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Case 1:19-cv-01301-WMR Document 69 Filed 11/29/20 Page 1 of 43




v. Case No. 1-19-cv-01301-WMR





Plaintiff Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar (“Plaintiff”) for her complaint against

Defendant Latasha Transrina Kebe a/k/a Latasha Transrina Howard (“Kebe”) and

Defendant Kebe Studios LLC (“Kebe Studios”) (collectively, “Defendants”)

alleges as follows:


1. This is a diversity action asserting Georgia state law claims for

slander per se, slander, libel per se, and defamation, as a result of Defendants’

publication of slanderous and defamatory statements regarding Plaintiff that are

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false, harmful, and offensive to Plaintiff, as well as invasion of privacy – false light

and intentional infliction of emotional distress.


2. Plaintiff currently is a citizen and resident of the State of California.

3. Upon information and belief, Kebe is and at all times during the

pendency of this action has been a citizen and resident of the State of Georgia.

4. Upon information and belief, Kebe Studios is a Georgia limited

liability company with a principal office address of 3614 Janna Lane SW, Marietta,

Georgia 30008.

5. Upon information and belief, Kebe Studios was formed on April 14,

2018 as an alter ego or mere business conduit for Kebe’s activities alleged herein.


6. This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action

pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1332 as this is an action between citizens of different states

and the amount in controversy exceeds seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000).

7. Upon information and belief, Kebe is subject to personal jurisdiction

in the State of Georgia as she resides in and/or is domiciled in Georgia. In addition,

upon information and belief, Kebe owns, uses, or possesses real property within

the State of Georgia, regularly transacts business as described below within the

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State of Georgia, and committed a tortious act within the State of Georgia,

including the torts of invasion of privacy – false light.

8. Venue is proper in this District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391 because,

upon information and belief, Defendants are residents of this District and because,

upon information and belief, the conduct complained of occurred in this District.


9. Plaintiff is a Grammy award-winning musical artist, songwriter, and

television personality professionally known as “Cardi B.”

10. Since the release of her full-length debut mixtape in 2015, Plaintiff’s

musical works have reached peak positions on charts in the United States and

around the world. As a result of the popularity of her music, Plaintiff has millions

of fans in the United States and around the world who follow her work and her

social media profiles.

11. Plaintiff is also a mother of a young baby girl.

12. In addition to her artistic endeavors, Plaintiff is well known for her

volunteer work and philanthropic endeavors, which include helping families

affected by gang violence and performing volunteer work in handing out coats to

underprivileged persons.

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13. Upon information and belief, Starmarie Ebony Jones (“Jones”) is a

natural person who claims to have known Plaintiff before her musical career.

14. Upon information and belief, Jones currently conducts business in the

nature of promoting anti-aging products.

15. Upon information and belief, however, Jones’ real aspiration is to

have a career in the entertainment industry as an actress. Upon information and

belief, in pursuit of this goal, Jones promotes herself and her entertainment

endeavors through social media, where she has about ten thousand followers.

16. Upon information and belief, Jones regularly posts information

regarding her endeavors in the entertainment industry in and around Atlanta.

17. Upon information and belief, Kebe produces, hosts, and publishes

videos on YouTube entitled “unWinewithTashaK.”

18. Upon information and belief, while Kebe calls her site “a celebrity

gossip site,” the real purpose of “unWinewithTashaK” is to provide a platform for

Kebe to publish and spread malicious rumors, slanderous assertions, and false

information about celebrities, including Plaintiff, for her personal financial gain.

19. Upon information and belief, Kebe does this to draw various

celebrities’ social media followers to her site, including Plaintiff’s social media

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followers, so she can increase what she charges for advertising to third parties that

advertise with her.

20. Upon information and belief, in early 2018, Kebe targeted Plaintiff

and began making degrading and harassing statements regarding Plaintiff.

21. Upon information and belief, while Plaintiff was pregnant, on or

around April 13, 2018, Kebe published a video where Kebe stated that as a result

of Plaintiff’s actions, Plaintiff’s then-unborn child may have intellectual


22. Upon information and belief, in the months preceding the filing of this

lawsuit, Kebe took her vitriol one step further by making blatantly defamatory

statements regarding Plaintiff.

23. Upon information and belief, Kebe became obsessed with slandering

and harassing Plaintiff. In the sixteen months preceding the filing of this lawsuit,

Kebe put out at least thirty-eight videos regarding Plaintiff.

24. Upon information and belief, as set forth below, Kebe’s videos about

Plaintiff attract substantially more viewers than most of her other videos, which is

part of the reason she has repeatedly targeted Plaintiff.

25. Upon information and belief, to this end, Kebe has published in the

past few months several videos with more false and defamatory statements about

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Plaintiff, who has become the target of Kebe’s malicious campaign to damage and

destroy Plaintiff’s reputation among her fans and the consuming public.

26. Upon information and belief, on or around September 2, 2018, Kebe

published a video (the “9/2/18 Video”).

27. The 9/2/18 Video contains at least one false and defamatory statement

about Plaintiff.

28. The 9/2/18 Video contains the false, malicious, and defamatory

statement that Plaintiff “prostituted for a living.” (9/2/18 Video at 5:50.)

29. Upon information and belief, Kebe published the 9/2/18 Video to tens

of thousands of individuals without privilege or justification.

30. Upon information and belief, around that same time, on or around

September 13, 2018, Jones published a video of herself to her Instagram followers

making false, malicious, and defamatory statements regarding Plaintiff through

Instagram Live, which allows users to film live videos that can be watched either

simultaneously by their followers or within 24 hours of their posting (the “Jones


31. The Jones Video contains multiple false and defamatory statements

about Plaintiff.

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32. In the Jones Video, Jones made the false, malicious, and defamatory

statement that “[Plaintiff] got herpes.” (Jones Video at 9:38.)

33. In the Jones Video, Jones also made the false, malicious, and

defamatory statement that Plaintiff took cocaine. (Jones Video at 14:24.)

34. In the Jones Video, Jones also falsely stated that Plaintiff was

engaging in prostitution. Specifically, she stated, referring to Plaintiff, “I guess

they were supposed to have sex, exchange sex for money.” (Jones Video at 15:50.)

35. Shortly after Jones released the Jones Video, on or around September

13, 2018, Jones also published written comments on her Instagram account to third

parties that Plaintiff is “just a Grammy Nominated Prostitute, running around

spreading her herpes” (the “Instagram Comment”).

36. Upon information and belief, continuing her campaign of slander, and

to capitalize on Jones’ slander, on or around September 19, 2018, Kebe recorded

and later published a video of herself interviewing Jones regarding the Jones Video

on YouTube entitled “Exclusive: Cardi B’s Ex-FRIEND ALLEGES Cardi B. Kept

A Huge Box filled with MONlSTAT & REVEALS More!” (the “9/19/18 Video”).

37. Upon information and belief, Kebe knew that publishing a video

regarding Plaintiff would draw substantially more viewers to her content than she

typically garners.

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38. Upon information and belief, the 9/19/18 Video, has garnered over

four million views. By way of comparison, upon information and belief, the last

full-length video Kebe published prior to the 9/19/18 Video only garnered

approximately 223,000 views.

39. Upon information and belief, only nine of her approximately 236

videos published prior to the 9/19/18 Video garnered over one million views.

40. The 9/19/18 Video contains multiple false and defamatory statements

about Plaintiff.

41. The 9/19/18 Video contains the false, malicious, and defamatory

statement that Plaintiff was a prostitute (0:40: “(Kebe) You said that Cardi B

prostituted” “(Jones) Yes”).

42. The 9/19/18 Video contains the false, malicious, and defamatory

statement that Plaintiff used cocaine (0:40: “(Kebe) Was she a drug user?” “(Ms.

Jones) Yes” “(Kebe) cocaine . . . to be specific” “(Jones) Yes”).

43. The 9/19/18 Video also contains the false, malicious, and defamatory

statement that Plaintiff has herpes (0:48: “(Kebe) She has herpes?” “(Jones) Yes”).

44. The 9/19/18 Video contains the false, malicious, and defamatory

statement that Plaintiff also had herpes outbreaks on her mouth in the past (17:25:

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“(Kebe) So you were living with her at the time and she had herpes outbreaks on

her mouth?” “(Jones) Yes”).

45. Upon information and belief, Kebe published the 9/19/18 Video to

millions of individuals without privilege or justification.

46. None of the aforementioned statements about Plaintiff are true.

Plaintiff was never a prostitute or a user of cocaine. Plaintiff has never, and does

not now, have herpes, nor has she had herpes outbreaks on her mouth.

47. Upon information and belief, Kebe knew or should have known that

the aforementioned statements were false.

48. Upon information and belief, Kebe was subjectively aware of the

probable falsity of the aforementioned statements at the time she published them.

49. Upon information and belief, by way of example, on a second

YouTube channel operated by Kebe, Kebe posted a video that acknowledges that

she was aware, prior to her publishing the 9/19/18 Video, that the defamatory

statements made by Jones may not have been true.

50. Upon information and belief, Kebe further acknowledged and that she

published the 9/19/18 Video a day earlier than she had planned to because

information undermining Jones’ credibility was about to be published and Kebe

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wanted the 9/19/18 Video to have an opportunity to trend (i.e., gain viewership)

before people saw the information that would “debunk” Jones’ statements.

51. Upon information and belief, the aforementioned defamatory

statements were made and published by Kebe with actual malice, i.e., with

knowledge that the statements were false or with reckless disregard for the fact that

they were false.

52. On or about September 19, 2018, shortly after Kebe published the

9/19/18 Video, Plaintiff, through her counsel, sent a cease and desist letter to Kebe

that demanded immediate removal of the defamatory video.

53. Upon information and belief, two days after receiving the letter, which

she posted on social media rather than take the video down or issuing a retraction

and/or repudiation, Kebe published a second video that falsely proclaimed the

statements made in the 9/19/18 Video were true.

54. Upon information and belief, on or around September 21, 2018, Kebe

published a second video entitled “Actual PROOF Cardi B. Knew her Ex-

Roommate, Drake, Funky Dineva vs Tamar, Beyonce Black Majic,” where she

unequivocally stated that everything said in the 9/19/18 Video was true (the

“9/21/18 Video”).

55. The 9/21/18 Video also continued Kebe’s campaign of defamation.

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56. Upon information and belief, in the 9/21/18 Video, Kebe claims that

“Everything that we said, that everything that [Jones] said was accurate” (9/21/18

Video at 2:11); that Kebe was “the source” (9/21/18 Video at 4:38).

57. Upon information and belief, Kebe even went so far as to falsely

suggest that she was in possession of undisclosed facts that would support the prior

statements when she further claimed that “[Jones] has shown me some stuff, I said,

okay legit so I’m gonna go ahead and tell your story.” (9/21/18 Video at 8:12.)

58. Since then, Kebe has continued her campaign of defamation and


59. Upon information and belief, on or around December 18, 2018, Kebe

published a video on YouTube entitled “Tasha K. RESPONDS To Cardi B's

Diffimation SUIT & Offset's Dad calling Cardi B. OUT & more” (the “12/18/18


60. The 12/18/18 Video contains the false and defamatory statement that

Plaintiff “f***** herself with beer bottles on f****** stripper stages.” (12/18/18

Video at 10:10.)

61. Upon information and belief, on or around December 18, 2018, Kebe

published a post on Facebook referring to Plaintiff as “Herpes B” (the “12/18/18

Facebook Post”).

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62. Upon information and belief, on or around January 4, 2019, Kebe

published a video on YouTube entitled “Exclusive | Cardi's Cousin ANGRY!

Diddy & Cassie, Toni & Birdman, Tiffany Haddish, R. Kelly & More.” (the

“1/4/19 Video”).

63. The 1/4/19 Video contains the false and defamatory statement that

Plaintiff was a prostitute. (1/4/19 Video at 41:35.)

64. On or around January 25, 2019, Kebe Tweeted that Plaintiff had

herpes (the “1/25/19 Tweet”).

65. Upon information and belief, the 1/25/19 Tweet was published to

Kebe’s over six thousand followers.

66. Upon information and belief, shortly after it was posted, knowing it

was not true, Kebe deleted the post. However, as set forth below, she has failed and

refused to repudiate and take down the other instances of defamatory statements in

the above-described videos.

67. Upon information and belief, on or around March 25, 2019, Kebe

temporarily unlisted and/or took down the 9/19/18 Video and 9/21/18 Video from

her YouTube channel.

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68. Upon information and belief, on or around March 26, 2019, Kebe re-

listed and/or re-posted the 9/19/18 Video and 9/21/18 Video on her YouTube

channel effectively re-publishing them.

69. Upon information and belief, on or around April 23, 2019, Kebe

published a video on YouTube entitled “Tasha K. RESPONDS to Cardi B.'s

#MUTEBLACKBLOGS Agenda! Cardi CALLS Shade Room Owner a Water

Buffalo” (the “4/23/19 Video”).

70. The 4/23/19 Video contains a false and defamatory statement that

Plaintiff “stuck beer bottles up her vagina, she actually took beer bottles from

pedestrians. This is on video, she took the beer bottle from the pedestrian . . . stuck

it in her cooch, drank the beer bottle and gave it back to him.” (4/23/19 Video at


71. Upon information and belief, on or around April 25, 2019, Kebe

published a recording of a phone call that Kebe had with another YouTube blogger

named Lovelyti entitled “Exclusive Tasha K. LEAKS Private Call Proving

Lovelyti Tasha K. PLANNED Starmarie Interview” (the “Lovelyti Call”).

72. Upon information and belief, the Lovelyti Call was originally

recorded at least six months before it was published.

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73. Upon information and belief, the Lovelyti Call was originally

recorded prior to the publication of the 9/19/18 Video and 9/21/18 Video and prior

to their re-publication.

74. Upon information and belief, the Lovelyti Call demonstrates that

Kebe was aware of the likelihood that she was circulating false information and

entertained serious doubts as to the truth of the statements she published.

75. Upon information and belief, in the Lovelyti Call, Kebe states that

Jones “told some truths, she didn’t tell all truths” (Lovelyti Call at 16:04).

76. Upon information and belief, in the Lovelyti Call, Kebe states, “I still

believe [Jones] . . . now as far as the herpes and shit, I don’t know.” (Lovelyti Call

at 24:06.)

77. Upon information and belief, in the Lovelyti Call, Kebe states, “Cardi

has an entire team to protect her, if people defame her or anything, that’s Cardi’s

job . . . to shut that shit down.” (Lovelyti Call at 10:17.)

78. Upon information and belief, in the Lovelyti Call, Kebe states, “. . .

here’s my thing, all of these strippers are lying . . .” referring to Jones, Plaintiff and

a third party. (Lovelyti Call at 11:02.)

79. Upon information and belief, on or around July 19, 2019, Kebe

published a video on YouTube entitled “Exclusives| Lala & Carmelo, Cardi &

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Offset, Megan The Stallion, Dwight Howard, Kevin Spacey & More!” (the

“7/19/19 Video”).

80. The 7/19/19 Video contains a false and defamatory statement that

Plaintiff engaged in prostitution. (7/19/19 Video at 45:40.)

81. Upon information and belief, on or around November 8, 2019, Kebe

published a video on YouTube entitled “Exclusive I New R.Kelly ENABLERS

REVEALED, Whitney Houston, Ti, Evelyn & O.G., Cardi B., & more!” (the

“11/8/19 Video”).

82. The 11/8/19 Video contains a false and defamatory statement that

Plaintiff engaged in prostitution. (11/8/19 Video at 58:45.)

83. Upon information and belief, on or around December 30, 2019, Kebe

published a video on YouTube entitled “Cardi's Husband allegedly CONTACTED

his EX GIRLFRIEND Jade” (the “12/30/19 Video”).

84. The 12/30/19 Video contains a false and defamatory statement that

Plaintiff “was sitting on beer bottles, she was taking pedestrian’s beer bottles, they

was drinking and they could have had some cold sores and she sat on the f******

beer bottles.” (12/30/19 Video at 7:00.)

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85. Upon information and belief, on or around April 24, 2020, Kebe

published a video on YouTube entitled “This is Why I CANT WERK!” (the

“4/24/20 Video”).

86. The 4/24/20 Video contains a false and defamatory statement that

Plaintiff has herpes. (4/24/20 Video at 1:00:23.)

87. Upon information and belief, on or around September 18, 2020, Kebe

published a video on YouTube entitled “Exclusive | Cardi's NEW LOVER amid

Divorce?, Kylie Jenner, Andrew Gillum, August Alsina, Nicki Minaj” (the

“9/18/20 Video”).

88. The 9/18/20 Video contains the following false and defamatory

statements that Plaintiff was a prostitute (1:07:50), that Plaintiff has HPV

(1:16:11), and that Plaintiff committed infidelity (1:15:37, 1:16, 1:16:29, 1:19:17,

1:19:45, 1:21:31).

89. Upon information and belief, on or around September 21, 2020, Kebe

published a video on YouTube entitled “Cardi BABY girl. I MEAN baby Bird!”

(the “9/21/20 Video”).

90. The 9/21/20 Video contains the false and defamatory statements that

Plaintiff was a prostitute (7:10) and that Plaintiff is engaging in adultery (7:54).

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91. In the 9/21/20 Video, she acknowledged on multiple occasions that

she knew her stories about Plaintiff were false and she published them anyway.

(“You know what’s funny, I make up stories out of thin air, Tasha just makes up

stories.” (2:20); “I knew the sh** was fake.” (3:24); “I knew they was

m************ fake— I told Kyle ‘I’m going to put the bull**** out anyway.’”

(6:40); “I knew it was fake, I still made that s*** go m************ viral okay.”

(8:38); ““If you continue to send me fake stories on you, I’m going to air them as

they are hoe.” (10:50); “So keep sending me the lies, and I’m going to keep

putting them the f*** out b****.” (11:35).)

92. The aforementioned defamatory statements published by Jones have

caused Plaintiff to suffer embarrassment, humiliation, mental anguish, and

emotional distress.

93. The aforementioned defamatory statements distributed, published, and

repeated by Kebe have caused Plaintiff to suffer embarrassment, humiliation,

mental anguish, and emotional distress.

94. The aforementioned defamatory statements distributed, published, and

repeated by Kebe have also caused damage to Plaintiff’s reputation and character

within her profession and industry, including but not limited to among her fans and

with prospective business relations.

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95. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §§ 51-5-11 and 51-5-12, on February 28, 2019,

Plaintiff sent a demand for retraction and repudiation to Kebe demanding a

retraction and repudiation of defamatory statements.

96. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §§ 51-5-11 and 51-5-12, on October 2, 2020,

Plaintiff sent an additional demand for retraction and repudiation to Kebe

demanding a retraction and repudiation of the other subsequently discovered

defamatory statements.

97. Despite written demands for repudiation and the passing of at least

seven (7) days in each instance, Kebe has as of the date of filing of this Complaint

failed and refused to retract and/or repudiate the aforementioned defamatory


98. As of this day, Kebe has not issued any sort of retraction or

repudiation of the defamatory statements.

(Slander Per Se Against Defendants)

99. Plaintiff repeats and realleges by reference the allegations in

paragraphs 1 through 98 as if fully set forth herein.

100. Upon information and belief, as set forth above, Kebe published

multiple false and defamatory statements about Plaintiff, including that Plaintiff

was a prostitute, that Plaintiff was a user of cocaine, that Plaintiff had and still has

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herpes, that Plaintiff has had herpes outbreaks on her mouth, that Plaintiff had and

still has HPV, that Plaintiff engaged in a debasing act with a beer bottle, and that

Plaintiff committed infidelity.

101. None of the aforementioned defamatory statements about Plaintiff are


102. Upon information and belief, Kebe knew these statements to be false

at the time she published them, or Kebe was subjectively aware of the probable

falsity of the aforementioned statements at the time she published them.

103. Upon information and belief, by way of example, on a second

YouTube channel operated by Kebe, Kebe posted a video that acknowledges she

was aware, prior to her publishing the 9/19/18 Video, that the defamatory

statements made by Jones may not have been true.

104. Upon information and belief, Kebe further acknowledged that she

published the 9/19/18 Video a day earlier than she had planned to because

information undermining Jones’ credibility was about to be published and Kebe

wanted the 9/19/18 Video to have an opportunity to trend (i.e., gain viewership)

before people saw the information that would “debunk” Jones’ statements.

105. Nevertheless, upon information and belief, after receiving a cease and

desist letter demanding she take down the defamatory statements about Plaintiff in

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the 9/19/18 Video, Kebe published another video on September 21, 2018 that

referred to the 9/19/18 Video and the Jones Video and falsely stated that

“Everything that we said, that everything that [Jones] said was accurate” (9/21/18

Video at 2:11); that Kebe was “the source” (9/21/18 Video at 4:38).

106. Upon information and belief, Kebe did not make reasonable attempts

to verify the false and defamatory statements that were made about Plaintiff before

the videos containing those statements (collectively, the “Defamatory Videos”)

were published.

107. Upon information and belief, prior to publication, Kebe was aware of

the likelihood that she was circulating false information and/or she entertained

serious doubts as to the truth of the statements that were published in the

Defamatory Videos.

108. Upon information and belief, on or around March 25, 2019, Kebe

temporarily unlisted and/or took down the 9/19/18 Video and 9/21/18 Video from

her YouTube channel.

109. Upon information and belief, on or around March 26, 2019, Kebe re-

listed and/or re-posted the 9/19/18 Video and 9/21/18 Video on her YouTube

channel effectively re-publishing them.

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110. Upon information and belief, Kebe knew the statements made in the

Defamatory Videos were false or Kebe acted with reckless disregard of whether

they were true or not.

111. Indeed, in the 9/21/20 Video, she acknowledged on multiple

occasions that she knew her stories about Plaintiff were false and she published

them anyway. (“You know what’s funny, I make up stories out of thin air, Tasha

just makes up stories.” (2:20); “I knew the sh** was fake.” (3:24); “I knew they

was m************ fake— I told Kyle ‘I’m going to put the bull**** out

anyway.’” (6:40); “I knew it was fake, I still made that s*** go m************

viral okay.” (8:38); ““If you continue to send me fake stories on you, I’m going to

air them as they are hoe.” (10:50); “So keep sending me the lies, and I’m going to

keep putting them the f*** out b****.” (11:35).)

112. Upon information and belief, Kebe published these false statements

via YouTube and identified Plaintiff by her professional name, her occupation, and

showed photos of Plaintiff during the videos so that individuals who watched them

would know the statements made in the videos were about Plaintiff.

113. Upon information and belief, Kebe’s false stories were generated and

communicated with actual malice, total disregard for the truth, and in the complete

absence of any special privilege.

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114. Upon information and belief, Kebe had no basis for in the 9/21/18

Video claiming that the statements previously made were true.

115. Upon information and belief, the 9/2/18 Video has been viewed by

tens of thousands of people.

116. Upon information and belief, the 9/19/18 Video and 9/21/18 Video

have been viewed by hundreds of thousands of people.

117. Upon information and belief, the 9/2/18 Video, 9/19/18 Video, and

9/21/18 Video and the other Defamatory Videos are still available to be viewed by

the public.

118. Upon information and belief, these actions constitute actionable

slander per se under O.C.G.A. § 51-5-4(a)(1)-(2).

119. Upon information and belief, Kebe’s false and defamatory statements

made and published in the Defamatory Videos were disparaging and have

produced damage to Plaintiff and to Plaintiff’s name, character, and reputation.

120. The aforementioned defamatory statements made, published, and

distributed by Kebe have caused Plaintiff to suffer embarrassment, humiliation,

mental anguish, and emotional distress.

121. The aforementioned defamatory statements made, published, and

distributed by Kebe have also caused damage to Plaintiff’s reputation and character

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within her profession and industry, including but not limited to among her fans and

with prospective business relations.

122. Upon information and belief, the actions or omissions of Kebe set

forth in this Complaint demonstrate malice, egregious defamation, and insult.

123. Upon information and belief, such actions or omissions by Kebe were

undertaken with reckless disregard of the falsity of the speech and its effects on


124. As a direct and proximate result of Kebe’s conduct, Plaintiff has

suffered damages in an amount to be proven at trial.

125. Plaintiff is entitled to general and special damages against Defendants

for the following harm: embarrassment, humiliation, mental anguish, and

emotional distress and impairment to her name, character, and reputation.

126. Additionally, Plaintiff requests against Defendants an award of

punitive damages and attorneys’ fees and litigation expenses beyond and in excess

of those damages necessary to compensate Plaintiff for injuries resulting from

Kebe’s conduct.

127. Additionally, as a direct and proximate result of the foregoing,

Plaintiff is entitled to an order permanently enjoining Defendants and all of their

agents, officers, employees, representatives, successors, assigns, attorneys, and all

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other persons acting for, with, by, through, or under authority from Defendants, or

in concert or participation with Defendants, and each of them, from: making,

disseminating, broadcasting, or publishing any statements that Plaintiff has or had

herpes or HPV; that Plaintiff uses or has used cocaine; that Plaintiff engaged in a

debasing act with a beer bottle; that Plaintiff committed infidelity; and/or that

Plaintiff was or is a prostitute, as well as an order requiring Defendants to retract,

remove, and repudiate in full all defamatory and disparaging statements made

regarding Plaintiff.

(Slander Against Defendants)

128. Plaintiff repeats and realleges by reference the allegations in

paragraphs 1 through 127 as if fully set forth herein.

129. Upon information and belief, Kebe’s above actions constitute

actionable slander under O.C.G.A. § 51-5-4(a)(4).

130. Upon information and belief, Kebe’s false and defamatory statements

made during the Defamatory Videos were disparaging, and have produced damage

to Plaintiff, and to Plaintiff’s name, character, and reputation.

131. Upon information and belief, Kebe was subjectively aware of the

probable falsity of the statements made during the above-referenced videos at the

time they published them.

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132. Upon information and belief, the actions or omissions of Kebe set

forth in this Complaint demonstrate malice, egregious defamation, and insult.

133. Upon information and belief, such actions or omissions by Kebe were

undertaken with reckless disregard of the falsity of the speech and its effects on


134. Indeed, in the 9/21/20 Video, she acknowledged on multiple

occasions that she knew her stories about Plaintiff were false and she published

them anyway. (“You know what’s funny, I make up stories out of thin air, Tasha

just makes up stories.” (2:20); “I knew the sh** was fake.” (3:24); “I knew they

was m************ fake— I told Kyle ‘I’m going to put the bull**** out

anyway.’” (6:40); “I knew it was fake, I still made that s*** go m************

viral okay.” (8:38); ““If you continue to send me fake stories on you, I’m going to

air them as they are hoe.” (10:50); “So keep sending me the lies, and I’m going to

keep putting them the f*** out b****.” (11:35).)

135. As a direct and proximate result of Kebe’s conduct, Plaintiff has

suffered damages in an amount to be proven at trial.

136. The aforementioned defamatory statements made, published, and

distributed by Kebe have caused Plaintiff to suffer embarrassment, humiliation,

mental anguish, and emotional distress.

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137. The aforementioned defamatory statements made, published, and

distributed by Kebe have also caused damage to Plaintiff’s reputation and character

within her profession and industry, including but not limited to among her fans and

with prospective business relations.

138. Plaintiff is entitled to general and special damages against Defendants

for the following harm: embarrassment, humiliation, mental anguish, and

emotional distress and impairment to her name, character, and reputation.

139. Additionally, Plaintiff requests against Defendants an award of

punitive damages and attorneys’ fees and litigation expenses beyond and in excess

of those damages necessary to compensate Plaintiff for injuries resulting from

Kebe’s conduct.

140. Additionally, as a direct and proximate result of the foregoing,

Plaintiff is entitled to an order permanently enjoining Defendants and all of their

agents, officers, employees, representatives, successors, assigns, attorneys, and all

other persons acting for, with, by, through, or under authority from Defendants, or

in concert or participation with Defendants, and each of them, from: making,

disseminating, broadcasting, or publishing any statements that Plaintiff has or had

herpes or HPV; that Plaintiff uses or has used cocaine; that Plaintiff engaged in a

debasing act with a beer bottle; that Plaintiff committed infidelity; and/or that

Case 1:19-cv-01301-WMR Document 69 Filed 11/29/20 Page 27 of 43

Plaintiff was or is a prostitute, as well as an order requiring Defendants to retract,

remove, and repudiate in full all defamatory and disparaging statements made

regarding Plaintiff.

(Libel Per Se Against Defendants)

141. Plaintiff repeats and realleges by reference the allegations in

paragraphs 1 through 140 as if fully set forth herein.

142. Upon information and belief, Kebe published the 12/18/18 Facebook

Post on or around December 18, 2018.

143. Upon information and belief, Kebe published this false statement via


144. Upon information and belief, Kebe published the 1/25/19 Tweet on or

around January 25, 2019.

145. Upon information and belief, Kebe published this false statement via


146. As set forth above, the statements made in the 12/18/18 Facebook

Post and the 1/25/19 Tweet that Plaintiff has herpes is false, defamatory, and


Case 1:19-cv-01301-WMR Document 69 Filed 11/29/20 Page 28 of 43

147. Upon information and belief, Kebe knew these statements to be false

at the time she published them or acted with reckless disregard of whether they

were true or not.

148. Upon information and belief, Kebe was subjectively aware of the

probable falsity of the aforementioned statements at the time she published them.

149. Upon information and belief, Kebe’s false stories were generated and

communicated with actual malice, total disregard for the truth, and in the complete

absence of any special privilege.

150. Upon information and belief, Kebe had no basis for claiming the

aforementioned statements were true.

151. Upon information and belief, the 12/18/18 Facebook Post was

published to Kebe’s thousands of Facebook followers.

152. Upon information and belief, the 1/25/19 Tweet was published to

Kebe’s over six thousand Twitter followers.

153. Upon information and belief, Kebe’s actions constitute actionable

libel per se under O.C.G.A. § 51-5-1.

154. Upon information and belief, Kebe’s false and defamatory statements

made in the 12/18/18 Facebook Post and the 1/25/19 Tweet were disparaging and

Case 1:19-cv-01301-WMR Document 69 Filed 11/29/20 Page 29 of 43

have produced damage to Plaintiff and to Plaintiff’s name, character, and


155. The aforementioned defamatory statements made and published by

Kebe have caused Plaintiff to suffer embarrassment, humiliation, mental anguish,

and emotional distress.

156. The aforementioned defamatory statements published by Kebe have

also caused damage to Plaintiff’s reputation and character within her profession

and industry, including but not limited to among her fans and with prospective

business relations.

157. Upon information and belief, the actions or omissions of Kebe set

forth in this Complaint demonstrate malice, egregious defamation, and insult.

158. Upon information and belief, such actions or omissions by Kebe were

undertaken with reckless disregard of the falsity of the speech and its effects on


159. As a direct and proximate result of Kebe’s conduct, Plaintiff has

suffered damages in an amount to be proven at trial.

160. Plaintiff is entitled to general and special damages against Defendants

for the following harm: embarrassment, humiliation, mental anguish, and

emotional distress and impairment to her name, character, and reputation.

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161. Additionally, Plaintiff requests against Defendants an award of

punitive damages and attorneys’ fees and litigation expenses beyond and in excess

of those damages necessary to compensate Plaintiff for injuries resulting from

Kebe’s conduct.

162. Additionally, as a direct and proximate result of the foregoing,

Plaintiff is entitled to an order permanently enjoining Defendants and all of their

agents, officers, employees, representatives, successors, assigns, attorneys, and all

other persons acting for, with, by, through, or under authority from Defendants, or

in concert or participation with Defendants, and each of them, from: making,

disseminating, broadcasting, or publishing any statements that Plaintiff has or had

herpes or HPV; that Plaintiff uses or has used cocaine; that Plaintiff engaged in a

debasing act with a beer bottle; that Plaintiff committed infidelity; and/or that

Plaintiff was or is a prostitute, as well as an order requiring Defendants to retract,

remove, and repudiate in full all defamatory and disparaging statements made

regarding Plaintiff.

(Invasion of Privacy – False Light Against Defendants)

163. Plaintiff repeats and realleges by reference the allegations in

paragraphs 1 through 162 as if fully set forth herein.

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164. Upon information and belief, by publishing the false statements in the

manner described above, Kebe portrayed Plaintiff in a false light intending to cause

Plaintiff injury.

165. Upon information and belief, Kebe knew these statements to be false.

166. Upon information and belief, Kebe made no attempt to verify the

veracity of any statements made regarding Plaintiff.

167. Upon information and belief, Kebe knew the statements made in the

9/2/18 Video, 9/19/18 Video, 9/21/18 Video, and the other Defamatory Videos,

and the 1/25/19 Tweet, were false.

168. Upon information and belief, Kebe was subjectively aware of

probable falsity of the statements made in the 9/2/18 Video, 9/19/18 Video,

9/21/18 Video, and the other Defamatory Videos, and the 1/25/19 Tweet, at the

time she published them.

169. Upon information and belief, Kebe’s false statements were generated

and communicated with actual malice, total disregard for the truth, and in the

complete absence of any special privilege.

170. Indeed, in the 9/21/20 Video, she acknowledged on multiple

occasions that she knew her stories about Plaintiff were false and she published

them anyway. (“You know what’s funny, I make up stories out of thin air, Tasha

Case 1:19-cv-01301-WMR Document 69 Filed 11/29/20 Page 32 of 43

just makes up stories.” (2:20); “I knew the sh** was fake.” (3:24); “I knew they

was m************ fake— I told Kyle ‘I’m going to put the bull**** out

anyway.’” (6:40); “I knew it was fake, I still made that s*** go m************

viral okay.” (8:38); ““If you continue to send me fake stories on you, I’m going to

air them as they are hoe.” (10:50); “So keep sending me the lies, and I’m going to

keep putting them the f*** out b****.” (11:35).)

171. Upon information and belief, as set forth above Kebe has intentionally

intruded upon the solitude and/or seclusion of Plaintiff and her private affairs

and/or concerns, and this intrusion, which falsely portrays Plaintiff in a manner

that is highly offensive to a reasonable person, including that Plaintiff was a

prostitute, that Plaintiff was a user of cocaine, that Plaintiff had and still has

herpes, that Plaintiff has had herpes outbreaks on her mouth, that Plaintiff had and

still has HPV, that Plaintiff engaged in a debasing act with a beer bottle, and that

Plaintiff committed infidelity.

172. Upon information and belief, Kebe knew or should have known the

statements alleged herein would create a false impression about Plaintiff and acted

in reckless disregard of the truth.

173. Upon information and belief, Kebe did not engage in any of the

aforementioned conduct out of any sincere or proper motive, or in any manner

Case 1:19-cv-01301-WMR Document 69 Filed 11/29/20 Page 33 of 43

governed by reasonable and ministerial conduct according to any job duty, but did

so knowingly, willfully, and oppressively, with full knowledge of the adverse

effects that their actions would have on Plaintiff, and with willful and deliberate

disregard for the consequences. Accordingly, Plaintiff is entitled to recover

punitive damages from Kebe in an amount to be determined at trial.

174. Upon information and belief, the actions or omissions of Kebe set

forth in this Complaint demonstrate malice, egregious defamation, and insult. Such

actions or omissions by Kebe were undertaken with reckless disregard of the

falsity of the speech and its effects on Plaintiff.

175. As a direct and proximate result of Kebe’s conduct, Plaintiff has

suffered damages in an amount to be proven at trial.

176. Plaintiff is entitled to general and special damages against Defendants

for the following harm: embarrassment, humiliation, mental anguish, and

emotional distress and impairment to her name, character, and reputation.

177. Additionally, Plaintiff requests against Defendants an award of

punitive damages and attorneys’ fees and litigation expenses beyond and in excess

of those damages necessary to compensate Plaintiff for injuries resulting from

Kebe’s conduct.

Case 1:19-cv-01301-WMR Document 69 Filed 11/29/20 Page 34 of 43

178. Additionally, as a direct and proximate result of the foregoing,

Plaintiff is entitled to an order permanently enjoining Defendants and all of their

agents, officers, employees, representatives, successors, assigns, attorneys, and all

other persons acting for, with, by, through, or under authority from Defendants, or

in concert or participation with Defendants, and each of them, from: making,

disseminating, broadcasting, or publishing any statements that Plaintiff has or had

herpes or HPV; that Plaintiff uses or has used cocaine; that Plaintiff engaged in a

debasing act with a beer bottle; that Plaintiff committed infidelity; and/or that

Plaintiff was or is a prostitute, as well as an order requiring Defendants to retract,

remove, and repudiate in full all defamatory and disparaging statements made

regarding Plaintiff.

(Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress)

179. Plaintiff repeats and realleges by reference the allegations in

paragraphs 1 through 178 as if fully set forth herein.

180. Upon information and belief, by making and publishing the

statements, and campaign of harassing videos, including the Defamatory Videos,

Defendants were intending to cause Plaintiff emotional distress.

Case 1:19-cv-01301-WMR Document 69 Filed 11/29/20 Page 35 of 43

181. Upon information and belief, Kebe’s conduct was intentional, as Kebe

knew these statements were false and made no attempt to verify the truth of any

statements made regarding the Plaintiff.

182. Upon information and belief, Kebe knew the statements made in the

9/2/18 Video, 9/19/18 Video, 9/21/18 Video, and the other Defamatory Videos,

and the 1/25/19 Tweet, were extreme and outrageous and would cause Plaintiff

emotional distress.

183. Indeed, in the 9/21/20 Video, she acknowledged on multiple

occasions that she knew her stories about Plaintiff were false and she published

them anyway. (“You know what’s funny, I make up stories out of thin air, Tasha

just makes up stories.” (2:20); “I knew the sh** was fake.” (3:24); “I knew they

was m************ fake— I told Kyle ‘I’m going to put the bull**** out

anyway.’” (6:40); “I knew it was fake, I still made that s*** go m************

viral okay.” (8:38); ““If you continue to send me fake stories on you, I’m going to

air them as they are hoe.” (10:50); “So keep sending me the lies, and I’m going to

keep putting them the f*** out b****.” (11:35).)

184. Upon information and belief, Kebe has published over thirty videos in

her campaign against the Plaintiff, including the Defamatory Videos, which were

Case 1:19-cv-01301-WMR Document 69 Filed 11/29/20 Page 36 of 43

intended to cause humiliation, mental anguish and emotional distress in the


185. Upon information and belief, Kebe’s conduct was extreme and

outrageous as Kebe purposely published statements that she knew would cause

severe emotional distress, including but not limited to stating that Plaintiff’s then-

unborn child would have mental deficiencies, that Plaintiff was a prostitute, that

Plaintiff was a user of cocaine, that Plaintiff had and still has herpes, that Plaintiff

has had herpes outbreaks on her mouth, that Plaintiff had and still has HPV, that

Plaintiff engaged in a debasing act with a beer bottle, and that Plaintiff committed


186. Upon information and belief, Kebe’s conduct was intentional as Kebe

intended to benefit financially and socially from Plaintiff’s emotional distress.

187. Upon information and belief, since Kebe began her campaign against

Plaintiff, her viewership has substantially increased from hundreds of thousands of

views to millions of views for videos of comparable length.

188. Upon information and belief, Kebe conduct was intentional as Kebe

intended to increase what she could charge from advertisers, and, as a result of her

campaign of outrageous and harassing conduct against the Plaintiff, has now been

able to do so.

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189. As a proximate result of Kebe’s actions and the consequences

proximately cause by them, as hereinabove alleged, Plaintiff suffered severe

humiliations, mental anguish, and emotional distress.

190. As a direct and proximate result of Kebe’s conduct, Plaintiff has

suffered damages in an amount to be proven at trial.

191. Plaintiff is entitled to general and special damages against Defendants

for the following harm: embarrassment, humiliation, mental anguish, and

emotional distress.

192. Additionally, Plaintiff requests against Defendants an award of

punitive damages and attorneys’ fees and litigation expenses beyond and in excess

of those damages necessary to compensate Plaintiff for injuries resulting from

Kebe’s conduct.

193. Additionally, as a direct and proximate result of the foregoing,

Plaintiff is entitled to an order permanently enjoining Defendants and all of their

agents, officers, employees, representatives, successors, assigns, attorneys, and all

other persons acting for, with, by, through, or under authority from Defendants, or

in concert or participation with Defendants, and each of them, from: making,

disseminating, broadcasting, or publishing any statements that Plaintiff has or had

herpes or HPV; that Plaintiff uses or has used cocaine; that Plaintiff engaged in a

Case 1:19-cv-01301-WMR Document 69 Filed 11/29/20 Page 38 of 43

debasing act with a beer bottle; that Plaintiff committed infidelity; and/or that

Plaintiff was or is a prostitute, as well as an order requiring Defendants to retract,

remove, and repudiate in full all defamatory and disparaging statements made

regarding Plaintiff.

(Punitive Damages Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 51-12-5.1)

194. Plaintiff repeats and realleges by reference the allegations in

paragraphs 1 through 193 as if fully set forth herein.

195. Kebe’s actions demonstrate willful misconduct, malice, fraud,

wantonness, oppression, and conscious indifference to the consequences of their


196. Indeed, in the 9/21/20 Video, she acknowledged on multiple

occasions that she knew her stories about Plaintiff were false and she published

them anyway. (“You know what’s funny, I make up stories out of thin air, Tasha

just makes up stories.” (2:20); “I knew the sh** was fake.” (3:24); “I knew they

was m************ fake— I told Kyle ‘I’m going to put the bull**** out

anyway.’” (6:40); “I knew it was fake, I still made that s*** go m************

viral okay.” (8:38); ““If you continue to send me fake stories on you, I’m going to

air them as they are hoe.” (10:50); “So keep sending me the lies, and I’m going to

keep putting them the f*** out b****.” (11:35).)

Case 1:19-cv-01301-WMR Document 69 Filed 11/29/20 Page 39 of 43

197. Upon information and belief, Kebe acted with a specific intent to

cause harm to Plaintiff.

198. Plaintiff seeks punitive damages pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 51-12-5.1 to

punish, penalize, and deter Defendants’ actions in an amount that exceeds


(Attorneys’ Fees and Litigation Expenses Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-6-11)

199. Plaintiff repeats and realleges by reference the allegations in

paragraphs 1 through 198 as if fully set forth herein.

200. Kebe has acted in bad faith by publishing defamatory statements she

knew to be false and would cause harm to Plaintiff and has been stubbornly

litigious and has caused Plaintiff unnecessary trouble and expense by refusing to

retract such statements.

201. Plaintiff seeks her attorneys’ fees and expenses of litigation against

Defendants pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 13-6-11.


WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests the Court to enter judgment

in her favor and against Defendants, each of them jointly and severally, as follows:

Case 1:19-cv-01301-WMR Document 69 Filed 11/29/20 Page 40 of 43

(a) Awarding Plaintiff damages in amounts pertaining to each to be

determined at trial, but not less than $75,000, including general, special,

consequential, actual, and punitive damages;

(b) Awarding an accounting to Plaintiff for the gains and profits of

Defendants arising from the unlawful conduct;

(c) Permanently enjoining Defendants and their respective partners,

agents, representatives, successors, assigns and employees, and any and all persons

in active convert or participation with Defendants, and each of their executors,

administrators, successors, licensees, assigns, subsidiaries, parents, affiliates,

divisions, co-venturers, partners, officers, directors, employees, agents,

shareholders, managers, representatives, consultants, and any and all other persons,

corporations, or other entities acting under the supervision, direction, control, or on

behalf of any of the foregoing, and each of them, from: making, disseminating,

broadcasting, or publishing any statements that Plaintiff has or had herpes or HPV;

that Plaintiff uses or has used cocaine; that Plaintiff engaged in a debasing act with

a beer bottle; that Plaintiff committed infidelity; and/or that Plaintiff was or is a


Case 1:19-cv-01301-WMR Document 69 Filed 11/29/20 Page 41 of 43

(d) Issuing an order requiring Defendants to retract, remove, and

repudiate in full all defamatory and disparaging statements made regarding


(e) Awarding Plaintiff’s attorneys’ fees and costs;

(f) Pre-judgment and post-judgment interest; and

(g) Granting Plaintiff such other and further relief as the Court deems just

and proper.


Plaintiff hereby demands a trial by jury on all claims for relief and issues

triable by jury.

Dated: November 29, 2020 Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Lisa F. Moore

Gary P. Adelman
(admitted pro hac vice)
Sarah M. Matz
(admitted pro hac vice)
1173A Second Avenue, Suite 153
New York, New York 10065
Telephone: (646) 650-2207
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Lisa F. Moore (Bar No. 419633)

Case 1:19-cv-01301-WMR Document 69 Filed 11/29/20 Page 42 of 43

W. Andrew Pequignot (Bar No. 424546)

887 West Marietta Street, Suite M-102
Atlanta, Georgia 30318
Telephone: (404) 748-9596
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Attorneys for Plaintiff

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I hereby certify that on November 29, 2020, I electronically filed the


TRIAL with the Clerk of the Court using the CM/ECF system, which will

automatically send email notification of such filing to all of the attorneys of record.

/s/ Lisa F. Moore

Lisa F. Moore
Georgia Bar No. 419633


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