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Worksheet No. __2___, Quarter ___3______

Learner’s Name: ____________________________________

Grade Level/Section: ________________________________
Date: _____________________________________________


Competency: Differentiate biases from prejudices (EN9LC-IVf-13.3)

At the end of this activity, you will be able to:

 Differentiate Biases from Prejudices;
 Detect biases and prejudices from the material read;
 Write the biases and prejudices expressed in the pictures;
 Identify if the situation expresses bias or prejudice.


In this lesson, you will work on exercises to hone your skills in analyzing
problems and finding solutions based on factual information and data for you to be able
to react and give your opinion without being biased.

Bias is a disproportionate weight in favor of or against an idea or thing, usually in a

way that is closed-minded, prejudicial, or unfair. Biases can be innate or learned. People
may develop biases for or against an individual, a group, or a belief. In science and
engineering, a bias is a systematic error. (Wikipedia)

On the other hand, prejudice is normally used in the context of having an unjustified
or incorrect view against something, while bias is normally used in the same context but
is a view in favor of something and is often seen as the lesser of the preconceptions or
beliefs, because, although still based on incomplete information, it is often a view arrived
at after some thought. Prejudice is often based on little more than an irrational dislike of
something. They are very similar in most respects and can often be freely interchanged.

This will further guide you not to be biased in facing situations that showcase biases
and prejudices. Being responsible is one quality that you need to embrace and practice
especially in giving your opinion of an issue . In this way, you show your being sensitive
to others without being biased and prejudiced.

The activities/tasks will let you appreciate famous persons and their ideals that
helped shape society as we know it now. They were great examples of people who did
not show biases and prejudices despite their status in life and their achievements.

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a. Practice Task 1: Name It, to Win It!

Let us begin your task by naming world famous personalities and how they
have touched the lives of many people without being biased. Read about these
personalities and be ready to name each one of them. Write the name of the
featured personalities on the space provided. To help you in identifying them,
their photos are provided here.

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A. This person devoted herself to working among the poorest of the poor in the slums of
Calcutta. Although without funds, she depended on Divine Providence and started an
open-air school for slum children. Later on, she founded the order “Missionaries of
Charity” to help the poor, the needy, and the sick.

B. He fought against racial discrimination (apartheid) in South Africa. He was imprisoned
for 27 years for his radical but peaceful move to abolish apartheid, poverty, and
inequality in South Africa. He was also the country’s first black chief executive.

C. She is known as the first woman elected as President in her country and in Asia. Her
administration led the promulgation of the 1987 Constitution which limited the powers of
the Presidency and re-established the bicameral congress. Her leadership focused on
concern for civil liberties, human rights, and peace talks to end political unrest in the

D. He was the leader of India's non-violent independence movement against British rule
and in South Africa who advocated for the civil rights of Indians. Born in Porbandar,
India, he studied law and organized boycotts against British institutions in peaceful forms
of civil disobedience. He was a political ethicist, who employed nonviolent resistance to
lead the successful campaign for India’s independence from British rule, and in turn
inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.

E. A very good author, this person was well-travelled and outspoken in her convictions. She
campaigned for women’s right to vote, labor rights, socialism, and other causes. Her
being born blind did not stop her from helping people and pursuing her cause.


Practice Task 2: Watch that Label!

Here are some advertisements found in televisions and maybe in magazines. Study
each picture very carefully and find out the message. Find out if these pictures show biases or
prejudices. Write the message being conveyed in the picture that interprets bias or prejudice.


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Practice Task 3: Bias is Real!
Read the following articles which depict biases and prejudices. Be able to cite/identify
lines from the text that express bias or prejudice. Write your answer on the blanks.
1. Culture change is what this country badly needs. We want to get rid of corrupt politicians,
but we are not aware of the role we play in breeding one. For instance, in our
neighborhood where one of the local officials resides, our folks would always expect that
the local official would give financial help every time one of the neighbors dies. When
another gets sick or gives birth, financial help is immediately sought from that local official.
During weddings, baptism, birthdays, and all sorts of celebration the same is expected
from him/her.

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2. Considering that meager allowance is received by local officials, it is not it a wonder where
they get the “fund” they give to satisfy the needs of their constituents. It is about time that
we be aware of the real job description of our officials. Let us help them concentrate in
doing their job by not asking too much financial help from them. We can do a lot in helping
our country. Let us begin with ourselves.

3. I think that calling this summer hot would be an incredible understatement. It has, in fact,
been quite unbearable with the heat driving everyone indoors and some even collapsing
(and a few dying) from the sweltering and dizzying temperatures. It truly comes as a
welcome relief for many that the rains have begun to quench our parched population. As
everyone knows, water is the most important commodity in life. Our own bodies are made
of 80% water. We can all live without so many things – electricity, internet, and even food
for a few days, but we will not last without water.

b. Assessment:

Directions: Identify if the situation is expressing bias or prejudice. Write your answer on the
space before each number.
_________________1. Ranee saw on the news that there are lots of civil wars in Mindanao.
She also knew that people in most areas with wars are Muslims. Shen then believed that
Muslims cause wars.
_________________ 2. Fatima was sitting in a bus when a pregnant woman, old lady, and a
person with different ability got in the bus. She offered her seat to an old lady because she
reminded her of her grandmother.
__________________3. Whenever Kashmira sees a Filipina and a foreigner together, she
always says in her mind, “Isa na namang Filipina and nakaahon sa hirap.” Being with a
foreigner means being an opportunistic according to her.
__________________4. In Ana’s class, her classmates did not vote for Florida as the president
even though she is great. When asked for the reason why, they said that girls are weak and
cannot lead for higher position.
__________________ 5. Leonardo is a fast-food store owner. He orders his crew/staff that
whenever beggars get in the store, they should not be allowed even if they have the money
because they can destroy the image of the store and that customers will no longer eat, and they
will feel uncomfortable because of their presence.
___________________6. Students who are academically inclined are more successful in life
than those who settle for passing grades.

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___________________7. People who are extravagantly- dressed are more beautiful and
handsome than those who wear simple clothes.
___________________8. When a simple-looking customer tells the sales lady that he is an

Elite card holder, that latter gives a questioning and doubtful look.

___________________9. Ivana Alawi is a popular actress and a social media influencer. Due to
the income she has been enjoying, she has not forgotten to share her blessings with the less
fortunate especially during Covid-19 pandemic. However, haters are quick to comment and
bash her with snide remarks that she is only doing those charity works to gain more popularity.
___________________10. Labelling the Duterte’s Administration as Pro-violence and
campaigning against his projects and national policies because of your disapproval of his
manners and sharp tongue.
IV. References:

English Learner’s Material Grade 10

__________________ academically Prepared by:

Vinzons Pilot High School
Division of Camarines Norte

Quality Assured by:


Vinzons Pilot High School Basud National High School
Division of Camarines Norte Division of Camarines Norte

EPS I – English
Division of Camarines Norte

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