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Patent Owner

Inter Partes Review Case No. IPR2022-00455

U.S. Patent No. 10,165,601


OF U.S. PATENT NO. 10,165,601

I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1
II. OVERVIEW OF THE TECHNOLOGY .................................................... 1
A. TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND STANDARDS.................................................... 1
B. RANDOM ACCESS PROCEDURES ................................................................... 3
C. TIMING OF RANDOM ACCESS ....................................................................... 7
III. THE ’601 PATENT ...................................................................................... 9
A. SUMMARY OF THE ALLEGED INVENTION ...................................................... 9
B. SUMMARY OF THE PROSECUTION HISTORY .................................................12
C. PERSON OF ORDINARY SKILL IN THE ART ...................................................13
IV. OVERVIEW OF THE PRIOR ART .........................................................13
A. OVERVIEW OF THE NOKIA PROPOSAL ...........................................................13
B. OVERVIEW OF 36.300 .................................................................................15
C. OVERVIEW OF 36.321 .................................................................................17
D. OVERVIEW OF 36.331 .................................................................................18
A. GROUNDS FOR STANDING ...........................................................................19
C. CLAIM CONSTRUCTION...............................................................................20
VI. SPECIFIC GROUNDS OF UNPATENTABILITY ..................................21
A. GROUND 1: CLAIMS 1–7, 9–15, 17–24, 26–32, AND 34 ARE RENDERED
B. GROUND 2: CLAIMS 1–7, 9–15, 17–24, 26–32 AND 34 ARE RENDERED
OBVIOUS BY THE NOKIA PROPOSAL IN VIEW OF 36.300, 36.321, AND 36.331 ......45
VII. DISCRETIONARY CONSIDERATIONS ................................................68
A. INSTITUTION SHOULD NOT BE DENIED UNDER §325(D) ..............................68
B. THE GENERAL PLASTIC FACTORS FAVOR INSTITUTION .................................70
VIII. CONCLUSION ..........................................................................................70
IX. MANDATORY NOTICES .........................................................................72


Petitioner Apple Inc. (“Apple” or “Petitioner”) requests inter partes review

(“IPR”) of claims 1–7, 9–15, 17–24, 26–32, and 34 (the “Challenged Claims”) of

U.S. Patent No. 10,165,601 (Ex. 1001, “the ’601 Patent”).

The ’601 Patent relates to non-contention-based random access procedures in

telecommunications systems. The ’601 Patent discloses the well-known steps of

non-contention random access procedure where a radio base station (such as those

found in cell towers) sends a message to a UE assigning a dedicated random access

preamble to the UE, which the UE may then transmit to the base station to initiate a

random access procedure. The purported novelty of the ’601 Patent is that the initial

message sent by the base station to the UE assigning the preamble further indicates

at least one “PRACH [physical random access channel] occurrence” during which

the assigned preamble is valid for the UE to use for random access. As demonstrated

below, signaling particular valid PRACH occurrences to the UE was also known in

the art at the time of the alleged invention, rendering the Challenged Claims obvious.


A. Telecommunications and Standards

The ’601 Patent relates to random access procedures in telecommunications

systems. A brief overview of this technology is provided for context.

A telecommunication system such as a cellular telephone network consists of

two high-level components: user equipment (UE) and infrastructure equipment. A

UE is typically a mobile device not attached to the communications network by

wires. Examples of UEs include mobile phones and laptop computers. Kakaes Decl.,

¶35. Infrastructure equipment refers to equipment that cellular carriers (e.g., AT&T,

Verizon) use to provide services. See id., ¶36. Base stations are a type of

infrastructure equipment representing the “point of entry” of each UE into the

network—base stations wirelessly communicate with UEs and allow them to access

the network. Id. In LTE systems,1 base stations are called Evolved Nodes B (or

“eNBs”). Id.; ’601 Patent, 1:42–44.

Geographic areas are divided into “cells,” each including a base station that

provides communications services within the cell. Kakaes Decl., ¶37. A set of

industry standards governs the communication between UEs and base stations. Id.,

¶¶38–39. These standards include rules dictating how a base station allocates

resources to a UE and informs the UE of this information. Id.

As technology has progressed, different generations of standards have

stratified. Currently, fifth generation (5G) technology is being developed. The 3rd

Generation Partnerships Project (3GPP) is an international organization that

LTE stands for Long Term Evolution (also referred to as 4G).

develops Technical Specifications (TS’s)—technical documents describing specific

features of a standard. Rodermund Decl., ¶27. TS’s are written by Technical

Specification Groups (TSGs), comprising several Working Groups (WGs). Id., ¶29.

TS’s developed by the same TSG cover related technological aspects and are meant

to be read in conjunction with one another. Ex. 1003, ¶41. 36.211, 36.300, 36.321,

are TS’s that were all developed by Radio Access Network WG2 and relate to

aspects of E-UTRA and belong to Series 36 (LTE technology).2 These TS’s are used

below to describe random access procedures used in the 3GPP standard.

B. Random Access Procedures

A UE accesses a telecommunications network by communicating with a base

station servicing a cell. Id., ¶43. Because several UEs can be within a cell, the base

station must manage communications resources among these UEs. Id. A UE not

already accessing the network (e.g., a recently powered on cell phone) must first

request system access (and synchronize to the network) by initiating a “random

access procedure” using a physical random access channel (PRACH)—a shared

channel used by UEs to access the network. Id.

E-UTRA refers to Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access, one aspect of the

LTE standard.

To perform a random access procedure in LTE, the UE sends the eNB a signal

called a “random access preamble” on the PRACH, as shown below:

36.211, FIG. 5.7.1-1. In LTE systems, “[t]here are 64 preambles available in each

cell.” 36.211, §5.7.2; 36.331, §6.3.2; Kakaes Decl., ¶46.

At the time of the ’601 patent, a person of ordinary skill in the art (“POSITA”)

would have known two types of random access procedures: contention-based and

non-contention-based. 36.321, §5.1; Kakaes Decl., ¶48. In contention-based

procedures, the base station is unaware that the UE requests access to the network.

The UE randomly selects a preamble from a pool of available random access

preambles (which the eNB makes known to the UEs) and transmits it to the eNB, as

shown below in red:

36.300, FIG. Subsequently, the eNB sends a response (step 2)

acknowledging receipt of the preamble. The UE then sends the first scheduled

transmission on the uplink channel (step 3) to establish communication with the

network. This procedure risks collision: two or more UEs may attempt to transmit

the same preamble to the base station at the same time—necessitating step 4—

leading to access delays. Kakaes Decl., ¶¶50–51.

In a non-contention procedure, however, the eNB is aware that a particular

UE needs access to the network, and the eNB assigns the UE a specific preamble to

use. The assignment is shown below in red:

36.300, FIG. After this assignment, the UE can transmit the preamble to

the eNB (step 1). The eNB sends a response (step 2) acknowledging receipt of the

preamble. In this procedure, there is no risk of collision—the preamble cannot be

selected by another UE. See Kakaes Decl., ¶¶52–53.

Of the 64 preambles available to an eNB in a cell, a subset called “dedicated”

preambles are reserved for non-contention random access. See 36.331, §6.3.2;

Kakaes Decl., ¶54. The remaining preambles are “non-dedicated” and do not get

assigned to UEs—these preambles are instead used for contention-based procedures.

See id.

In a non-contention-based random access procedure, the eNB assigns a

dedicated preamble to the UE by sending a message on the physical downlink control

channel (PDCCH). This message includes several Information Elements (IEs), each

conveying specific pieces of information. For instance, one such IE is


36.331, §6.3.2. As shown above, this IE contains two pieces of information: an index

number identifying the assigned preamble, and the time of its expiration. See Kakaes

Decl., ¶56.

C. Timing of Random Access

In LTE systems, downlink (eNB to UE) and uplink (UE to eNB)

communications occur in time intervals based on “radio frames.” For instance, in

FDD LTE systems,3 each radio frame lasts 10 ms (or 0.01 seconds), and is divided

into 10 equal subframes as shown below:

36.300, FIG. 5.1-1. Further, each subframe “consists of two equally sized slots.” Id.,

§5. For instance, slots #0 and #1 comprise subframe #0. After subframe #9 of each

radio frame comes subframe #0 of the next radio frame. See Kakaes Decl., ¶58.

These subframes govern when a UE may transmit a random access preamble

to the eNB (to initiate random access). The UE may transmit a random access

preamble in a subframe only if the subframe includes an occurrence of a PRACH

resource. These PRACH occurrences are determined by the PRACH configuration

used by the eNB, as shown below:

FDD refers to Frequency Division Duplex and is one of two duplexing modes used

by LTE (along with TDD (Time Division Duplex)). Kakaes Decl., ¶58.

36.211, Table 5.7.1-2. For instance, in PRACH configuration 12, PRACH resources

occur in subframes #0, #2, #4, #6, and #8 of each frame—a UE may transmit a

random access preamble only during one of those subframes. The different PRACH

configurations allow the eNB to allocate more or fewer resources to the PRACH as

needed. See Kakaes Decl., ¶60.


The ’601 Patent issued on December 25, 2018 and claims priority to a number

of earlier filings. For purposes of this proceeding, Petitioner has applied July 1,

2008—the earliest of the claimed priority filings—as the invention date.

A. Summary of the Alleged Invention

The ’601 specification discusses the same information described above in

Section II, which was known to a POSITA at the time of the alleged invention as

described in technical specifications related to LTE. See supra, §II; Kakaes Decl.,

¶64. For instance, the specification explains that UEs perform random access

procedures to request access to a network. ’601 Patent, 1:43–2:19. The specification

describes contention and non-contention random access procedures, and that “pools”

of random access preambles are allocated to each type. Id., 2:20–61. The

specification states that for non-contention procedures, the eNB sends a message to

the UE indicating the assigned preamble. Id., 9:5–8.

The specification further describes radio frames in an FDD system (citing to

36.211) and PRACH configurations indicating which subframes contain PRACH

resources. ’601 Patent, 8:46–9:21. For instance, Figure 3B shows PRACH

configuration 12, which includes PRACH occurrences in even-numbered subframes:

Id., FIG. 3B; see 36.211, Table 5.7.1-2.

Because much of the technology described in the specification was disclosed

in LTE specifications and known to a POSITA, the ’601 alleges a narrow point of

novelty—namely, that the eNB provides the UE with “information indicating in

which one or more PRACH occurrences[] the dedicated preamble is valid for the

UE.” ’601 Patent, 9:8–10. Using PRACH configuration 12 as an example, the ’601

specification describes information indicating that the dedicated preamble “is valid

only in subframe #2 in each radio frame,” as shown below:

Id., FIG. 3A, 9:22–26, 10:22–25 (explaining that other UEs may use the same

preamble, but only in in subframes #0, #4, #6, and/or #8).

As shown below, this alleged invention was already known in the prior art.

B. Summary of the Prosecution History

During prosecution, the Examiner rejected 10 pending claims as anticipated

under §102(e) in view of U.S. 2008/0310395 (“Kashima”). File History, 77. The 10

rejected claims later issued without revisions as Challenged Claims 1, 7, 9, 15, 17,

18, 24, 26, 32, and 34. Compare File History, 104–11, with ’601 Patent, cls. 1–34.

To obtain allowance of these claims without amendment, the Applicant

argued that Kashima did not disclose “information indicating in which one or more

PRACH occurrences, the dedicated preamble is valid for the UE.” Id., 60 (emphasis

in original). Referring to Figure 3A (below), the Applicant argued that “while

PRACH resources occur in subframes 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 for configuration 12, only

occurrences for subframe 2 are valid for a particular UE”:

Id., 60–61.

The Applicant took issue only with the prior art’s teachings with respect to

limitations reciting “PRACH occurrence,” and did not challenge the Examiner’s

findings that the other limitations were taught by the prior art.4 See id., 59–62. As

discussed below, however, this element was known in the prior art.

C. Person of Ordinary Skill in the Art

A POSITA at the time of the ’601 Patent would have had a Master’s degree

in Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, or an

equivalent field and three to five years of experience working with wireless digital

communication systems, including in physical layers of such systems with additional

education compensating for less experience, and vice-versa. Kakaes Decl., ¶76.


A. Overview of the Nokia Proposal

As explained by Mr. Rodermund, Nokia submitted the Nokia Proposal to

3GPP on October 30, 2007. Nokia Proposal, 1. The Nokia Proposal was presented

and “noted” on November 9, 2007, at the RAN Working Group 1 meeting. Ex. 1013,

8. This meeting was attended by 171 individuals. See id., 1; Ex. 1014. 3GPP made

The Applicant argued Kashima did not disclose “the transmitting comprises

transmitting said message on a physical downlink control channel (PDCCH),” but

only insofar as it required a showing of “at least one PRACH occurrence.” File

History, 61–62.

the Nokia Proposal publicly available no later than October 30, 2007. The Nokia

Proposal is therefore prior art to the ’601 Patent under Pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. §102(a).

Rodermund Decl., ¶42. The Nokia Proposal was not cited on the face of the ’601


The Nokia Proposal describes telecommunications systems implementing

non-contention random access procedures using dedicated preambles. Nokia

Proposal, 1–2. Specifically, the Nokia Proposal discloses information that is

included when the “eNB needs to signal to the UE the identity of the dedicated

preamble.” The Nokia Proposal teaches inclusion of precisely the information that

the Applicant argued was missing from the prior art of record during prosecution.

Namely, the inclusion of information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence

during which the determined random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE

for random access.

In more detail, the Nokia Proposal notes that this information includes

“validity period,” and “PRACH resource.” Id. With respect to signaling the

“PRACH resource,” the Nokia Proposal teaches that “an index to a PRACH time

slot could be given” such that the “UE would be allowed to transmit the dedicated

preamble only in a certain PRACH time slot of each radio frame.” Id. The Nokia

Proposal teaches that this information is provided as a binary value of at most four

bits, and provided to the UE along with the preamble identity “in a DL grant on

PDCCH.” Id., 2. The Nokia Proposal explains that because the overall PRACH

resources are already known by the UE, it is enough to simply indicate on which

resource the UE is allowed to transmit the dedicated preamble. Id., 1.

The ’601 Patent relates to performing random access in telecommunications

systems. ’601 Patent, 1:24-28. Similarly, the Nokia Proposal is also related to

random access procedures in a telecommunications system. Nokia Proposal, 1-2.

The Nokia Proposal is therefore in the same field of endeavor as the ’601 Patent.

Decl., ¶79. The Nokia Proposal is also reasonably pertinent to a problem sought to

be solved by the ’601 Patent because both the Nokia Proposal and the ’601 Patent

are concerned with improving efficiency of non-contention-based random access

procedures. Compare Nokia Proposal, 2 (“This would very effectively increase the

capacity of the non-contention-based random access without causing essential delay

. . .”), with ’601 Patent, 10:22-25 (“The embodiments of the present invention thus

increase the availability of dedicated preambles . . .”); Decl., ¶79. The Nokia

Proposal is thus analogous art to the ’601 Patent. Decl., ¶79.

B. Overview of 36.300

36.300 was published in June 2007 and is therefore prior art to the ’601 Patent

under Pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. §102(a). 36.300 was cited on the face of the ’601 Patent,

but was not substantively discussed by the examiner.

36.300 is a TS that describes technical features related to the air interface of

LTE networks (“E-UTRA”). 36.300, Title. 36.300 teaches that radio frames, which

provides a framework for downlink and uplink transmissions, are each divided into

ten equal subframes, and each subframe is divided into two equal time slots, as

shown below:

Id., FIG. 5.1-1, §5.1. 36.300 explains the steps of non-contention-based random

access procedures, including that “eNB assigns to UE a…non-contention Random

Access Preamble” from the set of preambles other than those broadcasted on BCH,

and that “UE transmits the assigned non-contention Random Access Preamble.” Id.,

§ These steps are illustrated below:

Id., FIG.

Like the ’601 Patent, which is directed to performing random access in

telecommunications systems, 36.300 relates to performing random access in

telecommunications systems in the 3GPP standard. Compare id., §10.1.5, with ’601

Patent, 1:24-28. 36.300 is therefore in the same field of endeavor as the ’601 Patent

and is analogous art. Decl., ¶82.

C. Overview of 36.321

36.321 was published in March 2008 and is therefore prior art to the ’601

Patent under 35 U.S.C. §102(a). 36.321 was cited on the face of the ’601 Patent, but

was not substantively discussed by the examiner.

36.321 is a TS that describes technical features related to Medium Access

Control (MAC) within LTE networks, including random access procedures. 36.321,

§5. Specifically, 36.321 explains that random access may be initiated by a “PDCCH

order” specifying the assigned random access preamble and “PRACH resource.” Id.,

§5.1. Additionally, 36.321 teaches that where the UE is assigned a dedicated

preamble, the UE can transmit this preamble without initiating contention

procedures. See id., §5.1.2 (“If the Random Access Preamble and PRACH resource

are explicitly signalled…the UE can directly proceed to its transmission.”).

Like the ’601 Patent, which is directed to performing random access in

telecommunications systems, 36.321 relates to performing random access in

telecommunications systems in the 3GPP standard. Compare id., §5.1.2, with ’601

Patent, 1:24-28. 36.321 is therefore in the same field of endeavor as the ’601 Patent

and is analogous art. Decl., ¶84.

D. Overview of 36.331

36.331 was published in March 2008 and is therefore prior art to the ’601

Patent under 35 U.S.C. §102(a). 36.331 was cited on the face of the ’601 Patent, but

was not substantively discussed by the examiner.

36.331 is a TS that describes technical features related to Radio Resource

Control (RRC) within LTE networks, including parameters for random access

procedures. 36.331, §6.3.2 (“IE [information element]

DedicatedRandomAccessParams is used to specify the dedicated random access

parameters.”). As shown below, relevant parameters include ra-PreambleIndex,

which indicates the specific dedicated preamble to be assigned according to 36.321,

and ra-PreambleExpiration, which indicates the expiry time of that preamble:

Id. Because these parameters are within IE DedicatedRandomAccessParams, they

are signaled from the base station to the UE. See Kakaes Decl., ¶86.

Like the ’601 Patent, which relates to random access in telecommunications

systems, 36.331 relates to performing random access in telecommunications systems

in the 3GPP standard. Compare id., §6.3.2 (discussing

DedicatedRandomAccessParams and GenericRandomAccessParams), with ’601

Patent, 1:24-28. 36.331 is therefore in the same field of endeavor as the ’601 Patent

and is analogous art. Decl., ¶86.


A. Grounds for standing

Petitioner certifies that the ’601 Patent is available for IPR and that Petitioner

is not barred or estopped from requesting an IPR challenging the claims of the ’601

Patent. 37 C.F.R. §42.104(a).

B. Identification of challenge and relief requested

In view of the prior art and evidence presented, the Challenged Claims of the

’601 Patent are unpatentable and should be cancelled. 37 C.F.R. §42.104(b)(1).

Further, based on the prior art references identified below, IPR of the Challenged

Claims should be granted. 37 C.F.R. §42.104(b)(2).

Proposed Grounds of Unpatentability Exhibits

Ground 1: Claims 1-7, 9-15, 17-24, 26-32, 34 are obvious under
§103 in view of “Proposed Response to RAN2 LS on Signaling for

DL Data Arrival (R2-074575),” 3GPP TSG RAN WG1 #51 Meeting
R1-074857 (the “Nokia Proposal”) and the knowledge of a POSITA
Ground 2: Claims 1-7, 9-15, 17-24, 26-32, 34 are obvious under EX1008
§103 in view of the Nokia Proposal in combination with “Evolved
Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) and Evolved EX1011
Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN); Overall
Description,” 3GPP TS 36.300, Version 8.1.0 (Release 8) (“36.300”),
“Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) Medium
Access Control (MAC) Protocol Specification,” 3GPP TS 36.321,
Version 8.1.0 (Release 8) (“36.321”), and “Evolved Universal
Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) Radio Resource Control (RRC);
Protocol Specification,” 3GPP TS 36.331, Version 8.1.0 (Release 8)

Section VI identifies where each element of the Challenged Claims is found in the

prior art. 37 C.F.R. §42.104(b)(4). The exhibit numbers of the supporting evidence

relied upon to support the challenges are provided above and the relevance of the

evidence to the challenges raised are provided in Section VI. 37 C.F.R.

§42.104(b)(5). Exhibits EX1001–EX1015 are also attached.

C. Claim Construction

Terms in an IPR should be construed in accordance with the principles set

forth in Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (en banc). 37 C.F.R.

§42.104(b)(3). “[W]ords of a claim ‘are generally given their ordinary and

customary meaning,’” which is “the meaning that the term would have to a person

of ordinary skill in the art in question at the time of the invention, i.e., as of the

effective filing date of the patent application.” Phillips, 415 F.3d at 1312–13. No

terms need be construed to resolve the arguments presented herein.


The Nokia Proposal teaches the purported point of novelty—indicating a

valid PRACH occurrence. As set forth below, the remaining limitations in the

Challenged Claims were well established in the art, and a POSITA would have

understood that the Nokia Proposal’s teachings were intended to modify the

established process for assigning a preamble to a UE. Accordingly, Ground 1

proposes that the Nokia Proposal in view of the knowledge of a POSITA renders

obvious the Challenged Claims. To the extent Patent Owner argues any of the

remaining limitations would not have been obvious in view of the Nokia Proposal

and the knowledge of a POSITA, Ground 2 combines the Nokia Proposal with three

TS documents that expressly describe these well understood features.

A. Ground 1: Claims 1–7, 9–15, 17–24, 26–32, and 34 Are Rendered
Obvious by the Nokia Proposal in view of the knowledge of a

1. Claim 1

a) Preamble: “A method in a radio base station, of assigning

a preamble to a user equipment (UE), the method

The Nokia Proposal teaches a method where the “eNB needs to signal to the

UE the identity of the dedicated preamble,” which is the assignment of a preamble

to the UE. Nokia Proposal, 1. An eNB is a radio base station in the 3GPP LTE

system. ’601 Patent, 1:42–44; §II.A., supra. The Nokia Proposal further teaches that

this signal is for “the assignment of the dedicated preamble” to the UE. Nokia

Proposal, 2.

b) [1.1]: “determining, from a set of dedicated random

access preambles, a random access preamble, to assign to
said UE; and”

The Nokia Proposal discloses the transmission (or assignment) of dedicated

preambles for “non-contention based random access.” Nokia Proposal, 1 (“The

signaling is needed in order to prepare UE for transmission of dedicated

preambles.”), 2 (“This [method] would very effectively increase the capacity of the

non-contention based random access[.]”); see also Claim 1 [preamble], supra (the

For the purposes of this proceeding, Petitioner does not concede that the

independent claims’ preambles are necessarily limiting.

Nokia Proposal teaches “assigning a preamble to a user equipment (UE)”).

Specifically, the eNB identifies the “preamble identity” and assigns a “dedicated

preamble” in a signal sent to the UE on a PDCCH. Id., 2 (“According to this analysis,

totally at most 16 bits would be signaled. Assuming that TFI = 0 would be used to

identify the assignment of the dedicated preamble, all this information could be

included in a DL grant on PDCCH.”);6 id. (further explaining that “6 bits” are used

to indicate the “[p]reamble identity”); Kakaes Decl., ¶89.

A POSITA would have understood that the assigned dedicated preamble is a

random access preamble. The Nokia Proposal discloses that the preambles are used

in non-contention based random access procedures. Nokia Proposal, 2 (“This

[method] would very effectively increase the capacity of the non-contention based

random access[.]”). As set forth in the technology overview, a POSITA would have

known that UEs in an LTE network request access to an eNB by transmitting a

random access preamble to the eNB, which is referred to in the art as performing a

random access procedure. See supra, §II.B. A POSITA would further have been

familiar with the two types of random access procedures: contention-based and non-

contention-based. Id. A POSITA would also have known that both types of random

access procedures utilize random access preambles and that non-contention-based

Unless otherwise noted, all emphasis is added.

random access procedures utilize dedicated (random access) preambles. Id. Based

on the known LTE random access procedures (e.g., discussed in §II), a POSITA

would have understood that the Nokia Proposal is in fact describing dedicated

“random access” preambles that are sent to a UE as part of a non-contention-based

random access procedure. Kakaes Decl., ¶90.

A POSITA would have understood that the Nokia Proposal's eNB determines

which preamble to assign to the UE. A POSITA would have understood that because

the eNB assigns a preamble, the eNB would have determined the preamble before

assigning that preamble to the UE. Kakaes Decl., ¶91 (explaining that a preamble

must be determined prior to being assigned). Further, a POSITA would have been

familiar with non-contention-based random access procedures and would have

known that non-contention-based random access procedures involve an eNB

determining which random access preamble should be assigned to a UE. Id.

A POSITA would have understood that the eNB determines the assigned

preamble from a set of dedicated random access preambles. A POSITA reading the

Nokia Proposal would have known that the preambles referred to by the Nokia

Proposal are the 64 available preambles as (specified by 3GPP Series 36 in 36.331)

that can be used for random access. See id.; Kakaes Decl., ¶92. A POSITA would

have known that a subset of these preambles are non-dedicated and are used in

“contention based” random access procedures. See supra, §II.B.; Kakaes Decl., ¶92.

The remainder are “dedicated” random access preambles for use in non-contention

random access procedures. Id. Accordingly, because the Nokia Proposal discloses

assigning dedicated preambles in non-contention-based random access procedures,

and because non-contention-based random access procedures utilize a set of

dedicated random access preambles, a POSITA would have understood that the

Nokia Proposal determines the random access preamble from a set of dedicated

random access preambles.

Consistent with this understanding, the Nokia Proposal refers to plural

“dedicated preambles,” indicating multiple dedicated preambles constituting a set of

dedicated preambles. Nokia Proposal, 1–2. The Nokia Proposal also teaches that the

eNB “signal[s] to the UE the identity of the dedicated preamble,” further indicating

that there are several dedicated preambles constituting a set and the eNB identifies

the specific dedicated preamble to the UE. Id., 1. Further, even a single dedicated

preamble would meet this limitation, because by definition a “set” can have one

item. Kakaes Decl., ¶92.

c) [1.2]: “transmitting a message to the UE, the message

comprising an identification number of said determined
random access preamble and”

The Nokia Proposal discloses that the eNB transmits a signal, which is a

message, to the UE identifying the determined random access preamble. Nokia

Proposal, 1 (“eNB needs to signal to the UE the identity of the dedicated

preamble.”). Furthermore, this message comprises an identification number of the

determined random access preamble. The Nokia Proposal explains that within the

“information fields” of the message transmitted to the UE, the “preamble identity”

is identified with “6 bits”— meaning that the determined random access preamble

is identified by a six-bit number. Id., 2. Because 26 = 64, any of the 64 preambles

may be assigned with 6 bits. Kakaes Decl., ¶95.

d) [1.3]: “[the message] further comprising information

indicating at least one physical random access channel
(PRACH) occurrence during which the determined
random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for
random access.

A POSITA would have understood that the message transmitted from the eNB

to the UE includes information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence during

which the determined random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for

random access. Kakaes Decl., ¶96. The message includes “an index to a PRACH

time slot,” which provides the claimed information. Nokia Proposal, 1–2 (“[The]

UE would be allowed to transmit the dedicated preamble only in a certain PRACH

time slot of each radio frame.”).

As explained above, the PRACH is the uplink channel used by the UE to

transmit the random access preamble to the eNB. §II.B., supra. A POSITA would

have known from 3GPP Series 36 that the UE may only transmit the random access

preamble during specific subframes of a radio frame (as indicated in 36.211). Kakaes

Decl., ¶97; see also supra, §II.C. A POSITA would have known that these subframes

are specified by the below PRACH configurations:

36.211, Table 5.7.1–2. A POSITA would have understood that the available

subframes (known as “PRACH resources”) depend on the above specific PRACH

configuration. Kakaes Decl., ¶97. For instance, a POSITA would have known that

PRACH configuration 12 indicates PRACH resources occur in subframe numbers

#0, #2, #4, #6, and #8—the only subframes during which the UE may transmit the

dedicated random access preamble. See ’601 Patent, 9:18–21 (“PRACH

configuration 12 defines that PRACH resources occur in subframe #0; subframe #2,

subframe #4, subframe #6 and subframe #8 of each radio frame.”); Kakaes Decl.,


The Nokia Proposal teaches that the UE knows which PRACH configuration

is used, so “it is enough to indicate on which of these resources UE is allowed to

transmit the dedicated preamble.” Nokia Proposal, 1. Accordingly, the Nokia

Proposal teaches “time slots indexed over a radio frame” such that the “UE would

be allowed to transmit the dedicated preamble only in a certain PRACH time slot of

each radio frame.” Id., 1–2. In other words, these time slots indicate which of the

available subframes (PRACH occurrences) are valid for a UE to transmit its assigned

preamble. See Kakaes Decl., ¶¶98–99. The Nokia Proposal explains that eNB sends

these valid time slots to the UE in the same message identifying the preamble:

See Nokia Proposal, 2 (“[A]n index to a PRACH time slot could be given…0 to 4

bits would be needed for explicit signaling of the time access slot[.]”).

The Nokia Proposal explains that this method of specifying valid time slots

for a UE to transmit a dedicated preamble “would double the capacity because the

same preamble identity could be allocated for two UEs on overlapping validity

periods.” Nokia Proposal, 2. Moreover, “[t]his kind of capacity increase would be

important when dedicated preambles are allocated in case of HO [handover].” Id.;

Kakaes Decl., ¶100.

2. Claim 2: The method according to claim 1 wherein said
information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence
indicates at least one subframe during which the determined
random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for
random access, said at least one subframe being tied to a frame

The Nokia Proposal renders the method of claim 1 obvious. See supra, Claim

1. The Nokia Proposal also renders claim 2 obvious in that it teaches that the base

station sends the UE information (i.e., time slots within a radio frame) indicating at

least one PRACH occurrence during which the determined random access preamble

is valid to be used by the UE for random access. See supra, Claim [1.3]. These time

slots indicate at least one subframe during which the determined random access

preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random access, where the subframe is

tied to a frame structure (i.e., the radio frame structure). See Kakaes Decl., ¶102.

A POSITA would have known that radio frames (each 10 ms) are subdivided

into 10 equal subframes, which are further divided into two time slots. Kakaes Decl.,

¶103. Thus, a POSITA would have understood that “time slots” within a radio frame

correspond to subframes of the radio frame. Id., ¶104. Indeed, the Nokia Proposal

explains that the message from the eNB to the UE identifies valid PRACH

occurrences by radio frame time slots. See Nokia Proposal, 1–2 (“The time slots

would be indexed over a radio frame, and UE would be allowed to transmit the

dedicated preamble only in a certain PRACH time slot of each radio frame.”); see

Kakaes Decl., ¶104. These time slots also indicate subframes where the preamble is

valid to be used. See Nokia Proposal, 2 (“[T]he subframe of signaling would directly

indicate the allocated time access slot.”).

A POSITA would have further known that the subframes of a radio frame are

tied to a frame structure—namely, the radio frame structure:

36.300, FIG. 5.1-1; see Kakaes Decl., ¶104.

3. Claim 3 The method according to claim 1 wherein said

information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence
indicates a periodicity for said at least once PRACH occurrence
during which the determined random access preamble is valid
to be used by the UE for random access

The Nokia Proposal renders the method of claim 1 obvious. See supra, Claim

1. The Nokia Proposal also renders claim 3 obvious in that it teaches that the base

station sends the UE information (i.e., time slots) indicating at least one PRACH

occurrence during which the determined random access preamble is valid to be used

by the UE for random access. See supra, Claim [1.3].

The Nokia Proposal further teaches that this information (i.e., time slots)

indicates a periodicity for such valid PRACH occurrence(s)—namely, the radio

frame, which repeats in regular intervals. For instance, the Nokia Proposal teaches

that the “UE would be allowed to transmit the dedicated preamble only in a certain

PRACH time slot of each radio frame.” Nokia Proposal, 1–2. Moreover, the Nokia

Proposal teaches that “[i]n this scheme, preamble retransmissions would take place

with a separation of 10ms”—indicating that every radio frame repeats the same

pattern of valid time slots. Id., 2; Kakaes Decl., ¶107. A POSITA would have

therefore understood that the “period” of the PRACH occurrences valid to be used

by the UE is one radio frame (10 ms). Id.

4. Claim 4: The method according to claim 1 wherein said

information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence
comprises a field with a binary value indicative of said at least
one PRACH occurrence

The Nokia Proposal renders the method of claim 1 obvious. See supra, Claim

1. The Nokia Proposal also renders claim 4 obvious in that it teaches that the base

station signals the UE with information (i.e., time slots) indicating the PRACH

occurrences valid for the UE to transmit the assigned random access preamble. See

supra, Claim [1.3]. The Nokia Proposal further teaches that “0 to 4 bits would be

needed for explicit signaling of the time access slot in case of FDD.” Nokia

Proposal, 2. Indeed, the Nokia Proposal teaches that the “width[] of the information

field[]” indicating the valid PRACH occurrences is “0–4 bits (depending on the

RACH slot configuration in FDD).” Id., 2. A POSITA would have understood that

this information field contains up to four bits—each a binary 0 or 1—which together

indicate the valid PRACH occurrences. See Kakaes Decl., ¶110.

5. Claim 5: The method according to claim 4 wherein said binary
value is expressed by a predefined number of bits

The Nokia Proposal renders the method of claim 4 obvious. See supra, Claim

4. The Nokia Proposal also renders claim 5 obvious. As explained above, the “binary

value” indicating the valid PRACH occurrences is “0–4 bits (depending on the

RACH slot configuration in FDD).” See Nokia Proposal, 2 (“From 0 to 4 bits would

be needed for explicit signaling of the time access slot in case of FDD [frequency

division duplex].”). The Nokia Proposal explains the number of bits (0–4) is

“predefined” because the number “depend[s] on the RACH slot configuration in

FDD.” Nokia Proposal, 2. A POSITA would have understood that the Nokia

Proposal refers to the 16 configurations specified by 36.211:

36.211, Table 5.7.1-2. For instance, in PRACH configuration 12, five subframes

have PRACH occurrences, so three bits are needed (because 23 > 5). Thus, the

“binary value” is expressed by a pre-determined number of bits, depending on the

PRACH configuration. Kakaes Decl., ¶113.

6. Claim 6: The method according to claim 4 wherein said binary

value corresponds to a PRACH index, said PRACH index
being associated with a predefined configuration indicating at
least one PRACH occurrence during which the determined
random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for
random access.

The Nokia Proposal renders the method of claim 4 obvious. See supra, Claim

4. The Nokia Proposal also renders claim 6 obvious. As explained above, the Nokia

Proposal teaches that the base station sends the UE information (i.e., time slots)

indicating at least one PRACH occurrence during which the determined random

access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random access. See supra,

§VI.A.1.d. The Nokia Proposal also teaches that a binary value (i.e. “0 to 4

bits…needed for explicit signaling of the time access slot”) is used to indicate which

time slots are valid for the UE to use for random access. See supra, Claim 4.

The Nokia Proposal teaches that this binary value corresponds to a “PRACH

index,” which is associated with a predefined configuration indicating at least one

PRACH occurrence during which the determined random access preamble is valid

to be used by the UE for random access. For instance, in an FDD system, “an index

to a PRACH time slot” is signaled to the UE to “indicate on which of these [PRACH]

resources UE is allowed to transmit the dedicated preamble.” Nokia Proposal, 1.

“The time slots would be indexed over a radio frame, and UE would be allowed to

transmit the dedicated preamble only in a certain PRACH time slot of each radio

frame.” Id., 1–2. This PRACH index corresponds to the claimed binary value

because the binary value (0–4 bits) “explicit[ly] signal[s]” the valid time slots. Id.,

2; Kakaes Decl., ¶116. The PRACH index is associated with a predefined

configuration because, the binary value (indicating the PRACH index) depends on

the predefined PRACH configuration. Nokia Proposal, 2 (“[T]he widths of the

information fields would be…PRACH resource 0-4 bits (depending on the RACH

slot configuration in FDD).”); Claim 5, supra.

7. Claim 7: The method according to claim 1 wherein the

transmitting comprises transmitting said message on a physical
downlink control channel (PDCCH)

The Nokia Proposal renders the method of claim 1 obvious. See supra, Claim

1. The Nokia Proposal also renders claim 7 obvious in that it explains the eNB

transmits its message to the UE over a PDCCH. Specifically, the Nokia Proposal

teaches that “signaling is needed in order to prepare UE for transmission of dedicated

preambles” and that the message “include[s] in a PDCCH format the information

that is necessary for signaling of DL [downlink] data arrival.” Nokia Proposal, 1.

Additionally, the Nokia Proposal teaches that “at most 16 bits would be signaled”

“in a DL [downlink] grant on PDCCH.” Id.; see also Kakaes Decl., ¶119.

8. Claim 9

a) Preamble: “A method of enabling a user equipment (UE)

to perform a random access in a telecommunications
system, the method comprising:”

The Nokia Proposal teaches a method where the “eNB needs to signal to the

UE the identity of the dedicated preamble.” Nokia Proposal, 1. The Nokia Proposal

further teaches that this “signaling is needed in order to prepare UE for transmission

of dedicated preambles” (id.), enabling the UE to perform a random access in a

telecommunications system by transmitting a dedicated preamble to the base station.

Kakaes Decl., ¶¶120–21.

Moreover, the Nokia Proposal describes a method in a telecommunications

system. The Nokia Proposal is a technical proposal submitted to 3GPP, an

organization that develops standards for mobile telecommunications. See supra,

§II.A.; Kakaes Decl., ¶122.

b) [9.1]: “receiving, a message from a radio base station, the

message comprising an identification number of a
dedicated random access preamble assigned to the UE;”

The Nokia Proposal teaches transmitting a message from a base station to the

UE that includes an identification number of an assigned random access preamble.

See supra, Claim [1.3], Claim [1.1] (explaining that the eNB determines a preamble

to assign the UE). It would have been obvious to a POSITA that because the base

station sends the message to the UE, the UE receives this message. Kakaes Decl.,


c) [9.2]: “said message further comprising information
indicating at least one physical random access channel
(PRACH) occurrence during which the assigned random
access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random
access; and”

See supra, Claim [1.3], Claim [1.1] (explaining that the eNB determines a

preamble to assign the UE).

d) [9.3]: “performing a random access based on the received

identification number and based on the information
indicating said at least one PRACH occurrence.”

As explained above, the Nokia Proposal teaches that the eNB messages the

UE indicating the identification number of the assigned dedicated preamble and

information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence for which the assigned

dedicated preamble is valid. See supra Claim [1.2-1.3]; Kakaes Decl., ¶125.

The Nokia Proposal further teaches that the UE performs random access

based on this information: “signaling is needed in order to prepare UE for

transmission of dedicated preambles.” Nokia Proposal, 1 (“Therefore, the overall

PRACH resources need not be signaled but it is enough to indicate on which of these

resources UE is allowed to transmit the dedicated preamble.”). The purpose of the

Nokia Proposal is to enable the UE to transmit a dedicated random access preamble

based on the information signaled by the base station—by doing so, the UE performs

non-contention random access. See Kakaes Decl., ¶126.

9. Claim 10: The method according to claim 9 wherein said
information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence
indicates at least one subframe during which the assigned
random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for
random access, said at least one subframe being tied to a frame

See supra, Claim 9, Claim 2.

10. Claim 11: The method according to claim 9 wherein said

information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence
indicates a periodicity for said at least once PRACH occurrence
during which the determined random access preamble is valid
to be used by the UE for random access

See supra, Claim 9, Claim 3.

11. Claim 12: The method according to claim 9 wherein said

information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence
comprises a field with a binary value indicative of said at least
one PRACH occurrence

See supra, Claim 9, Claim 4.

12. Claim 1:3 The method according to claim 12 wherein said

binary value is expressed by a predefined number of bits

See supra, Claim 12, Claim 5.

13. Claim 14: The method according to claim 12 wherein said

binary value corresponds to a PRACH index, said PRACH
index being associated with a predefined configuration
indicating of [sic] at least one PRACH occurrence during
which the assigned random access preamble is valid to be used
by the UE for random access

See supra, Claim 12, Claim 6.

14. Claim 15: The method according to claim 9 wherein the
transmitting comprises transmitting said message on a physical
downlink control channel (PDCCH)

See supra, Claim 9, Claim 7.

15. Claim 17

a) Preamble: “A method in a telecommunications system, of

assigning a preamble to a user equipment (UE) for
enabling said UE to perform a random access, said system
comprising a radio base station being allocated a set
forming a pool of dedicated random access preambles, the
method comprising:”

See supra, Claim 1[preamble], Claim [1.1], Claim 9[preamble].

b) [17.1]: “determining in the radio base station, a dedicated

random access preamble, of the set, to assign to the UE;”

See supra, Claim [1.1].

c) [17.2]: “receiving at the UE, a message from the radio

base station, the message comprising an identification
number of the assigned random access preamble and”

See supra, Claim [1.2], Claim [9.1].

d) [17.3] “[the message] further comprising information

indicating in which of at least one physical random access
channel (PRACH) occurrence, the assigned random
access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random
access; and”

See supra, Claim [1.3].

e) [17.4]: “performing, by the UE, a random access based
on the received identification number of the available
random access preamble and based on the indicated
information concerning said at least one PRACH

See supra, Claim [9.3].

16. Claim 18

a) Preamble: “A radio base station to assign a preamble to

a user equipment (UE), the radio base station

See supra, Claim 1[preamble].

b) [18.1]: “a memory configured to store instructions; and a

processor configured to execute said instructions and
thereby cause the radio base station:”

As explained above, a base station is an apparatus that allows a UE (e.g., a

cellular phone) to communicate with a network. See supra, §II.A. A POSITA would

have understood that eNBs in LTE systems included memories and processors. For

example, U.S. Patent Application 2008/0051091 (“Phan”)—prior art under

§§102(a) and (e)—explains that eNBs in 4G systems include “a DP [data processor]”

and “a MEM [memory]…that stores a PROG [program.]”). Phan, [0039]. Therefore,

the Nokia Proposal’s eNB comprises the claimed memory and processor, which

would have been obvious to a POSITA. Kakaes Decl., ¶¶146–47. Therefore, a

POSITA would have recognized that the Nokia Proposal’s eNB comprises the

claimed memory and processor. Id., ¶¶146–47.

c) [18.2]: “to determine from a set of dedicated random
access preambles, a random access preamble, to assign to
said UE; and”

See supra, Claim [1.1].

d) [18.3]: “to transmit a message to the UE, the message

comprising an identification number of said determined
random access preamble and”

See supra, Claim [1.2].

e) [18.4]: “[the message] further comprising information

indicating at least one physical random access channel
(PRACH) occurrence during which the determined
random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for
random access.

See supra, Claim [1.3].

17. Claim 19: The radio base station according to claim 18 wherein
said information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence
indicates at least one subframe during which the determined
random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for
random access, said at least one subframe being tied to a frame

See supra, Claim 18, Claim 2.

18. Claim 20: The radio base station according to claim 18 wherein
said information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence
indicates a periodicity for said at least once PRACH occurrence
during which the determined random access preamble is valid
to be used by the UE for random access

See supra, Claim 18, Claim 3.

19. Claim 21: The radio base station according to claim 18 wherein
said information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence
comprises a field with a binary value indicative of said at least
one PRACH occurrence

See supra, Claim 18, Claim 4.

20. Claim 22: The radio base station according to claim 21 wherein
said binary value is expressed by a predefined number of bits

See supra, Claim 21, Claim 5.

21. Claim 23: The radio base station according to claim 21 wherein
said binary value corresponds to a PRACH index, the PRACH
index being associated with a predefined configuration
indicating at least one PRACH occurrence during which the
determined random access preamble is valid to be used by the
UE for random access

See supra, Claim 21, Claim 6.

22. Claim 24: The radio base station according to claim 18 wherein
said message is transmitted on a physical downlink control
channel (PDCCH)

See supra, Claim 18, Claim 7.

23. Claim 26

a) Preamble: “A user equipment (UE) capable of performing

a random access in a telecommunications system, the UE

See supra, Claim 9[preamble].

b) [26.1]: “a memory configured to store instructions; and a

processor configured to execute the instructions causing
the UE:”

The Nokia Proposal renders this element obvious. As explained above, a UE

is a device such as a cellular phone or Wi-Fi enabled computer that can communicate

with a network. See supra, §II.A. A POSITA would have understood that UEs in

LTE systems included memories and processors. For example, Phan explains that

UEs in LTE systems include “a data processor (DP)” and a “memory (MEM)…that

stores a program (PROG)[.]” Phan, [0039]. Therefore, the Nokia Proposal’s UE

comprises the claimed memory and processor, which would have been obvious to a

POSITA. See Kakaes Decl, ¶¶166–68. Therefore, a POSITA would have recognized

that the Nokia Proposal’s UE comprises the claimed memory and processor. Id.,


c) [26.2]: “to receive a message from a radio base station,

the message comprising an identification number of a
dedicated random access preamble assigned to the UE

See supra, Claim [1.1], Claim [9.1].

d) [26.3]: “[the message] further comprising information

indicating at least one physical random access channel
(PRACH) occurrence during which the assigned random
access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random
access; and”

See supra, Claim [9.2].

e) [26.4]: “to perform a random access based on the

received identification number and based on the
information indicating said at least one PRACH

See supra, Claim [9.3].

24. Claim 27: The user equipment according to claim 26 wherein
said information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence
indicates at least one subframe during which the assigned
random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for
random access, said at least one subframe being tied to a frame

See supra, Claim 26, Claim 2.

25. Claim 28: The user equipment according to claim 26 wherein

said information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence
indicates a periodicity for said at least once PRACH occurrence
during which the determined random access preamble is valid
to be used by the UE for random access

See supra, Claim 26, Claim 3.

26. Claim 29: The user equipment according to claim 26 wherein

said information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence
indicates [sic] comprises a field with a binary value indicative
of said at least one PRACH occurrence

See supra, Claim 26, Claim 4.

27. Claim 30: The user equipment according to claim 29 wherein

said binary value is expressed by a predefined number of bits

See supra, Claim 29, Claim 5.

28. Claim 31: The user equipment according to claim 29 wherein

said binary value corresponds to a PRACH index, the PRACH
index being associated with a predefined configuration
indicating of [sic] at least one PRACH occurrence during
which the assigned random access preamble is valid to be used
by the UE for random access

See supra, Claim 29, Claim 6.

29. Claim 32: The user equipment according to claim 26 wherein
said message is received on a physical downlink control
channel (PDCCH)

See supra, Claim 26, Claim 7.

30. Claim 34

a) Preamble: “A telecommunications system to enable a

radio base station to assign a preamble to a user
equipment (UE) for enabling the UE to perform a random
access, said radio base station being allocated a set
forming a pool of dedicated random access preambles, the
telecommunications system comprising:”

See supra, Claim 1[preamble-1.1], Claim 9[preamble].

b) [34.1]: “the radio base station, configured to determine a

dedicated random access preamble, of the set, to assign to
the UE;”

See supra, Claim [1.1].

c) [34.2]: “the UE, configured to receive a message from

said radio base station, the message comprising an
identification number of the assigned random access
preamble of the set and”

See supra, Claim [1.2], Claim [9.1].

d) [34.3] “[the message] further comprising information

indicating in which of at least one physical random access
channel (PRACH) occurrence, the assigned random
access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random
access; and”

See supra, Claim [1.3].

e) [34.4]: “the UE, configured to perform a random access
based on the identification number of the available
random access preamble and based on the indicated
information concerning said at least one PRACH

See supra, Claim [9.3].

B. Ground 2: Claims 1–7, 9–15, 17–24, 26–32 and 34 Are Rendered

Obvious by the Nokia Proposal in View of 36.300, 36.321, and

1. Motivation to Combine

A POSITA would have been motivated to combine the disclosures of the

Nokia Proposal, 36.300, 36.321, and 36.331, which would have involved routine

implementation with no technical difficulties given their complementary teachings.

Kakaes Decl., ¶¶191–202. This combination would have successfully achieved the

predictable benefits of providing more flexible support for wireless communication

systems. Id. Thus, this combination combines prior art elements according to known

methods to achieve predictable results, with a reasonable expectation of success. Id.

A POSITA would have understood for several reasons that the Nokia Proposal’s

teachings fit squarely atop those of 36.300, 36.321, and 36.331.

First, 36.300, 36.321, and 36.331 provide motivations to combine their

teachings with one another. Id., ¶¶192-94. These three documents are closely

related—they all belong to Series 36 (which standardizes LTE technology) and were

prepared by the same TSG (RAN) and working group (WG2), indicating that they

should be read in conjunction with one another. Id., ¶194; supra §§II.A. Further,

each document covers related aspects of the same technology—namely, non-

contention random access procedures and their specific versions are also of the same

release (Release 8), further indicating that they should be read together. Id., ¶193.

Indeed, 36.300 makes clear that 36.321 and 36.331 “contain provisions which,

through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.” Id.,

¶194; 36.300, §2. Relevant provisions of 36.331 expressly refer to 36.321, as shown


36.331, §6.3.2. Thus, a POSITA would have understood that 36.300, 36.321, and

36.331 are more than compatible—in light of their common origin, overlapping

subject matter, and explicit cross-references, they should be read in conjunction to

inform one another’s teachings. See Kakaes Decl., ¶192–94.

Second, a POSITA would have read the Nokia Proposal together with 36.300,

36.321, and 36.331. Id., ¶¶195-98. The Nokia Proposal was submitted to TSG RAN,

which developed 36.300, 36.321, and 36.331 (Nokia Proposal, 1), and was presented

at the November 9, 2007 TSG RAN meeting where several additional Series 36 TS’s

were discussed. See Ex. 1013. Moreover, the Nokia Proposal discusses specific

technical features found in 36.300, 36.321, and 36.331 including “eNB,” “UE,”

“dedicated preambles,” “PRACH resources,” “time slots,” “radio frame,” “non-

contention based random access,” “assignment of the dedicated preamble,” “DL

grant on PDCCH,” and “signaling of the dedicated preamble allocation.” Compare

Nokia Proposal, 1–2 with e.g., 36.300, §10.1.5; 36.321, §5.1; 36.331, §6.3.2,

§ Accordingly, a POSITA would have understood that the Nokia Proposal

discusses the same specific technological features presented in 36.300, 36.321, and

36.331, and would have been motivated to combine their teachings. Kakaes Decl.,


A POSITA would have had a reasonable expectation of success in combining

these references. As noted, the Nokia Proposal and 36.300, 36.321, and 36.331 each

discuss the same specific technological features relating to the same standard

(3GPP). Thus, the combination would have been straightforward and would not have

required undue experimentation. Id., ¶¶199-202. Indeed, a POSITA would have

understood that the Nokia Proposal’s teachings build on those of 36.300, 36.321,

and 36.331, further indicating that these references would work in conjunction. Id.

2. Claim 1

a) Preamble: “A method in a radio base station, of assigning

a preamble to a user equipment (UE), the method

The Nokia Proposal in view of 36.300, 36.321, and 36.331 renders the

preamble obvious.

The Nokia Proposal discusses types of information included when the “eNB

needs to signal to the UE the identity of the dedicated preamble” in order to improve

non-contention-based random access. Nokia Proposal, 1-2; see also Ground 1,

Claim 1[preamble] (discussing teachings of the Nokia Proposal). Accordingly, a

POSITA would have been motivated to look to documents describing non-

contention-based random access in the 3GPP LTE system when implementing the

teachings of the Nokia Proposal, including 36.300, 36.321. Kakaes Decl., ¶203; see

also supra §VI.B.1 (discussing motivations to combine).

36.300 discloses a base station assigning a preamble to a UE. Specifically,

36.300 describes a “non-contention based random access procedure” where “eNB

assigns to UE a … non-contention Random Access Preamble.” 36.300, §

This assignment of the determined dedicated preamble is shown below in red:

36.300, FIG.; see also 36.321, §5.1.2 (explaining that the UE can “directly

proceed to its transmission” of the preamble if the “Random Access Preamble and

PRACH resource are explicitly signalled” by the eNB); 36.331, §6.3.2 (describing

the Information Elements sent by the eNB to the UE specifying the dedicated random

access preamble); Kakaes Decl., ¶¶204–05.

Accordingly, because the Nokia Proposal relates to signaling to the UE the

identity of the dedicated preamble, a POSITA would have understood that the Nokia

Proposal relates to non-contention-based random access in the 3GPP system.

Kakaes Decl., ¶203; see also Nokia Proposal, 2 (discussing improvements to non-

contention-based random access). And because, as taught by 36.300, 36.321, and

36.331, non-contention-based random access procedures in the 3GPP system are a

method including the assignment of a preamble to a UE, the Nokia Proposal in view

of 36.300, 36.321, and 36.331 renders the preamble obvious.

b) [1.1]: “determining, from a set of dedicated random
access preambles, a random access preamble, to assign to
said UE; and”

The Nokia Proposal in view of 36.300, 36.321, and 36.331 render this

limitation obvious.

The teachings of the Nokia Proposal are discussed in detail above. See supra,

Ground 1, Claim [1.1]. As noted, the Nokia Proposal discusses types of information

included when the “eNB needs to signal to the UE the identity of the dedicated

preamble” in order to improve non-contention-based random access. Nokia

Proposal, 1-2; see also Ground 1, Claim [1.1] (discussing teachings of the Nokia

Proposal). Accordingly, a POSITA would have been motivated to look to

documents describing non-contention-based random access in the 3GPP LTE system

when implementing the teachings of the Nokia Proposal, including 36.300, 36.321.

Kakaes Decl., ¶207; see also supra §VI.B.1. (discussing motivations to combine).

36.331 discloses 64 random access preambles used in both non-contention

and contention-based procedures:

36.331, §6.3.2 (annotated).

Id.; see also 36.211, §5.7.2 (“There are 64 preambles available in each cell.”). As

shown above, numberOfRA-Preambles—an integer between 1 and 64—indicates the

number of non-dedicated random access preambles. See id. The remainder are

dedicated random access preambles. See 36.331, § (describing “allocating

dedicated preambles for the random access in the target cell”); Kakaes Decl., ¶209.

For example, if numberOfRA-Preambles is 50, 14 preambles form the set of

dedicated random access preambles. Id. 36.331 teaches that, from this set, one

dedicated random access preamble is “explicitly signalled” as described in 36.321.

36.331, §6.3.2. ra-PreambleIndex, an integer between 1 and 64, identifies this

preamble. Id.; see Kakaes Decl., ¶210. Accordingly, a POSITA would have

understood that the 3GPP standard utilizes a dedicated set of random access


36.321 teaches that the eNB selects a dedicated random access preamble from

a set of dedicated random access preambles. 36.321 explains that “the set of

available Random Access Preambles in each group” are known before a random

access procedure begins and that some of the available preambles are for explicit

signaling. 36.321, §§5.1.1, 5.1.2 (“If the Random Access Preamble and PRACH

resource are explicitly signalled…the UE can directly proceed to its transmission [of

the Random Access Preamble].”); see Kakaes Decl., ¶211. Accordingly, a POSITA

would have understood that the 3GPP standard determines a dedicated random

access preamble from a set of dedicated random access preambles.

36.300 teaches that the UE accesses a target cell by a contention-free (i.e.,

non-contention-based) procedures using dedicated resources. 36.300, § In

a non-contention-based procedure, the “eNB assigns to UE a…non-contention

Random Access Preamble (a Random Access Preamble not within the set

broadcasted on BCH [Broadcast Channel]).” 36.300, § A POSITA would

have understood that preambles not broadcasted on BCH comprise the “set of

dedicated random access preambles.” Kakaes Decl., ¶212; 36.300. Thus, 36.300

teaches that in non-contention-based random access procedures, the dedicated

preamble assigned to a UE is determined from a set of dedicated preambles.

Accordingly, because the Nokia Proposal relates to non-contention-based

random access, and because 36.300, 36.321, and 36.331 teach non-contention-based

random access involves determining a random access preamble to assign the UE

from a set of dedicated random access preambles, a POSITA would have understood

the Nokia Proposal in view of 36.300, 36.321, and 36.331 renders obvious this

limitation. Kakaes Decl., ¶213.

c) [1.2]: “transmitting a message to the UE, the message

comprising an identification number of said determined
random access preamble and”

The Nokia Proposal in view of 36.300, 36.321, and 36.331 render this

limitation obvious.

The teachings of the Nokia Proposal are discussed in detail above. See supra,

Ground 1, Claim [1.2]. The Nokia Proposal discusses types of information included

when the “eNB needs to signal to the UE the identity of the dedicated preamble” in

order to improve non-contention based random access. Nokia Proposal, 1-2; see also

Ground 1, Claim [1.2] (discussing teachings of the Nokia Proposal). The Nokia

Proposal discloses that the signal, which is a message, by the eNB to the UE,

includes an identification number identifying the determined random access

preamble (i.e., 6-bit number included within the information fields of the message).

Nokia Proposal, 1; see also Ground 1, Claim [1.2], supra. Accordingly, a POSITA

would have been motivated to look to documents describing non-contention-based

random access in the 3GPP LTE system when implementing the teachings of the

Nokia Proposal, including 36.300, 36.321. Kakaes Decl., ¶214; see also supra

§VI.B.1. (discussing motivations to combine).

36.300 teaches that during non-contention-based random access, the base

station transmits a message to the UE “via dedicated signaling in DL” that comprises

the “Random Access Preamble assignment.” 36.300, §

36.331 teaches that this message specifies the value ra-Preamble Index, which

is an identification number of the determined random access preamble assigned to

the UE. 36.331, §6.1.2. Indeed, ra-PreambleIndex is part of IE

DedicatedRandomAccessParams. Id. IEs are “information elements” included in the

message sent from the base station to the UE. See Kakaes Decl., ¶216.

Accordingly, because the Nokia Proposal relates to non-contention-based

random access, and 36.300 and 36.331 teach non-contention-based random access

involves transmitting a message to the UE that includes an identification number of

said determined random access preamble, a POSITA would have understood the

Nokia Proposal in view of 36.300 and 36.331 renders obvious this limitation. Id. at


d) [1.3]: “[the message] further comprising information
indicating at least one physical random access channel
(PRACH) occurrence during which the determined
random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for
random access.

The Nokia Proposal renders obvious the inclusion of information indicating

at least one physical random access channel (PRACH) occurrence during which the

determined random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random access.

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [1.3]. The teachings of 36.321 and 36.331 further

support and are compatible with the Nokia Proposal’s teachings as described below.

36.321 describes Random Access Resource selection performed by the UE.

36.321, §5.1.2; Kakaes Decl., ¶219. Specifically, 36.321 teaches that the base station

signals to the UE at least three things: (1) the identity of the assigned dedicated

random access preamble, (2) the PRACH resource, and (3) the Random Access

Preamble expiration time. See 36.321, §5.1.2 (“If the Random Access Preamble and

PRACH resource are explicitly signalled and its expiration time was configured and

has not expired…the UE can directly proceed to its transmission.”). A POSITA

would have understood that the explicitly signalled PRACH resource discussed in

36.321 refers to the PRACH configuration, which includes the subframe number(s)

(as well as the frame number(s)) in which random access is allowed for a specific

configuration. Kakaes Decl., ¶219. In some cases, signalling a single PRACH

configuration effectively identifies a single subframe that the UE may use. For

example, configuration 1 indicates PRACH resources occur only in subframe

number 4. Id. (discussing 36.211, Table 5.7.1–2). But other PRACH configurations

permit PRACH resources on many different subframes. Id. (noting that

configuration 12 illustrated in 36.211, Table 5.7.1–2 permits PRACH resources on

five different subframes).

Rather than indicate an entire PRACH configuration that may cover multiple

different subframes, as in 36.321, the Nokia Proposal identifies a specific resource

the UE may use for random access. Namely, information indicating at least one

physical random access channel (PRACH) occurrence is transmitted, rather than the

overall PRACH resource. Kakaes Decl., ¶219; Nokia Proposal, 1 (“We assume that

UE knows the RACH parameters that are included in System Information.

Therefore, the overall PRACH resources need not be signaled but it is enough to

indicate on which of these resources UE is allowed to transmit the dedicated


A POSITA would have understood that this modification is a straightforward

supplement to the process described in 36.321. Kakaes Decl., ¶219. Indeed, some

PRACH configurations signalled in the 36.321 process indicate only a single

PRACH resource while others indicate multiple PRACH resources. Id. The Nokia

Proposal’s inclusion of the single PRACH resource, rather than the overall PRACH

configuration (which may include multiple specific PRACH resources), simplifies

the overall process by “telling” the UE which PRACH to use—making all PRACH

resource assignments analogous to the simpler examples supported by 36.321 and

thereby “increase[ing] the capacity of the non-contention based random access

without causing essential delay.” Id. (discussing Ex. 1008, 2).

36.331 also teaches that the dedicated preamble assigned to the UE is invalid

past the signaled expiry time. 36.331, §6.3.2 (“Expiry time of the explicitly signalled

Random Access Preamble.”); Kakaes Decl., ¶220. Thus, a POSITA would have

understood that eNB’s typically included an expiry time when signaling the

assignment of a preamble to a UE. Id.

Accordingly, in light of the teachings of 36.321 and 36.331, a POSITA would

have understood that Nokia Proposal’s eNB sends the UE the valid PRACH

occurrences and information indicating which of those PRACH occurrences are

valid for random access—namely, PRACH resources occurring before the expiry

time. Id.

A POSITA would have been motivated to combine the Nokia Proposal,

36.300 and 36.331 and would have had a reasonable expectation of success in

making the proposed combination for the reasons discussed above. §VI.B.1., supra.

Further, the Nokia Proposal provides an express reason to combine these

references. The Nokia Proposal suggests that the “UE would be allowed to transmit

the dedicated preamble only in a certain PRACH time slot of each radio frame.”

Nokia Proposal, 1–2. The Nokia Proposal explains that “[t]his would very

effectively increase the capacity of the non-contention based random access without

causing essential delay” and “would double the capacity because the same preamble

identity could be allocated for two UEs on overlapping validity periods.” Id., 2

(“This kind of capacity increase would be important when dedicated preambles are

allocated in case of HO [handover].” Id. Accordingly, a POSITA would have been

motivated to combine these references to double the number of UEs that can perform

non-contention random access with the same number of dedicated preambles, and

reduce access delays and collisions. See Kakaes Decl., ¶¶198–99. For the same

reasons, applying the teachings of the Nokia Proposal to 36.300, 36.321, and 36.331

represents applying a known technique and/or known prior art elements (limiting

valid time slots for a UE to transmit an assigned preamble) to a known method ready

for improvement (non-contention random access) to yield the predictable result of

doubling the capacity of non-contention random access. See id., ¶¶200–02.

A POSITA would have had a reasonable expectation of success in combining

these references. Id., ¶202. The Nokia Proposal discloses specific benefits of its

method, including doubling the capacity of non-contention random access

procedures within the cell. Id.

3. Claim 2: The method according to claim 1 wherein said
information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence
indicates at least one subframe during which the determined
random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for
random access, said at least one subframe being tied to a frame

The method of claim 1 is obvious in view of the Nokia Proposal, 36.300,

36.321, and 36.331. See supra, Ground 1, Claim 1, VI.B.1.

The Nokia Proposal in view of 36.300 renders the limitation obvious. As

explained above, the Nokia Proposal teaches that the eNB indicates to the UE

specific time slots within a radio frame indicating at least one PRACH occurrence

during which the dedicated preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random

access. Nokia Proposal, 1–2. As discussed above, a POSITA would have been

familiar with the division of radio frames and subframes and also known that the

subframes of a radio frame are tied to a frame structure. Ground 1, Claim 2, supra.

36.300 discusses the division of radio frames and subframes and teaches that

the subframes of a radio frame are tied to a frame structure. Specifically, 36.300

teaches that each 10 ms radio frame consists of ten 1 ms subframes, and each

subframe consists of two “equally sized slots.” 36.300, §5. This frame structure is

shown below in Figure 5-1:

Id., FIG. 5.1-1. Each of these time slots indicates at least one subframe. For instance,

slots #0 and #1 indicate the first subframe, slots #2 and #3 indicate the second

subframe, etc. See id.; Kakaes Decl., ¶224. As shown above, these subframes are

tied to a frame structure, namely, the 10 ms radio frame structure in an FDD system.


A POSITA would have been motivated to combine the teachings of 36.300

and the Nokia Proposal for the reasons discussed above. §§VI.B.1, Ground 2, Claim


4. Claim 3

See supra, Ground 1, Claim 3; Ground 2, Claim 1.

5. Claim 4

See supra, Ground 1, Claim 4; Ground 2, Claim 1.

6. Claim 5

See supra, Ground 1, Claim 5; Ground 2, Claim 1.

7. Claim 6

See supra, Ground 1, Claim 6; Ground 2, Claim 1.

8. Claim 7: The method according to claim 1 wherein the

transmitting comprises transmitting said message on a physical
downlink control channel (PDCCH)

The method of claim 1 is obvious in view of the Nokia Proposal, 36.300,

36.321, and 36.331. See supra, VI.B.1; Ground 2, Claim 1.

This element is obvious in view of the Nokia Proposal. See supra, Ground 1,

Claim 7. Further, 36.321 teaches that random access may be “initiated” by a

“PDCCH order” which includes “[a] Random Access Preamble and PRACH

resource.” 36.321, §5.1.1. In view of this disclosure and the Nokia Proposal, a

POSITA would have understood that this “PDCCH order,” which includes the

information recited in claims 1 and 7, is a message transmitted on a PDCCH. Kakaes

Decl., ¶236. A POSITA would have been motivated to combine the teachings of

36.321 and the Nokia Proposal for the reasons discussed above. §VI.B.1, supra.

9. Claim 9

a) Preamble: “A method of enabling a user equipment (UE)

to perform a random access in a telecommunications
system, the method comprising:”

See supra, Ground 1, Claim 9[preamble]; Ground 2, Claim 1[preamble].

b) [9.1]: “receiving, a message from a radio base station, the

message comprising an identification number of a
dedicated random access preamble assigned to the UE;”

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [1.2], Claim [9.1]; Ground 2, Claim [1.2].

c) [9.2]: “said message further comprising information

indicating at least one physical random access channel
(PRACH) occurrence during which the assigned random
access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random
access; and”

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [9.2]; Ground 2, Claim [1.3].

d) [9.3]: “performing a random access based on the received
identification number and based on the information
indicating said at least one PRACH occurrence.”

The teachings of the Nokia Proposal in view of 36.300 and 36.321 render this

limitation obvious.

The teachings of the Nokia Proposal are discussed in detail above. See supra,

Ground 1, Claim [1.1]. As noted, the Nokia Proposal discusses types of information

included when the “eNB needs to signal to the UE the identity of the dedicated

preamble” in order to improve non-contention-based random access. Nokia

Proposal, 1-2. Accordingly, a POSITA would have been motivated to look to

documents describing non-contention-based random access in the 3GPP LTE system

when implementing the teachings of the Nokia Proposal, including 36.300, 36.321.

Kakaes Decl., ¶241; see also supra §VI.B.1, VI.B.2.d (discussing motivations to


36.300 teaches that following the assignment of the random access preamble

to the UE by the eNB, the next step is the transmission of the assigned non-

contention random access preamble to the eNB by the UE. 36.300, § This

transmission is shown below in red:

36.300, FIG. A POSITA would have understood that the transmission of

the preamble to the eNB is the performance of a non-contention-based random

access procedure. Kakaes Decl., ¶242.

36.321 teaches that “[i]f the Random Access Preamble and PRACH resource

are explicitly signaled and its expiration time was configured and has not expired,”

then “the UE can directly proceed to its transmission.” 36.321, §5.1.2. A POSITA

would have understood that this step corresponds to non-contention-based random

access. Kakaes Decl., ¶243. Accordingly, 36.321 teaches that non-contention-based

random access is performed based on the received identification number (i.e., the

identified random access preamble) and on the PRACH resource—both of which are

signaled from the eNB to the UE. Indeed, 36.321 further teaches that the selected

PRACH resource and preamble index are transmitted. §5.1.3.

A POSITA would have understood that in light of the Nokia Proposal, which

teaches transmitting information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence (See

supra, Ground 1, Claim [1.2]; Ground 2, Claim [1.2]), this step would be performed

based on this information rather than the overall PRACH resources. Kakaes Decl.,

¶243; Nokia Proposal, 1 (“We assume that UE knows the RACH parameters that are

included in System Information. Therefore, the overall PRACH resources need not

be signaled but it is enough to indicate on which of these resources UE is allowed to

transmit the dedicated preamble.”). A POSITA would have understood that the

explicitly signalled information taught by 36.321 refers to the PRACH

configuration, which includes the subframe numbers in which random access is

allowed for a specific configuration. Id. Thus, a POSITA would have understood

that in some instances a single PRACH resource is signalled already. Id.

Accordingly, the Nokia Proposal’s inclusion of the PRACH resource is compatible

with 36.321. Id.

Accordingly, because the Nokia Proposal relates to non-contention-based

random access, and because 36.300 and 36.321 teach non-contention-based random

access involves performing random access based on the received signal from the

eNB, a POSITA would have understood that the Nokia Proposal in view of 36.300

and 36.321 renders this limitation obvious.

10. Claim 10

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 9 and 2; Ground 2, Claims 9 and 2.

11. Claim 11

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 9 and 3; Ground 2, Claim 9.

12. Claim 12

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 9 and 4; Ground 2, Claim 9.

13. Claim 13

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 12 and 5; Ground 2, Claim 9.

14. Claim 14

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 12 and 6; Ground 2, Claim 9.

15. Claim 15

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 9 and 7; Ground 2, Claims 9 and 7.

16. Claim 17

a) Claim 17 Preamble

See supra, Ground 1, Claim 17[preamble]; Ground 2, Claims 1[preamble],

[1.1], and 9 [preamble].

b) Claim [17.1]

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [1.1]; Ground 2, Claim [1.1].

c) Claim [17.2]

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [1.2]; Ground 2, Claim [1.2].

d) Claim [17.3]

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [1.3]; Ground 2, Claim [1.3].

e) Claim [17.4]

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [9.3]; Ground 2, Claim [9.3].

17. Claim 18

a) Claim 18 Preamble

See supra, Ground 1, Claim 18[preamble]; Ground 2, Claim 1[preamble].

b) Claim [18.1]

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [18.1].

c) Claim [18.2]

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [18.2]; Ground 2, Claim [1.1].

d) Claim [18.3]

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [1.1]; Ground 2, Claim [1.1].

e) Claim [18.4]

See supra, Ground 1, Claims [1.1], [1.3]; Ground 2, Claims [1.1], [1.3].

18. Claim 19

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 18 and 2; Ground 2, Claims 18 and 2.

19. Claim 20

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 18 and 3; Ground 2, Claim 18.

20. Claim 21

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 18 and 4; Ground 2, Claim 18.

21. Claim 22

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 18 and 5; Ground 2, Claim 18.

22. Claim 23

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 18 and 6; Ground 2, Claim 18.

23. Claim 24

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 18 and 8; Ground 2, Claims 18 and 8.

24. Claim 26

a) Claim 26 Preamble

See supra, Ground 1, Claim 23[preamble]; Ground 2, Claim 9[preamble].

b) Claim [26.1]

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [23.1].

c) Claim [26.2]

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [9.1]; Ground 2, Claim [9.1].

d) Claim [26.3]

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [9.2]; Ground 2, Claim [9.2].

e) Claim [26.4]

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [9.3]; Ground 2, Claim [9.3].

25. Claim 27

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 26 and 2; Ground 2, Claims 26 and 2.

26. Claim 28

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 26 and 3; Ground 2, Claim 26.

27. Claim 29

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 26 and 4; Ground 2, Claim 26.

28. Claim 30

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 26 and 5; Ground 2, Claim 26.

29. Claim 31

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 26 and 6; Ground 2, Claim 26.

30. Claim 32

See supra, Ground 1, Claims 26 and 7; Ground 2, Claims 26 and 8.

31. Claim 34

a) Claim 34 Preamble

See supra, Ground 1, Claim 34[preamble]; Ground 2, Claim 17[preamble].

b) Claim [34.1]

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [34.1]; Ground 2, Claim [17.1].

c) Claim [34.2]

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [34.2]; Ground 2, Claim [17.2].

d) Claim [34.3]

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [34.3]; Ground 2, Claim [17.3].

e) Claim [34.4]

See supra, Ground 1, Claim [34.4]; Ground 2, Claim [17.4].


A. Institution Should Not Be Denied Under §325(d)

Under the Advanced Bionics framework applying the Becton-Dickinson

factors, the Board first considers whether the same or substantially the same prior

art or arguments were previously presented to the office. Advanced Bionics,

IPR2019-01469, Paper 6, 8. The first condition of the Advanced Bionics framework

is not satisfied and discretionary denial under §325(d) is not appropriate.

Petitioner presents two combinations of four different prior art references in

this Petition: the Nokia Proposal, 36.300, 36.321, and 36.331. The Nokia Proposal

was not cited on the face of the ’601 Patent or considered by the examiner. Thus, no

prior art in Ground 1 was cited or considered. With regard to Ground 2, although

36.300, 36.321, and 36.331 were cited on the face of the ’601 Patent, they were not

cited or substantively discussed by the examiner during prosecution. Further, these

references are not used to teach the point of novelty of the ’601 Patent.

The Board has found that where presented prior art references include

references that were not before the examiner in combination with a reference that

was not substantively considered by an examiner, such combinations are not the

same or substantially the same art or arguments previously presented to the Office.

Group III International, Inc. v. Targus Group International, Inc., IPR2021-00371,

No. 21 at 33 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 9, 2021); see also Intel Corporation v. Koninklijke Philips

N.V., IPR2021-00370, No. 10 at 9 (P.T.A.B. Jul. 6, 2021) (finding that the first

condition of Advanced Bionics was not satisfied where a single reference had been

cited on the face of the Challenged Patent while the other references were not before

the examiner and declining to consider the material error condition of Advanced


B. The General Plastic Factors Favor Institution

The General Plastic factors (extended in Valve) weigh against denying

institution under § 314(a). Gen. Plastic Indus. Co. v. Canon Kabushiki Kaisha,

IPR2016-01357, Paper 19 at 15-19 (September 6, 2017) (precedential).

Samsung previously challenged the ‘601 Patent in IPR2021-00459

(“Samsung IPR”), which terminated pursuant to settlement prior to a preliminary

response. Because Apple was not a party to Samsung IPR, this is Apple’s first

challenge to the ’601 Patent, and Apple has no relationship with Samsung, the first

five factors weigh against denial. Unified Patents, Inc. v. Certified Measurement,

LLC, IPR2018-00548, Paper No. 7 at 7-8 (Sep. 5, 2018); Valve Corp. v. Elec.

Scripting Prod., Inc., IPR2019-00062, Paper No. 11 at 2, 9-10, 12-13 (Apr. 2, 2019).

As to the sixth factor, the instant petition largely repurposes the Samsung IPR, which

respects the Board’s finite resources and allows it to complete any analysis it started

with the Samsung IPR. Regarding the seventh factor, there is no readily identifiable

roadblock for the Board to issue a final determination within the statutory one-year



Petitioner requests institution of an IPR and cancellation of the Challenged


Respectfully submitted,

BY: /s/ Adam P. Seitz

Adam P. Seitz, Reg. No. 52,206
Paul R. Hart, Reg. No. 59,646
Jennifer C. Bailey, Reg. No. 52,583



A. Real Party-In-Interest

Petitioner identifies the following real party-in-interest: Apple Inc.

B. Related Matters

Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §42.8(b)(2), the ’601 Patent was challenged in the

following proceeding, now terminated:

• Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. v. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson,

IPR2021-00459 (P.T.A.B. Jan. 22, 2021)

C. Lead and Back-Up Counsel

Lead Counsel Back-Up Counsel

Adam P. Seitz (Reg. No. 52,206) Paul R. Hart (Reg. No. 59,646)
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
Postal and Hand-Delivery Address:
Postal and Hand-Delivery Address: ERISE IP, P.A.
ERISE IP, P.A. 5299 DTC Blvd., Ste. 1340
7015 College Blvd., Ste. 700 Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Overland Park, Kansas 66211 Telephone: (913) 777-5600
Telephone: (913) 777-5600 Fax: (913) 777-5601
Fax: (913) 777-5601

Jennifer C. Bailey (Reg. No. 52,583)

[email protected]

Postal and Hand-Delivery Address:

7015 College Blvd., Ste. 700
Overland Park, Kansas 66211
Telephone: (913) 777-5600
Fax: (913) 777-5601

D. 37 C.F.R. §42.8(b)(4): Service Information

Apple concurrently submits a Power of Attorney, 37 C.F.R. §42.10(b), and

consents to electronic service directed to the counsel email addresses listed above

and [email protected].


U.S. Patent No. 10,165,601, Claims 1–7, 9–15, 17–24, 26–32, and 34

Claim Claim Language

Claim 1 1. A method in a radio base station, of assigning a preamble to a
Preamble user equipment (UE), the method comprising:
Claim 1.1 determining, from a set of dedicated random access preambles, a
random access preamble, to assign to said UE; and
Claim 1.2 transmitting a message to the UE, the message comprising an
identification number of said determined random access preamble
Claim 1.3 further comprising information indicating at least one physical
random access channel (PRACH) occurrence during which the
determined random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE
for random access.
Claim 2 2. The method according to claim 1 wherein said information
indicating at least one PRACH occurrence indicates at least one
subframe during which the determined random access preamble is
valid to be used by the UE for random access, said at least one
subframe being tied to a frame structure.
Claim 3 3. The method according to claim 1 wherein said information
indicating at least one PRACH occurrence indicates a periodicity
for said at least one PRACH occurrence during which the
determined random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE
for random access.
Claim 4 4. The method according to claim 1 wherein said information
indicating at least one PRACH occurrence comprises a field with a
binary value indicative of said at least one PRACH occurrence.
Claim 5 5. The method according to claim 4 wherein said binary value is
expressed by a predefined number of bits.
Claim 6 6. The method according to claim 4 wherein said binary value
corresponds to a PRACH index, said PRACH index being
associated with a predefined configuration indicating at least one
PRACH occurrence during which the determined random access
preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random access.

Claim 7 7. The method according to claim 1 wherein the transmitting
comprises transmitting said message on a physical downlink control
channel (PDCCH).
Claim 9 9. A method of enabling a user equipment (UE) to perform a
Preamble random access in a telecommunications system, the method
Claim 9.1 receiving a message from a radio base station, the message
comprising an identification number of a dedicated random access
preamble assigned to the UE;
Claim 9.2 said message further comprising information indicating at least one
physical random access channel (PRACH) occurrence during
which the assigned random access preamble is valid to be used by
the UE for random access; and
Claim 9.3 performing a random access based on the received identification
number and based on the information indicating said at least one
PRACH occurrence.
Claim 10 10. The method according to claim 9 wherein said information
indicating at least one PRACH occurrence indicates at least one
subframe during which the assigned random access preamble is
valid to be used by the UE for random access, said at least one
subframe being tied to a frame structure.
Claim 11 11. The method according to claim 9 wherein said information
indicating at least one PRACH occurrence indicates a periodicity
for said at least one PRACH occurrence during which the assigned
access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random access.
Claim 12 12. The method according to claim 9 wherein said information
indicating at least one PRACH occurrence comprises a field with a
binary value indicative of said at least one PRACH occurrence.
Claim 13 13. The method according to claim 12 wherein said binary value is
expressed by a predefined number of bits.
Claim 14 14. The method according to claim 12 wherein said binary value
corresponds to a PRACH index, said PRACH index being
associated with a predefined configuration indicating of at least one
PRACH occurrence during which the assigned random access
preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random access.
Claim 15 15. The method according to claim 9 wherein the receiving
comprises receiving said message on a physical downlink control
channel (PDCCH).

Claim 17 17. A method in a telecommunications system, of assigning a
Preamble preamble to a user equipment (UE) for enabling said UE to perform
a random access, said system comprising a radio base station being
allocated a set forming a pool of dedicated random access
preambles, the method comprising:
Claim 17.1 determining in the radio base station, a dedicated random access
preamble, of the set, to assign to the UE;
Claim 17.2 receiving at the UE, a message from the radio base station, the
message comprising an identification number of the assigned
random access preamble and
Claim 17.3 further comprising information indicating in which of at least one
physical random access channel (PRACH) occurrence, the assigned
random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random
access; and
Claim 17.4 performing, by the UE, a random access based on the received
identification number of the available random access preamble and
based on the indicated information concerning said at least one
PRACH occurrence.
Claim 18 18. A radio base station to assign a preamble to a user equipment
Preamble (UE), the radio base station comprising:
Claim 18.1 a memory configured to store instructions; and
Claim 18.2 a processor configured to execute said instructions and thereby
cause the radio base station:
Claim 18.3 to determine, from a set of dedicated ransom access preambles, a
random access preamble, to assign to said UE; and
Claim 18.4 to transmit a message to the UE, the message comprising an
identification number of said determined random access preamble
Claim 18.5 further comprising information indicating at least one physical
random access channel (PRACH) occurrence during which the
determined random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE
for random access.
Claim 19 19. The radio base station according to claim 18 wherein said
information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence indicates at
least one subframe during which the determined random access
preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random access, said at
least one subframe being tied to a frame structure.
Claim 20 20. The radio base station according to claim 18 wherein said
information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence indicates a

periodicity for said at least one PRACH occurrence during which
the determined random access preamble is valid to be used by the
UE for random access.
Claim 21 21. The radio base station according to claim 18 wherein said
information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence comprises a
field with a binary value indicative of said at least one PRACH
Claim 22 22. The radio base station according to claim 21 wherein said
binary value is expressed by a predefined number of bits.
Claim 23 23. The radio base station according to claim 21 wherein said
binary value corresponds to a PRACH index, the PRACH index
being associated with a predefined configuration indicating at least
one PRACH occurrence during which the determined random
access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random access.
Claim 24 24. The radio base station according to claim 18 wherein said
message is transmitted on a physical downlink control channel
Claim 26 26. A user equipment (UE) capable of performing a random access
Preamble in a telecommunications system, the UE comprising:
Claim 26.1 a memory configured to store instructions; and
Claim 26.2 a processor configured to execute the instructions causing the UE:
Claim 26.3 to receive a message from a radio base station, the message
comprising an identification number of a dedicated random access
preamble assigned to the UE and further comprising information
indicating at least one physical random access channel (PRACH)
occurrence during which the assigned random access preamble is
valid to be used by the UE for random access; and
Claim 26.4 to perform a random access based on the received identification
number and based on the information indicating said at least one
PRACH occurrence.
Claim 27 27. The user equipment according to claim 26 wherein said
information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence indicates at
least one subframe during which the assigned random access
preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random access, said at
least one subframe being tied to a frame structure.
Claim 28 28. The user equipment according to claim 26 wherein said
information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence indicates a
periodicity for said at least one PRACH occurrence during which

the assigned access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for
random access.
Claim 29 29. The user equipment according to claim 26 wherein said
information indicating at least one PRACH occurrence indicates
comprises a field with a binary value indicative of said at least one
PRACH occurrence.
Claim 30 30. The user equipment according to claim 29 wherein said binary
value is expressed by a predefined number of bits.
Claim 31 31. The user equipment according to claim 29 wherein said binary
value corresponds to a PRACH index, the PRACH index being
associated with a predefined configuration indicating of at least one
PRACH occurrence during which the assigned random access
preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random access.
Claim 32 32. The user equipment according to claim 26 wherein said
message is received on a physical downlink control channel
Claim 34 34. A telecommunications system to enable a radio base station to
Preamble assign a preamble to a user equipment (UE) for enabling the UE to
perform a random access, said radio base station being allocated a
set forming a pool of dedicated random access preambles, the
telecommunications system comprising:
Claim 34.1 the radio base station, configured to determine a dedicated random
access preamble, of the set, to assign to the UE;
Claim 34.2 the UE, configured to receive a message from said radio base
station, the message comprising an identification number of the
assigned random access preamble of the set and
Claim 34.3 further comprising information indicating in which of at least one
physical random access channel (PRACH) occurrence, the assigned
random access preamble is valid to be used by the UE for random
access; and
Claim 34.4 the UE, configured to perform a random access based on the
identification number of the available assigned dedicated random
access preamble and based on the indicated information concerning
said at least one PRACH occurrence.


Exhibit Description
1001 U.S. Patent No. 10,165,601
1002 File History of U.S. Patent No. 10,165,601
1003 Declaration of Dr. Apostolos (Paul) K. Kakaes in Support of Inter
Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 10,165,601
1004 Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Apostolos (Paul) K. Kakaes
1005 Declaration of Friedhelm Rodermund in Support of Inter Partes Review
of U.S. Patent No. 10,165,601
1006 Curriculum Vitae of Friedhelm Rodermund
1007 U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/077,295
1008 3GPP TSG RAN WG1 #51 Meeting R1-074857, Proposed Response to
RAN2 LS on Signaling for DL Data Arrival (R2-074575), (“Nokia
1009 3GPP TS 36.300, Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(EUTRA) and Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network
(EUTRAN); Overall Description, Version 8.1.0 (Release 8)
1010 3GPP TS 36.321, Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(EUTRA) Medium Access Control (MAC) Protocol Specification,
Version 8.1.0 (Release 8)
1011 3GPP TS 36.331, Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(EUTRA) Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol Specification,
Version 8.1.0 (Release 8)
1012 3GPP TS 36.211, Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access
(EUTRA) Physical Channels and Modulation, Version 8.1.0 (Release
1013 Draft Report of 3GPP TSG RAN WG1 #51 v1.0.0 (Jeju, South Korea,
5 – 9 November, 2007)
1014 3GPP TSG RAN WG1 #51 List of Attendees
1015 U.S. Patent Application No. 2008/0051091 (“Phan”)


This Petition complies with the type-volume limitations as mandated in 37

C.F.R. §42.24, totaling 13,374 words. Counsel has relied upon the word count

feature provided by Microsoft Word.

BY: /s/ Adam P. Seitz

Adam P. Seitz, Reg. No. 52,206


UNDER 37 C.F.R. §42.105

The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing document with

accompanying Exhibits 1001—1015 was served on January 19, 2022, via overnight

delivery, upon agreement under 37 CFR §42.105, directed to the attorney of record

for the patent as identified on USPTO PAIR and associated with USPTO Customer

No. 113648 at the following address:

Patent Portfolio Builders, PLLC

754 Warrenton Road
Suite 113-314
Fredericksburg VA 22406

BY: /s/ Adam P. Seitz

Adam P. Seitz, Reg. No. 52,206


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