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Oracle® Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration

Release Notes
Part No. E12655-06
March 29, 2010

These release notes describe known issues and workarounds for the Oracle Business
Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console releases and
The Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console is a
centralized console for schema management as well as configuration, administration,
loading, and monitoring of the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.
The following list describes the sections of this document:
■ Section 1, "How to Use These Release Notes"
■ Section 2, "General Issues and Workarounds"
■ Section 3, "Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console:
■ Section 4, "Documentation Accessibility"

1 How to Use These Release Notes

These release notes are updated periodically as new information becomes available. To
ensure that you are reading the latest release of the release notes, check the Oracle
Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console Documentation Web

2 General Issues and Workarounds

This section describes general issues and workarounds for the Oracle Business
Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console. It contains the following topics:
■ Section 2.1, "Certification Information"
■ Section 2.2, "Installation and Upgrade"
■ Section 2.3, "Documentation Corrections"

2.1 Certification Information

For certification information, refer to the System Requirements and Supported Platforms
for Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console document. This
document is part of the Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration
Console documentation set.

2.2 Installation and Upgrade
This section provides release notes on installing and upgrading Oracle Business
Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console. It contains the following topics:
■ Section 2.2.1, "DAC Release Usage with Oracle Business Intelligence
■ Section 2.2.2, "Invoke setup.exe From the Relevant Platform Directory on the
Installation CD-ROM"
■ Section 2.2.3, "Oracle Universal Installer Cannot Install DAC On A UNIX
■ Section 2.2.4, "Co-locate the DAC Server With the Informatica Server"
■ Section 2.2.5, "Informatica Static Parameter Files Need to Be Copied from Oracle
Business Intelligence Applications Installation Folder to DAC Folder"
■ Section 2.2.6, "Oracle Universal Installer Cannot Remove DAC"
■ Section 2.2.7, "Deinstalling DAC"
■ Section 2.2.8, "Custom SQL and Index Overrides Are Obsoleted"
■ Section 2.2.9, "Installing DAC On a Non-English Environment Server
Without an Oracle Home"
■ Section 2.2.10, "Platform Upgrade Users Should Accept Target for Phases Before
■ Section 2.2.11, "Installer Requests Oracle Home Location"
■ Section 2.2.12, "DAC Behavior for Truncating Tables When Upgrading from DAC
7.9.x to DAC"

2.2.1 DAC Release Usage with Oracle Business Intelligence Applications
This issues applies to Release and
DAC release is an Oracle BI foundation component that is designed to be used
with Oracle Business Intelligence Applications. Before installing DAC release,
ensure that a working instance of any prior release of DAC exists in your current
Oracle Business Intelligence Applications environment.
DAC release will be installed in an Oracle home directory, which is a different
directory from the current working Oracle BI/DAC directory. Therefore, DAC release can be installed on the same machine that contains your current release of the
DAC Client (or DAC Server). DAC release can co-exist with previous releases.
When the DAC Client release is configured to read DAC metadata in the
current DAC repository database for the first time, the current DAC repository will be
upgraded to be compatible with DAC release Only the DAC Client release (and DAC Server release can be used to read that repository after the

2.2.2 Invoke setup.exe From the Relevant Platform Directory on the Installation
This issue applies to Releases and
You need to invoke the DAC setup.exe file from the relevant platform directory on the
installation CD-ROM.

For example, to install DAC on the Windows 32-bit version, you need to access the
setup.exe file from the directory \dac\disk1\install\win32\setup.exe.

2.2.3 Oracle Universal Installer Cannot Install DAC On A UNIX Platform

This issues applies to Releases and
The Oracle Universal Installer cannot install DAC on UNIX (that is, AIX,
Solaris, HP). Therefore, to install a DAC Server on UNIX, you copy the \DAC folder
from the Windows machine on which the DAC Client is installed to a UNIX machine,
as described below.

1. On the Windows machine on which the DAC Client is installed, create a
temporary directory (for example, a directory named \OracleBI_UNIX\).
You will use this temporary directory to create a zip file for the UNIX/Solaris
2. Copy the \DAC\ directory to the temporary directory (for example, \OracleBI_
3. From the \DAC\ directory in the temporary directory, remove the \export and
\icons sub-folders.
4. Zip up the temporary directory (for example, \OracleBI_Solaris\).
5. Copy the ZIP file to the target UNIX machine.
Note: If you use FTP to copy the zip file, use binary mode.
6. On the target UNIX machine, place the zip file in a directory where you want to
install the DAC server.
7. On the target machine, unzip the zip file.
8. Shell scripts are provided in the DAC/unix_script_bkp directory. Copy these files
to the /DAC directory.
After copying these files to a UNIX machine and before using them, you may need
to use a MS-DOS to UNIX conversion tool to convert the script files to UNIX
format (that is, remove the carriage return and line feed characters). Alternatively,
you can manually remove the carriage return and line feed characters from the
script files.
9. On the UNIX machine copy the appropriate JDBC drivers to the /DAC/lib
10. If required, edit the or config.csh file located in the /DAC directory to
point to the correct version of the Java JDK by setting the JAVA_HOME
environment variable.

2.2.4 Co-locate the DAC Server With the Informatica Server

This issue applies to Releases and
When you use DAC release and in conjunction with Oracle Business
Intelligence Applications, you need to ensure the DAC Server is co-located with the
Informatica Server.

2.2.5 Informatica Static Parameter Files Need to Be Copied from Oracle Business
Intelligence Applications Installation Folder to DAC Folder
This issues applies to Releases and
After you install DAC, you need to copy the Informatica static parameter files
named parameterfileDW.txt and parameterfileOLTP.txt from the Oracle BI
Applications installation folder into the DAC folder.
1. Navigate to the Oracle BI Applications folder
2. Copy the static parameter files named parameterfileDW.txt and
parameterfileOLTP.txt into the DAC folder

2.2.6 Oracle Universal Installer Cannot Remove DAC

This issues applies to Release only.
The Oracle Universal Installer cannot remove DAC To remove DAC manually,
follow the steps in the workaround below.

Use the following procedures to remove DAC manually.
On all platforms:
■ Delete the entire ORACLE_HOME directory location where DAC is installed.
This is the location that is specified during the installation location of DAC.
On a Windows platform, perform the following additional steps:
1. Locate the installed DAC Oracle Home Name ID, as follows:
a. Start the Windows registry editor 'regedit'.
c. In "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE", locate the registry
key name beginning with "KEY_" that has the ORACLE_HOME value set to
the installed DAC location.
d. Make a note of the value of ORACLE_HOME_NAME, which is the Oracle
Home Name ID.
In the remaining steps of this task, the Oracle Home Name ID will be referred
2. Delete the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_
3. Delete the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_
DAC 10g_Oracle - ${ORACLE_HOME_NAME}".
4. Delete the registry value "Oracle Merant ODBC Driver in DAC 10g_Oracle -
ODBC Driver in DAC 10g_Oracle - ${ORACLE_HOME_NAME}".

5. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder "C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Start Menu\Programs\${ORACLE_HOME_NAME}-Oracle Business
6. If the \Programs\${ORACLE_HOME_NAME}-Oracle Business Intelligence folder
contains one folder named "${ORACLE_HOME_NAME}-DataWarehouse
Administration Console 10g", then delete the folder "C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\${ORACLE_HOME_NAME}-Oracle
Business Intelligence".
7. If the \Programs\${ORACLE_HOME_NAME}-Oracle Business Intelligence folder
contains multiple folders, then delete the folder named "${ORACLE_HOME_
NAME}-DataWarehouse Administration Console 10g".

2.2.7 Deinstalling DAC

This issues applies to Release only.
DAC can be deinstalled using the deinstaller or the silent deinstall command.
Use the following procedure to deinstall DAC from Windows
1. Go to%ORACLE_HOME%\oui\bin\setup.exe –deinstall to launch the installer.
Or launch the installer by accessing the Windows Start Menu, selecting Programs,
and selecting DataWarehouse Administration Console 10g Oracle –
2. Follow the information and directions presented to you on the installer dialogs.

Note: Since the DAC installer installs to ORACLE_HOME, you must

select the first radio button (Deinstall Oracle Home) to properly
deinstall DAC.

Use the following procedure to deinstall DAC from Linux

1. Go to $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/runInstaller -deinstalll to launch the installer.
2. Follow the information and directions presented to you on the installer dialogs.

Note: Since the DAC installer installs to ORACLE_HOME, you must

select the first radio button (Deinstall Oracle Home) to properly
deinstall DAC.

Use the following commands to deinstall DAC using the silent deinstall command
■ For Windows, enter the following command:
%ORACLE_HOME%\oui\bin\setup.exe -ignoreSysPrereqs -silent
-waitforcompletion -noconsole -nowait -deinstall OH_HOME_
■ For Linux, enter the following command:
$ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin/runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs -sd OH_

2.2.8 Custom SQL and Index Overrides Are Obsoleted
This issues applies to Releases and
Custom SQL and Index Overrides are not supported by DAC If you are
upgrading from an Oracle Business Intelligence Applications 7.9.x release of DAC, you
need to manually convert your XML definitions to actions, as described in this section.
For all tasks, this issue applies to:
■ Pre-Full-Load Command
■ Pre-Incremental Load Command
■ Post-Full-Load Command
■ Pre-Incremental Load Command
For tasks that are of type SQL File, this issue applies to:
■ Load Types
- Full Command
- Incremental Command
■ Indexes
- Index overrides

Upgrading the Existing Task Related SQL Files

For each definition in the XML files, you should create a new action under tasks
(Tools->Seed Data->Tasks). You import your xml/sql files by right-clicking on a newly
created action, and choosing 'Read Action From File'.
Once you have created these actions, associate them with the tasks that use them by
defining actions under the Actions tab. Choose Preceding Action, Succeeding Action,
and associate the appropriate mode (Full/Incremental/Both).
Note: If you have used pre and post SQL commands to manage indexes, consider
using actions for indexes.
For the 'Full Command' and 'Incremental Command' tasks, define actions on the
'Command For Full Load' and 'Command For Incremental Load' fields, using the
Choose button on the field itself.

2.2.9 Installing DAC On a Non-English Environment Server Without an Oracle

This issues applies to Release only
When installing DAC server onto a non-English environment upon which no Oracle
products have been installed and, therefore, no Oracle Home exists, the Specify
Inventory Directory dialog appears. This dialog contains instructions for creating an
inventory directory; however, for some users, these instructions may be truncated. See
the below paragraphs for the dialog’s full text.
"You are starting your first installation on this host. As part of this install, you need to
specify a directory for installer files. This is called the "inventory directory." Within the
inventory directory, the installer automatically sets up subdirectories for each product
to contain inventory data and will consume typically 150 Kilobytes per product.
Enter the full path of the inventory directory.

You can specify an Operation System group that has write permissions to the above

2.2.10 Platform Upgrade Users Should Accept Target for Phases Before Merge
This issues applies to Releases and
The DAC upgrade process generates a difference report highlighting conflicts and
offers some default actions to resolve the conflicts. In the case of the Platform Upgrade
(upgrading from DAC 7.8 to DAC, "Accept Source" is usually the default
However, users should explicitly choose to "Accept Target" when "Phase" is shown as
different between the source and the target.
Users should choose "Accept Source" for phase differences in other kinds of upgrade
scenarios like Refresh Base or Replace Base.

2.2.11 Installer Requests Oracle Home Location

This issues applies to Releases and
During installation, the DAC installer asks for the location of Oracle Home. Note, the
installer is not asking for an exiting Oracle (Database) home. Instead, the installer is
asking for the location where DAC has to be installed.

Provide an empty folder location as the Oracle Home for DAC.

2.2.12 DAC Behavior for Truncating Tables When Upgrading from DAC 7.9.x to DAC
When upgrading from DAC 7.9.x to DAC, DAC does not truncate some
target tables even if the Truncate Always flag is selected on the target table. This occurs
when more than one DAC task writes to the target table.
The DAC behavior for truncating tables when more than one DAC task writes to the
target table is as follows:
■ The first DAC task truncates the target table. DAC does not truncate the target
tables during the execution of the subsequent tasks even if the Truncate Always or
Truncate for Full Load flags are checked on the subsequent tasks.
■ DAC truncates a target table only once during the life span of one ETL execution.
■ If the DAC task belongs to a group and the group truncate property is different
from the individual task truncate properties, the target table will be not truncated.
You need to identify those tasks and associate a truncate table task action as a
preceding action to these tasks if the truncate is truly desired.

2.3 Documentation Corrections

This section provides release notes on DAC documentation. It contains the following
■ Section 2.3.1, "Product Documentation Not Updated for DAC"

2.3.1 Product Documentation Not Updated for DAC

This issues applies to Release only.

The DAC online help and manuals were not updated to reflect changes made to the
DAC installer and user interface.
There is no workaround for this issue.

3 Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration

Console: General
This section provides release notes on the functionality of the Oracle Business
Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console. It contains the following topics:
■ Section 3.1, "Export Erases All Files in the Target Folder"
■ Section 3.2, "Passwords are Un-Encrypted when DAC Interacts with Informatica"
■ Section 3.3, "Cannot Authenticate User on AIX"
■ Section 3.4, "Configuring DAC to Prevent a User Authentication Error on
■ Section 3.5, "Testing an Individual Workflow"
■ Section 3.6, "Subject Area Design Rules"
■ Section 3.7, "Execution Plan Build Process Rules"
■ Section 3.8, "Configuring DAC to Create a Different Number of Parallel Indexes by
■ Section 3.9, "Setting the "Worker Pool Size" System Property Value"
■ Section 3.10, "Handling Parameter File with Multi-Line Parameters"
■ Section 3.11, "Restoring DAC Repository on Unicode Oracle Database for Japanese
■ Section 3.12, "Importing the Data Warehouse Container Into the DAC Repository"
■ Section 3.13, "Users in All Roles Can Change Their Passwords"
■ Section 3.14, "Prune Days Can Be Set By Source for Multi-Source ETL"
■ Section 3.15, "Connecting to Teradata Version 12"
■ Section 3.16, "Class Names for Teradata JDBC Driver Changed in Teradata Version
■ Section 3.17, "JDBC Connection "URL Override" To Handle Specific Database
■ Section 3.18, "Upgrading Data Warehouse Schema When DAC is Installed on
■ Section 3.19, "DAC Parameters Can Be Specified for Full Load or Incremental Load
■ Section 3.20, "Mapping Multiple Database-Specific Informatica Workflows to the
Same DAC Task"
■ Section 3.21, "DAC Task Failing On Non-English Operating System"

3.1 Export Erases All Files in the Target Folder

This issues applies to Releases and

In DAC, you can work around this issue by exporting files only into a new
folder or into an erasable folder containing DAC metadata.
In DAC, the Export behavior was modified as follows:
■ If the target folder is empty, DAC exports without a warning.
■ If the target folder contains DAC metadata, DAC exports after warning and when
OK is clicked. The process replaces all content in the target folder with a new
■ If the target folder has non-DAC metadata along with DAC Metadata, DAC
exports after warning and when OK is clicked. The process replaces all content in
the target folder with new export. All non-DAC metadata is deleted.
■ If the target folder has only non-DAC metadata, DAC cannot export into that
target folder.

3.2 Passwords are Un-Encrypted when DAC Interacts with Informatica

This issues applies to Releases and
DAC sends the Informatica repository and server passwords un-encrypted when
communicating with Informatica through pmcmd and pmrep commands.

Use the following procedure to force password encryption.

Note: In the examples included in the following procedure, the

Informatica server and Informatica Repository server use the
password Administrator.

1. Open a command window and type the following command to create an

encrypted Informatica password for pmcmd and pmrep
pmpasswd Administrator -e CRYPT_SYSTEM
This step will produce something similar to the following text:
Informatica PowerMart Encryption Utility, 32-bit
Copyright (c) Informatica Corporation 1996-2008
All Rights Reserved

Encrypted string
Will decrypt to –>Administrator<–

2. Create a new Environment Variable with the following properties.

Name– INFA_PASSWORD (Or any name that you choose.)
Value– dMGpMvpsuQwXD5UvRmq0OZxhppTWK0Y7fzBtxHL04Gg=

Note: The value should be exactly as shown in the encrypted

message in the Command window (the value between --> and

3. Modify the file DAC\conf\infa_command.xml by replacing all occurrences of
<-p> with <-pv> and <-x> with <-X>.
4. Stop the DAC server.
5. Log into the DAC client and navigate to the Setup menu and choose the
Informatica Servers tab.
6. Highlight the Informatica Server record and enter the name of the environment
variable that you created in Step 2 of this procedure as the value of Password. Save
the record.
7. Repeat the previous step for the Informatica Repository Server.
8. Close and re-open the client to test the connections.
9. If the DAC server is located on the same machine, start the DAC server and run
10. Verify that DAC issues the following pmcmd command.
pmcmd startworkflow -sv BI_DW_Server -d <Domain> -u Administrator -pv **** -f
<folder> -lpf <filename><workflow>
INFORMATICS TASK:<workflow> has finished execution with Completed status.

11. If the DAC server is on another Windows machine, do the following:

1. Set the environmental variable on the server machine and modify the
2. Shut down the DAC server when testing Informatica connectivity or unit
testing a DAC task via the DAC client.
12. If the DAC server is on a non-Windows machine, do the following:

1. Set the environmental variable on the server machine and modify the
2. Shut down the DAC server when testing Informatica connectivity or unit
testing a DAC task via the DAC client.

3.3 Cannot Authenticate User on AIX

This issues applies to Release For information about preventing this issue for
Release, see Section 3.4, "Configuring DAC to Prevent a User
Authentication Error on AIX".
If the DAC server is installed on Unix and customers insert or modify any user
property through the user management feature on the client, the "Can’t Authenticate
User" error appears at the next login.

Perform the following procedure before manipulating the user's properties.

Note: These steps are required every time user passwords are
modified on DAC when the DAC server is on AIX.

1. Shutdown the DAC server.

2. Go to the DAC Client Set Up dialog and select the System Properties tab. Change
the Server OS property from AIX to Windows (or any other value).
3. Save and close the client.
4. Make and save the required user changes.
5. Save and close the client.
6. Open the client and set the Server OS property back to AIX.
7. Save and close the client.
8. Start the DAC server and DAC client and confirm that the error message does not

3.4 Configuring DAC to Prevent a User Authentication Error on

This issues applies to Release For information about preventing this issue
for Release, see Section 3.3, "Cannot Authenticate User on AIX".
If the DAC server is installed on Unix and customers insert or modify any
user property through the user management feature on the client, the "Can’t
Authenticate User" error appears at the next login.

To prevent this issue, you must perform the following configuration.
1. Shut down the DAC server.
2. Open the client and read the DAC repository. If the DAC repository is a prior
release, click Yes when prompted to upgrade.
3. Go to the Setup menu and choose DAC System Properties. Enter the DAC server
4. On the AIX machine hosting the DAC server, navigate to the directory containing
5. Execute
6. Re-enter all passwords wherever they apply (for example, DAC repository and
7. Save your changes and start the DAC server.

3.5 Testing an Individual Workflow

This issues applies to Releases and
All DAC tasks in an execution plan can be individually tested, regardless of their
position in the dependency graph. Therefore, a task at depth 10 can be tested without
running the execution plan. This is done by highlighting the desired task, clicking the
Preview Run Details button, and clicking the Execute button in the resulting dialog.
DAC then generates the required parameter files and issues the proper pmcmd
command to execute the appropriate workflow.
In DAC 7.9, after a task is run via DAC, you can re-run the corresponding workflow
directly from Informatica workflow monitor or workflow manager to unit test the
workflow. This process is possible because DAC generates a parameter file named

exactly as in the Informatica sessions. In DAC and DAC, DAC
generates parameter files and log files with variable names and therefore it is not
possible to re-run workflows directly from Informatica.

Always run tasks from DAC using the Preview Run Details in the Execute view to unit
test individual workflows.

3.6 Subject Area Design Rules

This issues applies to Releases and
DAC generates a list of relevant tasks when assembling a subject area. This process is
transparent to the users. When a user specifies a fact or a set of facts as the central
tables in a subject area, DAC performs the following process:
1. Examines the dimension tables associated with these facts and adds these tables to
the subject area.
2. Examines the Related Tables (like aggregates) associated to these facts or
dimensions and adds them into the subject area definition.
3. Examines the tasks in which the tables listed in the above two process are target
tables and adds these tasks into the subject area.
4. Adds the source tables in the tasks listed in the previous step.
5. Examines the tasks in which the tables listed in the above two process are target
tables and adds these tasks to the subject area.
DAC performs this process recursively until all tasks are listed. A task is listed only
once, even if it is associated with several tables in the subject area. DAC then expands
or trims the total number of tasks based on the configuration rules defined as
configuration tags. This process can be resource intensive as DAC loads all of the
objects in the container into memory before parsing.

3.7 Execution Plan Build Process Rules

This issues applies to Releases and
DAC builds an execution plan (generates a task dependency graph) based on the
following rules for the metadata in the design and setup views.
■ The ETL Phase Priority defined in seed data.
■ A task with a target table that is not a source table in any other task will be a leaf
■ If multiple tasks write to the same target table, the task that truncates the table will
have the highest priority.
■ The priority of the source connection and target connections, which you define by
selecting the Setup menu and choosing Physical Data Sources.
■ Task Groups (the first task in the group determines the position of the group in the
dependency graph).
■ Phase Dependency defined at the task level.

3.8 Configuring DAC to Create a Different Number of Parallel Indexes by
This issues applies to Release only.
In the past, users could configure the number of parallel indexes that DAC created for
a given connection. This property applied to all tables in that connection. It was not
possible to create only one index at a time on one table and more than one index at a
time on another table. In DAC, users can configure the number of parallel
indexes in two ways: at a connection level that applies to all tables or at a table level
within a connection that applies to specific tables.
At a connection level that applies to all tables – This method is set by accessing the
DAC client, selecting the Setup menu, choosing Physical Data Source, then choosing
Edit (Sub Tab), and specifying a value in the Number of Parallel Connections per Table
This value applies to all tables in this connection. For example, if the value is 2, then
DAC creates two indexes in parallel on all tables.
At a table level within a connection that applies to specific tables – This method is
set by accessing the DAC client, selecting the Setup menu, choosing Physical Data
Source, then choosing the Parallel Indexes (Sub Tab). Enter the Name of the Table and
number of indexes you want to run in parallel for that table
The value set at the table level overrides the value set at the connection level
(described in the "At a connection level that applies to all tables" method, above).
For example, if a user configures DAC to create two parallel indexes on all tables in the
data warehouse connection and sets DAC to create one index in parallel on W_
ORDER_F, then DAC creates two indexes at a time on all tables except W_ORDER_F,
for which only one index will be created at a time.

3.9 Setting the "Worker Pool Size" System Property Value

This issues applies to Release only.
The Worker Pool Size property is new for DAC The worker pool size is the
number of worker threads that perform operations such as drop/create indexes,
truncate/analyze tables, and ETL jobs like SQL and Informatica workflows.
The property’s value corresponds to the number of task details that are anticipated to
run in parallel. The default size is 50, which assumes that 10 tasks run in parallel and
each task has five detail sub-tasks (for example, truncate, drop index, create index,
analyze table) running in parallel.
It is prudent to increase this number when running more ETL tasks and/or task details
in parallel. For example the Worker Pool Size can be set to 100 if the number of parallel
indexes is set to two per table.
Running multiple threads can be resource intensive; therefore, you should set this
value as low as possible.

3.10 Handling Parameter File with Multi-Line Parameters

This issues applies to Releases and
Informatica workflows initiated by DAC fail with error code 17 and the error message
"Parameter file does not exist" when the parameter file has multi-line parameters. See

the below text for an example. Note that in the following example, an error occurs
because DAC issues pmcmd with -lpf in the syntax.
getTableName() TRUNCATE PARTITION ' || '"' ||COUNTRY_REGION_NAME|| '"' ||''''




CONNECT BY prev = PRIOR curr START WITH curr = 1

To prevent this issue, edit DAC\Conf\infa_command.xml and replace all instances of
<-lpf> with <-paramfile>.
This workaround will ensure that DAC uses -paramfile in the pmcmd syntax and
Informatica can recognize the multi-line parameters.

3.11 Restoring DAC Repository on Unicode Oracle Database for Japanese

This issues applies to Releases and
When the DAC repository resides on a non-unicode Oracle database, the Informatica
workflow names may not fit into the corresponding DAC fields, which causes tasks to
fail during ETL.
There is no work around for this issue in release The workaround for release is below.


Note: This workaround is for release only.

To work properly in multi-byte character environments, the DAC repository should be

created by DAC with the unicode option checked in the initial login screen.
Perform the following procedure to fix an existing DAC repository with this problem.
1. Install DAC
2. Connect to the existing DAC repository with DAC and upgrade the
repository when prompted.
3. Export the entire repository (logical, system, and run time categories).
4. Stop the DAC server and all clients.
5. Drop the current repository and/or Create a new repository with @ unicode
6. Import the DAC metadata exported in step three above.

7. Re-enter the passwords for all Informatica servers (services) and all physical data
source connections. To re-enter the passwords, access the DAC Client and choose
the Setup view.

3.12 Importing the Data Warehouse Container Into the DAC Repository
This issues applies to Release only.
Most DAC repository objects are developed in the data warehouse container and
referenced into other source system containers that are shipped out of the box.
Customers using DAC can import the Oracle Business Intelligence
Applications 7.9.6. data warehouse container.

3.13 Users in All Roles Can Change Their Passwords

This issues applies to Release only.
In DAC, only an administrator could change a user's password. Users had to
request that their administrator change passwords, which meant that for password
changes, the administrator would know all passwords.
In DAC, all DAC users can change their own passwords regardless of roles
and without the help of their administrator.

3.14 Prune Days Can Be Set By Source for Multi-Source ETL

This issues applies to Release only.
In DAC, the prune date parameter was set at the execution plan level.
However, in a multi-source scenario, you may want to control the prune date for
different sources at different prune date ranges. Some sources may require a bigger
prune date range with more remote/sync gap than others.
In DAC, prune dates can be set at the execution plan level for the entire plan
or in the execution plan parameters for specific source connections. Dates set at the
source level in the parameters override the date set at the overall execution plan level.
If no dates are set at the source level in the execution plan parameters, the dates
default to the execution plan level.

3.15 Connecting to Teradata Version 12

This issues applies to Releases and
DAC requires Teradata JDBC Driver to connect to Teradata version R12. Note
the following URLs.
■ To acquire the Teradata JDBC driver, go to the Teradata web site at
After accessing this site, go to the Teradata Download Center in the Teradata JDBC
Driver section.
■ To acquire the Teradata JDBC Driver User Guide Release 13.00.00, go to the
Teradata - Information Products Home page at

This release of the Teradata JDBC Driver is distributed as platform-independent JAR
files in both ZIP ( and TAR (TeraJDBC__
Perform the following procedure to properly set the classpath to refer to the correct
JAR files.

Note: It is recommended that you deinstall any previous

release of the Teradata JDBC Driver prior to downloading and
installing Teradata JDBC Driver

1. Download either the ZIP file or the TAR file and unzip (or untar) the downloaded
file into a directory of your choice.
2. Copy the following files into the DAC\lib folder.
■ terajdbc4.jar
■ tdgssconfig.jar

3.16 Class Names for Teradata JDBC Driver Changed in Teradata Version
This issues applies to Releases and
Starting in Teradata Version 12, the class names have changed for the Teradata JDBC
driver. However, the names used in the previous version still work with DAC but with
a warning. To avoid these warnings, modify DAC\conf\connection_template.xml
when using Teradata Drivers Version 12 and above. To modify this file, open the
connection_template.xml file and follow the instructions included in the file.

3.17 JDBC Connection "URL Override" To Handle Specific Database

This issues applies to Release only.
DAC provides a mechanism for overriding the JDBC connection strings for some
database types. This is done by modifying the connection_template.xml document.
The location of this document is DAC\conf\connection_template.xml. Note that these
changes to the connection_template.xml document apply to all instances of the
database type.
For example, if the URL to connect to MSSQL is modified in the file connection_
template.xml, the modifications apply to all MSSQL connections that appear in DAC
(for example, source connections, target connections, and connection to the DAC
Server). Note that in the case where there are multiple source connections of type
MSSQL and users need to connect to each of them using a different URL, this process
will not work.
DAC allows users override connection strings with a different JDBC URL for
every specific connection. You can configure the connections using the following
■ You can configure connections to different databases by using two new fields
(JDBC URL Override and JDBC Driver Override) to add connection specific JDBC
URLs. To access these fields, go to the Setup menu and choose Physical Data

Sources tab. When entering text into these fields, you must be sure to conform to
the database specifications.
■ You can configure the DAC Client connection (to create or connect to the DAC
repository) with user specified URLs in the DAC client login screen.
■ The DAC Server can be configured using specific JDBC URLs.
- If the DAC Server is installed on Windows, you can configure specific JDBC
URLs by accessing the client and using the Server Set Up menu.
- If the DAC Server is installed on Unix or Linux, you can configure the JDBC
URLs by executing and following the on screen

3.18 Upgrading Data Warehouse Schema When DAC is Installed on

This issues applies to Release only.
In previous DAC releases, users could not upgrade the data warehouse when it was
installed on Teradata. This issue has been resolved in DAC
When a user navigates to the DAC Data Warehouse Configuration Wizard for creating
or upgrading the data warehouse and enters Teradata as the target, the user can now
choose between creating or upgrading an existing data warehouse. After the user
chooses the data warehouse upgrade option and follows the on-screen instructions,
DAC generates four files, two SQL files and two log files, and puts them in the
following location: DAC\conf\sqlgen\sql\teradata.
The four files are described below.
■ upgrade-regular.sql – This file handles new or altered tables, new columns, and
altered columns (for example, increasing size of simple data types, null to not null
with default).
■ upgrade-questionable.sql – This file handles column changes like changes in data
types or primary indexes.

Note: The upgrade-questionable.sql file contains scripts that may not

be dependable and may not work properly. Users should confirm with
their Teradata database administrator that the script can be run
successfully or, if necessary, modified to run successfully.

■ upgradedwtables_sql.log – This file corresponds to the upgrade-regular.sql file.

This file contain information about the SQL script and not about the results of
executing the SQL script.
■ upgrade-issues.log – This file corresponds to the upgrade-questionable.sql file.
This LOG file contains any issues in the SQL upgrade-questionable.sql file that
DAC is unsure about. This file contains information about the SQL script and not
about the results of executing the SQL script.

3.19 DAC Parameters Can Be Specified for Full Load or Incremental Load
This issue applies to Release only.

Parameters can be registered in DAC as either Source System Parameters or Task Level
Source System Parameters – A list of parameter names and the values applicable to
each source system can be registered by accessing DAC, then Design View, and using
the Source System Parameter tab.
Task Level Parameters – Parameters that apply to all tasks under a source system may
be registered under the Source System Parameters. If there are parameters that are
specific to particular tasks, developers can create such task specific parameters by
accessing the Task tab and using the Parameters subtab. Task level parameters have
priority over source system parameters. If the same parameter is registered as a source
system parameter and as a task level parameter, DAC will evaluate the parameter with
the task level value.
Both Source System Parameters and Task Level Parameters are enhanced in DAC where customers can specify different values for the parameters for full load
ETL runs and/or for incremental load ETL runs. A new field called "Load Type" has
been added in the Parameters tab for specifying a value as it applies to the parameter.
For example, if you have a parameter called "SourceSystemParameter" at the source
system level, you can define this parameter as shown in the following table.

Parameter Load Type Parameter Value

SourceSystemParameter Full Source_System_Parameter_
SourceSystemParameter Incremental Source_System_Parameter_
SourceSystemParameter Both Source_System_Parameter_

During ETL runtime, DAC automatically evaluates this parameter to "Source_System_

Parameter_Full_Value" if the ETL is in Full mode and to "Source_System_Parameter_
Incremental_Value" if the ETL is in an incremental run.
In this example, load type "Both" is redundant, as there is a value defined for full and
incremental values. If a value is undefined for Full or Incremental, then DAC picks the
value defined for both.
Note that the behavior is the same for parameters at the task level.

3.20 Mapping Multiple Database-Specific Informatica Workflows to the

Same DAC Task
This issue applies to Patch 1 in Release only.
This section includes instructions for mapping multiple, database-specific Informatica
workflows to the same DAC task. This is accomplished by parameterizing the
Informatica workflow command. At runtime, DAC determines which workflow to run
based on the parameterization.
Follow the instructions below to map multiple, database-specific workflows to the
same DAC task. These instructions use SIL_PersonDimension_Full as an example of a
full command and SIL_PersonDimension as an example of an incremental command
on an Oracle database and SIL_PersonDimension_Full_TD and SIL_

PersonDimension_TD as full and incremental commands, respectively, on a Teradata
1. In the DAC Design view, go to the Tasks tab.
2. Query for the task to which you want add multiple workflows.
3. Select the task, and then click the Parameters subtab.
4. Create a new parameter for a full load command:
a. Click New in the subtab toolbar.
b. In the Name field, enter $$workflow_CMD_PARAMETER.
c. In the Data Type field, select DB Specific Text.
d. In the Load Type field, select Full.
e. Click in the Value field to open the Enter Parameter Value dialog box.
f. In the Connection Type field, select @DAC_TARGET_DBTYPE.
g. In the appropriate database fields, enter the full command name for both
database types.
For example, enter SIL_PersonDimension_Full in the Oracle field and SIL_
PersonDimension_Full_TD in the Teradata field.
5. Create a new parameter for an incremental load command:
a. Click New in the subtab toolbar.
b. In the Name field, enter $$workflow_CMD_PARAMETER.
c. In the Data Type field, select DB Specific Text.
d. In the Load Type field, select Incremental.
e. Click in the Value field to open the Enter Parameter Value dialog box.
f. In the Connection Type field, select @DAC_TARGET_DBTYPE.
g. In the appropriate database fields, enter the incremental command name for
both database types.
For example, enter SIL_PersonDimension in the Oracle field and SIL_
PersonDimension_TD in the Teradata field.
6. With the same task selected, click the Edit subtab.
7. In the Command for Incremental Load field, enter @DAC_$$workflow_CMD_
8. In the Command for Full Load field, enter @DAC_$$workflow_CMD_
9. Click Save.

3.21 DAC Task Failing On Non-English Operating System

This issue applies to DAC and Informatica PowerCenter 8.6.1, HotFix3
DAC Server uses pmcmd to initiate the workflows on Informatica Server. In the
English-based operating systems, DAC issues the commands in the non-blocking
mode (asynchronously), and polls Informatica for the status of the workflow. The
output of the pmcmd getWorkFlowDetails is spooled to the DAC\log directory, and

then gets parsed to determine whether the workflow is still running, completed
successfully, or failed.
However, for non-English based operating systems DAC issues commands in the
waiting mode (synchronously). This means that when the process completes the exit
code tells DAC whether the workflow succeeded or not.

The commands used by DAC to communicate with Informatica are externalized in a
file called infa_commands.xml.
The DAC command template does not have a place holder for specifying the
wait mode. Without this wait mode configuration, on non-English OS based
installation, this results in DAC proceeding with the execution even before the
workflow completes executing. This might result in errors, such as Informatica's bulk
loader failing because of index presence or fact tables getting loaded without foreign
key references.
To fix the problem, go to DAC\conf folder and edit the file called infa_commands.xml.
Depending upon the version of informatica you are using, edit either the block called
START_WORKFLOW_7 or START_WORKFLOW_8 and verify whether
%WAITMODE is in the syntax. If it is not, add it as follows:
1. For START_WORKFLOW_7 replace the following line:
pmcmd startworkflow -u %USER -p %PASSWORD -s %SERVER:%PORT -f %FOLDER -lpf

pmcmd startworkflow -u %USER -p %PASSWORD %WAITMODE -s %SERVER:%PORT -f

2. For START_WORKFLOW_8 replace the following line:

pmcmd startworkflow -sv %SERVER -d %DOMAIN -u %USER -p %PASSWORD -f %FOLDER

pmcmd startworkflow -sv %SERVER -d %DOMAIN -u %USER -p %PASSWORD %WAITMODE -f

3. Once you modify this file (the modifications should be done both on the DAC
client and the server machines), restart the DAC server and client for the changes
to take effect.

4 Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
accessible to all users, including users that are disabled. To that end, our
documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive
technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to
facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to
evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading
technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be
accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility
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Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console Release Notes, Version
Part No. E12655-06
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