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Audit Summary with Resolution and POC

No. Particulars Qualification Person-In charge

The CCTV privacy notice was not posted in all areas
1 covered by the AC CCTV cameras All AC

Data disks of footage for the assessment conducted

2 on June 20,2021 and nov 13,2021 All AC ICT- Charles
Consent forms accomplished by the candidate is
inconsistent with the required Consent Form
3 template(appendix B) All AC Assessment office

4 Fire Extiguisher were not available in other areas All AC Supply office
5 equipment lacking: FX and Lancer Contact tracing level II
6 equipment lacking: landline Contact tracing level IISupply office
7 equipment lacking: laboratory Contact tracing level IIFEMU
8 Letter of intent does not have date Contact tracing level IIUtpras

9 equipment lacking: Desktop computer not functional Contact tracing level IIICT/FEMS/Trainer

10 No available maintenance schedule of tools Contact tracing level IIKZ and Glaiza
11 Actual layout does not match with actual Contact tracing level IICharles and Lloyd

12 No available student handbook All qualification Anabelle

13 Jolins: employment record , job facilitation Contact tracing level IIJoana

14 No partner companies Contact tracing level IIAnabelle

Signage does not contain the status of the registered
15 program(e.g. wtr,ntr) All qualification Lloyd
no transmittal memo on the submission of digitized
16 copy of learners credentials to PO Contact tracing level II
17 No available Institutional Assessment FELS Trainers

18 No available maintenance schedule of tools FELS Trainers

19 shop layout does not match with actual FELS Trainers
20 Jolins: employment record , job facilitation FELS Joana

21 No documented Success stories FELS Trainers

no transmittal memo on the submission of digitized
22 copy of learners credentials to PO FELS
No available MIS 03-02 which are stamped received
by the PO and mandatory Assessment is not
23 required FELS Trainers
letter of application/intent dated may 4, 2020 is not
24 stamped received by the PO MSES NC II Lloyd

25 No available Institutional Assessment MSES NC II Trainers

26 Some tools are not available MSES NC II Supply Officer

27 No available maintenance schedule of tools MSES NC II Trainers

Area of Physical Facilities is lesser than the required
28 from the TR MSES NC II

29 Jolins: employment record , job facilitation MSES NC II Joana

30 List of partner companies MSES NC II Anabelle

31 No documented Success stories MSES NC II Trainers

Training Conducted are all COC. Full qualification

32 should also be considered in the conduct of training MSES NC II
33 No available Institutional Assessment OAP NC II Marge, allen

34 No currency of library holdings OAP NC II Trainers

Some tools are not available. Shed is not also
35 available OAP NC II Trainers

36 No available maintenance schedule of tools OAP NC II Trainers

37 EXP farm is less than 1Ha OAP NC II

List of Officials, trainers, non teaching is not signed

38 and the name of the actual trainer is not on the list OAP NC II Utpras

39 Current Fees is for CY 2019 OAP NC II Utpras

40 No available list of partners OAP NC II Anabelle
41 No job facilitation OAP NC II Joana
42 No documented Success stories OAP NC II trainers

43 RWAC and MIS not stamped by PO OAP NC II Lloyd

Undated Letter of Intent is stamped received by the
PO on Nov 19,2020 while the program was
44 registered on March 15, 2012 TM I Lloyd
45 fire safety inspection certificate is expired TM I Lloyd

46 Progress chart is available only as soft copy TM I Roli & charles

47 No Available list of instructional materials TM I Roli & charles

48 No Available currency of library holdings TM I Roli & charles

Actual count of tools, equipment and materials does
not match the number declared per list of
49 tools/equipment(e.g. laptop) TM I trainers plus nadia

50 No available maintenance schedule of tools TM I Trainers

No available List of Physical facilities that is properly
51 accomplished and signed TM I Lloyd

Designated trainer has been changed without Letter

52 of Approval by the RO TM I Lloyd

53 No Proof of grades provided TM I Trainers

54 Jolins: employment record , job facilitation TM I Joana

55 No available partners TM I Anabelle

56 No available Success stories TM I Roli & charles

57 No MIS 03-02 that is stamped received by PO TM I Lloyd

58 Employment report is for 1 batch only TM I Roli

59 dates are not properly observed TM I Lloyd

60 All documentary requirements that doesn't match TR ATS NC I Lloyd

61 No available maintenance schedule of tools ATS NC I Rods

62 Actual layout does not match with actual ATS NC I Rods

63 All documentary requirements that doesn't match TR ATS NC II Lloyd

64 No available maintenance schedule of tools ATS NC II Dennis

65 Actual layout does not match with actual ATS NC II Dennis

66 All documentary requirements that doesn't match TR FOP NC II Lloyd

67 No available maintenance schedule of tools FOP NC II Aiza

68 Actual layout does not match with actual FOP NC II Aiza

69 Tools and materials are lacking FOP NC II Aiza

70 Jolins: employment record , job facilitation FOP NC II Joana

71 No partner companies FOP NC II Anabelle

72 fire safety inspection certificate is expired CBTMC trainers

73 List of SMTE not properly signed CBTMC Lloyd

74 No available maintenance schedule of tools CBTMC Trainers

75 Jolins: employment record , job facilitation CBTMC Joana

76 No partner companies CBTMC Anabelle

77 Letter of intent does not have date EPAS NC II Lloyd

78 All documentary requirements that doesn't match TR EPAS NC II Lloyd

List of SMTE signed but some equipment are
79 lacking EPAS NC II Supply

80 No maintenance sched for the Off-campus facilities EPAS NC II

81 Shop layout does not match with actual EPAS NC II

List of Officials, trainers, non teaching is not signed
82 and not on the appropriate template EPAS NC II Lloyd
83 the name of the actual trainer is not on the list EPAS NC II Lloyd

84 no available proof of grades EPAS NC II Jeford

85 Jolins: employment record , job facilitation EPAS NC II Joana

86 No partner companies EPAS NC II Anabelle

87 No MIS 03-02 that is stamped received by PO EPAS NC II Lloyd

Supply and
88 Some equipment and tools are not available EIM NC II Trainer

89 List of officials are not updated EIM NC II Lloyd

90 No available proof of grades EIM NC II Sir Aqui

91 Entry requirement are different from the TR EIM NC II Lloyd

92 Jolins: employment record , job facilitation EIM NC II Joana

93 No partner companies EIM NC II Anabelle

Course title is the same with the promulgated tr but
94 different in duration EIM NC II Lloyd

95 Course design is different in TR EIM NC II Lloyd

96 All documentary requirements that doesn't match TR COP NC II Lloyd

97 No available Progress chart COP NC II Nadia

Some tools/equipment are not available/ lacking or
98 under specs. COP NC II supply office
99 No written schedule of maintenance schedule COP NC II Nadia

100 Physical facilities do not satisfy the requirements COP NC II PO

101 No Proof of grades provided COP NC II Nadia

102 Jolins: employment record , job facilitation COP NC II Joana

103 No partner companies COP NC II Anabelle

104 MIS03-02 for the last 3 batches COP NC II Lloyd

105 RWAC for the last 3 batches COP NC II Aiza

Bevelling Machine SMAW Nadia
Needed from PIC Remarks

Signage CCTV surveilance Posted;

Provide a dedicated Computer with large
storage for Assessment footage; Note:
the footage can only be deleted after the
accredidation expires

use the template (appendix B of Tesda

Circular no. 084 s. 2020) already changed template
Purchase additional fire extiguisher for
every AC we have
OR and CR, picture of Sentra Posted car maintenance
will coordinate to PO
will coordinate to PO
Send to PO and have it signed

take a picture of energized desktops done; Provided pictures while using

Provide written procedure and post it on
the room; provide pictures
remodel the shop layout done; Provided pictures while using
File retrieval successful;annabelle
Provide copy of the student handbook For print

Coordinate with the students and enter

details of employment in t2mis; Provide a
screenshot of T2MIS with Employment

Please secure a MOA from LGU or any

company related to the qualification

Create layout of the signage and post layout done; for printing

will coordinate to PO
provide evidences of IA already provided
Provide written procedure and post it on
the room; provide pictures
will coordinate to PO make shop layout of FELS
Coordinate with the students and enter
details of employment in t2mis; Provide a
screenshot of T2MIS with Employement

provide printed success stories

will coordinate to PO

already encoded previous training sched,

Provide the MIS 03-02 last batch is not yet included
Will updated the Letter of intent in the
utpras folder borrowed from PO
Please provide Screenshots of IA for the
last 3 batches
Please purchase the lacking tools and
equipment. Provide pictures of the will check lacking on findings versus
purchased item actual
Provide written procedure and post it on
the room; provide pictures

will coordinate to PO

Coordinate with the students and enter

details of employment in t2mis; Provide a
screenshot of T2MIS with Employment
Please provide MOA of Industry partners
for this qualification MOA with DA
provide printed success stories

will coordinate to PO
provide evidences of IA
Provide soft copies of library holdings(e.g.
e-book, videos, printed cblm,, etc) that is
up to date

Provide pictures of lacking elements Provided picture of Shed to PO

Provide written procedure and post it on
the room; provide pictures
will coordinate to PO

Check folder and compare.. Submit

discrepancy to PO
Check folder and compare.. Submit
discrepancy to PO Already created separate file for
Please secure a MOA from LGU or any
company related to the qualification Moa with balungao integrated farm

provide printed success stories

Coordinate with the students and enter

provide printed RWAC and MIS with PO details of employment in t2mis; Provide a
receive stamp screenshot of T2MIS with Employment

Check folder and compare.. Submit

discrepancy to PO
Provide valid fire safety Already provided fire safety certificate
Provide fully furnished copy of progress
chart to be stamped by PO

Provide evidences of SMTE ; will check

for doc in UTPRAS folder Vs. TR
Please provide picture of shelf with all
your library holdings(e.g. trainee's output,
cblm, cd, dvd, etc)

Please provide actual evidences of the

SMTE count
Provide written procedure and post it on
the room; provide pictures
Check folder and compare.. Submit
discrepancy to PO
Provide letter of approval for the change
of trainer and attachments; List of trainer
plus TMC,

Please provide a fully furnished copy of

your progress chart with grades
Please Provide employment report
Please provide MOA of Industry partners
for this qualification not necessary since this is for TM
Please provide a hardcopy of success
Prepare MIS 03-02 and have it stamped
by PO
coordinate with students for the last 3
batches and prepare employment details
to be entered in t2mis. Print screenshot of
Check folder and compare.. Submit
discrepancy to PO
will undergo migration; check available
resources and building if transfer is
needed Voluntary closure
Provide written procedure and post it on
the room; provide pictures Voluntary closure
Please provide a copy of the shop layout
that will match actual shop Voluntary closure
will undergo migration; check available
resources and building if transfer is
needed Voluntary closure
Provide written procedure and post it on
the room; provide pictures Voluntary closure
Please provide a copy of the shop layout
that will match actual shop Voluntary closure
will undergo migration; check available
resources and building if transfer is
needed Under Migration
Provide written procedure and post it on
the room; provide pictures Under Migration
Please provide a copy of the shop layout
that will match actual shop Under Migration; already submitted to PO

some of the tools are in CBT Under Migration

Coordinate with the students and enter

details of employment in t2mis; Provide a
screenshot of T2MIS with Employement

Please secure a MOA from LGU or any

company related to the qualification

Provide valid fire safety already provided

Will updated the Letter of intent in the
utpras folder borrowed from PO
Provide written procedure and post it on
the room; provide pictures

Coordinate with the students and enter

details of employment in t2mis; Provide a
screenshot of T2MIS with Employement

Please secure a MOA from LGU or any

company related to the qualification
Will updated the Letter of intent in the
utpras folder borrowed from PO
Will updated the Letter of intent in the
utpras folder borrowed from PO

provide lacking SMTE

No off campus needs to submit off
will coordinate to PO campus update

Needs to remodel shop layout mirror layout to actual shop

Will updated the Letter of intent in the
utpras folder borrowed from PO
Submit change of trainer
Please provide progress chart to be
submitted to PO and have it stamped

Coordinate with the students and enter

details of employment in t2mis; Provide a
screenshot of T2MIS with Employement

Please secure a MOA from LGU or any

company related to the qualification;
Please provide Moa from samsung
Will provide MIS 03-02/ terminal report for
3 consecutive batched
Recount tools and provide evidence;
purchase lacking or unserviceable Will explain that lacking are due to CBT
Will updated document in the utpras
folder borrowed from PO
Please provide progress chart to be
submitted to PO and have it stamped
Will updated document in the utpras
folder borrowed from PO

Coordinate with the students and enter

details of employment in t2mis; Provide a provided Google form for employment
screenshot of T2MIS with Employement report consolidation

Please secure a MOA from LGU or any

company related to the qualification; MOA with SRPC,DOE,
Will updated document in the utpras
folder borrowed from PO
Will updated document in the utpras
folder borrowed from PO
Will updated document in the utpras
folder borrowed from PO
Please provide picture of posted progress
chart and soft copy of progress chart for
the last 3 batches
Purchase additional TE and provide
Please provide and picture of post

coordinate with PO
Provide progress chart for the last 3

Coordinate with the students and enter

details of employment in t2mis; Provide a
screenshot of T2MIS with Employement

Please secure a MOA from LGU or any

company related to the qualification
provide MIS-03-02 for thest 3 batches.
List will be provided
provide rwac for thest 3 batches. List will
be provided

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