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January 2020
for entry in September 2020


Name: ____________________________________________________

School: ____________________________________________________.

Time allowed: 1 hour

Equipment needed: Pen, pencil, eraser, ruler.

Information for candidates:

1. Calculators are NOT allowed.
2. Write your name and school on this sheet.
3. Write your answers on the question paper in the space provided.
4. There are 20 questions in this paper, try to answer all of them, but don’t worry
if you don’t complete the paper. If you get stuck, just go on to the next
question and if you have time at the end come back to the one(s) you left.
5. There are 60 marks in total available for this paper. Marks for each question
are shown in square brackets [ ] after the question.
6. Show all your working. You may be awarded marks for correct working even
if your final answer is incorrect, and a correct answer unsupported by correct
working may not receive full marks.
1. Mark’s reading group has read a total of 112 books so far. The group has 7 members
including Mark.

a) Each member has read the same number of books. How many books has each member

Answer ________________ [1]

b) On average each member reads 150 pages during each group meeting. What are the
total number of pages read by the group during each meeting?

Answer ________________ [1]

2. a) Jill subtracts 18 from 33 and divides this by 5. What is the number Jill obtains?

Answer ________________ [1]

b) Calculate: 32 × (9 − 4) ÷ 3

Answer ________________ [1]

3. Here is some flour on a weighing scale.

a) How many grams of flour are on the weighing scale?

Answer ________________ [1]

c) How much more flour must be added to the scale

to make 1.7 kg?

Answer ________________ [1]

4. In each of the shapes below, make a pattern by shading with exactly ….

a) two lines of symmetry b) three lines of symmetry


5. a) Round 6.275 to 2 decimal places.

Answer ________________ [1]

b) Round 208, 567 to the nearest 100.

Answer ________________ [1]

c) Round 0.2499 to 3 decimal places.

Answer ________________ [1]

6. The total cost of Helen’s pencil case including stationery is £6.25.

a) How much would 12 of these pencil cases cost?

Answer ________________ [1]

b) The ruler costs 75p. What percentage of the total cost of the pencil case is the ruler?

Answer ________________ [2]

7. What is the smallest number which is both a multiple of 12 and 15?

Answer ________________ [1]

8. Evaluate the following fractions giving your answer in its simplest form.
Show clearly your working.

2 4
a) 3

Answer ________________ [2]

2 1
b) 35 − 12

Answer ________________ [2]

9. Calculate the angles in the diagrams below.

𝑎𝑎 = __________ [2]

𝑏𝑏 = __________ [1]

10. Below are the ingredients needed to make 16 gingerbread men. Sam wants to make 24
gingerbread men. Work out how much of each ingredient he needs.

flour (g) _______________

ginger (g) ______________

butter (g) ______________

sugar(g) _______________

11. Calculate 𝑥𝑥 in the following equations.

a) 17 − 𝑥𝑥 = 3

Answer ________________ [1]

b) 3𝑥𝑥 = 72

Answer ________________ [1]

5𝑥𝑥 1
c) 4

Answer ________________ [1]

12. What goes in the boxes to complete the calculations below?

2 1
a) 5
× = 3

Answer ________________ [2]

1 3
b) ÷ 13 = 5

Answer ________________ [2]

13. Calculate the area of this compound shape.

Answer ________________ [3]

14. Fill in the missing numbers of the following sequences:

a) 3, 5, 7, , , 13, 15


b) -33, -6, 21, , , 102 , 129


c) 10, 11, 15, , , 65, 101


15. Below is a coordinate grid including a point A labelled below.

a) Give the coordinates of the point A.

Answer ________________ [1]

b) Mark the coordinate (-4, 3) and label this

point B.


c) The point C is obtained by reflecting the

point A in the x-axis followed by a
reflection in the y-axis. Give the coordinates
of the point C.

Answer ________________ [1]

16. One clock gains 5 minutes every hour and another clock loses 10 minutes every hour. After
one week how many hours will the slow clock have lost to the fast clock.

Answer ________________ [3]

17. a) The volume of the cuboid below is 64 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐3 . Calculate the value of the unknown length, 𝑥𝑥.

Answer ________________ [2]

b) A cube has the same volume as the cuboid above. Calculate the surface area of the cube.

Answer ________________ [3]

18. The diagram shows a design formed by drawing six lines in a regular hexagon. The lines
divide each edge of the hexagon into three equal parts.
What fraction of the hexagon is shaded?

You must show relevant working to obtain marks.

Answer ________________ [2]

19. The standard Fibonacci sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... begins with two 1s and each later
number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. Other Fibonacci-like
sequences can be constructed by starting with any two numbers a and b (not necessarily 1
and 1) and using the same rule for creating the other numbers in the sequence. What is the
first term of the Fibonacci-like sequence whose second term is 4 and whose fifth term is 22?
You must show relevant working to obtain marks.

Answer ________________ [3]

20. A rectangle is made by placing together three smaller rectangles P, Q and R, without gaps or
overlaps. Rectangle P measures 3 cm × 8 cm and rectangle Q measures 2 cm × 5 cm.
Give all the possible measurements of R.


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