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Name:________________________________Section: _____________________Score:______
Teacher: EDDIE JAMES C. FERNANDEZ Date: ______
I. LAS Title: Adobe Photoshop Alteration Tools
II. Type of Activity: Concept notes with formative activities
LAS for summative assessment ( Written works Performance task )
III. MELC: LO3. Maintain computer system
IV. Learning Objectives:
 Identify the different Alteration tools
 Explain the uses of each alteration tools
 Value the importance of the alteration tools
Reference/s: 07/09/2020
VI. Concept Notes with Formative Activities
In this activity, the students will learn the different Alteration Tools in Adobe Photoshop.
They will learn its uses and how it looks on the Adobe Photoshop interface by its icons.

--tools that are used in altering or used in removing blemishes in photos or scanned photos.
Healing Brush (J) -Corrects small blemishes in scanned photos.
You can use this tool to repair scratches and
-Select the tool and then left-click over the

Healing Brush (J) -use this tool to repair scratches and

-Select the tool, hold down the ALT key and
left-click on the base color you need to heal.
Then left-click over the blemish.

Red Eye tool (J) -In Photoshop it removes the red eye in the
flash photos.

Patch tool (J) -It initially operates in a lasso selection mode

that can be used to define the area to patch
from or patch to.
Brush Tool (B) -You can use it to draw lines of different
thickness and colors
-Select the tool. Then click on the selected
area, drag to draw lines. Use the Options bar
to change the Brush, Mode, Opacity, and


Clone Stamp (S) -Takes a sample of an image and applies over

another image, or a part of the same image.
-Select the tool. Hold down the ALT key and
left-click on a certain point of the document
where you want to start your copy point.
Then, put your mouse over whatever part of
the new document you want the picture to go
to. Hold down the left mouse button and drag
the mouse across the page to copy the picture

History Brush (Y) -This tool works just like the Brush Tool. It is
used to paint over an image using the source
data from a specified history state or snap

Erase Tool (E) -Removes part of an existing path or stroke.

You can use the Erase tool on paths, but not
on text.
Select the tool, click on the part of the image
you wish to erase. Drag to erase pixels.
Paint Bucket Tool (G) -Fills and entire area with a specific color of
your choice.
-Select the tool. Choose a foreground color in
the Color Box. Select an area you wish to
apply the color to. Click the tool button, then
click on the selected area

Gradient tool (G) -Applies a gradient fill to a selected part of

the image or to an entire layer.
-Select an area you wish to apply gradient to,
click the tool button, choose a fill in the
Options bar, click on the starting point, hold
the mouse down and drag to the end point.

Dodge tool (O) -A tool that lightens areas of an image.

Burn tool (O) -A tool that makes areas of an image darker

or darken areas of an image.

Smudge tool (R) -A tool that spreads and mixes content of an


Sponge tool (O) -A tool that can either saturate or desaturate
the colors in an image, making colors richer
or closer gray.

Sharpen tool (R) -Allows you to make the edges of a selected

area of your photo stand out.

Task 1
Multiple choice.
___1. You can use it to draw lines of different thickness and colors.
a. red eye tool b. patch tool c. brush tool d. healing brush
___2. Use this tool to repair scratches and blemishes.
a. red eye tool b. patch tool c. brush tool d. healing brush
___3. In Photoshop it removes the red eye in the flash photos.
a. red eye tool b. patch tool c. brush tool d. healing brush
___4. It initially operates in a lasso selection mode that can be used to define the
area to patch from or patch to.
a. red eye tool b. patch tool c. brush tool d. healing brush
___5. What is the shortcut key for spot healing brush tool, healing brush tool, red
eye tool and patch tool?
a. x b. b c. j d. z
Task 2
Matching type.
Direction: Draw a LINE to match Column A to Column B.
1. Takes a sample of an image and applies over Paint Bucket Tool
another image, or a part of the same image.
2. It is used to paint over an image using the source Gradient tool
data from a specified history state or snap shot.
3. Applies a gradient fill to a selected part of the
image or to an entire layer. Clone Stamp
4. Removes part of an existing path or stroke. Erase Tool
5. Fills and entire area with a specific color of
your choice. History Brush

Task 3
True or False
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it’s not.

______1. Burn tool makes areas of an image lighter or lighten areas of an image.
______2. Smudge tool spreads and mixes content of an image.
______3. Dodge tool can either saturate or desaturate the colors in an image, making
colors richer or closer gray.
______4. Dodge tool lightens areas of an image.
______5. Sharpen tool allows you to make the edges of a selected area of your photo
stand out.

Task 4
Direction: Identify the following.
________________1. Tools that are used in altering or used in removing blemishes in
photos or scanned photos.
________________2. This tool is used to repair scratches and blemishes.
________________3. In Photoshop it removes the red eye in the flash photos.
________________4. It initially operates in a lasso selection mode that can be used to
define the area to patch from or patch to.
________________5. You can use it to draw lines of different thickness and colors.

Task 5
Direction: Identify the Alteration Tools by their icons.

Task 6
Direction: Identify the icon being described.
______1. A tool that lightens areas of an image. a.

______2. A tool that makes areas of an image

darker or darken areas of an image. b.

______3. A tool that spreads and mixes content

of an image. c.

______4. A tool that can either saturate or desaturate

the colors in an image, making colors richer or closer gray. d.

______5. Allows you to make the edges of a selected

area of your photo stand out. e.

Task 7
Direction: Fill in what is missing.
Spot Healing Brush J
Use this tool to repair scratches and blemishes. J
Red Eye tool In Photoshop it removes the red eye in the flash
Patch tool J
You can use it to draw lines of different B
thickness and colors.

Task 8
Direction: Give the uses of the following Alteration Tools.
1. Clone Stamp –

2. History Brush –

3. Erase Tool –

4. Paint Bucket Tool –

5. Gradient Tool –

Task 9
Direction: Give the shortcut key and uses of each icon.

1. --

2. --

3. --

4. --

5. --

Task 10
In your own words, What is the Alteration Tools all about?


Task 11
What is the importance of having the Alteration Tools in the Adobe Photoshop?



Task 12
Hands On.
Direction: Follow the steps in Enhancing Photos/ Removing Blemishes.
1. Choose File > New to create a new blank image. Specify image size based on the
desired print size (such as 10 inches x 8 inches at 100 pixels per inch on a white

2. Choose File > Open, and open the image you want to correct. Then copy and paste the
image to the blank document you opened.

3. Duplicate the image you want to correct. Click layer menu and select Duplicate Layer or press
Ctrl + J. Move the duplicated image using the Move tool.

4. Select the Type tool and type Before (left) and After (right) to determine the original
image from the corrected image.

5. Select the layer with the word after and correct the blemishes using the alteration tools,etc.

Before After

Before After

6. Save the image. Click File Save or Save As. Filename: (Your Section) Act.1
To be submitted at the of the week.

VII. Teacher’s Note

 Read the directions and questions carefully.
 Be sure that you have the Adobe Photoshop, it is needed to perform the Task 12.
 On task 12, I will be sending you the same image to have uniform output.
 Finish the task given at the end of the week

Category 5 4 3 2 1

Activity Activity Activity Activity

Creativity – Activity lacks
reflects reflects some reflects little reflects no
Design – creativity in
creativity in creativity in creativity in creativity in
Layout using
using using using using
(10%) Photoshop
Photoshop Photoshop Photoshop Photoshop
Activity Activity Activity does
reflects Activity lacks
Photoshop reflects full reflects basic not display
adequate comprehensio
Techniques comprehensio comprehensio knowledge of
comprehensio n of design
(30%) n of design n of design design
n of design techniques
techniques techniques techniques
Photoshop Activity Activity Activity Activity lacks Activity does
Tools reflects full reflects reflects basic comprehensio not
(40%) comprehensio adequate comprehensio n of comprehensio

n of n of n of
n of Photoshop
Photoshop Photoshop Photoshop
Photoshop tools
tools tools tools
Followed the Followed all Followed Followed Lacks in Did not
steps/instructi the some the little the following follow
ons steps/instructi steps/instructi steps/instructi steps/instructi steps/instructi
(20%) ons ons ons ons ons at all.



Name:________________________________Section: _____________________Score:______
Teacher: EDDIE JAMES C. FERNANDEZ Date: ______
I. LAS Title: Adobe Photoshop Alteration Tools
II. Type of Activity: Concept notes with formative activities
LAS for summative assessment ( Written works Performance task )
III. MELC: LO3. Maintain computer system
IV. Learning Objectives:
 Identify the different Alteration tools
 Explain the uses of each alteration tools
 Value the importance of the alteration tools
V. Reference/s: 07/09/2020
VI. Summative
Matching type.
Direction: Draw a LINE to match Column A to Column B.
1. Takes a sample of an image and applies over Paint Bucket Tool
another image, or a part of the same image.
2. It is used to paint over an image using the source Gradient tool
data from a specified history state or snap shot.
3. Applies a gradient fill to a selected part of the
image or to an entire layer. Clone Stamp
4. Removes part of an existing path or stroke. Erase Tool
5. Fills and entire area with a specific color of
your choice. History Brush

Direction: Identify the icon being described.
______1. A tool that lightens areas of an image. a.

______2. A tool that makes areas of an image

darker or darken areas of an image. b.

______3. A tool that spreads and mixes content

of an image. c.

______4. A tool that can either saturate or desaturate

the colors in an image, making colors richer or closer gray. d.

______5. Allows you to make the edges of a selected e.

area of your photo stand out.

Direction: Give the uses of the following Alteration Tools.

1. Clone Stamp –

2. History Brush –

3. Erase Tool –

4. Paint Bucket Tool –

5. Gradient Tool –

10 | P a g e

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