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The optional subjects have been arranged in alphabetical order for facility of candidates.
However, the selection of combination of optional subjects will be governed by the provisions of sub-
para (viii) of Rule 1 of Appendix-I.

S.No Name of Subject Paper Page S. No. Name of Subject Paper Page
. Geology.
Compulsory Subjects 21. I & II 26
1. Essay - 13 22. History of Pakistan and India. I & II 26,27
2. English (Precis & Composition) - 13 23. History of the U.S.A. - 27

3. General Knowledge 24. International Law. - 27,28

(i) (Every Day Science). I 13 25. International Relations. - 28

(ii) (Current Affairs). II 14 26. Islamic History and Culture. I & II 28,29

(iii) (Pakistan Affairs). III 14,15 27. Journalism (Mass Communication) - 29

4. Islamiat - 15 28. Law. I & II 30

Optional Subjects 29. Mercantile Law. - 30
5. Accountancy & Auditing. I & II 16 30. Muslim Law & Jurisprudence. - 30
6. Agriculture. - 16,17 31. Persian. I & II 30,31
7. Applied Mathematics. I & II 17 32. Philosophy. I & II 31
8. Arabic. I & II 17,18 33. Physics. I & II 31,32
9. Balochi - 18 34. Political Science. I & II 32,33
Psychology including
10. Botany. I & II 19 35. I & II 33
11. British History. I & II 19,20 36. Public Administration. - 34

12. Business Administration - 20 37. Punjabi. - 34

13. Chemistry. I & II 20,21 38. Pure Mathematics. I & II 35
14. Computer Science. - 21,22 39. Pushto. - 35

15. Constitutional Law - 22 40. Sindhi. - 35,36,37

16. Economics. I & II 22 41. Sociology. - 37

17. English Literature. I & II 22,23 42. Statistics. - 37,38
18. European History. I & II 23 to 25 43. Urdu. I & II 38
19. Forestry. - 25 44. Zoology. I & II 38,39
20. Geography. I & II 25,26



N.B.—”The topics mentioned under each subject are only indicative

6. Practical English Usage Swan (OUP)
and not exhaustive of the field covered by that subject. A candidate
should study the whole subject with the help of relevant books. Some of 7. English Idioms McMordie
the reading materials have been suggested for each subject for the
8. Mastering Modern English Etherton
guidance of the candidates”.

Note :— Candidates opting languages will be asked to answer 3. GENERAL

some KNOWLEDGE Total Marks—300
questions in the language concerned and will be expected to
have knowledge of the Principal Authors, both
Classical and Contemporary and to be able to compose PAPER
in the language and translate from it into English and vice I
Total Marks—
1. Introduction
Candidates will be required to write one or more essays in
English. A — Nature of Science ;
wide choice of subject will be given.
— Brief History of Science with special reference to
2. ENGLISH (PRECIS & COMPOSITION) contribution of Muslims in the evolution and development
(COMPULSORY) of science ;
Total Marks—100
— Impact of science on society.
The examination will be based upon a paper carrying 100 marks
and will be geared to test the candidates’ ability to handle grammatical 2. The Physical Sciences
structure, reading comprehension and analysis,and precis writing and
composition. (a) Constituents and Structure :—ˆUniverse, Galaxy,
Solar system, Sun, Earth, Minerals ;
The candidates should be capable of :
(b) Processes of Nature :—Solar and Lunar Eclipses ; Day
(a) Using English correctly and efficiently as a vehicle and
of communication. Night and their variation ;

(b) Reading, comprehending and analyzing advanced texts. (c) Energy :— sources and resources of Energy
; Energy conservation ;
Grammar and Vocabulary
(i) Ceramics, Plastics, Semiconductors ;
The candidate’s ability to handle the structure of English
will be tested by framing items based upon grammatical categories (ii) Radio, Television, Telephones, Camera,
that usually create problems for foreign students. Laser, Microscope.

There shall be no prescribed course for this purpose. (iii) Computers, Satellites ;

Reading Comprehension and Analysis (iv) Antibiotics, Vaccines, Fertilizers, Pesticides.

Two unseen passages shall be given with a fixed reading time 3. Biological Sciences
and multiple choice questions would be placed at the end to be
answered. The passage for comprehension shall be fairly technical. — The basis of life—the cell, chromosomes, genes,
The passages would be selected from writings on economic, nucleic acids.
social, cultural subjects and international affairs.
— The building blocks—Proteins. Harmones and other
Precis Writing nutrients. Concept of balanced diet. Metabolism.

The candidates will be required to present an acceptable precis — Survey of Plant and Animal Kingdom— a brief
of a given passage. The unseen passage will be selected from survey of plant and animal kingdom to pinpoint
current, economic, social, cultural and international affairs. similarities and diversities in nature.

ENGLISH (PRECIS & COMPOSITION) — The Human body—a brief account of human
(COMPULSORY) Physiology. Human behaviour.


1. A communicative grammar of English Leech & Svartik
2. A Practical English grammar Thomson & Title Author
3. A comprehensive English Grammar Eckersley & 1. Exploring life Sciences Turber, Kilburn
for Foreign students Eckersley (Long- & Howell
mans) 2. —Exploring Physical Science Turber, Kilburn
& Howell
4. Modern English Vol. I & II Rutherford
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 3. Guide to Science Isaac Asimov
5. A University English Grammar. R. Quirk & 4. Science Restated Cassidy
S. Greenbaum
(Longmans) 5. Principles of Animal Biology Khan, M. Rafiq




(Marks—100) (Marks—100)

Candidates will be expected to display such general knowledge of

History, Geography and Politics as is necessary to interpret current affairs. 1. Evolution and growth of Muslim Society in the Sub-continent.

1. Pakistan’s relations with its neighbours.

2. Ideology of Pakistan.—Definition and Elucidation, Historical
2. Pakistan’s relations with Middle Eastern, African and Far aspects : Muslim rule in the sub-continent, its downfall and efforts of
Eastern Countries. Renaissance. Movements for reforms—Sheikh Ahmed Sarhindi, Shah
3. Pakistan relations with big powers. Waliullah, Aligarh, Deoband, Nadwah, Anjamun Hamiat-e-Islam and other
4. International Economic issues and Pakistan. Educational Institutions— Sind Madressah and Islamia College Peshawar.
Ideology of Pakistan in the lights of speeches and sayings of Allama Iqbal
5. Pakistan’s role in regional and international organizations.
and Quaid-i-Azam.
6. Nuclear politics in South Asia.
7. Structure of Pakistan’s economy, economic planning and
development strategies. 3. Pakistan Movement.—Historical developments, important event, role
8. Central Issues and problems in the Educational Systems. of various individuals, communities and groups.
9. Issues in Pakistan Politics.
10. Superpowers and the Issues of World Order. 4. Political Developments in Pakistan since 1947 and efforts for
11. Major Contemporary Crises. promulgation of Islamic system.
12. Major Economic, social and political issues of the world as
reflected and discussed in periodicals and newspapers. 5. Land and People of Pakistan.—Geography, Society, Natural
resources, Agriculture, Industry, Education with reference to
CURRENT AFFAIRS (COMPULSORY) characteristics, trends and problems.

Title Author
1. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and G.W. Choudhry
Great Powers Title Author

2. Main Spring of Indian and Pakistani S.M. Burke 1. Ideological Orientations of Pakistan Al Mujahid Sharif
Foreign Policies
2. Letters of Iqbal to Jinnah Iqbal, Mohammad
3. Pakistan’s Foreign Policy S.M. Burke
3. Muslim Separatism in India (A brief Hamid, Abdul
4. Pakistan and the Great Powers Mohammad Survey 1858—1947)
Ahsan Choudhry
4. Modern Muslim India and the birth Ikram, S. M.
5. Pakistan and the U.N. Mohammad of Pakistan
Ahsan Choudhry
5. Quaid-i-Azam and Pakistan Dani, Ahmed
6. Pakistan the long view Lawrence Ziring Hassan
et. al.
6. Struggle for Pakistan Qureshi, I. H.
7. Political System of Pakistan Khalid B. Sayeed
7. The case for Pakistan Rafiq, Afzal M.
8. Politics in Pakistan Khalid B. Sayeed
8. The Making of Pakistan Aziz, K. K.
9. World Politics Since 1945 P. Calvocrassi
9. The Muslim Community of the Indo- Qureshi, I. H.
10. Conflict and Cooperation in the Indian Pervaiz Iqbal Pakistan Sub-continent
Ocean : Pakistan’s Interests and Choices Cheema
10. The Emergence of Pakistan Mohammad Ali
11. The Security of South Asia Stephen P. Cohen
11. Towards Pakistan Waheed-uz-
12. The Military and Politics in Pakistan Hasan Askari Zaman
Rizvi 12. Pakistan A Study Hamid Yusuf
of Political Development 1947—97
13. Development strategies of Pakistan M.L. Qureshi
13. Ulema in Politics Qureshi, I. H.
14. The Management of Pakistan’s Ahmad, V.,
economy 1947 to 1982 Rashid Amjad 14. World Scholars on Quaid-i-Azam Dani, Ahmed

Total Marks—100

1. Basic Problems of Human Life and their Solutions

Various sources of knowledge-revelation (Wahy) as a source of

knowledge and solution to human problems. Divinity and Supermacy of Wahy.

2. Need of Religion and its role in Human Life

Islam and other religions.

3. Islam

Its concept and meanings, Deen and Muzhab. Islamic concepts of

Universe and Humanity, Place of Humanity in Islam, Man as Vicegerent of Allah,
Chief Characteristics of Islamic Ideology.

4. Fundamental Beliefs and Practices of Islam

(a) Tauheed (Unity of Allah), Risalat (Finality of the Prophethood), Akhirat

(Day of Judgement).

(b) Salat, Soum, Zakat, Hajj, Jehad.

5. Islamic Way of Life

(a) Sources of Shariah : The Qu’ran, Sunnah, Ijma (Consensus), Qiyas

and Ijtihad (reasoning).

(b) Social system in Islam : Responsibilities and mutual relationship of

members of family, separate role of man and woman in an Islamic Social set up,
concept of Woman’s freedom in Islam, Responsibilities of man and woman in
character-building of new generation.

(c) Morality in Islam : Concept of morality, Relationship of morality and

Faith, Islamic principles and methods of character-building, Moral values in

(d) Islamic Political System :—

(i) Legislative System

(ii) Judicial System
(e) Muslim ummah : Role and objectives of Muslim Ummah. Title Author
1. Introduction to Islam. Dr. Hamidullah
2. Islamic Ideology Dr. Khalifa Abdul
6. Quranic Ayat and their Translation. Hakim
3. Ideology of the Future Dr. Muhammad
Following last 10 surrah of the Holy Quran with their translations :— Rafiuddin
1. SURRAH AL-FEEL 4. Islam : The Misunderstood Religion Muhammad
2. SURRAH AL-QURESH 5. Islam : Its meaning and Message Khushid Ahmed
3. SURRAH AL-MAOON 6. Islam the Religion Syed Anwar Ali

4. SURRAH AL-KAUSAR 7. The Religion of Islam Ahmad A.

5. SURRAH AL-KAFAROON 8. Outlines of Islamic Culture A.M.A. Shushtery







5. ACCOUNTANCY AND AUDITING 6. Cost Accounting Nisar-ud-Din

Total Marks—200 7. Cost Accounting S. Qavi Ahmad

PAPER I 8. Auditing Dicksee, L.R.
ACCOUNTING 9. Companies Act 1984

10. Practical Auditing Spiecer and Pegler

Principles of Accounting and their applications to all types of
Business Organizations—Banking, Insurance, Investment, Trading and 11. Principles and Procedure of Auditing Kh. Amjad Saeed
Industrial Concerns, Accounting for non-profit Organisations, Work-sheet,
Financial statements, Financial Reporting, Financial Analysis and 12. Income Tax Ordinance 2001
Budgeting, Depreciation, Partnership. (Amended to date)

Note.—Accounting for Executors, Trustees of Deceased Persons, 13. Income Tax Law (Latest edition) Kh. Amjad Saeed
Liquidators, Receivers, Official Agencies, Assignees etc. and Accounting for
Multinational Corporation will not be included. 14. Business Organization Nisar-ud-Din

15. Principles and Practice of Commerce Stephenson

16. Basic Business Finance Hunt, Williams and
(Marks—100) Donaldson

17. Income Tax Law Vol. I & II Luqman Baig

(a) Cost Accounting (Latest edition)

Principles of Cost Accounting, Relationship of Cost Accounting to

Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting as a tool of management—use of 6. AGRICULTURE
Cost information, Cost flow, Cost elements, Costs classification, Process
Cost and job—order Cost Accounting, Costing for Joint and by—Products, Total Marks—100
Standard Cost Accounting, reconciliation of Financial Accounts with Cost
Accounts. 1. Natural Resources (Land, Water, Biological, Environmental,
Solar and energy) as bases for agricultural production. Agriculture as
(b) Auditing integrated system of components like Crops, Livestock, Fisheries, Forestry,
Range Management, Socio-economics etc. Role of research and newer
Principles of Auditing, The Accounting System, Its importance to technologies in current and future agriculture in Pakistan.
Independent Audit, Internal Control, Internal Audit, Rights and Duties of
Auditors. Professional Liabilities of an Auditor, Application of Auditing 2. Elements of climate and their relationship with crop growth,
Principles and Techniques to all Types of Trading, Commercial, Industrial, Factors of soil, Soil formation and development of soil profile, Soil texture
Banking, Insurance and Investment under-takings, Audit programme, and structure and their management, Soil fertility and fertilizer requirement of
Special Audit Investigation of actual or suspected Frauds, Limitations of various soils and crops, Role of organic matter in soil ; Water
Audit, Audit Report, Certificates and Opinion as required under Companies requirements of crops and water use efficiency, Cropping pattern and crop
Act, Securities Exchange Authority Rules, Auditing and EDP Systems. relations, Systems and types of farming; Nature, formation and reclamation of
salt affected and water-logged soil, Soil erosion and conservation.
(c) Income Tax
3. Physiology of Growth and development, growth curves, growth
Principles of Computing taxable income and total income for the regions, RGR, NAR and LAR in relation to biomass production. Seed
purposes of Income Tax, Universal Self-Assessment. growth and assimilate partitioning, Harvest index. Photoperiodic and
Specialized knowledge of Income Tax will not be expected. thermoperiodic responses of crop plants, photorespiration. Nitrogen
Candidates will be required to have a sound grasp of the provisions of fixation, Nitrogen cycle, factors affecting biological N-fixation.
Sections 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 39, 39 (3) and (4), 40, 72, 87, 92,
93, 98A, 98B, 98C, 101, 114(1), 114(3), and 4, 120, 122, 123, 124, 147, 4. The modern concept of genetics, gene and gene function,
176, First Schedule and 2nd Schedule of Income Tax Ordinance 2001 as application of genetics for the improvement of crops.
amended upto date and the connected Rules contained in Income Tax
Rules, 2002. 5. Modern concept of Horticultural industry, Plant propagation,
Major management and breeding problems in fruits and vegetables.
(d) Business Organization and Finance
6. Pests and diseases of agricultural crops, Principles and methods of
Nature and Scope of Business Organization, Forms of Business pest and diseases control, Pesticides—their application and action. Modern
Organization—Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Joint Stock Company, concept and principles of insect pest management.
Cooperative Society, Company Promotion and Management, Insurance,
business Combinations, Principles of Business Finance—Short Term, 7. Role of agriculture in the national economy. Agricultural
Intermediate Term and Long Term financing, expansion and contraction, mechanization. Land tenure and Land reforms. Population problems of
Ratio analysis—Sources and flow statement, Role of Financial Institutions. rural Pakistan. Major issues in agriculture and agricultural development in



Title Author Title Author

1. Accountancy Pickles, W. 1. Agriculture in India Vol. I & II Kamar, L.S.S.

2. Advanced Accounting Vol.I & II Muin-ud-Din 2. An Introduction to Tropical Agriculture Temporary H & D
Grit, H.
3. Book Keeping and Accounts Big, W.S.
3. A treatile in Horticulture Gilani, M.A.
4. Principles and Practice of Book Vickery, B.G.
Keeping and Accounts 4. An Introduction to Animal Husbandry King Black Well,
5. Cost Accounting, Planning and Control Matz and Usry
5. Breading Field Crops Poehlman


6. Disease of Field Crops Dickson, J.G. Non-linear equations. Systems of equations. Variation of parameters and
the power series method.
7. Agricultural Insects Pests of Tropics Hill, S.D. and
their control. Formation of partial differential equations. Types of integrals of
partial differential equations, Partial differential equations of first order.
8. Forest Ecology Spurr, S.H. Partial differential equations with constant coefficients, Monge’s method.
Classification of partial differential equations of second order. Laplace’s
9. Fundamentals of Soil Science Foth equation and its boundary value problems. Standard solutions of wave
equation and equation of heat induction.
10. Irrigation Principles and Practicals Isrealson, O.W.
11. Manual of Plant Production Abdul Manan
12. Principles of Agronomy Mudliar, W.T.S.
Definition of tensors as invariant quantities. Coordinate
13. Principles of Field Crop Production Martin, J.H. & transformations. Contravariant and covariant laws of transformation of the
Leonard, W.H. components of tensors. Addition and multiplication of tensors. Contraction
and inner product of tensors. The Kronecker delta and Levi-Civita symbol.
14. Principles of Genetics Gardner, E.J. The metric tensor in Cartesian, polar and other coordinates. covariant
derivatives and the Christoffel symbols. The gradient, divergence and curl
15. Physiology of Crop Plants Gardner, Peares operators in tensor notation.
and Mitchal
16. The Nature and Properties of Soil Buckman, H.O. &
Bready, N.C. Elements of Numerical Analysis

17. Physiology of Growth and Development Willking Solution of non-linear equations, Use of x = g (x) form. Newton
Raphson method, Solution of system of linear equations. Jacobi and Gauss-
18. Plant Pathology Agrioes, G.N. Seidel Method. Numerical Integration. Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule.
Regula falsi and iterative method for solving non-linear equation with
convergence. Linear and Lagrange interpolation. Graphical solution of
7. APPLIED MATHEMATICS linear programming problems.

Total Marks—200
Candidates will be asked to attempt any two questions from Section
A and any three questions from Section B. Title Author

SECTION A 1. Classical Mechanics Goldstein

Vector Analysis 2. Lectures on Ordinary Differential Hille, E.

Vector algebra, scalar and vector product of two or more vectors,
Function of a scalar variable, Gradient, divergence and curl, Expansion 3. Lectures on Partial Differential Petrovosky, I.G.
formulae, curvilinear coordinates, Expansions for gradient, divergence and Equations
curl in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, Line, surface and volume
integrals, Green’s, Stoke’s and Gauss’s theorems. 4. Mechanics Symon, G.F.

Statics 5. Mechanics Ghori, Q.K.

Composition and resolution of forces, Parallel forces, and couples, 6. Mathematical Physics, An Advanced Mikhin, S.G.
Equilibrium of a system of coplanar forces, Centre of mass and centre of Course
gravity of a system of particles and rigid bodies, Friction, Principle of
virtual work and its applications, equilibrium of forces in three dimensions. 7. Ordinary Differential Equations. Easthan, M.S.P.

SECTION B 8. Principles of Mechanics Synge and

9. Principles of Mechanics Hauser.
Tangential, normal, radial and transverse components of velocity and
acceleration, Rectilinear motion with constant and variable acceleration, 10. Partial Differential Equations Sneddon. I.N.
Simple harmonic motion, Work, Power and Energy, Conservative forces and
principles of energy, Principles of linear and angular momentum, Motion 11. Theoretical Mechanics Beckker
of a projectile, Ranges on horizontal and inclined planes, Parabola of safety.
Motion under central forces, Apse and apsidal distances, Planetary 12. Theoretical Mechanics Bradsbury
orbits, Kepler’s laws, Moments and products of inertia of particles and
rigid bodies, Kinetic energy and angular momentum of a rigid body, Motion 13. Theory of ordinary differential Goddirgton, E.A.
of rigid bodies, Compound pendulum. Impulsive motion, collision of two equations and N. Livenision
spheres and coefficient of restitution.
14. Vector and Tensor Methods Charlton Jeffreya

(Marks—100) 8. ARABIC

Candidates will be asked to attempt any two questions from Section Total Marks—200
A, one question from Section B and two questions from Section C. PAPER—I
1. (a) The Pre-Islamic Arabic Literature.
Differential Equations
(b) The Quran, its language, contents and style; its influence on the
Linear differential equations with constant and variable coefficients. subsequent literature.

(c) Quranic semantics and etymology with special reference to Ibn

Manzoor’s Lisan al’Arab and Raghib al-Asfahani’s Mufradat fi
Gharib al-Quran.

(d) Literary History and Literary criticism—literary movements,

classical backgound, socio-cultural influences and modern trends. Origin
and development of modern literary genres, including drama, novel,
short story, essay.

(e) Contribution of Arabs in the fields of science, philosophy and

linguistics with special reference to the views of the Ibn Khaldun, al-
biruni, al-Jahiz, Ibn Maskawaih, Ibn Maja, al-Kasai and

(f) A short introduction to Pakistani Arabic literature in the fields of prose

and poetry.

(g) The contemporary Arabic literature in Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq with
special emphasis on the literature of al-Mahjer and its outstanding
representatives such as Jabran Khalil Jabran, Ilia Abu Medhi, Mckhail
Naeema, and Umer Abu Risha.

2. A short Essay in Arabic.


This paper will require first-hand reading of the texts prescribed and
will be designed to test the candidates critical ability.
11. Literary History of the Arabs Nicholson
Poetry 12. Arabic Grammer Thatcher

1. Imarul Qais : His Maullaqah :— 9. BALOCHI

“Qifaa Nabki mim Zakraa Habibin Wa Manzili” (Complete).

2. Zohair Bin Abi Sulma : His Maullaqah :—

“A Min Umme Aufaa Dimnatun lam takalami” (Complete).

3. Hassan Bin Tabit : The following five Qasaid from his Daiwan : From
Qasidah No. 1 to Qasidah No. IV and the Qasidah :—
“Lillahi Darru Kaaba .................. Nadamtuhum.

4. Labeed : Afatiddiyaru Mahalluha Wa Maqammuha Mahmud Timur :

Story : “Ammi Mutawalli” (From :)

5. Taufiq Al-Hakim : Dramas : Sirrul Muntahiraa” from his book

“Masra-hiyaatu Tufiqal Hakim”.

6. Dr. Rana M. N. Ehsan Elahie : Nafais al-Adab, [P.U.B.A. (Hons)


7. Dr. Jalal al-Khayyat and others :


8. Dr. Taha Hussain : Hadith al-Araba’a

9. Isa an-Na’uri : Adab al-mahjer

10. George Saidah : Adabuna wal-Udaba fi Adab al-Mahjer

11. Dr. De Boer : The History of Philosophy in Islam


Candidates will be required to answer some questions carrying not less than
25% marks in Arabic also.



Title Authors

1. The Contribution of India to the Dr. Zubaid Ahmed

Arabic Literature.


4. Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics Clive, A. Stace
Total Marks—200
PAPER—I 5. The Biology of the Algae Round, F.E.
(Marks—100) (Second Edition)

1. Thallophytes : 6. The Structure and Life of Bryophytes Watson, E.V.

(a) Phycology : Origin, evolution, distribution and classification 7. The Morphology of Pteridophytes Sporne, K.R.
with reference to range, structure, life history, ecology and
economic importance of the main groups of algae. 8. The Morphology of Gymnosperms Sporne, K.R.

(b) Mycology and Plant Pathology Structure, development 9. Cytology Wilson, G.B. &
reproduction, classification; phylogeny, physiology and Morrison, J.H.
economic importance of the main groups of fungi. Diseases of
economic importance and general principles of their control. 10. Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline Richards, L.A. and
Alkali Soils (ed)
2. Bryology : Evoloution of gametophytes and sporophytes.
11. Plant Physiology (Second Edition) Frank, B. Salisbury
3. Peteridophyta and Gymnosperms : General structure, life history and & Cleon W. Ross
evolutionary tendencies. Ontogeny and structure of seed.
12. Plant and the Ecosystem Billings, W.D.
4. Anatomy and Embryology : Primary and secondary tissues.
Meristems, tissue differentiation, normal and abnormal secondary growth, 13. Principles of Genetics Gardner, E.J.
anatomy of leaf, stem and root. Micro and megasporogenesis, pollination
mechanism, fertilization, development of embryo and endosperm. seed 14. Morphology of Plants Bold, Harold, C.
15. Introduction to fungi Webster, J.
5. Taxonomy of Angiosperms : Systems of classification. Rules of
botanical nomenclature. Concepts of speciation. Introduction to modern 16. Plant growth and Development Leopold, A.C. &
trends in plant taxonomy : Bio-systematics, chemotaxonomy and numerical Kriedmann, P.E.

17. Terrestrial Plant Ecology Barbour, M.G. &

BOTANY Bark, J.H. Titts,
1. Plant Physiology : Plant water relations, osmotic quantities,
absorptions, transpiration, role of essential mineral elements, their uptake and Total Marks—200
distribution, growth and development, plant hormones,
photoperiodism, vernalization. Dormancy and seed germination. British History.—The history of the British Isles and of the British
Biochemistry of carbohydrates, proteins and fats with reference to plants. Empire and Commonwealth.
Enzymes. Plant pigments. Photophosphorelation, path of carbon in
photosynthesis, oxidative phosophorelation (respiration), nitrogen and fat Paper I.
metabolism. (Marks—100)
From 1688 to 1850
2. Ecology : Influence of climatic, edaphic and biotic factors on
plant growth. Sampling techniques. Major formations in relation to climatic Paper II.
zones. Concepts of ecosystems and their productivity, Ecological energetics, (Marks—100)
efficiency, pyramids, food chains and trophic levels. From 1850 to the present day.

Salinity and water logging in Pakistan, causes, reclamation, soil Note.—Credit will be given in both the papers, not only for precise presentation of
erosion, methods of control and conservation. Pollution and conservation of facts, but also for sound critical judgement.
natural resources.

3. Cytology : Detailed study of ultrastructure of cell. Mitosis and BRITISH HISTORY

meiosis. Significance of meiosis.
4. Genetics :
Title Author
(a) Mendalian Genetics, Linkage, crossing over, sex linked genes,
lethals, balanced lethals. Mutation, polyploidy. 1. A Text Book of Modern English History Southgate, G.W.

(b) Biochemical Genetics : Bichemical nature of hereditary 2. A Text Book of European History Southgate, G.W.
material, genetic Code, Fine Structure of gene, transduction and
transformation. 3. England in the Eighteenth Century Serlley, W.T.

5. Evolution : Theories of evolution, Neo-Darwinism. Neo- 4. Europe Since Napoleon Harmondswarth Thompsen, David
Lamarckism. Adaptive mutations. BOTANY
5. English Social History Trevelyan, G.M.
6. History of Britain Carter, E.H.
Title Author
7. History of England Wood, E.L.
1. An Introduction of Plant Diseases Wheeler, B.E.J.
8. Modern Britain Derry, J.K. &
2. An Introduction to Plant Anatomy Eames, A.G. & Jarman, T.L.
Mc. Daniels, L.H.
9. The Struggle for Mastery in Europe Taylor, A.J.P.
3. An Introduction to Embryology of Maheshveri 1848—1918
10. The Penguin Dictionary of English Williams, E.N. and
European History

11. Britain Between the Wars Movat, Charles L. 5. Management Arthur G. Bedeian

12. Democracy : Great Britain 1815—1914 Bentley, Michael 6. Marketing Management Philip Kotler

7. Fundamentals of Marketing William J. Stanton

8. Marketing Joel R. Evans
Total Marks—100
9. Marketing Courtland L. Bovee.
Candidates will be asked to attempt total Five questions including
one compulsory (objective type) question. They will attempt at least one 10. Putting Total Quality Management Marshal Sashkin and to
question (out of two) from each part. Short note within the question Work Kenneth J. Kiser
(without choice) can also be given.
11. Fundamentals of Financial Management Van Horn
12. Essentials of Managerial Finance J. Fred Weston, Eugene
MANAGEMENT and Brigham

1. Nature And Scope of Management-Different Schools of thought. 13. Financial Management Gitt Man

2. Planning—Planning process; Planning tools; Change

Management. 13. CHEMISTRY

3. Organisation—Type of Organisation; Theory of Organisation; Total Marks—200

Group dynamics ; Staffing. PAPER—I
4. Actuating—Leading; Approaches to Leadership—Coordinating;
Communicating; Motivating. 1. Atomic structure.—Quantum theory, Schrodinger equation,
Particle in box, hydrogen atom. Hydrogen moleculeion, hydrogen
5. Controlling—Budgetary Control; Budgetry process. molecule. Theories of hydrogen and metallic bonding.

PART-II 2. Electrochemistry.—Ionic equilibria, theory of strong electrolytes;

ebye-Huckel theory of activity coefficients, galvanic cells, memberane
PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING equilibria and fuel cells. Theories of Acids and Bases, glass electrode,
measurement of pH. Electroloysis, overvoltage and corrosion.
1. An overview of Marketing.
3. Thermodynamics.—First law of thermodynamics, internal energy,
2. Marketing’s Role in Society and inside a Firm. enthalphy functions. Thermochemistry, Entropy and second law of
Thermodynamics, Free energy and chemical equilibrium.
3. Environment of Marketing.
4. Chemistry of Following Elements.—Oxygen, Carbon, Chlorine,
4. Strategic Planning and Marketing. Silicon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus.

5. Marketing Mix i.e. Product, Pricing, Place (Distribution, 5. Metallurgy of the Following Elements.—Copper, Aluminium, Iron
Channels), Wholesaling, Retailing, Sales Promotion (Advertising, Publlic and Silver.
6. Inorganic Chemical Industries.—Sulphuric Acid, Fixation of
6. Global Marketing. Nitrogen, Chemical Fertilizers, Semi-conductivity devices. Cement, Glass
and Ceramics.
7. Chemistry of Transition Elements.—General characteristics of the
MANAGEMENT group based on the electronic configuration of the elements. Complex
compounds. Nature of Coordinate Bond, Historical development,
1. Nature and Scope of Financial Management Applications of Valence Bond, Molecular Orbital and Crystal Field
Theories to explain the structures of the Complex Compounds.
2. Interpretation of Financial Statement—Ratio analysis, Trend
analysis—Common size analysis. 8. Pollution—Water, air.

3. Time Value of Money—Concept of TVM; Net Present Value; Pay

Back period; Internal rate of return. CHEMISTRY

4. Working Capital Management—Cash Management; Receivable PAPER—II

Management; Inventory Management.
5. Port Folio Management—Types of Investment; Financial
1. Theory of Chemical Bonding.—Elements of Valence bond and
Securities; Diversification of Risk.
molecular orbital theories (idea of bonding, non-bonding and anti-bonding
orbitals) Sigma and Pi bonds. Hybridization, Shape of molecules.
6. Accounting—Accounting Cycles, Preparation of Financial
Statements; Balance Sheet, Income Statement. BUSINESS
2. Chemical Kinetics.—Rate law and its determination Order of
reaction. Experimental methods. Temperature Dependence of rate
constants. Study of mechanism of a few selected reactions (1st and 2nd
SUGGESTED READINGS under reaction only).

Title Author 3. Surface Chemistry and Catalysis.—Physical adsorption and

chemisorption. Surface area determination. Homogeneous and
1. Management Robins Stephen P. Hetrogeneous Catalysis. Acid-base and Enzyme Catalysis.

2. The New Management Robert M. Fulmer 4. Physical Organic Chemistry.—Elements of Organic reaction
mechanism. Optical and Geometric Isomarism. Conformational analysis.
3. Management Horold Koontz and Resonance. H—Bond and its effects on the properties of Organic
Heinz Weihrich Compounds.
4. Management James A. F. Stoner 5. Organic Halogen Compounds.—Types and Synthetic application.
and Charles Wanke
Grignard Reagents.


6. Chemistry of Carbonyl Compounds.—Types of Carbonyl Software Engineering

Compounds. Preparation and reactions of Aldehydes and ketones.
Introduction to Software Engineering, Software life cycle, Software
7. Aromatic Chemistry.—Structure of Benzene with particular Design Methodologies: Structured/Object oriented, Software
reference to Mechanism of Electrophilic Substitution Reactions. documentation and Management, Introduction to CASE tools.

8. Organic Nitrogen Compounds.—Diazonium Salts and their SECTION-C

synthetic applications. Preparation and reactions of Aromatic Amino
Compounds. Introduction to the Study of Dyes with particular reference to Data Base Management
Data Models, E-R Models, Relational Database concepts, SQL,
9. Chemistry of Natural Products.—Elementary study of Normalization, Database Design.
Carbohydrates. Oils and Fats. Alkaloids and Vitamins.
Web Programming
10. Industrial Organic Chemistry.—Organic Polymers. Fermentation
processes including preparation of Anti-Biotics. Petro-Chemical Industry. HTML, CGI, PERL, JAVA: Applet/Script, WWW, Web based
interface Design.
Computer Graphics
Fundamentals of input, display and hard copy devices, scan
Title Author conversion of geometric primitives, 2D and 3D geometric transformations,
clipping and windowing, scene modeling and animation, algorithms for
1. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Cotton. F.A. and visible and surface determination.
3rd Ed. Wilkinson Groffrey
2. Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd Ed. 1983 Hukeavy, James E.
The following books or their more recent equivalents, manuals,
3. Physical Chemistry 3rd Ed. Barrow, Gardon M. computer magazines and Journals, are recommended.
4. Physical Chemistry 5th Ed. Moore, Walter J.
Title Author
5. University Chemistry Mahan, B.H.
1. Computer Concepts, 3rd Edition, ITP, 1998 J.J. Parsond &
6. Introduction to Organic Chemistry Streitwieser, A. Jr. D. Oja
2nd Ed.
2. Mathematical Structures for Computer G.L. Gersting
7. Mechanism & Structure in Organic Gould, Edwards Science, Freeman & Company
3. Java Script: The Definitive Guide, 2/e, D. Flanagan
8. Organic Chemistry 2nd Ed. Morrison, Robert O’Reilly, 1997
Thornton & Boyd
R.N. 4. The HTML Sourcebook, Wiley, 1996 I.S. Graham

14. COMPUTER SCIENCE 5. Computer Science: An overview, 6/e, J. G. Brookshear

Total Marks—100
Addison-Wesley, 1998
Candidates will be asked to attempt total five questions including one
6. Java: An Object First Approach, Addison F. Culwin
compulsory objective type question. They will attempt atleast one question from
Wesley, 1998
each section. Each question will carry 20 marks.
7. Web Page Scripting Techiques, Hayden J. Bloomberg,
SECTION-A Books, 1996 J. Kawski J and
Computer Architecture P. Treffers

8. Computer Organization and Architecture: W. Stallings

Introduction to modern machine Architecture, Storage Hierarchy; Designing for performance 4/e, Prentice-Hall
Main/Virtual/Cache/Secondary Memory, CPU, ALU, Peripheral 1997
communication, Designing of Instruction set, Stored program concept,
Introduction to parallel computing; SIMD/MIMD. 9. The Art of Computer Programming, Addison D.E. Knuth
Operating System
Vol. 1 Fundamental Algorithms, 3/e, 1997
Functions/Types of operating systems, Processes, Interprocess Vol. 3 Sorting and Searching, 2/e, 1998
Communication/Synchronization/Co-ordination, Process Scheduling
Policies, Virtual Memory Management Techniques; Paging/Segmentation, 10. Algorithms and Data Structures, Prentice N. Wirth
File Management Systems. Hall, 1985

Computer Networks 11. Introduction to Database Systems, 6/e, C.J. Date

Addison Wesley, 1996
LAN/WAN/MAN, Communication channels, Internetworking, 12. Software Engineering, 6/e 1998 Ian Sommerville
Internet, Network layer structure, ISO Internet Protocol, OSI/TCP/IP
reference model. 13. Software Engineering: A Practitioners R. Pressman
Approach (4th edition), McGraw-Hill, 1997
14. Computer Networks, 3rd Edition, Prentice S. Tanenbaum
Structured and Object Oriented Programming Hall, 1996

Basics of C/C++ environment, memory concepts, operators, control 15. Operating System Concepts, 4/e, Addison- Silberschatz &
Wesley, 1996 J. Peterson,
structures, selection structures, Array & functions/methods, classes & data
Abstractions, inheritance and polymorphism.
16. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Foley/Van Dam/
2/e, Addison-Wesley, 1996 Feiner/Hughes
Data Structures and Algorithms
17. Computer networks and Internet, Prentice D.E. Comer
Pseudo language, Functions, Iteration, Recursion, Time/complexity Hall, 1998
Analysis, Stacks Queue, hashing, linked list, Searching; Sequential, Binary,
Sorting Algorithms, Graphs Algorithms, Tree Algorithms, Trees, ADTs, 18. C++: How to Program, Prentice-Hall, 1998 H.M. Deitel, P.J.
Implementation using Structured/object oriented languages. Deital

19. Data Base Processing, Fundamentals-design David M. Kropnke 3. Agricultural Development in Pakistan : Changes in Agricultural
implementation, 4th Edition, Macmillan Policies over plan periods, Major Monetary and Fiscal measures to promote
Publishing Company, New York, 1993 Agricultural development, Green Revolution Strategy and its implications for
growth and redistribution, Land Reforms and changes in the Tenure System
20. Data and Computer Communication, 5th W. Stallings 1950—1980, Cooperative Farming.
Edition, Prentice-Hall International, 1997
4. Industrial Development in Pakistan : Early industrialisation
strategy, Creation of Financial and Development Institutions, Major
monetary and fiscal measures to promote industrial development, Changing
15. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW role of public sector over the plan periods, Evaluation of Nationalisation
Policy, Concentration of industrial income and wealth.
Total Marks—100
5. Role of Foreign Trade and Aid in economic development : Trends in
Constitutional Law—Principles of Constitutional Law with special Pakistan’s Balance of Payments, Changes in direction of trade, Trends in
reference to United Kingdom, United States of America, France, Former Pakistan’s major exports and imports, Causes of significant changes in the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, Pakistan and India. trends, the role of migration and remittances in Pakistan’s economy, costs
and benefits of Foreign Aid.

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 6. Privatization, denationalisation and deregulation, conceptual and

operational aspects. International comparisons.
Title Author
1. Constitution of Pakistan Monir, M.
Title Author
2. Constitutional Development of Pakistan Choudhry, A.G.
1. A Text-book of Economics Theory Stonier & Hague
3. Governments and Parties in Continental Lowell, A.L.
Europe 2. Economic Development in the Third Todaro, M.P.
4. Introduction to the study of the Law of Dicey the
Constitution 3. Under Development and Agrarian Khan, Mahmood
Structure in Pakistan Hassan

16. ECONOMICS 4. Economic of Islam Ahmed, S.M.

Total Marks—200 5. Economics Paul A. Samuleson

(Marks—100) 6. Factors in Economic Development Cairncross, A.K.

1. Micro Economics 7. Foreign Aid Theory and Practice in Wolf, Jr. DC

Southern Asia
Consumer behaviour, Determination of market demand and supply,
theory of the Firm, Producer’s equilibrium, Pricing of the factors of 8. Government Finance—An Economic Due John, F.
production. Analysis

2. Macro Economics 9. Introduction to International Economics Snider, D.A.

Basic Economic Concepts, National Income Accounting, 10. Microeconomic Theory Ferguson, C.E. &
Consumption Function and Multiplier, Determination of equilibrium level of Gould, J.P.
income and output, Inflation.
11. Modern Microeconomics Koutsoyiannis, A.
3. Money and Banking
12. Macroeconomics Rudigar Dorubush
Functions of Money, Quantity Theory of Money, The Fisher and & Stanley Fisher
Cambridge Formulations, Systems of note issue, Credit Creation,
Functions of Central Banks, Instruments of credit control, Theory of 13. Population Problems Theompson &
Liquidity Preference. Lewis

4. Public Financing 14. Studies in Economic Development with Ghouse, A.

Special Reference to Pakistan
Government expenditure, Sources of Government Revenue, Types of
taxes, Incidence of different taxes, Public Debt, Objectives, methods of 15. The General Theory of Employment, Keynes, J.M.
repayment, Deficit financing. Interest and Money

5. International Trade 16. The Economics of Developing Countries Hynit, H.

Theory of Comparative costs, Arguments for Protection, Balance of Note.—The candidates should be familiar with:—
payments, International liquidity, International Money and Banking Pakistan Economic Survey, Government of Pakistan, Five Year Plans,
Institutions. Government of Pakistan, World Development Reports.

(Marks—100) Total Marks—200
1. Definition and measurement of Development, Characteristics of
under development, Rethinking on the concept of Development : Growth vs. Detailed study of a literary age (19th century)
Redistributive justice, Absolute and Relative Poverty, Basic Needs
Approach. The paper will cover the study of English literature from 1798 to 1900
with special reference to the works of W. Blake, Wordsworth, Shelley,
2. Planning Experience of Pakistan : A critical evaluation of the Keats, Byron, Charles Lamb, Dickens, Tennyson, Robert Browning, Hardy,
strategy of economic planning. George Eliot, J.S. Mill, Ruskin and Oscar Wilde.

Evidence of first-hand reading will be required. The paper will be 17. Shakespeare’s Later Comedies; Palmer, D.J. (ed)
designed to test not only the candidates knowledge of the prescribed An anthology of Modern Criticism
authors works but also their understanding of the main literary trends
during the period. Questions having a bearing on the social and cultural 18. The world of Swift Vickers, B. (ed)
back-ground of the Period also be included.
19. The Art of Swift Probyn, C.T.

ENGLISH LITERATURE 20. The Dark Sun, a Study of Lawrence Hough, Graham

PAPER—II 21. The Love Ethics of Lawrence Silk, M.

22. The Lonely Tower Studies in the Henna, T.R.
The paper will require first hand knowledge of the text prescribed as Poetry of Yeats
well as general awareness of the authors major works, and will be designed to
test the candidates critical ability. 23. The Last Romantics Hough, G.

1. Shakespeare .. Hamlet 24. The Wheel of Fire Knight, G. Willson

2. Swift .. Gullivers Travels 25. The 19th Century Back Ground Basil Willey

3. Jane Austen .. Pride and Prejudice 26. The Great Tradition Leavis, F.R.

4. Shaw .. Pygmalion 27. The Odes of Keats Holloway, T. Camb

5. Yeats .. The Second Coming, sailing to 28. Tennyson Ricks, C.

Byzanthium, Among School
Children 29. Tennyson : The Critical Heritage Jump, J.D.

6. T.S. Eliot .. The Waste Land 30. The Poetry of Browning Drew, P.

7. D.H. Lawrence .. Sons & Lovers 31. Use of Poetry & Use of Criticism Eliot, T.S.

8. Earnest Hemingway .. Old Man & The Sea 32. 20th Century Views Abrahams, M.H.

9. Samuel Backet .. Waiting for Godot 33. The Romantics Image Kermode, F.

10. Robert Frost .. The Pasture, Revelation, The Tuft

of Flowers, After Apple— 18. EUROPEAN HISTORY
Picking, Mending Wall, The
Road not Taken, And Old Man’s Total Marks—200
Winter Night, Birches, Fire and (1789—1914)
Ice, Stopping by Woods, West-
running brook, Desert Places. PAPER—I
I. French Revolution
Background, Old Regime, Philosophers, Estate General, National
Title Author Assembly, England’s Reaction, Parties in the Legislative Assembly. The fall
of Monarchy, European coalition against France and the War, the se- cond
1. After Strange Gods Eliot, T.S. and the third partition of Poland, the Terror and the end of Terror, France
and Europe 1793—95.
2. A Guide to English Literature Ford, B. Pelican
Series 7 Vols. II. Napoleon Bonaparte

3. Common Pursuit Leavis, F.R. The rise of Napoleon to power, Napoleon as Emperor, statesman and
warrior, Napoleon and Europe, the continental system, the fall of Napoleon,
4. D. H. Lawrence Leavis, F.R. England’s role in the catastrophe of Napoleon.

5. Dickens, the Novelist Leavis, F.R.

III. Vienna Settlement and concept of Europe
6. Gulliver and the Gentle Reader Rowson, C.J.
Treaty of Chaumont, First treaty of Paris, Second treaty of Paris,
7. George Eliot : The Critical Heritage Caroll, D. (ed) Treaty of Vienna, Holy Alliance. Quadruple Alliance, Congress System and
failure of congress system, British Leadership.
8. History of English Literature Legouis and
Cazamian IV. England 1814 to 1833

9. History of English Literature Hudson Effects of War period, constitutional development, progress in
Industry, Agriculture and Culture.
10. Hardy, the Novelist Cecil, D.
V. Europe 1815 to 1848
11. Hardy : The Critical Heritage Cox, R.G. (ed)
The forces of continuity and reaction, Metternich system, the force of
12. In Memorium in Essay Ancient Eliot, T.S. change and progress, Nationalism, Democracy, Liberalism, Socialism,
and Modern Revolution in France 1830, Revolution in France in 1848 and the sequence of
revolutions in Europe.
13. Lawrence Kermode, F.
VI. The Eastern Question 1820 to 1878
14. Romantic Poetry Abrahams, M.H.
Background, the Greek Revolt 1820 to Independence 1832, the
15. Robert Browning Amstrange, J. (ed) Crimean War 1853 to 1856 and Peace Treaty of Paris, Pan Slavisin, The
Russo-Turkish War 1877, the treaty of San Stefano. The Congress and the
16. Swift Steel, P. Preacher treaty of Berlin 1878.
and Jester

VII. Risorginmento and the Union of Italy IX. The Second World War

Revolutionary movements in Italy, Mazzini, Cavour and other Causes, the events, Atlantic Charter, Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam
architects of Italian unification, Napoleon III and Italian Unity, Foregin conferences, the allied victory, effect of the war.
Policy of Italy after unification to 1914.
X. The U.N.O.
VIII. Unification of Germany
Origin, the Charter of the U.N.O., U.N.O. as peace keeping force.
Background, Napoleon and Germany, Rise of Prussia, Zollverein,
Revolution of 1848 and Germany, Rise of Bismark and his role as architect of XI. The Political State of Europe 1945—50
German Unity, Wars with Denmark, Austria and France, Domestic and
foreign policy of Bismark from 1870 to 1890. Foreign Policy of Germany The new Balance of Power in Europe, Russian domination of Eastern
from 1890 to 1914. Europe, Decisions on Germany’s Future, Economic Collapse of Western
Europe and recovery, Marshall Plan, Cold War, The Blockade of Berlin,
IX. The growth of Colonisation and of Overseas Empire 1815—92 N.A.T.O.

Different forms of colonisation, British Colonial policy and XII. The Rise of Russia as a Great power
expansion, The French Colonial Policy and expansion, The French in North
Africa, Suez Canal, Anglo French Control in Egypt, Russia in the Caucasus and The effects of the War on Russia, the fruit of victory, Warsaw Pact,
Turkistan, Anglo-Russian Results of Colonial development. Russia’s efforts to spread its influence in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and
Latin-America 1945 to 1960.
X. England 1893 to 1910
XIII. France after the Second World War
Social and constitutional reforms, material progress, social thought and
culture. Fourth French Republic, French Colonial Policy after Second World
War, Algeria, Indochina, De Gaule’s domestic and foreign policy.
XI. Road to the First World War
XIV. England after the Second World War
Alliances and counter alliances, Drickaiserbund, Austro German
alliance 1879, Triple alliance 1882. The formation of Dualalliance 1891-93, The rise of Labour Party, Economic Policy of the Labour Party’s
Anglo-Japanese alliance, French British and Russo British Entente, their Government, England’s Colonial Policy after the Second World War,
crises—Algeeiras, Bosnia, Agadir, German Navy, Baghdad Railway, Decline of England as World Power, British Common Wealth, England and the
Balkan crises. The cause of First World War. Common Market, England and the Middle East 1945 to 1960.

XV. Europe and Common Market

The origin and evolution of the European Common Market upto
(1914—1960) 1960.


Title Author
I. First World War
1. An Intellectual History of Modern Stromberg, R.N.
Events—U.S.A.’s entry into the War, Wilson’s 14 points, the choice
of the Turks, War in the Middle East Britain’s Middle East Policy during the
War, Balfour Declaration, Defeat of Germany, Austria and Turkey, effects
2. A History of Modern World Palmer, R.
of the War.
3. A History of Modern France Cobban, Afred.
II. Peace Treaties
The Treaty of Versailles, The big four, The basis of the Treaty, The
4. Europe Since 1815 Craig, G.A.
Treaty of Versailles and the U.S. The treaties of St. Germain and Trianon,
The treaty of Serres, the Treaty of Lausanne.
5. Europe in the Ninteenth Agatha Ramm.
Century 1789, 1905
III. The League of Nations

The Covenant, the League between the two Wars, causes of failure. 6. Europe in the Twentieth Agatha Ramm.
Century 1905-1970
IV. Marxism and the Soviet Union
7. Europe Since Napoleon Thompson, D.
The Russian Revolution 1917, Lenin, The Third International 1919,
Civil War in Russia, Trotsky. The Constitution of the U.S.S.R. Stalin, First
8. Europe Since 1870 Toll, James,
Five year Plan, Purges, The Russian foreign policy between the two Wars.
9. International Relations Between the Carr, E.H. Two
V. Italy and Fascism
World Wars
Effects of the War on Italy, Mussolini’s rise to power, Fascist party and
Principles, Italy’s foreign policy between the two Wars. 10. Modern Europe in the Making from Fasal, G. the
French Revolution to the Common
VI. Germany and Nazism Market

Germany from the Versailles Treaty to Hitler, Origins of Nazism, 11. The Age of Progress Colins, Irene.
‘Mein Kamph’, Hitler’s rise to power, Domestic Policy of Hitler, the
Totalitarian State, Hitler’s foreign policy. 12. The Norton History of Modern Europe Gilbert, F.

VII. France between the two Wars 13. The European Powers and the German Mosse, W.E.
Question 1948—1971
Defects of the French Constitution, collapse of the Third Republic,
Foreign Policy of France between the Wars.
14. The History of Modern Europe Nicolson, H.
VIII. England between the two Wars

Disadvantages of Parliamentary Government, Cabinet Government in 15. The Struggle for Mastery in Europe Taylor, A.J.P.
England. Depression of 1929 and England, Stability of British Common 1848—1918
Wealth, Foreign Policy of England between the Wars.

16. The First World War. Taylor A.J.P. 20. GEOGRAPHY

17. The Origions of the Second World War Taylor, A.J.P. Total Marks—200
18. Western Civilization 2 Volumes Burns, E.M.
19. The Eve of European Era 1890 to the Gilbirt, Felix
Present (Marks—100)

20. The Age of Revolution and Reaction Breving, rles

Cha 1. Elements of Weather and Climate
Insolation and Atmospheric Temperature. Global Radiation and Heat
21. The Age of Nationalism and 1850—1890 Rich, Norman Balance. Atmospheric Pressure and Winds. Humidity and Precipitation. Air
Masses, Fronts and Atmospheric Disturbances. Classification of Climate
and Climatic Regions.
2. Landforms
Total Marks—100
Major landforms, Rocks : origin, formation and classification,
Forestry : Internal Structure of the Earth, Earth quakes and Volcancity, Weathering,
Mass Wasting, Erosion and Deposition, Cycle of Erosion. Landforms
(i) Ecology and General Silviculture. produced by Underground and Ground Water, Wind and Glaciers.

(ii) Forest Statistics, Mensuration and Research Methods. 3. Oceans

(iii) Forest Management and Economics. Continental Margins and the Sea Floor. Distribution of Temperature and
Salinity. Movements of the Ocean Water : Waves, Currents and Tides.
(iv) Water Shed Management.
4. Study of Maps
(v) Range Management
Types of maps : Topographical Maps, Aerial Photographs, Weather
(vi) Forests surveying and Engineering. Maps. Map Projections : classification and choice of projections, Merits
and Demerits of Cylindrical, Conical and Zenithal Projections. Diagrams,
(vii) Forest Policy, Law and Protection. graphs and Distribution Maps based on Statistical Data.

(viii). Forest Biology, Wildlife and Natural Park Management. PAPER—II


FORESTRY (Marks—100)


Title Author Man and his Habitat : Concepts of Environmentalism and Possibilism.
World Population-distribution, structure and growth (natural increase and
1. Manual of Silviculture for Pakistan Champion, Seth migration). World, Society and Culture : races, languages and religions,
& Khattak, G.M. levels of education and welfare. Settlements—rural and urban,
characteristics and problems of urban places. Population/Resource
2. Forest Types of Pakistan —Do— Regions.

3. Principles of Silviculture Daniel, T.W. 2. Economic Geography

Helms & Baker
Economic Activities : primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary
4. Plant & Environment Daubenmire, R. Activity : agricultural systems ; subsistence, intensive, extensive,
mechanized and mixed farming. Production, Distribution and Trade of
5. Elementary Forest Mensuration Jerram, M.R.K. Major Cereal and Non-Cereal Crops. Forests and Fisheries. Power Resources.
Major Industries : iron and steel, textiles and chemical industries. Politico-
6. Natural Resources Measurement Avery, T.E. economic Relationship between the More Developed and Less Developed
7. Forest Management Khattak, G.M.
3. Regional Geography
8. Fundamental of Forestry Economics Duerr, W.A.
Economic and Social Regions of the world. Regional Geography of
9. Surveying and Levelling Kanetkar, T.P. South Asia with special reference to Pakistan under the following heads :
and Kulkarni Resource base (Human, Physical and Economic) Transport, Trade and
International Relations.
10. Rasul Manual for Subordinate Anon GEOGRAPHY
Engineers, Surveying Part-I
11. Material of Construction Syed, Z.H. SUGGESTED READINGS

12. Forest Engineering (Roads & Bridges) Harrison, J.L. Title Author

13. The Pakistan Forest Act, 1927 1. Physical Geography Lake, P.

14. Principles of Forest Policy Worrell 2. Physical Geography Strahler, A.N.

15. Forest Protection Hawley & Stickle 3. An Introduction to Climate Trewartha, G.T.

16. Forests & Forestry in Pakistan Sheikh, M.I. & 4. An Introduction to Map work and Bygott J. Practical
Hafeez, M.
5. Maps and Diagrams Monkhouse, F.J.
17. Range Management Stoodart, Smith and Wilkinson, H.R.
and Box
6. Human Geography Deblij, H.J.
18. Vegetation & Watershed Management Colman, E.A.

7. Human Geography Bradford, M.G. & GEOLOGY

Kent, W.A.
8. Population Geography Jones, H.R.
Title Author
9. Population Geography Clarke, J.I.
1. The Evolving Earth Sawkins & others
10. Economic Geography Pounds, N.
2. Physical Geology Skinner & Porter
11. South Asia Jonson, B.L.C.
3. Structural Geology Park
12. An Introduction to South Asia Farmer, B.H.
4. Geodynamics of Pakistan Farah & Dejong
13. A Geography of Pakistan Kureshy, K.U.
5. Invertebrate Palaeontology Moore, Laliker &
6. Stratigraphy and Sedimentation Krumbein & Sloss
Total Marks—200 7. Stratigraphy of Pakistan Ibrahim Shah
(Marks—100) 8. Mineralogy Berry & Mason

1. General Geology : Earth as a planet, its origin and age. Internal 9. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Turner &
structure of the earth and lithospheric plates. Internal and external geologi- cal Verhoogen
processes such as earth-quakes, volcanism, weathering, erosion and
deposition. Geomorphic cycles. 10. Sedimentary Rocks Pettjohn

2. Structural Geology : Primary sedimentary structures. Mechanical 11. Mineral Directory of Pakistan Zaki Ahmed
properties of rocks. Description and classification of secondary strucutres.
Structures in Metamorphic rocks. Orogeny and geosynclines in plate 12. Industrial Rocks and Minerals Lefond
tectonic framework. Major tectonic features of the earth. Geodynamics of
Pakistan. 13. Geology of Petroleum Leverson

3. Palaeontology : Fossils and their preservation. Morphology, 14. Energy Resources Brown & Skipsey
evolution and geologic distribution of major invertebrate phylla.
Micropalaeontology of Foraminifera. Vertebrate and plant fossils. 15. Engineering Geology Beavis

4. Stratigraphy : Stratigraphic nomenclature, and stratigraphic 16. Groundwater Hydrology Todd

codes. Principles of correlation. Sedimentary basins of Pakistan and
detailed stratigraphy of type sections. 17. Geological Prospecting Kreiter

5. Mineralogy : Chemical composition of the earth crust. Minerals, 18. Techniques in Mineral exploration Reedman
their physical and chemical properties. Space lattice, symmetry classes and
crystal systems. Crystal optics. Atomic structure of crystals and X-Ray
diffraction. Detailed study of important rock forming minerals. 22. HISTORY OF PAKISTAN AND INDIA

6. Petrology : Origin and evolution of magma. Binary and Ternary Total Marks—200
silicate systems. Description of important plutonic and volcanic
associations. Sedimentary environments and processes. Petrography of PAPER—I
major types of sedimentary rocks. Metamorphism, metamorphic zones and (Marks—100)
facies. Description of principle types of metamorphic rocks.
Metamorphism and magmatism in relation to plate tectonics. 712—1857 (Excluding arrival of European nations,
decline and fall of Muslim Rule)

GEOLOGY Arrival of the Muslims in the sub-continent, foundation of Muslim

Rule—administrative system and reforms under the Sultans and the
PAPER—II Mughals.
Structure of the Muslim society.

1. Economic Geology : Processes of formation of mineral deposits. Industry, trade and commerce under the Muslim patronage, the Army,
Detailed study of metallic and non-metallic mineral deposits of Pakistan. Financial administration, Zakat, Ushr, Kharaj etc.
Mineral based industries. Metallogeny of Pakistan.
Administration of Justice—Sufis and Ulema—the Madrassahs and
2. Energy Resources : Constitution and kinds of coal. Geology of Maktabs—Auqaf—
Pakistan coal fields. Origin, migration and accumulation of natural
hydrocarbons. Oil well drilling and drilling muds. Oil and gas fields of Art and architecture, literature, sports, dress—Muslim contribution to
Pakistan. Origin and occurrence of radioactive minerals. Pakistan resource of scientific knowledge—Policy of the Muslim rules towards non-Muslims.
atomic energy minerals. Geothermal energy; recovery and uses. The spirit and legacy of Muslim civilization.

3. Engineering Geology : Geological factors in the construction of

civil engineering projects. Geology of Dam Sites of Pakistan. Landslides and PAPER—II
stability of slopes. Open and subsurface excavations. Construction
materials and building stones. Site investigation and foundation analysis. (Marks—100)

4. Hydrogeology : Groundwater occurrence and types of acquifers. Part A : 1857—1947

Movement of groundwater. Salinity and waterlogging. Water resources of
Pakistan. Arrival of European nations—decline and fall of Muslim Rule,
contributions of Shah Wali Ullah, Syed Ahmed Shaheed and Sir Syed
5. Exploration Geology : Geological mapping and tradition Ahmed Khan towards regeneration of the Muslim—Hindu reform
prospecting methods. Photogeology and remote sensing mineral movements and anti-Muslim role of Hindu leaders.
exploration. Disperson of trace elements and geochemical surveys.
Geophysical techniques for prospecting of solid minerals, oil and water. Constitutional reforms of the British Government and growth of the
Political Parties—Indian National Congress, All India Muslim league—

Partition of Bengal, Simla Deputation, Role of Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk, HISTORY OF THE U.S.A.
Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk.
Syed Ameer Ali, the Agha Khan and other Muslim leaders, Lucknow
pact; Khilafat movement. Contribution of Maulana Muhammad Ali, Title Author
Allama Iqbal, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah for Muslim uplift and
welfare. 1. America at 1750 A Social Portrait Hofstadter,
Nehru report, Quaid-i-Azam’s Fourteen Points, Allama Iqbal’s
Allahabad Address 1930, Round Table Conference. The Congress role in the 2. A Pocket History of the United States Nevnis, Allan and
provinces, Lahore Resolution 1940, various missions and plans for the Cammager, Henry
partition of the sub-continent. Sterl

Quaid-i-Azam as an organizer of the Muslim League 3. American Foreign Policy Since Spainer, W.
Muslim leader and maker of Pakistan. World War-II.

PAKISTAN SINCE 1947 4. Abolitionism A New Perspective. Sorin, Gerald.

Part B
5. American Individualism : A Study of Malik, Iftikhar H.
Constitution making in Pakistan—various attempts at constitution its Origin and Development, Pakistan
making. Difficulties in establishing a parliamentary democracy, imposition of Journal of American Studies.
various Martial Laws, nature of Pakistan’s economy, development plans. Role
of foreign aid. 6. Benjamin Franklin The Father of the Malik, Iftikhar H.
Yankees “Pakistan Journal of American
Separation of East Pakistan, causes and effect : Pakistan and the Studies”.
world—major powers, Islamic world, relations with India.
7. Encyclopedia of American History Morris, Richard &
Social and intellectual trends after 1947. Contribution of Quaid-i- Commager, H.S. eds.
Azam as First Governor General and Liaquat Ali Khan as first Prime
Minister. 8. Evolution of Muslim Community in Malik, Iftikhar H. the
U.S. Journal of Research Society
SUGGESTED READINGS 9. Family Encyclopedia of American History —
Title Author
10. Iran, Turkey and Afghanistan Ziring, Lawrence.
A Political Chronology.
1. Constitutional Development in Pakistan G.W. Choudhry.
11. Main Currents in American History. Parrington,
2. Constitutional History of India Keith A.B.
3. Early India & Pakistan Wheeler Mortimer
12. Paved with Good Intentions Rubin, Barry.
The American Experience and Iran.
4. Five Thousand Year of Pakistan Wheeler R.E.M.
13. The Americans : The Colonial Experience Boorstin, David J.
5. Government & Politics in Pakistan Ahmad Mushtaq.
The Americans the National Experience —do—
6. Pakistan & India G.W. Choudhry.
14. The United States Hofstadter,
Richard et. al.
7. Political System in Pakistan Khalid Bin Saeed.
15. The American Constitution Pritchet, Herman.
8. Pakistan the Formative Phase Khalid Bin Saeed.
16. The United States and Pakistan Tahir-Khali,
9. Studies in Islamic culture in Indian Aziz Ahmed.
17. United States Pakistan Relation, “U.S. Malik, Iftikhar H.
10. The Making of Pakistan Richard Symond.
Pakistan Relation : A Historical Pers-
pective on Cross-Cultural Dialogue”, in
11. Political Parties in Pakistan Vol. I & II Afzal, Rafique.
Rais A. Khan ed.
12. The Great Divide : Britain, India Hodson, H.V. and
18. U.S. China Relations : A Study in Malik, Iftikhar H.
Imperialism “Strategic Studies”.
13. The Pakistan Experience—State and Khan, Asghar.
Religion 19. White Man’s Burden : Historical Jordan, Winthrop
Origins of Racism in the United States D.
14. Pakistan in Transition Wriggins, W.H. (ed)
20. Out of Our Past : The Forces That Degler, Carl N.
Shaped Modern Amercia
15. Muslim Rule in Indio-Pak subcontinent Ishwari Prasad
21. The American Constitution : Its Origins Kelly, Alfred H.
16. Two Nation theory Shafiq Ali Khan
and Development.
17. The British Raj in India S. M. Burke
22. Making America : The Society and Luedtke, Luther,
Salim Al-Din Qureshi
Culture of the United States S.

Total Marks—100
History of the U.S.A.—Facts of political history from the early settlers to
the present day. Questions will also be asked on economic and Total Marks—100
constitutional development of the U.S.A.
International Law : Public International Law, Important cases deci-
ded by the permanent court of International Justice, the International Court of
Note.—Credit will be given not only for precise presentation of facts but also for
Justice and U.N.O. Law of the Sea.
sound critical judgement.


INTERNATIONAL LAW 10. Indian Ocean and the Superpowers : Rasul Bux Rais
Economic, Political and Strategic

Title Author 11. Sanctuary and War Pervaiz Iqbal

1. Public International Law Brownlie

2. Territorial Waters and Maritime 12. Contemporary Strategy : Theories J. Baylis, K. and
Zones Act., 1976 Policies Booth, P.
Willimas, J.
3. U.N. Convention on Law of the Sea— Garnet


Total Marks—100 (Marks—100)

Part—A I. Humanity at the dawn of Islam

1. The modern state system—history, basic features, evolving A brief survey of major world civilizations, with special emphasis on
forms. their intellectual, humanistic and special institutions—their impact on
2. International Relations as a field of study, Basic Approaches— world history.
Power, Balance of Power, Imperialism, Nationalism.
II. Advent of Islam
3. Interaction between states—diplomacy, International Law,
international economic and trade linkages—pressures in world politics. Life and teachings of the Holy Prophet. Foundations
of a new and revolutionary world order :
Part —B Institutions of Islam; Political, Social, Economic and Legal Strucutre of the
Islamic polity.
1. Evolution of the International System since 1815 (Congress of
Vienna) Historical Overview. The Quran : Emphasis on the study of Nature and Research, Changes
brought by Islam in human thinking and behaviour.
2. World War I, II, Decolonization, Rise of the Third World Alliance
System (NATO, SEATO, CENTO, WARSAW PACT) Peaceful coexistence : III. Foundation of Muslim State
Non-Aligned Movement Theories of Peace and Security in Nuclear Age
(Deterrence, Limited war, Crisis Management etc). Detente. Early conquests of the Khulafa-i-Rashidin ;
Administrative and legal structure of the State.
Part—C Political and Ideological differences and the emergence of the Ummayyads;
Expansion and consolidation of the Empire.
1. Foreign Policies of the Superpowers, major powers (USA, USSR,
China) with special reference to South Asia (India, Pakistan, etc.). IV. The Grandeur of Islam

2. Issues in global Politics. Philosophical, scientific and Literary Progress of the Muslims during the
Abbasid period.
(a) Nuclear Proliferation.
V. The Ottoman Caliphate
(b) Superpower rivalry in the Indian Ocean.
Turkish march towards Europe. Political structure of the Turkish
(c) International economic order. Empire, salient features of their administration, decline and disintegration.

(d) Regional Security issues and crises (Afghanistan Crises,

Iran—Iraq war, Palestine problem, Aparthied and South
Africa, Namibia, Polish crises, Eurocommunism, Central (Marks—100)
American crises etc.)
I. Islam in Africa and Spain
(e) Arms Control and disarmament.
II. Muslim achievements in Natural and Social Sciences; Schools of
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Baghadad, Spain and Iran, Muslim contribution to History, Science,
Medicine and other branches of human civilization.
III. Muslim Arts
Title Author
Muslims’ contribution in architecture, music, painting, handicrafts,
1. International Politics K.J. Holsti pottery, calligraphy, etc.

2. Politics Among Nations Hans Morgenthan IV. Renaissance and Reformation

Origin of this intellectual revolution ; Contribution of Muslim

3. World Politics : An Introduction James N. Rosenau Universities and Seminaries in Spain and Baghdad ;
4. An Introduction to International Theodor Contobius Dissemination of Muslim learnings in the West.
Politics : Power and Justice and Thomas Wolfe
V. Modern World
5. Contending Theories of Interna- Tames Dougherty
tional Relations Impact of Islam on Western thought, social institutions and economic
6. Issues in Global Politics Gavin Boyd

7. World Politics Since 1945 Peter Caluocorassi ISLAMIC HISTORY AND CULTURE

8. International Relations : Peace Richard SUGGESTED READINGS

or War Rosecrance
Title Author
9. Relations of Nations Frederick
Hartman 1. Discovering Islam—Making Sense Ahmad, Akbar S. of
Muslim History and Society

2. Islam : Ideology and Leading Issues Ali, Anwar. (b) Educational Function
(c) Opinion for motives
(d) Entertainment function
3. The Spirit of Islam Ali, S. Ameer
3. Pakistan Press, An overview of the evolution of the Muslim Press in South
4. Aspects of Islamic Civilization : The Arberry, A.J.
Asia before 1947 and development of the Pakistan Press since
Muslim World Depicted Through Its
1947, its social economic aspect; Trends and Characteristics; Problems and
5. The Preaching of Islam—A History Arnold, T.W.
4. Mass Media : Components, functions and effects, Mass Media in
of the Muslim Faith
Pakistan : Size and dispersion; Role in national development, Prospects and
6. The History of Philosophy in Islam Boer, T.J.De.

7. History of the Islamic Peoples Brockelmann,

Carl (ed)
5. News. Principles and techniques of News writing. Editorial :
8. Spanish Islam Dozy, R.
Definition, ingredients, Types and functions of writing of Editorials.
9. Studies on the Civilization of Islam Gibb, Hamilton
6. Public Relations : Definition, Purpose and scope, Ethics, PR in
Pakistan ; Duties of PRO; PR Procedures and Processes.
10. The Religion of Islam, Vol. I & II Glawash, Ahmad
7. Magazine Journalism : Mag-Journalism in Pakistan. Types,
Functioning Purpose its social aspects and scope.
11. Classical Islam : A History 600— Grunebaum, G.E.
8. Press Release, Press Note, and Press Communication :
1258 Voni
Definitions and Basic ingredients. Writing of Press Release, Press Note and Press
12. Cambridge History of India Holts, P.M. and
Lewis, Bernard.
9. Advertising : Definition, functions, types and purpose. Its social and
economic aspects, principles of successful advertising.
13. Islam Resurgent : The Islamic Irving, T.B.
World Today
10. Press Laws : Press Laws in Pakistan (gradual developments) and the
‘Right to Know’ concepts of press freedom and responsibility, Ethics of
14. Islam : From Prophet Mohammad to Lewis, Bernard
the Capture of Constantinople.
15. Islam in History. Munir,
16. Islam and The Modern World Nadawi, Abu
Title Author
Hasan Ali.
1. Advertising Operations and Management Beinton
17. The Making of the Past : the Rogers, Michael
Spread of Islam
2. Contemporary Public Relations Garkan Gene & Scott.
18. A History of Medieval Islam Saunders, J.J.
3. Communication in Power Herbert Brucver.
19. Introduction to Islamic Civilization Savory, R.M. (ed)
4. Exploring Journalism Wosley and
20. The Legacy of Islam Schacht, Joseph &
Bosworth, C.E.
5. Editor and Editorial Writing A Gayle Waldrop.
6. Hand Book of Public Relations Stephenson
21. Islamic History—A New Inter- Shaban, M.A.
pretation AD 750—1055
7. Journalism in Pakistan Dr. Abdus Slam
22. A History of Muslim Philosophy Sharif, M.M.
23. Muslim Thought : Its Origin and Mohd. Hanif
8. Mass Communication Wilbur Schram.
Achievements Nadvi
9. Newspaper Organization and Rucker
24. Studies in Islamic History Siddiqi, Amir
27. JOURNALISM (MASS COMMUNICATION) 10. Practical Newspapers Reporting Geofrey Haris &
David Spark.
Total Marks—100
11. Process and Effects of Mass Wilbur Schram.
Note: Candidate will be asked to attempt total five questions Communication
including one compulsory (objective type) question. They will attempt at
least two questions from each Section. Short note within the question 12. Radio & T.V. Writing Max Wylic
(without choice) can also be given. SECTION-A
Concept and process of communication : Source, Message,
Channel, Destination, Encoding, Decoding, Noise, Feedback Oral vs
Written Communication. Two step flow of Communication. Role of
Opinion Leader.
2. Information and Journalism—Functions : Scanning the Horizon and
reporting back. 16.

(a) News function 17.


28. LAW 2. The Principles of Mohammadan Sir Abdur Rahim

Total Marks—200

Total Marks—200
Civil Procedure Code, Contract Act and Law of Torts.
The aims of the syllabus in Persian are as follows :
(i) To acquaint the students with classical and modern Persian.
Qanun-e-Shahadat, 1984. Code of Criminal Procedure and Penal Code.
(ii) To familiarise them with such selection of Persian texts including
LAW those from Iqbal, which have a value in practical life.
Title Author

1. Criminal Procedure Code Shaukat Mahmud Marks—100

2. Law of Torts Choudhry, A.M. 1. (a) Origin and development of the language.

3. Pakistan Penal Code Shaukat Mahmud Outline : (i) Elementary information about; Avesta, Old Persian and
Pahlavi languages.
4. Qanun-e-Shahadat 1984
(ii) The advent of Persian prose and poetry in the present
5. The Law of Contract Dr. M.A. Mannan
script in the Islamic era.
6. The Civil Procedure Code Aamir Raza
(iii) The earlier Persian prose writers and poets upto 4th
century H/10th century A.C.
(b) Significant features of the grammer of the language.
Total Marks—100
Outline : (i) Grammer :
Mercantile Law.—The main principles of law relating to Agreements: The three tenses, imperative modd (Affirmative and
Contracts ; Bailment; Pledge; Sale of Goods Act; Agency; Partnership Act; Negative) and muzara for present and future tenses.
Indemnity and Guarantee, Negotiable Instruments Act; Companies
Ordinance, 1984. Contract Act, Life, Fire and Marine Insurances, Law of (ii) Translation of simple English passage into Persian.
2. Literary History and literary criticism—Literary movements,
classical background, Socio-Cultural Influences and modern trends: Origin
MERCANTILE LAW and development of modern literary genres.

SUGGESTED READINGS Emphasis : (i) The literary history should include the development of
Persian language and literature, besides Iran, in
Title Author Afghanistan, the Indo-Pakistan Sub-Continent and the
Persian speaking areas of the Former USSR.
1. A Hand-Book of Company Law Choudhry, A.M.
(ii) In classical background, the four styles known as
2. A Manual and Mercantile Law Hashmi, I.R. & Khurasani, Iraqi, Hindi and Revivalist may be studied.
Latif Ahmed
(iii) In the literary movements the revivalist and purist
3. Contract Act Mannan, M.A. movements, and in the modern trends, the adaptation of
Western loan words in Persian language needs to be
4. Insurance Law Farani emphasised.

5. Negotiable Instruments Act Khergermvala 3. Short essay in Persian —————————

6. Sales of Goods and Partnership Acts Pollock and Mulla PAPER—II

7. Arbitration Act., 1940 Marks—100

The paper will require first—hand reading of the texts prescribed and
D ENCE will be designed to test the candidate’s critical ability.

Total Marks—100 (a) Texts

1. The Islamic Law as Administered in Pakistan. 1. Farrukhi Seestani.

(Qasida on the conquest of Soomnath)
2. Principles of the Islamic Jurisprudence.
2. Unsar-ul-Maali Qabus (Qabus Nama).
Candidates will be expected to show some familiarity with the Last Chapter 44
original sources.
3. Rumi Masnavi. Daftar 1
(1st half upto
4. Saadi Gulistan. Chapter 7 & 8.
Title Author
5. Hafiz
1. Principles of Mohammadan Law Mulla, D.F. Diwan upto radif Re


6. Iqbal 2. Muslim Rationalists and Social Thinkers—Al-Farabi, Ibn-i-Sina,

Ibn-i-Rushd, and Ibn-i-Khaldun: their main doctrines.
(a) Asrar-i-Khudi upto Marhilah-e-Siwum Niabat-e-Ilahi.
3. Schools of Muslim Theology—Mutazilism, Ash’ arism, Sufism, Al-
(b) Javid Nama (Last Chapter) Ghazali (his Ethics and Criticism of Muslim Rationalists).
Address to Javid (Dialogue with the new generation).
4. Muslim thought in South Asia with special reference to Shah Wali
Ullah, Sayyid Ahmad Khan and Iqbal, and Post-Iqbalian Thought.

Title Author
Title Author
1. Iranian Revolution Dr. Wahiduz- Zaman
Qureshi, 1. A Modern Introduction to Metaphysics Drenon D.A.

2. Modern Trends in the Persian Dr. A. Shakoor 2. A History of Philosophical Systems Firm, Vergilius
Language. Ahsan,
3. Aqliyyat-e-Ibn-e-Taimya (Urdu) Maulana Muhammad
Hanif Nadvi.

4. 4. A Modern Introduction to Logic Stebbing, L.S.

5. 5. Critical Thinking Blank, Max

6. 6. History of Muslim Philosophy Sharif, M.M.

Vols. I, II.
7. History of Modern Philosophy Wright, W.K.
8. Human Knowledge, Its Scope Russell, B. and
9. Limits
9. History of Islamic Philosophy Fakhri, Majid.
10. Introduction to Philosophy Patrick G.T.W.
11. Iqbal and Post-Kantian Voluntarism Dar, B.A.
14. 12. Introduction to Logic Copi, I.M.
13. Logical Postivism Qadir, C.A.
14. Philosophical Analysis Urmson, J.O.
15. Reconstruction of Religious Iqbal, M.
18. Thought in Islam

16. Types and Problems of Philosophy Mead, H.


Total Marks—200 17. Types of Philosophy Mocking, W.E.

Total Marks—200
1. Formal and informal arguments; Elements of deductive PAPER—I
reasoning; validity and truth; Proposition and syllogism. (Marks—100)

2. Definition with special reference to Aristotle, Ibn-e-Taimya’s Mechanics

Criticism of Aristotle; Relativity of definition; Ambiguity; vagueness and
emotive use of language as impediments in clear thinking; Fallacies— Vectors—Dots, Cross and triple products, Gradient, divergence and
formal, material and linguistic. applications.

3. Symbolic Logic: value of special symbols, symbols for Newtonian laws of motion; conservation law of energy; conservation of
conjunction, Negation, Disjunction and Implication. Method of Deduction linear and angular momentum; Dynamics of rigid body; spin and
: Formal proofs of validity, Rules of Replacement. precession; gyroscope; Gravitation; planetary motion including satellite.

4. The nature of scientific theory; Scientific method; Inquiry at Special theory of relativity. Mischelson—Morely experiment and
common sense level and scientific level; Scientific explanation; The Einstein’s postulates; Lorentz transformation; time dilation and length
grounds of belief; induction, probability and functional analysis. contraction; equivalence of mass and energy.

5. Muslim contribution to Logic—inductive and deductive. Fluid Mechanics

PAPER—II Surface tension; Viscosity; Elasticity; fluid motion and Bernoullie’s

Waves and Oscillation
Free oscillation with one and two degrees of freedom; forced and
1. Idealism, Pragmatism, Vitalism, Logical Positivism,
damped oscillations and phenomenon of resonance. Travelling waves and
Existentialism and Dialectical Materialism: The main arguments of these
transmission of energy; Phase and Group velocity; standing waves.
Philosophical theories and their impact on life and morals.


Reflection, Refraction, Interference, Diffraction and Polarization of 34. POLITICAL SCIENCE

waves; interfero-meter and Newton’s rings; Diffraction Gratings and their
resolving power; spectro-meters. Electromagnetic wave equation; normal Total Marks—200
and anamolous dispersion; coherence, laser and its application.
Heat and Thermodynamics (Marks—100)
Perfect gas and Van der Waals equation; Three Laws of
Thermodynamics, Thermal properties of Simple system production and
measurement of low temperatures; kinetic theory of gases; Maxwellian 1. Political Theory
distribution of molecular velocities; Brownian motion; Transport
phenomena. Classical Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics and its application; (i) Western Political Thought
Quantum Bose—Einstein and Fermi—Dirac Statistics. Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Hobbes, Locke,
Rousseau, Bentham, Mill, Marx, Lenin, Mao

PAPER—II (ii) Muslim Political Thought

(Marks—100) Al-Farabi, Al-Mawardi, Nizam-ul-Mulik Tusi, Al-Ghazali, Ibn-
i-Khaldun, Iqbal
Electricity and Magnetism

Electric field due to point charges, Gauss’ law Electric potential and
poisson and Laplace’s equation Dielectric medium and Polarization; 2. The nature and emergence of Modern state system, Islamic
Capacitance; Moving charges and magnetic field Ampere’s law; Vector concept of state.
potential; Magnetic properties of matter; Transient current; Faraday’s law of
electromagnetic induction; Alternating current and LRO circuit.
3. Political concepts, Sovereignty, Law, Liberty, Equality, Rights and
Maxwell’s equations; Poynting theorem and Poynting Vector. Duties.

Electronics 4. Political Dynamics : Public Opinion, Propaganda, Political

Parties, Pressure Groups.
Thermionic emission; Space charge; Diode. Triode Tetrode; Pentode
and their static and dynamic characteristics; Amplitude modulation and 5. Political Institutions : Legislature, Executive, Judiciary, Political
demodulation or detection. Various basic circuits for rectification, Elites, Civil and Military Bureaucracy.
amplification modulation and detection connected with radio receivers and
transmission; n and p type semiconductors; Biased function; Transistors; 6. Forms of Government : Monarchy, Democracy, Dictatorship,
Common base and common emitter configurations. Unitary and Federal, Presidential and Parliamentary.

7. Totalitarianism : Fascism, Communism.

Atomic Physics
8. Local Self-govenrment : Theory and Practice with special
Bohr theory and quantum numbers including electron spin; Pauli’s reference to Pakistan.
exclusion principle; Spectra of simple systems with one or two valence
electrons. Photo electric effect Compton scattering; pair production;
Lande’s g factor and Zeeman effect. Raman effect; Waves and particles and De POLITICAL SCIENCE
Broglie’s Hypothesis; Shrodinger wave equation and its application to one
dimensional harmic oscillator. Heisen berg’s uncertainly principle. PAPER—II

Nuclear Physics (Marks—100)

Structure of Nuclei; Radioactivity , , and decay. Methods of
detection, Mass Sepectrometer. Accelerators. Phenomenon of fission; 1. Selected Political Systems : Nature and dynamics of major politi-
reactor and nuclear power, nuclear fusion and its application, Elementary cal institutions in U.S.A., U.K., France and Former Soviet Union.
particles and their properties.

2. Political Systems of developing countries : Turkey, Iran, India and

3. Rise of Muslim Nationalism in South Asia with special reference to

Title Author the role of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Iqbal and Quaid-i-Azam
Mohammad Ali Jinnah.
1. Perspectives of Modern Physics. A. Beiser.
4. A comparative and critical analysis of the 1956, 1962, 1973 and
2. Fundamentals of Physics. Halliday & 1985 Constitutions of Pakistan.

3. Introduction to Electromagnetic D. Corson & POLITICAL SCIENCE

Fields and Waves. P. Lorrain.
4. Engineering Electronics. J. D. Ryder.
Title Author

5. Semiconductor Electronics. J. F. Gibbons. 1. History of Muslim Philosophy M. M. Sharif

6. Physics Course. Barkeley. 2. Constitutional Development in Pakistan G.W. Choudhry

3. Comparative Politics : A World View Almond & Powell

7. Heat and Thermodynamics. W. Zemanasky
4. Contemporary Political Analysis Garles Worth
8. Nuclear Physics. W. E. Burcham.
9. Nuclear Physics. Kaplan.
5. Govt. and Parliament : A Survey from Herbert Morrison
the inside


6. Govt. and Politics in Pakistan Mushtaq Ahmed PSYCHOLOGY INCLUDING

7. History of Political Theory George H. Sabine
8. History of Political Theories William A. (Marks—100)
(Three Volumes) Dunning
1. Meaning, phases and characteristics of Growth, development and
9. Political Thought in Medieval Islam Rosenthal Maturation, Methods of developmental psychology, Biological and socio-
cultural factors, Importance of Developmental psychology, Broad
10. Modern Islamic State Rosenthal approaches to the study of children.

11. Political Thought in perspective William Edenstein 2. Pre-natal development and infancy : Genetic Factors, Hereditary
transmission and chromosomal abnormality, Stages, Developmental irregu- larities,
12. Patterns of Governments Samuel H. Beer Psychological and physical characteristics of the infant, Methods of studying infant
Adem B. Ullam behaviour.

13. Pakistan A Political Study Keith Callard 3. Physical, motor and sensory development. Perceptual
development. Intellectual development : Development of logical thought in early
14. Politics, Parties and Pressure Groups V.O. Key Jr. childhood, Development of concepts, Creativity. Emotional Development
: patterns, characteristics, Some common emotional patterns.
15. Modern Political Systems : Asia Roy, C. Macradis
(Ed.) 4. Concept of abnormality : popular and scientific, Goals of Clinical
Diagnosis, Personality Assessments, Behavioural Assessment, Nature of
16. Politics in Pakistan : Nature and Khalid Bin Clinical Judgement, Sources of information in clinical diagnosis,
Direction of Change Sayeed Assessments of organisations, institutions and environment, Professional issues,
The nature of professional preparation for clinical psychological work, ethical
17. Reflection on Government Earnest Barker standards and legal issues.

18. South-East Asia Political System Lucian W. Pye 5. Therapies : Somatic therapies, environmental therapies,
psychoanalytic, phenomenological, existential, Gestalt, rational—emotive and
19. The Political System of Pakistan Khalid B. Sayeed cognitive Therapies, Behaviour therapy and behaviour modification, Group
20. Nizam-ul-Mulk Tusi, Published by Rizvi S. Rizwan
Mohammad Ashraf, Lahore, 1978 Ali 6. Intelligence : Its nature and assessment, Mental retardation.

21. 7. Biological and sociological factors in maladjustments and crime,

Juvenile delinquency, drug addiction, alcoholic and sex offences—
characteristics, causation and treatment.

8. Psychoneurotic disorders, Psychosis, Character disorders,

Psychosomatic disorders.
EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 9. Industry : Nature of the work situations; work, vocation,
personality and society, Working environment, Works methods and modern
approaches, Work efficiency, Group dynamics, Work incentives, Job
Total Marks—200 satisfaction.

1. Definition and scope of Psychology, Psychology as a science of SUGGESTED READINGS

behaviour, Schools and Systems of Psychology, Recent trends in
Psychology. Title Author

2. Nervous System : Structure and functions of cells, Central and 1. An Introduction of Psychology Wikon & Warg-
Peripheral Nervous System, Endocrine system. ment Knight.

3. Learning : Conditioning—classical and operant, Reinforcement, 2. Child and Adult Psychology Medinnus, G.
Avoidance conditioning, Extinction, Discrimination learning, imprinting, Rand, V. C.
Theories of learning, Verbal learning, Probability learning, Concept Lohnson
learning, Perceptual learning, Transfer and interference, Motivational
factors in learning, Readiness and individual differences in learning. 3. Historical Introduction to Modern Murphy, G. &
Psychology Koraclr, J.K.
4. Nature of motives and emotions : Homeostasis, Biogenic and 4. History and System of Psychology Sahakiam, W.S.
social motives, Measurement of human motivation, Theories of
motivation—Maslow, Lewin and Freud, Theories of emotion, Role of 5. Historical Roots of contemporary Wolman, B.B.
endocrine glands, frustration and conflict. Psychology
5. Nature of perceptual organization : Perception of distance, 6. Psychology Around the World Mistak, H. &
Movement, Space, Depth, colour, Perceptual constancy, Effect of learning and Seston
motivation on perception, Senses viz. vision, hearing and other senses.
Perception and sensation, Determinations of perception (Needs, attitudes, 7. Psychological Testing Anastasi, A.
sets, values, personality traits, emotional states, suggestions, etc.).
8. Psychotherapy and Counselling Sauakian
6. Nature and determinants of personality : Factors in development of
personality. Theories of personality, trait and types, Freudain, Neo- 9. Physiological Psychology Gronmen, S.P.
Freudain, Murry, Allport, Cattel. Types of personality tests and their
rationale. 10. Reading in Abnormal Psychology Allmon, Jaffe

7. Socialization : Society and personality, Formation of opinions and 11. Systems and Theories in Psychology Menor, M.H.D. Hill
attitudes, Prejudice. in, W.O.

8. Structure and Functions of Group, Role status relations, Group 12. Social Psychology Berkowitz, Z.
norms, Group solidarity, Intergroup tension, International tension.
13. Studies in Cross cultural Psychology Warron, N.


36. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 10. Public Administration Theory and Fesler, James W.
Total Marks—100
11. Pakistan in Search of Democracy, Yusuf, Hamid.
1. Public Administration.—Its nature and scope, the role of Public 1947—77
Administration in a modern Welfare State.
12. Pakistan The Enigma of Political Ziring, Lawrence
2. Major Schools of thought in Administration.—Scientific Development
Management Movement, Human Relationists; Behavioural School;
Systemic theory. 13. Research on the Bureaucracy of Braibanti, Raplh
3. Bureaucracy.—Concept of Bureaucracy, Theories of
Bureaucracy, Ecology of Bureaucracy; Bureaucracy of Pakistan as a 14. The Human Side of Enterprize. Douglas Mc
Change Agent. Gregor.

4. Administrative Leadership.—Approaches to the study of 15. The Bureaucracy of Pakistan Charles F.

Leadership, Forms of Leadership, Leadership qualities. Kennedy

5. Administrative Accountability.—Internal and External Controls;

Executive Control, Legislative Control, Judicial Control, Ombudsman, 37. PUNJABI
Public Opinion and Pressure Groups; Problems of Administrative
Accountability in Pakistan.

6. Planning.—Types of Plans, Planning Process; Principles of

Planning, Planning Machinery; the system of planning and programming in
Pakistan, Planning Machinery in Pakistan.

7. Organization.—Types of Organization, Theories of Organization,

Principle of Organization, The Organization of Federal and Provincial
Governments in Pakistan, Public Corporations in Pakistan.

8. Personnel Administration.—Nature and scope of Personnel

Administration; Personnel Functions, Tools of Personnel Management,
Salient Features of the system of Public Personnel Management in

9. Controlling and Co-Ordination.—Forms of Controls, Control

Mechanism, the process of Control, Principles of Controlling; Principles of
Coordination; Machinery for Coordination; Problems of Coordination in
Public Administration in Pakistan.

10. Communication.—Types of Communication, Communication

Channels, Communication Process, Principles of Communication.

11. Financial Administration.—Elements of Financial

Administration, Performance and Programmed Budgeting, Capital Budget,
Principles of Budgeting, Auditing and Accounting.



Title Author

1. A Handbook of Public Relations. United Nations.

2. An Introduction to the Public E.N. Cladden


3. Administrative Behaviour Herbet, A Simon.

4. Bureaucracy : Modern Society Pebr, M. Blau.

5. Human Relations Administration Robert Dubir.

6. Introduction to the Study of Public L.D. White


7. Public Administration Simon, Smithuburg

& Thompson.

8. Public Administration Pfiffner and


9. Public Administration for a Welfare Paul Abbleby



38. PURE MATHEMATICS 5. Calculus with Analytic Geometry Yusuf, S.M.

Total Marks—200 6. Differential Geometry of Three Weatherburn, C.E.
PAPER—I Dimensions
7. Elements of Complex Analysis Pennisi, L.L.
Candidates will be asked to attempt three questions from Section A
and two questions from section B. 8. Theory of Groups Majeed, A.

SECTION A 9. Mathematical Methods Yusuf, S.M.

Modern Algebra 10. Mathematical Analysis Apostal, T.M.

Groups, subgroups, Lagranges, theorem, cyclic groups, normal 11. Principles of Mathematical Analysis Rudin, W.
subgroups, quotient groups. Fundamental theorem of homomorphism.
Isomorphism theorems of groups, Inner automorphisms. Conjugate 12. The Theory of Groups Macdonald, I.N.
elements, conjugate subgroups. Commutator subgroups. 13. Topics in Algebra Herstein, I.N.

Rings, Subrings, Integral domains, Quotient fields, Isomorphism 39. PUSHTO

theorems, Field extension and finite fields.
Total Marks—100
Vector spaces, Linear independence, Bases, Dimension of a finitely
generated space. linear transformations, Matrices and their algebra. 1. Essay on prominent works
Reduction of matrices to their echelon form. Rank and nullity of a linear personalities and writers.
2. Translation of unseen passages from
Solution of a system of homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear Pushto into English or Urdu.
equations. Properties of determinants. Cayley-Hamilton theorem,
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Reduction to canonical forms, specially 3. Translation of unseen passages of
diagonalisation. English or Urdu into Pushto.
SECTION B 4. General Questions on evolution and
Geometry criticism of Pushto Prose and Poetry.

Conic sections in Cartesian coordinates, Plane polar coordinates and 5. Folk Literature Introduction of Tappa,
their use to represent the straight line and conic sections. Cartesian and Charbaita, Lobha, Neemakai, Sandara and
spherical polar coordinates in three dimensions. The plane, the sphere, the Badala (including folk stories).
ellipsoid, the paraboloid and the hyperboloid in Cartesian and spherical —————
polar coordinates. PUSHTO
Vector equations for Plane and for space-curves. The arc length. The SUGGESTED READINGS
osculating plane. The tangent, normal and binormal. Curvature and torsion.
Serre-Frenet’s formulae. Vector equations for surfaces. The first and second Title Author
fundamental forms. Normal, principal, Gaussian and mean curvatures. 1. Foreign Approach to Khushal Khan Dost Muhammad
Khattak. Kamil.
(Marks—100) 2. Pushto Poetry Major Roverty.
Candidates will be asked to attempt any three questions from Section 3. Selected Poems of Khushal Khan Major Roverty.
A and two questions from Section B. SECTION Khattak.
A 4. The Pathans Sir Olaf Careo.
Calculus and Real Analysis

Real Numbers. Limits. Continuity. Differentiability. Indefinite

integration. Mean value theorems. Taylor’s theorem. Indeterminate forms.
Asymptotes. Curve tracing. Definite integrals. Functions of several
variables. Partial derivatives. Maxima and minima. Jacobians. Double and
triple integration (techniques only). Applications of Beta and Gamma
functions. Areas and Volumes. Riemann-Stieltje’s integral. Improper
integrals and their conditions of existences. Implicit function theorem.
Absolute and conditional convergence of series of real terms.
Rearrangement of series, Uniform convergence of series.
Metric spaces. Open and closed spheres. Closure, Interior and
Exterior of a set.
Sequences in metric space. Cauchy sequence convergence of
sequences. Examples. Complete metric spaces. Continuity in metric spaces.
Properties of continuous functions.

Complex Analysis
Function of a complex variable; Demoiver’s theorem and its
applications. Analytic functions, Cauchy’s theorem. Cauchy’s integral
formula, Taylor’s and Laurent’s series. Singularities. Cauchy residue
theorem and contour integration. Fourier series and Fourier transforms.
Analytic continuation.


Title Author

1. Advance Calculus Kaplan, W.

2. Analytic Function Theory Vol. I Hille, E.

3. An Introduction to Differential Wilmore, T.S.

4. Complex Analysis Goodstein, G.R.G.



4. Contemporary Sociological Theories Pitrim Sorokin

5. Family in Asia Man Singh Das &

Pahos D. Bardis

6. Ibn-i-Khaldun : His Life and Work M. Abdullah Enan

7. Master of Sociological Thought Lewis A. Coser

8. Pakistani Society M. Iqbal


41. SOCIOLOGY 9. Sociology Ogburn &


Total Marks—100 10. Strategies of Social Research Smith, H.W.

11. Sociology : Roles & Relationships Everett K. Wilson

1. Individual, Culture and Society : Individual as a social product,
12. Social Problems Jon. M. Shepard
The variety of social forms, Methods of socialization, Ethnocentricism,
& Voss
Norms and Values, Cultural Patterns, Varieties of sub-cultures.
13. Social Change and History Robert Nisbet
2. Sociological Theory : The sociological perspectives—
14. Feudal System in Pakistan Nawab Haider
Evolutionary, order and conflict, Evolutionary Theorists : Ibn-i-Khaldun
Spencer and Tannis, Order Theorists: August Comte, Emile Durkheim,
Max Weber, Conflict Theorists : George Hegel, Karl Marx, Lewis Coser, 15. The Sociology of Rural Life Lynn Smith, T.
16. The Sociology of Social Problems Horton & Leslie

3. Methods of Sociological Research : Research Design, Surveys, 17. The Sociology of Religion Max Weber
Participant Observation, Experiments, Case Studies.

4. Social Interaction : Significance of social classes, Forms of social
classes—Tribes, Biradaris, Castes, Classes and Feudal system in Pakistan, Total Marks—100
Social Mobility—nature of social mobility, Mobility determinants in
Pakistan society, Social immobility, Culture in poverty. 1. Basic Probability : Axiomatic definition of probability, random
variable, distribution function, probability density function, mathematical
5. Social Control : Mechanisms of social control—internal and expectation; conditional probability, jointly distributed random variables,
marginal and conditional distributions, conditional expectation, stochastic
external means of social control, Alienation, Integration—integrative
patterns in Pakistani Society.
2. Some Special Distributions : Binomial, poisson, negative binomial,
6. Social and Cultural Change and Social Policy : Processes of hypergeometric, normal distributions with their derivation of their mean
Social and Cultural Change—discovery, invention, diffusion, Factors in the and variance; Definition and Application of chisquare, ‘T’ and ‘F’
rate of social and culture change, Incentives and inhibitions to social and distributions.
cultural change in Pakistan Social planning and directed social and cultural
change. 3. Statistical Inference: Maximum likelihood estimation of the mean
and the variance of a normal population; confidence interval for mean,
7. Community : The rural community, Traditional Characteristics of difference of means and for variance; testing hypothesis for the equality of
two means (paired and unpaired observations); testing of equality of several
rural life, The urban community, Rural—Urban convergence, Urbanism,
means (ANOVA) and testing of variance and equality of two variance.
Future of cities in Pakistan.

4. Correlation and regression : Simple linear regression model, point

8. Social Institutions : The nature and genesis of institutions, the and interval estimation of parameters, Simple, Partial, Multiple Correlation
process of institutions, Functions and Trade of Social Institutions. Family, and testing of these correlations.
Religion, Educational, Economic and Political Institutions.
5. Sampling, Simple random, stratified, systematic and cluster
9. Social Problems in Pakistan : Population Growth, Demographic sampling, estimates of mean and total and their precision.
Transition : Deviant Behaviour, Institutionalised evasions, social conflicts,
internal and international Migration, Aging, Drug abuse, Prostitution, 6. Applications of Statistics in social, economic and political
Smuggling, Illitracy and Poverty. problems public health, crimes, Law, social innovations, economic
development, socio-political inequality.

Title Author
Title Author
1. Introduction to the Theory of Mood, Graybill
1. Anthropology : The Study of Man Adamson Hoebel,
Statistics. and Boes.
2. Mathematical Statistics. Freund.
2. Pakistani Society Akbar Ahmad, S.
3. Mathematical Statistics. Hood and Craig.
3. Contemporary Social Problems Robert K. Merton
4. Sampling Techniques (3e) Cochran and Cox.


5. Statistics : An Introductory Analysis. Yamane

43. URDU
6. Statistics : A Guide to the Un-known. Tanur, Hudith (ed)


Total Marks—200



The candidates will be required to attempt five questions—three from

Part—A and two from Part—B.



General organization (general morphology, mode of life, adaptations, life cycles

and economic importance) of the following groups with special reference to the
topics mentioned in each group :—

Protozoa : Parasitism, conjugation and autogamy, medical


Porifera : Canal system, skeletal structures and their taxonomic value,

position of porifera in the Animal Kingdom.

Coelenterata : Polymorphism ; measenteries ; corals and coral reefs.

Platyhelminthes : Parastic adaptations, medical importance. Nematoda :

Medical importance.

Annelida : Coelom, metamerism.

Mollusca : Shell, modifications of foot, feeding, respiration, shell fishery.

Arthropoda : Appendages, feeding; respiration, larvae.

Echinodermata : Skeleton, water vascular system, larvae.



Origin; comparative account of skeleton, circulatory, excretory and nervous

systems, development (egg types, cleavage, blastula and gastrula, germ
layer/formation, embryonic membranes and placentation) natural history (mode of
life, migration, adaptations, biting mechanism of snakes).



PAPER—II Ecology : Concept of ecosystem, biogeochemical cycles, animal

(Marks—100) adaptations to major habitats, environmental pollution and its effect on life.


The candidates will be required to attempt at least one question from each SUGGESTED READINGS
part. Title Author

Part—A 1. A Text Book of Zoology (Invertebrate) Parker and

Cell Biology : Morphology, Chemical composition and functions of
nucleus, nuclear inclusions and cytoplasmic organelles, protein synthesis and 2. Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates George C. Kent
molecular genetics, mechanism of mitosis and meiosis.
3. Invertebrate Zoology Hegner and
Part—B Engemann
4. Cell Structure and Function Loewy and
General Physiology : Respiration, respiratory mechanism, respiratory (Modern Biology Series) Siekevitz
pigments, transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide, circulation :
haemodynamics, control of cardio vascular system, nutrition : modes of 5. Cell and Molecular Biology De-Robbertis,
nutrition, digestion and assimilation of food stuff, Excretion : nature and (Eighth Edition) E.O.D., & De-
sources of substances excreted, modes of excretions, Nervous system, Robertis, EMF.
nerve impulses, Hormones and their biological action.
6. Fundamentals of Ecology Odum
7. Principles of Genetics Strickberger
Genetics : Mendelian principles, multiple alleles, interaction of genes;
linkage and crossing over, mapping of genes, sex determination and sex 8. Introduction to Evolution Moody
linkage, mutations, chromosomal aberrations, gene concept.
9. Modern Genetics Ayala, F.J. and
Part—D Kiger, J.A. Jr.

Evolution : Origin of life, organic diversity, theories to account for 10. Text Book of Medical Physiology Guyton, W.B.
organic diversity, Phylogeny and ontogeny, species concept, mechanism of
evolution, modern concept of natural selection, evolutionary trends. 11. Molecular Biology of Gene Watson, J.D.


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