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LỚP 9 THCS NĂM HỌC 2021-2022
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề
SECTION 1. LISTENING (20 points)
I. You will hear a conversation in a Gym between a customer and a receptionist. Write NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Write your answers in the space
provided. (1 point)
Name: Brad Simmons
Telephone number: (1) 0498355521
Email address: Brad07@ (2)elemnet.com
Membership type: (3)Silver
Payment amount: (4) £ 36.5
Date and time: Saturday (5)11th November at 2.30p.m
Trainer Rob Ellis

Write your answers here:

1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________

II. You will hear a student called John talking to his classmate Dani about the details of his
research project. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B, or C. Write your answers
in the space provided. (1 point)
6. The subjects in questionnaire are
A. tourists in the hotel in this area. B. local residents.
C. people who are living in this area.
7. The results of the questionnaire should be
A. directly entered into the computer. B. scored by hands.
C. submitted directly to Professor Curran.
8. Why should John give a copy of plans to the professor?
A. to receive a good grade. B. to get advice C. to earn high praise.
9. How will the instructions be presented?
A. given by a group representative
B. given by all members of the group
C. given by the professor.
10. What does Danni suggest to John when those subjects receive the questionnaire?
A. divide into 2 parts to argue.
B. focus on the opinion of the interviewees
C. take consideration of both side
Write your answers here:
6. ____________ 7. ____________ 8. ____________ 9. ____________ 10. ____________
SECTION 2: PHONETICS (10 points)
III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest by writing
your answer (A, B, C or D) in the numbered box. (6 points)
1. A. measure B. leisure C. ensure D. pleasure
2. A. audience B. fauna C. daughter D. auntie
3. A. whistle B. postpone C. poetry D. Christmas
IV. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others by writing your
answer (A, B, C or D) in the numbered box. (4 points)
1. A. representative B. vocabulary C. anniversary D. personality
2. A. explore B. swallow C. forbid D. exploit
I. Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the following questions and write your
answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. (20 pts)

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1. When we start work in the morning, I usually ______ at the schedule for the whole day.
A. glimpse B. watch C. monitor D. glance
2. Scottish pound notes are not legal ______ in England.
A. tender B. money C. exchange D. value
3. If you’re interested in a career in ______, you must be prepared to work hard for little money.
A. acting B. playing C. performance D. stage
4. Mrs. Smith always likes someone to ______ her to the bus stop at night.
A. go B. company C. join D. accompany
5. After the funeral, the residents of the apartment building ______.
A. sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully.
B. sent faithfully flowers all week to the cemetery.
C. sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week.
D. sent each week faithfully to the cemetery flowers.
6. I don’t like Anthony, he seems to take too much ______ in criticizing everyone.
A. joy B. fascination C. pleasure D. entertainment
7. Conversations you strike up with travelling acquaintances usually tend to be ______.
A. insufficient B. perverse C. trivial D. imperative
8. He found that the test was child's ______.
A. play B. games C. matches D. delight
9. The unscrupulous salesman ______ the old couple out of their life savings.
A. deprived B. swindled C. robbed D. extracted
10. _______ for Tom's opposition, we would have agreed to the contract.
A. Be it not B. Would it not have been
C. Should it not have been D. Had it not been

11. Sheila couldn’t attend the meeting as the date ________ with her holidays.
A. clashed B. struck C. opposed D. occurred
12. Our town has a real problem with youth crime, ______ do many other British towns.
A. so B. nor C. as D. like
13. It was Martin who ______ the initiative in introducing our guests to the princess.
A. adopted B. took C. led D. pursued
14. I was proud to be ______ out for special praise for my performance.
A. selected B. singled C. separated D. distinguished
15. The teacher gave me some ______ advice on which college to enrol.
A. nonsensical B. sound C. loud D. preposterous
16. She did six hours’______ studying a day for her exam.
A solid B heavy C strong D big
17. He opened the account with a(n) ______ to running up a healthy overdraft.
A. aim B. view C. purpose D. plan
18. I haven’t got the time to do my own work, ______ help you with yours.
A. leaving aside B. not counting C. let alone D. apart from
19. Helen was very much in ______ of her father.
A. respect B. awe C. regard D. admiration
20. ______ are a form of carbon has been known since the late eighteenth century.
A. Diamonds B. Because diamonds C. That diamonds D. Diamonds, which
21. I’m not sufficiently versed ______ computers to understand what you’re saying.
A. to B. into C. about D. in
22. Why did you ______ and mention the party to George? It was supposed to be a surprise.
A. let the cat out of the bag B. put the cat among the pigeons
C. have kittens D. kill two birds with one stone
23. It’s a shame to fall out so badly with your own ______.
A. heart to heart B. flesh and blood C. heart and soul D. skin and bone
24. They were able to ______ over their meal and enjoy it instead of having to rush back to work.
A. loiter B. stay C. linger D. dwell
25. I thought something terrible had happened but it was all a ______ in a teacup.
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A. storm B. gale C. breeze D. wind
26. Don’t trust what you hear on the grapevine. It’s best to hear it straight from the ______ mouth so
you know it’s true.
A. dog’s B. horse’s C. camel’s D. cat’s
27. _________ of half-starving wolves were roaming the snow-covered countryside.
A. Flocks B. Packs C. Swarms D. Herds
28. In the northern and central parts of the states of Idaho ______ and churning rivers.
A. majestic mountains are found B. found majestic mountains
C. finding majestic mountains D. are found majestic mountains
*Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the numbered box to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following sentence.
29. We want to recruit the brightest and the best. If you think you fit the bill, fill in an application
form today.
A. are able to pay the bill B. are suitable C. are of the right size D. are excellent
*Write your answer (A, B, C or D) in the numbered box to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in the following sentence.
30. Teenagers may have a few ideas about what jobs they want to do when they leave school. If so,
it’s important they learn more about them so they can make informed career decisions.
A. knowledgeable B. ignorant C. updated D. understandable
VI. Identify the mistake in each sentence by writing your answer (A, B, C or D) in the
numbered box. (10 points)
1. Some managers require that the secretary is responsible for writing all reports as well as for
balancing the books.
2. My mother was coming across a ring that she had lost months ago when she was cleaning the attic.
3. All the shopping centers that in the district turn their lights off to celebrate Earth Hour.
4. Students need to be protected from school against dangerous materials come from the Internet.
5. Lifelong learning involves the use of both formal and informal learning opportunities throughout
people's lives in order to foster the continual development.
SECTION 4. READING (60 points)
I. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. Write
your answers in corresponding numbered boxes. (20 points)
The value of walking
New research reveals that walking just 9,5 kilometers (six miles) a week may make your brain
sharper as you get older. Research published in the October 13 online issue of Neurology (1) ………
that walking may protect aging brains from growing smaller and, in (2) ………, preserve memory in
old age.
‘Brain size shrinks in late adulthood, which can cause memory problems,' study author Kirk
Erickson of the University of Pittsburgh said in a news release. ‘Our findings should encourage
further well-designed scientific (3) ……… of physical exercise in older adults as a very (4) ………
approach for preventing dementia and Alzheimer's disease.’ For the study, the team asked 299
dementia-free seniors to record the (5) ……… they walked each week.
Four years later, the participants were tested to see if they had developed (6) ……… of
dementia. Then after nine years had passed, scientists (7) ……… the participants’ brains to measure
size. At the four-year test, researchers discovered subjects who walked the most had reduced their
risk of developing memory problems by 50 per cent. At the nine-year checkpoint, those who walked
at least 9.5 kilometers a week, had brains with a larger (8) .……… than those who didn't walk as
much. This is not the first study to (9) ……… the benefits of walking in seniors. For example, last
spring, Harvard University found that women who walked regularly at a (10) ……… pace had an
almost 40 per cent lower risk of stroke.
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1. A. informs B. provides C. suggests D. notifies
2. A. result B. turn C. sequence D. case
3. A. trials B. attempts C. searches D. courses
4. A. indicative B. promising C. fortunate D. ideal
5. A. distance B. length C. duration D. extent
6. A. signals B. factors C. signs D. features
7. A. skimmed B. scanned C. screened D. sounded
8. A. volume B.amount C. dimension D. quantity
9. A. advertise B. promote C. respect D. admire
10. A. brisk B. hard C. crisp D. brief
Part 2. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. Write your answer in
the space provided. (20 points)
Staggering tasks confronted the people of the United States, North and South, when the Civil War
ended. About a million and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to
civilian life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy. Civil government also had to be put back
on a peace time basis and interference from the military had to be stopped.
The desperate plight of the South has eclipsed the fact that reconstruction had to be
undertaken also in the North, though less spectacularly. Industries had to adjust to peacetime
conditions: factories had to be retooled for civilian needs.
Financial problems loomed large in both the North and the South. The national debt had shot
up from a modest $65 million in 1861, the year the war started, to nearly $3 billion in 1865, the year
the war ended. This was a colossal sum for those days but one that a prudent government could pay.
At the same time, war taxes had to be reduced to less burdensome levels.
Physical devastation caused by invading armies, chiefly in the South and border states, had to
be repaired. This herculean task was ultimately completed, but with discouraging slowness.
Other important questions needed answering. What would be the future of the four million
Black people who were freed from slavery? On what basis were the Southern states to be brought
back into the Union?
What of the Southern leaders, all of whom were liable to charges of treason? One of these
leaders, Jefferson Davis, president of the Southern Confederacy, was the subject of an insulting
popular Northern song, "Hang Jeff Davis from a Sour Apple Tree", and even children sang it. Davis
was temporarily chained in his prison cell during the early days of his two-year imprisonment. But
he and the other Southern leaders were finally released, partly because it was unlikely that a jury
from Virginia, a Southern Confederate state, would convict them. All the leaders were finally
pardoned by President Johnson in 1868 in an effort to help reconstruction efforts precede with as
little bitterness as possible.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Wartime expenditures
B. Problems facing the United States after the war
C. Methods of repairing the damage caused by the war
D. The results of government efforts to revive the economy
2. The word "Staggering" is closest in meaning to ________.
A. specialized B. confusing C. various D. overwhelming
3. The word "devastated" is closest in meaning to ________.
A. developing B. ruined C. complicated D. fragile
4 According to the passage, which of the following statements about the damage in the South is
A. It was worse than in the North. B. The cost was less than expected.
C. It was centred in the border states. D. It was remedied rather quickly.
5. The passage refers to all of the following as necessary steps following the Civil War EXCEPT
A. helping soldiers readjust B. restructuring industry
C. returning government to normal D. increasing taxes
6. The word "task" refers to ________.
A. raising the tax level B. sensible financial choices
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C. wise decisions about former slaves D. reconstruction of damaged areas
7. Why does the author mention a popular song?
A. To give an example of a Northern attitude towards the South
B. To illustrate the Northern love of music
C. To emphasize the cultural differences between the North and the South
D. To compare the Northern and Southern presidents
8. The word "them” refers to ________.
A. charges B. leaders C. days D. irons
9. Which of the following can be inferred from the phrase "...it was unlikely that a jury from
Virginia, a Southern Confederate state, would convict them"?
A. Virginians felt betrayed by Jefferson Davis.
B. A popular song insulted Virginia.
C. Virginians were loyal to their leaders.
D. All of the Virginia military leaders had been put in chains.
10. It can be inferred from the passage that President Johnson pardoned the Southern leaders in
order to ________.
A. raise money for the North
B. repair the physical damage in the South
C. prevent Northern leaders from punishing more Southerners
D. help the nation recover from the war
III. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ONE word in
each gap. Write your answers in corresponding numbered boxes. There is an example at the
beginning (0). (20 pts)
Example: 0. when
A lunar eclipse occurs (0)when the Earth’s shadow falls directly onto the moon. (1) What
happens as a result is that the moon stops being a silvery white colour and turns coppery red instead;
the sort of colour usually only seen in the sky at dawn or sunset. An astronaut on the moon, looking
towards Earth during a lunar eclipse, would see a black disc, surrounded (3) by a bright red ring. It’s
the light from this red ring which is reflected back to the dark Earth from the moon’s surface. In
ancient times, long (4) ago any of this was understood, the lunar eclipse was known (5) as a blood
moon and was thought to be an omen of disaster.
Total eclipses can only occur when there is a full moon, and then only if it is lined (6) up with
the Earth in a particular way. although easily obscured by cloud cover, blood moons are fairly
common, and it is relatively easy to calculate where and when you might be (8) able to see one.
For example, in 1504 Christopher Columbus was stranded in Jamaica and (9 in dire need of
provisions, but the local inhabitants were reluctant to help. Columbus knew that a lunar eclipse
would occur on 29 February, however. So, the day before, he warned local leaders that the moon
would disappear (10 unless they helped him. They remained skeptical. But when the moon slowly
started to change colour, they became so frightened that they started to bring food.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
SECTION 5. WRITING (40 points)
I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the sentence before
it. (10 points)
1. Mr. Foster asked me to write this letter to you.
4It is at this letter that Mr.Foster asked me to write to you.
2. Everybody was honoured by the boss with the exception of one clerk.
4All but one clerk was honourd by the boss.
3. My brother works better when he is pressed for time.
4The less time my brother has, the better he works.
4. She is proud of being such a good cook.
4She prides herself on beig such a good cook.
5. 'Nothing will persuade me to sleep in that haunted house,' she said.
4She flatly refused to sleep in that hanuted house.
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II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between TWO and SIX words, including
the word given. (10 points)
1. By the end of the meeting, the committee had agreed on the next step. REACHED
4By the end of the committee meeting, an agreemant was reached on what to do next.
2. Henrik was very pleased to be selected for the team. DELIGHT
4Much to Henrik’delight, he was selected for the team
3. I really felt relieved on completion of my thesis. SENSE
4I felt a sense of relief after I had completed my thesis.
4. Dawn’s boss is constantly criticizing her work. FAULT
4Dawn’s boss __________________________________________ her work.
5. I saw a TV programme last month, which was very similar to this one. BEARS
4This TV programme bears a strong resemblance to the one I saw last month.
III.(20 pts) Write a paragraph of about 150 words to express your view on the following
Technology has made the world a better place to live in.
Up to recent years, the development of technology is one of the facotrs that
significantly change our lives and it also brings many benefits. First of all, it makes
our lives easier and more convenient. Undoubtly, technology gives us all the
information in the world that we need and it can also provide us with good methods to
solve problems such as stress, tiredness or things that we find difficult to deal with.
Additionally, it not only shortens the distance but also connects love with our loved
ones. Obviously, with the advent of the most pupolar social networks such as Fb, Zalo,
Instagram, Twitter,….. have made the distance between everyone in the world has
become shorter. Finally, technology creates more jobs for young people. It is common
knowledge that more and more of them are working in the information technology
industry and have very high incomes to improve their lives. In conclusion, technology
has made the world a better place to live in, we should use it to make our lives easier.

---THE END---

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