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MAR ENV:Protection of the Marine Environment

3/E Heidi Rose G. MendozaInstructor,

College of Maritime Education

This learning module is an exclusive property of Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc., as an essential part of the
REIMAGINED Learning Program for the Academic Year 2020-2021, and shall only be used by and for
DYCIans. No part of this learning module shall be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, and/or sold, without the
consent of DYCI.
Week No. 13

This module is intended to have you learners of maritime department to understand

MARPOL Annex III regulations that helps in marine pollution prevention.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

enumerate the regulations under MARPOL Annex III;
explain each regulations and how it works to prevent pollution.

This Annex deals with those substances which are hazardous in nature and carried in
packaged cargo. The identification of such material is provided in the IMDG Code. The
MARPOL Annex III came into force on 1 July 1992 and comprised of 2 Chapters
containing 11 regulations.

Chapter 1 gives a general details on MARPOL ANNEX III and consist of 9 regulations.

Regulations 1 & 2 explains the “Definition” of different terminologies which are used in
the chapter and the “Application” of this chapter in different types of ships which are
carrying Hazardous goods.

Regulation 3 & 4 lists down the requirement of packaging and Marking/labelling of the
packages carrying IMDG cargoes.

Regulation 5 provides the details of the documentation which are needed by the ship which
is carrying hazardous material under MARPOL Annex 3.

The storage requirement and quantity limitations for carrying harmful substances in bulk
are provided under Regulation 6 & 7.

Regulation 8 lists down the exceptions which a ship carrying harmful cargo in bulk can
have under various circumstances.
The authorisation of port-state control on the operational requirement of ships carrying
such substance under MARPOL Annex III is listed in Regulation 9.

Chapter 2 deals with the Verification of compliance with the provision of this convention
providing details of the application and the process for verification of compliance under
Regulation 10 and 11.


To all ships carrying harmful substances in packaged form, or in freight containers,

portable tanks or road and rail tank wagons where:

"harmful substances” are the substances which are identified as marine pollutants in the
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code). *

“packaged form” is defined as the forms of containment specified for harmful substances
in the IMDG Code.

*Refer to the IMDG Code adopted by the IMO by resolution MSC.122(75), as amended by
the Maritime Safety Committee. The Marpol Annex III has been revisedto harmonize the
regulations with the criteria for defining marine pollutants which have been adopted by the
UN Transport of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Sub-Committee.

carrying harmful substances is prohibited, except in accordance with the provisions of the
attached regulations

governments are obliged to issue detailed requirements on packing, marking, labelling,

documentation, stowage, quantity limitations and exceptions for preventing or minimizing
pollution of the marine environment by harmful substances.

empty packaging which were used previously for harmful substances shall themselves be
treated as harmful substances unless suitable precautions are taken to ensure that they
contain no harmful residue.

the requirements of this Annex do not apply to ship’s stores and equipment.

Packing, marking and labelling

Packages shall be adequate to minimize the hazard to the marine environment, having
regard to their specific contents.
Packages containing a harmful substance shall be durably marked with the correct
technical name (trade names alone shall not be used) and, durably marked or labelled to
indicate that the substance is a Marine Pollutant.
Such identification shall be supplemented where possible by any other means, for example,
by use of the relevant United Nations number.
The method of marking the correct technical name and of affixing labels on packages
containing a harmful substance shall be identifiable on packages surviving at least three
months’ immersion in the sea. In considering suitable marking and labelling, the durability
of the materials used and of the surface of the package shall be taken into account.
Packages containing small quantities of harmful substances may be exempted from the
marking requirements.


In all documents relating to the carriage of harmful substances by sea, the correct technical
name of each such substance shall be used (trade names alone shall not be used) and the
substance further identified by the addition of the words “MARINE POLLUTANT”.
The shipping documents supplied by the shipper shall include a signed certificate or
declaration that the shipment offered for carriage is properly packaged and marked,
labelled and in proper condition for carriage to minimize the hazard to the marine
* Reference to “documents” in this regulation does not preclude the use of electronic data
processing (EDP) and electronic data interchange (EDI) transmission techniques as an aid
to paper documentation
A special list or manifest indicating the harmful substances on board and their location
shall be on board each ship carrying harmful substances.
A detailed stowage plan which shows the location of the harmful substances on board
may be used instead of such special list or manifest.
Copies of such documents shall also be retained on shore by the owner of the ship or his
representative until the harmful substances are unloaded. A copy of one of these
documents shall be made available before departure to the person or organization
designated by the port State authority.

At any stopover, where any loading or unloading operations are carried out, a revision of
the documents listing the harmful substances taken on board shall be made available before

Note: When the ship carries a special list or manifest or a detailed stowage plan required
for the carriage of dangerous goods by the SOLAS 1974, the documents required by this
regulation may be combined with those for dangerous goods. Where documents are
combined, a clear distinction shall be made between dangerous goods and harmful
substances covered by Annex III.

Multimodal Dangerous Goods Form

A special form may be used as a dangerous goods declaration as it meets the requirements
of SOLAS 74, chapter VII, regulation 4; MARPOL 73/78, Annex III, regulation 4.

Stowage and quantity limitations

Harmful substances shall be properly stowed and secured to minimize the hazards to the
marine environment without impairing the safety of the ship and persons on board.

Certain harmful substances may, for scientific and technical reasons, need to be prohibited
for carriage or be limited to the quantity which may be carried aboard any ship. In limiting
the quantity, due consideration shall be given to size, construction and equipment of the
ship, as well as the packaging and the inherent nature of the substances.

Jettisoning of harmful substances carried in packaged form shall be prohibited, except
where necessary for the purpose of securing the safety of the ship or saving life at sea.

Appropriate measures based on the physical, chemical and biological properties of harmful
substances shall be taken to control the washing of leakages overboard, provided it would
not impair the safety of the ship and persons on board.

Port State Control on operational requirements*

1. when in port a ship can be inspected by authorized PSC officers
2. if the master or crew are not familiar with essential shipboard procedures preventing
pollution by harmful substances, all should be done to ensure that the situation has been
brought to order

3. if ships equipment is broken or missing or ship has suffered damages en route, Port
Authorities must be informed accordingly and if remedies were agreed with the flag state,
the ship is not to be detained.
* Refer to the Procedures for port State control resolution A.787(19) as amended by
resolution A.882(21)

Implementation of amended regulations

Amended Annex III of MARPOL 73/78:

- 1 July 09 - Acceptance of amendments

IMDG Code revision:

- 1 January 2009 - voluntary use of amdt 34-08
- 1 January 2010 - entry into force of amdt 34-08

Name: _____________________________________________ Rating: ________________
Year and Section:_____________ Professor / Instructor: __________________________
Due of Submission: _____________________________

Week No. 13

List down all regulations and their title under MARPOL Annex III.
Explain the exception in this annex.

Eloise. (2014, October 3). Prevention of pollution by harmful substances in packaged form
annex III of Marpol 73/78. SlideServe.

Port Security Center,

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