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Moorish National Republic Federal Government

 ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ 

Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World
Northwest Amexem / Southwest Amexem / Central Amexem / Adjoining Atlantis and
Americana Islands
 ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ 
The True and De Jure Natural Peoples – Heirs of the Land
 ~ I.S.L.A.M. ~ 

Affidavit of Allodial Secured Land Property

Repossession Written Statement



From: Moorish American Consulate

Moorish National Republic Federal Government
Moorish American Appellation HERE
Postal or Zip Code Exempt
Non Residential Non Commercial Non Domestic Non Subject

Affidavit of Allodial Secured Land Property Repossession Written Statement

This Affidavit of Allodial Land Property Repossession Written Statement is for Notification purposes of
our ecclesiastical repossession of said property. The Moorish National Republic Federal Government has
repossessed said land and property as the Moors at North, Central, South, America, the Adjoining and
Americana Islands, claim Trusteeship, Heirship, Executorship, Ministration of, and Beneficiary Status of
all land in the Western Hemisphere and all land as mandated by our Ancient Aboriginal Pharaonic
Ancestors pursuant to the Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786 and 1836 and the Constitution for the
United States 1791. We have a Religious Right to our Ancient Ancestral lands as part and parcel of our

MACN-A014_Affidavit of Allodial Secured Land Property Repossession Written Statement

Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central
Amexem/Sourthwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and
Sun’ / ‘Turtle Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
Appellation of Moorish National Republic Federal Government Official
Moorish Appellation HERE

Current Mailing Location

Care of 444 East Township Line Road, Box 712
Near. [Havertown, Pennsylvania]]
Postal or Zip Code Exempt
Non-Residential • Non-Commercial • Non-Domestic • Non-Subject

Email Contact

1. Current Status of Property Repossessed by Moorish National Republic Federal Government


2. Appellation of the Moorish American National Repossessing the Property

Moorish American Appellation HERE

3. Mailing Location of the Property Repossessed by the Moorish American National

Postal or Zip Code Exempt
Non Residential Non Commercial Non Domestic Non Subject

Now known as: TITLE HERE

4. Email Contact of the Moorish American National Repossessing the Property


5. Phone Contact of the Moorish American National Repossessing the Property


6. Delegation of Authority to Repossess Secured Property

 The Will of Allah

 Sovereign Moorish American Nationality by birthright and blood line
 Certified Copy of Our Authority Torrens
 Sealed Copy of Holy Koran of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science divinely prepared by
the Noble Prophet Drew Ali-Chapter 47
MACN-A014_Affidavit of Allodial Secured Land Property Repossession Written Statement
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central
Amexem/Sourthwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and
Sun’ / ‘Turtle Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
 Divine Constitution and Bylaws Act 6
 Moorish Literature Edict page 11
 Divine Constitution and Bylaws Act 4 & 5
 Oral Statements and Prophesies 1, 120, & 230
 Antiquitous claims
 Aboriginal and Imperial Claims
 Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World
 The Universal Religious Corporation Affidavit of Organization date of acceptance March 4,
2019 at 1:44pm King County Recorder
 The Articles of Confederation 1774
 Declaration of Independence 1776
 Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786 and 1836
 Moorish National Republic Federal Government
 Moorish American Consulates Worldwide by command of the Article III Moorish
American Consular Court
 Secured First Party Creditor Status of all Moorish Americans
 Allodial aboriginal Lien date and Document number and location of filing
 The Declaration of Trust document number MACN-R999999999 of the Moorish National
Republic Federal Government
 Full faith and credit of the Moorish American People

7. Parcel Property Description

Latitude, Longitude HERE

Near. [Territory Republic HERE]
Postal or Zip Code Exempt
Non Residential Non Commercial Non Domestic Non Subject

The aforementioned property with all land is now repossessed by the Moorish National Republic Federal
Government, and the said Moorish American National. The property has been Re-Conveyed, Re-Venued
and Lawfully returned to the Possession of the Rightful Heirs to the Vast Estate and Beneficiaries who are
the Moorish National Republic Federal Government. All previous claims of ownership, occupancy or
otherwise have been superseded by the above mentioned delegation of authority. All prior titles, claims,
counter deeds, land patents, deeds of trust, quiet claims, quit claims, and all corporate and feudal contacts
[Mortgages and rentals] are cancelled and abolished. It is mandatory that all access and information to the
said property be given to the above named Moorish American National at the contact information stated
herein no later than three [3] days after receipt of this document. After which, the said Moorish American
National will arrive on the preemies to gain lawful entry with the National Law Enforcement Escorts and
Consuls of the Moorish American Consulate.
MACN-A014_Affidavit of Allodial Secured Land Property Repossession Written Statement
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central
Amexem/Sourthwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and
Sun’ / ‘Turtle Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
Anyone who Obstructs, Hinders, Encumbers, Speaks Against, or Resists the Mandates of this Affidavit
will be seized by the Moorish Imperial Guard, formerly known as the United States Military, and detained
in a jail cell pending due process. All who occupy the said lands are required to vacate the premises
immediately pending repatriation and new contracts at the discretion of the said Moorish American
National Government Official. All tributes, taxes and other payments in gold and silver backed lawful
tender are now due to the Moorish National Republic Federal Government. Jurisdiction of all
aforementioned properties is that of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government and no other.
International do not trespass on file. Approval of any foreign occupiers to remain on the said premises is
at the complete discretion of the Moorish American National Government official pending full payment of
all taxes, tributes and other payments in lawful gold and silver at 21 pieces of gold for repatriation and 30
pieces of silver per month thereafter. All must vacate on Command when ordered by the Moorish
American National.

"Amen, dico vobis, quæcumque alligaveritis super terram erunt ligata

et Ego in caelo et quaecumque solveritis super terram erunt soluta et in caelo"

MACN-A014_Affidavit of Allodial Secured Land Property Repossession Written Statement

Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central
Amexem/Sourthwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and
Sun’ / ‘Turtle Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
Upon my inherited status, I Moorish Appellation HERE, being a descendant of The Ancient Moabites in
other respect known as American – Al Moroccan – Moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my Oath to
the ‘Five Points of Light’ – Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice; Being competent (In My Own
Proper Person) to Attest to this Affidavit upon which I place my Autograph; Whereas, I State, Proclaim,
and Declare the following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any
misrepresented, ‘colored’ or improper use or purpose.

I Am:
Moorish Appellation Here, Sui Juris
Omnia Iura Reservantis
Phone: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Northwest Amexem – Northwest Africa – North America – The North Gate
Central Amexem – South Amexem – Adjoining and Americana Islands


I Am:
Consul Commissioned of the Moorish American Consulate
Moorish American National, Sui Juris
Omnia Iura Reservantis
Phone: ( ) -
Northwest Amexem – Northwest Africa – North America – The North Gate
Central Amexem – South Amexem – Adjoining and Americana Islands

MACN-A014_Affidavit of Allodial Secured Land Property Repossession Written Statement

Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central
Amexem/Sourthwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and
Sun’ / ‘Turtle Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
Courtesy Copies To

MACN-A014_Affidavit of Allodial Secured Land Property Repossession Written Statement

Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central
Amexem/Sourthwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and
Sun’ / ‘Turtle Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.

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