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BTM 3634







The Peaucellier linkage, also sometimes called the Peaucellier cell, is a simple linkage that has the
unique property that its endpoint traces out an exact straight line. Peaucellier's linkage was invented by
Charles Nicolas Peaucellier in 1864, and it was the first planar linkage that could produce a straight line
(Bryant & Sangwin, 2008, p. 34). There are other, earlier linkages that could approximate a straight line
quite well, such as Chebyshev's and Roberts's linkages, but it can be shown mathematically that
Peaucellier's cell will produce (given ideal pivots and rigid links) a perfect straight line (Bryant &
Sangwin, 2008, pp. 34-36).

The need for a straight line generator came in the form of James Watt's steam engine, which required a
linkage to move a piston rod vertically along a line. James Watt himself is credited with the first
approximate-straight line linkage, most likely a child of the above steam engine problem (Bryant &
Sangwin, 2008, p. 22). When asked to make a straight line, many people will seek to use a ruler or other
straightedge. However, there are two problems with this approach. First, is the so-called "straightedge"
really straight? Second, given that the ruler is indeed straight, how was it itself created? Is it rulers all
the way down? The first problem is an interesting one, though out of the scope of this thesis. Addressing
the second problem, it is true that the simplest way to make a straight line is to somehow copy an existing
straight line. However, Peaucellier's linkage is able to generate a straight line from pure rotational
motion of seven links, which gives it the ability to produce the "first" straight line.

OA = OB = 11AP = PB = BC = CA= 12OQ = OC = 13

Under these conditions, the point P will be exactly constrained to a straight line that is orthogonal to line
segment OQ. Peaucellier's linkage works because the inverse of a circle through the center of inversion
is a straight line. In this case, 0 is the center of inversion, and the circle defined by QC is the circle that
is being inverted. Bryant and Sangwin provide an excellent proof for Peaucellier's linkage, as well as a
discussion of inverse geometry.

Mobility analysis of peaucellier linkage modelling


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3


⚫ Design parts Render in 2D parts regard constraints and extrude into 3D including
3D features such holes and etc.

⚫ Assembling
- Surfaces contact constraint
- Joint’s coincidence constraint

Linear Displacement

The changes of linear respect to time Starts from 0.00 sec with 0.0015 mm and
finish at almost -8 sec with -0.0015 mm.

Linear Velocity

The changes of linear respect to time Starts from -1048 sec with 0 mm and finish at
0.050sec with -2096 mm.
Linear Acceleration

The changes of linear respect to time Starts from 0.00 sec with 1380400 mm and
finishat 0.041 sec with -452471 mm.

This study has delved into an analysis of the motion and configuration of the Peaucellier mechanism
as it travels through its entire range of motion. Although the original goal was to create the
maximum stroke possible, it has resulted that this is not a practical application at all with the
exponentially increasing velocities at the limits of motion. Velocity analysis proved to be much
more helpful in determining a useful optimization and description of the mechanism that will
hopefully contribute to industrial use of the mechanism.
The standard and alternate configurations have been found to have similar, if not identical, patterns
of movement. More analysis could be done to determine potential benefits or drawbacks of using
one configuration versus the other beyond the scope of position and velocity analysis, such as
transmission angle and total workspace. These attributes, along with net weight and relationship
between ground link and x-value, could also be used as possible goals and design specifications for
appropriate sizing of this special straight-line mechanism.

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