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UGRD-IT6210 Quantitative Methods or

Quantitative (Same Title)

The statistics are presented in a indefinite form False
so they also help in condensing the data into
important figures.
These are often used to communicate research Statistical Method and Analyses
findings and to support hypotheses and give
credibility to research methodology and
The population is not confined to people only, True
but it may also include animals, events, objects,
buildings, etc.
Statistics help predicts the future course of action Forecasting
of the phenomena.
It means a subgroup of the members of Sample
population chosen for participation in the study
Comparison is one of the main functions of False
economics as the absolute figures convey a very
less meaning.
It aims to describe various aspects of the data Descriptive Statistics
obtained in the study.
Which among the data is a sample? One section out of all IT Students
The characteristic of population based on all units True
is called parameter while the measure of sample
observation is called statistic.
Which among the set is bimodal? {12, 22, 43, 22, 12}
We use statistics when the number of cases that False
can occur are really small.
It varies according to changes in other variables. Dependent Variable
It involves the application of specific statistical Biostatistics
techniques to disciplines in biology such as
population genetics, epidemiology and public
Statistics provide a measure of proof that False
something is true.
It is often based on statements of statistical Modern science
significance and probability.
It is often based on statements of statistical Modern science
significance and probability.
Say you want to figure out which brand of Value of money
microwave popcorn pops the most kernels so you
can get the most value for your money. You test
different brands of popcorn to see which bag
pops the most popcorn kernels. Which among
the choices is the independent variable?
It is the scientific study of earthquakes. Seismology
Which is another term for dependent variable? Predicted Variable
It is the scientific study of earthquakes. Seismology
It is important to study statistics in order to True
formulate well-advance predictions.
Compute the frequency of all nominal variables =COUNTIF()
using what formula?
Although in an interval scale, since there is an True
absence of the absolute 0 and it works on the
principal of an arbitrary 0, the division of
variables is not possible.
These are often used to communicate research Statistical Method and Analyses
findings and to support hypotheses and give
credibility to research methodology and
The significance of statistical figures can be seen True
best when validating solid arguments or
predictions out of hypotheses or conjectures
that may seem overwhelming to a layman.
Which is classified as Interval? 30 degrees Celsius
Statistical variables do not contain Descriptive
numerical values but rather something
It depends on physically measuring things. Analytical Method
There is a subtype in ordinal scale with only True
two categories like one of the nominal scale
and is known as dichotomous ordinal scale.
Scientific research rarely leads to absolute True
It refers to the relationship among the Levels of Measurement
values that are assigned to the attributes
for a variable.
Variable that always goes on the x-axis, or Independent Variable
the horizontal axis
It is the outcome variable measured in each Dependent
subject, which may be influenced by
manipulation of what variable?
The measures of central tendency are False
mean, median and mode.
The value of statistics is strong because False
they cannot serve as predictions as well as
probabilities in certain trends.
When the number of elements of the Finite
population is fixed and thus making it
possible to enumerate it in totality.
Classify the level of measurement it Ratio
belongs: Birth Order
Say youre interested in how rising sea The number of algae in the sample
temperatures impact algae life, so you
design an experiment that measures the
number of algae in a sample of water taken
from a specific ocean site under varying
temperatures. What is the independent
Classify the level of measurement it Nominal
belongs: Gender
It means a subgroup of the members of Sample
population chosen for participation in the
It is the study of how to collect, organize, Statistics
analyze, and interpret numerical
information from data.
If a researcher aims to find the average The height of the person
height of a tribe in Columbia, the variable
would simply be __________________ in the
The time invested often requires True
determination of the appropriate
methodology to apply in analysis
corresponding to the hypothesis and
design of the investigation.
By default, all variables fall in one of the True
four scales.
The independent variables are called as True
predicated variable because independent
variables predict or forecast the values of
the dependent variable in the model.
Which is not classified as Nominal? How Naughty or Nice? 
Non parametric assume that the data is True
normally distributed
Measures of central tendency are ways of True
describing the central position of a
frequency distribution for a group of data.
Non parametric tests are used when your False
data is normal
Non-parametric tests are "distribution-free" True
and, as such, can be used for non-Normal
Descriptive statistics therefore enables us to True
present the data in a more meaningful way,
which allows simpler interpretation of the
Use this test instead of a one-way ANOVA Kruskal- Wallis test
to find out if two or more medians are
Use when you want to find a correlation Spearman Rank Correlation
between two sets of data.
Parametric tests have no statistical power False
A population can be small or large, as long True
as it includes all the data you are interested
Analysis should reflect the design, and so a True
matched design should be followed by a
matched analysis.
It is defined as "the statistical measure that Central Tendency
identifies a single value as representative of
an entire distribution."

What other solution can you do to compute =SUM()/COUNT()

for the average of the scores?
In statistics and probability, quartiles are True
values that divide your data into quarters
provided data is sorted in an ascending
The _______, ___________ and ____________ are Mean, Median, Mode
the three commonly used measures of
central tendency
What is the average of scores of the subject 2.8
Social Science?
Distributions cannot be displayed using False
The formula of sample mean is False
It involves the examination across cases of Univariate Analysis
one variable at a time.
Measures of dispersion aim to provide an True
accurate description of the entire data
Descriptive Statistics are used to present Quantitative
_______________ descriptions in a
manageable form.
The normal distribution is a continuous True
probability distribution.
Pocedure: =var(B3:B7)
By now, you should have completed your
table. For excel shortcuts:
A14:   =min(B3:B7)
A15:   =max(B3:B7)
A16:   =mode(B3:B7)
A17:   =median(B3:B7)
A18:   =var(B3:B7)
A19:   =stdev(B3:B7)
What is the shortcut for getting the
Non probability sampling guarantees that True
the selection process is completely
randomized and without bias
Measures of central location include the False
range, quartiles and the interquartile range,
variance and standard deviation
Pocedure: Absolute Reference
Enter the following formula:
C3: = B3-$B$9
Copy the formula up to C7.
What is purpose of the $?
A low standard deviation indicates that the True
data points tend to be close to the mean of
the data set.
Statistics are powerful tools, but it's the True
analysis provided afterwards by inferential
statistics that explicitly makes claims about
what those results mean, why, and in what

In calculating r with raw scores, the the covariance of X and Y.

numerator of r represents
It is a computer system capable of GIS
capturing, storing, analyzing, and displaying
geographically referenced information; that
is, data identified according to location
This method of sampling is often used by Convenience Sampling
market researchers.
Cluster sampling can be more efficient that True
simple random sampling, especially where a
study takes place over a wide geographical
Variance is a square of average distance True
between each quantity and mean.
Analysis should reflect the design, and so a True
matched design should be followed by a
matched analysis.
Descriptive statistics help us to simplify True
large amounts of data in a sensible way.
Procedure: Get the mean of the scores
Enter the following fomula:
B9:   =average(B3:B7)
B10: =count(B3:B7)
What does this line does? average(B3:B7)
Measures of dispersion aim to provide an False
accurate description of the entire data
It is the difference between lowest and Range
highest value.
This method is commonly used in social Snowball Sampling
sciences when investigating hard-to-reach
This sampling method is usually employed Non Probability Sampling
in studies that are not interested in the
parameters of the entire population.
If paired scores occupy the same positions Pearson r will be high and positive.
within their own distributions (high with
high and low with low)
The parametric test is the hypothesis test Mean
which provides generalizations for making
statements about the ____________________ of
the parent population.
In this method, the population is first Stratified Sampling
divided into subgroups (or strata) who all
share a similar characteristic.
If the sample data are consistent with the True
null hypothesis, then we do not reject it.
Parametric test is mainly based on False
differences in medians
It is the measurement of average distance Standard Deviation
between each quantity and mean
It is a measure of where the "middle fifty" is Interquartile Range
in a data set
What is the shortcut for getting the =stdev(B3:B7)
standard deviation?
It refers to a family of continuous Normal Distribution
probability distributions described by the
normal equation
Which of the following may have an Restricting the range of possible scores 
adverse effect on a correlation coefficient?
It is the process of taking a subset of Population Sampling
subjects that is representative of the entire
What is the median of the scores of the 2.5
subject Language?
Individuals are selected at regular intervals Systematic Sampling
from the sampling frame.
Use this test to compare differences Mann-Whitney test
between two independent groups when
dependent variables are either ordinal or
A set cannot have more than one mode. False
It is defined as "the statistical measure that Central Tendency
identifies a single value as representative of
an entire distribution."
Also known as selective, or subjective, Purpose Sampling
sampling, this technique relies on the
judgement of the researcher when
choosing who to ask to participate
Parametric tests have no statistical power False
A researcher finds a correlation of .40 more years of education are associated
between personal income and the number with higher income.
of years of college completed. Based upon
this finding he can conclude that…
It is used to describe the basic features of Descriptive Statistics
the data in a study
Non-parametric tests are "distribution-free" True
and, as such, can be used for non-Normal
There are four major characteristics of a True
single variable that we tend to look at
Uses non parametric scale Ordinal
What is the mean of the scores of the 3.07
subject Language?
What function is use to compute for the =AVERAGE()
average in Excel?
One disadvantage of the mean is that a True
small number of extreme values can distort
its value.
It is also a logical grouping of attributes. Variable
It is a variable that goes on the y-axis, or Independent Variable
vertical axis.
It is the branch of statistics that involves Inferential Statistics
drawing conclusions about a population
based on the information contained in a
sample taken from that population.
It is a characteristic that varies from one Variable
individual member of population to
another individual.
Measurement at the interval or ratio level is Mean and Standard Deviation
desirable because we can use the more
powerful statistical procedures available for
____________ and _______________________.
Nominal is hardly measurement. It refers to False
quantity more than quality.
Say youre interested in how rising sea The temperature of the ocean
temperatures impact algae life, so you
design an experiment that measures the
number of algae in a sample of water taken
from a specific ocean site under varying
temperatures. What is the independent
Variables can be defined in terms of Variable
measurable factors through a process of
With this test, you also estimate the 1-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test
population median and compare it to a
reference/target value.
The advantage of using probability Accuracy
sampling is the _______________ of the
statistical methods after the experiment
Quota sampling has the advantage of being False
time-and cost-effective to perform whilst
resulting in a range of responses
(particularly useful in qualitative research).
This is a sampling technique where the Sampling
samples are gathered in a process that
does not give all the individuals in the
population equal chances of being selected.
A set can have more than one mode. False
Snowball sampling can be effective when a False
sampling frame is easy to identify.
What must data be in order for a Pearson's ALL OF THESE
product-moment to be conducted?
Procedure: =CORREL(Array1, Array2)
Calculate the correlation coefficient using
the CORREL function.
What is the format of the CORREL function?

Enter the following data in you Microsoft Unit Price and Units Sold

What are the variables in this analysis?

When reporting a Pearson's product- False

moment in APA format, you would use x.
Correlation analysis can study a wide range True
of variables and their interrelations.
The most popular forms of Chi-Square used true
in business studies include Pearson
product-moment correlation, Spearman
Rank correlation and Autocorrelation.
Analyze the chart. As the price go up, the volume goes up
What is your interpretation of the chart?
7. Now that we have got Excel to calculate -1
the correlation coefficient we need to
interpret it to understand its true meaning. 
The value is always between -1 and +1.

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