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International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology

Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X (

doi :

Blockchain Based E-Voting System

Prof. Mrunal Pathak1, Amol Suradkar2, Ajinkya Kadam2, Akansha Ghodeswar2, Prashant Parde2
1Assistant Professor at Information Technology Department, AISSMS Institute of Information technology,
Pune, Maharashtra, India
B.E. Scholar, Information Technology Department, AISSMS Institute of Information technology, Pune,

Maharashtra, India


Article Info Increasingly digital technology in the present helped many people lives. Unlike
Volume 8, Issue 3 the electoral system, there are many conventional uses of paper in its
Page Number : 134-140 implementation. The aspect of security and transparency is a threat from still
widespread election with the conventional system (offline). General elections
Publication Issue still use a centralized system, there is one organization that manages it. Some of
May-June-2021 the problems that can occur in traditional electoral systems is with an
organization that has full control over the database and system, it is possible to
Article History tamper with the database of considerable opportunities. Blockchain technology
Accepted : 07 May 2021 is one of solutions, because it embraces a decentralized system and the entire
Published : 14 May 2021 database are owned by many users. Blockchain itself has been used in the
Bitcoin system known as the decentralized Bank system. By adopting
blockchain in the distribution of databases on e-voting systems can reduce one
of the cheating sources of database manipulation. This research discusses the
recording of voting result using blockchain algorithm from every place of
election. Unlike Bitcoin with its Proof of Work, this thesis proposed a method
based on a predetermined turn on the system for each node in the built of
Keywords : Blockchain, ethereum, smart contracts, e-voting, solidity

I. INTRODUCTION a set of people make their choices and the choices of

them could be kept secretly. Most of the e-voting
E-voting is widely used in society life. But it is not schemes need a trusted public bulletin board to
obvious how to ensure the outcome is respected when provide a consistent view to all voters. However, it is
the decision is financially or politically related. The not clearly for election administrator to show the
correctness, security and privacy are always the most public bulletin board can be completely trusted. Some
important characters. Secure e-voting is a kind of people realize blockchain can be used as the bulletin
secure multi-party computation. In the voting process, board because the content is publicly trusted.

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Technoscience Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under the 134
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
Prof. Mrunal Pathak et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. May-June-2021, 8 (3) : 134-140

Blockchain served as a decentralized database provides public/secret keys. The public key is known to all
new tools for creating trustless and decentralized parties, while the secret key is separated to all parties
system. In the blockchain system, there is no trusted and nobody gets the complete secret key before key
centralized coordinator. Instead, each node that is reconstruction stage. When at least of n parties upload
involved in the blockchain system holds the data their secrets, the secret key is reconstructed.
block locally. Blockchain is maintained by a
decentralized and open-membership peer to peer The voting protocol is deployed on Ethereum by smart
network. At first, this technology is designed for contract. The Ethereum script allows users to write
money transfer. With the development of it, the required smart contracts on Ethereum and
researchers are trying to reuse Blockchain in other implement powerful functions through smart
research areas such as coordinating the Internet of contracts to implement decentralized applications. All
Things, carbon dating and health-care. This sparked nodes of Ethereum network run the contract code
the invention of Ethereum , which is well known as a independently to ensure the credibility of the final
milestone in the development of blockchain. It owns a result. The final result is public verifiable.
Turing complete programming language and users can
realize the function by the smart contract in the II. REVIEW
Ethereum network.
Technology is playing an essential role in providing
Blockchain could be used as the trusted public bullet solutions to worldwide problems. Likewise, it has
board for the voting system. In addition, the smart played its part in Voting Systems. In 2011, a Web-
contract on the blockchain served as a trusted based secure E-voting system with fingerprint
computer whose result is public trusted. However, authentication was developed, where the system
only replacing the bulletin board with blockchain is administrator can define the election, party, village
not a good idea. Because there will be too many headman, polling clerks, and candidate details into the
transactions for voters to discern and the computation database also system administrator sets the election
on blockchain is very hard, this could be seen in. timings. The village headman is responsible for
In this paper, proposed a decentralized trustless e- registering the electors with their fingerprints. Polling
voting system based on blockchain. The decentralized clerks can start the election in their authenticated
system means the computation is depended on areas. Electors cannot vote before the start timing of
decentralized blockchain. The trustless system means the election, also electors’ would be authenticated for
voter do not need to rely on the election administrator, election based on their fingerprint match with already
the trust is separated to all voters. The correctness of registered fingerprints in the database, and the voter
the system depends on the whole protocol. In addition, can vote once only. The election process can be
all voters can have cryptographic assurance that the finished by the system administrator and the election
privacy of each voter can be protected. results relevant to the region would be shown after
the end of the election process.
To ensure that anybody could not tally the election
result before the end of the election, the scheme uses In traditional voting systems, the ratio of voters is
threshold encryption without trusted third party. In decreasing day by day therefore in 2015, the idea of an
addition, even if the election administrator is E-Voting System using mobile SMS was proposed
malicious, the tally result will not be changed. The named "Mobile-Electronic voting machine (M-EVM)
encryption method of it is to set up a pair of or Modified Electronic voting machine(MEVM)". This

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system has two different modes. First for those who private Ethereum with less or no delay considering
don’t have mobile phones, for them the solution is an common voting problems like vote tampering,
old traditional system but another mode is for those standing in queues, and booth capturing. Smart
who have mobile phones which is the necessary Contact (using solidity) along with voters' national
condition for using M-EVM. For successful voting identity or One Time Password (OTP) is used to
using M-EVM, the voter name concerning his/her validate voters, check eligibility, and to restrict
mobile number must be registered in the EVM multiple votes. At the voting time, users have to log in
database. Voters can vote for the specific candidate by with the same data used in registration, upon logging
sending the message in the required format and the in he would require submit voter’s fingerprint data.
result M-EVM would acknowledge the voter about After verification he would be directed to the voting
the vote. After voting that person would be blocked portal to cast his vote. After logged in once, he would
from the list after that voter cannot vote again. In this no longer be able to log in again as it would be stored
system, all registered mobile numbers will be in the database. As a storage entity two databases are
informed about the results of the election after the 1 used MongoDB and Blockchain. The registration data
hour of voting. and users’ details are stored in MongoDB whereas the
voting data and candidates’ details are stored in
Another research presents, Blockchain-based Blockchain.
Electronic Voting System (EVS) to prevent the
security threats occurring at normal EVS and ballot III. LITERATURE SURVEY
voting which ensures transparency that even the
Election Commission can’t view whom the voter Authentication of voters:
voted for. As the blockchain is immutable, no one can
There are various different strategies for
change or temper the vote once it is cast. To keep the
authentication of voters. According to Kriti Patidar
confidentiality of data the concept of Trusted Third
and Dr jain voters authentication can be done using
Party (TTP) is used, which acts as an intermediary
private key cryptography that has to be provided to
between a voter and Election Commission to
voters prior to election process.
authenticate and validate voters for casting votes
anonymously without security hazards. The system is Voters should be registered by some authority, while
multi-chain and is capable of restricting multiple vote registering the voters keys must be generated and
casting per voter. Every voter has to register himself distributes to voters in hand .
before voting starts, for which the voter has to submit
their aadhar database. During voting, the voter has to Cosmas Krisna Adiputra, has same idea for system
submit their aadhar database i.e. fingerprint. Aadhar design he also suggests that there must be an public,
data is secured using cryptography to the Election private key infrastructure, the electoral commission
Commission to make sure the voter is valid and upon (or another election manager) generates a key-pair for
validation, the voter would be navigated to the voting the election (PE; SE) which later is used for encrypting
module. After voting ends different reports can be and decrypting messages of voters. Then, each voter
generated about candidate’s results, party-wise results, needs to generate their own key-pair. (PV X; SV X)
constituency results, etc. denote the key pair of voter X. This key pair is later
used for signing the message created by the voter
Studies indicate the project about a secure, herself. Voters need to register their public key PV X
decentralized blockchain-based e-voting system using to the electoral commission for their voting eligibility

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using a designated valid ID. The electoral commission their vote, but we do not want anyone else to see what
then verifies each voter’s ID and registers the is going on, because it does not help to make sure the
corresponding public key PV X to a public list; or voting is reasonable.
rejects it if the voter is not eligible. It is crucial that
each voter keeps their public key secret in this scheme Nevertheless, countries are pressing along with an
and only sends it to the governing body. attempt to introduce blockchain voting; one of them is
Brazil [13], which uses the Ethereum blockchain to
There is some different thought of Friðrik Þ. store election data. It is a huge task to collect and
Hjálmarsson ,he has plan to use 6 digit pin for voter validate the information of around 145 million
that voter can use for voter authentication, Each registered voters. Therefore, to conduct an utterly
individual is identified and authenticated by the blockchain-based e-voting, different issues need to be
system by presenting an electronic ID from Auokenni overcome.
and the corresponding 6-digit PIN in the voting booth.
Without supervision, an individual could vote for Verifying voter identity from various angles is always
multiple people, if the individual had knowledge of a challenge; some works have tried the biometric
the PIN for each corresponding electronic ID he has. solutions, such as facial comparison, fingerprint, Iris
and retinal scan but this can be biased and easily
Roopak proposed some unique solution of using gamed or stolen. However, we think that one way to
Aadhar database for voter information. The proposed protect the stolen biometrics data is by using a
framework is an electronic voting system using virtual complex algorithms that are hard to crack. It can be
ID which is provided by the UIDAI which is unique. hashed using any hashing algorithm instead of saving
Aadhar database helps to get the demographic details the biometric information as binary data and then
including the fingerprint details of the voters/voter. stored as a reference string. The sample model should
The fingerprint is converted to the digital signature be converted to a hash value during the validation and
which can be used to ensure the security of the vote in identification process and then compared with the
the block while doing the encryption as shown in Fig. reference value.

Literature [12] propose a concrete construction of a
blockchain based self-tallying voting protocol in
decentralized IoT, and prove that it satisfies fairness,
dispute freeness, and maximal ballot secrecy. In this
system they formalize the system model of self-
tallying voting systems based on blockchain in
Anonymity and verification decentralized IoT. Literature [13] propose an
electronic voting system based on smart contracts to
One of the primary voting conditions is being
protect voters’ privacy. The test results suggested that
anonymous, with outsiders unable to access
the system can effectively reduce the cost of using
information on how someone voted. However, to get
smart contracts to vote, and protect the privacy of
citizens to cast a vote, they need to be eligible, and
voters with practicability. Literature [14]proposes an
there needs to be some way to verify that. It is a
e-voting system based on blockchain that eliminates
challenge to balance these two requirements. Once it
some of the limitations in existing voting systems. It
is on the blockchain, we want the person to see that is
also presents state of art of some blockchain

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frameworks for e-voting. The presented Analysis

implementation is suitable for small scale elections
like inside corporate houses, board rooms etc. The Blockchain systems allow the development of
implementation uses smart contract from Ethereum. blockchain-based applications. Bitcoin, Ethereum,
Truffle framework is used for development, testing Hyperledger and R3 Corda are the most renowned
and deploying smart contracts. Ganache is used as blockchain frameworks. We tried to find out which
Ethereum client for testing. Meta-mask is used as systems are mostly preferred for analyzing the details
browser wallet. Literature [15]proposes a distributed of the selected papers. However, we found that most
blockchain electronic voting scheme with self-tally of the papers containing general definitions and there
function by using blockchain. In the scheme, the were insufficient information on the technical
voter’s voting privacy information is protected by two implementation details. Many of the studies tackle
rounds of zero knowledge proof protocol, but the the overall idea of blockchain based e-voting and
voting scheme only allows voters to select two general issues affiliated with it. There seems to be a
candidates (yes/no),namely 1-out-of-2 voting, which general consensus on the idea that blockchain can be
cannot satisfy the situation of multiple candidates in applied in e-voting systems. However, technical
one voting process. details and implementation proposals are not
explicitly stated. Nevertheless, based on the studies
Table 2. Comparison of three types of voting schemes the blockchain platform usage distribution can be
Author Cryptograph Vote Technolog seen in Figure
y Countin y Used
/Encryption g Blockchain framework usage rate
mode Method
Yannan Li, Zero Self-tally Blockchain 1.1 1.2
Willy knowledge and IOT
3.5 NaN
Susilo[4] proof
Friðrik Þ. Public- Self-tally Blockchain Bitcoin
Hjálmarsson Private and smart 15.24 Ethereum
, Cryptograph contract Hyperledger
Gunnlaugur y Zcash
K. [1] Quantam
Kriti RSA Third Blockchain
Patidar, Dr. algorithms Party and ETH
Swapnil counting
Jain[4] Gas Cost and Time Analysis
McCorry et 2 Round- Self-tally ETH and
al. zero Smart Yuxian Zhang has performed gas cost and time
knowledge Contract analysis of his system they chose to deploy and test
proof the contract in the Ethereum private chain.
Consumption of Gas and money for a 40-person
election. They calculate the real-time price required
for the transaction based on the Gas Price provided by
eth gas station and the current eth price. Gas Price = 7

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gwei, 1ETH=607.76USD, A and V represent the The implementation uses blockchain as a centralized
operations of the administrator and the voter voting system. This system will use blockchain as a
respectively. The results show that it takes about network as well as database to store voter’s
$20.49 to hold such an election, and the administrator information or credentials which is going to use for
needs to spend about $3.41. MeanwhileThe result is their authentication. System will be using candidate’s
shown in Figure .Since their system do not use or voter’s details for the voting process.
complex calculations and zero-knowledge proofs in
contracts, the amount of Gas required to execute
contracts is greatly reduced, and this cost is acceptable
to the organizers and participants of the election. In future work, we will continue on the further
implementation or changes in our system and we will
Operation gas Cost gas Cost try to research on its further performance. However,
there are still some implementation that can be
Deploy(A) 3,328,566 6,088,493 applied to our system.
Initialize(A) 2,705,384 22,993,368
Basically our focus is on the development of more
Send Blind 54,780 3,773,528 efficient and sophisticated system for E-voting using
Message(v) blockchain technology and its related variable tools.
Send Signature(A) 1,821,960 68,149,05
Send Unblind 42,778 1,770,372 VI. REFERENCES
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