biodegradable fice of the good senator, DA,
Prayer for the Nation and
for Those who Serve in
management via
waste shredders and com- and DENR for the mechan-
posters that were distrib- ics to avail of the worthy
Public Office
composting uted to LGUs, especially project. I, therefore, urge
those involved in the clean- concerned officials of Re- God, our Father, you guide
up and rehabilitation of gion 8 to come out of their everything in wisdom and love. Accept
I am amazed how ernment Units (LGU), to Manila Bay. It was reported offices and connect them- the prayers we offer for our nation, by the
a non-science oriented practice composting as an that it can produce 1,000 selves with government wisdom of our leaders and integrity of our
person in Senator Cyn- “. . .effective way of main- tons of organic fertilizer in offices involved for more citizens, may harmony and justice be se-
thia Villar has been vocal taining healthy soils as it one month. insights on Waste Manage- cured and may there be lasting prosperity
about matters involving brings back nutrients to While Sen Villar’s Ad- ment and Composting. and peace.
waste management and the soil.” Her statement vocacy is confined in 16 cit- ooo000ooo Almighty and eternal God, You know
composting to improve echoes the UN-FAO or the ies and municipalities with NEXT TOPIC : “CHR the longings of our hearts and You pro-
agriculture practices while United Nations’ Fo0od and watershed covers bounding Supports the Creation of an tect our rights in your goodness, watch
protecting the environ- Agriculture Organization Manila Bay, does not mean Office In Charge of Imple- over those in authority, so that people
ment. Sen Villar, chairs warning about some agri- that LGUs not directly in- menting everywhere may enjoy freedom, security
both the Senate Agricul- culture practices like using volved in the Manila Bay Laws Protecting Philip- and peace.
ture and Food as well as chemical-laden fertilizer Rehabilitation, cannot avail pine Ecosystems” We ask this through our Lord Jesus
Environment and Natural and pesticides that damage
Pray the Holy Rosary daily Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns
of the project. Regional, SHARE S & T
Resources, has strongly and deplete soil’s organic Provincial and Municipal THOUGHTS through for world peace and conversion of sinners with you and the Holy Spirit, one God,
appealed to the Private matter leading to the loss of Agricultural and Environ- E-mail: drpacjr@yahoo. (The family that prays together stays together) forever and ever, Amen. (Courtesy of
Sector and the Local Gov- soil fertility, destruction of mental officials must be com. Daughters of St. Paul)
6 Leyte Samar Daily Express NOTICES Saturday, July 10, 2021


NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late GREGORIO CABUDBUD AND
PURIFICACION O. CABUDBUD extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated SETTLEMENT AMONG HEIRS
over 8 parcels of land described as; 1) A parcel of land covered by Katibayan ng Orihinal WITH ABSOLUTE SALE
na Titulo Blg P-79880 situated at Brgy. Plaridel, Bato, Leyte designated as Lot No. 4708, NOTICE is hereby given that heirs
Case 25, Cad 745-D with an area of 29,691sq.m., under TD No. 06002500019; 2) A parcel of the late COL BALBINO YMAS
of land covered by Katibayan ng Orihinal na Titulo Blg P-79881 situated at Brgy. Plaridel, DELGADO (RET) extrajudicially
Bato, Leyte designated as Lot No. 4656, Case 25, Cad 745-D with an area of 11,500sq.m., settled, partitioned and adjudicated over
under TD No. 06002500022; 3) A parcel of land covered by Katibayan ng Orihinal na a parcel of land designated as Lot 1 & 2,
Ccs-08-000015 situated in Brgy. Candahug, INVITATION TO BID
Titulo Blg P-79876 situated at Brgy. Plaridel, Bato, Leyte designated as Lot No. 4694, Palo, Leyte containing an area of 183sq.m.,
Case 25, Cad 745-D with an area of 5,756sq.m., under TD No. 06002500024; 4) A parcel embraced by OCT No. T-26320. A Deed Food for the Hungry, through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) invites interested
of land covered by Katibayan ng Orihinal na Titulo Blg P-79877 situated at Brgy. Plaridel, of Absolute Sale was executed in favor of
Bato, Leyte designated as Lot No. 4693, Case 25, Cad 745-D with an area of 6,325sq.m., contractors to apply for eligibility and to Bid the following projects below under Western
under TD No. 06002500025; 5) A parcel of land under TD No. 06001900056 situated at vendee of the above-described property free Samar Coastal and Agricultural Program (WSCAP) funded by Tearfund New Zealand and
Brgy. Katipunan, Bato, Leyte designated as Lot No. 4520, with an area of 45,802sq.m.; from all liens and encumbrances. Per Doc New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) Aid Programme:
6) A parcel of land covered by Katibayan ng Orihinal na Titulo Blg P-79875 situated at No. 420, Page No. 85, Book No. VI, Series
Brgy. Plaridel, Bato, Leyte designated as Lot No. 4711, Case 25, Cad 745-D with an area of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Alfredo C. Construction of Marabut Farmer’s Center consisting of:
of 21,026sq.m., under TD No. 06002500023; 7) A parcel of land covered by Katibayan ng Verona. LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
Orihinal na Titulo Blg P-79879 situated at Brgy. Plaridel, Bato, Leyte designated as Lot a. Agricultural Training Centre w/ office Bldg. 18.00m x 8.00m,
No. 4729, Case 25, Cad 745-D with an area of 32,635sq.m., under TD No. 06002500021;
b. Processing Centre Bldg. 12.7m x 7.00m,
8) A parcel of land covered by Katibayan ng Orihinal na Titulo Blg P-79878 situated at ESTATE & PARTITION WITH SALE c. Kitchen Bldg 6.00m x 4.00m &
Brgy. Plaridel, Bato, Leyte designated as Lot No. 4713, Case 25, Cad 745-D with an area NOTICE is hereby given that heirs
of the late JOSE COCHATE DOLFO ex- d. Toilet 4.00m x 2.00m.
of 8,676sq.m., under TD No. 06002500020. Per Doc No. 430, Page No. 86, Book No.
trajudicially settled, partitioned and ad-
XXXVI, Series of 2019. Notary Public Atty. Josenilo Marquez Reoma.
judicated over a residential land situated Location: Barangay Amantillo, Marabut Samar
LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 in Brgy. Cabadiangan, Laoang, N. Samar
which is known as Lot No. 4224, Cad 765- Construction period: Five Months (September 2021 to January 2022)
NOTICE is hereby given that SOLIDONIO ENRIQUEZ NOVEDA, heir of the late Sale was executed in favor of LARRY OR-
TIZ LAGARTO married to MONICA Interested Bidder can directly submit the EOI to the Office of Food for the Hungry or
PEDRO C. NOVEDA executed an Affidavit of Self-Adjudication over a parcel of land
RONCALES LAGARTO as vendees of please send through email at [email protected] with subject Marabut Farmer’s Center the
designated as Lot 2060-I which is a portion of Lot 2060 located at Brgy. Guidapunan, Palo,
the above-described property. Per Doc No. Expression of Interest (EOI) together with the following pre-bidding documents:
Leyte covered by TCT No. P-44576 containing an area of 3,075sq.m.,. A Deed of Sale was 258, Page No. 9, Book No. XIXI. Series
executed in favor of JOSEPH B. SEMBRERO as vendee of a portion measuring 434sq.m.,. of 2018. Notary Public Atty. Venerando B.
Per Doc No. 502, Page No. 102, Book No. XXIII, Series of 2021. Notary Public Rafael Desales. LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021 1. Legal Identity/SEC/DOLE/CDA Registration;
Greggorre T. Pajares. LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 2. Updated and valid License issued by Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board
DEED OF EXTRAJUDICIAL (PCAB) for the year/certificate of registration and classification;
DEED OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE 3. Valid and updated Mayor’s Permit/ Other Licenses;
SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE 4. Photo Copy of latest Audited financial statements, stamped “received” by the BIR
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late AMPARO MATE ENAGE extraju- NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of
dicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a 1/2 undivided portion of a parcel of the late SPS. BONIFACIO PICSON AND
land designated as Lot 2514 situated at Brgy. Utap, Tacloban City containing an area of ESTER ENAGE PICSON extrajudicially Deadline for submission of Expression of Interest (EOI) will be on July 20, 2021. Only eligible
14,006sq.m., covered by TCT No. T-7876. Per Doc No. 12, Page No. 4, Book No. I, Series settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a bidders with EOIs submitted on or before July 20, 2021 will be sent a formal request for offer
of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Eric T. De Veyra. LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 1/2 undivided portion of a parcel of land to bid, the project terms of reference and other bid documents.
designated as Lot 2514 situated at Brgy.
Utap, Tacloban City containing an area of
DEED OF EXTRAJUDICIAL PARTITION/SETTLEMENT WITH SALE 14,006sq.m., covered by TCT No. T-7876. BC Activities Schedule Time Place
Per Doc No. 13, Page No. 4, Book No. I, Se- Submission of EOI to bid/ July 20,2021 8:00AM – 5:00PM
OF A PARCEL OF AGRICULTURAL LAND ries of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Eric T. De qualification documents Food for the Hungry Office
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SEMPROSO VALERO extrajudicially Veyra. LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 Sending of notice to all July 22, 2021 8:00AM – 5:00PM address…
settled, partitioned and adjudicated over 2 parcels of land all situated at Brgy. Catmon, contractors
Tanauan, Leyte described as; 1) A parcel of land designated under OCT, Katibayan ng DEED OF EXTRAJUDICIAL Pre-bid conference/ July 23,2021 9:00AM – 12:00NN 2/F Unit A 206&207, F.
Orihinal na Titulo No. 2020001091, Lot No. 10066, Case 32, Cad 505 with total land area Issuance of Bid Documents Mendoza Commercial
of 2,370sq.m., more or less; 2) A parcel of land designated under Katibayan ng Orihinal na PARTITION/SETTLEMENT WITH per cluster Complex, 141 Sto. Nino
Titulo No. 2020001090, Lot No. 10463, Case 32, Cad 505 with total land area of 622sq.m., SALE OF A PARCEL OF Submission of Bids August 10,2021 8:00AM – 5:00PM Street, Barangay 21-A,
more or less; A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of SPS. MERYL YUSE TANGPUS
AND GINO TANGPUS as vendees of the above-described property. Per Doc No. 263,
AGRICULTURAL LAND Opening of Bids August 12,2021 9:00AM – 10:30AM Tacloban City
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs
Page No. 54, Book No. 8, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Kenilma E. Pen. of the late LEOPOLDO A. NATIVIDAD
LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021 extrajudicially settled, partitioned and ad-
judicated over a parcel of land designated Note: Pre bid conference will be virtual.
Case 42, Cad 505 with a total land area of Bidding documents will be provided by the BAC secretariat upon payment of the
NOTICE is hereby given that GAUDENCIA JAVIER ALFAFARA, ROQUE C. 1,746sq.m., situated at Brgy, Cahumayhu-
JAVIER, MICHAEL JAVIER TANGGA-AN AND JOSEFINA JAVIER TANO extraju- mayan, Tanauan, Leyte. A Deed of Sale was P4,000.00 fee.
dicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land located at District III, executed in favor of KENILMA E. PEN as
Macarthur, Leyte under TD No. 03-24009-00110, OCT No. P-74715 containing an area of vendee of the above-described property. Per
10,920sq.m., A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of ARNOLD JOSEPH C. REGIS as Doc No. 189, Page No. 39, Book No. V, Se-
vendee of a portion measuring 3,000sq.m., designated as Lot No. 334-A free from liens and ries of 2020. Notary Public Atty. Alvaro P.
Loreno. LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021 LSDE: July 6, 10 & 13, 2021
encumbrances. That above-described property subject of sale is the share of MICHAEL
JAVIER TANGGA-AN. Per Doc No. 261, Page No. 54, Book No. 01, Series of 2021.
OF A PORTION OF PARCEL OF LAND NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late EFREN C. PICZON AND ELENA G.
EXTRAJUDICIAL PARTITION WITH DEED OF SALE AND WAIVER NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SPS. GABINO M. VEIRRAS SR. AND PICZON extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over 7 properties described
NOTICE is hereby given that GAUDENCIA JAVIER ALFAFARA, ROQUE C. CORNELIA M. VEIRRAS extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel as; 1) Residential property consisting of house and lot located at Tomalistis, Brgy. 8,
JAVIER, MICHAEL JAVIER TANGGA-AN AND JOSEFINA JAVIER TANO extraju- of land covered by Katibayan ng Orihinal na Titulo Blg. P-61899 designated as Lot No. 3053 Bo-ao, Catbalogan City, Samar containing an area of 1,579sq.m., designated as Lot No.
dicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land located at District III, containing an area of 1,468sq.m.,situated at Brgy. Cabuynan, Tanauan, Leyte. A Deed of 1994-A-2-C covered by TCT No. T-14535, TD No. 01-0009-00405; 2) 1/3 portion of an
Macarthur, Leyte under TD No. 03-24009-00110, OCT No. P-74715 containing an area Sale was executed in favor of RONNIE L. ORDAME AND LENNY P. ORDAME as vend- agricultural land containing an area of 11,538sq.m., located at Brgy. Buri, Catbalogan City,
of 10,920sq.m.,A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of REMUS SULPICIUS TACTAY ees of a portion measuring 729sq.m., from the above-described property. Per Doc No. 492, Samar designated as Lot No. 1151, covered by TCT No. T-11511; 3) An undivided por-
BATILARAN AND JANELENE EPIFANIA TRINIDAD BATILARAN as vendee of a Page No. 100, Book No. IV, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Gil Mengullo. tion of parcel of land designated as Lot No. 587, located at Brgy. Mercedes, Catbalogan
portion measuring 3,000sq.m., designated as Lot No. 334-B free from liens and encum- LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021 City covered by TCT No. T-6448 containing an area of 32,486sq.m.,; 4) Mitsubishi Strada
brances. That above-described property subject of sale is the share of GAUDENCIA GLX, 2.5D, with Plate No. HAA-3834, Serial No. MMBJNKK30HH008913 and Motor
JAVIER ALFAFARA Per Doc No. 262, Page No. 54, Book No. 01, Series of 2021. Notary EXTRAJUDICIAL PARTITION WITH DEED OF SALE AND WAIVER No. 4D56UAJ2790; 5) Fifty-Six (56) shares of capital stock per Certificate of stocks No.
Public Atty. Crizalda Adonis-Balayan. LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021 NOTICE is hereby given that GAUDENCIA JAVIER ALFAFARA, ROQUE C. 119 of Samar College, Inc. with office address at Catbalogan, Province of Samar; 6) Twelve
JAVIER, MICHAEL JAVIER TANGGA-AN AND JOSEFINA JAVIER TANO extra- Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Six (12,826) shares of stocks in Sosing-Lobos & Com-
AFFIDAVIT OF SELF-ADJUDICATION OF REAL ESTATE judicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land located at District III, pany, Inc. with par value of P1.00 per share; 7) Seven Thousand One Hundred Thirty-Nine
NOTICE is hereby given that TERESITA BALAIS BONDUCAN, heir of the late RO- Macarthur, Leyte under TD No. 03-24009-00110, OCT No. P-74715 containing an area (7,139) shares in E.R. Piczon Development Corporation with a par value of P100.00 per
BERTO G. BALAIS executed an Affidavit of Self-Adjudication over a parcel of residential of 10,920sq.m., A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of MARIA LEWINA MATELA as share. Per Doc No. 231, Page No. 48, Book No. I, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Ro-
and denominated as Lot No 7111, Cad 710-D situated at Brgy. Malonoy, Villareal, Samar vendee of a portion measuring 3,000sq.m., designated as Lot No. 334-C free from liens and gelio P. Napoles, Jr. LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021
covered by OCT No. 2021000168 with an area of 62 sq.m., Per Doc No. 293, Page No. 58,
encumbrances. That above-described property subject of sale is the share of JOSEFINA
Book No. 72. Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Edilberto G. Morales.
JAVIER TANO Per Doc No. 263, Page No. 54, Book No. 01, Series of 2021. Notary Public EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE WITH SALE OVER A
LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021
Atty. Crizalda Adonis-Balayan. LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021 PORTION OF A UNSEGREGATED PARCEL OF LAND
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SPS. APOLONIO O. MARTINEZ AND
Republic of the Philippines EXTRAJUDICIAL PARTITION WITH DEED OF SALE AND WAIVER PACIENCIA A. MARTINEZ extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a par-
Province of Eastern Samar NOTICE is hereby given that GAUDENCIA JAVIER ALFAFARA, ROQUE C. cel of land designated as Lot No. 931-H-2, Psd-08-002724 situated at Brgy. 62-A, Sagca-
han, Tacloban City containing an area of 983sq.m., covered by TCT No. T-25582. A Deed
Municipality of Llorente judicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land located at District III,
of Sale was executed in favor of GONZALA S. DE LA PEÑA married to ROEL Y. DE LA
PEÑA as vendee of the above-described property. Per Doc No. 22, Page No. 06, Book No.
MUNICIPAL CIVIL REGISTRAR’S OFFICE Macarthur, Leyte under TD No. 03-24009-00110, OCT No. P-74715 containing an area LXXVIII, Series of 2018. Notary Public Edwin B. Jomadiao.
of 10,920sq.m.,A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of VIKKO BENJED T. GONZA- LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021


portion measuring 1,920sq.m., designated as Lot No. 334-D free from liens and encum-
brances. That above-described property subject of sale is the share of ROQUE C. JAVIER
Per Doc No. 264, Page No. 55, Book No. 01, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Crizalda WITH ABSOLUTE SALE
Adonis-Balayan. LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021 NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SPS. MOISES EMPILLO AND
CCE-0004-20201 (RA 10172) PAULINA C. EMPILLO extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated a parcel of
AFFIDAVIT OF SELF-ADJUDICATION land described as Lot No. 3189, Case-24, Cad 821-D located at Brgy. Macaipi-ay, Pastra-
In compliance with Section 5 of R.A. no. NOTICE is hereby given that ADELA ASIDILLO CADAG, heir of the late
JOSEFA CRISTINO ASIDILLO executed an Affidavit of Self-Adjudication over 2 bank
na, Leyte covered by Katibayan ng Orihinal na Titulo Blg. P-50017 containing an area of
19,872sq.m., A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of SPS. KINGSLEY E. NICAL AND
9048, a Notice is hereby served to the public deposits described as; 1) Account Name: JOSEFA CRISTINO ASIDILLO, Bank Name: GAY V. NICAL as vendees of the above-described property. Per Doc No. 76, Page No. 17,
BPI-BAYBAY CITY, LEYTE BRANCH, Type Deposit: PESO SAVINGS, Estimated Cost: Book No. IV, Series of 2020. Notary Public Atty. Imee A. Petilla.
that CHRIS G. ALLADA has filed with this Office a Pe- Php3,000,000.00; 2) Account Name: JOSEFA C. ASIDILLO, Bank Name: BPI-ORMOC LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021
tition for change of child’s sex/gender from “Male” CITY, LEYTE BRANCH, Account No: 001133-2122-01, Type Deposit: PESO SAVINGS,
Estimated Cost: Php598,428.54; Per Doc No. 53 Page No. II Book No. 78. Series of 2021. EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT WITH ABSOLUTE SALE
to “Female” and child’s day and month of birth Notary Public Atty. Rosarie Peteros-Phua. LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021 NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late TOMAS JABINES extrajudicially set-
tled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of agricultural land, designated as Lot No.
from “02 July” to “02 April” in the Certificate of Live EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT WITH DEED OF DONATION 571-B Csd 08-0008806-D, under Tax Dec. No. 08-16020-00715, covered by Katibayan
Birth of CHRIS GUNDA ALLADA who was born on NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late EDEN ANILA CABONG extrajudicial- nh Original na Titulo Blg. P-86437, situated in Brgy. Tinago, Inopacan, Leyte, containing
ly settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a 1 unit of TRICYCLE described as; Make: an area of 0.1488 hectare or 1,478 square meters, assessed value of P1,390.00 and market
02 July 1997 at Llorente, Eastern Samar and whose HONDA; Series: CCG125WHU; Body Type: TC; Plate No: 0801-218991; MV File No: value of P3,470.00. A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of LEMUEL JAN M. NERVES
0801-00000218991; Engine No: KSW1OE129992; Chassis No: KSW10129262; Year married to BERNADETH MORAN-NERVES as vendee for a portion of 500 square me-
parents are Mateo Yape Allada and Model: 2018. and heir, ROSA MILAGROS C. SABATE hereby donate unto EDEN O. ters, designated as Lot No. 571-B, from the above-described property; per Doc. No. 386,
Felicidad Guarino Gunda. CABONG, JR as donee of the above described motor vehicle. Per Doc No. 187, Page No. Page No. 79, Book No. XVI, Series of 2015 of Notary Public Atty. Ma. Lourdes M. Vilbar.
39, Book No. XXXIII, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Rhoda Montes Cebricus. LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021
Any person adversely affected by said petition LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021
may file a written opposition with this Office not EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT AND PARTITION WITH SALE NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late FE T. CAÑETE, the latter inherited a
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SPS. ANTONIO S. VELASQUEZ and
later than 22 July, 2021. LYDIA P. VELASQUEZ extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel
parcel of land from her mother MARIA P. TUGADO extrajudicially settled, partitioned and
adjudicated over a parcel of land designated as 5188, Cadm 407 under OCT No. P-18729
of land, Lot 1196, situated in Brgy. Benolho, Albuera, Leyte, containing an area of 16,185
square meters, more or less, covered under Tax Dec. No. 03-0004-00485-R13. A Deed of situated at Barrio Cangumbang, Palo, Leyte containing an area of 5,814sq.m.,. A Deed of
sale was executed in favor of VILLASENCIO GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORA- Sale was executed in favor or LUTGARDA B. PICORRO married to FERDINAND
(Sgd) ASUNCION PAULINE B. DAYAG TION represented by its President, RAFFIE JOSE H. VILLASENCIO as vendee for the PICORRO as vendees of the above-described property. Per Doc No. 523, Page No. 106,

LSDE: July 10 & 17, 2021 Municipal Civil Registrar above-described property; per Doc. No. 147, Page No. 30, Book No. CC, Series of 2021 of
Notary Public Atty. Aleah Rafel C. Bataan-Tolibas. LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021
Book No. LXVIII, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Ronnan Christian M. Reposar.
LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021
Saturday, July 10, 2021
ORDINANCE Leyte Samar Daily Express 7
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Northern Samar
SB Member SB Member SB Member
(absent) (on sick leave)
Series of 2021 SB Member SB Member ABC President

I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoing Resolution No. 04, s of 2021 passed and approved by
Introduced by: HON. SB MEMBER BERNARDA A. BERNALDEZ the Sangguniang Bayan of Biri, Northern Samar during its Regular Session on June 14, 2021.

WHEREAS, its intention is to prohibit, prevent, eliminate the 4Ps Cash Pawning or Loan Collateral and other
false representation which eventually ruin its purpose to improve the quality of life of the people and more PEDERITO B. GUIANAN
importantly for the education of the children; Secretary to the Sangguniang Bayan

WHEREAS, this Ordinance is directed to ensure effective and proper utilization of the Pantawid Pamilya Attested:
Pilipino Program (4Ps) Cash Grant, thus to minimize poverty and hunger in the municipality of Biri, Northern
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Sangguniang Bayan of Biri, Northern Samar in session assembled Presiding Officer
Submitted for approval at the Office of the Mayor on_______________2021.
Section 1. TITLE - This Ordinance shall be known as “Cash Card Ordinance” of Biri, Northern Samar;

1. Beneficiaries - active households or families registered and qualified in the Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino NTONIO B. DELOS REYES, JR.
Program (4Ps); Municipal Mayor

2. Cash Grants - Monetary assistance released to 4Ps beneficiaries; Date of Approval

June 14, 2021.
3. Collection of Fees - to collect any amount of money from 4Ps beneficiaries for valid and legitimate pur- x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
pose; Republic of the Philippines
Province of Northern Samar
4. False Representation - a false or wrongly representation regarding a material or fact with the knowledge MUNICIPALITY OF BIRI
or belief of its inaccuracy;
5. Fraud - an act of deceit, cheating or trickery made by dishonest individuals in order to receive benefits;
6. Gambling - to bet or play a game of chance or stake using the cash grants released by the Program to a HELD ON THE 14TH DAY OF JUNE, 2021 AT THE SB SESSION HALL, BIRI MUNICIPAL BUILDING, BIRI, NORTH-
Pantawid Beneficiary; ERN SAMAR.

7. Lender, Financier - is an individual or business establishment engaged in granting loans with interest and ORDINANCE NO. 05
collateral; Series of 2021

8. Pawning Cash Card - the cash card of Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program (4Ps) given to a financier as “ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE COLLECTION OF FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE THOUSAND PESOS (PHP
security for money borrowed or credit on items/goods; 1,000.00) PER KIT FOR THE USE OF ANTIGEN TEST KITS FOR THOSE TRAVELLERS PRIOR THEIR ENTRY TO THE
9. Sanctions - fines and penalties that a 4Ps beneficiary or Lender/Financier will suffer for the commission
of offenses as disciplinary actions; WHEREAS, Section 15 Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution provides that the state shall protect and
promote the right to health of the people and install health consciousness among them;
WHEREAS, with the declaration of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte putting the entire country under state of
1. it shall be prohibited for a 4Ps beneficiary to engage in pawning of his/her ATM Cash Card as collateral calamity due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the municipality of Biri has been seriously implementing health safety
in exchange of money or good/items received from a lender or financier. Upon inspection of the ATM Card and protocols to combat the spread of infection brought about by the corona virus. Thus, the requirement of those
found out that the same is not in the possession or custody of the subject beneficiary, the 4Ps beneficiary shall travelers entering the jurisdiction of the municipality of Biri, Northern Samar;
be held accountable and shall be declared a violation of the Ordinance.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Sangguniang Bayan of Biri, Northern Samar in session assembled
2. Those Lenders, Financiers or business establishments are not allowed to accept the ATM Cash Card from that:
4Ps beneficiaries or as collateral of loans be it cash or non-cash items.
Section 1. TITLE - This Ordinance shall be known as “Authorizing the collection of fees in the amount of One
3. The act of gambling is an illegal activity. Any 4Ps beneficiary found engaging in gambling shall be done Thousand Pesos (Php1,000.00) per kit for the use of antigen test kits for those travelers prior their entry to the
with accordingly. These Cash Grants from the Pantawid Program is intended for the education, health and food municipality and reintegration to the community and penalizing violators thereof.”
of the household especially the children.
Section 2. It shall strictly prohibited for those travelers entering the jurisdiction of Biri, Northern Samar es-
Section 4. PENALTY pecially those coming from places outside the Province of Northern Samar within the Region and places outside
the Region without the negative result of Antigen Test with validity of not exceeding three (3) days or 72 hours.
Any person found violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be penalized in the following manner: Requirement of antigen testing may vary for those travelers coming from different places of origin, when com-
munity quarantine classification changes in the Province of Northern Samar;
First Offense - Counseling and Community Service for one (1) hour
Second Offense - a fine of One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00) Section 3. Those travelers who prefer that antigen testing be undertaken at the Rural Health Unit, LGU, Biri,
Third Offense - a fine of Two Thousand Pesos (Php 2,000.00) Northern Samar shall be charged the amoung of Php1,000.00 per kit, however, these travelers are required to
Fourth Offense - recommend for the omission or drop from the roll as 4Ps beneficiary take special trip of the motorboat on pila at the Lavezares or San Jose ports and directly be transported to the
port of Barangay Poblacion, Biri, Northern Samar. The hiring of the motorboat shall commensurate to the seating
Section 5. Within thirty (30) days from the approval of this Ordinance, the Municipal Social Welfare and capacity of the motorboat;
Development Office shall formulate the necessary implementing guidelines for the effective and efficient imple-
mentation of this Ordinance. The said implementing guidelines shall take effect fifteen (15) days upon review Section 4. The Rural Health Unit shall require the Official Receipt issued by the Municipal Treasurer’s Office
and approval of the Sangguniang Bayan. (MTO) as proof of payment that the traveler has already paid the antigen test kit and after which letter of accep-
tance shall be issued by the RHU to the incoming travelers;
The Philippine National Police, its members, Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office, Municipal Section 4. The antigen testing is an alternative way of instead placing incoming travelers to home quarantine,
Link, and other agencies/organizations duly authorized by the LGU, Biri, Northern Samar shall be implementing the LGU requires them to undergo antigen testing provided they pay the amount of Php1,000.00 per kit.
agencies for the proper enforcement of this Ordinance.
Section 5. The proceeds of sales of the antigen test kits then be alloted for another procurement to replenish
Section 7. REPEALING CLAUSE the stocks of antigen test kits. The collection that be separately deposited in a special trust fund and cannot be
Any ordinance inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance is hereby repealed, modified and amend- used for any other projects except for the procurement of antigen test kits.
ed accordingly;
Section 6. PENALTY:
Section 8. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE Travelers found violating any provision of the ordinance shall be penalized in the followng manner:
If any part of the Ordinance shall be declared invalid, the parts not affected thereby remain in full force
and effect. First Offense - Php 1,000.00
Second Offense - Php 1,500.00
Section 9. EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE Third Offense - Php 2,500.00 and 21 days imprisonment or both such fine and
This Ordinance shall take effect upon compliance of the mandatory posting and publication requirement imprisonment at the discretion of the Court.
under RA No. 7160 otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991. Section 7. ENFORCEMENT:

On motion of the Honorable Bernarda A. Bernaldez, duly seconded of the Honorable Manuel Bernaldez the 1. The members of the Philippine National Police shall lead in the enforcement of this ordinance;
above Ordinance is hereby ENACTED.
2. Members of the Sangguniang Barangay, their BHERT’s are also authorized to enforce this ordinance;
ENACTED, this 14th day of June, 2021 at Biri, Northern Samar.
3. The Rural Health Unit assists in the enforcement of the Ordinance and the personnel from Municipal
Treasurer’s Office;
8 Leyte Samar Daily Express NEWS Saturday, July 10, 2021


Any ordinance inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance is hereby repealed, modified and
amended accordingly.


If any part of the Ordinance shall be ordered invalid, the parts not affected thereby remain in full force
and effect.


This Ordinance shall take effect upon compliance of the mandatory posting and publication requirement
under RA No. 7160 otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991.

On motion of the Honorable Bernarda A. Bernaldez duly seconded of the Honorable Derwin T. Quiling the
above Ordinance is hereby ENACTED.

ENACTED this 14th day of JUne, 2021 at Biri, Northern Samar.


SB Member SB Member SB Member

(absent) (on sick leave)

SB Member SB Member SB Member

SB Member SB Member ABC President
party-list Rep. Yedda Marie K. Romualdez (right) assisted by Tingog party-list
second nominee Jude Acidre (left), Quezon City 5th District Councilor PM
Vargas, Office of 5th District Rep. Alfred Vargas and the Department of Health, SKMF President
inoculates the first of the 200 beneficiaries of the Tingog party-list free pneu-
I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoing Resolution No. 05, s of 2021 passed and approved
mococcal vaccination program at the covered court of Novaliches District Cen- by the Sangguniang Bayan of Biri, Northern Samar during its Regular Session on June 14, 2021.
ter in Novaliches Quezon City. photo by Ver Noveno
Secretary to the Sangguniang Bayan
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late ROQUE STA. IGLESIA extrajudicially settled, partitioned and ad-
judicated over a parcel of agricultural land designated as Lot No. 440-A-3 with improvements thereon situated at Zone
1, Poblacion, Baybay City, Leyte covered by OCT No. P-42957 containing an area of 403sq.m., Per Doc No. 441, Page
No. 89, Book No. LXXXIX, Series of Presiding Officer
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late HONORATA B. SARSONAS extraju- nel M. Bandalan.
dicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of agricultural land designated as Submitted for approval at the Office of the Mayor on_____________, 2021
Lot No. 2198, Cad 655 with PIN No. 044-03-011-19-096 covered by OCT No. P-76541
LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10,2021
containing an area of 21,730sq.m., situated at Brgy. San Pedro, Albuera, Leyte. A Deed of Approved:
represented by HON. MAYOR SIXTO DELA VICTORIA as vendees of the above-de- OF THE ESTATE ANTONIO B. DELOS REYES, JR.
scribed property. Per Doc No. 152, Page No. 031, Book No. LXI, Series of 2021. Notary NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of Municipal Mayor
Public Atty. Rene Allan G. Jervoso. the late SATURNINA SOMBILON extra-
LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 judicially settled, partitioned and adjudicat- Date of Approval:
ed over a parcel of land designated as Lot June 14, 2021
DEED OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT WITH SALE No. 11424 with the improvements thereon
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late JOSE S. PAJARON, SR. extrajudicially ered by TCT No. T-8553 containing an area of 93,687sq.m.,. Per Doc No. 222, Page No. NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late FULGENCIO A. CAINONG and
settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land designated as Lot No. 10533 with 45, Book No. LXXXII, Series of 2018. Notary Public Atty. Joseph Carnel M. Bandalan. daughter, MARCELINA CAINONG SIBAYAN extrajudicially settled, partitioned and
an area of 0.7017 hectares more or less covered under Katibayan ng Orihinal na Titulo Blg. LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 adjudicated over an agricultural land situated at Balocawe, Abuyog, Leyte covered by Cer-
P-63665, TD No. 08-31024-00534 R13 situated at Brgy. Himarco, Palompon, Leyte. A tificate of Title No. T-29092 designated as Lot No. 4453, Case 5, Pls 645 with an area of
Deed of Sale was executed in favor of PERLITA PIÑON CASAS as vendee of a portion EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT/PARTITION AMONG 7,635sq.m.,. A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of SPS. LORETO CAINONG AND
measuring 134sq.m., from the above-described property. Per Doc No. 49, Page No. 11, HEIRS WITH ABSOLUTE SALE AND DONATION ZENAIDA CAINONG as vendees of the above-described property. Per Doc No. 137, Page
Book No. 61, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Dante Luz Viacrucis. NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late BALBINO JACA extrajudicially set- No. 28, Book No. 28, Series of 2018. Notary Public Atty. Henry Adaya.
LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 tled, partitioned and adjudicated over a 1/5 share of parcel of land designated as Lot No. LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
DEED OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF REAL 1115 under OCT No. 4206 situated at Brgy Hipusngo, Baybay, Leyte consisting an area of
7,093sq.m., more or less under TD No. 2005-07049-00291 R12. A Deed of Absolute Sale EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT WITH SALE
ESTATE WITH ABSOLUTE SALE was executed in favor of SPS. RUEL DONGON AND BETH CATHERINE MEODE as NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SONIA GUARINO CABIDOG extraju-
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late ROQUE L. MERCADO extrajudicially vendee of a portion measuring 100sq.m.,; ELENITA NAYRE as vendee of portion measur- dicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land designated as Lot 6, Block
settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land located at Brgy. Tugop, Tanauan, ing 85sq.m.,; AGUSTIN B. ALO as vendee of portion measuring 100sq.m.,; SPS. FRENE- 13, Pcs-08-000583-D situated at Brgy. Calanipawan, Tacloban City containing an area of
Leyte designated as Lot No. 8594, Case 26, Cad 505 embraced by OCT No. P-62690, TD LYN G. OPANO AND EDGAR ITABLE as vendee of portion measuring 100sq.m.,; 107sq.m., with TCT No. T-52269. A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of ELIZABETH
No. 380054-00833- R13 containing an area of 905sq.m., A Deed of Absolute Sale was ex- SPS. LEO & MARICHO NAYRE as vendee of portion measuring 200sq.m., all from the D. BUDAÑO as vendee of the above-described property together with the improvements
ecuted in favor of AIZA BORREL MOLINA, SAKI BORREL OGISO AND YOSHIAKI above-described property and heirs hereby donate a portion of 333sq.m., to Brgy. Hipusngo thereon. Per Doc No. 117, Page No. 24, Book No. II, Series of 2017. Notary Public Atty.
BORREL OGISO as vendees of the above-described property. Per Doc No. 94, Page No. thry Brgy. Capt. Pantaleon Perero which has been used as Brgy. Road. Per Doc No. 981, Kenneth M. Golong.
20, Book No. VIII, Series of 2020. Notary Public Isagani S. Espada. Page No. 196, Book No. XXVI, Series of 2012. Notary Public Atty. Allan Jervoso. LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021
LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021 LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
Publication Notice R.A. 9048/10172 Form No. 10.1 (LCRO) WITH WAIVER AND QUITCLAIM
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late PEDRO K. PALAÑA, JR. extrajudi-
Republic Act No. 10172 Republic of the Philippines cially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over 4 parcels of land all situated at Tanghas,
Republic of the Philippines Province of Northern Samar Tolosa, Leyte particularly described as; 1) A cocoland by OCT No. P-21042, Lot No. 533,
Case 1 under TD No. 00090 with an area of 716sq.m.,; 2) A cocoland by OCT No. P-21043,
Province of Samar MUNICIPALITY OF SAN ANTONIO Lot No. 534 under TD No. 00091 with an area of 253sq.m.,; 3) A cocoland by OCT No.
MUNICIPALITY OF CALBIGA Office of the Local Civil Registrar P-21041, Lot No. 530, Case 1 under TD No. 00092 with an area of 841sq.m.,; 4) An ag-
ricultural land under ARP No. 39014-00384 denominated as Cad Lot 4018, containing
Office of the Local Civil Registrar -oOo- an area of .0168.73 hectares of which this real property and part of mother Lot No. 533
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION and heirs hereby WAIVED all rights, shares and participation from the above-mentioned
propertiesunto NICY V.P. ECHAVEZ. Per Doc No. 164, Page No. 33, Book No. V, Series
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION of 1998. Notary Public Ephrem Abando.
LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
CCE-009-2021 RA 10172 In Compliance with the Publication requirement AFFIDAVIT OF CLAIM WITH WAIVER OF RIGHTS
In Compliance with the Publication requirement and pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late MARGARITA MARAON extrajudi-
and pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 Guidelines in the implementation of the Ad- cially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a Savings Deposit with Philippine Veterans
2013-1 Guidelines in the implementation of the Ad- ministrative Order No. 1 series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. Bank - Tacloban Branch under Savings No. ATM # 8381-590133-0253-00153-9 and heirs
hereby WAIVED all rights and shares unto NORMA FE M. CLARIDAD and request the
ministrative Order No. 1 series of 2012 (IRR on R.A. 10172 AND 9048). Notice is hereby served to the bank to release or transfer the balance of said deposit account in her name or favor. Per Doc
10172). Notice is hereby served to the public that public that FELMAR CALOSOR MONDIGO has filed No. 7, Page No. 2, Book No. I, Series of 2018. Notary Public Atty. Mel Jun A. Diasanta.
Ms. Marialyn P. Baco has filed with this OFFICE a LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021
petition for Correction of Clerical Error of entry in with this OFFICE a petition for Correction of gen-
the Day of the Date of Birth from “June 20, 1978” NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late JOSELITO TEJOME TABADA ex-
to “June 26, 1978, in the Certificate of Live Birth Live Birth of FELMAR CALOSOR MONDIGO at Brgy. trajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a Bank Deposit with Savings No.
of MARIA LYN PACAYRA who was born on June 26, Ward-III Pob. San Antonio, Northern Samar, whose 314010127531, deposited at Philippine National Bank. Per Doc No. 88, Page No. 19, Book
No. V, Series of 2021. Notary Public Nile April Pellero Robiño.
1978 at Barangay Calingonan, Calbiga, Samar, and parents are FIDEL MONDIGO and LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021
whose parents are Herminigildo Pacayra and Loreta MARISSA CALOSOR.
Any person claiming interest or may be adverse- WITH SALE OF REGISTERED LAND
Any person adversely affected by said petition NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SIMPLICIO LAGARTO AND
ly affected by said petition may within ten (10) cal- may file his/her written opposition with the Office CATALINA A. LAGARTO extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a par-
endar days file his written opposition with this Of- not later than July 23, 2021. cel of coconut land denominated as Cad Lot No. 4448, Cad 765-D situated at Brgy. Caba-
diangan, Laoang, Northern Samar with an area of 53,282sq.m., OCT No. P-19986, TD No.
fice not later than July 13, 2021. 00049 and heirs hereby WAIVED all shares, rights and participation unto ELEUDORO
A. LAGARTO AND LOLITO A. LAGARTO. A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of

LSDE: July 10 & 17, 2021

Municipal Civil Registrar LSDE: July 10 & 17, 2021
Municipal Civil Registrar of the above-described property. Per Doc No. 691, Page No. 40, Book No. II, Series of
2019. Notary Public Atty. Mae Lisette P. Espiña. LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021
Saturday, July 10, 2021
NEWS Leyte Samar Daily Express 9
NOTICE is hereby given that ROSIE MARIS SORIA CAÑAS-LEPITEN, heir of the NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SPS. ALBERTO TUPA and MARIA
OF RIGHTS late CARMEN SORIA executed a Deed of Self-Adjudication over 2 parcels of land de- TANPIENGCO extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land,
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Sps. PEDRO POLENIO and TARCE- scribed as; 1) A parcel of land known as Lot No. 4004-C, Psd 08-021323-D situated at
LA CAALIM extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land, des- designated as Lot No. 4685, Pls-645, situated at Brgy. Balocawehay, Abuyog, Leyte, con-
Brgy. Cogon, Baybay, Leyte containing an area of 325sq.m., more or less covered by TCT
ignated as Lot No. 3101, Psc-10 of La Paz Cadastre, situated in Brgy. Bongtod (formerly taining an area of 90,193 square meters, covered by OCT No. P-8770 and Tax Dec. No.
No. T-35870; 2) A parcel of land known as Lot No. 4004-D, Psd 08-021323-D situated
Tarugan), La Paz, Leyte, containing an area of 19,521 square meters, more or less, under at Brgy. Cogon, Baybay, Leyte containing an area of 666sq.m., more or less covered by 08-01016-01089; per Doc. No. 164, Page No. 34, Book No. VIII, Series of 2020 of Notary
TCT No. T-7169, and heirs Fortunata P. Tare and Gloria P. Dayoc, do hereby waive and TCT No. T-3587 and heir hereby CONFIRMED said sale of a portion of property Lot No. Public Atty. Yzabel Eden M. Bertumen-Lerios. LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
relinquish all our rights, interest, participation and undivided share in the above-described 400-D containing 100sq.m., unto CELENIA M DAÑO; Lot No 400 containing 180sq.m.,
parcel of land in favor of co-heir MANUEL C. POLENIO; per Doc. No. 399, Page No. 81,
Book No. 8, Series of 2021 of Notary Public Atty. Kenilma E. Pen.
BANAG; Lot No. 4004 containing 150sq.m., unto SPS. JOSE BOYD B. GRANADEROS NOTICE is hereby given that ALLISSA P. UY heir of the late MARLON O. UY
LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 AND GEDELITA F. GRANADEROS. Per Doc No. 200, Page No. 40, Book No. LI, Series executed an Affidavit of Self-Adjudication over a motor vehicle described as; Denomi-
of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Eden B. Chavez-Butawan. nation: TRUCK; Make: MITSUBISHI; Series: CANTER; Type of Body: MINI DUMP
EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE WITH SALE LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 TRUCK; Fuel: DIESEL; Engine No: 4D32883501; Chassis No: FE315BD446754; OR No:
1626620074; CR No: 12248633-5; MV File No: 0751-00000126752; Plate No: YJX668.
OF A REAL PROPERTY AFFIDAVIT OF SELF-ADJUDICATION A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of CRISUS M. DIOLA as vendee of the above-de-
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SATURNINO JAMER extrajudicially scribed property. Per Doc No. 382, Page No. 77, Book No. II, Series of 2020. Notary Public
settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land situated at Lalawigan, Borongan, NOTICE is hereby given that MARIA FE C. ANIMOS, heir of the late ROGELIO A. Atty. Lemuel R. Montes. LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
Eastern Samar embraced by Katibayan ng Orihinal na Titulo Blg. 2835 designated as Lot TAN executed an Affidavit of Self-Adjudication over 2 bank deposits with Land Bank of the
Philippines, Esperas Bldg., Real St. Tacloban City, Leyte described as; 1) Savings Account
No. 5938, Case 6, Cad 434-D containing an area of 6,383sq.m., A Deed of Sale was exe-
cuted in favor of SPS. PHILIP ADRIAN G. PORMIDA AND MA. CHRISTINA S. POR- with Account Number 00001736266055 with remaining balance of Php109,800.87 as of
MIDA as vendees of the above-described property. Per Doc No. 449, Page No. 91, Book May 11, 2021; 2) Savings Account with Account Number 00001736443070 with remaining WITH ABSOLUTE SALE
No. XXVIII, Series of 2020. Notary Public Charles B. Culo, CPA. balance of Php1,376,851.31 as of May 11, 2021. Per Doc No. 132, Page No. 28, Book No. NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late NATIVIDAD M. YADONG and legal
LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 XIV, Series of 2021. Notary Public Yzabel Eden M. Bertumen-Lerios. heir son, ROMEO YADONG extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a
LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 portion of a parcel of land designated as Lot No. 829-B, Psd-08-011500 situated at Brgy.
EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE AMONG HEIRS Alegre, Dulag, Leyte containing an area of 6,332sq.m., covered by TCT No. TP-13454,
TD No. 08-13-0012-00149; And parties hereby divide land as follows; a) 1/2 share to CA-
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late APRONIANO J. CABUBAS extraju- OF ABSOLUTE SALE SALUNA YADONG. A Deed of Absolute Sale was executed in favor of JOMAR ROA
dicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land Lot No. 2420 with im- NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late ALFONSO PEJO extrajudicially settled, GABRIOLA as vendee of a portion only of Lot 829-B containing an area of 360 sq.m., Per
provements thereon situated at Municipality of Jiabong covered by TCT No. T-5147 with partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land located at Brgy. Calumpang, Biliran under Doc No. 348, Page No. 71, Book No. I, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Jann Claudine
an area of 466sq.m.,more or less. A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of SIMPLICIA TD No. 02255 and TCT No. 123-2015000039 containing an area of 330sq.m., A Deed of M. Amago. LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
CABUBAS-DINEROS as vendee of the above-described property free and clear of liens Absolute Sale was executed in favor SPS. RONALDO P. SILVIA AND MICHILLE C.
and encumbrances. Per Doc No. 47, Page No. 3, Book No. XIX, Series of 2021. Notary
Public Atty. Rolando Tejerero. LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
SILVIA as vendees of the above-described property. Per Doc No. 791, Page No. 162, Book EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT AND PARTITION OF ESTATE
No. XIII, Series of 2021. Notary Public Mario Lyndinno R. Opeña. NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late EUTIQUIO NERVES extrajudicially
LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE WITH SALE settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land particularly described as Lot
No. 1618, Case 8, Cad 566-D located at Brgy. Liberty, Hilongos, Leyte with an area of
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late ANATELIA C. REFAMONTE extraju- EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE 9,908sq.m., covered by Katibayan ng Orihinal na Titulo Blg. P-70945. Per Doc No.
dicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of residential land designated as NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late FLORENCIO D. LOPEZ AND
Lot No. 5561 containing an area of 165sq.m., under TD No. 99-01020-00619. A Deed of 325, Page No. 68, Book No. LX, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Ma. Lourdes
JUDITH R. LOPEZ extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a sum of money
Sale was executed in favor of SPS. BERNARDO R. REFAMONTE AND ANITA PARIL- Madula-Vilbar. LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021
LA REFAMONTE as vendees of the above-described property free from liens and encum- identified as Differential Claims deposited in the Land Bank of the Philippines in the name
Florencio D. Lopez. Per Doc No. 211, Page No. 5, Book NO. 78, Series of 2021. Notary
brances. Per Doc No. 6652, Page No. 31, Book No. 361, Series of 2020. Notary Public
Atty. Ma. Rowena L. Urot. LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 Public Rosarie A. Peteros-Phua. LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
settled, partitioned and adjudicated a parcel of land described as Lot No. 3949, Ass. Lot
WITH DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE ABSOLUTE SALE OF A PORTION OF UNREGISTERED LAND No. 47 located at Brgy. San Agustin, Babatngon, Leyte covered by TD No. 2008-04019-
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late MYRNA FORMENTERA CORTES NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late ELESIA ROLDAN extrajudicially set- 00047 containing an area of 43,580sq.m. A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of AM-
extrajudicially amended, settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land de- tled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land situated at Brgy. District IV, Babat- BROSIO KANGLEON, JR. as vendee of the above-described property, free from all liens
nominated as of Lot 7789-A-2 of the sub. plan Psd-08-000742 covered by TCT No. 115- ngon, Leyte denominated as Cad Lot No. 605 covered TD No. 2008-04004-00412 with an and encumbrances with all improvements found thereon. Per Doc No. 196, Page No. 40,
2017002662 with a total land area of 8,703sq.m., situated at Brgy. Hilapnitan, Baybay City. area of 680sq..m., A Deed of Absolute Sale was executed in favor of OSCAR G. ROLDAN Book No. XXIV, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Adelito M. Solibaga, Jr.
A Deed of Absolute Sale was executed in favor of SPS. DEOGRACIAS E. PERNITEZ AND MA. ANNABELLE L. ROLDAN as vendees of the above-described property with LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021
AND VIRGINIA P. PERNITEZ as vendees of a portion of land measuring 2,976sq.m.,Per all the improvements found thereon. Per Doc No. 315, Page No. 64, Book No. 15, Series of
Doc No. 63, Page No. 13, Book No. XXII, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Vivian 2020. Notary Public Atty. Lito Odon. LSDE: June 19, 26 & July 3, 2021 DEED OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE WITH SALE
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SPS. LUIS NOVEDA AND
Enario-Vidallon. LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE WITH ABSOLUTE SALE PACENCIA F. NOVEDA extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel
of agricultural land designated as Lot No. 6469 situated at Brgy. Arado, Palo, Leyte with a
SELF-ADJUDICATION WITH DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late GILBERT G. TIEMPO extrajudicially
total area of 2,319sq.m., under TD No. 08-30-0008-00333, PIN No. 044-30-0008-008-16.
NOTICE is hereby given that ANTONIO BILLO BRAO, heir of the late EMELIANA settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land designated as Lot 7, Block 27,
Psd-08-000527-D situated at Brgy. Abucay, Tacloban City, Leyte covered TCT No. T-54142 A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of BEN O. CABORNIDA as vendee of the above-de-
BILLO executed an Affidavit of Self-Adjudication over a parcel of agricultural land under scribed property. Per Doc No. 121, Page No. 25, Book No. III, Series of 2020. Notary
containing an area of 35sq.m., A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of WILFREDO L.
TD No. 2492 containing an area of 3,275sq.m., situated at Brgy. Salvacion, Abuyog, Leyte. MONTANCES married to BELINDA O. MONTANCES as vendees of the above-described Public Atty. Lemuel R. Montes. LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
A Deed of Absolute Sale was executed in favor of CRISTETUTA B. MONZOR as vendee property. Per Doc No. 451, Page No. 92, Book No. XVII, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty.
of a portion measuring 956sq.m., and JUDIZA M. CHEN as vendee of a portion measuring Andrew C. Astilla. LSDE: Jun 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE WITH SALE
2,319sq.m., from the above-described parcel of land. Per Doc No. 269, Page No. 55, Book NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late ENRICO E. CLAROS extrajudicially
No. VI, Series of 2020. Notary Public Rex L. Flores, RN. AFFIDAVIT OF SELF-ADJUDICATION OF REAL ESTATE settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land co-owned with her spouse Salva-
LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 cion O. Claros designated as Lot 15, Pcs-083747-000420-D situated at San Jose, Tacloban
WITH ABSOLUTE SALE City covered under TCT No. T-38686 containing an area of 200sq.m., A Deed of Sale
LAMIN ACLON executed an Affidavit of Self-Adjudication over a parcel of denominated SALDAN-ANDILLO as vendees of the above-described property. Per Doc No. 512, Page
OF ABSOLUTE SALE as Lot 2142, Case 15, cad 1059-1 situated at Brgy. Cansolabao, Hinabangan, Samar covered No. 101, Book No. VII, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Christopher Ryan P. Rosal.
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late JUSTIMIANA ABADILLA extrajudi- LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
cially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land designated as Lot No. 1611, by Katibayan ng Orihinal na Titulo Blg. 21986 with an area of 6,333sq.m.,. A Deed of Sale
Pls 645 situated at Sitio Cabigo-an, Brgy. Calzada, Abuyog (now Javier), Leyte with a total was executed in favor of HENRY G. AMARO married to ANTONIA OCASLA CABUTIN EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE WITH SALE
area of 18,854sq.m., covered by OCT No. P-4133. A Deed of Absolute Sale was executed as vendees of the above-described property free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late JESUSA CONISE GO extrajudicially
in favor of JERRY LANOY as vendee of the above-described property. Per Doc No. 363, Per Doc No. 385, Page No. 078, Book No. 065. Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Demetrio settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land (Lot 2902-B-3, Psd 287174 sit-
Page No. 74, Book No. VI, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Rex L. Flores, RN Medino J. Acuba. LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021 uated at Barrio Caibaan, Tacloban City containing an area of 340sq.m., under TCT No.
LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 T-35337 (Land). A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of SHERED JEAN CONISE GO
AND RJ CONISE GO as vendees of the above-described property. Per Doc No. 55, Page
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late REYNALDO U. BASEA extrajudi- OF A REGISTERED LAND LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
cially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land with improvements there- NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SPS. EULOGIO MABINI AND FELO-
on located at NHA, Brgy. Baras, Candahug, Palo, Leyte, designated as Lot 1, Block 7, MINA ABALOS extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE WITH WAIVER
Ccs-08-000020, under TCT No. 27399, containing an area of 204 square meters and heirs designated as Lot No. 2333, Pls 658-D covered OCT No. 9814 located at Sitio Alicorong,
hereby give, transfer and convey, by way of donation unto TYRONE B. BARBER, the Pabanog, Paranas, Samar containing an area of 27,820sq.m. A Deed of Sale was executed OF RIGHTS
in favor of DINA COJUANGCO SHELLEY married to SHANE RICHARD SHELLEY as NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late CRISTINA PETILLA extrajudicially
above-described property and all the improvements thereon; per Doc. No. 476, Page No.
vendees of the above-described property. Per Doc No.17424, Page No. 29, Book No. XXIX, settled, partitioned and adjudicated a parcel of agricultural land designated as Lot No. 1599
97, Book No. VIII, Series of 2021 of Notary Public Yoko Carolyn C. Watanabe, State of
Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Pedro M. Labid. LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021 with TD No. 08-30-0025-00566 situated at Brgy. Naga-Naga, Palo, Leyte containing an
New York Notary Public Charles E. Segure, Jr., Notary Public State of California, Lawyer
area of 869sq.m., and heirs hereby WAIVED all rights, interests and shares of the above-de-
Laura J. Biewer, Deputy of secratary of State for Business and Licensing Services, State of
New York Whitney A. Clark and Notary Public in for the State of New York per certifica- EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT scribed property unto CHITO A. PETILLA. Per Doc No. 020, Page No. 5, Book No. VII,
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SPS. SANTOS S. GEROLAGA and CRI- Series of 2020. Notary Public Atty. Rhea Lina M. Untalan-Enage.
tion of NANCY T. SUNSHINE, King Country Clerk.
SANTA V. GEROLAGA extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcels LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021
LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021
of land, described as: 1) Lot 1942, containing an area of 1.3754 hectares, more or less, under
R.A. Form No. 10.1 (LCRO) Tax Dec. No. 96-26011-00091, situated at Brgy. Mansaha-on, Matag-ob Leyte; Parcel 2, EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT WITH DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE
Lot 1945, containing an area of 0.866 hectare, more or less, under Tax Dec. No. 96-26011- NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SPS. SIXTO PANIS AND URSULA
00090, situated at Brgy. Mansaha-on, Matag-ob, Leyte; Parcel 3, Lot No. 2240, containing BURANDAY-PANIS extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of
Republic of the Philippines an area of 0.8258 hectare, more or less, situated at Brgy. Rosario, Matag-ob, Leyte, under land designated as Lot No. 7901, Case 7, Pls. 1061-D situated at Brgy. Roosevelt, Barugo,
Leyte and contains an area of 3,497sq.m., covered by OCT No. P-58561. A Deed of Abso-
Local Civil Registry Office Katibayan ng Original na Titulo Blg. P-42954, covered by Tax Dec. No. 96-26021-00139;
per Doc. No. 400, Page No. 80, Book No. XXI, Series of 2021 of Notary Public Atty. Che- lute Sale was executed in favor of ARNEL S. TALABUCON as vendee of the above-de-
Province of Leyte lissa Mae Rojas, CPA. LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021 scribed property. Per Doc. No. 372, Page No. 175, Book No. IV, Series of 2018. Notary
Municipality of Babatngon Public Nathaniel P. Demain. LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late FELIPE CODILLA and EUFRONIA SELF-ADJUDICATION
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION CODILLA extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcels of land, Lot
1, designated as Lot No. 410-B, containing an area of 272 square meters, more or less,
NOTICE is hereby given that VIRGINIA S. DACARA, heir of the late PACIFICO
DACARA executed a Deed of Self-Adjudication over a parcel of land located at Brgy. Sag-
situated at Evangelista St, Central I, Palompon, Leyte, covered by Tax Dec. No. 08-31001- kahan, Carigara, Leyte under OCT No. P-28066 of Cadastral Lot No. 4106 with a total land
00040R13; Lot 2, designated as Lot No. 1122-C, containing an area of 2,476 square meters area of 2,737sq.m., Per Doc No. 332, Page No. 67, Book No. XXXVIII, Series of 2021.
In compliance with section 5 of R.A. No. 9048, more or less, situated at Brgy. Sabang, Palompon, Leyte, covered under TCT No. TP -11052 Notary Public Ulpiano Arpon, Jr. LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021
a notice is hereby served to the public that with Tax Dec. No. 08-31035-00217R13, together with all improvements thereon, per Doc.
No. 223, Page No. 45, Book No. LXXXVI, Series of 2021 of Notary Public Atty. Donna EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF THE ESTATE
ROLANDO S. CAÑETE has filed with this Office Villa M. Gaspan-Cerna. LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021 NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SALVADOR G. LACBANES extraju-
dicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a money with the Veterans Bank Catar-
a petition for change of first name from EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE man-Branch with Account No. 0052-052641-100 amounting to Php50,187.19. Per Doc No.
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late MARGARITO C. URMENETA extra- 17, Page No. 8, Book No. III. Notary Public Atty. Jayvee Wilfred C. Baya.
“NICOMEDES” to “ROLANDO” in the birth judicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over 2 bank deposits with Landbank, Cari- LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021
gara, Branch, Carigara, Leyte described as; 1) Account No. 1736-3355-61 with a balance
certificate of CAÑETE, NICOMEDES, who was of Php289,666.62; 2) Account No. 3816-0359-95 with a balance of Php105.54. Per Doc
No. 215, Page No. 43, Book No. 29, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Edgar J. Tonolete.
born on SEPT. 15, 1962 at BABATNGON, LEYTE LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 NOTICE is hereby given that GLORIA K. MAURILLO-MONTEJO heir of the late
CRESENCIA K. MAURILLO executed an Amended Affidavit of Self-Adjudication over
a parcel of land situated at Brgy. Cogon, La Paz, Leyte being designated as Lot No. 1386,
Psc-10 containing an area of 70,672sq.m., under TCT No. T-3150. Per Doc No. 346, Page
SALENTES, DOLORES. SALE, WAIVER OF RIGHTS AND SPECIAL POWER No. 71, Book No. II, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Joan Christine C. Valdivia.
LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
Any person adversely affected by said petition NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SPS. SIDORO AVILA and JUANA
AVILA extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land Lot No.
may file his written opposition with this Office 14230, situated in Brgy. Guinguan, Municipality of Tanauan, Leyte, under Tax Dec. No. OF ABSOLUTE SALE
3803000014R13, containing an area of 1,187 square meters, more or less and heirs hereby NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SPS. BRIGIDO CHUCA AND
not later than July 16, 2021. confirm and affirm that the said parcel was sold infavor of Quintin T. Octa Jr., and do hereby LIBRADA CHUCA extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of
Waive, Renounce, Quitclaim and Convey all rights and interest in favor of Quintin T. Octa, agricultural land designated as Lot No. 11100 with an area of 2,478sq.m., located at Brgy.
Jr., and hereby, appoint and constitute LORNA T. OCTA or EVANGELINE C. OLARES Baras, Palo, Leyte under TD No. 99-30-009-00031. A Deed of Absolute Sale was executed
(Sgd.) NILO C. CAÑETE, JR. to be trueand lawful attorney in fact for us/our name and stead, to do perform to with full in favor of JERICHO B. BIDUA as vendee of a portion measuring 150sq.m., from the

LSDE: July 3 & 10, 2021 Municipal Civil Registrar powers; per Doc. No. 276, Page No. 55, Book No. xxVII, Series of 2020 of Notary Public above-described property. Per Doc No. 36, Page No. 9, Book No. I, Series of 2021. Notary
Atty. Sylwyn Nabor Mendoza. LSDE: July 3, 10 & 17, 2021 Public Atty. Narciso C. Marquez, Jr. LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
10 Leyte Samar Daily Express NOTICES Saturday, July 10, 2021

Soldier... Boie Evardone, nurse by testament to their terroris-

...from Page 1 profession, help in attend- tic nature,” he said.
ing the wounded Cafgu He, however, said that
where the newly created members. this ‘small setback’ will not
patrol base is located. The wounded soldiers hinder the government
The government forc- were later brought to a forces detailed in Eastern
es though were able to hospital here in Tacloban Visayas to continue on
retaliate by engaging the City. their campaign against the
rebels to a 20 minute fire- The soldiers and Cafgu rebels for the region to at-
fight but were overpowered personnel belong to the tain peace.
as the NPAs said to have 52nd Infantry Battalion “This attack is a desper-
lobbed improvised explo- (IB) based in Oras town, ate act of these terrorists
sive devices (IEDs) while also in Eastern Samar. as the campaign to defeat
they were firing at the gov- Bloodstains were the them has reached an irre-
ernment forces. rebels positioned were versible stage…I assure the
This resulted to the im- seen which could have in- people of Eastern Visayas
mediate death of one sol- dicated that some of them that the whole-of-nation
dier and two Cafgu person- were also injured or killed approach to end commu-
nel. during the fire fight. nist insurgency is very ef-
Killed were T/Sgt. Junar A team from the 52nd fective and on track,” Diño-
Carpila, who acted as the IB together with the police so added.
team leader of the group, of Jipapad immediately Eastern Visayas contin-
Mark Donald Lomuntad, conducted their pursuit ue to be plague with insur-
Leyte Governor Leopoldo Dominico ‘Mic’ L. Petilla received Gen. Flynn Dongbo,
and Geremias Etcobanas. operations against the reb- gency problem often cited
The wounded Caf- els. as one of the reasons why deputy directorate for investigation and detective management, and Police Col.
gu personnel who were Major Gen. Pio Diñoso the region continue to be Rainerio de Chavez, former chief of regional intelligence division of PNP-8 bomb
wounded due to the attack III, the commanding offi- poor. data center, who paid him a courtesy visit last July 1 at the New Governor’s Office,
were identified as Edwin cer of the 8th Infantry Di- The military, however, Government Center at Candahug, Palo town.(GINA P.GEREZ)
Adamero, Francis Legarse, vision, condemned the at- said that they are deter-
Manny Maestre, Ronilo tack saying this once again mined to quell the insur- sued by Pres.Duterte aimed EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE
Porton, Jeffrey Pajanustan, showed that the rebels uses gency problem before the to end the local communist WITH CONFIRMATION OF SALE
and Helbert Pajanustan. IEDs as they continue to end of the term of Pres. insurgency problem of the
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SPS. GODOFREDO BUSANTE RUIZ
AND MAGDALENA S. RUIZ extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a
Three of them were first pursue their terroristic at- Rodrigo Duterte using the country with several gov- parcel of land as Lot No. 905, Pls-1061-D consisting an area of 5,203sq.m., more or less
brought to the rural health tacks. whole-of-nation approach. ernment agencies involved
situated at Barrio Santarin, Barugo, Leyte under TCT P-27350 and heirs hereby confirmed
the sale of a portion equivalent to 688sq.m., from the above-described property unto SPS.
unit in Jipapad while the “The NPA insists on The whole-of-nation and not just the military ANECITO B. BAYONA, SR. AND DOLORES MIRAFLORES BAYONA. Per Doc No.
remaining others were using anti-personnel approach is embedded un- and the Philippine Nation-
376, Page No. 77, Book No. VI, Series of 2020. Notary Public Atty. Jinky C. Lesigues.
LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
brought to a district hos- mines that were already der Executive Order 70 is- al Police.
pital at the nearby town NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late MANOLO V. ORIGENES extrajudi-
of Arteche where it was NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late ANTONIO ALDE, SR. extrajudicially
cially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a conjugal personal properties, motor vehi-
cles, described as: Personal Property I, Make: ISUZU - TRUCK - ELF WITH RAILINGS;
learned its mayor, Roland disregard of the NPA to settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land primarily planted to coconuts des-
MOTOR NO.: 4HF1137509; Chassis No.: NPR66L7111345; Plate No.: JFB851; C.R.
ignated as Lot No. 4218, CAD-558-D, Case-22, containing an area of 25,877 square meters,
humanitarian laws and a covered by Katibayan ng Original na Titulo Blg. P-12525. A Deed of Sale was executed in No.: 17554445; O.R. No.: 660051195; File No.: 0908-00003335279; Personal Property
favor of MARJORIE E. SUMIGUIN as vendee for a portion of 8,625 square meters from 2, Make/Series: MITSUBISHI - DELICA; Motor No.: 4D56-HRO754; Chassis No.: P05-
EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT WITH WAIVER OF RIGHTS the above described properties; per Doc. No. 408, Page No. 58, Book No. XXII, Series of 0000339; Plate No.: KEM261; C.R. NO.: 9918088-5; O.R. NO.: 364252663; FILE NO.:
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late ULDARICO B. MUÑOZ and EULA- 2021 od Notary Public Atty. Diogenes D. Inciso, Sr. 1212-00000154219. A DEED OF SALE was executed in favor of ELISEO M. ARANDIA
LIA V. MUÑOZ extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a two parcels of LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021 as vendee for the above-described personal properties, per Doc.No. 251, Page No. 52,
land, described as : 1) A parcel of land Lot No. 3-B, Psd-52060, situated in the barrios of Book No. XI, Series of 2021 of Notary Public Atty. Yzabel Eden M. Bertomen -Lerios.
Sagcahan and Marasbaras, City of Tacloban, Leyte, covered by TCT No. T-5416, contain- EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT & PARTITION OF ESTATE LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021
ing an area of 306 square meters, more or less, 2)A parcel of land Lot-C of the subplan Psd- NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late GUADALUPE MANAG-
52060, situated in the Barrios of Sagcahan and Marasbaras, Tacloban City, Leyte, covered BANAG-FLORES extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of ag- EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT/PARTITION AMONG HEIRS
under TCT No. T-5417, containing an area of 287 square meters more or less. and heirs ricultural land as Lot No. 401, TD No. 14036-00055 R13 covered by OCT No P-28494 NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late ESPERIDION D. CUBIAN extrajudi-
hereby conveyed and transfered the above described parcels in favor of CARLOS ELVERT containing a total area of 25,487sq.m. situated at Brgy. San Juan, Hilongos, Leyte. Per Doc cially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over 24 properties particularly described as; 1)
V. MUÑOZ, and hereby waive, renounce and quitclaim whatever share, right, interest, No. 40, Page No. 08, Book No. 07, Series of 2018. Notary Public Lemuel Jan M. Nerves. A parcel of agricultural land situated at Brgy. Macagoco, Inopacan Leyte under TD No.
ownership and or participation in favor of CARLOS ELVERT V. MUÑOZ, per document LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 99-16014-00070 known as Lot No. 2656 containing an area of 1.2164 hectares, more or
Service No. 463411, Doc. No. 872, Book No. I, of Vice Consul ALEAH MARIE B. GICA less with OCT No. OC 5978; 2) A parcel of agricultural land situated at Brgy. Macagoco,
of Consulate General of the Philippines, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE WITH SALE Inopacan Leyte under TD No. 99-16014-00069 known as Lot No. 2675 containing an area
LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021 NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late DOMINGO C. RABAS SR., extrajudi- of .3754 hectares, more or less with OCT No. OC 6118; 3) A parcel of agricultural land
cially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land designated as Lot No. 3252 situated at Brgy. Jubasan, Inopacan Leyte under TD No. 99-16012-00121 known as Lot
AFFIDAVIT OF SELF-ADJUDICATION BY SOLE HEIR situated at Barrio Caibaan, Tacloban City containing an area of 1,145sq.m.,more or less No. 3011 containing an area of .6171 hectares, more or less; 4) A parcel of agricultural land
NOTICE is hereby given that CLARISSA C. DORADO, heirs of the late ZOSIMO U. covered by TCT No. T-35262. A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of MARIA GRACE situated at Brgy. Jubasan, Inopacan Leyte under TD No. 99-16012-00120 known as Lot
DORADO executed an Affidavit of Self-Adjudication over one (1) unit of motor vehicle` BERINO as vendee of the above-described property and all improvements, free from all No. 2769 containing an area of 1.0392 hectares, more or less; 5) A parcel of agricultural
described as; Make: HONDA; Denomination: TRICYCLE; Series: TMX 1559; Engine No: liens and encumbrances. Per Doc No. 249, Page No. 50, Book No. VIII, Series of 2021. land situated at Brgy. Maljo, Inopacan Leyte under TD No. 99-16015-00130 known as
KB509E478029; Chassis No: KB509478060; OR No: 178941361; CR No: 1920696901. Notary Public Christopher Ryan P. Rosal. Lot No. 435 containing an area of .4167 hectares, more or less; 6) A parcel of agricultural
Per Doc No. 235 Page No. 48, Book No. XXXV, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. May LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021 land situated at Brgy. Maljo, Inopacan Leyte under TD No. 96-16015-00233 known as Lot
C. Mercado-Bacsal.
No. 520 containing an area of .1566 hectares, more or less; 7) A parcel of agricultural land
LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021 EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE situated at Brgy. Tao-taon, Inopacan Leyte under TD No. 99-16019-00135 known as Lot
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SILVINO DIAZ PARIÑA AND EN-
DEED OF SELF-ADJUDICATION WITH DONATION CARNACION BORROMEO PARIÑA extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated
No. 295-A containing an area of .3185 hectares, more or less; 8) A parcel of agricultural
NOTICE is hereby given that PROCESO L. MANTUA, JR.,, heirs of the late PA- land situated at Brgy. Tao-taon, Inopacan Leyte under TD No. 99-16019-00134 known as
over a parcel of land designated as Lot 210-A, Psd-33070 situated at Poblacion, Tacloban
CIENCIA MANTUA AND BONIFACIO MANTUA executed an Affidavit of Self-Adju- Lot No. 175 containing an area of .5544 hectares, more or less; 9) A parcel of agricultural
City, Leyte containing an area of 356sq.m.,, TCT No. T-778. Per Doc No. 10, Page No. 2,
dication over 4 parcels of land described as; 1) A parcel of land known as Lot No. 12974, land situated at Brgy. Maljo, Inopacan Leyte under TD No. 99-16015-00033 known as Lot
Book No. VIII, Series of 2018. Notary Public Atty. John Ryan E. Sequit.
Case 14, Pcs 5 situated at Brgy. Plaridel, Baybay, Leyte containing an area of 11,506sq.m., No. 580 containing an area of .1687 hectares, more or less; 10) A parcel of residential land
LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021
more or less covered by OCT No. P-38613; 2) A parcel of land known as Lot No. 13130 situated at Brgy. Maljo, Inopacan Leyte under TD No. 99-16015-00034 known as Lot No.
situated at Baybay, Leyte containing an area of 11,828sq.m., more or less covered by TCT AFFIDAVIT OF SELF-ADJUDICATION WITH SALE 491 containing an area of 224sq.m.,, more or less; 11) A parcel of agricultural land situated
No. T-8799; 3) A parcel of land known as Lot No. 12979 situated at Baybay, Leyte con- NOTICE is hereby given that NILA VILBAR WONG-BATOCAEL, heir of the late at Brgy. Maljo, Inopacan Leyte under TD No. 99-16015-00005 known as Lot No. 500
taining an area of 20,713sq.m., more or less covered by OCT No. P-8694; 4) A parcel of ARSENIA VILBAR WONG executed an Affidavit of Self-Adjudication with Sale over a containing an area of .3109 hectares, more or less; 12) A parcel of rice land, unirrigated
land known as Lot No. 12423-F, Psd-08-000923 situated at Barrio Plaridel, Baybay, Leyte parcel of urban land located at Poblacion 1, Hindang, Leyte designated as Lot No. 585 rem situated at Doos, del Sur, Hindang, Leyte under TD No. 99-15010-00568 known as Lot No.
containing an area of 4,734sq.m., more or less covered by OCT No. P-18628 and and heir part with a total land area of 180sq.m., covered by TD No. 08-15001-00958. A Deed of 1828 containing an area of .4802 hectares, more or less; 13) A parcel of residential land
hereby TRANSFER by way of donation the above-described 4 parcels of land with all Sale was executed in favor of SPS. ADOLFO R. TUDIO AND MARLINDA V. TUDIO as situated at Sto. Rosario, St., Poblacion, Inopacan, Leyte under TD No. 99-16001-00186
improvement thereon unto MYLA ADELIE P. MANTUA free from all liens and encum- vendees of a portion from the above-described property. Per Doc No. 71, Page No. 15, Book known as Lot No. 752-A containing an area of 228sq.m., more or less; 14) A parcel of coco
brances. Per Doc No. 84, Page No. 18, Book No. XLVII, Series of 2020. Notary Public No. XXV, Series of 2021. Notary Public Rolf Allan Oriel. land situated at Butigan, Baybay, Leyte under TD No. 07036-00069 R8 known as Lot No.
Atty. Eden B. Chavez-Butawan. LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 4756, TCT No. 13655 containing an area of 1.7315 hectares, more or less; 15) A one-half
LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 (1/2) undivided portion of coco land situated at Cagumay, Baybay, Leyte under TD No.-
EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE WITH ABSOLUTE SALE ARP#: 07056-00213 R8 known as Lot No. 10926 containing an area of 6.8886 hectares,
AFFIDAVIT OF SELF-ADJUDICATION NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late SPS. DOMINGO C. CAÑETE AND IS- more or less; 16) A parcel of agricultural land situated at Brgy. Maljo, Inopacan Leyte under
NOTICE is hereby given that RUFO R. VALENZONA, heirs of the late SPS. RO- ABEL B. CAÑETE extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of land TD No. 99-16015-00142 known as Lot No.430 containing an area of .2264 hectares, more
MEO F. VALENZONA & FLORENCIA R. VALENZONA executed an Affidavit of designated as Lot No. 217 covered by TCT No. T-8538 and TD No. 13059-00044 containing or less; 17) A parcel of agricultural land situated at Brgy. Maljo, Inopacan Leyte under TD
Self-Adjudication over a parcel of land designated as Lot No. 5110 with improvements an area of 14,074sq.m., A Deed of Absolute Sale was executed in favor of DESIREE JOY C. No. 99-16015-00141 known as Lot No. 400 containing an area of .1476 hectares, more or
thereon situated at Barrio Hibunawan, Baybay, Leyte containing an area of 7,409sq.m., DEJARLO as vendee of the above-described property. Per Doc No. 480, Page No. 97, Book less; 18) A parcel of agricultural land situated at Brgy. Maljo, Inopacan Leyte under TD
covered by TCT No. T-14217. A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of SPS. CHARLIE C. No. VII, Series of 2021. Notary Public Atty. Rhea Lina M. Untalan-Enage. No. 99-16015-00140 known as Lot No. 401 containing an area of .0549 hectares, more or
LLANOS AND CITADEL P. LLANOS as vendees of a portion equivalent to 1,000sq.m., LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 less; 19) A parcel of residential land situated at Brgy. Maljo, Inopacan Leyte under TD No.
from the above-described property free from all liens and encumbrances. Per Doc No. 124,
99-16015-00139 known as Lot No. 427 containing an area of 676sq.m.,, more or less; 20)
Page No. 25, Book No. LVIII, Series of 2014. Notary Public Joseph Carnel M. Bandalan. DEED OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE A rice mill built on Lot No. 427 under TD No 99-16015 00140 situated at Maljo, Inopacan,
LSDE: July 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late VICTORIA MALABOYO CONGZON Leyte; 21) A one-ninth (1/9) portion of a parcel of agricultural land situated at Tao-taon, In-
AND SALVADOR P. CONGZON extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over 5
EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF THE ESTATE properties all situated at Tacloban City, Leyte described as; 1) A parcel of land described as
opacan, Leyte under TD No. 99-16019-00140 designated as Lot No. 39-GSS containing an
area of 833sq.m., more or less; 22) A one-ninth (1/9) portion of a parcel of agricultural land
WITH WAIVER OF RIGHTS Lot No. 660-D, Psd-96993 containing an area of 47sq.m., with TCT No. T-5004; 2) A parcel situated at Tao-taon, Inopacan, Leyte under TD No. 99-16019-00139 designated as Lot
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late LEONARDO CLAVEJO extrajudicially of land described as Lot No. 660-B, Psd-96993 containing an area of 47sq.m., with TCT No. No. 40-GSS containing an area of 541sq.m., more or less; 23) A parcel of agricultural land
settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a parcel of agricultural land designated as Cad Lot T-20222; 3) A parcel of land described as Lot No. 660-C, Psd-96993 containing an area of
situated at Doos del Sur, Hindang, Leyte under TD No. 99-15010-00447 designated as Lot
No. 757 situated at Brgy. Poblacion 2, Hindang, Leyte under TD No.08-15001-00406 cov- 47sq.m., with TCT No. T-5482; 4) A parcel of land designated as Lot 4797 situated at Brgy.
No. 1825 containing an area of .1673 hectares, more or less; 24) A one-half (1/2) undivided
ered by OCT No. P-90194 containing an area of 510sq.m.,and heirs hereby WAIVED all 91, Apitong, Tacloban City containing an area of 5,910sq.m., with TD No. 12-0002-00933;
portion of rice land situated at Bulacan, Hindang, Leyte under TD No. 99-15007-00198
rights, shares and participation in the above-described real property unto DOMINADOR 5) A residential building erected on Lot 660-C situated at Torres St., Tacloban City under TD
designated as Lot No. 3720 containing an area of 1.4191. 98 hectares, more or less. Per Doc
A. CLAVEJO. Per Doc No. 216, Page No. 44, Book No. 77, Series of 2021. Notary Public No. 12-0024-00903. Per Doc No. 80, Page No. 16, Book No. VIII, Series of 2021. Notary
No. 730, Page No. 93, Book No. VI, Series of 2000. Notary Public Atty. Loreto S. Kudera.
Atty. Rosarie A. Peteros-Phua Public Atty. Christopher Ryan P. Rosal.
LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021
LSDE: June 26, July 3 & 10, 2021 LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021
Saturday, July 10, 2021
NEWS Leyte Samar Daily Express 11
CARPER LAD Form N0. 51 CARPER LAD Form N0. 51
(Revised Carp-LAD Form N0. 51) (Revised Carp-LAD Form N0. 51)
Republic of the Philippines Republic of the Philippines
Provincial Agrarian Reform Office Provincial Agrarian Reform Office
Liceo del Verbo Divino, Former Law Building Liceo del Verbo Divino, Former Law Building
Avenida Veteranos, Tacloban City Avenida Veteranos, Tacloban City
June 17, 2021 June 17, 2021
Rizal Street, Ormoc City Rizal Street, Ormoc City

Sir/Madam Sir/Madam
This refers to your agricultural land covered by the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) pursuant to Republic Act This refers to your agricultural land covered by the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) pursuant to Republic Act
(R.A.) No. 6657, as amended by R.A. No. 9700, particularly described as follows: (R.A.) No. 6657, as amended by R.A. No. 9700, particularly described as follows:
OCT/TCT No. : TCT-16 OCT/TCT No. : TCT-17
TD No. : 21023-00259 TD No. : 21007-00066
Lot No. : 10173-B & F Lot No. : 10363
Approved Survey No. : Psd-08-043093 (AR) Approved Survey No. : CAD - 256
Area per OCT/TCT/TD No. (has) : 3.1256 Has. Area per OCT/TCT/TD No. (has) : 1.9009 Has.
Area acquired per ASP : 2.5125 Has. Area acquired per ASP : 1.9009 Has.
Location : Brgy. Tugbong, Kananga, Leyte Location : Brgy. Libongao, Kananga, Leyte
Please be informed that out of the total area indicated in the aforesaid title of Tax Declaration an area of 2.5125 hectares is Please be informed that out of the total area indicated in the aforesaid title of Tax Declaration an area of 1.9009 hectares is
subject to immediate acquisition and distribution to qualified agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) under ( )Voluntary Offer to Sell subject to immediate acquisition and distribution to qualified agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) under ( )Voluntary Offer to Sell
( x )Compulsory Acquisition. ( x )Compulsory Acquisition.
On the basis of the value determined by the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) per attached Memorandum of Valuation (MOV) On the basis of the value determined by the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) per attached Memorandum of Valuation
and Land Valuation Worksheet (LVW), the compensation for your landholding amounts to FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY THREE (MOV) and Land Valuation Worksheet (LVW), the compensation for your landholding amounts to TWO HUNDRED FORTY FOUR
THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN PESOS AND 25/100 (Php 433,887.25) covering 2.5125 hectares, including THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FIFTY PESOS AND 33/100 (Php 244,650.33) covering 1.9009 hectares, including improvements
improvements thereon, if any. thereon, if any.
We have already requested the LBP, with address at: Sagkahan Street, Tacloban City to deposit in your name the said We have already requested the LBP, with address at: Sagkahan Street, Tacloban City to deposit in your name the said
amount, in cash and bonds. The release of payments shall be effected or may be withdrawn upon your submission of all documents amount, in cash and bonds. The release of payments shall be effected or may be withdrawn upon your submission of all documents
required by LBP on the release of claims. required by LBP on the release of claims.
Please accomplish the attached CARPER LAD Form 53 (Landowner’s Reply to NLVA) within thirty (30) days upon receipt of Please accomplish the attached CARPER LAD Form 53 (Landowner’s Reply to NLVA) within thirty (30) days upon receipt of
this Notice and return it to the DAR Provincial Office. this Notice and return it to the DAR Provincial Office.
In case you reject the compensation offered for your property or fail to reply to this notice within thirty (30) days from receipt In case you reject the compensation offered for your property or fail to reply to this notice within thirty (30) days from receipt
thereof, we shall advise the Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board (DARAB), with address at DAR Regional Office thereof, we shall advise the Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board (DARAB), with address at DAR Regional Office
Compound, Sto. Niño Extension Tacloban City to conduct summary administrative proceedings on the matter. In the event that you Compound, Sto. Niño Extension Tacloban City to conduct summary administrative proceedings on the matter. In the event that you
subsequently accept the value as computed by the LBP based on existing valuation guidelines, you should manifest in writing with subsequently accept the value as computed by the LBP based on existing valuation guidelines, you should manifest in writing with
respect to such acceptance of the original value, or jointly with LBP manifest in writing with respect to the recomputed value by the respect to such acceptance of the original value, or jointly with LBP manifest in writing with respect to the recomputed value by the
LBP, with the DARAB or the regular court. LBP, with the DARAB or the regular court.
The DAR shall take immediate possession of the property upon issuance of a Certification of Deposit (COD) by LBP and the The DAR shall take immediate possession of the property upon issuance of a Certification of Deposit (COD) by LBP and the
concomitant transfer of the title to the landholding in the name of the Republic of the Philippines. concomitant transfer of the title to the landholding in the name of the Republic of the Philippines.

Very truly yours, Very truly yours,


Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer II Provincial Agrarian Reform Officer II
CARPER LAD Form No. 50 (Memorandum of Valuation) with Land Valuation Worksheet CARPER LAD Form No. 50 (Memorandum of Valuation) with Land Valuation Worksheet
CARPER LAD Form No. 53 (LO’s Reply to NLVA) CARPER LAD Form No. 53 (LO’s Reply to NLVA)
Copy Distribution: Copy Distribution:
Original - LO Original - LO
Duplicate - LBP Duplicate - LBP
Triplicate - DARPO Triplicate - DARPO
Quadruplicate - DARMO Quadruplicate - DARMO


Tunay na Pagbabago sa Repormang Agraryo

Please be informed that the landholdings described below had been placed under coverage of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) per Notice
of Coverage as indicated below:

1. RAFAEL BURLASA JUNE 23, 2014 / OCT-P-13988 12484 7.7587 BURAUEN, LEYTE BUENAVISTA JULY 22, 2021


3. GAVINA A. BONGCARAS JUNE 23, 2014 / OCT-P-27842 8782 1.4478 BARUGO, LEYTE BALIRI JULY 26, 2021



5. BUENAVENTURA JUNE 17, 2013 / TCT-T-6890 9577 6.7098 KANANGA, LEYTE AGUITING AUGUST 4, 2021

6. JUAN HILONGOS JUNE 24, 2014 / OCT-21403 11760 6.9425 BAYBAY, LEYTE SAN JUAN AUGUST 10, 2021

In this connection, may we invite you or your authorized representative to participate in the Conduct of Joint Field Investigation as scheduled on the above date at 8:00 in the

Your failure to participate in the Field Investigation shall be a waiver on your part to question the findings thereof.

We anticipate your full cooperation and support. Thank you.


12 Leyte Samar Daily Express NEWS Saturday, July 10, 2021

NSSDEO completes P3 million

Irawahan road concreting
NSSDEO, Brgy. Bu- meters and 1.50 meters Easier and faster de-
rabud, Laoang, Northern shoulder both sides. livery of farm products
Samar-As of April 20, This project with CID would be experienced
2021, the construction of 21II0059 is located in Ba- from this project; unlike
road at Barangay Irawa- rangay Irawahan in the before when both farm-
han, Catubig, Northern town of Catubig, North- ers and residents in the
Samar is already 100.00% ern Samar Second Dis- area endure a bumpy
completed under Dea- trict. road to market their farm
This project does not
only aim to improve the
road to support the lo-
cal end-users but also
to ensure safe travel for
motorists and residents Northern Samar Rep. Paul Daza(first district) received San Antonio Vice Mayor Rudy Ba-
traversing this local road. guiso who paid him a visit at his congressional office. Baguiso vowed his support on the re-
(REY ORSUA,INFOR- election bid of Rep. Daza in next year’s elections as the solon promised to continue to provide
MATION OFFICER/PR) assistance to the island-town. Also in attendance were town councilor Ruel Solana, Nelson
Obeda and ABC president. Oscar Monsanto. (PETER D.PAREDES)

Its pain...
...from Page 4
Leyte continues to be region’s top
but the same pain I ex-
perienced keeps coming
palay producing province
back. It is recurrent. It PALO, Leyte– The Leyte Governor Leo- Petilla said that his
must have destroyed some province of Leyte has poldo Dominico said province is determined
membranes inside, doing proven anew of being that based on the report to lead in Eastern Vi-
irreparable damage. The on top rice producer of of the Philippine Sta- sayas as a rice produc-
pain is not just mental, as the region. tistics Authority (PSA), ing area.
a psychosomatic thing. It the province got the He said that the rice
cons Temple Construc- The P3 million road is for real. Inside my nose I’m the only one suffering highest share in rice program under his ad-
tion and Supply. concreting project is fund- down to an undetermin- from this side effect. Know production in the first ministration is han-
The project started ed under GAA FY 2021 able depth, the pain lin- what, I never want to have quarter of 2021 dled by More Income
last March 15, 2021, in- with Engr. Carlos Paulo gers on, affecting the right this kind of testing again as The PSA records said in the Countryside
cluding the concreting of G. Perfecto as Project En- side of my brain including far as I am alive. Over my that Leyte contributed (MIC) that manages
201.00 meters roadway gineer and Engr. Ulyssis B. my right eye. dead body. Why, do they the biggest share in pa- and provides support
with a thickness of 0.23 Peligrino as Resident En- Surely, medical experts have an antidote for this lay production in East- to the farmers.
meters and width of 4.0 gineer. can explain it, but they pain? If they can’t give me ern Visayas at 139,207 The provincial gov-
can never make me be- that, neither should they metric tons (MT) ernment support the
lieve it’s just in my mind. require me to have that
Mayor... been occupying for a long
It’s me who can experience testing again.
during the first quarter farmers by way of pro-
time. of 2021. viding them equip-
...from Page 1 the pain. They cannot feel
Earlier, NHA Regional That’s the problem It comprised more ment and supplies
The turnover of 1,036 Manager Constancio An- anything for me. Had I with this pandemic, peo- than half or 51.6 per- needed in rice grow-
titles was held last Thurs- tiniero disclosed that they known that this is how it ple are being subjected to cent of the total palay ing. (RESTITUTO A.
day(July 8) and the fol- are committed to turn over would affect me, I would experimentation to deter- production in the re- CAYUBIT)
lowing day, Friday(July 9) all the housing projects in- have declined, or per- mine some results. Almost gion.
lead by City Mayor Alfred tended to Yolanda survivors haps assigned someone to everything is experimen-
Romualdez and Council- to the city government, in watch over my wife on my tal, and yet they would Republic of the Philippines
or Aimee Delgado-Grafil, particular, before the term behalf. require people to submit OFFICE OF THE CIVIL REGISTRAR
who chairs the committee of President Rodrigo Dute- I wonder if those who to these studies. As if we
have been tested like this
Tacloban City
on urban poor, housing rte ends on June next year. were the objects of these
and human settlement at For Tacloban City, the before have the same ex- experiments regardless of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION

the city council. NHA has committed to perience. I haven’t heard how these would affect our
Also present were rep- construct 15, 058 units of of anyone complaining re- health and lives in general. In compliance with the publication requirement
resentatives of the Nation- which 13, 528 are already garding this so far. Perhaps and pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No.
al Housing Authority and completed. to praise him, to do a lot of 2013- 1, guidelines in the Implementation of the
other officials of the city The City Housing Office Only with... good, to practice the virtues, Administrative Order No. 1, series of 2012 (IRR) on
government. disclosed that at least six ...from Page 5 to serve others. We would RA 10172), notice is hereby served to the public that
Romualdez said that housing unit projects have know how to be patient, to JOVEL ANDO BOHOLST has filed with this
after almost eight years yet to be turn over to the city should be driven by love, be forgiving. There is some Office a petition for Correction of Entry in his/her
since Yolanda struck the government by the NHA. by desire to be with him kind of excitement and at
city, these families can These include Rid- and to do his will. We have
sex: from MALE to FEMALE and or Cor-
the same time a deep sense
now legally claim that the geview Park 1 and 2 located to feel the need for him. In of peace and confidence and rection in the Entry in the Day and /or month in the
houses that they lives are in Cabalawan; Guadalupe fact, he should be our great- joy that the world cannot date of birth from ____ to ____ in the Certificate of
their own. Heights 1 and 2 in Brgy. 105 est need, without whom we give. Live Birth (COLB) of JOVEL ANDO BOHOLST at Ta-
The distribution of land (Sto. Nino) and Greendale should feel completely emp- We would know how to cloban City and whose parents are DOLORES ANDO
titles under the Yolanda Residence 2 and Knights- ty. Nothing should replace sanctify our work and all and GILBERT SAPAL BOHOLST.
Permanent Housing Pro- bridge Heights, both in or substitute for him in our the other circumstances of Any person having knowledge and/or claim-
gram to Beneficiaries of Brgy. 98(Camansihay). mind and heart. We need our life, whether they are
North Arbour Hill 1 and 2 There are 5,572 housing
ing interest or may be adversely affected by said pe-
him more than we need air. good or bad as regarded in
is in line with Mayor Ro- units constructed on these What can show that we human and worldly terms.
tition may file his/her written opposition with this
mualdez’s commitment to housing projects of which are truly with God is that We would know how to flow Office.
give villagers the chance to 2,704 are actually residing. in spite of the drama of life, with the times without get- (Sgd.) IMELDA A. ROA
own the “home” they have (LIZBETH ANN A.ABELLA) we will always feel driven ting confused and lost. LSDE: July 10 & 17, 2021 City Civil Registrar
Saturday, July 10, 2021
NEWS Leyte Samar Daily Express 13
Coffee and cacao farm plantation to rise in
Ormoc City; projected to provide supply to
the rest of Leyte
ORMOC CITY- A ly, EDC vowed to provide the city government of Or-
joint venture by the Ener- P1.5 million worth of con- moc and their much valued
gy Development Corpora- tributions to cover the ex- support and concern they
tion (EDC), the country’s penses for the renovation of give to their constituents
leading geothermal pro- the existing facility owned through initiatives such as
ducer, entered an agree- by the ToFA, plantation ex- this,” Magallanes said.
ment with the government pansion, and capacity de- ToFA president Thina
to establish a coffee and velopment programs. Parco expressed endless
cacao farm plantation in The Department of thanks to the government
Barangay Tongonan, this Science and Technology and EDC whose been their
city. (DOST) with the assistance partner for the past 30
After almost three from Barangay Tongonan years now.
years of preparation and and the city government of “Alam po namin na
A dolphin was released back to the waters off San Juanico Strait on Friday (July
planning, a 45-hectare Ormoc, through its liveli- malaking halaga ang in-
9), a day after it was found stranded in a river in Sta. Rita, Samar.(BFAR
coffee and cacao farm- hood council, will also pro- vestment ninyo sa coffee
stead will rise in Tongo- vide training support and and cacao project na ito
nan which is expected to technical assistance. kaya gusto din namin ma-
provide livelihood oppor-
tunities to the members
The farm is expected to
yield 12,000 kilograms of
pa-abot sa inyo ang aming
pangako na pagsisikapan Dolphin stranded in Sta. Rita river; released
of the Tongonan Farmers
Association (ToFA) and
green coffee beans per year,
Erwin Magallanes, EDC
po naming mapalago at
mapaunlad ang proyektong back to the waters off San Juanico Strait
the community. Leyte CSR head, said. ito. Balang araw ay kakay-
Aside from providing And this early, similar anin na namin tumayo sa TACLOBAN CITY – day. hydration.
a steady income for ToFA undertaking is projected to sarili naming mga paa at The Bureau of Fisheries The team immediately The dolphin was then
members, the project is other barangay, he said. maging inspirasyon sa iba and Aquatic Resources went to the village and no- released along San Juanico
seen as a solution for a dire “Now, more than ever, na kahit magsasaka ay kaya (BFAR) here in the region ticed that the mammal was Strait around 10:25 a.m.,
need for stable supply of it is important that our umasenso at makatulong has successfully released a already weak and stressed Friday (July 9).
coffee and cacao products host communities become din sa kapwa. Maraming female risos dolphin that due to navigational error The BFAR personnel
in the province. resilient, self-reliant, and maraming salamat po,” was stranded in a river in and prolonged exposure to asked village officials and
During the online regenerative. We are grate- he said.(ELVIE ROMAN Sta. Rita town, Samar last the bystanders who were residents to inform them
signing of memorandum ful for the strong working ROA) Thursday (July 8). allegedly played with and any occurrence of re-
of agreement held recent- relationship we have with The female risos dol- hopped on the dolphin stranding of said dolphin
phin was found by residents while stranded in the river. or any marine mammal in

DOLE urges business owners

around 8 am in a river in Although weak and their area so that they can
Barangay Sta. Elena which stressed, the BFAR team immediately response.
was documented and up- said that the mammal’s BFAR also asked the

to get safety seal

loaded in the social media breathing and buoyancy public to immediately re-
account of local resident were normal. port cases of marine mam-
Mark Jhun Rabi. They then take the mea- mal stranding in their
The said video was then surement of the animal and respective areas or their
TACLOBAN CITY- DOLE will also be Per joint memoran- forwarded to the BFAR-8 transferred it to an enclosed office to help and rescue
The Department of La- awarding safety seals to dum circular number marine mammal stranding area for overnight monitor- any stranded mammal.
bor and Employment three more firms in Bay- 21-01 series of 2021, response team on that same ing, and feed it with fish for (ROEL T. AMAZONA)
(DOLE) here in the bay City, namely SC Glob- the DOLE will issue the
region urged business al Food Products, Inc., SC certification for estab- As directed by the IATF
owners to get safety seal Global Coco Products lishments in the manu-
for their establishments Inc., and Specialty Pulp facturing, construction,
Gov. Petilla lukewarm on vaccine card policy; supports
amid the coronavirus Manufacturing Inc. utilities, information and RT-PCR test result as a travel requirement
disease (COVID-19) According to the agen- communication, and
pandemic. cy, the safety seal is val- warehousing industries. TACLOBAN CITY – heads has yet to act on this can include in the provi-
DOLE Regional Di- id for six months from Department of Trade Leyte is not yet incline to policy by the IATF. sion about vaccinated in-
rector Henry John Jal- the date of issuance and and Industry (DTI), De- follow the policy of the na- Under Resolution No. dividuals.
buena said the safety shall be displayed con- partment of Tourism tional Inter-Agency Task 124-B of the IATF, fully Earlier, the prov-
seal certification pro- spicuously at all entrance (DOT), Department of Force (IATF) allowing vac- vaccinated individuals need ince enacted an-
gram aims to safely re- points of the establish- Interior and Local Gov- cinated persons to enter a not present negative swab ti-COVID-19(coronavirus
open the economy and ment. ernment (DILG), and the particular area as a require- test results if they want to disease) ordinances which
affirm consumers and DOLE may revoke the different local govern- ment. travel within the Philip- orders returning residents
the public in general of certification once there ment units are also des- This was said by Gov- pines and need only to pres- to report their arrival and
the establishment’s com- will be valid complaints ignated to issue the said ernor Leopoldo Dominico ent their vaccination cards to undergo the mandatory
pliance to the minimum raised against the compa- safety seal.(RONALD Petilla who said that the for interzonal travel as well quarantine and testing five
public health standards. ny, it added. O.REYES) provincial IATF which he as for intrazonal movement. days after their arrival.
“We are calling on Gov. Petilla said that this But this March of this
other establishments to 77-year-old farmer arrested, facing 5 counts of rape resolution of the IATF need year, the provincial board
obtain their own safety to a thorough study because revised the ordinance to
seals and take part in TACLOBAN CITY- hended by virtue of a mend bail for the tem- it goes against a provincial fit with Resolution No
safely re-opening our A 77-year old farm- warrant dated June 11, porary liberty of the ordinance that mandates all 101 that mandates that
economy,” Jalbuena said. er, who is facing five 2021. accused. returning residents to un- the quarantine and test-
On Tuesday (July 6), counts of rape was ar- He was identified as Police brought Bay- dergo RT-PCR swab test. ing would no longer be a
the labor official award- rested in a joint police the top 3 most wanted ona to the municipal Petilla disclosed that he requirement for returning
ed its first safety seal to operation in Pastrana, person of the region. station for documenta- had directed the office of residents, except those
Coca-Cola Beverage Leyte Wednesday, July Judge Irene Pon- tion prior to turn-over the provincial administra- manifesting symptoms.
Philippines, Inc. in Ba- 7, 2021. tejo of Regional Trial to the court of origin. tor and the Sangguniang However, in May, the
rangay 75-Fatima Vil- Francisco Bayona, Court-Branch 7 in Ta- (RONALD O.REYES) Panlalawigan to study this
married, was appre- cloban did not recom- IATF guideline on how they see Gov. Petilla /page 14 ...
lage, this city.
14 Leyte Samar Daily Express NEWS Saturday, July 10, 2021

Leyte village has a new health station; DPWH-NSFDEO completed P9.6M road
seen to boost delivery of health needs of concreting with slope protection project
the villagers in Catarman Northern Samar
TACLOBAN CITY– second district engineer- ning and nutrition on
A P1.45 million worth ing office, said that the their respective area.
structure was construct- completion of the struc- The structure also
ed in a village in Ta- ture could very well ad- serves as vaccination ar-
bontabon town in Leyte. dress the medical needs of eas for infants and chil-
The structure, which the villagers. dren.
is to function as a health Barangay health sta- Oppura said that the
station, was built in Ba- tions are often used as a Department of Public
rangay Capahuan, one venue of barangay health Works and Highways is
of the biggest villages in workers in providing in- committed to build more
Tabontabon with more formation, education and multi-purpose buildings
than 1,000 residents. motivation services for to provide proper venue
In a statement, Engr. primary health care, ma- for all community activ-
Leo Edward Oppura, of- ternal and child health, ities. (LIZBETH ANN A.
ficer-in-charge of Leyte child rights, family plan- ABELLA)

DPWH builds 22 modular isolation

Aerial view of P9.6 million road concreting and slope protection project in Brgy.
centers in E. Visayas Gebulwangan, Catarman N. Samar
Catarman Northern burden of motorists trav- slope protection that will
TACLOBAN CITY – From January to June, whelmed with the continu- Samar-The Department of elling said area. prevent soil erosion that
The Department of Pub- the DPWH built isolation ous increase in COVID-19 Public Works and High- According to a resident, could endanger the lives
lic Works and Highways facilities in Tacloban City, cases,” she added. ways Northern Samar before the realization of and properties of near-
(DPWH) has constructed Ormoc City, Palo, and The project is modular First DEO recently com- this project, motorcycles by residents especially
22 isolation facilities in Dagami in Leyte; Naval or container-type with in- pleted P9.6M road con- could hardly pass the area during rainy season.
Eastern Visayas this year in Biliran; Maasin City in dividual rooms, restrooms, creting with Slope protec- because of the deep ravines The project involves
to help boost the gov- Southern Leyte; Boron- and air-conditioning units. tion project in Catarman and hanging cliffs that was the construction of road
ernment’s fight against gan City in Eastern Samar; Each room is with a bed, N. Samar. quite hazardous especially with 36m length, 3.35m
coronavirus disease 2019 Calbayog City in Samar; according to Margallo. The completed proj- during night time. width, 0.23m thickness
(Covid-19). Catbalogan City in Samar; The isolation facility ect located in Brgy. Geb- With the completion of and construction of
The DPWH has spent and Catarman in Northern has a nurse station, male ulwangan, Catarman said project, motorists can Road Slope Protection
P201.22 million for the Samar. and female nurse room N. Samar along Polan- now experience better, saf- (Area=618.09 sq.m.).
construction of 802-bed The DPWH construct- with toilet, water tank, gi-Gebulwangan-Que- er and uninterrupted trav- It was completed on
capacity quarantine cen- ed some of these facilities generator and transformer, z o n - Tr a n g u e - M a b i n i el along this road section. May 2021, funded under
ters in the region’s six within the existing hos- sanitation area, and septic Road is seen to ease the The DPWH also built GAA 2020. (PR)
provinces, Ma. Rosario pitals such as the Eastern tank.
Margallo, DPWH Region
8 focal person on isola-
tion facilities project, said
Visayas Regional Medical
Center in Tacloban City
and several provincial hos-
It also has dining, liv-
ing, laundry, kitchen, and
sanitation areas as well as
4Ps families in Arteche town
on Thursday(July 8).
“We will build more
facilities like this in the
“The construction of
the quarantine facility
water and septic tanks.
Of the 802 beds, con-
firmed COVID-19 pa-
attain economic sufficiency
next few months since followed the standard de- tients occupied 211 in the BORONGAN CITY- family also put up a piggery, also celebrated.
we have been receiving signs and plans proposed region as of June 30. Some 11 Pantawid Pamilyang managed by her husband. Partner agencies like
formal requests from lo- by the DPWH central of- After the pandemic, Pilipino Program beneficia- Her children are all in school MSWDO Judith Oper-
cal government units. fice in collaboration with these will be converted ries from Arteche, Eastern enrolled in Grade 10, 11 and ario-Pombo, TESDA rep-
This is our commitment the Department of Health. into evacuation centers. Samar graduated from the 12. resentative Renato Picana,
to help stop the spread This facility will assist our (SARWELL Q.MENIA- program due to economic Still another grantee is Office of the Municipal Ag-
of COVID-19,” Margallo hospitals that are over- NO/PNA sufficiency. Ma. Giget Ramilo of Brgy. ricultural Services (OMAS)
said in a phone interview. According to municipal Garden who just tends to her and Mayor Roland Boie
Cops probe death of gruesome link Selle Abenojar, the 11
families have indeed crossed
children while husband is a
driver of a public utility van.
Evardone supported the
...from Page 13 murder of a 13-yr-old student the poverty line to economic
Her eldest, who was a Pan-
tawid scholar in college, now
Meanwhile, life with
other grantees will hope-
provincial government in Leyte One such family is from teaches at the Arteche Na- fully roll and the grantees
instructed the provincial Brgy. Carapdapan, the family tional High School. can only wish, one day the
board to again revise it TA C L O B A N tion signal. of Luz Teñoso has raised two Another is a fresh grad- Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipi-
and ordered the manda- CITY-Police are still At round 9 am, the members of the Philippine uate and the youngest is in no Program will also push
tory quarantine and RT- conducting their in- victim was left by her National Police, one is also Grade 9. Her eldest now helps them towards economic
PCR test after the prov- vestigation on the companion. an employee of the Tacloban the family. sustainability.
ince experienced surge of shocking death of When he came an City Disaster Risk Reduc- There are still eight more The 4Ps is a national
COVID-19 cases. a 13-year-old stu- hour later, his sis- tion Management Council who like Teñoso, Pajares and poverty alleviation program
The governor also or- dent who was found ter was nowhere to (DRRMC) and another, a Ramiro have graduated from that provides cash transfers
dered the provincial IATF with slash wound on be found at the said teacher. Luz is supporting the program. to poor families to improve
members to study the con- her neck in Albuera, place. one grandkid who is now in Like the three mentioned, their health, nutrition and
cern raised by the Phil- Leyte. The lifeless body of Grade 7. each family has crossed the education.
ippine Port Authority on Police said the vic- the victim was found Another grantee is Mari poverty line through hard In turn as condition, the
how they will know if the tim, a grade 7 student, at the hillside the next Letecia Pajares of Brgy. Con- work and the grant from the families need to attend Fam-
vaccination card presented left their house togeth- day, according to the cepcion. Before her involve- government. ily Development Sessions
by the holder is real since er with her younger police. (RONALD ment with 4Ps, she was un- As the town observes where they learn life’s les-
it has no security features brother around 7 am O.REYES) employed with the monthly health protocols, the gradu- sons to better their families
to show its authenticity. of July 1, 2021 to look grant, she pursued her educa- ation was done door-to-door and their well-being. (NBQ/
(ROEL T.AMAZONA) for a telecommunica- tion and is now a teacher. His where the municipal officials PIA-8/Eastern Samar)
Saturday, July 10, 2021
NEWS Leyte Samar Daily Express 15
DPWH... slope protection works, em-
bankment, drainage system
will result to increase in
profitability and socio-eco-
...from Page 16 with walkways/sidewalk nomic growth.
Another ongoing proj- and bike lane. Another project which
ect is the 6-lane Ormoc For the province of Sa- has now been relieving
City Diversion Road mar, the Calbayog City the travelling public from
which will speed up trans- Coastal Road Package in traffic congestion is the
portation from 30 minutes Calbayog City is already construction of Alme-
to 10 minutes between at 82.76-percent accom- ria Bypass Road in Bili-
Brgy. San Juan and Naun- plished. Upon completion, ran. Completed in Janu-
gan Ormoc City, Leyte. this project will minimize ary 2021, this project has
This Php 1.45-Billion proj- traffic congestion in the city costed Php 95.845-Million
ect with approximately proper by diverting traffic to which accomplished the
4.5 km in length is now the Coastal Diversion Road. construction of 1.262 km
84.28-percent completed. Costing Php 1.25-Billion, four (4) lanes roadway, 20.0
Apart from smooth- this involves the construc- ln. m. bridge (4 lanes), and
er interconnectivity, the tion of 4.32 lane km gravel slope protection. Apart
promotion of economic road and the construction from providing a wider
growth through the gar- of a 12,683.01 square me- travelling opportunity, this
ment industry in New Era ters of slope protection network development proj-
in Alang-Alang, Leyte has structure. This project has ect has also been consid- Personnel from the Bureau of Animal Industry and the Northern Samar Provincial Office seized
also been given importance commenced in 2018 and is ered safer considering that meat products at Allen port due to lack of needed documents last July 5.Authorities are strength-
with the implementation currently fast-tracked. this leads to the only Pro- ening their monitoring of pork and pork products due to presence of African Fever Swine in the
of the Divisoria-Lan- Also started in 2018, the vincial Hospital and Port in region.Story on Page 2.(Photo Courtesy)
git-San Antonio Farm- construction of San Roque the Province.
San Diego-Sto. Niño Bypass Road in Northern Finally, more than 200 DILG pushes for unification of contact tracing apps
Road project. Costing Samar is now 90.67-per- households of Brgy. San MAASIN CITY-The guest of the LHNB program, systems to Stay Safe,” Pas-
Php 404.41-Million, this cent completed. This Php Isidro, Sulat, Eastern Sa- Department of the Interi- on the many QR apps now araba said.
project involves the reha- 206.74-Million project in- mar has now benefitted or and Local Government in use for contract tracing The city of Maasin and
bilitation of existing sub- volves the construction of from the recently complet- (DILG) is coordinating purposes. the province of Southern
standard concrete road 2.4017 lane kilometer con- ed Brgy. San Isidro Flood with local government “The IATF resolution Leyte, to recall, have differ-
equivalent to 12-kilome- crete road, 6.419 lane ki- Control Structure. This units who have their own supports the Stay Safe con- ent contact tracing apps,
ter with a thickness of lometer widening of road 825.58-meter flood control contact tracing applica- tact tracing system, a work the city using ARK devel-
0.28 meters and a width of and the construction of a structure with a height of tions so these can be linked in progress supported by oped by an Ormoc-based
6.70 meters. Currently, the 450 square meters concrete 3-meters has now served as with the agency’s Stay Safe LGUs,” said Pasaraba. web company, while the
project is 81.31-percent ac- bridge. Soon, the people a barrier thereby protecting system. He said some provinces, province has ACTS, or
complished. of San Roque and nearby properties and lives of the This was revealed by cities, and municipalities automated contact tracing
DPWH R8 has also im- provinces will benefit from people living in the coastal Odilon Pasaraba, DILG designed their own online system designed by IT ex-
plemented the construc- the improved mobility of area against storm surges assistant secretary, during apps for contact tracing perts from Southern Leyte
tion of Php 333.48-Mil- goods and services which and other calamities. the Laging Handa Network purposes recognized by the State University (SLSU).
lion Maasin City Coastal
Briefing program Monday, DILG, and these LGU initia- The two QR code sys-
Bypass Road in Southern Mayor Romualdez... disease (COVID-19) which
June 28, hosted by PCOO tives will be integrated with tems had since been inte-
Leyte. The completion of already claimed 90 lives.
...from Page 1 Secretary Martin Andanar. Stay Safe. grated, and these two will
this road project will con- As of Friday, the city
nect Tomas Oppus Street Asec. Pasaraba shared “For now, our national soon be linked, too, to the
policy of the national IATF. has logged 25 new cases re-
to Maasin City Port and to the update on efforts at headquarters who manag- national Stay Safe app ac-
Prior to this directive of sulting for the increase of
Bdry. Southern Leyte-Maa- a unified web-based app es Stay Safe is coordinating cording to the pronounce-
the national IATF, the city COVID-19 cases to 4,263
sin-Macrohon-Daang Ma- in response to a query by with LGUs who have their ment of DILG Asec Pas-
of Tacloban has been re- since the start of the pan-
harlika Road. Major scope Naawan, Misamis Oriental own contact tracing applica- araba.
quiring a negative RT-PCR demic last year.
of works details the con- Mayor Dennis Roa, main tions for the linking of their
results for those who want The city has now 388 ac-
struction of four-lane road to come to Tacloban. tive cases. local government units to EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT
and bridges with a total Tacloban City, the re- The Department of follow any quarantine sta-
NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late EMERITA NOFIES BALACA namely:
Ronilo N. Balaca, Jonathan N. Balaca, Eutiquio N. Balaca Jr., Darwin N. Balaca and Niño
length of 4.741 km, includ- gional capital of Eastern Health (DOH) in the re- tus and other policies which Lito N. Balaca extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a savings account
deposited in the banks , all in the name or Account of Emerita N. Balaca, more described
ing four-lane road opening Visayas, has been experi- gion, speaking through Dr. they see applicable to their as: 1) PNB - Borongan, Savings Account, Account No.: 312810069862, with bank balance
of 2.341 kilometers with encing surge of coronavirus Ma. Teresa Caidic, commu- situation in curbing further of Php 233,376.69; 2) DBP Borongan Branch, Savings Account, with Account No: 005-
16847-720-8, with bank balance of Php 506,172.56.; 3) Metro Bank - Borongan Branch,
nicable diseases unit head, spread of the virus. (JOEY Savings account, Account No.: 390-3-39018863-4, with Bank balance of Php 321,552.19;
per Doc. No.558, Page No. 91, Book No. XII, Series of 2021 of Notary Public Atty.
said that their office allows A. GABIETA) Joseph P. Osias.
LSDE: July 10, 17 & 24, 2021

Today is your lucky day!!!
Try your Luck, Relax and
Feel the Excitement of the
Maasin City Main Office
(053) 570-8236 Enjoy and have more fun...

Tacloban: 523-8383 Opens 10:00 AM to
325-6363 12 MIDNIGHT daily
Palo: 832-1991 2nd Level YT Bldg.,
Baybay: 563-9120/563-9010
Sogod: (053) 577-8527 Justice Romualdez St.,
Hilongos: (053) 567-8184 Tacloban City
Ormoc: (053) 561-6818
16 Leyte Samar Daily Express NEWS Saturday, July 10, 2021

DPWH 8 fast tracks high-impact

projects in EV; completes over 500
bridges and 1380-km national roads
ernment functions and communities in Eastern ported to be at 92.58-per-
infrastructure in order to Visayas. The Php 6.138-Bil- cent accomplished.
promptly deliver aid to di- lion worth Leyte Tide Em- Also, the construc-
saster-stricken areas. bankment Project is now tion of 48.20 km. Ma-
Thus, the inception of 80.37-percent completed. haplag-Hilongos Road
the 30,858 linear meters Another big-ticket proj- has been considered
Leyte Tide Embankment ect that is nearly complet- high-impact to the people
Project which endeavored ed is the construction of of the province of Leyte.
to protect over 30,000 res- the Php 703.6-million Palo Now with 25.83-percent
idences along the coasts of West Bypass Road project accomplishment rate,
Tacloban City stretching to which has diverted traffic in the Mahaplag-Hilongos
the municipalities of Palo Palo, Leyte, particularly in road will connect two (2)
and Tanauan, Leyte. Imple- the junction of Palo-Cariga- municipalities in the 5th
mented in 2016, this proj- ra-Ormoc Road and Daang District of Leyte. In the
ect is primarily designed to Maharlika LT Road. This future, transportation of
protect lives and millions has reduced the travel time goods and services will
worth of properties from from 30 minutes (via Daang be smoother through this
the possible occurrence of Maharlika LT Road) to 15 shorter route. Travel time

BARAS, Palo, Leyte the completion of 570 The Php 2-Billion project
– Public Works and High- bridges, which mostly in- does not only increase the
ways Region VIII bared volves bridge widening; development potentials in
that 570 bridges and major repair of the region’s the province but will also
1380.25 kilometers of na- permanent bridges; and reduce travel time from 1 ½
tional roads have been retrofitting/strengthening hours to 30 minutes bene-
built and improved in of bridges. From July 2016 fiting more than 1,000 mo-
Eastern Visayas in the past to December 2020, Region torists a day.
five years. VIII has the highest num- Soon to complement
Since 2016, DPWH Re- ber of completed bridge the proposed international
gion 8 has dispersed great projects nationwide. seaport that will be con-
strides in improving road DPWH Secretary Mark structed in the town of
network capacity within A. Villar, leading the infra- Babatngon, Leyte is the
the region through the structure grail of the coun- Php 1.198-Billion Taclo-
“Build, Build, Build” pro- try, has announced during ban City Bypass Road
gram. A total of 1380.25 his on-site inspection in Extension. This 6-lane km
kilometers of national Tacloban City in 2018 that roadway project with a total
roads has been complet- part of his priorities is im- length of 33.00 km is envi-
ed encompassing projects proving the road network sioned to decongest traffic
on rehabilitation, re-con- in Eastern Visayas, there- along Tacloban-Babatngon
struction, and widening by fostering better mobil- Road going to Tacloban
of roads; the construction ity while ensuring that the City Proper, shortening the
of by-passes and diversion people of EV will be pro- travel time from 1 ½ hours
roads; as well as preven- tected from calamities. to 45 minutes. storm surge in these cov- minutes (via Palo West By- from Maasin City going
tive maintenance of road Tacloban City Bypass Meanwhile, the dev- ered areas. Pass Road). This project to Tacloban City which is
in the whole region. Road which has already astation brought by the Despite many challeng- involving the construction currently at approximate-
The region’s intercon- been alleviating the traf- super typhoon “Yolanda” es, Sec. Villar ensured that of two (2) bridges, namely ly 4 hours will soon be
nectivity between islands fic situation along Daang drove the government to the completion of this proj- Caloogan Bridge and Ban- cut to a whopping 1 hour
and provinces has also Maharlika is now reported commence an action for ect is fast-tracked as this gon Bridge has a total length and 30 minutes.
been enhanced through 93.49-percent completed. the recovery of local gov- project aims to build safer of 2.956 km and is now re- see DPWH /page 15....

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