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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Name: __________________________ Grade/Strand: ______________ Score: P_____ A _____
Teacher: Jianne Pearl F. De Torres Date: Jan.17 ,2022

LESSON 7: Comparative Analysis of Daoic


I. Background Information
The three Daoic religions—Confucianism, Daoism, and Shintoism—all originated from East Asia, thus
they are also called East Asian religions. Confucianism and Daoism both came from China during the Warring
States Period (Zhou dynasty) while Shintoism, which is also regarded as an “indigenous religion,” thus it is hard
to trace its origins, came from Japan. Let us now take a look at the similarities and differences among the three
religions in terms of origin, morality, purpose, destiny, and views on women.
The character below shows the Chinese symbol for Dao, which literally means “The Way.” It is impossible
to describe the Dao with words; they can only give us clues that will help us get a glimpse of what the Dao is. It
is often described as the life force, the essence, the energy, the flow of the universe.
In this lesson, we will compare the three Daoic religions—Confucianism, Doaism, and Shintoism—by
emphasizing their uniqueness and similarities, and by showing that despite the differences in certain beliefs and
practices, they share common traits, especially with regard to how they view nature and humanity’s relationship
with it.

II. Learning Competencies

1. Compare and contrast the uniqueness and similarities of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. (HUMSS_WRB12-
I/IIIi-7.1-4) ;
2. State the importance of determining the uniqueness and similarities of Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism
religions ; and
3. Show the similarity of Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism through a graphic organizer.

III. Essential Concept

Comparative Analysis of Daoic Religions

All three Daoic religions originated in East Asia- with Confucianism and Taoism originating in China
while Shintoism started as an indigenous religion of Japan. Confucianism and Taoism started as attempts to
bring order to the chaos happening during the warring states periods in China while Shintoism started as a
religion focusing on the worship of Kami or spirits that were seen as the source of prosperity.

These religions have no strict set of moral guidelines to follow: In Confucianism, morality is based on
loyalty, ritual observance and self-cultivation, Taoism on the other hand discourages imposition on ethics for it
would hinder humanity from being in harmony with nature, Shintoism on the other hand believes that anything
that goes against the observance of purity is considered evil.

All three religions consider the harmony between heaven and earth as the ultimate goal since they all
believe that what happens in heaven should be reflected on Earth. Thus self-cultivation for Confucianism and
Taoism is important for one can reach one’s highest potential only by cultivating himself for the common good.
Shintoism emphasizes purity of oneself to maintain the natural state which can bring harmony and order in

Destiny, according to the Confucianism and Taoism lies in one’s cultivation of the self in order to achieve
a harmonious society. In Shintoism, everyone has a destiny to fulfill but only purity would make one capable of
realizing his or her mission in life.

Among these three religions: Taoism has the most positive view on women with the idea of balancing the
feminine and masculine qualities in everyone to balance the yin and yang and allow the smooth flow of qi.
Confucianism emphasizes on hierarchy and prioritizes men over women in all aspects. Status of women in
Shintoism used to have a high regard but later on diminished due to some historical developments.

IV. Learning Activities

DIRECTIONS: With the use of a graphic Organizer, show the similarities and uniqueness/ differences of
Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism. Answer the question below.

1. Why is it important to cite the similarities and differences of these religions?



Taoism Buddhism


V. Assessment
Directions: Read each item carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the
_____1. Which of the following is the core teaching of Confucianism?
A. How to be a gentleman C. How to respect the law of nature
B. How to denounce suffering D. How to achieve the state of nirvana
_____2. Refers to the religion in Far East Asia that started as a nature-based philosophy.
A. Confucianism B. Shintoism C. Hinduism D. Taoism
_____3. Refers to the religion in Far East Asia which emphasizes worship on ancestors at its core teaching.
A. Confucianism B. Shintoism C. Hinduism D. Taoism
_____4. Refers to the group of books which was regarded as early Confucianism’s basic texts
A. Five Classics C. Five Teaching Pillars
B. Four Noble Truths D. Eightfold Noble Paths
_____5. Refers to the most well-known Taoism religious symbol which signifies the perfect harmonic balance in
the universe

_____6. Refers to the most common symbol of Shintoism which is considered as a sacred gateway supposed to
represent a gate upon which a cock crew on the occasion when Amaterasu emerged from the rock cave and
relighted the world.
A. Torii gate B. Nihongi C. Kojiki D. Kami
_____7. What is considered to be as the most celebrated rule in Confucianism?
A. “Seek Ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness will come unto you”
B. “Do not do unto others what you don’t want others to do unto you”
C. “ Love your neighbor as you Love God”
D. “Honesty is the best policy”
_____8. In Shintoism belief, what is considered to be as the worst form of impurity?
A. Death B. Adultery C. Sickness D. Prostitution
_____9. In what religion in Eastern Asia does not consider any weekly service and instead people visit shrines at
their own convenience?
A. Confucianism B. Shintoism C. Taoism D. Judaism
_____10. In what religion in Eastern Asia is fatalism highly acknowledged with the belief of allowing nature to
take its course and often reminding its followers to just go with the flow?
A. Confucianism B. Shintoism C. Taoism D. Judaism

VI. Reflection
Directions: Complete the statements.
In this lesson, I learned
I must observe the _______________________________________________________________________________________
As a student, it is important for me to be__________________________________________________________________

VII. References
 Department of Education, Introduction to World Religion and Beliefs System, s. 2016 pages 232-240
 CG/MELCS (HUMSS_WRB12-I/IIIi-7.1-4) page 617

Answer keys
Activity 1: Answers may Vary
Assessment: 1.A 3.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 9.B
Prepared By:
Jianne Pearl F. De Torres
Subject Teacher

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