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Subject: _________________ Grade Level: ____________ Teacher: _______________________________________

Chapter/Unit: ____________________________________
Quarter Period: ___________________________________

Content Standard Restated Content Standard Performance Standard Restated Performance Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of: The learner demonstrates The learners shall be able to: The learners shall be able to
understanding of key concepts of formulate and solve practical
key concepts Measures of Variation measures of variation in daily life. formulate and solve practical problems involving problems involving measures of
measures of variation in daily life. variation in daily life.

Big Ideas: Big Ideas:

Variation Practical problems

Acquisition: Students will learn… Transfer Goal:

Students will learn the key concepts of variation through , estimating the standard The learners will measures problems involving variations in daily life.
deviation of a population, based on sampledata. and solving problems involving measures of
variation in daily life.

Making Meaning: Students will understand… GRASPS:

Students will understand that probability is essential in nature of chance and variation Goal - to be able to solve practical problems
in daily life in order to be efficient. Role - Learners,
Audience - Mathematics Teachers
Situation -
Product - Practical Problems
Standards -

Learning Competencies
No. of
Competencies based on CG Deficiency
teachin No. of
(Arrange the competencies in order Words are ambiguous? A-M-T Focus Question linked
g hours No explicit connections among standards? Restated/Enhanced Competency teachin
based on the need of the curriculum based Missing standards? g hours Classification to School’s PVMGO
map) on CG Needs to breakdown the processes involve?

Illustrates an experiment, 1. Illustrates an experiment, outcome, sample

outcome, sample space and event 4 4 Acquisition
space and event
Counts the number of occurrences 4 4
2. Counts the number of occurrences of an
of an outcome in an experiment:
outcome in an experiment: (a) table; (b) tree Making
(a) table; (b) tree diagram; (c)
diagram; (c) systematic listing; and (d) Meaning
systematic listing; and (d)
fundamental counting principle.
fundamental counting principle.
Finds the probability of a simple 4 4 Making
3. Finds the probability of a simple event.
event. Meaning
Illustrates an experimental 4 4
4. Illustrates an experimental probability and Making
probability and a theoretical
a theoretical probability. Meaning
Solves problems involving 4 5. Solves problems involving probabilities of 4
probabilities of simple events. Transfer
simple events.
Added Competency/ies (those that are missing skills such as transfer competency)
Nota Bene: Mark the competencies considered as power competencies with asterisk (*)

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